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By John Davison + john_davison@zd.com

Number 12.8 August 1999





Rare Talent

Group Publisher ale Strang

Editorial Dir Fu


Editor in chief John Davison « john_davison@zd.com Managing Editor. Dean Hager * dean_hager@zd.com Features Editor Crispin Boyer crispin, boyer&zd com. Previews Editor Dan Hsu е dan_hsu@zd.com Reviews orf Ricciardi john iciardi@ad.com "Shawn Smith = shawn_smith@zd.com Associate Editor uy he Chou * Che комага com.

inja SushiX е sushi_x@zd.com

Contributing Editors

James Mielke * Gary Mollohan + Tom Ham. News Editor

(Chris Johnston * chris_johnston@zd.com Tricks Editor

Terry Minnich e West Coast Editor

‘Wataru Maruyama

Great i

very year people bemoan the fact that the summer is too quiet when it comes to game releases. Fortunately, this year is proving to be pretty exciting as we have a. new system launch to look forward to in September. Check out the previews section this month and you'll see that the onslaught of Dreamcast announcements isn't letting up for опе minute. We've got another 22 games for the even the forthcoming Game Boy game. Survival

“(Perfect Dark) makes GoldenEye look like kid’s play, and we can't wait to get our hands on it."

system for you this month..and pretty much all of them look beautiful.

Elsewhere in the preview section you'll also find some in-depth coverage of the next batch of Rare games for the N64. We've been fortunate

wait to get our hands on it. Outside of the previews though, who can ignore the subject of our cover feature? Resident Evil is one of the biggest franchises to develop in recent years, and our feature looks into the background of the game and gives you details of ALL the new games. Nemesis on PlayStation, RE2 оп N64, Code: Veronica on Dreamcast and

Director ael Stassus = mstassus@zd.com ‘Senior Art Director Cyril Wochok * cyril wochok@2d.com Art Director к Andrew Burwell e andrew_burwell@zd.com Associate Art Director Tim Cordano * jim. cordsnozd.com

TOKYO BUREAU Mix Entertainment Stuart Levy, CEO а Bureau Chief Matthew Galgani, Producer i Fukuyama, Editorial Manager Yutaka Ohbuchi, Japanese Correspondent

horror has never been more widely available. Let's just hope the franchise doesn't get milked too much in the next couple of years though, eh? Finally, | just want to take the very briefest of moments to say “au revoir” to John Ricciardi.

enough to get hands-on time with all the new Our erstwhile Reviews Editor has recently landed | EMS games, but we're particularly proud of the four himself the position of Editor in Chief on EGM's | EE a, pages of info we have on the wonderful Perfect sister strategy title, Expert Gamer. We wish him | Sogian oreas Dark. Crispin was recently lucky enough to chat well, even if we won't have anyone to pick on роса Uim with members of the team, and if you turn to. апу more. And before anyone asks, по..ће Paul Ojeda.

Prepress Manager

Dave McCracken Production Assistant.

Chris Melo Project Leader

Mark Lefebvre e mark lee Analyst

ott Parus

page 80 you'll be able to see just why this could be the game of the year. It makes GoldenEye look like kid's play, and we can’t

wasn't Sushi-X.

John Davison

Vice President/20 Game Groop Dale Strang

Business Director Cathy Bendoft

Corporate Counsel

Robert Kabat

Circulation Director Joan Melnerney,

Senior Newsstand ‘Don Galen.

Gary Mollohan

Previously, Gary was assistant. editor for the Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine. He now earns his living as a contributor. for his former employer, www.videogames.com and EGM. Sometimes he can be seen in the EGM offices sporting а

ame Group jo Beale, 12th oor San Francisco, CA 94105

c phone: 415-347-8000 Fax 15547577] Suzanne Farrel! Жика: ema suzanne farel@rd com

Distrei Safes et

кз d

tie...so he's easy to spot. тро XE аны Qum еч Tom Ham James Mielke “Anthony Ex

б айт G4 057, e-mail anthony. geoge@adcom You may already have read Affectionately referred to as Е

Tom's work elsewhere, “The Milkman" or “Milky,” ee Currently earning his living as a young James has been writing | 1... ола ао contributing editor for both The for EGM for some time now. A Sisan Carl

Washington Post and Newsweek, he masquerades as one of life's "legitimate" journalists. And now he writes for us..in his underwear apparently. Nice.

Printed in the USA.

s20 aad monty

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 6 - www.videogames

native of New York, he currently ‘owns a bar called NW3, on East oth St, NY. Go there, drink beer, geek out and talk to him about Japanese import games. Make some friends. Enjoy.

Те: 415-547-8776 e-mail: susan_carrol@zd.com Send Advertsing laterale O: Advertsing Coordinator

Mike Baring

Founder Steve Harris


= bance tect A. rh any mem cone mec owt yb Tech vase od

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really get out of hand.


CONTENTS August 1999 Issue 121

Game ‘Directory Features - К Departments Q unoriar 6

@) News 26

Nintendo's Dolphin Jumps through hoops, Sega makes GB games, and all of the news from E3.

j $ Gossip 38 B News on the French revolution and E a slew of Dreamcast-related rumors. Previews 92 Resident Evil Everything With four games in the works for КОЕ сааса every system—not to mention tons of toy tie-ins and movie Calibur fof the Dreamcast, Perfect deals—Capcom's Resident Evil has become its premiere Dark and DK64 for the N64 and franchise. Check our feature starting on page 114 for Dino Crisis on the PlayStation.

absolutely everything Resident Evil. Review Crew 124

It's a rather sad, dry month— except for Ape Escape, R-Type Delta and The Next Tetris.

Review Archive 130 We've sat down and @ Tricks 132

played NFL 2000 on the Dreamcast, and man is

heersmerpsse С) Get Some 136 @ The Final Word 138

The whole crew takes some time out to talk about possible ins and outs of multiplayer games on the upcoming Dreamcast.

80-83. Perfect Dark. 112 Рок mon Yellow

Francisco Rush 2049 64: Trials of the

Direct from the Los Angeles Perfect Dark looks... Convention Center, all the news well, perfect at this from E3 that you need to know point. pp 80-83

about from the big three. pg 26

B fj Nintendo 64 | Ш + PlayStation | Ш Е GameBoy Color | Arcade

| mo © Dreamcast | | | |

Cover pl illustraton ХЕ = Бу dro E

TH Xieration





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1.1998 SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTO. Sega, Sega Dreamcast nd Blue stinger are trademarks EGA Та game В licensed for use with Ihe Soga Dreamcast system oniy: Published aod distributed by Activision, Int Activision натеран trademark of Activison, nc Те ratings kn а racemark ef e Interactive ig hr Software Association TAN rights reserved. AI other trademarks and trade names are properties of er respective owners.



Letters 10

Is It AS Fun As You Think?

What has the gaming world become? The three leaders, Nintendo, Sega and Sony say how good their systems. are. The Dreamcast has Internet capabilities, and is upgradable. The PS2 can play DVD movies, һа Internet capabilities and great graphics. And the Dolphin says it сап equal, if not exceed, the power of the PS2. It's all become too complicated now. I remember the good ol’ days. We didn’t have none of this fancy polygonal graphics. No sir! We had gameplay. With games like Zelda, Mario, Pitfall, Super Punch Out and more. Nowadays, it's all graphics. The next- generation system I'l buy is the one that can match the fun and gameplay of my old Atari and NES. dorseyGhitter.net

You're probably being a little harsh here. 1 might suggest that you go back and play Pitfall again too...l'm sure you'll find that it's not as fun as you remember. Many of the old games are remembered with a considerable amount of rose-tinting—it takes a strong will to acknowledge that they're not really as fun any more. Super Punch Out was cool though.

1 recently bought Ehrgeiz, and after beating the Arcade Mode with Sephiroth there was a really cool FMV featuring scenes from FF7. The background music was the same opera as in FF7 when facing Safer Sephiroth at the end of the game. was just wondering, what is the name of the opera, its composer, and which orchestra performed it? Is it on any of the FF7 soundtracks? Can it be found on any other CDs? Cory Dyer dyerg9@zdnetmail.com


Congratulations. You win an InterAct controller. You will be receiving a Barracuda (PS), an Eclipse Stick (SAT) or a SharkPad Pro 64 (N64).

See page 145 for official rules

ration by Lisa Blackshear

Sega Bashing?

I'm not accusing you guys of "Sega- bashing” because that is a horse

that has been beaten to deathlongago,andis 174 simply untrue. It just. seems like most of the DC-related articles written have to insert some sort of blurb that states how Sega has a ghost of a chance at Success and we'll have to wait and see how they fare. Yes, | realize that

ү Sega f'ed up in the wholeheartedly just ] if over? After this E3, | playing serious hardball. Sega is

gv" past, but why should N

we not embrace the DC < because they

screwed the Saturn

think it was extremely

obvious that Sega is

packing in the 56k modem, it will have а list of launch titles that seem to be


included. Sega already has a ton of RPGs in the works, many of which will offer online playability (the N64 has NONE, Quest sucks and Zelda was more of an action/ adventure game). Add to this a ton of better-than- arcade translations and | think you have a sure-fire winner. Besides, never underestimate an alliance between Microsoft, AT&T and lomega. These are forces to be reckoned with, mark my words. Sega has the backing of some of the most influential corporations in the computing and communication industries, not to mention the ton of third-party developer support. | guess the point of what | am saying is that | think Sega is receiving unwarranted skepticism after it is painfully obvious that they have what it takes to bea success. Sure, people say they

| think it was extremely obvious that Sega is

playing serious hardball.

better than the N64's lineup (thank God for some decent fighting games!!!) with tons more on the way. Sega will be the first to offer kick-butt online gaming to the console market, a feat that will win them MANY fans, myself

Like everyone else, we really want to

are going to wait for the PS2, but once they see the DC in action, that year- long wait is going to be an AWFULLY long time to hold out, Shawn Seuferer address withheld

see Sega do well—and early

signs indicate that it will have a great year in 2000. The DC launch lineup is probably the most impressive ever. To prove our enthusiasm, watch out for a HUGE cover feature on Dreamcast next month.

Square's Lisa Ahern can help you with that one Cory. So we'll let her take it from here. “The name of the song after beating the Arcade Mode with Sephiroth and when facing Safer Sephiroth at the end of FF7 is called "One-Winged Angel.” The music and its lyrics were inspired by the modern 2oth-century composition “Carmina

y-16 deogames

Burana,” written in the 19305 by Carl Orff. The work itself is a collection of poems and songs, most of which is in Latin. The piece is on the FFVII Original Soundtrack and the Final Fantasy VII Reunion Tracks, which is currently only sold in Japan. (Can it be found on any other CDs?) I suppose where most classical music is sold.”

TM, © Kellogg Company © 1999 Kellogg Company

Which new green Apple Jack is bigger?

First, they're both the same size. Second, who cores? We see what Welike,



Sushi-X P.0. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338 e-mail: sushi_x@zd.com I'm back. After a month away revisiting my dojo in Japan I've worked myself up into a gaming frenzy and am ready to answer any questions that you have. And

for those of you that asked...no, l'm not Che Chou in disguise—my identity remains a mystery.

Got a game-specific question for our resident Ninja? Write him

Q: Will there be a sequel to Konami's Silent Hill? Also will they be creating any more survival horror games? yofattim@msn.com

A: Yo Fat Tim, no official word from Konami on a sequel for Silent Hill—however, it's more than likely that we'll see a sequel for Silent Hill on the PlayStation 2. Sony recently showed a little clip from the supposed PlayStation 2 version during their party at E3. And to be quite honest, it looked like PR crap.

Q: | need to know if Square plans to release Bushido Blade 3 soon. | hope that the combat system used in the original Bushido Blade returns for part 3, with a few enhancements of course! F. Schlock III Rochelle Park, NJ.

A: Ahh, Bushido Blade. Square has kept a tight lid on any development for a third Bushido Blade. As far as anyone knows, there's nothing in the works. If you're jonesing for some swordplay, get in on some Soul Calibur action!

0: As an avid fan of Street Fighter, | was wondering if Third Strike will make it to American arcades or better yet, home systems?

Abel sotoGhotmail.com

A: By the time you read this, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike should already be out їп arcades everywhere. As for home systems, | wouldn't be surprised if some sort of SF3 compilation was the first CPS3 conversion for the Dreamcast. Well, how about it Capcom?

Q: A local shop owner told me that a special video card

can be inserted into the 1/0 port of the PlayStation and

it will modify the laser lens to handle DVD discs. wren77@ite.net

A: Sorry, it's impossible to upgrade your PlayStation to. handle DVD discs. Being able to play DVDs requires DVD drives, something an upgrade can’t provide. He was probably referring to the add-on which allows you to watch VCDs on your PlayStation. These devices are unofficial, but you can find them all over Asia as

they are quite popular.

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 18

$100 million

‘The amount of money Sega is spending to try to convince you that the Dreamcast is the best thing ever. Check our cover feature next month to see if it really is.

Mario Is No Longer Square

Whatever happened to Super Mario RPG 2? Is it ever going to come out? 1 теап the first one was one of the best RPGs | have ever played. This game needs to come out! Nintendo is making the right move on making games that you get to be Mario and play as characters that we like! 1 hope Nintendo doesn't screw up again and not bring the game to the States. If you get any information on this game, PLEASE print it in your magazine!


Nintendo announced at E3 that Super Mario Adventure will be out soon for the N64. Although not developed by Square it is, in effect, Super Mario RPG 2—and as such we expect it to be something pretty special. Check out this screen and our preview this month.

How To Do Stuff

Hey, what happened to the “How To” section that started in Issue #111? Those articles were pretty helpful,

For example, the article on How To Import Japanese Video Games helped me out a lot (give James Mielke a pat on the back.) Randy Corry darkmanX1@webtv.net

It will be back. We have a “How To...Get a Job in the Games Industry” feature in the works as we speak. That should help kick-start the series again and fire it on through the winter months. Watch for a sequel to “How To...Import Games" too.

How should games be rated? Like movies?

There are only two types of video games. Those that get Tipper Gore's panties in a wad, and those that don't. "No Johnny, you can't have this game, it got Tipper's panties in a wad.” See? Ven, venturin@erols.com

The ratings are just fine but they

need to be bigger. | can barely see

those small little things. tmaili2oGaol.com

No rating system needed!!! riqueli@aol.com

Games should be rated like movies. Landon Pemper, renegadeoo4@juno.com

Games should be rated by printing the EGM Review Crew scores оп the cover so | never buy а crap game ever again!


1 think the ESRB rating system is perfect...it just needs to be enforced!!!


Ratings like E, T, M and A don't seem to have an impact. The video game industry's best bet is just to. tell what's in the games (nudity, mild language, etc). psxn6gegm@aol.com

Next Month's Question of the Moment:

Are you going to buy a Dreamcast on 9/9/99? If not...why not?

Send your short but sweet responses to: EGM@zd.com with the subject heading: DREAMCAST


You can write EGM at:

EGM Letters P.O. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

e-mail: EGM@zd.com

Please note: We reserve the right to edit any correspondence for space purposes. If you don't want your name, city/state or e-mail address printed, tell us so (but please include your phone number and mailing


address for Letter of the Month consideration).

a little short guy,

It has nothing to do with licensing.

who looks like The PlayStation team at LucasArts is A few weeks ago | got out my NES Richard comprised of three very talented and started playing my games and | Simmons, comes ^ Programmers who are over-worked came across this [one] called “Ring Cum above and beyond the call of duty. King.” It is a boxing game, but in Fi When we visited LucasArts for our between rounds, while sitting in the a blow job to cover feature a few months ago, the




Са Passen

corner, a little short guy, who looks like Richard Simmons, comes out and gives your boxer a "blow job" to regain your health. Have you ever seen or played this perverted game? Nathan Popp popp_x@hotmail.com

Usually, as the letters page is being compiled, e-mails are passed around the office to gauge the team’s reaction before committing something to print. As this particular e-mail made the rounds, there were number of audible exclamations professing that this was just a bunch of porky pies. Several industrious days later, and with the help of a considerable back-catalog of NES games, we were able to come ир with the following screenshot from Ring King. This is a legitimate shot of a legitimate game. And Nathan...we think you may have a point. Although we're not sure about the Richard Simmons thing that's just creepy.

Phantom Delays

| just have one question for you guys, what's up with The Phantom Menace for PlayStation? I've heard that they can't release the game until September because of licensing problems with Sega since they have. the Star Wars Trilogy license. l've been looking forward to this game for a while so any info would be great. Gerry Bonas address withheld

PlayStation team was already looking very tired and very worried about the h. deadline. Thankfully, the deadline has now been changed, and the game stands a much better chance of living up to the high hopes everyone has for it. Has anyone played the PC version yet though? What do you all think?

What’s this I hear about Squaresoft not developing for the PlayStation 2? I was just at Electronics Boutique and

Jimmy Terrel, Louisville, Ky

envelope (the long business type) with


some guy said FF Anthology would be the last Squaresoft product for Sony and that Squaresoft was moving over to Dreamcast because Squaresoft doesn’t think people are going to buy a $700 system. | love Squaresoft and all, but Sega has broken my heart too many times. Pamela Korte pekorte@sac.verio.net

Square has already announced that Final Fantasy IX will be a PlayStation product, and if conversations we overheard at ЕЗ are anything to go by...it could be out in Japan by March 2000. Beyond that, we don’t know of Square's plans—however, their inclusion in the “Glimpse of the Future” demo of PS2 on March 2 in Tokyo would seem to suggest that the firm is closely affiliated with Sony’s plans for a future machine.

The ASCII Control Pad

Put your creative skills to the test by decking out a ">

3 your own unique

i touch. Send your letter id art to: f td 5; EGMLetter Art 23

Congratulations, your prize is on the way- an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation. It features rapid-fire controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense moments.

P.0. Box 3338 бак Brook, IL 60522-3338

(All entries become the property of ZD Inc. and will not be returned!)

Close, but no controller

Bad luck to these guys...better luck next time. Feel free to e-mail us artwork as well. More of our messages are e-mails these days-so don't miss out!

6 Perry, Pomona, NY

Antonio Mendoza Jr., USS Reuben James



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(61999 Electronic Arts, Sed Storm, Electronic Arts and the Electronic Arts logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Ars in the US andlor other countries. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Ine


Hp Playstation





By Chris Johnston chris johnstonGzd.com

Press Start The Hottest Gaming News on the Planet

hen Nintendo's Dolphin jumped out of the gate on May 11, it not only surprised many, but insured that Sony will have more than Dreamcast to worry about as PlayStation 2 launches. As the last of the big three to show its cards, Nintendo outdid Sony's previous announcement by announcing technology partnerships with ArtX, IBM and Panasonic. A projected holiday season 2000 launch worldwide is ambitious, pitting Dolphin

It may be small, but it sure packs a wallop. This is IBM's copper technology Power PC chip, which Project Dolphin is based on, actual size compared to the N64's digital па!

directly against PS2 in the lucrative fourth- quarter sales period.

But Nintendo has not tipped its hand completely. We know very little as to exactly how powerful the machine will be, but the specs we know so far can be directly compared to PlayStation 2. Not as surprising is that Dolphin is a bit more powerful than PlayStation 2 in the areas Nintendo chose to announce, though making direct comparisons at this point is unfair as Nintendo hasn't released complete specs.

On the matter of price, Nintendo of America chairman Howard Lincoln commented, “While our new Dolphin hardware will be extremely powerful, it will not be expensive. It will retail at a mass-market price for home video game systems." Current speculation has Sony's PS2 hitting the market somewhere under $300. If that proves true, look for Dolphin to hit a very similar price. IBM's copper semiconductor technology, used in the Gekko processor at the machine's heart, will undoubtedly bring Nintendo ever closer to a mass-market price. It will be manufactured in IBM's facilities in Burlington, Vt., and shipped to Nintendo. Copper, as one of the best electrical conductors, takes the place of aluminum normally used in chips, allowing them to be

Riding The Wave

Illustration By Lisa Blackshear

smaller in size and cheaper to make. NEC will provide the graphics LSI, developed by ArtX. ArtX was formed by some of the same people who designed the original graphics chipset for the Nintendo 64.

As far as developers go, Nintendo has said that it hasn't started going out to actively recruit developers, instead signing second- party teams to head up the first games for the system. They include Left Field Productions (NBA Courtside), Retro Studios (formed by

Which of the two fa ture game systems do you have more hope in?




Source: Videogames.com main poll results for 5/27/99

Dolphin isn t the first video game system IBM has been involved with. In 1993, it manufactured a system for another well-known company...

Do you know which one?

Dolphin Trainers

Nintendo's got a handful of designers and developers involved with shaping the system of the future. Of course, all of them have their own web pages on the ‘Net, so you can go check it out for yourself.

The Major Players ArtX - www.artxinc.com IBM - www.chips.ibm.com

NEC - www.nec.com Panasonic - www.panasonic.com Nintendo - www.nintendo.com

The New Dream Team Rare - www.rareware.com

Left Field - www.left.com

Retro Studios - www.retrostudios.com

ex-Iguana members), Rare and Nintendo's own internal R&D. At this point no titles have been announced, but you can bet that Miyamoto will have a hand in at least a few of the launch games.

The company's announcement was backed up by glowing testimonials from both Rare's Chris Stamper (one of the Stamper brothers who originally formed Rare) and Nintendo's own Shigeru Miyamoto. "Designing games is an ever-changing process, and this chip with its speed and seamless data flow, will allow us to make even more amazing games," Stamper said. "Consumers will love the end result with the upcoming system."

DVD. Big, bad and the format of choice for gaming in 2000. Matsushita (known also as Panasonic), as the biggest rival to Sony in consumer electronics, is a valuable ally for Nintendo. The company will provide Dolphin's DVD drive, as well as giving the system DVD's region and piracy protections. Dolphin on its own will not be able to play DVD movies, but as part of its deal with Nintendo, Panasonic will also market consumer electronics devices later on with Dolphin technology built-in. That means that at some point in the future, we could see a DVD player with a Dolphin machine built-in, although not by the time the game machine itself launches. Contrary to

While our new Dolphin hardware will be extremely powerful, it will not be expensive. It will retail at a mass-market price for home video game systems.

earlier rumors, it will not use a rewriteable DVD drive, which would've given it 64DD-ish customization options (it'll still need memory card-type storage).

Internet capabilities will be just as important as DVD in the next generation, and although Nintendo has not made any announcements as to whether or


400 MHZ

Semiconductor 0.18 micron technology Process: Graphics Being developed by ArtX Inc. Processor: 200MHZ 0.18 micron embedded DRAM technology Memory Bus 3.2 GB/sec Bandwidti DVD, provided by Matsushita.

Holiday Season 2000

not Dolphin will be Internet-ready, part of Nintendo's partnership with Matsushita includes future, digital network uses. Those could include video conferencing and network gaming options, which are quickly becoming standard parts of the video game experience. el



Emotion Engine

зоо MHZ

0.18-0.15 micron technology

Graphics Synthesizer 150 MHZ, 0.18 micron embedded DRAM technology

3.2 GB/sec

DVD/CD, provided by Sony

Spring 2000 in Japan, Fall 2000 in U.S.

Atari s 64-Bit Jaguar system was manufactured in the U.S. by IBM.


Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah Website: www.saffire.com

# of employee: Gameography: Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley (PS), Abe's Adventures (GB), Bio FREAKS (PS/N64), Rampage World Tour (N64) and James Bond 007 (GB).

Future projects: N64 - Top Gear Rally Il, Tiger Woods 2000, Rainbow Six, Xena Warrior Princess and Young Olympians. Game Boy Color - Zorro, Catz, Dogz, Abe's ‚Adventures Il and Chessmaster.

If there was one thing we could change about this industry, it would be: The industry needs better game designers who can visualize the game from the beginning so there are fewer changes at the end of a project.

During breaks from late-night programming sessions, we: What is а break? If we take a break at all it is to get something to eat and maybe sleep. Sometimes we like to talk about game concepts and books or movies we like. Our favorite game to play in the office (not by us) is: Some of the guys like to play basketball in the parking lot or network games like Quake. Sandy has a candy bucket that is pretty popular among the guys.

Music that inspires us around the office: We have such a variety of tastes (country, rock, rap, jazz, etc.) that we require headphones for all employees. It cuts down on the fights.

Story behind our name: Saffire is a cross between a brilliant dark blue gemstone and fire. We like to think of it as the fire within the stone. The stone represents ‘our rock-solid determination. The fire represents our creative desire and the combination of the two is beauty.

Team motto: Make the best game and do it on time.

Remembering WWF Star Owen Hart

His death shocked and saddened wrestling fans, friends, gamers—everyone—but Owen Hart will be immortalized not only by his legacy as an athletic showman but also in Acclaim's WWF Attitude. A spokesperson for the game, due on PlayStation June 3 and Nintendo 64 later in the summer, told us Hart’s character will remain in Attitude as a tribute, and the game will likely display a dedication screen for the late grappler, as well. A THQ spokesperson told us that it is too early to determine whether Hart will appear in its forthcoming WWF game.

Hart, a 33-year-old native of Calgary, Canada, fell to his death in a freak accident at a May 23 WWF pay-per-view event. One of the nicest, most well-respected wrestling veterans in the industry, Hart recently made an unprecedented 10th Wrestlemania appearance. He had the sport in his blood: He's the brother of former WWF champ Brett “The Hitman" Hart and son of legendary wrestler/promoter/trainer Stu Hart.

In our interview with Hart for July's WWF Attitude cover feature, Hart clued us in on the secrets behind his career's longevity. His responses, unpublished until now, show Hart as an athlete who kept his priorities straight. "You've got to have a lot of discipline," he told

us during a WWF house show in South Bend, Ind. “You've got to stay away from drugs, and you've got to take care of your family life. If your family life goes down the tubes, that usually has an impact on how you work. It's kind of a ‘domino effect’: If you've got a lousy family life, you go to work miserable. You end up missing shows or drinking too much. Next thing you know, you end up getting fined or injured. All of a sudden, [you're] a 30-year-old with a blown-out knee, and [you] never learned how to save.”

www.wwf.com www.acclaim.net

The memory of WWF wrestler Owen Hart lives on in Acclaim s WWE Attitude.

lara Back For More on PlayStation

Eidos’ busty video game babe, Lara Croft, will be back for another adventure on the PlayStation before the end of this year. Although the fourth game in the ultra-popular Tomb Raider series was nowhere to be found on the show floor, Eidos does have plans to

release the game, called Tomber Raider 4: Last Revelation in November. Even though Lara didn't have a new game to show off, her real- life counterpart made an appearance at the. show to pose for adoring fans. www.tombraider.com





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GT Interactive


How excited are you about the Dreamcast's U.S. launch?


Source: Videogames.com main poll results for 5/19/99

In order to celebrate the release of Seaman, Sega will release a clear version ofthe Dreamcast called Dreamcast Model Seaman on July 22. The package includes the clear console (described by Sega as "jewelry white”), controller, VMS, microphone and a copy of the Seaman. game. Only 500 of these systems will Бе made available.


Metal Gear on the PC? It could happen, thanks to a deal announced just prior to E3 in Los Angeles. Konami signed an agreement with Microsoft that could mean Metal Gear and Konami's catalog of titles will appear on the PC in the future. In turn, Konami has been given the option to public Microsoft's PC products on consoles including the Dreamcast, PlayStation and N64.


SNK's portable color game system Neo*Geo Pocket Color is available now through SNK's Web site at www,snkusa.com. The company recently announced a $10 price reduction on the hardware, bringing it to $69.95. Games range in price from $24.95 to $34.95 and can also be ordered directly from SNK.

Sega Gives Players $

Sega came back with a strong showing at this year's ЕЗ, proving that the company is willing to do whatever it takes to compete.

with Sony and Nintendo. In addition to making

key announcements, like the inclusion of the 56k modem with the Dreamcast at $199.99

when it's released on Sept. 9, showgoers were

surrounded with games from all imaginable genres. Just about every major Dreamcast game was shown, whether Japanese,

European, American, whether or not they were

coming to the States or not and regardless of if they had publishers (like an English version of Pen Pen Trilcelon, Gundam Side Story and Warp's D2).

The big draws at Sega's booth included Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur and Shenmue. A few of the Shenmue demos shown at the last TGS were subtitled into English, along with several very detailed facial expression demos starring the game's characters. House ofthe Dead 2 was shown, and while it will be coming to the States with red blood (instead of the Japanese version's green), Sega's own DC light gun will not be released here. Not to worry though, third-party peripheral manufacturers are hard at work on them.

