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шошо Fighting Vipers 2 Grandia Il Sonic Shuffle | Ge -Tomb Raider Chronicles s Banjo-Tooie ice Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo -P Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete 22: T


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X Marks The Spot

By John Davison john_davison@ziffdavis.com

fter months of hunting around, pestering people and sniffing out information on the Xbox, we were very surprised when the phone rang one November afternoon and a representative from Microsoft asked us if we'd be interested in seeing what the Xbox looks like, how it was designed, and if we'd like to speak to all of the people driving the project. We'd be the first magazine in the world to have the pictures and the info—a bona-fide, full-on exclusive. “F--- yeah!” It's not often that a gen- uinely huge story of this magnitude just lands in your lap...so as you can imagine we were all pretty excited.

"Much like Sony five years taken a long hard look at I done a damn fine joh of cateri

As you've probably noticed if you've been look- ing around online, there have been a lot of sensa- tionalist stories and expertly designed "fakes" knocking around on the Internet. Xbox, we were told, is a slim chrome and green box that looks like a DVD player. Or it's a weird wedgey, curvy- shaped thing that looks a bit like a CD cleaner. Many even claimed that the X-shaped dev-box unveiled by Microsoft months ago was, in fact, the final design of the machine. A couple of trips to "Area Xbox" in Redmond, Wash., revealed oth- erwise. Check out our huge cover feature and you can get a glimpse of the future.

| have to say that up until recently we were all somewhat dubious of Microsoft's sudden interest in gaming. Like many, we had doubts as to whether it would prove to be a truly viable com-


petitor to the established “champions” of gam- ing, and we wondered whether maybe it would just be a case of 3DO all over again. Having spent a lot of time speaking with the Xbox team though, | think all of us here at EGM are in agree- ment when we Say that Microsoft really does “get it.” Their passion for games is more than appar- ent and their ideas of how to revitalize the gam- ing scene are both refreshing and unique. Much like Sony five years ago, this is a huge company that’s taken a long hard look at what is needed... and has since done a damn fine job of catering to that need. No one believed Sony would even touch Sega or Nintendo back in 1995, and look

company tha

and па:

where they are now. Xbox will no doubt have the same kind of impact. Just looking at the number of developers producing games for it is evidence enough. It isn’t just PC ports and U.S. PC devel- opers as originally feared...there are topnotch teams from around the globe pouring a lot of resources into established, long-term franchises. You'll be surprised by some of the projects we've learned are on their way to the system. Developers seem to really love the machine and I think the next few months are going to see a lot of activity in the development community as teams switch allegiances, or at least supplement their lineups with Xbox games.

Will Xbox topple the PS2? The next year or so should be very exciting indeed.

John Davison

Contributing Writers Ethan Einhorn

After completing a mountain of hand- held reviews this month for EGM and Pocket Games, Ethan has finally fig- ured out how to angle his Game Boy Color to see the screen perfectly. On his off-time, he makes gooey horror films with his buddies, Shakes to the wild tunes of Samba de Amigo, and watches his PS2 collect dust.

Shawn Smith As many of you know, Shawn has left the friendly confines of EGM to attend Шпој5 Sh. Л State University. He's taken a real shine to his classes and appears to be well on his way to becoming a full-fledged art director. While still writing for ЕСМ, we've been forced to down- grade his status to “Resident Game Boy Game Tester,” or R.G.B.G.T. for...er, short.

| |

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February 2001

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ck. And this time he's brought ie ros (Caballero, Koston, Mullen), new tricks {Bluntslides, BS/FS Noseslides + Tailslides, pce e. МЕР "ER od menn Grabs, Airwalks, Judos, etc.) and new technolc (Bea line Skatepark Editor, Create -A-Skater). Build a skatepark in your house. Then shred it (the park, not the mee Build your pro (mullet or not, you decide). Then com against the real ones. You'll also find si terrain, insane videos and a epe Me where you earn cash money to move | up rankings. THPS2, ROME you to that were once reserved for mere legends



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92,136 007 Racing 131 4x4 EVO 88 Adventures of Cookie & Cream 66 Agartha 70 Alien Front Online 98 Army Men Air Attack 2 98 Army Men Green Rogue 134 Вапјо-Тооіе 136,44 Blade 88 Bloody Roar 3 136 Breath of Fire IV 144 Cannon Fodder 129 Capcom vs. SNK 137 Championship Motocross feat. Ricky Carmichael 435 Championship Surfer 140,144 Chicken Run 81 Custom Robo V2 131144 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 102 DDR: Disney's Rave 9o Devil May Cry 131 Ото Crisis 131 Dinosaur 81 Dinosaur Planet 88,132,144 Donald Duck: Goin’ Quackers 143 Donkey Kong Country 72 Dreamstudio 104 Dragon Warrior ІІ 142 Driving Emotion Type-S 137 Ducati World Championship 137 Dukes of Hazzard ІІ: Daisy Dukes It Out 140,144 Етрегог5 New Groove, The 142 ESPN International Track & Field 88 ESPN MLS ExtraTime 88 ESPN National Hockey Night 132 Е5РМ МВА 2Night 142 ESPN Winter X Games Snowboarding 94 2001 70 Fighting Vipers 2 102 Fist of the North Star 66 Нојвап Brothers 129 Grandia Il 140 Gundam Battle Assault 140 НВО Boxing 72 Headhunter 64 Illbleed 133 Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine 141 King of Fighters 99 129 King of Fighters Evolution 130 KISS Psycho Circus 96 Knockout Kings 2001 445 Little Nicky 138 Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete 104 Magi Nation 66 Mars Matrix 138 Мева Man X5 135 Mickey's Speedway USA

133 Midway’s Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1

141 Monster Rancher Hop About 132 Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness 92 NBA Hoopz 96 NBA Live 2001 од NCAA Final Four 2001 102 Oh No! 90 Oni 66 Outtrigger 100 Persona 2: Eternal Punishment 60 Phantasy Star Online 145 Powerpuff Girls: Bad Mojo Jojo 145 Powerpuff Girls: Paint the Townsville Green 141 Power Spike Pro Beach Volleyball 430 Project Justice 92 Rayman Revolution 438 Razor Freestyle Scooter 141 Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 132 Resident Evil 2 132 Resident Evil 3 Nemesis 145 Road Champs BXS Stunt Biking 335 Rugrats in Paris: The Movie 70 Sega Tetris 141 Sheep 143 Silpheed: The Lost Planet 74 біп and Punishment 96 Snowboard Heaven 430 Sonic Shuffle 132439 Star Wars Demolition 72 Soul Reaver 2 143 Super Bust-A-Move 139 Supercross 2001 135 Star Wars: Battle for Naboo 86 Star Wars: Starfighter 133 Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition оо Theme Park Roller Coaster 133439 Tomb Raider Chronicles

February 2001 Issue 139


PAGE 108

X-Box Exposed Here's your exclusive chance to take a gander at

America’s first serious contender in the global console wars. We reveal

everything about Microsoft's super console —its look, its power and the company’s plan to gain the upper hand in the war for your living room. Our photo-filled 18-page cover story starts on page 108.

Star Wars: Starfighter This looks like one of the PlayStation 2’s most promising games and finally, we got our grubby hands on it. Get the details on this Episode One flight shooter on pg. 86.

145 Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 1443 Тор Gear Dare Devil

70 Typing of the Dead, The

94 Unison

72 Unreal Tournament

94 Warriors of Might & Magic 133 Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire 145 X-Men Mutant Wars

131 Xtreme Sports 140 You Don't Know Jack, Mock 2 82 Zone of the Enders


Soul Reaver 2 Raziel's got a brand-new bag of tricks in his second adventure on the DC. See what goodies Crystal Dynamics has added for all ya'll this time ‘round. pg. 72

Grandia II The last Grandia was a great game that suffered from one of the worst translations in video gaming history. Can Ubi Soft do any better with the Dreamcast sequel? Did Game Arts produce а worthy successor to one of the best 32-bit RPGs ever made? Check out our review to find the answers to these burning questions!

Pg. 129

@ Editorial 6 @ Letters 22 ©) News 34

@ Tricks @ The Final Word

Do Sega’s future plans include developing games for other systems? EGM investigates. We also take VM Labs’ Nuon system for a spin and review the first games.

© Gossip 44

OM@-=LES Previews 58

There's no such thing as a lull in the games industry anymore, and this month we hit you with huge post-holiday previews. Take a look at Z.O.E, PS2 007 Racing, Phantasy Star Online, Soul Reaver 2, Oni, Alien Front Online and more.

Review Crew 128

We continue to try to dig ourselves out of the holiday game avalanche. This month we tackle Banjo-Tooie, Tomb Raider Chronicles, 007 Racing, Grandia ІІ and a whole slew of Star Wars titles.

146 153

Now that the EGM crew has finally seen the Xbox, find out what they think about Microsoft's wondrous new game machine.


ШІ” Nintendo 64 = == PlayStation 2

Æ PlayStation

Game Boy Color 3 Атсаде


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letters 10 the Editors

You win an InterAct controller. You

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Self-Proclaimet “Fat Ass” Embraces Xbox

Does it really matter if the Xbox is a legit console or a low-end set-top PC? EGM itself has expressed the fear (concern?) that the unit may be nothing more than a port machine. Yet, the Review Crew is quick to fault console games ported from the PC for only “getting most of the big stuff,” “disappointing fans of the PC version,” even saying that to get the fullest experience one should purchase a USB mouse and/or keyboard.

| have always considered myself a console gamer, but | do enjoy PC games. | appreciate their depth and visual superiority. It is the interface | cannot get


“dumbing-down” for an audience that somehow became labeled with short attention spans and no desire to read an instruction manual. | am now fed up. | say give these PC developers a standard piece of hardware (not this piecemeal тіх-“п” match hardware most PCs are made of) and let them go to town...don’t discourage new content, but do not refuse to let them bring over the hot stuff, either! Give me the opportunity to lay my fat ass on my couch in front of my 36" WEGA and play Civilization or Planescape or SWAT (or whatever) in its true unadulterated form, and let me do it on the Xbox. It’s what we all want, right? All the “big stuff,” no disappointment for the PC fans, right? | do not fear the Xbox...| welcome Microsoft to the jungle with open arms. Just one thing to

“ts what we all want, right? All the “big stuff,” по disappointment for the PC fans, right? | do not fear the

Khox. | welcome Microsoft to the jungle with open arms.”

used to: an “ergonomic” office chair, my face 2 feet from a 17" display, trying to remember the layout of a keyboard some developer felt the need to use every button on. (What IS that all about, anyway?) Until recently, the transfer of these PC games to a console meant much fat-trimming for hardware reasons, and the unavoidable

While the DC and PS2 have narrowed the gap, there will always be a difference between console and PC games. Control is a big issue in bringing PC titles to the living room: Should developers dumb them down so they fit on a control pad or require the purchase of a keyboard and mouse? Also, since console gamers sit on a couch away from their TV, instead of up close to a computer monitor, games that rely on fine detail (like many real- time strategy titles) don't work as well.

So how do we handle PC conversion titles? EGM is now the only major multiplatform magazine out there that still focuses exclusively on the

the developers: Can you map all the button presses onto a controller for me? | can't work a keyboard under pressure, and | like to have a free hand to eat Doritos with while | play. Name withheld by request Farmington Hills, MI

consoles, and we review games from a console gamer's perspective. When we score games, we rate them against other games for that system and console games in general, and not against their PC counterparts.

But the Review Crew doesn't live in a vacuum (except maybe for Greg): Most of us play PC games now and then, just like many of you. And if a game loses something we think could have or should have been included from the PC

version, we'll let you know. As for Xbox,

it sounds like Microsoft is gonna take your advice encouraging new content but not refusing the hot stuff either. Check the feature for more details.


Inmate correspondence: 13 * New rebuttals to В.). Hill: 19 * # of game ideas offered: 76

* Ratio of Dragon Ball Z art to other letter art: 16:1

* 3t of DBZ art submissions that will ever make it into EGM: o

Man Demands “A Virtual Reality"

Did you know that everyone is all excited about the new systems (i.e., Xbox, Nintendo Gamecube, etc.)?

But what happened to the Virtual Reality? Is it true that a company is going to release a Virtual Reality in 2001? | hope that a company creates a Virtual Reality so that we could be in our own game. Rob Halstead robbisrulesQyahoo.com

Sure Rob, we all want to know what happened to the "Virtual Reality." We are as clueless as you when it comes to the status of such a reality, as well as who may bring it to us. Oh, and thanks for the hot news scoop that everyone is all excited about the new systems, we couldn't get a read on that one. Please continue to send us these breaking news stories as they stream in.

| am having a problem with my wife for which | hope you could offer your vast knowledge. We own an Atari 7800 and it still provides us with a lot of entertainment. However, when it comes to taking care of it my wife seems to go a little overboard. She takes to putting a towel over it to protect it from the dust, which I guess I can see to a point, but the thing that really gets me is that she insists on taking the controller out of the 7800 every time she's done playing it. | say that taking the controller out of the Socket every time would eventually break or damage the pins inside the 7800 or damage the holes on the end of the controller itself. She says this is nonsense and that the reason she does this is to make the living room lool



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“less cluttered,” and that taking the controller out protects it from the dust (she’s a little nutty like that). What do you guys think (besides obvious jokes referring to my wife)? Todd Niver tniver@rochester.rr.com

Well first of all, take some WD-40 and lube up the...oh wait, no obvious jokes about your wife? All right then. A few editors own 7800s and have never had controller problems, at least not from pins bending. So we assume it will be fine as long as you are careful. But just to be all certain and scientific about it, we put a badger in our game closet under the watchful eye of our resident scientist Sewart, and rigged it so every time the badger plugged and unplugged the 7800 controller he received food or (ahem) attention from a lady badger. Last time we checked, the badger had eaten the 7800, and Sewart's eyes were the size of dinner plates. Hope that helps.

Home Drooler Wants Online "Soul"

On Sept. 7, 2000, when SegaNet opened the doors for online gaming and raised the bar for all console



Send us your thoughts, your wishes, your innermost weirdness. ..your pictures, crazy screenshots or photos of bizarre game-related moments.

makers out there, | was at home “Where is drooling, playing NFL 2K1. It was an Soul Calibur experience unlike any other in video Online edition? game history: To play somebody

hundreds of miles away, on my TV, was 1, and many

a great feeling. | just keep asking other people, myself one question: Has Sega would pay overlooked one of the biggest titles the $50 again ever to hit a Sega system? The fans are and buy the screaming for it, and Sega, or Namco,

doesn’t seem to be responding. | am, same game of course, talking about Soul Calibur. with online Where is Soul Calibur Online edition? capabilities.

1, and many other people out there, It is the best would pay the $50 again and buy the fighting game same game with online capabilities. It to hit

is the best fighting game ever to hit a в s

home system, and it would kick ass to be able to play people all over the world. Please give me good news, and if you don't have any, lie to me! Travis Trav43@home.com

C’mon Travis, we could never lie to you. We'd fork over the cash again, too, in a second, although the game would probably need a broadband connection to move at an acceptable speed.

Any kind of Soul Calibur follow-up would be Namco's call, and it doesn't look like anything is on the horizon, at least not online and for the Dreamcast. We keep hearing rumors of an

1. NHL 94 1. Blades of Steel 2. Tecmo Super Bowl 2. Tecmo Super Bowl 3. NBA Jam 3. Baseball Simulator 4. NFL Blitz 1.000 5. Madden NFL 2000 4. Super Dodgeball Brian Ziak 5. NBA Live 95 Beeman65@aol.com Daniel Bendorf daniel@bendorf.com 1. Virtua Tennis 2. МВА 2Кі 1. NFL 2K1 3. NFL 2K1 2. МВА 2Кі д. NHL 94 3. NHL 2K 5. SSX 4. Tecmo Super Bowl Brian Vines 5. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater bvdreamstation64 UrUgly715@aol.com @hotmail.com 1. NFL2K 1. Madden NFL 2001 2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 2. NHL 98 3. Madden NFL 2001 3. Tecmo Super Bowl 4. МВА 2Кі д. NFL 2K1 5. Extra Innings 5. PGA Tour Golf Jordan Bellamy COOP85@aol.com AstroCreep85@webtv.net

1. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Virtua Tennis 3. NFL 2K1 4. Wave Race 64 5. Jet Moto Brian Whipple SlothBorn@aol.com

1. Tecmo Bowl 2. NFL 2K 3. NBA 2K 4. Madden NFL 2001 5. МВА Jam J2daZGcs.com

1. 1080 Snowboarding

2. All-Star Baseball 2001 3. NBA Live 2000

4. NBA Showtime (Arcade) 5. NFL 2Ка

Dave К football; 2002Ghotmail.com

1. NFL 2K1 2. Madden NFL 2001 3. NBA 2К1 4. Virtua Tennis 5. All-Star Baseball 2001 Jason Diley j.dileyGworldnet.att.net

1. Madden NFL 2001 2. All-Star Baseball 2001 3. Double Dribble 4. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run 5. NFL 2K1

Joel Compean bronxbombers1_2@yahoo.com

Question of the Moment

Did you have a positive or negative launch day experience?

Positive, but the other end of the line got to watch movies to pass the time! GamesterggoGaol.com

Positive —I stayed at home and played Virtua Tennis and read my new December issue of EGM. Plus | recently purchased Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (DC version) and still have $260 in the bank! That's about a year's worth of online gaming for my Dreamcast. Very positive PS2 launch for me. Benjamin Bishop tennisbumbishop@yahoo.com

| had a very, very pleasant PS2 launch day at home playing Majora’s Mask on my N64 and dreaming of Gamecube! Evan M Rosebrock eman_1010@lycos.com

It was the greatest day of my life! | went to Toys ‘R’ Us and | asked for one and they gave me the last one. When | got home | almost cried at the most amazing graphics ever. Ps2 forever!! michael galvez mikeodbiGhotmail.com

| had a negative PS2 launch day. All the

PS2s were sold out so | bought a shiny

new Dreamcast. Take that Sony!! AzuliimiradaGaol.com

Hmm... little sore from sitting on the ground outside of Target. But a four- player game of Street Fighter EX 3 cured all of that.


І got mine in the mail on the 25th. On launch day | was playing SSX and Timesplitters.

Red Neck billy_bob_jo_jack_tom_bob@hotmail.com

Next month’s question of the moment:

What's your first impression of the Xbox?

Send your short but sweet responses to: EGM@ziffdavis.com with the subject heading:




у е”


You can write EGM at:

EGM Letters

P.0. Box 3338

Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338 e-mail: EGM@ziffdavis.com

arcade/PS2 sequel, but nothing substantiated. As far as the online aspect goes, Namco has commented they would like to explore the new medium, with Ridge Racer and maybe Tekken, so perhaps Soul Calibur will get the treatment as well somewhere down the line. Please? Namco, are you listening?

Thin Walls Prevent Spinning Piledrivers

Hello, | am a gamer with a somewhat complex problem: I live in an apart- ment with thin walls. Although | enjoy playing Dragon Force and various other old-school games, some of my neighbors do not. | try to be fair about it and turn down the sound during late- night or early-morning hours. To complicate matters, there are many dogs in our surrounding neighborhood. These dogs, having excellent hearing, often react by barking while Рт playing. Even though I have the sound 50 low that | cannot hear my games, the dogs still bark. Other tenants and surrounding neighbors complain about my playing. | admit | do play often. I’m sure you understand. Anyway, their words are not kind and many consist of four letters. They discuss my lifestyle and need for an occupation. | do have a job, but | do not seem to work enough to please my neighbors. Maybe I could buy some headphones so that only I could listen to the sweet sounds of Legendra or a spinning piledriver.

| cannot afford to move right now so that is not an option. | do not expect you to solve my problem. I just want your input on what you think is fair for myself and my neighbors. | am curious to hear what my fellow gamers have to say. | will incorporate these suggestions and make a decision.

The Apartment Gamer Fresno, CA

A “complex” problem? “Com- plex”? Hehahah, oh Apartment Gamer, you scamp! We know of no California statute that covers loud gaming, but a trusty frying pan at your side is always a safe bet with unruly neighbors plotting against

Please note: We reserve the right to edit any correspon- dence for space purposes. If you don’t want your name, city/state or e-mail address printed, tell us so (but please include your phone number and mailing address for Letter of the Month consideration).


From those with very little on their minds.

Think about this: In 2010, Microsoft will release (һе Xbox 3 and call it XXX box.

dean pontikos дгеатса 18 дева .net

Hey right on man, XXX, we get it.

Your magazine spelled backward is YLHTNOM GNIMAG CINORTCELE...m on to you.

David Stults worker26@webtv.net

Cool, we've been trying to think of anew name, now we're set. But we're not sure what you're on(to).

Congratulations! Your prize is on the way-an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation.

test by decking out a #10

Segio Garzon Orlando, FL

Put your creative skills to the envelope (the long business

type) with your own unique touch. Send your letter art to:

(All entries become the property of Ziff Davis Media Inc. and will not be returned!)

you. Physically violent solutions aside, your idea about the head- phones is the obvious choice, at least until you can move on up to a de-luxe apartment in the sky.

Inmate Reportedly Not “Blown Away”

Another month, another great issue, and another letter from your friendly neighborhood correctional facility.

| see all the crap going on with the PS2 launch and | just don’t get it. | don’t doubt it will turn out to be a worthwhile system to own—the massive support from game makers almost guarantees that—but | haven’t seen anything about the hardware to suggest it’s the next wave, or for that matter, any games that blow me away.

And $299! What are people seeing that makes it worth standing in line for hours to plop down that kind of grip for this thing? Is it the DVD thing? Has everyone forgotten how often they used the PS one to play CDs? It’s just too damn inconvenient, especially with dedicated DVD players so reasonably

It features rapid-fire

controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense S. 3 A


EGM Letter Art P0 Box 3338

Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338


Close, but no controller

Bad luck to these guys... better luck next time. Feel free to e-mail us artwork as well.

Jared N Adams Springfield, VT


priced this holiday.

If | get the hell out of here I’m going straight for a Dreamcast. | can (if | shop around) get a DC sports pack, joypads for three friends (no multi-tap required, thank you) a great game and probably a launch classic for the same $299.

Toby J. Allen

inmate #1003148

Farmington Correctional Center Farmington, MO

5299 is indeed a lot of “grip,” Toby. However, the PS2 is a serious machine, much more suited for integration into home entertainment systems than its older brother ever was. And with the wireless remotes available, convenience is a non- issue. Of course there's no denying the DC is a great system, enjoying some of the best games ever, and a fantastic value at $150. Each system has its merits. With regard to “If I get the hell out of here I’m going straight for a Dreamcast," we hope a) you wait until the state deems it appropriate you "get out," not on your own initiative, and b) when you “во for" your DC, you have the appropriate amount of cash to give the retailer in exchange for it.

James De Leon Waukegan, IL

Л Өебеоевес

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Animated Violence Animated Blood and Gore Suggestive Themes

р. Piaystation |


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Press Start

worldwide, it's making great games. But

that hasn't saved them from financial stress. Sega was named "least profitable company in Japan" for the first half of fiscal 2000 by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, ranking even below a milk company responsible for 14,000 cases of food poisoning. That's right, Sega would have lost less money dealing infected milk to several thousand unsuspecting Japanese than selling its video game hardware and software worldwide. So now the company's brought in some new people, come up with new product ideas and adopted a restructuring plan that will, if all goes well, eventually put its focus on content instead of hardware.

| f there's one thing Sega's known for

The Plan

A low price point and a string of excellent games —Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Quake ||, Jet Grind Radio, NFL 2K1 and more—made the DC a strong alternative to those who couldn't get their hands on a PS2 this past holiday season. Charles Bellfield, Director of Corporate Communications for Sega of America, told EGM that Sega saw an 82% increase in hardware sales for the first week of December, which he attributes largely to being in the right place at the right time. But despite strong U.S. sales, the Dreamcast continues to struggle in Japan, where consistent and staggering losses have




By Chris Johnston chris_johnston@ziffdavis.com & Jonathan Dudlak jonathan_dudlak@ziffdavis.com

The Hottest Gaming News on the Planet

forced the company to take action.

In November, Tetsu Kayama, formerly of Marigul (a Nintendo-supported development house) and Toshimichi Oyama (previously in charge of IBM Japar's e-strategies) joined the company to develop its new business strategy: to become the world's leading network game service provider by 2003. At that point, Sega envisions, the company will be split into three main businesses: “1) online network video game content 2) narrow and broadband electronic services to the online community, and 3) location-based entertainment centers featuring Sega's unique content."


The proof is out there—this slide was part of a presentation for gaming journalists in Japan held in November. Step 3 clearly states (in Japanese) that part of Sega's future does include development for “other game consoles.”


Platform Jumping

Rumors that Sega will develop games for other consoles are

"We've reinforced our management team with two individuals who are highly respected in the online market and the content market," Bellfield explained, “what we want to do is get away from those hardware product cycles which are crucifying this industry, not just financially, but creatively as well."

Making Games For Other Systems

But the question on every gamer's mind right now is whether this new plan includes developing software for competing platforms. Web sites have flip-flopped back and forth on the issue, finally settling on the possibility that Sega games may appear on non-Sega hardware, but only cell phones, PDAs and the like.

But after some investigation, it has become clear to EGM that Sega developing games on other video game console platforms is a part of the company's long-term gameplan, as confirmed by Kayama and indicated by the slide shown at a press conference in Japan that you see on this page. Specific platform names

weren't indicated and are likely to remain undetermined for the near future. Comments from Kayama indicate that new titles will come out on Dreamcast first, other systems later— Sega does not want to help support another company's hardware. So it's very likely that Sega will select some of its older titles (out of a library of nearly 1,000, according to Sega), early Dreamcast or Saturn, as the first to make the jump. The company is already evaluating other platforms and said that some of the ones they

Yes No

opinion 228 (5%)

bringing their games to WonderSwan and WonderSwan Color. And then of course there's the rumor that's been swinging around for months that Acclaim (which is on shaky

financial ground itself) would team with Sega to

bring titles like Crazy Taxi and Zombie Revenge to PlayStation 2. So far, that's still just rumor. This could be the thing Sega needs to increase its share of the software market from its current 4% to its goal of 2596. Releasing old favorites into the PlayStation or Game Boy markets

*Currently we are carefully studying the characteristics of the

(oth e г) соп5 oles. v -Tetsu Kayama, Strategic Counsel, Sega Corp.

were looking at weren't available yet (Game Boy

Advance or Xbox, perhaps?). Bellfield did not deny this news, but he did

reinforce what the company's saying both in the

U.S. and Japan—they're committed to the DC for their new titles and nothing else. Other platforms are a plan for the future. Can they do this? They already have— Sakura Taisen, a Saturn/Dreamcast dating sim/RPG was released earlier this year for Game Boy Color (by Media Factory), and the company teamed up with SNK to bring Sonic to the NeoeGeo Pocket Color before its early demise. But they've never done any games for other competing home platforms, unless you count the few Master System ports Tengen brought to

the NES in the late '805. When Japanese gaming

magazine Famitsu approached Nintendo and Sony CEI on the matter, they got “no comments," but Bandai indicated that they are in talks with Sega about the possibility of

Sega's Crazy Taxi is one of the games long rumored to be coming to other consoles.

would automatically introduce their games to a much wider audience. Is there anything preventing this from happening? Maybe. Sony has a policy whereby third-party publishers cannot also be manufacturers of competing hardware. However, it might be possible for Sega to set up a separate company, like SegaSoft or Sega PC, to get a license to release games on other platforms.

Bringing Dreamcast to Everything

If you think all of this might mean Sega is giving up on the Dreamcast, think again. Sega also announced steps to expand the DC market, including a “Dreamcast-on-a-chip” that can be built into other devices. Once it's available, Sega plans on licensing it to manufacturers for use in home electronics. Sega already demonstrated a Digital Satellite device with built-in DC at a recent business trade show in Japan that plays Dreamcast games that are downloaded via satellite. Also in the works is a PC card slated for release in Asia (but sadly, not the 0.5.) that will allow users to play GD-ROMs or download and play DC games on the PC. The catch is, you need a DVD-ROM drive for it to work, as they can somehow read GD-ROMs, although Sega wouldn't reveal yet exactly how it functions.

It's been a long, bumpy ride for Sega thus far, and they're obviously going to do whatever it takes to hold on— by beating the enemy on Dreamcast or joining them on other platforms. With the X-Box looming and Microsoft's already stifling presence online, let's hope Sega can get into the black and find a place in online gaming before too long. ж


1685 (38%) 2561 (57%)

Source: Videogames.com poll, 12/7/00


Sega Gamer's Day

Earlier in December Sega held a Gamer's Summit for the gaming press to show off some of the titles they have planned for next year here in the U.S. Games like Sonic Adventure 2, Gun Valkyrie (damn, this game looks sweet), Headhunter, Crazy Taxi 2 (set in МУО, WSB2K2 (done by Visual Concepts this time around), Samba de Amigo 2001, Daytona USA Network Racing, Bass Fishing 2 (with more lures!), Typing of the Dead, Ooga Booga, Floigan Brothers, Bomberman Online (woo-hoo!), Farnation (Sega's Everquest clone), Alien Front Online (rock!) and more. Check previews this issue and over the next couple months for more on these games. Even more awesome surprises were shown, but we've been sworn to secrecy for the time being. Just trust us when we say the DC has a killer year coming up.

Sega also announced that early next year a new Dreamcast hardware/software bundle, dubbed the Sega Smash Pack, will go on sale. The new kit includes 10 classic Genesis games Sonic, Vectorman, Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Revenge of Shinobi, Streets of Rage 2, Columns, Phantasy Star 2, Shining Force and Wrestle War, plus two Dreamcast games, Sega Swirl and Virtua Cop 2. The smash Pack will go on sale in January for a retail price of $179.95.

Sony Redesigns PS2 for Japan Sony released a new version of its PS2 hardware (SCPH-8000) in Japan on Dec. 8 for 39,800 yen (about $390). The system is

the same, but the

DVD drivers are all built-in like the U.S. system. A memory


card no longer comes packed in with the system, but it does now come with a DVD remote (also to be sold separately starting in February in Japan) that looks similar to that of a stand-alone DVD players.

| 502300 also plays | Nuon content,

| Toshiba's $349.99


| but doesn’t come

| with a controller

| (they’re available separately). It comes packed with The Next | Tetris, though, and a Nuon Interactive Demo disc.

Nuon: Who Put Their Game System My DUD Player?

ay back in EGM #103 (February 1998), we introduced you to a new game system in the works by VM Labs

called Project X. It was dubbed a Mario-killer, a machine that would introduce gaming to the mass market. At the time, before even the Dreamcast was a glint in ex-Sega prez Bernie Stolar’s eye, it seemed like a decent enough prospect. And now, finally, almost three years later, the first Nuon machine has materialized in our office.

Since that time, the system has undergone a name change (to Nuon) and shifted from being a contender in the console hardware market to becoming a DVD player with a handful of enhancements, and functions as a simple

The Virtual Light Machine (top) and the multi-angle thumbnail feature (bottom).

game machine. It’s been a long time coming, but now two Nuon-equipped DVD players are on the market (one by Toshiba, the other by Samsung), with more models planned for the future. We took the higher-end Samsung Extiva DVD-N2000 (MSRP $399.99) for a test drive, checking out both its DVD and gaming capabilities.

From a DVD perspective:

If you don’t have a DVD player already, don’t plan on getting a PS2, and don’t mind paying a premium for a few extra gizmos, the Extiva’s not a bad choice —but that's a lot of “ifs.” It comes with a controller, Interactive demo disc, Infogrames’ puzzle game Ballistic, and the necessary hookups to connect the machine to a TV (through composite, component or S- Video inputs).

According to VM Labs, movies with Nuon- specific enhancements will begin shipping in early 2001. No specific titles were mentioned, though, only that they were “big.” The look of DVD video on Nuon is as clear and sharp as other players in its price range, and there’s no major difference in terms of speed between this and a player you'd find for less.

A few Nuon player features aren’t offered elsewhere, but these largely amount to bells and whistles you'll only use once or twice and then forget about. Its zoom feature is cool, as you can incrementally zoom in on live (or paused) video. On discs with multiple angles, still thumbnail snapshots of each angle can be viewed at the bottom of the screen. But they take a few seconds to come up, and since they're stills, sometimes the shot displayed isn't exactly what's still on when you switch to that angle— severely decreasing its usefulness. With Action Capture, you can get a strobe effect of nine consecutive frames that keep. playing (minus sound) until you pause. You can also bring up a menu that allows you to Switch DVD features through a menu instead of a button on the remote. If you feel the need,


Nuon's DVD display lets you change viewing settings as you watch (top), like change subtitle languages (bottom).

you can fine-tune a particular still image from a movie and change the lightness/darkness of а scene that may reveal something you didn't see before—another feature we couldn't see the point of past its novelty value.

The one extra that we did really enjoy is Jeff Minter's Virtual Light Machine for playing audio CDs. Choose from 12 different light patterns and watch the psychedelic effects change along to the music you're playing.

From a gaming perspective:

Nuon's not meant to compete with the likes of PlayStation 2, Dreamcast, Xbox or Gamecube —which is good, because it doesn't. It does, however, provide a few simple games that are geared more toward mass-market consumers who've bought this as a DVD player. Initial game titles include Tempest 3000, Merlin Racing, Ballistic, The Next Tetris DLX and Freefall 3050 A.D. Additional titles will follow in 2001 like aMaze, Iron Soldier 3 and Myst, with more likely to be announced at the Winter 2001 Consumer Electronics Show in Las

cont. on page 38

x: 1189 surprising! |i Seven Mean Flavore”

| This was the firs

Nuon cont. from page 36

Vegas in early January.

Graphics quality on the initial games places it somewhere between the PS one and N64. Textures have a blurry, very N64 quality, whereas polygon edges are sharp like many PS one games. At times, even with S-Video, the graphics lack a visual sharpness present in PS one or N64 games. The controller that comes with the Extiva feels like a cheap, third- party PC pad. It’s functional, but doesn’t offer much in the way of ergonomics if you’re used to other console controllers. But it is nice to have for playing Dragon’s Lair or any of those other laserdisc games that Digital Leisure brought to DVD.



VM Labs Developer:

Jeff Minter Players:


Web Site: www.vmlabs.com



Tempest 3000


Best Feature: It’s Tempest! Worst Feature: Blurry graphics

| am а big fan of the Jaguar Tempest 2000 (even got Jeff Minter to autograph the manual at a past CES) and its PS/Saturn incarnations. So | went into this game thinking it was going to be great, and wasn’t let down...completely. Without question, the subtle Nuonces (pun intended) added to the gameplay make this the best Tempest ever. The new hover ability, trippy bonus levels, webs that change shape, enemies that disappear/reappear, being able to add time to your Superzapper—the list of additions goes on and on. It's also really hard, but keeps a sense of humor with levels names like "Now You Hate Me" and "Ribbed for Extra Pleasure." But the blurry graphics will likely kill the enjoyment for all but the staunchest classic gamers. | can see that the intent was for webs to look like beams of light, but it's carried out to an extreme, sometimes at the expense of gameplay (what just shot me? | can't see! AHHHH! It's giving me seizures!). Maybe someone will sharpen it up a bit and put it on another system. A strong game if you've already bought a Nuon. Chris


5 8 9 Џ

ве age anyone associated with “Project X," Nuon's former name. Perhaps VM Labs set their sights a bit high when they posted it on their Web site.

It depicts an X putting the smackdown on everyone's favorite plumber.

Bottom line:

If you're the kind of consumer who just buys the top-of-the-line item even if you'll never use the extra features, the Extiva's got your number. Its enhancements don't warrant the higher price, unless you're into paying for features you're not going to use day-to-day. If all you want to do is play DVDs, then almost any off-the-shelf player will do just fine. Nuon- enhanced movie content is coming in early 2001, but VM Labs couldn't give us any indication of which movie titles or explain how movies would be enhanced, other than it'll be similar to the content that was previously available only to those with DVD-ROM players. As a stand-alone game machine, look elsewhere.

