антта, PlayStation Games on the Mac: The Emulation War Begins


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СА deadly mist grips the land. Jn its wake lies a decomposing herd of corpses. „7/9 its path

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ELECTRONIG” Number 12.3

CARMINE March 1999 = ПОКОЉУ wwwauideogames.com

Dale Strang

Fun with two...even better with four

By John Davison ° john_davison@zd.com

J. E. Funk ° joe_funk@zd.com

John Davison ° john_davison@zd.com Dean Hager . dean hagerGzd.com Crispin Boyer crispin boyerGzd.com John Ricciardi ° john_ricciardi@zd.com Dan Hsu * dan hsuGzd.com

Shawn Smith shawn. S smith@zd. com Sushi-X sushi_x@zd.com_

James Mielke Gary Mollohan Ryan Mac Donald Joe Fielder joe@videogames.com Moira Muldoon moira@videogames.com

Chris Johnston chris johnston@zd.com

Terry Minnich tricks@zd.com Mark Hain mark hain@zd.com Wataru Maruyama wat_maruyama@zd.com

Michael Stassus * mstassus@zd.com Cyril Wochok cyril wochok@zd.com

Andrew Burwell « Jim Cordano

Stuart Levy, CEO & Bureau Chief Matinee Galgani, Producer Kiyomi Fukuyama, Editorial Manager

aka Ohbuchi, Japanese Correspondent

y pure coincidence the two major themes of this month’s issue have become

inextricably intertwined. When you've put Mario on the cover, you can't help

but have a good long think about what the future holds for Nintendo. As the

N64 draws toward what will almost certainly be its last big year, it’s more than

apparent that Nintendo’s tactic with the machine didn’t quite work out as planned. There is no argument that the PlayStation dominates the market—but it’s interesting to see that the very beginning of 1999 sees the big N attacking with some renewed vigor. There are a lot of high-caliber games on the horizon and we should see a steady flow for the majority of the year.

Our other theme this month, partly inspired by the nature of Mario Party, is multiplayer gaming. This month you'll find a multiplayer strategy to Turok 2 as well as a comparison of the multiplayer aspects of Acclaim’s pretty boy and the de facto experience—GoldenEye. In fact, in exploring the charms of playing multiplayer games, it has become more than apparent that the N64 really has the edge in this department. Part of it may have to do with those four holes on the front of the | box...but if you think about it, the system really is the “party machine.” Mario Party,

Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart and Turok 2 are all fine examples, and the year ahead should see further fun in the shape of Mario Golf 64, Smash Brothers, Twelve Tales: Conker 64 and the incredible-looking conversion of Quake II (which we preview this month).

Jennifer Whitesides Jo-El M. Damen Gary Steinman

Marc Camron Paul Ojeda E Dave McCracken 5 Chris Melody Mark LeFebvre * mark lefebvreGzd.com Scott Parus

Jonathan lane Cathy Bendoff Robert Kabat

Joan McInerney = Shirley Viel Don Galen

Ann-Marie Mrozynski

Ziff-Davis Video Game Group 50 Beale, 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA ШЭ Telephone: 415- 547: 0 0 Fax: 415-547-8

Jennie Parker Tel: 415-547-8000 e-mail: jennie_parker@zd.com

Suzanne Farrell Tel: 415-547- p Қа mE suzanne _farrell@zd.com

Jon Yoffie Tel: 415-547-! 8773 e-mail: jon | оше сот

For many, Zelda was the single example of true excellence on the N64, but it’s more than apparent that the PlayStation has a long way to come as a “social” system. It may be the generation-X, new-wave, Gap-wearing, swing-dancing, 20 million-selling, hip-chic machine of the majority—but the N64's final contribution to gaming as a whole may well be something social. The more people enticed to try out gaming, the better...and if the way to do that is to get them together with a six-pack, a pizza and something a bit silly with Mario in it, then that's only a good thing as far as I’m concerned.

This fact alone will no doubt be partly responsible for shaping the next generation of consoles. We already have the Dreamcast...look at the front; four holes. The QMann this month reveals the current thinking on both Nintendo’s next machine and what is known so far about the PlayStation 2—but | think it’s safe to say that four-player gaming straight from the box can be taken as a given.

Karen Landon Tel: 415-547-8774 е- FER karen | landon@zd. com

Anthon УУРУ: Tel: 630-382- 034 е “mail: anthony_george@zd.com

Susan Carroll Tel: 415-547-8776 e-mail: susan. eee сот

Mike Darling

Steve Harris

id the publisher assumes no

Audit bureau Cratos






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64 and the 3-0 "М" logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1936 Nintendo of America Inc. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. TM, ® & © 1939 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Screen shots shown were taken from the Nintendo 64 version of the video game.

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the Interactive Digital Software Association. All rights reserved.

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Arrives March 1999

108 Mario Party

If there was ever a game you wouldn’t want to play all alone, this is it. Mario Party is the ultimate inter- active board game. We blow out all the minigames that make this multiplayer wonder so much

6 Editorial

Johnny England is all about group participation. Find out why.

14 Letters

Believe it or not, some of you disagree with our reviews. 22 News

PlayStation games on your Mac, thanks to new emulators. 36 Gaming Gossip

What comes after the Dreamcast? Look here for info.

128 Review Crew

Castlevania, Syphon Filter and Zelda: Link's Awakening

136 Reader Reviews

We love Reader Reviews! Watch this section grow and grow.


42 - Dreamcast Previews Sonic Adventure, Shenmue and Buggy Heat.

54 Nintendo 64 Previews

We have loads of N64 previews this month, including Quake II, Mario Golf 64, Beetle Adventure Racing, updates for Perfect Dark, Twelve Tales: Conker 64 and Jet Force Gemini and plenty more.

138 Review Archive

A listing of all the scores we've given games in recent mo

142 - Jump Start

We give you the skinny on the multiplayer modes in Turok 2.

144 - Tricks of the Trade

All kinds of kick-ass cheats for South Park.

M8 - Get Some!

What is it about cool silver electronics that makes us want them?

150 - The Final Word

Crispin is sick of deathmatch modes. More love, man...


Electronic Gaming Monthly, March 1999, Issue 116

x= 120 The Year of Nintendo? Е Just ’cause you've beaten Zelda doesn’t mean your N64 Game Directory should start collecting dust again. Believe it or not, some pretty big games аге on the way іп "99. We 95 Ace Combat 3 medesime d 50 Aero Dancing examine the titles that could make '99 a very goo 56 Air Boardin’ USA year for Nintendo fans. 129 Akuji the Heartless 62 All-Star Smash Brothers 54 Beetle Adventure Racing 50 Buggy Heat 126 EGM Grudge Match 58 Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3 j Dinosaurs or spies—which are more fun to kill? We а Speed L 4 129 Castlevania answer that question and others as we put Turok 2 100 Carrot Crazy Р and GoldenEye 007 to a high-powered duel. 87 Centipede а 95 Chocobo Racing 89 Chocobo's Myst. Dungeon 2 130 Civilization Il 130 Contender Во Driver 92 FinalFantasy VIII

89, 130 Fisherman's Bait 131 Freestyle Boardin’ "99

44 Incoming

95 Internal Section

68 Jet Force Gemini

78 Legend of Legaia

135 Link's Awakening DX

131 March Madness 99

70 Mario Golf 64

133 Marvel SH vs. Street Fighter 134 Monkey Него

88 NBAIn the Zone '99 Í 134 NCAA Final Four

76 Need For Speed: High Stakes 60 NHL Blades of Steel "99

64 Perfect Dark

100 Pokémon Card GB

94 Populous: The Beginning

68 Quake 1

104 Revenge From Mars

134 R-Types

88 Rush Down

95 SaGa Frontier 2

48 Shenmue

94 Smash Court 2

129 Snowboard Kids 2

42 Sonic Adventure

84 Soul of the Samurai

94 Street Fighter Alpha 3

87 Street Sk8er

135 Syphon Filter

44 Tetris 4D

64 Triple Play 2000 (N64)

86 Triple Play 2000 (PS)

70 Twelve Tales: Conker 64

70 Vigilante 8

135 Wheel of Fortune

76 PlayStation Previews Ace Combat 3, a Final Fantasy VIII update, NFS: High Stakes, Driver and others.

98 GB Color Previews Crazy Castle 3 and Pokémon Card GB.

104 - Arcade Previews

This month: Revenge From Mars.


Going along with our multiplayer- themed issue, we blow out the multiplayer modes in Turok 2. Go to page 142 for the Jump Start.

“мегу impressive indeed.” EGM

As Raziel, stalk the shadows of Nosgoth hunting your vampire brethren. Impale them with spears. Incinerate them with

torches. Drown them in w

uls to sustain your quest

the ruin of your creator, Kain. Ж УС Seamless gameplay: No loa

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“Vampire fans get ready Soul Reav could B n ишш thriller...” ` —GamePro


Lg ge ee

ku SBS og АШ

Samus, The Savior

lve heard a lot about how Sony created the system that made gaming cool. The PlayStation appeals to the more mature audience, and to me this is why they are No. 1 in the industry today. Sony hit gold by allowing developers to make games with content for teens and adults. Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid and Duke Nukem are good examples of the

trend Nintendo should be getting into.

Nintendo is on the right track by allowing the release of games like Turok 2 and South Park, but Nintendo needs to make some games of their own that break away from the cutesy, clean stuff of yesteryear. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a step in that direction with its serious story line, but a more drastic step needs to be taken.

That is where Metroid comes in.

Nintendo couldn't ask for a better franchise to change their identity from *The makers of the cute little plumber" to *The makers of the bad a** space hunter!" Samus Aran is more than capable of dethroning Lara Croft as gaming's bad girl, given that she receives the right attitude adjustment (give her a little bit of the strong, bad tempered, Solid Snake type of attitude), a deep story line and cinematics to tell her tale. It's too late for this game to save the N64, so! think Nintendo should make it as a launch title for its next console to let consumers know right away that Nintendo can make games with attitude too.

Nintendo, heed my words (and read EGM): Zelda is an N64 hit, but the next Metroid could be the Nintendo savior.

Carlo Santos Bremerton, WA

Old News

I see that Nikki Douglas, the “Grrl Gamer,” has just come to the realization that 99 percent of the movie-to-game conversions are unholy abominations in the industry. But wouldn't it be a good idea for the token female of EGM to at least write about something that isn't a worn-out topic? The

topic of horrible adaptations could

(Есм\ 14

probably go all the way back to Krull оп the 2600! Rent it...test it...if it’s another GoldenEye...BUY IT! If not, make fun of it five years later with your friends (*Remember that god-awful THQ game we rented that one night...?"). Why waste one's precious space on Judge Dredd and The Fifth Element? Maire Flynn maire69@hotmail.com


Compiled by Shoe

You can write EGM at:

EGM Letters P.O. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

e-mail: EGM@zd.com

For subscription problems,

please call (303) 665-8930, or check out www.zdnet.com/zdsubs/egm/service/

Please note: We reserve the right to edit any correspondence for space purposes. If you don't want your name, city/state or e-mail address printed, tell us so (but please include your phone number and mailing address for Letter of the Month consideration).

And to that, Nikki Douglas sez, “As a gaming journalist | probably have the fortune and misfortune of playing some of the best and worst video games on the planet. | play many more than the average gamer does and have to give each one my undivided attention when it comes to me hermetically sealed and begging for a chance to show itself off. So many games are in fact worn-out retreads of many other good games, and yet they continue to be produced and developed in studios and published. І say that we must stop the madness! If | can dedicate one tiny parcel of my opinions to help decrease this ever- increasing tide of slap-dash crappo games, then | am proud to do it!”

So there.

Words Of Discouragement

| was just wondering if there will be a video game based on last year’s movie The Avengers. After all, the movie was probably the biggest piece of crap last year, so | am guessing that there MUST be a licensed video game coming based on it.


Well, if someone were planning on bringing out an Avengers game, they aren’t going to now!

Psychic Hotline

You guys don’t know it, but you have psychic powers. In issue 115, page 88, you previewed WCW/nWo Thunder for the PlayStation. There you had a picture of Hogan wearing nWo Red colors. Then, on Monday Nitro, Jan. 11, Hogan was wearing



the nWo Red’s colors!!! Are you psychic? Do you have powers we other gamers lack? Or are you secretly working with WCW? Yup, this is a conspiracy. | know it is! Just tell me how you did it.


Yup. We are psychic. This year, for the WCW, we predict the following events: 1.) A wrestler will leave his faction/team to join another. 2.) Someone will leave WWF to work for WCW...or the other way around. 3.) Someone will try to cheat during one of the matches.

Let us know how our predictions go.

When we previewed THQ's WCW/nWo Thunder, we were using an nWo Red Hogan as an example of how you can change а character's team affiliation; Who would've thought nWo would unite soon after that?

Hard To Please

Now this is bulls***. | can't believe that Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which is a s*** filled, corny, sloppy, boring piece of crap game, got more than 5.0 on your review scale. If this wins the Game of the Year award, | will nuke your new EGM offices. OK, maybe | won't, but | will nuke your old offices. OK, maybe | won't do that either. But | will get mad.

On the other hand, if Metal Gear Solid wins the Game of the Year award, | will be forced to subscribe for another year to your wonderful magazine.

Amadis Licerio amadislicerio@juno.com

Рта new reader to your magazine, and ту

friends and | usually decide how good a game is by what ratings you give. One of my

What PC game would


I'm throwing all my life

to the Nintendo 64.


000۸4 о


savings (pennies galore) into my local wishing well, hoping for SimCity 3000 to head over


friends is pro-Playstation and told me that you gave Metal Gear Solid four 105 and a Platinum Award while you gave Zelda three 9.55, a 9.0 and a gold award. | just want to say that you know damn well that Zelda makes MGS its bitch. Now | have to admit | have played MGS all the way to the end, and it is one hell of a game. But | just couldn’t believe you would give it a 10...maybe a 9 or a 9.5, but not a 10. Zelda is the best game out there and MGS looks like s*** compared to it. Your bias is now apparent. | dare you to print this.

Kerry Drake nuke_troop@hotmail.com

have been reading your propaganda about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the past year or so. Most of the time you guys know your stuff, so | figured this game can’t be bad if you guys keep saying it will be great. Based on your testimonies, and the fact that | am a big Zelda fan, | bought the game totally unbiased. | got the game, played it and beat it within 25 hours, and I accomplished all of the miniquests and found all of the secrets.

After defeating it, | found that your reviews were way too positive. This game 15 in no way perfect. You guys were too biased when reviewing this game. You had too much hype riding on this game that you couldn't afford a bad review. If you guys give this Game of the Year it only adds to your deceitfulness. In the future, don't blow unreleased games out of proportion. altoid1@hotmail.com

Sorry, after reading these immature, misinformed and accusatory letters, we just have to get something off our chests:


Whew. That felt better. Now let’s address these one at a time.

Amadis: Fine. That’s your opinion. But we're not the only ones who think Zelda is fine like cherry wine (see the letters following this, plus the Reader Reviews in this issue).

Kerry: What on earth is your friend talking about? We gave Zelda four 10’s. Next time, before opening up your mouth and saying something stupid, please use your head. It don’t cost nuthin’. And please, knock it off

) === letters

with the “1 dare you to print this" crap.

Altoid1: You are entitled to your opinion. But we've said this before and it's obvious we have to say it again: A "10" does not mean the game is absolutely flawless. It simply means it's an excellent title that truly excels in all areas. We never said the game is perfect, and we certainly mentioned a few flaws in our Zelda review.

Also, we don't have any obligations to anything or anyone. We had a lot of coverage on Zelda over the past year because, correct us if we're wrong, that's what you, our readers, wanted. If the game ended up not quite living up to expectations, we'd tell you all about it. We've done that with other cover stories in the past, like MK 4, Yoshi's Story and Parasite Eve. In fact, we've pretty much proved we're not victims of the hype we help generate, as many of our cover story games don't end up earning gold awards— some don't even get a silver!

If Zelda (or Metal Gear Solid or whatever) ends up getting Game of the Year, it'll simply be because we liked that game the best, nothing else. It's a rather novel concept, wouldn't you say?

What? People Actually Liked Zelda?!

| think you guys made a great decision giving Zelda: Ocarina of Time straight 10's. Zelda 64 mixes action and RPG elements like no other game I've played. | mean, the graphics are incredible. It also provides a great challenge even to veteran RPGers. The puzzles are great, too. Congratulations to Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo for making probably one of the greatest video games of all time.

Matt Ward


| totally agree with your reviews of Zelda. The game totally kicks ass.

Andy Metz Seattle, WA


...| mean, woo hoo! We knew some of ya liked the game. See this month's Reader Reviews for more reader opinions on Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Question of the Moment

A full, uncut version of the upcoming Ultima IX: Ascension (not censored, watered-down bull$#!+ like the previous console ports of Ultima). sprules@usit.net

Total Annihilation. SLepore789@aol.com

| would like to see Jedi Knight: Dark Forces |, because it’s ssswweeeeettt, baby!

| would really like to see Tie Fighter for the PS. amadislicerio@juno.com

Scorched Earth, but with hundreds of weapons and updated graphics. gaistbst@yahoo.com appollo@raex.com Quest For Glory V: Dragon Fire. This game is up there with the best PS RPGs. DOOki99@aol.com

Next Month’s Question of the Moment: Besides what’s been announced, what video game would you most like to see made into a movie? Send your short but sweet responses to EGM@zd.com with the subject heading: MOVIE

& “< EGM 1999

Getting Ahead Of Ourselves

| hate being one of those people who writes in with mistakes you’ve made, but in issue #115 you said that the Hyrule Tattler was from issue #133. I’m just wondering if I'm so far backed up on my subscription that you guys have already sent 133 and I’m only at 115. Anyway, you guys kick ass! Jon Harris jonh@execpc.com


Mix Up Sorry to nitpick, but on page 76 of the February issue, you called the main character in Neon Genesis Evangelion by the name of Shinji Mikami. The actual name is Shinji Ikari. Michael Dozark brood@teleport.com

You’re right. Shinji Mikami is actually a producer on the Bio Hazard series for Capcom in Japan. We just got the Shinjis a bit mixed up.


Let The Credits Roll

In last month’s issue, you incorrectly credited me as having been the lead designer on Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. | was the design manager at Crystal during the development of Blood Omen, and contributed to the game’s design in that capacity—but crediting me as the lead designer is inaccurate, and diminishes the contribution of those people who worked tirelessly for many months on the project. The proper acknowledgment goes to Denis Dyack, Ken McCulloch, Seth Carus and Armando Marini (and the countless other members of the combined Silicon Knights/ Crystal Dynamics development effort). | also wanted to acknowledge the other Soul Reaver teammates who weren't present for the team photo and therefore didn’t get a mention—Arnold Ayala, Tom Desmarais and Damon Redmond are also members of the (massive) Soul Reaver effort.

Amy Hennig Producer/Director,

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Crystal Dynamics

Wrong Idea

Let me start this e-mail by saying that | am not out to bash the magazine; I’m just stating how | feel.

| realize you folks aren't trying to offend anyone. But you are read by quite a few people, so what you say makes an impact. In the response to the Letter of the Month for the February issue, Shoe talks about some of the really bad Japanese games that have

been made. From a list of I'm sure a lot of

g eae š =

games, the one that is chosen is a “homosexual shooter.” Now | am sure this game sucks, but the only reason that Shoe gives for this suckage is that it’s homosexual. What was Shoe trying to say, that he’s glad “cultural boundaries” kept a gay game out of America? If this rambling has any meaning, it’s this: Please try to be more responsible with what you print. |, like most people, read your magazine for the video game information, not for your personal opinions of which groups of people or behaviors are acceptable.

Oh yeah, and you can print my e-mail address. | am not especially bothered by the idea that someone wants to lose their ISP by e-mailing me hate mail.

Alex Pippard Senshiboy@aol.com

Don’t try to stir up trouble here! You left out the part where | said (and І quote), “Nothing wrong with being a homosexual shooter, mind you...” You want me to spell out why I’m glad Choaniki: Great Brother didn’t make it into the States? OK, you got

Letter Art WINNER

David Torno Las Vegas, NV

Congratulations, your prize is on the way—an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation. It features rapid-fire controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense moments.


it: It’s a crappy (no pun intended) shooter that has a lot of near-naked men, on some occasions practically humping each other in the rear, with giant penis weapons flying out of their crotches. How’s that?

I'm certainly not passing judgement on any particular lifestyle or sexual orientation. I'm also not saying video games shouldn't have men dressed in tight speedos (hey, we straight males get half naked women in games...the other half, and the other, “other” half should get something too).

I'm just saying video games shouldn't have near-naked men, on some occasions practically humping each other in the rear, with giant penis weapons flying out of their crotches.


Last month, in our Top 1o Selling Japanese games list, we accidentally listed PopoRogue as a Saturn title. It's a PlayStation game. You'd think we would've caught that since the game is published by Sony Computer Entertainment. You'd think.


Where creativity, your favorite video game and a stamp can make you immortal!*

Close, but no controller

Kim Hyewon Jacksonville, FL

Put your creative skills to the test by decking out a #10 envelope (the long business type) with your own unique touch. Send your letter art to:

EGM Letter Art PO. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

Chris Hagewood College Grove, TN

Joshua Redfearn—Cheraw, NC


(All entries become the property of ZD Inc. and will not be returned!)

TN 3 а



= 8 % Е E 5 E E 2 в = ө 8 Б El s E E E

Mystery Signs No More

1 saw the letter іп EGM #114 about Sushi-X being advertised by people at WWF RAW. | thought you might be interested to know that this 5ивһі-Х is an Internet wrestling reporter from http://www.prowrestling.com. That’s who the sign was referring to.


I got a ton of letters and e-mails from helpful little elves just like Andrew informing me of the origin of

the Sushi-X signs. Thanks to everyone for their help!

After spending hours with the best game of all time, | have to ask: Do you guys know if there will be a sequel to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? | had read somewhere that there wouldn't be, and if this is true, | was wondering if you knew why? It seems like all Nintendo would have to do is update the engine to support hi-res, give us a great new story and it would sell like crazy.

Alexander Novozhilov snova@email.msn.com

Haven’t you been paying attention? Nintendo doesn’t “slap” together an update to make cash. If they were like that, they would have released Star Fox 2 on the SNES. There will only be a sequel to any given title when something new can be done with it, so high-res graphics and a new story line alone won’t cut it. Nintendo took their time with Ocarina of Time, which is precisely why it’s so amazing.

It’s pretty obvious the Street Fighter games are your favorite. What | don’t know is, are you a casual player or a dedicated World Warrior? Since you consider yourself

hardcore and SF’s one of your favorites, | imagine you can hold your own. | also imagine you're familiar with the arcade sponsored tournament scene, especially last year’s National Tournament (held Nov. 7-8 ) in which American and Japanese champs Alex Valle and Daigo Sukuzama competed for what | call the IBR (International Bragging Rights) Title. | know EGM doesn’t revolve around Street Fighter, but even а simple line or two in Sushi-X Files would've at least given this monthly loyal subscribers’ page some kind of interesting context for once. | can only assume уоште a casual player, therefore you wouldn't represent SF to the fullest. Nothing’s wrong with that, but 125 fortunate enough Capcom (miraculously) bothered flying Japan’s champ overseas, showing some degree of respect to those loyal supporters of the drastically declined SF scene. While many can’t stand the thought of all the Street Fighter incarnations over the years, this game has and continues to pass the test of time. Long live Street Fighter and all who help keep it alive.

Ed Blakely eblakely@ibl.bm

I would love to have mentioned the tournament, but it slipped my ninja radar as you may have seen from our mountain of reviews and monstrous-size holiday issues. My apologies. The sad truth is that back in the day, Street Fighter Il was the only game in town. Now, there are great fighters coming out all the time. It gets kind of old getting beaten in Tekken and saying, “Yeah, but Pll kick your butt in SF." | guarantee if you lined up, at random, 20 different fighting games that I'd come out on top overall. Such is my power...deal with it. That said, SF Alpha 3 is the best installment in the series in years and no one can touch me at it.

Sushi, you claim to be a lover of fighting games. If you are, how come The King of Fighters gets no love from you guys? KoF, in my opinion, is better than any Street Fighter. It has better gameplay and has more creativity when it comes to the characters. | would like to ask, if you have one, what is your best King of Fighters team and which one is your favorite?

William Brown wbrown@anselm.edu

(cu) Sez letters

Who's the most hardcore gamer of them all? Why it’s our very own Sushi-X, Electronic Gaming Monthly’s top video game expert. If you have a game-specific question for our mysterious ninja freak, er, friend, write him! He'll pick out a few and answer them as only he knows how. Send your questions to:


P.O. Box 3338

Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

e-mail: sushi_x@zd.com

| have a Neo cart system and a Neo CD at home, Willie. While | love the KoF series, they add very, very little innovation each year, making them all blend together. They really should take a year off and make something killer for the next edition. Best team: Kyo, lori and Shii Kensu. Favorite team: Benimaru, Shii Kensu and Geese Howard...Repuken! Double Repuken!

What do you think of the Ranma 1/2 fighting games? Are there any new ones coming out in the U.S.?

Michel Fiallo-Pérez michfp@hotmail.com

l love the Ranma 1/2 series. | even own that awful SNES mockery of Ranma as well as the original Japanese version. There was recently a 3D Ranma fighter released for the PS in Japan, Ranma 1/2: Battle Renaissance, but no one has picked it up for release here. It's not very good though.

Quartermann stated that Capcom is now directing itself more toward the Dreamcast. If | decide to go with the Playstation 2, | might not be able to play ports of SFIII and other Capcom fighters. And if | decide to go with the Dreamcast, well, let's just say | don't want my money wasted on “another system" from Sega. Also, as | haven't seen any U.S. commercials for DC. | am starting to get a little worried as Christmas is right around the corner.

Fernando Padilla fp1@dpsworld.com

No matter what type of support Capcom gives Sega, you can bet there will still be ports of SF games for the next Sony console. Christmas is right around the corner? It’s barely February?! Look for TV ads to appear this summer.

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By Chris Johnston chris_johnston@zd.com

The hottest gaming news on the planet

ave you ever wished you

could play PlayStation

games on your PC? That wish may soon come true, as two PlayStation emulators are poised to hit shelves, depending on any legal action taken from Sony Computer Entertainment to pre- vent their sale. The first to hit the market will be Connectix’s Virtual Game Station (VGS), a PlayStation emulator for G3-equipped Macintosh computers (233 Mhz and up), which includes the popu- lar iMac. This no-frills emulator plays only U.S. PlayStation games from the original CDs. Just pop it in and you're ready to play, using either the keyboard or joystick.

The VGS was announced at

Macworld '99, as part of a

new commitment to games

on the Mac. But its real signifi- cance reaches beyond just the fact that it means more games can be played on Apple's line of comput- ers. Emulators have been a big issue for the video game industry because of their links to software piracy and the use of copied ver- Sions of games (often called “ROMs”). But in this case, you cannot play pirated or import soft- ware on Connectix's VGS. Emulation isn't perfect —some games work better than others, and the company will keep an updated list of compatible games on its Web site.

Will Sony sue Connectix to stop the sale of this emulator? As of press time, it hasn't happened. Roy McDonald, Connectix's presi- dent and CEO, told us that “[Sony]

would have no basis for any legal action since we haven’t used any of their software copyrights in the creation of the Virtual Game Station. It’s been found in the past that software emulation of a hard- ware system does not violate patent law.”

Virtual Game Station for the Mac will go on sale in early spring for a suggested price of $49.95. A PC version is planned down the road.

The second is Bleem, a PlayStation emulator that will be offered commercially sometime this year for the PC. It supports a variety of 3D cards to clean up the graphics of the PlayStation and make it look even better (if you can imagine).

wwwvirtualgamestation.com www.bleem.com

Emul8 Your World

Have you ever used a console emulator on your PC?

My Two Cents

In the long run, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if emulators, and legitimate ones at that, become more a part of the gaming world. The quality of the VGS is surprisingly excel- lent, and it may be the first legitimate product of this kind to emulate a console. | hope that Sony embraces this kind of thing rather standing behind an army of lawyers. | anticipate us to be reporting on Connectix being vigorously sued in this space next month...but | hope not.

John Davison

Check out the latest gaming news at www.videogames.com

Future Gaming

There's no doubt that Nintendo has a huge hit with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. But exactly how big a hit was it? Comparing it to movies, it was a very big success. Nintendo says that 2.5 million units of Zelda were shipped by the end of '98, and generated more revenue in the last six weeks of the year than any movie over that same time (becoming the fastest-

Counting all releases from the week of Nov. 20 through the end of the year, revenues are ranked as follows:

TITLE Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)

A Bug’s Life Enemy of the State The Rugrats Movie

PaRappa Rings in the New Year

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ran two commercials at the start of the new year in Japan to promote two of the most wanted PlayStation games of the new year—PaRappa 2 and Dragon Quest VII. The sequel to PaRappa the Rapper is one of the most anticipated games in Japan— and the U.S. But PaRappa 2 isn’t called “PaRappa,” it’s called Unjammer Lami and stars a girl rocker named Lami (yes, a lamb). Lami, Katy Kat and Mah-san (a mouse) are all in a band called Milk Can. More familiar faces from the first game will show up in the sequel.

Instead of rap it’s focused on rock, and Unjammer Lami rocks a guitar, not the

Japanese players make a New Year prayer for the release of Dragon Quest VII (above).

Zelda Gets Top Box Office Honors

Which future system are you most excited about?

selling game of 1998). According to Nintendo, having sold those 2.5 million copies at about $60 a pop, Zelda generat- ed $150 million in “box office” sales. Its closest competitor was the Disney/Pixar film A Bug’s Life. Nintendo expects that Zelda will sell more than 6 million copies worldwide by the end of March. www.nintendo.com


А | PlayStation 2 Nintendo 2000 | 52%


Sports Bits

microphone. Sony has also added a two- player cooperative mode to the game. While there’s no release information yet on the game for the U.S., Unjammer Lami will be released in Japan in March.

The second commercial Sony began running is for Dragon Quest VII. It features Japanese players praying for the release of the game in 1999. Епіх5 latest entry in the Dragon Quest series is scheduled for release later this year.

Both games are expected to make a big splash at this year’s Tokyo Game Show being held in late March. You can check out both of these commercials by down- loading the movies at videogames.com.

Acclaim Signs Jeter

Acclaim Sports announced that New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter will endorse All-Star Baseball 2000, which is scheduled to ship in April for the N64, Game Boy Color and PC. Jeter will be featured in commercials, ads and the packaging for the game, and will also help the development team by providing scouting reports for the title.

Car Crunching Action Comes Home Monster truck racing is coming to the N64. The Gathering of Developers (G.o.D.) will co-pub- lish Monster Truck Madness for the N64 with Take Two Interactive, scheduled for release in July. Developed by Edge of Reality, the game is the con- sole version of the PC title, originally published by Microsoft.

Jackson Voices GameBreaker

Get ready, basketball fans. 989 Studios has signed Keith Jackson to return as the voice for NCAA GameBreaker 2000 for the PlayStation. Jackson voiced the previous installment, NCAA GameBreaker ’99.

PaRappa the Rapper checks out Unjammer Lami's hot guitar licks (above).

Check out the latest gaming news at www.videogames.com

Bustin’ Mo’ Grooves

Enix has announced a sequel to its dance and rhythm action game Bust A Move (called Bust A Groove in the U.S.). Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix will be released this spring in Japan. It will be a little different than the previ- ous game—this time you need to push buttons at a steady pace. If you push them off the beat, your character will be off the rhythm. New char- acters will join the already familiar faces, with new levels and dance arenas.

