а — ү А Ё GRAN TURISMO "MON THLY, > 7 We Voted. You Voted. о" а The Best Games of 1998. HO £s Ж. 3 mA ON о О SAM Тя ||| TS Police Weapons ог, ficte . e Sega Rally. 2 ІЗ © Grandia Lr Marvel vs. vs. Capcom s Я * Quake | ll ІІ Why limit yourself to a dozen, hell even a hundred, different weapon choices when you сап have thousands? It's time to remove the shackles of 2D, top down strategy games. Because in Warzone 2100, you have complete control over unit designs, As a result, it'll your wits and invincible battle arsenal that will save your hide from extinctior 5 lity to create ar isnt svat gon st 400 technologies allow you to design end build more than 2000 battle units. Turret, body and propulsion design options allow you to create anything from cyborgs to flamethrower tanks to V-TOL aircraft SUPERIOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE — ye ll u bigger, better and even more fierce war machines. And as a Commander gains experience, the grea er number of units һе сал control and the laser designation becomes. accurate his Î 114021: lightning fast, fully functional 3D game engine with rotatable and zoomable cameras for fast and furious gaming action, Strategically. placed radar units warn you of hidden enemy units-and allow you to lob mortar shells aver. mountain obstructions, IT'S NOW TIME TO TAKE YOUR FATE INTO YOUR OWN HANDS. SO GET INTO OUR VAST 3D WORLD DESIGN, DEPLOY AND DESTROY. WARZONE = Шарар * The price you pay for losing isn't just pride. It'S your 396 hp exotic. Watch for nasty hairpins. Aggressive opponents who might damage your baby. CT And, of course, the cops. They all want to see you lose it in a very big way. ж 0 — — SALLE 77 Гь 7 ELECTRONIC ARTS WWW.NEEDFORSPEED.COM Blindingly Obvious By John Davison • john_davison@zd.com his whole awards lark is always a big surprise you know. Every year its blindingly obvious that a mere handful of games are truly worthy of being commended and yet every year everyone gets whipped up into a frenzy about who's won what and why one game should beat another within a certain genre. It's great that people are 50 passionate about the games out there...and it's also great that we can make a big public fuss about the stuff that really deserves it. It’s also sad though that of the hundreds and hundreds of games released in 1998, only a handful were really worth considering. | don't want to piss on anyone's parade here,..but nothing came even remotely close to giving Zelda or Metal Gear Solid a run for their money for Game of the Year on each respective system. We may have fought among ourselves over "Best Sports Game" or "Best Music" —but when it came down to the nitty gritty...it was pretty much a two-horse race On the whole, last year was a great year for gaming (and we've listed many of the reasons in our awards feature). The PlayStation became as common as, | dunno, toilet paper, the N64 boasted the best game of all time and quality and common sense prevailed as we learned GoldenEye was the biggest-selling game of the year...but there were unfortunate trends too. For every great step forward made, there were some equally debilitating ones along the road— and I'm sad to say that It’s mostly U.S. publishers and developers who are responsible. I don’t know if you noticed, but there was a distinct lack of genuine creativity in а lot of last year's games. How many snowboarding games did we have to endure? How many derivative pieces of crap were shoveled out without anyone really paying attention? How many games scored 2.05 and 3.0's from the Review Crew? How many commercially driven sequels did we have served up where the enjoyment of the gamers who play them were never really considered? It's sad that for every one of the incredible games that even got nominated for our awards...there were hordes of others that we've all probably forgotten about already. On one hand we gave out more 10's than ever before last year...but we also saw Crispin go scarlet with anger at the crappiness of different games more times than I'm sure is healthy. Fortunately, the cream of the development community seems to be motivated into giving us more of the good stuff. 1999 looks set to be the "glory year" for the existing systems...all of the good trends from last year are already being very apparently capitalized upon —and to top it off, we also get Star Wars! Watch out next month for what is sure to be the most collectible issue of EGM ever, with details of not one, but two new Star Wars Episode One games...and some exclusive cover art you won't ever find anywhere else. It's going to be а Star Wars spooge-athon next month. So make sure you get a copy. Printed in the USA. BLScTROMIC” Number 12.4 GATING April 1999 SSS ПОДОЛУ wwwsideogames.com Group Publisher Dale Strang Editorial Director J. E. Funk • joe funk&zd.com. in Chief John Daviso a davison@zd.com Contributing Editor James Mielke • Gary Mollohan ME Fielder е двер vide oq ames.com Chris. Sohnston. * chris johnston@zd.com Tricks Edito tricks@2d.com “ Editor Wataru Maruyama • wat maruyama@zd.com Creative Director Michael Stassus « mstassus@zd.com Senior Art Director Cyril Wochok «cyril wochok@zd.com ssociate Art Directors Andrew Burwell = Jim Cordano U tainment Stuart Levy, CEO & Bureau Chief Matthew Galgani, Producer Kiyomi Fukuyama, Editorial Manager Yutaka Ohbuchi, Japanese Correspondent OPV E Ed VM. Damen » Gary Steinman ths Melody Project Leader Mark Lefebvre • mark lefebure@zd.con Analy: Scott Parus President/ZD Jonathan Lene Bus atiy Bendoni. Corpora Robert Kabat Circulation Director Joan McInerney е Associate Shirley Vi me Group Counsel irculation Coordinator Ann Marie Mrozynski gmmag.c vertising Inquiries Ziff-Davis Video Game Group 50 Beale, 12th Floor, San Francisco, Telephone: 45: 547000. fax 4i ublisher Sal Jennie Parker Tel: 415-547-8000 e-mail: jennie parker&d.com Account Executive Suzanne Farrell Tel 415-547-8781 еч СА г 252 1034 e-mail: anthony george&zd.com Marke Manager Susan Carol Tel: 415-547-8776, e-mail, susan carrollézd.com Send Advertising N aterials То; Mike Darling Founder Steve Harris аш oe а Jun оне ве SN шой SIS IOS ван Ба A LEUR RN GS V WL QUIT QN д UC я мерен S0 NR Jo шанац свећа оц вашу јр о S а гд N, -E ANA DUE УЗ Tier %1 panic uogose sati een ante RN к) pasuar| AU nii 2 4 senum мене ants fe пса au цам басп ав ЧЛ pue одоре кереу atr xe — ее БОШО ревије tUa asp Ua э pruna = 000Z 110935109 du1S-TIU — / йш 12200 pue Jamod 10) 100$ yaams oſqersnſpy 1одиод биед paoueApy збе adims pue зацојез ap Moys ayy гало 1ejnaeaadg suoneunuy мәр-/|у 007 eu SII = uonoe ац Yeo Key jaeyony рие fuiprays uuo „ѕааҳиед mx se fe|g-Áq-Ke|g MAN-II¥ 0061 1940 eq au је 5|22 asoja asoy} }по Y39849 E: Aejday juejsu| мақ-Шу Jajap уәләд Ag suoda: Gunnaog AGayengs „апВрат soley) aquayyny shasiaf wea} ајешаце pue 'sxoos цбіц ‘sassejbuns Buunjea4 жарай зде} мам- у эшбиз suods q-c pue SMe zey-rg бишим-рлему “ иојашвуд ,.saues puoM әшц-2 ләрәг од е И ашгебеуу a4gaureg - 4g8/f ащ jo aweh једаѕед 1589 au, 0] janbas ysews ayy u03:sj10dsuie[agae: MMM AGiojouysay uongjauar үхар More colorful than ON the expressway. Check out the #el&#!!! colors! Loud screaming Colors for new games like WarioLand IT; Tetris DX7 Quest for Camelot; Zelda DX;" and Looney Tunes Carrot Crazy" Game Boy? Color It'll bring out your colorful side. Game Boy Color. Escape to Color. Features ӘНӘ 106 – 1998 Gamers' Choice Awards 118- Power Tools We voted, you voted and a pile of masterpieces won We take a look at a variety of new peripherals in this the coveted Gamers’ Choice Awards, Sure, Zelda month's Power Tools section—everything from a sweet dominated this year, but you might be surprised at Dual Shock steering wheel to some questionable leather some of the other winners. Find out if the editors and controller gloves. We also score InterAct's DexDrive. readers agreed on each award. Departments 6 – Editorial John talks about the awards and next month's Star Wars info. 16 - Letters А girl gamer proposes to her man in this month's Lette 26 – News Sony takes legal action against Connectix's PS emulator, and we talk to Trip Hawkins about the gaming industry. БЕЙ. СКАЗ ЗЭ 38 - Gaming Gossip Goodbye hip-hop, hello rock ‘n’ roll. Tekken 4, Munch's Oddyssey, Star Wars and PlayStation RPGs. BEITT X PaRappa, is ripping things up. 120 - Review Crew Some games to note: Beetle Adventure Racing, Mario Party, Legend of Legaia, Silent Hill and more. PREVIEWS 44 – Dreamcast Previews 76 – PlayStation Previews The impressive Sega Rally 2, Marvel vs. FFVIII Pocket Station info, Fighter Maker Capcom, Grandia Il and more. and G-Police Weapons of Justice... 58 – Nintendo 64 Previews Hybrid Heaven, Quake II, All-Star Baseball 2000 and Gauntlet Legends, among others. 102 - Arcade Previews This month: Power Stone. 98 – GB Color Previews Yes — Super Mario Bros. on the GBC! - Review Archive A listing of all the scores we've given games in recent months. 130 - Jump Start If you're having a tough time with Syphon Filter, look here. 132 - Tricks of the Trade Star Wars: Rogue Squadron fly a classic black cadillac! 136 - Get Some! Robots that will take over the world, and a kick-ass keyboard. ту 138 - The Final Word 10 Shawn gets his boxers in a bunch over PS emulators. 92 125 68,121 125 121 80 95 84 102 100 126 60 94 127 44 66 46 E 98 ЕЗ 127 100 98 68 50 95 124 7 100 Game Directory Alien Resurrection All-Star Baseball 2000 Baseball 2000 Beetle Adventure Racing Big Air Blast Radius Bottom of the oth Bust A Move '99 California Speed Croc2 DART. Ehrgeiz Fighter Maker Final Fantasy Vill Gauntlet Legends G-Police Weapons of Justice Grandia || Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1, London 1969 Guardian's Crusade High Heat 2000. Hybrid Heaven Invasion From Beyond Jade Cocoon: Story of the Тататауи Ка Revenge Legend of Legaia Logical Marlo Party Marvel vs, Capcom Micro Machines 64 Turbo: Midway Presents Árcade Hits 6 Monaco Grand Prix Monster Farm 2 Monster Truck Madness NBA In the Zone '99 МВА јат 99 100,124NHL Blades of Steel '99 Persona 2: Tsumi Point Blank 2 Power Stone Prince of Persia Pro 18; World Tour Golf Quake || R/C Re-Volt Rollcage Sega Rally 2 Shadow Man Shinki Sekai Evolution Silent Hill Super Mario Bros Superspeed Racing тайға The Rugrats Movie. Top Gear Pocket Triple Play 2000 Under Cover: AD 2025 Kel Umlammer Lammy Vigilante 8 WWF Attitude 7a0" Contrary to previous reports, Fighter Maker is now on its way here. ; Vom = i ae) em 13th Ле. T hm A - M1 08" lel за ог е56 m 81 13" 166 CELICA 57-205 GEL'ICRESnseos DRIVER: IDR IVER =“ “| тоташт! P ти | ари 23 th he | 221% 121 /16 EE. ше ЕЛІМІСМ B92 b 306 мах! DRIVER В Of D i 25 (наты ТЕЕ cancer EVO У PR DRIVER E 129kmh 306 MAX! www.playstation.com СА deadly mist grips the land. Ji wake lies а decomposing herd of corpses. Jn its path өсе the last remaining outposts of civilization. 270 save them, you must fend off an army of mad beasts, a giant monster and a mysterious wizard who will stop at nothing short of total annihilation. The seevet that you will discover lies іп the Genesis trees. Can you find and save all the tees? Jr will you be taking one last breath before the long dirt nap? PlayStation à Y % © TEEN (ice IES | Action | — Ш> ТАПА Activision is a registered trademark and Vigilante 8 is a trademark of Activision, Inc. 0 1998 Activision, Inc. M rights reserved. Licensed by Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo 64 Bale 3-0 ^N? Jago are trademarks of Nintend of America lac. Alldther trademark and. ACTIVISION. NINTENDO trade names are the орат of their respective quts: 2 Ұй An Excellent Equation The interview with George Romero in EGM #115 has got me thinking about the whole movies of video games thing, It seems to me that the disappointing trend of bad movies of games is starting to become a thing of the past. | recently saw about half of Double Dragon on Superstation WTBS (half was all | could stand) and then compared it to the other big game-to- movie flops, namely Street Fighter: The Movie and Super Mario Bros. and thought about what it was that made these movies prime material for e Hall of Lame. Тһе problem with these movies is that the games on which they were based didn’t really have an underlying story in the first place, And as we all know, when it comes to movies, no story equals no storytelling equals a complete waste of time, Hope for the whole movies of games business, though, came some years back in 1995 with the release of Mortal Kombat. For the first time, a movie based оп a game was not geared toward kids, but rather the entrance int Bleepin’ Right! Reading that little blurb in Crispin’s bio in the Reviews section made me laugh out loud leditor's note: this was several issues ago]. | finally realized that you guys are just like us ordinary video game schmucks. It's funny picturing game reviewers getting pissed off at their games. | can see Crispin going “Bleep! This stupid bleeping piece of bleep game! | hate this bleeping pile of bleep! BLEEP!” Soon after, you would ћеага loud clang as a controller smashes into the face of a TV monitor. What | want to know is whether the 16 teen and up audience (listening to the soundtrack alone will clue you in on that). What separates Mortal Kombat from the other bombs is the Mortal Kombat games the movie is based on actually have a good story. from which the movie could work off. In other words, great story plus awesome action sequences plus good character development equals a blockbuster movie. This is what gives me hope for the Future of movies based on video games. With titles like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, мете finally getting better choices, These games all have good stories to make a movie from and the producers will not have to rely on name recognition alone to get people to go see them. Hopefully, this trend will continue. Maybe soon, we'll even see a good game-to-television trend. Mortal Kombat: Conquest is cool, and | can imagine how cool a Resident Evil or Metal Gear series could be. You never know. It just might happen. Gabriel Hernandez Address withheld entire Electronic Gaming Monthly staff participates in the profanity, saying, "You tell that bleeping game Crispin!" Or do they all just stare at him going, “Poor, sick bastard. He really needs help."? | would also like to know whether you guys have gotten so used to profanity, that you use it casually, going something like, “Oh yeah. That's some good bleeping milk.” Ben Mayes Rancho Santa Margarita, CA We gotta admit, a bunch of 20-something guys working together plus a relaxed video tters Compiled by Shoe You can write EGM at: EGM Letters Р.О. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338 e-mail; EGM@zd.com please call (303) 665-8930, or check out www.zdnet.com/zdsubs/egm/service/ Please note: We reserve the right to edit any correspondence for space purposes. If you don't want your name, city/state or e-mail address printed, tell us so (but please include your phone number and mailing address for Letter of the Month consideration). game environment equals pretty colorful language used pretty casually. By the way, Crispin Boyer plus frustratingly hard video game plus filing cabinet within kicking distance equals: Scary Demos The January issue of The Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine included a demo of Silent Hill by Konami. This game scared the piss out of me. Please review it in your February issue. Phil Gazard Bronx, NY What can we say? Silence 15 golden. Our reviews of Silent Hill are in this issue. Going To The Chapel Of Love | have a serious proposition for you, About a year and a half ago, | met the man | want to spend the rest of my life with, We are both LED 2 GM 1999 hardcore gamers. In fact, when we met, we bet on who'd win in a game of Marvel vs. Street Fighter. The bet was, if he won, | would have to go out with him. | guess we all know who won. Now, what | want to do is propose to him (ves, girls do this too). | want to surprise him, and this is the only way I know | сап do it successfully. What | would like is for you to put my proposal in the April issue of Quartermann leditor's note: Sorry, Quartermann is full this month...EGM Letters is the best can do for you]. | want everyone to know how much I love him. He would be shocked out of his mind! This is what 1 would like to putin the Q-editorial: Hey Han Meighan! Read this first: The Rumor: Nina (of Tekken fame) is known for going after whatever she wants. It is alleged that Nina has been seeking none other than Hyrule’s Hero, Link. She has been quoted as saying, “1 want to give him what he’s been missing in between those seven years.” The Truth: Actually, Alisha (of Brooklyn, NY) is know for being in love with Ilan Meighan (actual Tekken 3 champ). It is alleged that they met in a game store and have hit it off ever since. Alisha has been last quoted saying things like, “...wanting to walk life’s road together,” and. “Will you marry me Ilan? This is very special to me, and this Is the most perfect way | could think of doing this. Can you please help? Love, Your “Fellow” Gamer, Alisha Gerard Brooklyn, NY. Quartermann is sorry he didn't have room to help you out in his section. We sincerely hope this proposal works for you here in EGM Letters. Best of luck to you, Alisha. Please write us and let us know what happens! (We talked with Alisha over the phone and confirmed that this was all legit...so don't any of you think you can trick us into printing your letter with a similar idea!) Whatwideo Metal Gear Solid. The game has у such a good story line that it's hard to believe it wasn't taken game would you most from a movie plot. like to see made into a movie? cyborgfly@hotmail.com I would like to see Yoshi's Story. garrett878@hotmail.com === letters Big Deal OK, I'm tired of reading letters from people who can’t look over a stupid “oops” when EGM screws up something. Every issue, | see at least one person complaining about some simple mistake, | bet in this issue, some jerk will write in complaining to EGM about another mistake, Jamie Taylor address withheld Platinum For A Different Age Іп а previous issue, you stated that Metal Gear Solid is the first game to receive a Platinum Award. Well, you're wrong. Chrono Trigger received a Platinum Award in '95. M. Davis ewdavisGmcizooo.com You're right. We meant to say MGS is the first game to receive one of our new Platinum Awards (which.a game gets from getting 10's across the board). In our old system, games that averaged eight or higher got a Gold Award and games that averaged nine or higher got a Platinum. You can read how our revised awards system works on the first page of Review Crew. Perfect Sense | до not agree with what some people wrote in issue #116'5 EGM Letters. Amadis Licerio and Altoid1 (or whatever his name is) are entitled to their own opinions, and no one can say what they think is wrong. But! think they need to consider some more things before they go tell you guys that your reviews аге wrong.-| own a PlayStation and have played Metal Gear Solid and defeated it a couple of times. | also have tried Zelda and have seen others play a lot of the game. Both are great games. Both deserve the ratings that they received from EGM. But you can NOT compare them. It isn't possible and it wouldn't really do much for you anyways. They are on different systems, and they are different types of games. So please, before you [readers] complain next time, think about what you are going to say. Andrew Gjovik Warren, MN Well put. So...what do you think of this idea—one of our Grudge Match features for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time versus Metal Gear Solid? A lost Moment Whatever happened to the Gaming Moment features abandoned in issue #109 when the Editors' Picks of the Month was moved to the front of the magazine? | really enjoyed them. Luis Jorge Northville, MI Well, someone decided it wasn't funny when we did a Photoshop number on his Gaming Moment picture without his knowledge (he was pretty shocked to see what we did to him when he opened up issue #107). So someone threatened to beam off this planet in protest if we didn't drop the Gaming Moment. Since we didn't want to be shorthanded during the busy months, we gave in to his demands rather than risk his wrath of Kahn. John Ricciardi before: Question of the Moment A Zelda movie would be the coolest, | wonder how they would have him travel back and forth through time. Ray.Finnie@wescast.com | want to see Body Harvest. Jrg822@aol.com The Mega Man X series...as an anime movie! A live-action version would be laughable, but as an anime movie...oh that would be cool as hell and you know it. lorsavasus@hotmail.com I don’t think | could take another video game-to movie conversion! rickaGkiis-fm.com It's got to be Goldentye. Oh wait...never mind. cestbo@canada.com Next Month's Question of the Moment: What do you want to see in the new Star Wars: Episode One games? Send your short but sweet responses to: EGM@zd.com with the subject heading: Episode Опе ALS ALL THE DEADLY DETAILS | FROM THIS YEAR'S HOTTEST VIDEO GAME. FEBRUARY 1999, [xonam A Rap, A Rap, A Rappity Rap... | noticed in your Hot & Not list [The Sushi. X Files, issue #116] you listed playa hatas in the Not list. By reading this | can tell that you guys have been smokin' some Puff Daddy radio. In other words, you guys have been listening to some commercial hip hop. Only commercial rappers use that played-out word. This disappoints me "cause | thought you people were smarter than that. Commercial hip hop will be the end of hip. hop as a whole if it's not stopped. The real emcees are underground bringing raw skillz, My view on the whole playa hata BS is... OK, that's enough of that. Next. Standing The Test Of Time In EGM #116, Crispin Boyer stated, “| have yet to change ту GBC's batteries, despite playing through Zelda DX's 15-hour quest and logging lots of Tetris time. The GBC just keeps going and going." I don't doubt you have batteries that go and go, but playing through Pokémon, | had to change my batteries three times. They were all brand-new Duracells. My question is, what brand of batteries do you use? MrFroggg@aol.com We're not sure. We're using these strange little batteries that Ricciardi picked up for us during one of his trips back “home,” Where Are The Co-op Modes? Bravo! Finally we have someone who is willing to address the problem with multiplayer games in recent years [editor's note: see last issue's Final Word by Mr. Popular, Crispin Boyer]. It seems like most games that are со-ор are sports games. The majority of other multiplayer games out there now are simply player vs. player, which is nice, but it gets old. GoldenEye is prime target number one. 105 a fabulous single-player game, and it’s even better as a multiplayer game. My three friends and | have spent entire Saturday afternoons sitting in front of the TV mindlessly killing each other after working 40* hours during the week. Nevertheless, | can only dream of going through the jungle area with two characters [playing cooperatively]. Drool...| mean, we get more than 20 feet apart, and we really would have to communicate well to keep from killing each other. As flawless as GoldenEye оо? is, | don't see why this wasn't added Another point,..the Link Cable for the PlayStation. What a great idea that no one uses. | loved playing Command & Conquer Red Alert with a friend or playing Bushido Blade in first-person perspective, but why not more? Especially in the sports field...| hate playing football games, when the other player just has to guess which of three plays on the screen I'm picking. (су 20 He * letters Ss On your second point, a lot of developers don't see the value in taking the time to create linkable modes for the relatively small number of PS Link Cable owners. And about getting to see football play selections...upcoming Dreamcast football games will utilize the VMU so you can select your plays on your controller, out of sight of your nosy opponent's wandering eyes. Hopefully, Crispin’s Final Word editorial and letters like yours will wake up some game makers, If not, we can always threaten them with this: | still think back with glee at NES games like Life Force and Contra, where my brother and | would plan out who would use what weapons and who covers which side. Maybe ‘we'll get lucky and history will repeat itself for the better this year. Chad McMinn travathian@yahoo.com Game developers have a billion and one excuses why don’t they incorporate more co-op play in today’s games. We polled a few random programmers, and it comes down to this: Having to take time to redesign the game (to balance two-player co-op play with more weapons, power-ups, enemies, etc.) plus marketing deadlines (trying to hit key shopping season launch dates) plus perceived lack of interest (developers think all we want are deathmatch modes) equals hardly any cooperative gaming for us. Like it or not, very few companies are willing to delay their games to program in a decent co-op mode. (But don't forget...Perfect Dark is expected to have co-op modes...keep yer fingers crossed!) Where creativity, your favorite video game and a stamp can make you immortal!* Letter Art Close, but no controller Jason Villalobos Sanford, FL Congratulations, your prize is on the way—an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation. It features rapid-fire controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense moments. Charley Abrams Houston, TX Covinne Aiello Sarasota, FL The ASCH Control Pad Put your creative skills to the test by decking out a #10 envelope (the lang business type) with your own unique ” % touch. Send your letter art to: EGM letter Art PO. Box 3338 Dak Brook, IL 60522-3338 become ће property of 20 lnc and will not be returned} 989 SPORTS — EP First pitch, March 31. L Pl ayStation | PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc, Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major Loague Baseball Properties, inc. Oficial Licensee — Major League Baseball Mayors Association, & MLBPA. 989 Sports and the 989 Sports logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc, Developed by 988 Sports. 621999 Sony Computer Entertainment America nc. D sto Gran Turismo 2 We just gat in these Gran Turismo 2 screenshots at the very last minute. Sony Computer Entertainment Amer ously launched worldwide this summer. This highly anticipated sequel is being developed by the original creators of GT, Polyphony Dig GT2 features around 400 real life cars announced Gran Turismo 2 will be simultane- у of European Dreamcast Football а and American manufacturers and more than 20 courses (compared to 166 cars id 11 tracks from the Polyphony is also fine tuning the already excellent game engine— since the original game's elease, they have found ways to get even more power from the PS. To say this game will kick butt is probably an understatement. Watch for an exclusive feature on GT2 in the June issue of EGM. No word on an official title for this U.S. launch Dreamcast game. We do know it's developed by Sega of America and Visual Concepts. Midway has released the first screens Кот Ready 2 Rumble, an over-the-top Blitz-style boxing game for N64, PlayStation and more importantly, Dreamcast (shown here). It will be ready for the launch of the Dreamcast this fall, and features "the voice of boxing" Michael Buffer, It has Arcade, Championship and Head-to-Head modes and uses the Dreamcast's modem. More on this one soon. CUT OUT AND PLACE BY рғ YOUR FAVORITE HEROINE. IT WON'T MAKE SPRITE TASTE ANY BETTER. BUT SEX SELLS. IMAGE IS NOTH- ING. THIRST IS EVERYTHING. OBEY YOUR THIRST. ЕЕ 22 0 IT Ce NDERIT 7 A НОВЕ У, | 51989 The Coca-Cola Company. "Sorite" and "Obey Your Thirst" are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company, AS speed, awesome competition and the pulse-pounding exhilaration of flying by cars at speeds in excess of 300 MPH. DEVELOPED BY Windows® 95 A Ф. AS. [PC CD-ROM | rays |, Li DAMES, WWW.asegames.com • www. jeffgordonxsracing.com ASC Games® is a registered trademark of American Softworks Corporation. © 1998 American Softworks Corporation. Jeff Gordan® XS Racing™ is а trademark of ASC Games®. © 1998 JG Motorsports Inc. Developed by Real Sports. ® PepsiCo, Inc. 1998. FRITOS ® is a registered trademark used by Frito-Lay, Inc. © 1995 PEG Limited Partnership and PEG 97 Limited Partnership. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks о! Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Windows® 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All rights reserved. 