DVD Player Score:


Game machine score:



The Next Tetris DL 6579


Blue Planet Players:


Web Site: www.vmlabs.com


Best Feature: Includes classic Tetris... Worst Feature: ...and not much else


For those of you who don’t know what The Next Tetris is, a quick primer: It's Tetris where each stage begins with a few randomly placed blocks. When you clear those, the stage ends and your rank goes up based on your speed. The pieces are the same familiar Tetris shapes, but made of different colors that can break apart and fall into slots, filling up holes to clear more lines. I’m not a big fan of TNT for any system—1 prefer good ol’ Tetris any day— but the Nuon version is decent, if nothing special. There's very few options and really no other play modes, unless you count marathon. The practice mode (which is more like a puzzle mode) from the Dreamcast version would have been nice. Classic Tetris is also included—thank God—and while it looks fine and controls OK using the Nuon D-pad, it's also inexcusably bare-boned. The music is forgettable, there are absolutely no settings or options for difficulty or anything else, and worst of all, no two-player mode. Yeah it's Tetris and it's free with the Toshiba SD2300, but it's not quite as good as even your average version of the game. Mark


5 5 2 8


қ 5 Publisher: Merlin Racing ЛЗ ine Developer: Miracle Designs Players: 1-2 Web Site: www.vmlabs.com

| «У^ Ме муо м

Best Feature: Large, cartoony graphics Worst Feature: Nothing particularly exciting here


| guess | could see my kids playing Merlin Racing (if | had any), but even as a kid's game this title really doesn't deliver. A shameless Mario Kart ripoff, the weapons in Merlin Racing seem limited to different mines and grenades, a straight-shot missile, homing missile and a shield. It's all very mundane, since there's no strategy involved like having to hold a weapon behind you to shield your driver from incoming projectiles. Even the driving itself is boring. The track design is middling at best and the sense of speed is almost non-existent. Still, the first few levels in Adventure mode are enjoyable enough. You have to travel to each new track Кот а main hub, earning keys.to.new.doors as you win each race. It's very Diddy Kong Racing- ish. Unfortunately, the game's difficulty-takes a dramatic upswing as soon as you hit the first boss (five levels in). It's around that point that most children will lose interest, older gamers having already given up on this junk. There's really nothing that makes this game stand out. It's definitely not worth buying a Nuon for.. Greg


6 4 4 5




Infogrames "ULM Also On:

PS, GBC, Arcade



Web Site:


Best Feature: Fast-paced puzzlefun N U 0 N. Worst Feature: Graphically unimpressive

| bet you all thought the days of pack-in games ended with the 16-bit craze, right? Well, the Nuon is taking the initiative and setting things right again by boxing this title with the Samsung Extiva. Ballistic looks like it could have been a SNES game, but it's a fun diversion and rather challenging, as puzzle games go. Haven't played it on another platform? The object is to keep a long string of spiraling spheres from reaching your launcher at the center of the screen by clearing them away. Balls of different colors are fed along the spiral track as you fire similar balls from your launcher at them, attempting to break up the line. When you fire а ball to line up three ог more of the same color, they all disappear, the gap is filled in, and the line gets smaller. Pretty simple, huh? А reason to purchase a Nuon it's not, but if you're planning on picking one up anyway, you'll probably spend a good while with this title. The lack of internal memory is kind of annoying—you can't save your high scores. Maybe Samsung should have packed in a pen and paper, too. Jonathan


4 5 6 Џ





Anyone with 11 inches of travel and 45 horsepower can jump a set of 70-foot triples. Only one man in the world has launched over 12 cars—120 feet—on a BMX bike. _ That's what we call doing it the hard way.




Import Pick of the Month: Capcom's newest PS2 offering, Onimusha (DC lovers check out Daytona USA 2001!)


12/21 Gunblania, Namco (Shooting)

12/21 Bomberman Land, Hudson (Action)

1/18 Derby Jockey 2001, Asmik Ace (Simulation)

1/25 Metal Slug X, SNK (Action)

1/25 Hamster's Coming Out, naxat (Simulation)

1/25 Exciting Pro Wrestling 2, Yuke's (Sports)


12/21 Seven, Namco (RPG)

12/23 The Bouncer, Square (Action)

1/25 Onimusha, Capcom (Adventure)

2/1 Z.O.E, Konami (Action)

Feb. Shadow of Memories, Konami (Adventure)

3/22 Biohazard Code: Veronica Complete, Capcom (Adventure)

Mar. Klonoa 2, Namco (Action)


12/21 Daytona USA 2001, Sega (Racing) 12/21 Phantasy Star Online, Sega (RPG)

1/1 De La Jet Set Radio, Sega (Action) 1/18 Fighting Vipers 2, Sega (Fighting)

1/25 Hundred Swords, Sega (Strategy)

Feb. El Dorado Gate Volume 3, Capcom


Nintendo 64

Jan. Ultimate War, Media Factory (Strategy)

Feb. Animal Forest, Nintendo (Adventure)

Game Boy

2/23 Super Robot Pinball, Media Factory (Action)

*Schedule subject to change without notice. Consult your local import game store for the latest release information.

PlayStation 2. They are: Arcade Party Pak (Midway), Arcade's Greatest Hits/Atari 2 (Midway), Fighter Maker (Agetec), Final Fantasy Anthology (Square EA), Judge Dredd (Activision), Monkey Hero (Take 2), Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Midway), Tomba (Sony CEA).

Last-Minute Update

First Impressions of Actual MGS2 Gameplay

Konami had their first annual Gamers Day in San Francisco this month, where aside from showcasing playable versions and movies from upcoming Р52 titles like Silent Hill 2, Ring of Red and Shadow of Destiny (look for more on these games next month), they had a small surprise in store—the first public unveiling of the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo. This is the demo you'll get in March along with Zone of the Enders if you prepurchase.

And it's gorgeous. Raindrops cloud your field of vision when you go to first-person perspective outside. Realistic splashes of water surround your feet when you run through puddles. A guard's shadow not only reveals where he is, but also what direction he's facing and what kind of weapon he's holding. Insides of lockers hold high- resolution posters, the flaps on bottom of the cardboard box swing when Snake walks with it


А = E

over his head, and when you talk on your CODEC the faces fully animate.

The amount of detail found in MGS2 is almost scary and it puts aside all doubts that the trailer shown at E3 wasn't running on PS2 hardware. Aside from getting a better view at the graphics, we got to see exactly how the game looks when being played. Like before, the main view is overhead, but the camera zooms all over the place when you're doing special moves, like leaping over a small wall, or when the game wants to grab your attention (to alert you cameras are in the next room, for example).

We also got to see the more stealth-based gameplay: During a brief run-through of a part of the demo, the Konami representative playing would constantly stun guards with his dart gun (going into first-person mode to get a better aim), and then once they were out (with the classic “75” floating above their heads) he'd drag and hide their bodies to keep them out of view of other roaming soldiers. Cool.

And the best part is what we saw is apparently only a small piece of the actual demo—which is said to hold the first hour of the final game—and it alone was amazing enough to stun the entire crowd into silence.

Suddenly March seems like years away.

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Eri “т |



Edge of Reality

Location: Currently Dallas, TX (Austin, TX starting Feb. 2001)

Year founded: 1998

Web site: www.edgeofreality.com

# of people: 16 (still growing)

Previous games: Monster Truck Madness 64, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 64 and Spider- Man 64.

Current project(s): Huge licensed property with a major publisher and another port project.

Most exciting aspect of the next- generation consoles: Limitless power, network play and fierce competition that will force developers to try newer, more innovative things to one-up each other. During late-night programming sessions, we: hope that the game will be successful and think up ways to make the game even more enjoyable...we also think of secondary careers as bag-boys at the local grocery store should we fail.

Our favorite game to play in the office (not by us) is: Mario Tennis/Quake 3 Arena (tie).

Favorite snack food(s): Drew Fisher (our technical director) Coffee™, chips, sodas and our personal chef, Ronald McDonald. Music that inspires us around the office: Rap, electronica, trip-hop, alternative anything that is original and kicks ass! Story behind our name: Edge of Reality is meant to mean where fantasy and reality meet. We felt our commitment to quality, innovative game design and technology best fits this term.

Favorite office catchphrase or slogan: We wanted to be clever here really but there's nothing we really use regularly besides assorted swear words.

Quartermann - Game Gossip & Speculation

appy New Year Quarterfriends, and so on and so on...wait, this is the February issue...um, Happy Groundhog Day! Who would've thought 2001 would be here so soon? So let's kick this new year off right with a fresh scoop of new year rumors...

„Ме all saw last issue the glory that is Twisted Metal Black for PS2. What's that? You don't have a PS2? Well that's just fine and dandy because TM Black is headed to PS one, too! Let the carnage begin! Expect a trend of dual PS/PS2 titles to continue for a while until folks аге weaned off of PS one. And. now it's time for The Q to get his feathers ruffled...there are many things that just don't add up about the U.S. PS2 launch 'til the end of 2000. Telling retailers they won't get more shipments of PS2s until they stop promoting Xbox pre-orders? Not living up to the 100,000. a week shipments from launch (оће end of the year as they said they would? Relaunching the PS2 hardware in Japan (where it sells for $100 more than in the U.S.) when both Europe and the U.S. suffer massive shortages? *Oh no; we're having so many production woes over here...but we don't have so many that we can't relaunch the hardware in Japan! Materials shortage! Materials shortage!" Makes me wanna go put $10 down on both a Gamecube and an Xbox right now. ‘Scuse me...

Final Fantasy: The Spirits


Final Fantasy Trailer Pons Up On Web

... Samus Aran, what happened to you? What is Retro Studios doing to you? You must escape! Escape now!.,. Another game series in trouble? Looks like Eidos may rush another Soul Reaver game to stores. The multi- million-dollar Soul Reaver 2 is still unfinished, over-budget and plagued by problems. To make matters worse, it's still without an ending, but the company is pushing it for a March release...Fidos also has three Xbox -exclusive titles on its slate for release in 2001...mmm, Crofty...EA's BIG! label, introduced with SSX, will soon join EA Games, Sports and .com as a new label. A sequel о SSX will be released by the fall, and a batch of more BIG! titles will be coming sometime before that...Dreamcast supporter and part-Sega owned developer Visual Concepts may.be going cross-platform in the future...and while we're on the sportstalk, a Р52 and Xbox XFL game (that's eXtreme Football League for you laymen) will show up in time for the 2002 season...

...Remember when yours truly told you scoop- hounds first months ago that Resident Evil Code Veronica was coming to PS2? Welp, Capcom made it official Code Veronica is coming to Р52. But wait, it's coming to Dreamcast again too. They're releasing Bio Hazard Code: Veronica Complete on March 22nd in Japan for both systems...I’m outta here! -TheQ

we know what Final the ma

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Friction burn sot after getting in

9 stitches. Exactly 12 less than T. gave беле.

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Pepperoni EN stain From all-Aight tournament vs.


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The Top 20 Best-Selling Games of October, 2000

1- Pokémon Silver

BON es It doesn’t take Johnny Carson and وڈ‎ А и his stupid turban to see the one- two sweep coming this month. Nintendo’s little buggers have, once again, taken the retail channels by storm. Imagine the

GBC system sales spike! 2 - Pokémon Gold

Hinc ¢ The only real question this month {j=

was which color would eventually % hit number one. We figure a few



years from now it'll be Pokémon Magenta and Fuchsia topping the charts. Nintendo's got more colors than Crayola.

Tony proves you don't need to be a little yellow rodent to sell through some respectable numbers. You have to wonder if Activision isn't looking at Pikachu's Pro Skater, though. The mind wobbles.

4 - Zeltia: geb Mask

ҒҰН Almost as golden as Pokémon, anytime Nintendo puts Zelda on the cover it's guaranteed to send gamers into a frenzy. You've spoken with your wallets, and Nintendo has returned to its top five dominance this month.

9 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

жк 70945 Even with the amazing launch of the PS2, a bunch of N64 games and Activision's birdman have shut all its titles out of the top. five. Not surprising when you consider the limited amount of systems out there.

Madden NFL 2001

Electronic Arts

Madden NFL 2001

Electronic Arts

Bran Turismo 2 Sony CEA

Tekken Tag Tournament Namco

| 10 “Spider-Man



Crispin B ww 8.5 9.0

Mark Chris


3 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 | 3







10 10

Mark Greg




Che | Crispin 8.0 1.5 Chris



Ш 1

19 20

Source: NPD TRSTS Video Games Service. Call Kristin Barnett-von Korff at (516) 625-2481 for questions regarding this list. Top 5 game descriptions written by the EGM staff.

See ел ьс

1 Smash Court 3

11 Spec Ops Take 2 Interactive 1 NFL2K1 Sega 1 Driver : GT Interactive | 1 4 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Acclaim 1 Tekken 3 | Матсо Е 1 WWF SmackDown! THO

Star Wars Episode | Racer


NBA Live 2001

Electronic Arts

Super Mario Bros. DX


Crash Team Racing Sony CEA

Megami Tensei Devil Children Atlus

Custom Robo V


Mario Tennis б


Tales of Fantasia Narikiri Dungeon



Mario Tennis 64

Nintendo Dragon Quest VII


HunterXHunter Phantasmal Greed Island


Mercurious Pre

__ MC interchannel


Weekly Famitsu, week ending 12/4/2000

4 ка | LI Т Hokuto no en ist ofthe Morh Sia Ту e +

y End of the Century + +.

L NEW. В т + 18

This week was particularly вооа for Nintendo, as it claimed four of the top five spots with games for its systems. Custom Robo V2 and Mario Tennis 64 both prove that there's still life for the N64 yet in Japan.

Hokuto no Ken: The Legend of Fin-de-Siecle Messiah, a fighting game based on a rather violent Japanese manga and animated series, gets the top PS spot at number five.

Compiled By Chris Johnston chris_johnston@ziffdavis.con & Jonathan Dudlak jonathan_dudlak@ziffdavis.con

Coming Soon - February 2001


Antz Racing - Electronic Arts. Racing Batman Racing - Ubi Soft Racing Carnivale - Vatical Entertainment Misc. CAT Construction Zone 2 - Mattel Action Croc 2 - THQ Action Dinosaur'US - Electronic Arts Misc. Dragon's Lair - Capcom Action Frisbee Golf - Vatical Entertainment Sports

Jimmy White's Cue Ball - Vatical Ent. Sports Legend of the River King 2 - Natsume Lego Racers - Lego Media

Lego Stunt Rally - Lego Media Misc.

Looney Tunes Racing - Infogrames Racing Mario Tennis - Nintendo Sports Mega Man Extreme - Capcom Action Merlin - Electronic Arts Action Metal Walker - Capcom RPG Mission Bravo - Mattel Misc. Playmobil Hype - Ubi Soft Misc. Pocket Racers - Interplay Racing Powerpuff Girls Battle Him - Bam Ent. Misc. Return of the Ninja - Natsume Action Robin Hood - Electronic Arts Action

Sea Doo Hydrocross - Vatical Entertainment Racing

Tech Deck Skateboarding - Codemasters Sports

VR Sports: Powerboat Racing - Vatical Ent. Racing

WWF No Mercy - THQ Sports

Xena - Titus Action PlayStation

Army Men Arcade Blasts - 3D0 Action

Backyard Football - Infogrames Sports

Digimon World 2 - Bandai RPG

Ford Racing - Empire Interactive Racing Inspector Gadget - Ubi Soft Action Martian Gothic - Take 2 Interactive Action MTV Sports: ТЈ Lavin's Ultimate BMX-THQ Sports

Scooby-Doo! - THQ Misc.

Time Crisis: Project Titan - Namco Action

Vanishing Point - Acclaim Racing PlayStation 2

Army Men Air Attack 2 - 300 Action

Army Men Sarge's Heroes 2 - 3DO Action

ATV Off-Road Fury - Sony CEA Racing

Bouncer, The - Square EA Fighting

Dark Cloud - Sony CEA RPG

ESPN МВА 2Night - Konami Sports F1 Championship - Ubi Soft Racing Ground Control - Berkeley Systems Action Ico - Sony CEA Puzzle NBA Live 2001 - EA Sports Sports МВА ShootOut 2001 - 989 Sports Sports NHL FaceOff 2001 - 989 Sports Sports Oni - Rockstar Games Action Roadster Trophy - Titus Racing Silpheed - Working Designs Shooter

Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing - LucasArts Racing Nintendo 64

Carnivale - Vatical

Mega Man 64 - Capcom

Misc. Adventure

Sea Doo Hydro Cross - Vatical Entertainment Racing

VR Powerboat - Vatical Entertainment Racing Dreamcast

Age of Empires || - Konami Strategy

Bangai-o - Crave Shooter

Deer Avenger - Berkeley Systems Misc.

Dragon Rider - Ubi Soft Action Gun Bird 2 - Capcom Shooter Half Life - Berkeley Systems Action Heroes of Might & Magic III - Ubi Soft RPG IHRA Drag Racing - Bethesda Softworks Racing Internet Game Pack - Sega Misc. Metropolis Street Racer - Sega Racing Microsoft Links LS - Konami Sports MS Combat Flight Simulator- Konami Simulation Playmobil Hype - Ubi Soft Misc. Polaris Snowcross - Vatical Entertainment ^ Sports Record of Lodoss War - Crave Action Sierra Sports Game Room - Sierra Sports SWAT 3D - Sierra Strategy System Shock 2 - Vatical Entertainment Action Typing of the Dead - Sega Action Vanishing Point - Acclaim Racing


Action Man - THQ Action Aliens: Thanatos Encounter - THQ Action ESPN National Hockey Night - Konami Sports Hercules - Titus Action Indiana Jones - THQ Action Inspector Gadget - Ubi Soft Action Monster Force - Konami Action Ronaldo V-Soccer - Infogrames Sports Scooby-Doo! - THQ Puzzle Trouballs - Capcom Action


Batman Racing - Ubi Soft Racing Blaster Master: Blasting Again - Crave Action Burstrick Wake Boarding - Crave Sports

Disney's Aladdin - Sony CEA Misc.

NASCAR Racers - Hasbro Racing Nicktoons Racing - Hasbro Racing Rayman 2: Back to School - Ubi Soft Action Triple Play 2002 - Electronic Arts Sports

PlayStation 2

Carrier - Jaleco Dinosaur - Ubi Soft Ephemeral Fantasia - Konami RPG

Knockout Kings 2001 - EA Sports Sports Navy Seals - Jaleco Action NBA Hoopz - Midway Sports Project Eden - Eidos Adventure Seven Blades - Konami Adventure Tiger Woods PGA Tour - Electronic Arts Sports Zone of the Enders - Konami Adventure

Nintendo 64

Eternal Darkness - Nintendo Action Paper Mario - Nintendo Action/RPG


Daytona USA Network Racing - Sega Racing


F1 Championship - Ubi Soft Racin; Legend of the Blademasters - Ripcord Adventurt Mars Matrix - Capcom Actior M.O.U.T. 2025 - Ripcord Racin; Outtrigger - Sega Actior PBA 2001 - Bethesda Sport: Phantasy Star Online - Sega RPC Project Justice - Capcom Fighting Stupid Invaders - Ubi Soft Actior

Worms World Party - Titus Misc

Game Boy Color

VIP - Ubi Soft Actio! Simpsons Treehouse of Horror - THQ Actior Sponge Bob - THQ Adventure Rocket Power - THQ Adventur Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX - Activision Sport: Age of Empires || - Konami Strateg) Alone in the Dark 4 - Infogrames Adventur

Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse - Metro 3D Actior Gauntlet: Dark Legacy - Midway Actior Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX - Activision

PlayStation 2

Giants - Interplay Adventure Off Road Thunder - Midway Racing Onimusha: Warlords - Capcom Adventurt Quake III: Revolution - Electronic Arts Actior Rock and Roll Racing - Interplay Каст

Shadow of Destiny - Konami ВРС

Star Wars: Starfighter - LucasArts Action/Sin Triple Play 2002 - Electronic Arts Sport: World is Not Enough, The - EA Action

Nintendo 64

Aidyn Chronicles - THQ RPC Conker’s Bad Fur Day - Nintendo


18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker - Sega Racing Alone in the Dark 4 - Infogrames Adventur Armada || - Metro 3D Actior

Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse - Metro 3D Actior

Evil Twin - Ubi Soft Adventure Floigan Brothers - Sega Actior Mummy, The - Konami Actiot Soldier of Fortune - Crave Actiot Stunt GP - Infogrames Actiot Unreal Tournament - Infogrames Actior VIP - Ubi Soft Actior April PlayStation 2 Cool Boarders 2001 - Sony CEA Sport: Forces of One - Interplay Actior Run Like Hell - Interplay Racing Street Lethal - Activision Racing Dreamcast Exhibition of Speed - Titus Racing


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қ We've given you control. What will you do with it?

Innovative Physics-Based Gameplay



и == RI


60 Phantasy Star Online

64 ШЫеей

66 Floigan Brothers Mars Matrix Agartha

70 Fighting Vipers 2 Alien Front Online Sega Tetris T2 Unreal Tournament Headhunter Soul Reaver 2 Dreamstudio 74 біп and Punishment 81 Custom Robo V2 Dinosaur Planet 82 Zone of the Enders 86 Star Wars: Starfighter 88 Adventures of Cookie & Cream Bloody Roar 3 ESPN MLS ExtraTime ESPN National Hockey Night 90 Devil May Cry Oni Theme Park Roller Coaster 92 Rayman Revolution NBA Hoopz 007 Racing 94. NCAA Final Four 2001 Н Championship Season 2001 Warriors of Might & Magic Unison 96 МВА Live 2001 Knockout Kings 2001 Snowboard Heaven 98 Агту Men Green Rogue Army Men Air Attack 2 100 Persona 2: Eternal Punishment 102 DDR Disney's Rave

Oh No! Fist of the North Star Game Boy Color 104 Dragon Warrior III Magi Nation

. This Month in Previews

WARNING: Previews marked with international symbols may or may not be released in the US. They are designed to run on Japanese or European PAL Systems. Import at your own risk.

ike you're even going to stop and

read about previews, knowing

the Xbox feature is just a few

pages away. Go ahead, we won't keep you. Just come back once you're done. All finished? Great.

So what's new in previews this month? Well, one thing we've noticed is the general lack of new PS one titles to talk about. It's not that they aren't out there— development for the old workhorse is still going strong— but it seems like third parties the world over are tying up all their 32-bit game slates and quietly releasing what they have left, usually without making much of a fuss about it to the gaming press. It's almost like they're ashamed or something.

Remember when the Saturn and N64 were released? Game development for the Genesis and SNES lasted well into the first few years of the new systems" Shelf life. Granted, it was mostly first- party software, and a lot of shovelware at that. We figure that's the price of depending on outside developers for the greater percentage of a system's library. It's a profitable business model while you're the hot new hardware on

1. Zone of the Enders 2. Sin And Punishment

3. Phantasy Star Online 4. Star Wars Episode I: Starfighter 5. Fighting Vipers 2

Another treasure from Treasure. Check out Sin And Punishment on page 74. Then get in touch with your favorite import shop and order it up!

the block, but when things start to wind down, look out!

Still, it's odd to see developers leaving so quickly, especially since the PS one is still outselling all the other systems by a wide margin leading up to Christmas. The PS2 might be the system everybody is talking about, but none of its games have even broken into the top five in terms of sales.

We aren't the only ones watching the numbers, so hopefully this is just a temporary dry patch. Here's hoping we see a few more big-time PS one games before it fades away. ж

PlayStation 2, Summer Nintendo 64, Now (Japan) |: Dreamcast, February PlayStation 2, Q1 2001 Dreamcast, March

System Sales During the Week of November 25

== г == 6%


PS one 42%

We're sure it has a lot to do with the lack of PS2 units in stores, but these numbers are still telling. It seems no matter what Sega or the Big N did, Sony's redesigned PS one still

Ü owned the Christmas shopping season. The dirt cheap price, huge library, and it's just so cute—who wouldn't want one?







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ШИ emi" mbi. emi smiuligm ioi зол Pa ІШІН Е 3 BUNGIE PlayStation” and the - PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer = = Ente ment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software

5 n. Dark Horse Comics® and the Dark Horse logo are trademarks of Dark Horse TEEN| s, Inc., registered in various categories and countries. All rights reserved. Gathering of Developers and the godgames logo are trademarks of Gathering of Developers Inc. Rockstar Games and the Rockstar Games logo are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Animated Violence Software, Inc. © 2000 АН rights reserved



Sonic Team CES 1-4 (online) реше. кс


February CTT skies of Arcadia WWW.sega.com At last a new

Phantasy Star game!

Less like Phantasy

Star, and more like Diablo.


camera issues.

| FINAL P. ШП бета л

| Although original

| Phantasy Star programmer- cum-Sonic Team head- honcho Yuji Naka is steering the latest appearance of the | Phantasy Star brand on the

| Dreamcast, the majority of the team responsible for previous games in the series are the masterminds behind Skies of Arcadia.

Producer Rieko Kodama and the Overworks team may not be household names, but they're | responsible for Sega's | newest RPG success, as well | asolder titles like Magic Knight Rayearth. Rieko herself had a hand in some of the first Sonic games.

While many fans of Phantasy Star long for a true sequel, Overworks is currently hard at work on the sequel to Skies.


Phantasy Star Online ©

HP 46748 Oy P 1037133

МУ О (rato yal

t's been over a decade since the first Phantasy

Star game was released for the 8-bit Sega

Master System. The series, now spanning six

games, multiple consoles, and even spawning a collection disc (in Japan), carries the same weight in many RPG circles as Square's ubiquitous Final Fantasy games. Now that it's moving to the infinitely more powerful Dreamcast, having skipped the Saturn entirely (no, the PS Collection doesn't count), what differences do fans of the series have to look forward to?

Well, the biggest and most obvious answer is the “online” part. Less like Everquest and more like a 3D Diablo (make that much more like Diablo), you can play PSO by yourself offline, but the real meat of the gameplay lies in the four-player online experience found on SegaNet.

Online or off, the game works like this: There's a large number of "jobs" you can opt to take on, all

Online gameplay will usually look like this, with you and three other players hacking away at à very unlucky assortment of beasts.

This map shows the room you are in, including all exits. Green doors are opened while red doors are still locked.

There's treasure in them there boxes-smash 'em open like pinatas! If you can't use the booty, you can always sell it.

These icons are actions corresponding to the four main DC buttons. Choose from a ton of commands (talk, different attacks, cast a specific spell or use an item) and set them up however you like.

with various objectives—anything from clearing an area of all monsters to rescue missions. Online you can form a party to complete your missions with up to three friends, or alone you can occasionally enlist the help of computer assistants. Most of the game is split into distinct areas (indoors and out) contained by walls and doors—beat all the enemies or solve the puzzle and you can open the doors and enter the next area. Often these puzzles are simply a matter of pressing a switch, but we’ve seen some sections that require a bit more thought and teamwork like getting three guys together to help push a giant obstacle aside. Scattered throughout the levels are also chests filled with items that can be equipped, used or sold back in town for money. Sound familiar yet, Diablo fans?

Of course it's not your average RPG town— it's more like a futuristic cityscape than the usual medieval cottage park you're used to (think Tron meets Blade Runner). There you can buy and sell goods (weapons, armor, potions, etc.) and deposit your money in a bank, preventing you from losing all your cash should you get smoked during your adventures. If you do die, the hospital is also in town, where you will reappear and be healed for the low, low price of only 10 Meseta (the currency in the Phantasy Star universe).

Never liked your character much anyway? Just make a new one from scratch. One really cool


feature of PSO is the flexibility it gives you in creating your character. Your new studly fighter

can (depending on which base character you choose) specialize in magic, physical attacks or a combination of both. Then you can pick from a number of different heads, hairstyles, faces, skin tones, body sizes and uniforms to give your creation its own unique style.

Chatting with your counterparts is another thing that's handled with grace. You can either choose from premade statements (“Follow me!, “Back me up!”, etc.), or type in your own messages using an attached DC keyboard or the (rather unwieldy) controller-bound onscreen keys. The bonus of using the set phrases over typing yourself is not only speed—anyone playing with you in Japan, Europe, South America, or anywhere in the world for that matter, will see the text in their own native tongue.

But is the only point of playing online making friends with Hiro from Osaka and Pablo the feisty Columbian? Nope. Sonic Team promises specific missions that can only be tackled if you play online—some of which require the full party of four players to complete. So if you want to get the most of the game, you'll have to log onto SegaNet and make a few friends (it’s OK, we know you can do it). The good news is, unlike Everquest or Ultima Online, there will be no monthly subscription fee in the U.S. to play PSO online, so as long as you have a SegaNet account there’s no reason you wouldn’t want to jump on the Net.

Last but not least, we have the graphics. Looking at these screens we're sure you'll believe it when we say PSO is one of the most attractive Dreamcast games yet—and that's saying something. Leafy, lush environments, dark, dank caverns, glowing lava pools and more make it feel like a living, breathing world. Character graphics and monsters are all


detailed and unique, including a few nods to previous Phantasy Star designs.

However, everything isn’t all rosy with the preview build we've been playing. At this point the camera is possibly the game's biggest problem: It only looks in whatever direction you're running when you hold the left trigger, and that gets quite annoying when fighting numerous enemies. Which leads us to the next problem: the limited lock-on function. While your character can lock-on to the nearest approaching enemy, it doesn't take much to un-lock, causing you to miss more often than not. It's easier to hit with a character who specializes in magic, but if your guy uses only hand-to-hand weapons or guns, it gets pretty silly. Firing a gun three inches away from the enemy and missing isn't our idea of fun. These and a few other annoyances—including a lame CPU-ally Al— worry us a bit, but Sega has some time to tidy things up before the game ships this February in the States.

And besides, it's hard not to be excited for the first multiplayer online console RPG, especially one with the Phantasy Star name attached. Next issue we should know if that excitement is justified. %

| | | |

Phantasy Girl

One of the coolest aspects of PSO is how much freedom it gives you in customizing your character. Check it out:



First choose your basic character. They can be Andriod or Human, and a | number of different classes (Ranger, Magic User, etc.).


Next you can pick your head, uniform, and adjust the body proportions anywhere from short and fat to long and lean. Love the eyepatch on our model, but something just ain't right. Let's see....

„.уез! Red is definitely her color. Plus the cocoa skin and pink hair—just marvelous. Now she's ready for the Net!




With the Phantasy Star Online insta

of words and phrases to commu world. You enter, "Help me! | don't М sees: "Bi ta, AW. on the next generation of the NE

Kt in tho U.S. Patent and Trademark Осе. Sega, Dreamcast, the Dreamcast logo, and PHANTASY STAR ONLINE are registered trat ог trademarks of SEGA CORPORATION or its affiliates. © SEGA CORPORATION, 2000. ied. SEGA/SÓNIC TEAM, 2000. www.sega.com



Climax Graphics

1 Action/Adventure 9096


Resident Evil 2 & 3


A cool new twist on the survival horror genre.

Is the blood and gore too over-the-top to take seriously?

Little kids with no facial skin. Uh...you'll see.

Get the Heli Qut!

Ah, there's nothing like taking a severe beating from the baddest baddies in the haunted house. Sometimes you're just not up to the fight, though, so Illbleed gives you a cool little way out. Once you enter the standard combat mode (this trick doesn't work on bosses, obviously), a helicopter landing pad appears on the ground. Circling high above is a chopper that keeps an eye on your status. By signaling it from the landing pad, your character can get air- lifted to safety and continue the game from the point of the battle. Flagging down the chopper takes time and leaves you vulnerable to enemy attacks, though, so don't count on it to save your butt every time.

There's a snake in my boot! For part of Illbleed you are transformed into this...familiar-looking doll. Creepy and bizarre, just like most of IlIbleed.

"| look like WHO, now?" Yes, when you shoot him he sheds little gold rings. C'mon, you know you love it.

emember that haunted house you visited last

Halloween, the one with the middle-aged guys

in black costumes threatening you with plastic

knives? Lame, wasn't it? Jaleco invites you to the world of Illbleed, where the haunts aren't human, circular saws have no guards, and the psychological scars are just as deep as the physical ones.

The story begins with a small group of teenage horror fans (don't worry, that's where the similarity to Scream ends) who decide to test their wills at a local spook house that has a nasty habit of swallowing up its visitors. When the teens get trapped inside, it's up to the saucy young Eriko Christy to find and retrieve her friends and make her way back out of the house. As an added incentive, each rescued character can be used to pick up Eriko's task should she meet an untimely demise along the way. Go team!

Unlike most survival horror offerings, Illbleed charges its challengers to conquer fright rather than might in seven monstrous stages. The name of the game is catching traps before they catch you— there's over 1,000 traps and items in this title. In fact, almost all combat is triggered by scripted traps, So how much you fight will often depend on how well you can spot traps before they catch you. A healthy fare of bosses and mandatory battles will keep you plenty busy, though, as you unfold the secrets behind the Illbleed house of horrors.

The game monitors four of your six senses (that's

| *You'll vomit with excitement, | you'll puke with pleasure..." | - Highly quotable excerpt from Illbleed trailer |

right, six, as т “| see dead people"), and they're your ticket to sniffing out traps, flagging them early, and skirting death. Complementing your human perceptions is a neat little gadget called the “horror monitor," which helps you pinpoint a trap once you've determined its general location. When senses are triggered by the environment, you can use the horror monitor to scope out suspicious areas, then mark them so they don't catch you off guard as you pass. Each mark uses up a few "adrenaline points," a character attribute that is replenished by winning battles and scouting out traps, so it's in your best interest to avoid as many snags as possible (though they're pretty cool to watch you may want to make a couple of passes at each level just to see all of the creative trap cinemas). Performance is further influenced by bleeding rate, a relatively novel feature that increases whenever you get hurt, impairing you physically and increasing your heart rate. When the ol' heart gets going too quickly, death by shock is not far off. Spooky, eh?

From its whacked-out environments to its unique brand of horrific traps, Illbleed is a game like по other. Possessed dolls, disfigured humanoids, relentless robotics, and untamed plantlife are just the tip of the bone-chilling iceberg. At the same time, Illbleed looks like it'll have a few lighthearted mo- ments to let players know it doesn't take itself too seriously (just check out the screens above). ж

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One of the first games Visual Concepts showcased for the Dreamcast actually had nothing to do with sports. It was...well, we had no idea what kind of game it would be, but one thing was for sure, Floigan Brothers certainly looked strange. Beautiful, but strange. Sega finally shed some light on this mysterious title in their recent Executive Games Summit, and we walked away quite impressed.

Floigan Brothers is a puzzle game of sorts, with plenty of adventure elements thrown in. The basic concept is you control the smaller of the two brothers, and you need to use both the environment and your “slow” brother's violent mood swings to open up new parts of the levels. Piss him off enough and he'll knock you over walls and bodies of water, and with a bit of tickling you'll be able to ride on his shoulders to quickly dash under a closing gate. And if the deep (not to mention very humorous) gameplay isn't enough, Floigan has some of the grandest graphics seen on the Dreamcast yet. Expect it this summer.

{ $ Well, natch. You're a genius. You know a 21 lotta things | don't know. t


Capcom's officially on fire.

Not only have they released a ton of great fighters in the past several months, but now they've got Mars Matrix on the horizon. This vertical shooter boasts the frenetic pace and weapons of Radiant Silvergun with the layered backdrop of Raystorm for incredible results.

While the graphics look a mite unpolished for the DC, there's a ton of other cool elements that make up for that small Shortcoming. Capcom has ported over its fighting-game system of building up credits and spending them in a "store" to unlock goodies. Plus, two Arcade modes feature different enemies and attack formations, so MM is like two games in one. Best of all, it's only a short wait 'til Mars Matrix hits in February. We should have a review next month.

ov 5 2000

Toy Commander developers No Cliché and Sega are hard at work on this new adventure title, Agartha. You take the role of Kirk, who encounters a wide array of benevolent and malicious characters, including villagers, zombies, monks, priests, arch- angels, and a character called the Sentinel. The interesting thing is the choices Kirk makes determine whether he saves the world or sends it into the burning pits of Hell. Alone in the Dark fans watch for this one sometime in 2001.

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The fence-smashing action last seen on the Sega Saturn is back! Fighting Vipers 2, the long-lost but not forgotten AM2 arcade fighter has returned with three hidden characters, two-on-two, battle and random (fight different characters on different arenas in a random order) modes

all included. Pepsiman will likely not return though —he will be missed. Sega plans to release FV2 here in March.

Scheduled to land on terra firma in May, Dreamcast-owners will be able to log onto SegaNet for Wow/Sega's four-on-four blast-'em-up action reminiscent of Namco's Tokyo Wars, but better. Utilizing voice- technology that lets you communicate with others using the Seaman microphone (or perhaps a special headset), players can play against other DC owners and also against gamers playing the arcade version.