You may also be able to get your hands on a U.S. Dreamcast much sooner than Sept. 9. Sega is teaming up with a national video rental outlet for a promotion beginning in mid-July where you'll be able to rent the Dreamcast and choose from three of the launch titles. Certainly a way to get word of mouth going early. As if that's not enough, Sega's planning a media blitz, culminating їп its sponsorship of MTV’s Video Music Awards, which takes place on Sept. 9 also.

Dreamcast's launch lineup still looks great,

ic Gaming М

with more than 15 titles ready to go on day one and plenty more to follow. Recently, however, Sega confirmed that Virtua Fighter 3tb and NBA 2000 will be delayed a little bit. Sega's building a proper Versus Mode into VFstb (the Japanese version didn't have one) while Sega's hard at work polishing NBA 2000 (slated for October). Sega Rally 2 still does not have a final release date, but is expected to be released sometime this fall, as soon as Sega makes sure all of the modem play bugs are worked out,


Sega of America president and COO Bernie Stolar at Sega s pre-E3 media briefing. Stolar was met with a standing ovation when he confirmed that the 56k modem would he packed in.



© 1999 The Coca-Cola Company. “Sprite” and “Obey Your Thirst” are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company.

And then they put this t


the desk...that can re-create what we re doing in the movie.

-George Lucas on PlayStation 2

Only One Left Standing

Congratulations to EGM West Coast Editor Wataru Maruyama (also known as Obi- Wan, The Kid or The Professor), winner of AGETEC’s Fighter Maker press tournament. The Professor's fighter went ир against those constructed by other magazine editors. Each was controlled by the computer, relying on the characters’ built-in A.l. to decide the winner. In addition to the trophy, Wat will get his name put into a future AGETEC product.


NBA Showtime


Tekken Tag Tournament Namco

Crazy Taxi Кы 1] Street Fighter Ill: Third Strike


Hydro Thunder |


Star Wars Trilogy Arcade Sega

Dance Dance Revolution Konami

Soul Calibur


Marvel Vs. Capcom


1 NFL Blitz ‘94


о с we Se N =

PlayStation 2, But N

Nestled quietly between industry veterans Nintendo and Sega was Sony's expansive PlayStation booth. Sony's own games were positioned next to the best its licensees had to offer, while Crash, Sweet Tooth, Lara and Parappa towered overhead in balloon form. Other areas of its booth dedicated to Ape Escape, UmJammer Lammy, Gran Turismo 2, Crash Team Racing and Tomba 2.

But the real action was at the very front and center of Sony's booth, where PlayStation 2 demos were being shown. Granted, these were the exact same demos Sony showed off in Japan in early March, but this area always drew a crowd. While watching puff balls, an old man's face and a rubber ducky float in a sink is interesting enough, the playable demo of Gran Turismo is what really packed 'em in. Always hanging close by to the demos were security guards, ready to pounce on any who might try to nab a souvenir. At Sony's party, a new PS2 demo was shown of Silent Hill that looked really early (the reason they must've not shown this one before was because...it

wasn’t that impressive). No further announcements were made regarding PlayStation 2 at the show.

One thing was noticeably missing from Sony's booth—PocketStation. Sony's PDA was nowhere to be found, and the reason is because Sony will not be introducing it in the U.S. this year. Unfortunately that means that games like Final Fantasy VIII, Monster Rancher 2 and others that have PocketStation features in Japan will be without them in the U.S. or have them but not be able to be used until the system is released here.


‘Sony s PlayStation 2 demonstration area was heavily guarded, but those who could get close enough caught an eyeful of the demos shown in Japan in March and a playable Gran Turismo demo.

‘onic Gaming Monthly - 82 - www.videogar

Nint BS

While Dolphin made its splashy appearance the day before the show opened, on the floor of the Los Angeles Convention Center Nintendo went full speed ahead with new games for N64 and Game Boy Color. And what would the Nintendo booth be without plenty of Pokémon?

Teasing fans of the game was one of the Pikachu Volkswagon Beetles, filled to the brim with bean bag characters of a few of the characters from the game. Every so often, Nintendo staff members would open the car and throw these beanies to attendees. Luckily, no one got hurt in the frenzy.

With the Japanese version of Pokémon Snap, players brought their cartridges to local convenience stores to get sticker print-outs of the photos they took in the game. Nintendo has teamed up with Blockbuster video stores to let players in the U.S. do the same. Bring your cart in to your local Blockbuster from when the game goes on sale July 26 until Thanksgiving, and for $3 you can get a sheet of 16 stickers from the photos you've taken.

Four new Pokémon games will hit shelves this fall, including Pokémon Pinball (une 28) and Pokémon Yellow (Sept. 6) on the Game Boy side of things, and Snap (july 26) and Stadium (October) on N64. Pokémon Gold and Silver—the real sequels to the Game Boy game—will be released in Japan in late summer, and could show up in the U.S. in early 2000. As if that isn't enough, the first Pokémon movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back, is scheduled to open in theaters across the country on Nov. 12.


ce to Catch "Em All

One of the other big draws to Nintendo's booth was the huge replica of Anakin Skywalker's podracer, hovering above the booth (makes you just wanna hop in and blast off). Jake Lloyd, the actor who plays the young Jedi attended Nintendo's pre-show media briefing (see picture below), and even took on would-be Anakins in pod racer duels on a big screen at the booth during the show.

Game Boy Color experienced a huge resurgence at this E3, with every major developer throwing out at least one new title for the machine. There were plenty of companies showing GBC versions of original NES titles like Mega Man 5 from Majesco, 1942 and Ghosts n' Goblins from Capcom, and Crystalis and Bionic Commando from Nintendo Software Technologies. It definitely proves that we haven't heard the last of Game Boy.







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оо bad theres no "indefinite date’ box to check оп


youll be returning. Everything you do in this game will have

those post office forms. Since you have no idea when

an impact on the way the journey ends. If it ever does.

You start on a quest that begins at the edge of the universe. And ends well, that's entirely. up to you. Everybody you meet, every step апа every decision you make will shape your destiny. And the fate of a planet.

In short, the evil gods are poised to destroy every living creature witha great meteorite that heads straight for the planet. Ferocious monsters threaten at every turn, Deadly magic lurks in the shadows. And to raise the stakes even higher, questions of identity hang in the balance.

So you must battle against the evil and hideous monsters in real-time, polygonal combat. You can customize complicated combination moves and set up decoys to take the fall. But no matter what, theres still no end in sight.

Because who you choose to talk to and share information with will greatly affect you. Characters can think and feel for themselves. Some will join you on your quest, others will betray you. And to add to the challenge, you have the option of playing two different characters, both unique in personality and both having an impact on the course of the game.

Even your emotions determine the fate of your journey.

You may choose to be romantically linked with another

© 1999 tri-Ace Inc /LINKS/ Minato Koio/ENIX. АП Rights Reserved. STAR OCEAN The Second Story is a trademark and ENIX is a registered trademark of Enix Corporation. PlayStation

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character, or you may choose to remain friends. But no matter what, it will affect your path. And more seriously, if а close friend dies in battle, you'll feel incredible rage that

will cause you to fight with more furious combat moves.

And theres no easy way out. Tools and skills do not

E GRE санд

just appear along the way. You must create many items from raw materials. And to do that you'll have to master difficult skills like alchemy, cooking, songwriting, or say, metalwork.

There are count- less routes to travel through this game, and over 80 endings. The deeper you delve, the more you'll discover that nothing no detail, no clue, no conversation, no skill- can be taken for granted. And that anything is possible. Including the fact that you might not ever make it back.






International News

Sega To Make Game Boy Games

Sega making Game Boy games? Yeah right! When pigs fly...and there goes one. That's right, Sega has announced

that its games will be coming to Game Boy Color in Japan. The first

title to be released before the end of 1999 will be a version of its Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars) game, a strategy/ combat/life sim. Other, yet unannounced, classic Sega titles will follow afterward. Sakura Wars was a very popular Saturn game, but was never released in the U.S.

Sega Enterprises president Soichirou Irimajiri explained to the Nikkei

Shimbun that the company “came to the conclusion that we will not develop or distribute a handheld console for the duration of the next few years. Because of >. this, we decided to change our strategy to release games on multiple platforms—at д и азе handheld market." This does not mean that Sega will be making PlayStation or N64 games anytime soon, as Sega has its own competing platform. Game Boy Color isn't the only

system Sega will develop for. It lans to do WonderSwan and Neos

Geo Pocket Color games as well. www.sega.co.jp

Get Your FFIX

Final Fantasy VIII is coming to the U.S. this fall, but in Japan, gamers are already getting primed for the ninth installment of the mega- popular role-playing series. Digicube, Square's convenience story-based game/music/movies distribution, confirmed that FFIX will hit Japan as early as the second quarter of 2000. It’s also been confirmed that FFIX will be on PlayStation, not PlayStation 2. www.square.co.jp

Nintendo announced at a recent press conference that the sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be released in this fiscal year (before the end of March 2000). Previously referred to as Ura Zelda, it was. originally supposed to be a 64DD title. But, seeing as the release of the 64DD is still a mystery, it could be some sort of “lock-on” cart that expands the first game.


Yoshitaka Amano, known for character designs from the Final Fantasy series, Front Mission and Kartia, has joined forces with

Capcom for a new RPG for Dreamcast called Emblem of Eru. The game is expected to be released later this year.

www.capcom.co jp.

At the New Challenge Conference held in early June, Sega announced that it will lower the price of its Dreamcast system in Japan to 19,800 yen (about $165) on June 24, more than an $80 drop. From June 24 to July 31, the DC's Japanese launch games (VF3, PenPen Trilcelon, Godzilla Generations and July) and Sonic Adventure will be lowered in price to 1990 yen ($16). The company also announced it will build an online gaming network. worldwide called Dreamcast Heat by the end of the year in Japan. Baldur's Gate will be the first game to use it. This network will also be used for other services, such as video conferencing and video chat. Newly confirmed titles for release during the fourth quarter of the year across the Pacific include Virtua Striker 2 DC (Soccer), Virtual On, D2 and Bio Hazard Code Veronica.

Sega hopes that the lower price and game announcements will create а sales spike going into the fall and winter.


36 - www.video;

Legend Of Mana

Import Pick of the Month: Legend of Mana, Square's long-awaited sequel to the Super NES' Secret of Mana.

tation 6/24 King of Fighters '97, SNK (Fighting) 6/24 Metal Gear Solid Integral, Konami (Action) 6/24 Persona 2, Atlus (RPG) 6/24 Real Bout Fatal Fury, SNK (Fighting) 6/24 Rival Schools Evolution 2, Capcom (Fighting) 6/24 Grandia, Game Arts (RPG) 7/1 Dino Crisis, Capcom (Action) 7/25 Legend of Mana, Square (RPG) 7/15 Tron and Kobun, Capcom (Action) 7/15 Vandal Hearts Il, Konami (RPG). 7/29 Guitar Freaks, Konami (Misc.)


6/24 Expendable, Imagineer (Action)

6/24 King of Fighters Dream Match 1999, SNK (Fighting)

6/24 Shutokou Battle, Genki (Racing)

6/24 Giant Gram, Sega (Sports)

7/1 Street Fighter Zero 3, Capcom (Fighting).

7/8 Buggy Heat, CRI (Racing)

7/15 Climax Landers, Climax (RPG)

7/45. Frame Gride, From Software (Action)

7/22 Toukon Retsuden 4, Tomy (Sports)

7/22 Seaman, Vivarium (Misc.)

7/29 Air Force Delta, Konami (Shooting)

8/5 Soul Calibur, Namco (Fighting)

8/26 Cool Boarders BURRRN, Uep ‘Systems (Sports)

8/26 Gundam Side Story, Bandai (Action)

Nintendo 64 6/25 Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bandai (Action)

*Schedule subject to change without notice. Consult your local import game store for the latest release information.


Did you Know?

Bands like Beck (Sony), Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (Nintendo) and Everclear (Eidos) played at company parties

during Ез this year.

Quartermann - Video Game Gossip & Speculation

Now that we've gót the booze-fuelléd festival of gaming that/s ЕЗ well and truly out of the way, we can finally get down business with some properly juicy rumors We've got everything/for you this moth. Sex, corporate takeovers, cheap attempts at buying your affection/and undead vampire hunters...it’s almost like an episode/of Buffy.

THE RUMOR Legacy of Kain Soul Reavẹr will be coming to Dreamcast.

THE TRUTH It seems like a pretty obvious fit for Eidos/Crystal doesn't it? The game is bound to be huge on PlayStation—the PC version looks gorgeous and utilizes 3D technology to the max and Eidos has a Sega license, Top this off with the fact that there is something of a 3D action/adventure "hole" in the DC lineup and things seem very likely) Recent probings by the Q's spies revealed that the chances of seeing thé game are "better than average" —so expect to hear something firm around September.

THE RUMOR Lara Croft will be appearing in a Dreamcast gamê

THE TRUTH Bit of a hazy one this, but ће Q has sources who claim that the Eidos/Sony. contract has something of a loophole in it. While Sony tied up the Tomb Raider franchise for a set period of time, Lara Croft and her pendulous.appendages weren't signéd.up. separately (ouch)—so there's a very good chance we'llSee a "Lara Croft in..." game sometime in 2000. Maybe then we'll getall the fünky facial animation and new3D models that the original Tomb Raider teani spoke of a year/ago. No doubt when.the inevitable DC GanjeShark [s released, there'll be a mighty. rush for people trying to get her naked again. Still, she'll look much better. Youg Crispin here thinks that “Lara Croft and the Raiders ûf the Lost Tomb" would make ап excellent вате nàme. How about it Eidos?

THE RUMOR Toy-companies are taking over. THE TRUTH There's an argument thatit’s actually the French-who are taking over, but what they're not touching—the toy companies are eyeing up. The Q received reports from various-sources this month that Hasbro had been looking Into buying both Acctaim and

Don t Panic! Seaman

Vivarium’s Seaman had to have been the strangest game at E3 this year. Basically, the game is much like other virtual pet products. You “hatch” a Seaman, nurture and care for him, and maybe someday he'll sprout legs and walk the Earth in your image (or something like that). You use a microphone attachment to give him commands to “teach” him, and Vivarium had a very early English translation at the show and attracted curious showgoers with exhibits like you see at right. Seaman will be released in Japan in July.

Seaman in опе of his not-so-natural life stages (above). A limited English version of the game was shown at ЕЗ, but as for a future U.S. release. .it s still up in the air.

GT Interactive; while other sources even mentioned that Eidos was being fihgered for a toyco buyout. What will this mean for us? Well...maybe lots of games with toy franchise spin-offs...and maybe à reduction in the number of non-franchisable games. Good or bad? It's too early to tell—but it's never healthy for just a few companies to be | controlling everything-even if we do get | action figures.

|THE RUMOR That Sony will lower the |

PlayStation price to $99. THE TRUTH Kraig Kujawa, ex EGM alumni. |

Jand current/head-honcho on Official U.S. |

PlayStation Magazine is absolutely convinced that there will be a price drop in September. And he would probably know, It makes sense...9/9/99 is going to be a busy day and the dodble whammy of FFVIII being released and A price drop for PlayStation may help. Ѕойу draw attention away from the Dreamcast launch ($99.99 on 9/9/99...pretty catchy, еһ?).


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Weekly Famitsu, week ending 4/18/99

Micro Cabin

The bugs are taking over - infesting and destroying everything in their path. Are you just

gonna sit there and let that happen? No way. It's time to kick some bug butt! Centipede



for PlayStation. Wicked bugged out 3-0 graphics, all new levels, insects, and worlds. Even play classic style. lg The bugs are back. Start blasting.


©1999 Hasbro тегин, Inc. Al Rights Reserved. PoStatin and the PlayStation logos ore registered trademarks Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. AN ather ademarks ore propery ol hei respective holes.

Clockwise from top: One of Eidos’ hooth girls smiles for the camera, an unwitting Game Boy RESS fan gets his hair colored at Nintendo's booth, START Sony's PlayStation mascots’ balloons, Q-Bert hangs at Hasbro's hooth, and the lovely

EGM ЕЗ 1999 Scraphook - E qam eem

| Activision announced that it will publish | Blue Stinger in the U.S. for Dreamcast this fall...Sega announced that it has | accelerated its purchase of Visual Concepts, the company that is developing | NBA 2000, NFL 2000 and Floigan Brothers for Dreamcast... Tecmo's NAOMI arcade game Dead or Alive 2 will reportedly not be released in U.S. arcades. The company says this move is based on the performance of the first game in the U.S., which was apparently not as good as it had hoped... Working Designs has announced it will bring Lunar 2 to the PlayStation in the U.S. this winter, as well as a strategy RPG called Detonator Gauntlet (fall). Detonator Gauntlet will include a playable demo of Lunar 2...Majesco Sales will publish the Dreamcast version of Red Storm's Rainbow Six this fall... Konami is thinking about bringing its Bemani music games to the U.S. At E3 the company displayed the arcade versions of HipHopMania (U.S. name for Beat Mania) and Dance Dance Revolution to gauge reaction at an | American trade show...Midway announced that it will bring out an updated version of the classic '8os arcade game Spy Hunter on next-generation systems, Paradigm Entertainment, behind such titles as Beetle Adventure Racing and Pilotwings 64 is developing the game...THQ announced that it has signed а deal with MTV Sports to develop and | publish titles carrying the music | network's sports label for current and | future video game systems and PCs...A | |

sequel to Syphon Filter is in the works...


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iM E3 1999 Scrapbook -

From ton left, left to right: Anakin's pod at Nintendo's booth, Lara Croft, Pac-Man, Dr. Zaius

and friends at Fox, WCW wrestler Sting at EA's booth, Watto, and an overhead of Sega's booth.



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An Einstein brain load of info plus a freakin’ warehouse of cool stuff to buy. It's adios to zzzz's, baby...


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The Top 20 Besi-Selling Games of April, 1999

1- |- Pokemon (Red Version) E

Have you caught them all yet? Nintendo plans to continue its

E "n Pokémon success later this year | JohnR | Crispin = with the release of several new A اال‎ e, including Pokémon Yellow 8090 0 9. 0 and Pokémon Pinball оп Game peni жм sed Horn arract | Boy Not only that, but Pikachu...

2- Pokémon (Blue Version)

..and friends will show up on the


N6q in Pokémon Stadiumand |@@8@‏ ڪڪ Єй ел = Pokémon Snap. In the fall, John R | Crispin‏ mzs] Mewtwo Strikes Back, the‏ 2

^ RES] pokemon movie will hit theaters, 8.0 9.0 pushing the Pokemon phenom- | оер | Sart used rorson srzusel enon in the U.S. into overdrive.

3- NFS High Stakes

© ощ. Drivin for dollars is what WEF" Electronic Arts’ latest entry in the NFS series is all about. Race

Shawn | Dean against the clock or a friend, run from the cops, or hop into a police car and dish out your own form of 8.5 8.5 | traffic-court justice. às

4- шо Play 2000

[er Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowds...it's summertime, and you know what

+ 8.5

[new] 9.0

John R | Dean Я that means. Lots and lots of nn baseball! Electronic Arts brings it home again this year in one of the 85 8.5

P. best console baseball games yet.

5- Syphon Filter

Slipping two slots to number five on the list this month is 989. Studios’ tactical espionage action

+ 8.0

3] 65

Shawn | John D game. A sequel is already in the = works for what has become one of the biggest PlayStation titles this 80 8.0

Ml year. Even better than Metal Gear?

Mario Party итп


Super Smash Bros. Nintendo

MIB 2000

989 Studios.

Army Men 30


Legend of Legaia SCEA





11 1 13 1 15 1 1 1 1 20

Beetle Adventure Racing Electronic Arts

Frogger Hasbro Interactive

GoldenEye 007

All Star Baseball 7000



Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Nintendo

Tomb Raider 2

Eidos Interactive

Namco Museum Vol. 3 Namco

Gran Turismo SCEA

Crash Bandicoot 2 SCEA

P| | bd | BSB

Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening



ЕЗ Show Stoppers ,.,.,

Who do you think stole the show?





Source: NPD TRSTS Video Games Service. Call Mary Ann Porreca at (516) 625-2345 Tor questions regarding this list. Top 5 game descriptions written by the EGM staff



Source: Videogames.com main poll results for 5/27/99

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 46 - www.videogames.com

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Coming Soon - August 1999

Compiled By Chris Johnston chris johnstonG2d.com

‘Game Boy Color

Asteroids - Activision Caesar's Palace Il - Interplay Chessmaster - Mindscape Deer Hunter - Vatical Entertainment Klustar - Infogrames Yar's Revenge - Vatical Entertainment. Lucky Luke - Infogrames Pac-Man - Namco Revelations: The Demon Slayer - Atlus Roadster 99 - Titus San Francisco Rush - Midway Spawn - Konami Titus Jr, - Titus

PlayStation Driver - GT Interactive Echo Night - AGETEC Jade Coccoon: Story of the Tamamayu - Crave Monaco Grand Prix - Ubi Soft NCAA Football 2000 - Electronic Arts NFL Xtreme 2 - 989 Studios R-Type Delta - AGETEC Silhouette Mirage - Working Designs Star Wars Episode One: Racer - LucasArts Tarzan - SCEA Toonenstein - Кетсо

Nintendo 6a. All Star Tennis '99 - Ubi Soft Bass Landing - AGETEC Fa World Grand Prix II - Nintendo Harrier 2001 - Video System In-Fisherman’s Bass Hunter 64 - Rockstar Monaco Grand Prix - Ubi Soft ‘Monster Truck Madness - Rockstar Pokémon Snap - Nintendo The New Tetris - Nintendo Tonic Trouble - Ubi Soft. WWF Attitude - Acclaim

Action. Misc. Misc. Action Puzzle Shooting Action Misc. RPG Racing. Racing. Action



Catz - Mindscape

Deja Vu - Vatical Entertainment

Dogz - Mindscape

Duke Nukem - GT Interactive

International Track & Field - Konami

Motocross Maniacs 2 - Konami

Pocket Bowling - Jaleco

Puzzle Master - metroD.

‘Shadowman - Acclaim

‘Survival Kids- Konami

Wicked Surfing - Interplay PlayStatio

Misc. Adventure Misc. Action Sports Racing Sports Puzzle Action. Adventure Sports

Carmageddon 2 - Interplay Championship Motocross - THQ

Clock Tower a: The Struggle Within - AGETEC Dead Unity - THQ

NFL Blitz 2000 - Midway

Quake II - Activision.

ReVolt - Acclaim

‘Shadowman - Acclaim

Shao Lin - THQ

‘Soul of the Samurai - Konami

‘South Park - Acclaim

‘Star Wars Episode One: TPM - LucasArts Suikoden II - Konami

Tail Concerto - Atlus

Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal - SCEA UmJammer Lammy - SCEA

Xena Warrior Princess - Electronic Arts

‘Asteroids Hyper 64 - Crave Entertainment Caesar's Palace - Crave Entertainment Duke Nukem: Zero Hour - GT Interactive

Action Racing Action Action Sports Action Racing Action Fighting Action. Action Adventure

Action. Simulation. Action

Goemon's Great Adventure - Konami Action Jet Force Gemini - Nintendo Action NFL Blitz 2000 - Midway Sports NFL Quarterback Club 2000 - Acclaim Sports Revolt - Acclaim Racing Shadowman - Acclaim Action.


AMF Bowling - Vatical Entertainment Sports ee RPG

Bugs Bunny 4 - Vatical Entertainment Action Cat Woman - Vatical Entertainment. Action Darts - Vatical Entertainment. Misc, Earthworm Jim - Crave Entertainment Action. FIFA 2000 -THQ Sports Frisbee Golf - Vatical Entertainment Sports Madden NFL 2000 - THQ. Sports Mission: Impossible - Infogrames Action. Ms. Pac-Man - Namco Misc. NHL 2000 -THQ Sports Pokémon Yellow - Nintendo Adventure Resident Evil - Capcom Action. South Park - Acclaim Action Tiger Woods 2000 - THQ. Sports Toy Story 2 - THQ. Action Turok Rage Wars - Acclaim Action Yoda Stories - THO Adventure Station Dino Crisis - Capcom ‘Action G-Police Weapons of Justice - Psygnosis ‘Action Gauntlet Legends - Midway Action.

Grandia - SCEA RPG Indiana Jones: The Infernal Machine - LucasArts Adventure

Jet Moto 3 - 989 Studios Racing Juggernaut -Jaleco RPG Konami Arcade Classics - Konami Misc, Lego Racers - Lego Media. Racing Mission: Impossible - Infogrames Action NCAA GameBreaker 2000 - 989 Studios Sports NFL GameDay 2000 - 989 Studios Sports Omega Boost - SCEA Shooting. Omikron: The Nomad Soul - Eidos Action Paperboy - Midway Action Rat Attack! - Mindscape Action Rayman 2 - Ubi Soft Action Space Invaders - Activision Action StarCon - Accolade Strategy Superman - Titus Action Thousand Arms - Atlus RPG Vegas Games 2000 - 300 Misc Nintendo 64, AirBoardin" USA - AGETEC Racing Army Men Sarge's Heroes - 300 Action Gauntlet Legends - Midway Action бех 3: Deep Cover Gecko - Eidos Action Hybrid Heaven - Konami Action Lego Racers - Lego Media Racing Mario Golf 64 - Nintendo Sports Paperboy - Midway Action Road Rash 64 - THQ Racing Roadster 99 - Titus Racing. StarCraft - Nintendo Strategy Dreamcast Air Force Delta - Konami Flying Blue Stinger - Activision Action. Carrier - Jaleco Action Cool Boarders - Sega Racing Expendable - Rage Software Action House ofthe Dead 2 - Sega Shooting Hydro Thunder - Midway Racing Mortal Kombat Gold - Midway Fighting NFL Blitz 2000 - Midway Sports NFL Football - Sega Sports NFL Quarterback Club 2000 - Acclaim Sports Power Stone - Capcom Fighting Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Midway Sports Sonic Adventure - Sega Adventure Soul Calibur - Namco Fighting

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 48 j

Speed Devils - Ubi Soft Racing SuperSpeed Racing - Sega Racing Trick Style - Acclaim Racing Virtua Fighter 3tb - Sega Fighting Xleration - Kalisto Entertainment Racing

Game Boy Color

All Star Tennis 9 - Ubi Soft Sports Babe - Crave Entertainment Action. Brunswick Pool - Vatical Entertainment Sports Carnivale - Vatical Entertainment Action. Ghosts N' Goblins - Capcom Action. Godzilla - Crave Entertainment. Action. Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy - Newt Puzzle Micro Machines V3 - THQ Racing МВА Live 2000 - THQ. Sports NFL Blitz 2000 - Midway Sports ‘Top Gear Rally - Vatical Entertainment Racing Playstation Army Men Air Attack - 300 ‘Action. ‘Army Men Sarge's Heroes - 300 Action Barbie Race & Ride - Mattel Racing Crusaders of Might & Magic - 300 Action Grand Theft Auto 2 - Rockstar Action Jeff Gordon XS Racing - ASC Games Racing Lego Rock Raiders - Lego Media Action Metal Gear Solid VR Missions - Konami Action Misadventures of Tron Bonne - Capcom Action NHL FaceOff 2000 - 989 Studios. Sports Pac-Man World zoth Anniversary - Namco Action Panzer General Assault - Mindscape Strategy Pong - Hasbro Interactive Action Railroad Tycoon 2 - Rockstar Simulation RC Stunt Copter - Midway Action Vigilante 8: Second Offense - Activision Action Formula One 'g9 - Activision Racing Nickelodeon Cat-Dog - Hasbro Interactive Action Tony Hawk Pro Skater - Activision Racing Tiickin' Snow Boarder - Capcom. Racing Nintendo 64 Blues Brothers 2000 - Titus Action Castlevania Special Edition - Konami Action Earthworm Jim 3D - Rockstar. Action Looney Tunes: Space Race - Infogrames Action Nuclear Strike - THQ Action Pokémon Stadium - Nintendo Action Rainbow Six - Southpeak Interactive Action Rat Attack! - Mindscape Action Rayman 2 - Ubi Soft Action Space Invaders - Activision. Action Vigilante 8: Second Offense - Activision. Action WCW Mayhem - Electronic Arts Sports Bass Fishing - Sega Sports Marvel Vs. Capcom - Capcom Fighting. MS-R - Sega Racing NBA Basketball - Sega Sports Slave Zero - Accolade Action Vigilante 8: Second Offense - Activision Action

Mario Golf 64 - №64


Samurai Shodown 2


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` 1ST STOP............. REGULAR SEASON Bang heads against all 114 Division 1-A teams, plus MEAC, swac and Ivy squads.