5 y, „ТЕБЕ Ex EVE ER EV EY" hn || E By Chris Johnston chris johnstonGzd.com | The hottest gaming news on the planet Intellectual Property ast issue, we told you about L Connectix's upcoming Virtual Game Station (VGS), a PlayStation emulator for G3- equipped Macintosh computers. Since that time, the other shoe has dropped. Sony filed a lawsuit against Connectix in San Francisco Federal District Court on Jan. 27, alleging that the product violates Sony's copyrights and intellectual property and circumventing Sony's anti-piracy and regional lockout securities. The filing revealed that Sony had been approached in September 1998 to officially license the product and provide technical assistance, someting SCEA declined, reasoning that it was not up to its standard of quality. Connectix fired back a sucker punch the same day Sony's lawsuit hit— stating that it had begun ship- ping version 1.1 (with enhanced piracy protection and improved emulation), and that an upgrade would be available free of charge on its Web site for those who bought it at Macworld in January. In early February, Sony's request for a restraining order (which would've haulted the product from being shipped to consumers for a short time while it put its legal ducks in a row) was denied, and Connectix declared an early victory. The court case will continue, and the out- come will once and for all decide exactly what is and isn't legal in the world of console emulators. Even as this case gears up, more emulators than you can count on one hand are popping up, with bet ter and better features and compat- ibility. Just recently, a Nintendo 64 emulator called UltraHLE showed up out of nowhere, producing near- perfect emulation on 3Dfx-acceler- ated PCs—and the N64 is less than three years old. But because an N64 emulator requires the use of illegally obtained ROM images, it quickly disappeared from emu- lation sites at the request of its developers. When realizing that just a year ago solid emulation of 16-Bit sys- tems was only possible on high- end systems, it's a pretty big leap to be accurately running N64 games on a PC. Recent trends with both Dreamcast and the early stages of the next generation of hardware point to the adoption of more PC-like attributes such as online gaming and Web browsing in the console market, and perhaps this bold movement in emulation that the PC is taking is really more of a convergence on a strictly soft- ware level. Despite the mainstream media's hopes for a black box solution bringing computers, TV, movies, the telephone, console gaming and Internet browsing into one system, the fact still remains. that PC and console gaming are very separate entities, and are likely to stay that way for a while. UltraHLE emulates the N64 in multiple resolutions, like this screenshot, presented in 1024x768. If you thought it looked good on a ТУ... Trial of the Century In regards to the whole PlayStation emulation Issue, who would you like to see соте ‘out on top? Check out the latest gaming news at www.videogames.com Tripped Up, Photography by Mark "300 was ahead of its time-think of DVD as living up to what everyone hoped CD multime- dia could've been..." Trip Hawkins, chairman and CEO of The 3DO Company е sat down with Trip Hawkins, chairman and CEO of The 300 Company, to talk about the past and the future. Once entrenched as a player in the system wars of the mid-'oos, 300 has shifted its focus to soft- ware, with 25-30 projects now in the works across PS, N64, PC and (soon) Dreamcast. Q: What do you think about multimedia and its evolution? How do you think it's evolved compared to how you thought it would back then? А: The original mission of 300 was to do things like get CD-ROM into the game business so that the medium could move to CD, bringing the cost down, and advance the technology so that you could make better games, and in some ways liberalize the licensing policies and try to achieve more standardization in the technology. Of course, all of those things came about, only 300 didn’t do it. There was a vision about things coming together— interactive television, music CDs, educational software, digital video, etc. It turned out that the technolo- gy for the time wasn't good enough to do that. | tried to come up with a practical way of rationalizing the high cost of the components by getting there to be other things you could do with it, and everybody was doing the same thing. DVD is ut Not very much an evolutionary step from CD, it’s just a better solution. 300 was ahead of its time and you can think of DVD as living up to what CD multimedia сош ме been, and you can think of Internet as being the solution for what every- one thought interactive television could be. Q: What are your thoughts on the M2 not being used as a console? A: We could tell that Matsushita's heart really wasn't in it. They took Mz and have done things with it, but are reluctant to take Sony on head-to-head in the video game console business. We could see that coming from a pretty far dis- tance away. It's disappointing, but at the same time in a way it's kind of a relief to have gotten out of the hardware business, because | really like making games. Q: At what point did 3DO decide to get out of the hardware market? А: We started to suspect that Matsushita wasn't going to spend the kind of money that we knew it would take to get M2 to be a big success. We spent several months in negotiations with Philips and a year with Sega. On two occasions we were within hours of signing a deal with Sega. But when Matsushita decided to take the whole deal for themselves, at that time they intended to recruit Out partners. After awhile it became clear they weren't going to do that or spend the kind of money to sup- port it the way it needed to be. You could tell they were not going after it and we knew we cannot be in this business if it depends on things out of our control. Q: What do you think Sega's chances are with Dreamcast? A: It's good for the industry that Sega's doing what they're doing, and that they've created a way for it to be easier to bring over high: end PC games. I'm a little disap- pointed in what's happened with the Dreamcast launch in Japan. They got off to a fast start but then it seems to have slowed down. The software quality doesn't appear to have been enough to prove to everyone, conclusively, that it's really a next-generation machine, and that's what they have to do. Q: What do you think of Nintendo? A: They do a great job—they know their audience, make good prod- ucts, are very smart about product design and ergonomics. They've also pushed the envelope on the machine's capabilities and multi- player capabilities. Nintendo's a very shrewd company so it's easy to have confidence about working with them, because you have a feeling they're going to deliver what they're supposed to do and if you make a good game then you're going to be able to make a good business out of it. Q: What do you think of VM Labs and their NUON machine? A: | get the feeling they haven't really studied what went wrong with what we did and they haven't really adapted or learned from the mistakes we encountered. Bottom line is if you have a gaming tech- nology that is so modest in capabil- ity that it will not affect the price of a hardware system, then it will not be of interest to a gamer, because it won't represent a meaningful leap forward. The flip side is if you do have a great gaming technology, it's going to cause the device to cost more and takes someone like Sony or Nintendo to understand what to do about that. | know a lot of the companies VM Labs is working with, because they were the same "usual suspects" 300 dealt with. Look for the full interview оп videogames.com! Check out the latest gaming news at www.videogames.com Oh My God, They Killed Tiger Woods! You bastards! If you own a copy of the PlayStation version of Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour, you might be surprised to find that the original South Park short, "The Spirit of Christmas," is contained on the disc, It's not supposed to be there, but slipped by and made it onto the production version ofthe game. It was discovered when parents of a gamer found out that it was on the disc (apparently he had found it by putting the game in the family PC). Media outlets picked up the story first, and EA promptly issued a recall of the game. Apparently Tiger Woods himself knew about the accidentally placed cartoon before EA did. If you haven't seen “Тһе Spirit of Christmas" and are easily offended, you may want to exchange your version for one without the cartoon. You can do so by mailing your game to Electronic Arts, 6712 Grade Lane, Bldg. s, Louisville, KY 40213. Or for more information call EA Direct Sales at 800/245-4525. So how can you (or parents) tell if your disc is affected? Pop your copy of Tiger Woods for the PlayStation into your PC, and open it up. Go into the Active Movie Player in Windows 95, and open the file Zzdummy.dat. IF it plays a movie called “The Spirit of Christmas," then you have one of the affect. ed discs (Warning: The movie contains mate. rial that may be deemed offensive to some viewers. Watch at your own risk.). If you have a Mac, you can open it off the CD in the QuickTime MoviePlayer. PlayStation 2—The Countdown Begins Ken Kutaragi (the "Father of the PlayStation") shows up at an electronics con- vention and happens to be on a panel where a new multimedia processor co-developed by Sony Computer Entertainment and Toshiba Corp. is going to be the topic of discussion. 15 it about PlayStation 2, or something else? Until now, few facts about Sony's next system were known, but that could change in the next few weeks, because on Feb. 16 at the 1999 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Convention in San Francisco, Sony Computer Entertainment and Toshiba will be part of a seminar to talk about a new processor, details of which have already been revealed on the convention's Web site. According to that page, it is a 250MHz, 128- Bit multimedia processor with an integrated MPEG-2 decoder, with 10 floating-point multi- plier accumulators and four floating-point dividers. This matches early expectations of what PlayStation 2 will include, namely the MPEG2 decoder which would allow for DVD 6.3 billion movie and storage capabilities. A second seminar hosted by SCEI and Toshiba (but without Kutaragi’s name directly mentioned) will present a 250 MHz superscalar MIPS- compatible microprocessor for multimedia and networking capabilities, which suggests that PlayStation 2 will have networking func- tionality out of the box. Considering Sony Computer Entertain- ment’s sole business (minus a few PC prod- ucts) is the PlayStation, it’s likely that this will be the first official word on the PlayStation 2’s specifications. Mr. Kutaragi's presence at the conference fuels recent rumors out of Japan about Toshiba's involve- ment in creating the processing muscle behind the next PlayStation. A spokesperson for SCEA told us when asked that Kutaragi is there only to deliver a paper to convention attendees, and did not comment on whether his presence had any relevance to PlayStation 2 www.videogames.com The video game industry's total retail sales in 1998, according to The NPD Group. Attention To Detail Location: Warwick, England Web Site: http://www.atd.co.uk # of employees: 51 and rising Gameography: SuperSprint (Atari ST), Night Shift (Atari ST, PC, Amiga, Spectrum, Comm 64), Indiana Jones IV (Atari ST, PC, Amiga), Cybermorph (Jaguar), BattleMorph (Jaguar CD), Blue Lightning (Jaguar CD), Riddle of the Runes (PC— Screen Saver) and Blast Chamber (PlayStation, PC). The thing overlooked by people who played CyberMorph was: There are actually two versions of the original CyberMorph available. The early (2-Meg) version had more speech and graphics in, but Atari wanted a cheaper to manufacture (1-Meg) version. They only paid us $5,000 to do this new version, but it only took two hours! Result! During breaks from late-night program- ming sessions, we: Eat curry, “test” Rollcage multiplayer LAN and eat more curry, Talk utter bollocks, eat curry, drink coffee, smoke tabs and moan. If we could teach the video game industry one thing, it would be: Awful gameplay can't be concealed by graphical excellence. You need big-name license for that! We're in the game development business because: We've tried real jobs and real jobs suck. It certainly isn't for the chicks and the money... Story behind our name: We were five grad- uates leaving college to start a game com- pany. It was 1988 and game technology was 2D only. The level of detail in games was. getting better and better. We liked that, and wanted to put this into our own games. We liked three-letter acronyms, so Attention To Detail seemed perfect and ATD rolled off the tongue, so that was that! Favorite snack food(s): Toxic Rats and Melody Pops!!! They make sounds. Music that inspires us: Screamadelica, Dj Shadow, Spacemen 3, Doors, Beach Boys, Stone Roses, Apollo 440, THE THE, FatBoy Slim, Republica, Prodigy and Melody Paps. Team motto: "Get him! Get him! He's got the flag! No, he's gone the other way! Oh bol. locks, he's gone." Big thanks go out to the main contributors. Tim Swan (programmer), Lyndon “Nod” Sharp, (programmer), David Perryman (designer), Drew Wilkins (designer), Martin Sommerville (artist), Bela Lund (artist), Rob James (artist). Aed lights will бе rur. Cop cruisers wil be totaled. And bank-robhing /aw-/ffes will escape: If you're any good. YOU ARE THE МНЕЕСМАМ FROM THE CREATOR OF DESTRUCTION DERBY 1 & 27 driver.gtgarnes.corn Reserved. Created by Rellections & distributed by GT BT Interactive oftware Playstation M Рго Athletes Show Off At Madden Bowl '99 The Super Bowl always plays host to a series of special football. related events before the actual game, and Electronic Arts’ Madden Bowl has been one of them for the past five years. Held on the Thursday before Super Bowl XXXIII, Madden Bowl '99 took place inside the All Star Café on South Beach, just outside of Miami. The festive beachside setting helped precipitate what was easily the best and highest-attended Madden Bowl ever. Pro Bowl run ning back Jamal Anderson and commentator John Madden hosted the event, with an endless list of attending athletes, including previ ous Madden Bowl champion, actor Morris Chestnut, baseball player Derek Bell, and popular football players such as Ravens wide receiver Jermaine Lewis, Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Derrick Alexander and New England Patriots running back Robert Edwards. Other notable players that didn’t make the cut were Green Bay Packers wide receiver Antonio Freeman, San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Terrell Owens, New York Giants cornerback Jason Sehorn and Oakland Raiders cornerback Charles Woodson. Interestingly enough, most play- ers didn't use their real teams, instead opting to use powerhouse teams such as the Green Bay Packers or the Denver Broncos. This worked well for Green Bay receiver Antonio Freeman, who often heaved balls deep to himself in the game. Unfortunately, that didn’t get him very far in the tournament. The biggest surprise was that previous Madden Bowl champion Morris Chestnut was eliminated immediately by New York defen- sive back Ray Mickens. Astros out- fielder Derek Bell (the first MLB player to enter the Madden Bowl), showed remarkable prowess at playing Madden NFL 99, saying, “1 play the hell out of the game by myself" when he's on the road during the baseball season. After a Play on HEAT.NET fer 20 days er mere in April. And get a chance to go to ЕЗ in LA. Fer FREE Head to HEAT.NET for more info - and fast, free multiplayer mayhem too. 5 www.heat.net good play, Bell could often be found taunting the competition by exchanging high-fives, and pouring on additional points to embarrass outmatched competition. Bell's dominance was finally ended when he lost in a pass- laden shootout with the calmer, more sportsman-like New York Thejets might have been eliminated in the AFC Championship game, but their defensive back, Ray Mickens (right), won the Madden Bowl. defensive back Ray Mickens. The final game's score was 35-21, but closer than the score implied. Mickens' celebration consisted of his showing Jamal Anderson his own version of the popular “Dirty Bird" end-zone celebration. Congrats to Mickens, this year's Madden Bowl champion! Good News/Bad News Good News The success of World of Atari '98, a classic gaming convention held last August in Las Vegas, has spawned a sequel. Organizers are already planning the Classic Gaming Expo ’99, to be held Sat. Aug. 14-15 at the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. For more information, check out http:/ /www.cgexpo.com Bad News 989 Studios has canceled Shootout 99, and will instead focus. on Shootout 2000, scheduled for release sometime this fall. Good News Fifty-two more episodes of Pokémon are coming, starting next fall. From now on, the show will be part of Kids WB's Saturday morning lineup, and in the fall will join Kids WB's afternoon lineup. Plus two more Pokémon Game Boy games are coming later this year. Bad News Koei's Soldnerschild S has been delayed even though Sony has approved the game. Koei is concentrating on its Destrega and WinBack projects, so a future release is unknown. Good News Video games have become so mass market (thanks to the PlayStation and Nintendo 64) that magazines like Time and Rolling Stone are putting together special issues just to cover the "digital age." It's proof that electronic entertainment is here to stay! Bad News Fox Interactive has nixed plans to bring Aliens vs. Predator to the PlayStation, instead deciding to focus on the PC version. It may or may not be reinstated in the future. Check out the latest international gaming news at www.videogames.com International News Dreamcast Leaps Into Spring After a rocky start, the Dreamcast has started to'slowly pick itself up from a muffled Japanese launch. The company is confident it will reach its goal of a million systems by the end of March, with a goal of an installed base of 4 mil- lion units by the end of March 2000. Helping that along is a partnership with Toyota that will allow customers to purchase systems and games from car dealerships in Japan, in addition to a major software push with new titles coming out every week in March, leading up to a huge push on the 25th. As for release plans in the U.S., they're still shrouded in secrecy inside Sega's new San Francisco offices. What we do know, as revealed by Sega “ Enterprises ҮР Tadahiko Hirose, is that Sonic Adventure, Sega Rally 2 and Virtua Fighter 3 are дећ- nite launch titles. No big surprise, but what is surprising is the confirmation that Virtua Fighter 3 will be enhanced above and beyond the Japanese release. Isao Okawa, chairman of Sega Enterprises, ASCII and CSK mentioned in his recent annual address that later this year Sega would be adding a hard-drive peripheral, camera and Video phone options to the system. Okawa said, “We are preparing not only a hard drive to store e-mail but a camera and microphone for Dreamcast. This peripheral will allow users to have face-to-face communication in multiple channels— which doesn't limit it to two-person communication—and users will be able to enjoy International Bits N64 Goes Online in Japan While it's got two feet in the grave in the U.S., the 64DD may still see the light of day in Japan. Recently Nexus Telocation Systems announced it signed an agreement with Nintendo that will result in a new product utilizing newly developed software-modem technology. The announcement hints at a possible release of this "product" during the second half of calen- dar year 1999 for mainly the Japanese market. This is most likely not a new system, but the modem technology slated to be used with the often-delayed 64DD. Neo*Geo Pocket Gets Color SNK's Neo*Geo Packet Color will be released March 19 in Japan for 8,900 yen ($78). It's a lit- tle bit thicker and bigger than the first black- and-white Мео•бео Pocket and lasts for 4o hours on two AA batteries (two times longer іһап Game Boy Color). SNK also announced several new companies will develop games for it, including Capcom (Rockman Pocket), Taito (Puzzle Bobble/Bust A Move), Шер System (Cool Boarders), and Data East (Magical Drop Pocket). SNK will release the Neo*Geo Pocket Color in the U.S. later this year. Import Calendar online gaming while seeing each other's faces.” New peripherals are landing in Japan shortly too, including the force-feedback device called the PuruPuru Pack (1800 yen - $16). The aptly named Dreamcast Gun will be released simulta- neously with House of the Dead 2 for 7800 yen with the game ($69), and features a VMS slot for the PuruPuru " pack or VMS, Import Pick of the Month * and a digital pad. Get Umjammer Lammy - With the exclamation Bass" “| gotta believe," PaRappa the Rapper А. rhymed his way into our minds and hearts. ы Sony is hoping UmJammer Lammy will repeat this success, especially in Japan where PaRappa has become one of the PlayStation's most recognizable mascots. We think the sequel will be just as addic- tive, even with the switch to rock music. PlayStation: 2/25 Pop'n Music, Konami (Misc.) 2/25 Monster Farm 2, Tecmo (Misc.) 3/4 Pepsiman, Kid (Misc.) 3/11 Final Fantasy Collection, Square (RPG) Final Fantasy Collection Anniversary Package, Square (RPG) 3/11 Final Fantasy VI, Square (RPG) 3/18 Densha de GO! 2, Taito (Train Simulator) Chocobo Racing, Square (Racing) Џтјаттег Lammy, SCEI (Misc.) The King of Fighters ’98, SNK (Fighting) Soul Hackers, Atlus (RPG) Dance Dance Revolution, Konami (Misc.) Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix, Enix (Misc.) 4/29 Cotton Original, Success (Shooting) 3/1 Fishing Controller will be released simultaneously with the title and will sell 3/18 for about 5800 yen 3/18 ($51) separately or 9800 yen ($86) packed with 3/25 the game. Ascii is also planning its first DC peripheral, a Mission Stick for release in March Mar. that will give you more control for flight games, 41/35 retailing for about 7800 yen ($69). www.sega.co.jp 4/22 Saturn: 3/4 Dungeons & Dragons Collection, Alpha 3 Lands on Saturn, DC Capcom (Action) Capcom's Street Fighter Alpha 3 (or Zero 3, if you're in Japan), is headed to Saturn and Dreamcast later this year. The Saturn version 2/25 Powerstone, Capcom (Fighting) title will support the 4 MB RAM expansion car- 2/25 Pop'n Music, Konami (Misc.) tridge. It should be very interesting to compare 3/4 Puyo Puyoon, Compile (Puzzle) the PlayStation, Saturn and Dreamcast versions 3/4 Psychic Force 2012, Taito (Fighting) of this arcade fighting game against each other. 3/4 Aero Dancing, CRI (Flying) But one thing's for sure, the Dreamcast is get- 3/11 Monaco Grand Prix 2, Ubi Soft ting a nice helping of Capcom games which (Racing) could help boost system sales— and give it a Kitahe: White Illumination, Hudson nice library of games just in time for the U.S. (Misc.) launch, right? Marvel Vs. Capcom, Capcom К (Fighting) All Sold Out of PocketStation Blue Stinger, Climax Graphics (Action) Sony's PocketStation was released in Japan Superspeed Racing, Sega (Racing) on Jan. 23, and immediately sold out. Rumors The House of the Dead 2, Sega ofa battery problem, which left it lasting for (Light Gun) only an hour before it had to be changed, per- 4/4 Buggy Heat, CRI (Racing) sisted as the reason for the short supply of the 4/1 Get Bass, Sega (Sports) device. Some retailers stated the initial ship- ment was only 60,000 units. PocketStation is Game Boy expected to be released in the U.S. later this 3/11 Beatmania GB, Konami (Misc.) year. In other Sony news, the company has revealed Gran Turismo 2 is in fact coming to the PlayStation later this year, with an expected release this summer. Dreamcast: 3/18 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/25 * Schedule subject to change without. notice. Consult your local import game store for the latest release information. ‘nın WOK, ма HL ONY 0009 зна WL y “SING азттуо NVIN ““HSVUL NINY LNO 9f “али HDNOYHL ОМ "аапшшу зо 1nd 15z-Tivaroos'L пио гїлїн v азам @ Game Boy Compiled by: Chris Johnston bad у e exaComi Ng soon |Н 'onquer - Nintendo Nintendc adness - Rockstar ndscape ҮШ SPORTS SERIES + Meas Seek ош the limelight: : ісв not so easy, is it? GLEN RICE, % CHARLOTTE HORN! <= 44 Lo HESS ы PRODUCT ПЕ Komm міо! T. TJ Benson tem ert үт —Ó ——á" —O-1710 Omozmo-rc- KONAMI. 10 ТІ 1 13 14 15 1 17 18 2 egend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Nintendo Star Wars Rogue Squadron Nintendo rash Bandicoot: WARPED Computer Entertainment Metal Gear Solid Konami wisted Metal || NASCAR 99 Electronic Arts Sony Computer Entertainment Madden МЕ. 99 Electronic Arts А Bugs life THO Rugrats: Search for Reptar THO Knockout Kings Electronic Arts Gran Turismo Sony Computer Entertainment Pokémon (Blue Version) Nintendo NFL GameDay 99 989 Studios Frogger Hasbro Interactive Super Mario 64 Nintendo Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim aw 989 Studios = aka =. ши T rash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back T => The Top-20 Best-Selling Games of December, 1998 Zelda: Ocarina of Time Yet again, it's Zelda been selling like out here, and it's now sold well over a million copies in Jap: ich is exceptional for an №64 t er the "ll be interesting to see if they still decide to release the add-on for 6400 only... the top. It's 4 joldenEye 007 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 Nintendo John R Crispin Dan John D 5 WCW/nWo Revenge THO Star Wars Rogue Squadron سي .اا‎ а х А T. ; hey probably could've called this 6 mb Raider Il one "Star Wars: Used Toilet Paper Eidos Adventures" and it still would've == NETTEN sold well. But that's OK, because we actually really like the game John R Crash Bandicoot: WARPED 9 О . Sony's big holiday game was the only PlayStation game to make the Top 5 in December sales. DLE ESSI Could the PS finally be cooling teeta ea] off Something to think about. GoldenEye оор 9.5 19,5 Yep. GoldenEye. Again. So, what else is new? How's the wife and kids? Good? Goooood. Me? Oh, I'm just fine, thanks. Just trying to fill some space here. You know. Crispin 9.0 John R Crispin Dan 9.0 Sushi 8.5 John R 8.0 Dean ЖЕ WCW/nWo Revenge Them wrasslin' games are all the rage these days. It'll be interest- ing to see how the games turn out once EA gets the WCW license, and THQ takes over WWF. Which of the following licensed properties would you most like to see turned into a game for current systems? Virus - 4% Ally McBeal The World Is Not 4% Enough (next Bond flic) X-Files — — 34% 15% Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Simpsons 16% 30% Source: Videogames.com poll, 1/25/99 4 ГЕ * ЕП) CONAN SPORTS SERIES Play by ploy called by the ій San Je Shark: Rally newest superstar in the Konami line- p. With NHL players, stats and action. Could you st4ng up to the ргеѕзиге or veins named сват Captain? Sti CK vanae, wearing 225 ıb. detenseman on your Choose your зле baCk like d sweater? 7 Araphics. So real you d Stop blowing kiS SeS to the PrEtty girs in the arena? (бы во easy, |5 it? “> И Playstation тор 10 Editors’ Picks Beetle Adventure Rac ] тећи || ud © +. 3 Mario Party Nintendo Nintendo Sega/ESP/Sting Konami Zelda: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 5 Vigilante 8 Activision a щй Өш +. UM © M pcs ДЕК 9 Hell керует А e H 1 Ta @ M Ascii Enix 6 Legend of Legaia Sony Computer Entertainment Nintendo Mario Party Nintendo Capcom Namco Top 10 Courtes) Изи Magazine Week ending Jan. 24 Nintendo All-Star! Dairantou Smash Bros. Shinki Sekai Evolution Yugioh Duel Monsters True Love Story 2 Dragan Quest Monsters Pokémon Card 6B Street Fighter Zero 1 Tales of Phantasia 10 Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Issyuu Sony Computer Entertainment of Chart Track Top 10 P U.K. 1 Zelda: Ocarina of Time Nintendo. as of Jan. '99 FIFA 99 Electronic Arts 3 Tomb Raider | Eidos Grand Theft Auto Take 2 Interactive 5 TOCA Touring Car Championship Codemasters V-Rally Infogrames Tomb Raid — + Crash Bandicoot; WARPED Sony Computer Entertainment Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim tin 1 Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus GT Interactive + jes of ће new machines (we may not be reporting on it this „би! believe us, it’s still happening —like a bunch of misin- formed fishwives) and is actually talking about some big-name game franchises for a change. The Rumor - Tekken 4 is going to be a bit “different.” The Truth - Pretty much everything the Q network has heard about points to a dramatic change in gameplay style for Tekken 4. It’s widely acknowledged that the ‘face to face' style of virtually all fighting games has been pushed as far as it possibly can be...so it seems the style employed in Ehrgeiz will be more widespread. Consider the facts... Capcom's new fighting franchise (Power Stone) is a free-roaming 3D thing with everything in the environment available as a weapon—thus indicating Ehrgeiz isn't alone in establishing this new fashion. Second, Ehrgeiz was a joint development between Namco and Square— with Namco providing a lot of development support. Your initial reaction may be the same as ours (i.e., *yeuch!") but if you consider the possibilities, this is the best way for fighting games. to go. Imagine Paul and Heihachi fighting in a bar grabbing bottles and bar stools to throw at each other before jumping on tables and hang- ing from the light fixtures. Could be cool...as long as it has enough bone-crunching moves and the camera system doesn't suck. Watch for more news soon. The Rumor - Munch's Oddyssey is going to be unusual іп that it covers pretty much all major genres, will be 3D, and won't be available for any existing format. The Truth - That's pretty much it. The Q's spies were recently lucky enough to get some word straight from the teams at Oddworld and learned a number of interesting facts. First, Munch's will combine several elements: Action, adventure, simulation, strategy and RPG. On top of this, the Al system is something that is being dramatically improved. The team is striving to create characters with unprecedent- ed...um, character, They'll show more emotions, and behave in far more realistic ways (even than Abe). As far as system details are con cerned, this is not finalized yet, but the game is most likely being pitched for PlayStation 2. The grand plans they have for the game will not fit on any current platform (currently speculation from the team is that they require something equivalent in power to a Pentium 600Mhz). They are shooting for a 2001 release. In other Oddworld news...they may work with other companies to co-develop other Oddworld products to keep money coming in until Munch's release. Oddworld Inhabitants by themselves won't be doing anything else on the consoles inthe meantime. The Rumor - There's more than just one Star Wars Episode One game. The Truth - Of course there is! Expect at least two games around the time the film is released іп May (across a variety of systems) and then sit tight for another two or three games before the end of the year. No details yet...members of the Q network privy to any Star Wars information were threatened with torture and death by firing squad if they revealed any information —but make sure you buy EGM next month for-every scrap of official information available. The Rumor - SCEA is enamored with RPGs at the moment and will be releasing a number of them during 1999. The Truth - Oh yeah. Star Ocean 2 is apparently the first up to bat and may well be out as soon as June. Also, the Q's probings have revealed that Sony is also extremely interested in publishing the U.S. version of Dragon Quest VII. Who you callin' a pussy? “ы 7 = Praystation | DREAMWORKS вае trademark of Асот, Inc Tal Fu © 1999 DreamWorks Interactive 1.0. Tal Fu he a trademark о Drea — ————— INTERACTIVE” Aii reserved Al other trademarks and trade names are he properties ol their respective owners yk Interactive LLC. Dreamworks Interactive ts tradematk of DreamWorks L LC: Published went Inc The ratings сол за trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association Strut your had self through 20 intense levels of sweeping rivers and dense hamboo forests on your quest to defeat the