Sega development team Wow Entertainment puts its spin on this puzzle classic, available now in Japan. The DC version of the Naomi arcade game features link cable and online play (and chat) of classic style Tetris with a few differences. For instance, when you're hit with a combo from an opponent, the screen zooms out and you must combine the next two pieces to form one block—and then find a place to put it.


| ® Unreal

Break out your mouse and keyboard, because Infogrames is bringing one of the best multiplayer first-person shooters, bar none, to the Dreamcast in spring. This adaption might just top the PS2 version since it supports online play (up to eight players or bots) in addition to split- screen action (up to four players). Plus it's got 70 levels (including some DC-exclusives) and a smoother framerate.

Thanks to a fascist government, California has become even more annoying than usual, and it's up to you to fix it. In this unique action- adventure, you control a

Crystal Dynamics showed off this much-anticipated sequel to last year's little gem at Sega's summit in November. Sure, it has juiced-up graphical and lighting effects, but that's just the beginning. The game's intricate environments, in conjunction with seven new elemental Reavers, will be an important part of the quest and play a big role in solving puzzles and progressing through the game. Expect much more than just eye candy from SR2 when Eidos releases it in March.

motorcycle-ridin' bounty hunter dedicated to hunting down bad guys. Looks Resident Evil-ish, but Sega added some nice touches, such as making the VMU act as a pager, and online play where you square

off with your bike in a Mad Max- esque "Aquadome" this spring.

Think of this just-released build- your-own-game game from Sega as Action RPG Maker— create 3D towns and dungeons from scratch, populate them with villagers or monsters, then add animation, events and special effects. You can even set the camera angles for cinemas and make your own puzzles (including the infamous crate pusher!). It supports the DC keyboard, too, so you don't have to input all your game's dialogue with a pad; Too bad you need to know Japanese to really enjoy it.


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Nintendo Treasure [Payer 1-2

селе. Action

Мом (Јарап) ГТА Starfox 64 www.nintendo.com


Super-cool anime

story line and nonstop action.

There's no confirmed

US release date yet.

ШИЛТЕ The fuzzy graphics

and simplistic models all too common on the N64.

Just The Two 0f Us

Although you won't find it on any of the setup screens, Sin and Punishment features one of the most

| unique two-player modes in any shooter. Just plug in a second controller during a regular game and you're in business. Rather than adding another character on screen (which would likely slow down the aging N64), both players take command of the main character. Player one controls movement, while player two controls the targeting crosshair and the blaster/sword.

It makes for an interesting time, especially when player one figures out that they can still take control of the weapons if they like. Many arguments are sure to result.

Greg and С) both think this is the wave of the future, and have taken to calling each other *Sin" and "Punishment," then giggling. It's creepy.

Brad just doesn't give up. After pummeling him in a sword battle, you have to face him again in the next stage, riding a jet fighter.

In one level you ride a floating metal platform and take on an entire carrier group yourself. Intense!

onstop action, innovative controls and a story

line just this side of freakin’ weird. That pretty

much describes every Treasure-developed

game to date, and the tradition continues with Sin and Punishment on the N64.

Basically what we've got here is a collection of spectacular levels where you shoot everything that moves as the game auto-scrolls forward, back and all over the place. Sure, the premise sounds pretty standard, but as Treasure has proven time and again, it's all about the execution.

The control is simplicity itself. Either the D-pad or C buttons can be used for movement (southpaws, rejoice!) while the analog stick is used to aim the crosshair, and the Z trigger fires the weapon or

BOF —71:: C GBBETZER + --


Alien Wars and Gunstar Heroes, but һауе you heard of Radiant Silvergun? This sweet, import-only shooter looked and played downright beautifully on the 3D-challenged Saturn hardware.

delid Уша ыа % Buu) Us | 1 3 zu

swings your incredibly powerful sword whenever enemies or projectiles are close by. Certain objects, like enemy missiles, can be deflected by the sword Swipes back at whatever you're currently targeting. This technique is the only way to beat some bosses, and the only way truly stylish players will want to enjoy Sin and Punishment.

Rounding out the control is the lock-on system, which can be activated at will by tapping the A button. Normally your crosshair won't move when you leave it alone, but if you encounter a particularly jumpy enemy (and they are in there, trust us), using the lock-on technique keeps your crosshair always on the target, so you can worry more about dodging incoming fire than aiming. Although this may all sound confusing, a couple of levels of play will reveal the depth and genius of the control scheme.

What S&P lacks in topnotch graphics and character models, it makes up for in sheer style. Some of these levels and bosses just ooze with that uniquely Japanese anime charm. That's fine, we'll take gameplay and pizazz over graphics any day.

Unfortunately, currently Nintendo has no plans to release S&P on these shores. So even if they decide to bring it over, don't expect it to see retail before the middle of 2001. The good news? АЦ of Sin and Punishment's story is in English! That means it's the perfect import choice for all you game-starved №64 owners out there. You go play now! n


a d

Coming Soon tor E]





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Custom Roho V2

Marigul/Noise's sequel to Custom Robo, last year's build- your-own mech battle game, is available now in Japan, published by Nintendo. Part Virtual On, part Pokémon, you have to travel between Custom Robo clubs, challenging other commanders like yourself to mech battles on holographic tables. Win the match, and you just might get a new piece to customize your own Robo with. Eventually you'll challenge the best Robo commanders in the world for the championship. But the real draw is a two-on-two Battle mode that wasn't in the original game. It's like a tag match, though, since only two Robos are ever in the arena at any one time. Other additions include new parts to beef up your 'bot and more body types So you can customize it to the max.

Dinosaur Planet

Despite rumors it would be held back for the Gamecube, Rareware and Nintendo assure us that Dinosaur Planet is still an N64 title, and will be when it hits stores sometime in 2004. Follow Sabre and Crystal (and their dinosaur sidekicks) through this Zelda-ish action RPG with all the puzzles, spells, interplanetary travel, and audio/visual goodies that can fit on a 512-meg cart. Looking pretty good for an N64 game, isn't it?



xe E



Konami CEJ Рао. |

[cene ШШ 60%

Summer ПЕТЕ Virtual оп (рс) www.konami.com


Graphics to die for,

solid control, a deep story line.

This is great and all,

but can a mech game have as much depth as Konami claims it will?

The long wait.

Controlling a big mech sure can be daunting, but once you get the buttons down it's a breeze. To help you along, Zone has a short but nifty training mode.

Zone of the Enders

Look at those lighting effects! Zone has a lot of blue, but man, it's a damn nice-looking blue.

You better hold onto something bolted to the floor when playing Zone of the Enders; the screen turns into pure madness during

combat and explosions.

tstarts with hauntingly beautiful music, fitting

for a game touched by Hideo Kojima. While the

director of Metal Gear Solid might not have

had quite the same influence in Z.O.E that he had in his previous creation, the wavering, almost sad female voice brings back instant memories of Metal Gear Solid's ending track or the main theme from Policenauts (Kojima's previous release before the PlayStation Metal Gear). The music gave Zone of the Enders an epic feel long before we even touched the start button, and once we did, the beautiful chaos began.

By using a unique combination of incredibly clean

graphics and overloading them with special effects,

Just like in real life, in Z.O.E a blast from a laser cannon can take out everything from a truck to an office building, so be careful. Or, on the other hand, don't be careful at all. One of the coolest features in the game is the ability to blow nearly

everything up, which is just as fun as it sounds. Keep an eye on the Survivor meter on the top of your screen though —the lower that number gets, the more acciden-

tal deaths you cause, and the closer you are to seeing the game suddenly end.

Wow, what a nice peaceful scene. Those buildings just sitting there, so pleasant...

...but so boring. Now this is more like it! Burn! Burn! Hahahahaha....


Konami's latest PlayStation 2 game is simply stunning to look at. It easily has some of the greatest visuals ever seen on a console, and while the screenshots come close to showcasing this, you really can't get a sense of how this game actually looks until you see it in motion.

Motion blurs. It's an effect almost thought to be passé these days; everything from D2 to the latest Zelda has used this technique of "smearing the screen" to give things a realistic look, but no game has used it the way Z.O.E does— not even close. Every single explosion causes the screen to have some sort of hallucinogenic episode, and there are a lot of explosions.

While this might sound almost annoying, again, you can't appreciate it unless you see Z.O.E. in motion. You can't appreciate it until you find yourself spinning around an enemy mech, trying to dodge his shots as you fire off lasers of your own, and then experience the screen freaking out as your stray blasts drown buildings in the background in fiery explosions.

Nearly every building, tower, searchlight and car in Z.O.E can be destroyed this way. It was a great

Cont. on page 86

E 97 йб, 4






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pup 1

As you fly around the cityscape you can see your foes in the distance, and when you get too close, the battle begins. Note the lock-on graphic around the bad mechs.

experience just to fly around the main town in the short demo version we played and just blast apart everything (see sidebar for more detail), but in the final game actions like this could quickly lead to the Game Over screen. Like much of the Japanese anime Z.O.E has been so obviously and deeply influenced by, taking out enemy mechs isn't your only goal— you're fighting to save the city that lies beneath you, and that includes its inhabitants.

Every single stray shot that misses its target could potentially ignite a warehouse, send storage tanks of fuel blazing into the sky, or violently shred apart a giant apartment building. Decimate too many landmarks and you'll be killing the very people you're trying to protect, ending the game.

Luckily, Zone of the Enders controls like a freaking dream, so blowing away helpless folk can be avoided if you're careful. With a simplistic setup (two buttons raise and lower your mech, the left analog stick flies you around in all directions, and other buttons are used for dashing, blocking and firing shots), traveling around becomes second nature after only a few minutes of play —an impressive feat considering the full freedom of movement you have.

The battles also simplify everything a bit by automatically locking onto enemy mechs (similar to the lock-on function in Zelda) once you “гип into" them as you fly around over the city. This way you

Zone of . Evangelion

One thing’s for sure, those Japanese kids certainly love big robots. And hey, why not? There’s nothing cooler than a 200-foot-tall mech stomping through a city, kicking the crap out of another big 'bot —something the still incredibly popular anime Evangelion proved. Fans of that series will surely notice more than a few similarities in Z.O.E, everything from the overall robot's appearance to the main character's almost nihilistic view on life—it all screams Eva. Well, there's certainly less keen things Konami could have looked to for inspiration. Let’s just hope Zone has a less depressing ending...

SW 2292 Soins #

can concentrate on dashing around your foes (retaining the same freedom of movement), firing off blasts and dodging theirs, while the game keeps the camera centered on your foe.

So it looks grand and plays nifty, but the true test for Zone will be its story line and overall gameplay. On the surface a game like this doesn't seem like it could have much depth, but Konami claims there's much about Z.O.E we have yet to see, much more than the demo we played hints at. Apparently the story will be no less than epic, chock-full of strong characters and the like, features that should be expected from a Konami game with Kojima's name attached. But still, until we see a more complete version of the game, we're left wondering how it will be implemented. Of course, we're not worried, just curious. Not to mention just damn impatient to play more. ж


Large Officer Down!

| One fun aspect of almost every Kojima game is trying to

| spot homages to his past releases. There was the bar

| “Solid Snake” and references to “Fox Hound” in

| Policenauts, more than a few Policenauts flashbacks in

Metal Gear Solid (take a look at the posters in Otacon’s

| office— not to mention the video that played when he

| talked about anime influences), and now in Z.O.E, even

| more Policenauts action. Fans of Kojima games might recognize the downed “mech” іп the first area in Zone as а much bigger and slightly modified version of an EMPS— the police suits used in Policenauts.


The actual EMPS is only about ten feet tall, but no less badass.

This giant face-down mech is a large version of the police suit in Policenauts.



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done before...


LucasArts LucasArts |! Action 90% 012001 Star Wars: Battle for Naboo (N64) www.lucasarts.com Unparalleled visuals. It has kind of been

LUE Enduring several

hours of Star Wars “action music.”

A take-off from some of LucasArts’ PC Star Wars titles, the wingman control function is one of the coolest strategic elements in Starfighter. This handy little feature lets you issue orders ¢ ~ toyourflight | buddies 4 during | combat, % whether you need help fragging a target or a little defensive cover for safety. With a quick and easy press on

the D-pad (see illustration), |

allies can be instructed

to attack a targeted unit (up), cover an ally fighter (right), report in with battle information (left), or isregard previous orders and defend your ship (down). Very cool.

LucasArts isn't the first to bring out a game with the

Starfighter name. Acclaim released a flight sim with the same title (well, Star Fighter, actually) back in *96. It's doubtful the two will get confused...

“Crud, | think | shot Wedge...” You'll be flying among friends in most of Starfighter's scenarios, so it's especially important to keep those lasers pointed in the right direction.

She'll make .5 past light speed...0K, so it's not the Millennium Falcon, but it's still pretty cool-lookin".

. Starfighter features some

brand-new ships as well as familiar favorites from Episode 1.

fthere's one thing gamers have learned about

movie spin-off titles, it's that they rarely share

the same quality and creative vision as the films

that fuel them. Usually, the appeal of the movie is what gets people interested in playing the game, but sometimes there's nowhere to go but up (anyone seen Spawn?). Despite its sacred cow status, Episode 1 sure let a lot of die-hard fans down. For those of you who felt the movie wasn't all it was cracked up to be, we offer this small comfort: Relax, there is another. Just run down to any local retailer and pick up a Р52...

With the terrestrial action of Rogue Squadron and

space missions a la Colony Wars, Starfighter combines the most exciting elements of LucasArts"

previous titles in a graphically stunning package. The game drops you into the cockpits of three original heroes, each of whom has his/her own little piece of the universe to defend from the Trade Federation. Yes, you'll get to fly the little gold Naboo fighter, as well as two other equally cool crafts, all with primary and alternate fire functions and very responsive controls.

Missions in Starfighter are won or lost based solely on your performance, but almost every scenario features ally support, so you'll seldom fly alone. Each mission is divided into a subset of objectives, some mandatory and some just for hot- Shots who like to milk the game for all it's worth. Though some objectives need to be completed before others will open up, you're given a great deal of latitude in choosing which crafts to fight, people to rescue, or allies to assist (though you may get scolded by a commanding officer or two along the way). There's a ton of in-game dialogue that helps reveal objectives and guide you through each mission, which also makes the whole Starfighter experience like a movie in itself.

We've already seen a few titles on the PS2 that look like they could be PC games, and Starfighter's no exception. With the combination of gameplay and handsome graphics offered by next-gen consoles, titles like this may just put the ol' pentium out to pasture and make that PC an *ex" box. Hmm... ж

So if you think you've got enough game for Digimon World, bring it. But don't say we didn't warn you. DIGIMON WORLD

51997 Bandai Co, Ltd. Program ©1999 Bandai Co, Ltd. Distributed by Bandai America Incorporated, 5551 Katell Avenue, Cypress, California 90630. All rights reserved. DIGIMON, DIGITAL MONSTERS are all related E names and distinctive likenesses thereof the property of Banda. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Used under license by Bandai America Incorporated.

oo pu


Lions, tigers and bears, oh my! The third installment of the combo- happy animorphic 3D fighter Bloody Roar is coming to the arcades and the PS2. The Eighting/Raizing-developed brawler features all of the characters found in part 2, with a few added extras. The graphics don't quite impress us as much as the earlier games did on the PS one, but they're still flashy enough. Throw in a bug and a new leopard- lady and Hudson/Namco's fighter should thrill in spring.

Adventures of 4 Cookie & Cream

A really cool idea comes to life in From Software's new platform/ puzzle game. Formerly Kuri Kuri Mix in Japan, the game uses both analog sticks to control two independent rabbitoids along a vertically scrolling path. Though the screen is divided, each must trigger events in his/her own environment to help the other to the end, where they reunite for much musical rejoicing. Funness! Agetec will release it in February.

ESPN MLS ExtraTime ESPN National Konami has a steep hill to climb to unseat FIFA, but their track record Hockey Night

(ISS Soccer) makes us think they might just pull it off. The version we

tried didn't have its training, tournament or managerial modes working, This latest hockey game from but we were able to play the core of this MLS-centric gameplay complete Konami looks mighty nice. The with ESPN commentator Bob Ley. The gameplay seems crisp, but we detail is simply awesome —check hope the graphics improve by this spring when it kicks off. out those red noses. But until we

get our hands on a playable version we're not holding our breath. Historically Konami's had a hard time with any sports game beyond baseball and soccer. Just the same, we're hoping they turn things around with this ESPN- ortified, January release. It looks ike it'll have all the goodies: NHL icenses, players and teams (including the Columbus Blue ackets and the Minnesota Wild), play-by-play from Gary Thorne and Steve Levy, plus loads of ESPN TV presentation. Also, a deep Create- a-player Mode will allow you to build, nurture and guide your rookie through the ranks to superstar status.


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Devil May Cry

Behold Resident Evil and Dino Crisis mastermind Shinji Mikami's next game for Capcom. Due this summer in Japan and Christmas in the U.S., Devil May Cry promises more action than most survival horror games— you can jump, roll and shoot while walking or running around the real- time levels and freaky demonic enemies. From the kick-ass footage we've seen, it looks like this one really uses the PS2 hardware.

Complementing the PC version of this third-person action-shooter, Rockstar and Bungie offer a PS2 version that looks, runs and plays just as smoothly. With dozens of close-combat and firearm attacks, intricate lighting, and animation interpolation that adds a great deal of fluidity and freedom to Konoko's (the leading lady) acrobatic actions, Oni promises to bring a lot to the table when it hits in late January.

Theme Park Roller Coaster

If you've ever wanted to design a roller coaster, the latest in EA's Theme Park franchise lets you do just that (and you can ride it too!). But creating the ultimate, stomach-churning ride is only half the game. The rest involves building and managing an entire amusement park around your coaster. It may sound daunting, but Theme Park's step-by-step tutorial will ease you right into your business suit. Available now.

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Rayman Revolution

By the time you read this, PlayStation 2 owners around North America will be getting what's basically a Rayman 2 Director's Cut. Make no mistake, this is the same game we've come to know and love on the N64, Dreamcast and PS, but with some tweaks. While it looks almost identical to the DC version, Revolution offers some slightly redesigned levels and a more gradual learning curve. К Sack АМ. YOUR POWERS. OS

Our limbless buddy gets a lot of instruction from Murfy on how to play VP the game now. The biggest change, though, is the much more fleshed- out overworld. Now Rayman doesn't just hop from level to level, but has to navigate a whole gate level between each challenge. It makes Rayman feel more like an adventure. Oh, and finally, you can set all the characters to speak in English or Raymanian.

The preview version we played shows a bit of polygon breakup and some long load times, but we're expecting Ubi Soft will have those problems ironed out before the game hits retail shelves.

МВА Hoonz

If you've played NBA Showtime Jam, then you know what to expect from Midway's latest arcade-sports creation, due out this summer. There's one big change aside from the loss of the NBC "Showtime" license: Now there's three players on each team. But don't think for a second that this game might be like a sim—it isn't. It just means there's more passing mixed in with all the pushing, shoving and shooting.

007 Racing

In case you didn't notice, these aren't real screenshots —hopefully EA will make something that looks like these mock-ups and not the atrocious PS one game. Fortunately it's in the capable hands of EA Canada (Beetle Adventure Racing). Featuring two new locations (Hong Kong and Amsterdam), we're praying the PS2 version will turn out more like the 3D Spy Hunter game we all wanted when it hits this spring.


Animated Violence Animated Blood

папутна миунем


MDK 2 ARMAGEDDON PS2 © 2000 Interplay Entertainment Corp. Omen Engine © 2000 BioWare Corp. Developed by BioWare Corp. The BioWare Omen Engine and the BioWare logo are trademarks of BioWare Corp. MDK, MDK2 and related marks, Interplay, the Interplay logo and "By Gamers. For Gamers." are trademarks of Interplay Entertainment Corp. Certain characters are © Shiny Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. “PlayStation” and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

[os ped


| F1 2001

Just as we closed this issue EA Sports' new F1 game for the PS2 arrived. While we'll give it a full review next issue, here are some first impressions.

F1 looks pretty nice, though graphically it's more akin to an average DC game than a high-end PS2 game. All the tracks, including Indy, are there, and so are all the drivers (Villeneuve finally makes an appearance). The control seems pretty tight and the setup options are plentiful.

The sound is especially nice. That high-pitched oh-my-god-my- eardrums-are-gonna-explode whine that F1 cars are famous for is replicated almost perfectly. Plus,

j every time you pass a roadsign or tower, it makes a convincing “whoosh” sound if you're at speed.

Be sure to check out our full review next issue. This may be the game F1 fans have been wanting.

NCAA Final Four 2001

We'll have a hands-on preview of Final Four 2001 next month. In the meantime, check out the very first screens of the game. Everything in the PlayStation version is present in this much prettier incarnation. The momentum meter, rambunc- tious college atmosphere (including fight songs and chants) and the trademark shot meter are included in this January release title from 989 Sports. Don't look for Coach Knight however.

Might & Magic

From 3DO comes this third- person action game. You play Alleron, a warrior punished for a crime he did not commit. Now he must venture through 20+ levels to uncover the truth and prove his innocence. It won't be an easy task, with 30 classes of enemies in the way. But once you collect armor, spells and monster-hacking weaponry, it should be a bit more manageable. Scheduled for a winter release.

in Tokyo last year, so was this Tecmo dancing game. After you are taught moves for each song by your giant afro-ed manager, you pick one of three aspiring young singers and guide them through the dance steps using the two analog sticks. There's no improvisation or freestyling— it's basically a matter of timing and how well you can remember the moves (left stick up, right stick up, left stick down, right stick down, etc). Still, we had a blast just checking out this early preview build; moving the sticks to spell out "Y-M-C-A" along with the Japanese version of the song (it's called “Young Man" there) is something we won't soon forget. Too bad that Village People classic 7 might not make it into the U.S.

| version, due March, since the music hasn't been finalized yet.


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‚МВА Live 2001

EA Sport's NBA Live 2001 looks good, but knocking out NBA 2К1 will take more than pretty graphics. For better or worse, this early version plays much like its PS counterpart. The jump, foul and steal animations look familiar as well. That's good news for Live devotees but we were hoping for a completely new experience. Hopefully the final December release will surprise us with untold new and exciting features.

Knockout Kings 2001

We finally received a playable KK 2001 from EA Sports, and yes, it's pretty darn good. We were hoping it wouldn't be stiff and robotic like its PS cousin. Our prayers are answered not only is it much more fluid (not às much as Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 though), it looks fantastic. It has better collision detection as well. This January release looks and plays very much like the sim it was meant to be. We can't wait for the final.

Snowboart Heaven

The floodgates have opened: let the snowboarding games come forth! Fortunately this Capcom import, available now in Japan, isn’t bad. It’s a smart compromise between SSX and Winter X Games—not super flashy but not too sim-like either. Plus the courses are huge! It literally takes two to three minutes to complete one. No word yet ona possible U.S. release.

EA Sports is a sponsor of an experimental new Saturday-night show called Thunderbox. The high- octane spectacle features hardcore boxing, pretty gals, and a unique scoring system which rewards for excessive power and aggression. Hmm, could a Thunderbox video game be in the works?

Round 1 0:49

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Take Robotron, put it in the Army Men universe and make it a perpetually scrolling shooter. That's Green Rogue. While the version we saw was early, 3DO's new spinoff looks like it has the potential to be a down-’n’-dirty old-school shooter. Since they now admit they need to take a little more time with their games to get them just right, don't expect to see this one on shelves until sometime this spring.


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Revelations: Persona



Great plot, nifty graphics, and a killer soundtrack.

Might be too slow- paced for some.

When people die in Persona 2, they die hard.

More Chat, Less Splat

Sure, sending demons back to hell via the weapon of your choice is keen and all, but have you ever just tried talking to them? If you impress the demons with your tongue you'll receive tarot cards (for summoning new Personas), but on the other hand, piss them off enough, and they'll attack you with vigor. Be careful.

Comnletely Free From Sin

Eternal Punishment

The clunky 3D overhead map in the first Persona has been replaced with a clean 2D image.

Summon your Personas to assist you in battle; their magical attacks can turn the tide if you use them strategically.

umors can be dangerous. Add teenagers and demons into the mix though, and you have chaos. Well, either that or a new Persona.

As anyone who played the first Persona knows, it’s not your standard RPG, a trait its sequel definitely shares. Taking place in the very near future, the Persona games combine classic role- playing staples like magic, dark beasts and experi- ence points, all within a very familiar setting—a modern world of computers, cars and neon lights.

Persona 2 picks up a few years after Revelations: Persona and features similar gameplay. You'll once again explore a modern-looking city, trudge through dungeons based on real-life locations, and summon spirits called Personas to help fight the various demons you run across.

There are quite a few upgrades from the first Persona game though: Not only have the graphics gotten a boost (chunky 3D dungeons have been

Not only are many of the locations in Persona 2 filled with detail, you can also spin the camera around to get a better look at your surround- ings.

In many ways Persona 2 really isn't Persona 2 at all. Think of it more like Persona 2.5. Confused? Well, Eternal Punishment is actually the second Persona 2 released in Japan. The first chapter, Innocent Sin, came out last year. Why are we just getting the sec- ond half then? Apparently Atlus Japan felt the more mature nature of | Punishment would appeal to American gamers. Don't worry though, the cross- over between the two games is slight (it'll be covered in the manual), and hey, if Punishment does well enough, Sin might make the trip over too.


replaced with a fully rotatable—not to mention very clean overhead view), but the gameplay has been updated with a new "rumor system" as well. This cool twist allows you to spread rumors around town, and as this game insists, rumors have a way of com- ing true—new locations and secret paths can be opened by gossip.

Thankfully Persona 2 keeps this series' trend of offering a unique and compelling plot. In EP you face a serial killer who, not surprisingly, is much more than he seems. Its dark, it's spooky, and it's definitely not your everyday RPG plot. But is it worth your time and money? Check back next month for a

full review. ж

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Combine Konami's super-popular Dance Dance Revolution with tech- no remixes of Disney tunes (and some non-Disney ones too), and you've got their latest dancing game, available now in Japan. Difference here is that Konami has introduced a Dance Magic mode, where you actually throw attacks at the second player or the computer, making their steps much more difficult. Go Huey! Go Huey!

Asmik Ace/Tycoon Game Works’ latest, available now in Japan, is similar to the import cult favorite, Pepsiman —navigate through con- stantly scrolling levels, avoiding enemies and collecting power-ups. In this...er...eclectic title, you control a group of two to four people (includ- ing three brothers wearing only the tightiest of whities). Your group can Switch between two formations per level combinations of single file, two by two or in rows. Obstacles and people lie in your way, and it's game over if any one of your guys gets left behind. Areas include city streets, a school, a skiing hill, a beach resort and a traffic-filled highway. If you're lucky enough to reach the Goal (and you have unlimited contin- ues from checkpoints to do it), you go to a dancing minigame for points. Oh No! includes other sub-games including a Love-Love Mode (for cou- ples to test their compatibility) and Battle Mode for two players, where each controls one set of siblings and can punch the other player to mess them up. Weird? You betcha. Coming here? Hell no.

1 к

Fist of the

If you're familiar with the anime, you'll be happy to know that Bandai's FOTN (or—deep breath Hokutonoken Seikimatsukyuseisyu- densetsu in Japan) has all the exploding people and bad hair of its namesake. It plays a little like a 3D Guardian Heroes or Streets of Rage, with tons of in-game cutscenes (sorry, no anime tidbits). It's out now in Japan, and doing quite well, but we don't expect a U.S. release.


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Dragon Warrior Ill

One of the greatest NES titles of all time is heading to the Game Boy Color first quarter 2001. Enix has E х к promised improved 5 у. ч 3 ЈЕ ји E d oen JS TE graphics, easy-to-read > = У fonts, and over 70 hours of gameplay. 70? Probably more like 30, 40 tops. Anyway, fans ofthe series will now have something to tide them over 'til part VII hits the PS. And if you've never tried a Dragon Warrior game, grab the I&II GBC cart or just jump straight to part III. This installment has a strong story and a terrific interface.


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Be prepared: Seattle-based Interactive Imagination will be trumpeting the debut of their Magi-Nation toys and games with an avalanche of hype and marketing early this year. Following in the footsteps of Nintendo's ultra-successful Pokémon franchise, this new fantasy series will be starting life as both a Card Collector's Game and a GBC cart. The latter— big surprise—is a light RPG that places a strong emphasis on monster trading. The title is being designed specifically for the Western market, and will be targeted toward audiences of all ages. Think of it as a cross between the SNES Earthbound and Pokémon, with a dash of The Wizard of Oz thrown in for good measure. The cart is set to launch in the first quarter of 2001. Graphics look pretty nice, but another lame Pokéclone? We hope not.

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 104 - www.zdnet.com/es


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ut 22

Say hello to 762 America’s first | || |

serious console fi contender since ||| Atari's heyday. ШІ

Im |

We give you an |||

Xbox _

exclusive E. introduction to У к Microsoft's р machine, the guys who built it. and the first һи, games you'll play on the thing. By Crispin Boyer,

Mark MacDonald and Ryan Lockhart

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 108 - www.zdnet.com/egm

о you want to know why we chose green to represent Xbox?" asks Horace Luke, the energetic industrial designer who crafted the look of

Microsoft's game system. From his grin it's clear he can't wait to tell us the answer. And we can't wait to hear it. That's why we're here—in Redmond, Wash., at a nondescript office park codenamed Area Xbox— to take an exclusive look at the world's most powerful game console a full month before Bill Gates unveils it at January's Winter CES. As we scan the organized thatch of concept sketches and focus- group-analysis graphs tacked to Luke's office wall, we figure there's a perfectly scientific, wholly marketing-driven reason why the Xbox logo, packaging and eye-like jewel on the console's top shine with the fluorescent green you see gleaming on the cover of this magazine.

Nope. “It's green because that's the only marker | had оп me when | started sketching my designs," Luke says. It figures. Despite the half-billion-dollar marketing budget and focus-group hocus pocus, the Xbox project has always had a sort of grass-roots feel to it. After all, the whole thing started as an idea shared by a handful of Microsoft wonderboys— all of whom happen to be hardcore gamers. Together, they convinced Bill Gates that the world was ready

for an American game system. Together, they enlisted the help of game designers to craft a console that's both powerful and a cinch to work with. Together, they assembled the box you see here—for the first time—emerging from the shadows.

Sure, these guys may work for one of the planet's most monstrous companies (just ask the Department of Justice), but they're still entering uncharted waters—and there's a very real chance they'll wind up all wet. Aside from PC peripherals, Microsoft has never done consumer hardware, and they're facing downright hostile competition on all sides. But as we found out while putting together this 18-page story on Microsoft's console and planned assault on your living room, these guys seem to be doing everything right. They're giving gamers what they want. (Did you know the controller cords are over 9 feet long? See page 116.) They're giving game makers what they want. (Did you know the system is four times more powerful than PlayStation 2? Check the specs on page 122.) And they're tossing іп a few fresh ideas. (Did you know you can record your own game soundtracks to the hard drive? See page 121.) But, more importantly, turn the page to see the Xbox now, in actual size, nearly a year before the system launches worldwide this fall.

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 109 - www.zdnet.com/egm

Four Controller Ports DVD Tray

The? boob о

Xbox. Well, at least a few thousand of you did. (Oh, anda

hoola hoop played an important role, too, but we'll get to that later.) Not long after Bill Gates gave the final go-ahead for project Xbox in February '99, Microsoft began interviewing hardcore gamers around the globe. The Xboxers were on a mission: to figure out what you wanted in a game system's design—and what you didn't want.

It was one giant hush-hush operation from the get-go. Microsoft reps talked to more than 5,000 gamers internationally. They even toured 130 homes, where they

snapped pics of entertainment centers and mapped the

Eject Button

places you keep and play your games. "We found a lot of consoles on the floor," Luke says. "Why? Because the controller cord usually wasn't long enough. Time and again the gamers said, ‘Give us a longer controller cord, give usa longer controller cord.' So that's why Xbox controllers come with 3-meter cords."

While this process was getting under way, Luke was busy transitioning from the Microsoft Hardware Group—the team behind the SideWinder line of PC game pads—to become creative director of the Xbox project. As luck would have it, he had already doodled a few concepts for both the system

and its controller. His first sketch, created in late August '99

Power/Reset Button

on the back of a tax form, was little more than a few stylized controllers next to a bulky outline of the letter X.

The image stuck. When Microsoft announced the Xbox at the 2000 Game Developers Conference in San Jose, the now- infamous silver X- shaped demo unit that Bill Gates unveiled

onstage was essentially Luke's tax-form doodle brought to

life in gleaming aluminum, which acted as the perfect heat


sink for the hard drive and prototype Xbox chipset inside. lot of people kept saying we should make that aluminum X the final box," Luke tells us, "but it's kinda hard to send something like that out to the customer. At least now we

knew that what the customer really wanted was something

2% ba


What's the bottom look like? We didn't include a shot of the Xbox’s underside because, well, there wasn’t really anything to see down there. Unlike most consoles, Xbox doesn’t sport an expansion port on its rear or bottom. “We have four high-speed game controller ports and a 100-megabit ethernet port that we feel will cover the spectrum of high- speed digital interfacing that might come up,” Microsoft’s J Allard explains.

that had the look and spirituality of that unit. We just had to figure out how to make that particular design suitable for the gamer’s A/V cabinet or on the floor or under the bed, wherever they want to keep it.”

The concept work continued. Luke and Microsoft’s other industrial designers locked themselves in a conference room with bottles of wine, pizza, stacks of 8.5- by 11-inch paper and а red Microsoft proprietary stamp they'd plunk on every sketch. "Then we'd go like mad,” Luke says. "No idea was a bad idea, so you’d see wacky ideas, anything from these monuments you’d put in your living room to the more

expectable ones.” One concept had the Xbox looking small

Power Plug

System Fan

and cubish. Another called for the system's green jewel to glow while the machine was running, like the red eye of HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Eventually, Luke had hundreds of sketches for controllers and the console itself. Meanwhile, Microsoft's gamer interviews rolled on. Your comments, more often than not, revolved around what you thought of the competition's systems. “Ме found it was extremely limiting for people that the PS2 only had two controller ports," Luke says. "So we were like, 'Four ports— that's what people want on a game console. No need to investigate this further. The Xbox will have four ports."

Gamer surveys also produced a bar graph that worked like

Digital Connector

Ethernet Port

The "Powered by DirectX" slogan that floated in the X- shaped demo unit's green jewel was replaced with the

Xbox logo in the final design. And if you pop off the box's top, the interior looks very PC-ish, with the hard drive positioned to the right of the DVD drive, and the CPU and GPU on the motherboard beneath both drives.

a road map for the design of the system—and especially its joypad. The graph showed that gamers felt the Dreamcast and its pads looked too plain, while PlayStation 2 was rated as slightly more exciting. You wanted Xbox to look even snazzier. "Our target look fell between ‘intelligent’ and ‘engineered,’” Luke says, pointing to the graph. With his design sweet spot in mind, Luke hung a hoola hoop on a wall plastered with photos of techie gadgets, arranged according to their aesthetic. Pics of mechanical-looking devices—a video camera, for instance—stuck on one corner of the wall, while more sensual stuff—such as a bulbous Spoon watch—

adhered in the opposite corner. Luke's hoop hung over the

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Behold, the first concept sketch of Xbox and its controller (right). Luke doodled it on a tax form one evening at home before he was even assigned to the Xbox project. The sketch inspired the design of the fully functioning demo unit (above). Below and to the right, you see some recent pad prototypes in various stages of design evolution.

Luke documented his tours of gamers’ homes with stacks of photos, which he glued to the boards you see stacked in his office. The pics tell a story about the gamers and their habits where they keep their systems, the kind of techie toys they like and so on. It wasn't all fun. Опе gamer insisted on showing Luke his gun.

area of this collage where the products appeared most intelligent and engineered. That was his target zone, and he went back through his sketches and tossed out everything that didn't fit with the look of the products within the hoop. Ultimately, Luke drew inspiration for the final Xbox design from car amplifiers, stereo gear and CPU heat sinks. "My belief is that it's the job of the Xbox as a product to take what game designers put on those DVDs and bring it back to life," he says. “It’s an experience amplifier.”

One of Microsoft's keenest advantages during this entire design process is that, within a short drive of Area Xbox, lies

the company's own model shop and hardware quality-

Focus-group feedback and the X design combined to make the prototype Xboxes you see below. Note the slot-loading drive on the unit on the right. Oh, and also note that all the system's cables will be green.