If it sells a million copies, make more

What will be the most overcrowded genre in 1999?

385 - Fighting G

765 - RPGs

442 - Driving

581 - Sports

291 - Shooters

64-Bit Zombies Latest on NUON

It’s been rumored for a while that This year we don’t just have Dreamcast to Resident Evil is headed to the Nintendo 64. look forward to in the realm of new hard- But until now, it’s only been that—a rumor. ware, but there’s also VM Labs’ NUON. While In a recent interview in Japanese gaming NUON news has been scant lately, two tid- magazine Dengeki Oh, Yoshiki Okamoto bits made their way through. let it slip that he just finished a scenario First, peripheral company Nyko for Bio Hazard (the Japanese title of Technologies announced that it will release a Resident Evil) on the N64. While a release line of NUON accessories later this year. date has not been announced yet, this is Nyko is the first third-party company to the first more or less official word that announce peripherals for the platform. Resident Evil is N64-bound. Second, Adrenalin Interactive announced

Our sources have told us that Okamoto's that it will develop games for the NUON. company, Flagship, is writing the scenarios Which games? Well, that hasn't been for the N64 version of Bio Hazard, after announced yet. But the company will also be having worked on Bio Hazard 2 (Resident developing prototype demos, in addition to Evil 2) on the PlayStation and the upcom- games, for NUON, which are scheduled for ing Code Veronica on the Dreamcast. release later this year.

° ° 2 m l lli on copies of Konami’s Metal Gear Solid have been shipped worldwide as of the end of ’98.


Developer Profile


Location: San Francisco, CA (above Mick's Lounge) Web Site: www.blam.com

# of employees: 15 Gameography: Off-World Inceptor Extreme, Monkey Hero and a supersecret one with Atari Games.

Other games staff members have worked on previously: Super Caesar's Palace, Scooby-Doo Mysteries, Blazing Dragons, Solar Eclipse, Pandemonium!, Duckman, Top Gun: Hornet's Nest, Total Eclipse and Off-World Inceptor.

During breaks from late-night program- ming sessions, we: Roll around on the floor covered in small animal pelts.

Our favorite game to play in the office (not by us) is: Pick-Up Stix and, of course, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

If there was one thing we could teach the video game industry, it would be: To convince all developers they can pitch for themselves without using agents, and everyone hiring programmers can do so without headhunters.

We're in the game development business because: We are all overeducated, smart-asses.

How we came up with Monkey Hero: When Jay Minn, the president of BLAM!, was a child in Korea, he was turned on to a folk legend entitled Monkey: Journey to the West. Throughout all of Asia, this story

and its characters are historical and popular cultural icons. It contains tons of fantastic and engaging characters that we just had to tap into. If you grow up in any part of Asia you are inundated by these icons everywhere—from comics to toys and cartoons like Dragonball Z. This game’s genre was inspired by Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past.

Story behind our name: Originally we want- ed the company to be called Monster Island because we are such huge Godzilla fans, but it was already taken. So we continued brainstorming and someone was thinking out loud and brought up Beyond the Land of Ancient Monsters—everyone gasped in horror so we turned it into acronym—but it still wasn’t happening until we removed the dots and added the exclamation point. Favorite snack food(s): refried beans

Music that inspires us: The live music from the bar downstairs—it keeps us from falling asleep during “all-nighters.”

Team motto: Ship as many great games as we can before dying.


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Holy Mackerel, even my hair hurts.

. . Introducing, Contender. The brutally fun boxing game. Boxing isn’t pretty. In Contender, you'll face 40 different thugs, all with their own look and fighting style. You can throw jabs, combinations and arcade-style knockout punches. Plus, you can build up the strength of your favorite fighter, save it to a memory card, and pummel a friend later. In short, it's a good old-fashioned, mano-a-mano slugfest.

game will be available later this year. These are in addition to a small LCD keychain version of Beatmania, which is available now in Japan.


There’s a rumblin’ in the Game Boy scene these days, and it’s not just the arrival of Game Boy Color. Nintendo is planning to release Pokémon Pinball for the Game Boy in ’g9. This game will utilize a new cartridge that has a rumble fea- ture. Several companies are reportedly already working on titles to use this new kind of cart and its features. Nintendo's Pokémon Pinball will be the first of these, but definitely not the last.


As a testament to the popularity of Konami’s Beatmania, the com- pany has decided to bring the game to two portable platforms so you can bring the music with you. On March 11, Konami will release Beatmania for the Game Boy Color. It will have 20 songs—1o from the original, and 10 exclusive tracks in addition to a vs. mode via link cable. While it would seem that the control would be difficult on the GB, there are three different control schemes to select from.

Konami's also bringing the game to Bandai's WonderSwan hand- held. Expected to retail between 4,000 and 5,000 yen ($35-45), the

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are really for

© 1998 Sega

orks, Inc. HEAT and HEAT NET аге trademarks o! SegaSoft Networks, Inc. Al rights reserved.

special case. This will be limited to 5,000 units. FF Collection will be available in Japan on March 11.

. Dance Evolution

Konami’s popular Japanese arcade game Dance Dance Revolution is coming to the PlayStation. In the arcade game, two players step on a floor that has square panels, and “step” on them based on the on-screen directions and the music’s beat (imagine PaRappa using your feet).

Dance Dance Revolution is planned for a spring release, retail- ing for 5,000-7,000 yen (about $45-63). A controller will be sold separately for about 3,000-4,000 yen (about $26-36).

FF Collection

Fans of Final Fantasy won't get their fix on just the eighth install- ment of the series this year. Square has announced Final Fantasy Collection for the PlayStation. It will include Final Fantasy IV, V and VI in one deluxe package. These are the same games as the original SNES/Super Famicom versions except for new rendered intros. Each of these titles has already been available individually on the PS, but this new collection sports something unique —illustrations by Yoshitaka Amano on the discs.

Square will also release a limited edition of this collection in a

Good News/Bad News

Good News

...for Acclaim Entertainment. The company says it shipped 1.4 million units of Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, making the title one of the top-selling N64 games of the holiday season.

Bad News

...for those anticipating Survivor Day One. We've learned that Konami has canceled the N64 title, which was shooting to be a Tomb Raider-ish action game, due to quality issues.

Good News

...for Top Gun fans. Titus announced that it has entered an agreement with Paramount to develop and market games based on the Top Gun license. The agreement goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2000, and Titus expects to have Top Gun games for Dreamcast, N64, PlayStation and PC ready by the third quarter of 2000.

Bad News

„ог fans of RPGs. While Atlus has run Internet petitions to see if fans want Soul Hackers (a game from the same series as Persona) on the PlayStation in the U.S., and those were suc- cessful with many fans voicing support, Sony is unimpressed. Sony has not approved the game for release at this time. If you want to see it, send support to SoulHackersGatlus.com and tell Sony you want it by sending mail to Sony Computer Entertainment America, 919 East Hillsdale Blvd., 2nd Floor, Foster City, CA 94404-2175.

Check out the latest international gaming news at www:

From the Land of the Rising Sun

EGM takes a look at the gaming market in Japan

From walking through the streets of Tokyo, stopping to visit several game shops along the way, what would you think about the current video game market in Japan? More than likely that there are simply too many games. Maybe we shouldn’t be complaining, as there are many different kinds of games. But what if there aren’t enough choices within those? Aside from Japan’s current economic status (which isn’t good), | assume that most Japanese gamers are fed up with being surrounded by too many games. Sometimes even a hardcore gamer like myself will see a game on the shelves that | have never heard of, and not know anything about the genre, gameplay,

story or even the company that’s developed it! Let’s take a look at the current video game

market in Japan, using the latest sales data for

the respective consoles (from Nov. 30 to Jan. 3).


It dominates the market, yet the PlayStation had its quietest fourth quarter since its launch. With the delay of the PocketStation, there were no big holiday titles in ’98 from Sony. The best- selling PS game for the holiday season was R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, which sold about 600,000 copies. Next was Crash Bandicoot 3 which sold about 580,000 copies. These two are probably the lucky ones. The third-place game, Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 2, and fourth, Tales of Phantasia, sold just about half the amount of copies of their predecessors that were released at the end of 1997.

Nintendo 64:

With a very strong lineup from Nintendo, the N64 finally took off in Japan. The N64 even outsold PlayStation hardware in the middle of December (although the Game Boy Color outsold the N64 during the same week). The

Yutaka Ohbuchi, ЕСМ Japanese Correspondent, takes a look at the Japanese gaming market of 1998.

best-selling N64 game for the year-end was Pikachu Genki Dechu, which sold about half a million copies. Next to it was Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (400,000 in December) which sold just under a million copies total. Third was Mario Party (360,000), followed by Banjo- Kazooie (300,000). It’s too early to tell if this will be a new beginning for the N64 in Japan. The system needs a series of good first- and third-party games in a row.


Sega’s latest console created a lot of excite- ment at least for a while, but not enough to last into the new year. If all the things Sega had originally planned for the Dreamcast had happened, it would have had 12 topnotch games. But in the real world, there were eight and they did- n't end up being all that good. Perhaps Sega needs more time to make games using the Dreamcast's highest potential. But one thing's for sure—they don't have much time to go and the clock is ticking. The best-selling Dreamcast game at the end of'98 was Sonic Adventure, selling about a quarter of a million copies. That's a good sign, considering the Dreamcast user base was less than half a million then.

Game Boy/Game Boy Color:

Definitely the most excite- ment is over the Game Boy/Game Boy Color. The best-selling game for the sys- tem was Yugioh, an unknown title to most adult gamers, which amazingly sold over 1 million copies (and it's not even a Game Boy Color title!). Yugioh is a card battling game based on a popular manga (comics) series from Shonen Jump, a popular weekly manga collec- tion. Next up was Enix's Dragon Quest Monsters which sold 430,000 copies during the holidays (1.3 million copies since release), followed by Pokémon Card GB (370,000), Pokémon Pikachu (280,000, 1.5 million total) and Zelda GB DX (180,000 copies). On a side note, the normal versions of Pokémon Red and Green still man- aged to sell over 40,000 copies, an amazing feat when you think that these games are almost three years old.

Notice something about these figures? These games are all from big companies like SCE, Nintendo, Namco and Square, and all of them are basically just sequels. | don't have any problem with playing sequels from big compa- nies. But if the market had more vigor and ener- gy, we should have seen newcomers entering the market like just a few years ago. Is this just the calm before the storm or is the market going downhill? I'm hoping that this year will see more new, exciting games to revitalize the Japanese market.


Import Pick of the Month

Final Fantasy VIII - It's Square's most anticipated game of the year, and in Japan, the company has already racked up a record number of presells for the title. Final Fantasy VIII is the latest install- ment in Square's signature RPG saga, and this one promises to be the most cine- matic of them all.


1/28 15: Internal Section, Square (Shooter)

1/28 Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age, Hudson (Fighting)

2/4 Pocket MuMu, Sony (Action)

2/11 Final Fantasy VIII, Square (RPG)

2/18 Pop n’ Music, Konami (DJ Simulation)

2/25 Monster Farm 2, Tecmo (Adventure)

Feb. Tetris the Grand Master, Arika (Puzzle)

3/11 Final Fantasy Collection, Square (RPG)

3/11 Final Fantasy VI, Square (RPG)

3/25 Тһе King of Fighters '98 Dream Match Never Ends, SNK (Fighting)

Mar. Unjammer Lami, SCEI (Music)

Nintendo 64: 1/21 Nintendo All-Stars Smash Brothers, Nintendo (Fighting)

Saturn: 3/4 Dungeons & Dragons Collection, Capcom (Action)


1/21 Evolution, Sega/ESP (RPG)

1/28 Sega Rally 2, Sega (Racing)

2/18 Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2, Ubi Soft (Racing)

Feb. Kitahe: White Illumination, Hudson (Travel Communication)

3/4 Puru Puru Pack (Rumble Pack)

3/4 Puyo Puyoon, Compile (Puzzle)

3/4 Psychic Force 2012, Taito (Fighting)

3/11 Real Sound: Kaze по Regret, Warp (Interactive Sound Drama)

3/25 Blue Stinger, Climax Graphics (Action)

3/25 Marvel Vs. Capcom, Capcom (Fighting)

Mar. Aero Dancing, CRI (Flight Sim)

* Schedule subject to change without notice. Consult your local import game store for the latest release information.

Q сате Boy Compiled by: Chris Johnston

pss Coming soon Нем

Legend;bf Legaia = PlayStation


Arcade Hits: Defender/Joust - Midway Action Asterix - Infogrames Action Duke Nukem - GT Interactive Action Elmo's 1235 - NewKidCo Misc. Elmo's ABCs - NewKidCo Misc. Jeopardy! - Majesco Sales Misc. Smurfs Nightmare - Infogrames Action Wheel of Fortune - Majesco Sales Misc. Battle Tanks - 300 Action Caesar's Palace - Crave Entertainment Simulation Chameleon Twist 2 - Sunsoft Action Charlie Blast's Challenge - Кетсо Puzzle Fighting Force 64 - Eidos Action Mario Party - Nintendo Misc. California Speed - Midway Racing NBA In the Zone "99 - Konami Sports Duke Nukem: Zero Hour - GT Interactive Action NHL Hockey Sim '99 - Midway Sports MLB Bottom of the oth - Konami Sports Penny Racers - THQ Racing | Need For Speed 64 - Electronic Arts Racing Quake || - Activision Action NHL Blades of Steel - Konami Sports

d Kids 2 - Atlus Action O.D.T.- Psygnosis Action De Misc. Ogre Battle 3 - Nintendo RPG

Rampage Universal Tour - Midway Action N Snow Speeder - Sunsoft Sports s Strategy Space Race - Infogrames Action

Starshot - Infogrames Action

Superman - Titus Action

Triple Play 2ooo - EA Sports Sports

V Rally 99 Arcade Champ. Edition - Infogrames Racing

Vigilante 8 - Activision Action South Park - Acclaim Action

Titus Jr. - Titus Adventure Wicked Surfing - Interplay Sports All-Star Baseball 2000 - Acclaim Sports Hybrid Heaven - Konami Action Looney Tunes Space Race - Infogrames Action Micro Machines - Midway Racing Monaco Grand Prix - Ubi Soft Racing Rayman 2 - Ubi Soft Action Roadster 99 - Titus Racing Rugrats Board Game - THQ Misc. Shadowgate 64 - Kemco Puzzle

Tonic Trouble - Ubi Soft Action

Baseball 2 iterp Sports



Arcade Hits: 720" - Midway Action

NBA In the Zone 99 - Konami Sports

NHL Blades of Steel - Konami Sports Yoda Stories - THQ Adventure San Francisco Rush - Midway Racing Lego Racers - High Voltage Software Racing Spawn - Konami Action Shadow Man - Acclaim Action V-Rally - Infogrames Racing : Pod Racer - LucasArts Racing AirBoardin’ USA - Ascii Racing THQ Adventure All-Star Tennis 99 - Ubi Soft Sports R Beetle Adventure Racing - EA Racing

Bust-A-Move 99 - Acclaim Puzzle

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| 0 р 2 0 The Top-2o Best-Selling Games of December 1998*

1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Қа Zelda: Ocarina of Time

k aD No surprise here. If it doesn't stay at 2 Star Wars Rogue Squadron ae NEW the top, it'll certainly linger near it for Nintendo quite some time. Destined to become EUER the best-selling N64 game ever, Zelda: icant: Ocarina of Time is going to be around 3 Crash Bandicoot: WARPED T 3 5

z for a long, long time. Hey, look at that. Sony Computer Entertainment We said ШЕ three ea


Last Month

Д. Soldentye 007 5 1O | 1O | 10 | 10

Nintendo John R Crispin Dan John D

Last Month 5 Tomb Raider IIl 6 Eidos Ë ELA _ > | Whoa. Consider this: Rogue 6 WCW/nWo Revenge 2 ў Squadron came out on Dec. 8, THO and this list’s data only goes up R 5 h | R Last Month 2 to Dec. 12. That means in just five ugrats: Search for Reptar t days of sales, Rogue hit No. 2. T i + NEW Last Month | ЖОО Crash Bandicoot: WARPED

NASCAR 99 | 8

Electronic Arts Still going strong, Crash: WARPED

3 MEUM seems to be Sony's big seller for 2 Last Month the holidays. Crash 2 isn’t doing Twisted Metal III 9 so bad either (#14), especially

989 Studios when you consider how old it is.

Last Month

1 0 Metal Gear Solid ] 4 GoldenEye 007

Konami БЕСТЕ FOREN If GoldenEye keeps selling like

Tl Pokémon (Blue Version) NEW d | this, we're gonna run out of

E things to say about it. Will Rare Nintendo and Nintendo's masterpiece ever Last Month RET | slow down? Our sources say...no.

12 Madden NFL 99

Electronic Arts k Tomb Raider III

Last Month

Knockout Kings 7 қ Eidos’ seemingly rushed Tomb

1 Electronic ud => МЕМ/ d Raider || makes an impressive D 7f debut in the Top 5. Don't expect it to do as well as its predecessors,

] 4 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Bark L 1 2 : : though. Lara's gettin’ old.

Sony Computer Entertainment

Last Month

15 Pugs lite 2. NEW Which of the following series would you

Sony С iter Entertai t ast nth most like to see come to the Dreamcast? ] WWF War Zone | 13

Acclaim Fighting Vipers - 6%

Last Month

17 NFL GameDay 99

989 Studios 1 Virtual On Š Panzer Drogooi 10% 27% ] NFL Blitz

Midway Shining Force __ Last Month

Pokémon (Red Version| Í 14% 19 Nintendo | | NEW

20 Super Mario 64 Ба Castlevania

Nintendo Phantasy Star 7 22% Source: NPD TRSTS Video Games, 11/29—12/12/ 1998. Call them at (516) 625-2345 5 for questions regarding this list. Тор 5 game descriptions written by the EGM staff. 21%

* Because full holiday sales figures weren't available as of press time, this < Иа 11 li month's data covers only the first half of December (11/29 —12/12). ource: videogames.com poll results for Jan. 6, 1999

ol the Interactive Digital, Sol of America Inc. CASTLEVANIA and |

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incarnation, you enter a tangled, castle populated by the evilCount and his minions. Go as one of. o. fighters of your choice, ip withwhoop-ass weaponry. But be warned, while you can dress to kill, if you lack the skill = r night igreally gonna suck.

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of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1996,Nintendo Konami of America, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Top 10 Editors’ Picks Japan

] Zelta: Ocarina of Time А бы 1 2 Zelda: inks Awakening DX 2

Civilization 11





Konami Bandai



Pokémon Card GB


Tetris DX

Nintendo Nintendo

8 Star Wars Rogue Squadron Nintendo


9 Dragon Quest Monsters


10 °


Quar Гегтаппша ате thum

In a departure from the usual “Rumor ала Truth” approach to the gossip of the moment, this month the Q has decided to simply lay out as much information as possible on the new systems anticipated from both Sony and Nintendo. Expect to seé annouyicements from Sony at TGS in late March and then something possibly from Nintendo atthe delayed Space World in May. 4

Nintendo | |

The most elusive of new systems is currently taking shape in Japan—and the Q-spy network gradually managed to piece together.a pretty good impression of what may be happening, thanks to informa: tion from sources around the world.

We've known for some time that Nintendo would be working with Silicon Graphics (SGI) again for the new chipset. Interestingly, since the N64 was announced, SGI has been\somewhat active inthe gaming community with its OpenGL 3D graphics .system for PC and Macintosh. Those of you keeping an eye on the news recently will have seen the big deal concerning the integration of OpenGL with the.new Macintosh operating system—thus allowing the easy conversion of many hun- dreds of games to the platform. Given Nintendo's.close links with-SGl and the obvious convergence of technologies in computing as a whole (let alone gaming), the possibilities for and OpenGL equipped games console would be incredible. Should Nintendo choose to go down-this route, it would be able to easily motivate developers to produce titles simultaneously for multiple systems...a strategy very similar to that seen at Sega with Windows CE. Other advantages of Nintendo's links with SGI may be seen with any connectivity the machine may have as the company is also a big mover in Internet servers. Obviously all of this information is purely speculation, but it makes sense for Nintendo to move toward something that will allow it to tap into development resources from other areas. (

As far as other details go, things are pretty scarce. We-know.the—

Top 40 Courtesy of Famitsu Magazine

Week ending Dec. 2o

Yugiou Duel Monsters

Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Issyuu p

Sony Computer Entertainment

Pikachu Genki Dechu

M.S. Gundam: Char's Counterattack

Genso Suikoden ||

10 Atelier Elie: Salzburg Alchemist 2

—software-is distributed. More news next month. -Тһе “0”

Top 10 Arcade Picks

1 Soul Calibur Namco

2 Star Wars Trilogy Arcade


3 Marvel vs. Capcom


NFL Blitz 99


5 Zombie Zone


6 Ocean Hunter Sega

7 Gauntlet Legends


i + + a +

8 Street Fighter Alpha J


9 Daytona 2: Electric Boogaloo



1 Gradius IV


machine exists in a very early form at Nintendo’s labs in Japan and thereare a number of rumors circulating that notable development teams are-making the trek eastin order to look at one game that is already up and running on the system.

There are still no details about a storage medium...carts are definite- ly out of the question— but all of our sources have indicated that CD ог. Ур won't be the way to go either. In an effort to keep in control of the manufacturing process the Q's sources anticipate a proprietary storage medium similar to lomega's Jaz disks.

Finally, a piece of information that we know for a fact: The new sys-

Хет will employ Dolby Digital Surround sound straight from the box.

PlayStation / The Q-spies have run a number of stories in the past few months about what we've learned of Sony's new machine...so we'll keep this brief with just a re-cap plus an'extra snippet of news. Expect to see a DVD-based'system with a possibility of some kind of Mini-Disc functionality also—although as time goes on, this looks less and less likely. The graphics chipset will utilize NURBS technology so that it can render curves rathér than relying on polygons to create solid objects. Sony's "Holy-Grail" when it comes to the technology is to immerse players so much that they don't realize they're playing a video game. Like Nintendo, we know that Sony is working with the Dolby labs and will be integrating the Dolby Digital Surround system into the new PlayStation.

Finally, while skimming through a copy of Time Magazine recently, the Q noticed a piece concerning a big investment made by Sony in an interactive cable television unit with Net access. If this system is in any way related to the PlayStation project it could mean major ramifi- cations for both multiplayer networking and also for the way in which

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W єроѕ



I can hardly wait until | can understand what's going on, and this game is in English! Hopefully SoA gets better voice “talent” than they had in Burning Rangers. Sonic Adventure is so good it almost made me cry. Almost. When Big Blue finally hits these shores later this year, watch out, it's gonna be hectic!

—James Mielke

is is a preview of a Japanese title that may е released in the U.S. It is designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

Sonic Adventure 550

Game Directory

Sega of Japan 1

ig Blue is back, and for fans of the speedy hedgehog, that's the best news they've heard in a long, ong while. After his painful absence from the Saturn (in true 3D-platforming power, that is) following Sonic X-treme's cancellation, anticipation has been high for Sega's mascot. After all, what better exemplifies the halcyon day's of Sega’s once glorious past than Sonic’s legendary platform series? Well, fast forward to the uture, because the time has arrived for Sonic to take center stage (in Japan, at least) once again, and from the look of things, the next-generation mascot wars have just met the great equalizer.

Taking arms, once again, against the irrepressible Dr. Eggman (Dr. Robotnik in America) and his evil planes, Sonic the Hedgehog finds himself caught, literally, in the adventure of a lifetime. Dr. Eggman is searching for the Magic Emeralds to empower his newest ally, the water-based Chaos. With each additional Chaos Emerald, Chaos becomes stronger and stronger, and if Eggman has his way, will become powerful enough to conquer the world, naturally. Of course, it’s Sonic’s job to stop him, so off you go.

Moving almost impossibly fast for a 3D platformer, Sonic Adventure lets you not only play as Sonic but as five of his companions as well. Keeping Sonic company are his highflying buddy Tails, that brooding pugilist Knuckles the Echidna, Sonic’s gal-pal Amy Rose, newcomer Big the

Cat and the

malfunctioning machine of

Dr. Eggman, E-102. With

Look at Sonic just pulling down the hotties! He's totally mackin’ now!

Seeing the MAN back in action kind of brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?

each character varying in power and speed, completing the game requires learning a new set of techniques for each individual. Sonic, for example, is all about speed. He also has a sort of “homing- spin-dash” that takes care of any enemies who happen to be in the area. Tails can fly for limited periods of time, enabling him to explore places too high for Sonic to reach. Knuckles can glide for great distances and climb virtually any wall in the game by using his, er, knuckles. Big the Cat has only his fishing pole to use as a weapon, although it also comes in handy in other instances. Amy carries a big mallet, but isn’t very strong and as a result, must take more care during her adventures than the other characters. E-102 has a gun, which makes “him” the first character in a Sonic game to have a projectile weapon.

Set in a variety of areas and levels, Sonic Adventure does a fantastic job of keeping the feel of the game true to its 2D roots. Split up into two different types of areas, adventure and action, Sonic Adventure separates the traditional action-based levels from the old series with large environments to explore. The first one you'll encounter is Station Square, a fictional city that serves as a gateway to a number of action-based levels for Sonic to compete in. From here

It’s a long ways up, but you just know

these two will be all right!

With a VMS, you too can save a whole pile of cute critters like this.


Sonic can access the Emerald Coast and Casinopolis action levels. Other characters can open up even more areas. Based around the travels of developer Sonic Team to South America, the Mystic Ruins area in Sonic Adventure acts as a conduit to a number of other zones, similar in effect to those found in Station Square.

As you beat each action-level, you gain access to other zones that contain special items which grant your characters even more powers, such as Sonic’s Sonic Dash. If you beat the game with every character, a very special “Super” surprise awaits the most diligent gamers.

Graphically the game is the most stunning piece of software you've ever seen. The environments are all rendered in high resolution (no RAM-Paks needed here!), with no sacrifice in texture detail. Wood, for example, looks like wood, and the characters themselves look great. Perhaps the most unnerving thing is to see each character, from Sonic on down, speak with corresponding mouth movements and facial expressions. Sure, Sonic's got his own animation series and whatnot, but to see him talk in a game is really something new. Although there is some minor slowdown and pop-up at some points in the game, it never really affects gameplay. The only thing that is a serious issue here are the occasionally



irritating camera angles.

will address these issues before Sonic Adventure's release here. It would be a shame for such a great title to draw criticism for such minor flaws.

The music is classic Sonic Team pop composition. Aside from

the hard-rock flavored

opening theme that accompanies the breathtaking CG intro, most of the music reminds you of the old-school tunes that have always graced the series.

Perhaps the most interesting little feature in the game is the A-Life (as in “artificial”) breeding program. Taking the system a step further than the one that was found in NiGHTS: Into Dreams, the A-Life feature in Sonic Adventure lets you take the Chaos eggs you find in various places in the game and raise them via the VMS (VMU in America). By raising and strengthening them Tamagotchi-style, you can enter your Chaos creature in Chaos races and other race/obstacle-based competitions. While not really necessary, by any means, to complete the game, the A-Life feature remains an addictive aspect of Sonic Adventure and adds a depth previously unavailable on home consoles.

A guaranteed launch title when the Dreamcast debuts in America later this fall, Sonic Adventure will most likely be at the top of

Hopefully Sega of America

Gamer’s Edge

Downloadin' Skillz!

When Sonic Adventure arrives on our shores (or for crafty gamers who've figured out how to access Sega of Japan's Dricas Web site), there will be special bonuses on Christmas and New Year's Eve that you can download into your VMS card. Cool items like Christmas trees will be available at specific times of the year. Once you have 'em, you'll be able to proudly display them in your game. Who ever said Sega doesn't care about its customers? Hey, Sony! Where's my free stuff?

everyone's wish list. From the evidence on display here, this might just be the title to vault Sega back into the pole position it has sought for so long. If SoA can tidy up | the little glitches that | hamper Sonic Adventure, | this might just be the start of something great. After five long years since the last true Sonic game, don’t the fans deserve it? @


її 00: 47:13 2007

NiGHTS: Into Dreams pinball action. Guess what Sonic Team’s up to next!

These screenshots don't give you the slightest indication of how fast Sonic is running. ZOOOM!


Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release

Imagineer 1 __Rage Games Y „Action


Web Айе: www.imagineer.cojp

ncoming, a straightforward port of the PC

Just like Bein game of the same name, would strike most

console gamers as a fairly bland military wargame. While this may not be too far from

Bark In Nam the truth, Incoming manages to be a Q surprisingly entertaining diversion from the usual run-of-the-mill Warhawk-wannabe.

W ll M b N t Running at an extremely high 40-50 frames per e г ay 8 Ü e second, the graphics in Incoming are a sight to

behold. From the moment you take control of a supercharged anti-aircraft assault cannon, to the point where you take the reins of a gunship equipped with the latest assortment of high-tech weaponry, you'll gasp at the detail found in the game engine. High-resolution textures abound and some truly sweet light-sourcing dress up the intense combat with all sorts of technological eye candy.

Fortunately the gameplay is just as appealing, with each level composed of 10 mission parts. In the first part you may personality, once you see it in action, it will take a control an AAA, while the second will put cold heart not to see the appeal in this title. Although you in the seat of a chopper. A large no announcement has been made as to the exact U number of vehicles are available, with launch lineup for the Dreamcast this fall, it wouldn’t tanks, jet-fighters and all-terrain vehicles be too surprising to see this excellent title among the fueled up and ready to go. first wave. @

The action is relentless and there's no such thing as a quiet moment as your command headquarters constantly barks orders and mission objectives at you. While the game may lack a little bit of

Even though this is technically a PC port, the game looks freakin' good!

MPEG Sofdec 14 Bullet-Proof Software Puzzle

100 дам

www.bps.co.jp Tetris 4D seems to be aimed squarely at SCORED HIZSCOR: such gamers. q T Т). Don't get us wrong— we're not saying Tetris [ | E p 00 00 is a bad game. (We did rank it No. 1 among the NEXT

top 100 video games of all time, after all.) We're just saying it’s not the graphically intensive, trouser-tightening “killer app” most Dreamcast owners have been dying to get their hands on.

Judging from the title, many assumed Tetris 4D would be a trippy, stylized take on Alexey Pajitnov’s classic puzzler, such as Nintendo’s Tetrisphere. They couldn’t be further from the truth; it’s basically standard Tetris with a multi-player Battle Mode. In this mode, up to four players can test their powers of spatial relations while unleashing powerful combos on their harried opponents.

Aside from this lone innovation, the game remains plain ol’ Tetris. OK—it does have a While system launches receive a lot of fanfair and funky transparent beam that helps you line up

br 1 | CAMELEVEL | «uu

You may have played Tetris, but not like this—Tetris 4D has four-player simuplay, hence the “4D.” Get it?

media hype in Japan, the weeks and months pieces, 3D backgrounds and a techno N following such launches historically tend to be soundtrack, but that’s about it. -— ннн | plagued by a serious software drought. While Given Tetris’ widespread availability (there are anxiously awaiting the next big release, many only about 40 million copies of the game floating Expert players can even the software-starved early adopters turn to the around), don’t even think about importing this one— odds a bit in multiplayer mode inevitable mahjong or chess sim for diversion. you're better off digging up your Game Boy. by handicapping themselves.

44 Su

e on a Ja import at your own risk.