2ND STOP. ...NEW ORLEANS The only game that lets 1 play 2 for the national title in the Nokia Sugar Bowl.

ЗЕР STOP... ..DYNASTY MODE“ Recruit your way from pushover to powerhouse. No round trips, please.





OL P. 5


_This Month in Previews

ШШ © Dreamcast

Ш 1 Nintendo 64 Bl Z2 Playstation Ш 3 Game Boy Color

W & Arcade

56-57 Soul Calibur

Hydro Thunder NBA 2000 Dynamite Cop

Castlevania: Resurrection

Ecco the Dolphin

Project Ares

Floigan Brothers

Red Dog

Speed Devils


Deep Fighter: The Tsunami Offense Furballs

Toy Commander



Redline Racer: Ultimate Challenge Blades of Vengeance

Test Drive 6

Take the Bullet

Gundam: Side Stor

80-83 Perfect Dark 86-87 Donkey Kong 64

88 90 92



Jet Force Gemini Road Rash 64

Super Mario Adventure

WWF Wrestlemania

Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside 2 South Park Rally

Kirby 64

Excitebike 64

WCW Mayhem


Major League Soccer 2000 Blues Brothers 2000

Top Gear Hyper-Bike

Mini Racers

Asteroids Hyper 64.


98-99 Dino Crisis


Tarzan NCAA Football 2000.

Tail Concerto

NCAA GameBreaker 2000 Toshinden Subaru



The Misadventures of Tron Bonne Vandal Hearts II

Tenchu Il

Jet Moto 3

Wild ARMs: 2nd Ignition Dewprism


Danger Girl

Eagle One: Harrier Attack Championship Motocross

Konami Arcade Classics




Pokémon Yellow

Azure Dreams

Deer Hunter

Earthworm Jim: Menace 2 The Galaxy Motocross Maniacs 2

^ WI Stepping Stage

Ferrari 355 Challenge San Francisco Rush 2049 Brave Fire Fighters

are designed to run on Japanese or

‘own risk.

hhh, E3...that big, crowded, sweaty mosh pit that contains nothing but overzealous PR folks, bored booth babes, funny-smelling video game magazine editors and little punk kids who scam their way into the show because they tun some Mickey Mouse video game Web site from mom and dad's basement. Oh yeah, it has a few million kick-ass video games as well. Now that the show is over, we're ready to stuff some serious preview action down your throats. For the last couple of months, we've been showing you sneak peeks at what we knew was going to pop up at the convention in

LA. In this issue, we're wrapping up our

E3 coverage, but we're also including

some in-depth looks at some pretty hip

games (Perfect Dark or Soul Calibur, anyone?). In the upcoming months,

expect to see more full previews (rather

Perfect Dark Nintendo 64 Soul Calibur


Bored booth babe, seen here posing. with a funny-smelling video game magazine previews editor.

than those preview galleries) as we get playable versions of these games. Our attitude here: We won't dedicate a full page or more to any one game unless we get in some hands-on playing time (so we can give you real and useful info, rather than feed you a page of fluffy text that's rehashed from some hyped-up press release). fy

Ready 2 Rumble


Dino Crisis


Resident Evil 3 Nemesis


Crash Team Racing


MSR-Metropolis Street Racer


Jet Force Gemini

Nintendo 64 Ace Combat 3


Donkey Kong 64

Nintendo 64

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‘The complete fighting game you've been waiting for is here, Fighter Maker. Finally you can have everything you've ever wanted in a fighting game-hard-hitting one or two player 3D action, an incredible arsenal of more than 800 moves, AND professional-quality design tools that let YOU create YOUR perfect fighter. If you've Got every fighting move and combo down cold, start inventing your own! Fighter Maker puts you in total control of every \ ате of animation, body movement, and camera angle as you design your custom fighter from wireframe to unstoppable fighting machine. When you think you're ready, save your creation to a memory card and Kick Ass!

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September 1999 www.namco.com www.soulcalibur.com

Incredible graphics, memorable character designs, deep fighting engine, extra modes.

The deep fighting engine equals high learning curve.

Trying to master Soul. Calibur with the DC controller.

For the best place to get your fix on everything Soul Calibur, head over to www.soulcalibur.com.

This site features tons of background story and all 17 chapters of Calibur history. To give you a little history on the Soul Edge weapon, the site includes the complete Soul Edge (Blade) saga with bad boy Cervantes. Bone up on your fighting skills with move lists and advanced strategies in the "Souls" section. You can also grab Soul Calibur digital accessories for your computer: kata movies, wallpapers for your desktop, BGMs for every stage, character sketches (see right | other sidebar) and more.

Finally, there's a forum for fans of Soul Calibur to talk some real trash. En garde!


Some background objects which were previously 20 in the arcade have heen given a 3D facelift.

elcome back to the stage of history—

this time it’s on the Dreamcast. Namco's

decision to port Soul Calibur to the

Dreamcast can almost be deemed historical on many levels. Namco games like Ridge Racer and Tekken are synonymous with the launch of Sony's PlayStation and helped them get an early lead in their 32-Bit battle with the Sega Saturn. Although Namco has recently announced that they have no other Dreamcast titles planned for this year, just the fact that their most ambitious arcade conversion ever will be on Sony's next-generation competitor has many excited about future possibilities. Another reason Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast attains landmark status is because it's the first game to really show off the system's graphical prowess.

While Namco has always offset the compromised

graphics of home versions with extra modes and mini-games, Soul Calibur will be their first home title to sport better graphics than its arcade counterpart. Originally released last summer, Soul Calibur ran off of Namco's System 12 hardware, which at the time was already pushing the graphical limits of the board; 60 fps, improved texture resolution, complex character models, advanced light sourcing and an orgy of particle effects made it one of the most beautiful fighting games ever conceived. There was no doubt fora second that this game would have to pass up

the PlayStation with its more dated System 11-derived hardware. With the PlayStation 2 still more than a year away from launch, Namco had no choice but to consider their next viable platform— the Sega Dreamcast. Since the Dreamcast with its Naomi-based hardware is considerably more powerful than the System 12, Namco took this opportunity to pursue their vision of what Soul Calibur should or could have been.

When it comes to exploiting the strengths of a system, none is more capable than Namco. For starters, they've completely reassembled each character model from the ground up. The difference between the arcade and Dreamcast versions is easily noticeable. Aside from the game's higher resolution on the Dreamcast, the fighters appear better fleshed out, less jagged and more lifelike. Through extensive use of gouraud shading, Namco was able to conceal joints where polygons come together to form limbs. The end result is spectacular; body parts seamlessly:



Which of the Slave Zero following DC E3 games are you

most into?



source: videogames.com online poll Shenmue

work together to produce a coherent and realistic character model. In addition to how each character looks, Namco also wanted to perfect their motion data so they're as smooth as possible. A lot of tweaking went into improving the animation

overall stuff like blocking, staggering and parrying have all been touched up for the home version. Other subtle touches include minor facelifts of each of the 19 arenas, A lot of background structures and objects which were originally 2D were upgraded to full 3D constructions. But wait, that's not all.

Our sources in Japan revealed to us even more mindblowing improvements for Soul Calibur. Each character will have a fully articulated jaw and facial skeleton to allow a wide array of facial expressions and speech movement. The same will also apply for the bodies of the fighters. For the first time in any 30 fighting game, Soul Calibur will feature character models with a connected hip and torso segment. This ensures natural hip and chest motions that simulate the full range and limitations of human movement. In addition, Soul Calibur's skeletal system will also figure muscle and body mass into both the graphics


and physics of the game. If you look carefully, you can see muscles flex, and as fanboy service, Taki's heaving bosoms. Let’s not forget, all of this graphical icing comes sprinkled with heavy doses of colored light sourcing and gratuitous amounts of particle effects all moving at a brisk 60 fps. Soul Calibur on the System 12 already had some of the best graphics and motion capture for any fighter to date; now the Dreamcast version is on the verge of making history as the first fighter to take real-time animation to the next level of realism. This latest version of Soul Calibur will, in effect, put its former self to shame.

Like other Namco home conversions, Soul Calibur will also be loaded with extra modes unavailable in the arcade. At presstime, Namco had yet to finalize which modes will make it into the final build. Modes like single-player, versus and training are a no- brainer, but will we see Team Battle Mode? What about an Edge Master mode similar to the one that was in the home version of Soul Blade? There should be an ample amount of scenarios for a solid story. mode for each of the 17 characters. Only time will tell which modes will make it in the game.

Sega should consider themselves absolutely blessed to have Soul Calibur coming out for the Dreamcast. Not only does it carry the Namco third- party prestige, but an amazing technological and artistic feat that will remain unrivaled until the launch of PlayStation 2. *

B pm

Ecco The Dolphin [T

The Art Of Soul Calibur

Before settling down with the final look for the fighters, Namco's character design artists experimented with hundreds of possibilities. A lot of the early character sketches hint at what ultimately becomes the real thing. Every picture below was sketched in pencil (from top to bottom): Hwang, Ivy and a blushing Seung Mina їп the arms of Hwang.

NFL 2050

[Punisher sega ТОТОЙ Visual Concepts

СТТН september 1999 LETTRES www.sega.com СТВ Great graphics,

smooth 60 frames-per-second gameplay.

ССТТ No John Elway СТТ Bubby Brister is the

new starting QB for the Broncos.

Show 'n' Tell

NFL 2000's play calling interface is the most intuitive we've seen yet. Instead of tiny screens with iconic arrows and circles, NFL 2000 will actually map out the positions and patterns for you on the playing field. This way, you can see exactly what routes your receivers are running, and what zones your defenders are covering.

We know what you're thinking: Yup, it looks nifty, but I sure as hell don't want my nosy human opponents seeing all that info. Don’t worry. You'll be able to bluff and display a different play on the screen.

You want kick-ass graphics? You got it. The tackle animations are incredible. If you guy in the ankle, for example, he might limp a little afterward.

ева Sports is certainly going for it in both the figurative and practical sense. Beholden of new ass-kicking hardware, the once- mighty gaming giant is planning to cover every base possible when the system launches this fall, and sports will be one of the most comprehensively covered genres. Developed by recently acquired developers Visual Concepts, NFL 2000 (still a working title) is looking and playing great at only 60% complete. As anyone familiar with a football game would expect, the control and feel of the game are superb, easily crushing the static play of games like Madden 99 for the PlayStation and QBC 99 for the Né4. For once, possibly the first time since the original Tecmo Bowl, you actually can feel like you're catching a pass or finding the hole in the defense during a running play.

Helping matters are the numerous features found in NFL 2000. 1,500-1,600 motion-captured animations have been implemented, with mo-caps being performed by both professional stunt-men and actual NFL players from the Seahawks, the 49er's, the Chiefs and the Bears. There were also a number of two-player simultaneous mo-caps taken for тоге realistic animations like wrap-around tackles.

All 31 NFL stadiums are in the game, including the new stadium being built for the Cleveland Browns. Since the gameplay is quite accomplished at the moment, VC has been able to concentrate on making the game as realistic as possible, with things like crowd populations being influenced by actual NFL attendance data. The crowd appearance.

nthly - 58 - www.vide

The detail here is amazing. You can even see the cold breath coming from the players’ mouths.

will also be affected by weather conditions, where a rainy game will showcase the bleachers filled with poncho-wearing attendees.

Other features include realisti sideline a player for one quarter of a game or a whole season. There is a three-member play-by-play team for comprehensive play coverage, while a fourth spokesman fills in as the studio host. There will be a heavy-duty stat-tracking engine which will keep track of the most minute details. An extensive create-a-player mode will be included so you can play yourself in the game as well. Unlike the usual Madden-esque mini-boxes that showcase the playbook, the plays in NFL 2000 fill the entire screen, so you can get a really good idea of how. your choice will play out.

Right now the front-end menus are inconveniently arranged, but we've been assured that this will be taken care of. Also, the much-vaunted use of the VMU and its role in the game are undecided as of this moment but is expected to be sorted out in time for its September release. Right now, the NFL 2000 team is concentrating on bringing out the best football game on the market, and from the evidence at hand, they just might do that. It looks like Sega's sport-centric plan might be a worthy endeavor after all. Guaranteed to sell systems. E:


Special icons show where passes are headed. Instead of having receivers sit and wait at a certain spot, you can use the marks to judge whether to leap or dive for acatch.



it's thinking



e ө ө ө ө ө


Midway Eurocom




September www.midway.com


More tracks, near- perfect arcade translation.

Without the throttle, force-feedback wheel and vibrating chair, it can't be the arcade game, but it's close! Too bad there's no modem suppor

Even though it is tempting, do not play Hydro Thunder in the bathtub or pool. It might cause wrinkles.

Slippery | When Wet

| . Looking for a little wet | fun this summer? These games have also made а big splash:

| | Cobra Triangle, Nintendo/Rare (NES)

| |

Eliminator Boat Duel, Electrobrain (NES)

Turbo Prop Racing, SCEA (PS)

Power Boat Racing, VR Sports/Interplay (PS)

Dead in the Water, ASC Games (PS)

"us 3H

Secret pathways can be found throughout each course in Hydro Thunder. Where

you see a waterfall, there's usually a shortcut behind it, like this first waterfall in Lost Island. Take it and you get a nine-second hoost.

уйго Thunder is heating up the arcades, but

this fall, it will hit Dreamcast and Nintendo

64. If you haven't played the game yet, you

may need a bucket of water handy to cool yourself down after playing.

One or two players can select from 13 different boats (four of which are secret) and 11 different courses in a knock-down, drag-out race to the finish. All the tracks from the arcade version are included— Thunder Park, Lost Island, Greek Isles, Arctic Circle, The Far East, Lake Powell, Ship Graveyard, Venice Canals, Hydro Speedway, New York Disaster and Nile Adventure, each faithfully reproduced. Midway's also planning to do one or two extra tracks for the home versions. One will be a practice track for new. players to cut their teeth on, and the second may be the Transylvania track that was left out of the arcade game. At this time, the extra track will go into either the N64 or the DC version.

Boats range from easy to handle to very touchy, and as you master the more difficult boats you'll

Just look at how much is going on in the background. of Hydro Speedway. Don't start enjoying that scenery too much though, or you might get Mighty Hulled.

A 62 \


notice your times on each track getting lower and lower. While racing for time is fun even in two-player mode, competing against each other for place is even better. Using your boat's Mighty Hull ability, you can knock other salty dogs out of the water. Secret boats include a tiny version of the Titanic (called Tinytanic), a military boat (Armed Response), hovercraft (Blowfish) and fishing vessel (Chumdinger) —you get access to those by hitting the "pilot" view three times on the bottom four boats on the Boat Select Screen.

If you play a lot of Hydro Thunder (like some people on the EGM staff have), you know the amount of strategy involved. But even the novice player can get a lot of enjoyment out of racing through the game's highly detailed environments.

A two-player split-screen mode will be included, as will your usual range of other modes, like time attack. The lack of modem play is a bit disappointing—if you don't build it, people won't use it, стоп companies but can be overlooked since this will be a launch title.

Midway's early support of Dreamcast is strong, and titles like Hydro Thunder prove that the system can do arcade ports with ease. *


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«=» B ста Wi CE OCT 22

PlayStation and tho PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. The Rockstar logo, GTA London and the GTA London logo are trademarks of Take Two Interactive Software, Inc. © 1999 АП rights reserved. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association.


NBA 2000

LM sens

ГОТ Visual Concepts [nme 1-4

CCC sports EI 60%

[TT october 1999 ТҮТТҮ www.sega.com CITT This could possibly be

the best b-ball game this year.

ГТГ it's made by the same guys who did NBA Action for the Saturn. It's a good thing they're. starting over from scratch...

[ETE The coaches are rendered in full 3D. “I'm sorry coach! My bad!"

I Am The Creator

NBA 2000 will purportedly feature the most extensive create-a-player mode in the history of mankind. While most gamers are used to the ol’ “pick a jersey number, adjust your stats” kind of creation engine, NBA2000 | will allow an unprecedented number of modifications to your Darwinian creation. According to NBA 2000 producer Tracy Johnson of Sega Sports, you'll be able to not only customize the usual stuff, but also be able to adjust the size of a player's nose, the length of his nose, ears, eyes, legs, shinbones and whatever else you can think of. Imagine someone with a 3- foot-tall left shin and hands 2 feet long. Get the picture? The only thing they need now are Asian guys in the game. Then we're set!

Like NFL 2000, it Il be the little touches that count. You Il be able to see stuff like crowd members eating popcorn!

‘oops games are a dime a dozen these days, but very few have ever gotten it completely right. As such, the quest for the ultimate b- ball game continues, and Sega Sports along with internal U.S. development team Visual Concepts, are throwing their hat into the ring with NBA 2000 (working title), Sega's 128-Bit, Dreamcast- powered basketball juggernaut.

Featuring 1600-1700 motion-captured animations, NBA 2000 displays some of the most realistic, life- like movements yet found in a sports game. While there are still some issues regarding ball placement (players look like they're palming the ball at the moment), the graphics are astounding, from both the complexity of the player models (each face has been texture-mapped with the actual player's face, ie., Latrell Sprewell looks like himself) to the exceptionally detailed arenas. Ad banners hang from the rafters and, should you want to, you can see all the way up to the ceiling via the free- roaming camera. To say the level of detail in the game is incredible would be an understate- ment. The crowd is made up of individual sprites as opposed to mooshy-looking blurs like you'll find on the PS or N64. Details like players tattoos will be in place, as will other things like hair, goggles, knee-pads, elbow pads, socks...you name it, In fact, the game is so detail-precise, if you use


Use the L and R triggers to line up the arrows for free throws.

the camera to scrutinize even the most minute detail, zoom in on a player and you can see the little mesh-holes on his jersey. There are even polygonal coaches stalking the sidelines. Look out!

As previously stated, the number of motion- captured animations is staggering, but unlike many other mo-cap-heavy games, this does not compromise the control. Usually you have to wait until the end of a mo-cap sequence before you can enter another command, making gameplay often frustrating and unresponsive. In NBA 2000, every move is interruptible, making the video game as spontaneous as the real-life game. Going up for a lay-up ог a slam, but think the traffic is a little too heavy? Then heave a no-look pass behind your back or dish to the open man flanking the perimeter, with по sacrifice in response time. Visual Concepts is also keeping the little things in mind, such as making it easier to run down the baseline without going out of bounds while attempting a three from the corner.

Scheduled to arrive in time for the beginning of the next NBA season, NBA 2000 is going straight for the jugular, taking on the likes of NBA Live with

extreme confidence. One of the most promising basketball games to come around in a long while, b- ball fans will want to pay close attention to how this one develops. gfe

Tauer LAMM



Sega Sega of Japan 12 Action 90% November 1999 www.sega.com Classic beat-'em-up action for two players. Just a little bit too much button-mashin’ action.

The pirate guy's bald female partner. Yuk.

Die Hard Arcade 22

It was a happy coincidence that the original Dynamite Deka mirrored the same plot elements of the Bruce Willis blockbuster, so it was released here as Die Hard Arcade. As some of you may remember, the original plot for Die Hard 2 took place on a boat and was changed when Steven Seagal’s Under Siege was released. Whether or not it was the developer's intent, it’s pretty cool that Dynamite Cop (Deka 2 in Japan) picks up where the original movie was supposed to go.

This Il teach you to spread dirty rumors about what I do outside of school! And stay away from my mai you skanky, good-for-nothing vixen!

efore the big one-on-one fighting game craze, the most popular type of brawler was the walk-and-bash style of action games. Classics like Final Fight and Street of Rage

ruled until people figured out there wasn't much

to that genre in terms of variety and strategy.

Enter Dynamite Cop which is a follow-up to Die Hard Arcade. In Cop, you and a friend can pick between three characters who each have his/her own specialty, although the differences between them are more on the cosmetic side. Once again you have to rescue the president's daughter who has been kidnapped and taken hostage, this time on a luxury liner. At the start, you have a choice of three different missions which vary in length, route, difficulty and available continues. The easiest gives you unlimited continues and has you infiltrating the ship by parachute while the toughest has you scuba

nt DER SCORE DODEITT vv score poseen

2 eomm.

So you boys didn t care for Last Man Standing, eh? Eat my flaming fist!

diving into a compartment in the hull of the ship.

The main attraction of the game is the vast amount of weapons and items you can pick up and use against the enemies. Guns, pipes, arcade machines, mannequins, fish... you name it, you сап probably knock someone over the head with it. Each character has his/her own set of punch and kick combinations as well as pseudo-super moves which require multiple button presses and the traditional clear-out maneuver that takes away some of your health.

The arcade version wasn't very long so all types of extras are packed into the Dreamcast port. Greatly enhanced graphics are the most obvious and like the home conversion of Die Hard Arcade, there is a retro-style game that can be played to gather extra continues. There is also an illustration collection which has pictures you must either unlock by beating the game or finding them within the game. Your VMU will beep whenever you are standing on top of a hidden item so make sure you get one.

If this style of gaming isn't your cup of tea, there probably isn't enough here to convince you otherwise. Fans of ass kicking though should look forward to some intense action. к

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Although it was originally supposed to come out this November, Konami's Castlevania: Resurrection has been pushed back to a first quarter 1999 release. Having played an early version at E3, we have to admit that this delay was definitely a smart move on Konami's part.

Castlevania: Resurrection takes. place in a full 3D world, similar to the №64 Castlevania. The game stars Sonya Belmont, the very first known member of the Belmont clan and mother to Simon (she also starred in last year's Castlevania Legends for the Game Boy). Right now the game is so early, it's hard to get a feel for what it's going to be like, but at this point, it's not looking too hot. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the game is being developed in America, rather than Japan (only one guy from the old Japanese games is involved in this project— an art guy from Castlevania IV).

We hope the game turns out to be great in the end, but surely you can understand why we have our doubts. Let's not forget about what Konami of America did to the once- awesome Contra franchise...

One of the surprise games unveiled at Sega's E3 booth this year was the all-new 3D sequel to Sega's popular underwater exploration/ adventure, Ecco the Dolphin. Developed by Appaloosa Interactive, the DC version of Ecco revolves around Ecco searching out his family and friends, who have been lost to an evil vortex. The version on the show floor was early, but it showed potential. Ecco is due out sometime late this year.

Electronic Gaming Monthly

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Unveiled a few weeks ago at Sega’s New Challenge Conference in Tokyo, Project Ares is a fully polygonal RPG that's going to "set а new standard in RPGs,” according to Sega. That in itself is nice to hear, but what's even nicer is the fact that the game is being developed by the team responsible for the incredible Phantasy Star series. Woo-hoo!

No release date has been set yet, but we'll definitely keep you posted.

Meet Hoigal and Moigal Floigan, stars of Sega's Floigan Brothers (coming to the Dreamcast in the second quarter of 2000). Their peaceful. junkyard existence is uprooted by an evil developer who wants to drill the precious oil that lies underneath the junkyard. As Hoigal, you must travel through the expansive junkyard and try to stop him using your bigger, intelligent-deficient brother Moigal as the muscles of your operation.

Argonaut's first Dreamcast title is a tank-based action shooter called Red Dog. In it, you pilot a futuristic armed assault vehicle, travelling through various environments like cities and buildings, blasting all enemies in your way. Multiple paths await you as does a wide variety of weapons to pick up and use. A multiplayer mode will allow up to four players to battle for ground superiority. Red Dog hits shelves this fall.

Looking very nice, and due for release very soon after the Dreamcast launch in September (there's still a chance it'll make launch day on 9/9/99) is Ubi Soft's latest development of its hot-rod racing franchise. Playing somewhat like Beetle Adventure Racing on the N64, the game is full of beautiful scenery and lots of alternate routes through the huge. courses. The car design is imaginative and different —and the controls are absolutely spot- on. Could be a bit of a sleeper hit this one.

It may look like a souped-up Asteroids, but developer/ publisher metrogD's Armada packs a welcome multiplayer punch and a surprising RPG slant. Up to four players can battle cooperatively through mission-based stages that have them defending motherships, destroying buildings and, of course, clearing waves of enemy baddies. Al drones will help you in the one-player game. Successful missions grant you enhanced leadership abilities and a better reputation, as well as new offensive technologies and ship. types. You can assign weapons to the A, B, X and Y buttons, making it easy to unleash varied attacks. You can also store ships апа weapons to the VMU and trade with compadres. Mission locales vary from low-altitude skirmishes above cities to deep space. Expect Armada in November.

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High-speed racing action with Chocobo Create ci and ather FINAL FANTASY, stars! skills

ms >= -= m= шт <=

The Tsunami Offense

Despite having something of a crapola name, this 3D underwater shooter from Criterion Studios and published by Ubi Soft is actually a real looker. Imagine SeaQuest DSV mixed with Wing Commander and you'll have a pretty good idea of the way this is going. The graphics are quite beautiful and act as something of a showcase for the Dreamcast. Watch for it in December.

What happens when you give cute animals big honkin’ guns and unlimited firepower? We'll soon find out in Bizarre Creations’ Furballs for the Dreamcast. It's best described as a third-person perspective action shootin’ game, with puzzle elements thrown in for good measure, starring six deceptively cute, bad-ass animals. The screens here are from the PC version, but it will look similar оп the DC, with even more special effects. Furballs will land stateside in the first quarter of 2000.

What looks great but doesn't quite live up to the hype in the gameplay department? It's Expendable, from purveyors of quality 3D-card fare Rage Software. Showcasing just about every fancy graphical effect that the Dreamcast is capable of producing, this port of the recently unleashed PC shooter is set for release in September. Imagine a cross between Contra and Smash TV...but with lots of fancy lighting.

Developed by Sega-owned French developer No Cliché (who at one point or another used to be Adeline, who were previously Delphine— the team that brought us Flashback) for Sega Europe, this game which is currently PAL-only, is scheduled for NTSC release by the end of the year. British Dreamcast owners may see it on launch day. Expect 3D combat in an Army Men/Toy Story vein.

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Fig. (b)

Xleration is а Rally Cross-inspired arcade racer featuring speed (бо fps), nimble gameplay and grand atmosphere. Eight detailed cars can be raced on eight indoor and eight outdoor tracks. Among other things, the depth 6 of field is very impressive. Loads of visual effects including sparks, skid ج‎ oR marks, mud and dust should help Xleration give Sega Rally 2 a run for its

989v), money. This Kalisto Entertainment game is due out in September.

h Ultimate Challenge

Having played Ubi Soft's RR:UC at ЕЗ we can assure you it's looking and playing very well. The gameplay is smooth and fast despite the texture-heavy backgrounds (behold the power of the DO). Eight bikes, 12 tracks and two-player, split-screen racing are spotlighted. At this time Criterion Studios is busy creating and implementing even meatier looking "super-bikes" for the game's October release.

This upcoming action/adventure from Crave Entertainment and Treyarch puts you in the role of—get this—a muscle-bound knight or a beautiful but deadly female warrior. Now that's original! Coming late in 2999, this one features over 15 levels and loads of enemies to deal with. You'll also have access to an arsenal of medieval weaponry and a variety of spells and power-ups. Think Deathtrap Dungeon..but hopefully better.

^ The bread and butter of the Test Drive series has always been the great selection of real cars—TD 6 for the Dreamcast packs до licensed American and European “dream” cars." How's this for variety: You'll get to pick from cars like the '55 Ford Fairlane or TVR Cerbera (to name a few). Groovy new Al and 30 tracks are also packed in there. The Cop

Chase Mode is deeper as well. Look for this Accolade release in the fall. =


Developed by hotly tipped Scottish developer Red Lemon Studios for Sega Europe, Take The Bullet could well be the Dreamcast's answer to GoldenEye. Currently slated for a European (read: English) release in December this year, we'll hopefully see a U.S. release soon after. Why is it so special? Well..it's а 3D, first/third-person action game—but more importantly it will be one of the first huge multiplayer games on the system. Watch for four-player split-screen action, or 16-player online play. Set in the '6os, the player takes the role of a bodyguard as he protects a presidential candidate from terrorist attacks.


If Sega decides to bring Gundam: Side Story over from Japan, it may show that they're ready to re-evaluate their American market. This Gundam game is similar to the other two Gundam mech simulators for the Saturn. The cutscenes will feature real-life actors (a la Gamera 2000!) while the in-game engine has some of the sharpest graphics for the Dreamcast we've seen yet. Gundam should be out in Japan this summer.



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[Punisher EG

Rare [Piayers: Ш

[селе Action

70% (CESS December 1999 www.rareware.com LTD Take your pick-the. weapons, environments, multiplayer modes...it's all good.

тте ва Having to wait until December for this game. CEIT The first time some twisted gamer discovers he can map his wee-wee on his in-game noggin.