Photography by Michael Sexton

assurance center. Those facilities, combined with a staff of electrical and mechanical engineers, means Microsoft has everything it needs to mock up working prototype designs in a couple of days. Technicians can submit the designs to Consumer Reports-style stress tests. They cook them to see if they'll overheat, drop them to see how much abuse they can take from your little brother, artificially age them to see if all the parts will still fit the way they're supposed to years from now. And they can churn out mock-ups for instant feedback from focus groups. Luke, for example, focus tested 50 Xbox color schemes—some units were mostly chrome-

colored, others had more green to them—before he decided


“You have to look at this thing and know that it can deliver everything. It has to look like it's capable of delivering the

highest-fidelity gaming experience available."

—Horace Luke, Xbox Creative Director

on the final box you see here.

But comments on color schemes, controller ports and cord lengths aside, Microsoft seems most keen on what you gamers had to say about, well, Microsoft. After all, this isa company with zilch street cred among console gamers, and Microsoft needs to change that quickly if it wants to achieve its goal of market domination. "People thought Microsoft was going to make this thing too complicated," Luke says. "And that's why we wanted to make Xbox super simple. Why make it have a USB port? You don't need a SCSI in the back. There's no IDE port in the back. It's not a computer. It’s a

piece of appliance. It's a straightforward game box. Period."


For your eyes only: Early Xbox designs had the system in every shape and sitting at every angle. Емеп the DVD tray went through a dozen or more wild conceptual configurations. The only steadfast rules, from the get-go, were that the Xbox must support four joypad ports and be simple in design.

Xbox controller (actual size)"

Dual Accessory Slots

Like the Dreamcast pad, the Xbox controller has two slots on top to hold memory cards and other accessories, including microphone/headphone sets, tilt packs, and, as Microsoft's Seamus Blackley is quick to add, "stuff we haven't even thought of yet."

Rumble Capacity

The built-in rumble feature is powered by two motors, one high pitch and one low, so it can vibrate at levels from "bee buzzing by" to "meteor landing in your lap."

X-tra-long Cords

The controller cord measures just over 9.5 feet long (the DC cord comes in at about 6.5 feet, the Dual Shock 2 close to 8). The designers are hoping this will keep gamers from having to move their Xbox to the floor every time they want to play.

Analog-stick Buttons

Both analog sticks can be "pushed in" like a button, similar to L3 and R3 on Sony's Dual Shock controller.

*This shot represents actual size of the U.S. joypad.

Microsoft is testing the controller in Japan, where its size will likely be adapted for that market.

Analog Buttons

Every button on the pad (except for Start, Back and the D-pad) is analog just like the Dual Shock 2. In other words, they sense different amounts of pressure to control, say, how hard you kick in а fighting game.

Did you say "Back" button? Yep. Instead of the traditional Select button next to Start, Xbox has a Back button that'll backtrack you through menus and options. Microsoft toyed with calling the Start button "Forward" but in the end opted to be conventional.

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Evolution of a controller: Gritty blocks were shaped by hand, then refined over and over by machine according to user feedback, to reach the final design.

The Joypad... usse

what the Xbox system looks like, how it came about, etc., that's all well and good, but from a design standpoint we all know what really matters most: the controller. As the player's access point to every game—and as the one piece of hardware that not only has to look cool but feel comfy in your hands for hours at a time—the joypad is the one component the Xbox team knew they couldn't screw up. So when it came time to design the Xbox pad, Microsoft turned to the same group of trusted experts that helped shape the rest of its system—hardcore gamers.

After talking to hundreds of game addicts, Microsoft concluded that most people liked the Dreamcast controller but didn't think it looked exciting enough. The Dual Shock, on the other hand, got high marks in the looks department but was too small to fill American gamers' hands. Armed with this info and other focus-group data, the Xbox team set out like Goldilocks to find the controller that would look and feel juuuuuust right. The team would bring а few new controller designs to groups of gamers to judge, listen to what they liked and what they hated about the new models, then go back to the drawing board to refine their ideas. This process was repeated until hundreds of different ideas were whittled down to three final designs. When these three were brought back to the focus groups, along with Dreamcast and Dual Shock controllers, 70 percent of those polled chose the final design you see here as their favorite.

So what sort of features got added or axed along the way? Early controller designs incorporated a familiar-looking window for a visual memory card. Why did it get nixed? “Ме went to people's homes and watched them play with their Dreamcast,” Luke explains. “Nine out of 10 people never looked at their VMU. You physically can't focus that fast

between your TV and that little device. Your time of delay

Electronic Gaming

Shoulder Triggers

The triggers on either side of the bottom of the controller also mirror the Dreamcast pad's design. With a wide range and plenty of "travel" to them, they give more precise analog button control for things like

camera adjustment or acceleration in a racing game.

isn't worth the trade of your little gadget." And, as Luke pointed out, it's a nice bonus that leaving off the option will keep the price of memory cards down. Microsoft also went back and forth on the idea of four or six buttons on the front of the pad, but "time and time again the gamers said don't give up (the extra buttons)," Luke says. “We want those extra buttons. They have to be there.’” And so there they are—definitely good news for fighting game fans.

We got to handle the Xbox controller for a bit at Area Xbox (without playing any actual games with it), and it felt good to us. Large and substantial, it looks and feels a lot like the Dreamcast pad, but it's more form-fitting and contoured to the hand, like a beefed-up version of Microsoft's Sidewinder PC controller—not surprising, since many of the same people

worked on both pieces of hardware.


The Hardware... кегхь»

is а maze. Instead of a cubicle, everyone who works here gets his or her own office. So it's nothing but winding hallway after winding hallway, with few open areas to give us our bearings, as we seek out the Xbox conference room. When we finally do find it, after passing the kitchen three times, it's clear we've hit the right place. Black-and-green Xbox banners dangle from the ceiling. An X-shaped standee dominates one wall. A minifridge crammed with the lethally caffeinated Whoop Ass soda—the official pop of Area Xbox— sits on a table surrounded by classic game systems. And near the rear of the room we see an Xbox dev kit (one of the early units—the near-final kits hit developers in a few weeks) hooked to a 20-inch monitor, on which a dolphin swims in lazy circles over the sandy sea floor, filtered sunlight dancing on every hi-res texture.

It's not the most spectacular tech demo we've ever seen. The dolphin and its environment are a few steps in visual quality below the new Ессо the Dolphin game on Dreamcast. But then we notice the framerate ticker in the corner of the screen. This demo's running at 300 frames per second. Not bad, considering that rate is five times faster than the monitor can even display. Seamus Blackley, manager of Microsoft's Advanced Technology Group—and the man who kicked off the Xbox project—watches us eyeing the dolphin. "On the final Xbox chipset, that demo will run at over 1,000 frames per second,” he says. "And that's all being generated on the graphics chip. The CPU isn't doing anything right now." The raw power of Xbox swims into focus. This thing can pump visuals comparable to PS2 without breaking a sweat.

Comparisons between Xbox and Р52 are inevitable. The Xbox team certainly welcomes them; their system outpaces PS2 in every tech-spec category. But these guys are even more proud of the process behind the hardware's design—a design they're not even taking credit for. “We didn't go and design the Xbox," says J Allard, general manager of the Xbox platform. “We talked to the game-development community, and the game community designed the thing."

From the very beginning of this grass-roots process, Blackley and Allard shot hundreds of questions to game developers. "What frustrates you about the consoles?" they asked. "What do you love about them? What do you like about PC development? What don't you like about it?" They heard again and again that developers were seeing 30 percent of their creative vision stripped away by hardware constraints, and the PS2's architecture turned out to be the target of many gripes. “Тһе VU processors on the PlayStation 2 are super-powerful, but hey—a 4-meg frame buffer? What

am | going to do with that?" Allard says, summing up


4 ше aJ -

“When we show this

system and thot it plays N all those Internet Y rumors will go away—the ) Excel-running, TiVo-

playing, nuclear-powered machine won't exist."

s Blackley

developers’ most common comments on Sony's system. "Now | have to think about using my time to build a good resource manager to use the four megabytes effectively. It's like driving a Ferrari with bald tires in the rain. You can't really realize the potential of the system because one weak component takes away from the overall power."

The Xbox team also established an advisory board of industry luminaries, including id's John Carmack, Unreal Engine creator Tim Sweeney, folks at EA, developers in Japan and tech guys from PC-hardware companies. It was an often informal arrangement. Board members would hop on e-mail

strings and offer suggestions on everything from the merits

118 gm


of DVD-movie playback to ideal licensing fees. “We asked

for input and they were like, 'Holy sh. t! You guys actually listen to us and implement our changes!” Blackley says. Soon, Blackley had a laundry list of components and specs, everything Xbox needed to make it the ultimate gaming hot-rod. Its 755 MHz Intel CPU would be more than twice as speedy as the PS2's. More importantly, Xbox would give developers what they really wanted—plenty of RAM, 64 megabytes of it, unified so they could divvy it between graphics, sound, physics, etc., any way they saw fit. Then there's the hard drive, a component so unique to console

gaming that we've tackled it in a sidebar. All that combined

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 119

Photography by Michael Sexton

Xbox pappa: Before he got into the game biz, Blackley played with the world's most souped-up particle accelerator as a physicist at Fermilab, near Chicago. After a programming stint at Looking Glass Studios (he worked on System Shock) and producer job at DreamWorks Interactive, Blackley joined Microsoft’s DirectX team and came up with the initial idea for Xbox. Lately he’s playing Jet Grind Radio, Vib- Ribbon and Crazy Taxi—at least when he’s not zooming around Area Xbox on his motorized skateboard. Оп а related note, the words “Seamus was here” are written in permanent marker above a foot-long gouge in one office wall.

We may be almost a year from Xbox’s launch, but Microsoft’s online plans are already starting to crystallize. First the big news: Don’t expect a 56k modem to launch with Xbox. Although the company initially planned to release an analog modem with the system, now “it’s possible but not in our plan,” says Microsoft’s J Allard. “Who wants to deal with a 45-second dial-up time to go find your friends? Who wants to configure their ISPs? Who wants to leave their machines on overnight to download a new level?”

Instead of settling for today’s technology, Microsoft is betting on the future: broadband via the Xbox’s built-in ethernet port. And they aren’t wasting any time getting started—a few first- party Xbox titles with online multiplayer support will launch with the system this fall. We expect Bungie’s Halo to be one of those titles, and Activision has confirmed that the Xbox-enhanced version of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 will offer network play. Microsoft’s also kicking around the idea of letting gamers post save files to the Web so they can share them with friends.

While their broadband-only strategy might leave some gamers out of luck until DSL and cable modems become available everywhere, Microsoft—like Sony—is convinced that gamers want cutting-edge game experiences and don’t want to settle for less. “People want to download new levels,” Allard told us. “They want to be able to do voice. You try shoving all that stuff through a 56K modem, it’s going to be a bad experience. Technically it’s possible, and if developers and gamers start pushing us we'll consider it, but so far gamers and developers are like "Мо compromises, baby."

eenlight a с green. Ме come in in the final ur and tell developers their main character should have ponytails and not pigtails, which other console companies have apparently done."

—J Allard General Manager, Xbox Platform

with the custom nVidia graphics chip—which until recently was so powerful it only existed on paper—has Microsoft sitting on a system that "puts creative control in the hands of the artist, not the programmers," Blackley says.

And Xbox is a console that's as friendly as it is powerful. It's built on coding tools and graphics-card technology that the PC industry has spent years and millions of dollars refining. “It’s not like, ‘Oh, it’s a brand-new system. Let's start over. Let's rethink everything. Let's use this weird chip


configuration that the world's never seen before,” says Lorne Lanning, head of Oddworld Inhabitants, which recently shifted development of Munch's Oddysee exclusively to Xbox. It's not hard to figure out which system Lanning—an outspoken critic of PS2—is comparing Xbox to. "The only people who get excited about systems like that are heavy programmers. C'mon, it's not like we need to invent the movie camera every time we go out to shoot a movie. You want to focus on the story and the characters."

Xbox can pump out more than twice as many polygons as

PS2. Its combo of plentiful memory and a big hard drive

Xbox Explorer: Allard plans to install a half-pipe at Area Xbox, and we reckon the man behind Internet Explorer can do anything he wants. After heading up Microsoft's Net strategy for nine years, Allard returned to his passion, gaming, and joined the Xbox team. Recently, he donated big bucks to charity after an intern beat him in an office Tony Hawk 2 tourney. Turns out this “intern” was the THPS2 world champion, secretly flown in for the tourney by Allard's staff.

uo3xes |opuoiw Ха АчдозВозоча

allows levels to sprawl as far as the eye can see. But you

don't get the entire picture of what Xbox means for console gaming unless you consider every facet of its nVidia graphics-processing unit, which offers developers а different rendering philosophy from what they're used to on other consoles. "How many polygons do you think the T-Rex in the movie Jurassic Park was made of?" Blackley asks us. We shrug. Millions, we figure. “Yeah, everyone always thinks it was millions of polygons, but it only had about 74,000. The reason it looked so good is because the artists used shaders.” Shaders are graphics routines that, just like a texture map, run on every pixel in a game's scene. But instead of mapping a texture onto in-game models, shaders add extra-special effects—things like glisten maps that make the T-Rex look wet and shiny, and bump maps that

add texture to its skin, and environment maps that reflect

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In some ways it's like a big memory card—one that could hold the same amount of data as a thousand PS2 cards or 64,000 Dreamcast VMUs. But really now, the 8-gigabyte hard drive encased in the Xbox is much, much more than a simple memory card. While it will be the primary storage spot for save games (the 8-meg memory card is there just so you can whisk saves to a pal's house), the hard drive is also a powerful tool for developers.

Allow us to explain. The quality of the visuals on any system is limited by the amount of RAM it has; RAM is where all the graphics and level data live before being processed by the GPU and beamed to your TV screen. The more RAM you got, the larger and more visually impressive your levels can be. While new data can be continuously spooled from the DVD into RAM (a technique called "streaming"), this process is limited by a relatively slow transfer rate. That's why developers normally just load entire levels into RAM at one go—and why you see the “Мом Loading" screen so often.

The Xbox hard drive changes all that by giving developers between 500 and 700 megabytes of bonus memory to use as a big buffer for textures and such. And data streams from the hard drive into the Xbox's 64 megs of RAM so fast that it doesn't interrupt gameplay. "Game developers will design a 100- megabyte race track, which can't fit in memory, so they will stick that on the hard drive," Microsoft's J Allard explains. “Апа they'll do it in the background during the intro FMV, kinda stream it off and park it in there." What does this mean for games? Imagine a Tony Hawk title with two skate parks combined into one huge course—and with a big boost in visual quality. Yikes.

Another huge chunk of the hard drive is sectioned off just for saved games and other user functions—such as the ability to create your own game soundtracks. That's right, the Xbox will allow you to rip songs from CDs and store them on the hard drive (likely saving them in a non-transferable proprietary MP3 format). Then you can play them back in games that support this feature. "We're going to encourage game developers who are using redbook-style audio to play user- driven soundtracks,” Allard says. "you'll be able to pop in blink-182, jam 12 songs from the CD, then play that back in the game." So, if you think the music sucks in your Xbox game, it'll be your fault.

The final portion of the hard drive will be dedicated to storing downloaded extras. And by extras, Microsoft doesn't mean PC-style patches you need to make the games run how they should've in the first place. They mean new levels, tracks, characters, skins, weapons—all kinds of add-ons to extend the life of your Xbox games. “So say you're playing a racing game,” Allard explains. “It says, 'Congratulations, you won the grand championship. You now get to download а special track.’ You download it and it tells you how much space it’s going to take.”

And the best part is the hard drive, much unlike one found in a PC, requires no user maintenance. Microsoft designed the system so you’ll never need to defrag the drive. If it does somehow become corrupted, recovery software will be available, probably included on a demo disc. So if the hard drive does crash, worst-case scenario is you need to re- download the levels and re-rip the music you lost—a small price to pay considering what you’re getting in return.

your character’s startled face in the big beast’s eyes. Yes, the PS2’s GPU can add these effects, too, but they come with a performance hit. On Xbox, shaders are built into the hardware; the GPU can do up to three of them per render pass. “Xbox allows us to get shader controls that we just weren't seeing at a reasonable cost on the ‘other system,” Lanning says. “On Xbox, we’re getting them almost for free.” The lesson here is that artists working on Xbox games can rely on many of the same effects they’d use when doing high-end stuff for movies and TV. “It’s the next step in controlling how a scene looks,” says Blackley.

Xbox will also differ from PS2 in some of its fundamental,


meat-and-potatoes functions. For

starters, Microsoft plans to include a V-chip-like parental control. No, this thing won't turn blood green or tone down game content for the kindergarten crowd. It works just like the parental code on your DVD player. Enable it, and the Xbox won't play games above a certain ESRB rating unless you enter a password. Speaking of DVD, the system won't play movies right out of the box—you'll need to buy a separate remote control to activate the DVD-flick interface.

"We talked to all these guys who bought PS2 because it plays


Xbox PS2 GameCube CPU Graphics nVidia custom- 147.456MHz 202.5 MHz Custom Processor designed 250MHz chip "Flipper" chip Total Memory Polygon 125 million/sec. 66 million/sec. 6-12 million/sec.* Performance Particle Performance Compressed Үе (6:1) No N/A Textures Storage Medium Audio 256 48 64 Channels 3D Audio Support in Hardware Broadband Yes Future Optional Enabled Upgrade DVD-Movie Playback Maximum 1920Х1080 1280Х1024 МЈА Resolution U.S. Launch Date


What's the big deal?

Speed schmeed. The real benefit here is the Xbox's straightforward Intel CPU is easier for developers to wrangle than PS2's mysterious Emotion Engine.

The Xbox's GPU allows cool effects like bump mapping and glisten maps with little to no performance hit. It also frees up the CPU for physics and Al.

Not only does the Xbox have a lot of RAM, it's also unified and can be accessed twice as fast.

Long story short, the Xbox will be able to show some very detailed models.

The PS2 can generate more bits-of-light effects on screen at once than Microsoft's machine.

With the Xbox's supposedly lossless compression, developers will be able to store loads of textures into RAM, making for near-film-quality visuals.

Following the trend of the day, the Xbox uses DVD discs, but can read them faster than the PS2.

Xbox's high number of channels means it can generate 256 separate sound effects at once.

Although it supports high-end surround-sound setups, Xbox can also pump out 3D positional effects through two stereo TV speakers.

Microsoft expects that a few Xbox launch games will offer online play courtesy of the ethernet port.

Like the PS2, the Xbox will be able to play DVD flicks, but you'll need to buy a separate remote.

With such high-resolution capabilities, the Xbox looks to be the only game system able to display games in a true HDTV format.

The main issue here is Microsoft will be facing second-generation PS2 product when Xbox hits.

*Not quite a fair comparison here, since Nintendo's numbers represent in-game performance with effects on, while Sony and Microsoft's specs are theoretical maximums.

movies, while games were just a bonus for them,” Allard says regarding the decision to require a remote. "We were like, 'Gee, we want you as a customer eventually, but we'd be really mad if you bought an Xbox and took it away from a gamer to play movies."

You'll also notice that the Xbox doesn't sport USB ports, even though Microsoft originally announced it would have them. It seems like a slight chink in the Xbox armor, but Blackley is adamant that USB doesn't belong on a games machine because there's no guarantees that off-the-shelf peripherals will automatically work when you plug them in. "There are infinite possibilities for us to work with people who do camcorders and stuff to make special adapters," he

says. "Then that's cool, because you can be sure the camera

or whatever plugs right in and works perfectly." Microsoft also promises that the Xbox's start-up sequence will be much shorter than the PS2's boot-up bells and whistles. They expect Xbox will have you staring at a game's title screen within eight seconds of switching on the machine.

A rap on the conference-room door means it's time to wrap up our hardware questions. But before we head off to see Xbox games in action, Blackley takes a second to drive one last message home. In our quest to understand the specs, it seems, we've missed one important point. “People always ask what the unique thing about Xbox is," he tells us, "and | don't think it's about technology or anything. It's the fact that it's guys like us doing it. We're gamers, and we're

psyched, so we're working hard to make this thing different."

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Тће Games. = = Seamus Blackley is

grilling us on Gradius ПАЛМ. “Do you use Auto power-up ог Manual?” he asks. “How many times do you speed boost? What missile do you use?” We’d heard the Xbox guys were hardcore gamers, but we wondered how much of that rep was PR spin. That was before we saw the Robotron coin-op in the hall. That was before we saw the Genesis cart boxes lining hallways like art. That was before we flew to Redmond for these interviews, which often turned into shoot-the-bull sessions about our favorite gaming moments. “When you’re playing Gradius or Tony Hawk and you do something you can’t believe you just did, there’s a higher connection between you and the machine you don’t understand,” Blackley said during one such discussion. “The reason | get more excited about Xbox every day is because the developers who like that kind of sh_t are coming to Xbox.” Being gamers themselves, the Xboxers know it’s the games that’ll make or break their system. That’s why Allard oversees an army of guys whose sole job is to hook up with publishers and developers, help them come to grips with the hardware, snag Xbox-exclusive titles and, in short, “make publishers rich and turn developers into heroes,” he says. Allard expects to have at least 10 third-party titles ready

at launch, in all the key genres—sports, racing, action and

fighting. His policy on the these games is simple. “No ports,

no patches, no sh_t” is his motto. Microsoft will have a review board that approves each potential Xbox title in the early stages of its development. Of course, Sony, Nintendo and Sega rely on a similar type of quality control (although they tend to approve games at the end of the dev cycle), yet we still see crappy games on those systems. Why should we expect any different from Microsoft? "We know what the system is capable of,” Allard explains. "There's a quality bar. If you don't clear that bar, we're not interested." Microsoft demands that any PS2 or PC games coming to Xbox must be

jazzed up to take advantage of the more powerful hardware.


Shots marked with this symbol are actual Xbox screens, running on first-generation dev kits that offer 50 percent of the final system's power. All other shots are on PC.


“Who was Naughty Dog before Crash Bandicoot? Who was Alexi (Pajitnov) before Tetris? Who were the crazy guys who came up with Pokémon before they met Nintendo?" The answer to all of

J Allard’s questions, of course, is nobody. And since the Xbox team knows that innovation on any system often comes from the little guy and not the big-name companies, they are very interested in these kinds of nobodies—interested enough to offer two programs to help them become somebodies on the Xbox.

One is the Xbox Prototype Kit, where prospective developers receive instructions on how to build a PC that can approximate the Xbox, plus details and tools to help write code. The second program is aimed at even smaller operations—the proverbial “two guys in a garage with a killer idea,” Allard says. If a particular game concept catches the eye of an approval board at Microsoft, they'll send the people behind it an Xbox dev kit, and help get their game to the stage where they can go and shop it around to publishers. What does Microsoft get out of the deal? Hopefully plenty of new and original—and possibly exclusive— Xbox software, maybe even the Next Big Thing.

New Legends

The Druid King SEF:


Also Xbox bound: Developer Infinite Machines’ New Legends hits at launch; The Druid King, from Sidhe Interactive, is due in early 2002; Elixir Studios is readying its political sim Republic; and Yager (working title) will arrive from German developer Yager Developments.

“People have proposed ports and they're like, 'Hey, we're The Xbox's lineup of third-party publishers is simply

doing a PC version in June, and we'll get around to an Xbox awesome. Take industry giant Electronic Arts, which just version for the holiday. What do you think?"" Allard says. announced its support. We've learned ЕА has been working "And we're like, ‘Well, are you going to use pixel shaders? Will with Microsoft since the beginning as part of the Xbox

you take advantage of the extra memory to make the levels Advisory Board (perhaps that's one reason EA has avoided bigger? How many polys are your characters? What are you Dreamcast). ЕА developers have ordered more than 500 doing that's special to Xbox?'" He points to the Xbox- Xbox dev kits and are bringing all their major franchises to enhanced version of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 as an the system—expect 10 titles within its first six months. Now, example. It will offer multiplayer over the Internet, along every publisher that matters, more than 200 in all, is behind with skate parks from the first game. Early reports indicate Xbox. Of course, Sony is deploying all guns to lock up as these older parks will be merged with the new game's levels, many Р52 exclusives as possible, but so far "we have not making for truly sprawling environments. been held up from getting what we want,” Allard promises.

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 128 - www.zdnet.com/egm


Confirmed Titles

Tony Hawk 2 Enhanced * Activision Internal Affairs ATD

Salt Lake City 2002 ATD

1906: An Arctic Odyssey * Black Cactus Halo * Bungie

Defender of the Crown е Cinemaware Title Defense Climax

Stunt Driver Climax

SRC Criterion

X-Isle Cytek

Dragon's Lair 3D * Dragonstone Knockout Kings EA

Madden NFL 2002 * EA

SSX Snowboarding EA

VIP Kalisto/Ubi Soft

Kessen 3 * Koei

Crash Bandicoot X Konami

Metal Gear Solid X Konami

Silent Hill X * Konami

Black & White Lionhead

Project: Dragonfly Lost Boys Games Soldier of Fortune Majesco

Tyco R/C Mattel

F1GP3 * Microprose/Hasbro

Crimson Skies е Microsoft MechWarrior X Microsoft

Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee Oddworld Inhabitants

Warzone Online Paradox

Giants Planet Moon

Picassio Promethean Design

Half Life 2 Sierra

Tetris World « THQ


Villeneuve: Virtual Velocity Ubi Soft

“We’re about to show fo es that are

—€d Fries, VP of Games Publishing

Xbox Game Boy: “The stuff we have signed is really hot. They’re box movers.” Before Ed Fries took over in 1995, the

Microsoft Games

Still, it’s the first-party games that will initially set the

bar for what Xbox can до. Есі Fries, Microsoft's vice president

Unconfirmed but Likely

Spider-Man Activision

Operation Flashpoint Bohemia Interactive Colin McRae Х Codemasters

FIFA 2002 EA


Lara Croft X Eidos Legacy of Kain Eidos Duke Nukem Х GoD Jurassic Park 3 Konami The Thing Konami Outcast 2 Infogrames Obi-Wan LucasArts

Star Wars Galaxies LucasArts/Verant Ready 2 Rumble Round 2/3 Midway

Spy Hunter Midway

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Raven

Desert Storm SCi The Great Escape SCi Thunderbirds SCi

Pack Rat Screamin Monkey

The Matrix Shiny Sacrifice Shiny Sinister RPG Sinister

Final Fantasy Х Square EA Neverwinter Nights Stormfront


Rayman Revolution Ubi Soft

Jungle Book Ubi Soft Dinosaur Ubi Soft Rayman Online е Ubi Soft Rayman Tribes Ubi Soft

division had one well- known franchise: Flight Simulator. Yawn. Today there's Motocross Madness, Starlancer, Age of Empires—oh, and some Japanese game called Metal Gear Solid (Microsoft publishes the PC version). In addition to leading in-house Xbox development, Ed is the man in charge of finding talented developers and luring them to Microsoft's first-party team. Is he good at his job? Just ask Lorne Lanning.

of games publishing, oversees 12 internal and 19 external development houses that are crafting 40 first-party Xbox games at the moment, and that’s not including another 12 or so titles in the works in Japan. “I have about a dozen games aimed for launch right now,” he tells us, "but as we get closer, and we see that certain games need more time, that number will probably fall to six." Fries plans to ship 20 to 30 titles during the system's first year. Like Allard, he's also aiming for every genre. We know a Bruce Lee fighting game is in the works, as well as snowboarding and football titles. The Japanese first-party studios are kicking around concepts for an RPG, but nothing's been approved. Fries is gearing all the initial first-party Xbox games to the hardcore 16- to 26-year-old crowd. "Those are the gamers who influence everyone else," Fries tells us. *Those are the guys who stand in line all night to buy your system. We want to give them what they want, then broaden out later."

Fries has a pretty good idea of what those gamers don't want, too. "We're doing zero ports," he says. The first-party group is instead taking established Microsoft PC franchises like Crimson Skies and Mechwarrior and making "consolized"

versions set within the same universe. So you'll get, say, a

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"| think Japan is the hardest market for Xbox," Microsoft first-party-games guy Ed Fries tells us. "At the same time, | think we can be very successful there." Now there's a smug- sounding statement, especially considering that no U.S. game console has ever thrived in the fickle but crucial Japanese market. But Microsoft, as you'd expect, isn't invading Japan without a plan. For starters, the company's top brass has been wooing Japanese developers since fall '99, and so far nearly all the names that matter—including Capcom, Konami and Namco—are on board to make Xbox games. Even long-time Sony-pal Square has all but officially announced its support.

And on the flipside of that yen coin, Microsoft can depend on its burgeoning first- party development house in Japan. By the end of June, more than 100 programmers, artists and other staff will be working out of this studio, which is based in Tokyo and helmed by Toshiyuki Miyata. Fries hired Miyata away from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., where he worked as one of the top guys in SCEI first- party development (most recently, Miyata was responsible for the Dark Cloud project). “The great thing about Miyata-san is he has connections—very top connections,” Fries says. “He’s working with some really exciting

developers over there that you've heard of but | can't talk about yet." Miyata is overseeing three in-house projects for Microsoft and about a dozen external projects. These games will likely hit both the U.S. and Japanese Xbox markets, although they won't be branded with any special "Microsoft Japan" tag to differentiate them from American and European first-party games. "Our preference is that we make games there that can work worldwide but have a Japanese flavor and can be extra successful in Japan,” Fries says, “but we may produce some games out of [Miyata's] group that are only for the Japanese market as we go along."

Microsoft's acquisition of Digital Anvil means the highly anticipated deep-space trading game Freelancer (above) is no doubt on course for Xbox. Below, the first shots from Funcom's Hydro Thunder-esque JetSprint (working title). It's running on an early Xbox dev kit, but Microsoft has yet to greenlight the game for development.

Mechwarrior game with the same rich backstory, but the

gameplay will be lighter on the sim stuff and more action- packed. Because of this ban on straight PC ports, Microsoft has no plans to release a keyboard and mouse for Xbox.

And that brings us back to Microsoft's master plan for Xbox. The guys behind the machine insist that, in spite of its PC guts, it's a hardcore console at heart. Sure, we still have unanswered questions about the system. How much will it cost? (Around $300, we suspect). What's its exact launch date? But it's clear that the guys behind this thing know their games and know how to run a hardware business—even

if they have fun doing it. "On the one hand you can be really

worried that J and | are riding our skateboards around the halls here and acting like adolescent idiots," Blackley says, "but in reality the deal is we're really serious about making the right product for the guys who are going to get it. We spend an amazing amount of time just thinking about what it's like walking into EB and buying that next title, what you're thinking about and what you're asking the sales guy. ! remember what that was like and want to make sure this product kicks ass for those people."

And if you're still not sold, take heart—things could be worse. "What if the only marker | had with me when | started

designing Xbox was pink?" Luke says. E

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© 2 -– |

Review Crew This Month...

ell, we didn't top last month's record of 74 W: but we came close. How close?

Count 'ет yourself, мете too tired. When will the madness end? Hopefully next month— with the holiday rush and PS2 launch finally behind us, maybe we'll be able to get back to Some ofthe finer things in life, like eating, and this "sleep" stuff we keep hearing so much about. Next

The Crew Crispin Boyer

Crispin was so floored by the Xbox that he spent the rest of the month walking on all fours like a spider. Now he needs to wash his hands before each meal.

Favorite Genres: Action, Adventure

Our young squire still has that goofy look of enthusiasm on his face everyday when he comes to work. We must be paying him too much.

Favorite Genres: Fighting, Action

Dean just bought a new house and has been perusing the Martha Stewart cata- log for well over a month now. We want our Dean back and we can't have him!

Favorite Genre: Sports, Racing

Chris Johnston

“Since getting a new kitten this month (named Houdini), С)5 hands have been marked with scratches and bite marks. Or were those from 6) “Uppity” Sewart?

Favorite Genres: Adventure, Puzzle

Kraig Kujawa

Kraig resumed using the numbers 8 and 9 in his everyday life, although it hasn't been easy. The anger is still there, and, quite frankly, so is the smell.

Favorite Genres: Sports, Strategy

year promises to be even more insane though—all the systems you see here now (although the N64 and PS should be slowing to a trickle), plus Gamecube, Game Boy Advance, and Xbox games? And what about game.com —that sucker is primed for a comeback! Wait...OK, we’re delirious, we bet- ter get some sleep. Check back next month for Paper Mario, Mario Tennis GBC and more. pg

Dan Leahy

Sports games take their toll on even the hardiest of editors. Poor Dan required a false neck and prosthetic pinky graft this month.

Favorite Genres: Sports, Mah-jong

Ryan Lockhart

Ryan plans on spending the holidays indoors, where the harmful rays of the sun will never reach his increasingly transparent self. Hollow Man indeed.

Favorite Genres: Adventure, RPG

Mark MacDonald

Mark is so paranoid about the Xbox exclusive leaking that he made us all sign non-disclosure agreements about what he's been up to this month.

Favorite Genres: Action, Adventure

Milky wishes he could just sit down and play a 1/1 Sin & Punishment this month, but it's been too hectic. Oh, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Favorite Genres: Fighting, RPG

Bearing an unnatural affinity for Grandia |, Greg has been slowly turning into a super-deformed sprite of his former self, and we kind of like it!

Favorite Genres: Racing, Action, RPG

Additional Contributors

Platinum Aw; Graduating from Crappy-Games Editor to Баланы на to Ethan Einhorn Crappy-GBC Games ator Ethan is moving up. * г John may be EGM's Editor in Chief, but he still 105: the best and rarest John Davison hangs out with the contributors. What a guy. review a game can get. " T 7 Sam Kennedy Despite his family’s insistance he run for public Gala: Award ü office, Sam reviews games for OPM and EGM. о Joe Rybicki OPM's Review Editor, Joe just wanted to sneak games i average у! into EGM's reviews to steal trade secrets. Score equals 9.0 or We say we hate the former EGM regular, but it's higher. Shawn Smith just to mask the pain we've felt since he left us. i Another OPM editor, Gary did two whole Games that average at Gary Steinman reviews this issue, doubling his previous record. least an 8.0 receive All it took to bribe Todd (ће works for OPM too) Silver Awards. Todd Zuniga into doing a review for us was some Pop Rocks.

| nthly - 128 zdnet.com/egm

DoD. о

EGM rates games based on how they compare with other titles on the same sys- tem. The highest score we'll give a game is a 10. When a game receives a 10, you can rest assured it's one of the best games ever made—a revolutionary title that truly stands above everything else in its genre for its time. At the other end of the spectrum sits the lowest score a game can receive: a 0.0. This is the kind of game you want to avoid at all costs. It’s pure crap, as our scale (above) explains. In the middle lies the average grade, 5.0. We repeat: 5.0 IS AN AVERAGE GRADE. Simple, ain’t it?

Grandia Il Ро.129

Not only have two Dreamcast games won Game of the Month two months running, but two Dreamcast RPGs? Sega's system has very quickly transformed from an RPG desert into a flourishing oasis for fans of the genre. Could Phantasy Star Online make it three in a row next month?


