BDA 2 ESO FT B Á Ñ скоп August, 1998 54.99/56.50 Canada 08> 14024 06960 "s | trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment inc. Remember, practice makes perfect. Especially when it comes to assassinating evil-ass enemies and forging through 10 levels of merciless traps and pitfalls. Lucky for you, Ni equipped with an arsenal of weapons, magic and moves capable of inflicting the most unimaginable of horrors. Because in this ancient Japanese quest, the task set strikes place Tre Unless, of course, you Work on your айл. P ning ever Lig ICU. ا ~ the same у 225 Shadow of darkness From the creators of Tomb Raider and Fighting Force. 5 LE , Е ; & we SIDOS a j i ишла. eidosi PlayStation У .eqox “5ЛӘТТР( 19430 əəzuq =пта ‘пох '3T [99g ued под‘. ор ЖәЧі ӘХТІ 3517 'seAou 293404 PUY 'STITXS реш 10 ‘PON Aq pədÁH “spTs3znoD YaN ит зиедля eqoy ‘Ааеа мо *Io49Sod в,әвтә Ародэщоз по eq 01 јивм тәләп пох + 9114 The Future 15 Brown...Apparently By John Davison ° ou will notice a recurring theme throughout the course of this issue. Try as we might, it’s difficult to ignore the impact of E3 upon the col- lected games industry. Three days of debauchery and whoring of video games product іп a big, damp, sweaty hole called Atlanta. My apolo- gies to any of our Georgian readers, but to a poor English chap, your weather really is akin to spending time within Satan’s own armpit. So, what did we discover? Well...we saw Sega’s Dreamcast up and running and looking decidedly impressive, and we also saw more than 300 games. Pretty impressive, I’m sure you'll agree. Unfortunately, we also seem to have discovered the games industry's latest ailment. Those of you who've been play- ing games for years will know that there are “trends” in game design. We’ve had the platform game fad, the fighting game phase—and now we have the 3D action game obsession. Yep, everyone had their own take on this particularly delightful fashion—and for the sake of originality, it comes in two distinct fruity flavors. First there’s the cheery and cheeky 3D action camp featuring Spyrq, Gex and their less credible brothers. Secondly, we have the somewhat more prolific “brown” camp—the dark, moody, “let’s show off the colored lighting” set which seems to be breeding like a group of horny rabbits. By the second day of the show, I'd already been demo'd more “brown” games than I'd care to see, and they were all practically the same. Cramped, badly lit, dirty- looking environments explored by a lone thug invariably viewed from behind were in evidence from nearly every major publisher. Come on! What the hell are they all playing at? Half of these games are doomed to obscurity before they’ve even been released. There are the guaranteed hits obviously, such as Tomb Raider 3 or Crystal’s Soul Reaver, but these deserve the attention because they offer something new either conceptually or graphically. If | see another crappy 3D run-around-jumping-and-shooting game, | think I’m going to puke. I’m sure that by the holidays this year, you will feel the same. Regardless of the volume of product though, there are a small number of games guaranteed to make an impact. We've tried to highlight these for you this month, and we'll bring you more info in future issues. Tomb 3, obviously, will make a big noise at Christmas. Beyond that though the real “no brainers” are Metal Gear Solid and the delightful Zelda. Beyond this there’s Rare’s fol- low-up to GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and Konami’s surprise Resident Evil clone, Silent Hill. And then, something that I’m looking forward to even more than Zelda...Final Fantasy VIlI—which looks stunning. These all made us squeal like girls at the show before we returned to more manly pastimes, like drinking at parties and trying to look casual when talking to girls in tight rubber costumes. mbard, Ilinois 60148. Periodicals Class Postage Paid at Lombard, IL and a : Send address changes to Electronic Gaming We periodically make about your su hout limiting th Checks must be made payable in U.S. currency Monthly magazine. POSTM 4-7445 outside the U.S. or visit us at our subscription Web si ide your subscription lal all other products and the characters contained therein are owned by anges. The Canadian GST jstration number is 140496720 RT. Number 11.8 August 1998 IE ШЕ Cuneo n C САА SS ОНУ БЕХ pur rM бс, °. * Cyril wochok@zd. сот drew Buel, Jim Cordan , Scott Parus Mike Lutzky Stuart Levy, yc & Breau Chief Matthew Galgani, Producer Kiyomi Fukuyama, Editorial Manager Yutaka Ohbuchi, Japanese Correspondent Don Galen Ann-Marie Mrozy Subscription vice Number: 303-665-8930 (U.S. Only) Af. Davis Video game Group, 135 Main St., 14th Floor, Sani rang а СА 94105 Jennie Parker Tel: 415-357-5200 er |: jennie parker& Suzanne Farrell 5-357-5220 e-mail је Yoffie _ 415-357-5320 suzanne jon_yoffie@z com Karen Landon Anthon George - 630-916-7222, ional m. ty, PO. Bo 5 pecive trademark and copyright owners. Al materials listed in this mas Beware. It can happen to you. And your loved ones. No one is safe from the thirst to burst. The lust to bust. A massive appetite to pop bouncing bubbles. A raging desire to survive hanging colored clusters of multicolor-destruction. An endless need to load up the bubble-cannons and annihilate the greedy globules before they annihilate you! Don't even think about the muscle-twitching paranoia of 2-player split-screen 1 action... life is too precious. Because, once Bust-A-Move 2” gets into your ESSE you're a bubble slave...forever! ies | Brain-busting Challenges ° Whose a better buster on every board! Qog? 从 @ Available now! E TAITO is a registered trademark of TAITO CORPORATION. Bust A Move 2 is a trademark of TAITO CORPORATION. © TAITO CORPORATION 1998. All Ајант 2-player competitive mode! Rights Reserved. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. © and © 1998 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Acclaim. В Distributed by Acclaim Distribution, Inc. Nintendo 64 and the 3-0 “М” logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. © 1996 Nintendo of America, Inc. BACON FoR BREAK 5, PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Tomba is a trademark of WHOOPEE CAMP Co. Ltd. ISN'T JUST FAST ANYMORE. ©1997/1998 WHOOPEE CAMP Co. Ltd. PlayStation Evil pigs. Hidden paths. Enchanting worlds. And man-eating plants. Can you believe what Tomba" has to go through to conquer the evil swine? Fortunately, he’s got a bunch of weapons and tons of spunk. Tomba’s here. And it’s the first wild action game with role-playing adventure mixed in, too. (You'll love Tomba even more than a BLT on rye.) 116 — Tomb Raider 3 Info and exclusive interviews regarding the newest addition to the Tomb Raider series. 128 – Take А Trip With EGM Ош editors hit the road to show you the coolest places to play in America. 6 — Editorial There were a lot of games at E3. How many are good? 14 — Letters Gamers against gamers against EGM speak out. 22 — News We have interesting interviews with gaming’s top brass. 26 — Gaming Gossip More info on the Dreamcast as well as gaming in Hollywood. 132 — Review Crew This month we review МКд for PS and N64, Mission: Impossible and the wacky Game Boy Camera. PREVIEWS 40 – Nintendo 64 Previews Need we say anything? We have Perfect Dark, Rogue Squadron, Turok 2, WipeOut 64, Conker 64 and loads of others. 72 — PlayStation Previews The PS side is just as incredible: We have Final Fantasy VIII, Abe’s Exoddus, Croc 11, TND, Pac-Man 3D and many others. 142 — Jump Start Having trouble with Forsaken 64? Fret not, little buddy. 144 – Tricks of the Trade Skip to any level you want in Deathtrap Dungeon for the PS. 146 — Get Some! See how Captain Kirk gets the Enterprise into his garage. 148 — The Final Word Shoe reminisces about all the complicated splendor that is E3 (the games, the gals, the fire water, etc.). ай 2 Contents Electronic Gaming Monthly, August 1998, Issue 109 N/A – Saturn Previews The only thing for the Saturn featured at E3 was Panzer Saga, so we don’t have any Saturn previews. N/A - Arcade Previews Due to the information from E3, there are no Arcade Previews this month. Update next month. Game Directory 80 Abe's Exoddus 138 Adidas Power Soccer 98 54 AirBoardin' USA 137 Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. 110 Bloodshot 44 Body Harvest 88 Bomberman World 82 Capcom Generations: SF Coll. II 66 Castlevania 64 110: Centipede 133 Chopper Attack 138. Circuit Breakers 133 Clayfighter 63 1/3 Sculptor's Cut 110 Clock Tower Il: Struggle Within 108 Colony Wars: Vengeance 92 Croc ll 84 DarkStalkers 3 98 Driver 139 Elemental Gearbolt 48 Extreme G2 56 Pa World Grand Prix 64 F-Zero X 68 Fighting Force 64 72-75 Final Fantasy VIII 136 Fox Sports Golf 99 137 Fox Sports Soccer 99 110 Freestyle Boardin’ 99 96 G. Darius 139 Game Boy Camera 104 GameDay 99 108 Gex 3: Revenge of the Gecko 66 Gex 64 58 Glover 106 Heart of Darkness 108 Indiana Jones & Infernal Machine 56 Intl. Superstar Soccer 98 135 |. McGrath Supercross 98 94 Jackie Chan’s Stunt Master 68 Jest 84 Knockout Kings 102,104 Metal Gear Solid 133 Mission: Impossible 134 МІВ Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. 134,138 Mortal Kombat 4 90 Moto Racer 2 52 NBA Live 99 54 NEL Blitz 64 NFL Quarterback Club 99 135 NFL Xtreme NHL99 134 Off-Road Challenge 90 Omikron 78 Pac-Man 3D 40 Perfect Dark 136 Pro Pinball: Time Shockt 106 Rally Cross 2 94 RC Stunt Copter 137 Risk 136 Road Rash 3D 64 Rush America 96 S.CARS. 139 Sentinel Returns 82 Silent Hill 58 Space Circus 68 Space Station: Silicon Valley 42 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 98 Syphon Filter 62-63 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 106 Тоби 88 Tomorrow Never Dies 68 True Golf Classics 92 Turbo Prop Racing 48 Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 46 Twelve Tales: Conker 64 108 Twisted Metal 3 135 Vigilante 8 52 WipeOut 64 102 X-Men The sequel to GoldenEye 007 was at E3 but only behind closed doors. Of course, EGM was there. See page 40 for the story. | * 1998 fu У о N ә = ‚Ро $ ==š==s5== د‎ < == == xo OLOA x dede dra ЕЕН CONTINUED ++ EE FIT Ue ЕЕ PLAYER ПОЈ JO X [Sime INTERACTIVE, © А New Challenge | have been an avid reader of your magazine since 1991. Through the years, the one constant that has stuck has been the type of letters you print. Now, many of those letters brought up very innovative and valid points...the first time. You might as well print the same letters every issue! There is always one guy who is whining about the changes in the industry and how Goodbye Dear Friend The Sega Saturn is dead. l finally said it. My system for the last three years is finally dead and buried. After months of game delays, cancellations and unanswered prayers, | know that the system is gone. But what surprises me is that it had so much promise, and surprisingly, so many good games. What did Sega do wrong? 1 was in denial for a while, though, even when K-mart and Target were planning an early funeral by taking their Saturn games off of store shelves. Not even Best Buy sells Saturn games anymore. But even though the system is almost gone, | am benefiting in a way from the loss. Some of the best games are coming out now. | can't wait for Shining Force IIl and Magic Knight Rayearth. And also since games are so cheap ($4.95-$19.95 in most areas), | can catch up on old classics that | great it was in the *good ol' days," there's usually one screwup that gets printed only because of his or her demented sense of humor, and there's always a scattering of letters from lame brains that should go back to reading Dr. Seuss books. Now of course it is always informative and entertaining to hear the comments of other gamers, and the occasional running gags like “Chew out Phil Mucshnick!” or the missed out on, such as Legend of Oasis and Dragon Force. | just happen to be one of those guys who stuck with this system to the very end. | went through the temptation of buying a Sony PlayStation once or twice, but | always came through. Sega needs to give guys like me some kind of reward; we stuck with them to the very end. Hopefully Dreamcast will be much better. But who knows, Sega screwed up with the Saturn...who says they won't do the same thing again with Dreamcast? They went from great success with the Genesis to humiliation with the Saturn. This time Sega needs to take their time and definitely plan a little better. š: With the Saturn | didn't just lose а system, | lost a dear friend. Goodbye Saturn. РЦ miss you. James Callahan tters Compiled by Shoe (#2 in Blitz!) You can write EGM at: EGM Letters 1920 Highland Ave., #222 Lombard, IL 60148 e-mail: n problems, For subscrip please call (303) 665-8930, or check out Please note: We reserve the right to edit any correspondence for space purposes. If you don’t want your name or address printed, tell us so (but please include your phone number and mailing address for Letter of the Month contest consideration). “Astrod Shenanigans” are always humorous, but to keep things up to date and interesting, you must stay away from some overexposed issues such as 2D vs. 3D, retro gaming and the infamous “violence in video games.” Everyone harbors their own opinion about these things, and no one is going to change anyone else’s. No sense beating a dead horse, right? | think it is in the best interest of the video game journalism industry, that you begin to search for new issues to discuss, and new ways to look at our great industry. Why? | don’t really know. I’m just sitting here babbling, so I'll shut up now, but think about this, OK? Mike Bruno Ewing, NJ Good idea, but don't forget, we don't decide the issues to discuss in EGM Letters (except for the Question of the Moment). You do. We can only print what you readers write about. But Mike is right. We need some fresh topics to talk about. Feel free to write in about something other than the usual sexism/violence/censorship/astrods in video games...please. Fisting Lessons In response to J.L. Zeller's letter in EGM #108 about Chun-Li's way of making a fist [pictured in Capcom’s ad in issue #107, pg. 66]; it's true that's not your standard fist, but more than not, that's your *advanced" fist used by most martial artists. You see, if you apply constant pressure from your thumb to your forefinger (at the knuckle), that nearly doubles the impact of your strike, making your fist tighter and stronger. It helps keep your wrist straight as well. Try it. So is it correct to assume Capcom knows more about fighting than just making video games about it? Well, at least more than Dan (just joking, I’m sure it’s just you're way too busy with sorting these letters than researching them). Brad Robinson Oh yeah? Well how’s this for research? We interviewed a few martial arts experts to see how a proper fist should be made. Is Chun-Li holding her fist incorrectly? It depends on who you ask. According to Sensei Lee Shappa, head instructor of Lee’s Martial Arts Training Club here in Lombard, you can break your thumb if you hold it the way Chun-Li's doing it in Capcom’s ad. “Any instructor who teaches his/her students to hold their thumbs on the side of the fist is misinformed or unaware,” says the fifth-degree black belt who’s been teaching martial arts Sensei Lee Shappa teaches Shoe all about fists and punching. for more than 27 years. But Professor Tom Saviano, President of the American Kempo Karate Association and sixth-degree black belt, would beg to differ. “It’s definitely not a traditional fist, but a lot of fighters use it," says Saviano, who's been using the thumb-on-the-side fist style for 26 years. “I’ve punched through two inches of concrete brick with that fist. Improper? That's bulls***.” The general consensus is, the fist should be made with the thumb underneath the fist (overlapping the first two or two and a half fingers). But a few martial arts methods do š Sony Computer What big Entertainment America news do you H of this year, we're going to hope willbe see a backward-compatible PlayStation 2 with 128-Bit technology and a 12-speed CD-ROM drive. announced at E3? announces that by Christmas cater to alternative fist styles (it also depends on personal preference, as is the case with Saviano). Who ever said EGM isn’t an educational publication? What Do Richard Nixon And The Virgin Mary Have In Common? | read that Richard Nixon is the man who has been on the cover of Time magazine the most (64 times) and the Virgin Mary is the woman (10 times). 1 was wondering if you knew which man and woman (or character) have been on the cover of Electronic Gaming Monthly the most. Bret Lederle Good question. Look for the answer elsewhere in this section (see if you can guess who EGM’s number-one cover man and woman are). GoldenEye 22 | write asking a question that all Nintendo 64 owners around the world are dying to know: Will there be a sequel to the very much loved GoldenEye 007? Brad Cage Rare is working on a game called Perfect Dark at the moment. Perfect Dark is a futuristic first-person shooter that uses the GoldenEye 007 engine, but it has nothing to do with James Bond in any way, shape or form (see our preview in this issue). So technically, it’s not a sequel, but rather a follow-up. In case you’re wondering why Rare isn’t making another Bond game—MGM owns the rights to the James Bond license. That’s why MGM Interactive is doing Tomorrow Never Dies for the PlayStation. As far as bringing the game to Nintendo—an MGM representative tells us that nothing is in development right now, but they can’t rule out the possibility of an N64 Bond game. It's finally here: the follow-up (but not the true sequel) to GoldenEye 007, Check out our preview of Rare's Perfect Dark this issue. Don't hold your breath though — unconfirmed rumors report MGM Interactive's current lineup may be the last games the company is going to produce. Futés Anes I've noticed in your letters section, you have become quite the (pardon my French) smart asses. Many I’m sure must take great offense to your responses and some have probably gone as far as cancelling their subscriptions. | would just like to make a few points on the subject. 1.) Keep it up! A little humor and fun never hurt anyone. 2.) It's your magazine—you write it how you want. If they don't like it, they don't have to read it. Keep up the good work, and keep making fun of the people who write in. If they don't like what you say about them, they shouldn't write to you in the first place. Name and address withheld Damn straight. Ego Maniacs You guys at EGM are pathetic. How egotistical can you guys be? | agree with Storm Front Jimmy's message from the July issue. The guy merely explains that the bogus 007 code you printed angered him, Question of the Moment All EGM subscribers will get to play Sushi-X in a death match of GoldenEye 007. In Tomb Raider Ill, a rendered Pamela Anderson Lee gets teamed up with Lara Croft, and both have to The 64DD will be in gamers’ hands by the end of the year. find..."stuff." Nintendo will have playable Donkey Kong 64 and Metroid 64, and both will be out by Xmas. Intellivision ||. (editor: None of this stuff was announced at Ез this year. See this issue’s News section for more.) Next Month's Question of the Moment: What game franchises need to die before more sequels come out? Send your short, but sweet, responses to: with the subject heading: DIE The number of times Sonic ` the Hedgehog has appeared on the covers of EGM, the most for any individual character (not counting screenshots on the cover). Other notables include Mario, Ken, Ryu, [5] Kano, Batman and Chun-Li (our әже”. number-one covergirl, with ^ six cover appearances). and he expressed his feelings in a polite manner, simply asking for an apology (the fake Bond code pissed me off too by the way). Yet you guys stoop to a lower level. Instead of admitting that you might have offended people indirectly and apologizing, you react immaturely and impolitely, asking for a fight, and | quote "You don't want to start a war with EGM." WOW. Can your egos get any higher? Not only that, but you seek vengeance against GAEGM, asking other people to resort to your level (“ask all our readers to stuff your e-mail servers full of flames"). Don't get others involved. This is YOUR problem. Deal with it. | think Jimmy and CyberSamurai deserve apologies. You just don’t get it do you? The bogus all- Bonds trick was an April Fools’ joke. It was made in fun. We didn’t make a mistake, therefore, we're not apologizing. We purposely tried to trick everybody, so we could let them in on it in the next few issues. It is not our problem. It is yours: you people who can’t take a joke. When you were younger, perhaps someone played an April Fools’ joke on you. Did you ever get a, “Hey, your shoelaces are untied,” and fall for it? Did you get upset and ask for an apology? If so, then who’s the pathetic one? And about resorting to “our level,” GAEGM stuffed poor Trickman Terry’s inbox with more than 700 e-mails before we put a stop to it (this was before we printed their letters). We don’t consider that “polite,” as you put it. We're simply getting them back. Immature? Maybe. But who cares? This is a lighthearted industry. We're not angry at GAEGM. We're just having a little fun back. You should try it sometime (having fun, that is). Chill out, sit back and laugh a little. Gamers Against Gamers Against FEM l am writing in response to the letters written by GAEGM. | understand how you guys might be angry or frustrated at the bogus GoldenEye code, but the starting of a rebellion (and the demanding of an apology) is ridiculous. First of all, why would EGM feel obligated to apologize to GAEGM? The April Fools' Joke has been a longstanding tradition throughout the history of EGM. The jokes are supposed === letters mE to trick you. They are not trying to make you look stupid—that’s your job. Stop trying to make EGM look bad because they were decent and fair enough to publish your letters. They could’ve just thrown your letters in the trash, but they decided to let your voices be heard. Heed my warning: If you continue to send in letters bashing EGM, l'Il be forced to organize the *GAGAEGM" (Gamers Against Gamers Against Electronic Gaming Monthly). I'm sure that there are more of us than there are of you. Resistance would surely be futile. ohnny Ellsworth Fair Oaks, CA What a bunch of whining fools. The “rebels” of GAEGM are pathetic. All that fuss over one little joke. Someone should send them a hanky for all those tears. |, Jedi Icon, am a loyal ЕСМ reader and һауе read the BS letters from the whiny GAEGM group. Because of this insult to your great mag, | have gathered the greatest hackers, hate-mailers and EGM fans to defend your great EGM dynasty. Letter Art Reginald Uy Berwyn, IL Congratulations, your prize is on the way—an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation. It features rapid-fire controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense moments. Ed Adlawan— Bergenfield, NJ Our group is known as GAGAEGM (a bit long | admit, but it works: Gamers Against the Gamers Against Electronic Gaming Monthly). | have 15 loyal EGM readers ready to destroy this petty group of infidels at your command. We have started hate mail, but we are ready to obliterate them if needed. Thank you everybody. It’s flattering how many independent groups of GAGAEGM formed overnight in response to the measly threat that was GAEGM. We appreciate all your support! Miscommunication | deciphered your little morse code on page 14 in issue 107. “EGM Fuxes”? Why did you put that in there? Who does EGM fux? Answer me!!! Justin Allen Clarkesville, GA Well, who or what we fux is none of your business...but that’s NOT what the morse code says! (Unless we read our morse code chart incorrectly...) and a stamp can make you immortal!* Close, but no controller Gerard Cruz Philippines Henry Indyk Detroit, MI The ASCII Control Pad Put your creative skills to the test by decking out a #10 envelope (the long business type} with your own unique touch. Send your letter art to: FGM Letter Art 1920 Highland Ave, Suite 222 Lombard, IL 60148 "Qr at least get your name in the magazine and win yourself a great prize (FIRST PLACE ONLY!) ` ° эе MASS DESTRUCTION, ANYONE? ACTUALLY, THIS IS DESTRUCTION FOR THE SHOOTER CONNOISSEUR. TAKE A FLIGHT THROUGH А SURREAL * METROPOLIS, DEEP CAVERNS AND THE COLD VACUUM OF OUTER А ` SPACE. BLOW STUFF UP. BLOW = Hs) YOUR ТАРЕ АЕ ТЕРЕН О ЕЕ. КМВ GIF. ж EVERYTHING UP. AND THEN PILLAGE - THE REMAINS OF YOUR CHARBROILED * ж ENEMIES. BECAUSE YOU'RE СОММА * NEED THAT FIREPOWER (AND SOME CEREBRAL AGILITY) TO KEEP ALL THOSE MONSTROUS END BOSSES FROM TURNING YOU INTO SPACE GARBAGE. SQUARE SOFT' L Playstation = | с | The Holy Hand таа ШАШ А, pi рд тоге! — -Blast1nemasLin um Wild West, The Dark Ages; anti imperial Rome! | Travel through ішегі іп an all-new NUKEM frag-fest | for the PlayStation: game console. In this revolutionary third-person shooter Duke annihilates Ancient Rome, conquers the Dark Ages, tames the Wild West and lights up L.A., proving once more that the only good alien is a dead one! With a colossal arsenal of high-tech, all-new weapons and more Nukem attitude and humor than ever before, TIME TO KILL gives you ШӨГЕ of what you crave. - More hard-core action! More exploration! More shooter mayhem! More of the King of Carnage! “-. > D perience Hard-Core Nukem action, Shooting, and exploration! = pakea tiie Hirii-parson ; Nukem humor! MOTE Nukem ЗШІШЕ! | уз z NT 222222 Маке em History! 2. # Available in September at your local retailer. е, Mider direct at or call 1-800-610-6115 GT Interactive | e Software | А í 1 А ` 1 ; Playstation | @ www я 720 5 DA (rag тубе то Kill" ©1996, 1997, 1998 30 Realms Entertainment. All rights reserved. Developed by n-Space, Inc. under sublicense from GT Interactive Software Corp. under ть Таъ Nam 3picalms Entertainment. Published and distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. GT is a trademark and the GT logo is a registered trademark of GT Interactive Software о > соф PlayBtalion and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. By Chris Johnston The hottest gaming news on the planet Castin Sega of America President Bernie Stolar Takes on the Role of Evangelist for Electronic Gaming 5 Future Dreamcast, the final worldwide name for Sega’s new system, is more than a year away and yet Bernie Stolar, SoA’s president and CEO, has already begun spreading the word. What he has to say is compelling, and if everything goes as planned, this new console is going to be Sega’s ticket to the top. Beginning the day of the Japanese unveiling, Stolar said “Dreamcast is Sega’s bridge to worldwide market leadership for the 21st century. The Sega you see today is driven by two important goals: delivering the best new gaming experiences this industry has ever seen and winning back the number-one position in the console category. We'll do whatev- er it takes to get there.” At E3, his words were very much the same, speaking to assure fans who have stayed with Sega through the Genesis days, and have seen the company at their best, to the 32X, which was hardly Sega’s crowning achievement. “| don’t believe after the Genesis we delivered the kind of quality soft- ware that was needed to make those systems happen. What we're doing with Dreamcast, first and foremost, is developing and bring- ing to market the next level of soft- ware.” He says that this time, Sega's letting the software speak for itself, with previews given to consumers and a major pre-sell effort prior to the sys- ше tem’s release іп September 1999. The launch will be backed by a $100 A million marketing j budget, where Sega will ° also promote third-party titles in addition to their own. Irimajiri's Dreamcast demo (above); Dreamcast's controller 4. (below) g А Dream “This is the first time the arcade and the consumer groups аге work- ing together on a platform,” Stolar said. “You’re going to see a Virtua Fighter title using a genre of fighting that you’ve never seen before.” While not specifying a price, he did tell us Dreamcast is “going to have a very aggressive price." What about the first Dreamcast games released stateside? Stolar told us, *We will launch with a foot- ball and basketball title as part of our overall mix. We're also launch- ing with for the first time we're going to have the online component, launching with a mul- tiplayer game where thousands of people can play simultaneously." Online gaming has never been accepted by console gamers. For the first time, online gaming will come standard in Dreamcast. “I year and there's also a Sonic [TV] series that starts in September." And Saturn? Stolar said there's still a possibility that more Sega titles will be on the way. *Those are dis- cussions we're having now. It's a matter of economics, it's a matter of market positioning with the retailers so those are things we're still debating." During our conversation, Stolar recognized the Saturn's Panzer Dragoon Saga as a key title for the company—and also put another issue to rest: his stance on RPGs. “Рт also a big believer in RPGs as well. No one ever believes that Dreamcast is Sega's bridge to worldwide market leader- ship for the 21st century. don't call it a peripheral, | call it part of the platform," he said. For the next year, Sega's going to prepare for the future, stacking development resources in the United States, lining up licensees, showing the public and retailers what Dreamcast can do. "Outside to make sure we keep the brand going we've got Sega PC, we've got Segasoft, Sega GameWorks— we'll sell over a million units of Genesis hardware, we'll sell over 4 million pieces of Genesis software this because | came out of the coin-op side of the business. But I’m an older, wiser person these days." Stolar left us by saying "I believe those who know me know that this is a different company than it ever has been and we're smarter than we've been in the past. We believe we're marching to a plan that will make us the number-one company again, and I’m looking forward to that, and | think everybody in this organization is. They’re working very hard to do that.” Check out the latest gaming news at System Specs CPU: Hitachi SH4 - RISC CPU, 128-Bit graphics engine (200MHz, 360 MIPS/1.4 GFLOPS) Graphics: Power VR Second-Generation (over 3 million poly- gons per second) Sound: Super-intelli- gent sound processor with 32-Bit RISC CPU (64-channel ADPCM) Memory: 16MB (64- Megabit SD-RAM x 2) Modem: V34 (33.6Kbps), V42 and ММР5 full support Colors: 16.7 million Size: 190mm(W) x 195mm(H) x 78mm(D) CD Drive: Max 12x OS: Custom Microsoft Windows СЕ 05 Eye On Dreamcast Sega’s next level machine goes on sale November 20, 1998 in Japan, and in the United States fall 1999, for somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 yen (about $150-225 at current exchange rates). Five titles will be available when the machine launches. Likely candidates are Daytona 2, Super GT, D2 and Virtua Fighter 3. The first titles will be announced in mid-September and shown at the Tokyo Game Show in October. The specs at the left are certainly impressive-Sega says its 128-Bit SH-4 achieves performance four times Intel’s Pentium Il. With graphic effects like bump mapping, fog, alpha-blending, MIP-mapping, trilinear filtering, anti-aliasing, environment mapping and specular effects, we should see near-perfect Model 3 conversions. At first glance, Dreamcast looks like a hybrid of the PlayStation, the Saturn and the Nintendo 64. Four controller ports rest on the front of the machine, perfect for multiplayer action. Each controller has a look between Sega’s 3D Analog Pad and an N64 controller. There are a total of seven buttons on the controller: Start, A, B, X, Y and two Shoulder buttons on the back side. On the back are two ports. Sega’s handheld Visual Memory System (sold separately) can be plugged into the top slot to act as a memory card or a mini-LCD screen for hiding plays in sports games and moves in RPGs. You can take the VMS on the road for building up your character or fighter in RPGs or fighting games much like Sony’s PDA and trade data with others or battle characters by linking up. Online gaming will be included in the system with a modem that is upgradeable. According to Sega, it will be possible to use a cable modem with the system. A Dreamcast-specific Segasoft gaming network for the United States is already planned that will provide e-mail, chat and point-to-point online gaming. Sega’s lined up several European 1.5-parties—who will develop titles to be pub- lished by Sega. These 1.5-parties are Appaloosa Interactive (Ecco the Dolphin and Kolibri for the Genesis), Bizarre Creations (Formula 1 series for the PS, already work- ing on a city-based racer code-named Metropolis), Argonaut Software (Star Fox for the SNES, Croc for the PS/SS), Red Lemon (Aeronauts for the PC/PS, Tartan Army for the PC) and No Cliche (formerly known as Adeline, now owned by Sega). Third parties which will have games ready at launch include Acclaim, GT Interactive, Midway, Interplay and Microprose. Dreamcast technology partners include Microsoft (for the OS), Hitachi (CPU), NEC/VideoLogic (PowerVR 2 graphics) and Yamaha (sound chip). We'll have more on Dreamcast in upcoming issues of EGM as the — — ———À, Japanese launch draws near. Check for complete and up-to-date Dreamcast news and announcements. mmm j The first American-developed Dreamcast game (top) of an unnamed space shooter, and a Japanese demo called the “Tower of Babel" (bottom). Q&A With Shouichirou Irimajiri Here's what Shouichirou Irimajiri, president of Sega Enterprises, says about DC: Q: Is the reason for the fall 1999 launch in the States because the PlayStation will be weaker then? A: Sega is in a more difficult position in North America and Europe. It will be more difficult to penetrate those markets than Japan. Sega has to prepare its best efforts for the launch. It will take a certain quantity and quality. Sega is concentrating. only on the Japanese market this year. Q: Will arcade games and home titles cross over? A: Our AM guys are already working on the DC-based Naomi arcade board. Q: Are you seeking new character franchises for Dreamcast? A: Sonic will be a major character for Dreamcast, but we are also developing new characters. PlayStation Dual Shock System Sony introduced the new $149.95 Dual Shock hardware configuration (a PlayStation, Dual Shock controller and “Sound Scope,” a light show which generates patterns on screen to music). Some retail- ers have since discounted the price of the old configuration to as low as $129.95. Small Yet Powerful SCEA also confirmed that the PlayStation handheld, code named "PDA" (Personal Digital Assistant) will come to the States for under $30 by Spring 1999. The device will be released in Japan during the fourth quarter of 1998. Sony hopes to create a Digital Community of users with the PDA for a higher level of inter- action between the user and his/her PlayStation. w The PlayStation is now the most Successful Sony product ever, beating even the Walkman. When You’re First SCEA Executive VP and COO Kaz Hirai gives us the view from the top Q: What do you have to say about PlayStation 2 and what can we expect from Sony when it comes time to release it? A: | think you can expect from Sony an announce- ment about PlayStation 2 (or PlayStation Next or whatever people refer to it as) when we feel that it’s the appropriate time to make that announcement. That's all сап say about it at this point in time. But I think a lot of people ask that question, | come from a different industry—a music industry background, so it’s kind of interesting. | think Jack Tretton, our VP of Sales summed it up nicely when he said, “the more successful one platform is, there’s a tendency for the industry to try to negate that and say all right, we know that's good — what's next?” But let's ` make sure we focus оп the success that we һауе and the potential that still remains untapped. Q: Where do you see the PlayStation two to three years down the line? A: This is an industry where six months from now, it's hard to tell where you're going to be. That's a question | always have a problem answering. The reason is, we've never positioned the PlayStation as just a video game console, we wanted it to break out of that shell. Given the installed base that we've gotten thus far and hopefully the installed base we will have by this time next year, we'll be in unchart- ed territory. Which is exactly where we wanted to be because we wanted to offer the PlayStation as another entertainment option. So it's difficult to say where it's going to be two years from now because if you look at historical trends in the 8- and 16-Bit market you see that clean bell curve that spans across five years. That's never where we wanted to be, and we've been successful thus far avoiding that kind of a curve. As we move into where there's one PlayStation in every five households in the States, then we're talking about a mass-market item. Then it's going to be very difficult to try to forecast things based on historical trends. Q: What is Sony's strategy going to be going into the second half of '98? A: One of the founding principals of the PlayStation has always been to give consumer value and choice, and those themes are going to continue as part of our baseline strategy. The [Dual Shock sys- tem] introduction is just that—to give consumers more value at the same MSRP or $149. Also, we've been very successful with the two-tier pricing struc- ture that we have for first-party titles, frontline product at $39-49, Greatest Hits from $19-25, so that will continue. The nature of this business is Software; it's not technology. To that end, we're going to make sure that we have strong first and third-party titles throughout the year. In addition, we are working with our third-party publishers to identify and help promote key titles which we believe are going to be platform drivers. Q: When Sega introduces its new console, what kind of a challenge is it for you to protect your shelf space? A: Based on experience with the PlayStation and how it's been positioned at retail, shelf space is something you don't go in and just ask for, it's not something you go in and buy either. Shelf space is earned. That took time and a trusting relationship between the retailers and ourselves. Obviously it's a challenge for us to stay