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*Sony & Nintendo drop prices. «Review Crew gets wordy. *Poster pair packs punc

he video game system price war Т has started. Nintendo, seeing its

N64 system sales declining in Japan, has decided to lower the system price to around $140. One week after this announcement, Sony had a news conference where they stated that the U.S. PlayStation price would be $149.

Could it just be a coincidence that both major players decided to lower the price at the same time or was there something else going on?

It depends on who you talk to.

In our discussions with Sony, they state that this is all part of their long- term marketing plan, and they aren’t reacting to what Nintendo did.

In Japan, we hear the same sto from Nintendo.

Who do you believe?

While the truth will never come out, our sources have found out that Sony has indeed been planning this price reduction for a long time, and Nintendo of Japan somehow found out about it. Rather than wait until Е in June, Nintendo decided to counter quickly with a matching price drop to $149 in North America—obviously, it was just a matter of time.

With the top two players in the indus- try trading body blows like power wrestlers, we wonder: What will it take— for either Sony or Nintendo-—to regain the upper hand? First, Sony can drop the PlayStation price even further to $129 (which they can, and were plan- ning to do all along). When that hap- pens, Nintendo may be able to respond with a $149 price AND include Super Mario 64. However, considering how conservative Nintendo is, they probably will stop at $149 without a cart.

What about Sega? It appears that they are between a rock and a hard place. The circuitry in their system is not as consolidated as the other two are, and any further price drop will really hurt them. Still, they will have to match the others at $149 as their old three- free-game offer just won't be enough to keep them competitive. Е° should be the time when it all comes out but keep reading Q-Mann's column, as he gets the information months before the other mags do.

In other news, | want to thank every- body who e-mailed me with your com- ments about the magazine. Many of your suggestions are already in the works and you should start seeing them later this year. | am also very pleased

Ed tries for par on one of the new third-party Nintendo 64 golf simulations.

that virtually everybody liked the change we made to the design of the Review Crew pages. One problem | always had—and this goes all the way back to issue number 2—15 the fact that there never was enough space to fully review a game. While the four-person Review Crew format is the only way to go, having four equal spaces just wasn't quite right. Many times everybody

said the same thing, and 80 words never was enough to fully explain the good and bad points of a game. This led to numerous questions, not only from our readers but also the game companies, as to why we gave a game a certain score.

Now, in our current design, one reviewer—usually the one who has the most experience with the game—has the space to really speak his mind. Nothing

is held back, and, as in the past, you get .

the only unbiased, uncensored review of the real game. | say real because, as some of you pointed out, our reviews are not necessarily the first you will see in the magazines. We take great pains to only review “FINAL CODE” games. That is, no Japanese games, no beta discs, no near-finished discs with quali- fying letters from companies—just real reviews of the same games which you will buy in the stores. Plus, as you've also pointed out, our reviews aren't all 10s or to put it in other numbers smiling 5.0s or over-inflated 98s just to keep the advertisers happy.

In addition, our Review Crew is made up of real hardcore players. They take their job very seriously and most impor- tantly, they aren't hiding behind fake, artificial caricature sketches with hokey made-up names. (OK, Sushi-X is an exception, but at least he's a real guy.)

Finally, the positive response to our free pack-in posters has been phenom- enal. It must be a good idea as others have already started to copy us, but wait until you see what we have lined up next! Until then, check out the two-page gatefold Lost World miniposter on pages 99 and 100 in addition to the WCW poster packed in the bag.

Keep the e-mail coming!


write to Electronic Gaming Monthly, P.O. Box 5:

prior written notice of 210, Rights Reserved. Electronic Company. TM and for all other products and the c

—M ON mH LY; NUMBER 10.5, MAY 1997

Publisher Jonathan Lane Editorial Director Joe Funk Editor In Chief Ed Semrad асаана Ken Williams ditors Crispin Boyer Shawn Smith Dan Hsu Sushi-X Third-Party Liaison John Stockhausen Sports Editors Dean Hager * Kraig Kujawa News Editor Nelson Taruc International Editor Wataru Maruyama West Coast Editor Kelly Rickards Tricks Editor Terry Minnich Editor Scott Parus Arcade Editor Mark Hain Online Editors Chris Johnston * Helen Lee Managing Copy Editor Jennifer Whitesides Senior Copy Editor Jo-El M. Damen Copy Editor Dan Peluso Foreign Correspondents Stuart Levy * David Rider

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Yesterday, you were а cocky 2-D arcade shooter.

Today, you totally suck.

We hate to break the rude news, but you're about to be humbled. destruction. Where the fighting 1s fast and furious enough to tum It's the 23rd century. Nano-robots аге on the rampage. And you into a certified junkie. With progressively difficult levels and you've gotta deep-six hundreds of vicious killing machines and an intense play environment, Nanolek Warrior offers awesome eight virtually indestructible nano-bosses. The good news is you replay value. Which means just maybe, by the turn of the century, can run. The bad news is, in this 3-D world, you : you'll be back to your same old cocky self. can forget about hiding m corners. At 30 FPS, | 7 NE. Ч gm 5

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Albert Odyssey

Andretti Racing IN 5 Е Ral © O IN

Battle Stations Sony and Nintendo start a system price war! Blast Corps

Bottom of the 9th '97

Brahma Force PR Е S S START h

Bubble Bobble New portable game system and controllers in stores now. City of Lost Children

Contra: LoW 28 TOP 1O

Crow: CoA ill Ni ў ? Dark Light Conflict Will Nintendo's new Blast Corps take over as #1 game?


Dynasty Warriors Q-Mann digs up the gaming dirt that no one else knows about. ШШ Fury Special

ighting Force Goal Storm "97 34 PROTOS

Harvest Moon An exclusive look at the movie-to-game hit, Mission: Impossible.

Incredible Hulk 52 REVIEW CREW

Шш ДИРИ $оссег Doom 64 or Blast Corps: Which is game of the monthP let Moto


Lost Vikings 11 Access all the tracks in Jet Moto, this month's top trick! Lost World: JP

Manx TT Super Bike 72 SPECIAL FEAT URES Mission: Impossible The first U.S. coverage of the ASI/ACME and Tokyo Toy Shows. Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Moto Racer GP

Mr. Bones 103 NE XT WAVE

NBA Live '97 Swagman lurks in gamers’ dreams, while dinos romp on the PS! NHL Breakaway '98

Overblood 112 TEAM EGM

poak ретолпапсв Find out which sports games will be scoring big-time this summer.

Rally Cross 118 INTERFACE

Ray Storm, Readers voice concerns on race, religion and blood...

Scorcher SCUD Soviet Strike

Space Jam

Spawn М Suicide Run ae Super Puzzle Fighter Il 4

Зк ата :

ail of the Sun D С\Т» © The Divide: EW POSTER RS Thunder Truck Rally F E Аса Turok: DH Tucked VR Baseball '97 into this exciting issue of Wing Commander IV EGM are posters:

Xevious 3D on page 99 | i Wi ЮМ U M BE R Pm is packed in. Adorn | THE OT W ORLD

your room, locker, work space or anywhere else you choose to hang ‘em!

The Lost World: Jurassic Park for the Sony PlayStation "^&O1996 DreamWorks Interactive, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

„апа spending their hard-earned cash on this year in our cover- age of the ASI/ACME Show. As well, look for continuing info

on the AOU Show. Tekken 3 and DarkStalkers 3 are just the tip of the iceberg that will soon strike local arcades. Look for more coverage starting on page 72.

“DarkStalkers 3 shows off some of the flashiest gameplay yet!”

1 EGM editors don’t stop for anything when on the prowl

for gaming information. Yet again, they crossed the big blue—

this time for the Tokyo Toy Show. They brought back some updates ` on games soon to be released as well as a few surprises from Sega and Sony. Check out page 86 for the scoop.

“At the show, companies show off their summer game releases.” |

The company responsible for such hits as Twisted Metal 1 and 2 and Warhawk are not stopping to smell the roses. Once again, SingleTrac will be scoring big with an underwater Twisted Metal- type game called Critical Depth, which boasts lots of “depth” and action. The coverage begins on page 96!

“Critical Depth will feature a good number of environments...”










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Sega’s Status

As of press time, Sega has not indicated a Saturn price cut in the works. Officials have maintained (rightfully so) that its free software bundle offer, which expires at the end of May, makes the Saturn the best deal on the market.

“We are not moving on our hardware price,” said Sega’s Dan Stevens. “We are more concerned this year [with] our consumer and less focused on competitors.”

As to Sony's lowering of PlayStation software prices, Stevens noted that Saturn game retail prices are already at the $40- 50 range-a highly competitive price point in Sega's eyes.

In a side note, Sega has slowed production of systems to between 3 million and 4 million for 1997. The production move aims to reduce current system inventory.


In the United States, Sony fired the first salvo in the hardware price war when it low- ered the cost of the PlayStation to $150: After plenty of false stags, Nintendo did

month later.

he video game equivalent of T "all hell breaking loose" took place in late February, as

Nintendo and Sony began slashing system prices left and right—or to be more accurate, east and west. For those keeping score, here's a timeline of what's happened so fa

п Feb. 21: Nintendo announces a Nintendo 64 price drop in Japan to occur March 14—a 33 percent plunge from $203 U.S. to $137 U.S. Due to successful U.S. sales, Nintendo announces no equivalent drop for U.S. systems. п Feb. 27: Rumors surface of a worldwide PlayStation price drop for both hardware and software. W Feb. 27: PS system prices drop in Australia and European countries—to roughly $200 U.S. m March 3: Sony Computer Entertainment America announces a 25 percent PS system price drop to $149.99. In addition, SCE announces lower prices for

the same about а :

Projected Sales

Barring any news shocks, here’s a best- case scenario of how many millions of systems will sell worldwide in '97.

sd йй S

Sources: Various analysts

first-party software ($39.99-49.99) and a new “Greatest Hits Series” for games more than a year old that have sold more than 150,000 copies. The first titles in that group include Battle Arena Toshinden, NFL GameDay, Twisted Metal, NHL FaceOff and Warhawk.

m March 3: According to the Associated Press, a Nintendo rep

Rumors, barbs: abound as Sony and Nintendo Ягор systems to 5149.99

said the company would take a wait-and-see attitude to an N64 price response. However, analysts state an N64 price drop is a question of when, not if.

m March 6: A Japanese paper prints a story later picked up by

Reuters and plenty of Internet sites.

It states that Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi himself made it clear that the N64 will indeed drop to $150 U.S. by the end of March.

m March 7: In America, Nintendo officials refuse to verify Yamauchi's statement—even going to the extent of calling the report a "mistranslated" story.

m March 17 (St. Patrick's Day): Perhaps it was the luck of the Irish—or the fear of SCE's move-that prompts Nintendo to drop to $149.99 in North America.

m Today: The only question left is how Sega will react—or if SCE will counter once again. All eyes turn to Е? as this war unfolds... MI

Wars Trilogy


What’s Up?

Two Cartridge Ports: Carry two games at the same time. Tiger also has a modem connection cart ($19.95). With it and any PC modem, users can hook up to the Internet to receive and send e-mail—certainly an inexpensive option for non-PC owners. Stylus: game.com has touch-screen technology. Use the black stylus to type in e-mail messages with an on-screen keyboard, or to play games. Save: With four AA batteries, it saves top scores and phone directory information.

Tiger game.com Boasts Internet Access, Cart-Based Video Games

game market was going the way

of the dodo, you're mistaken: It's taken a turn toward the Tiger. The company known for handheld LCD games and toys is taking its first stab at LCD cartridge-based gam- ing—Sega’s and Nintendo's turf— with the game.com.

“This exciting new system offers more than Game Boy,” contends Sandy Schneider, vice president of Tiger Interactive.

Launching in June, the base game.com system costs $69.99, which includes a Lights Out cart, Tiger's top-selling puzzle game. The game.com also functions as an electronic organizer, with an address/phone/e-mail directory, calculator, calendar and high scores list. Plus, game.com has a solitaire game built in

The game.com offers features

| f you thought the portable video

never before seen in any portable video game system. First off, it has a touch screen with stylus; the penlike tool is used to input text or play certain games.

More intriguing is Tiger’s push to link game.com to the Internet, via a special cartridge that hooks up to any PC modem. Tiger has teamed up with an online provider, Delphi, to give game.com users cheap access to sending and receiving text-based e-mail. These messages can't be saved on the game.com, but Tiger is mulling a RAM cart for that purpose

Because game.com has two cart ports, Tiger is examining ways to add online elements to future cart titles, either with "secret levels or codes that can be downloaded from the Internet," Schneider said

Look for a hands-on test in a future issue of EGM. В *


The LCD game screen may not be backlit, but it offers four shades of gray at a 160- by-200-pixel size; Tiger claims the resolution is better than Nintendo's Game Boy. It looks decent for Duke Nukem (left) and Solitaire, game.com's built-in game.

* The first Internet site to break this story (and others in Press Start) was Videogamespot. So the next time you see the word "exclusive" in a Net news story, be sure to check out http://www.videogamespot.com first-that "exclusive" just might have been yesterday's news for them

Speaking of portables, Nintendo has given the Game Boy Pocket some new shades of color and a lower price, $54.95. The new hues include black, green, red, yellow, see-through (above) and the original silver. Sadly, a gold-metal Game Boy Pocket out in Japan isn't included in this new rainbow of Game Boy Pockets.

Here's a singles ad Electronic Arts has officially responded to: Third-party game pub- lisher Accolade, 13, seeks big publisher, 15 or older, to exclusively distribute some cur- rent and all future game titles. Possible partners must have money to invest in Accolade. Long-term commitment a must— no one-night stands! (OK, EGM added that last part.)

News of the Weird: China, normally a hotbed of pirated video game sellers, has responded to fight the influx of foreign games by encouraging patriotic-themed war video games that pro- mote the country's image, a China news agency reported. If you think patriotic games don't sell,

EGM would like to remind readers of Interactive's game... Independence Day.

AES L ИЕ ЭЖЕШ fF = ш.н.

What do you get when you cross a mega ermarket with an e? Whatever it probably about а GameWorks (artist's rendition pic- tured above), a new high-tech entertain-

town Seattle that will be а testing ground for Seg;

arcade games. Of

course, EGM sent out a staff member to cover the event. When (or if...he loves arcade games) he returns, he'll report what's up at Seattle's newest hot spot. Look for that story in a future issue.

Aloha Square! The crafters behind Final y VII plan to the ne related to that series near the sunny be es of Honolulu. Square has $7-million-plus opment center in i. The site will up to 120 com- raphics engi. neers (half from Japan, the resi the United S be run by Square's U.S. branch. Also, overs our indi- cate that the Honolulu operation will also work on—fasten your seat belts now—a fully rendered Final Fantasy feature film...feel free to wipe the drool off your chin.

handle distribution of its own PS software titles—a task formerly performed by Sony.




Here's a first (or second) look at some new video game peripherals:

This funky dark gray PS flight stick features the same pad programmability used in ACT Labs’ Psychopad con- trollers. It works

in analog, Wheel or Digital Mode as well.

The joystick grip has the main PS fire buttons and a top-hat D-Pad. On the base is a two-way rocker switch, which can work as the accelerator/brake in some driving games.

Folks looking for a heavy-duty, metal- based PS pad to abuse would do well to grab Namco's Joystick—out since last year in Japan but only available recently in the United States. Namco reps said this pad is perfect for PS shooters and fighting games—especially if you wish to duplicate the arcade playing experience.

An attachable Red

Plain-Jane PS Gun Turns Killer With Addition of Laser Target

he editors at EGM will be the first to T tell you: There are too many light guns, and too few games to support them So before you take a glance at Naki's Lunar Gun for the PS and groan, "Oh no, not another gun!" take note: Naki has come up with one of the most wicked (as in cool) light gun innova- tions—a special laser sight to help aim the gun. EGM tried out the Lunar Gun-plus-Red Sight combo with Project: Horned Owl and Crypt Killer; the staff was duly impressed with how the laser popped up brightly on the TV screen (not



fter testing Platinum A Sound's Nintendo 64

version of the Per4Mer steering wheel-the first available driving tool for the N64 in the United States—with the meager lineup of driving games out, EGM editors were left with a bland taste in their mouths.

The controller worked adequately for Cruis'n USA. However, when EGM tried it with Super Mario Kart 64, problems sprouted up. First, the pedals didn't work—partly because the right pedal got stuck inside the plastic casing. Sliding—a key tac- tic in the game—required use of

rately for $16.99 and for use only with Naki's Lunar Gun (above), sets it apart from the pack.

| Sight (left), sold sepa-


Lunar Gun (es)

$29.99 (msrp) Out in stores

Pluses: * works with optional Red Sight * decent auto-reload/ fire capability * clean gun design Minuses: - no dual- | plug for use with Sega Saturn


to mention co-workers and passers-by).

The Red Sight slides off and on the Lunar Gun, so it can be removed at any time during play. It can also be manually calibrated.

The Lunar Gun itself offers semiauto and auto fire, as well as auto reload. LEDs on the side of the gun show what features are in use.

The gun comes with an 8-foot cord.

Don't feel left out Saturn owners; a Lunar Gun is in the works as well. Overall, the Lunar Gun/Red Sight is a smart idea for those who need a little extra help with light gun games. MI


The N64 Per4Mer steering wheel turns 50 degrees either way, and comes with foot pedals.

Per4Mer (N64) $69.99 (msrp) * Out in stores Pluses:

+ pedals included


- pedals stick, creak - poor button layout - a pain to reconfigure

two buttons on the side, which proved a pain to use. Configuring buttons is no easy feat, either.

If you're a die-hard fan of Cruis'n USA and must have a steering wheel now, get it. Otherwise, pass this one by. IN

ТТА 4 AI! Jj D Bgm HEU and a

OIF ر‎ "Pay S Sa Oh”

iving a Porsche?? Want to? The Alps Gamepad for thEXPIBySTmHon mime conso

Ever feel like dri

T T! г |, B rn db NET 0152 _| " T отгегѕ you the power, pertormance, and handli Ig you've peen ууа ON I leek, MOHE) ПШ

И le d

finely-tuned and tested controller designed by professional game players оте

needs of today's gamers.



the fine fellows who served up touching romance with /n Love and War, are dishing out something differ with Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (above). A

scription of this movie sequel in Ne

"s own words: "A

group of courageous heroes must survive the most spectacular series of challenges ever encountered as they take on an unscrupulous warlord in his terrifying bid to control the planet Earth" Whatever—just as long as the fight scenes kick __ (fill in the blank). This movie is due Aug. 1.

Let's play Jeopardy. The Category: Real Estate. The answt

question: Which video game company has opened a new studio in the Seattle area, and just broken ground on a new world headquarters in Redwood City, Calif.?

Overseas reports state that the white PlayStation systems have begun selling in Southeast Asia. These consoles can play video CDs, which are all the in places such as Hong Kong and Thailand. In Hong Kong, the PS will sell for about $330 U.S.

| 22 ||


The Question: What exactly can the 64DD do? Could answers possibly lie...

EGM Reveals

A Little-Known Super NES Box That May Hint At Nintendo’s

6400 Strategy

ere's the deal: In Japan, ы reports state Nintendo's

long-awaited Zelda 64 game will come out first as a cartridge.

This means Zelda 64 won't be a "bulky drive" game, right? Not exactly. Nintendo maintains that Zelda 64 will also come out on the still mysterious 64 MB magneto- optical disk format as well.

Two versions of the same game? Why bother? Of course, Nintendo refuses to spill the beans yet.

However, EGM has acquired intriguing documents describing an amazing piece of Super NES vaporware (see right), the design of which "is not limited to [the] Super NES...but may be used with alternative game hardware," according to Nintendo.

Based on this information, one possible theory—one of many cir- cling about in N64 discussions, mind you—has arisen about why Nintendo would offer two versions

(Continued on Page 24)

tion By Nelson Taruc. Sour

What the Heck Is This Box About Anyway?

Develop your own Super NES games? It sounds like a pipe dream, but Nintendo actually designed a system to do it! What makes it so amazing is that it was targeted toward users from “elementary school students to sophisticated game designers,” according to documents. Here’s what this PC-like box offers:

...in this never-before-seen game making machine designed by Nintendo?

Four Controller Ports: They're ordinary Super NES ports; however, the WS first two could be used by the Super NES mouse and a PC-type keyboard. The controllers could plug into the third and fourth ports.

=) Floppy Drive: Original game design data would be placed on disk and loaded into the system’s memory. Then, the user could alter the design while playing the game, test it and save it onto RAM cartridges (see 4). The exam- ple Nintendo showed in documents was “Mario Factory,” a Super Mario Bros.-ish game in which players could pause at any time to modify the music, level design or player animation.

ID Card Slot: Without an ID card, system users would only be able to play games. The card would be needed for editing and saving customized titles.

Cartridge Slot: The cartridge would accept either regular Super NES carts, or special RAM carts that would store newly designed games.

¢ 7) Connections and Expansions: The base system was intended to be “= Nintendo's version of Sony's “Yaroze” hobbyist program. Yet Nintendo also contemplated its use for professional developers via an expansion board, so users

could hook up a photo scanner, har

through the Internet. Could this fores Who knows. Still, the 64DD may still

drive or printer. Other additions include a

microphone and a modem —an interesting option, because Nintendo mulled the possibility of users trading home-designed games with each other and Nintendo

hadow Nintendo's 6400 online strategy? let players trade files with each other...

Developed and put

© 1997 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Clay Fighter 63 1/3 and interplay are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Nintendo 64, 30 are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. ~All rights reserved, All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

| . : i

Capcom has jazzed up its Web site (http:// www.capcom.com), which features the standard Web fare: game contests, prizes, previews and movie clips. What caught EGM s eye, however, was the prospect of Internet-playable demos of Capcom's top puzzle/action games: namely Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo and Buster Bros. Collection. As of press time, these minigames weren't running, but keep your eyes peeled.

Speaking of Capcom, it has picked a pair of Matsushita officials to guide the future of Mega Man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil et al. Takeshi Harada was named president of Capcom USA, while Bill Gardner was named Capcom Entertainment's new president.

To paraphrase an old cliché, it ain't over until the third-party developers sing. Atari Jaguar game maker Telegames refuses to desert loyal owners of the 64-Bit machine (insert applause), and remains the lone third- party publisher. The company has six new games in the works, according to its online site (http://www.tel- egames.com). Planned for cartridge release are Towers Il, Breakout 2000, Zero 5 and WORMS. Planned for Jaguar CD are Iron Soldier 2 and World Tour Racing (pictured above), according to the Web site.

P5 Game Club Uses Quarterly CDs, Web Site to Link Owners to New Info

he PlayStation Underground T dubs itself as Sony's version of Nintendo's magazine/fan

club. However, while Nintendo is sending out mags, Sony is sending out PS-only CDs filled with demos, interviews, behind-the- scenes info and more secrets than you can shake a controller at.

User interaction plays a key role in the club. Not only are members encouraged to send in artwork and visit a mem- bers-only Web site, but they're also required to comb the CDs for secrets hidden in them.

Membership costs $29.95 per year, which includes four two-set CDs mailed every three months and special access to a Web site. Interested gamers can call (800) 983-7669 to sign up and join The PlayStation Underground

For any new updates, visit http://www.SCEA.sony.com. W



(Continued from Page 22)

of the same game. The question EGM wants to pursue: Will gamers be able to create and save their own levels of N64 games?