1 Grandia || Ubi Soft

Project Justice Capcom

Final Fantasy IX

Square EA


Banjo-Tooie Nintendo

1 8

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete

g Working Designs

1 Sky Odyssey Ara


Capcom vs. SNK Capcom Zelda: Majora's Mask Nintendo Shenmue Sega


Capcom Developer: Capcom Featured I EGM #137 Players: 1-2 Supports: Jump Pack, VGA Box

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

You got your Capcom in my SNK! Gameplay favors Capcom slightly WWW.capcom.com

The fact that this game even exists is a miracle. When Marvel vs. Capcom first came out | thought that was the bee's knees as far as crossovers were concerned, but this is something else. Trying to balance the var- ied stables of the Capcom ranch and the SNK club- house must have been a nightmare for Capcom's coders (who handled the development of this game), but they did it, although at a price. Since SNK char- acters generally have a lot more special attacks than Capcom characters, there were cuts made to SNK's fighters. Virtually every SNK character is missing a move or two, which will tick off fans of their previous games no doubt. Fortunately, there are unlockable bonuses you can open to reverse the situation. In fact, there's a ton of unlockable bonuses. Мео•бео Pocket Color support is included, so anyone with Match of the Millennium should dig that out. The graphics are sweet, with combinations of back- grounds from both companies present, as well as completely new ones. Sound effects are truly old- school, as are some of the cutscenes linking chapters together. The control is the best out of any Capcom 2D fighter for the DC. If you have an ASCII ЕТ Pad it's unbelievable. There is some room for improve- ment though: Animation could be SFIII smooth, backgrounds could go the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 route, and the graphics hi-res like Guilty Gear X. Even so, I'd snap it up in a heartbeat. Milkman Thank heaven for Capcom and SNK; we'd be doomed to play 3D fighters forever if it weren't for them (ack!). While flawed іп a few regards, CvS is the most entertaining fighter I’ve played in years. From the intricate stage backgrounds to the luscious chain combos, CvS is pure gold. Sure, there could have been a few more КОР or SF faves among the 30+ characters, but my real complaint is what will be keeping the game out of competitive circles—a fairly obscure but powerful technical glitch in the Capcom Groove that lets you charge your Super meter at an insane rate with certain fighters. Disheartening, yes, but CvS is stilla guaranteed blast. Jonathan

| love Capcom. That said, І also love SNK, so this game was a dream come true. And, aside from a few small nicks, | couldn't be happier. First of all, this game is just beautiful. Say what you want about 2D being dead, as long as companies like Capcom can keep pumping out titles that look this good, hand-drawn games will never fully go away. Not only are the characters superbly animated (at least better than CPS2 games), the backgrounds are amaz- ing—there's one with these shadows that must be seen to be believed. My only real problem is the game- play feels a little slow for my tastes (I still have MvC2 on the brain), but aside from that, excellent. Ryan



Publisher: Ubi Soft Developer: Game Arts Featured In: EGM #136 Players: 1 Supports: VGA Box

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Graphics are insane Battles are а bit too easy www.grandia2.com

As an RPG fan, I’m used to being disappointed. Great...wait, no, even good RPGs are a rare thing, and if we.get one a year it's celebration time. Yet, here | am, faced with not one, but two incredible RPGs for the Dreamcast, released only weeks apart. First Skies of Arcadia and now Grandia Il, It's almost enough to freak me out. Both of these games are exceptional. experiences; beautiful, compelling, fun—but it has to be said, Skies is slightly better. Of course that's like someone giving you a car made of solid gold instead of platinum: You really can't com- plain. Well, you could, but you'd be an idiot. While Grandia 11 сегігіліу looks better-overall (some of the texture work is pure insanity) and has a more enjoy- able battle system, the incredibly linear feel detracts slightly, especially when compared to Skies’ super open-to-exploration feel. And there's no free-look option, something that was a welcome addition in Skies. That said, RPGs are interactive stories, and thanks to its linear approach, Grandia ІІ presents its tale wonderfully. And what a tale it is. Thankfully Ubi Soft pulled out а the stops and not only did a nifty job on the overall translation, but the superb voice acting as well. A bit too anime'ish in some areas, but superb nonetheless. The graphic quality does drop a bit nearthe end, and most of the battles are too easy, but neither of these complaints really detracts from the overall game. Don't miss it. Ryan

Publisher: Agetec

Developer: SNK

Featured Іп: EGM #129

Players: 1-2

Supports: Jump Pack

Best Feature: Solid gameplay

Worst Feature: Really showing its age Web Site: www.agetec.com

King of Fighters has come a long way in the past six years, but, at the same time, it's barely moved at all. Evolution has great 3D backgrounds (even more involved than the ones found in the last Dreamcast KoF release), some cool new play options, and that incredibly strong, classic feel. The problem is, the feel isn't the only thing about Evolution that's classic. This is the Dreamcast damnit, shouldn't we have better animation? Better special move effects? Why does it seem like the only real differences between the PlayStation and Dreamcast versions of КОР '99 are the backgrounds? | can't get over the sense this latest KoF just feels stiff, and lacks any kind of real impact for the eyes. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by the latest Capcom releases, | don't know. Visuals aside though, Evolution is damn nifty. We've got new char- acters, playable Bosses from the arcade version, an entirely new system (named Striker, it allows you to add a fourth non-playable character that can be called upon in special attacks), and more. special moves. I’m not sure how much I enjoy the new Power Gauge system though—there’s only one that allows for two types of power-ups. So it still plays great (well, mostly), and hardcore KoF fans will surely love Evolution, but that doesn’t excuse the fact it looks like a game that’s more than a half decade old. For Dreamcast KoF thrills, | think PIL just stick with Capcom vs. SNK for now. Ryan

Grandia proved that Lunar wasn’t just some fluke, and Grandia || should further engrain the name Game Arts on the gaming public’s mind. Not only do you get the same great battle engine from the first game (something that’s yet to be matched, in my opinion), but the kick-ass graphics made possible by the Dreamcast. What’s better, Ubi Soft took the translation and voice acting seriously, to the point of hiring a few of the voice actors from MGS, My only gripe is that the music, while good, doesn’t compare to the soundtrack of the first game. Nonetheless, Grandia Il is yet another reason for RPG players across the country to buy a DC. Greg

SNK is dead. Long live SNK. This, their premier fight- ing series, was supposed to come out via SNK them- selves, but when they went potty Agetec wisely snapped up this fast-moving, action-packed 2D fight- er. If you are turned off by Capcom vs. SNK’s Capcom bias, then sate yourself on what may be the last SNK fighter you'll see on the consoles besides Last Blade. KOF '99 adds a "striker" to the fray, which is nothing new to the fighting genre, but fun anyway. The new fighters are a little too powerful for my tastes, and this year's model gave Heavy D the boot (boo!), but if you're a fan of the series, then this is a worthy fol- low-up to Dream Match Never Ends. Milkman

What а fantasi oking game: Colorful, sharp and detailed down to the tiniest items lining the villagers" shelves. The translation is good, too, including some truly excellent voices. But my favorite part of Grandia Il would have to be the battle system—like the origi- nal Grandia’s, it allows for plenty of strategy when you need it, or you can just plow through (even the auto-combat is useful). The way you learn your spells and skills has been slightly refined and works even better—building up your characters has never been so much fun. My only real complaint is the cool spell effects can make combat lag a bit—otherwise one of the best RPGs all year. Mark




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Having never achieved the mainstream recognition of Street Fighter and Tekken, it's good to see the King of Fighters series alive and well on the DC. The newest installment is to Dream Match what Third Strike is to. Second Impact—it’s got. a lot of little changes, but not many improvements the casual gamer will notice. The new stages and fighters are a treat, but the real bang for the buck is in the "striker" system, which resembles MVC's battle assist model, but is significantly more strategic. Evo is surely a more refined game than Dream Match, and while it's a must for SNK disciples, it should get a test drive from non-fanatics before buying. Jonathan



KISS Psycho Circus

Publisher: Take 2 Interactive Developer: Third Law/Tremor Featured In: М/А

Players: 1

Supports: VGA Box

Best Feature: Uh..oh, the whip is pretty cool Worst Feature: Just plain boring Web Site: www.take2games.com

As | see it, they could have gone one of two ways to make this game a commercial success—actually make a quality game anyone could enjoy, or make a crappy game loaded with references to KISS that would have fans’ tongues hanging, droolin’ like Gene Simmons at a pork chop convention. Unfortunately the developers chose the latter course, got as far as making the crappy game, and then forgot to add in the KISS. As is, the only thing the band's involvement added is a few songs that you very rarely hear—oth- erwise it’s pretty much just your garden-variety below-average first-person shooter. You play four different characters, each trying to hunt down pieces of armor so they can dress up like the members of KISS— gripping story, eh? The gameplay would be more or less standard for the genre, with the sole addition of monster generators a la Gauntlet, but Psycho Circus manages to screw everything up. As you wander searching for the next of an endless series of switches, you use mostly the same frustrat- ingly weak, pathetically lame-looking weapons, and shoot mostly the same dumb-as-dirt and even lamer- looking enemies. But what KISS lacks in variety, well, it lacks everywhere else too. The DC pad isn’t suited well for FPSs, and since there’s no mouse/keyboard option уоште stuck with it. The promised SegaNet support is missing, and there’s no other multiplayer modes. “Welcome to the show” indeed. Mark I'm not sure who's more psycho: The person who designed this or the person who actually thought it would be a good idea to release it. Even if you ignore the bizarre license, you can't look past how this plays like a crappy Gauntlet game in 3D. More or less, all you do is walk from one room to the next, jump on top of crates, and blow away the same crea- ture repeatedly until you can destroy its spawning point. If that doesn't make you shy away, wait until you see the spectacularly bland visuals whose high point is a monster that blows farts at you. І love gas- spewing enemies as much as the next guy, but | plead for you not to touch this game. Kraig First off, where's the online play we were told this game was gonna offer? Take 2 quietly released Psycho Circus with no network or even split-screen modes—and I'm ticked because, at the very least, these extras might have distracted me from the horri- ble single-player experience. It's like the developers took the worst parts of Doom—weak plot and ene- mies who appear right behind you—and slapped a license onto the whole steamy pile. Even KISS fans will find nothing to like here; the group’s participa- tion is next to nil. Crap framerate, lame weapons, dis- mal меша —! could go on, but Ра rather wipe this game from my memory right now. Crispin


4 3 1 2

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Featured In: EGM #137

Players: 1-2

Supports: Jump Pack

Best Feature: Team/party attacks

Worst Feature: Can’t skip CPU vs. CPU battles Web Site: www.capcom.com

| loved everything about Rival Schools (һе concept, the characters, the combos—everything. So when Capcom announced Project Justice, | was way excited, but also a little concerned it'd get watered-down like the EX series. After days of nit-picking and fault test- ing, | was nearly at a loss for complaints. Despite the few that | have, Project Justice sets a bold new benchmark for fighting games, 2D or 3D, in practi- cally every detail. Twenty-two (with unlockables) fighters come to life through deliciously creative attacks, consisting of mid-air combos, team and three-member party super attacks, and subtly comedic special moves. The story is basically an extension of the first game, but the fact that there even is a story told between battles is truly awesome. The animated backgrounds complete the high-school ambiance perfectly, and though the character detail could be improved (clothing, shadows), the artwork suits the game's unique style like a glove. The design- ers thought of everything, even multiple layers of undo if you want to rethink or just restructure your team in tournament mode. The only inconvenient aspect of PJ is the inability to skip CPU vs. CPU battles when playing against multiple teams in the tourna- ment or League modes. But hey, they need some room to tweak the sequel, right? Graduation can wait, | declare school officially out once Project Justice hits

the shelves. Enjoy it, kids. Jonathan

Publisher: Sega

Developer: Sega

Featured In: EGM #138

Players: 1-4

Supports: VMU

BestFeature: Cel-shaded Sonic and friends Worst Feature: Long, frequent load times Web Site: www.sega.com

Like Crash Bash before it, Sonic Shuffle can most easily be described as a Mario Party clone gone awry. It’s obvious that the developer wanted some- thing other than a simple MP ripoff, so in Sonic Shuffle you'll find the board game aspect to be more robust than any other game in the genre. The boards are constantly evolving during each game, and the special abilities of each character (like Sonic’s dash or Tails’ ability to fly) lend more strategy than ever before. Since cards are used to move about the board instead of dice, you need to be even more careful on the game field (kudos to Sega for hiding each player’s “hand” on his or her VMU screen). The problem lies in the minigames: Most of them just aren’t any fun at all. A couple are pretty cool, like the bungie jump and bomb toss, but otherwise you'll find most events aren't even worth the time they take to load up. Finding three other friends willing to wait is tough too. Unfortunately, the single-player game is a joke. The computer-controlled players, no matter what difficulty they're set at, almost always choose the right card and barely ever screw up or lose a bat- tle. The whole thing turns into a huge exercise in frustration as you get screwed at every turn. So basi- cally, if you have three friends who аге big Sonic fans, this will keep you entertained for about a week. Otherwise, | suggest hooking up the N64 and buying

Mario Party 2. Greg

This is Capcom's best 3D fighting series. Star Gladiator 2? Not happenin'. SFEX3? Yuck. Tech Romancer? OK, you got me there, but Project Justice blows them all away due to its sheer overall playabil- ity, broad selection of characters, minigames, cool- ass story line and excellent graphics. The visuals are still cartoonier than Soul Calibur, but solid enough to avoid major criticism (although realistic shadows would have been nice). The ultra-responsive game- play is where it's at though, and the crazy number of tag-team combinations you can pull off, plus the insane sense of humor, is what makes this game spe- cial. Truly superb. Milkman

Even though Project Justice isn't exactly the best- looking 3D fighter, it still plays damn nice. Which, as any fighting fan will tell you, is all that counts. That's not to say РЈ looks bad, far from it; this game just lacks the polish seen in Soul Calibur and DoA2; it's kind of sad that Capcom can't quite excel in 3D like they do in 2D. Thankfully though, Justice is fun to play. The characters are great, the fighting is fast and furious, and the humor is just right (what could be cooler than high school students beating the crap out of one another?). | love the combo attacks and surprising depth of gameplay, but some might be turned off by its quirky style. Ryan


1 8 9 9

130 r 1/евт



| have never been so bored playing a party game as | was with Sonic Shuffle. The minigames are similar to Mario Party's, only not as good. The long load times in between everything doesn't help matters —"*Oh, are we playing again now? 1 fell asleep.” There аге minigames where you'll inexplicably lose and not know how. And playing any game against the comput- eris an exercise in futility, since you know you're going to lose. The cel-shaded graphics give the game a fresh look, and the boards and feel of the game keep with the tone of the Sonic series. l'm sure someone will eventually top Nintendo's benchmark party game, but this isn’t it. Bring on Mario Party 3! Chris

Perhaps this one should be retitled “Sonic Load Screen." The game's already slow pace is brought down to a crawl by the system's need to grab data from the disk every two minutes of play. If you and at least two friends (don't even think about playing the game alone) can tolerate this, go ahead and give Sonic Shuffle a spin. Just make sure you have plenty of time to burn...an average game clocks in at over two hours. The minigames are fun, but don't take center stage, as they do in Mario Party. Instead, board exploration is the primary focus of play. This shift makes for a more strategic game, which is refreshing. Still, rent it, don't buy. Ethan



8 6 4 5

Publisher: Infogrames

Developer: Innerloop Studios

Featured Іп: EGM #136

Players: 1-2

Supports: Jump Pack, SegaNet

Best Feature: Snowboarding events Worst Feature: Gooey background textures Web Site: www.infogrames.com

Titles like this are the hardest to review so I'll just lay it out: Extreme Sports isn’t bad, but it isn’t great either. The diversity of events, and the fact that Innerloop had the guts to pack so many into one game, is worth something. But the old saying “Jack of all trades, master of none” truly applies here. Ina nutshell, one race includes several events performed in succession, similar to a triathlon. They include: Quad-racing (ATV’s), Snowboarding, Bungee jump- ing, Mountain biking and Hang-gliding, among oth- ers. The quality varies as much as the games do, but snowboarding is definitely the best of the bunch. The mountains are perfect for flat-out speed and old- school hand-to-hand combat racing. Physics are out the window however—a simple jump off a bunny hill can result in a 200-yard free-flight. It’s totally unre- alistic but lots-o-fun. The Mountain biking portion is also unrealistic, but still a blast. Unfortunately the hang-gliding (hard to control) and ATV racing are just so-so, and most of the others border on novelty. Overall, the graphics are impressive, but as back- grounds scroll closer and things come into focus, a strange “gooey” morphing effect appears to melt the walls away. At times it’s so prominent it’s hard to tell where the path leads. Oddities aside, if you're willing to endure a few clunker events and уоште into all that extreme sports jazz, you should check out this

ambitious title. Dean

Infogrames tried to pack a lot of sports in one pack- age, raising a problem inherent with creating a grab- bag of events: Some suck, some don’t. The snow- boarding is awesome—and it’s easy to learn, the graphics are eye-popping, and the jumps nearly made me piss myself. On the other hand, the ATV and Speed Gliding events are average, and the Mountain Biking, Bungee Jumping and Base Jumping range from lackluster to boring. Each course is set up like a Triathlon, so you have to race through sets of events, forcing you to play boring games to play the good ones. If you have the will power to stomach the sour to taste the sweet, then give it a whirl. Kraig There's a lot of good stuff in this game: Play is incred- ibly varied, backdrops sport a high level of detail, and the learning curve is well-balanced. It’s a real shame, then, that the whole package is pulled down by bizarre graphical glitches. Instead of draw-in, we get a weird “morphing effect" on horizons, which looks absolutely horrendous. Other faults—the bungee jumping sequences will drive you up the wall (if you fail to grab the disconnect bar on your first ride down, kiss any shot at placing with a medal goodbye), and the generic “edgy alternative” music will grate on your nerves. It’s not SSX on the DC, but at least it’s better than Rippin’ Riders. Ethan






Terminal Reality

EGM #134 5 1-4 Decent over- all package SegaNet, Keyboard The experi- ence is kind of lackluster www.godgames.com

This game just feels plain rushed, which is sad, since it had lots of potential. Offering 4x4 off-road action, playable on the Internet, Evolution misses the boat in practically every important way. While the graph- ics are serviceable, there is none of the fancy stuff like reflection-mapping that’s become standard to racing games. The truck models look OK and the selection is decent, but the gameplay is too whacked to be much fun. You are encouraged to make your own path by taking shortcuts through the under- brush, but are handicapped if you do since there are checkpoints you must thread your way through (or be automatically dropped back to fourth-place). The environments look pretty nice at first glance, until you notice the buckling in the polygons. The control handles well enough, but there's little sense of speed or excitement, making 4x4 Evolution nothing more than a pleasant Sunday drive through the country- side. The score gets a bump up because of the Internet play, but the one-player experience is

sorely lacking. Milkman



Acclaim Z-Axis EGM #135,


5 = 1-2 Great control Offers little None

that hasn't been done

before www.acclaim.com

This isn't just an average, run-of-the-mill Tony Hawk clone—it’s a really good, run-of-the-mill Tony Hawk clone. The game may not be put together with the razor-sharp precision of Neversoft's classic, but that won't keep you from playing it 'til the sun comes up. Dave Mirra is one of those titles that'll leave you say- ing, "All right, just one more game..." for hours on end. It's easier to get into than THPS is, as you bike toward an obstacle that must be overcome to com- plete a stage, the patch of ground around it will light up, and a text description of the task at hand will flash. Extreme sports enthusiasts may feel like they're being spoon fed, but this is a great feature for players new to the genre. Controls are quick to respond, and pulling off tricks is easy (perhaps too easy). Putting this DC port side by side with the PS original, the graphics are much cleaner, the frame- rate is more consistent, and the tunes alternate after every run, instead of changing from level to level. These little things add up, making this edition of Dave Mirra the one to own. Ethan




ng Monthly - 181


Capcom EGM #138 1 Great puzzles Not enough VMU, Jump Pack combat action


Out of all of Capcom’s PlayStation survival horror games, Dino Crisis definitely benefits the most from the move to the Dreamcast. Since everything, includ- ing the backgrounds, are rendered in real time, it all looks much smoother and crisper on Sega's hard- ware (Of course it still uses the same simplistic models and textures, so don't be expecting Code: Veronica). Other tweaks include faster load times and a health and ammo display for the VMU, but none of it is really enough to make DC for the DC worthwhile to anyone who has already played the game. So how about if you haven't? Dino Crisis can be generally described as Resident Evil with Dinosaurs, yes, but it doesn't tell the whole story. The puzzles are much better—really clever and woven well into the overall story—but the enemies aren't half as much fun; there's too much running and dodging the super-tough dinos and not enough blastin' action. Still, И you're a survival horror fan Dino Crisis is definitely worth a try, especially with the improved DC visuals and cheaper price. Mark


Ubi Soft Sandbox Studios EGM #136 ` 1 Graphics are clean, nice voice acting. None Gameplay is both flustering and boring www.ubisoft.com

By all rights, Dinosaur is a kid's game. It's based on a Disney movie, it's rated "E," it's kind of boring, and violence is kept to a minimum. Then why the hell is it so incredibly unintuitive? Really now, every few minutes I’m running around like an idiot, banging my head against invisible barriers (which are quite annoying, by the way). Clues are vague at times and the game often requires you to do a lot of searching around; some kids are definitely going to have a hard time with it. The game does look nice though (aside from the fact characters are almost too small to real- ly appreciate their animation) and everything is incredibly clean. Aside from its action/puzzle game- play, Dinosaur also contains a few RPG elements, like the way you raise levels experience is gained when you take out nasty dinos. But, overall, Dinosaur just isn't really that much fun (the gameplay is boring and control is muddy), and | found myself wanting to beat levels just to see clips from the movie that are littered throughout. Rent before buying, especially if it’s for your youngins. Ryan



Just plain ol’ platform gaming fun

You can fin- ish it in a day

Jump Pack


It's hard to make a bad Disney game, because the characters all have such a rich backstory to them. The blurry, pixelly graphics from the PS one and N64 versions of this game are gone now that the game's come to Dreamcast, but there's a new problem instead: The graphics are so sharp that the anima- tion looks choppy —not as smooth as the N64 ver- Sion, at least. Sound effects are pretty quiet, over- shadowed by background music, but the music that plays while you're invincible is gone for some reason. Gameplay is still sharp—this is a very tightly con- Structed platform game. It's derivative of others in the genre (especially Crash Bandicoot) and isn't groundbreaking or innovative, but it gets the job done well. And even though there are twenty or so levels, the game is a cakewalk for experienced plat- form fans. Granted, Donald is targeted toward the younger players, and in that respect, it's a pretty enjoyable game. It's just too bad that the levels and bosses aren't tied together as well as they could be. An average rainy day rental. Chris



Konami Konami EGM #127 1-2 Brent Musburger’s droning play- Jump Pack by-play Choppy www.konami.com

Let’s put the ESPN license to use while describing this game. It’s not “en fuego.” Forget the rolls, because NBA Tonight is not “butter.” It is definitely not “as cool as the other side of the pillow.” OK, enough of that. Let’s switch gears and describe it in practical terms. This game doesn't really “play well.” | don’t “like it.” The players on the court don’t really “move.” The game seems like Konami “forgot to finish it.” Ра like to “throw it in the trash.” Whew. Don’t be fooled by the glossy screenshots and slick court reflections (which do look nice). This title flat- out sucks. Players moonwalk all over the court, the motion-capture is hideous, and the АЛ. is non-exis- tent. Just stand there with the ball fora moment and see if the CPU tries to steal...nope, never. It’s not like you just go around the CPU defenders though, because they lock onto your player like a tractor beam. They literally just stick together and the offen- sive player can’t move. Throw in a terrible framerate, no online play, and some clip-fest replays and you’ve got a pretty lame package overall. Sweet! Dan




Mass Media

oe 14 Great combo

of simplicity and depth Jump Pack Not enough

graphic improvement www.namco.com

This is the third version of this game that I’ve reviewed (I scored the PS and №64 ones), and the fact that | didn’t fall asleep while playing through it testi- fies to how much fun it is. It’s amazing how they've made such a rich game so simple to control and play. The concept and controls make it accessible and entertaining to both hardcore and casual players. Just like the original, all you use to control Ms. Pac- Man is the control stick, err, pad. There's lots of dots, fruits and ghosts to eat (as you might expect), but there's also plenty of platform elements such as pre- carious jumps and secrets to find. The game gives you plenty of reason to press on and look in every nook and cranny. As you complete more of Ms. Pac- Man, the game's surprisingly in-depth multiplayer modes get deeper and deeper as you open maps by scouring levels that you previously thought were fin- ished. My only complaint with this game is that I wish it used the VMU and looked prettier. Ms. Pac- Man looked great on the PS and N64, but by the DC's high graphic standards, it's a little lacking. Kraig




Capcom Capcom ЕСМ #138 1 Two сћагас- ters, two story lines VMU, Jump Pack Lots of time

spent fetching items www.capcom.com

Like the other survival horror DC ports, the graphical boost on RE2 is nice, but doesn't make a huge differ- ence. Next to the original the prerendered back- grounds are a bit cleaner (it's much easier to see fine details in the graffiti and such) and all the characters and textures are sharper, but as a DC game it hardly takes advantage of the hardware. As for the game itself, RE2 holds up pretty well. | still think it has the best story of any game in the series (the way the two main characters’ separate games intertwine is genius), not to mention some of its baddest bosses and most frightening moments (remember the first time you saw the Cleaner burst through the walls?). The lack of the now-standard 180° turn is a bit annoy- ing, but all the little extras УМО health and ammo display, CG movie and character sketch galleries, and minigames open from the start —more than make up for it. Survival horror veterans who have already played this one to death on the PlayStation needn't bother, but if you haven't tried it, or are a fan of Code: Veronica, this is a must-play history lesson. Mark





Capcom Capcom

EGM #138

1: Rene ВИ Tension—the

Nemesis is hunting you! VMU, Jump Pack Lots of back-

tracking required www.capcom.com

On any platform, Nemesis is a great game. It takes the standard Resident Evil formula—run around gathering items and ammo, solving puzzles, and blasting zombies—and mixes it up a bit story- and gameplay-wise with the giant Nemesis creature. You never know when or where he'll pop up next, and that adds awesome suspense to the whole experi- ence. The controls are slightly refined, too, including a quick 180° spin and sometimes handy dodge maneuver. The ability to make your own different kinds of ammo even adds a little bit of strategy to the mix. Graphically the game benefits just as much as RE2 with the jump from PS to DC, which і say, not very much. It's not a bad-looking game by any means, it's just that next to games built from scratch on the DC like Code: Veronica, it's rather tame. As far as other changes for this version, the ability to choose your costume and play the minigame from the start is nice, but why not display ammo along with health on the VMU like in DC RE2 and Dino Crisis? Anyway, try it if you haven't already. Mark



LucasArts Luxoflux EGM #136


Lots of multi- player modes No Jar Jar to

Jump Pack

shoot at www.lucasarts.com

We are at the point where just about every type of game has been Star Wars-ized now that the license has been attached to this vehicle destruction game. Created by veteran developers Luxoflux, it’s no sur- prise that Demolition plays a lot like Vigilante 8, the big-name game that put them on the map. If you've played that, you'll more or less be familiar with this one— you drive around and blow a bunch of Sci-fi crap to smithereens. The mish-mash of vehicles from different Star Wars eras doesn't seem quite right, nor do some of their weapons that don't jive with the movies. But if you can ignore the liberties taken with the SW universe, you'll find that this is a fun (if not original) take on combat games. Blowing up an AT-ST with Boba Fett is pretty satisfying, but the improvement over the PlayStation game isn't. This version is cleaner and smoother, but the ample amounts of polygonal pop-up doesn't do the system justice. | like Demolition, but it left me wondering how good it could have been if Luxoflux had really taken advantage of the Dreamcast. Kraig


Interplay Climax EGM #133 1 Awesome environments to crash Jump Pack around in Slowdown www.interplay.com

This is a pleasant surprise. After the sluggish, con- troller-throwing agony of the original Japanese ver- sion, | was ready to take this for a quick spin and trash it just the same. But something funny hap- pened on the way to the U.S. market, Super Runabout got good. Even though they had Climax add some collision-detection to things like street- lights and signs and fire hydrants, the game doesn’t suffer one bit, due to the largely improved handling and responsiveness in the controls. Instead of being a game that | want to snap in half, SR is now some- thing I'd actively play. The San Francisco environment looks а tad more artificial than the San Fran found in MSR, but somehow it feels more faithful to the rolling, hilly city | call home. The mission objectives are often ridiculous, but that merely offers up more opportunities to tear around this city full ofthe deep- est hills in the world. San Francisco Rush meets Crazy Taxi? Almost! While not quite either of those two, Super Runabout deserves the title of Most Improved

Player of the year. I like it lots. Milkman SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY


A few gen-

uinely enjoyable levels Jump Pack More of the

same frustrating gameplay www.eidos.com

Not even the apparent death of Lara Croft could save unsuspecting gamers the world over from their year- ly dose of Tomb Raider. No, God doesn't hate you. It's just that Eidos has a chance to make one last buck on Lara before she jumps to the PS2. The result is a game that feels obviously rushed to market. What's odd, however, is that this is arguably the best Tomb Raider the series has seen since the original. Don't let the hype fool you, the four different types of levels aren't nearly as cool as the developers would have you believe. The innovations of trap making and stealth play rarely show themselves, and the game generally plays the same throughout. Nonetheless, there are a few levels | genuinely enjoyed— some- thing | haven't been able to say about a Tomb Raider game since '96. Comparatively, Chronicles on the DC isn't nearly so dark as its PS counterpart, which makes it much easier to play, but the simple models look even worse thanks to the cleaner graphics. | still wouldn't consider spending money on this game, but itis a step up from last year. Greg


Simon & Schuster

Нурпонх МЈА 1-4 When you turn off the DC, it ends None When you

turn on the DC, it starts www.simonsays.com

Imagine a game based on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, featuring a ridiculous caricature of Regis who, believe it or not, is even more annoying and irrelevant. Now you've got an idea of what this game is all about. Unlike the true show, this parody rewards players for answering questions correctly by giving them a chance to beat up a millionaire. Beating them, of course, earns you their money. To be honest, | think the formula is pretty sound. Well, except maybe the beating up part. Hypnotix totally screwed it up, though. Instead of filling the game with witty, odd trivia, you get a collection of ques- tions that belongs on WWTBAM for the mentally chal- lenged. То сар it off, the host never shuts up. Oh, and nothing he says is even remotely funny. | suppose he's trying to parody Regis, but the only thing he got right is the voice. The dialogue is boring and goes on for what seems like an eternity. Avoid this game at all costs. Go into your local retailer, stand in front of the game and direct people away. Wear a big sign. Do whatever you have to. Save us all! Greg


Mitiway’s Greatest Arcade

Hits Volume 1

Publisher: Midway Developer: Digital Eclipse Featured In: N/A



Supports: Controller Pak Web Site: www.midway.com

Best Feature: Six great games on one cartridge Worst Feature: Terribly dated visuals

First things first: If you’re under 25, you’ll probably want to pass on this classic collection. This game is all about nostalgia, and if you didn’t jam on arcade cabinets during the '805, you’re not liable to find any appeal in playing these games now. However, if you’re the type who smiles broadly when a radio station plays a song from Buckner/Garcia’s Pac- Man Fever album, this package is a must-have. All six titles were high-profile 20 years back (none of this “new to the U.S.” business), and at least half of them are as fun to play today as they were then. Joust holds up particularly well—it’s a sublime co-op expe- rience. Robotron 2084 may look like crap, but its tight play mechanics make for a game that's better than Cannon Spike or Smash TV. Root Beer Tapper stands as a pure hit of tension. Sinistar, Spy Hunter and Defender haven't aged as well, but c'mon, just hearing Sinistar's title villain proclaim “1 Live" again is enough to make fan boys wet themselves. And you can't beat the price—for only 30 bucks, picking this one up is a no-brainer. Ethan


3 3 5 9


Indiana Jones and the Infer e

Publisher: LucasArts Developer: Factor 5 Featured In: EGM #136 Players: 1 Supports: Rumble Pak

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Long, involving quest Minor control flaws www.lucasarts.com

It's about time LucasArts brought Indiana Jones to a modern system. Yeah, the Tomb Raider games are OK (some of them) but Indy fans (me included) have been forced to wait way too long for the real deal. But on to the game: The Infernal Machine doesn't disappoint. Factor 5 has done a good job of adapting this former PC game's control scheme to the N64. Subtle things like the smooth transition from walk to run, precise stepping, and the ability to circle targets using the Z-trigger keeps the frustration level in check. It's also cool that it automatically displays what special action is available at the time. For exam- ple, as Indy creeps closer to a ledge the hang com- mand pops up—the same goes for climbing and jumping (kinda like Zelda). It's not without a few con- trol flaws though. Sometimes even simple obstacles, like a small block for example, take several attempts to maneuver. The camera is a little sketchy as well. п confined places it tends to drift off the main area of focus. A quick camera reset usually solves the prob- lem though. For the most part, I'm happy with the game. The puzzles are just challenging enough, if not a little vague at times, the graphics are very, very nice for the N64, and the sound is some of the best (it’s no wonder Factor 5. is known for their audio expertise). Tomb Raider fans will feel right at home with Indy, while newbies will take to the user-friend-

It seems wrong to say that the Indiana Jones game was based on Tomb Raider when the idea of Tomb Raider itself was based on Indiana Jones. The similar- ity between the two is uncanny at times, so it's a pret- ty safe buy for fans ofthe genre. Indy boasts anything but antique visuals—it looks incredible, though fre- quent graphical glitches confirm that it needs a little more time in the workshop. | got stuck crawling under a truck, swam through a concrete slab, and slowly beat a guard that just wouldn't fight back with my weak left (maybe he was Amish). For me, it was barely more exciting than real archaeology, so approach with caution. Jonathan

I’m not sure how many more mediocre Tomb Raider sequels and clones | have the patience for, but I'm getting close to my limit. There are few differences between the two franchises except that the main character has a big hat instead of a big chest. Most of the moves were lifted right outof Tomb Raider, but at least the controls are a bit easier to handle—a lot of it is taken from Zelda (Z-targeting, anyone?). Other parts of the game seem rather rushed: The camera view often gets in the way, and the collision detec- tion also seems flaky. | could understand Indy fans overlooking those complaints, but honestly, this could have been named anything else. Kraig



Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Rare

Featured In: ЕСМ #135 Players: 1-4 Supports: Rumble Pak

Best Feature: Diverse gameplay Worst Feature: Choppy framerate Web Site: www.nintendo.com

hose of you who inspected every nook

and cranny of the original Banjo-Kazooie

and nabbed every last collectible no doubt remember its intriguing finale sequence, which showed several impenetra- ble locales you supposedly wouldn’t be able to breach until Banjo-Tooie. We all wondered how Rare would make the first game and its sequel interact with each other. Would Banjo- Tooie be released on DD? Would it come as a lock-on cartridge into which you plugged Banjo-Kazooie? Well, now the sequel’s here and, we're sorry to say, it offers no answers to these burning questions—even if you gather 100 percent of the collectibles in the game. The current word from Nintendo is, yes, you can use Banjo-Tooie to revisit the locked areas in Banjo-Kazooie. It’s just that develop- er Rare isn’t ready to disclose how you make it all happen. Banjo-Tooie is filled with intrigu-



The bear and bird can split up now. Better still, Kazooie doesn't make that annoying "er-er" noise when you control just her.

ing clues, however. You find three Banjo- Kazooie cartridges within the game, but they only give you new moves and a secret multi- player character. You find the ice key from Banjo-Kazooie, but it has its own use in this sequel. In one of Banjo-Tooie's levels, you'll Spy on the wall photos of the first game's blocked areas. So, yes, there is some kinda connection here between the first and the Second game. We just haven't been able to figure out how all these puzzle pieces fit together. Don't bother buying a strategy guide to find the answer, either. The official guide is mum on the subject. So, it looks like we're pretty much at the mercy of Rare on this topic. We'll keep trying to solve this mystery, and rest assured we'll tell you anything we find out. In the meantime, enjoy the game. It'll take you at least до hours to track down every collectible here. And if you happen to figure out how to link Banjo-Tooie with the original before we do, you know what our e-mail address is...


From Goldeneye-style shoot-'em-ups (with Kazooie as your gun) to top-down sporting events, you'll find а huge variety of mini- games in every level of Banjo-Tooie. You can play most of them multiplayer, too.