Dragon Master. R] Take on lethal animal enemies inspired by Chinese legend, including muscle-bound snakes and ferocious wild boar. Send them flyin’ with over 100 character moves and authentic Kung Fu attacks like the Leopard Pounce and the Monkey Roll. Q М Then, unleash your tiger attacks, and finish 'em off with thrashing claws and razor-sharp teeth. Tai-Fu-putting the "F-J" in Kung-Fu. IN STORES MARCH 1999 Wrnth of the Tigec That's Chinese For Kick Ass. Www.activision.com Get reacquainted with an all-new GEX. And his Miss Adventures. • All-new intuitive camera system guides you through hazardous 3D missions * Over 25 all-new disguises with new abilities like scuba diving and snowboarding * Baywatch's Marliece Andrada stars as Agent Xtra in all-new full-motion video * An all-new GEX spits fireballs, controls tanks, crocodiles, burros and more * Over 1,000 all-new celebrity impressions and wisecracks ". ће most in-depth platforming game on the PlayStation." -Official PlayStation Magazine www.crysta/d.com www. eidosinteractive.com H Game Directory Dreamcast — (e) at your own risk Sega 1-4 (Network) Now Se Rall 2 Sega Enterprises, Lid. — Racing 100 Japan irtua Fighter 3tb ба а proved the g Dreamcast could do near-perfect Delivers Model 3 ports, and Sonic Adventure showed the system could handle speed. With Big-Time Sega Rally 2, Sega now adds "playability" to the list of DC а Я an-dos. The graphics are indeed With The First е "еее gameplay that makes this title an instant winner. DC Racer Unlike the no-frills conversion of VF3tb, Sega Rally 2 comes packed with extras. In addition to the Arcade Mode, there's a new 10- Year Championship Mode, as well as a Time Attack Mode. And while the arcade version has four tracks The sleek DC Racing and eight cars, the home version Controller, released in is loaded with 20 cars and 306 МАХ! conjunction with Rally numerous variations of the four DRIVER 2, features true analog arcade tracks (17 in total). By far steering, not to the coolest addition is the 10-Year Sega Rally 2 is the first DC game that's based on the mention analog mode, where you race through 10 seasons consisting WinCE OS. If you think this is sweet, imagine a Daytona acceleration and brake of a set number of tracks in different weather 2 port done using Sega’s own operating system! Drool... "pedals" (located on conditions. The races get progressively more difficult, the backside of the but you can tweak your car's settings before each track (suspension, gear ratios, steering, tires, etc.) in order to improve your chances of winning. You'll need 10 learn the tracks well and get skilled at drifting if you want to stand a chance at winning some of the tougher tracks The one area where Rally 2 has visible flaws is the frame-rate. It dips from 6ofps to 3ofps quite a bit (especially on turns), and occasionally it'll drop even lower, though not too often. While the slowdown that occurs doesn't affect gameplay much (thank Gad), it is noticeable. When it's going steady at 6ofps however, it's truly a sight to behold—we're talking some of the most beautiful graphics we've ever seen Hopefully the U.S. version will be tweaked in this area, but if not, perhaps an option to keep the fps at 30 (so it stays consistent) would suffice. Sega Rally 2 also features two-player split-screen play, and it’s the first DC title to support multiplayer action via net play (up to four players). In case you're interested, we did give network play a whirl at our offices in Japan, and we were impressed. The gameplay was a little choppy at times, but for the most part everything ran smoothly. Being able to chat with other players before and after the races is definitely cool. We'll be back with an updated preview of Rally 2 as soon as we get our hands on the U.S. version © wheel). It's also got a curious port in the back that resembles the foot pedal slot on the Mad Catz wheel. Could Sega be planning something similar? Rally 2% 2P split-screen mode doesn't You can chat and set up games with 44 run at 60fps, but it's still very smooth. other players оп the Sega Rally Network. THREE OF THE BIGGEST VIDEO GAMES OF ALL TIME! ONE INCREDIBLE MOTION PICTURE! Following the grand tradition of Martial Arts cinema, Tekken The Motion Picture invites you once more to the arena of combat. Enter act) the world of the Iron Fist Tournament where fighters of unequalled ability gather from around the world to test their might in the gladiatorial arena. From the hit vidco game, comes а new tale of a desperate race against time. Panzer Dragoon is a unique visual feast. Fast-paced, state of the art, computer generated animation takes the viewer on a roller coaster ride through а land just beginning 10 recover form the ravages of war. Love conquers all, but will it do so in time to save the world? And On The 7th Day, Sting Created Evolution. Um, Yeah. Gamer’s Edge Down, boy. Nice puppy! In the event you find yourself low on HP. while wandering around Evolution's vast dungeons, you can always choose to avoid confrontations- “passive gaming” as we'd like to call it. Unlike other RPGs like Final Fantasy VII, you can see your enemies in Evolution. That means, if you can see them, you can avoid them. No random battles to work your nerves here. As with all things, however, there is a balance. If you run like a chicken whenever you see teeth, you'll never level up. And since you can't revisit a dungeon once it's been beaten, you may not be strong enough to conquer later dungeons if you don't earn your stripes early on. This is the room whet your trips to the dun; 46 Warning: Import at your awn Sega/ESP/Sting 1 Sting RPG Now Japan 100 www.sting.co.jp. Shinki Sekai Evolution f anyone is worried that the Dreamcast will be lacking in the RPG department, then fears should quickly be dispelled with the timely arrival of Shinki Sekai Evolution. Developed by Sting, former Square Soft programmers whose former titles include the SNES title Treasure Hunter G and their own Saturn RPG Baroque, Evolution emerges as a sort of old-school surprise. Old-school in the sense that you control a small group of characters (three to five characters actually, with the option of switching party members) and run around town, equipping yourself with the necessary supplies and talking to villagers who have information that will help you in your quest. Old school in the sense that you do most of your questing in randomly generated dungeons, while avoiding or engaging the numerous enemies you see walking around. If you're low on health from previous battles or Тот damage incurred while walking over traps, you can avoid any monster you see by simply running away from it (you won't increase your character's levels, however, if you don't engage the occasional enemy). One interesting feature is that you can monitor your characters’ HP 5 from your VMU memory card screen. While this t really help all that much, it’s still neat. raphically, the game is gorgeous, with every single detail rendered with high-resolution polygons. No funky sprites running around on flat 2D surfaces here, no sir! Whatcha see is whatcha get. Similar to Shining Force IIl for the Saturn, every town 15 fully rotatable z and can be viewed from any angle using the Shoulder buttons. You can't zoom in, but that's never a problem Since the viewing angle is optimal. The battle engine is simple and extremely functional, following a clean, menu-based interface that gamers will pick up very quickly. Magical spell-effects range from the amusing to the downright impressive, depending on their re you'll organize geons in Evolution. Here we find the hero, Mag, doing a Mark McGwire on some unfortunate dungeon dweller. As with any RPG, there will be a good deal of runnin’ around town, buyin’ supplies, talkin’ mess, and chillin’ out. Evolution's no exception. complexity, The characters themselves look great and each one has cute little soundbites for a wide variety of situations. In the grand scheme of things, Evolution is exactly that, an evolution of the RPG genre as opposed to a revolution, The game is high-quality on all fronts: fast, smooth graphics, barely any loading times, cool spell- effects, and alengthy quest knit together by veterans of the genre. While Evolution doesn't offer anything beyond the usual expectations set by its predecessors, it offers RPG fans enough of everything they expect in a game. Hopefully, for RPG-deprived Sega fans, this will be a launch title, along with Climax Landers, and whatever other surprises SoA has planned for the Dreamcast's fall launch. (B) Dungeons come inall shapes and sizes. This particular maze is transparent and seemingly suspended in space. No it’s not the 4th of July or Chinese New Year. Mag just unloaded some serious firepower on these “poor” spiders. KART RACING ~ AT ITS BEST! 15 COOL PENNY RACERS: ® BODY STYLES HAIR-RAISING ES EN | “EASILY ONE OF THE BEST NO4 RACERS TO DATE.” = GAMERS REPUBLIC IOO UPGRADES, MODIFICATIONS AND WEAPONS AVAILABLE NOW. NINTENDO“ E A WWW.THQ.COM 4 PLAYER SPLIT-SCREEN © 7 RACING MAYHEM © 1098 TAKARA Co, Lin. Manufactured under license hy THO ING, Penny Racers is a registered tradermark at TAKARA Co, Ltd, THOM m: 1998 THO ING. Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and ^N" logo sre trademarks. of Nintendo of America Inc, © 1996 Nintendo of America Inc: = PlayStation www. playstation.com iment America Inc. © 1998 Victor interactie Software in, Holy Mackerel, even my hair hurts. . . Introducing, Contender. The brutally fun boxing game. Boxing isn't pretty. In Contender, you'll face 40 different thugs, all with their own look and fighting style. You can throw jabs, combinations and arcade-style knockout punches. Plus, you can build up the strength of your favorite fighter, save it to а memory card, and pummel а friend later. In short, it’s a good old-fashioned, mano-a-mano slugfest. шй 50 Marvel vs. Capcom Capcom is wasting no time at all making it clear that they're very much behind Sega's Dreamcast. On March 25, exactly one month after their first DC title (Power Stone) hits, they'll be back with their second arcade port— Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. As you can see by these screens, it looks exactly like the arcade game It'll be interesting to see how well it animates in action. After all, there haven't been any animation-heavy 2D games on the DC yet. If it looks as good as Capcom's 4-Meg Saturn games, we'll be ecstatic! Speaking of Capcom on DC, expect to see SF Alpha 3 real soon... Under Cover: AD 2025 Kei Sega recently unveiled a new 3D game for the Dreamcast called Under Cover: AD 2025 Kei. Developed by Pulse Interactive and labeled as a “Detective Action/Adventure,” Under Cover is due out this summer in Japan, The scenario is written by well-known Japanese novelist Arimasa Osawa and revolves around a young female detective named Kei Samejima. From what we've seen, the gameplay seems to be similar in concept to Resident Evil or Silent Hill, but with (obviously) much nicer visuals. A U.S. release is planned, but nothing has been announced yet. Expect to hear more after ЕЗ... KONAMI: CONTENT RATED BY ESRB size of your skill, with Fisherman’s Bait you can prov е ow on PlayStation®: Two player lets you feel the bass biting versus mode - fi ‘Software Association, PlayStation and the PlayStation logos PlayStation Fisherman's Bait is а trademan о are registered trademarks of Sony | i Со, Ltd. 61999 Konami of America, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Grandia II There hasn't been any new information released on Game Arts/ESP's Grandia Il for the Dreamcast, but lots of gorgeous new pictures have been surfacing so we thought you might like to take a look. Word has it the game will be shown off at the upcoming Spring Tokyo Game Show in playable form, so hopefully we'll have more concrete details then. Until then, drool at these... Superspeed Racing Sega's second Dreamcast racing game isn't Super GT, and it isn't Daytona 2. Nope, no such luck yet. Instead, their next racer, due out in Japan on March 25 is the Dreamcast-exclusive officially licensed CART racer, Superspeed Racing. SSR features 27 official CART drivers from 17 different teams (with authentic stats), as well as 19 different race courses. No network support is planned, though two-player split- screen play will be present. And of course, the game will support the DC Racing Controller. ECL miavstation” MAD CATZ. THE ONLY FORCE FEEL RACING WHEEL mig BY MARIO — 2 STEERING Get behind the wheel of the mo side of Indy. WHEEL FOR Mario An every bu wit built-in forc for both PSX and "а PLAYSTATION Mad Catz Dual Force g 21 for PlayStation® feat uilt-in Du е hand-stitched simulated | grip, 0 a ing radius, plus stick and foot pedals. Fully s Andretti The Mad Catz Wheel for Nintendo® 64 le Pack" rumble, 270 degree wheel turning radius, stic Feel the fi hind Mad Catz, All other wheels are mere (білгі; Ра With К! Life. ods Tower... == а majestic ЈУ of * to the world. But behind its walls lurks a being that could destroy all. Cuil fortes ЖЕР Determine the fate of an evolving baby already in motion и c зіні ні. ше 88 tbe Tower cries out for a hero. | ЗЭ ош destiny calls оп pou - a- poung aum knight charged with donee r unique back-up equa у of allies with special abilities like hypnosis, the care of a magical biovdsucking and more. бабр creature of | mysterious origins. Prepare to face fantastic foes in a guest that leads to рату "У voee pate става the cradle of all ebil. палим рима oo ТЮ ШШЕ | вает eli un, strafe, crouch, roll and climb through 13 highly detailed, Take your best shot with 4 targeting modes, Wreak fiery havoc with 17 deadly weapons including the real-world environments filled with lethal terrorists, including nightvision sniper mode 6-16 Pistol Machine Gun and M-79 Grenade Launcher. PlayStation [EMPTIS layStationi + ово) STUDIOS کی > 1999 Sony Computer Entertainment America Ine www. 989studios.com PlayStation and the PlayStation lopos ae registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc Syphon Fer 989 Studios and the 989 Studios lago are trademarks of Sony Computer Entartainment America | Hybrid Heaven Parasite Eve Meets The Manchurian Candidate Deep Below The Big Apple Number of menus you have to scroll through before throwing a punch in Hybrid Heaven. xplore a dark warld of genetic mutants, political intrigue and mind control deep below the “Big Apple” in Hybrid Heaven, Konami’s cinematic, 64-Bit answer to Square Soft’s popular Parasite Eve for the PlayStation. After gunning down an unarmed secret service agent at the urging of a mysterious, disembodied voice, the player's character, Diaz, is ushered through a New York subway tunnel by two men in black into a bizarre subterranean world populated by scientists, robotic sentries and unspeakable genetic experiments gone awry. An unwitting pawn in a plan to assassinate the president, Diaz must piece together the fragments of his shattered memary if he is to escape his underground prison and foil the would-be assassins. In Hybrid Heaven's field mode, the player is free to explore the game's 11 3D environments, avoiding hazards, discovering computer passwords and gunning down floating robotic sentries with a laser pistol. Pass in front of a mutant's field of vision, however, and you'll enter a battle mode similar to Parasite Eve's. In this mode, Diaz is free to run around a limited environment while scrolling through RPG: style attack options. At the touch of the A button, a window will pop up asking if the player wants to. attack or use a weapon. If attack is chosen, the player can choose from an array of punches and kicks, which vary in power and chance of failure. If you're too slow, your opponent will gain the upper hand, forcing you to defend, dodge or counter its attack. А power gauge at the top of the screen, which governs Diaz’s attack power, decreases with each attack but replenishes over time. Unfortunately, the gauge begins at zero, forcing you to run around avoiding your opponent until it is sufficiently charged. A separate stamina gauge located below the power gauge influences which throws Diaz is capable of performing. Win a fight and your character's parameters — (МУ Unlike the Combat Mode, Hybrid Heaven's Field 58 Mode requires considerable dexterity to survive. Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release Konami 1 60 May КСЕ Osaka Action/RPG 1999 Web Address: www.konami.com As the title implies, Hybrid Heaven is a genre-bending hybrid, marrying 3D action with the strategy of an RPG. hit points, attack strength, defense, etc.—will automatically increase. What’s more, Diaz actually evolves as you progress through the game, gaining new attacks based on which techniques are used most often. Hybrid Heaven's real-time cinemas have a highly cinematic look and are chock-full of rapid cuts, camera moves and, thanks to Konami’s powerful compression techniques, a surprising amount of speech for a cartridge game. The first game of its type available for the Nintendo 64, Konami's “hybrid” offering is almost guaranteed to enjoy heavenly success when it hits store shelves in May. @ The game's movies have а stylized, cinematic look. 8 - m YOUR Ranson MIGHT 7 — M — PlayStation WE MESI LSU K ard's been HES and held hostage. Detective i onthe mcm " T Tactical Rescue Assault Group (Т.Һ.А.б.)2 for the lime Professor's'only поре be his scientifically епћапсед daughter Rachel, with her Artificial Intelligence implant. When the’kidflappers demand @fansom;there'll be more than just egos flying, there'll be bulléts.... HE 'E 3D ACTION/ADVENTURE ROLE-PLAYING GAME! О | = ае. | GatherYour | He's Back... О | = ш ZN, | Monster Eggs, This Time With A v^] 5 ШСЖ) | incubate Them, Parachute! And, өз) d | And Send Them Wait Til You See = Zee — AI To Fight Your What He Сапбо оолу. = | НЕ. e Enemies! With It! www.electrosourceinc.com О MONSTER SEED CHAMELEON TWIST 2 All names and logos are the registered trademarks of their respective companies. Nintendo 64 Quake | Giblets, Anyone? Multiplayer Modes Here's the good news: Quake 1175 collection of multiplayer modes rivals that of GoldenEye. You get every mode you could want except co-operative play for the 19 single- player levels. And you get seven deathmatch- specific maps to boot. The bad news: Four- player mode was choppy when we saw it-as choppy as Turok 2's multiplayer, in fact. Two- player was perfectly smooth, however, and the producer told us they're still working to fix the frame-rate problems, Here's a rundown of Quake II's multiplayer modes: • Deathmatch: Your standard kill-or-be-killed ordeal for two or four players. • Deathtag: Kinda like a video-game version of kill the carrier, everyone hunts the one player who carries the flag. • Frag Teams: Blast fellow players in two-on-two or three-on-one miniwars. • Flag Wars: Here's the classic capture-the-flag mode that’s made PC Quake so darn legendary. Defend your fort and its flag, or scurry over to the other guy’s side and swipe his flag. Return it to your base to win. You can also play without teams. In this variation, everyone battles each other for the flag. (EM) 60 Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done | Release Activision 14 95 March Raster Productions Action 1999 Web Address: www.activision.com uake and Quake || are more than just games on the PC— they're a religion for countless deathmatch devotees. But for console gamers, the Quake name has hardly achieved holy-moly status. The Saturn and N64 ports of the original Quake were adequate, sure, but they were lacking in one key area: multiplayer. Activision is averting that particular mistake with Quake II for the N64. Developed by Raster Productions and approved by id Software, Quake || packs four multiplayer modes, and —unlike Midway's port of Quake—it supports four players. As far as the single-player game goes, Quake || producer Marty Stratton explained, “We asked what do people like about the original and what they don’t. Gamers really seemed to like the weapons and enemies.” Consequently, the N64 version packs all the same enemies and weapons, including the rail gun and BFG, The 19 single-player levels and seven deathmatch maps were designed by Rogue, who created the add-on levels for the second Quake I! mission pack on the PC. Stratton explained that if you've played through the 39 levels of Quake || on the PC, some of the N64 version's environments may seem familiar, “Occasionally you'll see half a level or half a room that you'll recognize," he said, "but essentially all the levels have been redesigned. And of course all the levels have secrets like the PC version." The developers gave Quake 11 a graphical facelift, too. All the textures have been retouched and rerendered in 16-Bit color, as opposed to the PC version's 8-Bit color palettes. The Expansion Pak adds some visual spark, too (see caption above). Still, a few sacrifices were made. Enemies have lost a few frames of animation, although they still duck and sidestep to dodge your fire. Your character's ability 10 duck has been taken out, too. No big deal, though; with the RAM Pak in place, Quake || looks even better than the hardware-accelerated PC version. Honest. @ Quake ІІ uses Nintendo's RAM Pak a little differently from other Pak-compatible games. Instead of simply popping the game into hi-res, the Pak adds dynamic lighting to the weapons, draws halo effects on lights, bumps up the resolution of wall and enemy textures, and re- renders the entire scene in 24-Bit color-while the game itself stays in the standard 320x240 resolution. In other words, the environments become more sharp and vibrant, without the dithering effects of the regular 16-Bit colors you get sans RAM Pak. Take on the Stroggs using either Turok- or GoldenEye- style controls, or customize each button individually. Program B 36 Рог T wot wakeboalding с n Ta — look at. ћеоп та! Califofnia: _ weal flom Hang Теп | rn Just like . або, "ао and-stYlish а -> Chupa 21. % S. Thi p tional teat, ~ available in-3V flavolS for: amet саррџесто, is moles. na andy, „ аћ 8— کن‎ ч ASMA иет [т Monta The Best ММ Baseball Sim Gets Better Another new addition ‘this year: variable weather conditions, including rain and even snow (if the time/place is right). ‘une тетте: Low мик шш Nearly every aspect of ASB has been fine- tuned over last year, even Create-A-Player. Check out the glare protection! 62 Nintendo 64 All-Star Baseball 2000 Publisher/Developer — Players/Genre % Done Release Acclaim 14 April Iguana Sports 80 1999 Web Address: www.acclaim.net ast year, Acclaim's All-Star Baseball "99 took top honors as EGM's favorite N64 baseball game. While it did have a few problems, overall it was still the best game in town, especially for sim fans. This year they've got added competition from the likes of EA and Konami, but from what we've seen of All-Star 2000, we think it's safe to say that Acclaim's got an excellent chance of staying on top. Graphically, All-Star is even more beautiful than it was last year. The hi-res graphics are as astounding as ever (no Expansion Pak necessary!), and the animation has been improved in almost every area. The detail that was put into each ballpark is truly amazing. From the rooftops behind Wrigley to the monuments in Yankee Stadium's Monument Park, everything is replicated almost perfectly. The camera work has been improved, too. All of this is great, but what's more important is gameplay. Believe it or not, this is where they REALLY went nuts with the details. ASB 2000 is a sim fan's dream—it’s packed with dozens of features, many of which are either enhanced from last year or entirely new. The most important enhancements lie in the batter/pitcher interface— check out the sidebar for details. The А! has been tweaked in several areas (smarter CPU With 3D Batting (top), players can actually target their swings more accurately than ever before, Got a runner on third with one out? No problem! Aim high and deep, so he can tag his way home! Also new: Pitch type AND location guessing (bottom). Sweet! Bey Bickerton, Assistant Creative Director at Iguana had this to say about the company's innovative new 3D Batting system: "3D Batting evolved from the simple idea of giving the players more control over where they wanted to hit the ball. When looking at past icon batting systems, they were all relatively the same and it was hard enough to make contact with the ball, let alone hit it to a desired part of the field. We then reviewed our own system and decided that actually tilting or turning the batting icon would accomplish what we wanted to do while keeping the relatively same, consistent interface. It was a simple matter of finding the right graphical representation and adjusting the hit angles available when the user positions the icon in 3D space. What I think resulted is a very intuitive interface that gives the user unprecedented control when at the plate.” One of the many new features of ASB 2000 is Instant Replay. If you've got an Expansion Pak, you can almost quadruple the amount of footage you can review. players, better CPU draft management, more realistic stats over the course of a season, etc.), and the many GM options have been improved as well. Not only are there more stats, but they're more user-friendly and more accessible too (especially during a game). The Create-A-Player Mode is not only more detailed, but it allows you to create up to 25 players now (as opposed to 10 last year). What else is new? There's honestly too much to list. Some of the more noteworthy stuff includes: an Instant Replay feature, controlled sliding (to try to avoid tags), pitch speed control, multiple-player trades, daily HR tracking during a season, weather effects (rain/snow), hot and cold streaks, and more. Heck, you can even call for a double switch! The game speed has been increased big-time, too— you can bypass almost any unnecessary cinematic or delay to cut down on game time. A very nice feature, indeed. As you can tell, we're pretty excited about All-Star Baseball 2000. Hopefully Acclaim and Iguana will put this much effort into their other sports titles (like QB Club), because it's obviously paying off. We can't wait to see what they do with the Dreamcast... @ tern Md re = LAM EE ENT 5 ~ т йрй @ ^ LES AES E АН the realism of an 18 hole pU course. f since titanium clubs, Unrivaled attention to course «del s TVestyle coverage make a perfect foursome when combined with some of the hottest pro players and our groundbreaking 4-click swing system. Tee off on some of the world's greatest courses including Royal County Down (Ireland), Тһе Lost City (South Africa) and Coeur d'Alene (USA). Piqued your interest? — Же ИН > For a free demo check out Pro 18's 3rd hole, Coeur d' Alene Actual 3rd hole, Coeur d' Alene ww.psygnosis.com/prol 8 (C << x т = ТЕН gre er TEE Honestly, if you're playing the course and 99 4 4 you're playing the game, there is no difference! ^^ how you can win a real trip — Bill Reagan, General Manager, to The Coeur d'Alene Resort. The Coeur D'Alene Resort | | «1 | PlayStation TT E PlayStat = | | | THESE TOTALLY: UNCHARTED LEVELS, TD: «егесті, Пи ^ “м. Ц ч GIVE YOU ONE INTEN s 222 p) жақ. = PlayStation ота Mei wesc va Quake ІІ” ©1999 Id Software, Inc. А! M тт Ша wwwactivision.com www.idsoftwarc.com | Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release Acclaim 1 60 August Iguana-U.K. Action/Adventure 1999 Web Address: www.acclaim.net ou may have heard of Shadow Man you may have even seen early shots from the game and read about its morbid story line right here in EGM. Chances are you'll be hearing and seeing quite a bit more of Shadow Man since Acclaim is positioning it as, in their words, а game on the same level as the mega-hit Turok. But marketing dollars aside, from what we've seen of Shadow Man so far, it looks as if this 3D action/adventure is truly something special. The voodoo-flavored story is rich and twisted, putting Mike LeRoi (a.k.a. Shadow Man) in the unlikely position of saving the world from Legion, a being who has come from beyond the universe to cause mayhem. By employing the “talents” of five serial killers, Legion plans to...well, cause mayhem in various evil ways. So along comes Mike LeRoi as a kind of undead assassin who is chosen to kill these serial killers and Legion, while traveling between the real world and Deadside gathering information, items and power, and killing evil minions. Like any good story, Shadow Man has a simple moral behind its complex gameplay: You get to kill the serial killers. And if you believe in the adage “an eye for an eye,” this is due justice, since these guys are real sick bastards who kill and mame for fun. Of course, you meet up with different people and beings in your travels—some friendly, some not. One in particular is quite strange: A snake named Jaunty who's the gatekeeper to Deadside (Jaunty has a weird skull for a head and wears a top hat). As if this weren't weird enough, in this early version of the game, he has sort of an indiscernible Irish ог Scottish accent. In Shadow Man you'll go back and forth between its levels several times in order to truly complete the game. Think of it in the same way you have to finish Zelda or Banjo Kazooie, although this is the only thing Shadow Man has in common with these games. Like boy and teen Link in Zelda, you can get to places as Shadow Man you can't get to as Mike | Love That Voodoo You 00 Iguana U.K’s VISTA technology allows you to see far into the distance with the use of little or no fog. LeRoi, and vice versa. In addition, there are certain items you must collect to access unreachable areas to find secrets, which ultimately equals more power with which to fight stronger enemies and bosses. "There's a multitude of experience in each level, whether it's an action, adventure or puzzle element," explains Guy Miller, creative director for Iguana U.K. The main items you'll collect in Shadow Man are called Govi. These act sort of like the stars do in Mario 64, except there is nothing special at the end of the game if you collect all of them. Instead, after collecting all of the Govi, your power level will be at its max, and you'll be able to take on Legion all the more easily after entering the Asylum. Graphically, Shadow Man will support low, medium and hi-res (although this rev supported only a rather dark low-res mode). In addition, the game uses VISTA technology, a graphics engine developed by