[Editor's Note: The rest of this story assumes a relationship not yet confirmed by Nintendo between the cartridge and 64DD versions of Zelda 64. The following theory should not be misrepresented as fact. However, it is intended to raise awareness of other little-known Nintendo projects, as well as fuel discussion as to what kind of new features Zelda 64 and other 64DD games may contain.]

Indeed, the potential described in Nintendo's mystery machine may certainly apply to the 64DD. Here's how: The cartridge version of Zelda 64 may be a full-fledged game designed wholly by Nintendo. But the 64DD version of the game may not be a game at all. Rather, it would include graphics and level design data so players could make their own dungeon designs, for instance—traps, monsters, maybe

The cartridge version of Zelda 64 is just one game; will the 64DD version let gamers design an infinite number of their own mini-adventures? Nintendo has already investigated that possibility with the Super NES—could the 64DD be next?

treasures. Other 64DD games in the works include a SimCity-type game (design your own land- scapes?), a Mario Paint game (design your own artwork?) and Super Mario 64DD (design your own levels?).

Of course, the 64DD disks will offer only 20 MB of save space, according to Nintendo. In the case of Zelda 64, Nintendo could reduce file sizes if the 64DD game is used in conjunction with the cartridge—data from the cart would be downloaded as needed.

That mystery machine also introduced the possibility of users trading saved games with each other—even over the Internet. While Nintendo has yet to reveal its online strategy, these documents reveal that the company has done far more research on the topic than previously assumed

Overseas sources indicate the 64DD won't be out in stores until December, with a U.S. release sometime in 1998—the delay is apparently due to a dearth of launch-ready 6400 titles. B

Coming Summer ‘97

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Average Review Crew Score # Consecutive Months On The Chart Last Month's Rank Rank Number

Game System

OVERALL AL [2 BZ Û HEN ШШ DEM E Sle eens [1 row m UI EA El DR El DAN [D] DCN El Ш шшш Ба D El DEAE E “теу Шу КЕЕШ Г; Cad El О MI Ба

po|-|MechWamior? Б p ro -|Drasenrorce Qj

Kon | | Rally Cross Е = Bes


APRIL 1997


боа! Storm

Brahma Force Jaleco

і EH] e S 78|

poer. | Origin

Rage Racer


GameDay '97


NBA Shoot Out '97 9.0)




RN, Capcom


Sega Soft - Die Hard Arcade


\ |= Command & Conquer

Westwood Studios

15 | 7 ШЕ 5. Puzzle Fighter ЇЇ

p Ё DecAthlete Sega

he editors of EGM have put together a listing of the best games for the most popular systems. Our Review Crew has done the ratings, and they have been averaged into one easy-to-read score. It is also important to note that sometimes a game will get ranked higher than others with larger Review Crew scores. This is because the game is "hot," and it is one which our Review Crew is constantly playing. These lists will change every month as additional games are reviewed. The games are ranked by individual system, and there is an overall top 20 list for all the systems. This last list will pick up any hot 16-Bit or portable game that may come out. On the right-hand page, we have put together a list of all of the games that will be coming out in the next three months for the three major game systems. This list should be helpful for players, so that they can plan out their upcoming game purchases. The game name and the month the title will be released was obtained from each of the game companies and is correct as of the middle of the month listed above. Please note that the release date could change due to reasons beyond our control.

П C -— o aj pere тте ug DD ELLE gy [ишекке Щщ [шен Щщ

Gretzky Hockey

j| Stados от Eme ig




All-Star Baseball '97 Acclaim May Sports Clayfighter N 63 1/3 Interplay June Fighting Battle Arena Toshinden 3 Playmates May Fighting Dark Rift Vic Tokai June Fighting Battlesport Acclaim May Act/Sports Hexen GT Interactive June First-Person Grand Slam BB Virgin May Sports Intl. Superstar Soccer Konami June Sports Hexen GT Interactive May First-Person Mission: Impossible Ocean June Action Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 Konami May Shooting StarFox 64 Nintendo June Shooter Magic: Battlemage Acclaim May RPG/Strategy War Gods Midway June Fighting MDK Playmates May Action

Nightmare Creatures Kalisto Entertainment May Adventure F-1 Pole Position Ubi Soft July Sports Overblood EA May Adventure Lamborghini 64 Titus July Sports Rage Racer Namco May Driving Robotron X 64 Midway July Arcade

Ray Storm Spaz May Shooter Top Gear Rally Kemco July Sports Suicide Run MGM Interactive May Shooter Triple Play 98 EA May Sports Wild Arms SCEA May RPG

XS GT Interactive May Action Albert Odyssey Working Designs May RPG

All Star Baseball '97 Acclaim May Sports Clay Fighter Extreme Interplay June Fighting Battlesport Acclaim May Act/Sports Dynasty Warriors Кое! June Fighting Fighters Megamix Sega May Fighting Golden Nugget Virgin June Simulation Grand Slam BB Virgin May Sports The Lost World: Jurassic Park DreamWorks June Action High Velocity Atlus May Racing Marvel Super Heroes Capcom June Fighting Killing Time Acclaim May First-Person Mass Destruction BMG Interactive June Action Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 Konami May Shooting Museum Volume 4 Namco June Arcade Magic: Battlemage Acclaim May RPG/Strat SSF2 Collection Capcom June Fighting Ten Pin Alley ASC Games May Sports

Syndicate Wars EA June Action Virtual Pool Interplay May Simulation War Gods Midway June Fighting

Xevious 3D Namco June Shooter

Marvel Super Heroes Capcom June Fighting

: Mass Destruction BMG Interactive June Action Aaron vs. Ruth Mindscape July Sports Re-Loaded Interplay June Action

Atari Greatest Hits 2 Midway July Arcade Shining The Holy Ark Sega June RPG Bottom of the 9th '97 Konami July Sports SSF2 Collection Capcom June Fighting Ghost in the Shell T'HQ July Action Teka THQ Jine First-Person HardBall 6 Accolade July Sports World Series ВВ '98 Sega June Sports Monster Rancher Tecmo July Sim/Fighting

Ogre Battle Atlus July RPG/Sim Adidas Power Soccer THQ July Sports Pinky and The Brain Konami July Action Duke Nukem Sega July First-Person Rebel Moon Rising GT Interactive July First-Person The Lost World: Jurassic Park Sega July Action

Red Asphalt Interplay July_ Driving Magic Knight Ray Earth Working Designs July RPG

Time Crisis Namco July Shooter Manx TT Sega July Sports

This calendar lists the release dates for the next three months. MK Trilogy Fighting The information is accurate as of March 15, 1997.


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* More PS Type info * Sony jumps into arcade biz * Prepare for a PS/N64 price war * M2 to hit Japan this summer * Shooters from Working Designs? PS gets a popular PC RPG

Hello Quarterfriends! Last month we took an international look at the gossip scene with juicy reports from Japan and Europe. Now that the Q-crew has racked up the frequent-flyer miles and with the Atlanta E* show just one month away, we can scurry around the U.S. gaming scene and throw some home-grown flava into the worldwide mix...

Our spies tell us that Working Designs (the company best known for their snazzy translations of Japanese RPGs and strategy. games) are now eyeing a new genre of Japanese gaming. From what we hear, WD is now satisfied with the recent proliferation of Japanese RPGs making their way over to U.S. Working Designs’ plan—all along—was to educate American gamers on the quality and richness of Japanese games. Now that RPGs are starting to get the respect and visibility they deserve in the U.S., the group is now going to concentrate on giving Japanese shooters (the Gradius and R-type kind, not the Doom and Turok ind) their props over here. Precisely which shooters Working Designs has their eyes on at the moment is a closely guarded secret (although a conversion of Macross: Digital Mission VF-X and Ray Storm is rumored), and as soon as we hear more, well give you the full skivvy...

n other software news, we hear that SirTec is thinking about bringing Wizardry (the mega-hit PC series) over to the PlayStation. If this does come to pass, literally millions of Wizardry fans could flock to the system. With hugely popular PC games like Doom, MechWarrior ! and Command & Conquer already on the PlayStation and with more big games on the way (Quake, Duke Nukem 3D and Lands of Lore, just to name a few), Sony's 32-Bit game machine could turn out to be an unstop- pable global gaming force in the future...Don't believe me?...well consider this...

By now, everybody knows the about the latest drop in price of the PlayStation (down to $149), and many of you also know about the N64's sales problems in Japan (only around 3 percent of all games sold in Japan are N64 titles while more than 34 percent are PlayStation games) causing Nintendo of Japan to drop their price down to the equivalent of $134 U.S. dollars. What you may not know is the twisted melodrama that connects these two gaming giants (and no, it’s not the Super NES CD/PlayStation soap opera, but a new, more late '90s tale). Terry-Aki (our man with the plan in Japan) tells us that Sony has been planning the PS price drop for months, which is no big surprise to Q-followers. Nintendo, on the other hand, was quite surprised by the price tumble when they got an early tip-off of Sony's plan. In fact, this news, combined with the low sales in Japan and the daunting and unenviable task of keeping Nintendo's stockholders happy, forced NCL to announce a price drop of their own, just days before the Sony announcement...

Speaking of Sony (and don't we always), we hear that there is a chance the big S will have a working version of the new PlayStation Type C at the Tokyo Game Expo (April 4-6). Rumored Type C games to be shown at the Expo include Tekken 3 and aito's new Darius shooter (which made its arcade debut at the AOU show in Japan). Additional Type C games are due to be unveiled at the Atlanta E show. As you may or may not know, the Q-Mann was first to report that the Type C upgrade would be able to play regular PlayStation games, but we now hear that this may be only partially true. You see, the Type C has a little problem: It can only play PlayStation games that include a special Type C compatibility code embedded in the CD...So what's the problem?...Well, many PlayStation third-party developers didn't have access to this code before early 1996. While this pos- sesses no problems on the Type C upgrade (remember, it hooks up to a regular PlayStation, which can play all standard PS games), it does mean that not all PlayStation games will work on the upcoming, dedicated Type C console (the one with the Quad-speed CD drive)...DOH!! The reason the code is Type C specific is because it's an easier way of making the 64-Bit PlayStation 2 backward compatible. Keep in mind, all of Sony's first-party games include the code, plus all the newer and more popular third-party games (the ones which Sony reckons will still be popular enough for gamers to pop into their PS2s in 1999). This way, Sony has complete control over which games can and can't be played on the PS2 in a few years (for example, CD pirates and non-licensed Yaroze developers will not have access to the code). Hey, who said console gaming was gonna be uncomplicated?...

n even MORE Sony news, SCE is planning to bring some of their older first-party games (NFL GameDay, Warhawk, Twisted

etal, etc.) into the arcades. Sony will distribute these games through Namco coin-op. Question: Why would Sony want to erform such a strange maneuver? Answer: So arcade gamers will get used to the idea of Sony coin-op titles. Stage two of this grand plan is to introduce all-new games in the arcade. In fact, Sony Hasa couple of top-secret teams developing games specifically for the arcade (a la Sega and their AM arcade teams) and will launch. a separate coin-op label for these titles...And we have a new winner of the Most Ambitious Software Company Award...

Last but not least, we have the M2. Matsushita (gesundheit) recently announced that their new 64-Bit game machíne will be released this year іп Japan. Although Matsushita did forego minor details such as price and whether or not it will make it over to the U.S. this year, the O-crew has dug up more dirt.on the subject. Wurd on da street sez the M2 will hit Japanese Sto! 5 as early as July or August, with -a.U.S release to follow around. Thanksgiving (1997 that is). Expect to see a major, magnificent, Matsushita, M2 brouhaha at E*next month. Although many gamers scoff at the idea of another game system thrown into the fray, our Japanese sources liave-seen actual M2 games in action and were blown away. More than Ай M2 games are in development in Japan as we speak (er, read. ..uhr. whatever); Rumored M2 titles include a 3-D Strider sequel and Street Fighter 11 by Capcom. Capcom's first. M2 title is said 10 Бе an all-new 3-D fighting game. Konami is working on a new rocirig. game for the M2 as well-as a soccer title and a new-update of Toki Meki Memorial (a popular girl sim in Japan)

Well, that just about docs it for this month Q-fans. Tune in next month when Pl have more info on the Type C. yet another new 64-Bit console, more N64 games and Sega's дате plan in the next-next generation hardware race, Peace...


MIDWAY афары

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Games Inc. Used by permission. с. Licensed by Nintendo.

You may have missed this blockbuster when it pre- х т s z Me PUBLISHER THEME miered on the big screen recently starring Tom Cruise 4 as the main character. But don't despair, the gaming Ocean | Adventure | minds of Ocean have decided to give you a second RELEASE DATA > PLAYERS 128 COMPLETE chance to enjoy all the fast-paced action in the life of a secret agent on the N64. Playing the role of Ethan Hunt, a CIA agent with a perfect spy record, the player's ability and intelligence is tested during each of the six intense missions. Your first mission ingenious devices included in the title takes place at the Russian to manipulate innocent bystanders embassy where your goal is and infiltrate enemy territory. to rescue a top computer Each object can be used in solo ИНИ + М programmer from the enemy. or combined with others, depending ^n 5 Every point-of-view, on the clever thinking of the player. 3 | character and object is Some of the interesting devices you Я л | rendered in realtime, making can use include the infamous face 2 j| play smooth and seamless, maker device that allows Ethan to bringing lifelike quality to steal the identity of others and the characters not commonly assume their role to infiltrate differ- found in similar titles. ent areas. Another useful item is the fountain pen Different camera options are that doubles as a tranquilizer whose use is very apparent. included in the title, allowing If your attention is grabbed by titles like Tomb Raider, the player to jump between them while observing unfa- Resident Evil and Tobal No 1, be sure not to miss miliar characters. The standard view is a three-fourths, Mission: Impossible. It’s bound to be a graphically behind-the-character cam which is similar to Super intense title with all the trimmings of a full-blown Mario 64, but not as cartoony. The various camera angles adventure. Remember, being a secretive spy in a include a mouse cam and hover cam that—from their world filled with espionage may be too much for some name-can be understood what viewing range they allow. weaker players to handle. If you think you are up to Characters met along the journey can range from other the challenge, you can expect it to fall into your lap tourists with no involvement in your mission to foreign (and in stores) sometime later this year. spies with ulterior motives (who appropriately have to be dispatched). Just like in the movie, players can employ d | |

p "I 7

Third time's à charm. If yon consider death charming

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* 10 all new arenas, and this time they're enclosed. * 30 characters. 12 completely new, each armed with their own deadly weapon. * Select from an unbelievable 30 frames per second or an even faster 60 frames per second. * Unique save/ranking feature holds your place between matches. * 2 player mode. * Dozens of brand new fighting combos. * Improved game and control dynamics.

AKARA http://www.playmatestoys.com 720 a < . & E = 2 г PIE™ is а trademark of Playmates Interactive Entertainment. Battle Arena Toshinden 3 and its characters are trademarks of 4 Takara Co. Ltd. ©1997 All rights reserved. Licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment America for use with the PlayStation o, ‘game console. PlayStation and PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. ЖМ?

The name may be familiar to

some, but many players haven't

nad the chance to try this

game in the arcade since its

release last June/July. Last

Bronx appeared in a few of U.S.

arcades, so this title is all but

rand-new to the States. This

аск of distribution, however,

has not quelled the hype over

its conversion to the Saturn.

Coming from AM3, the team

who did Virtual On and Sega Rally (revered by some as the best

arcade-to-home system ports), comes their first true fighting title.

t is planned to run at 60 fps and boast character movement and control a plateau above VF2, Soul Edge and Fighting Vipers.

The build of the characters is comparable (or better) to VF2, but the action and the feel of the characters set it above the rest. Most notable improve- ments are the jumps that have been designed from a more realistic viewpoint than other comparable fighters. With AM3's reputation for quality, Last Bronx offers some definite promise. We can expect it to hit the shelves later this year.




October | lor2 N/A

Saturn owners won't be without a Working Designs' RPG for long. Translation work is nearly complete on Albert Odyssey, an ultra-colorful epic that Working Designs is calling the first true RPG for the Saturn. Unlike the more action-oriented Shining Wisdom and Legend of Oasis, Albert Odyssey is a more traditional, menu-driven RPG with turn-based combat and smallish characters. Gamers won't be overcome by unwieldy menus, though. Albert Odyssey's commands are icon-based, similar to those in Secret of Mana and Lufia.

The game's most noteworthy features are its beautiful graphics and sensational orchestral soundtrack. The char- acters, drawn by the same artist who created Lunar: The Silver Star's heroes, look especially good. The scattered villages and castles are rich- ly detailed, while travel through the game's world takes place on a 3-D map, similar to the one in Dragon Force—except much better looking.

Unlike Working Designs' famous Lunar games, Albert Odyssey is lean on digitized dialogue and anime-style cinemas. Instead, most of the game's story unfolds through text, in the traditional top-down view seen in the Final Fantasy games.


Working Designs








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| 5, weapons апа г s E ih 4 | о an encyclopedia of customized fighters to choose from. And for the | \ = A v f | player with his or her mind bent on destruction, there are 15 unique ! SYSTEM weapons to experiment with on the opposition. Power-ups and cloaking devices also abound in the stages. With all of these features, it's obvious Dark Light Conflict ү; i has a good amount of action, but what about game depth? & a Well, besides striving to become the perfect fighter pilot, a = PUBLISHER f 4 * you-as опе of a handful of genetically created humans—also - ; have to leat language and customs of the strange alien EA 250 ji

wher доп yeat ired to PLAYERS “e COMPLETE

iavigation lights. There i

g hit by acquiring the |

hooter. Hexen Il w

w 0.


п, looks s s. As you can see


ly around the

be up

will ha




А guide to the weird, offbeat stuff EGM couldn't print...until now!

Butt-Kickin' Strategy

his Titan arcade-system

wonder has arrived for the Sega Saturn. This one- or two- player fighting game takes the gameplay in titles such as Double Dragon and elevates it to the 32-Bit domain with a speedy 3-D engine. Sega has supplied EGM with a moves list; we put a © next to the most useful attacks:

® m neutral

Moves with an (don't move)

asterisk (*) have m move left different animation or right

for player two. 9 mnm

9 m move Q m Punch toward enemy (A button} m move up m Кісі or down К] button) 9 m move away т Jump from enemy (C button)

п Hold button m Do while or joystick in the air

SH pf let go of 3 pus button/stick before landing > m As enemy m Do while

is grabbed

Jumping Attacks + Jumping Uppercut О Hes Jump Kick ® + © + [Р] Dash Elbow Q OHO ноне Swing down on an enemy Ta Double-handed Swing Diagonal Kick #0 Double- rolling Heel Kick *o0 (саен e © + ow Drop A id Knee Drop

КОР, Slide Punch © FAK] Sliding Kick © Running/Dashing Attacks ® +0 Elbow Groin Kick O +O ane ® [e 9 Run toward enemy ® @ ® [Р] Tackle enemy © ® @ СТК) Jumping Kick © k Roll © (b hi @ @ Q N ое) Emergency Attack

Hurricane Kick © Q + (K) + [J] (combo breaker!)

getting up Special Situation Attacks * 900 Giant Swing © (knocks down multiple foes!) EX PIKIKIK) German Suplex OP) + 0 Rising Uppercut @ Groin Kick @ LK) + @ (*rising sweep) OO Jump to a standing position Roll to a standing OO + ® pasion А Backfist (attack turns @ + [Р] n саадат arand) Side Kick (attack turns @ + [IO the peel around) QQs5 Dash Uppercut COJ Somersault Kick

Best Combo Attacks ®ФОФООФ тту CIPI PIP KH CUN

CAP] PI PIK кек ® (KIKI P) Double Kick/Body Blow ® OOO Double Kick/Back Kick

F QQQ rout OOOO venir” POO koser”

quick TIPS

m Gather all available health boosts and gun ammo before Killing the final enemy in a stage. After the last enemy is killed, the computer will whisk you to the next level immediately.

т Against multiple foes, always attack gun-toters first (when unarmed, they can't hit you from afar).

т Deep Scan, the mini- game within Die Hard Arcade, can help you get more credits—up to 99. Keep your eyes peeled for red subs; they're big bonuses.

For an easier time with two players, turn off the "Friendly Hits" Option before starting. With it off, players can't hurt each other.

So what do you think about The Sushi-X Files? If you have any random thoughts, strange relatives, classified secrets or candied yams you'd like to share with the honorable Sushi-X, let him know. All materials sent become the property of Sushi-X-tough cookies! The address: Sushi-X Files, 1920 Highland Ave. 2nd Floor, Lombard, IL 60148. Yeah!


Shh! Secret! Hush! WARNING!

о you ever read those warning notices that come with your

video game systems? We didn't think so. To help inform beta versions of top fighting games that—for whatever you, the consumer, EGM is reprinting some video game system reason—aren't or will not be in production versions of these warnings you should know about—but probably missed... games. Remember...people died getting this news to you:


Sony says: Don't use a plugged-in PS near water. ә С } EGM says: Skinnydipping with your PS is strongly + + Aa discouraged. Or: “I'm going to wash that gray o o

system right out of my hair," Shirley exclaimed. а : Е (We don't know her real name; we're just using Street Fighter Ill: Killer Instinct Gold: Tekken 3: Now that Shirley's name because she's pretty cool.) Here's the story line: Woe to any foe who Jackie Chan is a huge Ryu obtains a patent sees Orchid try on a hit, Namco revised а for projectile attacks. Wonder Bra™. The Chan wanna-be Lei Sony says: Never block the PS cooling slots. So, when any enemy | resulting silicone- Wulong's 10-hitter. It EGM says: Don't get fresh with the PS on a first uses a projectile driven projectile (the | now ends with Lei | date—wait four dates, then make your move! against Ryu, he can bra) instantly shaves whipping cans of counter with a fiery half off the life bar. It Mountain Dew at his Sony says: Never put objects into the PS. lawsuit. The name? was called Orchid's hapless foe-a la. EGM says: That's a bad touch, you pervert! Get Ryu-sue-ken, silly! Ultra Tight Squeeze. Chan's commercial. ready for a hefty lawsuit from Sony, buddy boy... If you happen to find any other “moves,” inform Sushi-X pronto: We just might print them or put them in a video game ourselves!

* This same source told us to bet big on the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXI.

Sony says: Always clean your PS with the system

unplugged. (Shirley here is a real neat freak...)

EGM says: А talking electrical outlet! Run for the

hills! Hide your valuables! Call a home exorcist! cae eee re en

Win, Lose..or Draw!

Sony says: If water gets into the PS, please take it to qualified service personnel for service. А EGM says: Singin’ іп the Rain with your PS not ^/ only infringes on the copyright of a famous song and movie scene, but it also certifies you as a

nut. Repeat after us: The PS is not my imaginary SUSHI-X CIR s/ By Shawn ‘Shafty’ Smith

friend, the PS is not my imaginary friend...

Sony says: Call qualified service personnel if you

drop or crack the PS. (Shirley's a phone addict!)

EGM says: Notify authorities immediately if you

suspect your PS is taking steroids. | mean, look ? at the size of that system and controller now!

Sony says: Only qualified technicians should try to take apart the PS for repair. Got it, Shirley? EGM says: No matter how desperate you are, don't try to turn the PS into a Tickle Me Elmo.

from the PS апа SEGA SATURN manuals

Sony and Sega say: Take care when moving electrical equipment on wheeled carts.