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1әўцә зәўәеїрцә Aeusiq 40 352 :

PlayStation | _



xis Cade Fa trulermark of Activision, Joc. “Battle Arena Toshinden” is a Й кууп logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. АШ,

inden’ is a trademark of Takara Co, 1401, Tokyo, Japan. rks and cade names are the proptrüts of thet respective owners.

jour quest to LS) return a [ost дару creature шар ттш | seem simple ји enough... But when ЖЕЛЕК pour пеші) === = found companion P с. reveals its magical mm um mm DDIUPUS, testi ye pou re айз Р ү. mor E poure in wee for the adbenture of tiwo Wield 71 ЖЫ mme | ЕЗГІ Ts и



Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. Itis designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.


Sega's Shenmue is shaping up to be an RPG of pic proportions. Here's an update of Yu

uzuki's most ambitious project yet. We now now the game stars Ryo Hazuki, a Japanese- orn man who travels to the seedy areas of

ong Kong during the winter of 1986. Ryo can isit numerous locations ranging from little

hops to peoples' homes. He can even enter any. ne of 1,200 rooms in a castle (Yes, 1,200. That's he word so far in Japan.) To add to the realism, ои” have to eat when you get hungry, rest when you get tired, and get a job when you need money. Shenmue will also have changing time and weather conditions (to the lower right, you can see the same scene twice, one during the day and the other at night). The gameplay is all done by a system called QTE: Quick Timer Event. A bit similar to Dragon's Lair, this extremely simple control scheme has you pressing a single button (punch, kick or run) at the right time as directed by on-screen prompts. Suzuki wanted this simplified setup so the game could be enjoyed by children and old fogies alike, but he hinted he might add a Virtua Fighter-style combat system for more experienced gamers. Cool, eh? It's enough to make one's nipples hard in anticipation!

оо < тохио

3 =

IFs anyone who starts a sentenci “When 1 was your age...

IFs your parents when they say, т . “Why couldn't you be more like your brother?”


walking ticket.

Is the cop мћо да

IFs all the girls who ever gave you а fake phone number.

Show them how you really feel. Wreak havoc in 40 different missions, in four unique, upgradable ships,

using ІЗ different weapons against 30+ enemy craft. Experience wormholes, asteroids, cloaked planets,

and kamikaze drones. Even play against that person | you’ ге ticked off at, head- to- head.


Aero Dancing

Imagine if you will a flight simulator that does not involve sidewinder missiles and vulcan cannons. Aero Dancing is an acrobatic flight sim that has you performing fancy high-speed stunts as if you were in an air show. You can even play a four-player mode where each person flies one plane of a stunt team. This game by CRI is due out in February in Japan.

т шы 1 =k. 7702. ci

Buggy Heat

While most eyes are on the eagerly anticipated Sega Rally 2, CRI is hoping their road rally game Will steal away part of the spotlight. Buggy Heat has you driving dune buggies and other vehicles both on and off-road. The game's graphics are incredible, as you can see here (with cool *dust effects"). The Japanese game is due out in March and will probably support the Puru Puru Pack (Dreamcast's rumble pack).

(Му 50

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. Itis designed to run

оп a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

-~ ME 0212500)

de =

1 Д | 99

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. It is designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

k. ۴


ү, гаду, SQ


Run, strafe. crouch, roll and climb through 13 highly detailed, Take your best shot with 4 targeting modes, Wreak fiery havoc with 17 deadly weapons including the real-world environments filled with lethal terrorists. including nightvision sniper mode. 6-18 Pistol Machine Gun and M-79 Grenade Launcher.



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| Game Directory

Electronic Arts 1-4 70 March

Paradigm/EA Canada Racing 1999 Web Address: www.ea.com

т eetle The Little Adventure Racing takes arcade racing Engine elements seen in games such as Cruis’n

That World and San Francisco Rush and multiplies them by ten. With shortcuts and secrets at Could nearly every turn the game is truly much more than just your average racer.

The overall goal, of course, is to finish the race in first place. If you do so, you get to move on to the next area; if 5 2 E 04:09.12 SA

The number of you finish in second or third, есе

you can stay on that level to à college students try to improve your time. who can supposedly Anything lower, and you have

iti to use continues, which are fit into a new bug at earned by smashing through

one time. point boxes strategically placed throughout the tracks, Unfortunately, calling attention to shortcuts and secret areas. there’s no The four-player mode Collecting all of these boxes within a level unlocks Herbie the comes complete with cool secrets, giving you incentive to really explore the Love Bug weapons and power-ups. area to find them all. model. If all the talk of levels makes the game sound like more than a racing game, Graphically, the game looks great. All the levels are that’s in large part true. Hanno Lemke incredibly detailed with lots of cool animated stuff to of EA told us, “The concept for check out as you race. In one of the levels, for adventure racing was the starting point instance, you end up on a stretch of track that not where the designers wanted to borrow only looks like Jurassic Park but also comes complete the exploration element from what's with a hungry T-rex. All the tracks are incredibly big— made platform and adventure games big in that one lap, on some levels, will take you four fun in the past.” minutes to complete. But since there are so many When уоште not dueling against the different ways to go, you can play the same level over computer opponents in the single-player again and not get bored. Beetle Adventure Racing is

races, Beetle Adventure has a great expected in March. @

multiplayer mode in which you battle against friends. Beetle Battle lets four players race around multiplayer-only levels that are filled with power- ups and weapons like mines, rockets and invincibility. The goal of Beetle Battle is to collect all of the multicolored beetle symbols. The multiplayer mode has an almost Bomberman/ Mario Kart feel to it thanks to the power-ups and fast action.

K-71 REVENGE combines all forms of MARTIAL ARTS in а raucus type of fighting simulation that combines the special moves and combos of the best fighting games with the gritty realism only

ea possible when the action is based on the true life capabilities




Nintendo 64

Air Boardin' USA

Catch Big Air..Like Never Before

Bustin’ Out

The key to success is time management and maximum point values. Moves that take less time but rake in more points are the ones to look out for. The easily executed handstand gives you a whopping 500 points while a normal flip nets less than 200 and takes twice as long. Combos take more time, but stringing long ones can get you over 3,000 points if you plan right.

Ascii 1-2 80 Human Entertainment Action/Racing 1999

Web Address: www.asciient.com

ir Boardin' USA

pits you ina race against the clock in a series of non- y linear А arenas. All

you have to do is make sure you get to a checkpoint to extend your time limit, allowing you to rack up more trick points. The best part about all this is that you can do tricks off almost anything, including moving cars! But if you're not careful, you'll wind up under that car instead of pulling a fakie over it. You get four characters to choose from with four more hidden ones who must be unlocked. Each of these characters can select various air boards with differing handling and speed characteristics. You'll race through stunt courses, bizarre caverns and city streets trying to become the No. 1 air boarder.

You perform stunts by moving the analog stick in different directions depending on whether you want to execute a flip or spin. You can also grab your board and hop onto the tops of ramps or even swing from poles to build up speed. A great feature of the game is the ability to perform combos by doing multiple tricks in a row. Unlike most snowboarding games where all that meant was hitting a bunch of buttons while in the air, Air Boardin' allows you to jump onto

Make sure to look both ways before air boarding

across the street.

Check out the big man with the air board skills. Seriously, could a man that size do that?

multiple objects and environments. For example, you can jump on a ramp, then land on an oil barrel, then hop onto a rail and finally do a quick tail grab before you land. You can literally spend hours setting up combos like this, potentially giving this game replay value unseen in similar products.


Following the grand tradition of Martial Arts cinema, Tekken The Motion Picture invites you once more to the arena of combat. Enter the world of the Iron Fist Tournament where fighters of unequalled ability gather

from around the world to test their

might in the gladiatorial arena.

From the hit video game, comes a new tale of a 54 desperate race against time.

А, Panzer Dragoon is a unique visual feast. Fast-paced, state of the art, computer generated animation takes the viewer on a roller coaster ride through a land just beginning to recover form the ravages of war. Love conquers all, but will it do so

in time to save the world?




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Nintendo 64

elieve it or not, it’s been over 10 years since Konami released the original Blades of Steel on the NES. Now, two generations of systems later, they’ve finally decided to resurrect the old classic for the Nintendo 64 (and also the PlayStation). But as you may have expected, aside from the name and the fact that it’s a hockey game, there’s really nothing at all that the old Blades and NHL Blades of Steel ’99 have in common. Even though the version being previewed here is only 70 percent complete, it seems pretty far along. Gameplay could best be described as a cross between Gretzky’s 3D Hockey and NHL 99— not necessarily a bad thing,

Konami's Long- Awaited Return To The Ice

For a first effort (of this decade, at least), NHL Blades

but the game does have some problem areas that need work. Most notably, the controls aren’t quite as responsive as they could be (which may very well be fixed in time for release), and despite

of Steel ‘99 looks pretty nice, and it plays well too.

there being several camera angles, none of them feel all that comfortable. On the upside, the game moves quickly, has a lot of options and has surprisingly good play-by-play announcing.

If Konami can work out the kinks, Blades of Steel "99 could be a serious contender. We'll let you know what we think of the final version next month.



о С

Take the driving gameplay of Rush 2, the look of Cruis’n World, sprinkle in some Off-Road, add a touch of Cruis’n USA and wham—you have California Speed. It’s that easy, kids! Actually, while that sounds a bit sarcastic, it’s really close to what California Speed has to offer. And while we often

scoff at the simplicity of these games, we realize

lots of you like them. So we'll hold our tongues for the rest of this preview.

Midway Atari Games

Like its coin-op counterpart, California Speed has a lot of tracks—14 to be exact. Each course is like a minitour of a particular city. In San Diego you hit the harbor and race on the decks of ships. In San Francisco you can ride the suspension of the Golden Gate Bridge, etc. Fantasy portions include a romp through the innards of a computer, a roller coaster, a psychedelic highway, а та апа more. The game, of course, has keys and shortcuts.

California Speed has some peculiar vehicles: a forklift, a front-end loader, a golf cart and a semi. Strangely enough, these vehicles don’t take advantage of their equipment. It'd be fun to spear other cars with the forklift.

Overall, the control is decent. Let's be thankful they didn’t use the lackluster Cruis’n USA engine. The frame-rate is actually very good, but the trademark Midway two-speed theory applies—full speed or stop (there doesn’t seem to be middle speeds in their games). For those

о enjoy the simplistic play of an arcade racer, California Speed will no doubt satisfy.

Customizing your team’s offensive and defensive strategies is a snap, and the added visuals make it easy for newbies.

February 1999


Yes, this is а roller coaster and that’s a front-end loader as well.



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Nintendo 64 ны

Nintendo 1-4 80 Jan. 1999 Japan

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may

or may not be released in the U.S. It is designed to run HAL Laboratories Fighting on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk,

| - "All-Star Smash Brothers ^

ctually, All-Star Dai Rantou Smash Brothers to give it its full and quite spectacular Japanese title. Developed by HAL Laboratories, previously known for the Kirby series of games, Smash Brothers follows in

Plumber, A Monkey, the tradition of Mario Kart and,

An Elf, A lizard, A indeed, this month’s cover star Mario Party, hy aking Pokémon And A Pink ао ТЕЛЕ characters and placing them in

If there is one genre of gaming that has been sadly Blob H A Fi ht lacking on the N64, it’s fighting. Without exception, ave 14 every single effort to date has been а steaming pile of smelly stuff that could barely hold its own against even the majority of 16-bit fighters. Although by no means a traditional take on the genre, this is Nintendo’s response to the constant criticisms.

If we were forced to make comparisons about the gameplay style, we'd have to say that it has an awful lot of AM1's Virtual On about it. The

A Fox, A Robot, A

Four Nintendo characters kicking the bejeezus out of each other has an eerie quality about it.

N64 fighting

games don't have a bouts aren’t your traditional good track record. one-on-one punch-ups, you For that matter, see. They're all situated in Nintendo itself has less-than-typical arenas, and never excelled in the the attacks the fighters can area. Killer Instinct use are often long range may have been rather than your usual stuff. innovative but it was As an added difference to the hardly a gaming usual layout, there is the great, was it? Smash opportunity for four-player Brothers again shows fights, lending the whole thing innovation, but a sort of cartoony street brawl there's something a atmosphere, which is certainly very weird. game for each player than you'd traditionally see in а bit odd about Mario From looking at the screen shots we have here, fighting game, and each player has more of a chance and Link beating the you'd be forgiven for thinking Smash Bros. is aimed at of coming back from behind. crap out of each a younger audience. But like all the best Nintendo There are eight basic characters available initially: other. games, it’s the underlying sense of fun about the Mario, the “all rounder”; Donkey Kong, who is more —John Davison game that helps it hold its own. Probably the easiest powerful but slower than other fighters; Link, who has way to illustrate this is to just lay it out for you Most both his sword and boomerang; Samus, who’s good importantly, the bouts themselves are all designed to with long-distance attacks; Yoshi, who can lick his make sure all players gets to enjoy Opponents until they, | dunno, can’t handle it themselves for the whole duration; ring anymore; Kirby (surprise...HAL had to bring him back outs don’t wipe you out completely— eventually), who can absorb his opponents abilities; you have a time limit to get back in the Fox McCloud, armed with a blaster; and then the odd ring. Secondly, the scenery uses different one...Pikachu, who apparently is able to turn around levels and even moving platforms in really quickly and fire electricity out of his ass. Not a places to keep things a bit more bad basic lineup—something for everyone from the interesting. Finally, the “winner” of each Nintendo camp. Rumored “secret” characters (or fight is the player with the most “hits” possibly bosses) include Blue Falcon from F-Zero X, and the most energy at the end of each Bowser, Luigi, Princess Peach and Ganondorf. None of = A gi ad timed round—so this isn't a fight to the these is confirmed yet, but we'll make sure we let you КСЫ! мк death. The result is basically а longer now as soon as details are available.

Mario cocks his leg and lets rip Samus’ head inexplicably catches fire. Link prances about while Mario and with a massive fart, knocking Link Тоо much hairspray and a naked flame Pikachu try to stare each other out. clear off his feet. Probably not. can have frightening results. Not sure what Samus is up to.








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Nintendo 64

Perfect Dark

The development on Rare’s highly anticipated 3D spy game continues at a heady pace. Although the game’s using the GoldenEye engine, a number of significant refinements quite clearly have been made and the project is shaping up to be one of the most impressive looking games on the system. Despite feverish denials from Nintendo last May when the game was unveiled that it would use the 4Mb Pak, it’s now apparent that Perfect Dark will make use of it for increased resolution. As with all Rare projects, there is still no release date for the game— although indications seem to be that it may be toward the end of the year.

=> mg = =. Ф = e> = D -—


Triple Play 2000

EA's first Triple Play for the N64 will have a host of improvements over last year’s PS edition. For one, hitting in TP2000 is slightly easier due to a bigger batting sweet spot. In addition, base running and fielder selection are simplified by use of a “smarter” interface. In the outfield, multiple camera angles (up to 75) focus on the action as it happens. EA hopes this new view feature will increase control as well as the interactive element of the game. Increasing the realism overall are new emotion-driven facial expressions and individual player sizes and weights. Better still are promises of a fast frame- rate and quicker-paced games.

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Nintendo 64

Quake ||

In March, Activision is planning on releasing Quake II. From these screens, you can already tell this game is shaping up to be one of the best-looking titles on the system yet. Quake || for the N64 already looks better than its software-run counterpart on the PC (meaning, a PC without a $200 3D accelerator). Four- player split-screen Quakefests will be in, too. Look for a full preview next month.

== Loon | D =. [1-] = = © Lom | <=

Jet Force Gemini

Rare’s studio must be a hive of activity at the moment, as there are now five major М64 projects in motion: Perfect Dark, Twelve Tales: Conker 64, Banjo-Tooie, Donkey Kong 64 and then the one no one's quite sure what to expect from...Jet Force Gemini. What little information that has been leaked from Rare's offices seems to indicate that the game is very much an action title with lots of shooting and cartoon violence. As ever, with each new batch of screens released the presentation looks better and better. Expect to see a release before the summer.

= um E OJ

Race your friends in the improved multiplayer mode 4

and find,out who really is King of the mountain!

New control interface allows for d

ты, insane trick combinations! E £2 Ga Find the all-powerful Dragon Board, plus 17

others to speed your way down the slopes!

E over 10 ingenious power-ups to get ahead of the pack! 4

js ace on a multitude of terrains!

Such as underwater, uphill, and


Nintendo 64

In development for so long that there were rumors starting to circulate that it had been canned, Conker now sounds like it may be just about ready soon. Apparently a lot of the holdup is owing to the “emotion” system that is being employed in the game. Both Conker and his female sidekick Berri the chipmunk display a variety of facial expressions and emotional reaction to their surroundings and situation—and it's been the application of this that’s slowing things down.

2 ж X 203

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. It is designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

Mario Golf 64

Hot Shots Golf was a big hit due to its simple yet addictive gameplay (you know, the type that gets non-golf enthusiasts to play golf games). Now Camelot, Hot Shots’ developer, is teaming up with Nintendo to bring us Mario Golf 64, a one- to four-player game starring 10 characters from the Mario universe like Luigi and the Princess. The game will be easy to get into, ensuring widespread appeal. At the same time, Camelot is working on including a very realistic physics model and little features like changing times of the day (so you may be swinging clubs around at night...a very dangerous activity indeed). Nintendo recently announced Mario Golf 64 will be released in the States sometime in 1999.

Vigilante 8

Just as we went to print, Activision announced they will be adding a new Nintendo 64-exclusive level to Vigilante 8 called Super Dreamland 64 (sounds like a game in itself, doesn't it?). This cartoony world will be stocked with rainbows, mushrooms, knights, chickens, cannons, magical wells, pigs and even an "evil" castle.

The game is still set to launch in March. 70

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This Time Its For Keeps

Behind The Screens

Hanno Lemke, senior producer of High Stakes, has been a racing game fan for years. One of his earlier games was Test Drive ІІ: The Duel. He said he liked the Super Nintendo version best.

Need For Speed: High Stakes

ne new concept for the Need For Speed series, as the title alludes to, is consequence. What kind? The worst, of course: dollars. High Stakes has a monetary system set up so you can earn money to buy cars and their parts—one area where Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit fell short in comparison with its main competitor, Gran Turismo. Although perhaps inspired by GT, High Stakes takes the system a step further with realistic damage and the need to pay to repair it.

After an unscheduled meeting with a wall, the cars show visual damage. While this might be neat looking, it's not so cool when you see how much it costs to repair it—which has to be done since the damage not only is visual but also affects the car's physics. When using the Dual Shock controller, for example, repeated trips into the wall will cause your car to pull to one side, an act that forces you to hold the stick a bit to one side to compensate.

This economic structure along with the car damage really gives you a strong sense of ownership. This makes High Stakes' Pink Slip Mode extremely powerful. This mode lets two players compete against each other using their earned cars in a race where the winner literally takes the loser's car. After the race, the loser's car appears on the winner's memory card. (And no, you can't yank your card out early, because both are pulled out at the race's outset.)

But when you're not racing for slips or trying to amass a fortune you can still have fun outrunning the cops in Hot Pursuit Mode, as in Need For Speed III, although in High Stakes you can also play as a cop and chase down perps. The challenge here lies in beating the clock that counts down with each fleeing suspect. If the clock runs out before you force him off the road, it's over.

Visually, High Stakes looks incredibly

Electronic Arts ; 1-2 EA Canada _

Just look at this screenshot. Just look at it! Ain’t it purdy? The beautiful colors, the lighting effects...

promising. Most noticeable at this stage are the cars’ transparent windows, which allow you to see the interior and driver. And on the audio side, the chatter on the police scanner is for more than effect. Now the radio transmissions clue you in to police activities. If you’re playing as one of the cops, the radio is a tool that you can use to call for backup, a spike drop or the almighty roadblock.

While Need For Speed: High Stakes looks like it’s on track to being a worthy sequel, we'll have to wait to see how the final version of the game comes together this March. @

Back In Action

Need For Speed: High Stakes marks the return of the Porsche license to the Need For Speed series. It has been noticeably absent from racing games for the past year ever since the release of Porsche Challenge.

It’s hard to see here, but that license plate reads “EGM.” No, we didn’t touch up the screenshot—like Midway’s Rush 2, NFS: HS has an EGM car. Cool, eh?

Listen, we don’t care what they do over in England. In America, we drive on the right side of the road!

Action, adventures and mind bending = mysteries await your main characters Ф m at every turn. Are you brave enough to = ener = у join the chase? w SUN SOFT 5

Here comes Davy the Chameleon again with more power and a backpack parachute for high flying aerial moves. And, oh...

did | mention that his tongue got an overhaul too!!!

= ~ И ој] ig LR

_ Aheart Pounding,

E adrenaline pumping arcade shooter for the N64.

SUNSOFT RE ف‎ М Visit the monster hatchery апа Ges tae ` create outrageous cyber beings in this amazing RPG = - adventure of wit and will.




New Fighting RPG From The Makers of Wild

flip-kicks in the game, you'd figure you were J-C VanDamme or something!

You'll learn the ropes from your mentor, who chills out by the beach in your hometown.

SCEA ва Би March Contrail RPG 15 1999


any RPG fans have been wondering if there would be a Wild Arms 2 anytime soon. Regrettably, the answer would be no, but that's not to say that Contrail, those busy beavers responsible for Wild Arms, has been lying around doing nothing. Far from it. Instead, you can look forward to their newest title, Legend of Legaia, due out in March. Originally released in Japan just this past winter, Legaia is making its way to U.S. shores surprisingly fast. Boasting an innovative new battle engine called the “Tactical Arts System,” Legend of Legaia attempts to take the RPG genre in new directions with this unique new approach. While not exactly Tekken 3, think of the battle-system used in Xenogears but pumped up on steroids and you might get the picture. The world is being enveloped by a mysterious mist, and people are turning into strange and horrible creatures whenever they come into contact with it. Assuming control of the main character, Vahn, you must attempt to save the world by reviving the many Genesis Trees found throughout the land. These trees will destroy the mist, with the help of you and your friends Noa and Gala. Assisted by magical creatures called “Ra-Seru,” you and your comrades will use a wide variety of Super-Arts to defeat the many enemies you'll encounter.

Damn bugs! Where's that Black Flag at?

Legend of Legaia

Oh, little Milky. You saw me crying! How embarrassing.

Catch your sissy neighbors blubbering about the matters at hand.

Unlike Wild Arms, Legend of Legaia is a completely 3D RPG. Every detail, from the towns to the characters, is rendered in polygons, as are the battle scenes. Legaia is also compatible with the Dual Shock analog controller and provides force-feedback effects during battles. With Final Fantasy VIII scheduled to arrive in America much later in the year, the timing looks to be perfect for Legend of Legaia. In any case, this RPG will definitely warrant a look from hard-core RPG fanatics and casual fans alike. @

Gamer’s Edge

The Tactical Arts System is reminiscent of the battle engine in Xenogears. Instead of inputting circle's and x's, you press up, down, left and right for punch, kick, low attack and high attack. Later on in the game, you are able to input more powerful commands. The battle scenes look like a simplified fighting game, and that's what gives this RPG a unique twist. Further on in the game you'll learn other Tactical Arts, like Super-Arts, that offer more spectacular results.

During battle, you'll learn new special attacks called “Super-Arts.”


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Those Madmen Behind Destruction Derby Are BACK!

Driver is going to be an awesome game. While you're being wowed by the fast-paced action, don't forget to make the most of the game's strategic elements. Use alleyways and every shortcut you can. Drive through fences, outdoor cafes and whatever else looks like a beeline to freedom. Use traffic conditions to your advantage and whack oncoming cars in the bumper, causing them to spin out and leaving chaos behind. There's all sorts of things you can do beyond simply driving fast. The quicker you pick these things up, the more successful you'll be and the more fun you'll have.

Streets? Who needs streets when you can mow the neighbor's lawn? Note the tire tracks.


вт Interactive 1 Reflections

t's been a long time since anyone mentioned the name Destruction Derby 2, hasn’t it? What's it been, like a million years or something? Well, that's because Reflections, the masterminds behind DD2, has been laying low, preparing to unleash their newest driving opus, appropriately titled Driver, to the masses.

Certainly no stranger to vehicular combat, Reflections has developed a stunning game based around the story of a classic gangster-style getaway driver. However, this isn't your typical getaway driver. Oh no. This game takes you on a variety of missions (around 25 or so) in four different Cities spread around the country. South Beach Miami, New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco are all fair game for the alley-crashing, sidewalk-smashing, police-car colliding, go-anywhere driving game.

Unlike similar games like Felony 11-79, the gameplay in Driver is augmented by the wide variety of mission objectives on hand. None of that simply driving from A to B within a predetermined time limit. Instead, Driver sets you off on your mission and gives you around 30 square miles in which to achieve it. Like any good chase-film, the game requires you to shake the long arm of the law by any means necessary. Barrel down a cluttered alley, vault through a crowded outdoor cafe, whatever— just as long as you get the job done.

Like in Destruction Derby 2, Reflections' expertise with vehicular physics is immediately apparent at the very first high-speed corner you take. It's awesome to see your car leaning on your front-right tire as you peel around a curve at 9o miles per hour. The replay system in driver is excellent as well, offering cinematic perspectives that rival the chase scenes in the classic Steve McQueen movie Bullit. The realistic car-collision engine also makes a return, as damage to your vehicle is readily visible whenever you take a hit. High-speed jumps (especially in San Francisco, of

This game will remind you of every car chase

bit you've seen in movies and TV.

KRRRRASHH!! Driver knows no boundaries, or orange cones, or fences for that matter!

course) and multi-car pileups all add to the edge-of- your-seat sensation.

Recently acquired by GT Interactive as an internal developer (like Singletrac), Reflections is on target for a late March release. Knowing their track record (no pun intended), it looks like the team is on to something special, but we'll have to wait until the final product ships to know for sure. In any case, Driver is shaping up to become on of the new year's most exciting releases. Keep your eyes peeled. @







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Tenchu Meets Parasite Eve?



Block dat stuff!

In Soul of the Samurai, the key to surviving this game is to know when to block-which is to say just about all the time. When you're not swinging, keep that sword up. While you may be able to skate through the initial Stages while taking some hits, you'll definitely wish you had that health back later after you've run out of healing herbs. Block! Block! Block!

Soul of the Samurai

Konami лер d recen KCE Sapporo Action 75


ushido Blade meets Resident Evil, or Tenchu on crack? Either way, Konami’s newest up and comer, tentatively titled Soul of the Samurai (and formerly titled Japan), has a lot of potential. Like Resident Evil (or Parasite Eve if you prefer the comparison), the backgrounds in Soul of the Samurai are all prerendered while the characters are fully polygonal 3D models. Set in ancient Japan, when the samurai were still in prominence, Soul of the Samurai attempts to do for the burgeoning samurai genre what Tenchu did for the ninja game.

After watching the CG introductory sequence, you're thrust into the game as a sword- wielding samurai, basically learning the controls on the fly while attempting to rendezvous with your sexy female counterpart. All the while, katana-carrying goons try to halt your progress every step of the way. From the outset, like Tenchu, you can select either Kotaro, the hunky samurai, or Rin, the waif-like chick extraordinaire with two knives. Even the Select Screen is similar (read: exactly) to Tenchu’s, and while this arrangement may seem a little too close for comfort, hey, who’s complaining?

Apparently Kotaro’s parents died while he was only a child. Having nothing to restrain him, he returned to the countryside and met Rin. She seemed to be running from something, but Kotaro never asked what it was. He only wanted to see his old friend Yukinosuke. As he made his way back to the countryside, he encountered and killed many

“yakunin.” When asked why. Kotaro would simply reply that “there’s something strange in their eyes.”

Homicidal madman, or man on a mission? That's what you'll find out later this year when Konami releases Soul of the Samurai. Right now it's a bit of a hack-’n’-slasher, with little variety except for increasingly stubborn enemies, but if the gameplay can match up to the intriguing storyline, Konami just might have another hit on their hands.)

Many of the game's elements are reminiscent of Tenchu.

“Who's ya daddy?" asks our friendly neighborhood samurai warrior.

These are the two characters you can choose. Here we find them in dire straits.

Like all good students, you gotta put time in at the local dojo.


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D à ^ ч , f 5 RAMPAGE 2: UNIVERSAL TOUR © 1998 Midway Games Inc. All rights reserved. RAMPAGE UNIVERSAL TOUR. MIDWAY and all character names are trademarks of Midway Games Inc. Used by permission. Distributed under license pr Minoy Home Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are feggtered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and the 3-D N" logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. 61996 Nintendo America Inc. Licensed by Nintendo. S ТЕСТ” š * n

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Entertainment |

* 4 , ` “” Р + ' [i

Getting Back To Basics

The cool trivia loading screens from last year's Triple Play have unfortunately been taken out. They have been replaced with gameplay help Screens to aid beginners get used to the controls.

Triple Play 2000 will feature Sammy Sosa, the 1998 National League Most Valuable Player, as the spokesman for the game. He will appear on the cover of the title, and lend his knowledge to help the game developers refine the game.

Electronic Arts bis 12 ње Es EA Canada Sports 70

$: www.easports.com

hose who thought Triple Play 99 was a bit dull aren’t alone. he producers of riple Play 99 felt that they had ocused on simulation and realism so much that they had forgotten that playing the game was supposed to be fun. So the emphasis for Triple Play 2000 has been shifted, not necessarily away from simulation and realism but toward making the game simply a whole lot more fun to play.

One of the ways the team at EA chose to do this was by increasing the number of times the batter makes contact with the ball. In part this has been accomplished by adding more frames of contact to each batter's swing. Keeping within the philosophy of more is better, the developers decided to make hits, in general, go toward the wall more often than not.

From an Al standpoint Triple Play 2000 is going to be a lot cleaner. There were some obvious base- running Al problems in last year's Triple Play that EA says have been addressed.

In Triple Play 99 everyone, whether a fan or not, agreed that the frame-rate was a bit on the low side.

It was actually running in the neighborhood between 15 and 2ofps (if you're unfamiliar with frame-rate neighborhoods, 15-20 fps could be considered the ghetto). Triple Play 2000 however, is running at a constant 30 fps, which is average but when compared with last year's title looks fantastic. And so do the new physical and facial animations. EA Sport's Triple Play 2000 producer, Mark Dobratz, explained, *New emotional reaction animation captures the intensity of the Major Leagues [while] pitchers in Triple Play 2000 will not only have unique pitch animation for different pitches, they will receive signals from the catcher in their own unique styles as well."

Some of the best animations range from the disappointed look of a pitcher who just served up a meatball that was blasted over the wall to the

Check out the nice detail in the stadiums. Also check ima out the extraordinarily long arms on this pitcher.

Triple Play 2000

Good ol' Mark McGwire. You can always count on him for a home run or two in the regular season.

jumping, fist-pumping batter who sent the pitch to a new zip code without using a stamp.

While Triple Play 2000 looks well on its way to becoming a solid baseball game, it'll be interesting to see whether EA can walk the tightrope of fun and simulation well enough to appease serious baseball sim fans and the average fan alike. @

Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release


Hasbro Interactive 12 Real Sports, LLC Shooter

March 1999

Web ‘Address: www.hasbrointeractive.com



oping to duplicate the success enjoyed by its critically panned yet freakishly popular-Frogger update, Hasbro Interactive is preparing to drag another '8os arcade classic kicking and screaming into the '905. In Hasbro's Centipede, players assume the role of Wally Gudmunzsun, an unlikely half-wit selected to save the world from a horde of giant armored beasts. After jumping behind the controls of a one-of-a-kind hovercraft known as The Shooter, you and Wally must blast your way through 23 levels and four unique worlds to end the insectoid menace.

In addition to its updated 3D graphics, Hasbro's Centipede has a number of brand-new play mechanics, such as jumping, strafing and rescuing diminutive townsfolk, who reward your efforts with a comically high-pitched *Thanks, Wally!"