Iguana U.K. that basically allows you to see into the distance without having to use any unsightly fogging techniques. Thanks to the N64's graphical capabilities, Shadow Man has a load of cutscenes integrated into gameplay as well. Miller commented on how the CG video in the earlier days of gaming was frustrating, and how he'd rather play those bits instead of the actual game. “I've always wanted to put a meaty story into a game, and the technology now is making that possible," Miller went on. We're not sure if he realized the pun or not, but Shadow Man is certainly meaty...in more ways than one. @ The gates to Deadside. From here on out things get pretty freaky, Talk to Januty and he'll give you à bit of advice. Shadow Man's stages are quite intricate. They vary greatly from one to the next and from the real world to Deadside. The picture below is not from the game..it's a painting. Who all is working on Shadow Man? Guy Miller, Creative Director at iguana in the United Kingdom, is the main man behind the project, but he's obviously not the only person working on it. In fact, all of Iguana-U.K. is Core. Now with Iguana-U.K., he's the man behind Shadow Man. What inspired the grim and horrific story behind Shadow Man? 66 Rr ыш айт Б J Peiter Breugel, The Elder The ‘Little’ Tower of Babel c. 1563; Oil on panel, 60 x 74.5 cm; Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam ‘Web site: metalab.unc.edu/wm/paint/auth/bruegel/ working on Shadow Man —that's roughly бо people. It has been in development for just over two years. What else has Guy Miller worked on? Miller has been in the gaming industry for a long time. In fact, he worked on Battle Toads and Wizards & Warriors on the NES and many other ald-school titles. More recently, Miller has worked on Tomb Raider when he was with There are several things. First and foremost, there's a painting by Peiter Bruegel called The ‘Little’ Tower of Babel (see left). Miller thought the tower looked like somewhere serial killers go when they die. The Asylum in Shadow Man is based on this tower— a dark, disgusting and freaky place full of evil and death. Other inspirations include paintings by Francis Bacon and the movies Seven and Jacob's Ladder. Needless to say, the game is twisted. Тор 10 Reasons to BuyGames.com 1. ые Squadiag 2. Gran Turismo 3. Banjo Kazooie Ga GRAN TURISMO Ф [8 © = i [rd > fact Е- 32.95 $39.95 5. Parasite Eve 6. Super Cross 98 е Е =) E 2.2.73 9. АП Star Baseball 99 33.95 = ||| Ni 2 publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release = Electronic Arts t2 March 1-] TREY ARCH Sports 90 %% = Web Address: www.easports.com Triple Play 2000 EA Takes A Swing the Niena Г a look or pl е lot differe At The КМ — Once the ball is hit a introducing a brand-nev handy directional arrow Nintendo's machine. tracks it for you. Compared to TP 98 (fc rate is much better. Rememb game took heat for its спорі animation? That won't be a problem tion side, a qu camera follows the action from up to 75 t plate (or any base) are side vantage point clo he tag. When p battalion of It's Triple Plays Nintendo 64 debut. The kids are expecting a lot out of this one. camera angles are enable cut TV-sty e ot cam in the t iter field of different locations деј game difficulty level. e catc е > MLB and MLBPA lice er while the traditional :rby and of course t for the hardest done to promote that a good o Getting Rookie is pretty darn An example of some of that quick- | ИН cut camera work. “Konami – March _ KCE America Sports 1999 better control. As far as gameplay is concerned, it doesn’t offer anything drastically new or different from other М baseball games. It's got good, solid control, a decent (though slowly becoming i ; dated) batter/pitcher interface and average * graphics. The Scenario Mode is easily the | тты LI coolest feature of the game, allowing you xen eS AA C I to take part in 2o different key scenarios KS A | that took place last season. On the gE downside, there’s по Create-A-Player feature, and—get this—there's still no official MLB team license (the PlayStation versions don't have it either). It's too bad, because that “minor” omission is going to mw] cost Konami a whole lotta sales. “Real” 79 UA 3,48 baseball fans want “real” teams. If crap күл Konami's semi-popular PlayStation baseball like MIke Piazza's StrikeZone can pull in a PIKHED-—2 [run — Tw franchise is now making its way to the N64. That’s team license, there’s no reason why Bottom right kids, Bottom of the gth has arrived, and it's of the gth shouldn't be able to. سے‎ already complete—not bad for a game whose Ifyou can get past these faults, you may [= — — ТІ ен existence we weren't even sure of slightly омега want to give Bottom of the 9th a try. АП month ago. things considered, it’s still a surprisingly Bottom of the oth is strikingly similar to the PS playable game. If all goes well, it should be versions, only with slightly smoother graphics and ^ on sale by Opening Day. Te Training Mode aloes An sharpen your skills in either 2 ту pitching or fielding. 68 What are you waiting for? p Tomb Raider Il Now on Greatest Hits = PlayStation logos are tered tra y Entertainment Inc. ing "5 " 1 icon is a trademark of the Interaclive Digital Software Association. АН rights reserved www.eidosinteractive.com Gauntlet Legends Here is a very early look at Gauntlet Legends. The screens you're looking at are from a pre-alpha version of the game which is less than 4o percent complete, but as you can tell, it's already shaping up to look like a clean translation from the arcade version. The N64 version will, of course, support four-player simultaneous play and will include all the features from the coin-op game, like the ability to level up and save your characters, Gauntlet Legends is due out in May from Midway and Atari Games. WWF Attitude Iguana is slowly leaking out information on their next wrasslin' game, WWF Attitude. As you can see here, we don't have much to show you other than these early menu screens. Besides the obvious and obligatory roster updates over WWF War Zone, Attitude is supposed to feature much more in the Create-A-Wrestler department. The biggest improvement Iguana is looking to implement is fully customizable fighters, meaning you can pick individual moves for each situation (off the top turnbuckle, opponent on the mat, etc.) instead of picking an existing character's set of moves. Acclaim will be giving you Attitude in May. Check videogames.com and the next issue of EGM for more Attitude coverage until then. Суви LT aurcm Ee futwreneh БЕ 1 fil лев преса C mem D) эшене Monster Truck Madness Rockstar (a new publishing label under Take 2 Interactive) will be bringing out Monster Truck Madness for the Nintendo 64 later this year. This off-road racer is based on Microsoft's PC game of the same name but will have new exclusive features. As of press time, we weren't sure what exactly these features are (all we were told was, "The N64 version will have a lot of new s***."), but we do know the cart will have new cars «У and tracks. D | Nis uis ІШ T A the previous game was and more... ап incredible gaming experience” чи 8. “even better- and odder бо -than the original." 6 “Exoddus e asily earns a plaee- - Official PlayStation Magazine Save ihe Müdokons and save а, among the PlayStation s 2 ; у S 4 NOW game anywhere! , best his year" y : ombines stunning graphics | — NE^. ^ and engrossing gameplay.” | Kik ж Ж “Improvements and;pluses that will. је D Іші ы delight all the old as and the countless new ones .” - GameFan ‘Abe gets all emotional! More panic! ‚ More talking! More pleading! Tons of cool new power-ups! | Invisibility! Healing powers! And тоге? Flesh-eating Fleéches! Undead. ‚ Mudombies! Bone-grinding Greeters! 4/2. 1105] Available at your local retail Store. о PlayStation RO) ‘Aware Liteforms In. ® M Virtual Entertainment. ооднола: Abc Gon e 1908 Orr hart Je ighis Reserved. Created by Osan, ғай дай Отоо by GT trace арааг? Carp. GT is a trademark ond е GT Logo is a registered trademark bud азай se ог addu of Sany Conr terme байи dns Logo а Рави ot ar aon c A oer dem ae he propery Әліш esp t x se ы. (1) 0 ШІ W ӨШ: (Десе ААВАА Ашы. www.oddworld.com Interactive Software Corp. panies. you love baseball... this is the only game їп town” - GamerzEdge © 1999 The 300 Company. AI Aight ‘owners. Ө) МІВРА [E ment Inc. Эй merciye, is © леда, are tradens nf Advancoll Micro iOp-notch arcade ау; е Des asepa ame -PC Gamer “Top-notch de play; the best baseball game АТ' ‘TruPlay™ Al guarantees true-to-life base running fielding and managing *Motion-captured polygonal players in a ЗО environment ensures authentic major-league gameplay *Broadcast-style camera angles and VCR features allow you to replay the action from any angle* “all the intricacies of a real game, from line drives to the suicide squeeze and the double switch” - Family PC ‘Blazing fast gameplay and all the action ofa highlight reel ‘Head-to-Head Multi-player action via LAN, modem, or Internet* “This game feels like baseball..great gameplay, and super AI. No other game does these things,’ - PC Sports Games ‘New 1999 MLBPA player rosters and 1998 career stats ‘Career Mode includes a realistic aging curve player retirement, and new rookie prospects” *Make block buster deals with Multi-player trades and Manage-only mode to control key aspects of gameplay” “This is the best baseball game, | satisfaction $ guaranteed.” * - Trip Hawkins, President 300 то = mm с ® www.highheat.com It's Ed' s mess and Ed's going clean it up! PlayStation, Ehrgeiz! Gesund Heit! Tekken it to the Limit Dream Factory, the masterminds behind Tobal No.1, Tobal 2, and now, Ehrgeiz, is comprised of industry veterans whose credits include both the Tekken and Virtua Fighter series. Although the fighting engines have remained remarkably similar throughout the three Square games, the Quest Mode has gotten more ambitious with each installment. Yoko decides to take the high road as Han (currently solo) unleashes an attack of environmentally hazardous proportions. 76 у + Last one to the finish line buys the beer! Ehrgeiz ere you among the millions of troubled souls who hankered after Square/Dream Factory's quasi-legendary fighter Tobal 2, only to cry out in agony as news filtered out that they did not “have the resources" to translate the game? Were you among the faithful who erroneously hoped Square would somehow find it in their hearts. to surprise us anyway, or that the newly formed EA/Square faction would eventually release this import-only masterpiece? Well, if you were, you waited in vain, as Tobal 2 will forevermore remain “опе of those that got away." However, if it's any consolation, Square EA will be releasing Dream Factory's arcade fighter, Ehrgeiz, to the masses sometime this May. Dubbed by many fans the "Final Fantasy Fighter," Ehrgeiz was originally. released in arcades last fall. The result of a partnership between Square (publishers), Namco (System 12 hardware, arcade distribution) and Dream Factory (the developers), Ehrgeiz builds on the free- roaming 3D fighting engine that made Tobal such a critically successful endeavor. Taking it a step further than Tobal 2, Ehrgeiz attempts to enrich the concept by adding multitiered backgrounds, destructible objects and individualized projectile attacks. While there is a story line centering around the "legendary" ~ Like the Tobal series, Ehrgheiz also features a Quest Mode with beautiful graphics and some neat light-sourcing. Square EA t2 Dream Factory Fighting Address: www.squaresoft.com This guy's lucky he's only getting his ass kicked. If “Prince Naseem” were up to it, he could crack him over the head with that crate! sword Ehrgeiz, we all know it's just a big ol' excuse to kick some butt! As can be expected of the creators of the Tobal series, the home conversion of Ehrgeiz incorporates a Quest Mode called “Godless, the Dungeon.” In this mode you take control of one of two new characters exclusive to the game, and attempt to guide them through the rigors of a multileveled dungeon. Unlike the Quest Mode in the Tobal series, you can piek up weapons and armor in Ehrgeiz, and actually see your character wearing whatever it is you've found. If that weren't enough, there's also a small handful of mini- games for anyone wanting to take the Ehrgeiz folk and make them race across a beach or play a huge game of Othello, among other things. In any case, for the many who felt burned at the loss of Tobal 2, now's your chance to make peace with the past. Due to arrive in the States this May, the arrival of Ehrgeiz might make more than a few gamers say “Tobal who?" @ = | (ода у i. EA КЕЕ М Sth ON (ӨЛ - FHL = Па Return Of The 0.6.Police.... Psygnasis 1 60 May Psygnosis-Stroud Action 5: www.psygnosis.com G-Police Weapons of Justice mong 1997's crop of Psygnosis games, two stood out from the pack, due to their unique futuristic design and intriguing gameplay: Colony Wars and С. Police. Now that Psygnosis has already released a much-improved sequel to Colony Wars, many have been wondering what the G-Police sequel (which we first broke the news on in EGM #112) would be like. Well, the suspense is over now that Psygnosis has given us a beta of G-Police Weapons of Justice to play. While the previous installment of high-flying helicopter action had been a critical success, there were still a few, substantial criticisms leveled at it, most notably the extremely problematic draw-in. Buildings and enemies would pop up only a few feet in front of you, causing much confusion. This famous draw-in problem has been met with a clever solution. Each craft now has something called an “echo-location” system. What this means is buildings and ships far off in the distance will be rendered in wire-frames until they're revealed in full 3D models (if you've played Krazy Ivan for the Saturn, you know how this works). Numerous other features have been implemented to improve the overall playing experience. To begin with, in addition to the original helicopters, three new vehicles have been added to the game. These are the Raptor (a two-legged ground attack craft), the Corsair space craft, and a ground-based police car. While the original control scheme is still intact, an additional “arcade” setup is included to give the game an easier learning curve. In addition, weapon variety has been increased from 14 to 25 different weapons, each mission will have multiple objectives, enemy Al has been enhanced and mission briefings will be clearer and enhanced with audio cues. To top it off, even the HUD has been cleaned up for easier reading. In Weapons of Justice, you also have ground forces that will aid your progress and help take over hostile installations. Keeping the G-Police story line moving smoothly is the You'll get to pilot more than just a helicopter this time around, Looks very Colony Wars-ish, doesn't it? addition of in-game cutscenes rendered with the game engine, as well as CG FMV's at the beginning and the end of the game. Due to arrive in stores this May, G-Police Weapons of Justice looks like it may put to rest all of the problems the first incarnation had, while adding more than enough to warrant the sequel. Aiming for the feel of the old while adding an exciting new chapter to the series, fans of the original have а lot to look forward to this spring. @ It’s always really, really dark in this universe. Hey, don't the G-Police ever work during the day? I's anyone who starts a sentence, “When | was your age...” I's your parents when they say, 5 “Why couldn't you be more like your brother?” IFs all the girls who ever gave you a fake phone umber. Show them how you really feel. Wreak havoc in 40 different missions, in four unique, upgradable ships, using 13 different weapons against 30+ enemy craft. Experience wormholes, asteroids, cloaked planets, and kamikaze drones. Even play against that person you're ticked off at, head-to-head. Lose And You're Luggage... Planes, Trains and Automobiles All-new vehicles break up the monotony while introducing new challenges. Croc 2 Players/Genre % Done | Release Fox Interactive 1 80 2nd Qtr. Argonaut Adventure. 1999 Web Address: wv foxinteractive.com j 0x Interactive's | | diminutive, green- " skinned hero x: returns to battle the evil Baron Dante once again in : Croc 2, the sequel to Fox's million-selling 3D adventure game. After defeating Baron Dante at the end of the last game, Croc leaves his adoptive island home in search of his long-lost parents. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Baron is far from finished and is plotting revenge against Croc and his furry Gobbo pals. Utilizing a modified version of the original Croc engine, Croc 2 runs in high-res at 30 frames-per- second, blowing away its visually impressive predecessor. The levels are less linear, too, with more of an emphasis on exploration and puzzle solving. As for Croc himself, he’s learned a few new tricks since his first adventure, such as a new boost jump, achieved by rapidly pressing then holding and releasing the Jump button, The new jump allows Croc to jump higher than before to reach previously unattainable platforms. In addition to his traditional tail whips and butt bounces, Croc now has the ability to pick up and throw certain objects at enemies. Croc also has a number of new vehicles at his disposal, including a mine cart, a raft, a hot-air balloon and a hang-glider, which you must navigate Pilot Wings-style through a number of opening and closing rings. There’s also a giant rolling snowball, which Croc must run atop to avoid being crushed. Fox also promises to include “much-improved swimming and ice-slides, too.” Even more exciting, Croc 2 is said to contain some mini-racing games, such as a Mario Kart-style auto race, guaranteeing plenty of gameplay variety. As for Croc’s furry friends, they've undergone a few changes, as well; they now have the ability to talk in a limited, me-Gobbo-you-Croc sort of way, allowing them to drop the occasional hint. Their appearance also changes from level to level; the Inca level, for Pick on somebody your own size! Croc once again faces plenty of screen-filling baddies. Utilizing a modified Croc engine, Croc 2 runs in high res at 30 frames per second with zero texture warp or pop-up. instance, is populated by tribal Gobbos in ornate outfits, while Wild West Gobbos are dressed as cowboys and Indians. While this is mainly just eye- candy, it does allow you to find and identify specific Gobbos you may be looking for. Rather than progressing through the game by hopping from island to island, as was the case in the original, Croc 2 is divided into four hubs. All of the available levels are linked to the hub by doors, many of which must be unlocked first by finding keys or solving puzzles. As fans of the original will be happy to learn, Croc 2 is populated by plenty of challenging, off-beat Bosses, With names like Lava Lamp Larry and Venus Fly Von Trappe, you know they've got to be weird. All in all, Croc 2 looks like it's going to surpass its celebrated predecessor in every conceivable way, promising to achieve the same PlayStation-Greatest- Hit status. @ Rather than allowing you to exit a level, gongs now serve as checkpoints, ONG AGO, А SMALL COUNTRY WAS BESTOWED MYSTICAL OBJECTS POSSESSING MYSTICAL POWERS. BUT THESE OBJECTS, RELICS, WERE MUCH TOO POWERFUL, EVENTUALLY, THE EMPIRE DESTROYED ITSELF SEALING ITS SECRET FUR ETERNITY. 1000 YEARS LATER, ONE MAN HAS UNLEASHED THE POWER AND ONCE AGAIN, THE CONTINENT FACES TOTAL DESTRUCTION. PIT RELIC AGAINST RELIC AS 12 INDIVIDUALS FIGHT FOR*PEACE, POWER, GREED АМО PROSPERITY. OBJECTS OF POWER FAIL, BUT THE SCARS REMAIN... Eg We ^^ FROM THE | > CREATORS OF CS DYNASTY WARRIORS... | LET THE SLAUGHTER BEGIN. WHW.KOEIGAMES.COM => СА DESTREGA. KOEI E PlayStationi CYBER SAMMY 4 NO ONE REMEMBERS WHO HAD a THE MOST BUNTS | | Heet Sammy Sosa, Cyber Athlete” and Jack City’s reigning ef Presidente. Think you сап sit him down? Wake up. This is bigger league ball. Hore. warning track power. Deeper ivy-divin catches. Faster inning- ending double plays. And harder trainwreck slides, So pitch around him or you'll get dragged kickin’ and screamin’ into the record books. WWW.edsports.com gs EIE [EIL ZA Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release Namco un March Namco Light Gun 95 1999 Web Address: www.namco.com этш ол he sequel to Namco’ Just $ y No To ght gun game Point B the addictive multiplay "Point -less made the original a cu Video бате Violence Look for escapees from other Namco titles in Point Blank 2. nt, Team В t oppo ectoid “galagas straight out of thi 1 Namco" Namco's inc including Ti he Point B t ning one of PlayStation's The object of this game is to shoot off the knight's armor—without hitting any exposed body parts. Ouch, indeed. Alien Resurrection Ship's mechanic, played by Winona Ryder), Јоћпег (that huge guy from The City of Lost Children), Christie (the dreadlocked sharpshooter) and DiStephano (the soldier from the E S Auriga). Each character is designed T t for specific levels, so you won't be able ы z to pick one at will. ~ Alien Resurrection will feature "highly ы ) destructible environments," a huge “Fox Interactive NN naut Software arsenal of weapons and mission-based objectives within the game's 13 levels. The game's top-down 3D perspective is similar to Pitfall 3D’s, but the shooting г elements and interaction with the PRUT environments make this a decidedly darker, tenser action game. The frame- You know you're f-ed when aliens start dropping out of rate and action seem rather sluggish, the sky. but this game is far from complete. The final version should run smoother and - Alien Resurrection is based оп the fourth movie will also have sharpened А! (50 aliens y in the Alien series and is being developed by will work as a team and pop from walls E Argonaut, the creators of Croc and the original and ceilings and such). Senn Star Fox. You can play as one of five different Right now the game is slated for a 2 characters from the film: Ripley 8, Call (the June release. 84 ІТ before Emnulrri p 11 [rhe plague ОУ Tiri [ "Stunning spell effects" —EGM ] [ “Deep, involving storyline...beautiful graphics" —GamePro ] [ “Beautifully rendered” —Next Generation | [ www.shadowmadness.com ] [ "Loaded with exquisite music." —Gamer's Republic | [ "Unravels like a good mystery...epic" —PSM | [ “А highly interactive world." —PSExtreme ] PlayStation ч ‘Shadow Madness, Craveyard and Crave are trademarks of Crave Entertainment, Inc. Al rights reserved. © 1999 Crave Entertainment, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos aro rogistered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PlayStation змошола Interplay Sports’ Baseball Debut The game's interface has been cleaned up and made more user-friendly, ed Ir 000. Here's en w 8 ш г ity ӨЗ 2401 н om sp ERA his point in time frame-rate in the field is a bit Hopefully this will bi Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done та March Sports 80 1999 Interplay Interplay Sports Release Web Address: www.interplaysports.com Baseball 2000 ast year, VR Baseball ' but it turned out solid baseball few amateurish problems m, cleaned up for the finz E | TEENS | Мат > Monaco Grand Prix E only potenti. developers can problem, Baseball Ubi Soft Ubi Soft 1-4 (link) Racing Гоч out si | нт Ей ГИП Baseball 20005 batter/pitcher interface looks much better than it did in last year's VR Baseball '99. is just | smart АІ, realistic efinitely appreciate it. The blem lies in the frame-rate. If the on out thi small but important ill bı ll worth checking out when it hits stores in March. @ ووو 50 mom | 1288 2 No licensed drivers, teams or tracks (except for Monaco). But the authentic feel is definitely there. We've told you about the ultra-sim, Monaco Grand Prix for the N64 (February issue). Now comes the slightly less detailed but very promising PlayStation version. Before you roll your eyes at “just another F1 game you may want to pay attention. At just 50 percent completion it’s already apparent a sound foundation is in place. The frame-rate is very 86 smooth and fast even when traffic gets heavy (up to 22 cars at once). And while the graphics are nothing special (similar to Psygnosis’ Formula One 98), it’s of small consequence given the competent racing gameplay. Car control is accurate and responsive, especially when using the analog control. Weaving in and out of traffic and maneuvering the “s” curves is a lot of fun. On the other side, the analog speed control offers decent acceleration and braking. Arcade Mode provides sloppy but entertaining racifg. It's possible to bump other cars and do a fair amount of lawn driving. Championship Mode offers all the traditional physics of a real contest. Aton of adjustments can be made prior to and during qualifying. You can even adjust ground clearance and individual gear ratios. For the most part the sim physics hit the mark: The challenge lies in making a turn at higher speeds and not drifting too high, breaking hard before corners, etc. No doubt the finished game will have all the bells and whistles we've come to expect in a Formula One game including two-player split and four-player link play. But, it appears Monaco Grand Prix will offset itself by featuring good racing gameplay rather than options galore (even though the game will have plenty). ae dus Pop-up and draw-in are minimal and there’s no distraction while racing. Lighining-fast arcade-style action! Ey bk festes wrestling Оуег 60 of the top WCW The à 1 and NWO superstars! ır favorite signature moves, game available! ага! OE —— and taunts! {GW нат © 140 World Championship Wresting, ine: A Te Warner Company. A rights reserved. WEN and Dar radars ot World Chamoionstip 95 ss e БЕТТІ бореа, are trademarks o ar шиба Lese o Vor Campis Wrest, Inc. AJ rights sored. THO TM 1998 THO IC. کے‎ Fighter Maker Now here's some good news. Fighter Maker is making its way to the States! If you ever thought you could make a better fighter than Namco or Capcom, now you can try. In Agetec's (formerly Ascii) Fighter Maker, you can customize everything from walking and blocking animations to special moves and grabs, When we say customize, we mean down to individual limbs, which can be manipulated any way you want. You can also set the frame speed for each move and how the attack will affect the enemy, like whether you want to knock the body down or have it launched into the air for easy juggle combos. Ever wanted your fighter to do the Macarena? You can do that too (Agetec demonstrated for us a fighter doing a "Macarena" death blow...you had to hit the fighter before he finished the dance, otherwise you met with instant death). It’s all very cool. Fighter Maker's release is set for late May or June. We'll have. more info on this game next month. С 2— وزم‎ NA V Discover secret short cuts to blow the competition away. v Clean out your friend's piggy bank with the unique wagering system. Li dirs ley ert Бате In © Intense 2 player split screen racing! ¥ Dual Shock™ analog controller compatible. (vibration mode only] | тете "ee 2 a APES Zæ HUDSON’ 6 " | 4 AA ~ Ne Ж”... A К { > x True Story: the Grand РАШИРИ TERRE SN E CES NINTENDO ^ УМ PlayStation ds (AUTOMOBILE CLUB DE MONACO JUST WHEN: YOU THINK: YOU'RE GOD'S GIFT. po TORAGING, МЕ TAU м luto T | JU Ul FACE: You wal nt to play with fire? Monaco Grand Prix™ is the most challenging racing simulation ever created. 22 expert racers compete on 16 famous, interna engine tional tracks. The advanced driving redefines the meaning of expert racing. Every turn, pass, and acceleration must be timed to perfection. This is not a toy. Blow it and your car is shrapnel. Bred for the Pentium® ||, tuned for the PlayStation® game console and the Ninten the Aut lo? 64, and approved by the masters of omobile Club de Monaco. Feel ће burn. FRAN PRIX = erved. Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and the 3-0 "N" logo are trademarks of Nintendo of 3 E З ә Јаде Сосооп: Story of the Tamamayu Developed by Genki in Japan and published here by Crave Entertainment, Jade Cocoon is a cinematic RPG expected to hit this summer. The game has you following in your father's footsteps to be the cocoon master of your village, а job that has you using magic cocoons to train monsters that join your party. Katsuya Kondoh —the conceptual artist for Japan's highest-grossing film, Princess Mononoke—is crafting the game's unique visuals. Big Air Since there's an extreme shortage of snowboarding video games on the market right now (wink wink), Accolade is giving us Big Air. Developed by Pitbull Syndicate, Big Air is a licensing monster. The game features 80 real snowboards (from nine licensed companies), 10 musical bands (including our friend Diesel Boy), seven clothing manufacturers, five real-life professional snowboarders and one partridge in a pear tree. Big Air is due out in March. ШЕ 39002 T Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1, London 1969 Rockstar (a new publishing label under Take 2 Interactive) is bringing out the first-ever add-on disc for the PlayStation. Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1, London 1969 is not only a mouthful of a title, but it's a set of new missions that makes fun of British TV and films of the 19605 and '705. So how is an add-on disc for the PlayStation supposed to work, you ask? Upon loading of the Mission Pack, the game will prompt you to place the original Grand Theft Auto in your system. After it loads up the necessary game engine data, you replace the Mission Pack, which will then load up your new London-based stages. GTA: MP#1, 11969 should be out in stores this summer. g 1 À ar mE RN 4 % / М F risu P id : 4 | с 1 E Д f SOQ | E | А А. | d The hOUR 13 COMING / һ ~ us УГ 3 ы” М Y M Wy s AESURRECT ION iS * || RESURRECTION ЕЗГЕ OF Пиве ANIMATION FOR А NEW GENERA TION" WWW.ADVFILMS.COM High Heat 2000 300 is taking a stab at the baseball genre with this Team .366 title, due out in June. Beyond the MLBPA license, mo-cap polygon players and stats galore, something called TruPlay Al is used. This feature enables "true-to-life" base running, fielding and managing (so they say). In addition, the game boasts nine different pitching types for infinite pitch locations. Play-by-play is done by announcer Ted Robinson. D.I.R.T. What's this, Moto-Racer 3? No! It's a moto sim with no publisher (yet) by FunCom. Realism is top priority. D.I.R.T. has 12 tracks comprised of five motocross, four supercross and three enduro, Good animation, variable weather plus 125 and 500cc non-licensed bikes are included. Release date unknown. »13025 R/C Re-Volt Probe is developing a new radio-controlled racing game, R/C Re-Volt, But instead of traditional dirt race tracks, you'll be racing in a variety of stages not normally suited for RC racing, like the museum shown in these screenshots. You'll also get to use а variety of power-ups and weapons such as bottle rockets to help ensure victory. Acclaim will be bringing R/C Re-Volt out in July. best bap 00:60 7000 | 22:92: 116 mt у Ей, tanl [1d (ө) Monster Farm 2 Monster Farm 2, the sequel to Tecmo's monster- raising RPG (released as Monster Rancher in the U.S.), should be out in Japan by the time you read this, The premise is simple: You create monsters by using music CDs and battle them to climb the ladder to become the world's best trainer, There are over 300 total, both "good" and "evil," and you can train them by making them run, swim or meditate, or earn money by playing minigames via the PocketStation. Tecmo is planning a nationwide tournament and animated series for Japan. J CHEERED Final Fantasy VIII (e) Sony's PocketStation portable game machine /memory card has been hard to find in Japan ever since it was released in late January, and here's a big reason why— Final Fantasy VIII has its own PocketStation minigame, named "Odekake Chocobo" or “бо Chocobo!" where players can help everyone's favorite little feathered friend fight enemies or collect items, Check back next issue for more FFVIII coverage. tud a UmJammer Lammy UmJammer Lammy, the sequel to the irresistible PaRappa the Rapper, will be released in Japan this March. The game centers around rock ‘n’ roll this time a around, as Lammy and friends Katy Kat and Mah-san (members of the band Milk Can) try to achieve superstardom. Sony has included a two-player mode in the sequel. You'll also see a few familiar faces throughout Umjammer Lammy. And remember, “You gotta believe!” Persona 2: Tsumi Atlus recently released the first screens and info on their upcoming sequel to their hit RPG Revelations: Persona, called Persona 2: Tsumi (Tsumi means “біп”). The game takes place a few years after the first Persona. The story centers around a high school that's supposedly cursed— apparently, anyone who wears the school's insignia gets stuck with the curse. Sounds pretty cool. The game will sport multiple paths throughout play, as well as an enhanced battle system. Hopefully, the clueless Sony evaluators who decided that Atlus’ Soul Hackers wasn't good enough for the U.S. won't pass up this gem as well. У "BY COOKING (YOU SEAL iN REAL COMBAT. PLASTIC MEN.” THEM. Зк. у, TH: JUNC i1 astic Men nna Бір» PlaySta eeu = Super Mario Bros. Woo-hoo! Nintendo recently announced plans to bring the original NES classic, Super Mario Bros., to the Game Boy Color this May. The GBC version will be an exact port of the original, though the screen will scroll up a bit to make up for lost space (the GBC's screen dimensions don't match up properly with the old NES). Hopefully this is only the first of many NES ports to come... Midway Presents Arcade Hits Midway is actually presenting two compilations here: Joust (which will support two player link) and Defender оп one cartridge, Moon Patrol and Spy Hunter on another. Digital Eclipse is handling all the development duties for the color portable rereleases of these arcade classics. Both carts are due out sometime in March. Logical Sunsoft's Logical is one of those puzzle games. You know the type — easy to learn, difficult to master. In the game, you must rotate and slide around gears until they each capture four marbles of the same color. Logical has 99 stages of increasing difficulty, some of which have obstacles like Teleporters or Color Changers that will impede your progress. Logical is due out this spring. 98 Top Gear Pocket Kemco will be publishing Vision Works' Top Gear Pocket, the first American Rumble Game Pak for the Game Boy Color. Yup, that means exactly what you think it means— the game will shake and jiggle while you play. Top Gear Pocket will also support two-player link play. Just imagine what you can do with two simultaneously vibrating GBCs! Top Gear Pocket is scheduled for April. б 9:74 — 59; 99 abel‏ وا221 m =‏ ) Win A Trip To E3! Courtesy of EIDOS Interactive and Ziff-Davis Enter NOW for your chance to win a trip to E3! Check out the latest greatest upcoming titles of this fall. Meet the Booth Babes and Hottest Game Developers. Party with EIDOS Interactive! ` Sneak Preview Fail, Hottest Garies “A с Б ала = = Fighting’ огсе 2 Omikron Anachronox тае 2 E^ t John Romero rige: (Winners A. Trip oes! eludes ‘Brera us Los Angles, accommod. ions, Day Pass odo ticket toj 3 % 2 "party; gro transportation} а до уои ПЕР: А ELECTRONIC GAMING == MONTHLY EAL EC) 3rd Prize: (5 winners) е A copy of Tomb Raider III for PC or PlayStation. С САМЕН. Sweepstakes Rules: 1. No Purchase Necessary: You must be 18 years or older to enter this Sweepstakes. This Sweepstakes may appear in several creative presentations and you may enter in any of the following ways: (А) log on to http://www. gamespol.com/promos/EStrip ar (B) mail a postcard containing your nam di phone number to "Win A Trip lo ES", Eidos Interactive, 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, СА 04107. No purchase or payment of any money | nece; ine entry per household withaut regard fo | presentations in which the d kes Irles must be received by April 26, 1999, elusive property of Edas and will not be acknowledged or returned Sponsors assume no responsiblity for lost, tue, misdirected email or postal mail entries or for phe ctrical, nelwork, computer, hardware or software program malfunctions, failures or difficulties. 2. Prizes: 1 Grand Pri accommodations for 2 nights as selected by Sponsor, vouchers for wo meals por i the Eidos party. Travel is currentiy expected to be May 12-14, but is subject to change. II winner is unable to trav- el during the dates scheduled, winner will forfeit the Grand Prize and an alternate Grand prize has an approximate retail value of $4140, 3 Second Prizes: 3 Second Prize winners will receive an Eidos Game Pack for the PC or PlayStation and a Lara Croft Collectable watch. PC and PlayStalic include three copies of Eidos Interactive games, Second Prize has an approximate value of $170, 5 Third Prizes: 5 Third Prize winners will receive a PlayStation or PC copy of Tomb Raider Il. Third prize has an approximate value of $50, Winners will be determined by a random drawing from all valid entries by Sponsor whose decisions are final. Drawing to be held on or about April 27, 1999. All prizes will be awarded. All prize winners will be notified by mail. Prize(s) are non-transierable. No substitutions ol prize(s) are allowed, except at the option of Sponsor should the featured prize(s) become unavailable. 3. Odds of Winning: The odds of winning wil! be determined by number ol valid entries received. 4. Eligibility: Sweepstakes open to residents of the United States 18 years of age and older. Void in Hawaii, Alaska and Rhode Island. Non-compliance with the time parameters contained herein or retum of any prize/prize notification as undeliverable will result in disqualification and an alternate winner will be selected. Winner must provide proof of age and shall sign and retur an affidavit of elinibility/release of lzbility prize acceptance within 2 days of receipt or forfeit prize. By acceptance ol prize, ‘winner{s) agree la the use oftheir name and/or likeness [ог purposes of advertising, trade, ог promotion without further compensation, unless prohibited by law. Employees of Eidos Interactive, 20 Inc.. and their respective affiliates are not eligible. Neither 2D Inc., Eidos Interactive nor their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, or related companies are responsible for any damages, taxes, or expenses thal consumers might incur as a течај ofthis contest or receipt of prize. Winners accepting prizes agree that all prizes are awarded on the condition that 20 Inc., Eidos Interactive and their agents, representatives, and employees will have no liability what- зовмаг for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from acceptance, possession, or use ol the prizes. 5. Winners List: Fora list of winners, send a stamped, sell-addressed envelope ta “ЕЗ Getaway Sweepstakes Winners List" Eidos Interactive, 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, СА 94107. Requests for winners lists must be received by May 15, 1999. Allow 4 weeks for delivery of winners list. 6. Restrictions: Void where prohib- ited or restricted by law. All federal, state and local regulations apply. 7. Sponsors; This Sweepstakes is sponsored by Eidos Interactive and 20 Inc. (1999 20 Inc. All rights reserved. E Game Boy Color 720° Who says skateboarding is dead? In this port of the classic arcade game, you get to do all the stuff real skaters do; dodge traffic on your way to skate parks (four parks total), avoid swarms of angry bees and go for all of the gold medals. Right. Just like real life. The different parks from the original are back: Downhill, Slalom, Ramp and Half-pipe. 720" is coming from Digital Eclipse Software and Midway in March. All we have to say is this game should be radical...dude. = с = =e (2-7 = сэ ез = [1-] =ч МВА Јат 99 Unlike its N64 big brother, the GBC version of NBA Jam 99 is like the old-school versions of the game, featuring little or no realism and being proud of it. With its two-on- two gameplay (with two-player link support), crazy slams and jams and a choice of 29 authentic NBA squads (four stars from each team), it might be a nice addition to the system's growing library. Look for it from Taurus Games and Acclaim in February. Prince of Persia Ed Magnin & Associates and Mindscape Entertainment are bringing the classic side- scrolling action/adventure to the Game Boy Color in April. This one features all-new levels (13 levels in all) and new enemies. Expect many of the token baddies, traps and mazes from the original while on your way to saving the beautiful princess. In case you care, PoP supports five different languages. БЕН 15 :44_ NHL Blades of Steel '99 Konami-developed and published Blades of Steel 99 features the teams of the Western ) < and Eastern conference and real NHL players. S D Game modes include: Practice, Exhibition, d Season and Playoffs. Adding greatly to the Season Mode are team stats plus the ability to trade players. On the ice the characters move surprisingly fast with an emphasis on body-checking and fastbreaks. Two-player link is also available. Look for itin March. The Rugrats Movie Using the story line from the Rugrats movie, the Game Boy Color game features 10 levels of platform and racing action. You can control Tommy, Dil, Chuckie and the Reptar wagon in stages ranging from the Pickles' home to the woods, in addition to exclusive bonus areas. This one is coming from Software Creations and THQ in March. THE BEST OF GAME BOY, cu | FOR 3,000 YEARS, THE DRAGON FIGHTING ACTION NOW. д | OF TILES HAS CHALLENEGED THE | } ORIENT, NOW CHALLENGE YOUR SKILLS IN 3 DIFFERENT GAMES! BLE NOW! а. ч №, - ۴ АКЕ BUG. y GUESS WHO'$ COMING AIRPLANE! PORKY PIG.TO ‘SCHOOL, DAFFY DUCK FOR A, DRIVE, YES YOU CAN, WITH LOONEY TUNES FOR Arcade _ Power Stone ower Stone features characters from the 19th century battling in 3D arenas filled with objects that can be hurled at the opponent. There are eight characters to choose from with a possibility of more being unlocked or at least added when the game comes home to the Dreamcast. The fighters include Fokker (a boxing English nobleman), Ryoma (a samurai warrior), Gun Rock (a Brazilian coal miner), Rouge (a flame-wielding Arabian fortune teller), Jack (a knife-toting criminal), Wang Tang (a fast Chinese martial artist), Galuda (a Native American wrestler) and finally Ayame (a deadly ninja). The controls are simple. You use the joystick to freely maneuver around the 3D environment, while three buttons are used to punch, kick and jump. You'll need to jump, not only for jumping attacks but also for hopping up onto objects or up onto the platforms of varying heights. One of the big attractions of Power Stone is the level of interaction you have with the 3D environments. You can grab tables, chairs and just about anything you can think of to use as a weapon, Traditional weapons like flamethrowers, bazookas and guns can be found in little golden chests (a key strategy when playing is to head for one of these chests right away to get yourself a weapon). The environments are smaller, which seems to keep the action going since the two fighters never get very far арап. Graphically, the game is beautiful, with a distinct 3D cartoon look. The characters and other 3D objects within the environments all look incredibly 30 Fighting Mayhem A flamethrower or bazooka can always come in handy in a one оп one....Look in the chests for these special weapons. Game Directory Capcom T2 95 March Capcom Fighting 1999 www.capcom.com detailed, the fighters move with nearly Flawless animation, and great lighting effects complement it nicely. Let's hope for a quick and smooth home conversion for the Dreamcast. @ Behind The Screens Power Stone isn't just another fighting game for Capcom...oh no. The company is giving the title the full nine yards-not only will Power Stone be one of Capcom's first Dreamcast titles, but it will become a full- fledged anime as well. Looks a little like a certain Square Soft fighting game, doesn't it? PLAYSTATION A Bugs Lite, 1198 овса! Adv Tob 0/90 $4299 Looney Tunes Space Race 04/99 $46.99 — Rival Schools 1098 $4299 астына Dalat Tre KH 1098 Ый Lae 5 "mo sum = И py Se Mah мапе So Ust sus йен $99 Go SDenOwer 0099 $4489 Moraca Gand Pas іе а ine ne D мою Gain apenss 6 бию Sou Bige sem Guinan’ Robs ШО 900 ым Dminten 0080 $4207 Moral ona 4 $499 ойын К емиш oly 0099 500 Grand Ten to DG, увале $459 зашта зе Big А! 19/99 Granstream Saga. NBA Live 99 $42.58 yts Car Supreme GT вде figh a Опан 1086 SH бшнш (889 BOY orn finvo Siso Ола екце Drums 040 568 Taifu сме хөв 2 Andy Jonas | i Mach $46.99 PSX Dual Analog. 05/08 52990 — Team Losi RC Racing. 10g 54209 Caron 2 su qarse Sm TgeM oe Aur 1188 50299 me ee p^ ai Hs Rampage Universal Tour 02/99 Twisted Metal 3 1188 $4299 Wap HB $298 kanson ge fata Om 5600 WOW HH Lan Tuner DIES 54800 тавоно тік $9600 Liga an Salon 0010 пе ио бею. Мула tm 560% NINTENDO 64 IMPORT GAMES | BOARD GAMES | жае Бун игри зон Pim Баана $55 = $5490 Né Cot Gray Sus Pese E E Catena $200 NO Srem Pure 248 Car wars Olin ЕЯ Chameleon Twist 2 $5490 МВА In the Zone 99 Dragon Quest 7 $66.99 Crimson Skies $2999 рову Kong Racing Gunes [и ы Жиз WAK Tos; $2399 js Mc Zaro Hout aim S899. Utero Gre зию cua Was това su trot Jim $5699 Rampage Universal Tour 03/99 $6299 Monster Race $49.99 ч 0808 $2509 FI Ra 5599 RayMan 2 $6299 Ри Ridge Racer Туре $6299 5 532% GDoepomw 0859 sosa Rusdi Se» Qna Ta Dra sus Gala: 050 58090 Ras si sum quer E] Jet Foret Bernini 02/99 Snowboard Kids 2 02/99 $5699 Densha de Go! 0498 Pyraceidis. $2198 прију Ше ию бит њу ES 510 ifs de 0593 sum Gli Yoru Wo Sos sets сле se lot Rummer St pe Lan D те масш Terts Мону * m Sra 97% nao at Ss) Wt буз 3999 Заман DNAS арыю — 065 soe COMPUTER GAMES & HARDWARE |. HINT BOOKS | зао Мао енуш? ТИЕТ нав ков Арастан 049 AmdinpsRseRne 1188 200 Ненин EMS 0270 0809 Sav поље 52995 rs Ga ше мыны" сода Se mm толе SEE) винна pr ours Gale jus тев ойылатын 049 agusar PX A89 Staga MOSMakol питу Паули ішіне 048 506 formes сала жө? 1208 50996 Lands ef Loved dA 065 9899 Fon D om Centipode. 10/98 $3799 Mythe vti $4299 Машай 3 19/98 $4699 — King's Quest 8 12/98 Commandos 8 Prey $4999 Warlrds 3 Dik Lid Rsg 0898 $37.99 Legacy Kain Soul Reaver 02/99 Спаси 197 $1899 баш? seis — [шешим 1288 Ne Fao eas Wand OUD SH Damo Vier VESO AAP. 01495440 Pubs = Dat 2 iE $1899 Renton Sx sus лова 609 Raron St та шшш? Шш suem E КОО tm юй? 1199 $ Settlers 3 Saitek R4 Fre Fdbk Wi 11/98 $169.99 Sukoden2 03/99 Маган | (Жі 00% санар Sec one бмв га Thel Dark Poket 1288 Gabriel Knight 3 0499 $4899 SHOGO: Mobile Armr Dv 10/98 Sound Blaster LIVE! Value. 1008 $89.09 Тоть Raider 3 OSG 1298 — ноза $2899 Блум ла MS тушум јао тыс Neal OUS БЕНО па SS е Dane A МЕНЕ кю a Ман ынны Del юше: дана ти Ош (After 10 days the manufacturers warrantee applies. All sales final is charged once per order placed, the per item" charge is charged once for each Visa, MC Discover accepted. Checks held 4 weeks. Money Orders under S200 same as cash COD S8. Price release, avallabiliy, shipping times & offer пої guaranteed & are subject fo change at any lime, Hardware may require added S&H. Within 10 days defeclives repaired or replaced at our discretion. АН calculated on а per order, per shipment, and per item basis, The ‘per order charge! | Pac-Man" The game features our hero in a totally free 3-0 environ- ment where he runs, eats, flies, jumps, wis, and rock | way through Î levels, includes original dot-munching ghost-chasing maze action but this time in 3-0, All of the original favorite characters such as Inky, Blinky. Clyde, are still | here, along with | Whole new cast ot char Jriginal. music from the original Рас: | arcade game will 54 alsa be featured, ssi Namco (Stralegy) Release: 3/99 PSK "GUARDIAN CRUSADE’ A young Knight comes upon a lost baby monster & sets off to return il fo his home, With an unlikely army of motiey allies and а baby monster with magi- cal abilities, the Knight begins a quest which will reveal more about the future of the world and the true identity of his pink companion than he could ever have imagined Activision (Roleplaying) lelease; 3/99 PSX ШЇЇ ioni PlayStat — JIM 30" Earthworm Jim warms his way out of 20 games for his debut in 3D! Features over 20 zany enemy characters & 4 loony levels loaded with games. Includes all Jim's signature moves plus tucknroll, Jump'n- shoot, hand-overdhead, helicopter head, pip sliding, the packet rock- | stand more. | Interplay (Adventure) Release: 3/99 N64 PC CD ҖЕ Г 6 JEFF GORDON XS RAC- ING’ Arcade/action racing m the 2012 Technology has changed the face of racing ~ cars now reach speeds of 300mph on steep banks | and loop turns. Players must rely on their skill with assistance from racing vet ran, де! Gordon. | Compete against Jeff Gordon himsel - ane-on- American Softworks (Simulation) Release; 3/99 ane ‘RAYMAN 2! He's back, bet- ter th ever, blending humor, suspense & binding ‘speed іп а 30-images/second. 3D environment, Rayman | escapes an intergalactic 200 and needs the powers of his | imprisoned friends to open the doors ta Great Power Sensational graphics, incred- ible pacing and lovable char- | acteristics make Rayman 2 Ubisoft (Simulation) an action adventure classic Release: 4/99 д N64 TONIC TROUBLE" ЖИ |Bringing hilarious humor toa furelevel rarely seen in games, Tonic Trouble takes you through 10 eye- popping opulentworld levels-plus bonus leves al | loaded. with wacky but intellgent players, and mind-boggling twists and turns. Features cartoon: Espress Юр — Mal 0 Jil Т n. blindin item ordered and the "рег shipment charge is charged once for each shipment ewe "o" EOD deus | || Ubisoft (Adventure) ШЕШЕНІ ШЫП e make to you. For each US order 51000 wil be allocated to а 12 issue sub- |, yy, vm i£ cm Cow | | eene No yt то кеа [scription to Computer Games Strategy Plus, Cal for details Pe oa ea SB be oe | MN “ЖЕ cameplay thats addet Ra іп X8 EN ER J iy fun. у сага Driving on the ground is so 90's. Drive any of 6 indestructible vehicles anywhere and everywhere, from the sides of walls to the roofs of tunnels. Blast away at the scenery with 8 innovative weapons to slow down your opponents, Race through 20 different tracks spread over 4 distinct environments. 2-player split-screen, head-to-head racing action with 4 specially designed tracks Break every law. Including gravity. unny thing about awards: We still give a damn about 'em, even though they're typically pre- dictable. After all, we know which weepy flick will gobble Oscars and which catchy tune will dominate the Grammys, but awards shows and articles are still fascinating, probably because WE like to see good things get their due. Video games are no different. And if any- thing sums up this year’s Editors’ and Readers’ Choice Awards, it’s the following comment Colby Carter, an EGM reader from 5) Moraga, Calif., wrote on his ballot: “Zelda LN Should win all awards, including best PlayStation and Saturn game. Heck, just give Zelda best everything.” And, yes, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time does dominate this year's awards, as— to a lesser extent—does the cinematic Гу PlayStation masterpiece Metal Gear Solid. You can probably guess correctly at a lot of other awards, too. But what else can you expect from a year that saw the best driving game ever, the greatest fighter and the most atmospheric RPG we've ever played? But we weren't the only gamers to lock our- selves in a room and pick the year's winners. once again, WE invited you, the readers, to submit your votes via mail or our online poll on Videogames.com. We’ve burrowed through the mountain of bal- lots and tallied your votes, which differed from ours in more than a few categories. This year also marks the trial run of Our new Editors’ Choice Award trophy—the retro robot you see marching across the page. We sent one of these little guys to each of the game publishers who won an award. Where did the coveted robots end up? Turn the page and see... The awards presentation is about to begin... The Eight Biggest News Stories of 1998 5. PocketStation Known initially as the Sony РРА, this latest PlayStation add-on isn't designed to be а system by itself but an extension of the PlayStation hardware that plays Tamagotchi- style minigames. It even hes speech. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Nothing (Unanimous Vote) Here's а look at last year's top headlines. (For the record, VM Labs' NUON сате in at number nine.) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time S Runner-up: Тигок 2 ОК, so the chances of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time not winning this award are about as likely as Star Wars: The Phantom Menace tank- ing at the box office, but the straight scoop is nothing on the system comes close to matching the game's story, scope or execution. No runner- up here; our vote was unanimous (as was yours, 6. Final Fantasy VIII Just аз Dreamcast was being announced, Square pulled the wrep- ping off Final Fantasy VIII, its latest entry into the company's signature RPG saga. Starting off only with a 1. Dreamcast Not only Із Sega's superconsole big because it’s a њем system; but Dreamcast brings) several new compo- nents to video gamea-onlinie gaming and its Small LCD: Visual Memory: Unit; While many of its launch titles weren't impressive to western tastes, we're happy. to see Sega back in the game with solid hits: like Virtua.Fighter.3tb, Sonic Adventure and беда Rally. 2. 2. Zelda It was a long time incoming, But it was worth the уай. Shigeru Miy4moto’s latest chapter іп the epic Legend of Zelda series gave the Nintendo 64 the push it needed into the holiday. season. 3. Game Boy Color With each new version of Game Boy! from the original to Pocket to; Cólor— the system has gotten better. It proves thet you really can have а simple video-game system thats a hit for more than-the traditional five: year cycle. 4. Pokémon Сап а Japanese phenomenon be brought to the U.S. and start some thing that Isn't jast a passing fad? If you're talking about Tamagotchi, no. But if you're talking about Pokémon then the answer Із a resounding yes. In September Nintendo released Pokémon Red and Blue and had the teaser, Square began to build the hype early by offering 8 demo of the game in Japan followed by a release here (with Brave Fencer Musashi). Final Fantasy Vill will be big in '99 too, ав the U.S. version gets closer. 7. Square EA оте їз known for making killer RPGs; the other is known for sports titles, Wheda thunk they'd be teaming up огу beth sides of the Pacific? But that’s exactly what happened when Square and EA joined forces to form Square EA in the U.S. and Electronic Arts Square in Japan, good for both companies’ products both here and in Japan. 8. Thrill Kill...Dead Virgin and Paradox's ultraviolent four player fighting game, despite being а finished product, never saw the light of day. After Electronic Arts bought Westwood Studios (it was previously part of Virgin Interactive), Thrill Kill went on the chopping block...literallly. Perhaps it was for the best—imagine If the senators had gotten their hands. on THIS! nearly—a few of you favored Turok 2). The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Nothing (Unanimous Vote) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Brave Fencer Musashi Last year saw so many excellent action-RPGs— from Alundra to Brave Fencer Musashi—that we had to break the genre away from traditional RPGs and create a new award. Zelda, with its clever puz- zles and innovations, is the obvious winner. fastest-selling Game Boy game ever on their hands. Тһе TV show contin- џез to Бе popular, with more toys (and games) on the way this year Panzer Bani Dragoon anjo- Saga Metal Gear Kazooie Жш. жащ Solid Runner-up: 1 Runner-up: Shining Tomba! Force 11 Runner-up: Gran Turismo Turok 2 Panzer Dragoon Saga Mista Gear Solid Runner-up: Crash Runner-up: Shining anoo Bandicoot: WARPED Force Ill Runner-up: Resident Evil 2 : б Н Banjo and Kazooie аге a little too So what if there weren't many Saturn titles Although some of you griped that Metal cute for their own good, but you to choose from last year—Sega's Panzer Gear Solid was just too short to warrant can't deny that their game pushed Dragoon Saga stands up as the best game anything but a rental (yeah, whatever), the the action genre to new heights for that system from any year. Its innovative vast majority of readers agreed with us that of gameplay excellence. Like battle system, epic story and rich atmos- nothing could beat Konami's Metal Gear GoldenEye, Banjo-Kazooie proves phere showed just how different a tradition- Solid as the PlayStation's greatest game of Rare can accomplish amazing al RPG could be. Now let's hope we see a "98. Only the excellent Gran Turismo and things on the N64. Readers pre- Panzer game for the Dreamcast. Resident Evil 2 were in the same league. ferred the more visceral Turok 2. You can't go wrong with either. Metal Gear Solid Runner-up: Resident Evil 2 Metal Gear Solid Runner-up: Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 2 creeped us out, but only Metal Gear Solid made us think, weep and leap in our seats. Four years in the making, Hideo Kojima's masterpiece brought a cinematic feel to the adventure-game genre while managing to rede- fine the tired concept of the "interactive movie." Better still, it wasn't a kid's game. 109 We say the RPG of the Year is: 3 4 1998: Panzer Dragoon Saga The Golden Year If you thought '98 was a good year to play Runner-up: Xenogears games, you can bet the game companies were the FPG T n pretty happy, too. Retail sales reached an all- You say of Year is: time high of $6.3 billion last year, according to Xenogears the NPD group and its TRSTS sales data. Thats a 22 percent increase in sales over 1997. The Runner-up: Parasite Eve record year was attributed to the continued Ain't no way we can fault you for picking Square's ) strength of the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation—as Xenogears as the traditional RPG of the year. Тһе well as the Game Boy—not to mention the enor- game's story line is fascinating —not to mention it's one of the longest RPGs we've played іп a while. Sega's mous selection of Software, gna lewe than; T Panzer Dragoon Saga, on the other hand, may be much average retail pricing. NPD expects an even big- | briefer, but no other RPG oozed as much atmosphere ger year in '99, thanks to the launch of the as this amazing epic. Dreamcast this fall. Overall sales could conceiv- ably hit the $7 billion mark. We say the Shooter of the Now here’s the surprising bit: The best-selling game of the year was actually released in '97. Gamers bought 2.1 million copies of GoldenEye: G Da rius = Үеаг іѕ: 007 іп 798, just slightly more than Zelda 64, which also sold 2.1 million copies. We can р only imagine how fast Perfect Dark will fly off ay the shelves. Неге--іп all their glory—are the 10 top-selling games of 1998, courtesy of NPD's TRSTS data. Note that GoldenEye isn't the only big seller from '97. 