Put simply, Banjo-Tooie is a state-of-the art 3D plat- former. It packs even more gameplay variety than current genre king Rayman 2—you get about three dozen new moves, more minigames than | can count, an army of bosses, new egg weapons and puzzles that span multiple levels. On top of all that, this game gives you three times as much stuff to collect as the original. It’s almost too much to do (in fact, my interest began to wane about halfway through). But Banjo-Tooie never becomes as wearisome as Rare’s disappointing Donkey Kong 64, which had you switching characters and backtracking through old territory too often for my tastes. Rare designed Banjo-Tooie so you'll always have multiple areas to explore. Hit a dead end in Jolly Roger’s Lagoon? Head to the Grunty Industries level and poke around there instead. The visuals are as stunning as ever—espe- cially considering that this game doesn’t require the Expansion Pak. Wait ’til you take your first flight through the lava level. Just as in the original, the character design here is a bit on the obnoxious side, and the sound effects get just plain annoying. Crank this up and your neighbors will think a retard circus has hit town. Despite these quirks, Banjo-Tooie is an extremely fun experience that'll last you weeks— especially when you fiddle with the 14 minigames (most of which are mediocre). And wait ’til you see the size of the later levels—holy $#!% Grispin

Rare has topped themselves this time. Donkey Kong was a bit of a letdown, but Tooie makes up for it, becoming the genre’s new benchmark. It’s got some of the best visuals I've ever seen on the ol’ 64 (better than DK64) without using the Expansion Pak. The only problem is the slowdown that pops up when bashing enemies or when you're in larger areas. The great thing about Tooie is that there always seems to be something to do—and thankfully, you spend less time collecting extraneous items. Minigames are always new/different, and adding moves to the duo's arsenal keeps it fresh throughout. A great reason to keep that N64 out of storage. Chris

Blurble-blurble, blurble burble. Blurble. That's how everything talks in Banjo-Tooie, and yes, it's annoy- ing as hell. | don't care much for most of the charac- ters either— outside of Banjo and Kazooie, most look like generic Disney rejects and are quickly forget- table. But there's much to enjoy here too— good con- trols, a huge quest, tons and tons of power-ups, transformations, moves and modes (including some so-so multiplayer games and first-person lev- els) —it's boggling how much they stuffed into this cart. | would have preferred more emphasis on boss- es and combat instead of exploration, but there’s no denying what’s here is fun. Mark


9 6 8 1

Mickey's Speedway USA

Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Rare Featured In: EGM #133 Players: 14 Supports: Rumble Pak

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Sweet graphics Too few racers and items www.disney.com

| was just saying to myself, “Man, we're really over- due for a random-license-kart-racing title,” and BAM! Mickey’s Speedway shows up right on cue. It’s been a solid two weeks since a Mario Kart clone hit the shelves, and Mickey’s Speedway is little more than that. On the plus side, it runs smoothly and is visual- ly vibrant, without even using the RAM Pak crutch. It plays just as well as it looks, too. Responsive con- trols and a modest learning curve make it easy for uncoordinated friends to grab a controller and chal- lenge one another. While a good number of standard and unlockable courses are available, they're not as fun to drive on as they are to look at, which makes the game a mite tedious. Here’s the real problem, though—it’s all been done before. Most racing games at least try a few new tricks, but everything in MSU has been borrowed and reworked (funny, that doesn’t sound like Disney...) from games like Mario and Crash Team Racing. An unimpressive number of racers, items and extras doesn’t really help set the game apart from the wolf pack either. Sure, it’s fun for a while, but also a long way from redefining the kart-racer genre. Change takes to Disney like water off of Donald Duck's back, though, so I'll try to con- tain my surprise. Rent this one for a weekend and have some friends over for late-night laps if you need to get the kart bug out of your system. You'll feel smarter and richer in the morning: Jonathan

Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo



Developer: Factor 5

Featured In: EGM #132

Players: 1

Supports: Rumble Pak, Expansion Pak Best Feature: Wide vehicle selection Worst Feature: Blurry environments

Web Site: www.lucasarts.com

If you watched The Phantom Menace, you would have thought that the battle for Naboo was a pretty simple one, but apparently it wasn't. At least for this game's sake, anyway. Here, you're a royal pain in the Trade Alliance's ass in what is basically Rogue Squadron (the previous №64 SW action title) painted in Episode | colors. The premise is pretty simple; you hop into several different Naboo resistance vehicles (such as a Naboo fighter or Flash Speeder) and mow down Battle Droids and AT Tanks by the thousands. Most of the gameplay involves taking out lots of spe- cific targets, but the other half usually revolves around protecting one thing or another. At one point, | had saved enough peasant dwellings from Droid attacks to feel like | was part of the Naboo Homeowners Association. Some of the missions are pretty superfluous, but others, such as attacks on space stations and assaults on heavy artillery, are intense. The graphics are nice too; the models of the Star Wars hardware are very detailed, and the laser lighting effects and explosions make the battlefield come alive in all its chaos. It's quite rewarding to take down a tank or a Destroyer Droid with a rocket or two. If it weren't for the blurry terrain, the repetitive pilot chatter (“НИ them hard and fast!”), and the low- quality cartridge Episode | music, this could have scored higher, but it's still one of the best Star Wars console games out there. Kraig

‘Mickey's Speedway | doesn’ t come close to challenge ing Crash Team Racing as the king of kart racing for the consoles. Back and forth racing from the clas- sic Mario Kart 64 is nonexistent here—you know, someone gets a power-up, blasts the person in the lead, gets into the lead, and the process is repeated. It's easy to get into first place and stay there except against the computer. With all that missing, multi- player racing suffers. Sure, there’s a bunch of differ- ent multiplayer minigames that are OK, but it’s not the real core of the game. The voice-overs from vari- ous Disney characters get kinda tiresome after a while, but younger gamers will eat 'em ups Chris Mario Kart 64 this ain't. Silly me, T was ЕНЕ Mickey to be something like the current king of the kart racers. While the premise is sound, the execu- tion is where Rare failed this time. Like MK64 and other racers before it, this game employs an artificial speed boost on CPU cars behind the leader. That means you can never stay out front for very long. The frustrating part is that if you screw up and fall too far behind the field, it's next to impossible to catch up! It basically sucks all the fun out of a game that's only slightly above-average to begin with. Poor track design, weird handling and uninspired weapons keep Mickey from attaining greatness. Greg


1 6 5 5

Gorgeous this game is, for RAM Pak it uses. Characters you will not recognize, for newly invented they are, but surprised you should not be. At your disposal several original ships are, and though scripted is their usage at times, choose between them to suit your preference you may at others. Nice this is. As worn out as the music the Star Wars license is, though, and while at first fun, tiring ВЕМ soon becomes. Save you cannot, so finish game in one sitting you must. Pretty lame that is. Very simi- lar to Starfighter in many ways it appears, yet own a PS2 you might not, so rent BFN you should. Otherwise, a Jedi craves not this thing. Jonathan I'm all for mindless battling, especially when it involves Episode | themes (yes, even with the new characters). Seriously, if you liked Rogue Squadron, it’s a good bet you'll like Naboo even more. The missions are manageable and for the most part, really fun. The targeting system is a little touchy though, it takes a precise hit to destroy the baddies. Luckily you're given mucho shield so taking a few pops while you aim is no big problem. I’m impressed with the sound as well. The lasers, bomb blasts, music and voices sound great (although | could do without the cheesy screams). Aside from the lack of a save option, Naboo is a decent game. Dean


8 1 6 6

Vionthly - 188

in Paris: The Movie

Publisher: THQ Developer: Avalanche Featured In: EGM #136 Players:

14 Supports: None

Web Site: www.thq.com

Best Feature: Fun mini- games

Worst Feature: Lame multi- player mode

This new Rugrats game is perfect for younger players who don't have many opportunities to play with bud- dies, but still want to enjoy Mario Party-style mini- games. The plumber's board is replaced with a color- ful, fully interactive amusement park. Pick your baby and explore this richly detailed overworld, playing out event stages in any order you see fit. Water sport races, bumper car matches, and martial art battles offer hours of fun, and are only a few of the widely varied contests available for play. If you thought the Mario Party games offered lousy one-player expe- riences, the solo mode in Rugrats will leave you suitably impressed. All of the challenges are opti- mized for an audience of one (some of them are good enough to deserve carts of their own—Rugrats: Mini-Golf, anyone?). The downside to this: the game's multiplayer mode sucks. You can hook up as many as four players for challenges, but the contests are all turn-based, allowing only one opponent to play at a time. Ugh. Bottom Line: It's solid if you're young and don't mind playing alone. Ethan


1 4 1 6


Championship Surfer

Publisher: Mattel

Developer: Krome Studios

Featured In:

EGM #136




Dual Shock

Web Site: www.kromestudios.com


Best Feature: The rush of a big wave

Worst Feature: Monotonous gameplay.

The line between mainstream and niche is a fine one. Championship surfer aims to fit into the former cate- gory, but ultimately ends up in the latter. Surfing enthusiasts will enjoy seeing their favorite sport brought to life with real athletes, realistic water dynamics and sharp graphics. Your average gamer, however, will quickly put this one down and go back to hunting for hidden goodies in Tony Hawk 2. The problem with Championship Surfer is that it lacks diversity. This is an unfortunate issue inherent in any surfing game: While other extreme sports games can provide players with a wide selection of Skate parks or mountain tops, here you're limited to levels that vary only in terms of water color and wave size. Gameplay is centered on pulling off tricks: Judges rate your 'stylin moves on a 1-10 scale as you face off against opponents in a series of champi- onship matches. Pulling off fancy maneuvers is fun, but your character's small size makes it difficult to see all but the most flamboyant stunts. Pass on it unless you own a surf board. Ethan


1 1 4 3

007 Racing

Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Eutechnyx Featured In: EGM #134 Players: 12

Supports: Dual Shock

Bond cutscenes Everything after pressing start www.ea.com

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Boy. | am the unheralded king of the crap racing games this month—although 007 Racing isn’t strict- ly a racing game. Consider it more of a multi-objec- tive, mission-based driving game, and there ya go. You are James Bond, and you are driving his swank stable of cars in super-dangerous mission after mis- sion. Too bad James Bond never had to play a game like this. The graphics suffer from every possible bad thing that can happen to a PlayStation game. They're grainy, the textures warp and buckle, the car/vehicle models are nothing to whistle about, the explosions are big pixelated sprites that look like paper-maché sunflowers and the framerate isn’t so hot. The control is also merely so-so, often overly sensitive, and downright aggravating in certain situ- ations where accuracy is required. Take the mission where you must guide your car by remote-control, watching it through various security monitors. Ugh! The worst part of the game is the insane difficulty of some of the mission objectives. You will play certain missions over and over, until you get it just right, which in a normal world would be considered a chal- lenge, until you factor in all the problems the game suffers from. When you do, those difficult missions border on impossible. You'd think a powerhouse like EA could afford to take the time to treat their licens- es right. Guess not. Pity poor James Bond. Never before has he lacked so much style. Milkman

If you're trapped at your parents’ house for a holiday weekend, sucking down second-hand smoke by the lungful, equipped with only a list of high school friends' phone numbers (who you never really liked), 007 Racing isn't a bad game to be stuck with. At least, it wasn't for me. It's actually quite fun. The real slam is that it's too hard too soon. Why? Because it's more interested in following a story line than follow- ing a fun-flow, making for early difficulty. But the diversity of missions is bitchin' and the cutscenes make the game feel like a true Bond experience. Some people might not be able to get past some technical glitches, but | did: It's fun. Todd

Despite the name, 007 Racing really isn’t a racing game at all. It’s more like Driver meets Bond meets...well, crap. It's not that the idea behind 007 Racing is bad—taking control of James Bond in one of his cool cars, and then completing mission objec- tives for each stage—but the execution is horrible. The level objectives are lame, the difficulty curve is insane, the control is incredibly basic and somewhat sluggish, and the entire game has a very unfinished feeling. Oh, and it doesn’t look very good either. The worst part is | heavily enjoy both Bond and car games, yet | walked away from my 007 Racing expe- rience almost pissed off. Ryan



4 4 4 4

Publisher: Activision Developer: Hammerhead Featured In: EGM #135 Players: 1

Supports: Dual Shock Best Feature: Weapon variety

Worst Feature: Web Site:

Imprecise controls www.activision.com

Remember Blade? He's back, in PlayStation form! One of the few enjoyable console adaptations of a motion picture to date, Blade is actually a prequel to the movie, and while it features some of the same characters, don't be expecting it to follow the film's story line. Hammerhead revamped the early incarna- tion of this Siphon-Filter-meets-Resident-Evil title and gave it fresh new blood. The graphics, despite some painfully obvious texture tile seams, crisply convey the dismal industrial environments that define Blade's profanity-ridden journey. Since there are no clear-cut levels, the immersive world is strung together by fre- quent but brief loading points, most of which last only a few seconds and keep the action rolling. A hearty arsenal of weapons almost makes things too easy, but restocking and save points are scattered just scantily enough to reset the balance. With weapon in hand, the auto-aim interface keeps you from having to deal with wanky analog pinpoint targeting, but can be a problem when trying to spend your silver bullets on the undead ninja in front of you and you end up actu- ally plugging the very-human security guard behind him. Getting around requires some time on the slug- gish controls, which, while preferable to quick and spazzy, can be frustrating when trying to spin round and drop an aft target before he nails you. Thumbs up overall, though—Blade’s dead-on for апу action/sur- vival horror nut.

Everything | dislike about the Tomb Raider games has made it into this Wesley Snipes movie-to-game adaption. Think of it as Resident Evil meets Tomb Raider, sans breasts. The long levels seem endlessly repetitive, the controls are stiff and unresponsive, and the graphics are drab and ugly. Blade is not a very fun game, it’s more of an exercise in health and weapon management. Use the right weapon on the right enemy, make sure you have enough energy to survive gunfights, and you'll be just fine. The biggest challenge, however, is making it to the next save point before you get too frustrated, or just fall asleep from sheer boredom. Kraig

Any game that reminds me, even a little bit, of Mortal Kombat Special Forces has got some severe prob- lems. What about Blade that brings back those horri- ble memories? Laughable enemy Al, horribly dark levels that still never achieve a smooth framerate, and stiff, awkward controls. You can't look around yourself quickly, or up and down at all (why not use the right analog stick for this?). There isn't enough ammo for the guns and hand-to-hand combat is the same old crap you've seen a million times before in such tripe as Fighting Force and, yup, MK: Special Forces. I've heard mixed opinions on the movie, but I can tell you for certain to skip the game. Mark


6 6 4


Breath of Fire IV

"That's right--and - not just any dragon. either! |

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Featured In: ЕСМ #131

Players: 1

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Awesome character animations Worst Feature: Story lacks spark

Web Site: www.capcom.com

Breath of Fire IV is hard to put your finger on. There are certainly some flashier RPGs on shelves right now (Final Fantasy IX, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II), but the Breath of Fire series has always provided a solid, old-school RPG experience for anyone not sim- ply attracted to eye-candy alone. While the story line in BOF IV won't win any awards for originality, it does set the stage for a wide variety of characters, and that’s what makes this game so neat. Every character has a set of animations so smooth, they look like lit- tle Disney characters running around on screen. Everyone, from Ryu (original name, huh) to the mys- terious Fou-Lu, has his or her own personality which is conveyed wonderfully through their on-screen sprite. The game itself is the usual stuff—wander around through various towns and get into fights type of RPG. That’s not to say it’s not a good game, which it is, but it has a “been there, done that” feel to it, and some other things holding it back. The game relies on way too many minigames to pro- vide variety. It seems like Capcom threw them in to mask the generic taste the rest of the game leaves you with, but it’s noticeable either way. The only minigame worth revisiting more than once is fishing, but that too gets tiring. If Breath of Fire IV wasn't so nice to look at, Га say this was nothing more than а mild RPG diversion to while away the hours with.

Rent it first. Milkman

maybe too basic RPG gaming, and the fourth install- ment is no exception. Those who have played the previous games should expect it to stay pretty true to the BOF tradition. Despite its fixed battle views, 2D characters, and basic weapons/magic fare, it’s a very satisfying RPG, especially for those who pre- fer Final Fantasies prior to seven. Little details, like streamlined status and menu systems, downplay micromanagement and keep the game’s appeal dur- ing long sessions of play. | would rethink the linear overworld map, but still wouldn’t mind seeing BOF continue for as long as the FF series. Jonathan

Yikes! What's with all these mini-games? | can't take anymore! Some were fun, but most just made me feel like | was completely wasting my time. Minigames fans, this is your RPG. Certainly not mine, though. 1 also wasn’t too keen on constantly falling into battles while running around areas that required exploration. Still, Breath of Fire IV has a lot of things going for it, like solid graphics and music, and some nifty combat ideas. The swapping of characters dur- ing battle is an excellent addition to the genre. Overall, BoFIV is a pretty solid RPG that should keep you busy if you’ve already played through the better stuff like FFIX and Chrono Cross. Sam


8 1 1 6

Championship Motocross 2001 Feat. Ricky Carmichael


Publisher: THQ

Developer: Funcom

Featured In: EGM #138

Players: 12

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Decent racing gameplay Worst Feature: Limited speed burst ability Web Site: www.thq.com

If you don't like the confined track area that most motocross games provide, CMX 2001 might be your thing. The width gives you ample space to pass and seek out the best racing line, which may not be super-realistic but it's functional for racing. In other words —the bikes don't clump together constantly. To me it's not authentic, but it'll probably appeal to the casual fan. The bikes themselves skirt around like dirt-track sprint-cars on a long muddy corner. It’s power-sliding-a-plenty but it works well on these fat tracks. Still, it'd be nice if there were a few more features. For example, the riders only put their foot down when turning left—not a big deal but it looks a little weird. Also, a speed burst would come in handy to better launch off ramps and snake the competition (there's a nominal turbo but it's only from a stand- still). Even though it's not realistic it'd be nice if the bikes were more agile in flight. | overshot many a turn because | couldn't swing my bike hard enough (the tail-whip helps somewhat). One last complaint—the animation in Freestyle Mode isn't the smoothest I’ve seen (there are а ton of tricks however). In the end, CMX 2001 will satisfy its fan base. And in the current state of the motocross genre, it's in the upper third of the pack. Two-player is fun and aside from the stiff animation, Freestyle Mode is decent. To be on the safe side, try a head-to-head rent with EA’s Supercross 2001 before you buy. Dean It’s ironic that most motorbike games these days aren't nearly as fun as the now-ancient Excitebike. I'm happy to say that CM isn't one of them. It's rare and rewarding to play a game that is this simple to learn and fun to play. Turns and jumps are easy to make, but there's still an art to them, so proper execution will save you seconds per race, as will cus- tomizing your bike with aftermarket parts. CM has the hard rap/rock soundtrack that all the kids are into these days, which is tolerable, though the visu- als are a bit painful. Watch out for the finish line, too, it's actually about 6 feet past where the line is drawn, but otherwise CM is sweet racin’ fun. Jonathan

It's hard to call this game a sequel. It's better than last year's game in some ways, and worse in others. It's...merely different. In this year’s game, there's no weather, less bike classes (no 500 in this one), and more depth. in the Career mode (you can buy and upgrade parts of your bike). The graphics haven't been upgraded much; the bikes and tracks are a lit- tle more detailed, but the backgrounds aren't. But all comparisons aside, this is a pretty good Motocross game. It's fast and fun (thanks in no small part to the huge jumps and the distance meter that scores them), with some strong computer competition. This game isn't amazing, but it is solid.



6 6 6 1

Kraig | at night, not while I’m playing this game.

Ducati World Championship



Publisher: Acclaim Developer: Attention to Detail Featured In: EGM #135 Players: 12

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

40 different Ducati bikes Uninspired racing www.acclaim.com

Ducati WRC is much like EA's Porsche Challenge. Both feature one brand of vehicle (a bold move for a racing game). Both pay homage to Gran Turismo by requiring license tests to open the better leagues and bikes. And finally, both strive to cash in on the mystique and high-performance image their vehicles have come to represent. | have to admit, Ducati motorcycles are very nice. And if | had to choose one brand to feature, Ducati would be it. Unfortunately, even though I love the bikes, the racing gameplay leaves something to be desired. Control isn't bad, especially since the turning quickness is adjustable. The tracks and the А! bikes are the weak links. Too many narrow tunnels, surprise dips and sharp cor- ners permeate the courses. Wider roadways with longer sweeping curves and a better line of sight (sometimes it's hard to see the oncoming track) would help open up the racing. The computer bikes drive erratically—similar to the riders in Road Rash, only without the weapons. | also had problems with the way the bikes seemingly grab the walls when rid- ing too close to the edge. That kind of reaction to a wall scrape is probably realistic but makes for too many annoying wipeouts. Finally, the motor sound is anemic. It’s canned simulation motor noise all the way—a shame because real Ducati bikes sound awe- some. Ducati fans might get a kick out of this but everyone else should rent first. Dean With all the Ducati bike fans around here, there was a good deal of anticipation when this title was announced. Its arrival was met with little enthusi- asm, though, since it's a fairly mediocre game. The coolest aspect is having the ability to view, buy, and race some awesome new and vintage Ducati bikes with the racing cash you win. As far as the gameplay goes, it's a little dicey. Turns come up fast and are hard to smoothly navigate, which means a lot of high-speed wipeouts. The graphics and frame- rate are decent for a PS game, and there's some cool venues to race in, but otherwise it's a pretty middle-

of-the-road racing sim. Jonathan

On paper, Ducati is filled with promise. There's a ton of bikes, tracks and things to unlock, in addition to the endless helmets and upgrades you can get so you can race in style. Now if only a good game was built around all of this. Ducati is full of depth, but low in thrills. The thing that struck me most while playing is that there's little intensity, which is fatal in a game that involves racing at insane speeds. The track design lends itself to too many crashes, the computer opponents act odd, and the sound is horri- ble. The hypnotic music is entirely inappropriate and almost literally put me to sleep, and I'd rather do that



6 4 9 6


Dukes of Hazzard Il: Daisy Dukes It Out


Publisher: SouthPeak Interactive Developer: Sinister Games Featured In: М/А

Players: 1-2

Supports: Satan

Best Feature: You can just say no! Worst Feature: The game

Web Site: www.southpeak.com

| was really amazed at the neanderthalian (I made that word up) quality of this game. This is the knuck- le-dragginest, lowest life-form example of a 32-bit game, that in the umpteenth generation of PS soft- ware should not even exist. This game is an amoeba. In layman's terms, Dukes is the saddest excuse for a racing game | have practically ever played. | don't mean to be overly vicious, but anyone who would actually part with 5o bones to buy this game should just тай it to me instead—the experience will be much more satisfying for both parties. The game is like a poor, poor, poor man's Smuggler's Run, with Bo and Luke typically on the run from Roscoe. Occasionally you get to drive Miss Daisy and her Road Runner, but it's all so horribly wrong. Driving the General Lee is like driving a speed boat, but it's not supposed to drive like a freakin’ boat! The graph- ics are some of the most indescribably horrible graphics l've ever seen. The General Lee looks like an orange sponge, and the environments just look like muck. There are nifty little vocal samples that should thrill fans of the good ol’ boys, but everything from the visuals, control, sound and presentation is really, really bad. Possibly a new watermark for how much can go wrong in a game. In fact, the packaging itself lacks a spindle to actually hold the CD-ROM in place. Maybe it was so you could “jump in and out" of the

what is the deal with the rendered cutscenes? Could the characters look any worse? Once you're past that, you get this very plain Driver clone. Roscoe and Cooter bounce around in their cruisers like a couple of rabbits hopped up on goofballs, kamekaze'ing your car like there's no tomorrow. Levels are free- roaming, but it's easy to end up driving around in сіг- cles, if you don't follow on-screen directions. The graphics are average for the PS, but it frequently stops to load new areas inside of levels. Unless your lifelong dream was to have a General Lee of your very own, | wouldn't go near this. Chris

Wow. So, this is supposed to pass as reviewable? If Dukes || wasn’t a finished, in the box copy, I'd swear somebody was trying to play a joke on me. Crap doesn't even come close to describing how Dukes || looks or plays, and 1 don't think I’ve ever been so glad to turn off a game before. First of all, it has hor- rible, horrible visuals. Pop up and horrendous tex- tures run rampant, and there's this ugly fog that lies on the ground a few feet in front of you. Your car has a super quirky feel, which not only makes it difficult to stay on the dirt road; but it also makes avoiding the annoying cop cars almost impossible. Just atro- cious. Stay...no, run away. Fast. Ryan



2 2 2 1

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete

Publisher: Working Designs. Developer: Game Arts Featured In: ЕСМ #138 Players: 1

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Enjoyable story line

Worst Feature: Web Site:

Graphics show their age www.workingdesigns.com

Just like Silver Star Story, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete is overflowing with traditional RPG good- ness and one of the more compelling stories ever told on the PlayStation. It's too bad the simple graph- ics are getting harder to enjoy with the likes of the PS2 and DC on the market. The gorgeous animated cinemas help a little though. Of course, the game features excellent writing and decent voice acting that enhance the experience even more. The bottom line is that Lunar 2 is a great story and manages to shine beside more impressive games like Final Fantasy IX and Chrono Cross. All the cool stuff you get in the package doesn't hurt either. The downside is the over-abundance of fighting you do in this title. Yeah, the fighting actually requires a lot of strategy regarding your range and speed (it's second only to Grandia in my opinion), but there's just too much of it. Take into account the load times between getting into a fight and then returning to the overworld and it seems like some of the later dungeons go on for- ever. To their credit, WD did try to alleviate this prob- lem a little by giving the player the option to turn off the voices in battle (and joy of joys, they dropped the stupid save system from the Sega CD version). Still, by the end of the game | was tired of fighting endless monsters in hopes of reaching the final boss (which is a really cool fight, by the way). Nonetheless, Lunar 2 is definitely worth it for RPG fans. Greg Saying the Lunar franchise is showing its age is like calling Bob Hope old: It's a vast understatement. But the game does so many things right that it's still one of the better RPGs out there. Take the battle system: a seemingly simple turn-based setup that belies remarkable strategic depth. And then there's the story: a well-balanced mix of adventure, romance and friendship—with a few weighty themes thrown in—all brilliantly enhanced by Working Designs" localization. Still, | had more fun playing the first PS Lunar remake, as | found this one to be a bit buggy at times. But don't get me wrong—Lunar 2 remains а timeless game, despite its dated look. Gary Eternal Blue does everything the last PS Lunar right: a fantastic translation of a pretty good (if sometimes a bit cheesy) story, powered by truly memorable characters, topnotch voice acting, and enough extras (soundtrack, map, making-of CD, pup- pet, etc.) to give Babbage's workers a hernia. Combat is great when it really matters—like against the incredibly tough bosses— but | got tired of fighting so many random peons. The graphics are dated but never bothered me, outside of a few cases of poor animation. Lunar is still the same solid RPG, but maybe that's why it doesn't rate higher: It just does- n't stand out like it once did anymore. Mark




Developer: Capcom

Featured In: EGM #137

Players: 1

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Classic 2D gameplay

Worst Feature: Drags out a formulaic series

Web Site: www.capcom.com He's 2D, he's 3D, he's one of gaming's oldest icons, and he's not going away. At least not yet. The fifth of Capcom's X-tensions from the original blue blaster boy, MMXs will seem a tiring title to some but a clas- Sic comfort to others. With the original series push- ing nine titles, it's a wonder the “X” games exist at all, and not much has changed since it appeared on the SNES nearly a decade ago. That's the problem, the developers seem like they're really stretching to come up with original new robotic animal bosses and reasons for X and Zero to fight them. While the story in Xs is a very important part of the game's progres- sion, and your speed in completing the game affects the type of ending you receive, the interaction between X/Zero and the bosses feels forced and cheesy. The gameplay is the same, barring a couple of new attacks and moves that are linked to armor and acquired weapons, and they've also upped the difficulty a notch. It's still tough to reliably pull off moves that require multiple button presses, like climbing a wall while charging, or dash-jumping pre- cisely, no matter how you have the controller config- ured. If you've played any MMX games before, you know these moves come ир а ће time. Having the ability to turn your charger to “always on" in the options does help simplify things, though. Don't expect too much from X5, it’s little more than an

extension to 4 for fans of the series. Jonathan

Long live Mega Man. Long live 2D. Long live Capcom. With 2D games diminishing further and further each year, it's good to see Capcom continuing its long-run- ning series. But in typical Capcom style, very little has changed with this new installment, meaning that it's strictly for hardcore fans only. ММХ5 is solid all around, with good graphics, cool tunes and typi- cal MM gameplay. However, the game places a large emphasis on story, which | could care less about. As with fighting games, you don't play 2D action side- scrollers for their stories. And text bubbles popping up in the middle of action is just lame. Still, as a new 2D side-scroller, it's not bad. sam

While you could probably say this about any Mega Man game, the X series in particular hasn't felt fresh since the very first game on the SNES— no matter what you're doing, you get the feeling that you've done it before. X5 is no exception. It plays like the last four games, it looks like the last four games. It has the same confusing, animal-based bosses to boot. While | do like some of the new options, such as setting MM's blaster to auto-charge or rapid-fire, there's nothing here that really excites me. | like an old-school 2D action game as much as the next guy, but it's time to get some new ideas in the mix. Only play this if you're a fan. Greg


8 1 5 6

138 zdne п/е

Publisher: Crave Entertainment

Developer: Shaba Games Featured In: М/А

Players: 1-2

Supports: Dual Shock Best Feature: Decent gameplay

Worst Feature: Web Site:

Relatively short game www.cravegames.com

This timely title (the scooter craze is nearing its peak...I think) is tailor-made for younger gamers. Not that it won’t appeal to older folks, but the easy-to- master tricks interface, cute characters and rockin’ music play right to the kids. It’s incredibly simple on several levels: Performing tricks is as easy as falling off a log, and as long as the scooter isn’t completely sideways, it’s possible to land almost every maneu- ver. It doesn’t matter if you come in forward or back- ward either—it adapts to any angle. The controls are very Tony Hawk-like: The X button for the initial jump, circle or square plus direction for most of the other tricks. It’s surprising how many things you can do on a scooter. Grinds, no-footers, nac-nacs and about 100 others are possible. The other half of the game has you searching for strategically placed wheels (they're not too tough to find). Overall, given the excellent camera work, smooth framerate, easy learning curve, and best of all a $20 pricetag, Razor FS is a good value. There are some problems though. The two-player mode is a joke. Rather than split-screen play it uses a turn-based system. Basically you play a level solo, then your friend plays the same level— it's silly, really. Тһегете some graph- ical glitches as well. Nothing too serious, but some clipping and collision errors. For a game that was obviously on a tight schedule (to hit the craze at just the right time) it's darned entertaining. Dean

Now this is a surprise. We knew it was just a matter of time before someone made a game based on the Razor scooter; none of us expected it to come this soon though. What's more, | doubt anyone expected it to be this good. Since it's being marketed to a younger audience, it might be a tad too short and simple for most gamers. Still, Freestyle Scooter is solid. The levels are well-designed and the control is almost a complete copy of Tony Hawk. | really like the idea behind the music, too. Rather than spend loads of money licensing big-name bands, the devel- opers got music from current bands at MP3.com. Overall, a quality product that's too short. Greg

When the scooter craze re-emerged, we all knew a title like this was inevitable. While it's basically Tony Hawk Lite, from the chainable tricks to the level lay- outs and objectives, Razor pays decent homage to the latest fad. The premise is pure fool's gold (liter- ally: "A crazed robot has taken your friends, can you complete his challenges to save them?"), but the game's soundtrack is all courtesy of punk and emo bands pulled from трз.сот, which is a refreshing change from Rob Zombie and Bad Religion. The two- player mode is kind of a joke (it's the same as play- ing two one-player games), and it runs a bit choppy, but RFS is a fun rental, if nothing else. Jonathan


6 8 6 1


LucasArts Developer: Luxoflux Featured In: EGM #136 Players: 1-2 Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Robust Vigilante 8 gameplay Forced concept www.lucasarts.com

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Demolition suffers from being a little forced. Taking the basic essence of Vigilante 8 and ramming a large amount of Star Wars down its throat may seem like stuffing a square peg into a round hole, but it's not actually as bad as it sounds. Sure, it goes against the grain of the majority of Star Wars games as it has a much “looser” feel to it—the "rules" of Star Wars aren't adhered to at all and in places, frankly, it's a bit silly. Running around on the surface of the Death Star atop a Rancor armed with rocket launchers looks pretty stupid at first. Somehow being able to go backward in a pod-racer is also somewhat ludicrous if you analyze it too much. And as for Boba Fett? It has to be said that he does look more than a little daft dangling from his jet pack over the barren waste- lands of Hoth, zapping hither and yon with a feeble laser rifle. Ignoring all of this silliness though lets you hack through the facade to the game that lies beneath. At the end of the day, the underlying game is, in fact, Vigilante 8. It may be well-hidden, but that's what it is. The gameplay structure is a little old and we've definitely seen it before, but it's a robust and competent engine that can be a real hoot when played against a human opponent. Demolition won't be remembered as one of the "all-time great" Star Wars games, but it does manage to be perfectly ade- quate in the fun department.

What's next...Star Wars Tennis? Yeah, it's getting ridiculous, but | can't knock it because I’m sick of the license —especially when the game itself is decent. 1 agree it's similar to Vigilante 8, but | don't remem- ber the graphics in V8 looking as sparse as these. It almost looks like certain elements are just plopped right on the background without any blending. The structures look flimsy as well. Still, even with the ugly stuff, if it's vehicle combat you crave you could do worse. The fact that you're piloting Star War vehicles is beside the point; it's still good old-fashioned com- bat. | only wish it were better-looking. Dean

Demolition’s Star Wars flavored gameplay is novel for а vehicle-destruction game, but it doesn’t breathe any new life into the genre. There’s a few cool things like the variable strength weapons and score penalties for replenishing your energy, but it isn’t enough to keep this Vigilante 8 knockoff from feeling too stale. There are other problems, such as idiotic enemy intelligence (they get stuck in walls—instant cannon fodder), and ugly graphics that make the bat- tlefield seem too cluttered. The unlockable vehicles and extensive multiplayer modes extend the game’s longevity, but not enough for me to recommend it as anything more than a rental. Kraig



6 1 5 6

Supercross 2001



Ж” ІСІ Publisher: EA Sports Developer: EA Sports Featured In: М/А Players: 1-2 Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Freestyle competition Crowded roadways www.easports.com

| hate to start like this, but why hasn't there been а really great motocross game for the PlayStation? In the life of the PS I can't think of one truly excellent motocross title. At least nothing as topnotch as Nintendo's Excitebike 64. Supercross 2001 doesn't break this unfortunate tradition but it's definitely more fun to play than its predecessor. If you played SC 2000 you were treated to the stiffest, most infuri- ating control ever conceived for a motocross game. Happily SC 2001 has received a much-needed arcade injection. EA tossed out all the crappy sim stuff and smothered the thing with easy-to-master game- play and control. The cornering is much friendlier— in fact, maybe a little too easy now. The bikes turn on a dime but seem to defy the laws of physics by stay- ing completely upright (it looks ridiculous at times). It's afflicted with many physical inaccuracies (lots of invisible barriers to bounce off, etc.) but luckily none hinder gameplay. Once you master the power clutch/speed burst feature, the racing gets a whole lot more fun. They've done a great job emulating the burst of speed real motocross bikes achieve in their power-band. The Freestyle elements are probably the strongest part of the title. The bikes catch massive air, the riders animate well, and it's a real hoot to play. Overall, if you can look past the goofy physics and the unorthodox control, it's good fun. | would most defi- nitely rent first however. Dean І don't pretend to be an expert on motocross racing, but somehow | don't think the whole point is to hang back until someone passes you, then speed up and do your best to drive them off the course. The Al in this game is way too aggressive, and the control is atrocious. Hit the "slide" button and watch your rider turn 90° on a dime; it's very disorienting. Heading into a turn in Supercross is basically a test to see how many riders can pile on top of each other, and then who'll be lucky enough to get out of it first. EA Sports still can't seem to get a handle on racing of any kind on the PlayStation. Maybe it's time to put a new team on these games. Greg

Tomb Raider Chronicles

Publisher: Eidos Developer: Core Design Featured Іп: EGM #138 Players: 1 Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

This is the last TR on the PS опе The game is way too dark www.eidos.com

This is nothing more than one final cash-in before Core re-creates Lara for the next-generation consoles, and it shows. But like І said іп the Dreamcast review, through some amazing fluke the developers actually managed to produce a couple of genuinely entertain- ing levels here. Of course, they're still surrounded by the same poorly designed junk we've come to expect from this series. Not to mention the now-legendary control setup. Plus, unlike the Dreamcast version, the PlayStation game is so dark that half the time you can't even see Lara herself. It makes precision jumps and finding items next to impossible without turning the brightness on your television up to ridiculous lev- els. | maintain that Core could simply rerelease the original game and it would still be better than any of the subsequent titles in the franchise. But if you must have a new Tomb Raider adventure every year, Chronicles is still the best sequel to come along in a while. | do like that the entire game is broken up into four separate stories that flesh out Lara's history fair- ly well, even if they do all play pretty much the same. Like Core's Adrian Smith said in our preview. last month, this is a great chance for the developers to tie up loose-ends and close out this chapter of her life. Here's to seeing an original, fresh Tomb on the PS2, Xbox or whatever. I’ve had enough of this series in its present form, and Chronicles doesn't do anything

to change that. Greg

Core made a lot of promises about this game. They said Chronicles would liven up this tired franchise with new play styles. They said it would combine all the things that worked in the previous games. They lied. The game fights you every step of the way, but it’s not a good fight. You get too many of the annoy- ing find-the-switch and leap-to-the-right-ledge puz- zles that got old three games ago. And the puzzles here seem even more obscure and frustrating than ever, It’s just not fun. We were supposed to get Metal Gear Solid-inspired. stages at the finale. Instead, we just got the same ol', same ol' —except with a few new outfits and moves. Blah. Grispin

The perfect opposite of THQ's Championship Motocross, Supercross does an equal number of things right and wrong. It looks really nice standing still, but the animation and turning in the single-play- er mode is choppy and disorienting. The freestyle game is slightly superior to Motocross', and the speed boost really helps on some of ће jumps іп solo mode, but it lacks the cool bike customization of CM. Can't we just meld the two for a motorcycle über- зате!? If you're choosing between 'em, Supercross offers a more realistic, faster-paced game with quicker races. Motocross is easier to play and offers а bit more depth in its one-player game. Jonathan


1 6 6 6


The original Tomb Raider was a pretty revolutionary game, but four sequels later, the concept’s pretty stale. The control is still not well-suited to the envi- ronments and actions Lara has to perform, which makes the game very frustrating. It's nice to see the exploration is heavily focused on using all. your moves and items, but | maintain that the most excit- ing part of the game is trying to get as far as you can using only sideflips and backflips. Otherwise, it's the same old deal: Hunt for items and unlock doors. TRC is no technical triumph, either, with pixe- lated walls and more clipping than a barber shop.