Your primary enemies, as the game's title implies, are enormous centipedes, which descend on your lone craft in wave after deadly wave, tirelessly winding their way through a forest of giant mushrooms. Destroy one of your foe's body segments and a mushroom will appear in its place, causing the

creature to make an abrupt 180.

And You Thought Frogger Was Buggin’.

Centipede’s Arcade Mode resembles classic Centipede viewed from a slightly isometric angle.

It seems like a natural marriage: skateboarding and PlayStation, two of the hottest pop-cultural


FIRST TRICK ri forces on the planet. Surprisingly enough, %

dedicated skateboarding game to appear for Sony’s ultra-successful system.

however, Electronic Arts’ Street Sk8er is the first

change “select return

Street $К8ег 20 boards feature real deck graphics from major manufacturers.

Following the well-marked trail originally blazed by Sony’s Cool Boarders, Street Sk8er combines four real-world skateboarding events, eight colorful skaters and three unique venues into one non-stop shredfest. Street Sk8er also includes 20 original skateboards from Powell, Eternal and Warp Magazine as well as an alternative soundtrack featuring the likes of Pie Tasters, Gas Huffer and Less Than Jake.

In the game’s Street Tour Mode, players race against the clock, attempting more than 200 authentic tricks to score points—and also to unlock hidden routes, characters and custom skateboards. Free Skate, in contrast, allows players to explore each course at their leisure while perfecting tricks.

Like Capcom’s snowboarding title Freestyle

Boardin’ "99, Street Sk8er allows you to boost your

Street Sk8er’s 200 motion-captured tricks look cool but are ridiculously easy to pull off.

The more you zoom in on the action, the more maze-like Centipede's levels become.

Additional classic enemies—including mushroom- planting fleas, poisonous scorpions and elusive spiders—also return.

If Centipede’s Adventure Mode isn’t your cup of tea, you can give your trigger finger a workout in the game’s Arcade Mode, certain to look more familiar to twenty-something gamers. If that weren’t enough, Hasbro’s Centipede is rumored to contain a pixel- perfect port of Atari’s 2D classic. @

Electronic Arts Micro Cabin

skater’s jumping power, cornering, speed and acceleration with its unique skills editor.

While reasonably cool looking, the preview version of Street Sk8er we received is a bit on the easy side; jump anywhere near a handrail and your skater will magically perform a flawless grind! We also managed to pull off some of the sport’s most difficult tricks without breaking a sweat—the first time we tried the game. If EA pumps up the difficulty a bit more, they may have something here.


% Done Release



Electronic Arts Canal+Multimedia/ Virtual Studios

Web Address: www.ea.com

12 Sports

February 1999


lectronic Arts expands on its extreme sports line with Rush Down, a racing game featuring mountain biking, snowboarding and kayaking. The game lets you test your skills on five different continents. Each locale has one course for each of the three events. You can snowboard down the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Altai or Mt. MacKenzie in the Canadian North. You can kayak the whitewater of the

Extreme Times Three

Colorado River and jump off Victoria Falls. You'll be able to ride your mountain bike through the Amazon Jungle, ruins of Zimbabwe, Beijing

and Tokyo.

Graphically, the game isn't really awe-inspiring, but thanks to a

healthy frame-rate of about 30-6ofps the game moves tremendously fast—giving you a real sense of

Taking a cue from SCEA' Extreme Games, EA's offering not one but several extreme sports in one package.

speed when racing down the

NBA In The Zone '99

mountains and rivers. Especially nice is the water effect when you're kayaking down a river. You can see into the water and actually watch it flow. On the audio side, EA is trying to spruce up the game with louder sound effects and real music from some French jungle and rock fusion bands.

Fans of ESPN's X Games should definitely look out for Rush Down when it hits stores this March. @

18 Sports

Konami KCE Tokyo




T х КОДА ж»

The TV cam has a very nice looking perspective, although for game playing purposes, it may not be the most efficient.

In the Zone ’99 is quite ambitious this year. Rather than bowing down (or out) to the “big two” (SCEA’s NBA ShootOut and EA’s NBA Live), it’s slugging it out,

touting its own special attributes. Slick new animation and a load of new options have - (ЕСМУ made it more competitive. Granted it hasn’t 88

reached the same level of gameplay as the other two titles, but it’s taking steps in the right direction.

Beyond the usual NBA licenses, teams, players, arenas, etc., a new crop of animation has substantially beefed up the realistic punch. Subtle moves such as the forearm block and the jump-and-throw-pass look life- like. The crossover dribble and the block animation are decent and lend style and complexity to the package.

For kicks a 3-point shootout mode lets you test your skills against several all-stars. To sink a shot you must stop the rising meter on the correct spot. If you hit it right, the ball sails right in. For the slam contest a series of icons must be pressed in the correct order.

The tricky part is remembering the order since it disappears just before you start.

At this point (75 percent completion) the most obvious flaw in the game is the jerky frame-rate. For example, a jump or steal animation will look good for a moment but doesn’t blend well with the prior movements. Also suspect is the overall Al. At times it seems brilliant, blocking players out, setting formations and so on. Yet at other times it’s completely out of whack. Let’s hope they fix these flaws before release.

All-Star play features a 3-point shootout as well as a slam-dunk contest.

gm шә | па! = С рраге erman’s Bait is a popula I “ШІ I arcade game in Japa 0 ould a coin-op e e state Po D ona 50 0 give а І 1 0 ер ay à 0 ) а а 2 5 ant on the action eleme om the be g you can se ediate acqua о е 0 ows yo a e general Ide oca a a a 0 а o e o e otted e e ariabte de p op а at ofa ppe e and ca g о g е o e Blueg ehead. You may also compete or top three e) or total weig e fua. TEN ога aug | EN 133. e lure selectio aS Walli an important part of the e g ather conditions are rainy and cold or example, certa e attra о А Alor O centenar resline 2 One by rotating the ght analog б = ontrols the rod ЏЕНА {Sire Uo. a b та Мн Chunsoft Action/RPG 100 Japan mx

s: www.square.co.jp





2 0.00 3 0.004

Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 2

ЛЕ v4 HP 20/27 98%

Fwa HP 25/27 99%

m. Import at your own ri:

Recently released in Japan, Chocobo’s Mysterious Dungeon 2 is the second Chocobo- related addition to Chunsoft’s Mysterious Dungeon series. Featuring, naturally enough, the Chocobo (Square’s official mascot), as the game’s protagonist, CMD2 offers more of the same randomly generated dungeon-based action while adding minor improvements to the gameplay. For those of you not familiar with this title, the Mysterious Dungeon series has always been about exploration and item management, with little variation to the formula. Basically an action-RPG (think the Legend of Zelda, but only in dungeons), CMDz has you guide the Chocobo through a seemingly endless series of dungeons, where you'll meet numerous monsters and creatures, the majority of which would like to make a barbecue out of you. Monsters aside, there are a plethora of hidden traps and special items for you to discover and/or use during your travels.

In CMD2, the graphics engine has remained basically the same while spell-effects and loading times were improved. Also, in CMD2, you no longer

have to wander through the monotonous-looking

This is one of the few times you'll find yourself outside during the whole game, hence the “dungeon” part.

dungeons alone. Now you can wander through the monotonous-looking dungeons with your pal Mog. While not a major leap in terms of quality over the first, Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 2 is a solid, if unspectacular, title that relies less on flash and more on exploration. Aimed largely at a younger audience, CMD2 is a lighthearted alternative to the more serious efforts coming out of the Square camp. Currently, CMD2 is not scheduled for U.S. release.

«ros ; RCA? Y

for а tweener. Last AB, he faces their

toa Sopher!”

radio ball”

а gives it the one flap down. The


Don't pull a Merkle”! Hit our website: www.highheat.com

(1) short for Skipper - the manager. (2) a player who fakes illness or injury to avoid playing. (3) New York. (4) the ball club’s advance scouts. (5) an error-prone infielder - always groping for an excuse - “a pebble made їз the ball go through my legs.” (6) an injured throwing arm. (7) bench jockeys - noted for a steady flow of ® insults. (8) inning. (9) wild young pitcher. (10) line drive off the outfield wall. (11) a base hit. (12) a sharp low hit. (13) a ball hit between players - usually in the gaps between outfielders. (14) at bat. (15) best pitcher on the staff. (16) a fastball that you can hear but can't see. (17) home run ball. (18) a solid bat with black wood. CD ROI (19) home run trot with one arm stiff at the side. (20) an infallible player. (21) a bone head play.

© 1999 The 300 Company, All Rights Reserved. High Heat Baseball, 300, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks and/or service marks of The 300 Company in ШІ? U.S. and other countries. All other

lame soup bone, right? The baxbers are

stanza ће faces some Lowdexmilk, and


C Bl Klem””

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м “If you love baseball..this is the only game in town." - GamerzEdge 3D O

tainment Ine

trademarks belong to their respective owners. © MLBPA Official Licensee - Major League Baseball Players Association. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Compute: Entertainme

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII is almost upon us...at least in Japanese form. We just learned of a new mini- game called the Card Battle. Throughout FFVIII, you can obtain special cards by defeating monsters. With these cards, you can challenge townsfolk to a Card Battle in order to win more cards. Some are more difficult to find, but if you can get them all, you’ll earn a special reward. You can see screens of Card Battle on this page, along with some other FFVIII images.

AUT EON 57112

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. Itis designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

Lightning-fast arcade-style action!


Over 60 of the a m З -

р WCW в

чи NWO superstars! All your favorite signature mores finishing moves, and taunts!


WCW Nitro © 1998 World Championship Wrestling, Inc. A Time Warner Company. AI rights reserved. WCW™ and NWO™ are trademarks of World Championship frm Wresting, Inc. AII characters depicted, are trademarks of or used under License to World Championship Wrestling, Inc. АП rights reserved. THO TM 1998 THO INC.

est wrestling

fast ато available!

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Capcom just doesn’t stop! Last month we found out that three new characters would be added to the home version of Street Fighter Alpha 3: Fei Long, T.Hawk and Dee Jay. We also learned of PocketStation support, and the new World Tour Mode and some of its features. This month, it gets even better. If you work your way through World Tour Mode, you’ll be able to open up yet another three new characters: Evil Ryu, Shin Akuma and Guile (Yes, Guile!!). And better still, you'll be able to open up several other new modes of play, including Team Battle (up to three-on-three team fights), Survival Mode (like SFA2’s Survival Mode, only with several different variations to choose from), Dramatic Battle (two humans vs. one computer opponent) and more. Street Fighter Alpha 3 is currently due to be released in March, but it may experience some delays if the PocketStation isn’t yet ready for retail at that time.



Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. Itis designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

Smash Court 2

The sequel to Smash Court, Namco’s Japanese-only polygonal tennis game, Smash Court 2 features more of the same hard- hitting tennis action, with the usual bundle of goodies Namco’s famous for. While the game doesn’t scream “blockbuster” like Namco's flagship titles, Tekken and Ridge Racer, Smash Court 2 is a standout game ona system with a dearth of good tennis games.

Popu | ou 6: Th e Beg i n n i ng Sweetening the pot is the ability to play as

Heihachi, Yoshimitsu, a character from Tales

Bullfrog is currently working on a PS version of the third game in the series that of Phantasia, the girl from Ridge Racer and invented the “God game” genre, Populous. Populous: The Beginning will feature Pac-Man himself. No word on whether Namco Several improvements over all other editions (including the current PC version), like will bring this one over here.

full speech, redesigned spells and effects, new worlds and much deeper gameplay. Electronic Arts is planning on bringing this one out in March.

А Chocobo Racin Warning: Tis ea preview ol a Japanese Пе hat may or may not be released in the U.S. Itis designed to run

on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

It's not enough that we have Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing, Rockman Battle & Chase and Sonic R. Now we've got Square entering the mascot-racing “genre” with Chocobo Racing, a racing game featuring the world-famous Chocobo and a handful of his cohorts. Each player has a different method of racing (i.e., Chocobo uses in-line skates, Mog uses a motorized skateboard, etc.) and can select a different specialty before each race. No announcement has been made as to whether or not this title will make it over here, but this would be an easy conversion.

Internal Section

Can you say "Tempest?" Square's newest non-RPG attempt at a well-worn genre now focuses "squarely" on old-school arcade-style thrills. Internal Section can best be described as a '905 update to the classic arcade hit Tempest. IS runs at 60 frames per second and isn't nearly as annoying as N20. One big difference is the wide array of weaponry at your disposal, all with strange names like *monkey" and "sheep." No word yet on whether or not Internal Section will make it to the U.S.

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may ог may not be released in the U.S. It is designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk,

SaGa Frontier 2

A substantial shift in style is the order of the day for SaGa Frontier 2, the sequel to last year's so-so RPG marathon. While the gameplay remains largely the same, a unique graphical overhaul has taken place: Replacing-the cold, prereridered style of the Ace Combat 3 first'installment, is а hand-draWn, watercolor

approach that is nothing short of gorgeous (those

Air Combat 2 (Ace Combat 2 in Japan) was a big hit in the EGM offices, earning are actual in-game screens below). While the newly Game of the Month honors for our August 1997 issue. So naturally, we were formed Square/Electronic Arts hasn’t mentioned a drooling when we saw these screens for Ace Combat 3. So far, Namco is possible domestic release yet, expect to hear working on creating a more intelligent game with smarter enemies (who will try something soon.

their damnedest to tail you in order to get you in the rear). The game will also feature Dual Shock support and spruced up visuals.

Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. It is designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk.

5 = E 3 = E E 3 = = = =]





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Game | Directory

3 January : Action 95 1999


ugs is taking a trip, and it seems as if the famous rabbit has yet again taken a wrong turn on his way to Walla Walla, Wash.—a wrong turn that lands him right smack dab in the

r If There's middle of his old hopping grounds,

Crazy Castle. But that's OK, we'll help

Thing him get out of this jam.

In order to get his greedy paws on what's said to be

a giant carrot (a treasure to a bunny as hungry as

Bu 5 |5 Bugs), he must prove himself by passing through 6o 0 r different puzzle-like rooms that increase in difficulty.

Bugs will have to make his way through areas filled

| n C with enemies, doors, traps and enough keys to make

[5 razy you feel like a high school gym teacher. Find eight

keys in a room and you'll advance. See, there's that

uzzle element we were talking about. ا‎ Remember Bugs’ friends from the cartoon? (| guess This is a world where Daffy Duck cyborgs rule, they weren’t always friends per se, but they weren’t vicious Tweety Birds run rampant and necessarily enemies.) Well, now they're definitely Yosemite Sam gets REALLY upset! It sounds enemies. Characters like Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Tweety Pretty scary to us... and Taz, among others, will render Bugs dead if he

merely comes in contact with one of them. certainly welcome.

Thankfully you’re not completely unarmed, even Of course, the little cart is backward compatible though you'll be running more than you'll be with older Game Boy systems. @ fighting. In the various levels, you can find guns, bombs, skull-crushing anvils and other weapons. Adding to the action/puzzle game experience, each enemy behaves in a specific manner.

Sylvester will chase you wherever you are on the screen, whereas Tweety continues to fly back and forth on a particular platform.

Graphically, Crazy Castle utilizes the Game Boy Color's impressive palette, making for a bright, cartoony experience. Another nice feature is being able to scroll around a particular room when the game is paused. This allows you to plan ahead and get a grip on your surroundings. After all, this is a "Crazy Castle." Seriously, later levels will prove to be a pain in the rear end, and a little extra help in finding power-ups or unopened doors is

You can run but you can't hide from Sylvester...well, actually you can just go up the stairs. But there are more Sylvesters up there. Look out!

What’s more fun than watching cartoons? Playing 7 levels of Game Boy Color Looney Tunes with all your favorite characters!

The seriously addictive, classic tile matching game, with all new levels and layouts!

Challenging hand to hand fighting action with an adventure story tossed in for more excitement!

10 monsters, 20 levels, 100 ways to win and 100,000 ways to die. Go figure!

You’ll need lots of balls to play this intensely delirious puzzle game!

Isn’t it funny how Bugs

Bunny always

unknowingly stops Marvin the Martian from blowing up Earth. Yep, that’s what we call funny...mm-hmm.

Even More Craziness From

January 1999

Infogrames 3 4 1 j Velez & Dubail Action 95


Carrot Crazy

| nthe same way Ronald McDonald goes batty | when the Hamburglar steals his precious meat patties (who wouldn't?), Bugs and Lola Bunny go crazy when mischievous hooligans gank their prized carrots —hence the name Carrot Crazy. In this 15-level platformer from Infogrames, it's your job to find your beta-carotene-rich veggies and do away with a few baddies like Yosemite Sam and many others in the process.

The cartoon-inspired worlds each made up of three stages—are called Treasure Island, Looney Town, Taz's Zoo, Marvin's Spaceship and Elmer's Forest. And yes, the straightforward names pretty much sum up the look and feel of each of the worlds, although the levels in each are varied. In addition, there are 10 bonus levels you can take part in if you find special hidden carrots.


The game's levels take you to a variety of locations from below ground all the way to outer space.

Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done

Nintendo Media Factory

QU Strategy

Web Address: www.nintendo.co.

bitte буја

4 = 79 6660666

Yosemite Sam is quite a versatile villain. He can live large as a gun-totin' Texan or kick the pirate style.

You alternate between controlling Bugs and Lola from one level to the next. This throws in a little something extra to the somewhat simple gameplay and adds variety to the levels. What’s more, each character has his/her own unique abilities to make it through a particular level. For example, Bugs uses a hammer, can tunnel underground and is stronger than Lola, allowing him to move big rocks and such (Warner Bros. cartoons were never politically correct). On the flip side, Lola uses a special umbrella to break her fall and glide to otherwise unreachable areas, can combat enemies with a huge rolling pin (now that’s politically correct) and can also teleport (yes, that does say teleport). Both characters can fly thanks to their floppy ears. @

Nintendo took that card game and made it back into a Game Boy title. That game is

Pokémon Card GB.

The rules of this are set up much like a game of Magic: The Gathering (one of the most popular trading card games in the U. You are striving to become one of the

Е ІР DOGG 1418


Pokémon Card Masters by defeating challengers from Pokémon Clubs set up throughout the overworld map. As you visit each Pokémon Club, you'll be able to buy

тын 2o


та ВАМ

Pick your Pokémon, then start battlin’ by powering up your attacks.

Pokémon is no longer just an addictive Game Boy game. It’s also an addictive card game (released by Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.). In Japan, the card game has become very popular on its own. So

items, learn new skills, link up and challenge a friend, or challenge the club members to battles. Characters from the original Pokémon game are gone, although the Pokémon that you use (all 150) are there in card form. There are also familiar sights: the link club, PCs to store your Pokémon Card decks, etc.

Battles are similar to regular Pokémon matches, except this time they’re enhanced through new, different cards and power-ups. The strategy involved is easy to learn (luckily your first battle is a tutorial) yet challenging to master.

(GM) 100

Warning: This or may not be ге on a Japanese syste

of a Japanese title that may the U.S, It is designed to run port at your own risi

The overworld is filled with Pokémon Clubs, centers and towns that you can travel between.

"LEGACY KAIN SOUL REAVER' continues the story of Kain, evil уат- pire. Full 3D polyg- onal environments to explore with abil- ities to shunt from One world to anoth- er. Run, jump and fly while harvesting souls for the dark master. Eleven bosses, 20 different enemies, & 10 classes of vam- pires. Crystal Dynamics ШИЕ ing) ‘elease:2/99 PSX



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Fox Interactive (Shooter) Release: 1/99 | PSX

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Revenge From Mars

Pinball Enters The New Millennium

Behind the Screens

George Gomez is the project leader for Revenge From Mars. Gomez originally started out designing video games (one of his projects was the ever- popular Tron). He then went on to head up the teams for several very successful pinball games such as Corvette, Johnny Mnemonic, Pin-Bot and NBA Fastbreak.

(EGM\ When the ball hits a target, the 104 animated object actually explodes!

illiams-Bally-Midway has been at the forefront of pinball games. While other companies like Capcom’s and Sega’s pinball divisions and the now defunct Gottlieb often take a flashy license and stick it on an already completed pinball game, Midway always strove for the best in gameplay, no matter what title the game had. Innovation was at the top of the company’s list, and they’ve definitely done it again with their latest hardware. Pinball 2000 promises to revolutionize the pinball industry by utilizing hologram technology, much like the old Holiseum fighting and card games did years ago. This technology is developed by Williams Electronic Games, although the game'll be released under the Bally label.

The first Pinball 2000 game is Revenge From Mars, the sequel to Williams’ Attack From Mars. It combines classic elements of pinball with state-of-the-art technology. It includes a CPU and a monitor in the backbox. A signal is transmitted onto the playfield, and 3D virtual targets then interact with the ball using optical sensors. When the ball “hits” a hologram of a Martian ship or an alien, it goes through the image and the hologram explodes. This imaging technology opens a whole new dimension for the programmers.

Revenge From Mars has a ton of targets and enemies on the field at one time, much more than the handful of stationary pieces of plastic that we're all used to seeing in traditional pinball games. They are all animated extremely well with cool effects. One target, for example, is a missile launcher that when hit launches a missile and destroys a huge spaceship.

There are nine stages to defeat in Revenge From Mars, each having elements of skill, humor and special effects. One wave is set at the Lincoln Memorial, where

Game Directory

Bally/Midway 1-4 Williams Electronics Pinball


Lincoln is transformed into a huge robot! This scene is actually a parody on fighting games—Lincoln performs a variety of special moves until finally “Lincoln Wins!” is splashed across the screen.

Pinball 2000 is unlike anything we’ve ever seen in arcades, and for a first-generation title, Revenge From Mars is mighty impressive. If this is what we can expect from the next generation of pinball, we’ve got nothin’ to worry about folks. @

The overall size of the Revenge From Mars unit is fairly small, looking almost like a baby pinball machine. But like the ladies say, it’s not the size that matters, but rather how you...um...never mind.


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ake a second to count the

ing outta your Nintendo 64. Back when it was time to design the system, it seems Nintendo knew from the get-go that four players are better than one. And the N64's four-player, no-need-to-fuss-with-a-multi- tap functionality has been proven worth- while many times over by some of the greatest multiplayer console games ever released— GoldenEye 007 and Mario Kart 64 being the most obvious examples.

But considering that Nintendo's "Fun Machine"

number of joypad ports pok-

often dishes out the most fun when gamers gather in a crowd, isn't it odd that no N64 title has been designed mainly with multiplayer in mind? Well, the Big N was no doubt thinking the same thing when it licensed its biggest stars to Hudson, whose Mario Party is the first game you really, really need to play with pals to appreciate.

Weighing in at a massive 256 Megs (the same size as Zelda 64 and Turok 2), Mario Party plays like the ultimate video game/board game hybrid. It features six Nintendo characters Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Princess Toadstool and Wario who act as playing pieces on one of several different game boards. At the heart

The Ultimate Four-Player Bash

of everything lies the game’s massive col- lection of minigames—50 of them (not including secrets) which have the players competing in free-for-alls, ganging up against each other in three-on-one bouts, pairing off in teams and going solo in sin- gle-player challenges. The games come on a surprisingly large variety, and we describe each and every one in the follow- ing pages.

Aside from that, Mario Party is full of surprises. It packs a one-player game that captures the theme of Mario's side- scrolling adventures. You can amass coins and stars to purchase options and open secrets. You can even purchase the individual minigames and tailor their options to your own

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Spend coins on oddball options such as this bird who mimics all the characters.

Fishing Derby

Time your casts just right and you'll reel in goodies with 360-degree twirls of the Analog Stick.

Faming Jump Rope

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Control is simple here —just tap A to leap the flaming rope. Jump it 40 times to earn your coin prize.

Hammer Brothers

Scramble for coins dropped from the hovering Hammer Brother. Avoid his hammers and the platform’s edge.

custom multiplayer tastes.

But we'll get to all that later. First, let's delve into the real draw of Mario Party: its multiplayer board games.

Parker Brothers is gonna be jealous of this thing. Mario Party’s seven board games are fast-paced and amazingly addictive, with enough unpredictable gameplay events to keep shifting which player holds the lead. This is one of those games the Review Crew is salivating to play when we start reviewing the English version next month. Heck, we've already

Party, as the accompanying pictures of the editors and their significant others show. The game starts once everyone picks a character. And note that the board games support between one and four players. If you have less than four human players, the computer controls the remaining play- er pieces (you can adjust the CPU difficulty level), so you always have four characters roaming the board. Next you pick one of the six main game boards. Just as each racer in Mario Kart has his or her own track, each character in Mario Party has his or her own board. You can choose from Yoshi’s Tropical Island, Mario’s Rainbow

Cannon Attack

Cannon fire from the pirate ship sends your tiny island rocking and reeling. Stay dry to win coins.

Race to the bottom to col- lect chests full of gold coins while avoiding sharks and other predators.

Hot Bobomb

Toss the lit Bobomb to other players and hope the little guy doesn’t detonate in your hands. Keep it moving!

had one full-blown keg-and-pizza Mario

Sky Skatin’

Leap gaps SHE и brick roadblocks while nabbing gold coins. Avoid jumping too much to build speed.

The Face Game

You stretched Mario's face in Mario 64, and now it’s Bowser’s turn. Try to match the model in the middle.

Bowser Balloon Race

Quickly tap A and B to work your pump, which inflates your Bowser balloon. First to pop his balloon wins.

Castle, Donkey Kong’s

Dirt pissin

Tap A Ato tunnel through dirt and look for the hidden treasure chest. Arrows point the way to your prize.

Block Smashin'

The easiest game of all, this one has you leaping into the mystery blocks and knocking out coins.

Jackhammer Tracing

Use your jackhammer to trace the image on the con- crete. Whoever follows the lines most closely wins.



Jungle Adventure, Luigi’s Engine Room, Wario’s Battle Canyon and Princess Toadstool’s Birthday Cake (there's also a board called Minigame Stadium, which offers a scaled-down game—more on that later). The boards come in varying difficul- ty (Mario’s is the easiest; Luigi’s is the trickiest), with the tougher boards packing more traps and extremely convoluted routes around the playfield.

Next up, you pick how many turns you want the game to last—whether it’s 20, 35 or 50 turns. You see, unlike a traditional board game, the boards in Mario Party don’t contain any particular “finish” spot. You just keep going around and around the boards, as in Monopoly (there’s even a “pass go” spot, where a Koopa hands you

The Frame Game

10 coins every time you slide past him). So, Mario Party games continue until you reach your turn limit. Twenty- turn games last about 30 minutes, while 50-turn games keep your party going nearly all night long.

So what exactly is the goal in Mario Party? According to the game's story, all the Mario characters have gath- ered together to see who can become a superstar. And to reach this goal, they compete to see who can collect the most stars and coins. As in a traditional board game, turns begin with players rolling dice, moving the indicated number of spaces and landing on a variety of blocks (see sidebars for a complete description).

Access all of Mario Party's modes and options through Toadstool Village.

Prance around the frame to make it lean, thus guiding a sliding shell that uncovers the hidden picture.

Mario Ghostbusters

All four players cooperate to lug a light bulb down a cor- пдог, where a lamp awaits to scare away the Boos.

Wreckin’ Balls

Balanced atop a rolling ball, you try to ram other players and push "ет in the drink. It's trickier than it looks.

Circle the shiny red mush- room till the music stops, then scramble atop it to nab the treasure chest.

Tap A to build your skate- board’s speed, then hit B to leap obstacles. One slip and you wind up in lava.

Circle behind other players and ransack their back- packs for coins. You can jump to avoid attacks.

Like a super-simple PaRappa clone, you mash the joypad and buttons in tune with the music.

Vary pressure on the stick to adjust speed and avoid spinning out on curves— just like real slot cars.

Mushroom Drop



Watch Toad raise a flag indi-

cating which mushroom platform won't fall, then scramble to that 'shroom.

Everyone works together to carry the key past the bad- dies to the keyhole. All par- ticipants earn 10 coins.

Crate Crashing


Kick and butt-stomp the pile of crates to uncover coins. Booby trapped crates fling you across the room.

Simon Says What?!?

It’s simple: The boat captain signals the letter B, you tap B. If he signals A, you tap A. It can get tricky, though.

Blue spaces— which are the most com- mon —grant three coins. The much rarer red ones take away three. And it is these two colored blocks that determine the type of minigame players compete in (a minigame begins every time all four players complete their turn). If all the play- ers wind up on a blue space, they engage in a four-on-four minigame. If one lands on a red space while everyone else is on blue, a three-on-one game begins. In the rare instance two players wind up on red and two land on blue, the players pair off in a two-on-two minigame. Finally, if a player

K's A!

Mario Party’s 50 minigames are extremely cool, sure, but we can only wonder at the damaging effects

they’ll have on

stops ona star-shaped space, he or she jumps into a sin- gle-player minigame. Minigame victors win coins, which are often taken from the losers. And players use these coins to buy stars from Toad, who sells them for 20 coins when you pass his spot on the board. The ultimate winner is the player who has collected the most stars at the end of the game.

Toad isn’t your only supply of stars. A ghostly Boo also occupies a spot on every board, and he'll steal another player's star for you if you pay him 50 coins (or he'll steal coins if you pay him 20). Land on the exclamation-point-shaped space and you enter a minigame that lets you try to swipe stars or coins from other players. But it's not just other contestants you have to worry about. Stop in front of Bowser (who swaps places with Toad when someone

your poor joypad. After all, several games such as the fishing derby and ghost bicycle race —have you wiggling your Analog Stick in 360-degree circles like mad, while other games demand furious, Track-and- Field-style button smashing. Still, most minigames require careful timing of your taps and wiggles rather than full-out abusive speed. And we suppose a busted joypad is worth the risk, seeing as how the games

lands on the question-mark space), and you lose 30 coins—or sometimes face even more gruesome conse- quences. There's also a Bowser-shaped piece to worry about, although its effects are far more unpredictable (but rarely ben- eficial to your coin supply).

More stars are doled out when the game reaches its conclusion. The character who won the most coins from minigames earns a star. Another star goes to the player who collected the most coins overall. And a third star is bestowed on the character who landed on the question- mark blocks more times than anyone else. These stars are added to the number of stars characters nab from Toad and the Boo during the game, and the player with the most stars wins and is named

the Mario Party Superstar. In the case of a tie, the player

are so much fun and come in such a kick-ass variety.

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through five continents with extreme prejudice. And a grenade launcher.

Lay Blaze India апа A London, Antarctica, Area 51 or the South Pacific.

Enjoy international diplomatic immunity. ||; + with a set of 9mm’s as your passport.

[Estilos la of high-res mercilessness.

with the most coins wins.

Right, so it all sounds good on paper, but is Mario Party really fun? Absolutely. When we first heard about the game, we were a little concerned that the minigames would be too sim- ple and get old quickly. Then we got our | japanese copy, and we played this thing | way more than we needed for an eight- page feature. The minigames, which have you doing everything from racing to fishing to deep-sea diving, are all so var- ied that they never really get boring. The board layouts nearly always ensure a close game. And above all, there’s just something really cool about a Mario- themed virtual board game. The charac- ters are well rendered, with quips, grunts and other sounds taken mostly from Mario Kart 64. Mario Party is simply the perfect game to bust out anytime you have a

Pk dyer Games

Bowser Abuse

` Got no friends? No worries. Mario Party packs a single-player board for solo play.

gathering of gamers.

Right, but what if you're a friendless

Cannonball Tightrope

One player walks a tightrope while the other three try to blast him into the drink with cannonballs.

Teeter Flower

The Big Crane Game


Bx 28r


Aim the crane, drop it on a coin or character, then tap A to latch on. Grabbed players can tap A to shake loose.