two to three steps ahead of the game so that we maintain that shelf space, but I’m confident that we'll be able to do that. Q: What do you think about console Internet connections? Is Sony working on anything in that area? A: From a technological standpoint | think it's a question of would or could. If it's a c-word, | think technologically it's very possible. As a matter of fact we have a relationship with a company called Lightspan Partnership which does edutainment software, and sells PlayStations and libraries of к М 5 7 QU y Opponents to a pulp. ‘Your re the manager of a team of Min р League рзусћо trying to make it to th World Championship. But be warned, in Dead | who's playing his Second 9 Software plc | edutainment titles to school districts around the country. As an experiment, the students were able to connect to the school's Web site to check on homework and school events [with the PlayStation]. As a technological test ground we did a Web brows- er which attached to the PlayStation and it worked very well. So could we? Absolutely. If it’s a w-word, we've stayed away from introducing too many peripheral capabilities on the PlayStation because we were focused on getting the software from CDs as opposed to letting it browse the Web, or attaching a camera to it so you can take a picture of your friends, or putting a phone on it so you can call with it because that really detracts from what the PlayStation experience is all about. So we don’t have any plans to introduce a Web browser or any of those attachments. | think you need to be focused on what this piece of hardware is supposed to do, and you don’t detract from that by adding things. Because that basically dilutes your message and at the end of the day, what is this thing supposed to do? And that’s not what we want it to be. multiplayer gaming on > 1 high speed free the enemy is real © 1998 SegaSolt Networks, Inc. HEAT and HEAT NET are trademarks of SegaSoft Networks, Inc. In acknowledgement of the fact that the games industry seems to be heading toward the movie industry in terms of the way it works —we begin this month with movie news. First of all, | suppose we really have to acknowledge the Tomb Raider movie that is apparently due to hit theaters by next summer. Eidos had a couple of movie posters on their stand at E3 bearing the slogan "Who Is Lara Croft?" (like people don’t know or something?) and a summer 1999 release date. It’s already common knowledge that Paramount has picked ир the deal, but we've since learned that the team work- ing on the script was previously behind that pendulant-penis flick, Boogie Nights. Sounds interesting. Elsewhere we've learned of confirmations of a Doom movie from TriStar that allegedly will be blessed with a $100 million budget. That's a lot of special effects...let's face it, there's not going to be much in the way of story. Elsewhere on the 3D blast-fest front, Duke Nukem also has a green light from Threshold Entertainment, although very few details have been announced as yet. Later next year watch out for Digital Anvil’s production of Wing Commander—amazingly not-seeing Mark “Luke Skywalker” Hamill or Ginger “excellent skills 1985-87” Lynn Allen in their previous roles. Expect a big effects-fest though; and lots of enormous space- ships. Imagine the game...but without any interactive bits. Scratch that. Just think of the game. Finally, we’ve also learned that Activision’s Interstate 76 (PC title on which Vigilante 8 was originally loosely based) will also be turned into a bizarre ’7os-style, sci-fi, road combat flick later next year. Rumor has it that this one is going to be a cartoon from Fox Studios. Back to gaming gossip now, things were a bit thin on the ground in the run up to Ез, but the show saw lots of developments— and most of them concerned Sega's Dreamcast. Although much of the information on the demos at the show were very secret (and EGM won't be able to bring you official details until next month), theQ cruised the parties at the show and managed to squeeze informa- tion from some noted developers. Aside from the 1.5 party developers outlined elsewhere this month, we also spoke to Lionhead's Peter Molyneux who hinted that a DC version of Black and White was a distinct possibility. This gorgeous-looking god-game, currently in development for very high- end PCs would make excellent use of the DC's polygon-gobbling abilities while also making effective use of the VMS module for character development. Something that is particularly noteworthy is that all the develop- ers commented on Sega's policy for games. Judging from the names currently signed to the system it would be easy to speculate on some potential PC or PlayStation ports...however, Sega has been adamant that any new DC games are exactly that. If we're going to see Duke Nukem, or any of the VR Sports games, or even a Metal Gear game—they will be completely new products. In the Nintendo camp things are also far from quiet on the tech- nology front. Rumors are already circulating about the big N's next machine, but in the meantime there is some confusion over a 4Mb memory module add-on that slots into the expansion slot on the top of the N64. Development systems already make extensive use of it, the 64DD is supposed to be bundled with it, and a number of cart-based games are rumored to support it. With the fact that it's now unlikely that Nintendo will release the 64DD, a memo- ry add-on for the system would make sense. Extra memory allows the N64 to run in higher resolutions with very high frame-rates and cool effects. Nintendo PR is currently denying that the module will be released (if it'll be bundled with games) but time will tell. Games Make the System Nintendo of America Chairman Howard Lincoln gives us a look at the future Q: Do you think at this point the DD drive will probably stay on hold in favor of a new system in a couple of years? A: Тһе 6400 is simply a question mark. We're not going to launch it in '98; we're not going to launch it until we get it right. When we get it right, we'll launch it. If we don't, we won't. In terms of next generation | think that the N64 has a number of years in the future to it. Certainly every company in the industry, Sony and Nintendo included, is working on next-generation [product]. Our focus is, just like Sony on PlayStation, is N64. Q: Are there any plans to turn those 64DD games (like Earthbound and Pocket Monsters Stadium) into cartridge games for the States? A: Pocket Monsters Stadium will come out as a cartridge in Japan, and if we are successful launching Pokemon in the States, we will eventually bring that cartridge to America. Some of the other games you mentioned like Earthbound | think will ultimately be №64 games as opposed to 6400. Q: Is there any research and development going on with trying to do some kind of a meaningful Internet experience? A: There's a lot of research and development, a lot of development work that's going on behind the scenes. | think you can anticipate that you'll probably see some additional announcements from Nintendo in this area in the near future, but nothing I can tell you about right now. Q: Do you think the next system will be CD instead of cartridge? A: I think there's a high probability that the next system that we do will not be cartridge-based. But we have not made a decision on that. | can tell you that we are working with ArtX—they are our partner in the next-generation product. ArtX is a small, Silicon Valley-based company that we think has some of the best 3D graphics engineers in the world. They are going to be the key developer of the next-generation product. We are also in discus- sions with Silicon Graphics about its role in the next-generation product. But having said all of that, | want you to understand that our focus is, and will remain on N64 for some years to come. Q: How do you think Dreamcast is going to factor into everything? A: | think that they have a very difficult uphill fight to battle against Nintendo and Sony. They have difficult relationships with gamers, retailers and third-party publishers. They certainly have the history of being able to make great games —that's not an issue. Whether they're going to have the financial resources to pull this off is anyone's guess. That's not dependent on the technology, because as | mentioned this morning, Nintendo and Sony can easily match any technology that is thrown at them from Sega or by any other people. Sony and Nintendo, | don't think any one of them is ever going to get a competitive edge for a long period of time technology- Donkey Kong 64 Rare's 64-Bit entry in the Donkey Kong Country series is rumored to be in development, but didn't turn up at E3. Nintendo's bulky drive was absent from E3. While Nintendo says it's still up in the air, many believe the DD isn't coming. thing on Dreamcast at E3, wise. So it's all about quality of software. If their initial launch titles are really good, and if everything else comes together, in addition to having great launch titles, they've got a fighting chance. If the launch titles are only mediocre, then | don't think they have a very good chance. | wish them well—they're a major part and have been a major part, they're one of the founding members of the IDSA and all we can say is “Good Luck," and we'll see what happens. Q: Criticism of the Nintendo 64 for the last few years has been the lack of games. How do you answer that today? A: | think one of the reasons for Sony's success has been a wide range of titles. I'd be a certified nut if | didn’t say that. | don't think that Nintendo 64 can be a viable competitor trying to mimic that strategy. | think that would be a disaster for Nintendo and for the industry. | think Nintendo has to do a good job focusing on a few key titles. | think we've done a fair job of that with some success, and we've also seen delays of games and whatnot. | think that the quality of some of the third-party titles on N64 has not been as good as | would have liked. But | think that’s gradually improving. | think that we were woefully deficient in the category of sports when the N64 was launched. | think that's been addressed with the EA games, Nintendo Sports games, with sports games from Acclaim and Midway and whatnot. There's a lot of things that can happen within a fairly short period of time in this business that is so dependent on great games. Where Was...? When it comes to what wasn't shown at E3 in 1998, there are three major absences. Like many of you, we hoped that these would be at the show in some form or another. It leaves some- thing to look forward to for the upcoming shows in Europe and Japan though, so in that sense maybe it's good! Dreamcast Sega opted not to show any- leaving it for a pre-show media briefing and private showings. Check out the latest gaming news at SELECT START At E3 we got our first look at Nintendo’s Game Boy Color, and it really looks good! It will launch Nov. 23, the same day Zelda 64 comes out, for an MSRP of $79.95. It’s not backlit, so you still need outside light to see the screen, but it can display either 10, 32 or 56 colors simul- taneously from a 32,000-color palette. Game Boy Color will be launched with six new titles, although none of those were named at E3. One is rumored to be a new, color version of Tetris. Additionally, the system will come preprogrammed to colorize older Game Boy titles, so you can play them in full color, not the pseudo-Super Game Boy color. There was a short demo cartridge running on the sys- tem which really showed off the crisp, bright colors of the new color screen. Sequences shown include a level from a new Wario game, a fish tank screensaver, a battle between Mario (color) and Wario (black and white) for supremacy of the screen, and the Game Boy Color logo being painted onto a fence. All were very impressive. LS v L <: ' One of the most-sought after goodies at E3 were little stuffed Pokemon monster balls. Every 2o minutes or so at Nintendo's booth, Pikachu would come out, let out a “pika pika!” and the little toys would blast out to the assembled crowd. Unfortunately, they had to stop after two people got hurt in the ensuing scramble. Master of Hyrule Nintendo’s Most Talented Designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, Reveals Zelda’s Secrets Q: How much of your original design has ended up in the finished game? A: | am the producer for this game, so | can't say 100 percent of Zelda 64 is mine. But when it comes to the core portion of the game, | believe that more than 70 percent of the idea came from me, especially the main game system. | talked with the system engineer 100 percent of the time, so my idea has been fully recognized and realized in the design of the main game system. When it comes to the sce- nario and other specific game elements, more than so percent reflect my original idea. There are a lot of important artists working on this project, and even though 1 am going to take responsibility for 100 percent of the direction of gameplay, | have to say that more than 50 percent of them were created by each specific game artist. Q: Was there something that you would like to do in the game that because of time or technical issues you couldn't do? How do you feel about the finished product? А: | always have some problems with my games whenever they are complet- ed, so at that time | feel something is lacking—that's always the case. But this time, unusually, | think I’m satis- fied. On the contrary, | feel that some- thing is still lacking—and that's what makes Zelda a game of Zelda, and it is very difficult to define that. | am now spending my time to make Zelda a genuine Zelda game. Q: Can you tell us in comparison with the previous Zelda games how long the game will be? A: Frankly speaking, we have made all the different parts of the game, but have not combined everything togeth- er. So | can’t tell you how long it will take to finish. But when it comes to following the original story line, | think this will have the same play time as the Super NES at least. But this new game is going to have a lot of liberties and freedom for you to explore lots of dif- ferent fields, so | believe it's much larger in terms of volume compared with the Super NES version. Q: Is there going to be a 64DD sequel to Zelda later on? A: | don’t know if ‘add-on’ is the right terminology, but for the 6400, yes-we are working on Zelda. When you play the initial disk version of Zelda after finishing everything you can enter into a different world, though the design is the same. Q: What about a new Game Boy version of Zelda, maybe for Color Game Boy? A: Yes, they are working on a Game Boy game which is different than this N64 version. But we have the original Game Boy version, called Link's Awakening. My team is now working on a color version (basically the story line is the same) for the Game Boy Color which is reprogrammed so that it is going to be the color version, but it's the same game. There are people who have never played Zelda before, and we want them to become accustomed to or be familiar with the Legend of Zelda if they have a Game Boy which is more popular now around the world. That's why we are working on a color version of Link's Awakening. Q: Do you think this is your greatest accomplishment to date? Will there be another Zelda game? A: Рт making the game right now in the hope that this is going to be my greatest achievement so far. But whenever | am given a new platform, | think about other tricks | can incorporate into games. That leaves for the foreseeable future the 64DD, so that we can make use of that capability. | don't know about the future, but | hope that someone else can take my position there and make games for it. [Ed. The staff of EGM wishes to congratulate Mr. Miyamoto on receiving the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences’ first Hall of Fame award.] KARAKA (Because we're not always going to be there to hold your trembling, sweaty little hand.) — | PART ONE | There's never been anything like Intensor. So feedback. It's being able to see, hear and feel 3 : vu. - in order to survive it, you need to understand the game you're playing like never before. А! Be warned: this is technology with с Like to begin with, you need t 202 0 a real “punch-you-in-the- a E ings. Lik к „you need to you have to dois hook it up to the audio jac ` gut-while-you’re-not-looking” know what а Sensory Gaming Experience is, of any system, play any game and hold on. . brand of sensitivity. ` It's complete immersion. It's intense tactile You may also want to say a little prayer. | 25.47" # ITEM 1 | Left 2" Mid-range Directional 2 : Right 2" Mid-range Directional 3 з | 5.25" Center Mid-range | 4 |5.25" Low Frequency Tactile Driver 3 | High-range Tweeter | 6 | Sound Volume : | 7 |Tactile Intensity | | 8 | Electronics Unit Š | Heavy Ошу Single Cord Connector | | 10 | Optional Office Chair Base 11 | Optional Subwoofer | 12 Headphone Jack Fig. 1. А breakdown of what you're up against. Not everyone will have what it takes to loud. So for the neighbors’ sake, you may ALES dc 2 handle Intensor's patented audio system. want to use the headphone jack — which you А ІШЕ chal After all it talking 5 high- erf ЈЕ сап do without losi tactile feedback. no one can hear you scream. er all, we're tal enge high-performance сап do wi out losing any tactile feedback. ee built-in speakers with 108dB output. But keep in mind — if your ears start bleeding, Technically speaking, that means it’s really you should probably turn the thing down. Jet Engine College Frat Party Punk Band Intensor Fig. 2. At 19 pounds, Intensor is designed | for quick evacuation in the event things 90 dB 101 dB 105 dB 108 dB | get ugly. (Shaky hands will appreciate the built-in molded carrying handle:) Ducking, dodging, whimpering and other useful gaming skills you might want to perfect. | PART THREE | Be advised. With Intensor, you'll not only hear your games like never before, you'll also feel them. In your back. In your legs. You'll feel sensations in places you never even knew you had. Which means every engine rev, every explosion, every kick will seem more real than you may want it to. So it's important to note that under this type of extreme duress, screaming in high-pitched tones for one’s mommy is quite common. Fig. 3b. The Weave Fig. 3a. The Dodge Fig. 3c. The Duck | Kidney Punch Crushed By Falling Piano Torn Apart By Wild Dogs Intensor | Fig. 4. Artist's conception of Sensory Gaming s effect on the human heart. Those with heart conditions should proceed at their own risk. From movies and CDs to all your favorite Any game. Any system. Any medium. After this, nothing will ever be the same. Fig. 6. Intensor has been known to induce shock. In such cases, place victim flat on back, elevate legs 8 to 12 inches and call for help. (If victim begins vomiting, place him or her on one side to allow fluid drainage.) Sensory Gaming Experience games, Intensor isn't just compatible with your current system, it actually transforms it. Е may also do the same to you. Once you take a seat, there's a new awareness. Fig. 5. Note: Players attempting to negotiate Intensor on anything less than a good, stiff spine may be reduced to a vegetative state. And there’s no going back. It’s the gaming version of the thousand-yard stare. You'll recognize it in others who've “been there? Seekthem out. Talk to them. This therapeutic approach can help preserve your sanity. In the event of nervous breakdown, seek help at Assuming you’ ve read this carefully, proceed to your favorite gaming retailer. A product of BSG Labs, Inc. Check out the latest gaming news at sa My Amidst all the sas Nineta and Sony news from the show were a few new details on Project X. VM Labs confirmed that Project X technology will indeed be built into DVD play- ers manufactured by Thomson Consumer Electronics (which includes the RCA, GE and ProScan brands) and Toshiba beginning in 1999. Prices will not be much more than that of affordable DVD players currently on the market (around $399). Partnered with Motorola, VM Labs is positioning Project X to be included in set-top boxes such as Motorola’s own Blackbird project, an interactive entertainment platform, digital satellite receivers and other digital video devices. At the show VM Labs announced the first big-name developers that are already signed on to create games for Project X. They are: Activision, Berkeley Systems, Capcom Entertainment, Crave Entertainment, Fox Interactive, Hasbro Interactive, Killer Game, n-Space, Psygnosis, Saffire and THQ. VM Labs says that they are sending out development kits at the rate of about 25 per month as more developers sign on to make games for the platform. However, games from these developers have not yet been announced. We saw demos of what the system could do, including Jeff Minter’s latest work оп а Tempest update and what looked like a Project X sequel to Iron Soldier (from the Jaguar). The Doom demo we saw at the Winter CES was fixed up, and this time was playable while the game was textured onto the sides of cubes and rotated around the screen. Phil Hartman, voice of Blasto among many other characters on Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons, died May 28 at the age of 49. According to reports, he was shot by his wife; afterward, she killed herself as police arrived at the Hartman residence. This puts the brakes on a Blasto sequel voiced by Hartman. Recent roles include this summer's Small Soldiers and the voice of Jiji the Cat in Disney’s video release later this 4 summer of Studio Ghibli's Kiki's Delivery Service. His wisecrack- ing voice will be missed by all. 41,30 Number of people that attended E3 in 1998. Capcom Shocker! Capcom will release Dual Shock versions of both Resident Evil: Director's Cut and Resident Evil 2 in September. RE:DC will have new music and a CD with "secret data" from the original RE:DC and RE2, including access to special weapons, sto- ries and characters. New to Resident Evil 2 will be an Easy Mode (rocket launcher and unlimited ammo) and Extreme Battle Mode, a timed mode with three difficulty levels. The new RE:DC is not expected to include the original uncensored cinema that was cut by mistake in the first release. Tidbits Sega has licensed the Genesis hardware to New Jersey-based Majesco, who is pro- ducing the even-smaller Genesis 3 for an MSRP of $49.95. Blue Planet Software is working on a new version of Tetris for the №4. Konami acquired the rights to devel- op Spawn titles for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. Enix has delayed Dragon Quest VII to summer '99 in Japan. Nintendo has acquired the exclusive con- sole rights for Blizzard's Starcraft on the N64. SNK is making a Dreamcast-ready portable called the NeoeGeo Pocket. The 16-Bit, 160x152-dot, 8-tone monochrome handheld will retail for about 6800 yen. Square will include a non-playable demo of FFVIII in Parasite Eve (September), and a playable one with Brave Fencer Musashiden (November). The game won't be out in the States until winter 1999 [collective sob]. Capcom Goes N64 Just before the show, Capcom announced that they are now officially an N64 licensee in the United States (they have been in Japan for some time now). The first title, although not yet named, will hit stores this fall. During E3, Capcom was hand- ing out Robotech Crystal Dreams flyers and comic books and showing a brief demo behind closed doors. Robotech was one of the first “Dream Team" titles announced for tl N64. No other specific titles have been announced. Capcom Entertainment President Bill Gardner did say that "Street Fighter, Mega Man and Resident Evil would make great N64 games. Stay tuned!" We will. the Take control and find your destiny in this epic adventure from the makers of Suikoden and Vandal-Hearts. 4% T toe 'e the Demon Tower К Learn and use explosive spells with ` breathtaking graphic effects ` Help build up your hometown and attract new settlers Maybe even find true love PlayStation calling hinself a hunter” | You could get yourself killed taking the tower toe lightly. 1-900-896-HINT (4468) 5.95 per minute charge. $1.25 per minute support from а game counselor. Touch 55 tone phone required. Minors must have parental permission before dialing. Hints are available 24 hours a day. Live support Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm CST only. Prices and availability subject to change. US accessibility only. Azure Dreams is a trademark of Konami Co., Ltd. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital KONAMI. Software Association. Konami@ is a registered trademark of Konami Co., Ltd. ©1998 Konami of America, Inc. All Rights Reserved. InterAct Accessories is about to unveil the DexDrive, a memory card slot that connects to your PC's COM port. The DexDrive for the №64 ог PlayStation lets you back up save game files to your hard drive. Once on your PC, these files can be sent to anyone via e-mail. InterAct is working with major game companies to have game files available for download on their Web sites. It hopes that companies like EA Sports will offer updated rosters for DexDrive owners. The DexDrive will ship with installation software and drivers, and should be available toward the end of 1998 for an MSRP of $39.99. InterAct is also working on an e-mail- only device for the Nintendo 64. This product consists of a modem and key- board and will allow users to send and receive e-mail through their N64s with no additional cost other than the device itself (expected to be around $60). Pokemon (POH-kay-mahn) is about to invade North America. If you haven’t heard about it yet, you soon will. On Sept. 7, the craze begins with the premiere of the animated TV show (yes, the one that caused seizures in Japan—but it’s edited) on U.S. and Canadian television. It follows the game’s main character, Ash, on his quest to become a master Pokemon trainer. On Sept. 28, Nintendo of America will release the red-and-blue versions of the Pokemon Game Boy cartridge. As Ash, it’s your job to become the master Pokemon trainer, collecting 150 Pokemon, 140 of which are in each version of the game. To get the other 10 you have to trade with a friend. In the fourth quarter of this year, Hasbro will begin introducing its line of Pokemon-related merchandise in the States. In Japan, Pokemon- related merchandise is an industry unto itself. Кетоп Іп November, Nintendo will release Pokemon Pikachu, a handheld virtual pet of Pokemon's most popular character. You can also take Pikachu for a walk, as this device has a built-in pedometer to record your steps. ПАНА z-n-h-ILt& obot? InterAct's PlayStation DexDrive. On the Lam 4 Runaway mascots can be spot- ted all over the show floor, including Ed, the star of UbiSoft's Tonic Trouble (shown here). Other mascots who appeared included Crash, Tomba, Lara Croft and Pikachu. The Truth Is...Huh? 4 Some of us got tripped up at the Fox booth on Saturday at the show, when X-Files' Scully (Gillian Anderson) appeared to sign autographs. As we waited in line, there was an impromptu game of Decapitato. Surrounded by Game » The whole reason to go to E3 isn't to party...well, the evenings it is. It's all about play- ing games—1600 of them in all on consoles, PCs and over the Net exhibited by 440 different companies. Yowza! fj Inside the Dome » Setting up E3 can take a full day in the hot, steamy atmos- phere of Atlanta. At the Sony booth, this person is setting up the game stations—the PlayStations that run each game sit inside the domes. For those of ma ke | it to France this | J Link: combinations of over 60 differenti Өресі! moves, dde up of over, 350) new iptur ons to:perform super shots and (10545 logo are ™ or @ and © Psyghosis, Ltd ALL (trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment ne Check out the latest international gaming news at Warp Delivers D2 02 Becomes the First Announced Dreamcast Title Two days after Sega officially unveiled Dreamcast, Warp held the premiere of its first title (and the first official game) for the new machine — D2. Literally thousands and thousands of people Surrounded Tokyo's Kokusai Forum where the D2 World Premium Show was held. In a move different from normal rollout events, this presentation was net only open to the press, but the public as well. The crowd was filled with hardcore gamers, hun- dreds of both junior high and high school students, and even parents who had brought their small chil- dren along to the event. All told, there were over 8,000 people in the hall at а facility that only sat 5,000 (so Warp gave two complete presentations to satisfy everyone). Once the show began, the audience was treated to a movie which introduces the game's plot. Laura, the game's main character, is tormented by a night- mare of a strange plane crash. She envisions a very strange hijacking, but as things get out of hand the plane is hit by a meteor and falls to the ground. With Eno at the controls, we were shown actual gameplay after the initial movie. The game was running at 6o frames per second. You can go any- Where in the environment. Every leaf on each of the trees is made up of polygons. Laura’s facial expres- sions аге emphasized with detailed 3D animation. Looking at Laura walking on the snowy ground with a gun in her hand will remind everyone of Lara Groft. But when Laura encounters an enemy, the game's look completely changes. The point of view changes to a first-person shooting game with a red sight in the middle of the screen. During the pre- sentation, Eno said D2 will play like Virtua Cop. There are three VHS-quality MPEG movies in the game (the opening, middle and end). Sega’s Visual Memory System goes on sale in Japan on July 11, sold at movie theaters showing the Emmerich-Devlin Hollywood production of Toho’s most popular monster, Godzilla. The VMS with Atsumete Godzilla, the first game, prepro- grammed into the system will set you back about 2500 yen (about $17 at current exchange rates). Future VMS titles will be distributed on Dreamcast discs when the system becomes available. The object of the game is to raise your very own baby Godzilla. You can hook two VMSes together to do battle with a friend’s monster as well. Now if only the movie was more entertaining... There is a plan to use Dreamcast’s networking abilities, but there is no plan for multiplayer game play. Various downloads— including music—will apparently be available. After Eno-san’s demonstration, he introduced his personal friend and business partner, Sega Enterprises president Shoichirou Irimajiri. Irimajiri- san explained just how excited he is about D2. He explained that he was the one who asked Eno to develop D2 for Dreamcast and not М2. Ігітајігі said he expects D2 will be ready at Dreamcast's launch. Then he asked Eno if this was possible. Eno answered, *Maybe..." If all goes according to plan, Dreamcast and D2 will both be ready for release later this year. The 10 Best-Selling Games As of May 18 п. арап FIFA: Road to World Сир 98 (Electronic Arts) 一 PS =e 4 Stolen Song (Sony)—PS World Stadium 2 (Namco)—PS Baroque (ESP)—SS Super Real Mahjong P7 (Seta)—SS Parasite Eve (Square) 一 PS Tekken 3 (Namco)—PS Melty Lancer Re-inforce (Imadio)—SS Gran Turismo (Sony)—PS Super Robot Wars F Final (Banpresto)—SS m D ^ -— ч Exclusively for the Sony Playstation» game console Call 1-800-INTERPLAY for more information © 1998 and 7% Shiny Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed by Interplay Productions. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are registered пгадетане öt Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. АП other trademarks and copyrights are the properties of their respective owners. QOO OOO UG UU O ФО S OOo ey = = = = = е (2 OOOD А d = Perfect Dark • GoldenEye Follow-Up Arrives At Last ЅМӘІЛӘЈ Му 2 Cent This looks completely and utterly gorgeous. Of all the games ! saw at E? this was probably the very best on the N64. The clever use of lighting and transparent textures is just incre- dible. More importantly it looks as though the Al is going to be a real step forward. The bad guys really fook like they're hiding from you and dodging around in the shadows trying to get a good shot. What a shame we have to wait so long for it. = Јоћп Davison Perfect Dark makes far more use of lighting effects than GoldenEye. е’уе been saying for months that Rare is working on a follow-up action game using the GoldenEye engine, but | don't think anyone was expecting anything as advanced as Nintendo was showing at E3. The underlying principle is still the same—it’s a 30 action/shooter with lots of stealthy spy shenanigans. You play the part of Joanna Dark (codename: Perfect Dark...naff, but we can live with it), a hi- tech spy in the year 2023 who finds herself in the middle of a conspiracy concerning a William Gibson-esque corporation of the future called dataDyne. As with GoldenEye, the game follows a strong story line that unfolds through events in the game. Beginning at the top of a skyscraper, it takes Joanna through locations that include secret bases, laboratories and even to an alien wreck at the bottom of the ocean. Again, as with GoldenEye, this is filled with loads of cool weapons that vary from your usual pistols and Uzis to high-tech alien gadgets capable of blowing the crap out of huge chunks of buildings. There are also some vehicles dotted around the place too. The demo at E3 included a brief showing of a hover bike that seemed to control in a very similar way to the tanks in GoldenEye—so it should be possible to look and shoot while travelling along. Speaking of vehicles, there were also some nice little cosmetic touches on the first level that make use of them. As Joanna works her way through the offices in the dataDyne skyscraper, you can see helicopters flying around in the distance. If you blow out the windows (very cool effect) you can shoot at these vehicles and watch as they crash into buildings or tumble down into the streets. As far as gameplay is concerned, it seems fairly • NBA Live 99 ° AirBoardin’ USA NFL Blitz • ISS Soccer 98 ° Perfect Dark * Star Wars: Rogue Squadron » Body Harvest * Twelve Tales: Conker 64 • Extreme G2 ° Turok 2: Seeds of Evil • Wipeout 64 * Glover * Space Circus Nintendo Rare 1999 “Web Address: | Although using a development of the GoldenEye engine, Perfect Dark is considerably more impressive visually. safe to assume that the game’s pedigree will help ensure excellence. Al has been a particular point of focus for the team and we were assured that the bad guys would all behave in a very convincing manner. The demo we saw already had them hiding in shadows and actively ducking down behind desks, cupboards and doorways to avoid being shot. By the time everything is finished we should see Bosses that appear to be fully aware of their environments too. Visually the game is nothing short of stunning. The lighting effects are all used to dramatic effect, while transparencies, particle effects and environment- mapping are employed to give a realistic environment. Rumors abound that Perfect Dark may make use of the planned 4Mb expansion module featured in this month’s news. Although denied by Nintendo PR, there is a distinct possibility that we could see the game enhanced visually with the addition of the module. The demo on show at Еҙ was enhanced in this manner—although we were assured that this was for development purposes only. @ • FI World Grand Prix Forget every gruesome battle you have ever waged. Introducing Mortal combat 4 with newly forged weapons that will slash and bludgeon beyond imagination. And'a total 3-D environment that will take your senses to dizzying new heights. 14k Darkness is calling. GD MIDWAY Playstation | 。 Mortal Kombat: 4 ©1998 Midway Games Inc. All rights reserved. MIDWAY, MORTAL KOMBAT, the DRAGON DESIGN and all character names are trademarks of Midway Games Inc. Distributed by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and the 3-0 “М” logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1998 Nintendo of America Inc. Licensed by Nintendo. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Starfighter Combat At Very Low Altitudes NINTENDO 64 Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release LucasArts 1 25 4th Qtr. LucasArts Action 1998 Web Address: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron ucasArts' second Star Wars game on the N64 actually borrows a bit from the first. Rogue Squadron takes what was arguably the best level of Shadows of the Empire—the snowspeeder air- combat stage—and turns it into a full-fledged game. This 3D action-arcade sim drops you into the cockpits of several famous Rebel Alliance fighters —as well as some you've never seen before. Just don't expect any deep-space battles like in the X-Wing and TIE Fighter PC titles; all of Rogue Squadron's missions are set above a planet's surface. Set in the period between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, the game centers on the squadron of hot-shot pilots formed by Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. You fly a variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, including dogfights, search-and-destroy, reconnaissance, escort duty and rescue. For instance, one mission has you liberating Rebel Alliance troops from the planet Kessel, site of the Empire's prison and the infamous spice mines. You must locate the prison facilities, free the captive Rebels and escort rescue shuttles away from the planet, protecting them from AT-ATs, AT-STs and TIE fighters. Another mission has you protecting Mos Eisley— depicted in sprawling detail in the Tatooine desert— from Imperial Forces. Fortunately, your craft will be armed with lasers, guided missiles, ion cannons and more. Each mission will also pack a secondary objective, which you won't need to complete to beat the game. Rogue Squadron has you flying over such far-flung Star Wars locales as Tatooine and Mon Calamari. Mission environments include canyons, deserts, forests and volcanic regions. Visually, the game looks pretty good —especially the ship models. You'll see plenty of smoke and real-time light effects, all in hi-res at 30 frames per second. Control in Rogue Squadron is similar to the snowspeeder stage in Shadows of the Empire. One button gives you a turbo boost, while another drops the air brakes. Your starfighters are capable of some pretty fancy aerobatics, including barrel rolls and loops. Rogue Squadron's ship models are extremely detailed and easy to appreciate in hi-res. Even the radar symbology will look familiar. Of course, these similarities should come as no surprise; the Rogue Squadron development team is being headed up by Mark Haigh-Hutchinson, the LucasArts project leader who designed Shadows’ snowspeeder stage. In the Hangar... Although Rogue Squadron's missions are all planetary-based, you still get to fly in the movies" most infamous starfighters, including X-wings, Y-wings and A-wings. Each has its own characteristics. Y-wings are slow, durable fighters 4 that pack an extra punch. A-wings, on the other hand, are nimble little things best used when speed is what you need. You'll fly a new prototype fighter, too. Called the V-wing, it's a heavily armed craft that'll deliver a real pounding to the imperials. Other secret fighters are in store, too. МАЕК SOFTLY 8 CARRY À BIG MAGIC STICK. А, massive, ты "e 998 IMAGINEER CO, LTD. Nintes Humans Аге The Cream Of The Crop My 2 Cents Sometimes games come out that bring something really new and different to the table. Body Harvest is definitely one of those games, and it does it in a very fun and approachable way. № the obvious bugs like hit detection and screwy cameras (which are inherent in early versions of most games) are fixed, Body Harvest could very well be one of my favorite N64 games of all time. -Shawn Smith NINTENDO 64 Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release Midway 1 80 Ath Qtr. DMA Design Adventure 1998 Web Address: Body Harvest emember hearing about this one way back when the N64 was first launched? Well, now it’s actually going to come out. The premise of Body Harvest is simple: The Earth is really a farm for alien food. Every now and again the aliens come and harvest, but this time since there are so few humans left, we plan on making it more difficult for them by way of you, lots of weapons and a huge variety of vehicles. As the game’s protagonist, Adam Drake, you must travel through time and stop the hungry aliens by any means necessary. In the process you will be at the helm of more than 100 vehicles, including an assortment of hovercraft, planes, trucks, cars and tanks, as you battle aliens and help your fellow humans. If you come in contact with a vehicle as you're walking around, hop on and see what it can do. In some cases you will have to speak with a non-player character before you can take control. For example, in Siberia you need to speak to a local farmer before you can use his combine to take care of his crops for him. Of course, it just so happens there are aliens and zombified humans running around to grind up in the vehicle's! The game is far from being just a bloodfest though. Body Harvest combines overhead adventure and driving/flying elements with light RPG aspects for a unique title reminiscent of a 1930s radio drama. As you're driving around blasting aliens that look like something out of Starship Troopers, you can check and see who or what is inside a house. Since there aren't many humans left, most houses are empty but often there are at least chests or barrels you can look inside for health, fuel and weapons. As you're going about your business, mission objectives are sent via a wrist communicator from your mission center. These transmissions give you a general idea of where to go next. In one case, a message comes through You're not just anchored to the land by the way. You can also hop into boats and planes. Body Harvest gives you a true cinematic experience as the aliens chase after you, destroying stuff in their path. talking about a fire spreading through the local village. Luckily there was a fire station earlier on, so all you have to do is make it back there, hop in a fire truck and actually go and put the fire out with a polygonal stream of water—and that's just in the first level. You can count on many other interesting puzzles/minigames in the overall game. At first glance Body Harvest may remind some of Blast Corps but that's definitely on the surface. The game is quite original and has a lot of depth even in the beta version we saw. Events take place chronologically and vehicles shift as you travel from the past to the semi-distant future. All of this, combined with the robust story line, 1,000 virtual square miles of environment, smooth graphics and an ambient soundtrack make Body Harvest a very unique title for the N64. Ө There's around 1,000 virtual square miles of environment in | 0 Body Harvest, and you know that's the truth once you start playing. The game is simply HUGE. You don't have to use the vehicles all of the time, although it helps if your health is low. only customizable odes of play — in the same cart! ormed” character mode, and chase j: While pulverizing your opponents. fect. Save this data in your S in the privacy of their own homes! 1 hoose between а classic — and Tin a:fully 3D environment. Gain moves! Nir ш Rumble Рак” compatible Super deformed mode. Collect Virtual mode. Choose hetween all 200 items to build the most classic 2D fighting or brawl іп а powerful fighting machine ever! fully 3D environment. ©1998 NATSUME, Inc. ©1998 CULTURE BRAIN. Nintendo, the Official Seal, the 3D “N” logo and N64 are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. NINTENDO 64 1-4 Ваге Action Web Address: Twelve Tales: Conker 64 1998 More Cute Stuff From Rare Gamer’s Edge Multiplayer Mascot Fun Conker 64 is loaded ’ with smart multiplayer features that will set new standards in the . cute-mascot-in-a-3D- world genre. First off, Twelve Tales has a simultaneous two- player Co-op Mode, a first for this type of welve Tales: Conker 64 stars a couple of Rare cuties: Conker, a squirrel and Berri, a chipmunk. These two must work together to recover a hundred housewarming gifts that have been stolen and dispersed over four different worlds by a gang of thugs. While recovering the items, Conker and Berri must also set free several kidnapped friends, aided only by their wits (and Conker nuts, which they can pick up and launch at their foes). Each world is drawn with bright, colorful polygons, and the game has quite a fantastic, animated look to it. Conker 64 has a multitude of innovative features that should set this game apart from its competition (namely, Rare’s own Banjo-Kazooie). For example, the Some of the characters in the game are simply huge. If you get close to this Cyclops, you'll see he’s actually to scale...little squirrel to giant monster scale, that is. Up close, the Cyclops is over two full screens tall. game. The game also has a four-player Deathmatch Mode, . another first. Players have to stomp or tail swipe their enemies for "kills." It's just like Deathmatch Doom...only disgustingly cute. gameplay changes depending on whether you're playing Conker or Berri. Conker's game is more arcade-like; he relies more on his arsenal of physical attacks. Berri, on the other hand, uses more strategy. She has a monster companion that does most of the work, provided you keep it well fed and content. Both Conker and Berri have a wide range of emotions and expressions to go with them. They are both fully aware of the going-ons around them (including immediate danger), and they can react accordingly. The game also has a variety of vehicles scattered throughout the worlds that can be used in the game's 3D environment, allowing easy access to: hard-to-reach areas. Twelve Tales promises more intricate gameplay than most 3D platform games seen in recent months, and if anything, it has a chance at being one of this year's Mario-sized hit games. Twelve Tales: Conker 64 is set for a fall release. @ This area, with the dozen little dinos running around, reminded us of the Compy scene in The Lost World movie. Erett's Back. This August istered trademarks of the National Football Lea mark of the National Football League Players. Ni inc, All rights reserved. ШЕ fore Incred Racing Most of the fog in XG2 is now used primarily as an Turok 2: Seeds of Evil ` environmental effect. NINTENDO 64 ased on a version of Extreme G2 (called XG2 for short) we saw at E3, the thing most noticeably changed are the game's graphics. On top of looking downright cleaner, Acclaim has said the frame-rate is twice as fast as the original. Other sources have mentioned the frame-rate has actually been slowed down so the game will be more playable. Whatever the case, it should be quite speedy. One very interesting feature mentioned in the press release is the game's support of the 4MB Ram Expansion pack. This pack will allow you to play the game in a breathtaking 640 x 480 resolution. How the pack is going to be sold is not yet known. Environmental effects have been added as well, like flocks of birds flying by, brilliant flashes of lightning in the background and reflection-mapping under your bike on certain surfaces, while the amount of fog has been decreased for a greater view of the % Done Release 30 October yers/Genre “Acclaim 1-4 Acclaim Studios Racing Web Address: track. The 12 tracks in XG2 (36 counting the various paths you can take in each course) look to have many more paths with a lot of twists, ramps and turns to contend with, and are said to be both wider and longer. Of course, other extreme bikers still frequent the track along with you and can be destroyed with a graphically incredible arsenal completely new to XG2. Racers now will have a face, name and bio attached to their mean machine, along with bike-specific attributes which will affect how your racer controls. To add to the adrenaline-gushing experience, a powerslide has been implemented. According to Acclaim, the Multiplayer Mode has been “completely revised.” This is a welcome revision since many people thought the Multiplayer Mode in the first game had а lot to be desired. @ October 1998 Acclaim 1-4 Acclaim Studios Action 60 ess: „ео SSS: What’s fog? That’s right. Fog is now used mainly for effect and not much else. Now that we’ve actually played Turok 2, it's easy to see the team at Iguana is using the technology of the N64 to its fullest to produce something truly spectacular. Virtually gone is the pea soup fog of the original—we are now faced with an advanced geometry engine that draws five times as much detail as has been seen before. So the fog ends up being used to spice up the environmental and atmospheric effects instead of being used as a tech- nological cover-up. The environments we drooled over at Acclaim’s booth were very rich, featuring incredible graphical effects. The level had a certain Duke Nukem quality to it, mainly due to the scripted events which go on around you. Wars rage, buildings explode, and people scream in pain as you run around trying to get the better of the new advanced Al-driven bad guys. Another incredible feature is the number of weapons. You have a huge variety of weapons to blow the beasts apart with. There are 23 weapons total, including a minelayer, a flamethrower and a load of others. You have to see the weapons to really appreciate their à № | Pick ofthe Shon E awesome effects. Also look for improved enemy Al and neat-o death sequences. The biggest and most-welcome addition to Turok are the four-player split-screen Multiplayer Modes. You'll be able to pick from an array of characters like GoldenEye and duke it out in Turok environments in team and every-man-for-himself modes. For more info regarding Turok 2 and its many features, check in EGM issue #107 for a feature on Turok 2 and оп, for hands-on impressions. V pam, шо ш шш Dam, Dam, x There's a storm coming, and its name is Wetrix. Here's the deal: You build dams, dikes and lakes and some итћоју being from above tries to destroy them with torrential rains, fireballs, bombs and the occasional earthquake. With its killer graphics and variable landscapes, it just may һе the most addictive game you'll ever play. That pretty much covers it. КОЗ TO ADULTS INFOGRAMES ENTERTAINMENT, INC. (ШШ 323 W.Santa Clara Street, Ste. 820 inrocrames San Jose, CA 95113 Phone: 408-289-141! • Fax: 408-289-1889 CONTENT RATED EY ESRB ©1998 Infogrames Entertainment, Inc. Ocean, Infogrames and Wetrix are © and TM of Infogrames Entertainment, Inc. Nintendo © and TM of Nintendo of America Inc. NFL XTREME: А HIGH-SCORING, 5-0N-5, IN-YOUR-FACE, GRIDIRON WAR. THERE’S NO RULES, NO PENALTIES AND NO BOUNDARIES. IT’S A HELMET-POPPING, TRASH-TALKING, LATE-HITTING FREE-FOR-ALL. ENJOY. = E о e [c] 5 - >- ic ЕЮ Playstation PLAYERS PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. NFL isa registered trademark of the National Football League. Officially licensed product of the NFL Players and NFL Properties. The NFL shield design is a trademark of the National Football League. Team names, nicknames, logos and other indicia are trademarks of the team indicated. TM/© 1998 NFLP. Players Inc Logo is an official trade- mark of the NFL Players. ©1998 Players Inc. Developed by 989 Studios. “After the coin toss, anything goes” isa trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. ©1998 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. AFTER THE COIN TOSS, ANYTHING GOES? NINTENDO 04 Psygnosis Е 1-4 Psygnosis Racing “Web Address: Wipeout 64 Psygnosis Makes Its №4 Debut fter months of speculation and rumor, Psygnosis has finally taken the Nintendo 64 plunge by announcing and showing Wipeout 64, the newest addition to one of its most successful series of games. Very similar to Acclaim’s Extreme- G, Wipeout 64 puts you in the cockpit of a futuristic racer (there are several to choose from) in which you must race and fight within six different tracks. Various weapons, power-ups and defensive gadgets are littered throughout the twisty and wild courses, while the fast-paced action pulsates to the beat of Wipeout’s dance-style tunes. The music was quite good when it was spooled from the CD-ROM on the PlayStation so it will be interesting to see how well it translates when being pulled from a more limited cartridge. You see, the version we played at Ез was stiil far from being finished, but once it's shipped, we are pretty sure that it will look slightly better than the PlayStation version. Even better, it will also include some new features only found on this version of the game (that perhaps will make up for the long wait). Among these are five new superweapons that Psygnosis promises will be made to look quite impressive by using some dizzying special effects, Rumble Pak support, and even more importantly, Wipeout 64 Multiplayer Mode. Extreme 62. @ Shown for the first time at E3, EA's NBA Live 99 seems to be coming along quite nicely. Although the Nintendo 64 is no longer starved for hoops games, the system still could use an in-depth one. That's reason enough to be glad that EA is finally bringing their basketball franchise to the N64. £ After having just about every feature implemented in the Live series that could possibly be stuffed into a has a very cool four-player split-screen With these new features improving an already impressive game, Wipeout 64 could very well shape up to be an excellent alternative, or complement, to Acclaim’s forthcoming Electronic Arts 1-4 EA Sports 30 basketball game (three-point shootout, player trades, creation and signings, “NBA on TNT” presentation, and tons of coaching options) it seems like the only thing left unconquered is competent artificial intelligence. Stan Chow, producer of NBA Live 99 commented that the Al would be improved this year as well as the post-up game, but also added that “sometimes fun and reality work against each other, and in the instances where they do, fun must prevail.” Indeed, but recent basketball games like Nintendo’s Courtside have proven that the two can coexist. Aesthetically, Live 99 should enjoy some modest improvement thanks to newly redone motion-capture and of course, the N64's 3D prowess. With improved graphics and a ton of features, NBA Live 99 will certainly be a great, fun basketball game. Hopefully, it will even manage to become a smarter and more realistic one too. % Done Release 4th tr 40 ев 4th Qtr. 1998 Sports Here, a player is nice enough to pose for this screenshot. СИР 510 OFF AT SEARS J 4. б) : вкд ІШІ SEA) ril Жашы Mb E After the Coin Toss, Anything Goes- PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.NFL is a registered trademark of the National Football League. Officially licensed product of the NFL Players and NFL Properties. The NFL shield design is a registered trademark of the National Football League. Team names, nicknames, logos and other indicia are trademarks of the teams indicated. TM/O 1998 NFLP. Players Inc logo is an official trademark of the NFL Players. € 1998 Players Inc. Developed by Sony Interactive Studios America. After The Coin Toss, Anything Goes is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. € 1998 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. у Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done ASCII Entertainment 1-2 65 Human Entertainment Action Web Address: AirBoardin' USA Hit The f Concrete Slopes | 080? Snowboarding has captured the console | snowboarding video game crown. So how do you improve upon a hit formula? Open up the playing fields and turn the snowboards into airboards! This game is set in the future, where ! airboarding is a hugely popular spectator sport, with audiences in the millions. You can choose from one of eight characters (four of whom must be earned from beating certain levels and meeting specific time, point or trick requirements) who are all vying for the coveted title of “Master of AirBoardin'." You have an arsenal of more than 80 different moves, including nose slides, tail grabs, hand plants and roast beefs (Roast beef? Is that a real-life move?). Individual characters also have special tricks at their disposal. But what really separates AirBoardin’ USA from most snowboarding games (besides the use of hoverboards, of course) is the freedom to go anywhere. Players can go over snow, water, land, vertically up buildings, etc. No longer are players limited to tracks and half-pipes. AirBoardin' USA will have several modes of play. Besides a typical time attack and Practice Mode, the game will have a Coin Mode, where players must ride around and find coins scattered about the course. AirBoardin’ USA will also have a two-player Versus Mode and a free run (where you can just hoverboard around and explore for fun). @ HANDPL ANT E „TURER Release September 0 1998 А few months ago, EGM exclusively broke the first information and screenshots of the N64 version of NFL Blitz. Afterward, it was finally shown to the rest of the press and public at E —and what was there pleasantly surprised us. The game has advanced nicely in a very short span of time, so it seemed only appropriate that we update you on the progress of this excellent action football game. Midway seems to be making great strides, especially graphically. It’s now known that the game won’t be nearly as high-res as the 3DFX-powered arcade machine, but that decision was made to ensure the game looked and played as fast as the original. Since we ` last saw it, Midway has retextured all of the player models, and has made the animation much smoother. At present there are still some rough spots, but Midway assures us that they will be ironed out before the game is finished. At this rate, it seems certain that NFL on the №64 will look just like the original, save a few minor cosmetic touches. What’s more important though is that the seemless and intuitive gameplay makes the transition. Although early, things definitely appear to be moving in the right-direction. Watch for more details soon. Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release Konami 1-4 August Konami Sports 90 1998 Web Address: er '98 ated as the best sports game of all time іп EGM 100 (#24 overall), the sequel to International SuperStar Soccer has been highly anticipated in our offices. Finally, a nearly finished previewable version has arrived and frankly, at this point it looks a little too similar to the game we've been playing for the past year. It must have been a daunting challenge for Konami to dream up improvements to the stellar ISS, and it appears that this quandary resulted in very few notable additions to the ’98 edition. The graphics are virtually identical, although there are a few new player animations and some better weather effects. The game’s artificial intelligence has been improved, and there are now a few more teams (54 international) and stadiums (eight) to choose from. Also, the game’s realism has been further improved by adding versatile substitutions and more lifelike injuries (in addition to new animations showing them). Despite no sweeping changes, the good ' news is that ISS’ great gameplay is still intact, and it will probably be enough to make the series keep its crown as the best sports and soccer game ever. However, it’s a little disappointing that there aren’t more sweeping improvements, barring any major changes between now and its U.S. release date. More Of The Same ls Still The Best An example of ISS’ minor improvements—a 3D corner kick power gauge. Video System Video System/Paradigm Racing Co-created by Video System and Pilotwings 64 developer Paradigm, F-1 World Grand Prix— as you'd expect—packs realism to spare. Тһе design team visited each of the game’s 17 tracks to map out their every detail (including track logos and billboards), as well as paid special attention to capturing the physics of F-1 racing. But one of the game’s cooler features is its Story Mode. Here, players are put in varying situations that were previously encountered by real-world drivers. For instance, one scenario places you near the race’s end, in a car with worn-out tires on a rain-slicked track. You decide whether to hit the pit and replace your tires (like the real driver did) or press on and see if you can win the race without losing your wheels. There are 15 of these historical scenarios in all, which are divided into three categories: Offense, Defense and Trouble. In addition to the Story Mode, players can choose to race in the 1997 Grand Prix season against 27 other drivers (everything that happened in the real season is modeled here). Or they can choose single race exhibitions, time trials or two-player split-screen racing. The graphics in F-1 World Grand Prix are impressive. Grass adheres to your tires if you slide off the road, and you'll see wear build up on track portions that bear the most traffic. Races take place in varying weather, beneath sunny, cloudy and rainy skies. "F üu Ји Ка танки ИКЕ ВЗ ús ІЦИРШӘӘІШІ You are Ethan Hunt, operative for the IMF... Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to work your way through five perilous missions with twenty levels of heart-pounding action. е е” р Š tu P. y Experience the intensity of an international whirlwind of adventure and intrigue. Impossible? You decide... Five missions for twenty levels of action and adventure! An array of mind-boggling gadgets and weapons are at your disposal including the illusion-inducing Face-Maker! Dazzling multiple third-person perspectives with zoom puts you right in the middle of it all! Features the classic Mission Impossible theme music! Lp Sti © D) THE OFF SEN NINTENDO 64 Glover Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done Release Hasbro 1 60 November Interactive Studios Action 1998 Web Address: Let Your Glove Do The Walking It looks like little Glover's pulling a Mario 64 "look at the castle" sort of thing here. game based on the actor Danny Glover? Amazing. Jokes aside, Hasbro Interactive recently unveiled their first N64 title, a single-player, 3D action game called Glover, which has nothing to do with the actor with the same last name. The game is a Mario-esque romp through seven themed worlds with bright, colorful graphics. Instead of a plumber or any human or animal character though, you control a white glove with a cartoon face. It sounds strange but the character actually works quite well. Your objective is to find a number of mystical crystals which have been turned into bouncing balls so they won't break. What you need to do is maneuver each of these balls through their respective levels so they can be turned back into crystals and put in their rightful place. And that's where the trickiness comes into play. Levels have narrow walkways, steps, hills and other obstacles that OK, so the story's ri Getting the ball from point A to point B isn't as easy as you might think thanks to platforms and walkways. don't sit all that well with most balls. You'll also have to chuck the ball over pits and at enemies in order to survive. Certain levels have environments that affect how the ball moves. For example, in the snow level - snow builds up on your ball as you roll it around (like a snowball being rolled in the snow). The bigger it gets, the slower it moves, so every now and again you need to give it a good stomp to knock the snow off of it. Each of the worlds contains three levels, complete with enemies, puzzles and a Boss character. @ Infogrames Infogrames culous, too. Sure, Space Circus is a stupid name, but the game itself actually looks pretty cool. This ultra-silly platformer has you guiding Starshot, the star juggler of the Space Circus, on a quest to recruit otherworldly performers to save his beloved deep-space big top from a competing cireus. 58 Anyway, Space Circus is set in seven universes, each divided into different levels. One level, for example, has you returning to Ea which has been destroyed by Martians—to track down the last human and get him to join your circus. The stages sprawl in every ' direction and are similar to those in Rare's Banjo-Kazooie, except much more psychedelic. Some areas are composed of narrow walkways suspended above bottomless chasms, others have you using springboards to hop from place to place, still others have you racing up spiral roadways. You'll have close encounters with more than 300 characters over the course of the game, many of whom you'll cooperate with to reach certain areas and platforms that would otherwise be off-limits (again, as in Banjo-Kazooie). Country Life's Never Been 96 Addicting. Harvest Moon СВ” and Legend of the River King ОВ”. Two unique role playing games for the Nintendo® Game Boy. egend & the 7 r King GB is the first and only game that combines ће dction of a fishing game ith a dynamic RPG story for a unique game experi- ence. However, there's a catch. Instead of fighting the usual bunch of monsters, you'll battle with 40 different species of fish. But this isn’t Korning a few worms for un; you're on a quest to save your ill sister. The only chance to save your sister is to reel in the magical Guardian Fish. To land this whale of a fish, you'll have to travel the land selling your prized catches for money. Only after buying the best equipment and gaining expe- rience, will you be able to conquer this trophy catch. With hours and hours of exciting game play, once you play Legend of the River King, you'll be hooked! Mes < | NATSUME: N64? Version coming Soon ke up with е Sun. Feed the chickens. Milk the nr 1 г СЕДІ forget to go to the market...all etore breaktast. The Super NES? classic Harvest Moon is now available for the Nintendo? Game Boy? with all of the charm of the Е ыы. Ps Е original and many new surprises. Designed to reward e F Ë | ard work and smart decision making, Harvest Moon GB SNO is a unique blend of a role playing and a farming simulation game. Since this game is compatible with the Game Boy Game Link®, you can exchange animals and seeds with your friends to create your own unique ranch. Best of all, Harvest Moon GB offers a greater variety of characters, crops and animals to choose from, making each game's outcome more fun and less predictable. Oh no! You forgot to plow the fields. Looks like no dinner tonight. t z 42 Serious Fun™ у NATSUME’ ©1998 Natsume Inc. ©1997 Victor Interactive Software Inc./Pack-In-Soft. All rights reserved. Natsume, - " Legend of The River King GB and Harvest Moon GB are Trademarks of Natsume Inc. Nintendo Super Nintendo 2 PUBLISHED BY NATSUME NES, Game Boy, and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. i Tf S 5а А The Biggest Names in the World Wrestling Federation Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Rocky Maivia, Triple H and more! The Only Wrestling Game on N64 with 640 x 480 Hi-Rez" Graphics Photo-realistic polygonal wrestlers and 3-D environments. Create-A-Wrestler Customize a wrestler's gender, body, face, strength and costume. Over 300 Motion Captured Maneuvers from the ¥£’s Finest Finishing moves like “The Stone Cold Stunner” and Shawn Michaels’ “Sweet Chin Music.’ The Only Professional Wrestling’ Game with 2-Man Commentary Vince McMahon and Jim Ross bring you the action from ringside. Wrestle in Multiple “True To The Ring” Matches Steel Cage, Gauntlet, Weapons, Royal Rumble and £ Challenge. 4-Player Action One-on-One, Tag Team, Three- and Four-Player War Mode. Um En NINTENDOS in Playstation M GAME BOY Features listed refer to Nintendo 64 and PlayStation versions. For more information on game ratings contact the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772 SÉ World Wrestling Federation and its logos are trade- marks of Titan Sports, Inc. © 1998 Titan Sports, Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo 64, Game Boy and the 3-0 “М” logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1996 Nintendo of America Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Acclaim is a division and registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. and © 1998 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. АП rights reserved. Screen shots shown are from the Nintendo 64 version. ACCLAIM’. ы ИИА Stone Cold Steve Austin” World Wrestling Federation® Champion The latest screens of Zelda 64 (now official- ly known as “The Ocarina of Time” in the United States) are here, straight from E3. The playable version at the show featured many areas never seen before, as well as some new items and Bosses. Take a look at the first screens of the Hook Shot (right), as well as Phantom Ganon (below), one of the new Bosses revealed at the show. The гате is due for release on Nov. 23. 4929 Malad 999662 To the left here are several screens of one of the areas of the game that apparently (obviously) takes place inside a giant mon- ster of some sort. Below we see the Tree of Deku, where the game's first main objective lies. As you can see, the graphics in Z64 are just phenomenal. Without a doubt this is going to be THE game to own in 1998. Nintendo's F-Zero X is nearing completion and is expected to hit the United States at the end of August. The graph- ics may look a bit plain, but the speedy 6ofps animation just screams and the gameplay is extremely solid. Acclaim definitely has the graphics side of things down with NFL Quarterback Club 99, now what they want to put more of a focus on is the Al. They even have Charles Weis of the NY Jets helping coordinate plays for the game. Why stay confined to San Francisco? Now you can practically take on the entire United States in Midway’s addition to the Rush series. The cart features 10 new cars, 12 new tracks and is said to have a slightly improved graphics engine. “This Is a | . sllck-ass mother Оа мМ LS ІМ ACTION!” PlayStation Playable for the first time at E3 (behind closed | doors), Konami’s Castlevania 64 is shaping up nicely. Check out the latest screens... Мәе) M9IA914 Неге are some new screens of бех 64. These are from the brand-new Titanic level, exclusive to the Nintendo 64. As you'd expect, all of the NHL teams, players and logos are in NHL 99 from Electronic Arts. Also look for analog control, interna- tional teams, improved motion- capture and more. as 50% ¢ = Ë d © озен» t S FLYING, iG, MERC ARC What could be more fun than controlling a bunch of animals in a bio-sphere type space station? If you can't think of anything, ОМА Design’s graphic adventure Space Station: Silicon Valley, is the 3D action/adventure game for you. Look for it in October. _Jest the same as the PlayStation game, except f with enhanced graphics and effects. | This one from —— = Infogrames puts you т | control of Jok, an ener- | getic jester's appren- tice. According to Infogrames, Jest is a blend of racing and 3D platform, and lets you travel to such diverse locations as a haunted fairground, Persia and Mars. e Golf Tru True Golf Classics features excellent graphics, six modes of play and tons of options. One of the most notable is its create-a-player feature. As seen in other sports games, this 15 а mode in which players can edit your golfer's attributes. Look for it in July from Nintendo. EASIER ом your HOME _ К 222 THAN THE => | | | PlayStation | id SPORTS GAMES. FOX ATTITUDE. ғ” із ©1998 Gremlin Interactive Lid. Licensed from ond developed Бу Gremlin Interactive Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Fox Sports Inerodive?" & © 1998 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Inc. Al Rights Reserved. “Fox Sports Interactive", “Fox” and “Fox Attitude" and their associated logos are the property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft corporation. Playstation ond the Playstation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is о trademark of the Jnferodive Digitol Software Assocation. € A TWO-TON TRUCK ISNT THE ONLY LOAD YOURE ABOUT TO OROF. 1 = = š = 三 2 E - E = = = š = E: _ EIGHT TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM, EACH т, ма 4 SEAT et NOI w MENTION A AER | MIDWAY "Www аусот ` This area has been referred to as sort of a “West Point” in the FF8 world. It will no doubt play an important part in the overall story. The Video Warning: This is a preview of a Japanese title that may or may not be released in the U.S. It is designed to run on a Japanese system. Import at your own risk. n May 15 in Japan, Square unveiled to an enthusiastic press the latest installment in what is undeniably the most popular RPG series in the entire world. The game, of course, is none other than Final Fantasy VIII. Later in the month, at E3, Square EA officially announced the game’s U.S. release at a press conference during the show. Always careful not to reveal too much too early, Square has only released a few minor tidbits about the game so far, as well as some screenshots and information regarding the game's first two main characters, Squall Leonhart and Laguna Loire. At the press conference in Japan, and then again at E3, they showed off a brief video of the game, showcasing mostly FMV scenes and some early battle sequences from the game, which according to Square, is currently about 20 percent complete. The video opened with a huge tower-like satellite/ antenna station on the screen (obviously of some significance to the plot). The scene then changed to seven fighter jets (airships?) flying across the sky in front of a huge moon, where the Final Fantasy VIII logo soon appeared. Afterward, we saw a fleet of huge ships forging through the sea. Standing on the deck of one of the ships was Squall, who checks out a map before suddenly dropping into a flashback sequence that shows him running t с rough a desert, being hased by an armed vehicle. After this Sequence, the video went on to show various battle scenes (filled with flashy special effects), more FMV clips and a few in-game Scenes. A couple of scenes worth noting were the awesome Leviathan summon spell (which is shown wiping out a huge spider-like mech robot), as well as the aforementioned satellite tower unleashing a massive attack on unsuspecting opposition. Needless Game Directory ath atr. RPG 20 не) У Square Electronic Arts Square Co., Ltd. quall Leonhart Character Information Name: Squall Leonhart Age: 17 Height: 5'10" Squall is a poker-faced, short-spoken man who carries a unique sword known as the “Gunblade.” That is, unless the subject at hand is one he's interested in, at which point he's known to become quite lively and outspoken. He's a bit of a loner (according to Square he has "little sense of comradeship for the people around him"), and he wears a necklace that bears a strange griffon-like symbol (the same one that can be seen near the barrel on the Gunblade). According to character designer Tetsuya Nomura, he wanted the character's name to have the meaning of a passing shower, which is how he came up with the name Squall. His last name, Leonhart, was the name of one of the main characters from an earlier 8-Bit Final Fantasy (for the Famicom) which never came to the United States. This isn't the first time Square has brought back names from earlier games in the series... to say, the video was impressive. When asked about the theme of Final Fantasy VIII, the game's producer, Hironobu Sakaguchi, responded “There are lots of elements in the game, but one of the members of the team, Tetsuya Nomura (the character designer who also did the character designs for Final Fantasy VII, Parasite Eve and the upcoming Brave Fencer Musashiden) says that the theme is love." That might explain the man and woman who are embracing each other in the background of the game's logo. The Gunblade Squall's Gunblade may look somewhat like a gun, but despite the barrel, it doesn't fire bullets. Instead, if the trigger is pulled at just the right time (when the blade is striking an enemy), the damage caused by the blade will be doubled. Pick of the Show 22 ЧУ f `. e? The main differences noted so far between Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy For one, the characters are being designed to look more realistic than the characters in FFVII. The anime-like look of FFVII's characters will be replaced with more correctly proportioned models in FFVIII, mainly to make the transition from FMV to game more fluid and convincing. Sakaguchi explained that he wants to pursue a more in-depth and detailed story line for FFVIII, and he's seeking a more effective graphical expression for the storytelling. He added that he hasn't forgotten about the interactive elements that make it a video game, though. He also mentioned that Square's overseas offices (namely Square USA) are contributing to the technical aspects of FFVIII, namely the game's CG and development tools. Another difference from FFVII is that this time the characters will all be fully texture-mapped. This too VIII are as follows: will help make the in-game characters look more like