1. GoldenEye 007, Nintendo 64 2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Nintendo 64 Runner-up: Einhánder 4 3. Gran Типзто, PlayStation 4. Banjo-Kazooie, Nintendo 64 5. Super Mario 64, Nintendo 64 6. Resident Evil 2, PlayStation EUR Revenge; Einhánder's great (you all certainly thought so), Nintendo 64 but we feel the THQ-published G.Darius can't be You say the Shooter of the Year is: Einhander Runner-up: G.Darius 1 matched. It packs nearly limitless power-ups (every WWF Wa zone, PlayStation қ enemy сап be used as а weapon), the massive Bandicoot 2; PlayStation bosses take forever to topple, you get tons of levels " and the tug-of-war super shot is way cool. Plus, two n 99, PlayStation players can battle together, NCAA Football 99 Runner-up: NBA Live 99 NFL Blitz N64 Runner-up: Hot Shots Golf While Madden and GameDay have gotten comfort- able as the usual winners, EA's NCAA Football 99 for the PlayStation has quietly stolen the crown. Imagine the depth and quality of Madden 99 only with better running and passing. Add loads of teams, great polygonal graphics and special moves Barry Sanders would be proud of. Blitz is fun, but for the sports purists, nothing beats the overall package of NCAA Football 99. We're Hot for Hot Shots Picking the best of the best is nevér easy, but would you believe inter-office controversy during our awards-pickin’ process reached a fever pitch over a golf game? Here's the deal: Die-hard sports nuts among us felt that EA Sports’ NCAA College Football 99 clearly distin- guished itself as 798% greatest sports game, but the more casual sports enthusiasts here believed Sony's Hot Shots Golf was really the office favorite. After all, the game's collection of zany characters and cool courses makes it the title we turn to when we're ready for the after-deadline unwind. And can you believe such an addicting golf game was developed by Camelot, a team better known for its RPGs? (Rumor has it Camelot is developing Mario Golf for Nintendo.) Let's face it—we really took the bad with the good last year. And while we sat through the usual barrage of mediocre games, publishers dumped an unusually large amount of pure stinkers on our poor reviewers. Sure, ә few games were just way out of whack with cur expecta- tions (Yoshi's Story and Ninja, to name two disappoint- ments), but there’s a roster of entirely intolerable titles in just about every genre. RPG fans had to trudge through ‚ whose blah story and generic gameplay in no way tided anyone over until Link’s launch in November. Sports fans faced not one but two bor- ing roundball games with and both for the Nintendo 64. Not even the most die-hard puz- zle-game fanatics among us could tolerate the overly odd- ball PlayStation puzzler , which was way too trippy for our tastes. The repetitive and cheap game- play of Psygnosis’ had racing gamers hanging their heads in frustration: Speaking of disappointments from Psygnosis, what was the deal with 2 (And we're not even gonna drag up any bad memories-from. Э] But what was the worst ОҒ the worst? Well, #25 a Split decision. Although the lowest review scores went to the N64 fighter (so awful it nearly made look like J we feel Activision's. for the PlayStation was in the same bad neighborhood. Not even Milla Jovovich's polygonal tush could save this movie- licensed mess. We say the Strategy Game of the Year is: Final Fantasy Tactics Runner-up: C&C Red Alert: Retaliation You say the Strategy Game of the Year is: Final Fantasy Tactics Runner-up: C&C Red Alert: Retaliation Square's Final Fantasy Tactics set a new standard for the growing genre of strategy/RPGs in the U.S. Taking the best elements of previous efforts like Tactics Ogre and Shining Force, and melding in an amazingly intricate story line and an awe- somely complex battle system, FFT left us begging for more. Now if only Square would get cranking on a sequel! We heard the Best Music in: Final Fantasy Tactics Runner-up: Rogue Squadron You heard the best music in: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Metal Gear Solid The N64 finally got some decent tunes (Rogue Squadron, Zelda, etc.) in '98, and the PS continued its musical dominance. But topping them all is the score from Final Fantasy Tactics. Ranging from dramatic sym- phonies to booming war beats, FFT's music stood tall above the rest. Track down a copy of the import soundtrack if you can. We say the Fighting Game of the Year is: Tekken 3 00 Runner-up: Rival Schools: United By Fate You say the Fighting Game of the Year is: Tekken 3 Runner-up: Rival Schools: United By Fate We can't imagine a better home version of Tekken 3. Control 15 perfect. The visu- als are dazzling. The thumping remixed tunes get the heart pumping. Even the FMV endings are endearing, in their weird (in the case of Mokujin, really weird) kinda way. Peripheral of the Year: The DexDrive N Runner-up: Sony's Dual Shock We're going to call InterAct's DexDrive an essential device. It gives you unlimit- ed PS saved-game storage on your PC's hard drive. Plus you can download saves via the Net from friends, гате companies and other sources. Never buy a memory card again. We say the Puzzle Garne of the Year is: Devil Dice Runner-up: Tetris DX You say the Puzzle Garne of the Year is: Tetris DX Runner-up: Bust-A-Move 4 Like any great puzzle game, THQ's Devil Dice takes about a minute to learn, a week to master and a few years to over- come its addiction. Toss in some cute characters, a five-player mode and tech- no thump, and you have all the makings of a classic. Speaking of which, you all certainly took the classic route with your choice, Tetris DX. Multiplayer Game of the Year: Devil Dice Runner-up: Turok 2 You already know THQ's Devil Dice for the PlayStation is the most addicting puzzle game of last year. Now try play- ing it with five players. With your multi- tap in place and five little devils tearing around the screen, Devil Dice easily beats out the year's other multiplayer contenders. You don't need four friends, either. Devil Dice is fun to play coopera- tively with a second player (who says you always have to battle your friends?). And here's the amazing part: All this fun comes from a game that started as a Net Yaroze project. сгап Turismo Runner-up: F-Zero: X Gran Turismo Runner-up: F-Zero: X This hands-down winner astounded us with its depth. A game with more than 160 cars is novel enough, but toss in excellent racing physics and copious upgrade options and you've got a masterpiece on your hands. Oh, it sure looked purty, too. Metal Gear Solid Runner-up: Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus. Metal Gear Solid Runner-up: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remember the part when Snake was rappelling down the comm tower and the Hind's Gatling gun was going buhda- buhda-buhda? That was awesome. And remember how realistic all the gun- shots sound? And remember how Metal Gear Solid packed the coolest sound effects of "98? That was really cool. Metal Gear Solid Runner-up: Banjo- Kazocie The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Metal Gear Solid Zelda 64, Crash Bandicoot: WARPED, Banjo-Kazooie—all looked amazing. But there's something about the gritty visuals of MGS that pushes the envelope of gam- ing realism. It's all the result of producer Hideo Kojima's atten- tion to detail. (He examined bases, tanks and other bang-bang hardware, then turned all this data over to the game's artists.) Despite record software sales and a pile of best-ever games, 1998 Still had its share of downs for die- hard gamers. Fortunately, the good outweighed the bad, as you'll see from this brief recount of 1998's highlights and lowlights It was a good “4% year for... : . Nintendo—the Big N needed a block: buster to pull its image, and fortune, from the fire, and it found one with the 2.1-million-selling The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ...Sequels-wetei Gear Solid, Tekken 3, Resident Evil 2, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time—need we say more? ---RPGS—once a cult genre, role-playing games burst from their niche last year, which saw the release of more than а dozen RPGs. ... Gaming action figures— Companies such as McFarlane Toys, Playmates, Toy Biz and Resaurus released ultra-detailed action figures based on everything from Zeida to MGS. ..Portable Gaming— Nintendo’s invincible Game Boy became even more immortal with the addition of color and а pocket-size phenomenon called Pokémon. ..Games crossing over into other media— Listen to the Gran Turismo music CD while watching the Pokémon cartoon. ...Developer recognition—came makers are uniting and crawling from the Shadow of the more massive. publishing companies. It was a bad year for... ...Saturn омпег5—тће saturn wheezed its last breath in '98. -..PSYQNOSIS—once, this publisher could do no wrong, but poor Psygnosis had so many bad titles forced on it last year that its reputation has tarnished. Wipeout 3 and G-Police 2 should turn things around. ..Rushed products—cames like Tomb Raider Ill; Turok 2 and Sonic Adventure all shipped with bugs, making us think they were rushed for the holi- day deadlines. --Такіпа сһапсев-сате developers pretty much played it safe іп "98, cranking out sequels and very few innovative titles. Heck, we woulda loved to see someone bring over risky but cool titles like APG Maker ...Shiny-—wia 9 was hardly а blockbuster, and we still haven't seen Messiah e» The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Metal Gear Solid The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runner-up: Metal Gear Solid Surprise, surprise— The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time nabs the Game ofthe Year Award. (What did you expect would win? Apocalypse?) Shigeru Miyamoto's defining masterpiece won the hearts of editors and readers alike, with only Metal Gear Solid presenting any serious competition. (For the record, Zelda beat out MGS nearly 4 to 1 in our reader vote.) So why did Zelda win so handily? Where do we begin? Its save-the- princess story ain't all that original, sure, but the plot still contains so many twists and heartstring-tugging moments that we're sucked into this game from its beginning to its spectacular—and we mean spectacular! finale. The game- play is packed with innovations, while remaining intuitive and evolving to fit any in-game situation. The visuals and music go beyond being merely candy for the eyes and ears; they help build a world that just demands to be explored. Then there's the cunning dungeon design; all the miniquests and objec- tives; the oddball gameplay twists (such as the stealth elements in Gerudo's Fortress); and who can forget Link's cool rideable pal, Epona the horse. We'll admit it: We're in love with this game. Just turning it on and watching the intro sequence with Link riding Epona gives us chills. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a game we'll no doubt return to again and again throughout the years, long after we've forgotten about nearly everything else that came out in 1998. And then there was that other big game of 1998. Had it not been for 114 Zelda, Metal Gear Solid would have cinched the Game of the Year Award. Not only did MGS use the PlayStation, Dual Shock and even the memory card in ways no developer has ever thought of, it also delivered a mature story that was. a refreshing change of pace from all the kid stuff. Heck, one of the game's female characters even gives you a massage! A few of you complained that MGS was too short, We didn't think so. Like a great movie, MGS packs so much sus- pense and excitement that we just want to play it again and again. Missing an Issue Order back issues of: March '98 Yoshi's Story Rebi Snow! Tomb Raider 2 Banjo-Kazooie La! Golde Conke Sonic R Disne Issue #98-$6.00 Issue #104-$6.00 October 97 Mortal Kombat 4 Castlevania: SotN Fantastic Four Madde janes oc % Final Fai Issue #99-%6.00 — issue #105-%6.00 EE Time Crisi Gran Turismo November "97 Resident Evil 2 NBA Courtside hander Wargames irn Bombermar о x: © 2 © 2 8 = о SE a 25 Issue #106-56.00 Diddy Kong Racing Turok 2 Metal Gear Solid pr Racing: Y Bomberman 64 че Sonic R Metal Gear Solid Tiger Woods o9 Mortal Kombat 4 Issue #101-56.00 Issue #107-$6.00 ELECTRONIC Musashinden Rayman 2 бек 64 Spyro the Dragon Gran Turisma i Shodown 6 Nagano Winter Olympic SF Ru Tomb Raid Final Fantasy Tactics 5 Issue #102-$6,00 Issue #108-$6.00 February ‘98 Е > August '98 Best Multiplayer Games Tomb Raider 3 Te Perfect Dark Monster Rand | Final Fan Robotron 64 Quake Conker Game Boy Camera Issue #109-$6.00 Issues not listed are also available! rder, simply send your order form indicating which issues you would like to: Back issues, Р.О. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 3338 I requests must be paid for by check or money order ONLY made payable to ZD Inc. ( Please do not send cash). The cost for each issues is as indicated on the order form PLUS shipping and handling. S&H charges are as follows: $2 U.S., $3 Canadian and $5 foreign. All payments MUST ће in 11 S Funds. Prices and availability subiect to change without notice. House of the Dead Colony Wars; Vengeance. September "98 Metal Gear Pocket Fighter Jet force Gemini WipeOut 64 Madden NFL 99 155 Pro 98 Issue #110-$6.00 October '98 Rogue Squadron Final Fantasy Vill Xenogears NFL Blitz 99 Metal Gear Solid Crash 3: WARPED FAeroX Spyro the Dragon Rival Schools Issue #111-$6.00 November "98 Sonic Adventure G-Police Ri Jet Force Gemini Perfect Dark Twisted Metal 3 Zelda 6 Issue #112-$6.00 NCW /NWO Revenge A Bug's December "98 Zelda 64 Cruls'n World. NBA Live 99 Issue #113-$6.00 January ‘99 Ra: Ridge Racer Type 4 Extreme-G 2 Quarterback Club 99. Asteroids | Tetri Cast Knockout Ki SF Alpha 3 Issue #114-$6.00 February ‘99 |- Soul Reaver Silent Hill Mario Party R-Type Delta WCW Nitro Civilization It Carmageddon Gex3 E Turok 2 Issue #115-$6.00 lease send check or money order to: Ziff-Davis Inc. Back Issues Р.0. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338 "This is a remarkable game.” Chicago Tribune Online July 1998 "This game isn't a mere Twisted Metal clone, it takes the іп a GameFan бине Aiwale new directia ПЕ WATER. July 1998 "The character design in this game is Fabulous." GameFan Online July 1998 "Placing the emphasi it's kill or be killed.” s squarely on action, GameWeek July 1998 "Explosions are quite wonderful." Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine August 1998 "In addition to the action-packed game play. MN is packed Full of special effects and eye candy. PS Extreme August 1998 "Where the game really ki though tints bate mode” » : August 1998 4 іу 2. 9 Dead in the Water а trademark of American Softworks Corporation. ©PEG 96 Limited Partnership. ASC Games"" is a trademark of American Softworks Corporation © 1998. Dead in the Water™ is developed by Player 1. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. 2 б" 4" •9 Blazin’ aquatic tracks to tear ир. -*3D rendered waves like you've never seen before. eAn arsenal of high powered, high tech ТЕ customizable weapons and boats- КА? all Fully upgradeable. *Two player split screen or 2 combat cable link. жазып |, www.deadinthewater.com DexDrive by: InterAct. The DexDrive is arguably the best for: PlayStation/N64 | | peripheral ever, considering it gives you price: $39.99 unlimited saved-game space on your = computer's hard drive. Plus who knows what cool things it might be able to do in the future. One thing to note: The interface software is a bit clunky. Keep an eye out e for the N64 version of the DexDrive as well. www.interact-acc.com www.dexchange.net A sweet-looking 1 design makes the „~ DexDrive all the more. impressive. You have to adjust the gloves every now and then to make Sure they line up Correctly with Peripheral Reviews Leather Controller Gloves by: Boneyard Access. for: PlayStation/N6q price: $14.95/$21.95 Hey, you wrap your cell phone in leather—why not your controller? Well, the picture speaks for itself. The price is right, we just don't know how much protection/style a controller needs. It does add a certain level of comfort but the buttons don't always stay lined up www.boneyardaccessories.com These pedals ave just too light. They NASCAR won't stay put when using them! RacePro J by; Thrustmaster for: PlayStation/N64. price: $79.95 6.9 The dual PS/N64 use is a nice feature, and the steering wheel itself feels great with most racers. The fact that it sits on your lap. is cool, too, But the pedals are so light they'slip around when you're using them. It gets to be annoying really fast, www.thrustmaster.com Sports Cards by: MadCatz Similar to the Lara Croft for: PlayStation cards from InterAct, these. price: $29.99 (2/ріс) | | Sports cards аге standard memory cards with items attached, In this case, it’s a Sports theme. They work, by: InventTech for: N64 but they're kind of goofy. They're probably more appealing to sports fans, if anyone; Look for N64 memory/rumble paks also available for 519.99. price: $11.99 www.madcatz.com This is one of the more innovative add- ons we've seen. It's a foam steering puck К peret thingy that snaps onto your pad, and has Snaps on nice << а notch in it for ће analog stick. Problem and “Қақ ы T is, getting to the Z trigger is near- without damaging А ^x. impossible. In addition, it’s a bit sensitive а ~ when used with arcade-type racers— it. your Ned pa ~ works better with racing sims. For the in any way. ~ price though, it's pretty darned cool. www.truesteer.com оо Aftershock Wheel о о by: ASCIIWARE This Dual Shock wheel EEU for: PlayStation incredible, And more important, pices Suse the pedals are substantial enough in size so they won't slip around. We're just not sure how many people have a table to set this thing on while playing games. www.asciient.com Some of that rubber grippy stuff ол the wheel would've. been nice. GameShortz OK, so it’s the strangest peripheral we've ever come across—but the thing actually works really well. Plug it in, strap it tight and jack it up—now you're ready for action. Yeah, the GameShortz add-on is a bit perverse but if the shoe fits, wearit...and this thing fits like a glove. Plus, since it works on i e 5 www.madpropz.com by: MadPropz for: PlayStation/N64 price: $41.99 multiple platforms it’s very reasonable in price. Current Favorites Crispin Boyer Silent Hill Mario Party Legend of Legaia Micro Machines 64 Turbo Cris figured it'd be a good idea this month to play through Silent Hill alone, at night, on our lounge's giant TV. We found him the next morning cowering beneath his desk, whimpering for Mama. (Turns out Shoe had a similar fright night=see his bio.) The only thing that Favorite Genres: lured Cris from hiding was the promise of working on next month's RPGs, Action cover story, which is best summed up by two words: Episode One John Davison Current Favorites Beetle Adventure Racing As you read this, John and Crispin are beavering away on the biggest У feature EGM has ever produced for what is sure to be the best issue of [AVM ERE the magazine ever. Yes indeedy...next month is Star Wars month here АРА Peete mt Td at EGM. If they can contain themselves without exploding from 22 years of pent-up excitement, expect to read about not one, but two Favorite Genres: entirely new Star Wars: Episode One games next month. Action, Adventure Current Favorites Dean Hager ЕА the Dreamcast release looms closer, Dean keeps talking about КА Revenge IDA Bait how the N64 is in for a real ass-whoopin’. Finally he can stop look- Menace Grand Prix ГОЙ ino forward to the great sports title that never was. Hopefully the DC will do a better job with the genre and introduce some awesome Favorite Genres: sports and racing games. In the meantime, Dean has taken а strange Sports, Racing liking to niche games like Fisherman's Bait, Wheel of Fortune and K. Current Favorites Mario Party Payback's a bitch. Remember when Dan “5һов” teased Ricciardi Beetle Adventure Racing because ће got scared while playing Resident Evil 2? Well, John got — щл revenge by waiting for Shoe to get a few hours into Silent Hill (he was ЕЛЕ РЫ Ио] playing it in our dark and quiet media room), then creeping up behind : = him and scaring the erap out of him. Shoe must've jumped five feet in ШАМСУ the air. Don't expect Shoe to take this lying down though... Strategy, охе Current Favorites John Ricciardi Silent Hill Legend of Legaia Platinum Awards go to games that Sega Rally 2 get four 10's, the best possible Beetle Adventure Racing review а game can get. After playing Sega Rally 2 for nearly half of this month's deadline cycle (don't think we didn't notice, Ricciardi), John seems pretty much convinced the Dreamcast is going to kick butt. By the time the system hits America, there'll be plenty of top-notch Japanese Favorite Genres: games ready to go, and the networking stuff has loads of potential RPGs, Action Better make sure you pack in that modem, Sega... Gold Awards go to games whose : average score equals 9.0 or higher. Games that average at least an 8.0 " х recelve Silver Avards. ; Shawn Smith Current Favorites 5 Mario Рапу Newsflash: Shawn is about one month from securing his Professional Vigilante 8 OUR PH LOSOPHY Chimp Wrestling license. It has been a long and treacherous road (ће — СӘЛ ИИИ k Я Its), but thi T FGM ates os based on Pow they ost three ribs, an eyebrow and a nice pair of pants), but things are | ДДД 9 А looking up. When asked whatever came of his Masta Cheata training, 5 * compare with other titles on the same Shawn said, "Man, l'm a Masta Cheata playa hayta.” Кот now опе ШЕМЕН system. The highest score we'll give a < wants to be called Primor: Man of Affluent Chimp Descent. Action, Adventure game is а 10. When а game receives а 10, you can rest assured it’s one of the best games ever made-a revolutionary title that truly stands above everything else in its genre for its time. At the other a і- end of the spectrum sits the lowest score Current Favorites Sushi-X * del | Legend of Legaia а game can receive: a 1.0. This is the kind Street Fighter Alpha 3 Sushi's head is spinning with all the incredible Dreameast-related of game you want to avoid at all costs. It's Virtua Fighter 3tb fighting game news lately, Power Stone, Marvel vs, Capcom, King of pure crap, as our scale (above) explains. Боке а Гале Fighters 98 and now SF Alpha 3 are coming! What could be better? In the middle lies the average grade, Sushi is now chanting day and night in hopes of DC versions of Soul 5.0. We repeat: 5.0 IS AN AVERAGE Favorite Genres: Calibur, Samurai Shodown and Fighting Vipers 2. Will his prayers be GRADE. Simple, ain't it? Fighting, RPGs answered? The Sushi spies say at least two of the three are coming.. BEETLE ADVENTURE RACING ES Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Paradigm/EA Canada Featured In: EGM #116 OK, raise your hand if this thought crossed your mind: “Hot ne! license? The game's bound to be a crappy, half-assed racer." That's exactly what | expected, but EA and Paradigm went balls out here, creating what is probably the N64's best racing gam (excluding the likes of Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing). As soon as | played the first stage, | fell in love. Everywhere | looked shortcuts, alternate paths, secret routes, etc. Even alternate paths can have alternate paths within them! You could s; J a lot of time (апа have a lot of fun) exploring each of six HUGE race courses the fantastic level designs alone could sell Beetle Racing (more tracks would've been nice though...). If you're the type who loves breaking a game down and finding every little secret it has to offer, you're gonna love this title even more. Trying to find all the "flower" and bonus point crates in Beetle Racing is akin to opening up all thel@erats in Golden Eye—itigaddieting айа you'll obsess over it untillyou get every last damn one of them. Finally, the muttiplay- r Beetle Battle Mode caps off an already While it's a bit mare limited Їп play than the aforementioned kart games’ battle modes, this combat mode is stilt blast for four. GVerall, this is@surprisingly fun game with long-lasting replay value BAR may very well be my favorite N64 racer ack designs are Brilliant; not E M Ша ir makes for some serious chal: nge, too, Multiplayer play is fun (especially Beetle Battle), a it's lame thatyou | s i, 1his is good! BAR'S gameplay is outstanding. It's highly competitive and very playable, withthe best track designs ve seen an an Né racer. Locating shertcuts and seeking out bonus points is awesome, and i adds mega replay to the game: over the great mix of gameplay, track design and overall challenge. It all fits. together very nicely: 2P and Beetle Battle are bothexcellent e's so much | want to say about BAR; it 1 sounds incredible, the controls аге Bsolutely spot-on (they feel real without Беле foo realistic) and the tracks ere. bril апу designed and full of séerets and bonus items; It's probably the best racing game on the N64 by far and the fact that it allows you to play ја во many different ways:ensures - thatyatll Keep playirig for a long time. | nearly gave it a 10 John D VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY 9 8 9 9 pL :закеја JO JaquNN 5и8 ад asino> ашозаму :әлпуеә4 1594 рә у8поиз JON :2nje34 510M шоу ва ам REPLAY Publisher: Konami Developer: KCE America Featured In: ЕСМ #117 The first finished N64 baseball game of '99 to arrive in our offices is actually a lot better than | expected it to be. Bottom of the oth does have a few problems, but on the whale it's a very solid baseball game that does a good job of catering to true baseball enthusi asts with its realistic gameplay, while at the same time pissing them off with its annoying shortcomings (no MLB license, no 1999 sea son schedule, по player creation, etc.). It's really too bad, because if the game had these missing features, l'd be pretty happy with it. The graphics aren't very good at all, but the game plays very smoothly, which is definitely -off in my book. The controls are intuitive and the games don't drag on (you an usually finish a game in about a half hour, which is nice). The Scenario Made in particular is very cool, though | wish some of the goals were a little more specific. For example, one of them allows you to finish off David Wells! perfect game... but initrathyall you have to do to win the scenario is win the ballgame—perfect game or not: What fun is that? Anyway, I'm nitpicking flow. My only ther complaints are that there are way too Many errars, and there аге no on-streen pitch Menus (9"оћ). Ultimately, if you don't mind the missing details,yowshould enjoy Bottom ofthe оїһ. Me? I'l walt for А5В. John R Like the PS edition, BotN has no MLB license ойна (don't care! It has very g00d game- play, it's fast ames in under а half houn, andis fun. Unless you're a sim purist, you'll appreciate а baseball game that’s easy to im and play, yet challenging and competi- tive at the same time. Perks include a useful training mode, TV-style cutscene cameras and fuid animation: The: Batting interfaceand play-by-play are really good as well. Deam I'm not a big fan of baseball, but | still enjoyed Bottom of the oth, which manages to be both realistic and fun. The gameplay mechanics are highly intuitive. You can get through’a game pretty quickly without fuss: ing witha lot of options. Graphics аге аде“ quate, without a lot of extraneous animation to slow the game. | especially like the built-in scenaflos— most 6f Which are about as fun to play ав an entire regular дате. (тіспіп Bottom of the gth plays well on almost all despite its lackluster graphics and. the fact that it's missing the all-important MLB team license. By default, it's going to. appeal more-to fans of arcade-style play (not having the real teams pretty much alienates "true" MLB fans), which is too bad because. the gameplay is solid. It may take you a while to get used to fielding on the Manualsetting, though (the only way to play). Sushi VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY 5 7 6 7 РЕСІ ЖЕМІ әзиәэг] GIW ON :алпуеа 3540M ммм шо>1шъшо) REPLAY Developer: Atari Games А port of a simplistic arcade game. Publisher: Midway Featured In: EGM #115 ame can be pretty silly at times— oi maybe | should call it off-centered originality. Whatever it is, that’s what | like about California Speed. It's , fun and the соп trol is tight. Wait а sec...that was a couple of hours ago. CS is quick and easy to get into, but it's just as easy to lose interest in since it does have its share of problems— problems that outweigh its superficial good points. First, there are some weird graphical glitches here and there. For example, there is traffic on the courses. If you hit any of the non opponent traffic, it shoots up into the air Kind of cool cept that it suddenly appears out of nowhere in the same spot it ju launched from! This is just one of several annoyances. In addition, the courses are a bit short and the shortcuts within same of the tracks really don't act as shortcuts...they're more like same cuts— they don't gain you any ound. Next, the Al is ridiculously difficult he CPU£&ars'seem to be able:ta:take coim without braking at all, while you а have to. Plus they blow past you а [об even if your speed i$ maxed out, and you're mat hitting. any walls or obstacles. Apparently, they're nally, the frame-rate gets choppy in mode, Оуега it turns out to be a slop- witha singleplayer mode that fails to keep your attention for long. Shawn TL зиә/е|4 JO задшпм Except for its unique tracks (you wind along a roller coasten through a mall, et), California Speed js unremarkable in nearly every way. Graphies аге 50-50. Control is OK, although some speed-sapping bumps against track wails зеет Unavoidable. You get a few inter esting velticles—all of which perform about the same (even the golf cart), Above all, California Speed playsilike a chumed-out Crispi Cal Speed has “quick arcade port” spray painted all over it. The game engine is very poor and primitive, meaning little kids | might like this вате. If you're any type of experi- ~ enced gamer, however, you won't get any enjoyment aut of Cal Speed. ts а no-frills, no-thfills, no-skills-needed rater that anl has cool level designs to brag about. Thi: game needs а hook; Ке having to look for secret soda cans or something similar... ап Of Midway's archaically simple racers, Rush 2 is the best, Cal Speed doesn't come close: It uses the Rush engine, so it's fairly fast and smooth. The cars are nimbler than those in Вий апа there are more of them. Yet, the lack Of turbos and useful shorteuts hurts; Тһе overly Long and mundane tracks will lull you to sleep. Plus it's too hard! The.CPU cars аге too dominant. Cruis/ri fans might likest, but I'll stick to Beetle Adventure Race. Dean woykempurmmm VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY 5 5 4 5 MARIO PARTY М { Developer: Hudson Featured In: EGM #116 ere's a rare concept —a consol ned mainly with multiplayer in mind. And it's a long-overdue idea that really, really works. Not to sound trite, but Mario Party really is the ultimate party game. It packs each game hours. The seven game boards available at the ou plenty of variety—as well as lots of Mario World charm. But it's the 50 minigames that really keep playei and leanin’ in their seats. At first, | was wor ried that these simple skill games — many of which involve Track ‘n’ Field-style tap, tap, tapping—would м n. Not a proble The games come in such a whopping creamin’ е more you play em and the bette get, the more you want to kick other players’ butts. Mario Party also rewards fre quent multiplayer play by letting you save cons for goodies that mix up thegamea bit eluding a power-up that switches players" positions on the board), Oh, you'll stumble across afew secrets, too. As a one-player game, Mario Party is only so-so. Playing the: 5010 mode ореп a few secrets but is really only good for practicing minigames. Play Mario Party with three friends and you'll never want to play it alone again, Crispi As a self-confessed GEEK, | feel secure saying а 190 ріауе Mario Party сап Бе more fun than a night out in Chicago. This cart 15 loaded with well-designed mini-games, that аге fün and easy to pick up. Their simplicity, means, 1) Anyone, from a video game-shy old hag to а hardcore gaming freak, can enjoy this cart and, 2) You may get bored playing the same games over'and.over. Great for the occasional get-together with the gang. Dan Mario Party is an extremely well-designed party game that packs hours upon hours of alarmingly fun gameplay in its more than 50 mini-games, There's just one catch: You'd better have friends. A ne-player game it's furis bub playing against the often-predictable CPU opposition gets stale quickly. Multiplayer play, on the other hand, never.seems to get old. All the little extras they threw in just add to the experience. Fun, fun game. John R 1 don't want to play regular, old board gamës anymore — they just can'Ecompate to the fun arid interactiveness of the incredible mustsbuy Майо Party. Now, if you don't have alot of friends who come over to play games maybe this one isn’t your best choice. But if уоште a fan Of multiplayer mayhem, then look по ет. A couple of times we had to playthe same minigametwice in one game, but you know, it was stilla blast. Shawn VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY 8 8 10 10 403894 3598 awen /злед әзешп 241 SH Кеја 9195 404 32219 OS JON :a4n3e24 3540M шоә'оригзшизммм MICRO MACHIN — Publisher: Midway Developer: Codemasters Featured In: ЕСМ #15 | don't understand how some people (cough cough Dean cough...) can play this game and nat have a great time. | can understand not being too wild about the single-player game. Although it's chock-full of options mode near as addicting and fun as the mu game. You see, when you get a few humans on the racetracks, it can | of mayhem and hilarious situations. For some odd reason, missing crucial jumps or flying off the playing fields is much funnier when it happens to people rather than the computer Al. But as fun as the standard multiplayer game is, the team game (teams of two) is even more fun. And if you can get eight peo- ple playing at once, you'll find Micro Machines is one of the best party games for the system (an eig! way, is played by two people sharing one controller —as long as you don't mind bı that:clós&to your teammate, incenventent as it sounds). Bottom line: with Mario Party, if you have the apportunity ta play games wit ег people a lót, you: won't Want to.miss out оп Miera Machines. It's really a fot of fun to play, and you'll have a Tot of laughs, Even if y more the solitaire gaming type, you тау! want to check it ош It’s definitely a decent 2° вате. рап I've loved the Micro Machines games since the:@arly Genesis versions, anddhe latest rélease on the N64 is а more than competent translation of the PS game released last year. Above all else this is a highly playable game that is best enjoyed multiplayer. Four:player games are the most fun, but you really have to checkout ће eight-player joypad sharing thingyjust to see hos it'sdone. A simple, fin and addicting game: Love it. John D MM64 Turbo is more or less the same game as the PS Version. Graphically;it looks good The gameplay is nice and the controls are taps as well (it’s quite fast); But | really can't stand the top-down viewpoint. Memorizing the tratks is the only way to get around the awkward viewing angles. The multiplayer stuff is fun but then there's still that annoying view. Ifyou can stomach it, you'll probably like MM as much as Shoe does. Dean Mario Party may be the ultimate party experi- ence this month, but Micro Machines 64 ain't a bad game to bust out at brouhahas, either. Be warned, though: Rookies тау not bekeenion the game. Its gameplay is mega fast and mostitracks are tricky until you learn their layout, Just stick with it. Like the PlayStation version, this thing isleaded with play modes, including the.crazy eight-player, share-a-controller party game Crispin VISUALS SOUND -INGENUITY REPLAY 8 7 7 6 Spua!a гпод ој 250|) OS 31 OJ BUIALH :әлпзеәҹ 4540M aweg лакеј4-зц813 awosamy :2snzeay 1598 шоз'Аемр!