The player on the flower has first dibs on the coins, but the three below can nab the falling sloppy seconds.

who must avoid the

All-Stars Bowling Pipe Dream

Remember the layout of the pipes and drop the chest so it lands on your character and not the other three.

One player rolls and guides the shell down the lane while the other three hop to get out of the way,


One player guides Bowser,

squeaky hammers of the other three characters.

Mario-Eating Plant

One character flees the

marauding plant, while the other three ride a cloud and egg the plant on.

loser (or, more likely, you’re not too keen on plunking down cash for a multiplayer- only game)? What does Mario Party offer gamers seeking a solo-player experience? Enough. From the Main Menu in Toadstool Village you can choose the Minigame Island solo adventure. Here, you're faced with what looks like another board game, but it's actually a winding map that has you taking on all 5o minigames in a level- by-level style similar to the old-school Super Mario games. Sections of the map are divided into worlds, and each world contains five or more minigames, which always have you competing against CPU- controlled opponents.

For every game you beat, you earn an extra life—as well as some gold coins. Collect 100 coins and you earn another life. (Oh, and in a gameplay strategy remi- niscent of the Super Mario side-scrollers,

The player with the hammer smashes blocks for coins.

The other three move faster and can snatch up the loot.

River Wild


Using 360-degree twirls of the stick, you try to row your opponents into the spear-wielders on shore.

Bowser Tug-o-War


Another game that requires 360-degree joypad swirls, this one ends with one side falling in the canyon.

you can always go back and replay easier minigames to col- lect coins and earn more lives for the trickier games that lie ahead.) You'll also find save points between each world.

This one-player game is fun for what it is, but the real perk here is that it offers lots of practice with all 50 minigames. Beat the one-player game and you should have no problem whupping Mario Party newbies when you jump back to the four-player mode.

And, of course, you can always play one of the six regu- lar board games by yourself. Sure, playing with three CPU opponents isn’t nearly as fun as hosting a full-blown, four-player Mario party, but the computer characters can be pretty savvy. Besides, playing solo is an easy way to amass stars and coins. Toadstool Village’s bank keeps track of all your winnings from the board games, and you can use these collected stars and coins to purchase the goodies described in the next section.

OK, here’s where we get into some potential spoilers, so we'll keep this bit a little vague. Suffice to say, you can use your saved coins to buy some pretty funky items from the Toadstool Village shop. For instance, you can purchase a record that lets you hear all the music in the game, or you can buy the bird who mimics the voic- es of the characters. You can even save up for power-ups you can wield during the board games.

Mario Party gives you a quick way to

earn coins in

the form of another multi-

player board called Minigame Stadium. This simple, scaled-down playfield has players competing solely for coins instead of stars, and it lacks some of the fancier play spaces such as the Bowser head, exclamation point and question mark. You can also set the turn limit to as few as 10 turns. Minigame Stadium thus delivers all the minigame fun of the six regular boards without you having to worry about dealing with Bowser and Toad. This board is ideal for when you just want a fairly quick, no-fuss multiplayer game that'll help

One-Two Race


In this two-on-two b-ball minigame, the first team to slam dunk into the Bowser head wins,

Players press their sticks in a rhythmic left-then-right pattern to keep moving. A false step stops you cold.

applies breaks.

One player controls the mine car’s speed, while the other leans into turns and

build your bank account. Still, you’re not gonna want to neglect the six regu- lar board games—mainly for the stars you win from them. All we'll say is something special happens when you col- lect 100 stars. Aside from power-ups and options, you can also purchase the minigames themselves. Once you play a minigame in the one-player Minigame Island game, it becomes available to buy at the minigame shop. Not all games

Bobsled Racin’

Pairing up in teams of two, the four players race the same icy course from Super Mario 64’s snow level.

Deep-Sea Diving

Two players dive to the lim- its of their air supply, seek- ing sunken chests. The other two drive the boats.

Leaning Towers

Guide the direction of the toppling towers’ fall by standing near the edge, then leaping to safety.

Mix And Maten

Butt-stomp the question marks to uncover matching squares. Hurry though—you don’t have much time.

Hidden Spikes


Stomp flat-topped stakes, but avoid the pointy ones or you'll hurt your bum. The

Pedal Power

Twirl your Analog Stick like mad to generate power for the lightbulb and destroy

the big Boo with pure light.

Power-up sists

Smash the exclamation block to stop the slot

machine on matching icons.

Win lots of coins here.

Ghost Guessing Game

Which Boo hides the chest? Look closely as they circle you. The one who turns a bit faster holds your prize.

A koopa hides his coin under a shell then shuffles all four around. Pay atten- tion to where it winds up.

Mario Limbo

Tap A to move forward and bend backward to clear the poles. Lean back too far and you fall.


Plants pop up and you have a limited time to butt-stomp 'em. Try to bounce on multi- ple plants without falling.

Chop the tower down to size by kicking away the crates, then nab the chest. Avoid the stone blocks.

butterflies make this tricky.

cost the same, and the best ones can get pretty expensive, but once you buy a game, you can tweak its options and play it as often as you want by yourself or with other players. The minigame shop also gives you the opportu- nity to practice games you don’t own, although they cost 10

coins per try. After you purchase a game, it gets checked off in a special minigame roster. Your eventual goal here is to pur- chase all the games and thus have them all checked off in the roster.

Although мете not ready to review Mario Party just yet, we will say it’s a game that delivers on many levels. (And it’s already done well in Japan, selling 150,000 copies the first week of its release, by the way.) At its heart, Mario Party is a fantastic four-player experience that could very well inspire similar titles featuring franchise characters—not to mention give you and your pals something else to play besides GoldenEye, Mario Kart 64 and Turok 2. Better still, the game's one-player mode and tremendous selec- tion of secrets and odd little features will keep you partyin’ even after everyone has gone home or passed out in their punch. @


Mario Party packs six differ- ent multiplayer boards—each one tailored to a particular character (oh, and there’s also a scaled-down playfield called Minigame Stadium, which lacks most of the specialized spaces shown here). Examine the periphery of each board and you'll see plenty of other characters from Mario’s world. Look for man-eating plants, colored Yoshis, etc.

More importantly, a few characters stand alongside

certain spaces and affect the 6 gameplay. We’ve mapped out

Donkey Kong’s Jungle сүтті Sun? Adventure board to show how = ЕИ each of these characters and 65

their spaces can either launch you into the lead or drop you to last place. And note that while the six boards offer unique layouts and obstacles, these character spaces are found on all of them. The char- acters always ensure a close game—even if certain players suck at the minigames.

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anticipated Perfect Dark, which increasingly appears to be a game that takes everything cool about GoldenEye’s game- play and adds every clever idea you could possibly think of. Then there’s the long-await- ed (and oft-rumored to be can- celed) Twelve Tales: Conker 64, Banjo-Tooie and finally the big surprise that wasn’t really a big surprise—Donkey Kong 64. We've all been gossiping about the possibility of this for some considerable time now, and it seems that Nintendo is encouraging a repeat perfor- mance with the DK franchise. After convincing everyone that the Super NES still had juice left in the tank with Donkey Kong Country, it seems that the N64 is to get the same treatment—and it's safe to assume that it could be some- thing special. Miyamoto recently stated in an interview with EGM that “Mario used about бо percent of the N64’s power, whereas Zelda probably uses 9o percent of the technol- ogy. There is definitely room for more.” If Rare is indeed pulling all the stops out, we could be in for something pret- ty special.

On the third-party front,

Nintendo is keen to make a big noise about the franchises it has attracted. Pulling up soon we'll see Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, a port of the highly acclaimed PC real-time strate- gy game StarCraft, Acclaim's incredible-looking Shadowman and Boss Games’ racer Boss Rally (previously known as

GT World Tour). These games are all either big-name fran- chises or are being pushed based on their pedigree. There’s a very high chance that the previously noted “quality over quantity” philosophy for N64 publishing is more арраг- ent than ever.

The only question has to be, is it all a bit too late? If indeed Zelda (along with Turok 2 and Rogue Squadron) did attract a large audience back to the N64, can Nintendo sustain the positive vibe for a whole year? If the releases of the big titles manage to filter through the year with some regularity, then it could remain the “enthusi- ast” machine of choice. Die- hard fans of Nintendo will no doubt be seething and spitting blood at the very idea of this question, but it has to be said that gaming as an entertain- ment form has changed. The

Smash Brothers

Os "©З



“78 Twelve Tales: Conker 64

PlayStation has opened things up as a more mainstream entertainment form and Nintendo has continued to simply plod along with only disparate “blips” of interest (even if they are huge blips). Without Game Boy to keep things ticking along nicely, you'd have to question where things were heading. For the future, it’s clear that anew k machine is looming. Amid the

specula- tion, rumor and hype we have learned a number of interesting tid- bits that point toa new sys- tem

launch in 2000. First, we have heard that an early “work-in-progress” system exists and that there is currently one game up and running on it. Rumor has it that high-profile developers are slowly but surely traveling out to Japan to take a look at the thing, while other teams are currently being pieced together with an eye simply

to work on development. As we revealed іп EGM #109 Nintendo has again partnered _

with Silicon Graphics to work on the chipset for the machine, along with 3D specialists ArtX. When questioned last year, Nintendo of America chairman Howard Lincoln said, “They [ArtX] are our partner in the next-generation product. ArtX is a small, Silicon Valley-based company that we think has some of the best 3D graphics engineers in the world.” Also concerning future plans for a new system, he stated in the same interview, “1 think there's a high probability that the next system we do will not be car- tridge-based.” Also, indica- tions seem to be that Nintendo’s next major Space World event in Japan has been delayed until May 1999 so that an announce- ment can be made concerning the new machine.

So is 1999 the year

Nintendo gets it right? From the indi- cations so far, it’s obvious

that they know what can be exploited, they know what people want —and that is

what is being delivered. With luck, N64 owners can look for- ward to a steady supply of high- quality games—hopeful- ly without the deluge of extremely inferior products that seem to have slipped through the third-party cracks throughout 1998.

Taking a look at the proposed release list for the year, it’s apparent that the company has practically asset stripped itself when it

comes to intellectual properties.

if you

don't tT LIV she

~ ~


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out: Alive and very dead. And there are plenty of hideous creatures in your way who 4

are voting for dead. One thing's for sure, survival isn't pretty. OR DIE TRYING

Plunge into the bizarre 3-0 worlds of + Make your way through 8 intricate * 0.07. is an intense action adventure ° Confront your own mortality with 001. It's part magic, part mayhem. levels and more than 70 treacherous game that lets you choose from four endless fighting combinations, including sectors. characters Lt. Ike Hawkins, Julia hand-to-hand, weapon or spell combat.

Chase, Maxx Havoc and Solaar with different strengths, abilities and special moves.

(сму 126

: 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0

Review Crew Scores

Review Crew Scores

You can’t really

deny that T2 is

one of the best- There are some fooking games weird grunts and on the N64, groans, but most especially with impressive is the 4Mb Pak. the sound of the Unfortunately, Cerebral Bore the trade-off for chasing you

all that around, followed definition is by the nasty some terrible cracking of bone Slowdown in the and tearing of four-player flesh. Hmm. mode. Yummy.


Take your pick: Play it with the original Turok settings, or plump for the oft-preferred GoldenEye approach. It's slick, it works, it's as good as you're going to get with that joypad.


Like the single-

player game, the


агепаѕ һауе а

tendency to sprawl a bit. There are some truly inspired areas-but a

number of the

levels try to he a bit too

clever and there

are too many places to get totally trapped.

Level Design

It may be more an N64 veteran but GoldenEye has the balance just right. The design is

impeccable and it's still arguably the best multiplayer action game on the system.

They're both classy 3D shooters for the N64, and they'd be easy to compare on just about any level—but how do they square up when it comes to multiplayer? Can Turok 2 topple the aging classic?

There may be some unique fantasy weapons, but more often than not they're more flash than they're worth. The Assault Rifle and Tek Bow are the only worthy multi- player weapons, making the choice seem a bit stifled.


The standard Deathmatch Mode is what you'd expect, while the Frag Tag Mode is a giggle for a while, especially if you have someone like Crispin yelling, “Get the @$@!їп' monkey!” at the top of his lungs throughout the whole game, Co- op play gets our vote for the most fun, though. And for causing fights.

Play Modes

Eleven characters each offer different stats for health, speed and recovery and the majority have some kind of special ability. Quite a few of them seem to

be doubled up, though, with just the textures being a bit different.

There's а big list of cheats that fills a screen, but they're mostly silly. There are all the obvious ones- but “frooty stripes”? Hmm. Still, once you've got everything it can make things a bit cooler.


The Winner Is...

Current Favorites Crispin Boyer

Zelda: Link s Awakening Cris spent his holiday break with his folks in Boone, N.C., which is Castlevania

ан about as far from civilization as you can get without moving to the Civilization ul moon. When he wasn't chopping firewood and killing animals for Mario Party food and pelts, Cris tried to turn his younger brother, Max, on to the Favorite Genres: multiplayer wonders of Hot Shots Golf. Max, no fan of golf games, RPGs, Action wasn't impressed, so they played Point Blank till their fingers bled.

John Davison

Returning to his native land for the holidays, Johnny England spent a week trying to convince Mrs. England to put down the Game Boy Color so they could actually go out and do something. Upon achieving this he traveled to London, met old chums, drank in excess of a gallon of à Е beer and then perfected the art of the technicolor yawn іп an Italian Favorite Genres: restaurant at 1 a.m. A jolly good time was had by all. Action, Adventure

Current Favorites Dean Hager nm 99 's Bait Traveling to Maine to visit family over the holidays gave Dean time ШАП al 99 to think about his new year's resolutions. He's kept them simple

АА a i199 and well within reach. “Why set yourself up for failure,” he says. His NCAA Footbal goals include: playing at least two RPGs (including Zelda, of course), Favorite Genres: using the analog stick for all sports games, and becoming the champ Sports, Racing at Madden and GameDay. And finally, growing a giant white-man afro.

Current Favorites Zelda: Ocarina of Time Shoe did nothing over Christmas...that is, nothing besides play Zelda: Link's Awakening Castlevania, Zelda DX and Civilization II over and over (all іп the name ОРША of work, of course). Otherwise, it was a fairly uneventful week for him. ТП! He did get Xenogears as a Christmas gift, but we guarantee he'll never Š 5 get around to playing it. After all, signing on as an EGM editor pretty Favorite Genres: much means the death of any free time outside of work... Strategy, Puzzle

Current Favorites John Ricciardi l Awakening John had an eventful holiday, for sure. 0n his little two-week ае: si adventure out to New York he managed to spend time with his Platinum Awards go to games that Street Fighter Alpha 3 onm SIRE Tern та get four 10's, the best possible Mario Party family, hit the Letterman show with his pal Parisi, chill with his boy

review a game can qe: (and EGM contributor) James "Milkman" Mielke at his bar in NYC,

9 ger Favorite Genres: kick the new year off in style with a bunch of his friends and then RPGs, Action escape to Vermont for a few days with a "special" someone (hmm....). Gold Awards go to games whose

average score equals 9.0 or higher.

Games that average at least an 8.0 т s receive Silver Awards. ia Shawn Smith Current Favorites

OUR PHILOSOPHY у A Ahhh, the patented EGM Holiday Break. Shawn remembers it well. anta

What did he do with his time off? Well, first he drove about 40 minutes EAIN EAO Py AE 3 to where he used to live, just south of the EGM offices. Then he par- Snowboard Kids 2 EGM rates games based on how they б took in family festivities with much food, chalices of ale, merry song 5 > compare with other titles on the same š and thoughts of the impending EGM deadline right after the break. Favorite Genres: System. The highest score we'll give a Santa brought clothes, books and a freaking bread machine! Action, Adventure game is a 10. When a game receives a

10, you can rest assured it's one of the

best games ever made-a revolutionary

title that truly stands above everything

else in its genre for its time. At the other š

end of the spectrum sits the lowest score Current Favorites

a game can receive: a 1.0. This is the kind aes Fronter Alpha 3 Sushi is a good ninja, so he visited his family over the holidays. Well,

of game you want to avoid at all costs. It's PERS Au maybe not all that good, since he split his time between playing

pure crap, as our scale (above) explains. Sonic Adventure Dreamcast, GB Color and Zelda: Ocarina of Time over and over and In the middle lies the average grade, over. He's glad the NBA lockout is over and has started playing Live

5.0. We repeat: 5.0 IS AN AVERAGE Favorite Genres; 99 again against archnemesis, or as he would say, “whipping boy". GRADE. Simple, ain't it? Fighting, RPGs Ricciardi. “Both on and off court, | own him," says the b-ballin’ ninja.


pu 2 STATUS 6009

While I'm sad to see the 2D side-scrolling days of this series go bye-bye, the high quali- ty of this title makes the transition to 3D an easy one. М6475 Castlevania may disappoint some of you (without regard to the 2D/3D thing). Unlike Symphony of the Night, it is lighter on combat and collecting items; the emphasis instead is placed on 3D platform gameplay. The result? This Castlevania plays more like a gothic mix of Tomb Raider and Mario 64 than...well, Castlevania. Is that necessarily bad? As you can tell by my score, no. Castlevania is a work of art. Many people may dismiss it fairly quickly, as the first few stages are fairly boring. But trust me when | say the game gets really good after the first few hours. Once you get into the main castle, you'll find huge, sprawling levels with great, original gameplay ideas sprinkled through- out. All this goodness, however, doesn’t come without several catches. A lack of a map:hürts in.some areas. The camera angles are really shabby as well. But worst is the jumping around/platform part of the game— you will miss jumps, you will fall to your death, you will curse Konami over and over. Despite these frustrating moments, | still found myself glued to my М64. Castlevania just offers so muchasineluding a second char- acter's quest with new stages! Dan

Castlevania turned out to be a surprisingly satisfying 3D'adventure/platform hybrid that packs great graphics, an awesome story and challenging (though at times frustrating) gameplay. It starts off slow, but things pick

up steadily as you progress. | like the fact

that each character has exclusive stages, making,it worthwhile to play through more thanjonce. 15 it as good as SotN? Мо БИ it’s still an overall great game. John R

For the first 30 minutes or so, you'd be forgiv- enfor dismissing Castlevania as another crappy 3D action/platformer. Stick with it for longer, though, and it reveals itself to be an atmospheric and superbly designed adven- ture that seems to increase in quality the further you progress. Sure the combatis a

bit tedious and repetitive, but the puzzles are extremely imaginative and, there’s plenty of variety for fans of the series. John D

Three words best sum up this game: It gets better. After a dull first few levels, Castlevania delivers atmospheric, massive environments and clever puzzles that are challenging but never to the point of frustration. The adven- ture itself is satisfyingly long (especially since you can see new stuff when you replay with the other character). The animation and music are fantasticzlonly wish | didn't have to fight the camera so much.

ET CY] Jo Jaquinn

3ISnI ‘иЗіѕәд әшео) ѕѕү-үэту EN ES


еләшез Кејдашео шлојзеја SuryexjsnaJ :әлпуеәу 3510M

The original Snowboard Kids was ап odd but endearing game, and this sequel follows closely in its footsteps, making it almost as likeable. It offers a few gameplay tweaks— multiple flips and spins are easier to pull off, and you're no longer knocked to the ground if you try to pick up a power-up you can’t afford. Otherwise, SK2 looks and plays much like the first game—which is fine, since con- trol is as tight and intuitive as ever. The graphics are about the same quality (although multiplayer is a little choppier), and the music is still as catchy. You do get a few more courses, and nearly all the tracks here are well designed. The race environ- ments are a little more imaginative this time around, with tracks winding underwater, down waterfalls and through outer space. The one-player Story Mode has been spiced up quite a bit. Taking a cue from Diddy Kong Racing, the game has you racing bosses on three of the tracks. A Paperboy-style minigame has been added, as ме as а speed couirse, along with a speed track simi- lar to that of the first game. Despite all this, the game just doesn’t seem like a big enough improvement over the original. The charac- ters and their story lines are even more annoying, and it stillitakes too long to build up speed after you wipe out. Cris 7 іп

| really enjoyed the first Snowboard Kids, and I'm'Rappy to Say part two is just'as fun, despite its lack of new features. This game has something for everyone: stunt and speed tracks for snowboarding fans, cute and inno- cent gameplay for kids, and addictive single and multiplayer racing action that is as fun as anything Mario Kart 64 ог DK Racing has to offer. The new courses are nice, but a few new ideas would've been nicer. Dan

If you were a fan of the original Snowboard Kids, chances are pretty good you'll like the sequel. The game engine is exactly the same, but there’s a bit more of everything—more courses, more boarders, more power-ups

and more story. There’s a good amount of challenge, too. It's definitely more of a Mario Kart-esque party-style racer Би 5 not quite as fun. Still, it's ап all-around good»sequel, and ап excellent four-player game. John R

Snowboard Kids 2 sports some nice graph- ics—much better than those in the original. Problem is, the graphics make for some slow- down in the multiplayer modes—even in two- player! Fortunately, this sequel retains the same fun and addictive qualities of the first game, both in the single and the multiplayer modes. | also like how offensiveand defen- sive tactics play such an active rolesthrough- out the races in each mode of play. Shawn

y-1 :s1əKe]d JO A2quinN

səsıno) |00) :21n3ea4 3598


saəpesey) Su!Aouuy :o1n3e24 3510M


L adi. ші


PU Publisher: Eidos

Featured In: EGM #113

You'd be forgiven for having the initial reac- tion of "ugh...it's just like Pitfall 3D," but despite the superficial similarities, once you've played Akuji for a while you'll realize that it's actually pretty enjoyable. Its Gex roots are perfectly visible for all to see. While the voodoo-inspired graphics are all very dark, moody and distinctive, the "feel" of the Gex engine shines in the way the camera sys- tem is employed. Run around and play the thing like a platform game until you can't see what's going on—and then tap the camera button to line things up behind the hero. Not perfect, but as good a method of handling it as we've seen elsewhere. As far as gameplay mechanics go, it's clear that Akuji has bene- fitted by borrowing ideas from Banjo-Kazooie, Tomb Raider and even the upcoming Gex 3 game from Crystal. There's an elaborate sys- tem of collectables for you to chase around after, and amongst the zapping bad guys with different;spells'and hitting themiwithisome nasty-looking knives, there are some nice moments: It’s not going to win any awards for being overly complex or original...but the system of collecting souls to satisfy the boss- es is effective, and the action stays pretty consistent throughout. It's not.a,particularly tough game-but the:dark look and feel is a welcome change of pace. John D

Out of all the PlayStation 3D action/adven- іше games I’ve come across inthe past year gr so, only a couple can compare with Akuji. This game simply feels good and is a hell of a lot of fun to play. It’s a solid experience thfoughout and doesn’t leave you scratching your head wondering why a particular game- play element wasn’t tweaked or why there were so.many cheap deaths іп a certain area.

| would buy this game for sure. Shawn

In a sea of mundane 3D action/adventure games, Akuji stands tall. It actually looks and feels like Pitfall 3D should have.The environ- ments are not spectacular, but they look fair- ly nice (lots of good lighting). The levels are easy, but interesting enough to keep your attention. The emphasis is on finding items rather than killing multitudes of enemies. The camera is a bit tricky but can be adjusted easily. Overall, Акиј is a solid title. Dean

Being in the shadow of Kain is tough, but Akuji manages to show some personality. Тһе voice acting and overall story,really save

what would normally be a very generic aüventure'game. The graphics are good, but marred by a bad frame-rate and a camera that must constantly be wrangled into sub- mission. | would've liked to see more trans- formations and voodoo-related powers other than projectiles. Good for beginners. Sushi


7 7 6 6

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3de2uo) |еш81л0 :әлпуеәу 3598

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Developer: Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

1 :s3əKe]d JO 4aquiny

8 p.m.: | boot up the PS version of my all-time favorite PC game. 8:01 p.m.: Besides not get- ting to pick a map (no real worlds here, only randomly generated ones), | find out the rest of the options are in. Even the kick-ass music is intact. It's looking good so far. 9 p.m.: My society has now learned how to write and make basic bronze weapons...time to rock. But where's the little box that shows how close you are to completing a unit or build- ing? What a silly little oversight by the devel- opers. And what's up with the instant advice? It isn't very helpful. Why is it telling me | should build a temple to make my people content, when they are already content?

11 p.m.: I’m getting further іп the game. All the marvelous and epic gameplay from the PC title is obviously intact (but if you own the PC version, you have zero reason to get this one...it's the exact same game, only without the mouse controls). I’ve discovered gunpow- der.atid myimusketeers аге такій their way toward my enemies to the south. Awesome. 4:30 a.m.: I'm getting tired, but | need to keep sending my stealth bombers out on strafing runs. Unfortunately, the Al “thinking” times are getting really long. 8 a.m.: Uh-oh. | have to go to work, But I haven't slept or showered... Ah, maybe Ill take a сісісбау. and go to sleep now. Sure, just after a few more turns... Dan

Kel|dəuueo 2103 :aunjeay ysag

This is the perfect evangelist product for this kind of game on consoles. Civ №5 revered.on the PC for many good reasons, and this port to the PS is pretty much perfect. It may not

have much superficial glitz or eye-candy, but the gameplay is absorbing and addictive and probably has more longevity than any other game on the system. If you've ever wanted to get.into more cerebral strategy gaming, try this. You'll lose days of your life. Јоћп D

Don’t be intimidated by the sizable manual, the/detailed’charts and the words “strategy game.” This is one title most of you won't want to miss. Civ || is grand: You start.out in ancient; primitive times with nothing and advance through the ages until you've learned space flight. Taking a nation through the paces of civilized history issomething you just can't do inyour average video game. Patient gamers should check it out. Crispi

IV 8u07 Kjqe1eaqu :әлпуеәу 3510M

Іт totally exhausted. I’ve played Civilization ІІ every day for this past monthfand | stilliget amazed by the inner complexities of the soci- eties created. | was a moderate fan of the

first game, but the attention to the comput- ers Al 15 so much better now. Your actions have deep impact over the cultures you encounter. It should be said you'll need to invest a lot of time into this game, but your patience will be rewarded. Excellent. Sushi



Developer: Victor Interactive

Contender is to Knockout Kings as NFL Blitz is to Madden NFL 99. It’s a scaled-down ver- sion of essentially the same thing, with a lot more arcade action thrown іп. Problem is, Contender isn’t nearly as enjoyable as NFL Blitz...relatively speaking. It’s somewhere in between NFL Xtreme and NFL Blitz, actually. This is how Contender breaks down for me: Contender isn’t a technical representation of boxing—it doesn’t want to be. This game prides itself on being fun and easy. Problem is, while the game is fun some of the time,

it’s just a little too repetitious for my liking.

I'd say it's because this game doesn't really have a set identity. It’s supposed to be an arcade boxing game but it really plays like a half-rate fighting game with some strategy elements thrown in (since you can't just go to work on your opponent without blocking, ducking and weaving). Hence, fighting a bunch of boxers with a few body and head punehes and га Тем/ defensive tactics їп your arsenal gets stale. In Contender's defense, it has good number of boxers, some interesting Camera viewsšiand a save feature that allows you to save your character and fight your pals. But then, the two-player mode isn't all that fun either. Overall, you can’t.expect

much from ContendersRent it, play through а few circuits and see how you feel; Shawn

T-L :saake}g JO 10qwunN

0}U] 325 ој Aseq :aunjeay 3598

Contender looks and feels more like a traditional fighting game than a boxing, game. The characters are goofy and robotic and don't'look realistic іп any Way. Taking a fighter through the ranks is really fun even if itis a little easy at first. It'd be nice if there were more punches available, but having the super punches is cool. Overall it’s enjoyable as а lighthearted contest, but realboxing fans should stay with Knockout Kings. Dean

Ке|дәшех) snonnədəy] :әлпзеәј ELIT

While EA’s Knockout Kings is more of a slow- paced, realistic boxing sim, Contender is. geared more toward fans of adrenaline- pumping knock your opponent's teeth out” excitement. Which do | prefer? Contender,

but not by much. Even though | appreciate KK's attention to detail, I'd rather enjoy quick, precise action-packed gameplay. The one- player game is a bit on the easy side, though. Real boxing fans should stick to кк. John R

| love fighting games, but as with EA's more sim-like Knockout Kings, | found/Contender to lack that special something that makes it fun. To be completely honest | just found the thing quite spectacularly boring. | know there’s strategy to the timing of punches but) just couldn't get used to the sluggish nature

of-the:controls. It all seems terribly robotic and monotonous. An odd choice of signing

from SCEA. John D

шо»'поцез5 о ФМММ


3:50pm ТӨР 10 Ç ||

ӨК АБЕУ 1.001.