EGM says: Stick men are prohibited from placing their systems on altars and worshipping them as false idols. (This goes for human beings, too.)

from the NINTENDO 64 manuals

Curiously, the N64 “And | thought all Sushi-X did on the weekends came sans picture WARNING: The surgeon general P was train as a ninja and play Street Fighter III!”

warnings. Oh well! | has determined that a lack of games EGM suggests 9 the following label* on all N64 boxes:

. 1 “J Mr. Smith likes to hang out and play video games, but most of his may be hazardous to your N64's health. free time consists of drawing and painting He just recently had the horns implanted and plans to keep them “if things go well.”

you credit. If they're really good, well steal your ideas and take ай the credi! Just kidding. Maybe. As far as you know.

+ Oh, we're joking Nintendo. EGM agrees: Quality before quantity! Please don't send Koopas after us. * Submit your own Sushi-X cartoons and cartoon ideas! If they're good, we just mi

This month, EGM secretly DOES NOT recommend the following: the London Dungeon; Celine Dion (Beck is "Where It's At!”); Greedo shooting first; betting on Crispin in Tekken 2; free parties at Oliver's; lending your chair to Gurk; Roseanne; debating Star Wars with EGM"'s Andy Baran; going cupless to paintball; flipping off bad drivers.

Have you

2 Ifyou know Tomb Raider, you know why Lara Croft

is the #1 cover girl in gaming. No other game has won more awards, sold more copies, or kicked more ass. Hardcore gamers have made Tomb Raider

the undisputed megahit of the year. Have your got yours yet?


EN E C ар V ЇЗ



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Tomb Raider, Lara Croft and her likeness, CORE, Ninja and Eidos Interactive are trademarks of Eidos, Plc, © 1997 Eidos.

Game of the Year

-PS Extreme

Game of the Year -Game Fan

Game of the Year -Computer Player

Action Game of the Year * -PC Gamer

Adventure Game of the Year -Ultra Game Players `


If you feel it's about time we get a good ol’ fashioned shooter back into our mits, it might be a good idea to look for Sony's latest shooter Ray Storm—published by Spaz, a new division of Working Designs. This title combines clas- Sic elements of shooter excitement (multiple weapons and power-ups) with beautiful graphics and stunning sound. Ray Storm uses an auto-locking feature on its ships for those elusive enemies. This gives your ship extra potency against enemies that are up-close and personal. Just run the crosshairs over an enemy and watch a missile target the lock you have on him. Ray Storm doesn't have a whole lot new in terms of originality, but the combination of great shooter elements is what really make this one favorable. And you thought sprite-based games were all but gone in a time when polygons reign supreme.



From the creators of Fade to Black comes Moto Racer GP. It features eight different courses from

around the globe including tracks from The Great Wall of China, a snow course, a dirt arena and city streets. The cycles are accurately modeled after real Kawasaki and KT bikes, each with its own variation of acceleration, top speed and handling. There are three different modes of play in Moto Racer GP. They include a Practice Mode for the new players, a Single Race for those looking for a quick thrill and Championship Mode for the experienced racers seeking to continue their riding career. All of the tracks can also be raced in "Reverse" Mode, doubling the number of useable tracks.

As of this time the graphics are surprisingly sharp through all of the stages. The action looks to be as exciting and fast-paced as a real motorcycle race, but with a lot less personal injury. Take all of this excitement and mix in another

See, in VMX Racing,” both you and your

bike have fully articulated bods, which

means infinite opportunities to sling soil. And VMX has lapped those other Moto- cross games with the haulingest enduros and stadiums in the country. We've road tested and totally 3-D repro'd 6 tracks

including San Jose National (watch that radioactive waste), and Tijuana (think of yourself as a Mexican jumping bean on

. full throttle). And for the ultimate visceral experience: 4 different points of view. So when you kick out the ass-end of your 250 and pop it through the hole- shot, you can practically taste exhaust. Trick out your ride with moves like the table-top and the knack-knack, and your competition can taste humility.

So hit the dirt. 'Cause once you rev up VIX, it's sure as hell gonna hit you.


VMX racing developed by Studio Е. ©1997 Studio E. All rights reserved. Studio E and the Studio E logo are trademarks of Studio E. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PIE is a trademark of Playmates Interactive Entertainment.

X n


Note: Deals with the devil never work in your favor. With that out of the way, Spawn for the PlayStation looks like one of the few comic-inspired games to actually be worthwhile. раа

From what we've seen thus far, Spawn looks similar to Tomb Raider with fighting aspects of Tobal No. 1 (in SCEA the Quest Mode, that is). The graphics are what makes Spawn stand out at this step in the development process. Realtime lighting effects give an eerie feel to the levels.

Wonder if Todd McFarlane is actually working on the project? Gamers and fans of the comic should be pleased to know Todd is making sure the "attitude" of Spawn is intact. Although there is a lot that can change, Sony is on the right track with this upcoming title.


| | |

А Sports You may be wondering: Why another Bottom of the RELEASE DATE PLAYERS : % COMPLETE 9th when the first one (released last spring) is still leaving a favorable taste in you mouth? Well the answer is: improvements. In this '97 edition, players can expect more stadiums and more camera angles. The 3-D batting interface has also been improved, and they have even included night games in the season roster. A simpler Season Mode is another scheduled addition. Bottom of the 9th '97 even acquired an MLBPA license. As spring is slowly creeping up on us, what better way to spend your time than playing | ШЕ SPARKS WIEL FLY America’s favorite pastime. | fan

From the developers of Aquanauts Holiday

comes a Stone Age title where you are in control

of a caveman who must take care of his village.

Within the game, you have to complete many

tasks as village leader which include forging for

food and defending your village from wild beasts

such as mammoths. One interesting fea- sza ture is how your village develops differently depending on the outside И SYSTEM forces. Some of these forces are in your control and some are not. Even the smallest decisions such as the food you feed your people is an important deciding factor in how your tribe develops. All in all, Tail of the # Sun is an entertaining title that will keep players snickering while they f try to plot for the survival of an entire tribe.


You can almost smell the freshly cut grass.

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Superior Artificial Intelligence creates over 800 MLBPA players and prospects who think, move and play like the pros, based on up-to- date player statistics by STATS Inc.® It’s your | average against theirs. And they didn't come to: o




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Entertainment, irgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises, Ltd. Burst ©МІВРА. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners


MGM's newest fast-paced shooter for the PlayStation forces the player into a plot where he/she has to blast his/her way through hordes of worker droids gone awry. Viewed from a top-down perspective and armed with

cybernetic armor, players “morph” into their defeated

enemies’ bodies and inherit their increasingly powerful characteristics and weaponry. This arsenal includes grenade launchers, multishot lasers and plasma cannons.

During the course of Suicide Run (previously known as

H.O.S.T.), players can morph into nine different droids, each

sporting three deadly weapons.

Movement is experienced in 360-degree range of firing within 14 different multilayered 3-D environments. Some of

the stages range from an Earthly swamp level to an alien homeworld. For techno fanatics out there, Suicide Run also boasts an awesome collection of music for keeping interest high during play.

From Natsume comes Harvest Moon. It is a

small character RPG that is filled with an

above-average story and plenty of conversa-

tion. There are multiple areas to explore including many differ-

ent towns and buildings both large and small inside of the

walled cities. Your progress is gently guided through the

adventure but not so restricted that it feels like you are just

watching a movie and pressing buttons. Graphics are reminis- cent of early Super NES games, but are not really needed to be all that impressive due to the player's attention being drawn to other areas of the title, mainly the Story. Sure it's not going to give FFVII for the PS a challenge, but it's a thrill to play in its own right.






The Super NES hasn't thrown in the towel yet as The Lost Vikings return for more action in '97 This time, players can expect to make more allies including a dragon and a wolf in their adventures. They will also use their custom talents to get them through all-new levels of obstacles. You still can only control three Vikings (or characters) at a time, and these are

based on the mission parameters. - Sometimes you may start out i 2 with two vikings and have to d acquire another character in your mission. Ready for round two?



M Interplay









The Spectre of war looms

Luckily, you have an awesome over the peaceful land of Ishtaria. array of weapons, spells, booby Terrorism, corruption and depravity traps and The Great Sword Vandal- run rampant. It's up to you to return the Heart at your command. Plus the land to democracy, using a strategic combination greatest weapon of them all-your brain. of wits, muscle and magic. It's an epic confrontation Enter the world of Vandal-Hearts. Where a sharp

that unfolds on multiple, glorious, 3-D isometric battlefields. sword is no match for a sharp mind.



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= Q A ~ nin Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball pill Properties, Inc. ©MLBPA Officially Licensed By Major League Baseball Players Association. Officially

< Y licensed by Big Hurt Enterprises, Inc. PlayStation and the "A" logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Sega and Sega Satum are trademarks of SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. All rights entertainment inc reserved. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. & & © 1997 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. n www.majorleaguebaseball.com All Rights Reserved. Screen shots shown were taken from the PlayStation version of the videogame. www.acclaimsports.com











CRISPIN P. 5j ` —— wW |

G J at


52 [=<]

EDITOR'S CHOICE Silver Awards are granted to games with a

Now that Shawn has adjusted to the new Review Crew format he can spend more time with his favorite titles. His recent trip to talk to Todd McFarlane about the upcoming PlayStation title based on Spawn was RRI 7

“like some crazy BBE Corps dream come true." His drawings scat- о а

tered about the D F magazine make him | Pagan Korce feel important. )


We all know that Shoe isn't crazy about Doom games. But with a Net Linkable Duke Nukem 3D coming up, will it change his mind? He is a big fan of deathmatching actual people, after all (he loves network Duke 3D). | Shoe's also been a bit ornery because he hasn'l seen a Street Fighter IIl on test anywhere yet. He wants to play it!

Worldwide Soccer 97 Blast Corps

Mario Kart 64 Brahma Force


Cris ticked us all off this month when he hauled Blast Corps into the EGM conference room and played it on the big-screen TV we hide there. He cranked that sucker up so loud that cars outside were slowing to hear the explosions. Cris kept on telling us, “If it's too loud, you're too old!” Yeah right, whatever you say, Mr. Freedom Rock.

RREN ORI Blast Corps

Wing Commander IV Brahma Force Albert Odyssey


Sushi's been a little depressed over the lack of any substantial Bosses in SF3, so he was quite pleased to see the reactions from his little “joke” last month. Also, he wants your feedback on the raging SF3 debate! e-mail your take of the SF3 story to Sushi_X@zd.com, with the subject heading, Street Fighter IIl Debate.

Street Fighter IJI Mario Kart 64 DarkStalkers 3 Tekken 3


total average score of eight, while games that average nine or above receive Gold Awards.

Blast Corps is the most intense game ever made..at least most of the time. You'll spend half the game on the edge of your seat, smashing and blowing stuff up with a collection of whacked-out Tonka trucks, trying to clear a path for a rolling, nuke-haul- ing semi. If the errant nuke should knock into a structure you left stand- ing, then KABOOM! Thank you, try again later. It's a silly premise, sure (why doesn't someone just turn off the bomb truck—DUH)), but originali- ly is one of the game's strongest points. And there's more to Blast Corps than mindless destruction and pretty explosions; it often demands some good ol’ puzzle-game head scratchin. Sometimes you have to shove around crates of TNT to take out sturdier structures, fill potholes with slabs of concrete or transport your vehicle to different parts of a level via a crane, train or ship. But the real puzzle is figurin

ple the buildings f.

you can stay one

bomb carrier. Bla

vehicles—from a ti


you'll gradually

throughout the ga

machines have a

you must learn, ani

I'll admit it, I'm a sta player. I'll try ап through at this ро! a little desperate, Blast Corps is a rei to say, the graphic: sound, although it’ on CD, fits the ga builds up the te don't like the ja

Don't judge a book by i Well, when | first s thought that it boring. It's a good review it, because was very fun to pl adrenaline-pumpir rience that will m one more round,”

me give that last

Blast Corps is kind о Nintendo, consider pure destruction they've managed unique game, with

keep you smashin. without getting E variety was very go game feels a little except on the ground



act almost as a tutorial for newbie drivers (trust me—it'll take a while to master the power-sliding dump truck). The other half of Blast Corps: the exploration side of the game-is much more laid back. Once you com- plete a level, you can hop back in, relax and explore it at your leisure, looking for hidden vehicles, more buildings to smash, radar dishes and lost scientists. Finding all these secrets opens up bonus levels, which have you racing cars, destroying more buildings—even smashing a lunar base. (And just wait until you see the level that pays homage to Pac-Man, complete with colored bulldozers as the ghosts!) With all its normal and bonus levels, Blast Corps packs more than 60 stages (fortu- nately, you can save your progress to the cartridg And while the antialiased landscapes are incredible (especially their sense of depth) and ges are OK, the game's is the palpable it creates as you olling closer to a You pummeled sn't crumble. The ou slam the build- ill won't fall! The ! We're gonna die!

me the most about he variety-in many the vehicles to ond, all of the and last, all of the levels to play

it comes down to of destroying stuff ld. Overall, this one


is definitely chal- ‘ll have to retry nd over (but you'll

. The variety keeps ting, and the action he graphics and er. It may not be jot hooked. Don't almost did) on


mbling block that ng a much higher e repetitive game- e's a game totally ї destroying build- re side missions, ientists and find- it those elements afterthought, not



e. ah Nu | v yf a e P м \ nr A гі ) [ N ev | AJ KURI | J/ : Invitation te Darkness









Scat hate


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I'm not about to pawn this one off as just anoth- er Doom clone...but this applies for more than one reason. First, the graphics are simply stun- ning-the original Doom crew wish they could've done what Midway did. The artists and programmers at Midway know what the hell's going on when it comes to Nintendo 64 hard- ware. Second, Doom 64 is Doom. Now before you scratch your head, let me explain. Some of you may want to see your space Marine jump- ing around or swimming underwater. Purists wouldn't want these features added because Doom wasn't about that stuff. I'll have to agree with the purists. | feel that Doom is Doom and Quake is Quake. This way, | know what I’m get- ting into without having to relearn anything about a title I'm comfortable with. Since all that's changed is the art style, the levels, a cou- ple of monsters and a couple of weapons, l'm not about to complain. Plus, the challenge level is turned.way-up..The only problemskhave is that it's a first-person shooter. It.does a great job at that, but the genre is saturated—I’m about ready to play something else quite honestly and that's not beeause Doom 64 is a bad game. For any- one who never really got into Doom-ish games because "they're too blocky up close,” this one's a definite buy. -SHAWN




Based on the popular comic book, SCUD starts you off with a nicely rendered cinema explaining the current story. SCUD is fairly original as far as light gun games go, since you can play without a light gun! The side-scroller version of SCUD is pretty weak, however, and really hurts the overall scoring. In order to enjoy SCUD, you will have to run out and buy at least one light gun, but | rec- ommend two to maximize your fun. Once you're properly equipped, give the One-player/Two-gun Option a shot. | quickly found myself enjoying this mode, since reloading is handled easier, and there's nothing like blasting two sides of the screens at the same time! The graphics are pretty good, as expected, but you'll probably not care for the corny background music, which seems more like cartridge-quality. | would have liked to have seen a larger variety of enemies too, especially considering how long the levels are. While SCUD isn't about to replace games like Virtua..Cop-2,-it certainly.can-hold its own with the growing crop of light gun games this year. One interesting thing to note: While the Two-gun Option is cool, it actually allows you to fly through the game with ease, so if you're looking for a challenge, you'd. better stick to one gun.,Oh yeah, look closely for the sight gags in every comer. —SUSHIX




I'm going against the rest of the Crew on this one, as | didn't enjoy Scorcher in the least. Only the fast graphics and near-perfect polygonal effects save this game from the depths of coaster-dom. Even after getting used to the ridiculous control, | found that Scorcher still had no depth. Without a Two-player Option, Scorcher is an empty game with no redeeming qualities. Racing against the three computer players just isn't fun, as they seem placed for no other reason than to pace you. | was excited to give Scorcher a whirl, but imagine my surprise that there was no challenge other than avoiding potholes and tight turns. The tracks themselves are rendered OK, but the collision detection is outrageous. | laughed when | barreled through a barricade, but was stopped cold by a skinny light post. There aren't even any shadows to help guide you when airborne. Also, the super speed-ups are useless for the most part, as you must begin-to-brake the instant-you hit it, lest you sail off into the horizon, and back to last place. | was very disgusted at the poor tight- turn responsiveness, which has a noticeable delay, then an exaggerated pull right or left, sending you careening off the track in most cases. ЧЇ leave this electrified hamster ball race to my furry little friends. —SUSHI-X

Don't forget, | do have a personal bias against first-person shooters, so please disregard this review if you love ‘em! Doom 64 has the best- looking levels and the most awesome music yet for this type of game. But the enemies are very predictable (in behavior and location). After you get over how pretty Doom 64 is, you may get bored with its repetitiveness. -DAN

Sometimes games inspired by a comic book are better left in the comic world—that's how | feel about SCUD. It's above average, but it's nothing to write home about. The graphics and control are decent, but the light-gun portions aren't all that fun (except when you go gung- ho with two guns). The concept was outstand- ing, but MI stick with the comic. -SHAWN

If | went with my first reaction to this one, | would have given it a low,score, but with con- tinued plays, | ended up liking Scorcher. The graphics and music are great. It reminds me of a Marble Madness-meets-WipeOut XL-type of game. The control takes some getting used to— that's for sure—and the break-up is annoying, but it's a pretty cool title overall. -SHAWIN

Sure, las a little disappointed that Midway scrapped the Four-player Mode, but this is still the best version of Doom ever. The game's level design is top-notch, and the castles and dun- geons.look amazing. Doom 64 is jammed with atmospheric touches, too, like thunder and fog effects. If only you could jump and look around, but then it would be Quake. -CRISPIN

A light gun game that's much longer and pro- vides more replay value than its competition? What more could you ask for? SCUD also has unique features (the best being the One-play- er/Two-gun Mode, though it’s too easy) and plenty of strange humor (this is one twisted дате!). The levels got very long and repetitive, and that hurts the score a bit. -DAN

Visually, Scorcher holds itsownsltsilevel design has a great, unique look to it. The animation is also perfectly smooth, even at high speeds. The game is not for the impatient! Sometimes, you move so fast, you will inevitably fly off the track. Through practice, this game can turn from frustrating to fairly good. Missing is a Two-player Mode. -DAN

Doom 64 is а game that really shows, off what the N64 is capable of. The, antialiased texture- maps are absolutely gorgeous, and will have PC gamers drooling over the quality. lenjoyed being #геаіеа to the new super weapon and truly devious new Boss, so all Doom fans will want this one in their collection. Too bad the Doom engine is outdated. -SUSHIX

SCUD isthe best reason to buy (or at least bor- row) two light guns. The one-player, dual-gun game is way cool and often way intense (you try aiming two guns in two directions at once). And the two-player, side-srolling/shooting

game doesn't disappoint, either. A few levels get repetitive, though, and you're often assailed by frustrating automatic hits. (әу

Most gamers are gonna hate Scorcher the first few times they play it. This game punishes its newbies with the toughest, most obstacle- ridden tracks that ever coursed through a rac- ing game. But if you stick with it, learn when to zig and when to zag, the game-becomes very rewarding. And the sense of speed in First- person Mode is amazing, too. -ORISPIN






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If you feel you were burned instead of blown away by EA's shoddy PlayStation version of Wing Commander III, then buck up, space cow- boys, cuz the console conversion of WCIV is nearly right on target. This time, instead of delivering a straight port of the PC title, EA has brought us a Wing Commander that feels more at home on the home system (and this time the collision detection's nearly intact). The ships’ HUDs have been redesigned so they're easier to read in the TV's lower resolution. And players have the option of choosing a simplified control scheme, which makes many of the communica- tion and combat tasks automatic (of course, players keen on the PC game's sim feel can Stick with the more button-intensive controller modes). But while WCIV packs console-friend- ly additions, it remains true to the excellent PC original. Players still get seven different fighters to fly and a total of 50 missions (although the planet-based-- missions of thesP@sgame have been replaced with. space-only sorties). A few scenes of the lengthy movie were cut so that the game could fit on four CDs, but the story is still intact and the FMV looks sharper than ever. Better still, WCIV supports Dolby Surround Sound, so you can erank it up and rock your house with every laser blast. -CRISPIN





If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: Psygnosis always makes the weirdest darned games on the market. Is this bad? Heck no! Since I'm a little strange myself, their off-center titles make me feel at home. City of Lost Children is an interesting title with great- looking graphics. The cinemas are done well, and the rendered city gives the impression of really being in dirty, semi-futuristic alternate reality. One thing is for sure, seeing the movie this game is inspired by helps a lot (even though the movie could be called "artsy" by some). One major problem that bugged me were the background stills where the main character walks around, though nice-looking, can make finding a particular item very difficult. In some cases | was stuck for hours looking for a rope or some other object. Also, the game gets a little slow at times. Not so much in a frame rate sense, but in a boring sense. All of the animation-in-the title is wellsdone and the characters you interact with are amusing—and sometimes a little frightening! Smaller details, like flowing water.near the dock instead of just sound effects, would have been nice. The non- linear parts were a neat touch—when Miette is thrown in the,cellar and when she gets put into the warehouse -SHAWN






Battle Stations is a game of could've beens. It could've been a way-cool realtime strategy game. It could've been a true-to-spec sim of ship-to-ship combat. Heck, it could’ve been a Navyfied version of the Strike series (what | had hoped for). Instead, it's a repetitive, overly diffi- cult fighting game that demands little strategy and lots of button pressing. The game's instant- action Arcade Mode, surprisingly enough, involves the most strategy. It lets you choose one of eight ships to battle the computer's cho- sen vessel. And since the key to success is dis- covering which craft are best in battle against others, you have to give a lot of thought to which ship—from the speedy patrol boat to the mammoth aircraft carrier-you send into com- bat. Success in the Campaign Mode, on the other hand, depends more on luck than skill. The game's 10 campaigns are played out on a Map Screen, which shows you the position of enemy ships.but.doesn't identify. what.kind they are. You therefore have no idea what type of ship you should send into battle. Only by build- ing a task force do you stand a-chance, and even then victory depends on luck. The ship-to- ship battles themselves look nice, but control of the vessels isn't so hot. Be prepared to memo- rize a lot of button commands. -CRISPIN

First | should mention that flight games, whether in space or on the Earth, have been far from my favorite genre. With that out of the way, Wing Commander IV is a lot of fun—even with its complex control. What really helped me to get into it was the.story line and cut scenes. 1 also like the various options to make the game more arcade-esque: -SHAWN

This is one of the hardest graphical adventures I've ever played. Without any help, you'd have a hard time knowing what you need to do next to progress in the game. Objects that need to be picked up are lost on the (albeit beautiful) backgrounds, making things more difficult than they need to be. A unique game that masochists should check out -DAN

| really like the idea behind this опе, but then | played BS and wasn't pleased with it—specifi- cally the control. Granted | don’t necessarily want it to feel like I'm really controlling an air- craft carrier. (ог any-other ship) but the control is really sluggish. Besides this, the game is nearly impossible—even on easy. l'm sorry to say that it's mediocre at best SHAWN

WC4 isan example of packaging (meaning the game, not the box) done so well, that you can’t help but enjoy the game underneath. The FMV (and its special FX and acting) is the best I've ever seen. The choice of full sim or arcade con- trols is also a nice added feature; Get this if you want an above-average action game inside a great movie. WC4 is a must-see. -DAN