Just when we thought Perfect Dark couldn't look | апу more promising, Nintendo announced at E3 that players can map their own grinnin' faces onto multiplayer characters,

You'll need extra hardware ingredients—namely, a Game Boy, a Game Boy | Camera and the Transfer Pak that'll be packed with Pokémon Stadium this October. But the face- mapping process is simple. Just snap a picture of your noggin with the GB Camera, then plug the Camera cart into the Transfer Pak. Perfect Dark downloads and colorizes your pic and lets you stretch it onto several different styles of heads. Choose a hair color, select a | body, throw on a beard ога few scars, then pick your custom combatant in | multiplayer and—boom!— you're in the game.

Ê Perfect Dark

Set in 2023, Perfect Dark is laced with future-cool HUD displays, such as Robocop- style crosshairs that пор up when you hold the R Button.

like GoldenEye, Perfect Dark is a gritty,

counter-cute departure from Rare's usual cartoony, kid-safe stuff.

eave it to the guys at Rare to devise a use for the most useless weapon in first-person shooters: the fist. “Your opponents’ vision becomes blurry when you punch them,” Rare's Mark Edmonds, Perfect Dark's producer, told us. "It makes it hard for them to aim, and there's а gun in the game that has the same effect."

Sure enough, your perspective goes goofy—all wavy and distorted by the same blur effect seen in Metal Gear Solid—when opponents coldcock your noggin in Perfect Dark’s multiplayer mode, which we played extensively at ЕЗ. And Rare has crammed this mucho-anticipated pseudo-sequel to GoldenEye 007 with plenty of equally snazzy innovations.

Wanna hear another? “You can shoot out the lights in some of the deathmatch levels,” Edmonds continued, “and then use your night vision to see people and shoot them.” Nifty. And we haven't even mentioned the computer-controlled "simulant" allies and enemies, the complex mission objectives, the game's Blade Runner-inspired cinematic feel or the ability to map your face onto multiplayer characters. with the Game Boy Camera.

We'll get to all that later. First, some background. When Nintendo and Rare missed out on the Tomorrow Never Dies license, they built GoldenEye's Sequel around a slick new character. Her name's Joanna Dark, she's a rookie secret agent with a Dorothy Hamill hairdo, and she wields twice as many weapons as ol' ооў. Ms. Dark's adventure— set in dreary 2023— begins when she's assigned to rescue a scientist from the secretive dataDyne

You'll notice that the poll here and the poll in our Donkey Kong 64 preview contradict each other. There's no accounting for taste, eh?

Corporation. She learns dataDyne is working with aliens called the Skeedar, who are at war with the Grays, that infamous race of big-eyed aliens who are your allies in the game. One thing leads to another, Dark learns of an intergalactic war, Earth’s caugh the middle, yada, yada, yada. The gripping plot twists through plenty of in-game cinemas, while the levels are set everywhere from a future-shocked Chicago to secret airbases to an alien crash site at the bottom of the Pacific.

If you can't tell from the screenshots, these environments are stunning. And according to Nintendo game guru Ken Lobb, Perfect Dark’s supreme visuals (and enhanced gameplay) are the result of Rare's major overhaul of GoldenEye's code. “Basically, Rare was like, ‘We know what we like about the GoldenEye engine,” Lobb told Videogames.com. “Let's throw everything else away. Well, they didn't like very much." As a result, level architecture is more complex, with staircases everywhere, more varied and detailed textures and latticed structures. Gee-wiz graphical tricks abound, including real-time lighting, particle effects, fancy HUD displays, lens flare, steam and falling rain. Even enemy animation will be beefed up with scads

Which of the following N64 E3 games are you most into?

Donkey Kong 64 WCW May ul Resident Evil 2 Jet Force Gemini

WWF Attitude

source: videogames.com online poll

of new motion-captured death throes. Perfect Dark will also support Nintendo's Expansion Pak to punch visual quality up a few more notches, and it'll sound as good as it looks thanks to Rare’s immersive Surround and Acoustic Shadowing Technology.

But will it play as good as it looks? Let's put it this way—Perfect Dark was one of the few games at ЕЗ that every EGM editor returned to play again and again, And again, And just one more time. And again. Everything in the single-player game has been enhanced. Enemy Al is at the genius level compared to GoldenEye's bad guys. Perfect Dark's baddies will reportedly work as a team, they'll seek cover, they'll assess your abilities and take immediate action. You'll need to rely on stealth if you wanna walk, breathe and whup ass for long.

Here's the real kicker: You'll have Al guys on your side, too. During your adventure, you'll find computer-controlled buddies who—much like Natalya in Goldentye's jungle stage, but smarter— will fight alongside you and respond to formation commands issued via D-pad. They'll provide cover, scout the area, even act as shields from enemy fire. (Oh, and you can access these simulants in multiplayer mode, but more on that later)

As in 007's adventure, each of Perfect Dark's 18- plus single-player stages will offer three levels of difficulty, with harder difficulties doling out more mission objectives. But Nintendo says the objectives will be more intellectually challenging this time

Perfect world: With dreary skies, hovercars, rusting skyscrapers and scattered Kanji characters, Perfect Dark's levels look straight оша Blade Runner. The atmosphere is menacing.

around. So, instead of simply dealing with tougher enemies, Perfect Dark players will face some tricky puzzles at the higher difficulties, or they can stick with the more action-oriented easy mode. Sample mission objectives include planting mines to obliterate security cameras, convincing a scientist to grant access to a computer system, and nabbing a data-storage necklace from a reluctant dataDyne staff member.

Interaction with the environment has also been. ramped up. Joanna Dark can push, pull, carry and throw objects. She can shoot and damage even frivolous background details such as the hovercars that cruise by the skyscraper windows. Like Bond, Dark will stumble across vehicles, including а speedy hoverbike.

Right, but what about the really fun hardware. You. want gadgets? Perfect Dark packs more than enough. neato 21st-century gizmos. You want guns? Here's. where the game kicks into overkill: Joanna Dark will find at least до weapons. She'll grip GoldenEye favorites like the .357 magnum. She'll discover massive alien superguns. She'll clear the room with the Devastator, а grenade launcher with a funky not- of-this-Earth shell. She'll wield the Dragon, a high- powered rocket launcher similar to the one in GoldenEye. Then there's the camper-slaying Far- Sight XI-220, which... well, just go read the sidebar on this X-raying raygun. And like Jimmy Bond, Ms. Dark can carry two of the same weapon, one in each hand, for two-fisted blasting.

Perfect Dark's one-player game will keep a grin оп your face for a long time, sure, but what about multiplayer, which gave GoldenEye its two-years-

Don't be afraid of the dark. Knock out the lights and you can stalk enemies with night vision—even in multiplayer.

SW vide

Perfect Dark more than makes up for GoldenEye’s lack of cinemas. It'll pack more than до minutes of in-game flicks and voice acting. For a taste, eyeball the scene above and the. intro sequence below.

2.1 Million

The number of copies of GoldenEye gamers bought in 1998, making it the best-selling title of the year. That's mighty impressive for a game released in '97.

And you thought the sniper rifle was cool. Perfect Dark's niftiest new toy—the Far-Sight XJ-220—lets you snipe baddies hidden behind solid objects. Just point the gun, zoom in through walls and floors, lock on to an enemy's heat signature and fire. Cheapo gamers keen on camping in multiplayer mode will fear the Far-Sight. Use it to track opponents who sit still too long. The Far-Sight is stow to aim, but it's fast enough to nail campers.

and-we're-still-playing longevity? Fear not. Rare knows what you want. “A lot of people bought GoldenEye for the multiplayer,” Edmonds said, “so we really wanted to concentrate on making better weapons and better-designed multiplayer levels. And we wanted the bots.”

That's right—for the first time in any console shooter (although a few upcoming games will pack them, too), you can battle computer-controlled bots in multiplayer mode. All you gotta do is choose how. many simulants you want in the arena. You'll be able to go solo against as many as seven simulants (and Rare said they may bump that number to 10). Or you сап have four human players in the level with four bots. The amount of multiplayer-mode combinations will be nearly endless. Pit your character against. your friends' characters, you and your friends against the bots, you and a few bots versus your friends and their bots, and so on and so on.

If there's a downside to Perfect Dark's multiplayer, it's that there's no cooperative mode for the regular one-player game. But that's one of the reasons.

Rare added bots to multiplayer, so players could team up against simulants. Multiplayer modes similar to capture the flag and team battle will be implemented too, of course, and Rare's toying with the idea of adding some mission elements. For example, Edmonds told us players may have to fight as a team to reach and access a computer under simulant guard.

As Edmonds said, Rare has put a lot more thought into the multiplayer levels this time around. It shows. Three levels were playable at E3, and two of them were familiar: the Temple and Complex stages from the original GoldenEye (more classic GoldenEye levels are expected to pop up in Perfect Dark, as

well). All the deathmatch levels are more detailed, multi-leveled and crammed with staircases. New to the mix are moving platforms and bottomless pits. Unlike in GoldenEye, your character can now walk off ledges. One false step near a pit and you'll plunge to your death. Despite the more complex environments, Perfect Dark maintains the same four-player frame-rate seen in GoldenEye. So, while things get choppy once in a while, it always remains playable.

We should know; we certainly played the game enough at Ез. We left the show a little overwhelmed by the game's potential and Rare's knack for packing innovations into a crowded, ho-hum genre. How does the U.K.-based company do it? It's not like the Perfect Dark team is particularly huge. Only about 12 programmers and artists have worked on the game for the past two years, ever since they finished GoldenEye. Ultimately, Rare's games turn out right because to the chagrin of impatient gamers—they take their sweet time. "Every developer dreams of working on a game until it's finished," Edmonds told us. "We get to do that, and it works out really well for us."

With games as good as Perfect Dark and the rest of Rare's lineup, it works out just fine for N64 owners, too. ie

It was multiplayer that kept GoldenEye on top forever. Rare knows it: Perfect Dark packs bots and hetter levels.

GoldenEye 007 Perfect D:

Number of weapons: Number of levels; Expansion Pak Support? In-game cinemas: Vehicles?

Can you shoot out lights?

For GoldenEye, the idea of having fewer mission goals

at easier difficulties came late in development. This time, it's heen planned from the get-go, ant objectives are more nuzzie-oriented.

22 18 No Less than 10 minutes

Тт gonna go out on a limb and say Perfect Dark is the best multiplayer game on any Current system. And the funky thing isn't even finished yet! If you think GoldenEye has a wealth of deathmatch options,

|. sheesh...forget about it!

Perfect Dark is going to blow it away. You can customize your character, you can pick what specific weapons you want on the level—you can even play on old GoldenEye stages! Too bad the frame-rate hasn't changed much.

—Dan "Shoe" Hsu

GoldenEye was good, but the engine's dated.

That's why Perfect Dark

was a nice surprise at E3. Environmental detail like rain, lens flare, light sourcing and

sophisticated architecture

help give the levels a noir- esque edge. Bullet holes, shell casings and blood on walls made me feel the impact of every hit (or miss). Most impressive was the

| use of different view styles | (transparencies and infrared) | to portray different gadgets.

—Che Chou

At least 40

Between 18 and 20


More than 90 minutes



Yes (you can activate night vision)

One Player

Although we played it on a crowded show floor, the quality of PD’s single-player game still shined. Requiring stealthier tactics than the majority of GoldenEye's levels, it manages to capture the tension of a spy-thriller as effectively as its predecessor. The new weapons and tactics are awesome, Sniping someone with the wrist- mounted cross-bow is particularly satisfying, as is blasting out windows with the high-powered weapons. —John Davison

Perfect Dark's face-mappin’ feature is one of gaming’s great innovations. It’s easy; it lets you decorate your head with varied beards, glasses, еіс; and— better still—you can save an army of custom yous to the Controller Pak and unleash 'em in a friend's copy of the game. Sure, the faces are hard to see in the heat of four-player battle—unless everyone stands in a circle and stares at each other—but when was the last time you starred in a game?

—Crispin Boyer

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Darrell Armstrong, winner of the 1999 NBA Sixth Man of the Year and Most Improved Player awards, anchored a two-man team with Bo Outlaw. This dynamic duo scorched the nets and all challengers, proving that EA SPORTS Pros Who Play?" aren't just pretty poster boys, they've got game.



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Е Donkey Kong 64

[Publisher: Nintendo

СЕИ November 1999 (EES www.nintendo.com Huge game with

gorgeous graphics and loads of mini-games.

Can you say Banjo-

Kazooie with monkeys?

ЕТТТ There's a lot of fruit

that we hope won't go rotten.

19 Years On

| Way back in 1980, up-

| and-coming designer Shigeru Miyamoto produced the original Donkey Kong for Nintendo (top). A roaring success, it was followed by | many sequels including Donkey Kong Jr. in 1982, and DK3 (bottom) in 1984.

ters have very different abilities, hut swinging on vines is a very important part of the gameplay throughout the whole adventure. As ably illustrated here by young Diddy.

t's hard to believe that the Donkey Kong franchise is 19, nearly 20 years old already. Who'd have thought that a game featuring a monkey, a plumber with a bad moustache,

some barrels and a serious translation error would

have stood the test of time quite so well? Originally produced as an arcade game by none other than

Shigeru Miyamoto, the Kongs have appeared in

almost as many Nintendo offerings as Mario himself.

Rare's latest offering is clearly an attempt at a

"repeat performance” of the success enjoyed by the

mighty Donkey Kong Country series on the SNES.

Just when everyone thought that 16-Bit gaming was

dead, Rare pulled a serious rabbit (monkey?) out of

its hat and somehow managed to revitalize the market for another three years. On top of that, it also managed to prove that you could squeeze a lot out of old technology if you tried hard enough

There are new consoles on the horizon...and, oooh

looky here... Donkey Kong game from Rare.

Coincidence? Nah. Chances are they might just

manage to do it again.

So. What have we got on the menu this time?

Obviously it’s all 3D and looks lovely, but at first

glance you'd be forgiven for thinking it had

something of a passing resemblance to Banjo- Kazooie. | guess there are only so many ways you can do a 3D platform game with animals throwing stuff at each other, so you'll have to get over that. First things first DK64 is seriously different from anything else as it absolutely HAS to have the Expansion Pak plugged їп to work. This is akin to PC games requiring a 3D card, but Nintendo is shouting the fact that the game will come bundled with the Pak from the rafters. Nice...unless you've already got one. This is probably going to Бе an expensive game. Still, there have been rumors recently that top-brass at Nintendo are so convinced people are going to love DK that they are anticipating sales so spectacular that it will out-perform the entire Dreamcast lineup combined this Christmas. They might be right. Who knows?

So why does it need the рак? Multi-colored lighting effects a go-go, snazzy textures, huge worlds, silky-smooth, high frame-rate animation, eye candy and special effects so prolific they'll come out of your ears, and of course a ton of multiplayer options and mini-games (see sidebar). We got to play Donkey Kong recently, and it really does look quite splendid. The worlds (there are eight of them) really are massive, and from what we can tell the way the gameplay is going to be structured means that this is going to take a very long time to get all the way through. If you thought Banjo had his work cut out, that's nothing compared to this.

There are to be five characters in this outing. Donkey, Diddy (both of whom we all know and

Videogames.com readers want Perfect Dark. Nintendo.com visitors want Donkey Kong 64. We want both.

Which Rare Donkey Kong 64 7125 Game Are You Looking Forward 2133 To The Most?

Jet Force Gemini 1188

source: Nsider - www.nintenda.com. [2:3

love/hate—mostly love | dhe Î reckon), and the new

| 10 BEST guys, Tiny, Chunky and

Lanky— presumably each

| GAMES WITH sufnxed with the Kong | THE KONG FAMILY | family name. Chunky Super Mario Kart | Kong has kind of a nice

ring to it doesn't it? Each character has a unique set of moves (much like Juno and crew in Jet Force Gemini), and there are apparently 109 special moves in total across the five characters. Different cess to different parts of each level—and we're assured that “backtracking”

is going to be a major part of the gameplay experience. From what we saw, the structure is very much “hub-based” like Mario or B-K, so you'll be opening up new areas with certain characters, and then taking each of the chums through in order to find new sections beyond the limits of each monkey. No word yet on whether co-op multiplay will be featured though—but we can only hope. Still, Jet Force is paving the way...maybe it could happen. We'll fill you in as soon as we know.

Although characteristically very quiet about DK's gameplay details, Rare has promised "classic Donkey Kong Country gameplay elements" with mine-cart stages and lots of jumping about and banana-related antics. We should also see a lot more combat in DK64 too, with peanut-pistols (the name alone sounds excellent), pineapple-launchers and fruit grenades playing a dominant role, along with some first-person shooting sections. As you can see from the screenshots on these pages, there are some pretty cool effects associated with these weapons. Check out that bazooka thing that Donkey

2. Mario Kart 64 3. GB Donkey Kong 4. DK Country

5. Donkey Kong

6. Donkey Kong Jr. 7. Smash Bros.


2. |

Mario Party DK Country 2 10. Diddy Kong Racing.

| |

moves allo:

A big fat pink thing chases after one of our chimp- heroes..and if we're not mistaken that's full military gear he's sporting there. Snazzy.

| 30-40 Mini- | Monkeys. | In A Barrel

Kong’s wielding. We're not yet sure about that first- person thing. Don't expect Donkey Quake ог anything like that though, chances are it'll be а simple, single-screen, turret-based thing.

The levels we got our hands on showcased a number of different gameplay styles. We saw one of the simple, Mario Party-esque mini-games, along with some of the more platform-based levels. There was a lot of swinging about on vines, which was implemented with a very intuitive control system (considerably better than that found in the awful PlayStation version of Pitfall) that allowed you to swing and jump from vine to vine, Tarzan style. We also got a glimpse at the trademark Rare system of collectibles, which like so much else about this game, appeared to work in a similar way to that found in Banjo-Kazooie. Hey...it ain't broke, why bother trying to fix it? Fruit features quite heavily as I'm sure you can appreciate. gy

According to Rare, Donkey Kong 64 will actually include somewhere between | зо and до different mini | games throughout. When we saw the game in | Nintendo's booth at E3 in May only one was up and running...a simple target game that had you throwing watermelons at urchins rearing their ugly heads from within barrels (see top screenshot). Although simple, it’s a nice diversion from the platform- adventuring, Further mini- games will include slot car | racing and boat racing which will allow up to four- | player gameplay. Although | not confirmed as we go to

press, it would appear that

а Mario Party-esque multi- |

player game is likely to be a

part ofthe overall package,

with action centering on the numerous mini-games. Only

Rare can throw something

like that in and make it

seem like it's an “extra.”

Other game developers.

could learn a lot from these

guys when it comes to giving you value.

Where would a modern Donkey Kong game be without amine car section? DK64 brings trundling around in trucks into a 3D environment.


[Publisher: Rare

Rare СИ

[семе Action

60% [CET August 1999

wwe. rareware.com (CEN incredible graphics,

соо! multiplayer modes (even co-op) and lots of crazy action.

ҮЛ It's coming out when

so many other Rare games are due.

CEITA The characters’ eyes

are really, seriously scary-looking.

ипи Cutey-nie

Looking at the screenshots here, you might be thinking it’s a kid's game (thanks to the super-cute, wide-eyed cartoon graphics), however Jet Force Gemini is anything but. Rare has. developed a game that. appears to be so deep and challenging, gamers of all levels and tastes should find it worthwhile to play. Coupled with the incredible graphics and gameplay that we have all come to expect from Rare, Jet Force Gemini just may surprise you this fall.

The sci-fi look of Jet Force is underpinned with the usual cartoon look that we ve come to associate with Rare's more recent games.

hen you think of Rare, you can't help but think of great things. Not only has the software developer and publisher put out some of the best games in the industry, it would seem the company has no signs of slowing down. At this year's E3, that was quite apparent. Showcasing three hot titles Donkey Kong 64, Perfect Dark and Jet Force Gemini it's going to be a banner year for Nintendo and the Nintendo 64.

One title that made definite impressions on the media was Jet Force Gemini. An incredible mix of action, adventure and puzzle-solving, Jet Force Gemini has players defending the Earth from the threat of an evil warlord and his army of alien insects. Jet Force Gemini plays out an epic story where it chronicles the journey of its three main characters Juno, Vela and Lupus, and tells it vividly with intricately designed levels and massive amounts of enemies at every turn.

When Rare set out to develop this game, they wanted to relive the good ol’ days of the 8- and 16-Bit systems— where players killed first and explored later. For example, players may have to destroy all the insectoid enemies within a stage before an exit would appear. Rare promises adrenaline-pumping combat and it would seem they have delivered on that promise. Jet Force Gemini vill have over 120 stages with an average of 10 t0 15 stages to a level. Combined with loads of secret. zones and both cooperative and multiplayer modes— suffice it to say, the game is going to be HUGE!

So what makes Jet Force Gemini so unique? The game is much more than picking a character and seeing the game through his/her eyes. To get the full experience, players have to alternatively use all three characters in order to meet the various objectives. Each character has his/her own set of special abilities and players have to effectively utilize all three to progress through the game. For

onthly - 88 - w

{Above right) Some of the mini-games are very WipeOut-like.

example, Vela is the only character who can swim, Juno can walk on fire and the dog, Lupus, has jet engines on his paws which let him jump high and float for considerable distances. About halfway through the game, just when things start to get a little hairy, players will be able to suit up the characters “mech- style" to gain additional skills and the ability to access previous levels and find new ones.

Graphically, Jet Force Gemini is nothing short of brilliant. From the individual weapon effects to the exploding insects— it's all good. At ЕЗ, the game wasn't even running with the RAM Expansion Pak, and the graphics were still unbelievable. Cool special effects such as real-time lighting and incredibly detailed textures make Jet Force Gemini easily one of the most visually spectacular for the Nintendo 64. Jet Force Gemini also has more than an hour of cinemas.

In addition to the typical deathmatch multiplayer modes (where you can choose from the three main characters and, ahem, “Floyd the Droid"), there is a 3D multiplayer race, a police trainer stage (complete with pop-up cardboard targets) and a cool co-op mode where players can go through the game as a laser gun-toting team. фу


Road Rash 64


KETE Pacific coast Power & Light Co.


СС Racing/Action


LC september In addition to whacking enemies

www.thg.com over the head with weapons, you

ЇЙ The same tunes as can also ram them into their

PlayStation’s Road Rash 3D-on а cese e o er

cart! In Thrash Mode, the number of cop cars, usen : pedestrians and enemies can he

ETT simplistic graphics manipulated, allowing you to race

Pool cue in the front

spokes at 120 mph-ouch!


| |

Road Rash 64's most exciting additions are its all-new multiplayer modes, including Team Race, Gauntlet, Escape and Pursuit. There also are multi-player Death Matches and a Carmageddon-style Pedestrian-Hunting Mode, sure to have would-be censors in an uproar.

To make it easier to stalk your friends, most of the multiplayer modes are played on closed oval- shaped tracks or figure-8's, the latter of which create. dangerous cross-traffic and wipeout opportuni

against up to 10 opponents, which can make starts particularly dangerous.

rdinarily not fans of persistently reoccurring rashes, we're willing to make an exception when the rash in question is Road Rash, one of gamedom's longest-running and

consistently excellent racing/combat titles.

Having made the leap to fully three-dimensional polygonal graphics in Road Rash 3D for the PlayStation, the series boasts another first in Road Rash 64—four-player gaming. You and ир to three friends can slug it out in a number of all- new race types, including Team Race, Gauntlet, Escape and Pursuit.

Perhaps even more impressive, the developers managed to squeeze Road Rash 3D's hard-drivin" alternative soundtrack —which featured the likes of Sugar Ray, Kid Rock and The Mermen —onto a cartridge! While we're not sure whether or not the entire soundtrack was retained, the fact that they could get even a few CD-quality songs on a cart is impressive and definitely adds to the game's outlaw atmosphere.

Continuing the gang theme established in the game's last incarnation, Road Rash 64 is said to have even more elaborate club interaction, with club invitations and rivalries based on notoriety and performance. As you play through the game's Big Game (Tournament) Mode, you also establish a running rap sheet which details your point total, notoriety and police standing. Kick a little bit too much ass, and you'll become a target of both the police and your fellow road rashers, so beware.


Players now have finer control over weapon attacks; in addition to being able to pummel a foe over the head with, say, a pool cue, you can also stick itin his front spokes for some real fun. Weapons include chains, nunchakus, tasers, lead pipes, tire irons, sledge hammers and mace, among others. Particularly damaging are the hammers, which can unseat an opponent with just two blows, while mace temporarily blinds opponents.

In addition to enhanced enemy А! and improved physics, Road Rash also has new bikes and selectable characters, including cops and biker chicks. The game's tracks have all been redesigned and cover nearly 186 square miles.

While you may have played previous installments of the series, Road Rash 64's new additions, particularly the multiplayer action, make it well worth a look. sf




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ur Se

Before he was born, parents of L.A. Laker Kobe Bryant decided to name him after something they saw in a restaurant menu: the scarce and expensive Kobe steak. Bryant, by the way, is fluent in Italian, like another Nintendo personality we all know and love.

Much to our surprise, Nintendo's Super Mario RPG 2 (which was last seen at the '97 Space World show in Japan) resurfaced at Ез last month under its new title— Super Mario Adventure. Shown on video only, SMA. doesn't look anything like Mario RPG (this would explain the name

change), with flat 2D sprites interacting on fully 3D worlds. It looks a lot better than it did at Space World, but it's still a bit...odd. No date yet.

Here they are—the first shots of THQ's debut WWF title for the N64, WWF Wrestlemania (working title). If you've played the WCW/nWo games from THQ, you know what to expect, as this is being done by the same developers (Asmik/AKI), and uses an enhanced version of the Revenge engine. THQ is promising lots of cool stuff, including PPV and wrestler creation, wrestler intros and more. WWF is due out Q4 ’gg.

л gej

Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside 2

Developer Left Field is quite proud of Courtside 2. The new Al is pretty cunning. Computer teams will access your skills and then attack your weaknesses—ouch! Also, extra polygons and high-res mode show off more authentic-looking players. Kobe did the mo-cap to ensure impressive animation. Let's hope they fixed the frozen-player glitch from last year. Look for this Nintendo release in November.

South Park Rally Z South Park, like so many other =” game franchises (Crash, Chocobo, Bomberman), has caught Mario Kart fever. This one- to four-player

racing game will be out this winter from Acclaim and Tantalus.

Ins эчоһ он is 40110959,

© 2= fini

Which of the StarCraft (N64) 1022

following console HL P B

Strategy games Battlezone 64 (N64) 200 PREVIEW аге уои most ШЕ ШШ GALLERY interested in?

source: videogames.com online poll

== *

Way back when Nintendo first unveiled the N64 in Japan, they showed off a racing game called Kirby's Air Ride (developed by Hal). Since then, the game dropped into relative obscurity, before rumors of its cancellation began to fly. At ЕЗ this year, the game resurfaced, though it's no longer a racer. Now, it's a true action/adventure game (Similar to the old Kirby games) set in a fully 3D world. As for gameplay specifics, it's too early to tell, but judging from screens, it looks as if the K-man won't be the only playable character, unless he now assumes the physical form of his opponents (as opposed to just gaining their abilities). Kirby 64, (working title) has no set date yet, but we'll have more details after Space World '99 in August.

When we first saw these screens of Excitebike 64, we all uncomfortably laughed hoping they weren't really from Excitebike 64. Problem is, they are. Although this December release from Nintendo and Left Field looks

like any no-name motocross title we've come across, we do have to give it the benefit of the doubt. Whatever the case, the cart will have a track

editor and various one- to four-player modes.

WCW Mayhem

Here are the first screenshots of WCW Mayhem for the N64. Developed by Kodiak, Mayhem. has everything you've come to expect from a wrestling video game, like TV venues (Nitro, Thunder, etc.), pay-per-view events, secret wrestlers and even create-a-wrestler.

The game will put a lot of emphasis on outside-of-the-ring action fights can break out anywhere, from backstage to locker rooms to parking lots (although you probably won't find any septic trucks aroun gameplay mechanics will include simple style controls (like in Revenge) and more complex joystick combos (like in War Zone) to suit both casual and more hardcore gamers.

WCW Mayhem is due out this October from EA and will be for one to four players.


Blizzard Entertainment's mega- popular PC follow-up to WarCraft II is headed to the N64 in September. Developed by Mass Media for Nintendo, this real-time strategy game will feature all the missions from the original PC game plus the Brood Wars expansion pack. The cart will also have a few new, console-exclusive maps and two-player split-screen play. StarCraft tells the story of a war between three totally unique races: the human Terrans, the alien Protoss and the bug-like Zerg. Each race has its own set of abilities, units, weapons and technologies. Unlike in WarCraft Il, the differences between the StarCraft races are very distinct. For example, the Zerg have healing and burrowing abilities while the Protoss have powerful force-field technology. No two sides are the same, leading to long replay value.



Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny wake up to find their carrot patch is empty! You can bet your crunchy carrots that other Looney Tunes characters are involved too. Enjoy classic side-scrolling game play throughout 16 colorful and challenging levels!

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What a smurfin' catastrosmurfl Gargamel cast a te spell on the Smurfs' village. All the Smurfs, excej Hefty, are trapped inside their worst nightmares. $ quick! Help him rescue his friends in more than 16 stagı of fun designed only for Game Boy Color!


77 ТОМЕ;

V. ose |


Sylvester's on the prowl again, spelling "TWOUBLE" for little Tweety, "TWOUBLE" is a colorful combination of side-scrolling and isometric game play. Meet other Looney Tunes characters as you collect, combine, and push objects throughout Granny's neighborhood!


A dangerous band of outlaws has escaped from jail. Its up to you, as Lucky Luke, to capture them! In this westem-style, cartoon-ike journey, you have to experience 12 major oppositions

- a buffalo stampede, some raging rapids and a wild

ride - to save the Wild West.

Major League Soccer 2000

Continuing Konami's position as maker of the best N64 soccer games, MLS2000 is quite different from previous efforts. Aside from all the features you'd expect, the RPG-like "Success Mode" lets you develop individual players and make the game a more personal experience.

Fifty international teams and 12 MLS squads will be in there when it's released in November (and that guy with the freaky hair is on the box).

Blues Brothers 2000

Titus is once again making use of its Blues Brothers license, slightly updated this time with characters from the second flick, Developed by Player 4 and due in October, Blues Brothers 2000 has you guiding Elwood Blues in a quest that's a little bit Mario 64 (with free-roaming areas) and a little bit Crash Bandicoot (with track-based stages). It also packs lots of digitized tunes and a four-player Battle Mode.

Top Gear Hyper-Bike

From Snowblind Studios, of Top Gear Overdrive fame, comes a similar racing experience using motocross and street motorcycles. Six hilly terrains challenge your moto skills in this potentially fun racing game. Much attention has been paid to physics and realistic rider movements. Up to four players can race at once in this Expansion- and Rumble Pak- compatible game. Kemco will release Hyper-Bike in November.

Mini Racers

Not much is known about this RC racing game from Nintendo and Looking Glass. It supports one to four players, and looks like an RC Pro Am update so far. The game does not yet have a release date.

Asteroids Hyper 64

This one’s easy—think of the classic arcade Asteroids, except with fancy 3D graphics. In case you're not familiar with the PS version, this update from Crave and Syrox puts you in control of dinky space craft that must destroy countless numbers of asteroids, enemies, bosses and space debris through some 50 levels. Due in August, it also has a variety of power-ups and co-op and competitive multiplayer modes.

Sucker Punch Productions is currently working on Sprocket, а 3D. platform adventure that has you trying to save an extra-galactic amusement park from destruction at the hands of an insane raccoon. You'll be able to drive a variety of vehicles (including robot porpoises), use a tractor beam to move objects around, and even alter the stages" environments. No publisher has been signed on yet for this fall release.




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September 1999



Incredible graphics and atmosphere, engaging puzzles.

Environments are repetitive, camera too static.

The leftover meal of an angry Velociraptor.

Some events in the game are out of your control. The only way to survive them is by jamming on the buttons at just the right moment. What better way to create a total sense of panic and paranoia?

You can use electric harriers to trap incoming raptors, and then cap em while they re defenseless.

Velociraptors are swift, merciless and hard to kill...and all you start off with is this miserable peashooter!

еї' not kid ourselves, Jurassic Park was no Night of The Living Dead. Unlike zombies, dinosaurs belong in a world of museums, picture books and blockbuster movies. So when Capcom broke news that Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami would redefine survival horror with Dino Crisis, everybody wanted to know if a game about dinosaurs could maintain the same visceral impact found in his RE series. After spending time with this latest playable, we can confirm that Dino Crisis is indeed on target for survival horror greatness.

Once again, you're dropped into the plot of a B- movie and fighting to stay alive. You play as Regina, а member of the special-forces team assigned to locate and retrieve the brilliant but expatriated Dr. Kirk on Ibis Island. You need to infiltrate his science facility, learn about his secret project, and bring him home, Pretty straightforward, except Ibis Island is crawling with Velociraptors and somewhere out there is a really pissed-off Tyrannosaurus Rex.

While survival horror has always been associated with a sense of dwindling hope against. insurmountable odds, it's also defined by puzzle- solving gameplay. With Dino Crisis, Capcom uses

the strength of the game's 3D engine and the unfolding story line to create some of the most clever puzzles we've seen. Sure, a lot of the legwork still involves fetching Keycard A to open Door A, but the "milestone" puzzles scattered throughout the game are both intelligent and well-integrated.

The biggest distinction between Dino Crisis and Resident Evil are the 3D environments. If you think real-time backgrounds always come at the price of picture quality and detail—think again. Thanks to dynamic light sourcing and realistic textures, Dino Crisis is Capcom’s best-looking survival horror game yet. Unlike Silent Hill or Metal Gear Solid, Capcom has decided to keep the camera mostly stationary to give Dino Crisis a familiar Resident Evil feel. This means that going from room to room or different parts of one big area will still induce slight loading times, but it’s far more tolerable. The benefits of a full 3D environment really shine in Dino Crisis. Characters and dinosaurs no longer feel like 3D cutouts superimposed onto flat wallpapers—the overall effect is seamless and immersive. Backgrounds made of polygons also mean there's. much more you can interact with. Your environment alters as events trigger: floors drop out from under you, dinosaurs bust through doors or tear through fences, entire rooms are demolished within seconds. The potential for drastic real-time changes to the world around you creates unbelievable tension and suspense.

The other important use of real time 3D in Dino Crisis is during the cutscenes (like in Metal Gear Solid). The game kicks off with some FMV but soon relegates the storytelling to the in-game engine. All


If you'd like to learn more about the prehistoric creatures in Dino Crisis, we highly recommend Jason’s Dinosaur Site. This colorful Web site is chock-full of useful information that really helps you exterminate dinos with extreme prejudice. Also be sure to check out the animated Velociraptor image. Nice work, Jason!

dialogue in the game is voice-acted and from what we've heard, the difference in quality between this and the other Resident Evils is like night and day. The first thing you'll learn while playing Dino Crisis

is the ferocity of the dinos and how unpredictable they can be. Raptors are relentless, fast and tough as hell to take down. Once they spot you, it's either г run for sweet life. In Resident mbie was no problem; you

n and out, shook them off, or took

simply мегу

their heads off with a well-placed buckshot. The Velociraptors in Dino Crisis are frighteningly realistic. Т nger about the halls of the science

facility, them on you be there in an en

d stalking. If you don't dispose of rst encounter, you can be sure they'll ond time around— sometimes hiding ew location. On several occasions

you'll fi elf entering a room with napping raptors nestled in a corner. Walk lightly, keep your distanc u may get through the area

unscath: when the raptors come charging

down corridors and crashing through doors to clamp their jaws over your limbs, there's very little you can do except mash on the buttons and hope the damage al.

To prepare the player for a faster and more savage threat m has implemented a 180" turnaround

maneuver. By pressing the L2 shoulder button, you


Pole, Poygnons and the Pegnais estre trademarks ol Sony Cam

Г сап now face the other way instead of waiting for Regina to slowly swivel in place. You can also walk with your gun drawn and ready, but it will slow you down to a cautious pace. Aiming vertically has been removed from combat but just point Regina in the direction of her enemies and she'll automatically track them with her arm. This deals with a lot of the aiming imprecision people had with previous games in the Resident Evil series. To top it off, Dino Crisis introduces bleeding wounds on top of limping character animation. To control the bleeding, you'll need to find special medical kits. Seeing Regina limp around with a trail of blood behind her is chilling, and suddenly the whole meaning of "survival horror" hits much closer to home.

Dino Crisis can be seen as a natural evolution in a genre that's has been continually refined with each new game. Capcom takes the best elements of Resident Evil, and addresses some of the genre's quirks to produce a thoroughly jarring experience. Hey, it's a winning formula, so why not? gify



нє TM or ® ol Руми, Lid. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, lotto an the PlayStation logos are itunes lnc. The ratings ibn a adem of he Ineracime Dit Sohar Association,

| | Taking | | Inventory

Unlike the pesky save system in RE where you need to find "ribbons" and a typewriter in order to save a game, there are "save rooms" in Dino Crisis you. can designate as your checkpoint. In exchange for this luxury, you access "emergency boxes" when you have terminal keys. Also borrowed from Parasite Eve is the idea that you can now | combine certain items or | power-ups with different weapons to customize an arsenal for yourself. Mix different tranquilizers together to produce darts that bring down a raptor with just one shot!





The numher of motion pictures in which has been featured.





I 90%

July 9 www.playstation.com 0 It's about time Tarzan had his own дате.

Loincloths are so


Terk, your female monkey friend, has a really bad New Yawk accent.

SIDEKICK | Young Terks

Terk, your female gorilla buddy with the grating Brooklyn accent, is your guiding light during

the game. At key points throughout the game, you'll come across "Terk Tokens." Anytime you see one of these tokens, grab it and Terk will come climbing out of the background somewhere to fill you in on some integral gameplay element or simply to explain to you about some power-up or something. Any way you cut it, when you see a Terk Token, you should get it and see what she has to say, because it's almost always useful. Of course, if you. really just get tired of listening to her sassy ways you can just mash the buttons and tell her to scram.

f any character in the history of popular

literature has ever deserved a video game

based on his/her exploits, Tarzan would

certainly head that list. He was the original Pitfall Harry and is one of the most obvious candidates for a platform adventure if there ever was one. "He could spring 20 feet across space at the dizzy height of the forest top and grab with unerring precision and without apparent jar, a limb waving wildly in the path of an approaching tornado,” said Tarzan's creator, Edgar Rice Burroughs, in Tarzan of the Apes, first published 87 years ago in 1912. Well now the wait is over thanks to Sony Computer Entertainment and developer Eurocom.

Eurocom, who seem to be popping up all over the place these days (Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, etc.) has created a 3D, Klonoa- esque platform game that evokes memories of the old Genesis game Aladdin. Featuring the same fluid animation as its neo-brethren, Tarzan romps across through his fully 3D environment with a grace one would expect in a Disney-inspired game. Although the majority of the game is played in a traditional side-scrolling format, there are plenty of 3D elements that pop up every now and again. While not as. extensive as something like Klonoa, Tarzan must occasionally venture into or out of the foreground to retrieve certain items

As would he expected, Tarzan can һе found performing many a Pitfall move. Climbing on and swinging from vines

are necessary and vital functions in young Tarzan s life.

or power-ups. There are lots of things to find as well. Knives, fruits, Tarzan Tokens, spears, parasols (umbrellas to you) and sketches are just some things you'll find here in the jungle.

Being that this IS the jungle, Tarzan will have to watch out for all sorts of antagonistic animals and natural hazards. Thankfully, Tarzan has a wide array of attacks to help him in his adventures. He can attack with different kinds of fruit of varying power, attack with his knife (provided he finds one) or use his "ground pound" to access hidden power-ups and items. If Tarzan finds the letters T-A-R-Z-A-N, through. the course of each level, he can also unlock animated movies made by Disney themselves. Graphically, Tarzan is one of the most sumptuous games you'll ever play. Imagine the lush back- grounds of Crash Bandicoot, with a darker, more realistic feel and you're halfway there. Animals crawl all over the place, birds fly in and out of the background, waterfalls and other ambient effects all conspire to create one of the most convincing 3D backdrops you'll ever find, Fortunately, the game plays pretty good as well. Timed to coincide with the release of the motion picture, Tarzan could climb into many a gamers’ collection this summer. к

= Daily 50


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July 1999


Despite the changes, the gameplay is still outstanding.

Those expecting radical changes will be disappointed.

Some of the linemen are big ugly mofos, but that's a given. Overall the graphics are just a hair less sharp than NCAA 99.

китип Evolution

Although EA's NCAA | Football is young, it's come a long way. With a recycled Madden engine and chunky graphics, its debut didn’t cause much of a stir. But low and behold the next year it took EGM's Sports Game of the Year award. 2000 looks very promising as well.

1998 гм

Look at the size of these $.0.һ.5! Finally, a football game with proportional players.

hh, it's our old favorite. As you probably know, NCAA Football 99 took top honors in our sports category last year— we really like it. That's why we've had our fingers crossed for this year's edition. Please, oh please, don’t muck it up with overly ambitious changes. Thankfully it's already evident NCAA 2k is well on the right track. Most importantly, the game engine has been retained with only minor tweaks and adjustments. The bigger changes involve the graphics and animation. Proportional players have finally made their debut in a football game. The linemen are stocky chunks while quarterbacks and receivers are noticeably smaller. Middle-weight sizes exist as well. The size of a player also relates to his power and speed, Gone are the days when you could use a lineman to cover a short-route receiver. Power is also determined by size. Smaller linebackers aren't as effective on larger running backs or vice versa. There's a lot of new animation as well, 100 more. to be exact. On top of several tackle calamities wherein players flip over backward upon impact, celebrations are rampant—the six-shooter salute and finger-in-the-face taunting to name a few. Even the refs' gestures are more fluid and realistic. Cheerleaders, mascots and coaches are present on the sidelines as well. Combining these elements with the quick-cut, TV-style presentation gives the game a healthy dose of college football atmosphere. New conferences include the MEAC, SWAC and Ivy League. In all, 140 division 1-A and 1-AA teams exist. On top of that, a classic match-up option gives you


80 additional teams from the past.

Several new features are quite helpful. On- screen coaching tips. point out how you could have better defended the

00 |

‚TOP 10

Improvements | made to NCAA | | 1.100 new animations |

previous play. It’s both [zs ied player sizes | |

3.30 new teams | 4. Faster frame-rate

helpful and humbling. An on-screen play editor | lets you create or modify. | a play while on the field | (very cool option). |

While gameplay is | obviously the leading draw in NCAA 2000, new. management and create-a-school features pump up. the sim appeal. Building a school involves choosing uniforms, colors and even student enrollment. You may then use your new team in any game mode.

As you can tell, мете all pumped up about NCAA 2000. With any luck at all it'll stay on track in its last stages of development. m

5. Exclusive bowl rights) 6. 1,100 plays | 7.EAcoachingtips | 8. Dual Shock friendly | | 9.Create-a-school | | 10. Better play editor |

NCAA has retained its killer replay ability. Check out your last play in every angle and zoom possible.

\ rpheus mysteriou y 45 souls were lost...

u to the Orpheus, the starti oint of a 2

t will take you to past times istant eus, you'll encounter the ghosts of passengers

who MNA ond their time, Now you must ini them find peace.

This will take courage and cunning,

objects, and talk with the dead. But take

many devious mini-games and puzzles бог)

secrets of the dead апа the deadly talisman stones.

* From the developers of the King’s Field series

ture with lots of puzzles to solve and mini-games to play

* Dual shock compatible

* More than 10 eerie locations to explore, including a ghost ship and an ancient castle

* Interact with over 50 characters * Travel through time * Over 58 objects to discover

* 3 different unique endings

tet c Tw age kon a den le arci Dia oh






August 1999 www.atlus.com

Tail Concerto adds an interesting twist to the action- platform genre.

The main character is а dog named Waffle.

The enemies are cats and kittens. Was Rare secretly responsible for this?

By now a staple of video gaming lore is the fabled mech-suit. Although longstanding mechanical stalwarts like Mobile Suit Gundam or the Macross mechas are usually referred to as the originators, other similar offspring like Mech Warrior, Armored Core and Evangelion have popped ир in their wake. Despite the advent of technology, there have been attempts to keep the mech ideal intact, while offering a new twist to energize the genre. Of note is Sega's Sakura Wars series, which features steam-powered mechs that possess a large number of steam-powered attacks. Taking that idea a step further (or possibly, a step back, depending on how. you look at it) is Тай Concerto's hero and his mech-suit, which is also Steam-powered. Half Sakura Wars and half Captain Commando, Waffle's mech- suit is driven by steam and controlled by the levers found in his cockpit.

If you watch carefully, you can see Waffle steering his mech-suit everywhere he goes. Ah, technology!

Like the majority of the new-school 3D nlatformers, Tail Concerto is viewed from a third-person perspective. You Waffle in his fully polygonal all times.

riginally scheduled for release last year by

Bandai US, publishing duties have now

changed hands to Atlus USA, who is attempting to broaden its domestic library through eclectic acquisitions (Guilty Gear, Bomberman Fantasy Race) and first-party localizations (Kartia, Trap Gunner, Persona). Tail Concerto marks Atlus’ first major step into the 3D platform/action genre, and a significant step it is. While the game surely has а few issues, the overall quality of design and graphics is a considerable step up from developer Bandai Japan's usual fare.

Taking the role of young Waffle, a canine police officer on the floating islands of Prairie, you must herd and capture the elusive Black Cats Gang and their legion of feline troublemakers. Aiding you in your adventures is your trusty mech-suit (on top of which, Waffle can be seen literally steering this

(a wr;

lectronic Gaming Мо


steam-powered monolith). The mech-suit is equipped with a bubble-shooter and an intriguing warp/backpack which are used, respectively, to stun those little pussies and warp 'em off to a holding cell. Convenient! The variety of objectives in Tail Concerto is fairly broad. Island hopping, kitten capturing, sack-o-coal-retrieving, you name it, it's

in there, Fortunately, Tail Concerto supports both digital and analog control for those partial to

either configuration.

The game spans eight different worlds, features 20 minutes of hand-drawn animation and is sprawled over enormous 3D environments.

Throw in the seven unique boss encounters and you've got an adventure fit for a king. Well, maybe not, but it's a worthy adventure nevertheless.

The game is weaved together by cutscenes utilizing the game engine with spoken dialogue. Currently the language is in Japanese, although there are English subtitles and the voices will likely be re-recorded in time for its August release.

Anyone looking for a 3D platformer (although the emphasis is less on platforming than it is on action) in the vein of Megaman Legends need look no further than Tail Concerto. iy

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989 Sports’ GB 2000 has kept its great game engine but, in the name of realism, slowed down the game pace a little. In addition, 1800 plays along with a friendlier play editor are prominent. New player models show off multiple size characters and better-looking uniforms. Upgraded animation and an option to save and load your finest players into GameDay 2000 are key features in this September release.


Toshinden lives! Takara recently announced the fourth installment of the Toshinden series (not counting Toshinden Kids), Toshinden Subaru. Developed by Tamsoft, TS takes place 10 years after Toshinden 3, and features an entirely new fighting engine. New to the mix are cancel moves and air blocks, and a host of new characters. The Japanese version is due out in August. A U.S. release has not been announced,

Set for release in early 2000, Spidey will be with us thanks to Activision and the developers at Neversoft. EGM was recently lucky enough to be the only magazine to get some hands-on time with the game, and we can report that it really does the license justice. Swing from building to building, crawl along pretty much any surface, and do a cool thing where you pull bad guys toward you with your web. Neat.

Sahoteur Imagine something a bit like Tomb Raider, only with a modern-day, sword-toting ninja..and a dog. Eidos and developer Tigon Software recently showed us Saboteur and it definitely looks a bit different. As is the norm with 3D action/adventures since Metal Gear, stealth plays a big

part in the proceedings but the dog (who can't be killed, interestingly) is a major gameplay element when it comes to distracting bad guys.

* The Misadventures of Tron Bonne

The Misa side-st

ures of Tron Bonne, due this fall from Capcom, is a ega Man Legends, and stars Tron, Mega Man’s female me. One of the coolest aspects of MTB is being able to bots, by directing them to attack specific enemies. In g packed with a demo of Mega Man Legends 2. Hmm.



" Vandal-Hearts 11

Konami is working on a sequel to their popular strategy/RPG, Vandal- Hearts. VH II features the same style of play as the original, but with several key enhancements. Most notably, items and equipment will now level-up as they're used, and enemies will be able to make their moves at the same time as you. Vandal-Hearts II is due this November.

When the first Тепсһи came out as an import, it had several. problems which kept it from being any good (the camera being the. main nuisance). The U.S. Tenchu fixed a lot of the problems but was still overshadowed by other "Sneak around in third-person perspective" games like Metal Gear Solid.

Like the first Tenchu, Tenchu II is set in the feudal age of Japan, where three young ninja warriors will begin an adventure to ultimately defeat the evil overlord. Tenchu Il is a prequel that adds new features, weapons, equipment and missions. Mission objectives will now be more varied and incorporate each character's skillset into solving the levels. Among one of the game's playing modes is a custom mode which lets you create your own levels. Tenchu II comes out spring of 2000 from Activision.

Sony recently announced the sequel to their popular (though decidedly unoriginal) RPG, Wild ARMs. Wild ARMs: 2nd Ignition gs with it many new things, including anime cutscenes, fully polygonal environments (no more 2D backgrounds) and more realistic-looking characters (no more super-deformed freakness this time around). and Ignition is due out in Japan this fall. A U.S. release has not yet been decided.

The next installment in the Jet Moto series is coming to the PS courtesy of 989 Studios and Pacific Coast Power & Light Company. It features modes you'd expect to find in most any racer, with the addition of a custom Season Mode and a Stunt Mode. In the Stunt Mode, players can polish some fancy moves and compete for points. This September release has 10 racers (five new, five from Jet Moto 2), some 19 types of obstacle-filled environments and a two-player head-to-head mode.


Square recently unveiled their latest polygonal action/RPG in Japan, Dewprism. The game, which looks quite a bit like Brave Fencer Musashi, features two selectable characters—Rue, a boy, and Mint, a girl. Each character is searching for a mystical item known as the Dewprism, and each has his/her own reasons for acquiring it. А demo of Dewprism will be packed with Legend of Mana in Japan, but no release date has been set yet. No word on a U.S. version thus far, but we'd say the chances are good.

Which of the WWF Attitude 958

following PS E3 ا‎ Solid VR Missions 400 Die Hard Trilogy 2 113 games are you Ape Escape is most into? Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ТОПОН Ие ег Dies 42 ___GranTurismo2 1 9% source: videogames com online poll MEW Mayhem 190

Juggernaut Part The Exorcist and part Innerspace, Juggernaut is a bizarre trip into. a dark macabre world. This adventure game is reminiscent of Myst in its simple point-and-click interface (all movement and action is depicted by a series of FMV). The game is heavily puzzle-based, but the atmosphere and the orchestral soundtrack more than set the right mood. Jaleco will release Juggernaut in September 1999.

Sometime in November, THQ will be releasing N-Space’s game adaptation of the popular comic, Danger Girl. Look for three playable gals, each of whom would certainly give Lara a run for her money. Danger Girl has 16 levels spread over six different locales. The girls will be fully loaded with neat gadgets and weapons like electronic lockpicks and night vision goggles.

Although it may sound like a flight sim, Eagle One: Harrier Attack is nothing of the sort. This Infogrames-published and developed title is very action-oriented, with video game-ish missions (like rescuing people from active volcanoes). You'll get to fly five different aircraft, including the F-16 Falcon, Ало Warthog and Raven Stealth Jet (oh yeah, and the Harrier Jumpjet). Eagle One is for one or two players and is due out this fall.

Ricky Carmichael is a big-shot Motocross champion if you didn't know. His game, formerly know as D.I.R.T., features 12 unique tracks from around the world and one (yes, one) licensed bike—the Kawasaki KX 250. Eight other fantasy bikes can be used. Good sound, decent physics and thankfully analog control are present. Weather effects and TV-style presentation round it out. Watch for this THQ release in August.



This September, Konami is planning on releasing a collection of 10 of its classic hit arcade games on one disc, called Konami Arcade Classics. The games, which include such favorites as Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Gyrus,

Super Cobra and Time Pilot (easily the coolest game on the disc), are all 100 percent faithful to the arcade originals, right down to the bugs! KAC will also feature artwork from each game, as well as new CG sequences.

^ Pong

Updated versions of retro games are as popular as ever. This time it's Pong from Hasbro Interactive and Supersonic Software. It has new 3D graphics and supports up to four players. Look for it in October.

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"pn ы f +15 Million бое ep tent =й. Pokémaniacs and redneck PC gamers = bined, living in the U.S. A1 Million лоту


Pokémon Yellow

Pokémania is running wild! On Sept. 6, Nintendo will release Pokémon Yellow, the latest installment to the ever-popular Pokémon series. Pokémon Yellow isn't actually a sequel to the Red and Blue versions, though but it's got a lot of new stuff that no true Pokémon fan will want to miss. For example, Pikachu is now on your side from the very beginning. You can see him on the map screen, and you can interact with him throughout the game (it's very cool). Also, you can now print out your Pokédex data using the Game Boy Printer. You can look forward to lots of subtle changes as well—hidden mini-games, cameo appearances by characters from the cartoon, new art for the monsters in the Pokédex, and more. The only downside? The game was created before the GB Color was released, so the color enhancements are Super GB only.

Azure Dreams

Konami's dating/monster-raising (what a combo, eh?) role-playing game is coming out for the GBC this September. Like its PS older brother, Azure Dreams will have you exploring randomly generated levels in a mystical tower, trying to discover why your father disappeared so many years ago. Along the way, you can interact with town locals, love interests and monster pets, which you can raise to learn special abilities. Shown here are screens from the Japanese version of the game.

Deer Hunter заштан

You might be a redneck if. you buy а Game Boy Le a dic Color for Deer Hunter by Vatical Entertainment and НЬ OM Morning Star Multimedia. This July release allows you to hunt deer in various locations, using scents NEW HUNT] OPTIONS | ЕДЕ

and diferent weaponry, just like the PC version. Note: осет) amor, | | “Seen This game is not backward-compatible. Р > Е

Earthworm Jim: Menace 2 The Galaxy |

If you've played an Earthworm Jim game, rest assured this GBC title, developed by IMS Productions and published this September by Crave, delivers the series’ trademark wackiness. Here's the skinny: Evil Jim, Earthworm Jim's arch-nemesis, has stolen some interdimensional-doom doohickey from Professor Monkey-for-a-Head.

So off you go to save the universe in this 15-level platformer, battling goofball baddies with Jim's Blaster, Plasma Gun, pocket rocket and sidekick Snot.

Motocross Maniacs 2

This sequel to the ultra-fun Game Boy classic packs more than 10 courses and—better-still—the ability to create and edit your own tracks. It also offers a new two-player link mode, as well as a ghost rider opponent for friendless loners keen on solo play. Konami will release Motocross Maniacs 2 in August.

Jaleco's latest arcade project is VJ Stepping Stage, a straightforward Dance Dance Revolution clone that's powered by Sega's Naomi hardware. The game's only twist to Konami's DDR is rather than four step sensors, it features six laid out in a round hexagonal shape. The cabinet has three

| monitors, two of which display a mixture of live action and computer

| graphics. Jaleco currently has no plans for a U.S. release.

Sega is putting the finishing touches on their latest racing simulator which runs on multiple Naomi boards. The gameplay for Ferrari 355 Challenge will be on the realistic side, but players will be able to choose between three difficulty settings. The cabinet itself features three monitors working together to provide a total panoramic racing experience. The game will also have a printer for you to print out your ratings. No word yet on a U.S. release.

Fire Fighters

e Fighters is ап eye-catching Naomi game from Sega. ght-gun games, players must put out fires with a waterhose y pointing at the onscreen fires. When activated the firehose curately modeled after a real fireman's hose) will vibrate.

o need to move forward and save any victims trapped in the е Fire Fighters comes out in Japan this summer.

Rush 2049

A couple years ago, it was impossible to go to a pool hall or any other smokey bar without seeing a San Francisco Rush. Now Atari's back with Rush 2049. It’s 50 years in the future and San Francisco is once again in the throes of another gold rush. This time, the miners have struck underground, creating a labyrinth of tunnels perfect for a couple laps in the sleek mobile. Returning to the game will be the mainstay of the SF Rush series: finding shortcuts and getting massive air. There will be four new tracks, mirror modes, car upgrades, as well as a "Team Rush" feature where players can keep track of records by entering a 10-digit PIN. Top racers will receive prizes from Atari. Rush 2049 hits arcades everywhere in August.


Ilustration by Pixel Pushers Design.



By Crispin Boyer

till all come to an end someday.