their FMV counterparts. And last but certainly not least, for the first time in the series, all of your party members will be shown on the field at the same time. No more will you have one guy walking around when suddenly three people jump out of him to start chatting. Now everyone will be shown simultaneously, all the time. The best news of all at this press conference concerned the game’s release date. While it won’t be released in Japan until “sometime this winter” (which basically means anytime before the end of the fiscal year next March), the U.S. release has been officially confirmed for the latter half of 1999, probably around September. To keep eager gamers from going out of their minds waiting for the game, a movie of FFVIII will be packed in with Parasite Eve when it’s released here this September. Another demo—this time playable— will come bundled with Brave Fencer Musashiden when it is released in November. We'll have our own playable demo on July 14 when Brave Fencer Musashiden hits Japan, so expect more coverage of what will surely become the most anticipated game of 1999 real soon. @ As was the case with Final Fantasy VII, FFVIII's backgrounds are rendered with fantastic detail. As you can see, the gameplay environments in FFVIII are beautifully detailed, and have a bit of a futuristic look to them. Shown here along with Squall are two new characters, a man named "Zeru" (that's the literal Japanese translation) and an anonymous female (in blue). Name: Laguna Loire Age: 27 Height: 5'11" Unlike Squall, Laguna is а man of heart. He knows fove and respects his duties. According to Square, he's an optimistic and vigorous person who enjoys the confidence bestowed in him by those around him. Not much else is known about him yet, but we do know that he's a former soldier who now works as a journalist. Apparently, Laguna and Squall, while both main characters, reside on different worlds. How their paths will cross hasn't yet been revealed, but the idea of possibly playing with two entirely different characters from the outset is quite attractive. Whatever the case, we'll know more on this as it develops. According to Nomura-san, the inspiration for the name Laguna came from none other than Laguna Beach, Calif., as well as the powerful sword Ragnarok (which, when broken down phonetically in Japanese sounds a bit like “la-gu-na-ro-k”). e Vehicles These three images show off one of the airships of Final Fantasy VIII. We can only assume that various other forms of transportation, like Chocobos, will be back as well. Nice weaponry, eh? While specific information about Final Fantasy VIII's Magic system hasn't been revealed yet, you can be sure that the effects will top even those of the amazing-looking Final Fantasy VII. Shown here are three of the classic spells in Level 3 form (Fire, Ice and Bolt) as well as the first revealed Summon spell, Leviathan. PLAYSTATIONE: As сап be expected, Final Fantasy VIII's battles will be chock-full of never-before-seen special effects and graphical wizardry. Not much is known yet about the battle system itself, but the ATB (Active Time Battle) feature will of course be back, and so far, it seems that once again your battle party will consist of only three members at any one time. Just one of the several renderings Square has released so far of backgrounds from Final Fantasy VIII... he FFVIII World Like Final Fantasy VII, the backgrounds in FFVIII consist of amazingly detailed 2D images that the 3D characters interact “with.” Неге are the first batch of background renderings revealed. — — — BY GAMERS-FOR GAMERS.” · After getting konked on the noggin, ` Jim back flips, pig-boards, and helicopter heads his way through .2. - freely іп lus 22 But do you want to that it's “all in his Pac-Man 3D 1 Action good portion of the games of yesteryear have been taking a plunge into the world of 3D. Even with all of the enhanced retro titles on store shelves nowadays, one little yellow guy in particular really hasn’t taken the trip just yet, even though a new game with him in it seems like a no-brainer. Pac-Man 3D from Namco puts the pellet-gobblin’ sphere into a 3D world, and so far it seems like they’re doing it right. This is the first title designed and developed by Namco’s U.S. product development team. Nothing in the E3 version of Pac-Man 3D seemed forced. The game’s lead designer Jason Weesner commented, “We wanted to create unique levels of gameplay, yet retain the history associated with Pac-Man.” And the retention of history is just what they're doing. When it comes down to it, Pac-Man is kicking it old-school so to speak except this time he’s in а sharp-looking 3D world. Рас still has to avoid ghosts, eat power pellets and delicious types of fruit (which act as power-ups) and basically do what he has to do to get out of a level. This 3D update is hardly as simple as its arcade predecessor though. Pac-Man 3D puts you in a bright and colorful world, complete with mazes, puzzles, platforms and Bosses. In fact, at first glance our EIC John Davison thought Pac-Man 3D was for the Nintendo 64. That’s how nice the game looks. Since Pac-Man is in a new world, it only makes sense he'd have to try new activities such as flying, swimming and what Namco calls rocketing. Even though Pac can run around in all dimensions, the game is more similar to Pandemonium! than it is to Gex: Enter the Gecko. In addition to the 3D action levels, there's also an update of the original 2D version on the disc. Now the blue-outlined maze is in 3D and the camera has a tighter focus on Pac- Man, but this is more of a bonus than anything else. Namco originally was hoping to release the game in time for the holidays. However, since Pac-Man is Namco's mascot, they want | 4 to make certain this game lives up to d Mmm...delicious power pellets. Like in the original, these make it so you can eat the ghosts. the kind of anticipation a new Pac adventure will receive. Check out for more info on Pac-Man 3D as the game progresses. @ In addition to the regular game, Pac-Man 3D includes the original arcade version in a three-dimensional form. Pac-Man 3D Sounds The Old Wacam Wacam or Hi-Fi? Pac-Man 3D's lead designer wasn't sure how the design team was going to approach the sound effects in the final version of the game. In the E3 version, sounds were almost directly lifted from the original Pac-Man. Believe it or not, they worked really well. So we asked roughly 1,200 people if they want the sound effects in Pac-Man 3D to be a) all- new sound effects, b) the original effects from the 2D version of Pac-Man or c) updated versions of the originals. Here's how the numbers break down: The original effects 10% All-new sound effects Updated versions of the original DHE REG BFIEATTODIEBIUBED At" IN JAPAN = pedis ist dassie Tole | (Сасе a Lealwime PlayStation PLAYSTATION Time 10 Save The Mudokons Once Again interactive 45 November : Oddworld Inhabitants Adventure 1998 “Web Address: Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus t’s an odd, Oddworld once again. Abe, the absinthe- skinned Mudokon and star of GT Interactive’s Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. title, will soon be embarking on his second journey, picking up precisely where his last mission left off. The story begins at the point where, by destroying the factory and all the Mudokon bones stashed inside (during the end of the first game), Abe has given the Glukkons reason to need another cache of bones so they can continue making their carnivorous beverages. In Exoddus, you will again venture into the mission as Abe, only this time, with more feeling. Not only will Exoddus include more gamespeak and more special features discover more intelligent Al, and fellow Mudokons will wear their emotions on their skin, literally, as blue will depict melancholy, red will display anger, and so on. As Abe, you will have to interact with the Mudokons, by hugging and so forth, to keep them from committing suicide and even taking advantage of your kindness. Zombified Mudokons, notably Mudombies, will need Abe’s assistance in finding their way to safety as well. Many of the former enemies, such as Scrabs and Sligs, will return. However, Fleeches, Slurgs, Necrum Spirits and Slogs will also attempt to keep you and your kind from safety. And while saving the Mudokons is foremost, there will be lots of chores for Abe along the way, so to speak. Ө The game and graphics engine is unchanged from Abe's Oddysee, but the puzzles are all new. In fact, Abe's Exoddus has more than 700 new screens. (like invisibility), you will also reportedly Now, Abe can control an entire group of Mudokons at one time. Be warned, however: The Mudokons have volatile personalities. If you don't control them properly, they may throw a tantrum, or worse, commit suicide. Sounds like Tamagotchi, doesn't it? Behind the Screens The Next Oddysee You may know that Abe's Oddysee is part one of a quintology (that's a five-part series to you non-scientists out there). Abe's Exoddus is actually nof part of this quintology. Part two of the series is going to be called Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. Oddworld Inhabitants (the developers) have such a grand artistic vision for part two, they're waiting for a larger, more powerful canvas to paint on. "We definitely won't be doing Munch's Oddysee on the PlayStation,” says Lorne Lanning, president of Oddworld Inhabitants. "We're going to wait for a more powerful system. Whether that system will be Dreamcast remains to be seen." So where does Abe's Exoddus fit in all of this? GT Interactive knew that Oddworld Inhabitants weren't going to put Munch's Oddysee on the PlayStation. So GT basically explained to them that they'd be crazy not to do one more PlayStation Oddworld game, seeing how the first game met with such critical and financial success. Oddworld Inhabitants agreed, so now we have Abe's Exoddus. Just remember, all of the games in the Oddworld quintology will have “Oddysee” in the title. Anything with “Exoddus” is considered outside of the quintology. Got it? «super ADDICTIVE TWO-PLAYEB COMBAT" —yideogam: Join an еріс 2-player struggle where only the fittest survive.Your objective? Utter | annihilation. Your tactics? Outwit and outmaneuver your enemy. Then engage in fierce real-time 3D battles. The outcome? Absolute destruction. => PlayStation SMAA Capcom The Classics Are Back My 2 Cents First we get Super and Super Turbo together in one compilation, then SFII and ЅЕИ: CE in another. What a waste. Couldn't these classics been arranged a little better? Here's my dream PLAYSTATION Generations: his second Street Fighter collection brings together the first three games that started one of the greatest crazes in video game history, the fighting game. Street Fighter ||, Street Fi Championship Edition and Street Fighter ІІ Turbo: Hyper Fighting make up this newest compilation from Capcom. Street Fighter II, in case you’ve been away from this planet for the past eight years, is the one that started the phenomenon. This one has the original cast of eight characters. Championship Edition not only let players play as the same character but let you play as the four Bosses as well. Hyper Fighting, what many of us consider the pinnacle of the SF franchise, brought new moves and faster gameplay to the series. If you have the first SF II Collection, don’t miss out on this one. Together, the two make up the definitive Street Fighter library. @ Publisher/Developer Capcom 1-2 Capcom Web Address: Compilation Release Ath Qtr. 1998 % Done 60 compilation: Street Fighter I, SFII: Championship Edition, ЗЕН Turbo: Hyper Fighting, Super SFII Turbo, SF Alpha 2 Gold, SF EX Plus о. and 52: 2nd Impact. Now how awesome would that be? All the classic fighters and their signature moves are here. Ah...remember these good ol' days? = Рап "Shoe" Hsu Konami 1 Konami Co. Itd November Adventure Silent Hill ess: Pick of the Show > One of the surprise hits of E3 was without a doubt Silent Hill. Imagine Resident Evil with a fully 3D polygonal environment, some of the coolest lighting of any game you’ve ever seen and throw ina combination of out-and-out gothic horror with weird and disturbing visuals. Although only two early scenes were on show in Atlanta, Silent Hill already looks to have enormous potential. By combining the dramatic camera angles of Resident Evil with a fully 3D environment the net result provides some thrilling movie-like sequences. As the hero runs down a dark alley the camera skims the ground in front of him looking up toward his face before swooping up into the corner of the room to provide a more open scene. The game has a very disturbing story concerning a man who loses his young daughter in the town of Silent Hill as it slips between the “real” world and another more hellish domain. There’s a lot of blood here...and some seriously nasty scenes with corpses and the scary-looking hell-spawn. All of the story scenes are told with some of the most convincing CG cinema work меме £. ever seen—the expressions on the faces of the characters manage to convey emotion unlike anything you may have seen before. The game has yet о be approved by SCEA, but as soon as we have any more information we'll bring you as much as we can. The game is very dark throughout—and it makes use of some very effective lighting and fogging to provide a more convincing horror-movie environment. Ому EIDOS ьгіма THE MOst iNNOvative ама сећа ем ма gaMES 2 7 ! i A lo! Choose your Фа». destiny with ђ, Enter: the Lara in Tomb ж” mystical world Raider Ш. | Ре of Kurosawa. just your В A soul. С > he Nomad Soul ж. = a n Tomb Raider IIl, Lara Croft and Fighting Force 64 are tradmarks of Core Design. © 1997-1998 Core. Eidos Interactive and Omi Eidos, Pic. © 1997-1998 Eidos. It's amazing he DarkStalkers series has up until this point essentially been “Street Fighter with monsters.” At its core, DarkStalkers 3 is still just that, but it has a few twists that manage to make it feel quite a bit different. For example, the Dark Force power- up, which takes one level of your super meter, acts a bit like the gems did in Marvel Super Heroes. Each character is affected differently by Dark Force. Some characters get armor, others get mirror images of themselves that double their attack power, etc. There are also two types of super moves in the game. ES moves are powered- up versions of normal moves, like super fireballs, extra-damaging throws and multiple Dragon Punches. EX specials are entirely different moves. For instance, has some of Demitri can turn his opponents into little the most E unconventional girls (even the boys turn into girls— don't ask), pick them up by the neck, and choke combos of any blood out of them, while Lilith tosses a top ` fighting game on the market. hat at her opponent. If the hat hits, her enemy is forced to do a little dance, taking damage all the while. So far, the PlayStation version looks and plays as well as can be expected. Naturally, the animation isn't as smooth as the arcade or Japanese Saturn version, but it is more than adequate. If you're looking for a Capcom fighter a bit different from the average Capcom fighter, then keep di an eye out for DarkStalkers 3.) 4 T2 Fighting DarkStalkers 3 that it's taken this long for a boxing simulation to hit the PlayStation, but what's not surprising is tl at EA is the company that decided to break the dry spell. Finally, boxing fans will be able to step into th e ring with Knockout Kings. In their efforts to make a comprehensive boxing game that spa ns generations, EA licensed more than 38 real boxers that include legends such as Muhammad A i and Sugar Ray Leonard in addition to current favorites such as Evander Holyfield and Oscar De La Hoya (wl ho also served as a consultant and provided motion-capture). Each 3D boxer looks very close to their real- life counterparts thanks to texture- mapped faces and similar polygonal body models. Additionally, each boxer's vital fighting statistics (such as strength, fighting style, weight, height, stamina and reach) will provide the soul of each fighter, and will determine how he can be used or abused in the ring. Apparently, EA is sparing no expense in making this game an immersive boxing experience. The voice of Mills Lane will provide the instructions before each fight, followed by two-man commentary by Sean O’ Grady and Al Albert. With such attention to detail being put into Knockout Kings, the future seems bright for the PlayStation's first true boxing simulation. Tons of motion-captured moves should ensure that Knockout Kings looks and plays like a real boxing match. Texture-mapped faces give the boxers character, especially when they're beaten bloody. MUSIC MOST DANGEROUS | "DIABOLUS IN MUSICA" THE FIRST ALBUM IN FOUR LONG YEARS. FEATURING STAIN OF IVIINID. Produced by Rick Rubin Co—Produced by Slayer WWW.DIABOLUS.NET WWW. AMERICANRECORDINGS.COM | Playstation | тулт | | le EET ` Call 1.800.771.3772 for „бате Rating Information i l | 1 1 the land of Mamora, ‚ `a corpse's nostrils and mouth à аге sewn shut, its knees and Dig toes tied, and a lullaby: | _ 13 whispered into the dead body's ear. sometimes death is just the beginning ...- 3 №5 а grim world where voodoo-tainted civilizations tap the spiritual energy of the freshly killed. Welcome to Akuji the Heartless” - a perverse tale of deceit and betrayal. On your wedding day, your murderous brother * rips your heart out. In your quest for vengeance, unleash your deadly ` ^ уоодоо powers or go hand-to-hand with the hordes of hell as you fight your Way, through the underworld to salvation. 7 в. Crystal Dynamics, the Crystal Dynamics logo, the GEX chr oj the Heartless are trademarks of Crystal Dynamics. © 1998 Al rights reserved. Station andthe еа пазе ales is of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. MGM Interactive Black Ops es: he biggest news on the Tomorrow Never Dies front is the recently pushed-back release date. Now the game developed by Black Ops is coming our way in the second quarter of ’99 instead of fourth quarter "98. Why? The answer is simple, according to а spokesperson for MGM Interactive, “Since this is the first Bond game on the PlayStation we want [Tomorrow Never Dies] to kick butt.” MGM believes the extension will give the team that much more time to make the game amazing. But will the extra time do the trick? If the version we scoped at E3 is any indication of what's to come, then yes. The graphics in the latest revision look improved over old versions, and the overall feel is tight. What’s more, TND looks quite original for using a license that can easily be corrupted. Of course, Bond will do all kinds of interesting, action-packed things. Some that should make it into the final product are flying, driving, skiing, scuba diving and go on foot somewhat similar to GoldenEye. The game’s story, believe it or not, starts where the movie Tomorrow Never Dies ends. Why such an unorthodox move? MGM and Black Ops know part of the fun of a James Bond film is discovery, so they want to have a story that allows the player to slowly piece Bond doesn’t just go it on foot in TND, he also jumps in his fancy ride, skies and flies. Look familiar? Don’t be fooled, the resemblance to GoldenEye 007 is only because it's a James Bond game. together what’s going on, figure out who the mastermind is, and then go save the world. If they simply made а game based on the томје 5 plot you'd know what’s about to happen. From what Black Ops has told us, they want TND to stand оп its own as a game first and foremost. The movie license comes second. Also note: Although the number of players in the box above only says one, there is talk of possibly including Multiplayer Modes by the time the game’s released. @ (P в ae В (I asy "Never, T feel sorry for шу аме but that's her fate, " Caws "Talking about fat what abont ours. st! Trade special s with your friends via the memory card or г у spread over 30+ hours of gameplay. fight to the death in Versus Mode. ре 21998 Atlus. Kartia is a trademark of Atlus. АН rights reserved. Final Fantasy ©™Square Co.,Ltd, АП rights reserved E Licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment America for use with the PlayStation game console. PlayStation and the PlayStati PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark ot the JayStation Interactive Digital Sottware Association. Manufactured and printed in the U.S.A. THIS SOFTWARE IS COMPATIBLE WITH PLAYSTATION GANE CONSOLES WITH THE NTSC U.C DESIGNATION, US. AND FOREIGN PATENTS PENDING. Moto Racer 2 Electronic Arts Delphine 1-2 Racing 60 1998 Î ost sequels come and go. The ones that stand have something memorable added. Moto Racer 2 from Electronic Arts may just have that special something: A new 3D Track Creator to design Еи custom courses, which сап then be saved to a memory card. Essentially you'll never run out of tracks since you can make your own and trade with your neighborhood chums. You can make hills, jumps, valleys and change the course from dirt to city street with the push of the button and simply save it to a standard memory card. This feature alone should bring back those fun memories The desert sand will affect how your bike controls, so watch those corners and jumps. of Excitebike on the NES, and looks to be more At ЕЗ, the track an asphalt and a dirt track. editor lets you choose between versatile than Jerry McGrath’s track editor. The game maintains its speedy engine and tight control but with slightly enhanced graphics. Track- wise, Moto 2 le the Sahara Des ts you race in real locations such as ert and Amazon Rain Forest, plus more than 25 other new tracks. With these locations comes an array of weather effects. A sandstorm in the desert will make your make it easier support should bike drift, whereas a downpour will or you to slide. The added Dual Shock make the playing experience even more enjoyable, for both the vibration and analog control. Moto 2 features an Arcade and Simulation Mode, but will also give you a Three-player Mode for a split-screen c Omikrons street signs, pedestrian traffic and bad neighborhoods make you feel like you're in a real, . Blant city. ance to beat your friends. @ NAME : RIPLEY ELLEN DUE THIS FALL. АЕ ZI THE GAME ©1998 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. LED L- E Sony Computer Ent. 1-2 July SCEE Racing 90 Turbo Prop Racing urbo Prop Racing is the newest addition to the growing motorboat racing genre. Six environments (Alaska, Miami, Costa Rica, etc.) and 18 different track combinations provide the catalyst for this high-speed water extravaganza. Race these tracks with up to 10 different craft ranked by the usual speed, handling ! апа acceleration classifications. What to expect? Good speed emulation and plenty of icon grabbin’ to keep those speeds alive. Also get ready for wide-banked tracks complete with long sweeping curves to accommodate the pace as well as the nudging competition. As for the water effects—it’s no Wave Race but then again the PlayStation can only handle so much polygon manipulation. Dual Shock The Canyon course features heavy rapids and lots of negative power-ups. the thrashing water. where it should be— the racing gameplay. Your eyes will dart between navigating the course and spotting the next competitor to compatibility provides precise steering not to mention quite a bit of vibration due to At this point the focus of the game is pass. And that, my friends, is the sign of a good racer. Even though this game has been previously released in Europe as Rapid Racer, it looks quite good in its second incarnation here in the states, б Fox Interactive and Argonaut Software will hopefully waste no time bringing us the sequel to the first true 3D action game on the PlayStation. Unfortunately, we have yet to actually sit down and play the game since all Fox had on display at E3 was a videotape of 40 percent complete gameplay. Croc ll runs ona modified version of the original Croc engine, which isn’t a bad thing considering the first was quite impressive, at least graphically. “It’s a further evolution of the engine. Argonaut learned а lot from Croc that they implemented in Croc Il,” commented David Stalker, producer of both Croc: Legend of Gobbos and Croc II. Running in hi-res at 30 frames per second, Croc II promises to blow away its predecessor at least from а visual standpoint. After defeating the evil Baron Dante in the first game, the back-packed reptile leaves his adoptive island home in search of his long-lost parents. As luck would have it, the Baron is far from finished. Thanks to Croc’s upcoming journey, we'll be treated with a variety of new environments. Based on art and screenshots, Croc looks like he'll be visiting a number of unique worlds, including the Wild West, an Inca Village and a snow world. Upon entering a new world, the appearance of Croc's furry Gobbo pals will change to match the given environment. Also expect larger areas to explore instead of a number of small ones broken up with load time like the first one. Hopefully the problems in the first Croc will be changed іп Croc Il. Thanks go out to the Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine for most the info on this one. 208 Bend То The Whims Of тпа Unleashing All That Is Forbidden: — Anniht | ition 8 ТНЕМАМСО GUNCON <> = 5 Я iA ‘obtained at our web site at http://w., or by sending a SASE to Elemental Gearbolt Contest c/o Working We Hames 4 00 HT to 77. PlayStation аг Creek Road; Redding. СА 96001. Complete details are also available inside every game package. <” Si and the PlayStation logos are registeredittademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "ELEMENTAL GEARBOLT' is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainmefff пс. Original Game © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 1997. game is published by Working Designs under license from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. English Translation © Working Designs 1998. "Working Designs is a registered trademark of Working Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. make better lovers! Web Address: For a dealer near you, call (916) 243-3417. 55%». Midway 1-2 20 x November Shiny Ent. Simulation 1998 ow’s this for a big boast: Shiny claims | the controls for its RC Stunt Copter— published by Midway—are so accurate that if you play the game long enough, you'll be able to fly a real-world RC helicopter. We didn't Е PË play the game nearly that long at E3 to test this theory, but we can say the controls take a bit getting used to. Just like a real helicopter, the RC aircraft in the game uses one stick to control flight Helicopters—even RC direction and another to control altitude. Hence, RC ones—are supposedly Stunt Copter works ideally with the Dual Shock the most difficult aircraft analog controller. to fly, so this game will Gameplay is reminiscent of Pilot Wings. You fly a take patience. variety of RC helicopters through courses filled with obstacles, such as balloons, and objects to collect. Varying weather makes flight a bit more challenging, as well. Newbies to the game can progress through its Training Mode— probably a good idea, since the physics are so true- to-life. Although the version we saw at E3 didn’t look all that spectacular in terms of graphics, this game will no doubt appeal to flight-sim 7 EEE fanatics—and anyone else whose parents never bought them а $1,000 RC chopper. @ , [ | Streaking toward ап early 1999 release on а маме While the mechanics of the game are | of unpredictable originality comes Jackie Chan’s superficially about as original in concept | Stunt Master. Would you believe it, it's a 3D cooking as a spoon, the underlying story and | вате, Мо, no, no. It isn’t.'s a 3D platform/ structure is actually quite cool. You play adventure/fighting game. Think Double Dragon, Chan (obviously) and the action takes think Fighting Force, think “Oh my God, | really place on the movie set of his next film. wasn’t expecting that.” As he’s happily filming, things start to go crazy on the set and the lines between what is being produced for the film and what is actually a threat become some- what blurred. As you would expect, lots of fighting ensues. It has to be said that Jackie Chan is one of the coolest people in movies so it’s great to see that he is so actively involved in the production of the game. Radical is working with him on all of the moves for the game, and he’s been hooked up to a motion-capture setup already in order to capture his acrobatic tendencies. The preview at E3 was obviously extremely early, but already the central character was recognizably Chan. Watch out for more information later in the year. Despite having no facial features, the way the central character both looks and moves is unmistakably Jackie Chan. 52554 THE FEEL OF REAL ! Ever wondered what it feels like to take an S-turn at 180 mph? Get a grip -- hecause this summer you'll be able to strap yourself in to Video System's new racing sim for the NG4 and get a dose. Simply awesome. ©1998 VIDEO SYSTEM CO., LTD. / PARADIGM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. Licensed by Nintendo. Nintendo, the Official Seal, Nintendo 64, the 3-D "N" logo, and the Rumble Pak are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. VIDEO SYSTEM USA, INC. 11155 Knott Ave., Suite F, Cypress, CA 90630 — 714-894-3355 S.C.A.R.S. Notice the intense light-sourcing appearing all over the screen. Publisher/Developer Web Address: WWW 00582700 YU gy) ААТ: Ubi Soft 1-4 75 Vivid Image Combat Racing 1998 72 .C.A.R.S. is basically a combat racing game juiced up with somewhat bizarre themes and subplots. The tale goes as follows: Super-intelligent computers run the land in 3000 AD. Out of boredom they create and race a series of super combative vehicles—each with its own animal theme. They call it, Situational Computer Animal Racing Simulation or S.C.A.R.S. for short. Far-fetched plot aside, this combat racer has some nice features going for it. Namely decent driving playability as well as a deep and detailed зр appearance. Generous amounts of light sourcing as well as seamless backgrounds helps set the stage for Players/Genre % Done | Release S.C.A.R.S. features a lot of hilly terrain creating an intense roller-coaster racing experience. nasty combat racing on eight rolling tracks. Each of the nine vehicles sports a far-out animal- inspired look along with such names as Lion LK, Tiger Shark and Rhino Roadster. Interesting concept, but when the race is on, all focus turns to grabbing weapon icons and blowing opponents off the track. To accommodate the destruction, nine weapons ranging from homing missiles to road mines are available. Although combat racing is nothing new, S.C.A.R.S.' unique look and gameplay could be a nice addition to the genre. Let's hope the animal rights activists can handle the themes. @ — BUTTON `` We mentioned fish, and here they are. Most of them look very similar, but get much more threatening. Just bring some choice tartar sauce, and you'll be fine. This big ship on the bottom left was commandeered against his will. Too bad he has to kill his friends now. э уте жоя неле "lon, IB. EF 3 N. сверіт а ` | Driving, Ç ШОШ "Пе “ШЕ пап sarely Say tits ts шш to be ë [in mis син“ = Шү beuzi tripu угш llie ® Supports DUAL SHOCK" Strap yourself in for the fastest, most stomach-churning racing game ever! CIRCUIT BREAKERS is like по other racing game оп earth! Up to four players can battle head-to-head on over 3 pallet coaster race tracks in any of 8 spectacular 30 worlds. Na namby pamby ‘corridor’ racing, Bach track features hair-raising banked corners. heart-in-the- mouth, jaw-dropping dips and drops - all in spectacular 30. Each track has its own array of ethal power-ups — so if you cant overtake em, blast em off the track. Plus, for a real drive by the INDSEAPE NTERTAINMENT ч seat of your pants experience, an ingenious dynamic camera zooms in and => out of the action, keeping all jostling competitors in full view. Best of all, ЕСТІҢ CIRCUIT BREAKERS is astonishingly easy to play - select your options by literally driving straight through ‘em in a unique 30 arena! (©1998 Mindscape, Inc.All rights reserved. Mindscape is a registered trademark and Circuit Breakers and the Mindscape logo are trademarks of Mindscape, Inc. The Supersonic lago is a trademark of Supersonic Sollware, Ltd. Developed by Supersonic Software, Ltd. Licensed by Sony Enertainment America fr use with the PlayStation game console. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered Developed by trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks and i registered trademarks are the property о! their respective holders. Л $ирег. sonic Driver 1 МА 1 3 0 4th Qtr. Reflections Racing 1998 t’s really surprising that no one has done this before. Virtually every cool action film and TV cop show has good old-fashioned car chases in why haven’t there been any car chase games? Now there is...developed by the U.K.-based team that produced both Destruction Derby games for Psygnosis, it is one of the most impressive car games that we have ever seen. The player takes on the role of a getaway car driver, and the basic objective of the game is to meet up with criminals as they are leaving their heists and drive them to safety. Simple. What makes the thing so impressive though is the fact that the chases take place in some of the most accurate modeled cityscapes we've seen on any system. The team apparently drove around each city and took video of every street to make sure that they got buildings in the right places. One guest at Reflection’s booth at E3 felt so familiar with the map of Miami the team had made that he drove around and pointed out the apartment building he used to live in! Despite the realism of the maps though, it's the tire-squealing '705 сор show-inspired action that really makes № gee SIE 页 == rr ар” Starsky & Hutch-style саг chases even take you down the alleys between the buildings. Look out for big boxes of garbage to smash through in the final version. this game an exciting prospect. Tearing around the streets of San Francisco with loads of cops on your tail while weaving in and out of the sensible, law- abiding drivers and pedestrians of the city is a truly wonderful experience. Driver has yet to be signed to a publisher—but from what we saw at E3 it's only a matter of time. Watch out for more news on this in coming months. Publisher/Developer Players/Genre % Done | Release November 989 Studios 1 50 1998 989 Studios Action Web Address: To help break away from similar games, Syphon Filter places the emphasis on action and less on puzzle- solving elements. That's not to say the action is mindless. Enemies are placed in strategic locations which require some planning prior to assault. The best example of this is in the park level where snipers are trying to prevent you from completing your objectives by cornering you into traps. In addition to making you use your head, you'll have access to more than 20 weapons which range from the standard to the “oh yeah" level. Zoom scopes are one of the trendier accessories making their rounds in other games and they have found a Gabriel Logan has a tough assignment. He must navigate through seven assassin-filled levels while convincing gamers that Syphon Filter is no Tomb Raider/Metal Gear clone. Of course the latter is not really Gabriel's concern, but it's definitely something the developers (989 Studios, formerly Sony Interactive Studios) are clearly trying to accomplish. home here. Syphon Filter does up the ante a bit by adding an infrared scope which detects body heat and tracks enemies by it. Very cool. In the end, it'll take good enemy А! and proper level balancing to make Gabriel and his game standout out from the pack. ; DRTS GAMES. FOX АЙТИ атељеа руне ny Cı SS <> PlayStation HE PITCHER KNOWS IT. THE BATTER KNOWS IT. THE CATCHER, THE UMP AND THE FANS KNOW IT. BUT AT 92 MPH, IT STILL HAS THE POWER TO SURPRISE. PROPERTY, OF PLAYSTATION ATHLETIC DEPT. 11909 моглоја While the E3 version of Konami's Metal Gear Solid didn’t have any areas we haven't seen before, it did at least have English text... 7 8988 овон doo ANGLE One sentry on the left and one on the right. Р instruct you by Codec after you reach your target. ANGLE ла | Art Director | Yoli Shinkawa across the board. They fight. They jump. They even do sol Combine all of this lunacy with one of the best chess engin Fox take you on a trip from basic to advanced game а Ts те ©1998 Titus. Миш s 64, ‘the Titus logo are registered trad Nintendo, the official s: N° 100 are registered trademer PLAYSTATION Мдјјед МӘ1Л914 Копаті is being super tight about releasing any information on MGS beyond the game’s first main area. We want more, Konami! 2 \\ VON j PlayStat 2 2 PlayStation Ë Brunswick is a registered trademark of Brunswick Bowling and Billiards Corporation. Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling is a trademark of THQ Inc. © 1998 THQ Inc. Playstation and the Playstation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Activision’s 3D fighter—officially sanctioned by Marvel Comics—will feature more than a dozen heroes and villains from the X-Men series. ) GameDay 99 _ ` Smarter artificial intelligence, better shading, more polygons per play- er and a new game engine. GameDay 99 may very well be the best football sim of all time! We'll let you know. Help Tobu save | his uncle from an evil emperor inthis 3D action | game from | Sony. Look for | it in the fourth | quarter of | | this year. | | | ’ Rally Cross 2 A new game engine and licensed cars top the list of improvements in this year's Rally Cross. Heart of Darkness from Interplay and Amazing Studios has been in development forever, but we should see it later this year. 106 RACING. DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL. = — Make your friends eat your dust in head-to-head competition. stomize every detail of your car. Adapt tire grip to changing track conditions; the Newman/Haas Racing. Power and precision with 11 licensed crew adjusts everything to your specifications. tracks including ovals, rovals, street courses, and permanent road courses. Perfection in every detail. а winning indy car tradition Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Due early next year from LucasArts, this 3D adventure has Dr. Jones outwitting the Soviets and— even worse— snakes in 16 exotic locales. _Iwisted Metal 3 _ \ TM3 is not from | I SingleTrac—it's from Sony's 989 Studios. It wasn’t at E3 so we don’t know if it'll live up to the TM name. Sadly, these new shots don’t show Psygnosis’ addition to the Colony Wars engine. CV now features planet-based missions that have you skim- ming over rolling terrain, bat- tling huge spidery robots. enge of the Gecko Gex 3: Revenge of the Gecko uses the same game engine as Enter the Gecko, but has all-new levels and costumes. Here area couple of shots from the Snowboarding and Pirate levels. father's cartoons! Maybe cats and mice sticking dynamite in each other’s butts was great entertainment in your grandfather’s day, but today’s video- weaned generation is looking for something just a little bit more exciting. | No other company in North America _ produces a wider variety of quality ani- "| mated films from Japan. Nobody. But | | don’t take our word for it; just ask any | of your anime-loving friends | | tapes they've been watching lately. | Or better yet, take advantage of the | | deal the nice folks at Suncoast Motion | Picture Company are offering on this | very page and see for yourself. | Whether it's graphic violence, sizzling | sex and gratuitous gore you're looking | for, or intense intellectual stimulation, | | serious romance or plain old giant |. monsters stomping Tokyo, we’ve got | yeu covered, in both English р | and Subtitled versions. FILMS ° e-mail: Entertainme ht SU NCOA ST Wave of the Future... в MOTION PICTURE COMPANY | EE 21000054003 171a | ipede ___ This 30 update to Centipede features both an Arcade and a Quest Mode but still feels a lot like the original (which is a good thing). Look for it from Hasbro Interactive in October. „Bloodshot _ This semi-futuristic 3D action/adventure game from Acclaim features sweet graphics, a main character made up of nano-machines and a load к and vehicles. Clock Tower ||: The Struggle Within. terrifying point-and-click adventure from ASCII. This time, you play a woman with a multiple personality disorder. Capcom's surprise game at E3 is, of all things, a snowboard- , ing game. You can race several downhill courses, or you can hit the giant jump or the half- pipe. Different characters and boards round out the package. | ” TS м ` 7 о > uri 4 Men 5335 AU du irm HEN, Nau ts на 599 114 Vra a 2 UR 172 по eae A Sa tA 55 « чы E 2. ом, 1 : ` T4 aucem 25 E arro ы э, ~ £ м =. 4 ER 3 : ^at ив Е = 1 Tug Cuv y Е m а= S H 7 тм. = Е жоу: => Ф © = E = c = ве 21% = = 5 = Ее = = у Ее ` E ج‎ EBES о. di 55 sepse о = | 3 ИЕ кй E = = ^4 z m. 5 GE 55 з ` Ecco Е А à j dE == = 2M ee = S22 25 51. ) T Мо > суг ъъ ы Б = = = pits 424% 4 = зэ = n my з = Сз а um. зам ў бэ л. | yt dj "yn "e : e ORE зе T "gi * т ^ LPG WI ue пр” =a. » 2 >- >> ae R i = ; JN trademark С тодо ОВ x , Meee > TO TT yos. ЛО Ена i Corian! 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Turbo Prop Racing WarGames: Defcon 1 WWF Warzone Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling Са C Red Alert: Retaliation C: The Contra Adventure Cardinal SYN Circuit Breakers Eliminator Golden Goal Soccer HardBall 6 _ Heart of Darkness 15 Soccer Pro 98 Pocket Fighter Sentinel Returns Shadow биппег Silhouette Mirage | Small Soldiers Spice World Team Losi RC Racing Unholy War Viper Battleship Capcom Generations: 1942 Capcom Generations: Ghosts & Goblins Castle of Deception Devil Dice Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Earthworm jim3 — Fox Sports Interactive Hockey Fox Sports Interactive Tennis G, Darius International Rally Championship Kula World: Mind Bending Madness LARD. 2100 Lunar:Silver Star Story— Complete Madden NFL 99 Master of Monsters Mega Man Legends Motorhead NCAA Football 99 С, МЕ. 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АЈ rights reserved. даваны =o Patrol the streets at a breakneck speed of 60 frames per second Bring in law breakers dead or alive (or barely alive) with high- == powered nonlethal or lethal weapons like the Vulcan Cannon == Maintain the peace with the Turbo Patrol Car, Bike €: or Wing - you're a crack shot with each. zm of adre -crimina т и al caught on interior or exterior cameras 1 or 2-player split screen action. | > Martin Gibbins M D Love it or hate it, Tomb Raider—and its ubiqui- tous Lara Croft—have been partly responsible for the success of both the PlayStation and the more mainstream acceptance of video gaming. With one game a year so far, it's hardly surprising that the third installment will be with us before the end of 1998. Can it really make another jump for- ward? Ог аге we just going to see more of the same? EGM visited Core Design’s U.K. offices to speak to the team and see the game as it is being pieced together. “Where do we start?” begins Core Design big cheese Jeremy Smith. “Tomb 3 er, so... it’s going to be the same size as Tomb 2. There'll be 15 lev- els split into sub-levels in the same way that the other games were. There'll be some new vehi- cles, hi-res graphics on the PlayStation, new moves, new lighting—colored lighting, which looks really nice. We're just pushing it as hard as we can. Мете probably not pushing as hard as the transition from Tomb 1 to Tomb 2, but moving from pseudo medium res to hi-res is a big step. This is going to need new tools, new libraries and a different viewpoint on how to attack the prob- By John Davison lems. We've had some help from Sony and we're making more effi- cient use of the PlayStation itself.” “We've improved the speed of the engine dramatically,” elaborates development director Adrian Smith. “This has freed up a lot of processor time to be able to make things more realistic, less boring. We wanted to really ramp up all of the ambient stuff 50 that the levels are more interesting. We've also gone back and looked at Tomb 1 again to look at level structure. We've gone more, er...mazeified—if that's a word. We've wanted to try and make the thing less linear. You don't just walk into a room and see one exit; there are going to be multiple routes through levels where each way offers different kinds of challenges. We've basically changed a lot with the game to accommodate the new ideas.” Late last year, when EGM inter- viewed the Tomb 2 team for our offi- cial Ultimate Guide to Tomb Raider book, they told us that “making Tomb 3 really different is what's most important. We probably won't have the thing ready until maybe Christmas 1999.” Things seem to be moving a bit quicker than that. Did you want to do Tomb 3 this soon? “{laughs] Should | answer that? Ег...по. To be honest we didn't." Jeremy shifts in his seat before con- tinuing. “| wanted to wait a while. But, to be honest, the reason that we did do it is because there is con- sumer demand for it. We can take you and show you thousands of let- ters asking for another game. We originally wanted to wait and do something completely new...but that’s now what the original team is working on—Tomb Raider “next generation” if you like. They’re all off doing research and working on new ways of doing things. By bring- ing in a new team to work on this project, though, we managed to bring in a lot of fresh ideas. “The Tomb 3 team came together through a mish-mash of other pro- jects. Martin Gibbins, the lead pro- grammer, had been working on Blam! Machinehead. Then he went on to do some research before com- ing to this. Chris, the second pro- grammer, is new and he’s only been with us for a few months. Everyone came together simply by us sitting down and deciding to do the new game, and then deciding where we were going to take people from. Actually Martin was working on a game for about four months that used a new character, but using the Tomb Raider engine.” What game was that? Is it still something we may see? “It was going to be a game with more action, more shooting,” enthuses Smith. “We were tweaking the engine to be smoother, faster and more fluid to allow for an action kind of game—and the new charac- ter was male this time. But we decided to hold off on that. We may still produce it, but not for a while. We'll maybe wait and do it on anew system in the future. Martin had already built a lot of the ideas that are being used in Tomb 3 for this other game, so when we started putting this project together, a lot of the work was already done.” The Further Adventures? From what was on show at this very early stage of development this additional work to the engine seems more than worthwhile. For starters the game looks far slicker than the previous incarnations. To help explain how different Tomb 3 really is, lead programmer Martin Gibbins and level designer Richard Morton pick up the story. “Basically we were approached to produce a game that would fill the gap between Tomb 2 and Tomb 3,” explains Morton. “Tomb 3 was orig- inally going to have the new engine Tomb Raider 3 Effects Superficially Tomb 3 could be accused of looking just like its pre- decessors, but when you look closely there are a lot of subtle effects built into the graphics engine now. By using these through- out the game, the team has built a more believable environment. *flections Although not using a true reflection mapping system (the PlayStation would run very slowly if it did) the artists have tried to make all of the environments as realistic as possible. Particle Effects and the new animation system, but that’s now part of the Tomb Raider ‘next generation’ project. This was originally going to be called ‘The Further Adventures of Lara Croft,’ but as we progressed through we realized that we'd actually done one hell of a lot to the game with the lighting, and more importantly we developed the triangular floor blocks so we can make more com- plex polygonal objects. By the time this all came together the question had to be asked: Why not make it Tomb Raider 3? Now we’ve got new vehicles, different costumes and lots of cosmetic stuff, but at a fun- damental level there’s also a com- pletely different level structure.” Gibbins elaborates, “To be honest we weren’t happy with the way Tomb 2 looked. It was a bit limited, especially with some of the effects that you could do. The lighting was limited to individual floor blocks, so we made the whole thing more dynamic and added colored filters to the lighting at the same time. “The original Tomb Raider was developed with the PC in mind, and you can see this because of the sim- ple nature of the blocks and the way that things were textured. The same with Tomb Raider 2. The palette there was restricted by the need to make use of an 8-Bit palette—even when thinking about the lighting— but Tomb 3 is being developed specifically for the PlayStation. Everything is being built around the capabilities of the machine; 16-Bit palettes, transparencies and stuff like that. By doing this we've been Colored Lighting You hear so much about it on the N64 and on 3D-accelerated PCs, but it’s only now in the PlayStation’s life that we're starting to see programmers push the machine in this direction. For atmosphere, it makes a tremendous difference and virtually all of Tomb 3’s levels make very effective use of the new system. It’s also worth noting that any area can now be lit with the new engine rather than individual floor tiles. Aside from the triangle-based polygo- nal engine, one of the other most sig- nificant changes as far as technology is concerned is the new particle sys- tem. This new effects engine allows special effects to be made that simu- late the particles in smoke, fire or mist. Tomb 3 is full of subtle effects such as these, including smoking gun muzzles as well as the flare shown here. INTRODUCING... THE NEW QUAL FORCE STEERING WHEEL WITH BUILT-IN RUMBLE FOR PLAYSTATION’ If you think this is an ordinary wheel, you're in for a shock—Dual Shock? Mad Catz new Dual Force Steering Wheel is the first 100% Dual Shock" com- patible wheel for PlayStation® The only wheel that lets you feel the full force of Gran Turismo: With one digital and two analog modes, authentic rubber racing grips and built-in thrust and rumble action, it makes all other wheels mere toys. N64 version also available. by any means necessary Basically, the most important thing that [we] have been aiming for is to make this a completely different game from Tomb 1 and 2. Very little of the game is leftovers from previous projects. — Martin Gibbins, lead programmer able to push the machine much harder.” “The triangle-polygon engine that we've added allows you to build more complex shapes much more efficiently" explains а proud Gibbins. *For example, using this system you can actually build a proper dome shape—something you just couldn't do before. The terrain can look much smoother and more organic, something that's perfect for Tomb Raider. We can also ripple water surfaces much more realistically and we can produce dynamic effects with the textures. In one area we're going to have quicksand that behaves like the water dynamically, but uses a solid texture. “Basically, the most important thing that [we] have been aiming for is to make this a completely differ- ent game from Tomb 1 and 2. Very little of the game is leftovers from previous projects. We wanted to do lots of new stuff that people would new moves. The main new thing that this has is a monkey bar swing which was supposed to make it in before, but the previous team didn't have time to do it. Also, we've put in 3D ropes which Lara can swing on. They were thought about for Tomb 2, but no one ever really worked on them." "We've also had some really radical ideas," beams Morton, "like how about this? Lara can open a door using a door handle rather than using a dirty great lever. Also, we've made it so that she can pick something up off a table without having to jump on it and then stoop to pick it up. There's also a new crawl move that means Lara can now get through really low, half- block sized gaps and this has opened up all kinds of things as far as the level design is concerned. It's been great for putting in secrets." “We had a big discussion at the beginning of this project as to how the enemies were going to look, too," Gibbins says, opening a topic about which he clearly feels strong- ly. “Some people liked the way they looked in the first game, and some liked those from the second. In the end we decided to scrap the Tomb 2-style big rippling muscles and go for something more realistic . This also helps us with the memory. The enemies still look good, but because we're running the game in hi-res now we needed to claw back memory from wherever we could— stripping them down really helped the speed." “The dinosaurs from Tomb 1 are going to be back this time," Morton beams, “and as well as the big guys, we're going to have the little ones from Jurassic Park. What are they called? Compys? We've got the AI guys working on them, and they've come up with a kind of swarm rou- tine that enables them to work as a pack—if you shoot at them, they'll break off their attack and scatter all over the place." *There'll also be piranha fish and stuff like that," Gibbins tells us. "Partly to make the water stuff more dangerous, but also to make them more interesting." Adrian Smith elaborates on the importance of the Al at this point. “The Al guy, Tom, is a doctor in artificial intelligence, and he sits upstairs playing with these routines that affect these little balls on the screen," he explains, waving his arms around. "It's not much to look at but it's very impressive when you think about what it's doing. The Al is something that we never really highlighted in Tomb 2, but if you look back at the Tibetan level the mónks all employ an effective Al system. When Lara arrived at the scene the monks and the _® Over 40 sinister enemies to engage. e Four main characters to control. ` .. • 16 spells; four deadly weapons, and. · endless fighting combos to master. . ^ жы ЖЕ. www. psygnosis. comode t t see men. $ vm ‘ОТ, Psygnosis and the Fsygnošis logo are TM or © and © 1998 туйе Lt. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The ratings icon is а registered trademark 3, of the Interactive Digital Software Association. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 。 mercenaries are fighting. If Lara chooses not to get involved, the monks will actually leave her alone for the rest of the game. If she did wade in there though, the monks would behave completely different- ly. We really liked that, so you'll see a lot more of that kind of thing. Dr. Tom is a good example of how we've changed the way we do things. We've taken someone who's very academically minded, but also а gamer—and set him loose. Не сап put together the Al and then hand it over to the coders who can make use of it and refine it as they inte- grate it into the code.” “We're using sound a lot as far as the Al is going to work too,” Morton elaborates, “and this is going to be tied in with the rumble pack on the Dual Shock. The enemies will basi- cally be able to listen out for you, and if they hear anything they’ll come looking for you. We can help build the tension by making the controller give you feedback as well, and in stereo. The controller has two separate jolters in it, so you can have the sound and the tactile stuff coming from the same side.” A Brand-New Game From seeing the demo of the game, it’s not just the graphics and the technology that are the most obvious differences this time around. Morton explains what has been done to make the game struc- ture itself a bit different. “You’ve got one adventure that you have to play at the start which is going to be set in India, and then once you've played through and found the arti- fact, you are contacted by someone who tells you that you’ve stumbled upon a much bigger adventure. There are then three further adven- tures which you are ‘hired’ to do, and these can be played in whatev- er order you want. These all have their own plots and their own char- acters. Once you've finished these you then move on to a final level. Who Will Be Lara Croft? Because the new graphics engine allows for triangles to be used to build objects, Tomb Raider’s powerful level designer now allows more organic locations to be built. Es | Е co cn ИЧ үз CBA С — SELECT Е EDED ыпты. Әһ [Rone — B +f fo Ight selected ТЕ ЕЕ ion VES GRO) FLOORS SEUNG Р = ср X2 E COE The different adventures take you to India, to a snow level, London, the south Pacific and then there’s a section in Area 51.” “Once you’ve decided on one of the adventures, you have to play through it until you get the artifact. There’s not going to be a way of sav- ing your game, jumping back out to the central hub and then choosing another adventure; you just pick what order you do the game in.” And speaking of saving...“Save points have been a big point of dis- cussion,” interjects Adrian Smith at this point. “Some people loved the ‘save anywhere’ system from Tomb 2, but lots of people thought that the system from the first game, where you had to find the save points and then use them sparingly, was far better. Because of this we're toying with offering both, either combining the two or offering differ- ent systems in different difficulty modes. We've also thought of look- ing into something like the end of FFVII, where you give the player certain number of saves and let them use them anywhere. To be honest, we won't decide until the levels are finished." Morton continues, "We're toying with the idea of having different weapons in different sections, so that tackling the game in a certain order will prove advantageous. We probably will do it like that, but we have six months of development time left and things will change!" "We're revisiting all of the weapons m actually," explains Adrian So, now that Lara Croft is a bona-fide action heroine with big-time Hollywood appeal, there's going to be a lot of speculation until the actress in announced. In the meantime, we decided to check out who you'd like to see in the role drawn from a short list of obvious candidates. Voting took place on in late April, with the results indicating a pretty close fight between Austin Powers starlet, supermodel and all-round English rose Liz Hurley and the eventual winner Sandra Bullock. No big surprises there then. The big shock though was that you apparently feel that Posh Spice is a more likely candidate than Titanic chick Kate Winslet. Стоп, did she really deserve 110 more votes? e Contenders Sandra Bullock 28% Who of the following Uma Thurman > — À | would 22. NEC 6 you like to see play Lara Croft? Elizabeth Hurley Posh Spice 13% Photography - © Russel Wong, Ош пе. Kate Winslet | Photography - © Steve Sands, Outline о, | 5 % | Alyssa Milano š 15% E 4 Photography - D Lorenzo Agius, О іпе Photograpl main poll results for Wed., April 29 13:55 1998 We've actually looked more at films for inspiration than other games. —Richard Morton, level designer Smith with some enthusiasm. “We've got a huge long list that we're looking at and there'll be loads this time. She already has a Desert Eagle, which just HAS to make it in. Also we've looked at flame-throwers and machine guns, lots of things that will show off the new lighting and particle effects systems that Martin has built. We're also looking into some kind of hand- to-hand combat as well." She's Got the Look “One thing we have decided on already," says Morton, moving things along, "is varying the game- play style along with Lara's look. The London level is one of the most different because we've dressed her up in a tight black lycra thing with gadgets and stuff like a cat burglar. What she'll have to do is work her way across the rooftops of the city, work her way down through the underground system, through some tunnels and stuff and then up into a building to steal something from a safe before she escapes. It's going to involve a lot more stealth and cunning, more of a GoldenEye kind of thing where she'll have to deacti- vate security systems and sneak around in the dark. We really liked the fact that in Tomb 2 there were some modern environments, but we wanted to do more of that kind of thing." The London level really is stun- ning and a completely new direction for the Tomb Raider franchise in terms of the style of gameplay. Lara still runs around, jumping, collect- ing objects and exploring every nook and cranny, but there's now a sense of urgency and tension that previously has only been hinted at. Coupled with the new lighting sys- tem, this section of the game is by far the most impressive both in terms of the style of play and the way it looks. Surely there are some new gameplay influences at play here? Has the team been looking at other games? Or are films more of an influence for the game? “We want to look at Metal Gear Solid, but we've not seen anything apart from a few minutes of video [when this interview was done, the team has since seen the game at E3], says Morton. "It looks like it's going to be really fantastic. It’s а very unique-looking game. We've also looked at GoldenEye for the clever gameplay and the big explo- sions. We've actually looked more at films for inspiration rather than other games. Indiana Jones has obviously helped in a big way. Desperado was good to look at for the gun play and for inspiration for new moves within the combat. The thing is, any new moves that we include can't really be added to the basic move list. They'll have to be set-piece moves that only activate in certain situations. We've not real- ly changed the controls that much; there's the dash, which will be a new basic move, and then there'll be analog controller support which will make use of both sticks so you can run and look at the same time." Are there going to be more "set pieces" this time around? The previ- ous games had their moments and really helped move the story along. How will Tomb 3 handle this? “Much of the set pieces are going to be specifically environment-based, so we can do some really nice stuff," explains Morton. "We're currently playing around with a landslide effect. Every room in each map can move between two different states so we can have stuff collapsing and moving around. We could even do the whole first section of the fitst Indiana Jones movie if we wanted to." “Руе gone on an effects frenzy VIDEO GAMES: PLAYSTATION Тт RELEASE Price тте RELEASE PRICE Tme RELEASE PRICE ТЕ RELEASE PRICE Alien Resurrection 08/98 $4499 Earthworm Jim 3 09/98 $42.99 М20 Nitrous Oxide 06/98 $469 — Saga Frontier 03/98 53999 Alpha Storm 07/08 $4999 Einhander 05/98 $40.99 — NASCAR 98 09/97 $42.99 San Francisco Rush 04/98 $39.99 Alundra 01/98 $42.99 Elemental Gearbolt 0598 $43.99 NBA Jam 99 1098 $43.99 — Small Soldiers 09/98 $44.99 Apocalypse 06/98 $44.99 FIFA Soccer 98 12/07 $42.99 МА. 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Quake 1197 S3999 Ultimate Mort Komb 3 07/96 52949 Midway (Fighting) Die Hard Arcade 04/97 $39.99 Manx T.T. 08/97 54399 Rampage World Tour 42/97 $45.99 World Series BBall 98 07/97 $45.99 Release 6/98 Duke Nukem 30 10/97 54399 Marvel Super Heroes 10/97 $42.99 Resident Evil 1097 $39.99 Worldwide Soccer'98 11/97 $43.99 PSX Enemy Zero 12/97 59149 Maximum Force 11/97 54499 Saturn Gore System | 1295512999 Xmen VsStrFightr 06/98 $42.99 VIDEO GAMES: NINTENDO 64 HINT BOOKS ШЫ 1080 Snowboarding 04/98 $54.99 Forsaken 05/98 565.99 Quake? 12/98 $66.99 ^ Albert Odyssey 09/97 57.99 "ВАМЈО- KAZOOIE' Вап|05 Aerogauge 05/98 $54.99 бЕХ2 08/98 $59.99 Quest 64 06/98 $69.99 Alundra 02/98 512.99 girlfriend, Piccolo, has been kid- AllStar Baseball 99 — 05/98 $64.99 — GT Racing 06/98 55599 Rampage World Tour 04/98 $49.99 Big Nintendo 64 Book 0998 512.99 Dy парред by the wicked witch Banjo-Kazooie 06/08 $52.99 Golden Eye 007 09/97 $64.93 Rev Limit 06/98 56599 Big PlayStation Bk V.2 0998 51199 а ЖЕ с гиплида! Can Banjo and his Biofreaks 05/08 S5999 Hybrid Heaven 09/98 $64.99 Road Rash 64 10/98 $66.99 Breath of Fire 3 05/98 $13.99 6! feathered friend Kazooie rescue Bomberman Hero 09/98 $62.99 Int'l Super Soccer 98 07/98 $66.99 Rush America 10/98 $84.99 Castlevania:Synph Nt 1097 $10.99 O her before it's too late! Travel Buck Bumble 08/98 $69.99 Ken Griffey Jr Basebl 05/98 55499 Silicon Valley 08/98 $66.99 — Crash Bandicoot 2 1297 510.99 through an incredibly vibrant Bust-a-Move 2 05/98 $53.99 Legend Mystical Ninja 64 05/98 $59.99 SimCity 64 10/98 Dead or Alive 04/98 $10.99 world full of crazy items to collect Castlevania 64 09/98 $66.99 Legend of Zelda 11/98 $74.99 Star Wars:Rogue Squad 09/98 Death Trap Dungeon 0498 $10.99 and bunch of bad guys to bash! Chopper Attack 06/98 $56.99 Lost World 06/98 $66.99 Street Fighter 06/98 Diablo 0398 51299 Conker's Quest 06/98 $53.99 Madden Football 99 — 11/98 58209 Superman 64 06/98 Final Fantasy Tactics 01/98 511.99 Contra 64 06/98 $66.90 Меда Man 08/98 $69.99 Tomorrow Never Dies 0998 56699 Final Fantasy VII 1197 51499 Cruis'n the World 10/98 $52.99 Mike Piazza Strike Zone 06/98 583.99 Tonic Trouble 06/98 $78.99 — Gran Turismo. 06/98 $12.99 Nintendo (Adventure) Deadly Arts 06/98 $62.99 Mortal Kombat 4 06/98 582.99 Turok Dinosaur Hunter 2 08/98 $74.99 Legend of Zelda 64 11/98 $12.99 Release 6/98 Diddy Kong Racing 12/97 $52.99 Multi Racing Champ 05/98 $49.99 Twisted Edge Snowbrd 11/98 $64.99 Lunar Silver Star Comp 08/98 511.99 > N64 Earthbound 10/98 $66.99 МВА Courtside 05/98 $52.99 Unreal 11/98 $69.99 Mortal Kombat 4 0698 $11.99 = === Extreme 62 02/99 $66.99 МВА Jam 98 08/98 $62.99 WWF Warzone 07/98 $64.99 Ogre Ваше 08/97 $11.99 “OTHER LIFE AZURE DREAMS’ F-Zero 64 08/98 $62.99 NFL Blitz 09/98 $62.99 Waialae Country Club 07/98 $53.89 Tactics Ogre 03/98 $12.99 combines traditional RPG ele- FIFA Soccer 98 12/97 $64.99 ОН Road Challenge 06/98 $362.99 World Сир 98 05/98 $59.99 Tekken 3 05/98 $11.99 ments with monster raising & city ] building. Search through the BOARD GAMES COMPUTER GAMES tower of monsters to fulfill multi- Battletech 4th Ed. 12/94 $21.99 Monsters Ravage America07/98 $32.99 Aces: X-Fighters W95 10/98 $49.99 Marvel Comics 3D Pball 06/98 $35.99 ВЕ quests Пеко & Jala mon Car Wars Deluxe 07/96 $21.90 — Necromunda 11/95 $59.99 Babylon 5 0998 $48.99 Quake 2 12/97 $4499 SOS, m me тате 0 ЕТІ Critter Tek 09/95 $12.99 Robo Rally 01/96 $33.99 Diablo 2 09/98 $49.99 SimCity 3000 0998 $5499 ere 8 Mis ү ES Cthulhu Cults Across Amer.06/98 $3699 ^ Space Marine 11/94 54999 Duke Nukem Forever 12/98 $4899 Str Trk Scrt Vien Fry 0898 $48.99 d E а Epic WH 40K 10/97 $65.99 Star Fleet Battles 11/94 $25.99 Final Fantasy VII 06/98 $3999 Тото Raider 3 11/98 $41.99 iar ele eine there ae Federation & Empire Ох 07/95 $38.99 — Starship Troopers 03/96 $29.99 Grim Fandango 08/08 $48.99 Ultima Online 0997 $49.99 ü Hercules Legndry Journy 08/98 $2499 Warhammer 40K 11/94 S59.99 — Interstate 77 0998 $46.99 World Cup 98 0598 $4498 Konami (Roleplaying) Hobbit Adventure 06/95 52999 Warhammer Fantasy 10/96 54999 Madden NFL 99 0998 54469 X-Com Interceptor — 0698 $4699 |... 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Working Designs is charged once for each item ordered and the "per shipment’ charge is балаша Pei, pms Express ШІ Мао (Roleplaying charged once for each shipment we make to you. For each US order $10.00 (ТЕ 21003 Ma 20 on TE Ty bas Release: 6/9 will be allocated to a 12 issue subscription to Computer Games Strategy Plus. |Per Shipment — $125 2100 $3300 50 5200 ` PSX Call for details. Per Item $075 _ 5100 5/00 5200 S200 _ $5.00 01598 CHIPS & BITS, INC. ЕЯ with this game,” adds Gibbins. “There are loads of particle effects, lighting and all kinds of stuff. Part of it is because the previous project using this engine was going to be more of a science- fiction thing, so the effects were needed, but also the new refinements mean that there's more room for the flash stuff. There are going to be new explosions that look far more realistic and мете going to do some stuff with the weapons.” This alllooks particularly impressive too. At E3, the Tomb Raider 3 demo level on show illustrated the numerous subtle special effects that have been added. Smoke wisps from gun barrels when they're fired, spent cartridges pop out of the weapons, and if Lara is standing in water as this happens the shells plop down and cause a cool ripple effect across the surface which does some wonderful things with the colored lighting as well. “The South Pacific section is going to be par- ticularly spectacular,” continues Gibbins, “because if you combine the triangle engine with the particle effects and all of the transparencies you can really go to town. We're going to have a set-piece section which is a whitewater rapids chase where Lara is in a kayak. There’s going to be huge waves and lots of spray that will look very convincing. There are going to be lots of set pieces throughout the levels so that we can real- ly bring on that whole Indiana Jones feeling. We're putting a new move into the game to try to facili- tate these set pieces as well. By making a ‘dash’ where Lara gets a sudden burst of speed, we can do things like diving through a door that’s coming down. By combining the dash with a jump we can make her dive forward really dramatically.” “The camera system has changed too because of some of these changes, but people probably won't really notice,” Adrian Smith explains. "We've really refined things so it won't get locked into corners, and we've also found that some of the new moves need a wider view. The camera is more mobile now, and in places you'll see it pull back much further." Smith closes the interview with his final thoughts on the project. "Developing a Tomb game is always hard because you can never get a handle on the whole thing until the last month of the development cycle," he says. "Everyone's working on their own bit, and right at the end you see it all come together really suddenly. “Oh yeah — nearly forgot this. We've got a new Lara too, a new Lara model. She has ears this time. It's really weird that over the course of the last two games she's never had ears—and no one has ever noticed. There are also lots of new out- fits, although we're still keeping everything in character. There are some worrying ideas for out- fits; it's scary what a bunch of programmers will come up with. We've also looked into doing different hairstyles too. The team came up with pigtails for her, but I told them that if | saw her with bloody pigtails I'd just fire them." Tomb Raider 3 is currently slated for release by this Christmas. Watch for more H news soon in EGM. Tomb Raider: The Future Beyond Tomb 3, how is the franchise kept alive? Originally the idea was to have 1998 “off” and then start the hype for Tomb 3 in 1999. Has there been a major change in strategy? Jeremy Smith is quick to elaborate: *1999 is now the year that we'll prob- ably skip. It's all down to demand though. If it's still there, who are we to deny it? We just have to make sure we keep things fresh. In the meantime, мете j looking at some of the supplementary stuff and there's a new action fig- ure on the way. As you know, the toy out at the - moment hardly has the Star Wars quality we were aspiring to, so we've got some new stuff going through. The toys will be Lara herself in different out- fits, but vehicles are where we can give the variety. Obviously there'll be a jeep, we're playing around with. some kind of bike because obviously you've seen her on the Norton in the cut scenes, and maybe some kind of quad bike. The vehicles are important because in the game they're a lot of fun. We've had a lot of feedback from people saying how much they enjoyed them, so the toy line will reflect that, as will Tomb 3 itself." “Beyond this though, we're waiting for the script for the new movie," Smith continues, “and the good thing with the movie is that we get a say about what does and doesn't go. We don't know to what degree yet—but you can assume that if we get a script and it sucks, we can actually say that and demand another one. We don't see the movie being the *movie of the video game.' We see it being a movie that hap- pens to star a character from a video game." So is it “Tomb Raider the movie" or “Lara Croft the. movie"? “That's a good question," Smith ponders. "Actually, it's still debatable. | personally think it should be a movie 'starring Lara Croft.' We want to legitimize the character as opposed to the franchise itself." So will this open up the opportunity for another game as well as Tomb 3? A movie game perhaps? “Oh, [laughs] that had to come up didn't it? | suppose it could. It would all depend very much on the zx. quality of the script. We would be naive to think it's not a possibility." So when is it out then? “Apparently, early 2000, which is about as quick as you can do," Smith beams. “This actually ties in very nicely with everything that we're planning on here. Tomb Raider “next generation” will be around 2000 as well. This certain- ly won't have апу- thing to do with the movie, but it'll be the next generation of things that we do with Lara and the game engine and will certainly be on one of the new systems. The deal with Sony ends Christmas 1999, 50 there's по telling yet whether we'll be work- ing on PlayStation 2, or even something completely new. Of course, there's Sega and Nintendo. We're still іп with Sony at the moment and we've got a very good relationship...but who knows?" So what will Tomb Raider “next generation" involve? Stewart Atkinson, Lara's lead animator on Tomb 2 and part of the “original” team explains what is happening at the moment. "We've got lots of really big ideas. The next game will be completely differ- ent. Оп my side of things, in the animation, I’m really interested in what the technology is going to enable us to do. We're not going to need the cut-scenes at all, because we'll be able to make the in-game characters work better than any CGI stuff. | want to be able to animate Lara's face next time, give lots of mannerisms that she does aside from the basic stuff. Also, | want her to talk in the game, animate all of the basic vowel sounds and produce something that looks as convincing as a cartoon or [the like]." It SAIL & You Need To Know ELECTRONIC | mp С! в caming БРО PlayStation не, оооводЮ ‚ * GameWorks’ five centers were built to meet ( Steven Spielberg's vision of a social arcade. M Nearly every game here—from NFL Blitz to Yee Power Sled—is best played against human Í opponents. And the enormous proprietary games, such as the three-story shooter fx р 2 Hardly your typical arcade, Fightertown gives: ALNA yeca КАШУ с тей тот mel would-be jet jocks the most authentic flight- ~ Ж ү ӨН pw ШЕ егі EE ae Б {< sim experience they'll find short of earning Air Z77 YES M in June, Game th Ы TEMP B S } Force wings, The two centers house up to Six j ера E EEUU at culminates 4 ] different true-to-life cockpits, including full- ^ m Une ape t d глаза massive Ë motion Р-14 Tomcat and Ғ-117 Stealth sims, 8 | ШЕ game а EX р oes FORE Оба ^. which rock in sync with your control inputs. TV аа Pace ae See He PSA O оп: monitors inside the cockpits provide your win- “ НЕЕ dow to virtual airspace, with а few cockpits $ featuring larger projection-screen displays (оГ, ў — a better view of the computer-generated tef- , š 2 (Reg rain. Expect to pay between $30 and $50 for 5 gil a one-hour air-to-air or air-to-ground mission. \ d Sega GameWorks - Las Vegas, Nev. m ^+ And you thought linked Daytona USA was fun. У / The full-size, full-motion stock cars at NASCAR - ; m- ] > Silicon Motor Speedway аге so authentic they Sega GameWorks - Ontario, Calif. ||» = ! үз even attract real NASCAR racing stars. Тһе Fightertown - Pasadena, Calif. а | / full-size cars come equipped with a working Steering wheel, gauges, shifter, throttle, clutch, brake and even seatbelts, while onboard monitors let you fine-tune-tire pres- || sure, your motor and brakes. Drivers compete === head-to-head on a computer-generated 1.5- mile oval track that's projected in front of the windshield. You don’t have to be Dick Trickle |... to have fun, since the cars have a rookie setup ©" _ for NASCAR newbies. Fightertown - Lake Forest, Calif. 077 — = т 7 Sega GameWorks - Tempe, Ariz. " 7% 35 [ Sega GameWorks - Grapevine, Texas on’t let the dozens of cool console games and scads of mega-budget event flicks keep you indoors on your keister all sum- mer. Get outta da house! You might | get a little sun. You might find a little | _ | adventure. You might— gasp!