CoLC is.heavy on atmosphere’ but lean on fun. The game's plot drags along, and items are often a chore to find since they don't stick out much from the prerendered backgrounds. Still, the game's film noir feel is pretty cool; it adds a touch of sophistication missing from most adventure games. If you're into high-brow adventures, then go for it. -CRISPIN

Battle Stations is а perfectly good" premise wasted on one of the most simplistic, most juvenile" games ever to be found. Any sem- blance of “strategy” was lost when the design- ers decided pushing certain buttons at the right time would make.a good game. The tradi- tional board game Battleship involves more thought than this sad waste of time. -DAN

It's hard to believe that this is one of the most popular PC games to be translated for the con- sole market. The best part about WC4 is the plot, which is second to none. I love. watching the awesome movie sequences over and over. Gameplay is non-existent, but with a plot-driven FMV game like this; who cares? This monkey can live with that. =505НІ-Х

City о 058 Children appeals to me for the plot more than the gameplay, since it is\ tied so closely to the popular foreign film of the same name. In fact, | recommend you rent the movie and watch.it for clues on what actions you need to perform and when.in the story's timeline. | think you'll enjoy the game, though it can be slow and tedious at times. =SUSHI-X

Like most of the Crew, | have to agree that Battle Stations is not for the serious strategist. Lacking any real strategy elements, you'll quickly find yourself in the same arcade-style battles over and over, with more than a little luck needed to win. The. battle scenes involve a frenzy of button pushes that cannot be con- trolled, by design. Duh! =-SUSHI-X




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Kileak: The DNA Imperative was OK; Epidemic was better; but Brahma Force, the third first- person shooter from Japanese developer Genki, is easily the best of the bunch—although it's not a sequel. It's also not a run-of-the-mill robo- Doom clone. Each level is mission-based, so the game packs a good combo of exploration and action. Most levels have you seeking out and activating switches and finding keys—maybe not the most exciting tasks in the world, but at least you get something to do while blasting and dodging the bad guys. And with its 22 lev- els, Brahma Force isn't exactly a one-night wonder. You'll have to play some of the later levels over and over until you discover the right path through them (it's a little frustrating, sure, but you get your money's worth). What really makes the game stand out, though, is that you have complete control over how you upgrade your robot. You'll pick up new guns, missiles, shield and--armor enhancements, weapon superchargers, bombs and other goodies. While the graphics are good, the control is even bet- ter; your robot can even leap now (it couldn't in the two previous games). And since the later levels have you bounding across.hovering plat- forms, Brahma Force at times plays like a bad- ass version of Jumping Flash! CRISPIN


Can a video game win a Hugo Award? If com- panies work on their story line as hard as Radical Entertainment (the developers) did on The Divide, then they would have a shot. The Divide has a deep and involving plot that should instantly pull you into the game. The sad part is, this is not a graphical adventure or an RPG, (where a good story matters). Outside of this well-crafted sci-fi tale and the excellent music, you'll find that The Divide is only a sub-par action game. The game is done in full 3-D (complete with full freedom of movement), but its frame rate is so poor that perhaps The Divide should have taken it easy on the PlayStation’s processor and been made a partial 3-D game (like Pandemonium! or Spider). Or it could've taken Bubsy 3D's route and skipped the texture maps. The choppy animation isn't the only thing hurting this game. The graphics, without a doubt, leave plenty to be desired. The weapon effects and.explosions are.so-uninspiring, it affects the gameplay seriously. Looking past these problems, you can find an average plat- form game that will neither excite-nor bore you. Simply put: The Divide can't compete with the numerous other better-looking and better-play- ing action titles on the PlayStation. Rent it and see what | mean. -DAN




Lost Vikings 2 serves to remind us that simple, low-key titles can provide just as much, if not more fun than bigger, more prominent 32- or 64-Bit games. If you are an action-oriented gamer, or if you are short in the patience department, then you may want to pass this cart on by. Lost Vikings 2 is a slow paced expe- rience that's part puzzle, part strategy. The goal of the game is to maneuver two or three char- acters at a time through several stages of tricks and traps. The beginning levels are full of help boxes (like in Super Mario World) that will teach you the ABCs of navigating through the obsta- cles. This makes the game so easy to get into, Interplay can forget about a game manual if they wanted. After the initial lessons are over, it's up to you to use your gained knowledge to finish each level. The problem lies in the fact that every stage is very straightforward and lin- ear. This means that there is usually only one answer.per-puzzle, so it's just.a-matter of going through the predetermined solutions to finish the game (forget about replay value—you're only going to play this game once)..| would've liked for Lost Vikings 2 to offer multiple ways of completing each level, forcing the game to involve a bit more thought than it does. Still, it's a recommended fun time. -DAN

The title alone makes me think that this one is going to pack a punch. For this style of play, Brahma Force has a lot to offer. | was never a big fan of the games like this (robo, mission- based style), but BF had enough to keep my interest for some time. The graphics are great and the missions have a lot of thought put into them. It'd be a good buy. -SHAWN

This one has undergone some major. changes since early demos long ago. It has improved since those, but it still doesn't do much for me. The graphics are pretty good but have a strange, grainy quality. The game has some great ideas but it didn't keep me-interested for a long time. It'd be a definite rental with a pos- sible buy if I had extra cash. -SHAWN

Not much to say about this one. A couple issues back we reviewed the Saturn one and about all that's changed in this version are the graphics and lack of voices (which in the long run isn't a bad thing). Since Lost Vikings 2 isn't about graphics, the strategy aspect is the same in this Super NES version. I still would've liked to see more levels. -SHAWN

Вгаһта:Еогсе does an excellent job of simulat- ing what it'd be like to really be in a mech (as if I'd know what "really" being in a mech is like). The visuals are crisp and seamless. The ability to power up different areas of your mech (either offensively or defensively).is what won me over. My only gripe is that the levels need- ed a bit more variety in them. -DAN

There's nothing about The Divide that'll knock you out of your socks. It's just an average—as well as average-looking—action title that's a little hard to control. Still, the game gives you lots of sprawling, maze-like areas to explore. And you get plenty of cool power-ups for-your 'bot, too. You just have to find them first. But, of course, that's half the game's fun. —CRISPIN

You can't go wrong with the-Lost Vikings, no matter what system they're on. This sequel (long past due, if you ask me) packs all the puzzles and. personality of the original. The dif- ficulty.of the puzzles ramps up perfectly, too. And the oddball characters who aid the Vikings keep the game fresh. Heck, it was nice just to hold a Super NES pad again! -CRISPIN

Brahma’ Force is an excellent.tour of duty in yet another mech-based title set in a Doom-like engine. The missions are short-lived at first but increase in complexity as you get further in the game./l like being, able to store energy and armor power-ups for later use, as well as the multitude of weapons to choose from. The 3-D map feature is brilliantly done. -SUSHIX

Honestly, The Divide does excite me, but not in the way you'd think. The three-fourths perspec- tive was interesting, and really shows off the lev- els nicely, but the gameplay suffers with low gun accuracy. Also, some areas are very large, yet have no enemies or puzzles, causing boredom to set in quickly. Who knows? The Divide could end up being this year's sleeper hit SUSHI

Let's see, this is Lost Vikings 2, but on the Super NES. That fact alone is enough to earn some brownie points, considering the lack of any substantial new Super NES games. Every Super NES owner|who hasn't made the jump to 32-Bit will want this solid game, though it's getting a little old in the ingenuity department, with little over its venerable predecessor. «д рор ус






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The financial situation for Trickman Terry is not so great this month. Leaving his townhome a month before the lease was up didn't turn out to be a good idea after all. Now the poor guy has to pay two rents in one month! It got so bad that the phone company turned off his line. What's next? Electricity? Gas? Water? Terry needs to pay his utilities and it's not a pretty sight seeing him cry- ing over a pile of bills at his desk. Yes, another bad decision has set the Trickmeister back and it will take months to catch up this time. Oh well. At least his cat Oscar isn’t com- plaining too much. He's getting fed more than Terry himself! Cheer the Trickman up by sending in a whop- per of a trick (and solid financial advice) to:

Tricks of the Trade

1920 Highland Avenue, #222

Lombard, IL 60148 or send e-mail to: egmtriks@mcs.com

FOR YOUR TRICKS If your trick is selected as the Trick of the Month, you will win a free Game Shark provided by the kind people at Interact. If you are given credit for submitting a hot trick in this section, you will win a free game. Gaze at the tiny text below, so you can get all the details on the free stuff. NOTE: If you send your trick by e-mail you must include your real name, address, city, state and zip code.


Contest Rules:

From the Title Screen, high- light Options and enter it. On the Options Screen, set the difficulty to AMATEUR and the Trophy Presenter to MALE. Now move to the Exit Option and press X to о go back їо the Main Title Screen. Now on the direc- tional pad, press Up, Right, [ Î Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left. Next, press Left, then X to go back into the Options Screen. Put the Difficulty to PROFESSIONAL and the Trophy Presenter to RIDER'S CHOICE. Now move to the Exit Option and press X to go back to the Main Title Screen. This time press Up,

Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down,

Right on the pad. You will hear а "cash register" type of sound indicating that the code worked. Now begin your game, choose your rider and your Race Type. After you get past these

Te fe

Play a normal game against the computer or another player. Lose on purpose and wait for the "Finish Him/H to appear. If your opponent performs a Babality on you, press and hold the High Punch+Low Punch+High Kick+Low Kick buttons

on your pad before the sequence is being pressed on your opponent's pad.





From the title, go into the Options and change them accordingly.

Go back to the Title Screen and do the sequence on the control pad.

Go back in the Options and change them again. Go out to the Title...

modes, the Track Selection Screen will appear. Now instead of having to beat one track to get to the next, you will have access to all

„Screen again and do the pad sequence. You will gain all tracks!

the tracks to play in any order

you choose. A ) Alexis Gutierrez

San Francisco, CA

When your opponent does a

You will turn into a baby and then Babality, hold the correct buttons.

normal again. Then you'll explode!

Your character will change from a baby to an adult, and then to a

bloody explosion for a Fatality! Stephen Newcoms; Belleville, IL

System: Nintendo 64 Publishe мау


These codes will give you some incredible cheats in

Save Option and choose

Enter. When the password box appears, put in these codes for various results: IAMWOMAN: This code

POWER TRIP 2222020084

to 1,500 after reaching zero. MOUNTANDEW: This replenishes your fuel back

Soviet Strike. Go to the Load/

replenishes your armor back

Strike fil

When the password box appears, enter one of the cheat codes.

With the NOSFERATU code, you will start the game with seven lives.

to 100 after it depletes to zero. NOSFERATU: This code lets you

start the game with seven attempts instead of three.

Ses ш= тн тт ш= тшщ

Insert A to B

= ЕЗ BL PP e




I * PT 1 i 9 ı

4 y b

e‏ ۶ی

иш ши um mm mz mz um mm um >

: = : 1 2 2 | | The Ultimate Judge comes back swinging on May 20. Will you have а game? | SPORTS.

ony Computer Entertainment Inc. S


1. Assemble as shown.

2. Place in a highly visible area after throttling opponent.

3. Gloat.

9 Ф ^? Pm Ф Ба ===" == in the x = 9

On May 20th |,

(уоиг пате here)

promise to crush

(opponent's name here)

like a bug.




NBA LIVE '97 _———а


At the Game Setup Screen enter: L1, X, X, L1, X, Square, R1, X, Square, R1, Circle. This might take you to the Credits Screen. Then press and hold simulta- neously: Up+Right+ Triangle+Square. Now, set up an exhibi- tion game, and when you reach the Loading Screen, press and hold: L1+R1+Up+Right+Triangle+ X+Square+Circle. Hold these buttons during the entire Loading Screen. If done correctly, you should enter the Hidden Cheat Screen. A list of players will be shown. Depending on which controller you have, change the height of the player by pressing the L1 and L2 buttons. Pressing the Start button will a the “Outdoor Court.” Pressing the Up arrow will access Chameleon Mode. Pres: Triangle and X at the same time and begin your game.

System: PlayStation Publisher: EA Sports


On the Title Screen with the menu, either choose Start Game or Enter Cheat. If you begin playing your game, press Start to pause it. A Pause Menu will appear with an option to enter your cheats here as well as the Title Screen. Highlight the “Enter Cheat” Option and access it. On the Cheat Code Screen, put in any of the following codes to get the results shown here: CMGTSMMGGTS: This code gives you all of the weapons. BLLTSRRFRND: The code gives you unlimited ammunition. DLKTDR: This code gets you the Pen-and-Ink Mode wher all of the graphics are black- and-white wireframes. SNFFRR: Disco Mode (colored strobe lights and dancing ene- mies that don't attack). FRTHSTHTTRLSCK: Unlimited lives are at your disposal. THBST: This code cannot be used while in the middle of play. You must exit the game and go to the Title Screen Menu to access the Gallery.


At the Main Menu, choose the Tables Option and then choose one of them. When the table appears, press Down, Right, Up, Down,

Right, Left Shift, Right, Down, Down. You will hear some new music, and the introduction music will no longer be playing. From now on, you will not be able


в ас (0 г


When the table appears with high scores and credits, do the trick.

to tilt the table during play, so nudge the table all you want!



On the Main Menu Screen, highlight the Options and press button A. Now the Game Options should be highlighted. Press and hold the top L and R shift but- tons+X+Y+Z at the same time. Now press Start. You will get two new options. Gravity will affect the way your players jump and


» » 90 n


At the title or the Pause Menu, access the “Enter Cheat” Screen.




You'll have a list of cheats to choose from on the Cheat Menu.

FDTHMGS: You must exit the game and go to the Title Screen menu to access the Credits. THSSLKSCL: Spirit Mode (invin- cibility and slow-moving enemies). After entering the codes you want, move down to the Enter command and press Start. The result will appear on screen

Press Start to OK the command.

Hold the buttons at Game Options to get two new hidden options.

Court lets you choose your stage. Joseph Welch; Brooklyn, NY

Put in your desired cheat and then go to "Enter" to activate it.

Use the most powerful weapons, invincibility, etc. on the first levels!

Now choose "Exit" Back on

the Pause Menu, a new option

called Cheat Menu will appear. S this to get another menu allows you to turn on

the cheats you have already

entered. Exit when you have

finished and start or resume

your game to have your chosen

cheats activated.

System: Nintendo 64 Publisher: Acclaim


—by Interact Accessories Saturn Codes

These passwords were provided by Interact Accessories and are for use with the Game Shark peripheral for the Saturn only. They will not work on their own with just the game. Note: Do not try to modify. the codes because they are sup- posed to be entered as shown here:

Master Code: f6000914c305 b60028000000

Andretti Racing Qualify In First: 160b37860064

NBA Jam Extreme Home Team Scores 0: 1602e4460000 Away Team Scores 0: 1602e44a0000


All Weapons and Artifacts: 1608607 effff

Infinite Pistol Ammo: 16086096003c

Infinite M-60 Ammo: 1608609а001е

Infinite Flamethrower: 160860а200е0

Infinite Ring of Ra Ammo: 160860aa0060

Infinite Manacle Ammo: 160860ае0004

Infinite Health: 1608608e00c8

All-Seeing Eye: 1605186e0001

All Keys:


Spot Goes to Hollywood Infinite Lives: 160694c20009

Have 5 Stars:


PlayStation Codes

These passwords were provided by Interact Accessories and are for use with the Game Shark peripheral for the PlayStation only. They will not work on their own with just the game. Note: Do not try to modify. the codes because they are sup- posed to be entered as shown here:

Andretti Racing Qualify In First: 801eb35ca36d 801eb360c9ae 801eb3740111

(Continued on page 66)

EGM[ 65 |

Game Shark Codes

—by Interact Accessories PlayStation Codes (continued)

Andretti Racing Infinite Fuel: 801eb3a83cf8 801еса8с3732 801e01940040 801e019c0040

Cool Boarders High Scoring: 800162100000 800162120000 Extra Tracks: 8001ef82a0005 Extra Boards: 8001ef82e0007

Ridge Racer Revolution Extra Cars: 8001dd2080001 Course Select: 801dc9c80707

Race As Black Car: 8007c43a000c

Race As Black Kid Car: 8007c43a000d

Race As White Car: 8007c43a000e

Race As Black Kid Car: 8007c43a000d

Twisted Metal 2 Infinite Armor: 80187D000096

Infinite Homing Missiles: 801882EA0009

Infinite Lightning: 801882F40009

Infinite Napalm: 801882F00009

nfinite Remote Bombs: 801882EC0009

Infinite Ricochet Bombs: 801882F20009

Infinite Power Missiles: 801882E80009

nfinite Fire Missiles: 801882EE0009

Rapid Fire: 801882FE0000

nfinite Specials: 801882e60009

nfinite Specials P2: 80188afa0009

Infinite Homing Missiles P2: 80188afe0009

infinite Lightning P2: 80188b080009

infinite Napalm P2: 80188b040009

nfinite Remote Bombs P2: 80188b000009

Infinite Ricochet Bombs P2: 80188b060009

(continued on page 67)

166 [XA


Access the Continue Option from the Title Screen. The “Enter Password” Option will appear. Now you can enter any of these level codes: Pier: Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, X, Circle. Boat: X, X, X, X, Triangle, Square, X, X, X, Circle. Tomb: Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle,

X, Circle.

Grave: X, Triangle, X,

Triangle, Square, X, X, Triangle,

Square, Circle.

Church: Triangle, Triangle,

Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square,

Triangle, Square, Square, Circle.

Day o Dead: X, Triangle, X,

Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle,

X, Square, Circle.

Club: Triangle, Circle, Triangle,

Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle,

Square, Circle.

Tower: X, X, Circle, X,

Square, Square, X, Triangle,

Triangle, Circle.

Borderland: Triangle, X, X, X,

Circle, Square, Triangle, Square,

After entering Debug Mode, you will get coordinates on the screen.

Giraffe Mode will give your character and all others long necks!

Tria Circle. Final X, X, Circle, Square, Square, X, X, Triangle, Circ

The next set of codes are fun ones. Just enter them on the Password Screen: Debug Mode: Square, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Square.


Stickman Mode will thin out your player and all of the enemies.

FMV Select gives you a menu to watch all of the video in the game.

Stickman Mode: Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circ! i

, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle,

riangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Ci Triangle, Triangle.

layStation Publisher: Acc



At the Title Screen, do the debug code (Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down,

Left, Down, Up, Down). While in the game, press R2 to bring up the Debug Menu. Go to map 63 and then press L2. You will appear on stage 100 where there are Thunder Bubbles. Press R2 again and go back to map 0 and

press L2 to go there. The

Begin playing your game and press Start. A Pause Menu will appear with many options including one to enter your cheats. Highlight the “Enter Cheat” option and access it. On the Cheat Code Screen, enter RBNSMTH. This will give you “Robins Cheat” which turns on multiple cheats including invincibility, unlimited

Use the debug cheat to get to 100. Then exit back to the first stage.

thunder bubble icons will follow you to the beginning! Now you



Menu. Put in the RBNSMTH code.

ammo, all weapons and even a

new, Big Head Mode, where many

дыр 19, GS Sora o o OO Fat VOR.


С жЕ ли A

E | 7


You'll be warped back to the beginning with the thunder bubble icons!

can easily beat the game! B.J. Vosti; Arroyo Grande, CA



You can now access multiple cheats induding a new Big Head Mode!

of the enemies in the game have huge heads and lower voices!

System: Nintendo 64 Publisher: Acclai



These tricks will give you the cha codes for the Saturn ion of Super Puzzle Il. To do th just go to the Player Select Screen, highlight Morrigan and hold the Start button. After that, enter the following codes as shown to access each character: For Akuma press: Down, Down, Down, Li and then any button For Dan press: Lel Left, Down, Down, Down and then press any of the buttons.


For Hsien-Ko's Paper Talisman move the cursor to the right one squar

then press any button.

For Anita move the cursor to the right two squares and

then press any button

System: Saturn Publisher: Capcom

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Op hs

These codes will help

you through the game.

Just highlight th ssword Option on the Main Menu and access it.

the following codes to

get to different levels of the game

Level 2: 603EE0C530

Hall о,

Press &

O Gar Enter the level password under the New Game Option as shown.

Level 5: 40074DFF12 Krista Mullinix; Aberdeen, NC

System: PlayStation Publisher: Eidos





On the “Game Over” Sc

the bloc tle tune, wait until the song is over and then press any of the buttons (L button, R button, A, B, X or Y) to make the bl jump and play sounds. Each button controls one of the blocks Rapidly pr: ng one of the buttons will make that bloc!

After the song finishes, press L, R, A, B, X or Y to play your own tune.

rise higher. Make your own tune! Josh Nickerson; Homer, LA

System: Super NES Publisher: Nintendo

me Shark Codes

—by Interact Accessories PlayStation Codes


Twisted Metal 2

Infinite Fire Missiles P2: 80188afc0009

Infinite Power Missiles P2: 80188b020009

Infinite Armor P2: 801885140096%

Extra Vehicles: 80180d040101

Warhammer Infinite Cash: 800db920270f

WipeOut XL Infinite Energy: 300945290001 Track Select: 801fe4d20001 Piranha Team: 801fe4ac0100

Look for more Game Shark codes in the next issue of Electronic: Gaming Monthly!

“You idiots. That was our village.’

hese codes are to be done at the Screen, and you should hear

noise if entered correctly.

Extra Lives press: 5 , L1, R1, Down, Up, Up an

2 press: L2, R1, Left, Right, Circle, Square, R2 and L2. If entered correctly,

the Pause Screen, while playing within a game. Be sure to hold L1 and L2 for about 10 seconds . before entering codes and keep ~ holding them until the code ` is finished. 1 *`Еог.Ёхїга Aj press: Triangle, Left, Left, Left, Circle, Triangle, Down. ‘or press: Left, iangle, X, Right, Circle, Triangle, Down. For Health press: Down, Right, . Left, Triangle, Right, Down. t > press:

_ Just highlight the cheat you wish use and press X to activate it.

This great code will allow you to . access a hidden Level Select with- ` inthe To access this, go to . the Mi le Screen and press . the top Shift buttons: R, L, R, R, „Ly R, L, L,R, L, В, R. After enter- . ing this code, a Level Select should then appear, with several levels to choose from. Select the vel you wish to play on and then begin your game!

ick works on a preproduction version of the game and is subject to change on the final version.


Here are a bunch of neat tricks for this game. More Colors: To get addi- tional colors when making your own logo, move the cursor out of the painting area. Now press and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Select. An RGB Option appears on the side of the drawing board. Move to a color and press R1+Up or Down to change the values of your colors. Mirror Mode: Racing on a mirrored version of the tracks is easy. Just choose a race and hold L1+R1+Select+Start until the race begins.

This guide is a reference to all of the game codes printed within the last six months of EGM. Note: This does not include Game Shark codes or any other codes that use a peripheral attachment. Look for the update in next month's Tricks

Rotate Logo: After More Colors Mode is activated, go to the Paint Menu, hold L1+R1 and then press any direction to flip your artwork up, down and sideways. You'll be able to place it on the car this way if you leave it flipped.

Toggle Rear View Mirror: If you


of the Trade.

want to turn off the rear view mirror, press Startto pause and then hold the Triangle button. While holding it, press L1to make the mirror go away. If you want the mirror to return, keep holding Triangle and press R1

И the game and





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ing Up or "mm jou can side- Press Down+Kick ki 7 of the way of incoming blows. enemy while you’

п as soon as you hit instantly get up.