Developer: KCE Osaka

It’s interesting that “fishing” has become a specific game genre. It’s not a novelty any- more—people are buying these things. Anyway, as you know if you read the preview, FB is currently a popular coin-op game in Japan. The reason it works in the arcade is the same for this PlayStation version—the challenge of the time limit and the insatiable quest for bigger and better game fish. The focus of this title is not on the serene waters and relaxing atmosphere, as other fishing games have tried. Instead, the objective is to land as many game fish (Large Mouth Bass) as you can in the time limit. It’s actually quite exciting. The rod mechanics have been well represented by the analog controller. You rotate one stick for the reel while the other is for rod placement. Trying to land a “lunker” is the pinnacle of excitement. Heavier fish will push the line and tackle to their limits. While it seems simple, actually becoming good requires knowledge of weather condi- tions, fish feeding habits and the proper lures to use. You сап most efficiently Use your knowledge in Tournament Mode, But tWo- players. Mode is by far the most entertain- ing way to play. Both players appear on the same screen fishing side by side. We had a blast playing this wayslf you're looking for a fun fishing game to buy, this is it. Dean

| would never have guessed in a million years that Id actually enjoy a fishing вате, but Fisherman's Bait works ме Бесаџзе of its) simplistic; arcade-type action. Anyone сап pick it up and start fishing in a matter of moments. Two-player FB is more fun, because it adds а little competition. This isn’t the type of game that will keep you “hooked” for hours or days on end, but it shouldybe fun to pick up once in a while. Dan

Hmm...you could tell me that this was the

best fishing game in the world айа it proba- bly wouldn't matter. It certainly looks very nice (the fish look very...um, ffishy”) and it has а certáin:oddly relaxing quality about it— but it’s definitely something for a niche audi- ence. Most people who like fishing are Standing up to their armpits in a river some- where already, aren’t they? The two-player game is oddly compelling, though. John D

FB brings back memories from my childhood, which may be why | like this gáme so much. | think there's more to it, though. Unlike most other fishing games, FB truly captures what it’s Пкело spend a day at the lake, thanks to some fancy rumbling, simple but effective analog control and a solid fishing system. No, the graphics aren’t all that impressive (except for the 3D fish themselves), but fora fishing game this one is a definite keeper Shawn

1-1 :s3əKe]d JO 1aqwunN

apow 4əKe]d-oMl :әлпуеә4 1səg

Клезиәшшозл) 22104 :әлпдеәҹ 3510M

Wo "1WeUOy MMM


Developer: TV Tokyo/Pony Canyon

I'm afraid the general gaming public can do without another average snowboarding game—which is exactly what Freestyle Boardin’ ’99 is. So that about wraps it up. Oh, you want an explanation? Of course. First, the graphics just don’t cut it. We're talking first- or second-generation stylings here. They're just unacceptable. Maybe if the gameplay was stronger and the control more intuitive, the game's substandard graphics wouldn't matter so much, but that's not the case. Take Steep Slope Sliders on the Saturn, for exam- ple (yes, I'm making a cross-platform compar- ison). Steep Slope Sliders pretty much looked like crap in the grand scheme of things, but the game had an incredible feel. It was ridicu- lously fun to play, and as smooth as Barry White's lyrics to control. So ultimately it was. a good snowboarding game. Ah, but this is far from the case in Freestyle Boardin'. The biggest problem is the unintuitive control. Why 125,50 һага to land in this game 15 beyond me. | thought at some point it would become clear. “Oh | just have to hit the X but- (опа еп landing” or something. Nope. Nothing like that. | would just flip end over end after a trick and bale, or land perfectly without trying. It seemed random sometimes. Overall, | can't figureroutwhy you'd. want to buy this опе. It’s a rental àt best. Shawn

TL stake} JO 33quunN

$aS4NO} JO Jaquinw :әлпдеәј 3598

Where can | possibly start? It’s another one of.those frickin’ snowboarding games, isn't it? Another tedious knock-offijob trying to capitalize оп the popularity of the sport. Only Freestyle Boardin' '99 is slow as hell—so it's not very exciting, and the graphics are chop- py and scruffy at best. It may have a variety Ofwacing styles and tricks, but you can get that from/any of the other.three zillion snow- boarding games out there. John D

At first | thought it was nice that landing tricks was so challenging. Тһе became very annoying. There doesn't seem to be a set technique, other than luck. That's my main complaint— otherwise FB 99 breaks по new ground in the genre whatsoever. Same ol’, same ol’. Rad boarders, halfpipe, slalom, jumpyitwo-player race, etc. It's functional and slightly fun, but it offers nothing thatisn’t done better in Cool Boarders з. Dean

əuue9 Зшрлеодмоиб әЗеләлу хәцзоиү :a1n3e24 3510M

Yep, it’s yet another snowboarding game, and this onespacks everything I’ve come to expect from this tired, overcrowded genre. You get the generic high-energy music, the lame altetna-dude announcer, adequate but not stellar graphics and lots of courses. The tricks themselves are really easy to initiate but frustratingly difficult to land. The only novel thing is your ábility.to earn experience points and build your skills. Cris pin

шо»'шозде MMM

Developer: EA Canada

EA has taken big strides in improving their basketball lineup. Granted, March Madness 99 is nowhere near as innovative as NBA Live 99, but its TV-style presentation and fresh animation offer an interesting twist to the somewhat stagnant genre. While MM 99 is not as exciting as Final Four 99, it is techni- cally better as well as much nicer looking. This is not a *hold-down-Turbo-and-jam" basketball game. In fact, if you can bust the lane and dunk more than four times a game, you're doing well. This one requires strategy. Setting up plays as you drive down court, using icon passing to take advantage of the open man in the post, etc. Plus, lots of fake shooting and passing to draw defenders

away from the ball is key. In short, it's the way a basketball game should be played. A few things bug me, though. Switching to the player nearest the ball doesn't work very

well. It's quite sluggish actually. Speaking of sluggishythe frame-rate is tog/slow'and'at times jerky. Plus it'd be nice to a have a sea- son mode rather than the somewhat confus- ing Dynasty.Mode. In short ММ 99 is on ће tight track but doesn't quite hit the mark. The slow gameplay really brings it down, espe- cially for multiplayer. It's still а competent title, but you may мап то. rent it along with Final Four 99 to make your own call. Dean

8-1 :51әЛе]д JO 19quinN

uonewiuy 21351]еәу :елпје24 1524

Even though I much prefer college football to college basketball, | still had High hopesfor this one. Pm glad to report that on almost all counts, March Madness 99 delivers big-time. 125 got everything a sim fan could wish for: a great presentation and atmosphere, plus plenty of options. So why the 7.0 score? The game suffers from sloppy control (especially analog) and a poor frame-rate. If you can get past this, MM 99 is excellent. John R

ayey-auresy ц188п| :алпјеа4 3510M

Staying true to the whole simulation style of play EAds khown for, March Madness 99 is a pretty basketball game with solid play for the college b-ball fanatic who's into realistic moves and'stats. Problem is, outside of the gameplay, these nice-looking graphics make for some unacceptable slowdown. And if there's one thing you don’t мапи та fast- paced game of hoops, it's slowdown: Overall,

it's good but | prefer Final Four. Shawn

March Madness is so close to being the game | wanted, it hurts. Simple gameplay and deep, deep coaching options are the highlights. | can't tell,you how cool it isto set individual rebound aggressiveness and inbounding plays. EA has thought of everything —except for fluidity. The frame-rate is just bad and is tough to deal with when coupled with the slow game зрееа Рор іп Final Foumand then play ММ and you'll see what mean. Sushi

wo>'sjiodsea mmm

Developer: Capcom

I'm a pretty big fan of Capcom’s Vs. series, despite the fact that it centers mostly on flashy graphics and exaggerated, “spazzy” play (which seems to offend Street Fighter purists, for some strange reason). Even though X-Men vs. Street Fighter was a major dud on the PS, Capcom has bounced back nicely with Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. Still, it’s hardly perfect. You still can’t play regular 2-on-2 tag team matches like the arcade game (which sucks), but it’s not like that wasn’t expected. The PS simply can’t handle it. What's nice is that Capcom went out of their way to make up for this by includ- ing two extra modes of play (Hero Battle and Cross Over), as well as some other little extras. In Cross Over Mode, you can actually play tag-team matches so long as both teams choose the same two fighters—a nice feature that was in XMvSF, but hidden. As far as graphics and animation go, MSHvSF looks sürprisingly'good, and the massive slowdown that plagued XMvSF has been greatly reduced. This is thé best thing about MSHvSF, because it actually makes the game playable, even if it isn’t exactly like the arcade. The whole game just seems much more polished. | do wish there Was an option to turn off super cancels, though, but oh мен Њуои liked XMvSF, you should definitely check this out. John R

T-L suakeyd JO әдип

ASAWX чеці 3104 49339g YN :әлпуеәу seg

“| don't expect an arcade-exact, character- swapping, animation-perfect translation. | just want a good ol’ 2D fighter with a lot of flash." If. you stick with this philosophy, you'll enjoy any of Capcom's PS Vs. games. While | consider MSH vs. SF to be merely a rest stop on my way to Marvel vs. Capcom, it's Still ah enjoyable title in its own wayaThankfully, the slowdown is lessifioticeable and the frame- rate’s improved over X-Men vs. SF. Dan

1135 :әлпзеәј 3540M

These Capcom Vs. games will never be arcáde-perfect.on the PlayStation, but they, do seem to be getting better. Marvel vs. SF has fasten graphics and plenty more play modes than the disappointing X-Men vs. SF. There's more than enough stuff here to keep two players busy for a long time. Above all, the flashy, easy gameplay is just plain fun. Still, you:may want.to wait for the truly excel- lent Street Fighter Alpha 3. Crispin

Кеја weay Sey „anag, Bussy

While | wasn’t crazy about the Vs. fighting thing, it's starting to grow on me. Capcom is starting to nail 2D fighters on the PS, and

the action is almost perfect: Big characters like the/Hulk and Blackheart don’t play as, well as the smaller guys, bU ES acceptable. The Cross Over Mode finally allows true vs. action, like the arcade. The Ending Collection and hidden artwork агетпісе incentives for beating the game repeatedly. Sushi

шо»'шозде ммм


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Developer: Blam!

L :5лаће] JO 10quinN

Here’s a game that looks great on paper but in execution it’s just plain awful. The good news is, Monkey Hero is an obvious homage to old-school Zelda: The overworld is covered with blocked regions you can’t breach until you find certain items; instead of hearts you have peaches; you shoot spears instead of arrows; the dungeons are filled with familiar puzzles, etc., etc. And while | think the PlayStation needs more action/RPGs, this one suffers so many annoying flaws it just ain’t worth the frustration. The game’s mix of sprite characters and polygonal environments doesn’t come off right at all. Enemy anima- tion is pathetic, as are most of the anima- tions for the main character. Monkey Hero suffers from slowdown even when there’s hardly any enemies on screen. Collision detection is iffy. Many dungeons and outdoor areas are too dark. Yes, | know graphics aren’t the most important thing in the world, but in MonkeyiHero’s case, the aWfüll%isuals just get in the way of the gameplay. And then you have the bland music and lame, cartoony sound effects (or, rather, lack Of sound effects— most enemies make nary a whimper when they attack you). Underneath all this mess are some clever dungeon puzzles and cool items, but therejust isn't enough here to make the game worthwhile. Cris 1

ерје7 2417 307 V 521 ‘TAM :ә2пеә3 3599

The developers used the old Zeldas as. а model for Monkey Hero, and itshows...sont of. While you can clearly see the Zelda influ- ences—almost blatant rip-offs— this game comes nowhere close to that level of quality. Frankly this game looks, sounds and plays inferior.to many.8-Bit titles. Everything you see here 15 derivative...and done poorly at that. A better gameëngiñe with more thoughtful puzzles 'might’ve helped.

I want to like Monkey Hero for its apparent old-school look and feel. But instead | find myselfifeeling frustrated at the game’s lack- luster gameplay, extremely choppy animation (so much so it affects control), below average graphics and unnecessarily childish sound éffects..l.applaud Blam! for giving Monkey Hero a shot—but the end product just does not live up to today’s standards. Perhaps if the game сате out two years ago... Shawn

uoneuiuy риу ѕ21цело ajquaoH :әлпдеәј 3510

Imagine SNES Zelda without the polished graphics; excellent music or smóoth controls and yoü've pretty much got Monkey Hero. There аге some interesting dungeon puzzles, andithe overall game design is decent (proba- bly because most of it is directly ripped off from Zelda), butsthe execution and presenta- tion need some serious work. Rent it if you're desperate for a Zelda/AlUndraclike action/RPG, but otherwise stay away. өрі

шо»'зашед раје МММ


Developer: Killer Game

| found myself getting totally engrossed in this title. The strange thing is, Final Four 99 has its share of problems but still manages to be fun to play. Problems: Some of the shots you can get away with are just plain stupid. Sometimes players will throw the ball over their head while running away from the hoop and make the shot. Other times shots can be sunk from far behind the glass. And finally, the computer gets too many offensive rebounds. Still, the game can generate a fair amount of excitement. Beyond the cookin’ frame-rate (actually a bit too fast), the maneuvers you have at your disposal are really nice. The auto-guard option is fantas- tic. It allows you to shadow an offensive play- er as long as you have the Triangle button held down. It makes playing defense a whole lot easier. The fake shot is also a nice move. When used, about half the defenders will jump, leaving you with the open shot. For var- iedigameplayithe difficulty |емеј аге Ва|- апсей very well. On Freshman you сап practi- cally sinkeevery shot. Try Senior and quickly come back to earth. Multiplayer is OK but it moves/so fast it prevents you from using real strategy. Bottom line—if you can take the mediocre graphics and the other faults, Final Four 99 is fun to playzit's not anything to go nuts about but it gets the job done. Dean

8-1 :s1əKe|d JO 1едшпм

SƏAON локеја easy :aunjeay 35ә9

Even though Final Four isn’t quite as “smart” as EAS March Madness (the Al/isn't as good, tHe gameplay isn’t as balanced and there aren't as many sim-style options), it looks a lot better and it moves quicker, which ulti- mately makes it more fun to play, The Turbo button is Way too effective, though, and it's actually difficult to miss shots, so if уоште looking fora sim «оп оок here. |Руош want fast-paced fun, however, this (sit. John R

51045 Ase3 Киеуү ool :әлпзеәј зло

989 Studios is good at working with its devel- opers to provide sports titlesthat ћаме ар arcade-like feel. Yeah, maybe these games. have minor flaws in the technical areas but they're easy to play—and more fun for a guy like те. Final Four is no different. The graph- ics aren't exceptional but the speed is up to snuff, and the overall experience is more fun and fluid than March Madness—and that’s

what really matters. Shawn

Final Four is quite a surprise. | thought I'd get a watered-down version of Shoot Out, bütthis is something else. Customizable game speed and smooth action give.it.a big edge over Match Madness. 125 too bad 989 couldn't incorporate a lot of cool coaching options (they really matter in college hoops), because sometimes it all feels:like a dunking contest. That brings down my соге Би it

still gets the nod Бу a small margin. Sushi

шо>501рп5686 MMM

Developer: Irem/Racdym

Anyone who's been playing games since the 8-Bit days surely knows about R-Type. To this day, it still stands as one of the best shooters ever made, even if it has (naturally) become a bit dated in the graphics department. Personally, just being able to own a perfect version of the original R-Type would be more than enough reason for me to purchase R- Types; but also getting the rarely seen 1989 sequel, R-Type II (which has never been port- ed to a home system before), makes the disc that much more worthwhile. Both games are 100 percent identical to the arcade versions, with the exception of new FMV ending sequences that are (unfortunately) pretty lame. There’s also an interesting little feature called R’s Library that allows you to delve deep into the R-Type background story and check out the various ships from the first two games. It’s nothing mindblowing, but fans of the series will appreciate it. Still, despite all thisplimydisappointed that lremididi’tigo the extra mile and include Supef R-Type and the awesome/R-Type III (SNES), or even R-Type Leo (Arcade). How hard would it have been? Anyway, if you're a shooter fan, R-Types will make/a great addition to your library, espe- cially if your main concern lies With great gameplay. But if it'siflash уоште after, you may Want to look Somewhere else. John R

ЕСТІ JO 19quunN

kejdəweg adAı-y 21552) :aınqeay 3598

If you've never played the original R-Type before...shame on you. One of the greatest shooters ever, its intense gameplay and ingenious level design have rarely been rivaled/So snap up this compilation if you've always wanted an arcade-perfect translation (yes, even more perfect than the TurboGrafx version). And R-Type II—although not quite a classic (it just seems cheesy in places) —is certainly a solid shooter, too. Cris D in

Ahhh, this brings back some memories. It's been a while since | last playedsR-Type and to be honest I'd forgotten just how influential a game it was. New shooters may һауе flash polygon graphics, but deep down all the new boys are still aspiring to offer the excellent balance of gameplay found here. Both R- ‘Types plus a DVD-style extra bit with ships: and histories and stuff can't be bad. A classic and very nostalgic Shooter. John D

037 Л 10 ||| ода | ‘adAy-y 1ədn5 oN ED EEG

Being a huge shooter fan and a huge R-Type fan, | must Say this collection isz:disappoint- ing. Don’t get me wrong, R-Type | and аге great games worth owning. Each is great in

its own-right»But I can't help but feel Ascii could've worked in а few more classic R- Types in this two-game “compilation.” On

the other hand, these two are perfect ports of great games. If you can get this disc really cheap, you may not want to pass it up. Dan





Developer: Eidetic

L:saakeyg JO 49quinN

I'm sure many of you are anxiously awaiting to find out what scores we gave this game, especially considering 989 Studios’ recent track record. Well, to be honest I'm going back and forth on Syphon Filter even now as | write this review. On one hand Syphon Filter is a lame attempt at a Metal Gear Solid-type of game. It has several minor but annoying graphical and control glitches, in addition to several examples of cheap deaths. But then on the other hand there are some original areas in many of the game's levels, and an interesting plot twist or two that get you wrapped up in the game's intriguing story. Then | realize Syphon Filter can actually stand on its own two legs without having to rely too heavily on the hype caused by MGS. There are enough cool areas and well-execut- ed ideas in Syphon Filter to pull this out of what could've easily been a nose-dive right into mediocrity. | give Eidetic a lot of credit. It couldn't һауе been easy to make'a game like this—especially considering that it's out not too long after the monumental Metal Gear (Which kkown but never formally reviewed). So if you can overlook the minor problems I've mentioned, you should find you've purchased yourself a nice little title. It’s certainly more interesting than mostipeople thoughtit was going to be. | would buy it. Shawn

3125 үеш8ио) ‘|000 JO 5301 :aunzeay 1səg

At some point this probably seemed like a really good idea. The covert military theme һа5,а lot of Metal Gear about it at first glance, but unfortunately the gameplay. is по те Келића( you'd expect. Imagine Duke: TTK without the good bits and you're pretty much there. Throw in some appallingly Oversensitive controls and ап-едча у over- simplified combat system and you have your- self a fairly mediocre experience. John D

It's not as polished as GoldenEye and it's not asamysterious,as Metal Gear, but SF is defi, niitely worth your time. It's easy to dismiss it оп some merits—one-speed running, no jumping; some goofy-looking animation, etc. But for edge-of-your-seat, sniper-fueled action, SF outshines both MGS and GE. Add to that competent and semi-innovative level designs and the result is a well-rounded, gripping action/adventure game. Dean

dn ppv зец, ѕәцэзцо |үеш$ :әлпуеәу 3540/A

Syphon Filter takes a lot of cool Metal Gear Solid-inspired ideas and crams them intova slick package. It delivers a great story line; lots of weapons; realistic, highly interactive environments; and a rewarding emphasis on stéalth and sniping. The only major downfall is the control. It just isn't precise enough for а game that requires so much aiming and

sneaking: You'll need patience to get used to your characters quirky motion. Cris 1 in

uwo2'so!PN3S686 MMM

Developer: Artech Studios

Let me get this off my chest first: Where the heck is Pat Sajak? Sure Vanna White is a big part of the show, but Pat’s the host for good- ness’ sake. How do you re-create the show without the man with the note cards in his hands? That said, Vanna does manage to do a nice job of pulling double duty as host and letter person. Fairly quick loading full-motion video keeps the show’s personality factor alive. Wheel of Fortune is moderately enjoy- able as a one-player game, but you shouldn’t even consider buying it unless you’re going to play with friends. Hasbro has done a great job so far of translating board game experi- ences to the PlayStation and they can add TV game shows to that list too. Wheel of Fortune has appeared on many previous systems, but this is by far the best one I’ve ever played. There are over 2,000 different puzzles, which makes for very little overlap, but I'd sure like to see an expansion-style disc that contained more puzzles and maybe Pat Sajak: Come. to think of it, [haven't watched the show for a while so maybe he’s not on it anymore? Judging»by the box art and in-game footage, Vanna looks alot older than | remember too. If Hasbro is listening, please find Pat and get him some work. After that, do a version of Family Feud, The PricelisRight and Press Your Luck next...No Whammy, baby! Sushi

ЖЕШ, 4aquinN

зрџома YM Bured :aanjeay 1səg

This game is really tight and functional. | could see how cutting from the wheel to the puzzle to Vanna could be slow, but it’s not. It clicks right along. Even Vanna's FMV.stuff is smooth: The graphics are nothing speciabbut it really doesn’t matter in lightof the superior gameplay. l still don't like the idea of passing one controller around but it'smosbig deal. Multiplayer is great. This is truly a game that will entertain the whole family: Dean

yeles zed ON :әлпзеәј 3510M

What can | say? It’s Wheel of Fortune. It’s a practically perfect video game'translation of the show you may have watched as а kid that only old people watch now; Unlike with Hasbrodnteractive’s Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune isn't littered with Al problems. This game, however, doesn’t make as exciting a party game since only one player goes ata time. The Solo Mode (по other contestants) is a nice touch for you lonely types. Dan

Well, well, another month, another great game show conversion. Like Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune for the PS is an excellent party game and a must-have for fans of the show. The presentation is very nicely done, and the game is just a lot of fun to play. The Solo Mode is пісе too, since it allows you to play a 1P game without having to wait for stupid, slow computer opponents. Multitap support would've been nice; though. John R




Developer: Nintendo

1 :s3əKe]d JO 1едшпм

| pretty much need to tailor this review for two kinds of gamers: those who played the original Game Boy Zelda and those who haven't. If you've never touched the thing, buy the DX version immediately. It delivers an excellent story, superbly designed dungeons and puzzles, the classic Zelda tunes and more than a few gameplay twists that were borrowed by Ocarina of Time. Heck, just as Ocarina of Time is reason enough to own а Nintendo 64, this game is reason enough to own a Game Boy Color. Now, if you played Link’s Awakening years ago, should you buy this colorized update? Yep. Sure, the list of new stuff isn't especially long. You get the new color dungeon, which is actually pretty lame: It’s short, and its puzzles are mostly of the Lights Out, stomp-on-the-floor-tile-to- change-its-color variety. The printer-compati- ble snapshot feature is a cooler perk. Finding all 12 of the hidden photo-opportunities is no easy feat, but you'll easily stumble across four or five of them. And, of course, every- thing looks nice in the sharp color screen. Above all, this is such a great game that it just deserves a replay. And here's an interesting. side note; | have yet to change my GBC's bat- teries, despite playing through Zelda DX's 15- hour-quest and logging lots of Tetris time. The GBC just keeps going and going.

Кејдошео epjaz 3!sse|2 EU EE 3594

Needless to say (but I’m going to say it any- way), the single best Game Boy title on earth just got better. The new color, which by itself justifies the $30 purchase, adds vibrant life to an already fine game. Unlike with Tetris DX, I'd strongly recommend Zelda DX for own- ers of the black and white edition—this game is well worth playing again in color. This re-release will/probably be the best the GB Color will offer for years to come. Dan

It's been five years, and Link's Awakening still reigns supreme as the best Game Boy game available. Be warned, though—aside from the beautiful colorized graphics and а slightly updated ending, Zelda DX isn’t all that differ- ent from the original game. Collecting all 12 photos for the Camera Shop makes for a nice added challenge, but the new dungeon is а total disappointment (too short, too easy). Still, a must-buy for any GBC owner. John R

awe] epuly иоәЗипа MƏN :әлпеәј 3510M

This is the hand-held gaming equivalent of the Star Wars Special Editions, when you think about it. A classic game, which still has no equal, brought up to date to take advan- tage of more modern technology...and with some extra bits, too (new dungeon, Camera Shop, etc.). It's definitely worth buying whether you've played the original or not.

The story is superb, and the gameplay—while simple—is incredibly absorbing. John D

шоу орџојши MMM

@ PlayStation @ Game Boy

О Nintendo.64

Here’s your chance to vent your views on recently released games. If you have something you think needs to be said about either one of our reviews ora game you've recently bought, e-mail.us your thoughts at review: crew@zd.com or write о ш5 at ће following address: EGM Reader Reviews, P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

Reader Reviews

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

What we said:

“Shigeru Miyamoto and the wizards at Nintendo have delivered a truly epic gaming experience that no one should be allowed to miss...Amazing visuals, beautiful music, a superbly crafted story and rock-solid gameplay...The dungeons are masterpieces of level design...Is it the finest game ever made? Quite possibly. Only Miyamoto seems to be able to bring out the kid that lives deep down inside everyone.”

How we rated it: 10 10 10 10

What you said: Without a doubt, Zelda 64 is the BEST game I’ve ever played!!! Nintendo did a great job with EVERY aspect of this game. | hon- estly thought Га get let down with the game, due to my enormous expectations. However, the game succeeded my high standards. The depth is unbelievable, the mood constantly changes at just the right time, and the puzzles are outstand- ing. As far as I’m concerned, Zelda deserves a 10.5 from you guys. Mike J. Schneider goldeneyecodeshq@juno.com

One word describes this game: Amazing!!!!!

(Name Withheld) Stalk1001@aol.com

OK, | was as happy as anyone else that you guys gave a Platinum

Award to Zelda, but | still thought it could have been better in some areas. | mean is it me or does any- one else wish there were more bat- tles? | got a big kick out of fighting Stalfos and those guys with the

huge axes, and | know there are many people out there who did too. Then there are

(cM) 136

the bosses. Don’t get me wrong— they’re cool, but they are so damn easy. I’m not that great of a player or anything but it only took me one try to defeat the last boss, and I never died more than twice on any other boss. Still, Zelda is an awe- some game and is probably one of my best buys, if not the best. Again, I'm glad it got a Platinum Award. Quoc Nguyen soul-savior@juno.com

| don’t understand why this game is being so critically acclaimed. It looks just like Mario 64 (and every other 3D-clone N64 game), and the control is poor (mainly due to the horrible N64 controller). But my biggest complaint...IT’S BORING! Sure, it's a long quest, but who wants to run around with this prod- uct for 100+ hours? Not me! This game follows the same stale mold of every Nintendo-produced game...it’s all been done before. Paul Duet i eat fish8hotmail.com

Zelda: Ocarina of Time is by far

the best game released on the

Nintendo 64, and | have to say

the greatest game released, ever.

| have a PlayStation, and have

no bias either way, but still—Zelda

64 blows away all PS releases.

David Muncy


PI stick to the flaws of this game, because the rest is unbelievably perfect. The music is well com- posed, but it isn’t Zelda music! Nintendo revived old music with F-Zero, but not Zelda? Makes no sense. Another gripe | have is that once you fig- ure out what you’re supposed to do, the challenge is lost. The bosses in partic- ular, even the last one, are really easy once you get the hang of Z-targeting. Don’t think I’m just cutting this game down, though, cuz it really does live up to every drop of hype. Chris Vanden Heuvel rogueleader6@juno.com

One disappointment about Zelda was the camera angles. Half the time you couldn’t even see

“the bad guy” unless you kept

Z-targeting. | miss the days of 2D games that could produce a quality game without the bells and whis- tles. Zelda doesn’t belong in a 3D world, and now we see why. Johnny Schaefer SCDDPFAN@aol.com

Zelda has simply not caught up with the times. Its severely limited map and simple plot line leave it behind in 1990. But video games have changed since then, my friends, and story, rather than puz- zles or “being in the game” matters more to an action/RPG. Zelda 64 feels distinctly pre-Secret of Mana with its atmosphere of simplicity. This game is probably the pinnacle of entertainment оп the N64, but | regret to say that that’s not saying much. If only the Zelda series could have matured as much as its audi- ence, then it would truly have been a masterpiece. Jeff Juhasz mastero_j@yahoo.com

| agree with your Zelda: Ocarina of Time review more than | have ever agreed with one of your reviews before. It is the best game | have ever played. It’s got a great story, great graphics, great sound and innovative controls. Perfect Game!!! Justin Franks Justin6918@aol.com

No one should miss this. Hoa Lu adasad@hotmail.com

South Park What we said:

“Definitely something for fans of the show. Nothing revolutionary, but extremely entertaining...There’s a somewhat dull game under all the fart jokes and high jinks...Gameplay is extremely simplistic...Multiplayer is where you'll get your kicks.”

How we rated it: 8.0 6.5

What you said:

Boring, dull, repetitive, foggy, bland and a mere worthless piece of pro- paganda that will only be bought by lunatic fans of the show who can't bring themselves to say it just sucks. Save your money, and buy Turok 2.

7.0 7-5

Dante Biasatti db3db3@juno.com

If it didn’t have the South Park name, this game would be a total piece of crap. Fortunately though, it does. So it’s not bad. | wish it had more multiplayer modes, though. They could’ve done so much more with that. Matthew Taylor (Address Withheld)

Star Wars Rogue Squadron

What we said:

“Captures the feel of the Star Wars flicks—and that alone is enough to pump up the game's score...| only wish it had multiplayer...Incredible hi-res graphics, tons of voice and an overall solid feel...The attention to detail is

he missions are diverse and challenging...Be sure to play with the Expansion Pak!”

How we rated it: 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 What you said:

| just got Star Wars: Rogue Squadron for Christmas and it is THE BEST DAMN STAR WARS GAME EVER! It's so cool because you get to fly more than the basic stuff— you also get to fly a TIE Interceptor, the Millennium Falcon or a T-16 Skyhopper!! The missions are very cool, but very, very, very HARD. If you liked the parts of Shadows of the Empire where you flew ships, this is the game for you.

Nigel Krick cyclops_47@hotmail.com

Right from the start, RS’s most obvious flaw blares at you. The music SUCKS! Some idiot at LucasArts decided he needed to destroy the glory of John Williams’ beautiful soundtrack with a crappy 50-cent MIDI system (probably

to make room for all those voices). Super Return of the Jedi had

better music! The graphics suck without the RAM Pak, the pop-up is horrendous, the voice actors sound

nothing like their movie counter- parts—what’s good about it? The action of killing things in Star Wars vehicles is captured very well. Just don't run out and buy it based on your liking of Shadows of the Empire's first level, cause there's some mighty big differences. Chris Vanden Heuvel rogueleader6@juno.com

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil What we said:

“Easily one of the most visually impres- sive games on the N64...There really aren’t enough save points...The game’s atmosphere and graphics kick ass (despite some slowdown)...Not quite as good as GoldenEye, but close...An excellent example of how to make a proper sequel.”

How we rated it: 8.5 8.5

What you said: Turok 2: Seeds of Evil is a very impressive game. The graphics are gorgeous, and the textures are just amazingly smooth. The sound effects are awesome, and the music is CD quality. | recommend this game to all of the N64 owners who loved the first one. Alex Hussein Metalika86@aol.com

8.5 8.0

Turok 2 was overrated. They had all this time to improve upon GoldenEye in multiplayer, and did they? No! There may be more stages and a couple of fun modes, but the gameplay is hardly bal- anced at all. Anyone who's good with a crossbow can destroy his or her competition with ease (head shots are way too easy to pull off), and the slowdown gets ridicu- lous at times. This just makes me want Perfect Dark even more. | admit, though, that Monkey Mode is really hysterical. Alex Munoz Seattle, WA

I think you guys gave Turok 2 somewhat of a bad rap. How can you complain about a game being too large?! It’s definitely not GoldenEye, but it doesn’t have any major bugs either. It was overhyped but underrated. It should’ve gotten at least 9’s. Ryan Eid CREMEid@aol.com

I'm glad | waited for your review before | decided whether or not to get Turok 2. It's nice to know that the review I’m reading is based on the same version of the game that I'm potentially buying, which is more than | can say for some other magazines out there. Rob Castelli (Address Withheld)

Simply put, this is the best first- person shooter ever made. Beats GoldenEye in every category. Dante Biasatti db3db3@juno.com

They had all this time to improve upon GoldenEye in multi- player, and did they? No! This just makes me want Perfect Dark even more.

Alex Munoz Seattle, WA

Turok 2 has some very obvious strengths: incredibly detailed envi- ronments and stunning animation for every creature. But the multi- player game just lacks a general sense of urgency that GoldenEye was able to capture. Still this is probably the pinnacle of good looks for the N64. Che Chou chespace@concentric.net

Bust A Groove

What we said:

“Excellent dancing animation and some great music...Lots of replay value as both a one-player game and a two-play- er game...Doesn't have anywhere near the personality, fun or quirkiness of SCEA's rappin’ game (PaRappa)...If you liked PaRappa the Rapper, you're gonna like Bust A Groove...Great party game."

How we rated it:

8.0 3.0 8.0 8.0

What you said: Bust A Groove is an attempt by a classic RPG developer (Enix) to diversify its lineup while subscrib- ing to an unappealing trend in gam- ing, the reactive musical genre. While PaRappa was cute and appealing, the Grooovers are gross and appalling. The music isn't par- ticularly appealing either. As far as "gameplay," find me some, show me it, and we'll talk. Christian Nutt kaoru@systorm.com

l agree with you guys. Even though this game doesn’t have the same charm that PaRappa did, it’s still grossly addicting and fun to play.

Dan Pearson

(Address Withheld)

I was really mad at Dan Hsu (Shoe) when he reviewed Bust A Groove. It's a good game—not great, but it didn’t deserve the scores it got from Dan. For a clone of PaRappa

the Rapper, it was the best. Anyway, | did agree on everyone else's scores. But 3.0? You went too low, Shoe. (Name Withheld) QBone22@aol.com

Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf

What we said:

“The lack of ‘classic’ golf game detail and the infusion of cool quick-play ele- ments is a nice change...Tiger Woods is nowhere near as slick and fun as Hot Shots Golf...Watching Dean play was about as exciting as watching weeds grow...The frame-rate stinks...The sim aspects of Tiger Woods are topnotch.”