— meet ` 3a girl. And as if you needed more motivation, there's an entire nation of cool arcades waiting to be explored. Our editors went road trip- ping to the most revolutionary gam- ing sites and location-based-enter- tainment (LBE) centers in the coun- “| try, many of which you'll find on the next four pages. So gas up your Pinto, fill your ashtray with tokens and hit the road. NASCAR Silicon Motor Speedway - Minneapolis, Minn. pM FunScape - Wilmington, Del. W FunScape - Chesapeake, Va. r y 4 ? m While most of this feature's mega arcades X 1 Owned by Regal Cinemas (yep, the same were designed with an older crowd in mind, > ) 3 | company that runs movie theaters), the three Disney's DisneyQuest—set to open in Orlando f Ç FunScape facilities are tagged as family-enter- on June 19—15 geared toward the tyke set. £ | 3 3 tainment centers rather than LBEs, since they This five-story facility is divided into zones 2 у Ў throw miniature golf courses, bowling, bumper packed with high-tech attractions. In the p i € 5 cars and huge crawling tubes into the usual Explore Zone, you'll delve into a virtual jungle. ше, eps š arcade/restaurant mix. Yet high-tech attrac- The Create Zone lets you design a virtual 3 3 / tions abound here too. You'll find а motion-sim roller coaster, then hop aboard for a screamin? roller coaster, Star Theater (in short, you feel | virtual ride. And the Replay Zone takes classic 3 1 the movie as you're watching it) and the usual tides like bumper cars and gives thema š | assortment of arcade games. It may not be the A second DisneyQuest most exciting joint for 20-somethings, but Chicago next summer. Е. | kids—and kids at heart —will dig FunScape. i ~ | 5 “ FunScape - Ft. Lauderdale, На. SlamSite The folks behind the collectible-card sensation Magic: Тће Gathering have jumped into the location-based-entertainment game with this ,-32,000-square-foot facility, the first of several planned game centers. This place has every- 4 SlamSite’s flagship center features зо linked i thing: the newest arcade games, linked PCs || PCs--all of them Pentium Il, 3Dfxed-out sys- 7 for deathmatching and Internet access, tems loaded with the latest blockbuster titles. a THX movie theater, classic board games— For $6 an hour, guests hop on this latency-free even the latest N64. and PlayStation games. V network for multiplayer mayhem in Quake II Ё Тһе WotC Game Center is also hosting several | and StarCraft, as well as older hits Diablo, Tl , 17 game camps this summer, which cover every- 2 || C&C: Red Alert and dozens more. SlamSite f “-у thing from board games to pen-and-paper — also features linked Battletech pods, custom- ` 4 12 RPGs їо strategies in the site's linked built cockpits that play the latest PC flight . £, / Battletech pods. sims, VR gear, some of the newest arcade м © games and an adjoining comics shop. The р, à 4 Š peus 4 center even hosts all-night parties for die- Ға) 7 hard deathmatchers yearning [0742 straight hours of Quake ||. р / м.” The highly profitable pioneer of the LBE concept, Dave & Buster's caters more to the 5 adult crowd than any other arcade listed here. Dave & Buster’s - Ontario, Calif. N No guest under 18 is admitted without a par- SlamSite - City of Industry, Calif. 4 ГС? М nentduring the day, and all underage guests Universal Studios - Los Angeles TEN are shooed away at night. The arcade itself is а apes: " built around a bar, so you can nurse $3 beers No crusade to the coolest arcades is complete while playing the latest games; D&B's 12 without a stop in Vegas. This city is the gaming £o ooo-square-foot locations also feature capital of the world—and not just because of || a mock casino, pool tables, Skee-ball, golf its casinos or that it’s home to the nation’s simulators and VR gear. An upscale restaurant yis / largest GameWorks. Every casino and hotel is another big draw, making D&B an ideal has a monster arcade, where youngns will destination for dates or weekend unwinding аі _ | most likely be unleashed with unlimited with your pals. tokens while the folks hit the casino. Adults get the dual thrill of winning/losing at the E blackjack table while trying out the latest arcade games and VR crap down the hall in the game room. Be sure to check out the arcades # in the Luxor; New York, New York; Treasure > Island; and Circus Circus. Dave & Buster's - Dallas, Texas Don't park your car just yet—the road trip's just getting started! In our Player's Guide to Summer Gaming (now available on newsstands), we take one of Volkswagen's New Beetles and burn up nearly 6,ooo miles of interstate to show you the coolest places to play in the USA. Not only do we give an in-depth look at the nation’s cutting-edge arcades—we also preview this summer's hottest console and arcade games and show which handhelds are essential gear for any summer road trip. OK, «shameless plug concluded. We now return you to your regularly scheduled article. best каты, Күші ттн | т A - XS - New York, М.Ү. \ _ | Dave & Buster’s - Chicago, Ill. ! b E OK; so this bi-coastal theme park ain't exactly an arcade, but its mix of high-tech rides, stunt . shows and Hollywood backlot hokeyness will probably appeal to gamers anyway. Highlights include Back to.the Future: The Ride; which 过 straps you into Doc Brown's Delorean for a 5 bucking, motion-sim adventure (much like Owned by Skyline Entertainment, this 2o,ooo- square-foot, three-story mega arcade focuses nearby Disney’s equally cool Star Tours). = i “More impressive is Terminator 2: 3D, available j | mainly on high-tech attractions, without the only inthe Orlando park. Part ride, part stunt { - =Í billiard-style games usually found in other show, part special-effects bonanza, this 4 3 adult-geared LBEs. Aside from the usual linked Tokyo Wars and other heavy-duty coin-ops, 7 XS packs laser tag, a virtual-golf setup, an Internet cafe and VR systems. Namco Cybertainment, the world's largest arcade operator, has pumped half-a-million dollars into XS, with plans to turn it into a national chain. Its current location smack-dab in Times Square surely adds to the center's energetic atmosphere. eye-popping attraction’s 13-minute 3D film has Ahh-nold reprising his role as the unstoppable cyborg. || Dave 8 Buster's - Houston, Texas Dave & Buster’s - Hollywood, Fla. Review Crew < OUR PHILOSOPHY ЕСМ rates games based on how they compare to other titles on the same system. The highest score we'll give a дате is a 10. When а game receives а 10, you can rest assured it's one of the best games ever made-a revolutionary title that truly stands above everything else in its genre for its time. At the other end of the spectrum sits the lowest score a game can receive: a 1.0. This is the kind of game you want to avoid at all costs. It's pure crap, as our scale (above) explains. In the middle lies the average grade, 5.0. We repeat: 5.0 IS AN AVERAGE GRADE. Simple, ain't Gold Awards go to games whose average score equals 9.0 or higher. Games that average at least an 8.0 receive Silver Awards. E3 Favorites Crispin Boyer Zelda: The Ocarina of Time LoK: Soul Reaver Perfect Dark Metal Gear Solid Favorite Genres: RPGs, Action Now that E3's over and Cris has had time to tinker with the Game Boy Camera, he's found that it's a device full of mysteries. Why, he wonders, does the Credits Option bring up an animation of a dancing dude? Who are all those goofball characters who point out error messages? Cris doesn't have the answers. Instead, he just stares at the dancing Credits dude while muttering, “Creepy, man. Creepy.” John Davison E3 Favorites Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Metal Gear Solid Perfect Dark Silent Hill Favorite Genres: Action, Adventure The lack of sleep induced by moving from last month's deadline to ЕЗ and then onto this month's deadline seems to have affected John's creative spirit somewhat. With all of this AND being forced to sit through another appalling version of Bio F.R.E.A.K.S., he just flipped and took it upon himself to produce some amateur, shall we say “art films," using the Game Boy camera. Videos available on request. Dean Hager Dean's first ЕЗ show in two years turned out to be а volatile mix of new games, fancy hotels and free booze. Once we got him to the exhibit hall, we lost him, but we suspect he spent most of his time watching the Space Bunnies Must Die stage show. He was spotted ogling over Blitz for the N64, Tomb Raider 3, Buck Bumble and F1: The Sequel. He was disappointed that GameDay '99 was a no-show. E3 Favorites NFL Blitz (N64) Cool Boarders 3 Test Drive 5 Buck Bumble Favorite Genres: Sports, Racing Dan Hsu The dizzying whirlwind that was E3 left Shoe worn out but wishing for more. Even though he can't remember half of what went on (no thanks to the parties and the bar-packed area of Atlanta called Buckhead), he E3 Favorites LoK: Soul Reaver Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Zelda: The Осаппа of Time Metal Gear Solid still knows he had a great time. Shoe did come back slightly disap- pointed. He was hoping for any little word, any little hint...ANYTHING about a Metroid 64. Sorry Shoe. Maybe next year. Favorite Genres: Strategy, Puzzle Kraig Kujawa Kraig's a little disappointed that this was the first E3 without any big surprises. ЕСМ knew about almost every game on the show floor, with the biggest surprise being some of the no-shows (GameDay, Twisted Metal 3). He was, however, pleased to see that Madden 99 was looking good for the N64 and PS, and that Jeff Gerstmann from won the NFL Blitz tourney (Kraig ranked 3rd of 128). E3 Favorites Metal Gear Solid Perfect Dark Zelda: The Ocarina of Time LoK: Soul Reaver Favorite Genres: Sports, Strategy John Ricciardi John thought this year's ЕЗ was only marginally better than last year's games-wise, but the show certainly had its highlights, like Zelda 64 (of course), Metal Gear Solid and Konami's surprisingly cool-looking Silent Hill. As always, the most fun was had at all of the after-hours parties where everyone got together to eat, drink and, well, drink some more. And ah yes, there was Dreamcast and FFVIII...'99 is gonna rock. E3 Favorites Metal Gear Solid E3 Favorites Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Perfect Dark Silent Hill Xenogears Favorite Genres: RPGs, Action hawn Smith As incredible as E3 was (in many varied ways) Shawn is real pleased to be back home. After all, he has washing clothes, checking his e-mail and sleeping. Whatever the case, Shawn walked away from E3 with a spring in his step, thanks to all of the incredible games he saw. He was dismayed at the lack of any real big surprises this year though. Oh well, there's always next year. Perfect Dark Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Gin & Tonic Favorite Genres: Action, Adventure E3 Favorites Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Metal Gear Solid Perfect Dark Street Fighter ІІ Collection Favorite Genres: Fighting, RPGs Sushi had a grand old time at ЕЗ, despite the fact that he didn't get a chance to participate in Capcom's Street Fighter EX 2 tournament because he was too busy trying to convince Nintendo reps to let him play Perfect Dark. Оп the whole the show could've been better, he says, but it was more than enough to hold him over until TGS in October when the Dreamcast gets officially unveiled in Japan. CLAY FIGHTER SCULPTOR'S CUT E MLB FEATURING KEN GRIFFEY, Essentially a really, really poor man’s Soviet Strike—with some Black Dawn thrown in— Chopper Attack is a horrid, uninspired shoot- er that delivers a teaspoon of eye candy with gallons of frustration. Other than the pretty explosions, there’s really nothing about this game 1 like. Control is terrible. The perspec- tive makes it difficult to aim your machine gun (despite the three camera views). And although you can choose from eight heli- copters—each with different flight character- istics—they all handle horribly and much too slowly. In fact, the entire game seems to run slow. It's not that the frame rate is choppy; it's just that everything in Chopper Attack — enemy helicopters, tanks, missiles, etc.—all seem to just drift everywhere, as if stuck in slow motion. As in the Strike series, Chopper Attack sends you out on different missions, although none of them is particularly excit- ing. One has you blasting open prison cells to rescue POWs, another has you defending the president’s plane. But the landscapes are so nondescript (except for some canyon areas) and the gameplay is so slow and monoto- nousithat you're likely to grow tired of the game by the third mission. Add to that some truly bad music (which you should switch off immediately).and you have all the makings of a game | do not want to play. Cris 1 in | like this game for its destructive appeal alone. Yes it's cheesy and unrealistic but then again it's not trying to be serious. The selection of “unique” choppers is evidence enough of that. Game controls are very easy to master, as are the simple mission objec- tives. | like the progression of difficulty as well. One drawback: The game's arcade-like mentality limits the replay value. As a mind- less destruction fest, it's not bad. Dean If you like EA's Strike series, you might get a kick out of Chopper Attack —for just a little while. There isn't a whole lot to it, and many ofthe gameplay mechanics аге flawed. (it's very hard to aim up or down); but there is. something inherently fun about unloading tons of firepower into houses and other vul- nerable targets. The game get into, and it makes for a good rental because you'll probably beat it within a day or so. Krai l | liked Chopper Attack at first. It's got a lot of explosions, weapons, know, cool action movie kind of stuff. But the more I played it, the more | realized it's not a very good game. The interfaces are plain sloppy, the music and sound effects are downright lame, and the missions are a tad repetitious. For.those who want a decent.action game and nothing more, Chopper Attack may be one to look into. Still, rent it first. Shawn 1 :5лэАе]4 JO 1едшпм suoisojdx3 ə3IN :aunleaj 1səg ung uy asnf 3 IÑ fan, go ahead and give it a rent. шоэХемрішммм Although this “Sculptor's Cut” version of Clay Fighter 63 1/3 has some fun additions by way of new characters, interface and overall pack- age, it still doesn't do much for me. But that's OK since the cart is for rental only. That's right, you don't have to go out and buy this game for $50 ог $6o—it's as simple as going to your local Blockbuster and paying $3 for a few nights of play time. With that said, by all means go and check it out, especially if уоште a fan of the series. If you're not, Sculptor’s Cut won’t change things for you. One strange thing I’ve noticed is the frame rate on this version. In some areas, it seems like the original version actually runs a bit faster than its rental counterpart. Still, the animation remains choppy and the character graphics are a bit rough. Other graphics, such as the ones in the intro and the 3D arenas, look really nice. If you’re into fighting games with a sense of humor then Sculptor’s Cut is for you, but don't go into this game thinking it's going to replace Street Fighter. Sculptor's Cut, just like every other CF game, is all about laughs. Characters spout wacky catch phras- es, dozens of themed items fly from you or your opponent when you're hit (i.e., chop- sticks.from Kung Pow) and combos have some truly ridiculous names. If you're а CF Shawn 1 got my fill of clayfighting from the regular edition of this game, so it was hard for me to get worked up over this for-rent-only update. Sure, you.get some new characters and fanci- er backgrounds, but the game’s still plagued by ultra-jerky animation and goofball one- liners that get old quick (despite the excel- lentwoice acting). If you're looking for an easy-to-get-into fighter to toy with during a weekend, by all means rent it. Crispin | probably would've given CF Sculptor's Cut an even lower score if it weren't for the fact that the game is available only for rent and won't cost you too much money to play. It’s basically what the first Clay Fighter should've been (additional characters, better back- grounds, etc), yet somehow the animation is even:worse off this time. It was;funny the first time around, but the jokes are old now and the new stuff isn't quite enough. John R Call it a weakness, but I’ve always had a soft spot heart for this ultra-goofy fighting series. | thought Clay Fighter 63 1/3 was one of the funniest games ever— especially at parties—and this new version oozes more of the oddball humor I crave. It still suffers from the same problems of the original—namely, choppy animation, jarring scene transitions and weak one-player play. But the fighting engine is still quite solid. Sushi T-L :5лэКе]4 JO 4əquunN шо>Хеүйәҙигммм JounH ay] :34n3eaJ 3599 uoneunuy 400g ‘104305 Кип) :элпзеа4 3540M Argh. Another disappointment for те. What's going on this year anyway? MLB Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr. was supposed to be the best baseball game yet, and from what | played of earlier versions, it looked like it was on pace to be just that. Unfortunately, the final ver- sion is still lacking in many areas. Why on earth it took SO long to get this game out is beyond me, because there’s hardly anything here that hasn’t been done before. And since All-Star '99 came out, there's really nothing that hasn't been done better already. Griffey has decent graphics (with really cool camera angles) and very nice sound effects (great crowds), but it's missing a lot in the gameplay department. You can't create your own play- ers, the season schedules aren't authentic, there's no difficulty settings when you play a season (about 35 games in and | was murder- ing every team | played), and so on. | realize perfectly that Griffey is meant to be more of an arcadé-style baseball game (the 106 mph fastballs kinda gave it away), but that doesn't mean they can't accurately represent all of the sim-style aspects of play. The batting and pitching interface is really nice, and the field- ing controls are smooth and responsive, but some of the animations are lame and the ball physics are floaty. Fun: for 2P, but way lacking if you're looking for realism. John R For a game that's been in development for so long, this sure doesn't have much to show for it. Light on features, fullof animation glitches, and littered with gameplay bugs, it seems like Griffey could have used a lot more refining. Fortunately, it is a fun game. but only if you're looking for an easy-to-learn arcade- style baseball sim. If you’re looking for any depth or realism,-However, you should defi- nitely go for All-Star "99 instead. Krai To me Griffey is equal to All-Star 'o9, maybe even a little better. Granted it's.more arcade- like, and it's not high-res, Би makes up for that in other areas. Game speed is swift—no waiting for the pitcher all day. Also, the bat- ting interface is every bit as challenging as ASB's. In fact, they're very similar. Gameplay is right up there as well. | don't like some of the throw times (they seem long), but! can tolerate it. A very solid game overall. Dean If it weren't for last month’s excellent All-Star Baseball ’99, Ра be really digging Griffey a lot more. | can’t find much to complain about; Griffey isa solid game that should provide hours of fun. But after playing All-Star '99, Griffey feels like a step backward in many areas: realism, player models, gameplay and graphics. But if you prefer actionyand excite- ment over realistic simulation baseball, then Griffey’s your man. Dan saake}d JO 1aqunN 104}u0) aatsuodsay :элпзез 3599 ey au ul Suppe :aun3eaj зло шоз'ориәзши ммм || Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to || look past Mission: Impossible's poorly exe- cuted missions and objectives and pretend the game is good. Yes, the game's quite a disappointment. You'd think if a game is delayed as long as Mission: Impossible was, the finished product would be incredible. Well, Mission: Impossible has its moments but it's far from being the next big thing. It's unfortunate because with a license like Mission: Impossible, the game could've been awesome. Sure, the game has some interest- ing missions, locations, cool gizmos and a || fairly cinematic style, but none of these good || points are done in a very slick manner. All too often sequences are very linear, with too | many little objectives that are too easy to || screw up (i.e., all of a sudden a mission is over because a guard pulled a gun on're a special agent for crying out loud!). In addition, the action side of the game where you have to jump around and fight with people is the same way. When you shoot any of the weapons there's a weird hesitation; like the person you just hit is on some sort of delay, even though the anima- tion is pretty smooth. I’m sorry to say even though Mission: Impossible offers some interesting features; it's better а rental and only a possible purchase. Shawn While stylistically quite an impressive game, M:l's apparent aspirations to “adventure” sta- tus as opposed to "action" have led it to suf- fera bit. The overly enthusiastic camera. || makes controlling Ethan frustrating in places, and the simple puzzle-based gameplay gen- tly leads you by the hand rather than actual- ly challenging you. There's a.tendency for || the levels to drag ол а bit too. Ten out of ten for effort—but it could be тоге fun. Johin D Mission: Impossible packs a lot of cool game- I] play concepts. Trouble is, noneof them is executed very well. Each mission doles out plenty of objectives, which you can usually complete in any order and are best accom- plished through stealth rather than gunplay. But most puzzles are tedious, and nothing's || worse than dying near the end of a long mis- sion, only to have to begin from scratch. he blah graphics don't help, either. Crispi This reminds me of GoldenEye, minus most of the fun. Mission: Impossible is simply too tedious for its own good. There's just too many missions whose laundry list of objec- tives require you do all sorts of really boring stuff. The graphics are pretty good, but some parts of the game look less polished than à || others, and some of the enemies:look very || grainy. l:only recommend this game if you have a lot of patience; Kraig Does the world need another MK game? Wasn't Trilogy enough to keep everyone happy? In terms of what this offers as a “pure” fighting game, it’s more of a step backward rather than forward. Sure the graphics are all pretty and there are some cool special effects, but the fighting engine seems limited. Underneath it all, it looks as though this is all of the bits that people loved from previous MKs jam-packed into a 3D environment. The more frivolous -alities (Babalities, etc.) that reared their ugly heads in later MKs are now gone, and the net result should be a purer experience. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. There are some awesome combo moves locked in there somewhere, but they are fairly tough to pull off. This would be all well and good, but once you’ve managed to squeeze а 10-hit combo out of a fighter, you realize that it does no more dam- age than a four-hit combo that's finished off with a suitably mean uppercut. It's almost as though it does some of the stuff just for show. The weapons-based combat is OK, but it's merely.a distraction, and it can seriously affect two-player games as it cheapens the action. When all is said and done though, МКА is a fun game. It may not compete with the Tekkens and Virtua Fighters, but it's a step in the right direction. Sushi Midway has been flooding the N64 library with many a'sub-par fighting game. It's about {тега decent one came through. MK; is much more enjoyable than Midway's other 3D fighters.on the system (i.e., War Gods, Масе). It has solid controls, terrific graphics and an || interesting combo system. Though Га rather play MK Trilogy (my favorite Kombatant is || Kitana), MK4 will do for now. It's nota great game, but it has its moments. Dan l'll say up front that I've just about lost all interestin the MK series since MK2 came out. || That being said, MK4 for the №4 is definitely || a step up from the last MK, though the game- play is still too dull and repetitive for my tastes. The 3D graphics are very nicely done and the weapons system is innovative, but there's just not enough depth-here to keep me interested. Once you've seen all the fatali- ties and such, it gets old, quick. John R Basically this is much of what MK2 provided || but with considerably more gloss. By default, I think that makes this the best fighter оп the N64 right now. The graphics are extreme- ly close to the arcade game; and the game- play is very solid, if a bit dated by Tekken | standards. It’s a shame it can get а bit cheap. The combos are hard to pulloffand are often just flash rather than being useful. Тһе two- on-two combat is very cool though. John D meee 3equio) oAL-uO-oALl :ainleaj 3599 EE A... soquuo2 deəu2 :ainyeay 3510/4 шо>Хемршгммм Off-Road Challenge brings the delights of || mindless arcade racing to the №4. And while that may sound harsh, it's not that far off base. As an arcade port, unfortunately, | don't think this one will enjoy the same success Hang Time or SF Rush has achieved. For one thing the level of gameplay is something akin to Cruis'n USA (rumor is they use the same engine), only on the dirt, of course. What that amounts to is a lot of sloppy dri- ving іп “zany” conditions in which UFOs, biplanes and the occasional wild animal are common components. The standard dash for the finish line includes nitro icon grabbing and flawless driving to actually win a race. Sounds harmless, right? Perhaps even fun... well not quite. While Off-Road Challenge may be entertaining to play at the arcades fora few minutes, it doesn’t have the kind of depth and gameplay needed to keep it afloat as a home console game. The only real incen- tive to win а race comes from the wanton desire to upgrade vehicles—hoping to increase the excitement of the contest. Of course, if you liked Cruis’n USA, then by all means you'll probably enjoy Off-Road. Just don't expect anything near as good as Sony's Rally.Cross or the awesome Sega Rally. This is strictly an arcade offering best suited for young'uns with short attention spans. Dean Oh dear. Oh deary, deary, DREARY me. What a load of old rubbish. Choppy frame rates, completely unbalanced gameplay and dodgy- | looking visuals. Why is no one capable of producing a good off-road game? As a one- player game ORC is slow, choppy and unfor- || giving while the two-player game suffers from || stupid camera problems, appalling sameplay balance (once you lose once уоште stuffed) and even slower frame rates. Awful. John D [ At first Off-Road seemed like a decent little racer, but extended play has made me realize that it isn't so good. Although the action seems speedy, the frame rate turns out to be || choppy most of the time. In addition, the one-player game is ridiculously hard, and the graphics аге аџегаве at best. You'd think the two-player game would be redeeming but even that gets old fast, thanks to poor cam- era angles and unbalanced sis Shawn A shoddy port of a ho-hum arcade game, Off- Road Challenge delivers mindless racing fun and little more. The persistently cheap Al is a major culprit here. Even with the game set to. easy and Al tweaked to Arcade Mode, the computer cars rarely give you a break. Your truck controls fairly well, at least until the occasional awkward camera angle ruins your view of the road. Two-player Mode isa horri- bly نا‎ waste of time. T-L :5лаћеја JO JaqunN Зирем ssə|pu!W :әлпдеәј 3599 :aun3eaJ 3540 М Well this was certainly an interesting experi- ence. The original Adidas was always the “relaxed” member of the PS soccer family. Apparently the same treatment has been made here, but the net result is that the game is a bit poor. The presentation is all very nice—if you like the Adidas TV ads, but the game mechanics seem a bit odd. Even in Simulation Mode it does the most ridiculous things. In a two-player game we managed to get a player to keep up with the guy he was marking by doing a permanent sliding tackle. In fact, at one point he moved faster than the guy with the ball by sliding along on his bum. The commentary is also worth noting. Because the game is so loaded with players and teams, the commentary seems to have given up on saying anything meaningful and just waffles on about any old crap. The ani- mation, although motion-captured, runs at a slow frame rate and there are some bizarre ball contaétiificidents. Slide iñtorthe'balliand it can end up being kicked in the opposite direction—without any apparent overhead kick being made. | like the fact that ће player selection icon “moves” from player to player rather than just switching though—it makes keeping track of the action easier than in most games, Its just'a'shame the players themselves аге so unpredictable, John D The programmers must approve of steroid use because all of the players in Adidas Power Soccer 98 аге little Supermen. The Turbo button gives you inhuman speed, slide tackles go 20 feet....This, and the sloppy ani- mation (you know the kind—where the ball seems:to,jump all over the place) makes play- ing the game а very disappointing:experi- ence. Too bad, becaüse with the numerous combos, the game had potential. Dan one of the worst soccer games Гуегргауед. The frame rate is choppy, the player intelligence is nonexistent, the con- trols are unintuitive, the balliphysics are all wrong, апа the player animations are really bad.Need | go on? The only reason anyone would want this game is if they like the cheesy Adidas shoe commercials shamelessly scatteredithroughodt the game. Psygnosis did manage to do those really well. Krai f I'm not impressed with this new edition of. Power Soccer, Primarily the gameplay just feels sloppy and unresponsive which conse- quently kills the whole title for me. Other let- downs include a floating camera that zooms atthe wrong moments, weird ball mechanics, and herky-jerky-player animations. I’m not fond of the sound or commentary:either, Sure there аге zillions of fears and stats but what's the point with poor gameplay? Dean Sueal JO Speo] :әлпҙеә4 35ә9 5эшецзәуу эшео (OJD8AA :әлпуеәу 3510 uio»'sisoudÁsd*MMM This PlayStation version of Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. suffers from the same problems the N64 one does. First, the play is a bit sluggish. Jumping, pulling off combos and basically just controlling your characters in general is too clunky. | do like the graphics quite a bit (even though they can be a little chunky at times) and the character design is brilliant, but neither of these things are enough. The ability to fly and the fairly large arenas seem cool at first, but when it comes down to it, I'd rather just fight and not fly around. Sure, it's good as a technique, but in all actuality, it doesn't do much for me. Most everything in Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. looks pretty good but all too often fancy visuals are what come to mind as what's cool about this game instead of solid gameplay. Speaking of which, | have to admit the gore in the game is pretty cool. It's been awhile since | laughed at squirting blood— and | mean that in a good way. One visual éffecttliatisiiEso good is how'yoür character looks while blocking. You get this metal coat- ing or something over your body, except it looks like some lame polygons. It's kind of. weird. If you're looking for something to pass the time with when friends are over, then Bio ЕВ.Е.А.К.5. may be something to.consider...if it's on sale. But if you'reclooking for.a solid purchase, by all means rent it first. Shawn If anything, this looks slightly better than the N6% version We reviewed last month. Woo- hoo. Unfortunately though, the gameplay still sucks the big one, and now you have to wait forthe lengthy load times too. lm nota fan of pointless button-mashers at the best of times, but with the badly designed сһагас- ters:and cheap special movessprojectile attacks:on demand) this just bores me. Yawny-yawny-yawn-yawn. John D Like most of Midway's other fighting games, you just can't take Bio ЕВ.Е.А.К 5. seriously. It isn't a very technical fighter, but it really doesn’t be either. Bio ЕЕ.Е.А.К.5. is a Showcase of flashy moves (most of them use- less), great graphics and tons of gore. 1 can only recommend this game to casual gamers (thestypes who can enjoy mindless and mind numbingfighting gámes): But reallypyou сап find much, much better on the PS. Dan Yes, just what | wanted —another fighter with cheap bútton-mashing and flashy 3D effects! Just like the N64 version, the;PlayStation one has a/bunch of neat-ó graphics and loads of goré to cover up the lack of any real same- play. As a fighting game purist, I'll stick with a hardcore-old-school fighter instead of this fancy, blood-spurtin', fly-around-and-use-my- gun type of game. If you're like me, this game will only cause you frustration. TL :54эАе]4 JO pee poog Ajainbs :aunleaj 3599 1o13uo» 49188п]$ :элпзеэ: 351044 WOVÁEMpIW'MMM Game of the Month Circuit Breakers is mad fun to play. The game is similar to Micro Machines as far as how it plays, but the environments, graphics and overall feel are better. The one-player game will provide hours of fun, and the upcoming course add-on disc will give you even more (for a price of course). At first it may seem like the courses are impossible, but if you stick with them and learn the curves, falls and hairpin turns of each particular track you'll find that winning will come easier. The control is sweet—again, once you get used to it. Taking multiple turns after mastering the control will make you look like a pro. At times the Al can be a little too perfect around turns, but the quick use of a power-up should set things straight. Now onto a major reason why Circuit Breakers got such a respectable score: The Multiplayer Mode. When you first play it, the Two- or More-player Mode seems strange. If you fall off the track, you can’t гасе ти there's only one persóri'teft; and there's points all seems very-con- fusing, But once you get the hang of it, Circuit Breakers’ Multiplayer Mode provesito be a hell of a lot of fun. It's worth buying а multitap for—that is, if you can find one. If you're into games like Micro Machine and RC Pro-Am from way backiwhen, then definitely look into buying Circuit Breakers. Shawn Wow! Where did this one come from? Circuit Breakers is one of the surprise games of the year so far for me. Try to imagine В.