His name was last reported as Rally Jackson (which does sound better). Eddy is the final addition to the roster of regular fight- ers. This dancin’ man really shows off the lengths you can go with motion-capture technology—having Eddy do all sorts of Spin Kicks, Breakdancing Whirls and Helicopter Spins. Kicks are his strong point and nearly all his special attacks can link tight into one another.

[УТЕ й


3 i- I]

The leader of the Mishima financial

group has honed his crushing skills

for the past 20 years and is ready for

anyone to take him on. Now with gray

in his hair and goatee, he is more refined and

faster. His normal Foot Stomp channels lightning



It seems right now that you just fight Heihachi and both Ogre's forms. Rumor has it that the mid-Bosses are active by doing © something special (like no continuing or win the sixth battle with only 5

into his opponent. Most people when reaching Heihachi will think they are obtaining their charac- ter's mid-Boss. This is not the case however; he is

percent health). Current

the first Boss before you face Ogre.

hi is back in the limelight. This time he is faster and shoots out more lightning than before. |-

In his first form, Ogre contains many characters' moves from Tekken 2, such as Kunimitsu's Knife Stab, Anna's Low Unblockable, Lee's

Infinity Kicks and Kuma's Backbreaker Throw. He

also has a nasty signa-

| ture move of breathing a

| huge trail of fire across the screen.


EZET "Nu jr р 1


known mid-Bosses:

Julia Chang Brian Fury

Kuma TIME RELEA Just like Tekken 2 in ы the arcade, Tekken 3 has the time release feature, letting the Bosses and mid-Bosses become playable.

After absorbing Heihachi's soul, Ogre becomes one mean-looking monstrosity! His arm range is doubled, has a wingspan that stretches each side of the screen, and unfortunately,

has all the same attacks

as his previous form. As

of press time, we don’t

know if he has any new

moves in this form.

He's a real ugly one, all

older fighters’ f

special moves and throws, and can also breathe fire!

right. Ogre's

second form

alg When Ogre loses the first time, he absorbs Heihachi's soul.


AMINA! Nightfall Is Upon

rk and foreboding voice ‘All living and dead ould merge with me! our only hope for ulti- salvation!” And so the call t, and the gala of the ers is held once again.

the worthy spirits to the battle- "w. grounds known as the "Damned Dimension" to fight for their survival. DarkStalkers: Jedah's Damnation, is the third part of the DarkStalkers series, Capcom's famous monster fighting games which utilize a mod- ified Street Fighter P Il fighting game engine. This time, 15 characters gather for a huge monster brawl. Four of the fighters are brand-new to the series. They include Lilith, the Lost



Us wis Again

Child of the Lust; B.B. Hood, the lovely bounty hunter; Q-Bee, the ghastly insect and Jedah, the Messiah himself.

DarkStalkers: Jedah's Damnation shows off some of the flashiest fighting gameplay yet. Some of the special attacks will probably put other “loud” Capcom fighters to shame. Forget about Marvel Super Heroes or X-Men vs. Street Fighter. DarkStalkers 3 is here to take the title of the wildest 2-D fighter yet.

Stay tuned to future issues of EGM for more updates on this hot new game,

{ including any

news on what

, home systems

‚* may get treated to 1 this potential hit.

With 15 characters, 7 loads of special attacks (that all

look amazing, if not

overdone) and the i

SF engine, it's a fan's dream! Za



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SPECIAL FEATURE What's New in DarkStalkers 3? Ne -R ае ad С omba к

all of your health, you immediately pop right back up to fight the next round. No pauses between rounds equals no breaks in the action.

Mysterious Every fighter can perform a unique Dark Force attack. After a flash

2 2 of light appears, players are transported to another dimension, Dark Force Powers where the attacker gains special abilities for a short period.

We don't know much about the Dark Forces yet,

but they are, without a doubt, visually impressive. Darkstalkers 5 should

be nonstop action.

DarkStalkers 3 for the Home Systems?

The PlayStation had the original DarkStalkers, while the Saturn got the sequel, Night Warriors. Who will get DarkStalkers 3? Capcom won't make an official announcement until E*. We'll let you know as soon as possible.

The organizer of this big party has a giant scythe, giving

him that certain lovable Reaper look. Watch out for his quick and far-reaching @

Q-Bee (Queen . Bee?) is able to summon large swarms of killer bees to aid her attacks. These bees

_ surround the opponent and dish out several hits.

Jedah can Darkstalkers 3 *. pull opponents is full of quirky into hell for attacks. You а torturous won't see any- <. 10+-hit attack thing like this == by the hands of move (right) nameless souls. in a Street Fighter game!

Chances are we'll see DarkStalkers 3 for both the PlayStation and the Saturn.


L What about the Lilith has one This Uzi-toting ОЁ їй black sheep special attack cute Red Riding powerhouse, where her unfortunate Hood wanna-be is no Nintendo 64? We opponent becomes a human told you, wait (or monster) arrow in her а little puppy companion; until E!!!

giant bow and gets fired off for some serious damage.

we are not yet sure if he gets involved in combat.

We're not sure B.B. Hood has _ why the good a standard Uzi folks at Capcom shot and an

> called Lilith a obviously more z= “Lost Child of powerful rocket the Lust.” launcher attack. г Maybe we Don't let her

^ shouldn't ask... looks fool you.

адо, the БИШЕ between, ap Елуй ги! =i! SIMO ve and ens Inifeinetiss (вага WAS intar ШӘП BV agents OF тне Organization a Nowy, CHE umate bathe Seewess ее greases побеге In) UIE Ordo will finally BE dEG io) Versions Available UNGUE Versi for ongar Visivepss



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of FASA CORPORATIO! sand trade names are the

Continuing their tradition of releasing wild and flashy fighting games, Capcom is bringing to arcade gamers what is probably the strangest side-scrolling fighter yet.

Battle Circuit is a one- to four-player action game that should have Final Fight fans drooling. The battles take place on a wide field, and the mayhem starts when literally dozens of enemies appear on the screen at the same time with no slowdown. You can select one of four truly unique characters, like Yellow Iris (an aggressive, yet passionate Spaniard),

Captain Silver (a Russian master of Tech-combos), Pink Ostrich (a battling ostrich and a girl), Alien Green (a mysterious Little Shop of Horrors-esque plant

creature) and Cyber Blue (a fun-loving all-American). Each character has a “Battle Download” feature, which enhances all team members’ powers for a short while. And since each character is also a cyborg, you can buy new special enhancements at a cybersoft- ware shop between rounds. By picking up coins from

fallen foes, or by earning rewards for finishing the missions, you can save up to buy new and unique powers to use in battle.

So far, Capcom doesn't have any plans to bring this title out on a home console (but things can always change as they do in this industry). Look for this crazy side-scroller in your local arcade.

T admire your courage, but you'd be a fool to Stand agains! пе agais Having finally been able to play a more complete Street Fighter Ill, we've managed to encounter the final Boss, Gill. He is the only

Boss character too, which is quite a step back for Capcom. Still, you will quickly find Gill to be the hardest, if not cheapest, end Boss you've ever faced in the Street Fighter series—next to Super Akuma, that is.



7 p all he needs: Resurrection. Should he be drained too low on life, he can regain it all in one stroke. So, in order to beat him, you have to Є im touch you, or he'll be nearly н invincible. Your only other hope is to knock him out of his Super Art before it recharges anticipate when he'll use it, and stay close at all times. Gill plans to use his powers to so we at EGM wonder what happened to M.Bison and his 7 cronies. We'll have to w | тыз i " |

49) AN ws à E Gill only has one Super Art, and it's be sure to not let his attacks him, but you have to dominate the world, wait and see...

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This is the rebirth of Acclaim Coin- Op. In case you don't know, neither NBA Jam Extreme nor Batman were programmed by Acclaim. Magic: the Gathering Armageddon (working title) uses a roller ball, and allows you to teleport, create crea- tures as well as blast creatures and your opponent. Although the characters weren't varied (every character has four creatures) and things can get a little confusing at first, this game has a hell of a lot of potential!


With an early name of Polygon Fighter | : SKU 573, this game looks like it could easily smash Virtua Fighter, Tekken and all the rest (not counting game- play of course).

There are seven characters as of press time, and Konami's got several styles present as well!


We, as arcade addicts, are used to Sega, Namco and other companies’ huge, deluxe driving simulators.

Well wake up, pa ‘=A because this ps one looks as 2 realistic as you can get. Definitely look forward to more coverage on this hot item.


There was a short tape of Samurai Shodown 64 shown at the Japanese AOU show, but it showed no gameplay. The tape shown at ASI wasn’t much longer, but it did have a few more minutes includ-

ing some very early game footage. Not only ey

are the playfields 3-D in nature, but the hi i

graphics are highly improved. Operators might be worried that SNK will drop their previous system immediately, but there are new games scheduled for the old system.


ASI was not a huge show. There was no new

МКА news (in fact Midway only had games we've

already covered). However, the strongest booths at the show were Konami and Sega. Konami had three new projects: GTI Club, Hang Pilot and Op. Thunder Hurricane, plus the excellent Cobra tape. Sega had House of the Dead (AWESOME gun game), Top Skater (a deluxe skateboarding game), Super GT (Sega's awesome new Model 3 driving game) and a surprise—Hummer (a new Gunblade-style gun game). Namco showed the

95 percent version of Tekken 3 including Eddy Gordo, Heihachi and the end Boss “Ogre.” They also had an awesome racing game called Armadillo Racing. Using a trackball, you guide your armadillo through a maze—EXTREMELY COOL! Microsoft made a bigger splash at this show with a plane simulator by Inner Workings. Microsoft could very well rule arcades as it does the rest of the world with games like Plane Crazy on the front lines (mainly because the equipment's so darn cheap














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oft Corpo PlayStation” and the PlayStation Logo?" are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. GT™ г he GT i rp. n-Spa (Space Logo™ are trademarks of n-Space, Inc. MMX" is a trademark of Intel Corporation. All other trademarks are the pro

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5 one would gather from the name, the Tokyo Toy Show is the one big event in Japan where buyers from all around

the world gather to see

what will be the next “Tickle Me Elmo”

toy. Besides toys, the major buyers are

also checking out the newest Christmas games. That's where we come in. Having heard that there was more to the show than what was being displayed, our editors were able

to track down the real game show. And what we discovered was a very exclusive preview that only

a small group of selected Japanese editors were


Sony of Japan confirnns PlayStation upgrade for 19971

able to see. What follows is a condensed list of games that either are committed to come out here in the States or are titles that are currently in negotiations for the U.S. rights.

Sony: Besides the current titles that are ready to ship, one game that caught our eye is an RPG called Alundra. It is scheduled for release in Japan next month, so check out the screens and watch for a detailed Next Wave next month. The main item we wanted to corner Sony on was the rumor of a possible system upgrade. Q-Mann calls it the PlayStation C and when we mentioned that name, everything got very quiet. What fol- lowed was an official "no comment" to all of our questions, but in the Japanese way of smiles and nods, the staff was able to say something by not saying anything. In addition, the Japanese

third- party developers we talked to confirmed what Q-Mann has been saying all along—that SOME of the new games are already being created with the special programming code that will make those games PlayStation C compatible. Bottom line, an upgrade will happen in 1997 The formal announcement will either be made at E* or at the upcoming Japanese PlayStation show. Watch for our exclusive coverage of the game show next issue.

Ray Storm-Taito


Sega: Like Sony, Sega officials had no official comment on their new 64-Bit Eclipse hardware. They did admit that they will be ready with a new system when Sony announces their 64-Bitter. As

1 [IE "u

{аг as new games, Sega has Virtua Fighter 3 characters up and moving on a “modified” Saturn. The modifications have yet to be shrunk down to a plug-in board for the cartridge slot, but that should be ready in another month. The other major game will be a conversion of the coin-op Last Bronx.

Square: Now with almost 3 million copies of Final Fantasy VII sold in Japan, Square has just released Bushido Blade. Sony U.S. will bring it out over here later this year. The same for Final Fantasy Tactics and Tobal 2.

Capcom: The major news was that their pro-

grammers are hard at work on converting the arcade game X-Men vs. Street Fighter. While only about 15 percent complete, two of the characters were playable on one level. It is on the U.S. schedule so we should see a late fall release. Nothing was available for Street Fighter EX nor the compilation SF discs, but Cyberbots (for Saturn only) is out in the stores and we should have a full Next Wave next month. When we mentioned Street Fighter III there was no com- ment. From what we were able to determine, the problem seems to be with the hardware. The PlayStation can not handle the game and there are strong rumors of a Saturn-only game (with

special cartridge). However, now with the

PlayStation C soon to become a reality, Capcom

could have the game ready for the launch of

the upgrade. The only thing that would slow

this down is whether Capcom would want to

put their SFIII up against Tekken 3 this fall. Namco: Ace Combat 3 was finished and ready

to ship. It will be here in the U.S. this fall along

with Xevious XG and Time Crisis (with a new light

gun). The conversion of Tekken 3 to the home is

already under way and with the new PlayStation

C mods this fighter should be a direct port. Konami: With Castlevania X in the stores,

Goemon 5 ( Mystical Ninja) for the Nintendo 64 should be their next major release. Sources here tell us that it should also be available in the U.S.

Taito: Fighter's Impact for the PlayStation should be out in the stores in Japan within the next few weeks. It was a strong arcade fighter so watch for a U.S. version by the end of the year.

Human: The long-awaited Nintendo 64 version of Human Grand Prix has just been released in Japan. Since Ubi Soft will bring the cart out here in the U.S., watch for a detailed Next Wave in next month's issue.

SNK: The PlayStation and Saturn conversions of their popular arcade games have been selling well in Japan. Metal Slug is next on their list of games to do but neither Sony nor Sega have acknowledged this title for the U.S. There has been a new tape prepared showing more Samurai Shodown 64 (arcade only) gameplay but

SNK still would not comment on whether a home system version would be available this year.

Hudson: Their graphically impressive Nintendo 64 fighter—Dual Heroes was finally playable and it shows promise. It still is too early in develop- ment to comment on so we'll have to wait anoth- er month. The rumor we hear is that Hudson U.S. is starting up again and this could be the title that brings them back.

Video Systems: Well known for arcade games, Video Systems has put the finishing touches on the Nintendo 64 home version of their arcade shooter Sonic Wings Assault. It reportedly has

been picked up by a U.S. publisher and we will be covering this title more in the coming months.

Tomy: Best known for their line of toys, Tomy is moving full speed ahead on a PlayStation rac- ing game called Indy 500. It will be out in the stores in Japan by the time the actual race takes place nd from what we saw, this should be one fine sim. Negotiations with several U.S. publishers are under way.

Bandai: Dragonball fans will have something to be happy about as Bandai is roughly half fin- ished with a new PlayStation game appropriately called Dragonball GT. Besides this surprise game, they also will have Gundam the Battle Monster out in the stores next month.

Next month our editors are going back to Japan to get the official word on the above games when they will all be officially debuted at the Tokyo Game Show. We were able to get a copy of the show's floor plan and from what we could tell, Capcom, Namco, Konami, Sony, Sega and Warp will all have huge booths so they probably will have a few secret projects ready to show. As usual, our editors will be there in force, cameras loaded and taping everything.

Don't miss our exclusive coverage of this major game show next month!

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very month that goes by is another

month closer to the September release

date of Final Fantasy VII here in the

States. Continuing with our coverage of this year's most anticipated RPG, EGM has tracked down the U.S. producer of Final Fantasy VII for SCEA, Seth Luisi and asked him about the latest developments and other key concerns in the translation of this epic RPG.

EGM: How long will the translation process take?

Seth Luisi: Sony Computer Entertainment America is working very closely with Square on the translation and localization of Final Fantasy VII for the U.S. market. Currently, all text translation is being handled by Square Soft, Inc., in Costa Mesa, Calif., and a group of skilled programmers at Square Japan are undertaking the localization process. Square began translating the in-game text for Final Fantasy VII last November, as soon as they received the final text for the Japanese version. The U.S. version will be finished in time for its Sept. 7 release.

EGM: What is the most difficult aspect of translating a game such as Final Fantasy VII?

SL: Usually, the most difficult aspect of translat- ing an RPG is making the direct Japanese-to- English text translation read correctly in English. The sentence structure and grammar rules for the Japanese language is very different from English; as such, it is very difficult to make the translation seem as though it was originally written in English. Also, the names of items in the game may not have a direct English translation. Square is very skilled in the translation process and FFVII will be a testament to that quality.

EGM: How many people are directly involved in the U.S. side of the production?

SL: There are approximately 50 people working on the U.S. translation of Final Fantasy VII.

EGM: As a reference point, how many were involved for Wild Arms and Beyond the Beyond, which are also RPGs?

SL: Beyond the Beyond involved four production personnel directly working on translating the game. With Wild Arms, we had a much tighter schedule, and so we had seven people working on the translation. These numbers do not include the numerous game testers who are always vital in game development.

EGM: There has been some controversy regarding certain mature aspects of the game. Will Sony censor the game in any way for the U.S. audience? If so, what specifically?

SL: Sony Computer Entertainment America has always maintained its intent to preserve the "greatness" of Final Fantasy VII. It is a masterpiece, a work of art, and we have every intention of keeping the integrity of Square's work intact.

EGM: What are the Sony guidelines that have to be followed when judging mature or inappropriate content?

SL: There are no "guidelines," per say. Sony Computer Entertainment America is one of many companies that honor and abide by the guidelines set forth by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board), an independent organization responsible for evaluating and rating entertainment software products.

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Last month we misprinted the release dates for Final Fantasy I-VI. Here are the correct release dates.

Final Fantasy - Famicom 5900 yen - Dec. 18, 1987

Final Fantasy 11 - Famicom 6500 yen - Dec. 17, 1988

Final Fantasy III - Famicom 8400 yen - April 27, 1990

Final Fantasy IV - Super Famicom 8800 yen - July 19, 1991

FFIV (easy) - Super Famicom 9000 yen -Aug. 29, 1991

Final Fantasy V - Super Famicom 9800 yen - Dec. 6, 1992

Final Fantasy I, 1 - Famicom 6800 yen - Feb. 27, 1994

Final Fantasy VI - Super Famicom 11400 yen - April 2, 1994

Final Fantasy VII - PlayStation 6800 yen - Jan. 31, 1997


EGM: What ESRB rating is Sony anticipating (or planning, aiming...) for FFVII?

SL: At this point, we are not sure what rating FFVII will receive from the ESRB. We don't see the pending product rating to be an issue where Final Fantasy VII is concerned. Final Fantasy has a well-established heritage with U.S. gamers. With this PlayStation-exclusive title, Square has delivered a depth in gameplay that has never been accomplished.

EGM: Will anything major be added to the U.S. version that was not in the Japanese game? If so, what would it be?

SL: We do not have plans to add anything to the U.S. version of Final Fantasy VII.

EGM: Are there any difficulty adjustments planned that would make the game easier or harder for the U.S.?

SL: There are no enhancements of this nature currently planned.

EGM: What has been the reaction you have received so far from the gaming public about the anticipated release of FFVII in the U.S.?

SL: Final Fantasy VII is one of the most anticipated video game launches of all time. There is a general sense of excitement surrounding this title from consumers and retailers alike. And we, along with the gaming community, are anxiously awaiting the title launch in September.

EGM: Is Sony anticipating any game shortages when FFVII is released here?

SL: We are making plans to ensure that every current and future PlayStation owner will be able to get their hands on Final Fantasy VII. To further guarantee a copy of the product, consumers will be able to reserve FFVII through an extensive presell program.

EGM: What is your impression of the game so far?

SL: | am awestruck! Final Fantasy VII really shows off the power of the PlayStation and the advantage of the CD medium. As an RPG fan, I'm in heaven.

EGM: What other PlayStation products have you been involved with?

SL: | have been involved in numerous games in the past. Of the games that have been released so far for the PlayStation, | was messem responsible for Beyond the Beyond, Wild Arms, Carnage Heart, Tail of the Sun and

all upcoming Square titles to be published in the U.S. through Sony Computer Entertainment America.

EGM: Are there any plans to change the names of the characters?

SL: The names will be remain "E the same as in the Japanese

version (except that it will be written in English). For a game like Wild Arms which is set in a Wild West-type motif, the characters all had English names to begin with, so there wasn't a problem.

EGM: In your opinion, how does FFVII directly compare to games available for competing game systems?

SL: Final Fantasy VII is incomparable to any other game on any other hardware system. The story line, graphics, music and gameplay really set it in a class by itself. Trust me, you have never experienced anything like Final Fantasy VII before.

EGM: In your opinion, how does FFVII relate to the previous games in the series?

SL: Every Final Fantasy game has always had a completely separate storyline, world and cast of characters from previous games in the series. However, certain gameplay mechanics, magic techniques, items and the Mogols and Chocobos are common throughout the series to help build the identity that it is a Final Fantasy game. Final Fantasy VII relates to the previous games in the series in the same manner.

EGM: Will Sony try to explain to gamers who are unfamiliar with the Japanese versions, the jump from FFIII (FFVI Japan) to FFVII?

"We have every intention of keeping

the integrity of Square's work intact.’

SL: We felt that if we labeled it FFIV, it would cause more confusion in the marketplace since there

has been such a name brand build up with the

FF "VII" title.

EGM: Have you had a chance to play any of the previous FF games?

SL: I've played through II and III (Super NES) and most of the first one (NES). Basically, all the Final Fantasies that were translated into English.

EGM: What is the most outstanding feature of the game to you?

SL: The feature that | find most remarkable about Final Fantasy VII is the way that it truly immerses you in its fictional world. Like a good movie or novel, you get so engrossed in the story and events that you actually begin to feel as if you are a part of the world. Final Fantasy VII is an epic adventure.

EGM would like to thank Seth for his time and all the people involved with this interview.

pem at Sony are all eagerly awaiting the

September release of FFVII.

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y 4 А amers were wowed with the first- G ] Î generation title Warhawk for the 49 PlayStation. Then Twisted Metal B came out and owners of the Sony = 32-Bit system couldn't believe their eyes. More recently SingleTrac released Twisted Metal 2 and received an even bigger reaction. It seems as if they can't lose. So what's next, if this is the case? Some say that if it ain't broke then don't try to fix it. For the moment, this seems to be Single- Trac's mentality. Critical Depth, SingleTrac's new pearl, for the PlayStation, should have gamers swimming for joy if all goes as planned. After all, it's the first game produced and published solely by SingleTrac.



Is this all it takes to make a sequel? Don't be

fooled..Critical Depth is definitely its own game.

Calypso or, in Critical Depth's case, an odd monolith) and a group of characters that want to obtain whatever this figure can give them. Guess what else? Each of the characters has his/her own special vehicle, weapons and story line.

We know there will be those who'll say, “If I

In all fairness, there is a team of talented programmers, artists and producers working on Critical Depth to make sure it’s top-notch, so there really will be more than just water added (but our readers would know that, right?). First, we have a story line that starts with a

A little confused as to what happened to the relationship SingleTrac had with Sony? Check the sidebar for more info, but to sum it up quickly: SingleTrac has definitely proved themselves, and now with Microsoft on their side, what could possibly go wrong?

Even though it’s early, it’s obvious to see the similarities between Twisted Metal/Twisted Metal 2 and Critical Depth. Let us break it down...