Zombies will shuffle into the sunset. Lickers will move someplace warm and retire. Flesh-eating dogs will curl up in front of the TV and die, or undie— whatever undead things do when they're put out to pasture. Shinji Mikami, Capcom’s producer of the enormously popular Resident Evil series, said the franchise will have a finale. Someday. “It will have an end,” he told us, “but we have not decided what the big final story should be.”

It’s a safe bet you won't sink your claws into this "big final story” until long after the first game's zombies decompose to dust. Mikami and company have plenty of Resident Evil in the works, more than ever. And why wouldn't they? With more than 9 million games sold worldwide, the RE series has surpassed Street Fighter as Capcom's premiere franchise. It has even been credited with turning Capcom's fortunes around during the company's

Illustration by Pixel Pushers Design

shaky days at the end of the 16-Bit era. “Resident Evil came along at a time when it was probably necessary for both Capcom and the market,” Capcom Entertainment president Bill Gardner said. “Street Fighter had a long, good run, and it continues to do very well. But | think Resident Evil has picked up with the freshness where Street Fighter was starting to get rather old.”

Need extra proof that Capcom’s killer franchise is more alive and ubiquitous than ever? Go eyeball a recent release list. No less than four Resident Evil titles are officially in development for every


В епі Evil (Game Boy Color) 488 Dting Game (rumored coin-op) 706 REE GERE 2 (N64) 1053 Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (PS) 5237 EERIE 2628 (rumored N64 game) 1432 [Resident Evil 2 (Game.com) 129

source: videogames.com online poll

Resident Evil Movie on Pause

If our interview with horror auteur George Romero a few issues ago had you worked up to see the Resident Evil flick he was scheduled to write and direct... well, don’t load up on popcorn and Goobers just yet. “George Romero, we hired him as the director,” Flagship president Yoshiki Okamoto told us, “but his script wasn’t good, so Romero was fired.”

The director's dismissal hardly seems fair, considering Romero’s films inspired the RE series. Nevertheless, it looks like Resident Evil won't be hitting the local cineplex anytime soon. “We know the movie is going to be out there someday,” Okamoto said. "There is a scenario coming, but there's no script yet. People are trying to get the script done, but we have to be careful because it has to fit the Resident Evil feel."

system, with a few other unconfirmed titles residing in rumorsville. Foremost on gamers" minds is Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, out for PlayStation this November (Capcom may pack a Nemesis demo with Dino Crisis, which hits early September). Resident Evil: Code Veronica—the series’ debut on the Dreamcast—is due this December in Japan and in the U.S. early next year. Nintendo 64 owners'll sweat their first survival- horror experience when Resident Evil 2 hits their system this fall, maybe in time for Halloween. And the original Resident Evil will arrive on the Game Boy Color at about the same time.

Now, factor in the action figures, novels, comic books and other merchandising tie-ins, plus the brewing Resident Evil flick, and you have the fastest-growing franchise in video games. Resident Evil (the series’ U.S.’ name, incidentally, was coined by a Capcom Entertainment sales rep) is everywhere. It's unstoppable. It's calling from inside the house. It's right behind you!

Ahem. We went straight to the series' creators— from the producers at Capcom R & D to the scenario writers at Flagship—to get the lowdown on everything Resident Evil. You want survival horror? You got it, and here are the games, toys— everything—that'll give it to ya’.

Not a gentle giant, the Nemesis is a speeding, missile-spewing powerhouse that'll do more than muss Jill's hair if he grabs her.



No franchise intermingles its characters like Resident Evil. Funny thing, though: REI's Chris Redfield seems at the center of it all. He's no more than away from any other RE star or helper character.

In RE, cowardly Brad piloted

Chris’ heli. He's in Nemesis, too.

Barry Burton

Jill's turncoat ВЕ helper, he’s one of Jill and Chris? Alpha-team pals.

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis

Yoshiki Okamoto has been known to wear a cow suit to work, The president of Capcom subsidiary Flagship, he's a friendly, humble guy with a quirky sense of humor and many of the same interests as the average EGM reader. He's a Star Wars fan. He's really into horror movies, especially George Romero flicks. He's also a rockstar-caliber celebrity in Japan, and it's his company that puts the horror into "survival horror."

Okamoto's Flagship created the scenarios for Resident Evil 2, Dino Crisis and Resident Evil: Code Veronica. And although Capcom's own internal staff wrote the script for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, the game still had to undergo Flagship's scrutiny. “Flagship handles the whole setting of Resident Evil," Okamoto told us, “so the Nemesis team brought their stories to Flagship for checking to make sure it fits in."

*Fitting in" is the phrase of the day here, since many of the events depicted in Nemesis actually take place during RE2’s time frame. Your main character is Jill Valentine, the “master of unlocking” and S.T.A.R.S. girlie from the original Resident Evil. Turns out the Raccoon PD didn’t believe her report when she returned from the first game's T-virus-infected mansion with Chris Redfield and Barry Burton. After all, the evidence blew sky-high when the big house went boom, and the bribed police chief covered up everything else.

Claire Redfield Chris’ sister and star of RE2 and the upcoming Code Veronica.


Jill Valentine Jill cleaned

house with Chris in RE. Now she’s solo in Nemesis.

Rebecca Chambers An 18-year-old S.T.A.R.S. ditz, she was Chris" helper in RE.

Flash forward to Sept. 28, the day before events depicted in Resident Evil 2. Jill has resigned from S.T.A.R.S. and is packing up to follow Chris Redfield, who already set off to investigate Umbrella's headquarters in Europe. And then things get nasty. The G-Virus-infected zombies and critters from RE2 hit the streets. They're everywhere. Your goal is to help her escape, as the game continues through the Sept. 29 events in RE2 on and finishes the night after.

Expect deja vu. You'll run into characters from RE1 and RE2, such as Brad Vickers, the fraidy-cat S.TAR.S. chopper pilot from the first game and a hidden zombie in the second (don't worry—you'll see how he gets infected). You'll scuttle through familiar settings. About 15 minutes of Nemesis is set in the police station, which looks the same as it did in RE2. And if this intermingling of old and new seems a logistical nightmare for the development team, well, it is— especially when you consider they have other new Resident Evil games in development. In fact, Mikami said one of the greatest challenges of working on the series is ensuring the games are consistent with each other. “All of the producers, directors and planners involved in any Resident Evil series get together and have a meeting once a month to avoid any continuity problems,” Mikami s

Unlike RE2, Nemesis won't have a "zapping" system (you remember— that two-CD innovation

Sherry Wong RE2's lost little G-Virus-carrying girl, she escapes with Claire. !

Ааа Wong

As Sherry’s mom, Ada is two degrees away from Chris.

Leon Kennedy

Leon never met Chris, but maybe Claire'll one day introduce them.

DOOFUS AND DOUGLAS ЕЄМ° Lessons in Zombie Etiquette

Knowing the undead nosh flesh, zombie-savvy Doug covers his arse with bite-proof armor. Dimwit Doofus opts for the ol’ banana hammock.

Only a blow to the noggin will stop a zombie's shufflin’, so Doug hones his aim at the range. Doofus doesn't quite get the idea of a headshot.

Zombies are slow and Doug knows it; neatly pressed jogging duds are his outfit du jour. Doofus would rather run slow but feel “pretty.”

Atrip to the hardware store and Doug's pad is zombie-proof. But poor Doofus found Bed, Bath and Beyond’s curtain sale too good to ignore.

Illustrations by Pixel Pushers Design

RE3 Nemesis sends Jill through some of RE2 locales. Here she is roaming the police station, which looks exactly the same.

that let you play through the game with one hero, then play as the second character only to find things slightly changed by what you did the first. time around). Nemesis is a single-CD game that centers mainly on Jill Valentine. But rest assured it packs some gameplay quirks and a few firsts for the series. "At some points of the story line," Mikami gave as an example, "you will be presented with a couple of choices, Depending on your choice, the story develops differently." Part of the game takes place in the daytime, and there's one outdoor area where you'll see falling rain. ЕМУ sequences pop up mainly after you clear traps and tricky areas and aren't used as much to tell the story. The crisper-looking 2D backgrounds occasionally have animated portions and are more interactive; you can shoot chandeliers off the ceiling to crunch zombies or blast oil drums to nuke gangs of undead with one well-aimed bullet Heck, the visuals are the best in the series, but gamers keen on the real-time 3D locales of Silent Hill and Dino Crisis may be disappointed by Nemesis' prerendered approach. Mikami said the

118 - www.videogamı

2D environments were needed to build a quality zombie, "If we were to represent the Resident Evil world with a full 3D engine within the PlayStation's capability, the result would not be as graphically rich and detailed as we want it to be,” he said. “The number of polygons allocated for the enemies would not be sufficient. We did not want to have blocky, pixelated zombies.”

Prerendered backgrounds also let Capcom draw more zombies on the screen, too. And trust us: Nemesis unleashes a lot of enemies, More action- oriented than REı and RE2, the game is set in the center of Raccoon City, mostly in the streets, where armies of the undead roam freely. Think of all the zombies that roamed the streets at the beginning of RE2—that's what you're up against in Nemesis. To make life even harder for poor Jill, Nemesis’ zombies are more aggressive. They can follow her up stairs. Speedier, they shuffle at a near-jogging pace. They'll even respawn in areas you've already cleared. Lucky for Jill, a new dodge feature helps her stay out of jaw's reach, and she'll stumble оп the usual arsenal of weapons (which she can shoot and reload faster than in RE1). The bad news: Her inventory only holds two guns this time.

Nemesis’ monsters, in addition to roaming in greater numbers, are more varied. Zombies come

А wreeke heway \

Cruel world: RE3 Nemesis’ 2D backgrounds are sharper, more detailed and touched with animations like roiling smoke.

Ilustration by Pixel Pushers Design

in 10 flavors, including policemen, doctors, ordinary citizens, businessmen—all the career types you'd expect in the middle of a chipper midwestern town. The gigantic spiders, zombie dogs, crows and lickers of the past games return, as well as new critters like massive earthworms and а parasitic ooze. But the undisputed star of this hellish petting zoo is the Nemesis, sort of a Tyrant on steroids and Umbrella’s newest, baddest bioweapon. As Mikami said when describing this ruthless new pursuer to Japanese gaming mag Dengeki PlayStation, “He is always watching you. He is somewhere around you, but you never know where. He is extremely horrifying. He runs extremely fast. He keeps tracking you even though you move from door to door. To make matters worse, he can use a missile launcher.”

Like a demonic Kool-Aid Man, the Nemesis busts through walls when you least expect it. You won't escape him by moving into new areas. Your only option is to run, run, run until he’s far behind. Or you must figure a way to destroy him. Good luck.

Although the game focuses on Jill, you will Switch to a second character, Carlos Oliveira, at a certain point. Carlos is a 21-year-old hotshot from

onthly - 119

the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasures Force, the team sent to Raccoon City to rescue survivors. Two other UBC members, Michael Victor and Nicholai Zinoviev, play supporting roles, kinda like the helper characters in past RE games. You'll also соте across scattered survivors in need of rescuing. Saving them all may open secrets and bonus minigames.

Mikami promised that Nemesis’ puzzles will be a bit trickier this time (one we saw involved a fence tied shut by rags you must find a way to burn). Add to that the more aggressive enemies, the interactive backgrounds, the story-altering pick- your-path decision points and all the other gameplay tweaks we've mentioned, and Nemesis goes a long way to make up for its lack of two. Separate adventures and a zapping system. “Resident Evil 2 had two discs, so you can play more for a long time," Okamoto told us. "But this one, because it's one disc, the play time is shorter, but the game itself will be deeper. In fact, it's kind of difficult, and one thing I'm wondering is if it will be too difficult for some players."

Resident Evil: Code Veronica

Considering that most game sequels fail to recognize the events laid out in their prequels (take the Final Fantasy series, for instance), the Resident Evil games stand alone for their intermingling of plots and the depth they add to already highly developed central characters. Gardner thinks that's one of the reasons the series.

Figures Wot Included

Resident Evil is a merchandi- sing gold mine for Capcom, generating more than $200 million worldwide each year. In fact, there's enough stuff to meet any RE fan's basic survival needs. Naked? Slip on Blue Grape's Т- shirts. Short on tunes? Crank up Viz Communications' Resident. Evil soundtrack. Wanna relive the games in your backyard? Grab Toy Biz action figures (above), or play RE on the go with Tiger's Game.com. You'll even find new

` ВЕ adventures in novels from Simon & Schuster and comics from Wildstorm Productions.

Ilustration by Pixel Pushers Design

is so wildly popular. “What Mimaki-san has been able to do is create a variation on the story,” he said, “and people are really hooked on this story and not so much the scare factor or a new monster. Yeah, they like to see that, but there's a story in there, too.”

it's for the benefit of the series’ growing mythology that Okomoto said Capcom hopes to shy away from Resident Evil rehash like the PlayStation Director's Cut and Dual Shock versions of RE and RE2, which he called "the same games with a little added on." Instead, he's focusing on the new. Okomoto and Flagship are writing the. scenario for Resident Evil: Code Veronica, due this December on the Japanese Dreamcast (it will hit. the U.S. anytime from a month to three months later). “Veronica is set after Resident Evil 2," Okamoto said, explaining where the game fits in the overall RE saga, “so if we go by the time sequence, Veronica is actually Resident Evil 3."

OK, so why wasn't Code Veronica called Resident Evil 3—especially since Nemesis, for which Flagship didn’t write the scenario, is more of a sidestory? Okamoto set the record straight: “Every Resident Evil game on the PSX is numbered, like one to three. On other platforms, we put names оп the games, like with Veronica.”

thly - 120 - w

Code Veronica has players controlling Claire Redfield from REz and her brother, RE1’s Chris. As you'll remember from RE2's finale, Claire was gearing up to continue her search for Chris in Europe, where he's supposedly investigating the Umbrella Corporation's HQ. Okamoto didn't want to give away too much of Veronica's plot, but he did say it's not set in Europe as many expect. Rather, it's set on an island where the game's characters have been captured and are trying to escape to a main continent. As another hint to the game's plot, Okomoto added cryptically, “I will say no one is living on the continent. It's chilly, and penguins live there."

You've seen the screens of Code Veronica and you know it's the first fully polygonal installment in the franchise. But what shots don't show is monster animation, and it's here that the series reaches new heights in creepiness. Zombies swagger with more convincing undeadness than ever before. Even more disturbing: Their faces work. Zombie jaws open and close. Eyes twitch. ‘And then there's the elastic-armed monsters that seem on par with the Tyrants of the earlier games. Their lightning-quick appendages can give Claire a brutal bruising from across the room.

In terms of gameplay, Code Veronica packs two

Photographs by

Celebrities in Japan, Flagship president Yoshiki Okamoto (above right), RE2 N64 producer Naoto Tominaga (above left) and series producer Shinji Mikami (below) are the key players in Resident Evil-related projects.

Photograph by Capcom




Not at all

source: videogames.com online poll

complete adventures—one for Claire, one for Chris—and brings back the zapping system of RE2, although not without some tweaks. "This time," Okamoto explained, "someone goes first, then someone goes afterward. The first person is the younger sister, and the next person is the brother. Depending on what the first person does, it alters the plot. If you break open a building, for instance, then the other person will see it broken. It’s more like real zapping."

We'll have more info on Code Veronica's story and gameplay as we draw nearer to its release.

Resident Evil 2 for the Nintendo 64

Naoto Tominaga, Capcom's producer of RE2 for the Nintendo 64, had a triumphant look on his face when we talked to him at Ез. "People kept saying with the N64 you can't have video and you can't have audio,” he told us, “but | thought let's just go for it, and we did it." The result is the system's largest cartridge to date—64 megabytes, twice the size of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Developer Angel Studios (who's also behind the voice-intensive Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest) managed to compress everything from the two-CD PlayStation original into one N64 cart. That includes the complete story lines for Claire and Leon. That includes all the digitized voice for the in-game cinemas. That includes the Tofu and 4th Survivor minigames. That includes all the FMV sequences, which are letterboxed and a little grainy but more than clear enough to see what's going on. Everything’s here.

Unlike Zelda 64/5 blurry prerendered backgrounds, RE2’s locales are crisp— sharper than the PlayStation’s. Pop in the RAM Pak for even better visuals,

New stuff's in the works, too, of course. The Expansion Pak will pop the game into hi-res, but even without it the graphics are crisper and cleaner than the PlayStation version. An information database lets you collect and examine items and plot-explaining documents from the entire RE series. All the gore from the PlayStation version remains, with the option to tone down the blood if you're squeamish. Beat both adventures, and items will be randomly relocated if you play again. You can even choose among control schemes modeled after Zelda and Mario 64.

But what about the cart’s cost? Surely a 64- megabyte cartridge will have a price tag more frightening than the game itself, right? Tominaga said fear not. “We have been discussing the price with Nintendo of America, and they have been helpful," Tominaga said. "I think we can meet the price point of what the consumer would want to. spend. We might be in the red a little on every unit we sell, but it will make the players happy.”


Does the series’ inter facts straight with this time line, which kicks off ii

accident occurs at the Mansion

lab in the Arklay Mountains, near Raccoon City.

May 20:

=] ae

June 16: Dog- like monsters spotted in the Arklays.


Umbrella orders Wesker to betray the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad (S.T.A.R.S.),

Mutilated collect samples hiker's body and destroy the found. lab. Meanwhile,

a string of cannibalistic murders terrorize the Raccoon populace.

gling stori

Timeline compiled by OPM's Mark MacDonald.

Late July: As told in RE1, flesh-eating mutts force the STARS. Alpha team, which includes Jill and Chris, into a Raccoon Forest mansion. There they learn the Umbrella Corporation is. developing the TVirus bioweapon, which mutates anything it touches.

August 24: Chris discovers Umbrella is working on the new G-Virus. He heads to Europe to investigate.

Chris and Barry fail to convince the Raccoon P.D. to investigate the mansion incident.

May 1998,

have you scratching your head? Get your

Sept. 26: Hordes of zombies attack the Raccoon P.D. and cut off communications.

Sept. Police fail to barricade the station; the first lickers appear.

Sept. 28: Jill Valentine prepares to leave Raccoon City just as zombies overrun the town. RE3 Nemesis begins.

Sept. 29: RE2's events

Claire fight their

way through the В

streets, police station and underground lab, where they discover that Umbrella and its G-Virus are behind this newest zombie assault. In RE3 Nemesis, you control Jill and Carlos during this same time period,

En September 30: RE3 Nemesis concludes.

RE: Code Veronica begins a few months later, when Claire is captured on her way to find her brother in Europe. Trapped on an island, Claire and Chris are the game's main characters.

Resident Evil for ihe Game Boy Color

Just as Angel Studios is pulling off the impressive feat of cramming RE2 into an №64 cart, U.K. developer HotGen Studios is doing the same with RE. The team has squeezed every single room from the original into a 32-Megabit GBC cartridge.

As for how the game looks, imagine playing Resident Evil on the NES. Environments are crude but recognizable, and the sprite-based characters and monsters scale in and out of the background. "Surprisingly few sacrifices have been made in the conversion,” a HotGen rep said. “I guess the biggest one is the large enemies you have to do battle with. The GBC is OK at scaling multiple sprites on a vertical line— so tall characters such as humans аге easy— but it's not so easy to scale many sprites on a vertical line. Therefore some of the fatter enemies had to be rethought.”

HotGen has even managed to include some of that infamous RE dialogue. “At the moment we have Resident Evil speech in the game,” the representative said. “It will depend on time and space whether we put more in there."

OK, Now What?

There you have it. That's absolutely everything Resident Evil that Capcom has in the works. There couldn't possibly be anything else, right? Umm, of course not. Although Capcom hasn't confirmed its existence, another №64 RE game is on the way. We

22-w ogame

promised not to spoil any details, but trust us it's coming, and it'll take the series back to its roots.

What about RE games for other systems? Just keep in mind that Capcom is a prolific third-party publisher out to support every successful console. "Yeah, there are projects out there that involve Resident Evil," Gardner said. “There are projects out there that involve the Dreamcast, and certainly the PlayStation. There are projects out there that involve the N64. Assuming that it’s still the N64 next year, then I need product for that platform. If they make some sort of change to the Dolphin, then how quickly will we be able to have product for that? We're looking into that. Same thing with PlayStation 2. Certainly we want to support that, but at the same time you don't look at an installed base the size of the PlayStation and say, ‘I'm not gonna make any product for that because it's not cool,’ That's not a good business decision."

So we'll say it again: Expect a long wait until you play the "big final story" series producer Mikami spoke of at this article's outset. Resident Evil games, toys, books—everything—will continue on forever, or at least as long as you keep buying it. "There's no end yet,” Flagship’s Okamoto told us. “We'll keep focusing on the horror, the fear. And if it's popular, it keeps going and going and going. If it's not popular, it's gone. l'm trying to make it like the James Bond 007 movies, where there are a lot of sequels and no end. | want Resident Evil to be

like that.” gf


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Review Crew

This Monih

Crispin Boyer

After seeing The Phantom Menace, Crispin could not stop yappin' about how much he wanted his own lightsaber. He promised he'd never mis- use its ability to cut through anything. He'd never use it for late-night looting runs to the mall or to slice his way into. closed Taco Bells for deadline eats. No way. Never. Honest. Current Favorites

Ape Escape, R-Type Delta, SMB Deluxe, Jade Cocoon

Favorite Genres. RPGs, Action

mus Wi

Shoe doesn't care what everyone else says...he main tains E3 is pure hell. We think he's just alittle p-oed because he lost in the second round of the Power Stone tournament by a teeny mar- gin. We also think he's not man enough to work E3 AND party in the same week. Whatta baby.

Current Favorites R-Type Delta, SMB Deluxe, NBA Showtime

Favorite Genres

Puzzle, Strategy

Che Chou

Fora week after E3, Che strut around the office with after- slow. When he wasn't hoard- ing old SNES carts (thanks to Mr. Flessing), or dealing with a certain dino crisis, Che was rehearsing for his gig in Cleveland to open for Chicago's favorite death-metal band Seam. Rock on, brother.

Current Favorites

Dino Crisis, R-Type Delta, Magician Lord, Nam 1975 Favorit Genres.

Fighting, Racing

Chris’ obsession for Konami's music video games has been satiated now that the local GameWorks is open and has all his faves. When he's not scratchin’ up the turntables, heatin’ up the dance floor and jammin’ out the hot gui- tar licks on those, he can be found curling up with the Alien movies on DVD...doopal

Current Favoritos.

‘SMB Deluxe, LUNAR: SSSC, Beat Mania, NBA Showtime Favorite Genres

Adventure, Puzzle

Electronic Gamin

Some wonderful things have happened since last issue. Episode One was released, Austin Powers returned to the- aters again, and Sega showed us some cool Dreamcast stuff. John is therefore justifiably annoyed that he spent ages playing Alexi Lalas Int. Soccer and Shadowgate 64.

Current Favorites

Episode One— Racer, Soul Calibur, SMB Deluxe. Favorite Genres

Racing, Action

John Ricciardi

John's been diggin’ the crazy summer heat here in Chicago, When he wasn’t out by the pool takin’ rays these past few weeks, he was gearing up for his big move over to Expert Gamer..as their new editor in chief! That's right, after years cof hard work, Ricciardi’ leavin’ EGM. We'll miss ya, XG boy!

, NBA Showtime, R-Type Delta, SMB Deluxe

Favorite Genres. RPGs, Action.


There ain't much goin’ on this month for Dean. Outside of getting an early version of NCAA Football 2000, things have been kind of slow and unexciting—especially the games he had to review this ish. Itl all heat up soon enough though, with the fall game rush fast approaching. We'll see how he feels then.

Current Favorites NCAA Football 2000, NCAA GameBreaker 2000

Favorite Genres Sports, Racing.


Ape Escape took up most of Shawn's time this deadline. Consequently, his personal description is: Likes to listen to broken synthesizers in his goggles, Shawn also learned how important The Smurfs are to the German population. They call The Smurfs “Der Schlumpf.” Now. that’s interesting.

Current Favorites Ape Escape, The Next Tetris, NBA Showtime

Favorite Genres Action, Adventure

here isn't much for you this month— T and what is there, is а fairly mixed bag.

Ол one hand we have the excellent Ape Escape and Super Mario Bros, Deluxe, while оп the other we have slop like Alexi Lalas International Soccer and Air Boardin’ USA. Stinky, It must be the time of year or some- thing, ‘cause the gaming “well” seems utterly dry as we hunt around for reviews to bring you. Fortunately though, things should improve somewhat next month as there's a very good chance we'll be able to get our hands on the first batch of “official” DC games. The initial group of launch games looks very special indeed, and we'll be bring- ing you a huge cover feature next month that will include our impressions of all of them. While you're reading reviews this month, take а moment to appreciate the insights of one John Ricciardi. After years with the magazine he has moved on to be the Editor in Chief of our sister mag, Expert Gamer. He'll still be con- tributing to EGM, but on a much smaller scale. We wish him well with his new role! у

Our Philosophy

10 5 А о |

EGM rates games based on how. they compare with other titles on the same system. The highest score we'll give a game is a 10. When a game receives a 10, you can rest assured it’s one of the best games ever made—a revolutionary title that truly stands above everything else in its genre for its time. At the other end of the spectrum sits the lowest score a game can receive: а о.о. This is the kind of game you want to avoid at all costs. It's pure crap, as our scale (above) explains. In the middle lies the average grade, 5.0. We repeat: 5.0 IS AN AVERAGE GRADE. Simple, ain't it?

Our Awards

Platinum Awards go to games that get four 10's, the best and rarest review a game can get.

Gold Awards go to games whose average score. equals 9.0 or higher.

Games that average at least an 8.0 receive Silver Awards.