Just ignore it and it'll go away. Jonathan


6 6 2 3

Publisher: Sierra

Developer: Starsphere Interactive

Featured In: EGM #138 = > Players: 14

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Still a decent party game

Worst Feature: Web Site:

All the style has disappeared www.sierra.com

Just for everyone’s information: The latest You Don’t Know Jack for the PC is awesome and includes Net play. As for the latest PlayStation conversion...well, buy the original instead. You'll likely find it in the bargain bin by now. Even if you have to pay full price, it’s still a better value than Mock 2. Although it seems like Starsphere tried to keep the episodic feel of YDKJ alive in Mock 2, they failed miserably. Gone is the truly multimedia experience we got from the first game. The cool, vibrant splash screens have been replaced with field after field of dark, boring poly- gons. In fact, the color palette throughout the entire game is whacked. All the questions are presented against a black background using dark blue poly- gons for color. Then, once you get to the Jack Attack at the end of each game, you're treated to bright neon colors whose contrast is so messed up you're lucky if you can even read the question. Starsphere needs to administer drug tests to their programmers, methinks. The final пай in the coffin has to do with the announcer this year. "Schmitty" is pretty much the most mundane guy who has ever narrated these games. Whether it’s the actor's fault or the script’s, his jokes are rarely funny and are way too overused. While you and a couple friends may enjoy a game or two of Mock 2, | still say you should go buy the orig- inal PS conversion first. If not, at least rent this one before you buy it. Greg

How many times have your friends said to you, “Dude, let's play a trivia game!” Well, if your friends are like my friends, it's often. But if you find the set- up of "analog" trivia games a chore—go digital. Consoles are the perfect place for a trivia game like ҮРК). It's a lot easier to get a buncha people togeth- er around a TV set than a computer monitor. That said, Mock 2 isn't the best Jack game, but it's still more entertaining than watching Millionaire (or playing the abysmal PS one game). Jellyvision's sense of humor is great, but | kinda miss the game- show setup from the first PC games. Get a group together and go nuts. Chris

After a long run on the PC, this franchise was getting a little long in the tooth, and | guess they thought that a revamping was in order. | agree with that, but | don't like the changes they have made. Almost every play choice has been removed: You can no longer pick between a short and long game or even choose the question category. The humor that once punctuated this series now feels too forced, thanks in large part to the annoying announcer whose voice is one of the worst in Jack history. Between his ram- bling mantras and the ugly interface (the Jack Attack is hideous), this aptly named УОКЈ is a mockery of the once glorious quiz game. Kraig



Eidos = Blitz Games EGM #135 1 It plays sorta like Metal Gear Solid Dual Shock Obnoxiously repetitive www.dreamworks.com

Having not seen the movie, I really didn't know what to expect from Chicken Run, but | was hoping for something better than this. Like the film, this game is marketed toward kids, and is basically a dumbed- down adventure. Think of it as Metal Gear Solid, but with chicken. The similarities are pretty shame- less—there's a radar that shows you where your ene- mies are, and where they can see. And yup, when they sense you're near or if they spot you, all hell breaks loose until you find a good hiding spot. Ripping off such a classic PlayStation game isn't a horrific offense, but they should have done it better. Chicken Run offers little variety, and it relies on silly (and boring) minigames to break up the monotony of running around looking for items. The end-level sequences are sometimes amusing, but | suspect that's only because | was so sick of the main game. If the graphics were a little more pleasing to look at (and less buggy), maybe this rudimentary adventure would be easier to swallow, but for now, I'll only be getting my chicken from KFC, thank you. Kraig



Sony СЕА =>

Argonaut EGM #133 к x The groovy Latin inspired music Dual Shock David Spade's impersonated voice | www.playstation.com

| really must give credit to Argonaut for putting together a game that totally captures the mood and spirit of the movie it's based on. The Emperor's New Groove is filled with wit and sarcasm, just like the big-screen original. And | happen to enjoy that. It even manages to make light of traditional video game shortcomings, which made me chuckle. As for the actual game, it can best be described as Spyro, but not as good. Graphics are solid (it uses an enhanced version of the Croc engine) and the music is sweet (I totally dig the Latin sound), but the game- play is a bit of a mixed bag. There are a lot of great platforming elements to be found, but then there's a lot of elementary “put the rock on the button so the door opens" type stuff. Which isn't so bad except that it's repeated throughout. Thankfully there is a lot of variety to the stages (such as overhead scenes, racing areas and stealth scenes), so you never get bored. If you dig the movie, definitely check this game out. Or, if you're just looking for a new plat- former, check it out too. | enjoyed it. Sam




Bandai > Вапда! EGM #138


Nice anima-

tion Dual Shock Plodding gameplay www.bandai.com

There is a small but dedicated group of gamers who must get their hands on any and all mech games. If you don't fall into this category, skip Gundam— it'll do nothing for you. If you are hardcore into mechs, this is a fine addition to your collection, just don't expect to be playing it much past the first day of pur- chase. It's a bare-bones, one-on-one fighter that has the look of an old-school Neo*Geo cart. The hand- drawn characters have been carefully crafted and are beautiful; shame that they control like they're stuck in mud. A fighting game should, above all else, provide players with deep control mechanics and comfortable maneuverability, and this one fails on both counts. Walking seems to take an eternity, and punches and kicks never connect as quickly as they should. These problems lead to lots of projectile face-offs, which get boring fast. The different mech builds offer substantial variety, but none of them have any real personality. There are plenty of solid PS games still hitting the market during these twilight years...and this ain't one of'em. Ethan


Acclaim >

Osiris Studios

EGM #137 1:2 Fighters lock up realistically Dual Shock Sub-lacklus-

ter gameplay www.acclaim.com

By nabbing the HBO license, Acclaim has managed to corral all the professional boxers that EA and Codemasters (Mike Tyson) hadn't already claimed. Too bad it doesn't do them much good. While the menus boast the flashy HBO regalia, that does noth- ing to conceal the game's tepid gameplay. In a unique twist to a boxing game, you toggle which hand you want to throw the punch with by whacking the L1 button on the control pad. It's a neat idea, and frees up the main buttons to act as а wider variety of punches. The catch is that the collision-detection is so crappy that half the time you punch through the opposing boxer, and don't even hit him (or her, as there are female boxers as well). The boxers them- selves at least lock up with each other, unlike some other boxing games, but that doesn't keep each fighter from looking like they just swallowed a bag of morphine. Tiny touches like the between-round injury indicator are cool, but the game doesn't even offer analog control for Pete's sake! Just a substan-

dard game in general. Milkman VISUALS SOUND REPLAY


King of Fighters '99

Publisher: Agetec

Developer: SNK

Featured In: N/A Players: 12 Best Feature: The graphics Supports: are great ог a PS game Dual Shock Worst Feature: Characters Web Site: feel a little stiff www.agetec.com

Unlike the Dreamcast version of this game, King of Fighters '99 feels completely at home on the PlayStation. In fact, it comes off quite impressive, a stark contrast from the good but “could have been so much more" Dreamcast release. Even though they're not 3D, the backgrounds in here are nice-looking, and change (sometimes drastically) between match- es. The control is near-perfect, the animation is just about on par with the DC version, and the special attacks look no worse. 1 enjoy the way you pick character order on this version more— by assigning fighters to different buttons, you can secretly select the order. Great for one-on-one matches. To make up for the lack of 3D backgrounds, SNK added some cool exclusive extras for PlayStation owners, and even though some of them are lame (I really don't care about listening to character voices), others like an art gallery and color edit mode (similar to the one in Capcom vs. SNK) are really grand. While KoF '99 might be technically superior on the DC, | actually had more fun with this one. Go figure. Ryan


8 8 1 9

Monster Rancher Hop About


Publisher: Tecmo Developer: Tecmo Featured In: N/A Players: 2-2


Best Feature: Simple,

Supports: quirky fun None Worst Feature: Not much Web Site:

variety in gameplay www.tecmoinc.com

| can see it now. Some of you out there are undoubt- edly looking at this score, scratching your melons, and wondering how in tarnation a game staring Suezo & Co. hopping about on pogo sticks could possibly rate so high. After all, the game is absurdly simple: It's basically a collection of 100 different timed levels in which you race to the end, using power-ups to your advantage and avoiding the many gaps and holes in the platform. And the control con- sists of nothing more than using the D-pad to steer your monster. But after just a few moments, doubt gives way to delight, as | found myself wanting to get through "just one more" level of this quirky action/puzzle hybrid. Still doubtful? Well, consider this: | haven't had sore thumbs from a game in a long time (that's a good thing). Nor have | seen, in quite a while, people twisting and gyrating so much, using the ol’ body English, jockeying for advantage in the highly competitive two-player mode. It’s far from rev- olutionary, but it’s definitely a great game if you’ve got a few hours to kill. Gary


6 1 6 8

Power Spike Pro Веасћ

Publisher: Infogrames Developer: Carapace Featured In:

EGM #136




Dual Shock

Web Site: www.infogrames.com


Best Feature: Easy to jump. right into

Worst Feature: Sloppy, іті- tating control

OK, I thought...babes, beach, bikinis, this can't be all bad. | mean, we're not afraid to boot up a game for the booty call factor, right? Well, after this one, | am afraid. The funny part is that | almost liked it. Once you get over the disappointment of the sandstorm- influenced visuals (Gabby looks pretty shabby), the action takes center stage. Now, I'm all for simplistic controls, a la Mario Tennis, which allow players to feel pretty good at the game almost immediately. The problem here is that there's really no room for improving your skills due to some maddeningly inconsistent controls. Sometimes you'll hit the but- ton and your player will dive for the ball. Sometimes you hit it and nothing, nada, zilch. Too often | watched my player stand right next to the ball while I hit the button in vain. Two-player action against the CPU is pretty fun, but is ultimately stunted by the lack of depth. Win a tournament or two and be done with it. Infogrames had the right idea in going for the old NES volleyball feel, but that hair-trigger respon- siveness is missing. Dan


4 5 5 3

Ready 2 Rumble Round 2

Publisher: Midway Developer: Midway Featured In: EGM #135 Players:



Dual Shock

Web Site: www.midway.com


Best Feature: Secret сћаг-

acters Worst Feature: Kinda slug- gish feel

It's so hard to score R2R2 fairly when it already has made appearances on the next-gen circuit. | don't want to compare apples to oranges, but the PS2 has some damn sweet oranges. But let's stick to the point, if there is a point, which I think there is. Oh, the point is you've played this game before, and I think it was called Ready to Rumble. It was a pret- ty good game, with funny characters, which you might pop in from time to time when you have friends over. This year's version is no different. It's arcade gameplay through and through. Career mode offers some minigames, but they aren't all that great. Nope, the greatness lies in beating the tar out of one oppo- nent after another. You can mete out beatings with the help of new rumble flurries (which knock your foe completely out of the ring) and added combos, but it’s nothing too new. Secret characters include Michael Jackson, Shaquille O'Neal and a host of oth- ers. What it all comes down to, though, is that R2R2 is decidedly average, and deserves nothing more than a rental at best. Dan INGENUITY REPLAY


5 5 4 4


Publisher: Empire Interactive Developer: Mind's Eye Prod. Featured In:

EGM #134 Players: 1-2 Supports:


Web Site: saveoursheep.com

Best Feature: Old-school graphics and gameplay Worst Feature: Perhaps a bit too old-school for the price

If this game were one of those $10 value titles, I'd buy it. Heck—a simple, addictive game for that much? Some $40+ games don't yield that much enjoyment. Sheep isn't flashy—these graphics probably could've been done on the Genesis—but its game- play is cut from the same cloth that made games like Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Haunting Starring Polterguy fun all those years ago. These days, that only gets you halfway. The object is to guide a herd of Sheep toward the exit in a variety of themed worlds while avoiding pitfalls and traps. Sound effects and music are pretty minimal and repetitive do we need the repeated screeching. when some- one's talking to you? Plus if you die, you're forced to load a game. So if you haven't saved for a few levels, you'll have to play them over again. Instead of a two- player cooperative or competitive game, there's just a little soccer minigame. Perhaps some more multi- player games and polish would've made this an attractive option. A good rental for those who don't want long-term involvement with a game. Chris


5 2

Publisher: == го Acclaim Developer:


Featured In: EGM #137 Players:




Web Site: www.acclaim.com

Best Feature: Addictive two-player mode

Worst Feature: Sometimes annoying voices

There have been roughly 7,943 incarnations of Bust- A-Move over the past few years, on every system from the Neo*Geo to the Saturn, so it's probably not too surprising that this new PS2 version doesn't rethink the basic premise of the game. What Super BAM does do is compile a bunch of the little extras each new edition has offered, adds a couple of its own, and wraps the whole thing in a fresh coat of bright, glossy graphics. Moving conveyor belt walls, exploding balls that turn everything around them the same color, tiny balls that become normal size only after they hit another—there are all kinds of neat giz- mos to fool around with here. There's also a huge number of single-player puzzle levels (classic-style and new), plus Vs. CPU and three different kinds of two-player matches. Which character you choose in Vs. mode matters too—each has his/her own selec- tion of balls to dump on their opponent. Of course the Р52 could run five Super Bust-A-Moves and still have horsepower to spare, but it is just a puzzle game, after all, and a pretty good one at that. Mark


5 6 1 8

Driving Emotion Type-S

Publisher: Square EA

Developer: Escape

Featured In: EGM #129 rre Players: T2

Supports: Dual Shock 2

Lots of cool, licensed cars Like driving on ice with slicks www.squaresoft.com

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

| actually had to create a whole bunch of new four- letter words to express my frustration while playing Type-S. And I'm Canadian! I’m not sure why Square feels the need to delve into different genres like this. Once in a while they get it right, but in many other cases they completely miss the mark. Well, | guess that's a little harsh. Driving Emotion does have its merits. It features some pretty sweet car models and solid graphics (although it definitely has that first- generation look to it). The different tracks all look pretty unique and the setup options on each car are extensive enough that those of you who love to tin- ker in these games will be satiated. That is, until you learn that almost nothing you do will make it feel like your car has any real grip on the road. The rear wheels simply have no traction at all. It results in having to weave down every straightaway, constant- ly correcting and recorrecting for your ill-handling machine. It's unforgivable, and makes the first part of the game so frustrating you'll wonder if it's even worth continuing. The irony is that once you unlock some of the better cars (especially the Boxster), the game becomes a tad too easy. That's assuming you're finally comfortable with the horrible control. Basically what it comes down to is this: if you've played the hell out of GT2 and Sega GT, you might consider getting this if you absolutely must have another racer before GT3 hits. I’d just wait. Greg

I am not having any fun. Гт still somewhat impressed with the graphics, and I'm digging the sound, but | don't have the muscle control in my left thumb to be able to control this effectively. | can appreciate that the developers wanted to make this "realistic," and | can appreciate that driving sports cars at high speeds is challenging...but | don't think anyone can comfortably argue that a racing game should be this sensitive and twitchy. It sucks all the fun out of it. The sense of achievement gained from winning a cool car like the Alfa GTV is completely taken away when you keep crashing the damn thing. Wait for Gran Turismo 3 instead. John

I still haven't decided whether | like this game or not. On the one hand, you've got some amazing, innova- tive graphics. The detail in the inside view of each and every one of the cars is really impressive, and the visual effects are stunning. Plus, the game's hard as hell—easily one of the most challenging racers around—and has a fair number of tracks and some slick cars. But the handling is so godawful that most people are likely to walk away before the first race even ends. Sure, once you learn to handle the touchy controls you really feel like you've accom- plished something, but that's not the kind of chal- lenge that makes а good game. Joe Rybicki


8 1 5 6

ESPN International Track & Field

Publisher: Konami

Developer: Konami

Featured In: EGM #135 = ге Players: 1-8

Supports: Dual Shock 2, Multi-tap 2

Best Feature: Graphics

Worst Feature: Repetitive gameplay

Web Site: www.konami.com

| like games that are fun right out of the box, no options necessary. That said, ESPN International Track and Field assumes a couple of things in order to be fun. It assumes that a) you will buy a Multi-tap; b) you have three friends willing to play ITF; c) you will all practice and get decent enough at each event to make a real competition out of it all. That’s asking a lot. | can accomplish those goals here at EGM, where we stop at nothing to get the best gameplay experience possible™, but that’s the exception. In any case, if you do meet the above requirements, you will have some short-lived fun with ITF. The gameplay harkens back to the PS one version, which recalled the old arcade classic. Basically you mash buttons until you’re about to have a seizure. Then you mash ‘em some more. Konami spared us a bit by breaking up the action with some serene Trap Shooting and Rhythmic Gymnastics, but don’t worry, because you'll be back to mashing 'em good in no time. М/ННО000НООО! | love mashing those but- tons! If you're beginning to feel like | actually got bored and tired of reducing my fingers to aching nubs, then you're beginning to understand. It's not Konami's fault really, because the game is beautiful and the presentation is very good (NBC has nothing on Konami). It's just that it is what it is— Track and Field with a pretty new look. Button tappers of the world, unite! It's hard to imagine that Konami could screw up a game with such simple game mechanics, but that's exactly what they've done. Track and Field looks nice, but it's frustrating to play. Controlling some of the events is supremely annoying, thanks to the obnoxious button combinations you have to hit while mashing for speed. A few of the events have simple controls, but they rarely give you the feeling that you're actually doing anything. The sluggish player animations are another sore spot. Sometimes they don't seem to react well to your presses, and it makes timing a pain in the ass. It's just not worth the Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome to play this. Kraig

| love the Track and Field games but man, what were they thinking with these new button configurations? The original setup utilized two buttons for power and a third neighboring button for release, or jump, or whatever. All the vital buttons were nice and close for quick access. Now you're supposed to hit L1, R1 or, in some cases, the direction pad to release? This makes no sense to me. Do they expect us to use our pointer and middle fingers to roll the buttons? Geesh, talk about awkward. | still have an affinity for the ТаҒ line, but | wish they would've figured out a different way to shake things up. It's cool they tried to make it better but | prefer the old way. Dean INGENUITY REPLAY


1 6 4 5


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ESPN Winter К Games Snowhoar



Konami Developer: Konami Featured In: EGM #137 Lr Players: 12 Supports: Dual Shock 2 Best Feature: Fast and smooth Worst Feature: Hard

Web Site: www.konami.com

If systems have to be defined by the genres they excel in (RPGs on SNES, fighters on Saturn, etc.), then let it be known that the PS2 is currently home to the best damn snowboarding titles out there. | haven't enjoyed a snowboarding game since 1080, and now the PS2 has delivered two (SSX and this) powder-packed beauties within a month of its release. ESPN Winter X Games Snowboarding is a topnotch representation of the sport, and excels in every gameplay department. The only “buyer beware” statement | will make is that this game is tough. The learning curve is steep. You will fail mis- erably from time to time. If your ego can handle that, and you don’t have a pressing immediate gratifica- tion complex, then you'll be fine. There are too many modes to mention, but the create-a-boarder option is hyper-detailed and very cool. Once you're into the game, sit back and enjoy a mercury-smooth frame- rate, wind-rippled clothes and animated faces. Backgrounds are a tad generic, but that's forgivable. Presentation is well-done in ESPN-esque fashion, with real riders and real sponsors, including Oakley (thanks for the shades) and Nike (thanks for the Shoes). Jokes aside, this title is serious fun, with a slight emphasis on the serious part. It's not over-the- top fun in the same way that SSX is, but it offers a lasting, and different, experience that should please most any gamer. Dan

ESPN Snowboarding is brutal at first. The control scheme is realistic, which doesn't always mean fun. If you don't perfect the art of carving, your boarder will constantly be losing speed. That's not a good thing, and with somewhat short levels, can cause an instant restart. | appreciate what they tried to do with the realism of it all, but to me this game is more challenge than fun. It's not that the control is bad or slippery, it's just damn hard. The ESPN license is put to use very nicely, and | love the career mode they included. If you're looking for something a bit more demanding, give this game a shot, otherwise stick to SSX. Dean

I've gotta commend Konami for nailing every detail of what, on the surface, seems like a pretty elementary sport. You can customize everything from your stance angle to your goggles, and build up the cred- it to buy new junk by competing in realistic speed and trick trials. | was glad to hear Strung Out and Riverfenix on the soundtrack, but music doth not a game make, unfortunately. It's a much more serious and comprehensive title than SSX, but the founda- tion of the game, the snowboarding itself, just isn’t on. It lacks the speed, control and excitement that made SSX such a kick to play. This one's more for boarders than it is for gamers. Jonathan



8 1 1 8

Silpheed: The Lost Planet

Publisher: Working Designs

Developer: Treasure/Game Arts

Featured In: EGM #137 “eS Players: 1

Supports: None

Best Feature: Worst Feature: Web Site:

Freakin' intense graphics No technique to the gameplay www.workingdesigns.com

Howey Cwah, da gaficks ah amashin! (CLOP!) Er, sorry about that, my jaw was on the floor—as | was saying, Holy Crap, the graphics are amazing! Silpheed is easily the best-looking shooter ever, and one of the best-looking PS2 games, in any genre, so far. If you think a standard old-school shooter can’t benefit from the power of new hard- ware, wait ’til you see this game—intense back- grounds, huge, nasty bosses, and some eye-popping lighting effects that haven’t been possible before on other systems. But the gameplay underneath this fresh coat of paint—even if it is a freakin’ amazing coat of paint—is disappointingly plain. There’s no way to power-up your shots or really alter your ship in Silpheed. You do choose two weapons from a few different choices (which increase as the game pro- gresses) twice each level, but experimenting with dif- ferent weapon combos isn’t exciting or rewarding enough to bring you back to the controller long-term. There’s also really no play mechanics—you get a big- ger bonus for killing enemies closer to your ship, and that’s it. Dodging bullets, learning levels, and figur- ing out the best way to beat the bosses is fun, but it doesn’t last. And although WD has done an excellent job with the U.S. version, removing almost all the slowdown and making it a much more challenging game, it still only lasts a couple days at most. A must-rent, but not worth a purchase. Mark Being a big fan of the Sega CD version of Silpheed and of Treasure in general, | was really looking for- ward to this PS2 shooter. Unfortunately this update does little to advance the series other than adding some gorgeous graphics to what was already a pret- ty stale game engine. Although there are a lot of weapons to earn as you play, there's just no depth. Not a power-up to be found, and the PS2 version of Silpheed doesn't even bother with the special weapon system from the Sega CD game. Basically, you fly and shoot. That's fun for a little while, but Silpheed just doesn't have anything that makes it worth more than a rental fee. Greg

Top Gear Dare Devil

Publisher: Kemco

Developer: Papaya Studios

Featured || EGM #137 re Players: 1-2

Supports: Dual Shock 2

Best Feature: Decent city design

Worst Feature: Cars handle poorly

Web Site: www.top-gear.com

I couldn't help but think of Crazy Taxi when | first fired up TGDD. They're similar in some ways: urban envi- ronments, free-roaming, bumper-car physics, time constraints, etc. | only wish the overall game was as good as Crazy Taxi. Most of the problems are control- related. | hesitate to even call them problems, but given the effect loose handling has on a driving game, it's a bit more than a minor flaw. In the begin- ning you're given a bubble car—a tiny vehicle better suited carrying clowns around a circus than ram-rod- ding through heavy traffic. You expect a clown car to handle like crap, but when each successive vehicle is only a mild improvement, the red flags start to wave. Accurate, controlled power-sliding is a necessity in a game like this. Unfortunately these cars under- steer like mad. In layman's terms, when braking into a corner they tend to keep traveling forward rather than tossing out thé back end as in “power-slide.” And given the importance of driving from point A to point B quickly, slowing down to creep around the turns is counter-productive. To make matters worse, the framerate is not terrifically fast. The game is not atotalloss by any means but it could've been better. Multiplayer, eh, it's OK | guess. Pass the bomb and Coin Collect are not super original but they're still fun. As I’ve said many times this month—rent before you buy. If you're interested, you can probably get your fill from a two-night rental. Dean Any racing game that lets you trash an entire metro-

politan area has to be great, right? Well, not exactly.

When | first started to run over phone booths, gas pumps and newsstands, | thought this could be something special. Unfortunately, it turned out that this was the only thing Top Gear excelled at. In some ways, the playful carnage mimics Crazy Taxi, but it's not even 1/10th as intense or fun. The game moves at a very methodic rate. Right when you get up to a decent speed, you either get caught in traffic or have to make a tight turn. If you make the wrong one, you're screwed, so basically it tests your ability to drive while reading a map. Yawn. Kraig

| | | |


Publisher: Nintendo

Developer: Rare

Featured In: EGM #133

Players: 1-2

Supports: Link Cable

Best Feature: Faithful to the SNES game Worst Feature: Graphics are pretty messy Web Site: www.nintendo.com

My hat's off to Rare for this respectable translation of one of the most technically advanced SNES titles of its time. Despite the valiant effort, though, there's no denying DKC just doesn't look all that great on the GBC screen. | think | prefer the NES-to-GBC transla- tions with their solid, colorful sprites to the dithered, messy characters offered up here. Still, you can't argue with the quality platforming action this game provides. Though a few of the levels have seen some cosmetic changes in order to save memory, Diddy and Donkey Kong don't appear on the screen simul- taneously anymore, and the sweet weather effects found on the SNES cart didn't make the cut, Donkey Kong Country on the GBC is a virtual carbon copy of its older brother, which is a mixed blessing. To offset the limitations of this port, Rare even added a couple minigames to DKC that employ the oft-ignored Link Cable. Unfortunately they aren't a whole lot of fun, but a decent diversion | suppose. My only other real gripe with Donkey Kong is that Rare didn't tweak some levels enough to deal with the small screen. In particular the minecart levels can be a real pain when they get going fast. Noticing that next break in the tracks or the upcoming wreckage in time to jump it can become very difficult more than it has to be, in my opinion. Thanks for the effort, Rare, but how about saving the rest of the SNES remakes for the Game Boy Advance, mmmkay? Greg On the Super NES, Donkey Kong Country was never as engaging as a Mario side-scroller, but it still dished out good fun. And now that it's been stripped down for the GBC, the fun here has been, well, stripped down a tad, too. It's not that the game is less impres- sive from a visual standpoint. Sure, it may lack the parallax scrolling or crystal-clear detail of the 16-bit original, but DKC still looks damn fine on the GBC. It's almost too fine; enemies often blend into the hyper- detailed backgrounds when the screen scrolls, mak- ing for a few cheap deaths. Still, the control here is rock-solid, and you get enough bonus features to make this tip worth taking again. Crispin

This brings back memories mm 1994, sitting in front my Sega CD, jaw to the floor watching the visual splendor that was the original Silpheed. Fast forward six years, and here | am playing the PS2 Silpheed. It's a very similar experience— great graphics, classic shooter gameplay, radio chatter going on in the background, and gaining weapons with limited use- fulness. Shooters have evolved past that since the original’s release. Graphics are amazing, but some- times you feel like you're seeing repeated textures. It's damn difficult just like the first one too, so pre- pare to die a lot at the very end of a stage (usually the boss). Good, but 1 expected more. Chris





9 1

Part Midnight Club, part Cray Taxi, TGDD has you competing primarily against the clock. Not a racer, but rather a driving game with checkpoint/collection objectives, it has a unique charm to it. Maybe it’s the unlikely-hero-type cars (little European rattletraps, mostly) or the joy of darting through store windows in various cities around the world. The title’s a bit misleading —there's not so much daredeviling going on, but rather a whole lotta crashing and fishtailing. The control is undeniably difficult, and if 1 have to drive through San Francisco in one more racer, I’m gonna to start praying for earthquakes. TGD is kind of an acquired taste; rent it first. Jonathan


143 - www.zdnet.c


1 1

ОКС was greati in 1994 because its graphics were the best anyone had ever seen actually in а game. Gameplay itself was pretty standard platform fare, and it took a backseat to the graphics. So maybe it would've been better to hold this one until Game Boy Advance when they could get the graphics exact. The detail that made our collective jaws drop back in the day is limited by the GBC, and what is there occasionally makes it difficult to see enemies on this small a screen. What we're left with is the standard platform bit, which admittedly wasn't that exciting to begin with. Good for a 10-minute stroll down memory lane. Chris


4 4


1 1

Publisher: Activision Developer:

HAL Corporation Featured In:

EGM #135 2 < Players: DEEP: с 1 Best Feature: Detail visuals ^ Supports: Worst Feature: Tiresome None gameplay Web Site:


Ten years ago, coin-op cabinets like Bad Dudes and Vigilante ruled the arcades. Had Blade been released in that time and place, it probably would have found a receptive audience. Today, it comes off as a tire- some retread of a dead genre. Gameplay is com- prised of little more than fighting off endless hordes of identical enemies with your fists. In the heat of battle, your virtual Wesley Snipes moves sluggishly, and has one helluva time blocking the swarms of vil- lains who charge him. There is a button for deflecting attacks, but it never seems to work when you need it to. The challenge level ranges from too easy to impossible—the early stages are snore-inducingly simple, but as you progress, yoü'll encounter ene- mies capable of slicing off half your energy in a sin- gle blow. This is tough to deal with when you're only given one life per game. The graphics look good, I'll give it that, but with so little substance behind the flash, who cares? Oh, and if you do pick this up, have a pencil handy when you play...passwords are 13 dig-

its long. Pass. Ethan INGENUITY REPLAY



1 2

Publisher: Codemasters Developer:


Featured In: N/A Players: 1 Best Feature: Clever Supports: gameplay... None Worst Feature: Really needs Web Site: a mouse www.codemasters.com

This was a popular title on PCs in the early '905, and it ports really well to Nintendo’s handheld unit. Like Worms and Hogs of War, Cannon Fodder is an action/strategy game with a sense of humor. A sim- ple but elegant interface keeps you from having to control soldiers directly; just indicate where you want them to go with a cursor and fire at enemies as they approach. This may sound limiting, but it’s easy to get used to, and ultimately provides for a level of flexibility that Sarge’s troops in Army Men could only dream of. The learning curve is dead-on— stages are always challenging, but rarely get frustrating. The quality.of the audio/visual presentation matches the solid play: Menus are beautiful, top-down back- drops are painstakingly detailed, and voice samples are clear and crisp. An episodic structure allows you to play comfortably in short spurts (lunch breaks, etc.). The game's only substantial fault lies in having to move your cursor with a digital pad...it's tricky, but you adjust to it. On the whole, a great package if you're into military action. Ethan






ectronic ¢

Chicken Run


THQ Developer: Pathe Featured In: N/A ай; gor Players: Best Feature: Strategic Supports: game play None Worst Feature: Choppy ani- Web Site: mation www.thq.com

The PS Chicken Run uses Metal Gear Solid as its tem- plate for game control, so | was fully expecting this GBC release to emulate Solid Snake's handheld adventure. No such luck. Instead, we get a cart that plays like an isometric Lemmings. This is fine, pro- vided you're not looking for a gaming experience that's big on action. With a handful of household objects at their disposal, fowl protagonists Ginger and Rocky have to hustle a posse of chickens past the iron gates of Tweedy farm. Dogs, spotlights and security cameras stand in their way, providing for a substantial level of tension. Unfortunately, when your birds are evading these perils, they move as if strobe lights are flashing above them—chop, chop, chop. А shame, but at least the music is catchy (it will float around in your head long after you've turned off your Game Boy). Something to consider before buy- ing this for your little brother: Despite the license, adults will enjoy this title more than children will. The strategic gameplay and slow pace will likely put off most of the tykes. Ethan


1 6


Publisher: Acclaim

Developer: Neon Studios

Featured In:

N/A Players: салп 14 Best Feature: Modes, lev- Also Try: els, tricks...so much to do! Tony Hawk 2 Worst Feature: Courses area Web Site:

bit small www.acclaim.com

| had my doubts about Dave Мита ВМХ after playing THPS2, but not anymore. It's one of the best Game Boy games I’ve played in a while. Not only are the graphics and sound above-average, the control is unbelievable, and each impeccably designed level offers a good number of opportunities for sweet combos. The game is filled with all sorts of extras. For example, you can pick up new tricks in some lev- els, find special bonus point icons and more. You can also win different types of special medals for com- pleting tasks in each level (for example, if you com- plete all three challenges in one go). By obtaining these medals ог exceeding a set number of points, new features, levels, tricks, bikes and more can be opened (including a cool replay mode to see a pro pull off some crazy combo moves). And get this: It even has a variety of two- to four-player modes! You don't see this sort of depth in Game Boy games that often. The only gripe is the size of the levels. If some of them were just a tad bigger, the game would be near-perfect. Other than that, it's golden. Shawn


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Donald Duck: Goin'

Publisher: Ubi Soft

Developer: Ubi Soft

Featured In: EGM #132 Players:


Best Feature: Tight play control



Web Site: www.ubisoft.com

Worst Feature: No battery backup

Leave it to Ubi Soft—the creators of the sublime Rayman series—to show Game Boy Color developers how a real platform game should be made. Fans of the genre should rejoice at the release of Goin’ Quackers, a cart good enough to make Nintendo's pocket-sized system your console of choice for days on end. The story: Daisy has been kidnapped, and Donald must traverse five masterfully designed worlds to find her. Play mechanics are an interesting pastiche of everything that has worked before in the best of the run-and-jump games: Our feathered friend powers up on temper pellets like Bonk, explores multi-tiered levels like Sonic, and butt- stomps like Mario. Few titles better showcase the strengths of this aging Game Boy hardware—the graphics on display here shouldn't be possible to wring from an 8-bit unit. Surprisingly fluid anima- tion and vivid color put this one in an aesthetic league comparable to the classic Sega Genesis carts bearing Donald Duck's name. Portable games rarely get better than this. Ethan



9 1 1

Publisher: Ubi Soft Developer: Sandbox Studios Featured In: N/A

Players: 1 Supports:


Web Site: www.disney interactive.com

Best Feature: Catchy tunes Worst Feature: Barren visu- als

Here is a textbook example of a perfectly average 2D platform game. The Emperor's New Groove features solid control, serviceable graphics and a reasonable challenge level, but absolutely nothing in it stands out as interesting or inspired. Barring the license, there is no compelling reason to choose this game over any of the other character-driven action titles available on the Game Boy Color. This is a shame, given the rich potential of the source material. Development studios have managed to create gold from Disney properties before (just look at this month's GBC edition of "Donald Duck" as an exam- ple), so what went wrong here? For starters, every level feels exactly like the one that came before it. Boss fights aside, there is no variety in gameplay. The game's pace is oddly lethargic: The llama you control trots along at a stately pace, as if wanting to take in the scenery as it passes. Not that there is much to see—backgrounds are surprisingly lacking in detail. Most gamers will want to look elsewhere for their Disney fix. Ethan


.4 5


5 1

Publisher: Ubi Soft Developer: Digital Eclipse Featured In: EGM #136 Players:


Best Feature: Wicked sense of humor

Worst Feature: Too short



Web Site: www.ubisoft.com

It's rare to come across a GBC title that isn't geared toward the under-12 set. Little Nicky is a crude, rau- cous platformer designed with mature players in mind. The game is loaded with toilet humor and sex- ual innuendo, establishing a tone that's right in line with the Adam Sandler film. Surprisingly, the cart's appeal doesn't hinge solely on this selling point; in addition to the gags (which are often quite funny), you get a very solid action game with near 16-bit quality graphics. Nicky moves with the grace of a hand-drawn cartoon, and the environments he tra- verses are filled with intricate details (hell never looked so terrific). Equally impressive is the quality of the audio—there's generous helpings of voice samples, and the heavy-metal soundtrack of the movie is capably emulated. Level designs are well- conceived; each stage presents a unique set of chal- lenges. And, as icing on the cake, you also get a set of entertaining minigames to play. Simply said, the quality of this title will astound you. It's a bit short, but worth checking out nonetheless. Ethan



9 9 8 1

Powerpuff Girls: Paint the

Townsville Green 5 [S Publisher: Bam!