We have a central figure (e.g.,

M V UNI ian poles Although it may look a little like Tigershark, Critical Depth is a SingleTrac title...will it live up to their name?

wanted another Twisted Metal, I'd go play the sequel" These people should remember the statement: If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. SingleTrac is confident that Critical Depth is more improved than Twisted \ Metal 2 with better graphics and an

М. improved engine, but they also know that there wasn't anything really wrong with Twisted Metal 2 to begin with.

So the phrase "just add water" is born, and so far, this shouldn't be a bad thing.

There are 13 ships to choose from, not including the secrets that'll more than likely be in the game.

strange electromagnetic energy emanating deep from beneath the ocean. A scientist by the name of Doug McKracken starts looking for this center of activity and finds a monolithic structure. Once McKracken reports his findings to the appropri- ate authorities, the race begins.

Government organizations and scientific com- munities (being how they are) want to use the energy for various reasons, whether for good or for evil-perhaps to simply unlock its mystery.

So are the scientists and government goons the only ones involved? A hearty NO resonates off of the ocean floor from a diverse band of

Is this any way to treat fine art? Of course not...jam a missile right between the marble and blow it up!

characters, each with his/her own craft.

Adding up to 13 all together, the submarine vehicles (and their respective operators) will surely make good competition for one another as they race to get the mysterious powers from the monolith—whatever those may be.

Several of the subs from the game are pic- tured in the middle of these two pages. Since it's still early, some may change in the final version. After all, it's no more than a couple of months into production.

Some of the characters include: the whacked- out host of a children's show who gets fired for reasons that he deems unjust. Thus, he wants to kill everyone in the world since the show was his life. He hopes that the monolith will aid him in his conquest.

Another one is the C.I.A. sub that wants to get

to the monolith first to cover up a peace treaty with aliens signed in 1948. The monolith may be

something left over from those aliens. Other subs include those from the Navy Seals, terrorists and

a French oceanographer among others.

Critical Depth will also feature a good number of environments to play through. Some early Sketches are also pictured on these two pages. Some levels take place beneath the polar caps, others in the Red Sea—basi- cally, the levels are all over the world.

The object is not only to get to the monolith but to obtain the seven pods

tlie game promise to be huge, with lots of objects to interact with.


inhabit the deep, weapons that are in sync with the style of the ship and hidden levels and characters.

from each level. These pods energize the pas- sageways between levels, ultimately taking gamers to the final level where the monolith lies. The fun comes in when an opponent has a few pods. Needless to say some rockets start to fly. Other features may include sea creatures that

Users of the Internet can keep up to date

with Critical Depth's development on SingleTrac's Website (www.singletrac.com).

As this title is closer to comple- tion, we'll keep the info flowing.

eir recent break from SCEA, SingleTrac wants to make it clear that they'r n the development area. As Todd J. Kelly,

production compan: dining room table of they grow, it should

what titles they put o

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чч ee The Lost World: и ам


ction hero Bruce Willis—

clad їп а skin-tight bodysuit and covered

with glittering sensors—looked a little silly stomping around the padded floor of House of Moves, a film studio in Venice, Calif. He looked a little ticked off, too. Wham! He kicked aside a 6-foot-tall pad held upright by two studio workers. Striding atop the downed pad, he worked the barrel of his hefty rifle—click-click. “Light ‘em up!” Willis said, low and menacing.

And then the scene was over. But don’t look for this surreal few seconds of action in The Fifth Element, Die Hard 4 or any of Willis’ other forthcoming celluloid exploits. Willis was acting for Activision—for a cut- scene in their PlayStation shooter Apocalypse (due in October)—making him arguably the biggest star ever to appear in a video game. And Willis “appears” in the game in every way, no doubt about it. Activision captured his likeness through cyberscanning, a process that uses lasers to map every wart and wrin- kle of a person's face. His movements were

activision comics

| (P|







motion-captured (hence the bodysuit and sensors). And several hours’ worth of his dialogue were recorded to give Willis’ charac- ter—your virtual sidekick in the game—plenty of sarcastic wisecracks, sage advice and other in-game commentary.

But how—and why—did Activision nab Willis for this 3-D shooter? The search for a star began last year, shortly after Activision coders built Apocalypse’s game engine in January. Activision considered several big-wig stars—and even talked briefly with Hollywood heavyweight Arnold Schwarzenegger—before finally approaching Willis with the invitation to become a video game hero. Willis, no stranger to strange roles, expressed immediate inter- est. Activision showed him several potential game story lines and asked which ones


captured his imagination. He chose the Apocalypse plot. After negotiating a deal reportedly worth seven figures (Activision's still tight-lipped about the specifics), Willis was in the studio perfecting his video game persona.

Willis plays Trey, a nanotechnologist who recruits you in his battle against a false prophet named the Reverend. Unfortunately, the Reverend is also a wiz at nanotechnology (the science of really tiny machines, by the way), and he uses his skills to create the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-—or, at least, Activision's version of the Four Horsemen— Plague, Death, War and the Beast. This goon squad, each of whom maintains a human

persona and holds a prominent position in society, roams the Earth, rallying followers for the Reverend, awaiting his command to unleash all heck on the populous.

It's a quirky plot, sure, and one that Activision believes demanded a quirky actor such as Willis from the get-go. “Bruce is not your heroic everyman, like Arnold,” said Apocalypse Producer Michael Kirby. “He has a certain quality, more than just his great sense of humor, that other action stars don't

| ЕСМ]

q 1 SL PER, - > = | “Acrivipion i looking to the raware dustry fer yemeetie to

| Gil осше cyberycamaed shoes. STE RY | seem to have, and we wanted an actor who could put himself into GRRI

though they're not playing as him.”

With Willis firmly in the fold, Activision has yet another casting conundrum. While the horsemen Death, War and the Beast will most likely all be created from scratch and portrayed by voice actors, Activision wanted someone special to play

7 3 | an action environment and yet players can identify with him, even 1 1


| Activision is not quite ready to announce their choice. "We're talking to someone who's established and A / [КҮ who has gone golden on her first CD,” Kirby said. t d \

Alternative singer Poe may have ended the guessing х

game. She said on the MTV program Love Lines that she will play the role. Whether Poe is Activision's choice or not, she'll go through the same cyber- scanning, motion-capturing and voice-recording process as Willis.

Activision will also have the singer record at least one original song for the game, which she'll perform during one of Apocalypse's cut scenes. With the game boasting all the production val- ues of a bona-fide Hollywood flic, will

Activision release a soundtrack, too? "I'd love it if we could do one," Kirby said. "We are building the game so that it could have a NS soundtrack, but naturally that depends on | closing a deal with a record company" ] Apocalypse is still deep in develop- | ment, and EGM plans to keep a close eye | on this star-studded shooter. Look for DN |" y Д | more behind-the-scenes info soon. = 1 | s i

S Not afra a Mean and

Plague, who's actually a female character and easily the Ski ut wh show a little f sexiest of the game's super villains. Since Plague’s human In the gàm 0 ll play her form in the game is that of a rock diva (think Madonna), 0e5 е Alterna-chj k | Activision is looking to the music industry for someone to A Possi ility, lth a fill her cyberscanned shoes. Mision is isn’ ugh

| The search is reportedly almost over, although a

! Пу name

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hat do you get when you mix the classic gameplay style of Casper with the dreamy atmosphere of NiGHTS? Swagman, of course. This Saturn (and PlayStation) title is a bizarre adventure into the realm of dreams. You play as one of two twins, Zack or Hannah, who are living in a nightmare. Your goal is to rescue the Dream Fly (the keeper of the nice and happy dreams) from the evil Swagman. You start the game out in Zack and Hannah's place of residence: their parents' house. But this seemingly innocent place is as horrifying as it comes. Floors are broken away to reveal whirling abysses below, strange imps breathe fire upon your fragile bodies and so on. And this is supposed to be the RealWorld! Your goal is to find the keys that will let you access new areas which will contain more keys to let you access more new areas. These locales are composed of 16 differ- ent settings in six very large levels. Along the way, you may find a few

items to help you on your mission.

The first “weapon” you will find

is a flashlight. This will help you chase away some of the monsters (the nightmares) or temporarily stun others.

Special mirrors litter this "normal world," which transport you over to the other side. This DreamWorld is stranger than RealWorld, to say the least. When you venture into DreamWorld, you are transformed into grotesque DreamBeasts with new powers.

As mentioned above, the play is similar to Casper or Zelda 3 (Super NES). As you can tell from the screen shots on this page, the

a a а а a a а ш ш ш а а а

view is from an overhead perspec- tive. The controls are very simple,

making the game easy to pick up. Swagman will easily remind you of a traditional 16-Bit game in terms

of its light and easy fun, only with

a 32-Bit facelift.

Despite the nightmarish theme of Swagman, the nature of the game won't scare off young game players. The theme is more along the lines of Tim Burton's idea of horror (like Beetlejuice or A Nightmare Before Christmas) rather than say, Wes Craven's or Stephen King's. It's a lighthearted adventure game that should appeal to both young and old. в

Swagman has a major bug in it. Dont worry, it's a helpful one. His name is Scarab. He's the “Boss bug” from Zack's bug collection. When you are travelling around, you may occasionally see a strange. ornate chest. Touch it. and Scarab will magically appear + to give you hints about the level you are in.

“This is fhe F y ncezof the : domainünluck gourse!f nih 3 when дов find Fhe key in The


' Blo ck Bu

uh? A fighting

game from Koei, the

developers behind the

Romance of the Three

Kingdoms strategy epics? It’s strange, sure, but it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. After all, Square proved that kick-butt fighting games can come from the most unlikely

* places (Tobal No. 1, anyone?), and the ROTK series is certainly a fertile battleground for Koei to cull potential combatants. Surprise aside, is Dynasty Warriors any good? So far, no complaints. But this

weapons-based fighter’s strength lies in its novel use of defense as a strong offense. Fighting game fanatics who despise Block but- tons may cringe, but Dynasty Warriors has not one but two defensive buttons that can set - opponents up for some serious counterattack hurt. This heavy reliance on defense means


tons Abound

Dynasty Warriors demands more

strategy than most fighting games,

but then what would you expect from Koei?

Moveswise, it plays like a mix of

Capcom's and Namco's offerings. Some attacks are of the dial-a-

combo variety, while others rely on

Dragon Punch-esque D-pad maneuvering. Each of the game's 13 motion-captured warriors (three of which are playable Bosses) has a super combo that can be performed once his or her attack meter charges up. This meter charges as long as players remain on the offensive.

Graphically, the game looks as good if not better than the pretti- est fighting games out there. It runs at 60 frames per second, and each warrior is made up of at least 600 polygons. Koei has used the high poly count to doll up the game's fighters in historically accurate warrior garb. The weapons, too—which range from maces to maracas (maracas?)— are just as true to history. Which is appropriate, considering that the

| % DONE


Most of Dynasty Warriors' depth lies in its two-button blocking system—one of the most com- plex defensive setups ever. The X

button parries weapon strikes, while the Circle button—if used atthe right time in an oppo- nent's attack—will brush your enemy past you, leaving him or her open to a good beating from behind. Since each strike to an enemy's backside wields five extra points of damage, mastery ofthe brush parry is crucial. You can also block by swinging your weapon at the same time your foe does. Fortunately, the game's Practice Mode helps you master all blocking techniques.

E Koei’s




game's warriors, all nabbed from the ROTK universe, are based on historic figures from China's war- torn second century. The back- grounds are real places, too—the sites of battles that Chinese stu- dents read about in their history books. To put it in an American perspective, imagine a fighting game featuring Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee, and they fight hand-to-hand in Gettysburg. Dynasty Warriors was created by Koei’s Omega Force Team, which is made up of veteran fighting-game coders who were brought together specifically to develop Koei's first fighter.

| Consequently, the game packs `

much of the perks and polish of most modern 3-D fighters, includ- ing Practice and Tournament Modes, rendered endings, plenty of throws and the ever-popular glowing motion blur that trails the game's weapon strikes.

According to a Koei spokesper- son, Dynasty Warriors has already done well in Japan, selling 70,000 units its first three days. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, you can play one arena on The PlayStation Underground, Sony's demo-filled CD magazine. Check out the news section for more info. IM

У :

ow would most people feel if they not only lost their memories but also had a disease that will change them into a genetic freak, eventually killing them? Chances are, the average person would be against this happening to them...with good reason!

By controlling Laz, gamers can try to save him from this terrible fate. Somehow he has contracted the same sickness that inflicts the crazy, flesh-eating monsters that frequent the underground complex. Can he be saved by finding a cure?

ЕА Adventure |


% |) | RELEASE DATE May lone



Unlike some action/adventure titles, gamers can find allies in the game and switch to them throughout the various levels. Here's a look at them:

Laz is not alone in his battle against the unknown. Along the way the bearded wonder first meets Pipo, an R2D2-esque robot that puts its own life on the line for Laz more than once.

Laz also comes in contact with a female named Milly. Lucky for her, Laz comes to her rescue just as a genetic monster is about to tear her to shred

The graphics are similar to Resident Evil, except there aren't anywhere near as many enemies lurking in the halls. Overblood has

He's a little confused @ to say the least. He has no memory and that makes him a lit- tle angry. Hopefully the weird growth on his arm can be cured somehow. Keep an eye out for something called ARNA..this may lead to

more of a sci-fi feel, thus the story line is an active part of the game-one that makes complete sense. But there is a good deal of gore.

In one scene in particular, Laz sees the legs of a body. As he gets closer and peers around the object, he gazes upon the remains of what seems to be a human. The body is torn to bits. Be prepared.

The levels are generally big, but seldom have gamers going back to previous areas to com- plete tasks or find objects


Here's the little robot friend that Laz takes a special liking to. Don't worry, it's noth- ing like that. Pipo really helps Laz out a lot. After all, if it was- n't for Laz, Pipo would still be in a corner rusting away. Keep tissues nearby for a

An interesting feature of Overblood is that each character Laz meets can be controlled.

Not only can players switch to any of the characters, they can also change the view. With a tap of the button, a new look is avail- able—handy for awkward angles.

If Overblood turns out to be something special when the final release comes around, maybe some players out there won't mind contracting a life-threaten- ing disease...or then again, maybe they will? Bl


8 A young lady іп the same situation as Laz, except she į knows who sheis. + Though she relies on Laz to battle most of the mon- sters, she quickly learns how to take out the beasts on her own, with a gun *

the сиг sad death scene. found later in the game.


t's no battle to find games that let players duke it out hand-to- hand, air-to-air or on good ol’ terra firma, but so far few console titles have gotten combat-cravin’ | gamers’ feet wet. EA's Battle Stations—a high-seas, ship-to-ship romp-is an explosion-filled exception. With its small navy of ships that players can match in one-on-one battles, the game plays like a '90s version of the Intellivision classic Sea Battle. Battle Stations has two modes of play: Arcade and Campaign. The Arcade is straightforward enough- players choose one ship, the computer or a second player picks another. The two try to blow each other out of the water. The game packs eight ships in all, including a patrol boat, submarine, mine layer, troop transport, destroyer, cruiser, battleship and aircraft carrier. In a way, Battle Stations plays

like a Street Fighter II for naval

Although its fast, your litle PT boat won't last long against a carrier.

` es 4

buffs; each ship has a health bar and can perform unique attacks. For instance, the aircraft carrier—the most advanced ship in the game—can launch depth charges, a defensive air patrol and squadrons of F-14 fighters to bomb opponents. The slow- moving troop transport, on the other hand, only packs depth charges and a single tiny cannon, but it carries the Marines you

need to complete certain missions.

Each ship also comes with defen- sive weaponry, such as anti-air- craft guns and radar jammers,

as well as a rescue helicopter that will snatch overboard sailors

Land your Marines, and they'll go gung-ho on ground installations.



Action/Strategy |

| PLAYERS lor2

| % DONE




from the sea (such rescues grant a health boost). Success depends on your learning the abilities of each ship and sending the best-suited boat into battle. Campaign Mode is more strategy-oriented. The game offers 10 campaigns in all, and they come in five levels of difficul- ty. Campaign goals include searching for an experimental sub, protecting your homeland—even saving the whales! Each campaign begins on a Map Screen, where you can combine your ships into task forces and send them on their way. Combat begins when your ships meet up with the

You won't see the Map Screen much. Most of the game's spent in battle.

The key to victory is knowing which ships are best at battling particular vessels. Here are some successful sparring partners.

*Mastering the aircraft carrier will take a lot of practice!

enemy vessels. While on the map, you can have your mine layers create mine fields or send your subs into enemy territory submerged and undetected. Battle Stations also includes sev- eral two-player games, including a capture the flag and capture the harbor scenario—which requires your troop transport and its load of Marines.

Battle Stations certainly hasn't ridden on any tidal wave of hype and is a surprise title from EA. But does it have what it takes to be a sleeper hit, or is it just a plain ol' miss? Turn to the Review Crew section for a critical look at the game to find out. в

| в

о why hasn’t anyone developed a 3-D, go-anywhere version of Final Fight/Double Dragon yet? ASC Games’ Perfect Weapon was a step in the right direction, but its prerendered environments were too limiting. Die Hard Arcade was really, really close, but its corridors and rooms didn’t give f gamers much room to maneuver. Now Core Design, the U.K.-based developers behind Tomb Raider, is finally hitting the mark with Fighting Force, a 3-D fighter Å that lets gamers spread out and kill someone. The game packs 30 stages in all, which are divided into 10 levels, and it's obvious that | these stages are inspired by the Final Fight and Streets of Rage beat-'em-ups. The game begins [ ona sidewalk alongside a busy street, with your character under ў attack by suit-wearing goons from all directions. But since the polygonal environment is so

expansive, you don't have to wade through the villains in a straight line from one end of the level to the other. You can take the fight out into the road if you want, clambering onto the safety meridian and tossing villains into the paths of speeding cars. When you get near the exit point of one stage, the computer takes over and runs your charac- ter to the next stage of battle. You'll also come across forks in the road in some levels, so you'll have to play through Fighting Force several times before you

see all 30 stages. By the end of the game, you'll have battled through an office building, a submarine and a shopping mall flying fortress, among other locales. Some stages—such as the wide-open sidewalk and city park areas—allow more explo- ration than others, but all levels allow full freedom of movement.

But beyond its mere 3-Dness, the coolest thing about Fighting Force is that nearly everything you find can be used as a weapon. See that hot dog cart? Pick it up and crash it down on your enemies. Or smash open that pop machine and use the soda cans inside to К.О. the approach- ing punks. Fighting Force's levels are so interactive that whatever isn't nailed down can be used against enemies. The game has its share of normal weapons, too, such as knives, guns and missile launchers. But why blast a baddie with a gun when you can chuck a car instead?

Of course, Fighting Force lets

you get your knuckles bloody, too.

p". м



ALSO ON Saturn

Players can pick one of four characters—two dudes and two babes-—to take through the game, and each has more than 40 moves. Most attacks are simple jab-jab-kick combos, but the characters have a few super moves and projectile attacks in their arsenal, too. Best of all, two players can fight alongside each other in true Final Fight form. Fighting Force is only one of several projects now under way

at Core Design (which, consider- ing the mega-success of Tomb Raider, is no doubt just fine with Wy Eidos Interactive, Core's U.S. pub- lisher). Other games in the works include Swagman, Ninja and—of course—Tomb Raider 2. But don't get too excited about playing all these games at once. Core has pushed forward Ninja's release date from August until later in the year so that Fighting Force and Swagman can have their time in the limelight. IM

t's appropriate that pos- sibly one of the best- looking games to come out this year is based on possibly one of the best-looking movies to come out this year. The Lost World video game by DreamWorks is due out soon for the PlayStation (the Saturn version is being made by Sega-see last month's cover b story), as is The Lost World movie by Steven Spielberg.

The world-famous film director himself overlooked the video game project in the beginning

К even took his children into the DreamWorks studios to get their opinions on the early betas).

But now as the game is nearing =, completion, Spielberg has left the gaming experts at DreamWorks

F alone to do what they do best.

The game takes place four years after the events in the first Jurassic Park film. A second island (which was abandoned by the scientists) now serves as an over- grown home to dinosaurs left unchecked. You might think that

The animations are incredible. A T-Rex, for example, can eat a human...



The Lost World:

Time To Return To ык Terror

it is your job to go in and take care of these ancient creatures, but The Lost World not only has you playing as one of two heavily armed human dinosaur hunters (Turok, anyone?), but as any one of three ferocious carnivores as well. You can play either as a compsognathus (the smallest of the bunch), a raptor or even the mighty tyrannosaurus rex. Each separate character has its own set of movements and attacks, giving the game plenty of variety. All of the enemies will be unique as well. And with the attention being paid to the little details in this game, you may wonder how close you are to the real thing.

For example, when playing as a

Or chew him up and flip him in the air. It's gruesome and fun.

T-Rex, you may run into a pack of humans armed with flamethrowers and rifles. You might decide to step on them or ram head-first through their ranks. You may even want to eat a couple of them or just toss their bloody carcasses into the air. But first, you'll have to catch them. These intelligent enemies will run away from you the minute you turn to attack. You might hear them screaming for help (or for more ammo!) as your massive, ultra-realistic-looking body lurches forward for the kill. It's too early to tell right now, but The Lost World may be the video game industry's summer blockbuster. Watch for this highly anticipated title soon. в

You can tell by the screen shots how much detail was put into this game.


EGM recently had a chance to talk to Patrick Gilmore, the producer at DreamWorks Interactive, about The

EGM: Why was the decision made to go with a 2-D game? Gamers’ big complaint of pseudo 3-D games (like Spider or Pandemoniuml) is the lack of freedom of movement.

ЕАМ: Movie-licensed games are usually shunned by the hardcore gaming crowd. What makes Lost World stand outP

DreamWorks Int

DreamWorks Int

You’ve Come A Long Way, Bab E inier g y 9 uy Xevious 3D isnt the only game |

players will find on this disc. |

Since the new 3-D version of

the classic arcade shooter

could never have been made

without the original(s), Namco

thought it'd be nice to throw |

he recent demand for With that, even though the can find is the heat-seeking laser. retro titles has been graphics are in hi-res 3-D which This one can be upgraded to gain great for companies give a great feeling of depth, they even more power. The beams of who made the originals are still flat (much like Tobal No. light find the enemy and take so long ago. Now 1). In this early version, this style them down. something else is going works very well with the game. The third weapon is a powerful on that relates directly to the Hopefully things will look even light beam. It’s the strongest oldies coming back—retro titles better with the final version. weapon, but also the most con- being reworked to become par Xevious still has the same centrated. The upgrade for this with today’s technology (like feel as old versions of the game. one makes it even more pow Robotron X and Pitfall 3D). Players can either fire from the The Bosses in the game are Namco may not have known, air or shoot targets on the ground. huge. Some look like giant spider There are dozens of enemies robots while others are huge

them on the disc. What's cool about having more than one version of Xevious on one CD | is that now gamers can do ап

easy comparison on how far \ 1 Xevious has come. Here are the ' |

versions included on the disc:

making a spaceship shooter that coming toward the gamer at spinning power generators. The would become the standard for once from both the air and the game features plenty of Bosses others of the same genre. ground. Various types of crafts to defeat. a Xevious 3D takes the best inhabit the skies of the game, Xevious 3D also has rendered |, Vus qualities of Xevious—those while tanks, boats and ground cutscenes, something that the ird = | being the arcade feel of the cannons populate the ground, original only dreamed of. IM < > À

game, the simple but effective among other types. Р Who could forget i

шере ius Vu Eus: ae 2 of ШЕ апае пей PUBLISHER Namco the top-down shooter that play—and brings them over to weapons have been added tha: |neveoPER Namco | practically started it all? Неге a next-generation system can also be powered up. There are it is in all of its glory.