All-Star Tennis ‘99

Publisher: Ubi Soft

Developer Smart Dog

Featured in: ЕСМ #120

Players: 24

Supports: N/A

Best Featui Short skirts on them ladies. Worst Feature: Tough to aim the ball

Web Site: www.ubisoft.com

cranking out these tennis titles for now (they did Tennis Arena for the characters and settings are new, the gained basically the same. Our Arena was the lack of control, ming the ball. While they've ‚hat in AST, it unfortunately is You need to time your swing ight to make it work, otherwise xt 10 minutes volleying the ball ectiy in front of you. The lob and work nicely but can be just as nice if some kind of aiming cursor positive note, the graphics aren't ed courts and players are promi- = to write home about, but it's still can't say this game packs a whole excitement. Beyond the aiming flaws, there's not much more to complain Es but its still ind. of baring. aged 2P would be fun but it isn’t much laying the CPU. And that goofy Bomb the ball hits, a fused bomb appears) certainly doesn't add much, Perhaps it’s time for a game engine featuring speedier play, better con- ters. Îf you like Tennis and have

е this one a try. Dean

Air Boardin’ USA

| F8. Nos; SLIDE


Agetec Developer: Human Featured In: EGM #116


Rumble Pak

Hoverboards! Worst Feature: High learning curve Web Si wwwagetec.com

Take the hoverboards from Back to the Future Il and put them in a game, and what do you get? Air Boardin' USA. But the creators of Air Boardin' forgot to make the game as good as the concept. It's as if the designers could- n't figure out if they should make a racing or a stunt. game, so they decided to make both in one. The tracks aren't really tracks, but environments you have to maneuver around, What | don't understand about them is why they are so absolutely random in construction. Keeping your eye on the forever ticking clock while try- ing to do tricks is frustrating, and if you go through a checkpoint, it doesn't add a significant amount of time to your clock (like most racing games). Instead, it sets the timer back to the beginning. Two-player mode isn’t worth bothering with as the perspective is so tight in a vertical split-screen that you can't tell where you're going. The game sometimes seems so slow to get going that it'd be fasterito get off the'board-and walk. The characters are very atypical anime-style sports dudes (and dudettes)—one being a fat version OF Link. Music is a strange game-show/ska combination that seems a little out of place. | won't say Air,Boardin is entirely devoid of entertainment value, as Fat Link and the very squeaky-voiced guy alone are great. But can't see any- one playing this for enjoyment for very long. This one should've stayed in Japan. Chris

Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers


Publisher: Kemco

Developer: Infinite Ventures/TNS Featured іп: ЕМ #119

Players: 1

Supports: Controller Pak BestFeature: Interesting story line. Worst Feature: Sleep-inducing gameplay WebSite: wwwiop-gear.com

knew right from the start Shadowgate 64 wasn't going to be very exciting. After all, the original Shadowgate on. the NES didn't have me on the edge of my seat back in the day. In fact, sometimes it put me to sleep, even with its addictive puzzles. Stil, | hoped this new SG would capture the old style of play but present it in a more exciting way. Unfortunately, it's essentially the same. That said, one might wonder why the developers didn't throw something extra in to spice things up. Certainly he N64 can handle more intensity than this! Well, besides having 3D graphics and giving you the ability to walk around in real time, there isn't much in SG 64 that can be called an enhancement to the original. In fact, it lacks that special something the original had— that quality you can't quite put a finger on. But then maybe that special something was grade-school sum- mer vacation boredom. SG 64 is filled with grainy graph: ics, awkward animations, extremely repetitive music (it being the only thing that breaks up the monotony of walking around a castle for hours on end) and mostly vague puzzles. Yeah, | figured it would be a little boring. Yeah, | knew it would be linear—but did it have to be this boring and this linear? It's a case of a classic title getting a makeover, without much changing, Nothing was evolved In this game except the graphics. I people want more these days. Shawn

The main problem in All-Star Tennis is the sluggish animation of the characters. And since this is funda- mental, it resi adversely affects the entire game. You go far the Бәй, there's а weird delay and you miss unfortunate because the game Seems like л. features a good number of real tennis jurts, But that’s it. Other prob- ous Bomb Tennis Mode, and AI

eally dumb. Shawn

it could bel and a variety of

When Marty:Mcfly rode his hoverboard:through town square and thwarted ВИТ and his minions, f considered wanting to do the same in а moment of weakness. So did the designers of Air Boardin’ USA. As if “boarding” games weren't generic enough as И is, Agetec had to license one of the worst. The character graphics are nasty and the controls are strictly sloppy. This game is addictively bad. Johnny E. and Chris Johnston were hyp: motized by its non-importance. Che

There is asdistinct possibility that_Imsgoing to get lynched for this, seeing as the original Shadowgate has such rabid fans, but | have to say that Shadowgate 64 is one of the most boring adventure games I've played in ages. Nice story, but talk about S-L-O-W. I've always been a fan of “traditional” adventure game fare—but Shadowgate 64 rarely seeifis to reward. you for your hard work, Also, f haven't read so much text in a game

since playing Zork. John D

adequate in every way. The graphics are functional but nothing fancy. You get the number of one: and modes you'd expect (along with an additional Bomb Mode that’s more weird than fun). Control is fine, with more than enough waysito'finesse your swing— even if'i's a little too easy to dive for the bali. when you don't Wanna. If you're a tennis far, you don't have much choice on

the N64; this game's good enough. pispin

The hover gimmick is not enough to help this game. There's nothing remotely redeemable here, especial- ly the tracks. Outside of a few jumps, most are lit- tered with unfriendly turns and obstacles. The weird thing is, you can climb anything but doing so disori- ents you to the point of stupidity. Pulling off tricks is incredibly simple and:certainly not satisfying. Two- player is HORRIBLE. Im not sure what the develop. ers had in mind—Im sure it wasn’t this. Dean

‘Shadowgate 64 put me to sleep. It's not a bad game by any means Trials of the Four Towersis simply a snail of а cart. This first-person take on old pointat-the: hotspot-and-clickestyle adventure games is slow and methodical on one hand and very engrossing on the other. The puzzles can range from "duh" to "what the hell? If you're looking for-something more cerebral and relaxing, rent Shadowgate...you'll know in 10 min- utes whether this game is for you or not. пое

Ofall sports, tennis has gotten the least amount of play on video ате systems. While l'm nota tennis addict, Iwill say that AST is easy to pick up and play. Bomb Tennis, morethian anything else in this game, caught my attention just because it's so out of the ordinary. While it could bea little more realistic (different inflections of grunts Would've been nice), and there's certainly plenty of room forimprovement, | could see tennis fans get- ting into All-Star Tennis "99. Maybe. Chris



Electronic Gaming

1 suppose this game looked good on paper, but in exe- cution/it’s all wrong. Pulling off enough quality tricks to eam a decent rating is difficult, at least until you learn to mash buttons like a madman, The eoin-collect

ing mode is fün at first, since it gives you plenty of time to explorethe game's massive tracks, but boredom sets in quickly. Visually, Air Boardin’ USA is dull, its textures blah and repetitive. And you'll get sick of the music and announcer in less than five minutes. Grispim


E] 3 2 2

Shadowgate 64 caught my eye just by virtue of the fact. that it's hot another mediocre racing game for the N64. This adventure game has a nice 30 engine, but relies too heavily on text as its only means of getting hints and messages across to the player. On the other hand, the writing is often quite good so it iswrt as painful as you might think. The puzzles might be a little too clever for

their own good, So clever they just might make you quit

playing out of tedious trial-and-error sessions. @he


5 5 4 1


йн о.

N Re nose Dawan Publisher: Таке 2 Interactive Developer: Z-Axis Featured n: EGM #119 4 A > Analog. = Alexi Lalas looks funny Its a terrible soccer game wwwtakeagames.com

Affectionately referred to as "Jesus Christ Soccer Star" by pretty much everyone in the office, this game suffers from ‘a number of crippling factors before you even load it. First, there is the fact that Lalas is an American..and a funny- looking one who thinks he's a rockstar at that (have you heard his album?) "Real" soccer fans (Le, non- Americans) aren't going to take it seriously. Second— there is the fact that it looks terrible compared to most other soccer games, so casual fans of ol' hairy chin are going to be put off too. So it's screwed really. This would be a shame if it were actually a decent soccer sim, but it isn't. Proof of its ineptitude is that the default “Friendly” game is America vs. Iran...a real tour-de- force of soccer talent if ever there was one. Who'd want to play as either? Gameplay-wise, the controls are so slug- gish it feels like the players are running through syrup and annoyingly, its got some seriously wacky Al quirks. You can't hoof the ballin any direction apart from away from the goal, which isa bit odd, Also, I've never seen a player actually recoverthe ball from a sliding tackle, you can only knock itto someone else. Top this off With catlike goalies who never seem to miss and the herd mentality to all the teams who chase the ball in а group, and you have yet another soccer game to avoid. John D

Publisher: Developer: Featured In:

SCEA Sci EGM Hag 4

Ea > Dual Shock, Analog, PocketStation Innovative use of Dual Shock Analog The camera can get annoying www.playstation.com

| usually prefer that my platform games come in the 2D variety as they're always more linear and you don't need to wrestle withyan unwilling camera. But Ape Escape won me over because its controls are inge- niously good. The way it forces you to Use both analog sticks for movement and "action" will take some get- ting used to, but once you do you should be catching monkeys in no time, There are a total of 22 stages which get progressively bigger and more tricky as you advance. There are nearly 200 rascals to catch across nine diverse worlds, Part of the reason why AE is so cap- tivating is its method of reward. First, there are the gad gets in your bag of goodies, All ofthem employ creative uses of the analog stick, In fact, everything you do in the game requires use of the analog sticks in an entirely dif- Terent manner to get by. AE also rewards you with three mini-games you can unlock: snowboarding, boxing and space shooter. All three mini-games Use your Dual ‘Shock controller in ways you've never imagined. To top. it off; all the monkeys you catch will reside on your PocketStation so you can swap or have monkey battles with friends. The only problem | have with AE is its in- game camera. The button automatically puts the camera behind you, but sometimes, itcan Бе а real pain inthe ass. Still AE has all the makings ofa flagship title without the overbearing hype and pomp. Che

Publisher: Infogrames

Developer: Behaviour Interactive

Featured In: EGM #120 Players: 3i

Supports: Dual Shock, Analog

Best Feature: Cartoony visuals

Worst Feature: Nasty camera

WebSite: wwwinfogrames.com

There's а whole lot of borrowing goin' on here. For starters, Lost in Time's colorful environments and over- all feel are ripped right from Jersey Devil. But that's to be expected, considering this game is from the same developer and uses the same engine. And Lost in Time packs a wide variety of collectibles including alarm clocks, ACME boxes, regular carrots, golden carrots, etc.—as well as a few odd vehicles, kinda like Gex. (1 suppose that's only fair, since бех cartoon-themed levels mimic Bugs Bunny's world). You'll also come across a few areas you can only reach after you've mas- tered a particular skill, like in Banjo-Kazooie. So, yes, Lost in Time is another colorful mascot game with lots of levels you'll wanna perfect by collecting everything so you can open even more levels (you know the drill Bugs can pull off a few more moves than the regular ol" Tun, jump and kick; several attacks and puzzles are inspired by the classic cartoons. Control'itself is pretty decent, but the entire game is marred by one glaring problem—the camera sucks. Although it’s notas bad as in Jersey Devil, Lost in Time's camera has a mind of its. ‘own. Itllstart to Wander or circle you at the worst times, like when you're walking along а nartow platform, And it inexplicably gets locked into position in certain areas, too. Unless you're a Bugs fanatic, you'll probably find the voices and sound effects annoying. Crispin

With two great.soccer games on the PlayStation (ISS and FIFA), you certainly don't need this one. The anima- tion is very erratic, ranging from nice and smooth to slow and choppy. Through passes don't go "through" very well, The goalies are crazy as well, diving for easy-fo-catch shots one minute, sitting around and staring at the clouds the next. | do like that the slide tackles are easierto avoid than in FIFA, but that’s about the only real positive trait | found here. Shoe

From its eddball-story to its ridiculous-sound effects, Ape Escape îs a big bundle of wackiness extremely innovative wackiness. The developers set out to devise а game tailor-made for Dual Shock, and they've succeeded brilliantly. Control is spot-on for all of AE's massive variety of gameplay styles, gad- gets and mini-games. AE deserves high marks for showing new ways to use the Dual Shock. I'm hop- ing other developers will pay attention. @rispin

BBLIT.skates the line of fun and frustration: ts fun to control Bugs in an old-school cartoon land but the il shifting camerasand touchy control brings down the nostalgic mood. Falling off cliffs, misjudging jumps and walking into painful things are just some of the results, Kids will no doubt get angered by these calamities. Otherwise the game is a standard adven- ture in the Jersey Devil vein. The sound effects, music and voicework are very good though. Dean

You're a fan of soccer, right? So as an enthusiast, your favorite Soccer games reflect the purity of the sport. A decent soccer game for you needs to have clean, life- like graphics that represent real players giving it their all for the glory ofthe team. It needs to be customizable so you can play by your own rules: Most importantly, it needs to have, a rock-solid frame-rate and competitive gameplay, right? I'm sorry soccer fans, but Alexi Lalas International Soccer has попе of the above. Gig

As you may or may not know, | love primates, But this didn'taffect my score in any нау. Now that Ive gotten that out of the way, let me tell you: Ape Escape is a mustebuy if you've been wanting a solid action/adven- ture. It is filled with insanely fun gameplay, similar to the kind found in titles from the olden days of 8- and 16- Bit gaming. It does have afew problems: Slowdown in some areas, an imperfect camera and some crappy dia- logue in cinemas. Still, the game is a blast. Shaw

Bugs Bunny; Lost in Time is one of those games where the camera seems to have an attitude problem. Sometimes it's almost like it has а complex Al system that just thinks “f*** you, you're being boring, I'm going to look at something else.” It's so frustrating. As for the gaméplay; imagine Jersey Devil with better graphics, and with “real” cartoon voices. Imagine some great sound effects that go "spooiliikk." Then imagine play-

ing something else. John D

First off, Alexi is one bizarre-lookin' dude, His game is kind of bizarre-lookin’ as well. The players don't animate well nor do they look all that convincing. Also, the computer Al is a bit cheap. Fullbacks will hang back by the goal and strip the ball at will, The players move in herds rather than independently. OK, so Alex/s game seems bad but really it's just mediocre. There's certainly much better out there but it's not the worst soccer game I've played. Dean



It's great to see a game that really takes advantage of the Dual Shock. Once you've got the hang of doing several things at once (rowing the boat is weirdly difficult) you'll wonder how you ever managed with other control sys- tems. The level design in Ape Escape is superb..lespe- cially liked the stuff with the RC car—something gen-

uinely unique and original for a platformer, If you сап tolerate the crap music and cutesy look, Ape Escape is

John D

definitely worth a look.




This is what | imagine was said during development meetings for Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time: “Say, boss, the camera isn't quite working in this game— it needs some major tweaks." Boss: “Well...hmm...whabif we just give the player unlimitedjlives? Then no matter how frustrat- ing the game gets, it will never truly.be a challenge.” Other guys “Let's run with i." Other than this, the game provides a general feel of boredom. It has decent graphics and a neat concept, but that’s all. Shawn




Publisher: Square EA

Developer: Squaresoft

Featured In: EGM #116 4 Players: 12 > Supports: Dual Shock, Analog.

Best Feature: Final Fantasy atmosphere Worst Feature: Lacks originality WebSite: wwwsquaresoft.com

While m a

games that come along these days ch simply because they suck and k it as a “real” title, the same cannot 's Chocobo Racing. This game has ery specific intended audiences, both of whom it kids and Square freaks. Chocobo's imple controls and overly cutesy for a younger crowd (the Story y geared for the 10-and-under bunch). s, there's plenty here to get excited ters in the game are all straight out of. universe, and there are plenty of them y Mode over and over opens up tons of

including Cid, Squall, Cloud— even te Eve). The music is all remixed from y games, and most of it sounds really love the FFV end music they threw in power-up spells, though adimittedly a bit all straight out of the FF games, And so - Ultimately though, if you don't fall into

пё gameplay is too generic and there's really nothing new here that you haven't seen before. The lack of a 4P mode hurts too; especially with Kids and hardcore FF fans will dig hould probably rent first. John R

Policeman: Damnit This piece of

won’t start. Publisher: Agetec Developer: от Software Featured In: EGM #118 A Players: 1 > Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Very cerebral, good puzzles Worst Feature: Too short, not cinematic enough Web Site www.agetec.com

The first thing you should do when playing Echo Night is set the walking and turning speeds to the fastest setting and turn the voices off. Then strap in for a few hours of puzzle solving, some unsettling imagery and а few scares, After playing through it, | got the feeling that Echo Night could've benefitted a lot from a more cinematic approach to things. Most of the game is spent in silence, even in cutscenes, as music is used only when confronted with a particularly evil spirit. Every character, whether it's man, woman or child, has the same tone and manner in their dialogue and there's very little tension. Puzzles are good, and there's even a few casino games to play. As you save. spirits in the game, they turn into spheres which you сап collect and exchange for a life-saving potion, But, they also occasionally drop other, smaller, items like keys or stone tablets. If you don’t notice these, espe- cially inthe game'sidark setting, you'll get'stuck with по clue ав to what you missed— leading to a few min. utes oF even hours of frustration. [t's also very short—1 was able to beat itin less than six hours of game time. There are multiple endings, but | really had no desire to play through it more than once: If you're а fan of From Software's other efforts (like the King's Field games), you'll enjoy it, but for most people, It's at most a rainy summer evening rental, Chris

Ж: }




Hasbro Interactive.

Developer: Blue Planet Software

Featured In: ЕСМ #118 > Players: тз

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Anew twist оп an old formula. Worst Feature: Hard to get away from old formula WebSite: ` wwwhasbro-interactive.com

They must teach you at puzzle game-making school that if you can’t соте up with something new and original, just rip off the original Tetris and stick in a new, gimmicky feature. Sometimes it works fairly well (Capcom's Magical Tetris Challenge), and sometimes it Works. OK (as is the case here). The Next Tetris attempts to complicate the original formula (which is beautiful in its simplicity) by offering you playing pieces that can separate upon contact with others sitting in the “pit.” These bits can either slide off to fil in gaps or stick to other like-colored pieces. Admittedly, this does add a ton of depth to Tetris. Now you can set up combos by having disappearing lines cause loose pieces to fall in and form more disappearing lines. My complaint is— and this may be old-school gamer talk here it's real- ly hard to play Tetris any other way other than the tra- ditional way. Separating pieces is not the problem here..|jjüst-foünd.it very hard tojvisualizeicombos in order to set them up properly. Im just too Used fo play- ing Tetris one. very specific style Without chain, reac- tions, If you have years and years of Tetris-playing per- manently burned into your brain, you.may run into the same snag as me, But if you're new o Tetris (weirdo), or you're up fontrying the game out in atotally new fashion, give The Next Tetris a shot, Just don't expect fo get used to the combo system right away. Shoe

uL saying..if you're a publisher, trying to. strong mascot presence, you MUST make а Mario Kart copycat, Chocobo Racing, unfortunately, fails to take the genre anywhere except up Cute game is very average in all areas (espe- signs), The power-up system is very bland balanced (the Magic: Plus ability, makes it too level two or three attacks, Which are way too re no skill or aiming). Soi

As a casual adventure game fan, | like Echo Night, In other Words, it’s nice and easy. The puzzles and clues are laid out on the simplistic side, which keeps frustra- tion in checks Gameplay isn’t bad, but it'd be nice if it supported analog. At certain points the eerie atmos- phere is really potent...but nothing like Silent Hil or Resident Evil. Still, Echo Night has its good moments, but sadly it's too short. Most will solve itin eight hours or so. Perfect for a rental. Dean

Good old:Tetrisiblacks...falling, rotatingssbasically hav- ing a fun time. It's simple, but as illustrated In our 100 Greatest Games of All Time feature in ЕбМ-йлоо, it's also timeless. And The Next Tetris is no different. It fea- tures the original Tetris as well as a new mode that’s somewhat innovative and—more importantly fun. ‘Since the game lets you throw in your own music CDs during play, highly recommend that you try the exper- imental Dr. Kosmos during the game Shawn

king noise), I've just had a sugary-sweet, ime overdose. | suppose fans of Chocobo ched to race the little fella lm lukewarm The spells, power-ups and tracks add 1 found the racing gameplay to be typical of the genre—boring! Penny Racers and Motor Toon Grand Prix come to mind. Fans of FFVII and combat racing may get a kick out of this.. other. wise leave it for the kids Dean

This is one of those games | wished would go on a little longer Echo Night is more immersive than Shadowgate 64, and there's а lot less reading and more actual puz- zle solving. It's not as creepy as it could've been, due to a lack of haunting music and some really bad voice acting. Still, there are several scenes that are truly dis- turbing, like the old man who chases you around in the grave. From Software is good at creating a good story, but not so much at raising the fright factor. @he

| thought 'd played enough variations of Tetris, thank you very much, but The Next Tetris surprised me with its simple twist on the classic block-dropping for- mula. The new splitting blocks demand just enough extra brainpower to keep Puzzle Fighter fans inter- ested, and you can always switch to the original mode if you like your-Tetris the old-fashioned way. Graphics are simple, but Î especially like being able to pop in any music CD | want. Crispin

It's no Mario Kart, but Chocobo Racing is a worthy diver- sion from Square's more "serials" games starring its more whimsical ters. A fourplayer mode

would've made this game last a lot longer, and some of the power-ups are really cheap. While looking car- toony, there's plenty of challenge in beating the game's various modes. Story Made had me laughing quite a few times atthe dialogue between characters (especial ly Mog's quips). Good, plain fun.



After being disappointed with Shadowgate 64, 1 didn't really want to take on another puzzle-based adventure game on any system PlayStation or otherwise, But in retrospect, 'm glad | did. Although Echo Night suffers from being on the easy side, the overall experience is worthwhile. There are plenty of mini-quests to go оп, lots ûf strange stories to sift through and freaky charac: ters and ghosts to interact with. Sadly, it's only worth a rental due to its inadequate length. Shawn



Monthly - 127 videogames.

Ive been playing this game for months. During the heightsafimy addiction, | played.thls game for five straight hours one Saturday. It was fun, but [felt little cheated—can | have my weekend back? The cascading blocks require you to rethink a lot of the Tetris habits you may have developed, Actually being cog- nizant of setting up four. or five-line combos takes a lot of foresight and it's ultimately a very difficult skill to acquire, Puzzle fans—definitely check this out. (Mfg.




В-Туре Delta

Publisher: Agetec Developer: Irem Software Engineering Featured In: EGM #120

Players: 1

Supports: Dual Shock

Best Feature: Classic R-Type gameplay. Worst Feature: May be too hard for some Web Site: wwwageteccom

The original R-Type came out 12 years ао. Man, has it really been 12 years since I first played this game at 7- 1? R-Type Delta marks lrem's triumphant return to one of the most respected shooter licenses of all time. R-TD takes everything that’s quintessentially R-Type and goes to town with graphical embellishments. Despite the game's polygonal appearance, R-TD still manages to have detailed graphics usually associated with 2D games. Props to Irem Software Engineering for not com. promising something that’s so visually characteristic of the series. Half of the game's incredible replay value lies the fact that you can see new details each time you play the stages (wait until you see the last couple stages—absolutely stunning). | dig how the structure and flow of the game reflects the original R-Type. The first four stages in R-TD are a direct 32-Bit upgrade; most of the themes, bosses and sub-bosses mirror the enemies found in the original. Aside from tight, respon. sive controls that are practically an R-Type birthmark, R- TD also gives you a choice of three different Force mod- ules to take. into battle; this gives the pattern-heavy gameplay of the R-Type series an interesting remix. Also, R-TD's solindtrack which accompanies you into the depths of Bydo hell is classy and appropriate. R-TD is the best R-Type ever. It's hard, it’s addictive, it's beautiful. You simply must buy this game. CME

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

Publisher: Developer: Featured In:



EGM #137


Link Cable, GB Printer

Loads of extras!

Vertical scrolling can disorient you www.nintendo.com

Super Mario Brothers. Could there be a better set of three words to define the generation of video games that we're currently absorbed in? Yeah, you had your Pong and your Atari and your Colecovision and all that stuff.. but that was Just the precursor to Mario. When SMB hit— that's when it really all began. Super Mario Bros. redefined the industry when it first arrived back in 1985, and now, 14 years later, it's just as fun and addictive as it ever was. And with all of the addi tions and extras that Nintendo packed into SMB Deluxe, even the most hardcore Super Mario Bros. play: ers (like myself) will have plenty of new challenges to face long after they've completed the regular game. By farthe best of the new additions is the Challenge Mode, which adds Yoshi's Island-like goals to each stage (five hidden red coins and an invisible Yoshi egg to find, as well as a high score to beat), adding TONS of replay value to an already long-lasting game, And then there's. the Løst Levels —aka SMB 2 in Japan—which are hidden away on the cart. Yes, the ENTIRE вате! Tack on a two: player mode.that's tons of fun (and even а one-player variation of the 2P game), as well as tons of little extras daily planner, pics you can print out, etc) and you have one kick-ass package. My only gripe? The vertical scrolling can throw you off at times. Otherwise, this is neatly perfect. Buy it. (Re)Live it. мо. John R

The Smurfs’ Nightmare

Infogrames Developer: Infogrames Featured In: М/А

a N/A

Nice graphics Mindless gameplay wwwiinfogrames.net.

So often games that come to the Game Boy аге simplis- tic and annoying. They seem like games little kids will enjoy more than serious gamers would. But really these games are just pointless excuses for real games. Well, although The Smurfs’ Nightmare isn't the worst game on the Game Boy Color, it doesn't provide the kind of depth that’s expected from a halfway decent title—no matter the system, thus putting it right on the imaginary line between average games and crummy pointless ‘games, Which way is it leaning? Well..yeah, the graph- ics are spectacular for the Game Boy—extremely color- ful and all. Plus that parallax scrolling rocks. But being 1999, these things are unimpressive. What we need is some solid gameplay, which The Smurfs’ Nightmare lacks. You go through a level, collect some stuff, look for some other stuff, avoid enemies and jump around all blue and happy-like. But if you die, you go on back to. the beginning ofthe level without anything. I the levels had interesting design, they may not have been so bor- ing. In addition, most “enemies” (go percent of the time they're silly things like hot dogs and little smiling flames) are done away with by simply jumping on them. The challenge comes in the form of mastering control оп a two-inch screen—which is just frustrating, Overall, | can't see а good reason to play this one seriously. It's for the younger crowd at best. Shawn

You'll Че alot: Oh will you die a lot; Setiton-easy, and you'lLstill die a lot, Learn the patterns, and you'll still die a lot. Get really good at the game, and you'll still die а lot. IF you can handle pulling out all of your hair in frustration, and your family can deal with your inevitable cursing out loud at the game, then you have got to check out R-Type Delta, It's a thoroughly addic- tive, extremely good-looking, solid gameplay-hav- ing shooter. i's just a bit. hard. Shoe

I still maintainthat Super Mario Bros. forthe NES is one of the best platform games ever made. Im sure a lot of you out there would agree. SMB DX for the GBC is in ‘many Ways, а nearly perfect companion to every GBC owner out there. It's the added stuff that makes this such a good buy. Two-player Race Mode is a gas, and the SMB Lost Levels were almost worth the price of admission alone. The only thing that would have made SMB DX better is more two-player levels. Che

Kids walblike this game. As will Smurf fanatics (the few who are left, anyway). But what about grown-up gamers who-don't maintain a menagerie of blue- skinned figurines? Well, The Smurfs? Nightmare is fun, in an old-school Mickey's Castle of Illusion-kinda way. It certainly shows how much better the Game Boy Coloris at side-scrollers than the GB's past blur- ry-screened models. With lots of levels and solid con- trol, this game is a mindless diversion. Grignin

I really like shooters, but to be completely honest it's been so long since a good one came along that I'd forgotten how frickin’ angry | get when a laser glob- ule the size of an atomic particle tears my ship apart for the seven zillionth time. That said though, the level design in R-TD is excellent; and the graphics are beautiful...but it's a tough cookie to beat. I'd have liked to/have seen analog stick support, as playing with the D-pad feels a bit sticky. John D

Wow. | wasn'tever expecting this to be this good. OK, so SMB Deluxe has some tiny little problems, like every- thing Of quite fitting on the screen properly, but apart from that. WoW. Talk about bringing back fond memo: ries and then adding lots of cool extras. Once you've zipped through the original Mario and reaped the point less but cool rewards that. they give you, try the Challenge Mode..itll keep you seriously busy. Another "must-buy" for Game Boy Color. John D

1 like platform games and | used to watch a lot of The ‘Smurfs, but there's a lot that could've been done to make this a smurfier game. First off, checkpoints. Levels are nice and big, but if you die, you have to start. all over, Second, the ability to run, Lastly, since the lev- els are in close quarters it would have also been good to have the option of looking down so you can see what's below instead of risking death. Stil, this is too smurfin’ frustrating to be enjoyable Chris

OK, Im gonna use the word “wow” twice In this review; Wow, R-Type Delta's graphics are amazing better than Einhánder's. Wow, this game is friggin’ hard. True to its heritage, this R-TD is rigidly pattern: based; Memorize when the bad stuff comes your way, avoid it, and you live to continue the level Miscalculate by a millimeter, however, and you're dead. It makes for frustrating frequent deaths in the same trouble zones. This is intense. Grispin



9 8 1 8

Hmmm...let’s see.

1) It’s a near-perfect portable trans- lation of one of the best side-scrolling games ever. 2.) Its packed full of new modes. 3.) It plays really well. 4.) Its full of secrets to open up. 5.) The two-player link game is a blast. And...) It's a near-perfect portable translation of one of the best side;scrolling games ever. The only problem is the GBC screen not being the prop:

er size, Which will kill you every now and then (since you

can't see too far up or down).