How we rated it:

7-0 6.0 4.0 75

What you said: | was anticipating probably the great- est golf sim on the PS to date...EA has had three chances to get it right, and | know Tiger Woods actually plays video games or least he says he does, so without renting it first | purchased TW 99. | feel like I'd been robbed! This is the worst golf sim that EA has ever pro- duced, period! And what’s worse, Tiger himself sounds a little touched (in that sweet kind of way) when he says, “Its in the hole!” The frame-rate is not accept- able, the music is not consistent with the golf theme, there aren’t enough PGA players...overall this game sucks big time...if you know what | mean! Barry Dillard zionwarrior_99@yahoo.com

Tomb Raider 1

What we said:

“It just doesn’t make a broad enough leap in graphics or gameplay to get me overly excited about Lara’s third outing...The entire game suffers from little bugs, making me think it was rushed for the holidays...The new ana- log control system is weak...The vehi- cles are pretty cool and some of the stage layouts аге nice...1 think it's about time Lara retired."

How we rated it: 7.0 7-5

What you said:

| must say that | am shocked and appalled at your review of Tomb Raider ||. You give an average rat- ing of 7 to a game that deserves an 8 at least. (Editor’s note: Since

5.5 7-5

when is “7” average? Not in this magazine...) Sure, it doesn’t offer anything in the way of innovation, but neither did Crash 3, and you guys were all too eager to give that a nice 9.0. Your gripes with TR3 аге predominantly focused on the “cheap deaths” and lack of a “save anywhere” feature, which in my book translate into “challenge.” You see, back in the hardcore, old-school days of gam- ing, | died playing games all the time, and damnit, | liked it. Like a crack addiction, you Review Crew types have become complacent with the PS's easy-as-hell, cookie- cutter, sequel-based games library. Yeah, so the bugs really suck, as does the ending, but the levels are where TR3 shines, and this game certainly delivers.

(Name Withheld)


And the series takes a dive... Prime time to retire that bitch. Let's bring her back when we get our hands on the next-generation sys- tems though. Dante Biasatti db3db3@juno.com

God bless EGM and the Crew for risking the wrath of TR fanatics and all those dollars in Lara Croft ads in order to tell it like it is. And a big #$%! you to Eidos and Core for AGAIN tricking the Crew into reviewing a lackluster game weeks after it’s been on the market. First Deathtrap Dungeon, then Ninja (ugh!), now they go and do it AGAIN with this rushed-to-market crap, which was obviously a futile attempt to beat Crash 3, MGS and Abe’s Exoddus to the holiday rush. Eidos and Core should be ashamed, and fans of TR should just save their money for the aforementioned three games and renew their sub- scriptions to their favorite Nude * Raider sites. Mike Vargas prossvar@earthlink.net

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Dead in the Water™ is a Aes of American Softworks Corporation. @PEG 96 Limited Partnership. ASC Games™ is a trademíark of American Softworks Corporation © 1998. Dead in the Water!" is developed by Player 1. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

customizable Weapons and all Fully upgradeable.

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Strategies То Get You Started On The Hottest Games

yweunzew wir 5,0Х Ag

Using Weapons Effectively

Everyone knows how to run up into some- A real Turok deathmatcher knows the one’s face and unload a flurry of Firestorm strengths and weaknesses of each and rounds at an opponent. These tactics every gun. Example: Don’t run into a won't get you anywhere, and they defi- room full of angry people during a nitely won’t separate you from the crowd. Grenade Launcher battle. Learn to bounce

Grenade Launcher

Usefulness : eeee Great for bouncing into rooms 2 5 hallways that you can't see Max Ammo: 50 or е to. Stay up high when peo- Damage (1 shot): 35 Өү НАНЫН Range: Short grenades have a habit of find- Rate of fire: Slow ing the lowest ground.

Usefulness: A multiplayer exclusive 5 š weapon, this thing really Ma Ammo; 109) rocks. When used іп сопјипс- Damage (1 shot): з Riyna a Range: Long nique, it is almost unstop-


Harpoon Gun Only used on the levels with water, the Harpoon Gun takes the place of your regular Damage (1 shot): 10 CES tamu erst scr Range: Medium moving, but they do decent Rate of fire: Slow damage.

Torpedo Launcher

Usefulness: ee The only available upgrade to

your underwater arsenal, this Max Ammo: 25 gun is hard to control. You get Damage (1 shot): 20 [Prem paipa Range: Long shoot and hold the button. Not Rate of fire: Medium ЫЕ ЕЕН

Firestorm Cannon

Usefulness: % shots are extremely weak, and Max Ammo: 100 they never seem to hit what Damage (1 shot): 1 ЖК КККК Range: Long a lot of flak out there, but

Rate of fire: V. Fast | ЗЕТИ ГИ



the grenades off the walls so you don’t even have to be near the opponents. Makes sense, right? Use the table below to see the strengths and weaknesses of each and every multiplayer weapon.



Max Ammo: Infinite Damage (1 shot): 5

Range: Long

Rate of fire: Medium

Get an arrow lodged into an opponent's body to make а really annoying distraction on screen. Although not very powerful, the rate of fire 15 decent.

Scorpion Launcher

Usefulness: *

Max Ammo: 50 Damage (1 shot): 35 Range: Long

Rate of fire: Slow

The walloper, this thing packs a punch. Great for getting. explosions through walls. This is tied with the Assault Rifle for the best multiplayer weapon,

Plasma Rifle

Usefulness: •• Max Ammo: 100 Damage (1 shot): 10 Range: Long

Rate of fire: Fast

The only non-explosive weapon with splash damage, this thing can do some destruction. The rate of fire isn’t bad either, so keep it as your 2nd or 3rd rate gun.

Cerebral Bore

Usefulness: ee

Max Ammo: 1 Damage (1 shot): 50 Range: Medium Rate of fire: n/a

Because of it’s auto-lock fea- ture, the only way to avoid it is to either run really fast into a complicated room or jump into some water. Considered cheesy by most. š

Charge Dart Rifle

Usefulness: eee Max Ammo: 50 Damage (1 shot): 10 Range: Long

Rate of fire: Medium

This thing has some great technique, as it can easily be angled to go around corners. It even jumbles the guy around a bit, and it’s great for team battles.

ЕН © Item Pop-Up

Here's а cool one that you'll probably learn subconsciously after you play for a while. When picking up a weapon or item, it won't pop back up for exactly 25 seconds. This is helpful if you're hiding in a back сог- ner somewhere while your opponents duke it out.

© Guarding

Referred to as “Camping” by most snot-nosed players around here, this happens to be as fun as it is legal. Let your friends complain about it all they want, it won’t change anything! Hovering around the power weapons is a great way to ensure no one else gets ’em, right? You can simply do “loops” around certain areas while staying within seconds of your guarded item (Armor, Rocket Launcher). It is as annoying as it is effective.

© Looping, Circle Strafing

What will probably become second nature after playing a few first person shooting games, circle strafing and looping are two key techniques. To loop would be to constantly move from point A to point B, and then back again. You basically pick out a few good paths on the map (ones that have a lot of goodies in them), then stick to them for as long as you can. You should only veer off if intercepted by a group of angry play- ers (it will happen). Circle strafing works when you get into a heated duel with someone else. Instead of just strafing from side to side, try circling your opponent with the strafe buttons. You'll get better results if you switch your direction periodically.

© Commando-Style Rushing

Even when coordinating characters, it’s still pretty easy to pound on your teammate by accident. This technique will help with this problem, yet it will take some time to establish, A good example of “Commando Style" would be one team storming the other team’s stronghold. If trying to get into a room with a Scorpion Launcher that the other team’s guarding, don’t run in with guns blazing. Have one guy get his Charge Dart Rifle ready, while the other guy has the Scorpion ready to rock. It is almost common sense, yet | see almost every player neglecting to use it.

о Learn the Levels Well

This one also seems like common sense, but it’s important so I’m mentioning it anyway. There are quite a few levels in Turok 2, but hopefully as you play through you'll get a better picture of what they look like. Whether you're playing against seasoned pros or just some casual gamers, knowing the nooks and cran- nies of the levels never fails to add to your advantage.

2, Watching Other Players’ Screens

As simple as it sounds, | see so many players neglecting to use this tactic. It gets a little confusing when playing with four people, so you'll need to get proficient at it. It works wonders when playing, and espe- cially when the other players like to “hide.” Remember, no matter what anyone says, there is no such thing as cheating during a Turok deathmatch.

© Never Sit Still

It's good to get a little frantic while playing Turok 2. By constantly moving, you're keeping opponents on their toes, while keeping a nice supply of weapons and health flowing in, too. Characters who continual- ly move seem to be better in heated duels as well, as their moving skills tend to be a bit better than those who just trounce around casually. You should only hide if your health is dangerously low. Get back in action as soon as you can.

Ф Get the Health, Silly

Please, don’t play like a moron. If you only have 30% health, don’t go storming into a room looking to score some frags before you die. You probably won't get any. Make sure to get the health first!


of the Trade

Trickman Terry's dream comes true!

Now that he's a full-fledged magician, there's nothing Trickman Terry can't do (or so he thinks)! He can not only pull a rabbit out of his hat, but a plethora of tricks as well! Check out some of the first tricks for the Dreamcast right here! Trickfans unite! You can be the Trickmeister's assistants and help out Terry by sending in your latest code goodies to: Tricks of the Trade P.0. Box 3338 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3338

South Park ҚИ

Sweet Cheats

All Characters in Multiplayer Mode - To unlock all the characters in multiplayer mode, enter the password OMGTKKYB.

МІ Weapons - For all weapons, enter the password FATKNACKER.

Invincibility - For God Mode enter the password ASSMAN.

Level Select - Enter the password THEEARTHMOVED.

Pen and Ink Mode - Enter the password PLANEARIUM.

Infinite Ammo - For unlimited ammo, enter the password FATTERKNACKER.

Nuno Marques. Kearny, NJ

Win Games and Accessories for your Tricks!

If your trick is selected as the section, you will win a free game. Trick of the Month, you will win NOTE: If you send your trick by а free GameShark provided by e-mail you must include your real the kind people at InterAct. If name, address, city, state and you are given credit for zip code.

submitting a hot trick in this.


Contest Rules: s. No Purchase Necessary: То enter, send a letter or Standard size postcard with your best rick codes for any video game to "itis ofthe Trade," P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, L 60522-3338, or email Usa tricksGzd com. Be sire to include your name, address, and phone ‘number. No purchase or payment of any money is necessary to enter. ne ent household Entes mst кеней Feb 35:1999. A entries become exclusive property of Sponsors and wi жагоо rue. Sponsor asume no respos ibbiy for kest, mutilated, lte, legible, incomplete, postage-due, or misdirected entries. ог reserve the right to cancel this contest at anytime with

+ Eighilty: Contest open to residents of United States and Canada. Void "n Quebec: Nor-complance with the time parameters contained herein or return of any prize prize notification as undefverabie wil resultin, disqualification. Winners or their legal guardians shali sign an affidavit of ‘lipbiy release of ably prize acceptance within five days of recelpt or forfet prize: By acceptance of prize, winner) agree ta the use of their name and/or likeness for purposes of advertising, trade, or promotion without farther compensation, unless prohibited by law, Employees of20 Inc, InterAct Accessories and heir respective alates are not eligible. Neither ZD Inc, ава Accessories nor their respective afizates,

appropriate notice. Only one prize per family, organization, or household

per issue. Winning entries may be printed in EGM and/or реп Gamer,

however, om one prize shall be awarded.

>. Prizes: Fist Prize winners wl have thet name and СЙ

the magazine and wil receive a video game cartridge sek

‘Sponsor Fst Prize has an approximate retail vale of $60.00, The

tc samin byte Fi Pree купе, vil be ceed he Gon Pe

Winner. One Grand Prize winner wil receive (nation to the Fist Prize

awards) one Ü) Game Shark. Grand Prize has an approximate retail value se des

Sial be judged on the fetini ertene: Пише БИ = Novelty (25%); (i) Accuracy (25%); and (N) Originality (25%). Judging to e held on or about Sept 25, 1998, Al prize winners wil be noted by тай. Prizes are non-transferable, No substitutions of prizes) are allowed, except at the option of Sponsors should the featured prizes.

Dicom 'unavailabie.

iof Winning: The number of winners and the odds of winning wil а Аза QU d

subsidiaries, divisions, or elated companies are responsible for any damages, taxes, or expenses that consumers might incur as a result of this contest or receipt of prize. Winners accepting prizes agree that all prices are awarded oa the condon tha 2D Inc, InterAct Accessories and their agents, representatives, and employees wil have no ləbity whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or Camages ol any kind resulting from ‘cece pne vas eye ‘Winners List: For a ist of winners send a stamped, self addressed

Erniope бету the mont "кв ofthe Trade Winners! 1605223338. Requests for winners ists must be received by the ath day ‘of next month folowing the onsale date of he publication. Aow four weeks for delivery of winners ist,

б. Restrictions: Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Al federal, Sie ar DEA ер ин

7. Sponsors: This contest is sponsored by ZD nc and аА Жене. Ic 01999 ZD c Al ghe Reserved. Printed USA

Virtua Fighter 3tb O

Wote: Ti tick worse the Japanese version ol B çane and is sec о change.

Play as Dural

Play as Dural in Training Mode: At the Character Selection Screen press Start+Y+A at the same time.

Play as Gold Dural in Training Mode:

At the Character Selection Screen press Start+X+A at the same time.

Godzilla Generations оет

Mie si төн oa be Japanese verson q рек іледі caspe, Hidden Characters

Play as Godzilla 1st:

Play through the game as the basic

Godzilla to unlock him. Play as Godzilla USA: Play through the game as Godzilla 154.

Play as Minilla:

Play through the game as Godzilla USA.

PenPen Trilcelon Dreamcast

Mote: This trick works on the Japanese version of the game and is subject to change, Play as the Hidden Racer Now you can play as Hanamizu! He becomes playable after you beat all

£ Our ado

tracks and earn all Silver medals. He's unbelievably fast and a little tricky to use.

Fox Sports

College KE

Hoops '99

Various Codes Enter the following codes at the Secret Codes Screen under the

Options Menu for various results: NOGGIN - Gives you Big Head Mode.

GHOST - Players become partially transparent. Z-WOOD - Secret Court ТЕАМ-2 - Secret Team NOFANS - Remove bleachers and crowd. TRAILS - Transparent trails will follow the basketball. BUZZ - Disable the Shot Clock. THIRTY - Activate а 60-second game HOMIE - The referee calls fouls that favor the home team.

Miguel Contrevas

Hidalgo, TX

Hidden Pictures

Find the place in the Hyrule Castle courtyard where you meet Princess Zelda for the first time. To your left and right, there will be windows. Look (with Up-C) to the right window and you will see pictures of Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Princess Toadstool! Now, take aim with your slingshot and shoot at the window. A red rupee will pop. out, and you can collect it for a gain of 20 rupees! If you take aim and shoot the window on the left, a guard will pop out, scold you and throw a bomb back at you!

Rotate CPU Cue Stick

While the CPU is taking a shot, press R to change to the overhead view. You can now rotate the CPU's stick to mess up its shot.

Codes, Codes and

More Codes

To use the following codes press Start to pause the game while playing. Enter the following C- buttons while it is paused.

Infinite life: Up-C, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C, Right-C, Down-C, Right-C

Speed up spell: Left-C, Left-C, Right-C, Up-C, Right-C, Left-C, Down-C, Down-C

Frog spell (become a frog): Up-C, Right-C, Down-C, Right-C, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C, Up-C

Secret cheat: Down-C, Up-C, Right- C, Right-C, Down-C, Left-C, Right-C, Right-C

Call ball: Up-C, Left-C, Left-C, Up-C, Right-C, Left-C, Down-C, Up-C Checkpoints: Down-C, Down-C, Right-C, Left-C, Up-C, Up-C, Down-C, Left-C

Death spell: Up-C, Left-C, Left-C, Left-C, Left-C, Up-C, Right-C, Up-C Low gravity: Left-C, Left-C, Up-C, Left-C, Right-C, Up-C, Up-C, Up-C Shift camera to the left: Right-C, Down-C, Right-C, Down-C, Up-C, Up-C, Right-C, Left-C

Hercules spell (big Glover): Down-C, |

Down-C, Down-C, Left-C, Left-C, Down-C, Right-C, Left-C

Frog spell (turn people into frogs by pressing R): Down-C, Left-C, Down-C, Down-C, Left-C, Down-C, Up-C, Left-C

Open portals: Up-C, Right-C, Right- C, Down-C, Left-C, Down-C, Up-C, Right-C

Locate garibs: Left-C, Up-C, Right-C, Down-C, Left-C, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C

All cheats off: Down-C, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C, Down-C


Cheat Menu

At the Main Menu Screen, quickly press C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C- Right, R, R. A Cheat Menu Option

will appear below the other menu items. Access this option to change the player types, sizes, checks and glass break percentage.

Cheat Menu

To access the Cheat Menu, access the Password Option from the Main Menu. On the Password Screen, enter the code Left, Up, Down-C, Left-C, Right- C, Up-C, Left-C, Down. A Cheat Menu will appear that will allow you to choose your starting level, have

unlimited continues and even play as a monster!

Many Cheats Infinite Lives Cheat: At the Passcodes Screen enter IGIVEUP.

Luke Gets A New Head Code: At the Passcodes Screen enter




HARDROCK. Then go back to the Main Screen and wait until the demo begins. Once it starts, press A to go back to the Main Screen. A man with a beard will be pasted on top of Luke's head!

me ark codes PlayStation:


Infinite Time 80078bf84000 Infinite Lives 8007f0380009 800cdb700009

G. DARIUS Infinite Credits 800abd800003 Infinite Lives РІ 800ba69e0003 Invincibility РІ 800ba6a200e2 Infinite Capture Balls РТ 800bac2a0400 Max Missiles P1 800babd80502 Max Bombs PI 800bac080202 Max Arms РЇ 800bac280402 Infinite Lives P2 800badaa0003 Invincibility P2 800badae00e2 Infinite Capture Balls P2800bb3360400 Max Missiles P2 800bb2e40502 Max Bombs P2 800bb3140202 Max Arms P2 800bb3340402

HARDBALL "99 Home Team Scores 0 Home Team Scores 50 Away Team Scores 0 Away Team Scores 50

300е3ее90000 300е3ее90032 300e3ee80000 300e3ee80032


Infinite Air 800aelac03e7 SOCOM Pistol And Ammo800b75320019 FAMAS Rifle And Ammo 800b75340065 Grenade 800b7536000c Nikita And Ammo 800b75380004 Stinger And Ammo 800b753a0004 Claymore 800b753c0006 C-4 800b753e0006 Stun Grenade 800b75400006 Chaff Grenade 800b75420006 PSG] Rifle And Ammo 800675440006 Home Team Score 0 8008fd5c0000 Away Team Score 0 800911bc0000 Home Team Score 255 8008fd5c00ff Away Team Score 255 800911bcO0ff Home Team Baskets Worth 5 More 801600008009
















Fly the Millennium Falcon: At the Passcodes Screen enter FARMBOY

Fly the TIE Interceptor: At the Passcodes Screen enter TIEDUP. The TIE Interceptor is hidden behind the Millennium Falcon. After you have entered both the Millennium Falcon Cheat and the TIE Interceptor Cheat, go over to the Millennium Falcon then press Up on the Analog Stick. The camera will pan around to the TIE Interceptor!

All power-ups:

At the Passcodes Screen enter TOUGHGUY.

Music test:

At the Passcodes Screen enter MAESTRO.

View all cutscenes:

At the Passcodes Screen enter DIRECTOR.

Better radar:

At the Passcodes Screen enter RADAR.

View the credits:

At the Passcodes Screen enter CREDITS.

Access secret AT-ST Level:

At the Passcodes Screen enter CHICKEN.

Play on hard level:

At the Passcodes Screen enter ACE.

Rush 2 Extreme Racing USA

All Cheats

At the Setup Screen, hold C-Up+C- Down+C-Left+C-Right+ L+R+Z. The Cheat Menu will appear. Then go into the Cheat Menu, highlight




any cheat option and press L+R+Z+C-Up+C-Down+C-Left+C- Right repeatedly until each cheat becomes selectable.


зате ark (e oe (=

PSYBADEK Infinite Lives Have 999 Stars.

800226986300 800b05e403e7


L1+L2 Health Restore 800cfd0600c8 Li+Triangle For Grenade Launcher d00ce2b40014


L1+X For Grenade Launcher (Fire) d00ce2b40044


Lt*Square For Grenade Launcher (Acid) d00ce2b40084


L2*Triangle For Bowgun d00ce2b40011 80044974Н0с

L2*Square For Spark Shot d00ce2b40081


R2+Triangle For Submachine Gun d00ce2b40012


R2+X For Rocket Launcher d00ce2b40042


R2+Square For Gatling Gun d00ce2b40082 800d49f4ffl2 Infinite Health L2*X For Colt S.A.A. 800d49f4ff0d (LEON) Li+Triangle For Magnum 400се21с0014 800d4a3cff05

L1+X For Custom Magnum d00ce2fc0044


Li*Square For Shotgun dO0ce2fc0084 800d4a3cffO? |

L2*Triangle For Custom Shotgun 400се2їс0011


L2*Square For Submachine Gun dOOce2fc0081


R2+Triangle For Flamethrower d00ce2fc0012


R2+X For Rocket Launcher dOOce2fc0042


R2*Square For Gatling Gun dOOce2fc0082 800d4a3cff12

L1+L2 Health Restore 800cfd4e00c8


800cfd0600c8 d00ce2b40041


Twisted Metal III

More Tricks

These codes are to be entered at the Password screen:

Smart seekers - Triangle, Left, Down, Right, Up (Helps improve


PASSWORD 4b... йр Xx mox


homing missiles.)

Seeking Rain Missiles - Up, Down, Up, Down, Up

Super Napalm - RI, RI, L1, L1, L1

God Mode - L1, Square, X, КІ, Start

CPU ignores health power-ups - Down, L1, Down, Start, Triangle

Unlimited Ammo - Triangle, Circle, Up, Right, Down Shaun Pierce West Milton, 0H

DarkStalkers З У

Secret Characters

Play as Male Shadow

At the Character Selection Screen, highlight the "2" box, press Select (five times), then press any button.

Play as Female (Marionette) Shadow

At the Character Selection Screen, highlight the “?” box, press Select (seven times), then press any button.

Play as Image Talbain

At the Character Selection Screen, highlight Gallon, hold Select

then press all three Punch or

Kick buttons.

Play as Oboro (Shin Bishamon)

At the Character Selection Screen, highlight Bishamon, hold Select then press any button.

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins


Debug Menu

While playing the game, press the Start button. While the game is paused, hold L1+R2. While holding

Li and R2 press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Square, Right, Circle. Then, release L1 and R2, and then press L1, R1, L2, and R2. Now press Start and immediately press L2*R2 at the same time.

If you do this correctly, a blue screen will appear and many

options will be available like stage select, charged items, layout enemy, etc.


Cool Asteroids Codes On the Title Screen when “Press Start" is flashing, press and hold

the Select button and press the following buttons in this order for the results as shown:

Unlock Classic Asteroids - Circle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Circle

Unlock the Fourth Ship - Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square

Level Select - Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle. Once you are in a game, you can change levels, zones

and turn the collision off by simultaneously pressing Select+Start and then choosing the option you want and pressing Li to activate that cheat.

Classic Asteroids Codes - The following codes will work once you pause in the middle of the classic

asteroids game.

Add One Life - Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Square, X, Triangle 99 Lives - Up, X, Down, Triangle, Left, Square, Right, Circle Invincibility - Down, Down, Up, Up, Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle

Cheat Names Enter each cheat below as a name in Tournament Mode to get the



various results.

WONITALL - Access to every course OPEN_EM - Access every boarder and board.

BIGHEADS - Get huge heads

More Cheats

Last month, we gave you some awesome cheats on Apocalypse. Here's even more to add to the list: AREA SELECT:

Pause the game, hold 11 and press Square, Circle, X.


Pause the game, hold L1 and press Triangle, Circle, X, Square.


me codes

ROGUE TRIP Enable Goliath Enable Alien Saucer Enable Helicopter Infinite Armor P1

301039380001 301b39ab0001 301b39ac0001 801d80b4014a

S.C. A.R.S.

Have All Cups/Tracks 801295d20001 801295d40001 801295d60001

Have All Challenges 801f58d60001 801158480001 801f58da0001 801f58dc0001



SMALL SOLDIERS Infinite Ammo 80076с462400

Infinite Lives

Infinite Lives


d0048a7aacé2 80048a7a2400

Nintendo 64:

L HEROES Infinite Energy P1

4022671с0000 8122671c00fa Infinite Energy P2 8122671e00fa Infinite Time 81226724003c

1 Win To Win РІ 802267150001

P1 Never Wins 802267150000 Lasers Never Overheat 81170b9842c8 Infinite Shield 8117068С42с8 Infinite Nitros 81170b660003 81170b620003

100 Points


d022671e0000 d02267240000 d02267150000


FLYING DRAGON Infinite Health P1

No Health P1

Infinite Health P2

No Health P2

Infinite Special P1

No Special P1

Infinite Special P2

No Special P2.

8020b7b100c8 8020b7b10000 8020bc0c00c8 8020bc0c0000 8120aeb40190 8120aeb40000 812061600190 812061600000

RUSH 2 Always Place ist Extra Cars 810c1dbcffff 810cldbeffff 810cldc0ffff 810c1dc2ffff 810с14с4НН 810cldc6ffff 8l0cidcaffff 810cldcaffff 810cldccffff


Pause the game, hold 11 and press X, Triangle, Circle. SKIP CHECK POINTS: Pause the game, hold L1 and press Triangle, Square, Circle, X. Jay Wade Rockford, IL

Alternate Music

To change the background music at the File Selection Screen, begin a new player and enter your name as ZELDA (capitals only).

le eo

All Power-ups

Enter the password 5656 to start with all power-ups.


Forest World

Area 1 - 7693

Area 2 - 3905

Area 3 - 2438

Area 4 - 8261

Area 5: Boss - 1893


Ocean World

Area 1- 2805

Area 2 - 9271

Area 3 - 1354

Area 4 - 4915

Area 5: Boss - 8649

Wind World

Area 1 - 0238

Area 2 - 5943 Area 3 - 6045 Area 4 - 2850 Area 5 Boss - 8146

Cloud World

Area 1- 9156

Area 2 - 2115

Area 3 - 4707

Area 4 - 7046

Area 5: Boss - 0687

Evil World

Area 1 - 3725

Area 2 - 0157

Area 3 - 5826

Area 4 - 9587

Area 5: Boss - 3752

Toys Gadgets Electronics Accessories New Media

Cool stuff you could probably live without, but shouldn’t

Kick-Ass Stereo, MD...And CD!

Kick jams in style with the from

Aiwa. This little unit features both a CD player and a MD

player/recorder for making your own custom mixes.

The fold-down front panel reveals an array of buttons and knobs for easy editing and control. In addition, the unit has a digital AM/FM tuner for radio-heads. Price: Around $500

Pika Up This DVD

Follow Ash and Pikachu as they begin their Pokémon journey in

from Viz/ Pioneer. This volume contains three episodes of the TV series based on the popular Game Boy title. This DVD has both awesome sound and an incredi- ble picture. More volumes are scheduled for March. Price: Around $25

Home Theater On Your Mind


is best described as the world’s smallest home theater package. In addition to having a simply beautiful sound, the light- weight headphones and base unit make for a completely wire- less audio experience. Multiple headphone sets work with the infrared heart of the setup as well. Sure, the price is a little high but it’s a small amount to pay for such advanced technolo- gy. Look for them in March. Price: Around $500 www.sel.sony.com

DVD Release List „гол

February Time Bandits: Spec.Ed Broken Arrow Mighty Aphrodite

1941: Special Edition Twilight Zone #6 Cartoons That Time Forgot Platoon (DTS) Antarctica: IMAX Twilight Zone #7 Die Hard Poseidon Adventure City Slickers Twilight Zone #8 Die Hard 2 Romeo Is Bleeding Crooklyn Vampyros Lesbos Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance Rush Hour

Double Impact Die Hard Triple Pack Shawshank Redemption: Spec.Ed Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp March Friday Speed 2: Cruise Control Escape From New York A Fish Called Wanda Halloween: H20 The Nutty Professor Nosferatu The Vampire Apollo 13 (DTS) Heathers Volcano

Ronin: Special Edition Batteries Not Included Iron Eagle 4: On The Attack Waterboy

Snake Eyes Black Hole Jackie Chan's First Strike

Sounds Like Capcom Sorry...Can't Get Some! Viz Music has been releasing

soundtracks to popular video games and anime series for a little while now. Its latest releases, soundtracks for Resident Evil 2 and Night Warriors are now available. Both CDs are a must-have for any hardcore gamer or anime otaku. Price: Around $17 each www.viz.com

OK, maybe we’re somewhat sadistic for even showing this to you N64 fanatics out there, but the Nintendo 64 Gold Edition is simply too cool not to show. Why are we sadistic? Chances are you will never be able to lay your hands on this item since it’s a Toys 'R' Us exclusive...in Japan! The gold system works like any other N64—it's made by Nintendo. Difference is, it’s а Special Edition (much like the Extreme Green or Atomic Purple versions available here).

Price: Y 12,800...ог $114 U.S. dollars

Web site: n/a

Spinnin' The Wax

If you've ever seriously pondered C

becoming a DJ, then take a look at the 2 EN = Гел ab m б егч turntable considered the standard in SDL Bp [rap | ) || а, professional DJ circles—the SL- T

1200MK3D quartz synthesizer direct

drive turntable from Technics. And

believe it or not, it's the turntable's

25th anniversary. Now that's what

we call a long shelf-life!

Price: Around $650


by Crispin Boyer


Console Multiplayer-Can't We All Just Get Along?

all me a crazy peacenik, but | kinda like the idea of helping my fellow gamers every once in a while instead of slaughtering "ет. After all, playing through Doom cooperatively on two linked PlayStations—with both players covering each other’s backs—kicked ass. And Doom certainly wasn’t the first console game in which coopera- tive gameplay made its mark. Remember having a friend help you through Secret of Mana or ToeJam and Earl? Heck, even classic side- scrollers like Contra Ill and Gunstar Heroes were a blast when you didn't go solo. So where's all the cooperative gameplay today?

I'm especially excited about StarCon, which has a split-screen co-op mode in which one player guides a massive space fortress while the other pilots a fighter and protects this carrier. Twelve Tales: Conker 64 and Perfect Dark are also expected to pack a cooperative mode. And even Street Fighter Alpha 3, like the other Street Fighter Alphas, lets two players team up on a CPU- controlled opponent.

Just in case any developers out there are looking for ideas, I've put together this little dream list of cooperative games I'd like to see made:

* A Game Boy role-playing game in which two play- ers link their GBs and play through the quest togeth- er. They could even split up and

Sure, we see afew Imagine how cool it would be to fly Rogue pursue different

standouts. Duke Squadron's missions cooperatively.

Nukem 64, the Command & Conquer games and Diablo are best played with а pal. L.A.P.D 2100 AD, Rogue Trip and Twisted Metal 2 all feature cool co-op modes. But then we're faced with games that could have packed so much more replay value had they offered cooperative play. Turok 2, for instance, is an enormous, challenging game that would have been fun to play alongside a human Player 2.

| suppose the reasons behind the current lack of cooperative play are pretty clear. For starters, most of the triple-A games that would really bene- fit from co-op play come out during the holidays, when they’re already rushed to meet an early December deadline. But more importantly, many publishers don’t see a need for co-op modes because they figure most gamers aren’t too keen on the idea.

| disagree. I’ve talked to a lot of gamers who not only like cooperative play—they even prefer it to straight-up deathmatches. And if you count your- self among this crowd, | have good news. Along with a slew of PC ports, several console titles with promising multiplayer modes are in the pipeline.

objectives. The two- player aspect of this game is so cru- cial, in fact, that the game would be sold in a two-cartridge set, one cart for each player.