So then, how come this three weapons to obtain from THEME Shooter ji à

version of Xevious has 3D power-ups scattered in the levels. after it? By "upgrading The first weapon gamers start Xevious, it's only natural to with is a standard double-shot

take advantage of what the ooter type. TF n be 4 : PlayStation can do well: 3-D, 3 P

realtime graphics.

Similar to the original with some new weapons and new levels.

° awe | E ge: This is a Д _ S » e remixed version of the

To show off its 3-0 effects, the game Тһе Bosses in Xevious 3D are far Each of the levels has its own theme. arcade classic.

changes views for a short time. more menacing than in old versions. Watch out for ice slicks!



As mentioned in the main text, The Divide has things in common with Nintendo's Metroid games. Here are a few of the things (some more important than others) that youll find in both games (all except one, can you guess which one?):

-Bombs and missiles as secondary weapons

ith a grandiose story

line that's worthy of

a Hugo award, The

Divide: Enemies Within

prepares to take on

PlayStation powerhouse action games like Spider and Pandemonium!. The difference, however, is that this new sci platform game is fully 3-D with complete freedom of movement.

The gameplay borrows some elements from other titles. The layout of the levels look a bit like Bubsy 3D's, but with a darker, more foreboding feel to them

(and with texture maps, unlike Bubsy 3D's flat-shaded terrain). Metroid fans may experience a sense of deja vu too. Some of the weapons and power-ups seem to be taken right out of the popular Nintendo series, to the point where The Divide could almost pass off as a 32-Bit Metroid sequel. This was not a coincidence. "I loved all the Metroid games," says lan Verchere, director for Radical Entertainment, the developers of The Divide. "Knowing that Metroid is a Nintendo exclusive, | designed a game for the PlayStation which | hope captures the great balance of action and adventure that made Metroid so great"

As we said before, The Divide has a fantastic story line. It's an involving plot which we won't go into much detail here (to sum- marize it would do it injustice). The story, combined with the computer-generated FMV

The Divide:


sequences, should pull you right into the game.

Before you even start out on your quest, the game will put you through a training level. This first stage will show you how to use the various power-ups for your Terragator Unit (the armored mech body you are placed in), how to fire primary and secondary arma- ments and how to use the basic controls (like aiming up and down, or switching camera angles). This initial lesson is not comprehen- sive, and a few tidbits of help will pop up later in the game as well.

After the lesson, the game will start you off right after you wake up from an eon-long cryosleep. Before your extended nap, you were injured in battle. So you

begin the first level with very little in terms of equipment. In fact, the first to-do on your itinerary is to pick up something to fix your injured legs (until then, you'll have an annoying limp). Slowly, as the game progresses, you'll pick up other parts vital for survival, like missiles, jumping attachments, heating and cooling units, etc.

As you traverse the alien worlds, you will run into a myriad of strange creatures. The levels are pretty standard fare—you'll find an ice level, a desert level,

a jungle level, etc. Remember though, the game is fully 3-D, meaning you can explore wherev- er you want (you can even go back to visit old levels). But don't be under the impression that this

-Power-ups, such as a

super jump

-Enemies that leave 1O-point health-up balls when killed -Canisters of energy (health) that hold 99 units apiece

-A rainy level

-A main character who almost bears it all in the end -Play set in an alien world

-A descending elevator that brings you into the first level of the game

is a Tomb Raider-type of explo- ration game. The stages are pretty straightforward and confined. Even though you can't call The Divide the most original title around, it still has enough going for it to make it stand out. The story line and the unique levels and enemies may prove the game worthy. Check out this month's Review Crew to see what the game experts have to say. M



ans of Neo*Geo fighters (the Fatal Fury series in particular) should be pleased to see Real Bout Fatal Fury Special coming to the 24-Bit —— GER from the arcade

The new installation of the

Fatal Fury game features charac- ters from older Fatal Fury games coming back for a rematch of sorts-some include Cheng and Laurence, among others.

There is a large number of characters to choose from all together—over 15. Each, as always, has his or her own

distinct style.

Whether they're a master of kung-fu or an armor-plated villain, the characters have one thing in common: a thirst for victory in battle. And that's where gamers come in.

The graphics in Fatal Fury Special are similar to other games in the Fatal series. This one has a "three-dimensional" feature

that allows players to move to a | H KRAUSER г






different plane while fighting. In no way is this true 3-D but it does add a little more intensity to a battle. For instance, if the oppo- nent throws a couple of fire bursts toward a gamer, he/she can simply jump back to the back- ground or vice versa.

Like the old Fatal Furies, this one has awesome-looking spe- cials that tend to pack a wallop! There's a combo system that allows multiple hits with the help of a series of button taps.

Fatal Fury Special does offer a lot of moves for each character as well as a new extra special move (per character) that is incredible


to view and even more fun to inflict on an opponent

Another addition to this Fatal Fury game are the barriers on each side of each stage. Some are nothing more than a post while others are large cauldrons

When players knock their oppo- nent into one of these barriers and crumble the barrier while doing so, the opponent becomes stunned allowing the player to pull off an easy combo. The result? A good chunk of their power gone.

Fans should enjoy this new Fatal Fury title and owners of 32-Bit systems may see it on over to their consoles. W


Back to the Front

Not only does the ability

to move back and forth between the foreground and background give gamers a chance to take a quick rest during an intense battle, but also on the offensive it allows players to deal a barrage of attacks from plenty of angles. A personal favorite technique of several of the EGM editors is to stun the opponent by knocking him/her into one ofthe barriers on each side ofthe screen, then switch planes (whether going to the background or coming to foreground) and wait for the opponent to recover. Let him/her move to the same plane before administering any sort of damage. Just as he/she move to that plane, pull off a special attack. Attacks that cover long distances or projectiles

work best. Bam..he/she is knocked to the ground! Sure, it's a round-about way, but it makes him/her look like idiots! Is this too mean

You betcha!




Konami's 64-Bit Japanese soccer game is set

to come kicking ashore this summer

onami has long been known for great

soccer games, especially overseas.

Perfect Striker debuted in Japan for the

Nintendo 64 shortly before Christmas, and it has earned critical acclaim ever since. Finally, under its new (and tentative) title of International SuperStar Soccer, U.S. gamers will get a chance to try what could very well shape up to be the best soccer game ever.

The most immediately noticeable thing about SuperStar soccer is its silky-smooth, highly detailed 3-D graphics. The player animation is absolutely incredible. Not only does it look good, but it's also very realistic. For example, players look around for the ball, and when they have it, they turn their heads, scan- ning the field for teammates


The corner kick interface is intuitive and somewhat unique (pictures to the right). Relive every glorious or disappointing moment of a hard-earned goal with the multiple replay cameras.


to pass to. The analog control allows you to move the play- ers at varying amounts of speed. As the analog stick is @ pressed farther in a direction, the player goes from trotting at a leisurely pace to pro- gressing into a full-out run. Additionally, there is a variety of tackling, injury and diving goalie animations in the game, and some of the goal scoring celebrations are incredibly funny. Although this title is fiendishly fun as an action game (especially with four players at once), hard- core soccer fans will undoubtedly be satisfied. There are plenty of coaching options that give the game considerable depth. The ability to choose several different strategies such as "offsides trap" and "counter attack" on the fly is welcome, and if you pause the action, you can individually pick which zone of the field you want to place each player in. Players also have stamina and attitude meters. For instance, when a certain person is on the receiving end of hard fouls too often, they get mad, and it can dramatically affect their performance..

Unlike many sports games, the artificial intelligence is excellent and can be changed to provide several levels of challenge. The Al levels are split between the team and goalie, allowing you to change each one independently.

There is a very good chance that, when this

Ж 1-2 gm

Elaborate celebrations take place after each goal (top). The goalie is extremely fun to watch with the amount

of dives and tackles in his repertoire. With the goalie AI set at its highest rating, he's almost like a brick wall.



itwill | PUBLISHER

not only § а



game on the

market, but it could also be the best next-gen soccer game, period. It could very well be that the only bad thing about this game is the wait.


Sega ups the stakes in the battle of the super bikes

he long drought is over for motorcycle racing fans. With Manx TT leading the way and several others nipping at its heels, including VMX from Virgin and Moto Racer GP from BMG, we finally have some two-wheel action for the 32-Bit systems. Manx TT is an arcade port, sporting all the features of its arcade big brother and more, except for the stylish fiberglass motorcycle that your rump rests on. There are two primary tracks that feature long, gradual curves and lots of pretty scenery to look at (You can also race the tracks reversed and mirrored.) Playing Modes include: the new Saturn Mode, in


which eight different high-powered super bikes can be used, and the traditional Time Trial and Arcade Modes. In Time Trial, a Ghosting Mode is also included so that you can race against your best time. Serious racers will be happy to know that the Saturn analog pad can also be used to upgrade the control.

This racing game is brought to us by AM3, the same fellows who created Sega Rally. Manx is quite similar in gameplay characteris- tics and overall appearance to that hit game. Preliminary play revealed that Manx TT is quite fast and works well with the analog controller. With good gameplay and graphics thus far, perhaps Manx TT could join the ranks of the classic Saturn racing games.

The competition is very tough in all modes, assuring the game will have plenty of lasting power.

Although the tracks are based in a rural, country setting, occasionally

Acclaim preparer to put i

their sports lineup on ice

ockey is one of the few major sports that Acclaim hasn't made a game for. This hole in their lineup will be filled in September by NHL Breakaway '98.

Acclaim touts their new hockey game as being the most realistic hockey simulation ever created. We'll judge that in September, but right now we can tell you some of its features that they hope will push it to the top.

Breakaway will feature an Icon Passing system which is something that NBA Shoot Out has demonstrated to be a very good addition to sports games. In addition, another feature will ра ee allow you






players will blow through a quaint little village.

offensive players that don't have the puck. Good thing the PlayStation has lots of buttons! Graphically, these pictures tell most of the story. High-resolution, 3-D graphics will power the game. The players' animation will be drawn from motion-capture, promising some real moves. Most interesting is the computer general manager that promises to make and offer realistic trades | during the season. j One thing for cer- tain, Breakaway has many impressive fea- tures. The big chal- lenge will be meshing them together to make a good quality game.

When players are viciously checked, glass shatters, giving the fans a rude surprise.




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Current Favorites:

Kraig Kujawa Geal Storm '87 ent S'Star Soccer Dean Hager Сга! Storm '97 cally Cress


Sporting Game Reviews

One of'the Best Lineups of Reviewed Sports Games Ever!

Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa

Kraig Kujawa

This is one of the more innovative racing gamesiliveyplayed in a long time: Rally-Cross is very much like. Sega Rally, but much more: involving and difficult. What makes this racer 50 original is that your vehicle can flip over, jump uncontrollably and crash if enough driving skill isn’t used. There is a variety of vehicles to choose from, and plenty of off-road tracks that contain obstacles such as mud, large hills, ice and even streams for you to plow through. Not many games dare to be different, and gamers should give this good one a try.

ANDRETTI RACING SATURN Andretti Racing may not be the prettiest racing me | JE gameybutino, other 32-Bit title can touch, the T amount of realism that EA Sports has poured into this racing simulation. The Saturn version Of this has been put together well. The 3-D graphics are not exceptional, but they are more than capable. An enormous amount of options allow you to customize your vehicle by chang- ing things such as its tires, air dam; spoiler, etc. The game is fully licensed, allowing you to race against all of the big names. If realism"is а pri- ority, then this is the game for you.


= ч 3 c

There have been a lot of bad soccer games cx d hitting:the:shelves lately, whichamakesyme oh- so-happy that Konami has blessed the genre with this outstanding follow-up to the forget- table original. Goal Storm ‘97 is nothing like its forgettable predecessor, and in fact, this may be the best blend of realism and entertaining gameplay that I have ever witnessed in a soccer title. With great 3-D graphics, excellent anima- tion and capable sound, this game scores high- ly in all categories. The only gripe, however Small, is that only two players can play at once.

Rage Racer plays and controls a lot like its pre- decessor, Ridge Racer, but that's where the sim- ilarity ends. Here, your goal is to win different racing classes so you can buy better cars to keep up with your competition. You can even customize your car by painting its hood and choosing its primary body color and logo. The stunning graphics move silky-smooth and real- ly show. off the PlayStation, and the music is pretty good too. My only gripe is that there is no Two-player Mode, which is a real drawback. Otherwise, this is a solid title.

Is this Sony's answer to Sega's Rally? Oh yes. Whilenobas, fast as Sega’s Rally, this.game. gives fans the better driving experience over- all. Four-wheel suspension, multiple cars and wild, unforgiving terrain make it а driving, challenge that will keep Rally racing fans busy fora long time; Some of the tracks are better suited for all-out speed while others, like the Oasis sand track, call for more finesse and skill especially to keep the cars upright. Despite some view annoyances and the frequency of tipping, the game is very good.

Jaey ueag


I'll say right off the bat that Andretti Racing is the bestytrue 32-Bit racing simulation.on.the market. Only Psygnosis" Formula One has come close to this game's level of quality. With Andretti offering both Indy and:Stock Car racing, each with separate physics, it will be hard to top this racer for a long time to come. In addition, very responsive car control and challenging tracks add to the mix. The pop-up in this 3-D game is minimal and is really the only thing that detracts from this excellent game. This is the one to own.

чавен uesg


PlayStation soccer titles, up to this point, have either,been too arcade-ish or have ruined their gameplay by attempting to be too realistic. Goal Storm, onthe contrary, has found very good middle ground. With 32 Countries represented, team Selection is quick and easy. Gameplay is excellent in all areas including the learning curve which is quite easy. Very responsive player control.coupled with the game's ultra-realistic, 3-D polygon animation and a speedy frame rate, combine to make a very decent soccer simulation.

чавен ueaqd

It's tough to compare Rage Racer to the origi- nal Ridge:Racer because this oneisisoymuch better in every way. The rolling courses dotted with mountains, buildings and even an awe- some waterfall graphically blow away any- thing seen in the original Ridge Racer. A grad- ual light change to evening is also simulated in longer races. Progressing through the ranks, winning cash to buy better cars is the mainstay of the game. The cars range from quick hatchbacks to blazing fast formula cars. For arcade racing, Rage Racer will satisfy all.

чавен ирас

Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa

Kraig Kujawa

K-1 is a kickboxing game, but what it generally amounts.to.is.a.fighting game.with:consider- ably less depth. Many real Kickboxers are present and each has his/her own specific moves and abilities, which lends some realism to this title. Everything in the game is 3-D, and the players are very detailed and execute their blows fluently. Aside from this however, the gameplay lacks. It's tough to move around the тіп, апа there just isn’t enough gameplay vari- ety to keep the game fresh for very long. Only consider this title if you really like kickboxing

This is the fastest off-road game I've played, and.it's-pretty-good-looking too? Thunder Truck Rally takes off-road racing to new heights with some of the most demanding and rigorous courses that any racing game has offered. From steep cliffs to an active volcano with bubbling lava, this racer throws realism to the wind. Despite all of these tracks and a slew of mon- ster 4X45 and options, Thunder Truck just isn't all that exciting. Aside from banging around the terrain, this game simply isn’t that challenging and isn’t as fun as front running Rally Cross.

After a ridiculously long wait, VR Sports’ flag- ship title.is finally out. | can,safely.say.that.it was certainly not worth that long wait. VR Baseball is just not a polished title. From the choppy graphics to the cumbersome control, almost every aspect of the game seems like it was half-baked and thrown together. The sound is about the only thing really done well here. It's hard to make baseball games exciting, while also keeping them realistic, but VR Baseball fails miserably, making this one of the most boring 32-Bit baseball games I've played.

Despite the large size of the polygonal charac- ters, .thevaction is fast in this ultra-realistic kickboxing sim. More than the above-average graphics and responsive gameplay, this game is good because it forces players to use strate- gy in their battles rather than an all-out but- ton-pushing exercise. All eight of the true-life kickboxers have their own signature kicks and punches as well as strengths and weak- nesses. The key is learning how to use the signature moves. Don't expect this one to be anything like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.


The key term here is “4x4” Don't expect this to be.a Rally-type.racing game,because it’s not. It is, however, a very fast 4x4 game. The object: Push the non-traditional 4x4s to their limits over;the rough-and-tumble terrain of seven different circuit tracks. Car Crushing and Endurance racing is also present in the game. This puppy is fast, definitely а step in the right direction for 4x4 sims, but the’actual racing element of the game is weak. Some of the sound effects, particularly the motor noise, are also lackluster. Still, overall, a strong title.

Sorry, nothing groundbreaking here. Large polygon.players.move smoothly. if not.aslittle jerky due to the frame speed. Seeing the batter actually hit the ball can be tough and detracts from,one of the simple joys.ofplay- ing a baseball sim. To make matters worse, the game plays too slowly making “a quick game" impossible. Overall, a little more tweaking was needed in the sim. On the upside, the game is fully MLBPA licensed and offers some unique Variables such as Virtual Field Vision™ and four uniform options.


Peak Performance is not a bad racing game, but amidststhetough competition,.it.looks.unre- matkably average. The game plays similar to Rage Racer, in which power-sliding around cor- ners makes.for most of the Strategy-and tech- nique. The big novelty is the amount of vehicles you can choose from. The variety is for any- one's tastes. They don't have real names, but you can tell what they are—replicas of the Ford Probe, a semi-truck and even a scooter. Overall, Peak Performance is interesting for a little while, which makes it perfect for a rental.

They call it “drifting” in Japan, and here in the.United.States.we refer to.it.as."power- sliding" Sliding a car around a corner at top speed while keeping it in control is a chal- lenge, and'this seems to be what,Peak Performance is all about. Power-sliding aside, the game is solid as a racing sim, offering a lot of cars (12 plus some secret ones) and three challenging alpine courses. The pop-up is a little annoying but not atrocious by any standards. This one will be a unique addition to any racing sim enthusiast's collection.

чабен ueag чабен иеаа чабен иеа

чавен ueag


Interface gives you the chance to praise, gripe, ask, speculate or simply reflect. EGM will discuss some of today's top issues in the video game industry. You can reach EGM by writing to:

Interface, Letters to the Editor 1920 Highland Avenue, #222 Lombard, IL 60148

or, you can send e-mail to:


EGM will award a prize to the writer of the best letter of each month. Please note: The above two addresses are for editorial correspondence only! Direct any subscription inquiries to:

Electronic Gaming Monthly Subscription Department P.O. Box 55722 Boulder, CO 80322-5722

Note: EGM cannot and will not personally respond to any letters. We reserve the right to edit all correspondence for space and

Dear EGM,

Why did Capcom decide to only include

Ken and Ryu in Street Fighter III? | would

have loved to have seen Sakura and

Chun-Li featured. The world doesn't

revolve around Ken and Ryu! SailorJupiter3@xband.com

Hmmm...a Sailor Moon fan longing for Sakura and Chun-Li ? Go figure. Knowing that they couldn't please everyone, Capcom chose to have an almost all-new cast. They knew that since we have waited six years for this true sequel to Street Fighter Il, most of us would want to see

a fresh game. More than likely, Capcom would've received a lot of flak from gamers (and the media) if SFIII rehashed all the old characters from the old series. They did keep Ken and Ryu, however; because the two are pivotal characters in the SF universe and are the two most widely rec- ognized Street Fighters. The other SFII characters will probably come back for Street Fighter Alpha 3.

Dear EGM, I think your magazine is the best game magazine around, however, І have to say


grammar purposes.

that I did NOT like your article on the N64 Vs. PlayStation Mortal Kombat Trilogy comparison in your January issue [#90]. The idea of comparing the two systems' versions was excellent. After 1 read the article, | played the game to test the so- called glitches on the PS version. | don't know what game you were playing, but 1 didn't find Shao Kahn "jumping for joy," nor did | find Shang Tsung's “disappearing fireballs.” My music didn’t change tracks when I used Goro's or Kintaro’s fireballs either, and my game never locked up. 1 tried to find these glitches over and over. Do you think maybe the game you guys tried was defective? Or do these glitches randomly occur and just haven’t happened yet in my game?

Jason LoManto

Long Island, NY

We tested several production PlayStation versions of MK Trilogy on several different systems. Believe us, we are not so irre- sponsible as to list something as serious as glitches and bugs unless we are sure of what we are talking about! The fact was, we found the same bugs over and over again. The reason you did not find them

is because you probably have an updated version of the game. Midway has since— without much fanfare—put out a newer version of MKT for the PS, apparently sans glitches. We asked Midway why a buggy version was released in the first place. Although they were given several opportu- nities to respond to this issue, Midway

has taken the fifth.

Dear EGM,

I'm writing in regard to a comment made by one of your writers in his “review box.” In his statement, he made the remark that a particular game had less substance in it than the Pope [EGM#90-yours truly, Dan Hsu on Acclaim's Dragonheart for the PlayStation]. Well guess what? You have a rather irritated subscriber. Where did that comment come from? Unless one is truly

ignorant of the Pope—who he is, what

he does-that criticism just can't make any sense. Since 1 can't recall any history of this sort of thing in EGM, PII assume the writer didn't do this in a deliberate, mean-spirited manner. If indeed he did deliberately mean to use those particular words, then please cancel my subscription. Although we are all entitled to our opin- ions, | do not wish to contribute financially to a publication whose opinions are so

T EGM Editors' Favorite PUZZLE

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

Mean Bean Machine/ Kirby's Avalanche


Honorable Mentions: Bust-A-Move 2, Baku Baku, Klax, Columns, Dr. Mario

Dear EGM,

I remember when EGM used to talk about the “excellent graphics” on an 8-Bit game. Video games have come a star- tlingly long way since then...in some cases, unfortunately so. | have noticed a disturbing trend in many video games, a trend in excessive gore and bloodshed. Now, before І get shouted down as anoth- er censor-happy person, let me say that my favorite game in existence is Resident Evil. | have no problem with violence or blood or intestines flying out of a van- quished foe, except when the game has little else. Far too many games are hyped exclusively on the fact that they are chock-full of guts. (I hate to say it, but too many times I have read a preview, in your magazine and others, in which the phrase "it has lots of blood and guts" pops up too.) Dozens of Doom clones are vying to be more violent and bloody than the last, each one progressively less and less fun. Games like Loaded have you walking around, blowing things up, then blowing more things up and for variety, blowing more things up. Don't get me wrong, 1 LOVE blowing things up, but when that's all you do, it gets really repetitive. The insulting part about it lies in the compa- nies and their advertisements. They make a mediocre, or downright bad game, pump it up with blood, then expect us to fall all over each other to buy it (as if we are all so starved for bloody entertain- ment). Unfortunately, they appear to be right. As I recall, Loaded was actually a rather popular game for a while, and there

contrary to the truth, a truth that | and many others hold so dearly.

Eric Freed

Sacramento, CA

Dear EGM, You guys may not know it, but you've used a racist term in response to a letter written by Leon Wilborn [EGM #89] regarding the ethnicity of a character (Orchid from the Killer Instinct series). The term *mulatto" is a racist slave term.