1 9


| thought playing a game featuring the Smurfs would be stupid, Тт out it’s ОК. The graphics are sharp. and attractive, The nightmare dream is an interesting way to present the levels as well. Їп reality the sce- narios aren't nightmarish—just mildly challeng- ing in a childlike way. In fact, the whole game is just a mindless side-scroller, featuring a limited amount of actions and variables. It's solid enough to keep the young kids challenged for a haul though. Bean


6 5 3 3

M Through an intricate balance ol story, graphics, and sound, the creators of Final Fantasy express е thoughts and


feelings in a story

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" = EGM s Last 100 Reviews Review Archive From EGM #115 120

Game Publisher Best Feature Worst Feature Scores Issue # Nintendo 64 A Bug's Life Activisi Interesting Levels It's A Sloppy Game 40 40 55 40 10 18. A-Star Baseball 2000 Acclaim Amazing Depth, Great Graphics So-So Commentary 90 90 90 85 18 BattleTanx 300 Big Guns, Big Bangs Average In Every Department 50 65 60 60 15 © Beetle Adventure Racing Electronic Arts Awesome Course Designs Not Enough Tracks 90 85 95 95 m Bottom Of The 9th Konami Scenario Mode No MLB License 60 во 70 60 т California Speed Midway Silly Arcade Feel. An Overall Sloppy Game 45 40 40 45 т JB Castlevania Konami KickcAss Game Design, Music Frustrating Platform Gameplay, Camera 90 90 80 90 16 Chameleon Twist 2 Sunsoft Nice Graphics Mindless Gameplay. 30 40 45 35 m Charlie Blast Territory Kemco Multiplayer Territory Mode. Touchy Control 50 65 55 40 19 E нә Electronic Arts Realistic Gameplay Frame-Rate.. Again 85 95 85 90 15 Fighting Force 64 Crave Entertainment. It Doesn't Have One The Fact That t Exists 10 40 40 40 18 Goemon’s Great Adventure Konami Two-Player Co-Op Mode Cheap Instant Deaths 15 85 70 80 18 Hybrid Heaven Konami Interesting Fight System ‘Awkward Camera Problems. T0 15 75 80 120 Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest Nintendo Arcade-Like Gameplay Weak Sounds 80 70 65 55 120 А The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Nintendo ‘Absolutely incredible Dungeons Where's The Classic Zelda Music?! о 0 10 m 15 Magical Tetris Challenge Capcom New Garbage Blocks Getting Hit By Those New Garbage Blocks 75 75 70 80 15 JE Mario Party Nintendo, It's The Ultimate Party Game Not So Great For Solo Play 85 85 85 90 m IW Micro Machines 64 Turbo Midway ‘Awesome Eight-Player Game Having То Sit So Close To Your Friends 85 90 70 85 m Monaco Grand Prix Ubi Soft Solid Controls. Weak Frame-Rate 80 80 65 60 120 NBA In The Zone ‘99 Konami Much-Improved Al Sub-Par Graphics, Animation 70 65 65 60 m NHL Blades Of Steel '99 Konami боой Commentary Bad Control 45 35 65 60 Ш Penny Racers. THO Trading Car Accessories. Not Enough Tracks In Circuit Mode 65 65 70 65 15 Quake Activision Multiplayer Modes Can't Save During Levels 85 80 90 80 120 Rampage 2: Universal Tour. Midway Saving The Original Characters Gets Mindless After A While 60 10 45 50 m Snowboard Kids 2 Atlus Cool Courses Annoying Characters 70 80 75 75 16 South Park Acclaim South Park Sense Of Humor South Park Sense Of Humor (If You Hatel) 80 65 70 75 m5 © star Wars: Episode I-Racer Nintendo, Blazing Speed Maybe Too Fast? 90 90 85 95 18 JB Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Nintendo/Lucasarts Detailed Graphics Extreme Difficulty Of Final Stages 80 80 85 85 15 Superman. Titus The Box Art Just About Everything Else 05 40 20 15 10 WW. Super Smash Bros. Nintendo imple, Fun Gameplay Lots 0! Cheap Attacks 85 85 85 90 m Triple Play 2000 Electronic Arts Lots Of Options, Features Touchy Controls, Awkward Cameras 50 50 55 50 18 WE Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Acclaim i-Res Graphics (w/RAM Pak) Too Few Save Points 85 85 85 80 15 JB Vigilante 8 Activision Co-Op Quest Mode Music Is Pretty Non-Descript 85 90 80 85 m World Driver Championship. Midway Gorgeous Graphics Wanky Guitar Soundtrack 80 65 70 15 10 WCW Nitro THO Lots Of Moves Mediocre Game Engine 60 35 50 30 18 PlayStation 3Ktreme 989 Studios Two-Player Mode Lack Of Analog Control 40 30 10 10 119 Akuj the Heartless Eidos Original Concept Not Particularly Difficult 75 80 70 60 m Army Men 3D 300 World War II Atmosphere Crappy Controls, Analog Is Too Sensitive 5.0 60 60 65 19 Baseball 2000 Interplay Realistic Gameplay, Al Sluggish Controls, Sloppy Graphics 55 50 50 45 19 Big Air Accolade Big Air Mode Choppy Two-Player Mode. 45 40 35 60 18 Blast Radius Psygnosis Slick Visuals Flawed Save System 45 40 55 40 m Bloody Roar Il Sony Computer Entertainment Effects-Laden Presentation Too Easy 60 70 70 60 119 Bomberman Fantasy Race Atlus Racing Requires Some Strategy Poor Two-Player Mode 10 55 50 75 18 Bust A Groove. 989 Studios. Great Music (Mostly) Stupid Lyrics On Some Songs 80 30 80 80 15 Bust-AMove Acclaim There Isn't Any Huge Step Backward From BAM 4 10 70 30 60 т Castro-Honda Superbike Racing Electronic Arts Simulation Elements Choppy Frame-Rate 65 50 30 40 120 Centipede Hasbro Interactive Playing The Original Centipede Graphics And Control 25 60 35 35 10 JE Civilization II Activision Epic Gameplay Unbearably Long Al “Thinking” Times 90 90 85 90 116 Contender Sony Computer Entertainment Easy To Get into Repetitious Gameplay 55 10 70 50 16 Croc 2 Fox Interactive Level Design And Graphics Poor Control, Stupid Dialogue 45 50 55 55 0

Electronic Gaming Monthly - 138 - www.videc n

Game WE Destregs Ehrgeiz Eliminator. FIFA 99 Fighter Maker

Fisherman's Bait Freestyle Boardin’ 99

Legend OF Legaia 9 LUNAR: зае Star Story Complete March Madness 99 Marvel Saper Heroes vs. SF MLB 2000 Monaco & Monkey Here


Pro 18: Workd Tour Golf Wi R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 RTypes Rampage 2: Universal Tour Rollcage Rugrats: Search for Reptar Shanghai True Valor Wb Silent Hat Sports Car 6T Sar Ocean: The Second Story Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street SkBer Syphon Fitter TRAG: Mission Of Mercy тан Tomb Raider I WE Triple Play 2000 Marzone 2100 MCW/nWo Thunder Wheel Of Fortune

Game & Watch Gallery 2

Publisher Koei

Square EA Psygnosis Electronic Arts Agetec



Hasbro Interactive Eidos



GT Interactive Hasbro Interactive Jaleco

Sony Computer Entertainment Working Designs Electronic Arts Capcom

989 Studios

Ubi Soft

Take 2




Electronic Arts 989 Studios Namco

Electronic Arts Psygnosis







Kona Electronic Arts Sony Computer Entertainment Capcom

Electronic Arts 989 Studios Sunsoft



Electronic Arts Eidos


Hasbro Interactive


9 Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Nintendo.

Best Feature Worst Feature Scores Issue # Intense 30 Fights Cheesy Voice Acting 80 15 70 85 15 Quest Mode Blocking System 15 65 60 65 19 Wah-Wah Guitar Soundtrack Frustrating Aiming Controls 45 35 40 40 "8 Best Soccer Al Around Some Animations Repeat Too Often 95 15 90 85 15 Duh-Making Your Own Fighters Fighting Engine Lacks Polish 80 90 85 80 19 Two-Player Mode. Voice Commentary 75 70 60 70 116 Number Of Courses. Another Average Snowboarding Game 40 30 50 40 16 Colorful Graphics Kinda Boring 35 40 50 40 15 Tons Of Secrets And Objectives Camera Still A Pain 15 15 15 80 18 Packs А Few Cool Innovations. Too Many Useless Toy Helpers 50 60 65 45 17 Umm..The Clouds Look Nice Batting And Pitching Is A Chore 20 10 35 40 120 Very Nice Graphics, Frame-Rate Difficulty Isn't Balanced 85 80 75 50 Ш Thousands Of Answers... But Still The Occasional Repeat... 70 35 75 80 15 Convincing Realism Jerky Camera 80 60 60 60 1 Long Quest, Cool Battle System Battles Tend To Drag On A Bit ТБ ОЗРЕН Great Story, Nice Anime Scenes Ма! Sounds Like A Little Girl 90 95 85 90 120 Realistic Animation. Sluggish Frame-Rate 65 70 65 70 16 Much Better Port Than XMVSF Still Missing "True" Tag-Team Play 10 75 80 75 m6 Competitive Two-Player Games Almost Exactly The Same As Last Year 80 70 80 65 19 Great-Handling Vehicles Lack Of An Р License 80 80 65 65 120 Well, It's A Lot Like Zelda. Horrible Graphics And Animation 40 40 40 40 m Large Variety Of Monsters. Atrocious Dialogue 25 35 40 60 19 Great Animation Sloppy Al 70 80 85 15 m Easy To Learn, Hard То Master. Steep Difficulty Curve 80 70 80 75 15 Hot Pursuit Mode Confusing Level Progression 85 90 85 85 18 Great Player Moves Too Many Easy Shots 70 70 70 75 16 Tons Of Variety Quite Similar To The First Point Blank 85 85 90 85 19 Controlling Primitive People Clunkiness And Load Time 45 40 45 30 19 Decent Graphics. Crappy Interface. 20 75 60 40 т Graphics, Overall Design Not Incredibly Challenging 80 90 95 85 19 Classic R-Type Gameplay No Super Rype, Rype II Or R-Type Leo 70 75 80 60 16 Hard To Say, Really Pretty Much Everything 10 60 50 45 18 Speedy Frame-Rate Frustrating Vehicle Physics, 65 65 60 75 WT Lots Of Minigames Poor Controls And Camera Work 45 80 65 70 15 Two-Player Battle Mode All The Tile Layouts Are Fairly Similar 70 65 55 65 19 Spooky Story Dodoy English Translation 85 90 85 85 Ш Decent Gameplay Somewhat Cartoony Graphics 65 65 50 45 18 Character-Skills System. Some Battles Frustrating 85 90 80 80 120 World Tour Mode Sight Animation Loss From Arcade 95 85 90 85 19 Simple But Fun Gameplay Trick System Is Too Simple 15 60 65 65 18 Lots Of Cool, Original Stuff Small Glitches That Add Up 80 65 80 80 16 Separating Team Members. Controls 35 50 40 35 1 Simple, Old-School Gameplay. Flaky Camera Sometimes. 60 40 65 55 Ш Enormous Environments The First Few Levels 10 15 55 15 15 Improved Frame-Rate Cheesy "Trail" That Follows Ball 85 90 85 85 Customizable Units. Difficult To Control 15 15 50 10 Lots Of Moves To Learn Poor Controls 19:988 15 Playing With Friends No Pat Sajak 16 Highly Addictive May Be Too Simplistic For Some 80 50 65 55 15 Classic Zelda Gameplay New Dungeon Is Kinda Lame 95 90 95 90 16 TworPlayer Link-Up Play New Music Kinda Sucks 90 90 80 85 15

Ш Tetris ox


Electronic Gaming Monthly - 181 - ww

Tricks of the Trade

Send your best tricks, codes, Web sites and anything else that can help make games more fun and interesting to:

Tricks of the Tr:

or send e-m;

to: tricks@zd.com

By Trickman Terry tricks@zd.com

Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer


Debug Trick

This code will allow you to open up the game cheats for Star Wars: Episode | Racer.

To do the trick you need to

go to an empty game file and push the A button. This will bring you to the screen where you would normally enter your initials. When in this screen. hold down the Z button,

while holding it down use the 1 shoulder button and type in RRTANGENT. Now scroll over to the End option while still hold- ing Z and press the L button once more. At this point nothing will happen. Now, while still holding Z, press the B button to exit the screen and then push “A” to bring you back into the Initials Screen.

Now, while holding “2” and using “L” shoulder button, type in “ABACUS.” Scroll over to the “end” option and while holding “Z,” push “L.” It should say “OK.”

Now begin any saved game and start a race. While in the race, pause the game. While оп the Pause Menu push “Left, Down, Right, Up.”

The GAME CHEATS option


should appear. From this screen you should be able to toggle invincibility, Al speed, Intelli- gence, Mirror Mode and edit vehicle stats! George W. Manning Ill Albion, NY

Hey, send us your cool new tricks, and _7 77 win cool Я prizes!

If your trick is selected as the Tri the Month, you will win a free батебһагк provided by the

kind people at InterAct, If you are given credit for submitting a hot trick in this section, you will win

a free game. See page 140 for rules. NOTE: IF you send your trick by e-mail you must include your real name, address, city, state and zip code.

ә] ч) Mist


nic Gamin


Star Wars:

Episode 1 Racer Podracer Codes

There is a special way you must enter these codes. First, you must choose a mode from the Title Screen/Main Menu. Then оп the Select Player Screen, pick an Empty file. When asked to enter your initials, press and hold the Z button while scrolling through the letters with the ana-

log stick. Next, choose each letter of the code with the

L button. You will see the letters of the codes appear in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. After the entire code has been entered, press the L button on the word, "End." This will confirm the code. Use this method to enter the codes shown below:

RRDUAL - This lets you play the game with two separate con- trollers. Player one must use two controllers plugged into ports 1 and 3, and player two must use

two controllers plugged into ports 2 and 4.

RRJINNRE - You must first unlock Mars Guo for this code to work. Once you do, put in this code, save it under any name and go into your file that has Mars unlocked. You will now be able to play as Jinn Reeso in place

of Phuii.

RRJABBA - This code makes you invincible to damage and over- heating. (Note: This code needs the Cheat Menu to be activated.)

RRTHEBEAST - This code acti- vates Mirror Mode. Your left and right controls will be switched during the game. (Note: This code needs the Cheat Menu to be activated.)

Cheat Menu

To activate the RRJABBA and RRTHEBEAST codes, start a race and press Start to pause it. With the control pad, press Left, Down, Right, Up. Anew option called Game Cheats will be available under the Pause Menu. Access this option and you can now turn on any of the available cheats.

Ken Griffey Jr. s Slugfest

Visual Codes and More To get Tick bodied players, go to the Create A Player option and type “CODE” for the first name and "THETICK" for the last


The ultimate online resource for strategy Also, read EXPERT GAMERevery month for the latest tricks and strategy

name. You will hear a confirma- tion sound

wobble players,

A Player option for the first LEMAN" for the ll hear a confir-

s. CPU game, go A Player option and r ће first name for the last hear a confirma- when you

Home Run Griffey

nly works when Ken to bat. While you press Left, Left, ght, Left and Left pad. You must vith the ball after оде to get a

All-Star Baseball 2000

Visual Codes

On the Main Setup Screen go to the Enter Cheats option and access it. On this screen, enter the following codes:

Beach Ball Mode:

Enter BCHBLKTPTY as a code at

the Cheat Screen. Baseball trails: Enter WLDWLDWST as a code at the Cheat Screen. Fly back to dugout: Enter FLYAWAY as a code at the Cheat Screen. Players will fly back to the dugout after an out. Small players: Enter TOMTHUMB as a code at the Cheat Screen. Name and address withheld by request

Another World

At the Title Screen, press B, Left, Right, B. A little enemy icon

will appear on the lower-right side ofthe screen. Now you

will see “Another World” after choosing the Arcade Mode

and Puzzle from the

Selection Screen.

Big Heads

On the Title Screen with the Main Menu, press Right-C seven times, R, 7 for big heads

Big Heads, Hands

and Feet

On the Title Screen with the Main Menu, press R seven times, Right-C button,

then hit Z.

WipeOut 64

All Ships

At the Main Menu, hold Z+L+R. Quickly press Down-C 4 times, Right-C once, Up-C once, Left-C. After you enter the code, you'll see a green flash on the screen.

Infinite Energy

Hold Z+L+R while playing and then press these buttons: Up-C, Down-C, Left-C, Right-C, Up-C, Down-C, Left-C, Right-C. Infinite Weapons

Hold Z+L+R while playing and press: Down-C, Down-C, Left-C, Left-C, Right-C, Right-C, Up-C.


öktreme Hidden Characters and Tracks

At the Main Menu, highlight “Memory Card" and press Left ог

Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter any of the codes as shown for various results: Enter “VOUYEUR” at the Codes Screen to unlock all the Exhibition tracks. Enter “TRIXXY”


The top seven games of the last month given the full-on Trickman treatment:

1. Pokemon (Blue) (GB)

Fight Safari Zone Pokémon

This will allow you to fight and catch the Safari Zone Pokémon outside of the Safari Zone. To begin, you must have a Pokémon with the Surf Abili Now go to the Safari Zone and enter the area where the. Pokémon you are trying to. catch is found. Stay in the section until the time runs out. Go to the Seafoam Islands by surfing south of Fuchsia City. Be sure you don’t encounter any enemies on the way, or the trick won't work (this does not include the Pokémon in the water). On the edge of the islands, there is a strip of the screen that is half land and half water. Now, surf on this section and just keep going up and down on it. When you run into an enemy, it will be the Pokémon from the Safari Zone section you just left. You will be able to fight them and use the other balls on them as well.

2. Pokémon (Red) (GB)

Find Codes

Find more tricks for this game. and send them in!

3. Syphon Filter (P5)

Level Select

Pause the game, go ínto the Options Menu. Highlight "Select Mission," then press and hold Left + L1 + R1 + Select * Square « X.

All Weapons and Unlimited Ammunition Pause gameplay and highlight the "Weapons" option. Hold Right + L2 + R2 «Circle + Square + X (in order). Note: Only the weapons normally available during the current. level will become selectable.


unlock Nyub the alien rollerblad- er. Enter “WHITECAR” at the Codes Screen to unlock White the car. Enter "GEEP" at the Codes Screen to unlock Geep the alien biker. Enter “BLUECAR” at the Codes Screen to unlock Blue the car.

MLB 2000

"dy изү ai

at the Codes Screen to unlock all the Freestyle tracks.

Enter "ASTROMEN" at the Codes Screen to unlock all the alien characters. Enter “BINK” at the Codes Screen to unlock Bink the

Heavy Hitter

Go to the Create Player Mode and make the player's name Scott Murray. This player will hit a 606-foot home run every time.

Cop Code

Enter the Game Option Screen and select the User Name Option. Now enter the name: NFS. PD. This allows any unlocked cop саг

alien skateboarder. Enter “RED- CAR" at the Codes Screen to unlock Red the car. Enter “NYUB” at the Codes Screen to


to race on any track.

Cheat Screen. Why? Why? Why?


First you must unlock the extra rings to do this trick. (On wcw Disco | the Title Screen, press Left-C button, L Button, RightC | 999. NITRO) DANCIN’ button, R button and Z button) Choose the Disco Ring (N64) | from the Options screen. If you hit B when competing in

the Disco Ring, the fighters will do a little dance. КЕН | Choose any of the teams on exhibition mode, and press GRIFFEY | FIREWORKS | Z to view the stadium when the Stadium Select appears. | 99 JR'S. SHOW | Now press the В and Z buttons when viewing the stadi- SLUGFEST | um, and fireworks will appear behind home plate. (N64) Hmm...almost as useful as that weebleman trick. TRIPLE ANNOUNCER During play, hold Lı+L2+R1+R2 and enter the following: | 0000 REN COMMENTARY | Extensive Chatter - Up, Triangle, Right, Circle. Batter Info 2000 | = Left, Square, Up, Triangle. Trivia - Down, X, Right, Circle. (PS) Weather - X, Down, Triangle, Up. Wow. Fun, huh? SUPER | MARIO | PLAY AS | Press the Select button at the Map Screen before o BROS. [m] you begin a level. This will let you play as the green RU | Plumber instead of the red one. Yay. Not great but it (ов) | has historical kudos.


ALL-STAR | On the Main Setup Screen go to the Enter Cheats option BASEBALL | FOG AND and access it, On this screen, enter the following codes: | ООО ex BLACKOUT | Foggy Mode: Enter MYEYES as a code at the cheat eo (N64) | screen. Blackout mode: Enter WTOTL as a code at the |

Battle Shin Akuma You must first open up Final Battle Mode by beating the game on difficulty 7 or 8. Once you do this, Select Final Battle Made from the Main Menu Screen. On the Character Select Screen, press and hold 11+12 and choose your fighter. Keep. holding it until the VS. Screen appears. You will then see Shin Akuma. Now your Final Battle fight will be with Shin Akuma instead of M. Bison! Steve Scott St. Louis, МО

Grand Theft Auto:



Ultimate Cheat

To get the coolest cheat for the game, go to the Player Selection Screen and choose to rename


The number of copies Pokémon is still selling every month

your chai th the Square button. Del current name and put in LDHAND. Once you do, your picture will be changed into a parrot. Now you'll

getal pons, атто, Cops,

and 99 lives!

Syphon Filter


Hard Difficulty Wh E me" on the LeftsLi+R2+ le«X. You will n it!” when when you е screen ficulty."

u Screen press , Left, Right, gie, Circle,

s unlocks all Arcade Mode.

Total Count List

On the Title Screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, La, R1, L1, Rt, X, Circle. Then press the Start button. Go to Options. On the Options Screen, press Select. If you have done the code correct- ly, you will see a "Total Count Screen.” This will display the total number of games played, number of line breaks, lost fish and the totals for all fish caught.


Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

Classic Tricks

Many of the old tricks for the original Super Mario Bros. game on Nintendo work on the new Game Boy Color version. For example, the warp zone found in World 1-2 is still intact!

Warp Zone: Go to World 1-2 and find the second set of moving platforms (the ones moving. upward). Get on these platforms and ride them until you reach the top. Then jump up and to the right. You will land on the top bricks of the level. Run right and keep going until you reach an opening. Fall down the opening and you'll see three pipes that will allow you to automatically warp to worlds 2, 3 or 4!

Max Out Lives: Go to World 3-1 and get to the end of the level where the staircase of blocks leads up to the end level flag- pole. Two turtles will come down the steps and you'll have to

Gaming Monthly

avoid or get rid of the first опе. Now, get the second turtle shell. between the second block and Mario’s body by jumping on it to make it bounce off the block and Mario multiple times. Now your score will increase and eventual- ly turn into 1-Ups! This way you can max your lives!

The Lost Levels: You must get the number-one position on the Ranking Screen (a minimum of 300,000 points). Then on the Title Screen, select the Luigi icon for an entirely new game—Super Mario Bros 2: The Lost Levels.

You Vs. Boo

You must get a minimum score of 100,000 points. On the Title Screen, select “Boo” for the “You Vs. Boo" bonus levels.

Extra Lives

КИЕ ete


Note: This trick works only on a new game. Select the Toy Box option at the Main Menu Screen, and then choose the “Fortune Teller” option. Keep choosing cards until you get the Extremely Lucky card. This will give you five lives. Return to the Main Menu and choose the original levels. Start a new game to begin with 10 lives instead of five.

Freddy Jimenez

Wasco, CA



4. Mario Party (N64)

Special Title Screen Collect all тоо stars and defeat Bowser on the hidden adven- ture board, Eternal Star.

After this has been done, you have earned the special Congratulatory Title Screen!

5. Silent Hill (Ps)

Extra Options From the Main Menu, enter the Options Screen. Now press either L1, L2, R1 or R2 (it does- n't matter which one). Then an "Extra Options" menu will appear. In this menu, you can change options such as weapon control, blood color, view control, auto aiming and тоге!

Casey Tellier

Lincoln, NE

6. Frogger (PS) Infinite Lives

Pause the game during play and press Right, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X. All Zones Open

Pause during play and press Right, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Ra, L1, Ra, Lt, Circle. Once you do either of these tricks, you will see the text results at the bottom of the screen.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

Multiple Bottles Trick Choose one of your EMPTY bot- tles. Find a shallow pond with a fish or find a fairy. Swing the bottle and in mid-swing, press Start. On the Select Item Screen, choose any weapon or item (except the ice, fire or light arrow) and equip it where the bottle is. Now you will have a bottle in place of the weapon. Now if you use the bow ora special arrow the bow will still work with the special arrows. When you collect ammo for the item it will go back, Warning: If you cover a needed weapon, you may not get it back!

We Need More Money

Why? For all of these Episode One toys from Tiger Electronics of course. If it's not the Electronic Battleship, it's the G: IFit’s not the chess, it's the Lazer Tag...and so on and so forth. Whatever the case, we want all of this cool stuff— and chances are now after seeing it, you do too. Price: Around $40-60 each Wwwtigertoys.com

More Cool James Bond Stuff

Back in the day, the idea of using the gadgets from James. Bond movies was just an impossible dream. Well, these days it seems like you can simply go to your local elec- tronics store for such devices...for a price, of course. Take these upcoming PDAs for instance. Palm Computing is releasing its Palm VII with wireless Internet access and other connectivity features in the fall. Casio has the multi- media-ready Casiopela E-100 available with MP3 play- back and other such features (in addition to its palm- esque Pocket Viewer РУ-200 available now). And finally Qualcomm is about to bring out its pdQ, an advanced cell phone with a Palm device just underneath its keypad. Price: E-100: $500, PV-200: $90, Palm VII: $599, Qualcomm: $500 www.palm.com www.casio.com www.qualcomm.com

Cartoons That Time

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CDs Back From the Dead

Even though it looks like some sort of strange meat grinder, for roughly the price of a couple of CDs, the Game Doctor CD R t can fix most—if not all—of your scratched discs. Be aware: The device can't repair big gouges or warping, but it worked like a charm in all of our tests. Try it on music, games and other types of discs. Price: Around $35, www.digitalinnovations.com

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Finest News Source


Dreamcast Multiplayer: What We Expected?

A Review Crew roundtable discusses the multiplayer impact of the Dreamcast.

Will developers get how revolutionary a machine it really is?

Crispin Boyer

Shawn: From a technical standpoint, are

they going to be able to let you connect at 56k? With a PC it's often really difficult.

Aren't Dreamcast games going to suffer a.

lot from lag?

Che: In Japan a lot of the stuff with Dricas is just score swapping and community stuff. Lag's not an issue yet. Maybe when the new games come out.

Cris: What's the deal with that anyway? Dricas. Was Dreamcast too long a word?

Chris: At the moment there's only Rally 2 that supports online.

John: For the U.S. we're getting, what? Rally 2 at some point, maybe Baldur's Gate soon after launch. anything else? Oh, yeah, that Frontier thing that no one knows much about and then. there's Take the Bullet from Europe. But what about the multiplayer stuff that's not even on- line? What the hell's going on there? All the

What s the deal with that anyway? Dricas.

John: But what about the stuff that's not on- line? Regardless of what happens there, we've still got the issue that the Dreamcast has four holes in the front of it, and hardly anyone is taking any notice of the fact.

Shoe: There's the sports stuff. But all those racing games aren't four player. asked the. guy about CART Racing when he was here about four-player, and he said they'd have to dummy down the models to fitit on screen so the cars would look bad. We pointed out that they do it on the N64, but һе didn't seem interested.

Che: You have to remember that this is all first- generation stuff though.

Chris: First-gen Nó4 games weren't four-player. Shoe: Mario Kart?

Shawn: You'd have thought that the bar was raised with a new system and they'd try though, eh?

Was Dreamcast too long a word?

racing games are two-player except Rally 2, everything else is just split-screen...

Shoe: Yeah, Redline, CART, um..all of it

Che: Has anyone played Rally 2 over Sega's network in Japan?

Chris: Yeah, Yutaka [EGM's Japan correspondent] tried it and he said it was fine. Che: So it wasn't lagging, even when you use. а 28k Japanese modem?

Chris: | guess that answers Shawn's

question then.

Shoe: | think it's all down to the developer's network code or the ISPs themselves. We used to play Quake Il on the PC with 28k modems and it was fine.

Shawn: It must be the ISPs then, because it used to lag pretty bad when | logged on to play you guys.

John: Developers with good network code are going to be key for Sega. | guess that's why people were excited when iD and lon Storm expressed an interest in Dreamcast..at least we know their online stuff is going to be good. Chris: At least the big PC developers can get in there with the WinCE stuff.

Crispin: PC developers really know how to push the network code.. which has to be an argument in Dreamcast's favor. As long as these guys do it right, it can't go wrong.

Chris: The big wild card has to be Sega's servers though really. If they're no good, then itll all fall apart.

Shawn: It's all modeled after Heat.net though isn't it? That's supposed to be good,

Shoe: There are some games that people. won't notice problems with though. | can't imagine you noticing any lag with a game like Baldur's Gate.

Electronic ба

John: So what мете saying is that there's а system here with a modem and four controller. ports—and no one's really using either?

Shoe: First generation or not, it's a powerful machine.

Crispin: | think everyone's just rushing stuff to get it out at launch and people aren't that bothered about disappointing people with. multiplayer stuff.

Chris: So many people just want to get something out at launch..they don't want to hold stuff back for the modem play. Look at Hydro Thunder, that would be awesome with modem support.

John: You think people held back because Sega didn't decide about including the modem until Ез? They must have told developers though.

Chris: It seems like the network here just

isn't ready to go. Rally 2 isn't coming at launch so I guess people are holding back until the system is proven.

Crispin: That's why Sega is so happy about Baldur's Gate..they can come straight out

of the gate and say, "Hey, look.. we've got multiplayer stuff.”

Chris: Remember last year when Sega said Frontier was going to be a launch game?

John: And now they're not even telling people what the game is actually about. Anyone know anything more than was announced ?

Chris: Nope. | think it's all about wandering around a big planet. It's Shoe: If it works though, it's going to get people excited.

John: l'm excited about playing big multi- player games anyway. It's not like we've been able to do it before.


ing Monthly




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