ш MMM Developer: KCE Osaka Featured In: EGM #15 NBA In The Zone '99 is greatly improved over last year's disastrous effort. The graphics are sharp (unlike NBA ITZ '98) and they're nicely tic. ITZ rivals Live 99 (N64) and Courtside for looks—it might even lit icer (Ricciardi disagrees). Yet the com ion of hyper-activ ing came movements and semi-erratic animation puts title firmly in third place. Also dragging it down a bit are the way players bunch up on screen. It makes it tough to see the action. As for Al, calling offensive plays on the fly seems like а good idea but it doesn't translate well You can see your players move into positio! but actually executing a play is tough. Still, other play elements are very good. The CPU's defensive Al is quite tough. It forces you to ks and man: ur dis: posal to find the open shot. The fake shot, cross-over dribble and speed burst work well. Slowly backing in and busting а quick 360 intoyajumpenisigreat. The difficülty levels are a little Wacky though. Normal mode seems a bit tough# actually preferred playing an the Easy level; 2P games are detent fair: The shot ratio is realistic, and games are low-scoring due im part to the good defensive Al. Overall, 1179945 an enjoyable game БЫС! could've benefited from a litttesmore work, Atthis rate, next Year's game could be great. Dean use all t If you різу 1299 and then go back and read my 172.298 review you'll notice that Konami addréssed.every one of my complaints when (һау eteated this year’s вате, The result is a much better looking, playing and feeling b-ball game that's actually furto play. The graphits still need work, but they're way bet- ter than last year’s, and the ALisimproyed, too. The rosters area little outdated; but otherwise this is a real'solid effort: John R I'm still waiting for an NBA Courtside kill but ајаз 2200 won't be the one; THIS game has its ups- best is the defensive game engine that stops dunk-happy play without resorting to the cheapness that Courtside uses, But this game also has fts downs, itis really hard to follow the players are crowded around undenthe hoop, and the computer Als really tough, even on the easier difficulty settings Dan in appreciate how much work Konami did to Improve In The Zone "оо, биће bottom line is that'd still rather play Courtside, ITZ ‘99 features improvements in nearly every. area of play but the Al is still alittle off (even the Hard mode isn't all that difficult), and the graphics are still too muddy for my tastes. On the other hand, if next year’s game improves аз muchas this year's did; ІТ? couldend up being my foundball şame of choice. Sushi VISUALS ‘SOUND: 6 6 5 6 Tv panozduy-ypny :aanjeay 1528 иоцешіиү *sandeas) 224-405 :ainyeay 3540 INGENUITY REPLAY Rotary Call Accepted Younger than 18 years old must have parents” permission 1 (900) 773-8439 ni 9135 алдав СА 4 || REMOTE WIZARD WIRELESS FOR PS $ Recent Winners!!! PIW a im Smith, Woodland Hils, CA Hammond, IN +G NY -Michael Hi Correctly Answer a Series of Video Game Questions & Win! zes provien ву ниву WWW.nubyonline.com Listen to Quartermann Gossip Before It’s in EGM! Call and Test Your Knowledge of Video Game Trivia! Get the Latest Expert Gamer Codes & Tricks • Hear Review Crew Members’ Game Ratings! Product names are registered trademarks of NUBY HOLDINGS CORPORATION STEEL Developer: KCE Osaka Featured In: EGM#116 At first glance, Konami's NHL Blades of Steel "99 doesn't seem all that bad, especially con. sidering this is their first “next-generation” hockey effort. The graphics are more than adequate, the atmosphere is pretty good and the gameplay and Al, while hardly perfect, are solid. Unfortunately, all of this amounts to absolutely nothing, thanks to one major problem: The control is awful. Hockey is a fast-paced sport that requires precision con- trol. IF! press left on the analog my guy to move left immediately—| don't want him to spin around in place for a sec- ond, get stuck on the boards because of shoddy programming, and then go where | directed him two seconds later. Sadly, frus like this happens all the time in there's nothing you can do about it. The game is lacking in other areas, too. For one, none of the camera angles are all that comfortable, Why not have a standard overheadivertical view? There'sra;measor why every other game has опе, you know! Also, the checking game is weak—the refs call way too.many penalties, which pretty much forces уой to cheek less or turn off penalties, Lame. Ма Create A Player is disappointing, tao. On the good side, the commentary is nice, and the game saves lotsofstats during season play. Still) the control kills it all. John R Today's Blades of Steel doesn't capture the зате magic the NES version did, mainly because we're Used to better. MUCH better, Blades "99 has ulcer-inducing controls (|.e., frustrating) —One-timers don’t work consis- tently, and the:players move like they're skat- ing in ice arenas 20 degrees too warm (on slushyya зве). Any good thingsito say about this game? Well, the commentary work is nice...better stick with NHL 99: Dan BoS '99 is not as tight as NHL 99, but it's still decenteTheigame suffers from suspect con- trol апд, at times, contrived animation. The motion physics don't seem to:be represented too мейі; Players will suddenly change direc. tions while skating straight ahead- А collision glitch will hang players up on the walls acca sionally. The good news? Two;player play is fap. Checking works Welland helps keep the games Competitive and exciting. Dean Blades of Steel '99's control is thick and ипгеѕройвіме, which is really |15 0ліу probe. lem,fortunately, when you turn up the game speed, things get a bit better Still, with any sports game, control is key. On the good side, Blades of Steel has some incredible sounds and voice-overs. In addition, the graphics are above-average. Still, what it comes down to is control—and here, 80599 just doesn’t stack up o other N64 hockey games. Shawn VISUALS SOUND | INGENUM 6 7 5 mem Мешәшшоҙ poog :aanyeay 3599 ШОУ Ire UO MMM Developer: Luxoflux Publisher: Activision Featured In: EGM #115 Big guns, big levels, loads of cool cars and secret characters...what more could you want from a car combat game? Those of you famil: iar with the original V8 on the PlayStation will be pleased to hear the №64 version number of additions that make it more than worthy of checking out. For starters, the whole thing has been cleaned up significantly in the graphics department...especially if you run it in high resolution with the RAM Pak Second, there's a bunch of new multiplayer modes that instantly raise the bar for this kind of game. Not only is there the standard deathmatch-style combat for up to four play ers, but now there are team battles on offer as well as an excellent co-op made th allows two of you to tackle the Story Mode. Add a unique “cartoon” level and a complet ly new bonus Quest Mode, and it definitely makes up for being released so long after the PS version, As far as the guts of the game во it's a faithful translationyYoulcany stilt satiate your destructive side and'anniht- late virtually all the scenery, and combat is still best performed “joust” style: Pick your opponent, drive toward him, open fire, hand, brake turn and tepeat until there's a big bang, The handling is excellent and each car behaves differently without ever threatening tû employ yawny "realistic physics."John D AILI haye to say is: Sweet! Finally, we get to blow up a bunch of cars on the N64. |5 about time, Vigilante 8 is everything the PlayStation version is and much more. The added solo and multiplayer modes and secrets make this game even more fun than usual. The frame-rate drops a bit in the hi-res mode buf if still looks decent: Thankfully, the framerate doesn’t.dfop much at allwhen playing 4P games (in low-res). Shawn What a good month for multiplayer N64, games! Unlike, Mario Party, Vigilante 8 packs а particularly fun one-player mode, too. Тһе graphics are amazing, even in low-res. (L'actu. ally prefer playing in low-res, since hi-res is à little choppy.) The cars control just fine. Even the new secret arena is pretty cool. But the teal draw here is multiplayer (despite some — in four-player). Two-on-two team modeis the best way to play. Crispin Someone could've easily rushed a lame Twisted Metal clone to the N64, but luckily, Vigilante 8 is what we get instead, This fs а fine gamewith a solid engine, а Wide variety of evelsy fun multiplayer modes and а few. extras the PS version doesn't have. The Weapons could've been designed better— Some lock-on too easily, meaningyou can shoot and hit anyone, even when you're dri- ving away like а skillless coward. Dan VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY 8 7 7 8 E pow asand 40-02 :запзеза 3520 удизга 0 -мом Аззала 51 IISNW :злпуеа3 1510M ШОЗЏО АНЗ MAR Developer; Camden Development Studio With Blast Radius, developer Camden set out to design a low-calorie Colony Wars that emphasizes high scores, power-ups and twitch gameplay over a cinema-rich, space- opera-style story line. Trouble is, this simple formula just ain't all that fun, The game missions are repetitive, varying be annoying escort sorties, bland si destroy outings and strikes on capital ships and bases. Enemy Al is dim; baddies either cruise straight at you, guns blazing, or careen away in lazy, predictable zigzags. Targeting enemies is a chore, since you have to cycle through a list of friendlies before you can lock-on а bad guy. And the story and mission briefings are so lackluster you could care less. about beating the game. Even worse similar to Colony Wars, you can only save after every few missions. Few things are more frustrating than having to play just because you didn't make it to the next save. Blast Radius' graphics are-certainly. pretty enough, as you'd expect, with lots of blurring effects and hyper-detailed ships. The galê also delivers what could havelbeema killer. multiplayer option: You can fink two PlayStations-and play missions cooperatively (or dogfight). Unfortunately, this mode does- n't save your progresspmaking it auséless Crispin ions over and over Remember Atari's game Star Raiders? Blast Radius is basically а '905 updayélof this abut without enough new bits to keep it from get ting boring. Sure, the 3D blasting has been updated with Colony Wars-style gra phies, but it's во frickin’ dull. Also, if you want to play a 2P game, you Have to link up (00 split Screen), which sucks. Psygnasis claim it's a “pick up and play” shooter, but that’s just an excuse forhaving little substance. John D Does this make sense to you? You make it through thrée missions. папу, you're abieto save. Then you fight an end level agatnst a space station or something, and continue on to the next three missions. Now, if you die In any of these next three missions, you have to go back and fight the end level from before. Howridiculous Је that?! This savewproblem existed in Colony Wars and to а lesser extent in CWaz It drains all the fun. Shawn Blast Radius has fairly good graphics,and is just as challenging, if not тоге @ than ColonyWars (though not for the same rea sons): Having to pick up fuel and power-ups is мету annoying, adding to the difficulty. The worst offender of all is the save systema which makes. progress.extremely tough. If you must have another space shooter in addition to mes, youlmight want to check this Sushi T- зләЛе|4 1едшпМ элпуеә4 1599 шә}5/$ anes рәмер галпуеә4 3510/4 Wi0»'sisoudÁsd'waum BUST-A-MOVE '99 Should you buy Bust-A-Move '99 for the PlayStation? Yes. Definitely, Without a doubt. That is, if you fall into each and every one of these categories: You don’t own Bust-A-Move 3 AND you don’t own Bu: ove 4 AND you are a die-hard crazy psychopath Bust-A-Move fool AND you can't find a copy of Bust-A. Move 4 anywhere (and you've looked every- here) AND you feel you'll never, ever EVER a copy of Bust-A-Move 4. Get the point yet? You see, BAM '99 |5 a repackaged BAM з with a couple of very trivial additions, like extra puzzle stages. | know Acclaim isn't the type to milk older titles or licenses, but Money talks, | suppose. Anyway, this is not a good deal at all — Bust-A-Move 4 (the one | think you should be getting instead, in case you couldn't tell by my inferences) has every thing BAM '99 has and more. BAM "90 is missing the pulley action, the vibration and the better graphics. None of those features are mindiblowing, mind you, Музее торап inferior chapter of a’series that is. already very similar from installment to installment? Basically, | can't come up with а single feagon to recommend this title (although it is "value priced" at under $30) At leastthe N64 ВАМ "99 offers a fourplayer mode,.this versiomofers next to. nothing. Spring for BAM 4 instead. Dan It's tough to criticize any of the Bust-A-Move gaies, as tliey'fe all so damp playable: ВАМ? îs still a classic, and if you're happy with that (or BAM 4), you can probably stick with it. ButiPyou're an absolute maniac who wants More, ВАМ '99 has plenty of new stuff to опер Its a shame there's no multitap sup- port tà düglicate the N64's foursplayér made, but there are plentyofinew puzzlesand spe- cial bubbles to liven things up. John D Unless you're а Bust-A-Move nut bent оп col- legting &very game in this repetitive series, there's по reason to buy BAM gg. Yes, it is priced less than Natsume-published BAM 4, but itgalse a big step backward, feature- wise. BAM 4 Offers better graphics and some cool twist an the series’ formula, while BAM "до ва ко and plays like the same ol’, same ol’ Ifyou crave new puzzles and have $30 to burn, BAM 99 is for you. Crispin What's up.with the barrage of BAM games lately? ВАМА pretty fun and ац Dut dû ме need/llke 50 of them in а spa gof six months? 0%%0 maybe l'm exaggeratiag, Stil, ВАМ "99 Ismtmuch different from the other wer- sions in the series. In fact, it doesn’t even ave the cool four-player mode that’s in the Nóa version. The PS does have this thing called a.multitan, yolî йоу. If you own other ВАМ, don't Bother with this опе. Shawn Жүгү 3,45] әләцу iaameay 1598 риу шола рлеморен days any :aanqeay 3510M M ЕТТІ GUARDIAN'S CRUSADE |? ‘suahe}d JO задшпм If you like your RPGs gritty and grown-up (along the lines of Xenogears and Panz Dragoon Saga), then you'll wanna keep on walkin’ past Guardian's Crusade, It's a cutesy, traditional RPG with a simple story and goof: ball humor. But if you crave something differ ent from your RPGs, well, you might want to steer clear anyway. The game offers some cool new twists—namely, a Tamagotchi-like dragon pal and an army of “Living Toy" helpers—but these turn out to be gimmicky rather than the strategic battle partners I'd hoped for. Your dragon helper often acts unpredictable in battle, no matter how much you spoil it with snacks of cheeseburgers and bugs (told you the game was goofy). And despite being able to collect mare than 70 Living Toys, only a handful are useful; the rest are wimpy novelties (only a few of the final Boss battles require major strategic use of the toys). GC's graphics are sparsely detailed. \ tikedithhelookcat first, but the сіліріб ех. tures give every building, гес ала rock a sameness that makes getting lost easy, Storywise; GGdrags until уор getnearthe вай of the roughly 20-hour quest, Here it unloads afew unexpected plot twists before wrapping upina pretty good ending. Bottom line: GC is RPG lite.—fun for what itis, but it could have Been sa much more.” Crispin L ECT] suoneAouuj j00) Мод Y 524 | have no problem with simple graphics and overly gástéenviranments in ar RPG eek, one of my favorite RPGs ever was Paladin? Quest for the SNES). What bothers me about Guardlan's/Crusade is that the gameplay is too simplistic. The battle system is extremely generit (most Of the Living TOYS aren't neces: загу at all}, and the whole game is a bit too cheesy for my tastesilt’sinot а Тога waste, though i think kids willie t- John R 1 have mixed emotions about Guardian's CrusadegOfone hand | like it&telarfel atid extremely detailed 3D graphics (they almost look hand-drawn in some cases), It addition, GC has avreally unique fighting system with the whole “Living Toy” thing: Still it's mot an RPG for serious fans of the genre. Granted, most RPGS can be silly at timesplout GC is Ји tag lighthearted in general. Overall, іше not a bad RPG jit more for beginners. Shawn слобан Кој әјәр Auew оо] :aunyeay 3510M I'm all for RPGs that do something different, but Guardian's Crusade just doesn’t deliver on its promised innovations. Too many of the Living Tey helpers аге too weak in battle, Your baly-drazon sidekick is often more annoying than helpful At the same time, the game's story а bit @Ш ап hard to follow, while the graphics аге too cutesy for mystastes. At least there's an option tapu up battles-so you can get throtigh the game faster Sushi WO>'UOISIA EMMA INVASION FROM BEYOND й) КҮЗ ublish nteractive Developer: King of the Jungle ET TES Апу good game gives you tons of stuff to do. That way, when you finish the game, you feel as if you've accomplished something. Well, Invasion From Beyond will certainly give you this feeling...ten-fold! But beware: This game is so amazingly hard at first you'll go crazy trying to figure out how to finish each level. In addition to having to kill hundreds upon hundreds of alien crafts, you must fulfill a variety of mission objectives on each level And these objectives are no walk in the park—many of them require several steps to complete. Screw one up and you fail that level. But the objectives are great since а game of this type could ve easily been just about action. Still, King of the Jungle could've created a more gradual ramp with the game's difficulty. The training areas just don't pre pare you enough for what real missions are like. With repeated plays—and yes, | did want to go back even though | was frustrated ава на уіл get the Һап бЕНОИ ЕВ: works, and have a great time doing it. On top ofthe gameplay, the graphics-and frame-rate ate mind-blowing. | can't believe they kept the frame-rate this high with everything that's going on on-scteen. In addition, the game's 19505 cheesy sci-fi motif is extremely enter: taining, Overall, |FB.isajsolid title that'll defi- nitely give you your money's worth. Shawn (deus әзм Азад :злпдео4 359g әзеұ-әшец ‘s: Right from the get-go, lemme say this is an amezinglooking game, with andiltra-smoeth framerate and crisp detail. Better news: There's a darn good game under ће snazzy visuals: Most missions pack a surprising number of objectives, and your ability to snag scientists and power-ups to build new ships and weapons adds more depth than you'd expect fram a shooter; ва tough вате though, sa prepare for frustration. (erf pin элпә} 3510M paoueyeg zus Aynaya Although it's very tough, IFB is a campy, sci-fi action/adventure game in the Vain of Mars attacks or Independence Day. Initially It seems liké а mindless blast fest, but it's soon evidentahere’s much more depth, The rea backbgne is the multiple mission objectives on еай stage and the classic “save the earth" plot, At times it seems.chaotic and overwhelming, but ovétell IFB provides a challatiging and rewarding experience. Dean What's this? | hadn't even heard of this game before jt landed on my desk a caüple of days ago (great marketing, guys!). [invasion From Beyond is definitely a unique little shooter, but after only а few missions, | began to rapidly lose interest. The quirky mission objectives get fepetitive, and the weaponry 15 abitlacking. Still, it's a great ате to rent, especially if you're ane ‘oFthose sci-fi/alian freaks Real nice graphics, too. = John R шо»зашед УА K-1 REVENGE Fighting Illusions introduced us to the stars of kickboxing last year. K-1 Revenge features about twice as many characters, several more moves and a healthy graphic improvement. Unlike Knockout Kings, these characters loo more like their real-life counterparts. While we're on the subject of KK, I'll say that the fisticuffs іп K-1 are more convincing as well: A small graphical b nd a whopping thud lets you know when you've landed a blow A translucent trail left by swinging arms legs creates a cool slow-mo effect, Fora real-life” fighter, K-1 isn't bad. Each c ter is unique and has interesting signature oves, Learning all the regular maneuvers and special moves is key. Once that's done, you'll realize the me is fairly deep with strategy and replay value. A variable Al ting also helps keep it competi While the characters move v floating camera jerks around too much, Ling'tfiefuidity of the fighterseThemusic is classic, first-generation heavy/metal fair that willstrely get on your nerves, ВШ оп the whole, K«t is as entertaining as Knockout Kings if not moreso, and the gameplay |5 more polished, Two-player is fhe best Way to play by far. It's Kind of a slow-starting sleeper, and while it’s hardlyawe-inspiring, | still had a fot of fun playing Ке Revenge. Dean ive. Bad stul | started playing K-1 Revenge like it was a fightingame, maybe due to instinct- Well, i got réally really fast, But then reg) ized What was wrong: К-1 is nota fighting кате like Tekken or Street Fighter--it's much more invalved than either of those games. Strategy plays a major role in К-1. And after laying it with this in mind, it was much more fun, Stil the game daes get repetitive, and it doesnt have long-lasting appeal. Shawn K-1 Revenge does a great job of attempting to be a “realistic” fighter, but consequently; thatigithe main reason why it doesn't excite meall that much. The moves aren't varied efoUgh,ant.the controls атай 45 responsive as I'd have liked, It's not a bad game by any means— it's just not for everyone. Hard-core Ver fans will appreciate the game's ettention to etai, but everyorie else will probably be more than satisfied with rental John R There are yery few fighting games that emphasize realistic combat, so.it's nicell@isee something like K- Revenge. K1 doesn't really play like most fighting games ӨШ there, which isıbotna plus and a minus, It would've been nice to һауе better control over moves, bul the action does have a grittier feel that many fighting games try to emulate. The play balance is goody andthe fighters have many more moves this time around: Sushi мәе} JO лодшту [4E wawe) Ayal :запјео4 SION шејеәу dupuiauo) :aınea4 3599 шо>озәүе ммм LEGEND OF LEGAIA гй could be this E Developer: Contrail d In: While Guardian's Crusade turned out to be more of a cutesy, “beginner's” RPG, Legend of Legaia is the exact opposite: This game is definitely geared more toward hardcore fans of the genre. You know, the kind of people (like me) who don't mind getting into battles every two minutes, and spending nearly as much time building up their characters and spells as they do developing the plot and progressing through the game. And believe me, there's plenty of game here—enough to keep you occupied for at least до hours if you're thorough. Story-wise, Legaia doesn't break any new ground {it's far better than Wild АВМ" sleep-inducing story, though), and the game sports some very nice graphics and sounds. Still, Legaia's main draw is its innovative battle system. Once you learn a decent amount of Arts for each charactet putting them to use in battle becomes q fun, especially when you start linking up your attackszOmthe downside, the Башев ан long and drawn-out (not having an option to Skip battle animations really Sucks), and with so many fights; you'll find yourself switching tojauto»battle more often thän not as you progress. Still, on the whole 1 really enjoyed Legaia. If you're an RPG fan you'd be alfaol to Bass kup it'll hold-youover nicely until Sony's next big Рал пед John R If you can't wait until FFVIII comes along, Legala might just be your thing. While signifi cantly better than Wild ARMS, there are Stil things that bother me. The storys fairly cool, and it unfolds in typically lingar іазор but | do find that the battles come too frequently for ту taste. Also, like Square's Xenagears, the comboattack system (whileprettycool) soon becomes те апус: find yourself opting forthe auto battle option. John D Although it's nothing revolutionary, Legend of Lagaia is ве ан all-around 518 RPG You get а Coot, lengthy story. The misi Heavy with percussion and very Panzer Dragoonish, is quite пі I really like the magic and battle systenfé 0 an extent. Battles рор up foo frequently (lm really getting tired of random combat) ІҢ the end, | just autoxbattléd through most of uie fights. Fans ofaradition al, oldschool RPGS Will Tike it: Legaia seally surprised me in avery good wayî The battle /fighting system is very cool and gets my vote as the best interactive bat Де system yet, | especially like that the char- acters have facial expressions in battle which adds to the experience. There's also lots of insidejokesrelated to Anime and оће RPGS Which is great for those in the know. THE music is the only weak Spot. Now I want a sequel for Wild ARMS AND Legaial Sti hi $ләЛе|4 JO 1aquing ПЕ wa}sÁg aeg 100) КС 3007 :aıneay 3594 уд y UO Зелда ој pua; 5а)3328 :e1n3ea4 3510 шо>чоцеҙзіғүғммм VISUALS SOUND NGENUITY REPLAY PRO 18: WORLD TOUR GOLF 6; Let's get the good stuff out of the way first Pro 48 has some of the best digitized golfers Іме seen on a home system and they һауе good animation. There is a nice selection of play modes including Practice, Shoot Out and Skins. That's about it for the good stuff. The biggest culprit in Pro 18 is the horrible cam- era control (or lack thereof), which severely limits your control of the game. The courses are rendered in photorealistic backdraps which you navigate like still pictures. Every time you adjust your angle, the screen goes blank until it finds what you should be look: ing at, making for a disorienting experience. it's just impossible to play a game of golf without being able to determine where the hole is. The amount of pro golfers to choose from is limited, as are your options for creat ing a new golfer. The pro golfers who are included are questionable, which gives me a distinct feeling that they were selected not for thelrilative talent, but becauseithay. were more affordable compared to the higher Marquee players. That's just Salton the wound though, because емей slapping In ТіңерМ0045 or Michael Jordan cadlan have savad this stinker. Don't let the пісе graphics fool you —Pro 18 is а dud. While it’s possible (о make yourway through the game, what you're playing just isn't good olt. быр Fans of PC-style golf should like the look of — 'S5eamless FMV on good fairway back- drops makes fora decent, realistic picture, The physi@s and play are competent, but mastering the snap swing meter is а bit frus- tratingifpragtice is definitely essential А few more 60Ш565 and a floating cam would've been [file Otherwise Pro 184s;surprisingly. good, Ор уе аһ —ti&'Glieeky English.commen: tatorSare jolly good as Well. Dean Graphically, Pro 18: WTG is beautiful—the FMV cháfatters mesh flawlessly with the background, and the courses аге ab ove-aver- agé (оиа! some of the руте objects are ай 46 awkward looking). As far as characters and courses goithough, the game's a bit slim. And the same goes for Pro 13's Create-a-play- ef Mode. Luekily, there are enough play modes to keep thing$ffiteresting, апа а vari- ety of holes to try узш Шек on. Shawn Whoopee, another sleep-inducing golf game for the PlayStation. Pro 18 has айй elean interfagê, and it’s certainly not ће worst golf вате ме played, but there's nothing here youhaven’t seen before. There are only three colifses, a brief selection of no-name golfers ahd Some teally.weak course viewing options that are pretty much worthless. Ils ayit yet again—if you Мапа 604 PS golf 26 во with Hot Shots Со ы n Li ЕЕ 4 JO зодшту эеле) 3u222q :aunyeay 3598 әзерәуц Adder :2unje4 350, улози ddes) 4 3510M титулу SILENT HILL ROLLCAGE Gua te ово аса Developer: ATD RollCage has certainly held my attention longer than 5.