С. Pro-Am mixed with Micro Machines, and you'lhave а basic idéa of what this гасег5 all about. Тһе АР Mode has a great learning curve and very well-designed tracks, but the highlight of this baby is its Multiplayer Mode..Gather three of your friends and get ready to have a LOT of fun. 125 a total blast. John R Yes, this game’s A LOT like Micro Machines, except for one.thing: better track design. Circuit Breakers’ courses are excellent, with enough ledges and chasms to make them. challenging but not frustratingly so (as in Micro Machines). The mulitplayer- courses are especially good, making this an ideal party game if you have a ти ар. 5 ИН СВ doesn't match Micro Machines when it comes:to car variety and play options. Cris 1 ІП I'm sure my esteemed colleagues have said this already, but it bears repeating: Circuit Breakers tocks for multiplayer action! This quaint little title is unbelievably fun for three or four people playing at a time. The level and game design are brilliant, making this опе of the best party games around (you'd have to play it to understand...don’t let its simple looks fool you). The one-player game isn't bad, but get it for multiplayer. ү-1 :s1əKe|d JO ,aqunN Кеја 1əKe|dn|nW :элпзеэ1 3599 роосу OOL 35041 51 IV 5әшіҙәшоб :элпзеа4 3540, шохәде>зришммм 2) Developer: SCEI/Alfa System _ 8 p = у Of all the light gun games I’ve ever played, Elemental Gearbolt definitely has the best atmosphere. The 3D graphics are beautiful and very Panzer Dragoon-esque in design, while the music is just...soothing. | don’t know any other way to put it. EG is the first light gun game I’ve played where I’ve actually felt peaceful (zoned out, perhaps?) as | sat there blasting away anything and everything that moved. Gameplay-wise, EG suffers from only one real fault: It’s too short. While this normally would be good enough reason to harp on the game, | can’t. Why? Because EG is riddled with secrets and hidden stuff, and if you can make it through Normal Mode with no problems, there's always the Master Mode, which is like 10 times harder than it was in the Japanese version. If you’re not looking for challenge or extras, you'll proba- bly blow through the game in an hour. If you're like me, and you want to test your skillSagainsta game that can be'Wickedly. difficult; you'll be in heaven with EG on Master Mode: That's not all there is to like, thoughaYou get rewarded for precision (mul- tiple hits without missing any targets adds up to big points), which is nice, and collecting fairies and the hidden chalices on each stage only adds to the depth: The exp. vs. points trade-off feature is cool, too. John R There's a lot to like about this light gun. game, especially its originality..Elemental Gearbolt is an unlikely blend of RPG elements and deep gameplay—something very rarely found in light gun games. With good music, graphics (except for some two- player slowdown) and cinemas, the game draws you right into the action. If you're look- ing for afun and differenttype of gun game, this is certainly the one to buy. Krai Any light-gun game fan owes it to him or ћег- selfto check out Elemental Gearbolt. The game sets new standards in the genre. It offers a very rewarding point System (which motivates players to score higher by shooting Бопиз items ahd going for combos). Elemental Gearbolt also offers a real story line, and requires you to use technique, by picking which gun best suits the situation. EG is Way better than V. Cop or Time Crisis. Dan Although. it’s not a particularly long game, Elefiental Gearbolt is still a beatiful een elegant—light-gun shooter that oozes atmosphere. It's also a bit revolutionary, in that it forces you to take slow, careful shots (rapid-fire jamming on the trigger will get you nowhere). The graphics are stunning (despite Some slowdown іп two-playet mode), while the excellent cinemas and\moody music top off this slick package. isnil TL :5лэАе]а JO laqunN 31046 319 V :ainleaj lslo 从 әләцасошуу эцзеҙиед :auneaj 3599 шо» зи варЗирром ммм С) New пате, roughly the same game. When golf simulations started to trickle onto the PlayStation years ago, Gremlin's VR Golf was the best of a really bad batch of competitors. Now, they're back and their latest golf game brandishes the FOX name instead of Interplay’s VR Sports label. The change does- n’t seem to have affected the game much. FS Golf looks very similar to the game that unof- ficially preceded it—that is to say it’s not very pretty. The 3D graphics are passable, but are very blandly detailed. Granted, it is just a golf course, but that’s exactly the point—it shouldn’t be hard to make them look really good. Additionally, the golfers are drawn sloppily, and the menus and interface are pretty hideous. It also looks like the FOX Sports logo was just slapped randomly about the game. On the good side, load times are brisk (very key), and the automatic cameras that follow the ball in flight make things inter- estingvEveniore interesting 15 50те of the really odd physics that make the golf ball ао things that it never would regularly on a golf course. If yoitcan stand the graphics and the physics, the vast amount of game styles available should keep you busy for a long time,.But why should you bother.when FOX Sports Golf ’99 is easilytopped by Hot Shots Golf in every way possible? Krai 1 If Fox Sports Golf 'o9 had come out two years ago, it probably would've beenacceptable, but compared to today’s pickens, namely Hot Shots Golf, it seems mediocre at best. Three things stick out: weird player animations, questionable game physics and an annoying commentator. You can shut off the announcer and:deal with the animation, but you can't compromise on the ате'5 physics. It has too much influence on the gameplay: Dean Hmmm. This just isn't gonna work. FS Golf. '99 has plenty of options and features and all that stuff that marketing people love, but in the end, the gameplay is boring, the frame rate is choppy, and the control is stiff, Hot Shots Golf pretty much set the standard in golf game engines, and until a game comes; along with a better one, I'm notgoing to waste my time with'any others. Next.time around remember, gameplay first. John R If you ever feel the need to be patronized for a long period of time | suggest you get a copy of this. Гуе never come across a game's com- mentary.that goes out of its way to insult you so much. As golf games go, it's pretty fair. The 3D graphics are unique, but a bit slow and choppy, and the controls seem to take a whilesto react. Most annoying;ef:all though, it's sometimes difficult to judge shots: Not quite PGA standard: p-1 :s1əKe|d JO 19quinN Aejdawey ysig :aanjeay 3594 snuaw әлипушиг 419 :әлпуеә 35404 U102'9AH2€493UIXOJ'MMM Developer: Gremlin It's about time a soccer game came along and showed up the FIFA series (sorta). Fox Sports Soccer '99 completely surprised me and is now my favorite soccer game on the PlayStation (though it's far from perfect). Why am | so impressed? Well, being a soccer fan and a casual soccer player, | understand how soccer should be played in real life. Fox '99 is the closest thing I've seen to real life yet. I'm not talking about graphics here (although Fox '99 does look nice). I'm talking about the way the players behave on the field. The goalies are the best in the business. They don't sit around and wait for a soccer ball to approach them; they'll rush out to intercept the ball, if it’s a one-on-one situation. It's rather hard to get in any easy goals, even on the easiest dif- ficulty setting. The passing is also realistic. Long passes lead the receiver, keeping the offense constantly moving forward (but here lies one of the game's faults: The defense sométimes doesn't react properly а long offensive lob, letting them get burned too easily). Other problems: poor viewing angles on corner, free and goal kicks and controls that take а lot. of getting used to. If you're looking for a realistic soccer game that’s light on frills, definitely take a look at this one. Those looking for'a:more arcade/action- oriented soccer game should pass. Dan Actua Soccer 2, the U.K. version of this title is reveredias one of the best soccer games: available over there. Praise indeed I'm sure you'll agree. Unfortunately, something.seems to have-tiáppened in the transition to this. Most notable is the presentation. The com- mentary is an absolute joke! As a two-player game this can hold its own againstFIFA, but as а one-player game, it's let down byssome dodgy player Al. John D It's a darn.good thing this game has a. Ргасвісе ойе. Fox Sports Soccer is a little too realistic —and therefore difficult —for my. tastes. Yes, it's nice that the goalie Al is superb. Yesythe passing and player-move- ment physics are impressively realistic, But damnit — Га like to score a goal once іп а while! Prepare for a steep learning curve with this game. Don't even bother if you prefer footy games of the arcade variety. Crispi Well, it’s better than Power Soccer 98 but it's notin the FIFA or Goal Storm league IMO3The players move in such a frantic way that | feel like Pm watching circus clowns scurrying around a big top. Automatic player switching is a bit frustrating as well due to ever-chang- ing camera angles. Overall the gameplay is sub-par when compared to greats like FIFA or GS, but given time, this one could grow on you like а strange fungus. y-1 :54эКе]4 JO 49qunN Кеја 20slleay :an3eajJ 3599 104340) :9jn3eaj 3540 М шохәлцовләушхоуммм Supercross 98 is definitely a good—possibly the best—moto-x racing game to come out for the PlayStation to date. Having only VMX and Moto Racer to contend with, Super Cross dismantles them easily in several cat- egories. Graphically it's very competent with a lot of emphasis on detail. Good use of light and shading as well as little nuances like blowing leaves, exhaust smoke and flying dirt do wonders for the atmosphere. In later stages, impressive snow, rain and early morn- ing light effects steal the show. Animation is also top-notch. Riders react to what is hap- pening (leaning, putting feet down, crouch- ing, etc.) rather than just sitting perfectly upright like constipated mannequins. Add these elements with the title's good game- play and it really is quite a nice package. Other pleasant surprises include a great frame rate, a functional first-person view and an awesome track editor. Creating new tracks is'actüally'as'iüch fun as габїй@ нетте problems? No licensed bikes апа, despite what the manual says, there are only two available; Also, the default difficulty setting is way too easy. | buzzed through a season easi- ly winning every race, thus killing some of the replay appeal. The Intermediate.setting is. good to start withalt'sinot perfect but SC is by far my new favorite moto-x racer. Dean This game's attention to detail and fine-tuned controlwill appeal to most motorcross gear- heads, but | prefer the more arcade-style gameplay of Moto Racer. Still, Super Cross 98 is а solid.racer once you get the hang of it (particularly, once you learn to use the nitro and front brake to your advantage against the persistent—if not overly challenging—Al). The cooltrack editor had те reminiscing about my old NES Excitebike days. Cris пі Even though its graphics аге pretty much lame, Jeremy McGrath does offer some fun play in both the One- and Two-player Modes. lid say the best thing about the game is the track editor. Not since Excitebike have | been able to create a track and then race on it; Now that's fun! Other than that, the game is straightforward with little or погамезоте fea- tures. Rent it to check it out, buy it if you're into making your own tracks. Shawn While I’m not a huge fan of this whole “dirt” thing (Ра rather play Road Rash 3D or Moto Race, | will admit that Supercross 98 is sur- prisingly good. Better than | expected,.any- way. The'track editor alone makes it worthia peek, but the fast-paced gameplay and cool track layouts will keep motocross fans (like Dean) satisfied for weeks. Two:gripes: 2) the CPU racers are a little TOO, good (frustrating!) and 2) why only two bikes? John R 'siəKe]d 40 JaqunN 3031p3 пред] :әлпдеәј 3599 әз! 3nou3 JON :әлпуеәу 310M зэи‘цие]>е'ммм + ји 2 s + ж? If you're still a Mortal Kombat fan after all these years, well, more power to you. | felt the series should've been laid to rest with the first MK3, and after seeing MK4, it only con- firmed my feelings. Mortal Kombat games are simply not as deep or as fun as any of the Street Fighters to keep the series going on this long. Mortal Kombat 4 pales in compari- son to MK2 or MK3. It offers very little to the series, and what it does offer is no big deal. Weapons? They provide a fun best. New fighters? They barely have an inter- esting move or characteristic between them. BUT...the game isn’t without its merits. Obviously, the biggest improvement is in the graphics. The animation and frame rate are superb. Fatalities look great in 3D, as do the throws and bone-breakers. On the gameplay side, Eurocom and Midway did an excellent job of bringing the “MK feel” to a polygonal world. Unlike Street Fighter EX, which is a bit floaty, MKz»plays exactly like апуб the'2D MK games, l àlso like the slightly (but not ovérly) cheap combo system: МК4:5 10-hit cómbos.actually take more skill to pull off than most of Tekken 3’s 10-hitters (not a hard feat). All in all, the game’s not bad. If you still like Mortal Kombat and you don’t mind some load times, then МКатпау be for you. Just don’t expect a Tekken-killer. Dan Though the №4 suffers from a fighting game drought; thë PS doesn't. There аге many more, much better fighting games than this onthe system. Games that don’t mysterious- ly Start loading from the CD half way through an animation. Games that offer far mote graceful moves and combos. Games that arent filled with cheap moves:-Unless уоште a real MK nut, you're not going to come away from this feeling rewarded. John D The PS conversion of MK4 isn't quite as sharp as the.NÓ4 one, but it’s still justíabout arcade perfect. But while the graphics have made the jump to 3D, the gameplay is still stan- dard MK=fare, and frankly, that got old about three years ago. The backgrounds aren't as interesting as they were in MK3, and while the weapons add an interesting twist, only the hardcore MK faris are really going to care. It’s nice to see бого back, at least. John R It’s not often that a PlayStation version of a fighting' beaten by its №64 brethren, but MK4 is a case in point. Graphically it doesn’t have the solid feel that you expect, but more'importantly, it suffers from some terrible loading problems. As а game, my comments regarding the N64 version stand here too— compared to many of the class fighters:on the PlayStation though, this really doesn't stand a chance. Sushi TL :5лэАе]4 JO 1одшпм soiydesy әзі :aunjeay sag :94n3e24 35404 шох: Ќемріш'ммм Obviously inspired Бу Midway's NFL Blitz, NFL Xtreme isn't half as good as the game it seeks to imitate. 989 Studios took the basic gameplay then added every conceivable fea- ture: season play, player creation, variable weather, tear away jerseys, audibles, in- depth stats, tons of plays, etc. You name it, they put it in there. Unfortunately, what they didn't include was the most important ingre- dient of them all: good gameplay. Instead of delivering fast-paced, hard-hitting action, NFL Xtreme moves at a sluggish pace, and is marred by choppy animations and bad play mechanics. Granted, this game is probably taxing the PS hardware, but that doesn't mean | can forgive the ugly 5-on-s formations that are confusing to the point that having a player designated as a running back or tight end really has no meaning. Receivers can't be placed in motion, and if you throw to them when they're covered, it seems that they'll come doWiiWith the ball almostevery time. The computer intelligence is horrible. In my. first game а the highest difficulty level, | beat the computer by до pts—using only two plays! That's only about three numbers less than ће amount of boring phrases the repeti- tive announcer utters. Who can blame him? Fora supposedly hardshitting football game, NFL Xtreme isn’t very exciting. Krai 1 | can't warm up to Xtreme. All the elements аге in place=decent graphics, fast frame rate and,fancy player moves. They/just don’t seem togelinto an exciting package. The precision just isn't'there. In fact it’s hard to discern some ofthe tighter action that takes place on the field because of choppy tackling ant- mations and movements. In the end, Xtreme doesn't generate thé same feeding frenzy as even GameDay, much less Blitz. Dean Had NFL Blitz never existed, NFL Xtreme might be a pretty cool, somewhat innovative зате..Оп the other hand, had Blitz never existed, Xtreme would've never been.brought ош о shamelessly mock it in the first place, Xtreme tries real hard to provide-the excite- ment of.Blitz, but falls short in too many: ways. Most importantly, the gamejust isn't very much fun to play. Ifyou must try it; 1 strongly suggest renting first. John R What is up with this game? It's like it was rushed out unfinished. The graphics and ani- mation аге way clunky, the control is far from being intuitive, and the voiceovers are.forced at bestzIf Sony is going for more of an arcade expetience instead of the standard football sim (similar to NFL Blitz), then they should've made:this game more accessiblesfor every- one. Тће 2 Р Mode isn’t even that funsince the game's so cumbersome to play. Shawn y-1 :54эАе]4 JO 1aqunN әјделішозѕпә лә :элпзеа4 1səg Кејдашесу ysi83njg :э4п3еэ1 3510 шо иоцез<Ке] ‘ммм PR0 PINBALL: ТІМЕЅНОСКІ We've соте to expect a lot of depth апа gameplay in the new generation of PS games. Sadly this PC port pinball sim is surprisingly shallow. Granted it's not terrible—the ball physics are decent and the gameplay and graphics are passable—but the fact that there’s only one table is just unacceptable. It seems as if you're only getting about 30 per- cent of a game with Timeshock!. Even more maddening—there’s nothing creative about it. Other games, like Hot Shots Golf or Ten Pin Alley for example, have taken their somewhat boring genres and spiced them up with unique graphics, characters and engaging gameplay. Unfortunately, | can't say the same for TS. Beyond multiball and special target hits, there really aren't any exciting gaming moments. Unless, of course, you count get- ting a tilt penalty —whoopee! Strangely forgo- ing the option to offer more tables, they include a slide show instead? Granted the rendered'scériés (close-ups of'ttié table) {вок pretty good, but they certainly don't redeem the game. In the end, it comes across as a cheap way to add some substance to an over- all'slim package. Sorry, we're not fooled. | could harp on the sub-par sound or hard-to- read menus as well, but what's the point? There's just not enoughidepth in this decent but very limited pinball offering. Dean Timeshock! does its best to capture the true pinball feel by offering four viewing angles, and a realistic physics model,'Unfortunately; none of the viewing angles work too well (it's just the nature of trying to fit a whole pinball table on a TV screen). The visual problem is made worse with the overly colorful and cluttered playing field. | also find it difficult to recommend paying money for a one-table console pinball game. Dan The single pinball table presented here does- n't'$eem like abad game at ац: п fact, Ра probably play the thing in real life, if l came across it in an arcade. The trouble with the virtuakvérsion, though, is that it’s too big and complicated to be crammed onto one screen. None of the four available views does anvadequate job of clearly showing the Ball's all times: And where's the fun in^ playing if you can’t see the ball? It’s ridiculous that this pinball title only has oné board. Gianted, if it were the best pinball board on Earth, | might let it slide, but unfor- tunately, that's not the case. a scrolling, prerendered 3D environment, the sole-board in Pro Pinball is bland. И has a monochrome light display and small objec- tives littered throughout the field:of play, but those до ето keep the game from:being incredibly shallow and boring. 1 p-1 :5зәЛе|4 JO JaqunN |05 :94n3eo4 3sag Ke|dəuies Азэмел Ч8поц3 зом :әлпзеәј 1S40 从 _ Developer: Rune Craft Part of the appeal of the board game version of Risk is that it is a very tense, competitive, social game that demands a lot of interplay between the players. Can you really capture the spirit in а PlayStation game? Well...yes and no. As a multiplayer game (with multi-tap support), | think Ра still rather go through the hassle of setting up a board and doing it for real. As a single-player game, | think this is probably the best version around. The Al is brutal to say the very least (it absolutely creamed me the first time | played), but once you get used to the aggressive way it plays ,you'll be faced with a good challenge. I'd have liked to be able to play with a full map on the screen rather than scrolling around, but you get used to zipping about the map after a while, especially if you have an analog pad or a mouse. The basic "Classic Risk" is great, but if this is too simplistic for you, you can opt to play on limited maps (ї.е., just Ешореогіне United States); Mission Risk (a new version developed for the board game that gives players specific tasks) or...Ultimate Risk, a vastly bloated interpretation that. doesn't use dice, has a bigger map and unnecessarily complicates the classic game with badly rendered battles. Some strategy fans тау get a kick'out.of it, but | feel it over- ly spoils the underlying game. John D If you like the board game, you'll love its PlayStation counterpart. Even today, Risk’s simple, yet complex strategy stands up to the most advanced tactical games—even.moreso if you use some of the in-depth features found on this version. The developers of PlayStation Risk fully fleshed out the game by including just about every-possible varia- tion imaginable. Don’t expect any flashy graphics, just rock-solid gameplay. Krai 1 Risk is easy to get into even though it seems intimidating at first. The graphics and control obviously aren't what this game's all about. Instead it/gives you a classic board game іп an interactive form, and does so well. There's something about Risk that makes you feel like уоште really at war, even though there аге по sounds or visuals to-make:the experi- ence seem more réal. | have to admit | had trouble gaining global domination. Shawn PlayStation Risk is one helluva package. It has Classic Risk and Ultimate Risk, a more complex version of the board game. More than that; this disk offers a ton of rule varia- tions for both games. Despite the new maps, features and rules, | still find myself playing Classic Risk the most. It’s easy, fun and quick to get into (and out of). Ви уоште а Risk player, you should definitely сћеск 5 disk out. И offers too much to pass up. ГЕНІ Jo JaqunN sy 21556) :aun3eajJ 3599 aueD ayy sods 1514 эзещизй :aun3eaj 3540M wo2'o1qSEYMMM ROAD RASH 3D Ever since the 3DO version of Road Rash came out (the game that pushed me into buy- ing that awful system), I've been waiting for a worthy sequel to arrive. Fortunately, RR3D is that sequel, though to be totally fair, if you're not a die-hard Road Rash fan like myself, you may find yourself wondering what all the fuss is about. Road Rash 3D doesn’t offer any major improvements over its predecessors other than the obvious, which is a fully 3D engine, new music (I actually prefer the old music) and much better track designs. Oh, and there’s analog control and Dual Shock support (and in similar fashion, | prefer the digital pad). The gameplay is well-balanced, and the four different classes of bikes are varied enough that you can really feel the dif- ference in control between them, but the combat portion of the game—which is really like half the fun of it all—has been toned down a lot. The graphics and sounds are very пісе (some Of thé later tracks look gorgeous), and when you get some of the later (faster) bikes, the screen just screams by, making for some intense racing. Yet still, | can’t help.but feel like RR3D could’ve been much more. And as minor a complaint as it may be, | really hate the fact that you no longer.control your guy running Баскќо ће bike after a crash. Still, RR fans should be satisfied. John R | was skeptical of the 3D polygon incarnation of RR. Would it top or at least equal the quali- ty of the 3DO version? In a word: yes. To its advantage, it takes a lot more skill and finesse to maneuver the bikes. Also, several styles of motorcycle are available rather than just sport bikes. The tracks are very long as well making winning a reality.even:with а few wrecks--no time consuming jog back:to the bike either. Overall, a good sequel. Dean As an avid Road Rash fan, l was really glad to see this game finally get finished. I’m also glad that EA came through with a very good racing game. Unfortunately, the combat in this RRás а little tamer than the others —it seems like the fighting is more sparse. For some ода reason RR's polygonal graphics made it hard to sustain huges.drawn-out brawls on bikes. Nevertheless, RR 3D 15 fun and has attitude —give it a try. Krai 1 Road Rash 3D packs nearly everything I loved about the classic series—high speed, cool courses, nasty spills arid intense combat (although fighting's not as crucial as.before). The graphics, while not up to GT’s standards, are adequately fast. Some of the series’ in- your-face personality is missing. Cinemas are particularly weak, and you’tesnow. placed on the bike automatically after a crash:(l prefer the old run-to-your-bike routine). Cris 1 in 1 :s13əKe]|d JO 4aqunN одан мәң YONW Зицзом :элпзеа4 3540 Кејдошесу pareg-3sey :элпзеа4 3599 Шо» бо МММ SENTINEL RETURNS Developer: No-Name Games This review'll probably get me in trouble. Fans of the original Sentinel—to which this update is similar— will likely be pissed that | haven't become a raving addict to its classic gameplay. On the other hand, newbies to this slow-paced, horrible-looking game will won- der why | gave it an average score instead of trashing it. The truth 15, Sentinel Returns і а fun, addicting game— but only to a certain extent. It’s also difficult to explain. You tele- port your way across a checkerboard plane, absorbing stick-like trees for energy and avoiding the roving gaze of the Sentinel and his sentries, all of whom are perched high above the playfield. Your eventual goal is to clamber up to the Sentinel’s altitude and top- ple him, absorbing as much energy as possi- ble along the way. This concept is as elegant as it was in the original Sentinel. And if the graphics seem slow...well, supposedly that’s by design. The game builds tension by forcing youtorcrawlithtough the stagessiakingnt that much harder to find an escape route should the Sentinel look your Way (although you сай buffer. commands to hasten progress across the landscape). Still, there’s no excuse for the blah graphics, and the gameplay became repetitive by the time | reached the 5oth level. Unfortunateysince | still had 600 or so levels to go. š Crispi Sure, there’s a certain amount of nostalgia associatéd with Sentinel Returns, but that just doesn’t do anything for me. When you look past the mediocre graphics, clunky con- troland repetitious gameplay, you see а game that should’ve stayed on the C64 where it came, from. If wanted level after level of the same thing, I'd go to the arcade and play Frogger, Сепреде ог oné,of the other clas- sics. Rentif you liked the original: Shawn Surprisingly, this strange little title is mildly addictivé. | didn’t expect much—the rough graphics and mediocre controls (Use а PlayStation mouse if you have one) turned me off atfirst. But the minute | got the hang. of how things work, | found out that this is a diamond in the rough. OK, maybe more like a cubic zirconia...the game can,getwrather monotonous with its repetitive gameplay and long load times. Dan Having fond memories of the original Sentinel fromyears ago | had my doubts as to Whether | would enjoy this as much. Definitely something that older gamers will appreciate, it's a wonderful example of how. cerebral gameplay combined with atmospher- ic effects (the John Carpenter music is espe- cially noteworthy) can make an:absorbing experience. Once уой get'into the gameplay you can while away hours. John D 1 :s13əKe]d JO 49quunN $|әләт JO 5301 :әлпуеә 3599 Aeldaueo олудедом :әлпуеә 3540 М, Wo»'sisoudÁsd*MMM VIGILANTE 8 | Developer: Luxoflux — Surprisingly, V8 is the first serious contender to unseat the popular Twisted Metal 2 so far. The best thing about this vehicle combat game is its large and graphically superb 3D environments. Tons of lighting effects, lens flares and detailed textures make locations such as the Hoover Dam and Casino City look convincing. Just about everything in each area can be destroyed, sometimes with very chaotic and fiery consequences. The old-style cars have plenty of personality—how could they not when they consist of pick-up trucks with campers and huge tank-like sedans? Even better, the excellent physics engine real- ly brings each car and level to life, especially when skidding over an icy ski slope, thunder- ing over towering hills, or taking a vicious missile hit. Unfortunately, V8’s weapons aren't designed as well as the rest of the game. Just about every one of them auto- locks onto its target, taking away the most challenging element in a combatigame=aim- ing. As a result, gameplay heavily consists of hide-and-Seeking as combatants attempt to avoid lo¢k-ons. In many of the oné-player, missions, it’s possible to kill enemies by tob- bing firepower from a perch far away with lit- tle chance of being hit. This big flaw isn’t a fatal опе, but it does;prevent V8 from top- pling the king of this genre, ТМ2. Krai 1 As a single-player experience this is pretty much what you'd expect frome car blaster. The weapons look great, the enemy Al is adequate; and the scenery can be complete- ly trashed to allow access to power-ups. As a multiplayer game, it could be better. It takes too long to destroy your opponent, and you tend to end up picking a straight road and “jousting” up апа ом! to get things over and done with. John D | must state the obvious: If you like Twisted Metal п any way, you HAVE to check out Vigilante 8. Luxoflux has raised the bar of quality in every conceivable area: graphics and animation, sound, level design and real- istic game physics. Totally destructible’ envi- ronments is the icing on the cake. The action сап drag on at times, since all the vehicles can takea great deal of damage before dying off, but that's а very minor complaint. Dan V8 is a fine example of a good game. The graphics and interface are slick;the control is tight, and most importantly, the game plays. well. There are no weird glitches, and the minor pop-up problems go unnoticed, thanks to the intense action. Besides, you just have to love the funky music and characters. Although the game may seem easy at first, it can gët quite trickyif yothdon’t plan.your attack, The 2P Mode is a lot of fun. Shawn TL :5лэКе]4 JO 42quinN u8isəq |әләт полови :ain3eaj 3598 и315эа uodeəA, 1004 :элпзеэ4 1840M 132€'MMM шоу по САМЕ ВОУ САМЕКА GERE ре а TC Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Featured Іп: EGM #107 It only makes sense that the most successful game system in history should get the coolest peripheral of all time. Hell, the Game Boy Camera might be а little too much fun — especially for its $50 pricetag. Its list of fea- tures is а mile long. It stores up to 30 decent- looking photos, which you can alter with lots of goofball clip art (cartoony eyes and noses, etc.) or draw on directly with the paint pro- gram (great for adding laser beams to prop weapons). You can also add hotspots to your photos, making them jump to other pictures if you click on the right places (perfect for putting together interactive stories). The camera features a delay timer, a time-elapse Snapshot Mode, four mini-games (one of them secret), more than a dozen special lens effects—even a feature to morph two photos together. By far the most fun function is the animation program, which lets you take all your pictures and assemble them into a 47- frame movie; You can make stop-photo-ani- mation movies, vacation documentaries, spe- cial-effects-laden sci-fi epics—there’s no limit to what creative pocket auteurs can accom- plish. The $60 printer is worth getting, too— especially for the Sticker Club crowd—but you can,certainly live without it. Best of all, the camera’s easy to'learn, although the menus аге a bit disorganized. V/N :5лэКе]а JO aqunN шел8ола иоцецииу :әлпуеә.] 3599 | fear for teachers across the States, because when this incredibly devious little device gets out, it’s gonna cause lots of chaos in class- rooms. The Game Boy Camera is a remark- able example of ingenuity and technology— there is just so much you can do with it. This is definitely one of the coolest, yet affordable devices.out there. The only problem with it is that.the menus and'some of the options аге little confusing. Kraig шәҙ5/А6 nuəW Áyunj) :элпзеэ: 3810M | think this is the best toy | have come across in a very, very long time. І don't remember the last time a crowd of people had such а laugh with something which is fundamental- [у so simple. Despite its simplicity though, the camera has a lot to offer. Building up ani- mations can lead to much-o amusement (some of things we came up withyleave a little to be'desired), апа ће extra little games and effects just round it all off. Brilliant. John D This little gadget has to be one of the coolest gaming peripherals I’ve ever seen, if not THE coolest. Even if you just pick up the GBC and go without reading the manual, you сап.осси- py yourself for hours. If you actually read up onall the little things you can do With it though, you'll be set for weeks! It’s like hav- ing yourown sticker club machine; only you about a zillion other cool things with it as well. A must buy for GB owners. John R VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY 9 5 10 10 щ05‘ориэз и ммм EDITORS ИЕ August 1998 OVERALL The fantastic Game Boy Camera turned everyone in the office into budding James Camerons this month—at least once they figured out the animation program. The staff produced no less than six special-effects-filled flicks, ranging from simple stop- photo animations to a particularly bizarre piece featuring Voltron action figures and a banana. But big cheese John D. perhaps uncovered what will be the gizmo’s most common purpose, when he used it—along with screen shots from his Internet browser—to assemble a softcore-porn animation that rivals anything you might see on late-night Skinemax. Editors’ Choice Award A # Consecutive Months On The Chart Rank Number, video game gossip, Trick О Ё the рау News апа Іп C Winning is really fun To play, j enter our ontest area ап answer a series of cool & easy video game trivia questio J u f 1 E d ues Ñ ER Gossip Before ' o Сай and Record || | . Reviews & Tri ° 'st Exp SLA9 minute have parents permission Brain Warp Andra Kerr, Newark, NJ • Michael Cherney, Carona, CA • Matthew Stollman, Farmington Hills, MI • Donald Jones, Detroit, MI * Jim O'Donell, Crescent City, CA Lights Out Antoine Jones, Los Angelas, CA e Rich Westendorf, Arvada, CO ® Cody Gyao, Jacksonville, FL е Jesse Yeung, Sunnyside, NY ° Sean Thomas, Imperial Beach, CA Light Wars Tyrell Gordon, Inkster, MI ° Matt Richenburg, Braintree, МА е Nicolas Page, Rochester, WA e Albert Mungu, San Diego, CA • Joshua Bowden, Idaho Falls, Idaho ° Raymond Carnasciole, Bayville, NJ Allen Thomas, Los Angelas, CA е Justin Johnson, Covington, KY е Ricardo Montes, Chicago, IL е Allen Green, Madison, NC • Sam Litt, Pittsburg, PA SeUeN зопрола - PRIZES PROVIDED BY: рї] suo} 18611 Jo зешерел. релеја Вон Jo зџешерец 8 EGM Shirts and Hats Shown Here May Vary Slightly From Ones Awarded Т Entry, To enter, correctly answer six consecutive trivia questions and leave your пате address and phone number as structed Winners will be determined by judges whose decisions are final; One Winner per household per month, Ziff-Davis assumes no responsibility for ШИЛ Incomplete, or misdirected responses. 2. Prizes: Winners will receive one: Ww ‘of the following at Ziff-Davis: sole discretion: дате со, Brain Warp, E Wars, cue Pounds, Lights Out Extreme Chain; mus Qût Key chain or zifi-Davis merchandise, Prizes have an approximate retail value of at least 12.00. All prize Winners will be notified by mall Prize(s) are non-transferable: No substitutions of prize(s) are allowed, except at ће option ol Ziff-Davis should the featured prize(s) become unavailable. 3: Eligibility: Contest open to residents of United States and Canada Vold in Maryland, Non-compliance with the time parameters contained herein or тейт of any prizelprize notification as undeliverable will result in disqualification: Winners or their legal guardians shell retum a signed affidavit of eligibility/release of liability/prize acceptance within 5 days of receipt or forfeit prize: Employees of zD inc: Tiger Electronics, Ltd) and their respective affiliates are not eligible, Neither ZD Inc Tiger Electronics; nor their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, or related companies are responsible tor any damages, faxes, or expenses resulting from this contest: Winners acknowledge that ZD'Inc- Has neither made nor Is їп any manner responsible or liable for any warranty or Guarantee, whether express or implied, infact or in law, relative to any prize including but not'limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness Winners accepting prizes agree that all prizes are awarded on не condition that ZD Inc., its agents; representatives, and employees will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from acceptance, possession, or use of the prizes, 4. Winners List: For a list of Winners, send a mpeg) Self-addressed envelope to “Preview Line Trivia Contest”, 1920 Highland "Avenue; Suite 222, Lombard, Illinois 60148. Allow 3-4 weeks tor delivery. 5, Restrictions; Vold where prohibited or restricted by law. All federal, state апа local regulations apply. - зала ејелороџ “8шриә јрә в sey yey) щей Ajuo au s! $141. "jsepieu əy} osje jng 459)10ц5 eut 18497 PIEH *39M0] aU Әлә о} aouo пало рең pue 由 ed 1əu8!i əy} ol дело duní 03 5913111915500 Auew әле әләці ‘ued sty} u! рэз!ел әле sales ou 18437 әјеләроџу 18491 (sllelap элош 10) попзо5 apoW seg eui 995) ‘uo Леја ој под 10) uado (м. 9pow Veg Jo орелв e “Ən e usiuij ПОЛ ләү (ә|йшрхә ue 10) enN 995) "әуез под enol 1e)nonied е пәлә 10 әлә] Р U! JOYS 51 Jey} 83eluaolad əy} u! 