A two-player Tomb Raider-type game in which most puzzles can

only be solved when both players work together.

A Colony Wars-type game in which players could cooperate in missions as wingmates.

° Finally, Rare should release a deluxe edition of GoldenEye that supports the RAM Pak and is geared more toward a multiplayer experience. It would offer more deathmatch levels, of course, but—most important of all—it would pack a new cooperative mode for the regular game.

These ideas are all well and good to dream about, but if you really wanna see more titles with cooperative game- play, you need to get a bit vocal. Write and e-mail game publishers and devel- opers and get “cooperative modes wanted” threads started in the news- groups. Trust me, if developers see enough demand out there, they’ll have you teaming up with your friends—and not just killing them—in no time.



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I MONTH ШУЛ April 1999

Silent Hill takes the whole survival horror genre to new levels. The Review Crew pulls it apart and rates it.

This month's cover star, Mario Party comes under Review Crew scrutiny. Is it the ultimate party game?

On sale March 9

Traditionally there would be some hint of an April Fools gag for the next issue of EGM. But after the sacks of hate mail we received last year for the GoldenEye trick, we’ve decided to keep quiet this year. No doubt something will cause offense...but let’s hope it isn’t the main theme of the next issue—the EGM Awards. Both the Editors’ Choice and

the Readers’ Choice recipients will be revealed next month in an all-star gala spectacular complete with booze, drugs, rock-’n’-roll and dancing girls. Or maybe just a lengthy and witty collec- tion of musings about the best of 1998. Also watch out for the first of 1999’s big games—Silent Hill, Mario Party and more hockey and basketball games.

Not only is Final Fantasy VIII set to

be released in Japan any day, but we'll also have an on-set report from Square's produc- tion of the Final Fantasy movie.

Expert Gamer provides a Battling vampires in M h 1999 helping hand to get you Castlevania 64 will be a arc through Silent Hill. snap with the XG guide!

Gamers will feel extremely lucky when they have the March issue of Expert Gamer in their hands.

The Castlevania series has finally arrived on the Nintendo 64. The XG guide will contain detailed maps pinpointing key items and secrets as well as strategy on how to make it through the game alive.

Plus, use the XG Silent Hill strategy guide like a nightlight. Our guiding light will ease you through the game’s tougher, scarier parts.

With the Syphon Filter guide, Expert Gamer shows you how to deal with evil terrorists: with lots of force!

Do you know how to stop terrorists? You will with the XG guide for Syphon Filter.

It might take more than a huge can of Raid to fight the new supersized bugs in Hasbro's Centipede. Also, If you're wonder- ing if Syphon Filter can stand up to Metal Gear Solid, check out our in-depth review of 9895 latest game.

March 1999

With the holidays and 1998 well behind us, it’s time to dive head first into the games of 1999. And oh, is it a strong lineup indeed. Heading up the bunch is the buggy new version of Centipede along with Bomberman Fantasy Race, MLB 2000, NBA ShootOut and 3Xtreme. And we haven’t even men- tioned our International

"АП editorial content is subject to change.

section. But that’s not all—look for reviews of Silent Hill, the Metal Gear-esque Syphon Filter, Akuji the Heartless, March Madness 99, Monkey Hero and the game we know you’ve been waiting for: Irritating Stick. We'll also provide a complete strategy guide for Syphon Filter to help you through the game without a scratch.

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The NBA may be back in business, but college hoops still reigns supreme in March in EA’s March Madness 99. W

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CRITICAL DEPTH 1995.00 KINGOFFGHTERS 1995800 PEAKPERFORMANCE 1995800 TECMOWORLDGOLF 2495/1200 CRUISIN USA 34951600 WIPEOUT 64 449572200 CROC 2495/1200 KNGS FED 21951000 PENNYRALERS 34581800 TECUOSDECEPTON 3495140) CRUSINWORLD 39952200 WORLDCUP 44982200 | Game Shark Enhancement CD (req. Game Shark) 19.98 CRONCIYOFANGELS 2795/1400 KNGSPELDI 20891200 PERFECTWEAPON 115070 TEKKEN 1795800 DEADLYARTS 31081400 WAWFWARZONE 4488500 | Sony Memory Card (15 Blocks) 1498 CRUSADERNOREM. 1098800 KINGSLEY 2295/1400 PERSONA 2.991600 TEKKEN 1995800 DOOYKONGRACING 27981700 ‘STRATEGY GUine 45420 | SON ч GPT RULER E MONA вле ES CARE Sion. TEES PONS 2798400 YOSHISSTORY 39952000 | Pelican 1 Meg Memory Card (15 Blocks) 9.98 1200 KNOCKOUT KINGS 3751800 PGATOURGOLFS7 24981000 SIPATEGYGUDE 995200 EARTHMORMJMSD 44552400 SURVWALGUDE 985200 DAREDEVIL DERBY3D 1995500 LEAGUEOFPAN 1755010 PGATOURGOLF 93 3498/1500 TEMPEST 1955800 ESTREMEG эл ZELDA «em | Pelican 8 Meg Memory Card (120 Blocks) TE MO cr ЖУО LEGACYOFKAN 24090200 PEL. ри TENPNALEY атор Ета осот тантанаи som | Pelican 32 Meg Memory Card (480 Blocks) 24.98 1 u TER 24951200 TENCHU 1600 F ZERO X 4495/2200 Ti is DARGTAURERS 199590 SOULAEAEA ^. мене PONTBANKWIGUN 4999220 SIIATEGY GUIDE -asem FivionDGRANDPAK 4520 ©2 Or Ties Not Listed } Sony Control Pad 1498 DARKSTALKERSS 3981800 LEGENDOFLEGAA 4931800 POOLHUSTLER _ 2995140) TENNSARENA 24951200 FFAINTLSOCCERGS 24581200 Sony Dual Shock Control Pad 26.98 DEADBALLZONE —— 2995/1500 LEGION 34951600 POPULOUS 3 30552000 TESTDAVE4 1995800 FIFA ROAD TO THE Game Pelican Control Pad 998 А DEADINTHEWATER 34951600 LEMMINGS МОВЕ 2995/1400 PORSCHE CHALLENGE 2695/1300 TESTORIVES 3495/1800 WORLD CUP 98 44952200 (сал Control Fat ~ PlayStation ose wm (іші: 105480 POWEAMOVEWREST. 20081200 TEST DANE OFF ROAD 1989800 FIFAS PE Pelican Dual Jolt Analog Pad 19.98 DEADUNITY 3495150 LETHALENFORCER 182249571200 POWERRANGERSZEO 24551200 TESTDAVEOFFAD2 2455180 FGHIERSDESTNY 20281200 Controller Extension Cab 798 DEATHTRAP acon 24941200 LOADED WIESO) POWERSUVE о 0000 TETRSOHALENGE SANEM петог Ment oy ЕЕ о је ҚТ. + ам 1400 LODE RUNNER 2495/1200 1 514.00 TETRIS PLUS 1995800 FLYING DRAGON 44952400 ІРІ tit |: Ue Sell Used | Ме Buy ESTRELA ЕТСІН ДТ ТІЗЕ PREDATORAAGHG. 991600 MEFNALROUND 20057200 FORSAKEN rcr] а | Pelican Multi Player Adapter (Multitap) 2998 930000 DESTRUCT. DERBY 1795800 LUNAR 39952000 PROIBWORLOGOLF 34931600 THEMEHOSPITAL | 3498/1500 FOX SPORTS Co. lo. r Sony Multitap 34.98 SVS?) DESTRUCT.DERBY2 1984800 MADDEN SO 499600 PROPINBALL 2405000 THEMEPARK 2498/1200 COUEGEHOOPS¥a 2755700 Pelican Link Cable 1498 DEVILDICE 2495/1200 MADOENSS 2898/1800 PROJECT HORNED OWL 175580 THALL KILL 31951600 GAME SHARK Р DIABLO 2395/1500 MAGCCARPET 2998/1400 PSYBADEK assum WüicenTmormauv P8200 WI NSTUCNONS esse We Sell Used /Ме Buy | Pelican RFIAV 5 in 1 System Selector 1998 MAGCGAWERNG 23591400 PSCHCDETECTWE 494120 THUMDERFORCEV ` 99140 GEXENTEN THEGECRO 8982000 7DSKATEBOARONG 1785100 | s.VideojAV Cable 1698 1999800 MARCHIDNESSSO 2455060 PSYCHCFORCE | 24551200 TIGERWOODSPOATR 275180 GLOVER 8590000 ABUGSUFE 13991200 A 246 MARVEL SUP HEROES ЛЫШ POS тон TGERSHARK sse бшек 3738080 ЗМУ = | Replacement AC Cord 798 1800 MARVEL SUPER HEROES QUA? 3484600 TMECOMMANDO 1989200 GOLDENNUGGET 4492500 CRAZY i 2931.00 DsSRUPTOR 1995800 VS STREET FIGHTER 339572000 RAGE RACER 2495/1000 TMECRISISWGUN “9952500 GT RACING TD CARROICRAZY ires | Cool Stand (keeps PlayStation cool) 29.98 FIED DOLPHINS DREAM 9455180 NASSDESTRUCTION 2495/1200 RALLY CROSS 1995800 TIME SHOCK HEXEN 2995/1200 CONKERS Game Booster (play Game Boy games on PlayStation) 44.98 А800 DooM 1995800 MASTERSUONSTERS 345160 RALLYCROSS 3298600 PROPNEALL 2995150) IGGYSRECKNBALS 4842200 POCKETTALES 1995120 | Dey Drive (req. PC compatible/Windows 95) 3798 ЖЫН DRAGON SEEDS 295871100 MASTERS ERASKAS| 29 5140 RANPAGEWORLOTA 581400 TINY TANK SHED INTLSUPERSIR SOC 9844952200 DEFENDERUOUST 17841000 | Dex Drive (req. patible/Windows 95) É Эз DRAGONBALLGT 44982000 MAXMUMFORCE 1935800 RASCAL 24591200 TNNHARDCORE4X4 1955800 JEOPARDY 39952000 DEJA VU2 17951000 || Nintendo 64 EOD DRAGONMEANT 29991400 MOK 1999800 AAT ATTACK 3490600 TOBALNO.1 24581200 KENGRIFFEY JR BBALL 31941600 ELUOS 123 17591000 k 5998 DUKE NUKEM шнш orn MEE BAY STORK IO0 TOCATOURNGCAR 24851200 KALER NSTHKTGOLD 34051600 MOSAIC ода STO Game Shari p a Е A 29581510 RAYIRACERS | 2498009 TOKKONWYBATTLE 2498/1200 LAVBOAGHINGS 3497160 нол.2 17591 BENE DLNGEONKEEPERI! SNE MeoALANG 881000 AAYWAN2 3591800 TOUSRADER ТЕ 2170700 ШОНЫ Zeem бехептейтнебеско алш Game Booster (play Game Boy games on N64) | 4798 ED DYNASIYWARRORS 2395400 MEGAVANLEGENDS 34851500 ROSTUNTCOPTER 24551810 TOMBRADER2 24981200 MADDEN 9 24552500 HEXCITE 17100 | Dex Drive (req. PC compatible/Windows 95) 37.98 2905400 PAGIORMMGO 3988000 MEGANE, 29551000 REDELASSAULTII 2959140 TOVBRADERS _ 2350200 МАССА ТЕТАЮСНАЦ 4298200 LAS VEGASCOOLHANDI7 51000 | Pelican 256K Memory Card 998 ЖАЮ EGGSOFSIEEL 45060 MENINBLACK 2388/1500 REBOOT 24391200 STRATEOYGUDE 90920 MAROKARTGA S491800 LOGICAL 17991000, | РЕДУ 2935400 METALGEJRSOUD 37982000 REBUS 34991400 TOMBA 2095/1400 MEMORYEXP.PAK 24881200 MENIVBLACK 198571200 | Pelican Quake Pak Super (1 Meg/2 Rumble Settings) 24.98 24581200 ELEVENTALGEARGOLT 4991400 MISSIONHANDBOOK 995200 REDASPHAULT 2499120) IOPGUN 1058800 MIKE PAZAS MONTEZUNASRETURMI 1000 | 4 Meg Expansion Pak 2998 ИЛО EHOSLETTER.OURN 2951410 MICROMACHNES 2955140 REDLINE 34991600 TRAPGUNNER 28081400 SIRKEZONE 2995/1200 MORTALKOWBAT4 19281200 g . MNE ELMOSNUMBERADV 229591400 MKMYTHOLOGES 2455120 AEDNECKRAMPAGEZ 2994200 TREISURESOFDEEP 24551200 MICROWACHINES 44880400 NBAINTHEZONE 17951000 жөне Бере питаю MENOS чи УВ 4551200 MOSILOR SEDO НЫ 120 No Boxes? 295840 ESPN EXTRENE GAMES 20951000 MLB 1752600 RELOADED 2081200 TAPLEPLAY2000 34881800 MISCHEF MAKERS 2985120 NFLBUTZ 1995120 : ЖЕМ EXCALIGURZSS5AD 20951400 MLB 99 2395/1400 RESIDENTEVIL 24951000 TRUEPINBALL 24551200 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 39952000 NHL BLADES OF STEEL 17581050. А SAU ExTREVEPNBAL 245800 MLB 2000 3487800 DRECIORSCUT 199580 TUNNELBI 1984800 MKMYTHOLOGES 34550400 PITFALL 19851200 Мо І D) ЭБИ FANTASCFOUR 1795700 MONACOCRANDPRK 345880 RESDENTEVL2 2393140) TUREOPROPRACNG 2738/1200 MKTRLOGY 2851200 POCKET BOMBERMAN 17951000 o Instructions : FELONY11.79 2498200 MONKEY HERO. 34991600 RETURN FIRE 1929800 TWISTEDNETAL 1791700 MONACOGRANDPRIK 24592500 POWERQUEST 17851000 БҒАБОССЕЯФ | 245541200 MONOPOLY 27391200 RIDGERACEAREV. 24281200 TWSTEDMETAL2 1795800 MORTALKOMBATA _ 29942200 QUEST FORCAMELOT 1795/1000 П FFA ROAD TO THE Nonsrentavicnen 218120 R€ 2851800 TWSTEDNETALS 4651800 MULTIRACNG CHAM 3A891500 RAMPAGE Ta o Problem Zim (ШОР шуш MONSTEASEED | 29001800 AVALSCHODLS MED UNHOLY WAR Шла MYSTICAL NIJA oy А000 RATEI asco pyy о ымы 95/1 Li 1795800 АМЕН 3495/1500 UPRISING X NAGANO WINI 3495/1400 c SATIN FOREVER, 24991200 кмат 2791400 MORTALKOMBATS 94699600 ROAD PASH 18280 VANOALHEARTS 20851400 MASCAR YO 3992200 SHADOMGATE. 17881000 We buy the folowing games without boxes or instructions: BATTLEARENATOSH? 1855800 FGHTINGFORCE 24991200 STRATEGY GUIDE 865200 ROXDRASHSO 245180 VIGLANTES 29351400 NEACOURTSIDE 29951400 SHANGHAIPOCKET 17251000 The following are prices for cartridge or disc only. 2840 PaL Doom 28400 МОТОРА 2451000 ROBOPT “484600 VRTUALPOOL 2993140 NBAHANGTME 2395120) SPAWN 1885120 7 (4021600 FNALFANTASYVI 34551400 MOTORACER2 1400 ROGUE TRIP 3495/1600 VMX RACING 2495/1200 NBA IN THE ZONE 99 44952800 SPY HUNTER Nintendo 8 bit (cartridge only)’ $025 MONGOO OFHICALGUDE 985200 MOTORICONGP. 24881000 ROLLAMAY 28591400 VABASEBALLY9 24851000 NBA JAMY 25% MOONPATROL пози || Game Boy (cartridge only) $200 ИЛО PINAL FANTASY MOTORHEAD ROULSKNGOONS4 30281600 VRGOLF 97 1995800 NBA LVE SS 38240 TETRIS DX Ws | Game Boy Color (cartidge опу) $5.00 Z0 acres 2998/1400 MR DOMINO ROSCOMCOUEEN 29891400 VS 29981400 NBAPOWER FORWARD 4492200 TITUSJA тотор e oe an 336) FORMULA 1798700 MYST RUGRATS 3495/1600 WARGODS 1995800 NFL BLITZ 44952500 TOPGEARPOCKET 18551200 е only) 5 25140 FORMULATCHAMPED, 1925800 NZONTROUSOXIDE 1995800 RUNNINGWILD 290951400 WARCRAFT 2898/1400 NFLO-BACK CLUB 98 20951200 TUROK2 1995/1200 | Genesis (cartridge only) $1.00 35881900 FORMULAS 2296600 RUSHAMERICA 34951600 WARGAMESDEFCON 29941400 NFLOSACKCLUB 99 44952500 TWOUBLE 19951200 Í Super Nintendo (cartridge only) $3.00 MONEO FORSAKEN 2095400 3495/1400 RUSH HOUR 1925800 WARHAMMER 2995/1400 NHL 99 24552200 VRALLY 1795/1000 ‘Saturn (disc only) $150 34891600 FoxspontscoLr ve 275400 SAGAFAONTIER 28081400 WARHAMMER NWLBREACAWAY 99 3092000 WAROLAND2COLOR 19991200 Bray Station (dise only) $600 24591200 FOX SPORTS HOCKEY 2795/1400 5 SAMURAISHODOWNS 2995/1400 DARK OMEN 2495/1200 NIGHTMARE CREAT. 44952200 YODA STORIES ау ізс only) Z 3451800 FOXSPORTSSOCCER 27951400 VOLUMES SANFRANCISCORUSH 20:951400 WARHAWK 2 3495/1600 ODT, 44952400 5 Nintendo 64 (cartridge only) $10.00. 25941400 LOX SORTS TENNIS 27991400 VOLUMES 9: SCARS 28951400 WARRIORSOFFATE 34951600 OFF ROAD CHALLENGE 39952000 Call for Titles Not Listed | * All Nintendo 8 bit games except Super Mario, Duck Hunt, Gyromite, 20551000 FREESTYLE BOARDI 2455600 NANOTEK VARRIOR SENTIENT 1959800 WARTONEZI00 | 34981500 OLYMPIC HOCKEY 8 29551200 Hogan's Alley and other zapper gun or power pad games. 291200 FROGGER 2995400 NASCAR PAGING, SENTIAL RETURNS. 2954140 WCWNTRO. 1995800 PENNYRAGERS 4495400 gp erede 821410 FUTURECOPLAPD 29951500 NASCAR RACING SO ‘SHADOWGUNNER | 29981400 WCWVS. WORLD 1995800 PILOTWINGS 64 38582000 or ӨШ ріс А. ӘДІК dam el Eua G DARIUS 2995/1400 NASCAR RACING 99 3495/1800 SHADOWMADNESS 2995/1400 WCWVS. WORLD THUN. 37.95/20.00 QUAKE 3495/1600 packaged games (Virtua Fig! ix, etc.) and games that wer ИМЕ sanan GPOUSE 2495/1200 NATIONAL HOCKEYNT 2455180 SHADOW MASTERS 195580 WHEELOFFORTUNE 24981800 QUAKEZ 24992500 included with systems. Extra Nintendo 64/PlayStation boxes and ec ЗИМИ GAMEOFUFE 2258180 NBAFASTBREAKS9 54551800 SHAOLIN 34981600 WILD9S 34951600 OUEST 64 пето SYSTEMS | issivcionswiibe purchased or$50 each. Send your Genesis Super Fee RCE 3727700 SAME SHARK WIBOOK 34951500 NEA HANGTIME 17947.00 SHIPWRECKERS 24951200 WLDARMS 2495/1000 RALLYRAGING “95240 Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Saturn and PlayStation games without boxes 24991800 бех 1985800 NBAINTHEZONE 99 34991800 SIENTHLL 3499600 STRATEGY GUIDE 995200 RAVPAGEWORLDTR 28552000 @ каюсы lie address balik 24991200 GEKENTERGECKO 20951400 NEAJAVEXTRENE 1755700 SIUOUETIEMIRAGE 23551400 WINGCOMMANDERS 24981209 RAT ATTACK рте ИЛЕ GHOSTINTHESHELL 2455720 NBALNE S 1489600 SMCIYANO 2993120) WINGCOMMANDERS 2951400 ROADSTERSS 4485220 STORM S ОТВ 1750500 SKULLMONKEYS 24557200 WORLD UE ауда Quem і 20991200 GOLDENNUGGET 31991200 NEASHOOQUTSS 3445150 SLAYER 3499600 WORIDCUPGOLF 20891400 RUSH EXTREME RAC. 44882200 Sub ^ š | 1, On a full sized ресе of paper, write your name, complete address, BRUNSWICK EOWLNG 27951800 GRANDTHEFTAUTO 24551800 NCAAFINALFOUR SO 2458180 SMALLSOLDERS 2557400 WORMS 29251400 RUSHAMERICA 44980400 Sony PiyStaton phone number and а list of all the items you would like to order. To speed Er #225800 GRANDTOURRACNG 498200 NCAAFOOTBALL 8 1795500 SOULBLADE 2495/1200 WRECKING CREW 29951400 SANFRANCISCO RUSH 39952000 ‘New буе (no ACAAVjacks) seo | processing of your order, [st ап alternative for each title you are orderin BUBSY 9D 24951200 GRANTURISO 34951600 NCAAFOOTBALL 20051400 SOVITSTRIKE | 2454000 WWFARCADEGAME 1795800 Scans ‘Haven ТАСЫ ЫНЫ O P Cau ie pisl or he games you wah io order, incuing shipping. BUGRIDERS c 021400 STRATEGY GUIDE 998200 МСААСАНЕВЯКА%8 199550 SPACE JAM 1795700 WWEINYOURHOUSE 1738800 SHADOMGTEG 4498/2500 қаны $70 || handing charges (68.00 ore fst} or 2 games, $10 lr each additional BUDO ВАШЕ, 729700 GRANSTREAMSAGA 34991600 NCAAGAMEBRKA 0 22551400 SPAWN 24991200 WWWFWARZONE | 24551800 SLCONVALLEY 44892400 Systems must inoue 1 Orginal || Wicks’ Hawa, BR, \ Guam, APO, FEO, PO Boxes add $8.00). Cali BUSHOOBIADE2 ВШ СТАТУС, ASAM МЕ има SPECALOPS NAN SIRATEGYGUDE "99520 SHoNBOMDNDse ЗЕН и Eg | Alaska, Нама PR, VI, Guam, APO, FPO, PO Boxes add $5.00), Сай BUSTANOVE? 24991200 GUILTY GEAR 21951400 NECTARIS. SPICEWORLD 24551200 X GAMES PROBOARDER29 95/14 00 SOUTH PARK 4952400 AVAF Cabe Conese systems | residents add 7.75% sales tax. ШТА ді GUNDAM. 3557510 MMITARY MADNESS sam SPDER о 24200 XHEV ae мю SPACERACE 44980500 mustinclude CD connect cover. | 3. Allow an additional 21 days for personal checks to clear - send mon: : Y SPEED 1959800 SPM 1 à E STATION Beene systems witemtuned | order for f x iwi Сонда ыяк Isam Неду ЖОШ NED ORES ATEO балықта AEA ратта ама ҚЫЛА заман прашта, | ОЕП lor fastest processing, Aloy day 1o receive oim paced wih ЖУН ERC ADVENTURE 2995140 NEEDSPECDVFALY 2455100 SPOTGOESTOHOUY, 1799700 XENOGEARS ^. МАО STAR FOK A Bon va ve davad rezen. | money orders and 60 days o reel c 91800 HERCULES 28901400 NEEDFORSPEEDS 31851000 SPYRO THEDRAGON 20851900 SIRAIEYGUOE 99520) WORUMBLEPAK 29241200 mashg or deleve conos, | 4 Send your order to the address below.

2991400 HEXEN 1995800 NEEDFORSPEED4 34951800 STARGLADATOR 1795800 Call for Titles Not Listed WPUMBLEPAK 39951800 AC adaptor or AVF cabe. MEO HOTSHOTSGOLE 3251400 NEWUANNHAASRAC, 24841000 STAA TREK STARSOLDIER 882400 TO SELL GAMES 24381200 IGGYSRECKIr BALL 20941400 КАВЛ 3991800 KUNGONACADENY ма п STAA WARS New kasem MPACTRACNG давио STRATEGYGUDE 9520 STARCOV o, 29440 EOGUESOUADRON 448572500 1. On a ful sized piece of paper, write your name, complete address, > E 1735 IE INCREDILEDOTS 455040) NFLGAMEDAYS® 20558400 STARWNOER 1785600 Sucomsoreumesesio Cheat Cards | none number and alistolall he games/systems with the buy back pices 28951450 INDEPENDENCE DAY 29981400 NFLYTREME 24381200 STEELHARBNGER 1795600 SUPERMARIOGS 34951500 you are selling. ЖЕЛАЮ INTELUGENTOUBE 24567200 NHL 98 1989800 STEELREIGN 22991200 ЗІРЕЯМАН 14850400 PlayStation 2. you would like to purchase games with the money or credit received, INTLAALLY CHAMP 34561600 NHL SS 2998400 STREAK 2395/1400 SURVIVOR DAYONE 38952200 coMBATCHAMPON 1798 || list the titles you would lke to order on the same piece of paper. INTL SUPERSTAR NHL BLADES STEEL 99 2858400 STREET FIGHTER We Sell Used /We Buy iernserene ^ злу COMBATCHAMPION, таа | 3' Pack your games, all paperwork and any coupons in a bor. Send the ‘SOCCER 98 29951400 NHLBREAKAWAYSB 1795700 ALPHA, 1995800 1080 SNOWBOARDING 37952000 TONIC TROUBLE | 4495/2200 pUKENUKEMTIMETOKLL 1798 [| box to the. address below by UPS or registered mail. Be sure to include INTL TRACK FELD 1935800 NHLFACE OFF 98 АРНА? 29951200 AEROGAUGE 37982000 TOPGEARRALLY 34980600 PAL FANTASY Vi 1738 | ie Deri on he outside d your package, Packages not addressed to CLOCK TOWER | INVASION FRM BEVOND 2358400. NHLFACE OFF 99 ALIAS MISSION AERORCHT ASSAULT 345878 TOPGEAR OVERDRIVE 44280500 ENALTANTAS 1798 | the Depta x pde been |GLOCKTOWERI о 31991800 она 80000 2435/1010 NHL POWERPLAY COLLECTION 34991800 ARBOAADINUSA _ 44950800 TRPLEPLAY2OU 4459060 GAAN TURISMO 2525 | the Dept # below or received alter the date listed below will be issued our CODENAME ТЕМКА 24284120 IRONMANXOMAN 24551090 NGHIMARECREAT. 1958800 GOLLECTION2 24551500 ALLSTARBASEBALL зе 37952000 TUROK ONO HUNTER 3499500 METALGEARSOLD 1738 | curent catalog prices. COLONY WARS, 29891400 йат БСЖ | 34551600 NORSEBY NORSEWEST 2495/1200 STREETAGHTEREX: 29551400 ALLSTAR TENNIS 98 2958000 TUROK2SEEDSEVIL 4752800 MORTALKOMBAT A 1798 | 4. You wil normally receive your check within 7-12 business days after we GOLON WARSVENG., ЖЕП JEFFGORDONRAGNG 39982000 NUCLEARSIRKE 2498/1200 STREETAGHTERMOVE 179960) BANJOKAZOOE 39952000 STRATEGYGUIDE 088200 RACNGCHAMPON 1758 | receive your package. MEE ЖӨН EOD. тнв ЕШ COD WORLD STREETRACER „1998800 BATTLETANX Mese TWSTEDEDOE маю RESDENTEVLA Te S 5/1600 ABESODDYSEE | 1795700 578 Лао BOFREAKS 52000 V.RALLY 4495250 ATION | ЕШ jenscvDEVL 31951600 ABESEXODOUS 24551800 STRIKE FONT 1985800 BODYMARVEST 44992000 ИБЛАНТЕВ 4952800 TENCHU 1% | Send your Games/Systems/Orders to: О O ET MOTO 1785700 ODT 34981800 SUIKODEN 5795/1800 BOMEERMANG: 31951500 VIRTUALCHESS 39952000 TOMBRADER3 Шы COOPER: 34891900 JETMOTO2 1995800 OFFWORLDINTER 17957.00 SUPERPUZZLEFIGHT. 29951200 BOMBERMANHERO 37:951800 VIRTUALPOOL6$ | 44980800 wwrWARZONE 1798 oftware CONTENDER WAR 2.591600 JOHNNY BAZOOKATONE 1798700 OGRE BATILE 3955/1800 SUPERMAN 3495/1600 BUCKBUMBLE 3995/2000 WAALAEGOLF 44950400 Сота 29901200 JUDGE DREDD 17957.00 OLYMPIC SUM. GAMES 1995800 SWAGMAN 24951200 BUSTA MOVEII 39942000 WAR GODS 29951200 Nintendo 64 Dept. EM3 CONTRACT е 0591500 JUMPNGRASH2 1794700 ONE 1028800 SYNDICATEWARS 24951200 BUSTAMOVEN | 4942400 WAVERACEGA 34951600 WWEWARZONE us 352 W. Bedlord Ave, Suite 104 COQLBOARDERS 1798700 JURASSICPARKLW. 1995800 OVERBLOOO 2495/1200 SYPHONFILTER 34851600 CAESARSPALACE 4495/2400 WAYNEGRETZKY 2991200 ZELDAOCARINAOFTIME 1798 . , Suite KI ARENAFIGHTERS 995800 PACMANSO 31951500 TACTICSOGRE 27951800 CALFORMASPEED 44980400 WAYNEGRETZKY 98 24501400 Call for More Fresno, СА 93711

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Titles in ITALICSare newer and may or may not be available, please call for availabilty. All PlayStation games must include box, jewel case, instructions, and any hint books/maps that were included with the game, we wîl deduct $1.00 for broken CD jewel cases. For N64 games, we will deduct $3.00 for each missing/damaged box, $3.00 foreach missing/damaged instruction book and $200 for each missing cardboard insert. All Game Boy Color games mustinclude original box & instructions. PlayStation & Game Boy Color games without box & instructons wil be purchased at he "No Воо Instructions" price above. Games notin resellable condition or with evidence of rental store stickers wil be retumed at your expense ($6.00 minimum). All games are used, include a 90 DAY WARRANTY and are subject to availabiity. We reserve ће right to refuse any sale or purchase. Allow 40 days to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 days to receive orders placed with personal checks. No refunds changes on opened games А8 $8 00 SEH forthe lrst 1 o2ganes and Š1 00 for each alien AsjatiawsipRIGusm/VIAPO FO Boxes 1550 Сай Ros add 7.75% tax We oot ромба Pe US ross are for mailorder orly and based cn py per tte, to buy o selin artiy contact несі denk Limit ol 1 game per tt accepted without proof of purchase. If we do not receive your package by 3/31/99 or your game tiles are not sted in his ad, you wil be paid from our current catalog. To receive prices in this ad you must include the Dept. # from this ad on the OUTSIDE of your package. Il you аге unclear about any of our policies, procedures or prices, please call before sending your games or order. Individual tes are trademarks of hei respective companies. PlayStation and the PlayStation ogo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertaiment, Inc. Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64 and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.

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