С.А.В.5 did. The similarities аге there—racing combat, unique vehicles, pretty environments, etc. However, RollCage has a deeper slant toward racing. It's easier to hold the toad and concentrate on the actual race On top of that, the weapon, shield and turbo icons are far less prevalent (that’s a good thing). It's safe to say this game is on a high er level than S.C.A.R.S. or Team Losi RC Racer, but when compared to current PS racing kings—NFSIII, Gran Turismo and Test Drive 5—it just doesn’t hold up. The reason? The flip-over cars are interesting but in the end they don’t help you win races. More often than not, the unforgiving wheel physics and big tires end up creating wild wrecks. Occasionally going high on a banked turn is amusing but not enough to warrant the odd controlling vehicles. But, if taken for what it 15—70 percent racer, 30 percent combat— RoliCage is kind of fun. The framesfatelisifast and ghetracks and backgrounds are speedy азе а good-looking, Two-player is a little злом Dubits fun, although it'd be nice EA) ars also raced, Overall, the trek is getting accustomed to the behavior of the cars, бәсе that’s done itgets very competitive and fairly engaging, Аз а U nigue'cornbat racer ко Саве. is decent, but d süggest renting first: Dean RollCage is such а blazing, topsy-turvy expe- пепсе йа sure to churn yOur guts. Heck playifig in first-person view can even induce spewing. Trouble is, the intense speed makes the gamesthrilling one second and frustra һе next. Опсе you lose control—Which is «азу on the later courses— you're screwed til You can get your bearingseMullt "iore flung since the:Bollfice-all аргалу wilfeonfuse Both players equally: Crispi The whole,“big wheels so you can whiz up the чацв айа, across the сета пз in RC is a nice idea, but it seems very much (ike а tacked=on afterthought, and өле that isn! уёгу Usettilias.a gameplay tactic. Every time ‘you crash, the cars have a bizarre tendency {о pull in а сегігіп direction за you end up facing the Wrong way. Sure, RollCage is fast and it looks a bit like Wipeout, but it's a lot more infuriating than it should bê. John RollCage would have scored much higher па the control not been flawed. This game is fons of fun, and the graphies are stmply incrediblg, Bf опе too many times | flipped around.all serewy (facing the wrong way) when (barely nudged up against an obstacle. No first plage for me. | blame it on (пе (6056 analag control, and cars that;bur rubber Way too rich for по gdes son, RC does have decent multiplayeemodes though, „ш akejd JO зедштм saishyg AYIA TTET :әлпуеә-] 3510), зјеу-ошел4 Apaads :ainjeay 3528 wo»'sisouSÁsd- wu Publisher Developer: KCE Tokyo tured In: ЕМ HIIS Those of you who moaned endlessly about the length of Metal Gear Solid will no doubt have more to whine about with Silent Hill. You can work your way through the whole. game in about 11 hours...but, like Konami's previous epic, those hours are filled with something special. Probably the most gen- vinely disturbing "survival horror" game around, the story plays on psychological nas- tiness both in terms of the events that take place and the graphical content. The game Seems to go out of its way throughout to make you feel uncomfortable—the 3D engine shifts the camera into some bizarre positions, while at the same time only giving you a very limited field of view. It's claustrophobic, dark and disturbing. If it wasn't for the stiff voice acting and bad translation ("the end is neigh" anybady?), this would be a classic example of а game mimicking a movie like facob’s Ladder. There are а few niggles with the задев У ње collision detection:foripicking Чр objects is dodgy in places..and the few genuine puzzles (there are only really four or five major ones) are all explained by fairly obvious elues located in pretty much the game locations That said though, it's ай enjoyable experience and there's.some replay value thanks to its multiple endings, You'll Iove the cool twist atthe end 100 John D The first.must-own PS game of 1999.is hi Silent НГ ап awesome horror adventure that no fan of the RE series should miss. it's nöt perfect controls could Be tighter, and thie Wilting Voice acting is a little weak, but tHe disturbing, truly frightening gameplay experience more than makes Up for these minor flaWs. Great story, too; Ве stre (0 play it vith a Dual Shook (rust me), апаз you've got kids, keep 'em faraway. John R Resident Evil is to Night of the Living Dead as Цей Hill ко Hellraiser. Talk about а creepy gamel It Starts off slow, but once you get an our into it, things can get really tense. (@lthougit you will run into long, drawn-out agfieds of uneventfulness). Speaking of RE, you can see the jnfluences everywhere (and | Mean everywhtere), so if уош тега ВЕ fan, do not miss:out on this one! By the way, do not let your children see this game. Dan Even more so than the Resident Evil games, thisithing plishes all your fear buttons, Its dim visuals, discordant music, jarring sound effects and twisted story are disturbing.on so many levels. It all makes for an experience that’s as immersive and frightening as anys thing else of the consoles. You'll need to |б: Че with options before the gameybe comes playable, and | had gripes with the camera and control throucheutthe gamie. Cris СОРТ! Kao3$ Ayoods :aanqeay 152g uonejsuei] usij3ug К8род :3anzead 3510M ШОУ JUreUO MMM —— Dreamworks Interactive 1 have to admit the prospect of spending а number of hours with T'ai Fu filled me with dread. Having seen the game a number of times throughout its development, most of the adjectives | would have previously used to describe it would all have had something 10 do with toilet habits. Imagine my surprise then, as | sat down with the thing and real- ized after a good two or three hours that | was actually having a pretty good time. Sure, it's a simple 3D take on age-old games like Double Dragon, Final Fight and other such side-scrolling/fighting fare, but it ain't half bad. It's not going to win any awards, but consider that A) the main character looks like а Thundercat and B) the linear levels offer enough challenge to keep you amused, and you'll come to the same conclusion | did: that this is probably the finest example of a game suitable for rental you'll ever come across. You could probably work your way throughitfie whole thing in three fS decenf-length sessions, and whem you getto theffater levels you'll dig the whale ability learninz.thing and the way it alters the game- play as you progress. You'll bea bit frustrat ed by the camera system, forelng occasional leaps of faith” to be made, but yal" be pleasantly surprisedbyithe voice acting. Not bad, Not great — but not bad. John D Square, square, square, triangle! Square, square, square, triangle! Be prepared Гора lot of the same bütton-mashing combos in this wildlife take on the 3D NinjafFighting Force games. T'ai Fils jittery engine SUcks away ай thé fun though, .it's hard to See where you're going, and it’s hard to move around in some areas (especially when jumping’s required), Neat idea, great graphics, awesome sound- track... flawed game engine. Dan T'ai Fu is another 3D action game that almost такезі оне arena of greatness it's a beautifullooking game with well-designed leyals, decent control and great SOUnd,.music afid VOlceWork. But T'ai Fu isn't without its problems—you're bound to find weird graphi- cal glitches and sticky polygons in neady every level. In addition, T'ai Бије Це on the easy side...everron tiormal difficulty (and there's no Bard settingto choose). Shawn Tony the Tiger...MC Escher-like levels...beatin" up Snakes? Just some randomfiistthaüghts about Tat TU. Seriously, lineal roaming white battling easy-to-kill enemies every 10 sec: 9105 gets repétitive. The levels are adequate, but there's not enough interactive stuff to mess with, The fighting engine is simplistic aswell. You can get quite far byusing just a few combos over and over. T'ai Fu isan aver age brawler that could've been better Dean плака ја JO задшпм aanyeay 1598 Кеудәшес) jooyas-pj “үші 9403894 540 зәшцәшо$ ewe) Ке} V02'UOISIADOE MMM SIL Sit bil IL ell OW ЕД) bil sil Sil £l vil vil Ell уп bil sil ЕД Ell vit ElL Sit SIL p SIL SIL SIL э Ей Sit vil E IL El SIL Sit 5! sit Sit PIL 217 Sit bll чп elt Al Sit SIL hog әшео | [CE] st anss] 58 0% 07. 06 59 0% 06 07. 58 08 09 09 0% 59 0% 01 09 09 0% 07 SL 08 08 59 58 01 GL GL 58 $9 02 0% 0% 61 6% sy 0% OL 09 09 07 06 61 01 01 06 01. 09 wnes gr ТЕ | 01 Sy 09 06 GL 07 48 GS 09 08 09 59 0% 09 09 09 09 01 0% 09 51 59 58 58 58 Sy 01 SL 8:0 01 0% St 08 59 с St 01 0 08 08 02 58 5% oe 55 0% 49 09 SL ov 59 06 05 07. 06 58 08 0% 08 02 58 07 S1 [y 09 08 SG Sy 0% 09 58 GL 0% Sy 59 0% Sy 59 0% 0% 08 0% 09 “е 97 0! 09 0% St 56 61 ЈЕ 59 06 01 59 08 09 02 56 59 54 06 55 09 08 SL 58 58 09 08 56 59 si Sb от 5) 09 58 62 08 07 08 02 08 59 0% OF 08 08 58 0t G1 01 58 09 0% 58 09 Sy 59 06 08 05 591026 Janis @ Род buy әлїюд Asaay SƏY 12210019 JO 5107 5507 UO!}PW!UY auos әшее se1) 1527 5,600 Ayybney 3Jn12nJ]6 10 X2e1 Aejdaweg 5поц еден sau „бишу, |y био1 Ajqeseaquy uoinpjuasaJd А10] yous Áse3 jeu, Óuissiw sbuos auis ug 521141 pidnys 88 1513 aJ uo 5811794 |00) auios 1501 {бәле оци ng 52144819 әзшәірлу бипод pemo] pajafue; 4205 IV пао 909 AjbujAouuy. әроү{ зеЛеја-омј, 518 woed 8Ш05 104 Аџоојје) 00] ag AEN 3noujia Auejnanjeg JON мом p009 Ашу әлү ејапој v Ajuo 10300) 2004 9п-404 1004104 ASN saisAug ajgeuonsanp auos Sjulod BARS Maj ооу 1563 001 dn моја SJE) ѕәбедѕ eur 30 ÁNH әшәдхэ HOUS jo pum 5,1! puy “ӘЛЕ|4-0М| ON QI ә}ен под JJ) зошпн 30 asuas Yed ujnos SJo]oeJeu) Buikouuy Аббоз 001 ода v Ins Әрой 1102112 Ш SY uónou JON 5ша|40:4 ејеше) INM 51004 1004 awos Iv 21 uj 5Ә|0Ң әшо |1135 583 001 AEM AsejuaWWO) әліцәйәу s,uoyeM 1119 әѕушәлај e»eds Moen 5)20|8 збедјед MƏN 95041 Ag HH би од 1221514 ерја7 25521) oul S,aJouM Jayog зеЛејфупу ом Byawe pidnys ayy ly 3ueuoddo шеђу“"ајеу -ошен ayey-awesj Addou? КІРИОІ5Р220: Кејдоше рәм 1y 10900000 УРӘМ Јаше *Aejdaweg шлодеја bunensna⸗. Jakejg-1no3 Buying |јешо ооу SMOPUIM quaunjedag A18۸3 щ әбрзәлү 81nje84 ҙ510М ШЕЛІ 001 1587 5,493 53905 06 esuayul лә}ең Ul Ng еә рәји xr 21/45 [010019 Аејбәшее зуби. Ajqipasauy S3Iude15 a5IN ош 199 01 1583 Aedaweg 2103 ѕәшео 0 5107 'sd!j бшузеој зџәшәлцән Duueew ag PINOYS 521195 (ARSON) 3isny 38949 Kejdp1ons ansieay kejdaweg бшбебиз 'daag sajas Aejdaureo д) Аеџећ po заћеј4-омј. Аејдәше‹ әлірзірру Jana] doyooy, 5215Аца Buljmog P009 3092002 јешбид 055 10) saweg OF saiydesg Aying punog aiqipas3uy Sapoy Леја 30 Ajuajd (ed WYY/M) sotudeu9 səy-IH Kejdauieo pijos saiydesg pajejag шә)516 Buuo»s/oquio? 42319 JOWNY JQ esuas Yed ujnos 5951п02 |002) 10300) parosduyy 58110558922) Je бшрел saiydesg ↄuoudsouy 3i Ang ој ane} 3,000 под S3iude19 5П090109 soiydei9 om чое 1119 5ша бше әцу jg рипоѕ eu 5уроја abeqjeo MƏN suoabung ејфрајзи! 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Higher Jumps: Press Left(2), Up(2), Right(2), Down(2), Square, Triangle, X at the Main Menu. Other Racers Limited to 50 km/h: Press Circle, Square, Right, Left, Ll, trice The Legend of .-- 1) Zelda: Ocarina `. е Time Hidden Pictures Find the place in the Hyrule Castle courtyard where you meet Princess Zelda for the first time. To your left and right; there will be windows. Look (with Up-C) to the right window and you will see pictures of Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Princess Toadstool! Now, take aim with your slingshot and shoot at the window. A red rupee will pop out and you can collect it for a gain of 20 rupees! If you take aim and shoot the window on the left, a guard will pop out, scold you and throw a bomb back at you! Star Wars: | 2) Rogue AST Squadron Many Cheats Infinite Lives Cheat: Passcodes Screen enter IGIVEUP. Fly the Millennium Falcon: At the Passcodes Screen enter FARMBOY Fly the Tie Interceptor: At the Passcodes Screen enter TIEDUP. The Tie Interceptor is hidden behind the Millennium Falcon. After you have entered both the Millennium Falcon cheat and the Tie Interceptor Cheat, go over to the Millennium Falcon then press Up on the analog stick. The camera will pan around to the Tie Interceptor! All Power-Ups: At the Passcodes Screen enter TOUGHGUY ~, Crash 3)Bandicoot: 2 WARPED Free Apples When you are playing a level that has the rock-throwing monkeys, after you have destroyed the vases that they occupy you can jump on the monkeys and get free apples. (5) (4) GoldenEye 007 Secret Level Editor Once you finish every single level in the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting (plus bonus levels 19 and 20), a special "007 Mode” will open. This is an Editor Screen, in which you can configure options such as Епету Health, Enemy Damage, Enemy Accuracy and Enemy Reaction Speed! Different Paired Weapons To do the trick, you must have two of the second set of paired weapons out. Then press and hold the A button. Before you cycle forward to the next weapon, press Z twice. Release the A button and press A once. Press 2 two or three times to fire your weapons. If done correctly, the last shot should have locked your gun in place long enough for the next qun to cycle into your hand. Same Player In Multiplayer Play in Multiplayer Mode using two of the same character: To do this, plug in four controllers. Enter Multiplayer Mode and select four characters with each controller, having players three and four be the duplicates. Then go back to the Multiplayer Screen and unplug controllers three and four. Have players one and two then choose the players where three and four were. Then go back to the Multiplayer Screen once again and plug players three and four back in. Be sure to change the Player Option back to four, Now when you begin your match, there should be two of the same character! 5) Tomb Raider 111 Incredible Cheats In the middle of the game without pausing, enter any of these cheats as show: All Weapons: L2, R2, R2, L2, 12, Li L2, R2, L2, R2, R2, L2, R2, Re, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, R2. You will hear а scream, Fill Energy: R2, R2, L2, R2, L2, 12, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2, L2. You will hear her grunt. Level Skip: L2, R2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, 12, R2, 12, L2, 12, L2, R2, L2, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2. Lara says “Мо. All Secrets (access All Hallows): L2, 12, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, 12, R2, L2, R2, L2, 12, R2, 12, 12, 82,12, 12. Lara will sigh. RI, X at the Main Menu. Sean А. Davis Flint, МІ ж is trick works on a preproduction version of the is subject to change) (Note: qame an Hidden Characters These characters can be used in any mode of the game. For Armored Spider-Man: Go to Spider-Man, hold Select and press any button. For Dark Sakura: Go to Hulk, hold Select and press any button. For Mephisto: Go to Omega Red, hold Select and press any button. For Shadow: Go to Dhalsim, hold Select and press any button. For Dark Zangief: Go to Blackheart, hold Select and press any button. For U.S, Agent: Go to M.Bison, hold Select and press any button. => (Note: Ts codes work on a pre-production version of the dame end are subject to CU Story Passwords 1. RANDAL 17. LADNAR 2. HUNDRA 18. ARDNUH 3. CINBER 19. REBNIC 4. MARLIN 20. NILRAM 5. BAYARD 21. DRAYAB 6. WEBLEY 22. YELBEW 7. PARKER 23. REKRAP 8. MERKEL 24. LEKREM 9. ITHACA 25. ACAHTI 10. BAIKAL 26. LAKIAB 11. SAVAGE 27. EGAVAS 12. VALMET 28. TEMLAV 13. MAUSER 29. RESUAM 14. KIMBER 30. REBMIK 15. BISLEY 31. YELSIB 16. MEANEC 32. CENAEM => Next Section Warp. During the game, hold the R1 button and press Circle, Circle, X, X, Square, Square. This cheat will take you to the next section of the game, and you can use the cheat as often as you like to get past difficult areas of the game. Ве warned: Skipping sections of the game will decrease the number of saved Mudokons in the game! Game Cheats Level Select: Highlight either the "R-Type" or "R- Type ||" options at the Title Screen. Quickly press L2(10), R2(10). Begin gameplay and press Start to access the Stage Select and FMV sequences within the Menu options. Choose your stage and then press X to begin. Slow Down Ship: Pause gameplay in R-Type or R-Type 11. Hold L2 and press Right, Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, X. Speed Up Ship: Pause gameplay in R-Type or R-Type 11, Hold L2 and press Right, Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Circle. Circuit and All Levels Code Circuit Option - 0n the Main Menu, access the Options. Highlight and enter the Password option. Now enter this code as shown: X, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square. Open All Levels - Access the Options from the Main Menu, highlight the Password option and enter this code: Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Circle. +. Blitz Codes T From the Main Menu Screen, choose Exhibition Mode and then pick your team. At the Matchup Screen, press the following buttons for the code results as shown: No Fumbles: Start, Start, Start, Start, B, B, A, A, А, Down. Infinite Turbos: Start, Start, Start, Start, Start, B, А, A, A, A, Up. Night Game: Start, Start, B, B, A, A, Right. No Pointer: Start, Start, Start, B, B, B, A, A, A, Left Invisible Receiver: Start, Start, Start, Start, B, B, B, A, А, А, Up. Wild гате, baby. / M d Next party, lose the pifiata. New Point Blank?" 2 allows up to 8 of your gun-crazed pals to unload on over 70 wild and wacky shooting scenarios - from fish and.fowl to ninjas and gangsters. Blast through an all-new Arcade Mode, Theme Park Mode, Endurance Mode - plus a VS. Mode for the perfect head-to-head (no pun intended) party game. Point Blank 2. Time to get pistol whipped. <= PlayStation. ein | www.nameo.com ical Gi f ith soft hiet dispi he Gi Paint Blank" 2 В © 1994 1897 1998 Namco Lid. All Rights Reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation ا و و‎ logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of Gungan Point Blank"" 2 sold with Guncon and without. the Interactive Digital Software Association, Guncon™ & © 1096 Namea Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Gadgets Electronics Accessories New Media БЕ Cool stuff you could probably live without, but shouldn't Ride Around Town On Му Lowrider Bicycle OK, so maybe this isn't the tricked-out bike the Beastie Boys had in mind when they wrote this lyric, but it’s certainly closer than most fancy 100-speed mountain bikes out there—and a hell of a lot cooler! This classic from Schwinn is just one of many reproductions they have on the way. These phat-looking wheels were originally released the late '60s—now’s your chance to snag a piece of pop-culture history fairly cheap. Price: Around $460 www.schwinn.com Buddy Holly Meets Mad Max Meets... In addition to the soundtrack below, Six-String Samurai from Рајт Pictures is now available on VHS and DVD. This “post-apocalyptic desert spectacle of swords, adventure and rack ‘n’ roll" is delight fully trippy...and that's a good thing. In short, in 1957 the bomb goes off and the Russians take over. Elvis becomes King of left of America. Forty years later, he dies. A LOT of strange people try to claim his throne. Enter; Buddy (the guy below). Action ensues. Price: Around $16 (soundtrack), $20 (VHS), $30 (DVD) www.sixstringsamurai.com Shock It! Sure, these watches might seem a little intimidating at first sight, but after close inspection these from Casio really kick some ass. They look like they're from the future for crying out loud! Casio offers a slew of different G-Shock watches h various abilities, but the functions of those pictured include an alarm, a stopwatch and luminescent light. Price: Around $100 each (left: DWoo4BX-2V, right: DWX1005-1AV) www.gshock.com DVD Release List „слао March 12 Monkeys (DTS) A Fish Called Wanda Apollo 13 (DTS) Batteries Not Included Black Hole Broken Arrow Cartoons That Time Forgot Die Hard Die Hard 2 Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance Die Hard Triple Pack Friday Golden Child Halloween: H20 Heathers Iron Eagle 4: On The Attack Jackie Chan's First Strike Joe's Apartment Mighty Aphrodite Pink Panther Pink Panther Strikes Again Platoon (DTS) Pleasantville Pokémon #2 Pokémon #3 Poseidon Adventure Romeo |5 Bleeding Rush Hour Waterboy April Armageddon: Special Edition Dawn Of The Dead: Director's Cut Monty Python: Life Of Brian Time Bandits Shawshank Redemption: Spec.Ed Speed 2: Cruise Control The Nutty Professor Volcano Totally Tweaked Tin Toys! Seems like everything nd. Look at retro k. Well, it's the same way in the world of toys to а certain degree. Many of you may not remember these toys from "sos and '6os, but that's OK since , limited-edition goes around, comes video games and how they've comebi the hold their own even now. What's more, unlike some tin toys on the market today, Ri et USA's various lines are of quality since they're designed d manufactured in Japan by the same company Is way back when. In addition, the original, award-winning box art for each of the toys is downright beautiful. Visit the Web site below to see all of the types of toys Rocket USA has to offer, If you're into pop culture, this may be a dream come tr Price: $50 (rocket), $30 (saucer), $17 (robots) www.rocketusa.com dj It's Like ACID Without The Flashbacks Is nat often that we r PC softw: just too incredible not їо cover. This po up standard audio fil electronic music action. It's as in EGM—but Sonic Foundry's ows program allows you to load drum" s and/or iles and extending is ragging and dropping int. In addition, there are о purchase, available in a ong as you и a load of loop librarie: мапеју Price: al genres. $80 www.sonicfoundry.com Tickle The Іуогіе5 Besides looking damned cool with a metallic finish and а bunch of knobs, the is truly a powerful piece of equipment. Not only does the keyboard allow you to play all kinds of funky preset instruments, loops and sounds, its digi tal sampling functions let you create some origi nal bad-ass riffs Price: Around $300 www.yamaha.com by Shawn Smith shawn_smith@zd.com nal Word Emulation Is No Cause For Celebration am a true believer in the separa- tion of church and state when it comes to gaming on а computer and gaming ona console system And it's no different in the case of PlayStation emulation. Emulating vintage console systems and rare arcade machines is one thing, since you can't walk on over to your favorite video game retailer and buy games for your Atari or Colecavision or play Joust in your neighborhood arcade (perhaps a licensing fee of some sort should be in order for these shareware-type emulators). But to emulate a living and Й extremely popular video game system and then sell it on store shelves just doesn't seem right—legal or not. To offer what's essentially a PlayStation for $50 when you already own a computer, making it all the more easy for Connectix (with its У66 on a 63- equipped Macintosh) had in mind, but it'll happen—it’s not a perfect world. | think computer gamers who don't own a PlayStation should spring the $130 for one—Lord knows they can afford it if they're shelling out a few thousand for a new PC or Mac. When it comes to technology, people often get so excited about finding out whether or not they can do something that they forget to ask themselves whether they should. Now, l'm not suggesting Connectix is making its emu lator to purpose- ly harm the video game industry in any way, but per- haps they haven't thought of the conse quences. pirates to post and Emulation is a cool idea-but it's not so It reminds me grab games from illegal cool when it could kill the gaming industry. of that part in warez sites on the Net, could potentially kill the video game industry. It’s a scary thought and it's quite probable in the long term. It’s like a domino effect: If these PlayStation emulators hit the market and do well, what's next? A Dreamcast emulator? And who knows what beyond that (Nintendo 64 and Game Boy emulators don't apply since games for those systems are on cartridge, making retail emulators illegal from the get-go—you'd have to use pirated ROM images). So now when new systems are released, computer emulators are on the market soon after? Yeah, that sounds like it'll be good for our industry. Since computer technology is advancing so quickly and console sys- tems are more and more like home computers, the turn-around time on these emulators is getting shorter and shorter. At the same time, pirates con- tinue to find ways to distribute illegal software. These emulators make it that much easier to play pirated games on a computer. No, this is not what furassic Park when Jeff Goldblum's character is talking about the ethics of science and messing around with dino DNA when scientists probably shouldn't. He compares the sit- uation to a kid who gets excited when he finds his dad's gun without realizing the consequences of his actions. It’s the same thing in this case. Yeah, emulating a powerful machine like the PlayStation on a computer is a cool idea. The programmers who are making these emulators must be very talented to come up with the code without the help of Sony gurus. But can't they just be happy with the accomplishment of actually pulling it off in the first place without having to. sell it to the mass market? Apparently not. Think of the consequences. If we lived in an ideal world where pirating was a myth, then maybe these emulators wouldn't hurt anybody, But we don't, so people are going to down- | load PlayStation games or copy them. | hope Connectix does well on the Mac side of things—hopefully not because of these PlayStation emulators. ZIFF-DAVIS ZD INC, CHAIRMAN AND CEO Eric Hippeau chiel Fina Timothy O'Brien on Chudnofsky Terri Holbrooke Michael 5. Perlis n William Rosenthal. arry W. Wangberg Rayna Brown 1. Malcom Morris Пагу R. Otte state and Facil Магук Vice President Information Services Steve Gladyszewski Mark Mi Vice President, Controller Vice Pres Resourc lent, Human ations Tracy Nadi Vice President, Treasurer Thomas L. Wright Corporate Sales e President [ов Gillespie ting Мела nt, Маг ut tor Scoti Murphy т RIS BURKE ZD Brand & Market Services Terri Holbrooke Charlotte R Brooke Correll Elda Vale И sident, Integrated Marketing Herb Stem ZD PUBLISHING President Michael S. Perlis Executive Vice Pre Exe is Dobbrow k Dolce Al DiGuide live Vice Pres | Jonathan Lane Michael J, Mille Nancy Ni Vice President Roger Herrmann. Vite President Егіс Lundquis Bill Mi sident Mark Van Name Director, Benchmark Direc Eric Hale Director, ZD Tes Analysis Ziff-Davis, A SOFTBANK Company Month ELECTRONIC (ул e MONTHLY May 1999 The oe Phantom Menace ® EXCLUSIVE GAME COVERAGE А mist that causes people to go Learn how to use all the new A il 1999 insane and deadly monsters... extras for the Nintendo 64 pri you'll need the Legaia guide! version of Vigilante 8. On sale March 23 It’s no joke...the April issue of on Soul Reaver. The guide will Expert Gamer will have the best pinpoint trouble spots as well as. strategy guides on the hottest give helpful hints on how to con- games. First, see how Vigilante 8 quer this game. for the Nintendo 64 compares with And in the Legend of Legaia the PlayStation version, plus find strategy, XG aids you in your out about the added “extras” like quest to stop the weird mist the four-player mode. with detailed maps and advice Next, XG finally has the strategy on monsters and Bosses! Expert Gamer makes it easier to defeat the dead in the Soul Reaver guide. The same development team that brought you Destruction Derby is hard at work on their latest title—Driver (left). If you're used to driving upside down, on walls and in ditches . (уоште crazy), you'll love Psygnosis’ Rollcage (right). April 1999 There's tons of RPGs hitting the Soul of the Samurai as well as On sale March 16 PlayStation these days, that’s why Driver, the race-chase game created we're putting together a special by the same developers that creat- RPG blowout with coverage of Final ed Destruction Derby. Fantasy VIII, Shadow Madness, But мете not just about previews ieh Fi Lunar: Silver Star Story, Legend and features, we'll have reviews of dde idem. of Legaia and more! Psygnosis' Rollcage, Pro 18 World Legend of Legaia and Lunar. We'll also preview 3Xtreme, Tour Golf, Point Blank 2, Army Men -Siler Star Story, RPGs are NBA Shoot Out "99, Need for 30, Bust-A-Move "99, RushDown А in full force on the PS. Speed: High Stakes, MLB 2000 and and Bomberman Fantasy Race. “АІ editorial content ject to change. BRESoftware.Com Credit E-Mail: info@bresoftware.com / Automated Info: sales @bresoftware.com Car d Win a Dreamcast Orders | See Details and Enter on our website (559) 432-2684 CASH for your old games/systems Receive a check back or purchase other titles of your choice-Prices in this ad good thru April 30, 1999 %5.00 ОБЕ Return this coupon with your next mail order (not valid on phone or online orders) | and receive $5.00 OFF your purchase. Please list alternatives when ordering by mail. Not valid with any other offers, Sales or Specials. This coupon is valid through Ф508. No copes accepted. Y we cant Il your order tin 30 days, wei | return your order, payment, and this coupon to you, ЕМА. 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