Ryoshiku Tashira

Southfield, MI

The Dragonheart comment was intended to imply that the Pope has no substance in him whatsoever, as in drugs, alcohol, etc. 1 joked that Dragonheart has less gaming substance in it than the Pope has abusive

seems to be no end to Doom clones, nor the people who'll throw their hard-earned money on them. A game does not need blood to be good. Heck, look at Mario 64. What a game needs is depth. Far too few games nowadays have this. With blessed few exceptions, companies aren't inter- ested in depth. They want blood, so they can dangle it like a carrot in front of our noses, expecting us to jump at it. And, unfortunately, too many of us do. Alex Levinton levinton@sprintmail.com

Good or bad, violence sells. It is too bad that blood is sometimes the only sub- stance you can find in a game, but those cases are few and far between. Don’t worry about it too much. Gamers nowa- days are a bit more demanding. Mindless video games do have their small place in the market, but most companies realize it’s the...(ahem)...guts of the game that really counts.

Void where prot or reticted by av. Al ode COPY OF THE RULES, SEND A SELF-ADDRESSE. CONTEST RULES, 1920 HIGHLAND AVE., SUITE 222, LOMBARD, I. 60148.

chemicals in his body (he doesn’t have any abusive substances in him, get it?). We used “mulatto” in the strictest definition of the word and were told by many that it is not a racist term in the least bit. But if we did offend some people, we sincerely apol- ogize. It was not, by any means, intentional.


Dear EGM,

I purchased a PlayStation from a friend of mine, but | accidentally dropped the CD that came with it. | sort of stepped on it,

and it snapped into two pieces. | used electrical tape to put it together, but it didn't work. | thought that electrical tape was for electronics. What should | do?

Chad Mullen Scranton, PA

Boy, we can't see what you did wrong at all. Nope, nothing at all. The electrical tape should work, no problem. No problem at all.

Dear EGM, Why do game companies often make games for the PlayStation before they make them for the Saturn? Codell Rodriguez Centralia, IL

Because the Saturn has a lower installed base than the PlayStation, it ends up much too often being an afterthought for the game companies. A developer with limited resources and manpower is more inclined to make a game for a hot system (whose larger market share can help insure greater sales for the title) first. Down the line, if the company feels the game is suitable for the Saturn, they may port it over. Here's another smaller, less important factor: Since the PlayStation is an overall simpler machine to program for, game companies will choose it as the first format of choice. It is usually easier to create a game for the first time on the PlayStation, then worry about the Saturn version later. But this is not always the case. Big companies like Fox Interactive (104) and Eidos Interactive (Tomb Raider) like to work on PlayStation and Saturn versions of a game at the same time, so that the Saturn version doesn't suffer during the translation process.

Dear EGM, Why is your sports games coverage separate from the rest of the magazine? Diana Pless Glen Cove, NY

Because the Team EGM guys are the experts at the sports stuff, that's why. For example, did you know that Michael Jordan plays other sports besides golf? Most of EGM sure as heck didn't. Thank goodness Team EGM is there to set things straight.

Dear EGM, I read that the high costs of creating games for the Nintendo 64 are scaring away some game developers. Do we N64 owners have to look forward to a very limited library of games? | think it would be very hard for software developers to ignore the high installed base of the N64, high costs or not. What do you guys think? Kevin Layne krlayne@sunbeach.net

We talked to a producer (of PlayStation and Saturn games) who has yet to jump on the


N64 bandwagon. This producer was more than happy to give us several reasons why they aren’t making N64 games yet (and why he thinks Nintendo is greedy) but wished to remain anonymous. He says making N64 games is still risky. Companies have to pay about $30 per car- tridge vs. $1 per CD. They may have to order about 150,000 cartridges to have enough presence to sell 100,000 games. In that scenario, the company loses about $1.5 million (50,000 unsold carts times $30/cart) in inventory alone. Now, what if the game sells out? If it were a CD, it'd be no problem. A company can press more CDs in a week and have more games out on the shelves immediately. If the game is on a cartridge, then a company may need two or more months to produce additional stock. By that time, the title may no longer be in high demand, therefore this second shipment may not sell anywhere near as well as the first (on an interesting note, Sony refunds to game companies the $1 cost for every unsold CD, if it gets destroyed). Do these inventory problems actually occur? Well, Acclaim was once stuck with a half million copies of Double Dragon 3 for the NES sitting in a ware- house, unsold. That cost them a pretty penny, to say the least. The producer whom we talked with hopes that Nintendo will lower their licensing fees soon. He says that Nintendo is being greedy and doesn't need to charge companies so much. But he did say that Nintendo is smart in discour- aging production of low-quality titles; because N64 games are so expensive to produce, most third-party companies are only willing to make N64 games that they are sure are top-quality and will sell well.


y y H

We asked GT Interactive (who will be bringing out Hexen and Unreal for the N64) why they aren't afraid of the N64. Alan Lewis, communications manager, told us that the cartridge risk factor only comes into play if the game is not top-quality. He says that the inventory problem is the same as it was in the 16-Bit days, and it's up to the companies to evaluate the mar- ket intelligently and bring out only the best, potentially highest-selling games.


ri А Dear EGM, Do you know why Sony hasn’t released ап Internet service for the PlayStation?


Sony’s official response is that they’re dedicated to the home console market. Their primary focus is on gaming. What this statement means is that they don’t really want to tell us. Sony wants to be seen as

a game company that'll consider every aspect of the market. A little further dig- ging on our part showed that Sony doesn’t see the console Internet market as a viable one. They consider Sega’s Net Link sales (just over 10,000 units so far) to be too low to be an enticement to enter the market.

WE ARE EGN Dear GamePro,

1 have subscribed to Gamefan eight months ago, and I still haven’t got one #!@%*& issue yet. Can you guys send me 12 issues please? I will tell everyone to subscribe

to Ultra Game Players. Thanks a bunch Nintendo Power.


Thanks for the spoof on Justin Booth’s let- ter [ЕСМ #91—Mrr. Booth, having trouble with his GamePro subscription, asked his other favorite magazine, EGM, for some of his missing GamePro issues]. We laughed, and then we cried. You didn't mention EGM anywhere in your letter!

Where Creativity, Your Favorite Video Game and A Stamp Can Make You Immortal!"

AN ‘Suzan zenbupoy Auueg

Congratulations, Your prize is on its way—an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation. It features rapid-fire controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense moments.

Jennifer Nicol | Мура, Canada

Dear EGM, Whilst over in the U.S. on temporary assignment, | purchased a copy of the January '97 issue of EGM and found it an entertaining and informative publication. But | do have a point to raise with you. In your preview of FIFA ’97 (FIFA, by the way, stands for the Federation of International Football Associations), you say, “...[soc- cer], the game the English affectionately refer to as 'football?" Now, as its governing body's name implies, it's not only the English that call “soccer” football. Just about the whole world, barring one coun- try, calls it football, too. | don't think you need three guesses to work out which country is the odd one out. The game Americans call “football” has more in common with rugby than with football. But because rugby's correct name is rugby football (confusing, isn't it?), my guess is Americans adopted the "football" part of the name so as to avoid clashing with rugby. Suffice to say, we English avoid any such ambiguities—there's football, and then there's American football. 1 could go on to discuss why rounders was turned into baseball, but PII leave that for another day. Mark Roberts Sheffield, United Kingdom

Three guesses as to which country is the odd one out? We guess Brazil, Italy and Argentina. Man, where are those Team EGM guys when we need them? All kid- ding aside, thanks for the vocabulary (and cultural) lesson.

William Jimenez Wildwood, NJ

Brooklyn, NY

ont 2 Put your creative 4% skills to the test by decking out a #10 envelope (the long busi- ness type) with your own unique touch. Send your letter art to: EGM Letter Art 1920 Highland Ave. Suite 222 Lombard, IL 60148

Чоц could be a

This Spring, EGM & EGM? have very available for a time on the

Tired of helplessly watching the other team make all the big plays? Want to know which sports games you should even bother playing? EGM's guide will satisfy all of your sports gaming needs with comprehensive strategies, interviews, in-depth previews and a hard-hitting review lineup of the hottest sports games.

Get your hands on EGM’s new book on 5 coolest fighting games released in the

ast year, including killer new titles like | n Fighter Ш: New Generation, Tekken з m |. | | | | and Mortal Kombat Trilogy! You'll be the | & е one dealing out the trash talk after you

delve into our exclusive training sessions for your favorite fighters.

Buy 'em Your is at stake!

Magazines available at the following locations: Wal-Mart, Meijer, Borders, Barnes and Noble

Last month we gave you a little taste of Street Fighter III and Tekken 3. Well, now they will be going fist-to-fist to see which one will be crowned 1997's King of the Fighters. Each game will be explored extensively in order for one

to be crowned champion.

Q-Mann says that the new PlayStation C is going to be at the Japanese show. We're off to bring back the first information, and pictures!

Tips, Tricks and Strategies for Home and Arcade

Also, ЕСМ” will be bringing back the hottest arcade coverage from the ASI Show in Las Vegas. Shooters? Fighters? Puzzle games? Find out which quarter- muncher you'll be spending your hard-earned dollars on and how to get the most gameplay out of that money. Whether you are hitting a homer, jammin’ it in the net, slam dunking or scoring a touchdown, EGA* will be there to provide sports fans with the best way to win big in your favorite sports game.


Our editors are really excited about Sony's new PlayStation game Spawn. Be the first to know why!

Our editors are off to cover one of the most important Japanese game shows of the year. It is quite possible that the PlayStation C, M2 and Sega’s new 64-Bit monster could be there. Don’t miss the

only U.S. coverage next month.

Also, our editors are going behind the scenes at Sony. Watch for our exclusive story on their new top-secret games including Spawn and GT Racing.

Many of the games which we have been previewing over the past few issues are reach- ing completion. MDK, Albert Odyssey, Cyberbots (Saturn),

version of Castlevania is now in house.

Ray Storm and the highly controversial Japanese version of Castlevania X are but a few of the titles that we will be blowing out next issue. Also updates оп МКА, Tekken 3, DarkStalkers 3 and more are in the works.

10 Yard Fight Mario Brothers 3 Th Saga 1942 Mega Man 1 5 лакаи

Adv Byu Bily Mega Man 2 9 ActRaiser 2

Adv Island Mega Man 3 9 Aladdin

Adv Of Lolo Mega Man 4 13 Alien Anticipation Mega Man 5 258 Aliens/Predator Arkanoid Game 25 Меда Маб 15 Batman Forever Back to the Futr Metal Gear 3 Batman Returns Bad Dudes Metroid 3 Beavis & Butthead Baseball Mickey Mouse 7 Вони Baseball Baseball Stars 13 Milipede 18 Boxing Legends Bases Loaded Monopoly 19 Branlord

Bases Loaded 2 Ninja Gaiden 3 Breath of Fire Bases Loaded 3 Ninja Gaiden 2 Breath of Fire 2 Batman Operation Wolf Bubsy

Battletoads Pac-Man 1 Bugs Bry Rampage Bionic Commando Paperboy Bulls vs Blazers Black Bass 25 Pinball Capt America Blades Stee! Play Act РЫ Castlevania 4 Blaster Master Pro Am Racing Chessmaster Boy & His Blob Pro Wresting Chrono Trigger Bubble Bobble 13 Punch OutMT Gayfighters Bugs Bny Bday Q Ber Colege Slam Burgerlime. Rad Racer Contra 3 Сай Games Rad Racer 2 Соо Spot Capt Skyhawk Rampage Daffy Duck Castlevania RBI Вазы Death Valley Rly Castlevania 2 Renegade Desert Strike Castlevania 3 Rescue Rangers Donkey Kong Champ Bowing 13 Ring King Donkey Kong Commando Robo Cop Donkey Kong Ciy3 Contra Roger Rabbit Doom Defender 2 13 Rush N Attack Yokkhen. Disney Adv Rygar Earth Bound Donkey Kong3 13 Sesame St 123 Earthworm Jim Donkey Kong Cis 19 SesameStABC 1 Earthworm Jim 2 Double Dragon Shadowgate F Zero

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Simpsons-8 vs SM Simpsons-B vs Wild

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John E Qback Jordan vs Bird Joust

Karate Champ Karate Kid

Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Fam Wheel Fortune Jr Wiards & Warrs Wrath Blk Мпа

Mario Paint Game Maximum Camage Mech Warrior Mega Man X Mega Man X2

Kid Icarus 13 Wrestlemania Mickey Mania Kirbys Adv 13 WWE Challenge. MLBPA Baseball Kung Fu Yoshi Monopoly

Life Force Zelda Mortal Kombat Lil Nemo Dream Zelda 2 Mortal Kombat 2 Major Lg Bsbl Mortal Kombat 3 Marble Madness. Nintendo Deck 19 Ms Pacman

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Road Rash 28 мм 59 Suikoden 45 Home Alone 17 Tetis 3 Shadowrun 2 EatwomJm2 35 Road Rash 2 28 JohnMaddenS? 39 Tekken 29 Home Alone 2 16 Tetis 2 28 Shag Fu 7 Ecco Tha Dolphin 15 Robocop vs Term 15 Jumping Flash 25 Tekken 2 55 Jurassic Park 19 Tetris Attack 29 Sim City 28 EceoTides of Time 15 Samurai Shodown 15 Jumping Flash2 29 Tobal No. 1 45 Kiler Instinct 19 TMNT 1 FFC 3 Simpsons-B Nimr 15 Elemal Chmpns. 5 Shadow Dancer T КезкОМАтреу 13 Tomb Raider 55 Kirbys Drmind. 22 ТММТ2 7 Slam Masters 13 Evander Hyd 5 Shadowrun 19 Kings Field 29 Triple Play 97 39 KibysDminia 35 TMNT3 2 SpidemanXMen 13 F22Intercpir 19 Shaq Fu 4 Legacy of Kain 45 Twisted Metal 38 Kirbys Pinball 24 World Cup Soccer 9 ox 13. Fatal Fury 9 Shining Drkns 13 Loaded 25 Twisted Metal2 59 Кек 13 WWF Superstars 9 Star Trek NextGen 13 FIFA Soccer 7 Shining Force 29 MLB Pennant Race 35 Viewpoint 15 Mega Man 1 25 WWF Superstars2 12 Star Wars 18 FIFASoccer95 13 Shinobi 3 9 MUBPABottom of 9h 25 War Hawk 28 Mega Man 2 24 Yoshi 2 Street Fir 2 9 Flashback ШЕ 19 Mortal KTrlogy 55 Wing Commander3 29 Mega Man 3 27 Yoshis Cookie 19 Street Fir 276, 3. General Chaos 19 Sonic & Knuckles 189 NortalKombal3 25 Wipeout 29 Metroid 2 13 Zelda Link % Stunt Race FX 19 Golden Axe 7 Sonic Hdghog 7 NamcoMuseum V1 49 WWF Wrestim-Ared 29 ‘Mortal Kombat 2 SuprBasesLded 9 Golden Axe 2 9 Sonic Hdghog 2 8 NBAinTheZone 28 Mortal Kombat 2 22 Game Boy 29 Supr Double Dragon 15 GreatestHvywis 15 Sonic Hdghog 3 28 NBAInTheZone2 55 Playstation Deck 189 MortalKombat3 27 Game Boy Pocket 55 Supr Empire Stks 25 Hard Drivin 13 Sonic Spinball 15 Supr Ghouls 9 Hardball 5 Spiderman 15 Supr MarioAlstars 25 Јог Mnina 2 SpidermanlX-Men 15 бих Maro Ыш 35 Joe M 1 Sports Ti Bsbl 2 SuprMaioRPG 45 Joe 2 StarTrek NextGen 13 ИИ ШИ ЖҮ Saturn Game Gear Supr Metroid 9 JohnMaddent2 2 Streets Rage 9 Supr PlayActFb 5 John Madden93 2 ‘Streets Rage 2 3 Supr Punch Out 15 ohn Madden Subterana 7 Supr R Type 7 JohnMadden95 7 SuprStreetFir2 13 Supr Relum Jedi 35 John Madden ¥$ 19 Tazmania 15 Аа 19 NHLHockey97 4 Aladdin 22 Pro Baseball 3 Supr Scope (бї) 2 John Madden97 45 TeamUSA Bskbl 3 ВМедтепа Tsh-Rmix 29 NHL Powerplay96 39 Ватап Returns 9 Ren & Stimpy 18 Supr Street Fr2 19 Jungle Strike 25 Tecmo Super Bow 5 Black Fire 25 Night Warriors 39 Clutch Hitter 4 Road Rash 28 Supr Tennis 5 Jurassic Park 13 Tecmo Super Bowl 3 29 Bug 29 Nights 25 Columns 9 Road Runner 19 Tecmo Super Bowl 13 Kid Chameleon 9 Terminator 2-Arod 9 Clockwork Knight, 25 Of World Extreme 19 Ecco The Dolphin 17 Shining Force-Swd 15 Tecmo Super Bowl 3 45 Lakers Celtics 1 TMNTHyperstone 19 Clockwork Knigħt2 35 Panzer Dragoon 25 ‘Ecco Tides of Time 18 Shinobi 9 Tecmo Super NBA 98 Lethal Enforcers 19 TMNT Toum Fis 9 College Slam 25 Panzer Dragoon 2 29 Fred Couples Golf 7 Shinobi 2 3 Tetris 2 398 Lion King 19 ToeJam&tai 25 Сужа 29 Pebble Beach Golf 25 G Loc 9 Sonic Biast a Tiny Toons Buster 15 Maximum Camage 15 ToeJam&Ean2 19 0 35 Robotica 13 Garfeld-Caught 18 Sonic Chaos 15 TMNT 4 15 MenacerGame З Tom Lasorda Basbl 2 Daytona USA 15 Sega Rally Champ 39 George Frmn 4 Sonic Hdghog 2 TMNT Tour Fis 98 Мечо Mwk 7 топу La Russa З FIFASoccer96 25 Shining Wisdom 45 Incredible Hulk 9 Sonic Hdghog 2 8 Top Gear 28 Mickey Mania 28 Toughman Contest 7 бек 35 Shinobi 35 Joe Mota 7 Sonic Spinball 28 Toy Story 4 Mickey Ms Сэй 19 Triple Play 96 13 Ghen War 15 Street Fighter Movie 19 John Madden $5 18 Sonic Triple Trouble 19 Ultimate MK 3 49 MLBPABasebal 7 Urban Sirke 29 GoenAxeDue 25 Street Арла 28 Jurassic Park 13 Star Wars E] UN Squadron 15 Мота! Kombat 8 Vector Man 2 Guardian Heroes 35 Ultimate MK 3 39 Leaderbrd Golf 5 Streets Rage 9 Vegas Stakes 35 Mortal Kombat 2 15 World Series 95 3 Iron Storm. 55 Virtua Cop 15 Lemmings 17 Streets Rage 2 15 Wing Commander 15 Monal Kombat3 29 World Series Bsbl 7 John Madden? 55 Virtua Cop 2 45 LionKing 18 Supr Columns 15 Waardry 5 15 MsPacMan 29 WWE Raw 19 legendofOass 39 Virtua Fighter 9 Mickey Ms Cal 17 SuprMonacoGP 19 Wrestlemania 9 Mutant Lg Fil 9 WWF Royal Rumble 15 Mansion Hdn Souls 29 Virtua Figħter2 15 Mickey Ms Legend 22 Supr Monaco GP2 15 WWE Raw 25 NBAAction 5 WWF SupWrsimnia 13 Мола Kombat2 25 Vira Fighter Remix 9 Mortal Komtal 13 Tezmania 18 WWF Royal Rumble 15 NBA Jam 9 WWEWeesimArcd 29 Муй 15 Virtua Racing 25 MoralKombal2 22 VR Troopers 19 WWE Wrestim-Ared 25 NBAJam-Toum 13 X-Men 9 Mystara 49 World Series Bsbl 25 NBA Jam 15 Word Series 6 X-Men 25 NBALive 95 9 XMen 2 19 NBAAction 45 World Series Bsbl2 49 NFL35 9 World Series 95 8 Yoshis Island 35 NBALive 96 19 Zombies Ate Nghbr 19 NBAJam-Toum 25 Worldwide Soccer 15 Ninja Gaiden 9 WWF Steel Cage 17 Zelda 3 8 NBALive 97 49 Need For Speed 55 WWF Wrestim-Arcd 39 PGA Tour Golf в XMen 13 Zombies Ate Мог 9 NBA Showdown 3 Sega Genesis 1 Deck 35 NFL Qb Club 96 XMer-Child Atom PGA Tour Golf2 12 XMen2Legay 17 NFL 95 5 Sega Genesis 2 Deck 35 NFL Qb Club 97 Power Rangers Super NES Deck 49 NFL OB Club 5 Nomad Unit 998 NHLAlslar Hockey Saturn Deck Power Rangers-Mov Game Gear

Funco Order Form

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To purchase: Call for Current Prices, send check, money order, or credit card number to Funco, Inc., 10120 West 76th Street, Mpls, MN 55344. Add $1.99 per item ($3.99 per control deck) for shipping and $4.00 handling Charge. For Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands please double the per item charges. CA, CT, IL, IN, KS, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TX, VA, & WI residents please add applicable sales fax. All prices based on US funds. WE DO NOT CHARGE YOUR CREDIT CARD UNTIL YOUR GAMES HAVE BEEN SHIPPED. Most games delivered within 5-7 business days. Whenever possible games come with boxes and/or instructions but this is not guaranteed. Rush deliv- ery is available. All sales are final. Defectives replaced with same item. All prices are subject to change. (We reserve the right to refuse any purchase or sale.) TR


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MASS DESTRUCTION SHOCKWAVE ASSAULT, 1993600 DESTRUCT. DERBY NHL POWERPLAY 96 TOKYO HWY BATTLE boxes and instructions will be purchased for $.50 each. Send

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ARS нн S DEHARDIRLOGY _ 34951400 OFFWORLDINTER, 2999000 STRATEGYGUIDE 995200 your Genesis, Super Nintendo, Saturn and PlayStation games SIMCITY 2000 DIRT TRAX EXTREME 38 OFFENSIVE without boxes or instructions to the address above,

Titles in ITALICS are newer and may or may not be available, please call for availability. All games must include box, jewel case, instructions, and any hint books/maps that were included with the game. We will deduct $2.00 for each SNESING4 cartridge without а Xd insert and $5.00 for broken CD cases. Games without box, instructions, etc will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). Cartridges/discs not in resellable condition or with evidence of rental store stickers will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). All games are Used, include a 90 DAY WARRANTY and are subject to availability. We reserve the right to refuse any sale or purchase. Allow 40 days to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 days to receive orders placed with personal checks. No refunds or exchanges on gamesisystems. For shipping, add $8.00 for he frst 2 games and $1.00 for each additional. Alaska/HawailPRIAPO/PO Boxes double shipping charges. Call. Res add 7 75% tax. We do nol ship out of the US. Prices are for mall order only and based on 1 copy per til, to buy or sell in quantity, contact our wholesale dept. Limit of 1 carvidge/CD per tile accepted without proof of purchase. If we do nol receive your package by 5/30/97 or your game tiles are not listed in this ad, ou wil be paid from our current catalog. To receive prices in this ad you must include the ‘Dept. # rom this ad on the OUTSIDE of your package. Ifyou are unclear about any of our policies, procedures or prices please call. nda sar ademas lee respective companies. Play Sion and te ауто ts o! Sony Congr Ente Sega Stm sages rena o! Seqa o America re. Super Nintendo, N

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