Developer: Sennari Interactive

Featured In:


N/A Players: 1 Best Feature: Battery back- Supports: up Link Cable Worst Feature: Hideous Web Site: graphics www.bamakids.com

This is the kind of title that gives the Game Boy's software library such a bad reputation. For every “Wario Land 3" that comes our way, we have to suf- fer through a dozen creatively bankrupt licensed action/platform games just like this. The developers do not get a single thing right here—the level lay- out is messy, the control is awkward and unre- sponsive, the music is monotonous, and the graphics are inexcusably poor. Adding insult to injury, two additional Powerpuff carts are being released as this one hits store shelves, and the games are virtually indistinguishable. Barring a dif- ferent lead figure (this one gives us Buttercup), each package presents the same lame villains and brain- dead play mechanics. A trading card feature is included, but you can only use it with players who own the same version of Powerpuff that you do. What's the deal with that? The product's sole redeeming feature is battery backup, relieving the need for a 16-digit code. But who cares when the darn thing isn't worth playing, anyway? Ethan |


1 2 1 1

Powerpuff Girls:

Bad Mojo Jojo со м | Publisher: Ват! Developer: Sennari Interactive Featured In:

N/A Players: н 1 Best Feature: Graphics Supports: bring back fond memories Link Cable ofthe Colecovision Web Site:

Worst Feature: Poor control www.bamgkids.com

Why is it that every game geared towards a female audience ends up being terrible? Powerpuff Girls is nothing more than a piece of plastic with a licensed sticker slapped on it. This virtually unplayable platform game puts you in control of Blossom, a short, squat little girl with super powers. She can fly and shoot paralyzing bolts of energy at villains, but unfortunately, she can’t jump, making item acquisition an unbelievable chore. Which is a real problem when you have to collect hundreds of trinkets from level to level to complete the game. Oh, and she can’t walk either, she “floats” in the air, making every move feel like it's being performed on ice. Every stage has branching paths, a theoretically interesting idea that goes terribly wrong here. Since the sparsely decorated backgrounds make it nearly impossible to distinguish one room from another, you'll constantly find yourself running around in cir- cles, having no idea where to go next. The game is pretty short, but no matter— you'll never feel com- pelled to play past the second stage. Ethan


1 2 1

Road Champs BXS Stunt

Biking рт Publisher: Activision Developer: Hot Gen Studios Featured In: EGM #137 Players: 1

Supports: None


Best Feature: A dizzying number of available tricks

Worst Feature: The confining 2D camera

Activision continues to milk the success of Tony Hawk with yet another entry in the extreme sports genre. On the PlayStation, the best of these games hook players by combining deep, highly intuitive control mechanics with realistic 3D environments. BXS Stunt Biker gets the first part of this down with a surprising level of success; it's amazing to see how many tricks and combos can be pulled off using only two buttons and a digital pad. Unfortunately, hardware limitations confine game- play to a 2D plane. The lack of a dynamic camera pre- dictably lessens any sense of risk or drama—steep falls are not very daunting when they.are presented | from a side view. If you can get past this, you'll find that there is a lot to like here, but know in advance: The game has a sharp learning curve. The developers | have dealt with this issue admirably, offering a well- | designed series of training courses (shame that they must be completed to access tournament and career modes though). If you're a fan ofthe sport, you'll def- |

initely get into this. Ethan | VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY

1 5 1


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Publisher: Activision Developer: Natsume Featured In: EGM #134 Players:


Supports: Game Boy Printer Web Site: www.activision.com

Best Feature: Feels more like the big version Worst Feature: Control still doesn't feel right

The first Tony Hawk on the GBC was basically a joke —it didn't capture anything from the PS version. Thankfully, Natsume seems to have learned from past mistakes, as this sequel actually feels more like its PS cousin. However, it still doesn't capture that special something. But before you get your panties in a bunch asking, “How сап a Game Boy ver- sion of a PS game ever come close to the original", | say go play Dave Mirra ВМХ on GBC. But getting back to ТНР52, the levels are split up between two types: a side-view skate park style, and a wide-open anything-goes variety. The skate park levels offer a decent number of challenges and combo opportuni- ties, but are often too small. The wide-open levels are much more enjoyable, but have one major prob- lem: Judging jumps and grinds in this sort of pseudo- 3D space is annoyingly difficult. Still, while the game doesn't offer many options or modes of play, it has plenty of levels and prosskaters (with a ton of real moves) to choose from. It even gives you the option of printing out your passwords. Shawn




Publisher: Activision Developer:

HAL Corporation Featured In:


Players: 1

Also Try: Best Feature: You can con- | X-Men Mutant trol a number of X-Men Academy Worst Feature: Repetitive Web Site:

levels and fighting www.activision.com

Remember those Marvel Superhero games Acclaim made way back when? You know, the ones that sucked? Well, X-Men Mutant Wars is along those lines unfortunately, except published by Activision. Granted, it’s not as repulsive as Fantastic Four or Ironman/XO Manowar, but it has some problems. First, while each level features different types of ene- mies and scenery, the basic concept remains the same: As your choice of X-Man, you work your way from left to right, fighting mindless drones, avoiding flying objects, eventually making it to a boss. To spice things up, you have to find a key before leaving the area. It's that sort of thing again and again. The mindless drones do become a bit smarter, often wielding axes and other such weapons in later levels, and the flying enemies and bosses turn up the diffi- culty, but overall it's not challenging. In its defense, each character has a number of moves, and there are plenty of X-Men stars, both heroes and villains. But chances are this game will still bore you to tears in just a couple of hours. It's too bad. Shawn


6 6 2 3

Dynasty Warriors 2


At the title screen (with Musou Mode, Free Mode and Options), enter these codes.

All Hidden Characters Revealed Press Square, R1, Square, R2, Square, R2, Square, R1. You will


By Trickman Terry tricks @ziffdavis.com




Bave your

save file. Is i Progress OK to over write?



canceL *

A BALL with a de-

cent success rate.


hear cheering when the code has been entered correctly. Nineteen hidden characters will be unlocked in Free Mode. You will have less characters unlocked in Musou Mode. This will also give you the ability to choose your side in Free Mode. Edit Opening Cinema Press R2, R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, R1, L1. You will hear cheering when the code has been entered cor- rectly. Opening Edit will appear in the Options. This new mode will allow you to edit the open- ing cinema scene with the char- acters of your choice.

In kis game, make sure you have beaten a level and the end level boss. After this, press Start to pause the game and then press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle. Press Start to unpause the game and your ship will be fully powered up with lasers, options, shield, etc. This will only work once per level, so use it wisely. You can build it up by clearing multiple levels without using it, and then you can do the trick more than once per level.



If you happen to have the game, “Smuggler’s Run,” you can open up a hidden vehicle in Midnight Club! Just save a game from Smuggler's Run on a memory card. Now, with this saved game in your system, go to the vehicle selection screen in Midnight Club. Keep scrolling through the cars and you will eventually see the Baja Buggy as a selectable vehicle!

NHL 2001


ње the main menu, access Game Settings. On this menu, access Rosters. From this screen, choose Create Player. Now, enter the first and last names of the players as shown below for various results. Superstar Defense


Put in Sandis for the first name

and Ozolinsh for the last name, or Chris for the first name and Pronger for the last name. When it asks if you would like to cre- ate a player like him, answer "Yes." You can change this play- er's name but don't change any attributes before you save him. Superstar Forward Put in Peter for the first name and Forsberg for the last name, or Jaromir for the first name and Jagr for the last name. When it asks if you would like to create a player like him, answer "Yes." You can change this player's name but don't change any attributes before you save him. Superstar Goalie

Put in Patrick for the first name and Roy for the last name, or Dominik for the first name and Hasek for the last name. When it asks if you would like to create a player like him, answer "Yes." You can change this player's name but don't change any attributes before you save him.

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2


син Arena and Costume Start up your system without a disc inside and access the System Configuration option. Choose Clock Adjustment and set the date to 12/25/2000. After adjusting the date, insert the game and begin. Choose Arcade mode and on the boxer selection screen, highlight Selene Strike. The words,

“Holiday Outfit" will appear underneath her name. When you begin the game, you will notice that the arena will have Christmas colors and Selene will be in a green elf costume! Zombie Boxer

From the Main Menu, choose Arcade Mode. Pick a One-Player or Two-Player game and on the Boxer Selection screen, enter any of these codes for the results as shown. You will hear a bell if the trick was entered cor- rectly. (Note: Player One may enter one of the codes and then choose a character. Then Player Two may enter a different code and then choose a character.) Huge Gloves

Left, Right, Up, Down, R1, R2. Zombie Boxer

Left, Up, Right, Down, R1, R1, R2. Fat Boxer

Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R1, R1, R2.

Skinny Boxer

Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R1, R2.

В Play As Freak E. Deke and Michael Jackson

R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R2, R1, R1, R1, R1, Ra, Вл, Ra, Ва, Ва, Ва, R2.

Ridge Racer 9 AWESOME EFFECTS Opening Cinema Effects

During the opening cinema, you can give three different effects to the graphics. Pressing R1 once will give you black and white graphics, pressing R1 again will give you yellowish graphics, and R1 a third time will

give you blurred graphics. Use L1 to cycle the effects the oppo- site way.

Controller Sensitivity Display In the middle of a race, press and hold the Select button until you see a graphic display. This display will show how hard you are turning your car, press- ing the gas and pressing the brake. If you want to get rid

of the display, just press the Select button.

A PLETHORA OF CODES Unlock Everything

On the Rider Select screen, press Square to access the Options. Now press and hold L1+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press Down, Left, Up, Right, X, Circle, Triangle, Square. You will hear a sound if the trick was entered correctly. This will give you access to all riders, outfits, boards and courses in the game. All Attribute Points

On the Rider Select screen, press Square to access the Options. Now press and hold Li+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, X, Triangle, Square. You will hear a sound if the trick was entered correctly. Go back to the Rider Select screen and you will see that all the riders' attribute stats will be maxed out.

Crazy Runners

On the Rider Select screen, press Square to access the Options. Now press and hold Li+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press Square, Triangle, Circle, X,

Square, Triangle, Circle, X. You will hear a sound if the trick was entered correctly. In the game, your rider will have his board on his back and you will have to run the course on foot in order to win.

Unlimited Hints

On the Rider Select screen, press Square to access the Options. Now press and hold L1+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press Circle, X, Circle, X, Circle, X, Circle, X. You will hear a sound if the trick was entered correctly. On the Loading screen before the game starts, you will see all the hints appear one after another. Unfortunately, this doesn't stop and you will have to press the Reset button on your Р52 to get out of it.

У, Smuggler's Run VEHICLE ENHANCEMENTS In the middle of the game, press Start to pause. Now you may enter any of the button sequences below for various results. You will hear a beep when these are entered correct- ly. Note: Once you complete a mission or return to the menu, the trick(s) will no longer be active until you enter them again.

Speed Increase

R1, L1, L2, R2, Right, Right, Right. You can do this code up to three times to get even faster speeds.

Speed Decrease

R2, L2, L1, R1, Left, Left, Left. You can do this code up to three times to get even slower speeds. Half Gravity: L1, R1, R1, L2, R2, R2. Your car will float after going over any jump. Zero Gravity Traffic R1, R2, R1, R2, Up, Up, Up. Bump into any "traffic vehicle" on the ground and it will float away, and into the distance.

Invisible Off-Road Vehicles

Ra, La, L1, R2, L1, La, L2. Your vehicle will be invisible. Strangely enough, the cops will know where you are.


COMEDY ROLE-PLAYING FMV On the main menu screen, move down and access the Credits

option. While the credits are


The top 5 games of the last month given the full- on Trickman treatment:

1. Tony Hawks Ê Кыз T

Secret Codes

From the main menu screen, access Career Mode and choose to continue a career or start a new one. On the Select Player screen, choose a char- acter and begin your game. In the middle of play, press START to pause the game and then press and hold the L1 button. While holding this button, enter any of these codes to unlock the following features. The screen will | shake when each of these tricks are entered correctly. Big Head

Square, Circle, Up, Left, Left, Square, Right, Up, Left. Unlimited Special Meter

X, Triangle, Circle, Up, Left, Triangle, Square.

Fast Motion

Down, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle, Down, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle.

Full Statistics

X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

No Blood

Right, Up, Square, Triangle. Skinny Skater

X, X, X, X, Square, X, X, X, X, Square, X, X, X, X, Square. Obese Skater

X, X, X, X, Left, X, X, X, X, Left,

X, X, X, X, Left. 2. Tony Hawk's P

Cool Codes

Enter the following cheat while paused during play. If you entered these correctly, the screen will shake. Blowout Trick

This trick will blow open the game and give you a new character. From the menu, | access Career Mode. Begin a | new game and press STARTto | pause. Press and hold the Li button and enter Circle, Right, Up, Down, Circle, Right, Up, Square, Triangle. The screen shakes if entered correctly. Go to the main menu screen. Choose to continue the Career Mode and Officer Dick, all tapes, levels, medals, stats and FMV movies will become available.

3. Mario Tennis J

Ring Tournament Passwords | From the main menu, access

the Special Games option. In

the Special Games menu,

choose the Ring Tournament. Now, on the Code Entry

screen, put in the password |



for the Cup you want to play. After you play one of these tournaments, you will receive anew code to rank you on the mariotennis.com Web site. Mario Cup

Put іп АЗМ/5КОАЗС as your password.

Luigi Сир

Put in МаС2УОМ1\ as your password.

Peach Cup

Put in OFoXFQOFR as your password.

Donkey Kong Cup

Put in ММ55МОММ) as your password.

Wario Cup.

Put in UOUFMPUOM as your | password.

| Waluigi Сир

Put in LAQ8JRLAR as your password.

. Bowser Cup

| Put in N24K8QN2P as your

| password.

Mariotennis.com Cup

Put in 48HWOR482 as your. password.

Blockbuster Cup

Put in ARM6JQARU as your

password. 4. Spider-Man P

Tons of Incredible Tricks On the main menu screen, access the Special menu. Highlight and enter the Cheats option. Now put in апу of these cheats (shown іп caps.) on the Enter Cheats screen as shown.

Level Select





STRUDL : Game Comic Covers ALLSIXCC

Movie Viewer


Character Viewer


Storyboard Viewer CGOSSETT

What If Contest GBHSRSPM

Ben Reilly Costume BNREILLY

Symbiote Spidey Costume BLKSPIDR

Spidey 2099 Costume TWNTYNDN

Captain Universe Costume S COSMIC

Spidey Unlimited Costume PARALLEL

Scarlet Spider Costume LETTER S

Amazing Bagman Costume

scrolling, press X. You'll see a hilarious outtake of the charac- ters from Summoner engaging in a role-playing game.


Secret Characters

On the title screen (where "Press Start Button" is flashing), press Triangle, Right, Left, Triangle. A sound will play and an icon will appear in the upper- left corner of the screen to indi- cate that the trick worked. Choose a mode at the Game Menu screen. Fungila and Katze will now be available as playable characters.

Another World

On the title screen (where “Press Start Button" is flashing), press Triangle, Left, Right, Triangle. A sound will play and an icon will appear in the upper- right corner of the screen to indicate that the trick worked. Choose the 1P Puzzle mode and all of the stages will be changed to new puzzles.


On the main menu screen (with Story Mode, Normal Mode, Create Course and Options), press L2, R2, L2, R2, Up, Right, Down, Left, L1, R1. You will hear a sound if the code was entered correctly. Now go into either Story Mode or Normal Mode. Three more golfers (Sam, Meg and Steven) will now be avail- able.

Tekken Tag Tournament


Begin With Tag Partner

If you want to start your match with your second player, just hold the Tag button on the load- ing screen until the match begins.

New Armor King Costume

To get Armor King's costume (without armor), beat Arcade mode with Armor King. Then at the Character Select screen, highlight Armor King and press Start.

Tekken Bowl

Use Ogre to unlock True Ogre. This will give you Tekken Bowl. While bowling, you can see Dr. Boskonovitch jumping in the background. Aim to the left where he is, and if you get it just right, you will be able to K.O. him with the bowling ball! Jukebox: In Tekken Bowl, get a score of 200 or more and you will open up a new Jukebox option on the pause screen. The jukebox will allow you to choose the background music that plays as you bowl.

Unreal Tournament

MANY COOL CHEATS Invincibility

In the middle of the game,

press Start to pause. Then press Square, Circle, Left, Right, Circle, Square. Level Skip In the middle of the game,

press Start to pause. Then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Circle. 999 Ammo In the middle of the game, press Start to pause. Then press Left, Right, Circle, Circle, Circle, Right, Left. Level Select In the middle of a match, pause and choose to exit the game. Go to the Main Menu and choose to resume the game. Highlight the



1-900-PRE VIEW

The number to call for the


name of the saved game (сћаг- acter) you want, and press Up, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down. You will hear a sound. The Select Ladder screen will appear. Now you will see that all the matches are completed in each category, which makes them available to play.

Stealth Mutator

From the main menu, press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, Circle. You will hear a sound. Choose Multiplayer and on the Select Game screen, choose Mutators. Move down the list until you see Stealth as an option. Choose this mutator to have all players equipped with cloaking devices. Fatboy Mutator

From the main menu, press Circle, Circle, Circle, Up, Down, Down, Up, Circle, Circle, Circle. You will hear a sound. Choose Multiplayer and on the Select Game screen, choose Mutators. move down the list until you see Fatboy as an option. Choose this mutator to fatten up your char- acter as he/she gets frags.


From the main menu, access the Options. On the Options screen, access the Codes option. On the Cheat Codes screen, type in vc as your password and then the Enter key. The screen will then say that the Superstars feature has been unlocked. Now you have access to the Sega Sports, Sega Net and Mo Cap teams!

Star Wars: Demolition

EJ UNLOCK NEW CHARACTERS On the main menu screen, access the Options. Next, go into the Preferences. On the Preferences screen, press L- Trigger+R-Trigger simultaneous- ly. This will bring up the Passcode option. Enter your passcode as МАТТО SHOP апа then press A to accept it. Now go back to the Main Menu and choose a one- or two-player game. Choose your Arena and on the Choose Contestant screen, press Left to see three






сто awit

_AGO/KICKFLIP + MELON C. јевојхеј “|

new characters: Lobot, Boushh and Darth Maul.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2


In the middle of the game, press Start to pause. Press and hold the L-Trigger button. While hold- ing it, enter any one of these codes for these results.

E Ultimate Cheat

А, А, А, X, Y, Up, Down, Left, Up, X, Y, A, Y, B, A, Y, B. This will give you access to tons of cheats including Officer Dick, Spider- Man, tons of money, etc.

Big Head

X, B, Up, Left, Left, X, Right, Up, Left. Exit the stage and enter it again to see the results.

Full Special Meter

A, Y, B, B, Up, Left, Y, X.

Turbo Skater

Down, X, Y, Right, Up, B, Down, X, Y, Right, Up, B.

Toggle Blood

Right, Up, X, Y.


WWE: No Mercy

FIND HIDDEN WRESTLERS From the Superstar Select screen, you can find new wrestlers.


Press C-Left or C-Right while highlighting Ivory.


Press C-Left or C-Right while highlighting Taka Michinoku. Goodfather

Press C-Left or C-Right while

highlighting Godfather. Debra

Press C-Left or C-Right while highlighting Terri.

Danger Girl


On the main menu, press L1, R2, L2, R1, Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle. Then press and hold Li+L2+R1+R2 to get access to every level. Inside any level, press Start to pause and you will see “Cheat Options." Press Xon this option to see the Cheats that can be opened by discovering icons in many levels of the game.


From the main menu, go into the Options and access the Password option. Enter any of the following passcodes to access multiple gallery pictures. Cartoon Sketch Pictures MOHDESSINS

Dreamworks Pictures DWIECRANS

Team Pictures


Micro Maniacs Racing


From the main menu, choose Options. From the Options

screen, choose Secret Options. On this screen, press and hold the Select button. While holding this button, enter the following tricks as shown.

All Tracks Unlocked

Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Down, Up, Up, Down.

Infinite Power-Ups

Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X, Left, X, Square, Square, Circle, Left, Circle, Up, Triangle.

Tough Guys

Square, X, R1, Circle, Up, Square, Down, Up, Down, X, Square.

Tanks Mode

Down, Up, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Right, Triangle. Press either L1, L2 or R2 to shoot the cannon.

Motion Blur

Triangle, Circle, Right, Triangle, Up, Right, Circle, Up, Square. Slow CPUs

Up, Left, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Up, Triangle, Left.

Ultimate AI

Circle, Up, Triangle, Circle, Left, Triangle, Square, Square, X, Down.

Muppet | RaceMania


On the title screen (with “Press Start" flashing), enter the fol- lowing tricks. You will hear a horn if you entered the trick cor- rectly.

All Courses, Characters and Vehicles (except the secret courses)

Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle.

Credits/Overhead Courses Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X. Access the Options screen and then choose "The End." While the credits are scrolling, press Start and you will be able to choose from six overhead courses!

Arches Course

Square, Circle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle,



| Peter Parker Costume |. MJS STUD

| Quick Change Costume |. ALMSTPKR

| Unlock J. James Jewett


| Full Health


| Big Heads


| Debug Info


| Everything


| No Naughty Words

| Enter a “naughty” word for a | cheat password and Spider-

| Man will appear next to the

| word and punch it; turning it | into a “nice” word.

| Б. Star Wars | Episode 1: Racer

| Debug Trick

Go to an empty game file

| and push the А button.

| This will bring you to the

| screen where you would пог- | mally enter your initials.

| While in this screen, hold

| down the Z button and use

| the L-Shoulder button to

| type in RRTANGENT. Now

| Scroll over to the “End” option while still holding

7 and hit the L-Shoulder button once more. At this

| point nothing will happen. Now, while still holding Z, push the B button to exit the screen and then push

А to bring you back into the

| Initials screen. Now, while holding Z and using L-

| Shoulder button, type in

| ABACUS. Scroll over to the "End" option and while holding Z, push L. It should say, "OK." Now begin any saved game and start a race. While in the race, pause

the game. While on the “Pause” menu push Left, Down, Right, Up. The "Game Cheats" option should appear. From this screen you should be able to toggle Invincibility, Al speed, Intelligence, Mirror Mode and. Edit Vehicle Stats!

*see page 157 for contest rules

tricks @ziffdavis.com

We want your tricks! We want to include your best codes and tricks in every issue, to put along with all our great tricks we pack in every issue. You can even win prizes if we pick yours as Trick of the Month!

г - 149



Fraggle Rock Course

X, Square, X, Square, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square. Studio Course

Square, Square, Circle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Rampage Through Time

MANY COOL TRICKS Press Start on the title screen and then at the main menu, access the Password Option. Now enter any of these pass- words for the results as shown. El Constant Power Meter Charge Put in JoSHS as your password. Boss Stages in Challenge Mode



If your trick is selected as Trick of the Month, you will win a free GameShark pro- vided by InterAct, and a Twin Shock, or a Нурегбд, or an Advanced Pad, or a DC carry- ing case from Blaze. If you are given credit for submit- ting a hot trick in this sec- tion, you will win a free game. See page 157 for rules.

Note: If you send your trick by e-mail, you must include your real name and address.

Send your best tricks, codes, Web sites, anything that can help make games more fun or interesting to: Tricks of the Trade Р.О. Вох 3338 Oak Brook IL 60522-3338 or send e-mail to:


Put in JoM3L as your password. Then choose “Challenge” from the Start Game menu. Neo Techno, Jurassic and Scumlabs stages will now be opened.

All FMV Opened

Put in 12345 as your password. Now go to the Options screen and access the Cheats option. From here you can choose to see any movie from the game.

UNLOCK NEW CHARACTERS On the main menu screen, access the Options. Next, go into the Preferences. On the Preferences screen, press L1+R1 simultaneously. This will bring up the Passcode option. Enter your passcode as WATTO_SHOP and then press X to accept it. Now go back to the Main Menu and choose a one- or two-player game. Choose your Arena and on the Choose Contestant screen, press Left to see three new characters; Lobot, Boushh and Darth Maul.


POWERED-UP PASSWORDS Press Start at the title screen and then access the “Password” option. Enter one of the level codes below to begin each stage with 99 homing missiles and thunder guns. Stage 1: 1202G7KV Stage 2: M6P3H7Ko

H stage з: M703H7K1 Stage 4: M7P3H7K2 Stage 5: N603H7KA Stage 6: N6P3H7KB Stage 7: N703H7KC Stage 8: N7P3H7KD

Donald Duck: Goin’ “Qu@ckers”


On the main menu screen, choose the “Continue” option. Now enter any of the passwords as shown to advance to that level.

Level 1-2: УМРНТМ9

Level 1-3: VNQJVPY

Level 1-4: 2ZSLXSW

Level 1-5: PWYR3XD

Level 2-1: 1KC71PL

El Boss Tip (Level 1-5)

Jump onto the beehive right

before the bear gets underneath

it. Watch for bees coming out of the hive. If you wait too long, the bear will stomp the ground

and let out more bees. Once you

feed the bear honey enough times, he will fall asleep.


SAMBA DE AMIGO Unlock АП Challenge Lvls 5E97880505050403 8373825200000005

SILENT SCOPE High Score DC68431205F5EoFF Max Hits (Training) 586778C4000003E7 Never Reload 4D121Fo400000005 Low Overall Time EC67D85A00000000 Infinite Credits 451A1E0A00000005 Infinite Health 60CB6B8CooooooFo Infinite Time 759DD3CCoooooo3B


CRUIS'N EXOTICA Enable Code F1047A002400 Stop Timer 810802D4424A Stop ET Timer 810802D80000 Unlock Everything 8104F10E001C 810BE7F00100 Infinite Continues 8107F0500032 Always First Place 810651740000



POWER RANGERS LIGHTSPEED RESCUE Enable Code (Must Be On) F10607202400

Infinite Health 81064DFo 42C8

All Levels Unlocked 50001102 0000

All Levels Unlocked 81062508 0001

All Characters Unlocked 50000С01 0000 8006252D 0001


MEDAL OF HONOR UNDERGROUND Infinite Ammo 8008D4042400

MEGA MAN LEGENDS 2 Infinite Health 8008C1200050 Infinite Zenny 8009C820967F 8009С8220098 бгееп Епеггу 8008C24A0100 Blue Energy 8008C2427A00




One-Hit Enemy Kills 010000D1

2000 Readers’ Choice Awards Ballot

You know what to do. Complete the ballot below and zip it

back to us by Jan. 25 (photocopies not accepted). Or screw the

post office and vote online at www.zdnet.com/egm. Don't like our nominees? Write in your own picks in the space provided. Just make sure to choose games released in the U.S. between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2000. Check the March issue of EGM for the winners, as well as the editors' picks for the best of 2000.

Game of the year: All Systems О Banjo-Tooie (N64)

О Chrono Cross (PS)

Q Final Fantasy IX (PS)

Q Jet Grind Radio (DC)

О Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) О NFL 2К1 (DC)

Q Perfect Dark (N64)

О Resident Evil Code: Veronica (DC) О SSX (PS2)

О Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS/DC) ü

Game of the year: Dreamcast О Crazy Taxi

Q Jet Grind Radio


О Quake || Arena

О Resident Evil Code: Veronica

О Shenmue

Q Skies of Arcadia


Game of the year: Nintendo 64 О Banjo-Tooie

О Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

О Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask О Ogre Battle 64

О Perfect Dark

Q Pokémon Puzzle League

О World 15 Not Enough


Game of the year: PlayStation О Chrono Cross

О Final Fantasy IX

О Medal of Honor: Underground

О Spider-Man

О Spyro: Year of the Dragon

О Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Q WWF SmackDown! 2


Game of the year: PlayStation 2 О Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

O Madden NFL 2001

О Sky Odyssey

О Smuggler's Run


Û Tekken Tag Tournament

О TimeSplitters


Game of the year: Handhelds О Dragon Warrior I&II (GBC)

О Mario Golf (GBC)

О Match of the Millennium (NGP) О Metal Gear Solid (GBC)

О Pokémon Gold and Silver (GBC) Q Pokémon Puzzle Challenge (GBC) Q Wario Land 3 (GBC)


Send your ballots to:

EGM Readers’ Choice Awards Ziff Davis Video Game Group РО. Вох 3338

Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

Sports game of the year О FIFA 2001 (PS2)

О Madden NFL 2001 (PS2) Q Mario Tennis (N64)

О NBA 2K1 (DC)

О NFL 2K1 (DO)

О МНЕ 2001 (PS2)

О Virtua Tennis (DC)


Action game of the year

Q Banjo-Tooie (N64)

О Jet Grind Radio (DC)

О Medal of Honor: Underground (PS) Q Perfect Dark (N64)

О Quake III Arena (DC)

О TimeSplitters (PS2)

О Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS/DC) о

Fighting game of the year

О Capcom vs. SNK (DC)

О Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore (PS2)

Q Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (DC)

О Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (DC)

О Tekken Tag Tournament (PS2)

Q Ultimate Fighting Championship (PS/DC) О WWF SmackDown! 2 (PS)


Adventure game of ће year

Dino Crisis 2 (PS)

Fear Effect (PS)

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (PS)

О Resident Evil Code: Veronica (DC)

О Shenmue (DC)

Q Vagrant Story (PS)



Racing game of the year

О Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (PS)

О Excitebike 64 (N64)

Q Jarrett & Labonte Stock Car Racing (PS) О MotoGP (PS2)

Q Ridge Racer V (PS2)

О Test Drive V-Rally (DC)

О Test Drive Le Mans (DC)


Strategy game of the year

Q Front Mission 3 (PS)

О Kessen (PS2)

О Ogre Battle 64 (N64)

О Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI (PS) О StarCraft (N64)

Q Vanguard Bandits (PS)

Q Warlocked (GBC)


RPG of the year

О Breath of Fire IV (PS) О Chrono Cross (PS)

О Final Fantasy IX (PS) О Grandia (PS)

О Grandia |! (DC)

О Skies of Arcadia (DC) Q Valkyrie Profile (PS)


Multiplayer game of the year О Chu-Chu Rocket (DC)

О Mario Party 2 (N64)

О Quake Ш Arena (DC)

О Samba de Amigo (DC)

О Sonic Shuffle (DC)

О TimeSplitters (PS2)

Q WWF SmackDown! 2 (PS)


Puzzle game of the year

О Ballistic (Nuon)

О Builder's Block (PS)

О Bust-A-Move д (PS2)

Q Chu-Chu Rocket (DC)

О Fantavision (PS2)

Q Mr. Driller (PS/DC)

Q Pokémon Puzzle League (N64)

a ELECTRONIC GAMING Gaming Monthly - 151 - www.zdnet.com/egm


March 2001

Sonic Team's Phantasy

Comes True

Sonic Team has long been a video game innovator and on Sonic’s 10th anniversary we're going to take a look at what Yuji Naka's prized development team has in store for us in the near future. We'll dive deep into the mysteries of the Dreamcast's ambitious Phantasy Star Online in addition to taking a look into the history of the

popular RPG series, plus hands-on impressions of Sonic Adventure 2!

Will PSO fulfill lofty expectations?


All editorial с

PlayStation Feb. 2001

Demo Disc Playables

Crash Bash

e Spyro: Year of the Dragon e The Grinch

e Cool Boarders

* You Don't Know Jack 2 * Mort the Chicken

e Star Wars Demolition Non-Playahles

® N/A

On sale Jan. 16

Zone of the Enders

The focus this month is Zone of the Enders, the first PS2 game by Metal Gear’s creator, Hideo Kojima. OPM gives you an exclusive look at the workings of this incredible sci- fi epic. Also, they’ll bring you the latest news on the PS2 with an early look at titles like Oni, Crash Bandicoot, Silent Hill 2, Dark Cloud, Ape Escape 2, The Getaway and Devil May Cry. If you think the PS2 is hot now, you haven’t seen anything yet. And for those of you who are eagerly awaiting the next installment of the Demo Disc, you won't be disappointed. OPM's got hot titles like Crash Bash, Cool Boarders and Star Wars Demolition all set to be played.

The Bouncer and Onimusha Previews for PlayStation 2

* Daytona USA: Network Racing, Outtrigger, Fighting Vipers 2 Previews for Dreamcast

nt is subject to сі




Jet Grind Radio

The hits just keep on coming, or something like that, as XG rolls on into 2001. First, they bust out Jet Grind Radio, Sega’s must- have hybrid of skating and mayhem. Get the tag locations and stay away from the fuzz, all courtesy of XG. Speaking of the fuzz, they’ll also be showing you how to outrun and outdrive the police in Driver 2 for the PlayStation. Still not enough, eh? OK, they'll toss in blockbuster guides for Banjo- Tooie, Capcom vs. SNK and SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role. Think the phrase is...'nuff said.

* Paper Мапо Review for Nintendo 64

* Pokémon Puzzle League Review for Game Boy Color

Feh. 2001

On sale Jan. 23

* Driver 2 strategy

Jet Grind Radio custom tags, graffiti soul locations

е Complete Banjo-Tooie blowout

Harticore Capcom vs. SNK fighter’s guide

SmackDown! 2 breakdown


John Davison

Crispin Boyer crispin boyerGziffdavis.com

Greg Sewart greg_sewart@ziffdavis.com

Mark MacDonald mark_macdonald@ziffdavis.com Chris Johnston chris_johnston@ziffdavis.com John Davison john_davison@ziffdavis.com

Crispin: So we've finally seen the Xbox, and it's, er, large. | actually really like the design. Yes, it looks like an American game system, but then it is an American game system. It looks like it can do some damage. lm even more impressed with Microsoft's philosophy on the whole thing, though. Sony only put two controller ports on the front of PS2— even though everybody wanted four. Microsoft said four ports is what gamers

need to buy. It's no wonder Sony is scared. As for the Xbox design itself, hmm...l think it's kinda, well, “boxy” and big. Then again, it needs to be when you see all the stuff on the inside. And I like the big X on top, even though it reminds me of the X-Men movie every time | see it. Anyway, so far, so good. | can't wait 'til we get our hands on some playable games and really see what this puppy can do.

"It looks like this could he one of the first U.S. consoles to really make a dent in а global way. It certainly ain't no 300."

want, so let's make damn sure our box has four ports. Sony went and devised this revolutionary system architecture that's powerful, sure, but a bitch to work with. Microsoft went to the developers first and said, *Tell us what you want. We'll design the system to your needs." It all just makes Sony look arrogant, while Microsoft comes out looking like the nice guys. And whoda thunk that a mega-company like Microsoft would come across as a gamers' and developers’ best friend?

Greg: | agree. After this month I’m more excited than ever about the Xbox. At a time when Sony seems to be pissing off. developers, publishers, retailers and consumers in record numbers, | think Microsoft's approach is absolutely brilliant. As long as this baby doesn't have any weird development snags it should definitely be battling it out with the PlayStation 2 for market dominance. Mark: That's the thing that gets me; of course | always expected the Xbox would be more powerful than the PS2—after all it’s coming out a year later—but even if you put all the technical spec stuff aside, the box has it all over the PS2. Xbox gives you four controller ports, massive storage, and broadband

right out of the box—with the PS2

that's three additional accessories you

Chris: Microsoft has done a good job designing the Xbox hardware obviously. а lot of thought has been put into making this a great game system from the beginning. As for the design, it's

got a bit of the "Americans like big electronics" syndrome over being a smaller-sized game system, but it's loaded with so much stuff it'll end up taking up less space than a PS2 with all the add-ons. It’s “boxy, but good,” so to speak. I'm also glad to see they've continued the tradition of four controller ports in front that Nintendo started (and Sega continued). Still, the big wild card is how developers will use what they've been given to create the games of the future. But they've certainly got some good hardware to do it on.

John: So far the guys at Microsoft are saying all the right things and the developers seem to be hanging on every word. With the PS2 supply problems there seems to be a lot of ill-will toward Sony and we're seeing a lot of companies juggling franchises in order to get at least one "exclusive" product on Xbox. A year ago it seemed like Xbox was just Bill Gates posturing in a scene that no one thought he could compete in. Now it looks like this could be one of the first U.S. consoles to really make a dent in a global way. It certainly ain't no 3DO.

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