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Now choose the ‚ “Load Game” skull and the next screen will show all the levels listed. Choose any one of these level names to be warped there. Patrich Tan Pocatello, ID Scre choose the “Options” On the Fighter light “Hidden” and do Wi est Rules: Aristo tries to succeed with a simple plan; а Global Party “Aristo International designs and develops loca- toni based, pay-per-play, several products coming. Besides upcoming football and hockey games, there is a tabletop version of “Pong,” with up to eight players (called TeamNet, fun has been lost as of late in the arcade industry. According to Dave Albert, чали ment датеѕ апа CIS: ‘s that vice president of Aristo: “Aristo is about bringing people НЕЕ Too many an into picture below). They also plan to launch Playnet for music and TouchNet which through ISDN lines will ina. bar loca- за for more! “Sk This page is missing from the magazine because it was either missing from the issue we scanned, or if was damaged beyond repair. [f you have an original copy of this magazine and would like to help us complete this scan, plase visit us af: least bought the equip- company that knew how). At the ` AMOA, there were a plethora or. driving sims, most of which were mentioned earlier: Cruis'n The World, San Francisco Rush and more. Sega's newest installment was called Sega's Touring Car. A strange game in a few ways: First, it feels quite a bit like Sega j| feel of the car is not 100 per- cent; but these companies are nowhere near as established as Sega and Namco in the driving field. Perhaps this is a trend starting; the big guys lead the way and others will follow (ahem, Street Fighter). | Resolution: | Cobra Performance: 1 to 5 million polygon/sec 50 to 250 = s pixels/sec KONAMIG | 1,280 x 1,024 pixels © 144 Bits/pixel frame buffer 640 x 400 to 256 level alpha blending | Shading: Subpixel sampling antialiasing | Flat shading - Gouraud shading 1 Lighting: Linear fog | Exponential Fog Boaru ~ ~. support 1 million ројудог~, where the Cobra is just being learned to program on and it reaches more than 1 million—first try! Aristo tries to succeed with a simple plan; а Global Party “Aristo International designs and develops loca- toni based, pay-per-play, several products coming. Besides upcoming football and hockey games, there is a tabletop version of “Pong,” with up to eight players (called TeamNet, fun has been lost as of late in the arcade industry. According to Dave Albert, чали ment датеѕ апа CIS: ‘s that vice president of Aristo: “Aristo is about bringing people НЕЕ Too many an into picture below). They also plan to launch Playnet for music and TouchNet which through ISDN lines will ina. bar loca- за for more! “Sk This page is missing from the magazine because it was either missing from the issue we scanned, or if was damaged beyond repair. [f you have an original copy of this magazine and would like to help us complete this scan, plase visit us af: least bought the equip- company that knew how). At the ` AMOA, there were a plethora or. driving sims, most of which were mentioned earlier: Cruis'n The World, San Francisco Rush and more. Sega's newest installment was called Sega's Touring Car. A strange game in a few ways: First, it feels quite a bit like Sega j| feel of the car is not 100 per- cent; but these companies are nowhere near as established as Sega and Namco in the driving field. Perhaps this is a trend starting; the big guys lead the way and others will follow (ahem, Street Fighter). | Resolution: | Cobra Performance: 1 to 5 million polygon/sec 50 to 250 = s pixels/sec KONAMIG | 1,280 x 1,024 pixels © 144 Bits/pixel frame buffer 640 x 400 to 256 level alpha blending | Shading: Subpixel sampling antialiasing | Flat shading - Gouraud shading 1 Lighting: Linear fog | Exponential Fog Boaru ~ ~. support 1 million ројудог~, where the Cobra is just being learned to program on and it reaches more than 1 million—first try! THE ULTIMATE SNNSS — _ FOR THE LATES\ - u Амр MOST DET A\D | VIDEO GAME STRATES. — TRICKS, co DES RTPS :: On Newsstands · Everywhere! | JULY 21, 1998 | па Fhe Future of Video Game e Strategy ie Has Landed| i SOFTBANK, ZIFF-DAVIS ZIFF-DAVIS INC. Ж > CHAIRMAN AND CEO Eric Hippeau by Dan “Shoe” Hsu Chief Financial Officer ord Timothy O'Brien Claude P. Sheer President, ZD Publishing Bob Brown President, ZD Market Intelligence President, ZD Comdex and Forums Jason Chudnofsky President, ZD Brand and Market Services Terri Holbrooke President, ZD Internet Productions Dan Rosensweig President, ZD Education William Rosenthal President, ZD Television Larry W. Wangberg Senior Vice President, Human Resources Rayna Brown Senior Vice President, Planning and Development Daryl R. Otte Vice President, Information Services Steve Gladyszewski Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary J. Malcolm Morris Vice President, Controller Mark Moyer Vice President, Tracy Nadi Human Resources, Operations The Lighter Side of E3 ШЕН 3. We gave you all the won the first round pretty soundly. The ШШЕ straight news and pre- second round didn't go as smoothly... views you'd ever want The Best Party award goes to Sony Пенна Thomas D Wright. from the mother of Computer Entertainment America. Corporate Sales gaming trade shows, Fireworks. Open bars. Food. Pool Executive Vice President Joe Gillespie but I'm here for anoth- tables. Dance floor (with awesome ZD Media Network 7 | er purpose. I’m here to music). Video games. Foo Fighters. А Executive Director Jeff Bruce NNUS present a few light- million people. SCEA even had a giant, hearted and unorthodox awards for seemingly 50-foot tall Jumbotron moni- Managing Director Scott Murphy some of the other “stuff” that went on tor for people to play Gran Turismo... ZD BRAND & MARKET SERVICES at the convention. from across the street! Vice President, ZD Brand Marketing Brooke Correll Let's start with the obvious. What On the other hand, the Biggest - 4 Я 3 c was the Worst Game of E3? While we Party Foul award goes to Eidos Vice President, Client Marketing Michael Perkowski realize it's an unfinished product, Interactive. Two years in a row now, Vice President, Corporate Research Elda Vale Robotech: Crystal Dreams (N64, devel- they have run out of booze. This year, oped by Gametek to be published by they even ran out of cups! Now we Vice President, ZD Brand Management Нет Stern Capcom) was the game that will haunt realize that the party has to end at Vice President, Corporate Relations Gregory Jarboe our memories of going down to Atlanta some point, but 1o p.m. is kind of for years to come. The game looked early, don't you think? Otherwise, the ZD Publishing mindless and pointless and worse than party rocked. E a first-generation game. We can't spare Sega had by far, the Most Exciting Wesen ыы too many details right now, but unless Press Conference. We got treated to Executive Vice President Ооп Byrnes the game gets some major overhauls a live on-stage Kevin Nealon Weekend eT : p real soon, Robotech fans will be in fora Update, complete with typical ше - major letdown: Weekend Update political jokes and Executive Vice President Jack Dolce On a positive note for Capcom, the Sega cracks (it’s good to see the com- 3E E ا‎ company wins the Best Tournament of pany can make fun of itself). Too bad Executive Vice President АШЫШЫ E3 award. On the second day of the Sega’s bar threw people out so early. Executive Vice President Thomas McGrade show, Capcom unveiled Street Fighter Finally, we have the Hottest Babes EX 2 to a large and excited crowd. of E3. Our favorite twins in the world, Executive Vice President Michael J. Miller Dozens of players from the gaming Jessica and Stephanie White, greeted Senior Vice President Nancy Newman press competed to claim the ugly but tired showgoers at Crystal Dynamics’ coveted Ryu trophy. | was the only one meeting room. “Hi! Are you here to Vice President Bob Bader to show up for EGM (where's that damn see Gex 64 or Legacy of Kain: Soul ^ Sushi-X реп you need him?), and | Reaver?” Sure...whatever you say! Ы АТЫ Vice President Kathleen Goodwin Vice President Roger Herrmann Vice President Jonathan Lane Vice President Eric Lundquist Vice President Bill Machrone Vice President Jim Manning Vice President Charles Mast Vice President James F. Ramaley Vice President Раш Somerson Vice President Mark Van Name Vice President бат Whitmore Gertrud Borchardt Executive Director, Licensing Capcom sure knows how to put on The Crystal Dynamics team (behind Bill Catchings a show. Here's the stage where the the camera) were chuckling as they Street Fighter EX 2 (агсаде watched me scam free smooches machine) tournament was held. out of the twins for this photo. Director, Benchmark Operations Director, 20 Labs Lauren Black Ziff-Davis Inc., A SOFTBANK Company BART Graphics Бал Control Fen Factar 45 50 — GamePro “Killer looks, intricate “The best 3-0 “99% Platinum levels, a wry sense of mascot/platform Award... More humor... There's a new game on the personality than platform king on the PlayStation” any video game PlayStation” rM character." — GamePro — PSExtreme It's not normal procedure to talk about future posters in Next Month, but given our affection for this month's mosaic Lara cover, we felt we had no other choice than to run it as a poster in the next EGM. Be sure to pick it up! But onward to the games. We'll continue to preview the mass of Football simulation season finally kicks off next month with a review of ЕА5 NCAA Football 98. titles still spilling over from Еҙ, and we'll do another in-depth look at F-Zero X, along with previews of Quake 2 and Fifth Element. Also, finished games are already piling up at EGM, so you can look for- ward to reviews of Banjo-Kazooie, Body Harvest, NCAA Football 98, Pocket Fighter and Kartia. \ August 1998 ELECTRONIG GAMING ——IMONTHLWV, F-Zero X is near completion, and we'll take another look at this excit- ing game. Banjo-Kazooie is being touted as the best 3-D plat- former since Mario 64. Find out if it really lives up to such lofty expectations. XG's guide on Mission: Our Vigilante 8 strategy Impossible will take you will pinpoint each pesky through each of the power-up’s location. difficulty settings. XGs Banjo-Kazooie guide { picks up where we left off with huge maps and а help- ful walk-through to get you through the next levels. The more things change, the more things stay the same. Expert Gamer still has cool codes and in-depth strategies, but now we have stuffed in even more helpful facts to get you through today’s hottest and most difficult games! In issue #48, the Banjo-Kazooie guide barely touched the tip of the iceberg. This issue XG totally blows out ¿he game with detailed maps and a gigantic walk-through. We'll also have guides for Mission: Impossible and Vigilante 8. Don’t forget to check out the 50 Most Memorable Game Secrets fea- ture. Plus, take the quiz to find out if you qualify as an expert gamer! Blast aliens throughout history in Duke Nukem: Time to Kill! Now that E3 has had its way with us, we have tons of new info on dozens of heretofore unseen (or at least barely seen) titles. Among them, check out Twisted Metal 3, Tomb Raider 3, NFL Blitz, Tomorrow Never Dies, Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus and Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. But aside from our "АП editorial content subject to change. Explore your feelings with the sequel to Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee feature on the E3 aftermath, don’t miss our explosive cover story on Konami’s amazing action/strategy adventure Metal Gear Solid — which, incidentally, you'll also find on this month's demo disc, along with a fully playable demo of a snappy little fighting game called Tekken 3. Don't miss it! August 1998 Metal Gear Solid: Is it a strategy game? Is it an action game? Is it a movie? Find out in our extensive cover-story preview. BRE So ftware Credit Card Orders: (209) 432-2684 24 Hour FAXBACK Information System: (209) 432-2644 E-Mail: info 9 $5.00 OFF Return this coupon with your next mail order (not valid on phone or online orders) and receive $5.00 OFF your purchase. Please list alternatives when ordering by | ma Notvaid wih any other offers, Sales or Specials. This coupon is valid through 8/31/98. No copies accepted. If we can't fil your order within 30 days, we will retur your order payment, and this coupon to you. ЕМВ CA$H for your old games/systems Receive a check back or purchase other titles of your choice - Prices in this ad good thru Aug. 31, 1998 New Games Available for PlayStation and Nintendo 64 - Call for latest titles and items not listed below PlayStation „ We Sell Used | We Buy 2XTREME [ADIDAS PWR SOCCER AIR COMBAT. ACECOMBAT2 AGILE WARRIOR ALIEN TRILOGY 1995800 1995700 1898740 1995700 2995/1400 1798800 1995800 ALLSTAR BASEBALLS? 1995700 АШЕР GENERAL ALONE IN THE DARK ALUNDRA ANDRETTI RACING. ARCADES GREAT #1 ARCADES GREAT #2 AREAST ‘ARMORED CORE ASSAULT RIGS ATARI COLLECT. #1 ATARI COLLECT. #2 ATARI COMPILATION AUTO DESTRUCT AZURE DREAM BALLBLAZER CHAMP BASES LOADED 96 29951400 24581200 34551500 24951200 29851400 2995400 24991200 24991200 1495800 29851400 29951400 34951600 2951400 39982000 1425600 1425600 BASS MASTERS CLASS, 39951800 BATMAN ROBIN ВАТМАН FOREVER BATTLE ARENA TOSH 28551500 24551200 1299600 BATTLEARENATOSH 24951200 BATTLE ARENA TOSH3 29951500 BATTLESPORT BATTLE STATIONS BEAST WARS BEYOND THE BEYOND BIG BASS WALD CHMP BIG HURT BASEBALL. BIOFREAKS BLACK DAWN BLAST CHAMBER BLAST RADIUS 14570 BLAZE AND BLADE BLAZING DRAGONS BLOODY ROAR BOGEYDEAD6 BOTTOMOF THESTH 29951400 29951400 29951400 29941400 3995180 1799600 21951600 1795600 1499600 3495600 31951500 3495160 24951200 34581500 2995140 1495600 BOTTOM OF THESTH S7 1995800 BRAHMA FORCE BRAINDEAD 13 BRAVO AIR RACE. BREATH OF FIRES BROKEN HELIX BROKEN SWORD 2495/1200 1195800 2995/1400 3995000 24951200 24951200 ‘BRUNSWICK BOWLING 39951800 BUBBLE BOBBLE BUBSY 30 BUGRIDERS BURNING ROAD BUSHIDO BLADE BUSTAMOVE2 BUSTER BROS COL CAESARS PALACE CARDINAL SYN CARNAGE HEART CAROM SHOT [CART WORLDSERIES CASPER CASTLEVANIA CHESSMASTER CHRONICLES (OF THE SWORD CITY OFLOST CHILO. CLOCK TOWER CODE NAME: TENKA COLONY WARS 2995/1400 24951200 2951400 1455800 29351400 2935/1400 29951400 39992000 3495600 295140 34991600 79581400 1799600 2995400 3498400 2995/1400 2985/1400 2995400 2495120 2995400 COMMAND & CONQUER 29551200 RED ALERT RETALIATION conco CONSTRUCTOR CONTRA LEGACY WAR. COOLBOARDERS COOLBOARDERS 2 COURIER CRISIS COVERT WARS CRASH BANDICOOT CRASH BANDICOOT 2 CRIME KILLER 3495150 39392000 1855800. 34951600 24891200 1735800 34951500 2495200 3951600 1735800 23351400 31951600 24551200 1495800 29581410 CROW CITY OF ANGELS 2985/1400. CRUSADER NO REM. CRYPT KILLER CYBER SLED CYBERA CYBERSPEED D. DAREDEVILDERBY 3D. DARK FORCES DARKUGHTCONFUCT DARKSTALKERS DARKSTALKERS 3 1995800 24951200 1495500 1495600 1495600 29951200 1955800 29991400 1955800 2485/1000 31551800. DEAD BALL ZONE DEAD OR ALVE DEAD UNITY DEATH RAP DUNGEON DECEPTIONII DEFCON5 DESCENT DESCENT MAXIMUM DESTRUCT. DERBY DESTRUCT. DERBY 2 DIABLO. DIEHARD TRILOGY DISCWORLD DISCWORLD2 DISRUPTOR DOOM DRAGONBALLGT DRAGONHEART DUKE NUKEM TIME TO KILL DYNASTY WARRIORS EARTHWORMJIMSO 39950000 EINHANDER 3495/1500 ELEMENTAL GEAR BOLT 34.95] 1500 EPIDEMIC 1955800 ЕЗРМЕХТВЕМЕ GAMES 29550400 EXCALIBUR 2555AD 20551400 EXODUS 31951600 EXTREME PINBALL 1985800 FANTASTICFOUR 22051200 FELONY 11-78 29391400 РРАЗОССЕЯ 97 | 24551200 FFAWORLDCUPSS 34551500 FIFTHELEMENT — 34951800 FIGHTNGFORCE 29951200 FINAL DOOM 29951400 FINALFANTASYV 2498140 ‘SURVIVALGUIDE — 1295300 OFFICIALGUIDE 1295200 FINAL FANTASY TACTICS OFFICIAL GUIDE FLOATING RUNNER FORMULA FORMULA CHAMP ED. FORSAKEN FOX HUNT FOX SPORTS GOLF 99 FOX SPORTS SOCCER FROGGER G POLCE GALLOP RACER GAME SHARK W/B00K GEX GEXENTERGECKO GHOSTINTHE SHELL GHOSTRIDER 29951400 GHOULS&GHOSTS 3495800 GOALSTORMSOCCER 1494600 GOALSTORMS] — 24951200 GOLDEN GOAL SOCCER34 9516.00 GOLDENNUSGET 39691600 GRAND SLAM BASEBALL 1495800 GRAND THEFT AUTO 2855180 GRANDTOURRAC'SS 2455140 GRAN TURISMO — 34951600 GRANSTREAMSAGA 39952000 GRIDRUNNER 1495600 GUNSHP 1995800 HARDBALL 5 145560 HARDBALL û 31981600 HEART OF DARKNESS 3485/1600 HEAVY GEAR 34951400 HERCSADVENTURE 31951400 HERCULES 3495400 HEXEN 2495200 HIOCTANE 1425600 MOTSHOTSGOLF 32951600 IMPACT RACING — 1995800 INCREOIBLEHULK 24551200 INCREDIBLE IDIOTS 24554400 INDEPENDENCE DAY 29991400 INTELUGENTQUBE 24951200 INTLTRACKAFIELD 1998800 IRON & BLOOD 2495120 IRONMANXOMAN 24551200 JACK NICKLAUS 98 — 34951600 JEREMY MCGRATH ‘SUPER CROSS 98 JERSEY DEVIL JETMOTO JETMOTO2 34951600 JOE BLOW 3455160 JOHNNY BAZOOKATONE 1495600 JUDGE DREDD 23951400 JUMPNGFLASH — 1455800 JUMPING FLASH2 — 1795800 JURASSICPARKLW. 29351400 KI ARENA FIGHTERS 1955800 KILEAKDNAIMPER. 1495600 KILLING ZONE. 1795800 KINGOFFIGHTERS 1995800 KING'S FIELD 1995800 KING'S FIELO II 24951000 KLONOA 31951600 KRAZY VAN 1425800 LEAGUEOFPAN — 1795800 LEGACYOFKAIN 29951400 LETHAL ENFORCER 182 29 95/200 LOADED 199900 LODERUNNER — 29951400 LUNAR 39952000 MACHINE HUNTER — 1499600 MACHNEHEAD. 1495600 MADDEN S7 1499800 MADDEN 98 1925800 3495600 134951400 1951500 34951400 38982010 1495600 1455800 2995400 1795800 2995140 23551400 24551050 29951400 32991600 1095800 29551400 39252000 29.9511200 29551400 39952000 2999140 3495140 1295300 1498800 1794800 23951400 3991500 1995800 21951600 31091800 29091400 29.9511400 34551600 34550600 1995800 34951500 29351400 39951800 Er 1795800 Secure Ordering Online Specials & Closeouts New Releases Tiles in ITALICSare newer and may or may not be available, please call for availabilty. All games must include box, jewel case, instructions, and any hint books/maps that were included with the game. We will deduct $2.00 for each N64 cartridge without a cardboard insert, $5.00 for broken Saturn plastic boxes and $1.00 for broken CD jewel cases. Games without box, instructions, etc will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). Cartidgesjdiscs notin resellable condition or with evidence of rental store stickers wil Бе returned at your expense (85.00 minimum). All games are Used, include a 90 DAY WARRANTY and are subject to availability. We reserve the right to refuse any sale or purchase. Allow 40 days to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 days to receive orders placed with personal checks. No refunds or exchanges on games/systems. For shipping, add $8.00 for the first 1 or 2 games and $1 00 for each additional, Аазка/НанаИРА/АРОРО Boxes add $5,00. Сай, Res add 7.75% tax. We do not ship outside the US. Prices are for mail order only and based on 1 copy per tile, to buy or sell in quantity, contact our wholesale dept. Limit of 1 game/CD per tile accepted without proof of purchase. If we do not receive your package by 8/31/98 or your game tiles are not isted in this ad, you wil be paid from our current catalog. To receive prices in this ad you mustinclude the ‘Dept. # from this ad on the OUTSIDE of your package. If you are unclear about any of our policies, procedures or prices, please call. Individual iles are trademarks of their respective companies, PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Sega Satum is a registered trademark ol Sega ol America, Inc. Super Nintendo, Nintendo Š4 and НЕМ are registered trademark sol Nintendo of America Inc. MAGIC CARPET MAGIC GATHERING MARCH MADNESS MARVEL SUP. HEROES MASS DESTRUCTION MASTERS MONSTERS MASTERS TERAS KASI MAXIMUM FORCE MOK MECHWARRIOR2 MEGAMAN MEGAMAN LEGENDS MEGAMAN X4 MICROMACHINES MKMYTHOLOGIES MKTRILOGY MLB PENNANT RACE MONOPOLY MONSTER RANCHER MORTALKOMBAT 3 MORTAL KOMBAT 4 MOTORACER MOTO RACER2 MOTORTOONG P. MYST N20 NITROUS OXIDE NAMCO MUSEUM VOLUME 1 VOLUME2 VOLUMES VOLUME 4 VOLUMES NANOTEK WARRIOR NASCAR RACING NASCAR RACING 98 NBA FAST BREAK NBA HANGTIME NBA INTHE ZONE NBAIN THE ZONE 2 NBAINTHE ZONE 98 NBA JAM EXTREME NBA JAM TOUR EDIT. NBALIVE 97 NBALIVE 8 NBA SHOOTOUT 97 NBA SHOOTOUT 98 NCAA FOOTBALL 98 NCAA GAMEBRKR 98 NCAA GAMEBRKA 99 NECRODONE NEED FOR SPEED NEED FOR SPEED2 NEEDSPEEDV.RALLY NEED FOR SPEEDS [NEWMAN HAAS RAC, NFL GAMEDAY NFL GAMEDAY 97 NFL GAMEDAY 98 NFL GAMEDAY 99 NFLO-BACKCLUB 97 NFLXTREME нң? NHL 98 NHL BREAKAWAY 98 NHL FACE OFF S7 NHL FACEOFF 98 NHL POWERPLAY 95 NHL POWERPLAY 98 NIGHTMARE CREAT. NORSE BY NORSEWST NUCLEAR STRIKE ODDWORLD OFFWORLDINTER. OGREBATILE OLYMPIC SUM. GAMES ONE OVERBLOOD. 2995/1400 ум 19358.00 34951400 24951200 3458800 2998400 24951200 2995140 2991400 34991500 39951800 31951500 2995400 2095400 24991200 1495600 1995100 29351400 31951800 24961200 1795800 3958000 29951400 3991609 1995800 34951500 31951600 E 34951400 3495400 34951400 34.9511400 2495/1200 24951200 34551600 1955800 1955800 1455800 1755800. 29551200 1895800 1795600 1735600 24951000 1755800. 24541000. 1995800 49 34951600 29351400 29351400 34951500 39550800 34951400 1255500 1728800 1995800 39552000 1755800 3455180 1955800 29951200 2495800 1498800 2495800 1499600 2495800 28581200 29581200 БЕЙТ 343511400 1955740 39951600 1999800 29951400 24951200 ‘PACMAN GHOST ZONE 34951400 PANDEMONIUM PANDEMONIUM 2 PANZER GENERAL PARAPPATHE RAPPA PEAK PERFORMANCE PERFECT WEAPON PERSONA PGA TOUR GOLF 96 PGATOUR GOLF 97 PGATOUR GOLF 98 PHILOSOMA PTTBALL PITFALL3D POCKET FIGHTER POED POINT BLANK WIGUN POPULOUS3 PORSCHE CHALLENGE POWER MOVE WREST, POWER RANGERS ZEÛ POWER SLAVE FOWERSOCCER2 POWERBOAT RACING PREDATOR RACING PRIMAL RAGE PROPINBALL 195580 29951200 2498120 ET 1855800 1925800 2995/1400 1953800 293951200 39951600 1714560 175580 2998400 2999140 173560 48952500 39942000 2995140 2995/1400 24391200 2995400 3495600 1995800 24551200 PROJECT HORNED OWL 1495800 PROJECT OVERKILL PSYCHIC DETECTVE PSYCHIC FORCE PUNKY SKUNK QUAKE AGE RACER RAIDEN PROJECT RALLY CROSS RAMPAGEWORLDTR RASCAL 143580 24581200 24591200 2981400 34550500 29551400 1495600 2988511400 29400 2955140 RAYSTORM RAYTRACERS RAYMAN REBEL ASSAULT I REBOOT REBUS 24551200 3495400 1935800 2895400 3495600 EU REDASPHAULT 2990140 REDLINE 34951600 REDNECK RAMPAGE? 39992000 REEL FISHING 39951600 RELOADED 249511200 RESIDENTEVIL _ 24991200 STRATEGY GUIDE 395200 DIRECTORSCUT 2995/1200 RESDENTEVIL2 — 39952000 STRATEGY GUIDE — 935200 RETURN FIRE 193580) REVOLUTION 1495600 RIDGE RACER 1855800 RIDGERACERREV. 29551400 RISK 34551600 AWALSCHOOLS 29951800 ЕМЕН 3495600 ROAD RASH 29951400 ROADRASHSD 39851800 ROBOPIT 1495600 ROBOTRONX 1799600 ROM.SKINGOOMS4 — 39951800 ROSCOMCQUEEN 34981600 RUNNING WILD — 34051600 RUSH HOUR 24951200 SAGAFRONTIER 31951600 ‘SAMURAISHODOWNS 29981400 SANFRANCISCORUSH 3455400 SCARS 34951600 SENTIENT 24951200 SHADOWMASTERS 29551400 SHELLSHOCK 1495600 SHIPWRECKERS — 24991200 SILVERLOAD 1495600 SIMCITY 2000 39551500 SKELETON WARRIOR 1995800 SKULMONKEYS | 2995400 SLAYER 34951600 SOULBLADE 2995140 SOVETSTRKE — 24951200 SPACEHULKVENG. 1495600 SPACE JAM 2488/1200 SPAWN 2998400 ‘SPICEWORLD 3495600 SPIDER 24951200 SPIRITMASTER — 34551600 SPORTSCARGT — 34951600 SPOTGOESTOHOLLY. 1795800 SPYROTHEDRAGON 34951600 STARGLADIATOR — 1795600 STARFIGHTER 1795800 STARWINDER 1795600 STEELHARBINGER 1795600 STEELREIGN 1955800 STREET FIGHTER 1935800 АРНА АРНА? 29951200 SFCOUECTON — 34981400 STREETFIGHIEREXe 32951400 ‘STREET FIGHTER МОМЕ 1755600 STREET RACER 1995800 STRIKE POINT 1955800 SUIKODEN 34951400 SUPER PUZZLE FIGHT, 29551500 SUPERMAN 3495600 SWAGMAN 24951200 E 2499120 SYNDCATEWARS 2495120 TACTCSOGRE ^ — 34951600 TALOFTHESUN 29951200 TECMOSTACKERS 29951200 TECMOSUPERBOWL 1955800 TECMOWORLDGOLF 2995/1400 TECMOSDECEPTHON 3251500 TEKKEN 1995800 TEKKEN2 2995140 TEKKENS 3995800 TEMPESTX 1955800 TENPIN ALLEY 24951200 TENNISARENA 24851200 TESTDRVE4 3495140 TESTORIVEOFFROAD 2995/1200 TETRIS PLUS 24951200 THEFINALROUND 29951200 THEMEHOSPTAL — 31951500 THEME PARK 29951200 THRILL KILL 34551600 THUNDER TACK RALLY 24951200 TIGER WOODS PGA TR 29552000 TIGERSHARK 1995800 TMECOMMANDO — 1995800 TMECRISSWIGUN 48552500 TIMESHOCKPINBALL 3499/1600 TNNHARDCORE4X4 29951400 TOBALNO.1 24951200 TOCATOURCAR | 3455460 TOKYOHWYBATTLE 24551200 TOMB RADER 1795800 STRATEGY GUIDE | 995200 TOMBRADER2 — 31951500 STRATEGY GUIDE — 995200 TOMBRAIDERS 3952000 TOMBA 3495600 TOPGUN 1995800 TOTALECUPSE TURBO 1495600 TREASURESOFDEEP 24951200 TRIPLE PLAY S7 1499800 TRIPLE PLAY 98 1898800 TRPLEPAYSO — 34951600 TRUE PINBALL 29351200 TUMNELBI 1995800 TURBOPROPRACING 34951600 TWISTEDMETAL — 1755800 TWISTEDMETAL2 29581200 UNHOLY WAR. 34551600 VANDALHEARTS 29951200 VIGILANTES 3450600 VIRTUALPOOL 34551500 VIVID RACING 3495600 УМХ АСВ 34951500 VRBASEBALL'97 — 1755800 УВВАЗЕВА 99 — 3450400 VRGOLF ST 24951200 vs 29351400 WAR GODS 1955800 WARHAMMER 2995100 WARHAMMER DARK OMEN 24951200 WARCRAFT II 3498400 WARGAMES 3495600 WARGODS 24951200 WARRIORSOFFATE 34551600 WCW NITRO 395150 WCWVS. WORLD — 2995/1400 WLD9S 3859200. WILD ARMS 29391200 STRATEGY GUIDE 995200 WING COMMANDERS 24551200 WING COMMANDERS 29551400. WIPEOUT 1955800 WIPEOUT XL 29951400 WORLDCUPSS 34851800 WORLDCUPGOLF — 29951400 WORMS 29951400 WRECKING CREW — 29951400 WWFARCADEGAME 24551200 WWEINYOUR HOUSE 28950400 WWEWARZONE — 39952000 XCOM 1955800 ХМЕН CHILDREN ATOM 34951400 XMEN VS STFIGHTER 28952000 XEVOUS: 195800 ZERO DIVIDE 1455800 М64 We Sell Used / We Buy 1080 SNOWBOARDING 44:952400 AEROGAUGE 44552400 AEROFIGHT.ASSAULT 34951800 ALLSTAR BASEBALL 99 45552500. ВАШАКАТООЕ | 44952500 BIOFREAKS 44552400 BLAST CORPS 2995/1200. BOMBERMANGA — 3999/1800 BUCK BUMBLE 44552500 BUSTAMOVEI 449572400 CAESARSPALACE 49552800 CHAMELEON TWIST 29951200 CHOPPERATTACK 4495/2200 CLAYFIGHTER 6318 39951600 CRUISINUSA 34951600 CRUISIN WORLD | 39552200 DARKRIFT 295120 DEADLY ARTS. 48952800 DIDDY KONG RACING 39952000 DOOM 64 29550400 DOOM64ABSOLUTION 53552220. EARTHWORMJIM3D “4952400 EXTREMEG 29537000 FZERO64 44552500 FI POLE POSITION 34551600 FIFAINTLSOCCER64 29951200 FIFAWORLD CUP 98 44552200 FIGHTERS DESTINY 34231600 FLYING DRAGON 44852400 FORSAKEN 4495250 GAME SHARK WITHINSTRUCTIONS 34551520 GEX ENTER THE бЕСКО4А 95/2400 GOLDENEYE007 49952500 GTRACING 4995/2600 HEXEN 23551200 IGGYSRECKIN'BALLS 44552400 INTL SUPERSTAR SOC 33951800 JEOPARDY 39551800 KEN GRIFFEY JR BBALL 499542800 KILLERINSTINCT GOLD 3495/1600 LAMBORGHINIGA _ 34951600 MACETHEDARKAGE 29951400 MADDEN GA 3495400 MARIO KART 64 3950800 MIKE PIAZZAS STRIKE ZONE MISCHIEF MAKERS MISSION IMPOSSIBLE MKMYTHOLOGIES MKTRILOGY MORTALKOMBAT4 MULTIRACINGCHAMP MYSTICAL NINJA NAGANOWINTEROLY. NBACOURTSIDE | 3995/2000 NBA HANGTIME 34551500 NBAIN THE ZONE 98 49952400 NBA POWER FORWARD 49942410 NFLBLTZ 49952800 NFLO-BACKCLUB 98 3498/1400 NFLO-BACKCLUB 99 4995/2800 NHLBREAKAWAY Sa 2885/1200 OFF ROAD CHALLENGE 44552500 OLYMPIC HOCKEY 98 34551400 PILOTWINGS 64 29552000 44952500 28551200 24532800 3992000 3455160 9952800 39352000 952400 EE ‘QUAKE 32390000 QUEST64 54990600 RAMPAGEWORLDTR 39952000 ROBOTRON 64 31951800 SAN FRANCISCO RUSH 39552000 SNOWBOARDKIDS 24951400 STAR FOX 64 NO RUMBLE PAK W/RUMBLE PAK STAR WARS ‘SHADOWS OF EMPIRE 34951600 SUPER MARIO 64 SUPERMAN 84 TETRISPHERE. TONIC TROUBLE TOP GEAR RALLY TUROK DINO HUNTER VIRTUAL CHESS WAIALAE GOLF WAR GODS WAVE RAGE 64 WAYNE GRETZKY WAYNE GRETZKY $ê WOWVS.NWO WETRIX WHEELOFFORTUNE WORLD CUP 98 WORLD GRAND PRIX WWFWARZONE —— 49952800 YOSHISSTORY 39952000 Call forTitles Not Listed No Boxes? No Instructions? No Problem!!! We buy the following games without boxes or instructions. The following are prices for cartridge or disc only. Nintendo 8 bit (cartridge only)* Game Boy (cartridge only) Game Gear (cartridge only) Genesis (cartridge only) Super Nintendo (cartridge only) Saturn (disc only) PlayStation (disc only) $5.00 Nintendo 64 (cartridge only) $12.00 * All Nintendo 8 bit games except Super Mario, Duck Hunt, Gyromite, Hogan's Alley and other zapper gun or power pad games. ‘The above prices do not apply to demo discs, special offer! limited packaged games (Virtua Fighter Remix, etc) and games hat vere included wth system. Mselaneouslea JayStation boxes and instructions will be purchased for $.50 each. Send your Genesis, Super Nintendo, Saturn and PlayStation games without boxes or instructions to the address below. To Buy Games 1. On a full sized piece of paper, write your name, complete address, phone number and а ist of all ће games you would like to order. To speed processing of your order, list an alternative for each lile you are ordering. 2. Calculate the total for the games you wish to order, including shipping & handling charges ($8.00 for the first or 2 games, $1.00 for each additional. Alaska, Hawaii, PR, APO, FPO, PO Boxes add $5.00). California residents add 7.75% sales tax. 3. Allow an addtional 21 days for personal checks to clear - send money order for fastest processing. Allow 40 days to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 days to receive orders placed with personal checks. 4, Send your order to ће address below. To Sell Games/Systems 1. On a full sized piece of paper, write your name, complete address, phone number and a list of ай the gamesjsystems with the buy back prices you are selling. 2. If you would ike to purchase games with the money or credit received, list the titles you would like to order on the same piece of paper. 3, Pack your games, all paperwork and any coupons in a box. Send the box to the address below by UPS or registered mail Ве sure to include the бері оп the outside of your package. Packages not addressed to the Dept # below or received after the dale listed below willbe issued our current catalog prices. 4, You will normally receive your check within 7-12 business days after we receive your package. Send your Games/Systems/Orders to BRE Software Dept. EM8 352 W. Bedford Ave, Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93711 САЗН for systems Theog awkak pres emer "Ye Supe tento із Salum $20 [rr S60) (Poe based on salsa number) Ру КОА po 38952000 prom 3492800 p 2898200 3455600 9200 Er pron) 2800 БЕЗІ pron 952400 3455150 44952000 New Siye (no RCAAV jacks) 570 The serial number can be found on the bottom of your PlayStation. f you have any questons about the serial number or how much you wil receive for your PlayStation, please Cal BEFORE sending your system. Nintendo 64 E] Systems must incude 1 Original Control Pad, AC Adapter and АМНЕ Cable, Genesis systems must includa СО connector cover. Detective systems wil be returned at u exponse STOOD minimum), 0 wil be deducted for each or defectye contoter, AC adapter or AVIAF cat $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 5400 $2.00 Strategy Guides and Hint Books Alundra Hint Book $14.95 Breath of Fire Ill Strategy Guide $14.95 Castlevania Survival Guide $1295 Final Fantasy Tactics Official Guide $1495 Forsaken (PlayStation) Strategy Guide $14.95 Mortal Kombat 4 Strategy Guide $12.95 Quest 64 Official Guide $12.95 Resident Evil 2 Official Strategy Guide $9.95 ‘Saga Frontier Strategy Guide $14.95 ‘Super Mario 64 Survival Guide $9.95 Tactics Ogre Hint Book $12.95 Tekken 3 Strategy Guide $12.95 Tomb Raider 2 Official Strategy Guide $12.95 WWF Warzone Official Strategy Guide $12.95 Final Fantasy VII Survival Guide $12.95 leo FULL COLOR walkthrough of the quest, Кот sat to fish. Required by all дале players to Му enjoy Final Fantasy VI. Cor maps for fout areas in e game. jes and tps essential lor sunl. Over 500 capfoned pictures to Па ies and secrets, PlayStation Survival Guide Vol. 3 $14.95 Includes: Bushido Blade, Cock Tower, Crash Bandicoot 2, Madden 98, NFL Gameday S8, Oddworid, PaRappa the Барра, Resident Evi 2, Time Cisis, Tomb Raider 2 plus Tips £ Tricks for 89 games. N64 Survival Guide $14.95 Includes: Cruisin! USA, Kiler Instinct, Mario Kart 64, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Pilotwings 64, Shadows ol he Empire, Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Turok, Wave Race 64, Wayne Gretzky Hockey N64 Survival Guide Vol. 2 $14.95 Destiny, Golden Eye 007, Mischiet Includes: Bomberman 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Fighter Makers, Madden 64, Mystical Ninja, NFL Q-Back Club 8, San Francisco Rush, Wayne Gretzky Hockey 98 Yoshi's Story Survival Guide $12.95 Telsyouwhere ALL the melons are. Complete walkthrough and strategies for every stage. taled maps for бе entre game show you where important objects are. For beginner and advanced payers айе. Call for more Guides/Hint Books Ask about used Guides/Hint Books The above strategy guidesyhint books are BRAND NEW factory fresh. New Accessories PlayStation „ Sony Memory Card Pelican 1 Meg Memory Card Pelican 32 Meg Memory Card Sony Dual Shock Control Pad Pelican Control Pad Controller Extension Cable Pelican Multitap Pelican Link Cable. Third Party S-Video Cable Third Party RF Cable Replacement AC Power Cord PlayStation Game Shark Nintendo 64° Nintendo Rumble Pak Quake Pak (2 Rumble Settings) Quake Pak Super (2 Rumble Set, 4X Memory Card) 256К Memory Card (Standard) 1 Meg Memory Card (4X) 5 Meg Memory Card (20X) Nintendo Control Pad Controller Extension Cable Third Party RF Cable Third Party AC Adapter 19.95 Nintendo 64 Game Shark 39.95 Call for Items Not Listed FREE 56K Modem Drawing Monthly 18.95 1495 29.95 9.95 19.95 3495 26.95 9.95 14,95 ANNAN re, © This wonderfully developed side scrolling game has been much enhanced for the à Р d Saturn. It will include a new character, as "omia | ° Î well as a few 3D tricks thrown in for good Е measure. Gameplay is made more exciting by the addition of two new wings to Dracula's castle, the “Underground Cavern” and the “Poisonous Plant Ridge”. This is a This complex alien/horror storyline game is probably going to be the last major 32 bit game for Quum р: юш game that will fully. to scream for help : ж take advantage of under water! Coming 1 £ the Saturn's 3D this summer for the capabilities. For Sega Saturn 35 к кс the беда Saturn. Pocket Fighter is an entertaining fighter featureing those funny little “Puzzle Fighter” characters in battle against each other, where they kick, punch, and morph their way through. Fearturing characters from Street Fighter and Night Warriors. For the Sega Saturn. GHOSTS 'N GOBLINS Capcom Generation brings back from the grave, two of the hottest classic games Ghost 'N Goblins and Super Ghouls "М Ghosts. Awsome gameplay and challenging levels. For the Sega Saturn. This is a Capcom Generation, a classic game serie, which features the two hot arcade shooter, 1942 & 1943. This shooter will give you hours of classic air com- bat. For the Sega Saturn REPLAY FRO TOR THE SEGA Болат” Sy E Sega sat The Replay Pro is an adapter to play imported games with a 4 meg ram cart, a back-up memory card. Never will you need to swap converters and ram carts again when you play your imported Satum games. Ideal for games like "X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Vampire Savior and King of Fighters 797. A great wrestling game by the makers of “King of Fighters’ series. The game features some of Japan's best Pro- Wrestlers battling out it in this awesome 3D wrestling game. Ап adapter that plugs into the cartridge port to allow the Saturn to play imported software. Ideal for Japanese and European games. (Converter does not translate the texts) A fighting game that features the most popular animated character “In The World”, The game features 3D spectrum fighting with 2D animated characters. Vampire Savior is almost indentical to the arcade game. The Saturn, in conjunction with the four meg cart, have effectively become a CPS2 board, which incredibly speeds the ие! loading time. Four new сһаг- Gamers have been asking about this game. It's finally available and with the 4 meg ram cart, its a dream come true. Just like the arcade. added since Night Warriors, and they are full of insane, special moves and а! manners of Capcom style quirkiness. ТР The newest installment in the popular fighting series. World class fighters pitted against each other in this explosive fighting game. тм For mail orders and inquires: АП import Saturn games Tel: (626) 839-8755 now available at: 4 = Fax: (626) 839-8751 email: fın] N64 Converter ima Special Get free Wonder N64 converter. (Converter does not translate text). ST ANDREW'S N64 Kin: Baseball Special | Get free converter 4 and memory card Ж with purchase of King of Pro Baseball. (Converter | у does not translate B тех). | = of Pro- UNIVERSAL PLAYSTATION • Dual Shock Analog Controller Pad ° Tekken 2 (Jap) • Speed Racer GO GO GO (Jap) KING OF FIGHTERS 97 NEW JAPAN PRO-WRESTLING 3 DRAGON BALL Z LEGEND UNIVERSAL PLAYSTATION; ТҮРМЕ BUSHIDO BLADE 2 Sony CYBERBOTS | | A | LA ont will provide you with countless fun projects. Product Specifications ë ORIGINAL N64 CONTROLLERS Available in 6 different colors + 3 way multi-stick * Built in steering wheel for driving games, +. . جو‎ N64 S-Video Connector Enhances grapics and sounds. ORIGINAL N64 MEMORY CARD N64 8NB Memory Card 8МВ of gamesave with digital display. Includes: Compatible with: Toner Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation, AV Cable SNES, Most ТУв, Photo Paper (1 Pack) Camcorders and PC's Additional Peripherals: *Pause Pack $19.95 » Toners $10.95 This inexpensive, yet efficient printer will allow you to transfer images from your TV, Camcorder or Video Game system, onto paper! It is easy to operate, and most of all VCD Adapter 1 free VCD w/ purchase ~ VCD adapter allows you to watch MPEG formated movies on your Playstation. (Does not * Picture Paper $5.99 (30 sheets) The S-VHS cable is used to enhance the sounds and offer sharper images to your game-play. $29.95 most accurate analog steering for all racing game. Comes with foot play DVD discs) Joystick the best arcade stick available | for Playstation. 924.95 X-Men vs. Sireet- Fighter Special Capcom's most popular arcade fighting game in an amazing bun- dle deal. Get Get а Saturn converter to play Japanese and European games. Plus (Jap) and МВА 7 (Euro) $ Powerboat Racing is Й “Most realistic and fast paced powerboat racing game, ever. There are. tons of challenges te be faced, 16 different boats to choose: courses to race. À! and 9 a fully intei mind blowing rative 3D envi- 360 degree views, this is a game for those who like their sports pushed to +he extreme. АЛЯ to enhance the the Hyper Drive Controller. ‘Sega™ and Sega Satum™ are registered trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. aystston 1s a rademaris of Sony Entetainmont CO Al rights reserved gameplay, get “$10.00 Mail in Rebate “Powerboat racing and the Hyper Drive controller. In addition, the first 100 cus- tomersoxreply will receive a free T-shirt. All yaw have to do is send us the UPC code from the back of the game, along with this coupon & mail it in with. y@WMerder. to this addresssTommo,dne- 10.00 тевате онег" P.O. Box 8220, Rowland Tau CA 91748 Macross Digital Missio Tekken 2. Real Bout Fatal Fur... Brave Fencer Musushider Rival School Overblood... Namoo Anthology. Choro Q.. : Gamers Pack * 1 Memory Card i • 1 Memory Card Case i e Multi-Stick ТомМб ing Special” boat Racing” for both Powerboat ОН the purchase price of "P. "ЭРО. 00 rebate if you purci For orders and inquires: Tel: 626-839-8755 Fax: 626-839-8751 ‘All names and logos are the registered trademarks of their respective companies. Not responsible for any misprints ifi NINTENDOS YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR IMPORT & DOMESTIC GAMES! WAWA) 5 MO GON Int'l fax: 626-839-8752 © 1998 TOMMO INC. Price are subject to change without notice. No refund. ELECTRONICS GAMING: VON mA Y Acclaim ADVision ASCII Entertainment ADVERTISER INDEX . 7, 47, 60-61 BRE Software .. BSG Laboratories Capcom Chips & Bits Crystal Dynamics Empire Interactive . . Fox Interactive Game Express GT Interactive Ent Infogrames Entertainment Inc.(Ocean) Interact Accessories Interplay Productions Japan Video Games Konami Mindscape Nintendo of America Psygnosis Rocket Game Products Segasoft Sony Music SVG-Crave-Natsume THQ, Inc Video Systems. ip Westwood Studios Working Designs . col and Supers (ze 1000's More Titles Available! Want Something? Can't Find It? WE'VE GOT IT! 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RP. c And уоште still eating dust, Appease your road rage A video game. enhancer crammed with invaluabl and inherit the throne. That's right. King of the Roo is only one of the payoffs. Ве a human bullet. Be а blur. wind the weatherman didn’ t predict. You won't: £ ЕЕ MOL ЕГІ м: те Obtaiii the latest codes from: « 1.900.773.ЗНАВК (Call costs $1.29/minute. You must be 18 years of age or have parents permission.) Dangerous Watérs Newsletter (Рог info call 410.238.2424) + Gaming Mags + ij soon for PC. ©1998 InterAct Accessories, Inc. А RECOTON COMPANY. All rights reserved. EES 008 E = = Е ЕН Ж E ERE UNI ONE FIGHTING GAME o. BiG ENOUGH ТО HOLD The #1 arcade blockbuster tears inte the PlayStation® game console! X-Men vs. Street Fighter pits Marvel’s bone-crushing mutants against Capcom’s * legendary fighters in а slugfest of epic proportions. Perform ТАП moves — from Aerial Guards to amazing Chain Combos. Engage yourself in Capcom’s signature control and lightning quick responsiveness, | X-Men vs. Street Fighter. The collision of two ` explosive universes in one fantasy fighter. MARVEL, X-MEN, WOLVERINE, STORM and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc., and are used with permission. Copyright © 1998 Marvel Characters, Inc. This video game is produced under license from Marvel Characters, Inc. Fighters Edge ® is a registered trademark of GamePro magazine, the world's largest multiplatform gaming publication and the official magazine sponsor of the Capcom Fighters Edge promotion. Reproduction of Fighters Edge name/logo in whole ог part without prior written permission by GamePro Magazine is prohibited. АП Rights Reserved. © CAPCOM CO., LTD. 1998 © CAPCOM U.S.A., Inc. 1998 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STREET FIGHTER and CAPCOM are registered trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. = - БЫ sa Our goal is fo preserve classic video game magazines they are not lost permanently. People interested in helping out in any c please visit us af www.retromags available from the publishers themselves. | [f you come across anyone selling releases from this site, please do not support them and do let us know. Thank you!