ZI Zit avis EL | - -TRONIC : 1 ca MING" ds J 1 HLY © | | | 3 HOTTEST NEW INFO ON THE BEST NEW GAME! NEM CHARACTERS, NEW MOVES, NEW INFORMATION x + inthe book; NINTENDO$^ ҮМ = S ri ДО)! @keyword:NOA У іпіепао.сот © 1996 Nintendo of Americainc..™ and ® are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. (Namco?) http://www.namco.com ыз": THE MINDS BEHIND TEKKEN 2 ARE ABOUT TO SHOW YOU HOW SHARP THEY REALLY ARE. COMING SOON. By Ed Semrad e're back from Nintendo of Japan's major game event: the annual Shoshinkai show. As | look back on it, in many ways this show was a lot like last year's event. Both started with a lot of preshow rumors and ended with the disappointing reality of Nintendo doing things in their usual Slow, careful way. Disappointing? Yes and no. As a journalist, | always want to see what is new and unannounced and being able to play only three games was quite a letdown. But knowing how Nintendo works, | never really expected them to open up their R&D labs to the press. Still, Zelda and the disk drive were supposed to be the key items at the show and that was the disappointing part. Other than 10 seconds of quick shots of Zelda on a prepared Nintendo demo tape, that was it. And the disk drive? All we were allowed to see was a very strange demo of a rotating cube with the audience's faces digitized on it (which supposedly was run- ning through the disk drive). As for other Nintendo N64 games, about the only peek into the future was again, just what was on the tape. Yoshi, Kirby and 007 were all there, but, unfortunately, if you blinked, you would have missed the major portion of the game that was being shown. A couple of the U.S.-developed games like Cruis'n and KI Gold (which were finished and on their way to the stores) were nowhere to be seen. Other rumored games like F-Zero 2 and Donkey Kong 64 didn't even make it on the tape. But that's Nintendo. As Mr. Yamouchi said last year, Nintendo will do things their way, and they will not be influenced by anything or anyone. As we saw again, that certainly is true. The three games that we did get to play were exceptional. Ed tests Nintendo's Mario Kart 64 at the Shoshinkai Show. Mario Kart 64 (of which we were able to get a production copy by deadline time and still get it in this issue) brings back all the fun of the original Super NES cart and adds the special features that only the N64 can deliver. BlastDozer is a strange type of game where you can have lots of fun just destroying things. It's hard to describe but once you start playing you are hooked. StarFox 64, like Mario Kart, will be one hot product. With extremely intense ground and air battles, this game will sell systems! The rest of the show was devoted to Nintendo's licensees. Neither Square nor Namco were there and Capcom had nothing to say regarding the N64. Seta, Konami, Hudson and 20 more third-party software companies had a total of 40 new Japanese N64 games to show or talk about. All of which were in our exclusive Shoshinkai coverage last month. Speaking of exclusives, this issue we were able to get a lot of quality footage on Namco's top-secret Tekken 3 quarter-muncher (it isn’t expected to officially debut until the Japan show later this spring). Don't expect this type of coverage anywhere else in the world! Talking about world exclusives, we did get direct footage of Capcom’s Street Fighter Ш from another arcade show we attended. In this issue you'll find four pages of pictures and info in our exclusive update. NUMEERMO EEERUARDUMO97 Steve Harris Jonathan Lane JoeFunk Ed Semrad Ken Williams Crispin Boyer Shawn Smith Dan Hsu Scott Parus PartyI John Stockhausen Dean Hager * Kraig Kujawa Nelson Taruc Kelly Rickards Terry Minnich $ Howard Grossman Andrew Baran: Sushi-X Tim Davis • Dindo Perez John Gurka • Jason Streetz, Mark Hain * Dave Malec Dave Ruchala • Carey Wise Scott Augustyn • Phil Theobald Chris Johnston юг Joe Fielder Jennifer Whitesides Jo-El M. Damen Dan Peluso * Mark Eleveld Stuart Levy * David Rider Michael Stassus Jason Hinman Mike Vallas Paul Ojeda Marc Camron Dave McCracken Jack Copley Pamela Schneider Mark LeFebvre Joan McInerney Sendai Media Group 1920 Highland Avenue Lombard, IL 60148 Telephone: (630) 916-7222 FAX: (630) 916-7227 Jennie Parker Suzanne Farrell t Jon Yoffie 135 Main Street, 15th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Karen Landon 11766 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 1550 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Telephone: (310) 268-1366 FAX: (310)-268-1333 t Amy Dellos t Jessica Prentice Mike Darling ет Со ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY (ISSN #1058-918X) is published monthly by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1920 Highland Ave., Suite 222, Lombard, Illinois 60148. Periodicals тай postage Paid at Lombard, IL and additional mailing offices. Subscription rates for U.S.: $24.97 Single issue rates: $4.99. Additional postage for orders outside the U.S.: Add USS. $16 per year for sur- face mail alter subscription rate. POSTMASTER For subscription changes, change of address, write to: Electronic Gaming Monthly. PO. Box 89722, Boulder, CO 80328-5722. E-mail: egm@neodata.com. The editors and the pub- lisher are not responsible for unsolicited materials. Without limiting the rights under copyrights reserved herein, no part of this publication may be repro- duced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, ог by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the the prior written notice of Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. © 1997 Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. All Rights Reserve Electronic Gaming Monthly and EGM are trademarks of Zilf-Davis Publishing Company. TM and © for all other products and the characters contained therein are owned by the respective trademark and copyright owners. All materials listed in this magazine are subject to manufacturers’ change and the publisher assumes no responsiblity for Such changes. The Canadian GST ‘egistration number is 140496720 RT Printed in the USA. Audit Bureau of Circulations vengeance. * & 4 кте, 3-0 fighting with They Killed you. But you came hack. An avenging angel from beyond the grave. A vigilante rehorn to bring justice to the damned. Take your unearthly powers and wreak vengeance on Judah, [.А.5 drug king, Kali, the nin-jitsu death-bitch, Curve, Spider Monkey and an army of lowlife thugs... DAMNED THROUGH Because life after death is hell. OF SEEDY STREETS! city of angels Е 2 м ud PlayStation ™ SEGA SATURN © “THE CROW: CITY OF ANGELS" TM and © 1996 Bad Bird Productions, Inc. All rights reserved, PlayStation and the “8; logo are trademarks of Sony Computer /AXlaim ^ Entertainment, Inc. Sega and Sega Satur are trademarks of SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. А! rights reserved. Windows ts a registered trademark of Мо entertainment, inc Corporation. © 1996 Microsoft Corporation. Acclaim is a division and registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. © & © 1996 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. Mise лабаа Реа бууну АЙ rights reserved. Screen shots shown were taken from the PlayStation version of the video game. www.acclaimnation.com ТАКЕ со о SIDEARMS FOR THE picitar prarm ACH 1 $ 2-Axis Analog Control - 2 Steering Wheel & “The bottom line: When ASCII puts together an arcade joystick, it stays together.” — EGM 2 “The Best of the Best Joystick Award” ideogame Advisor Magazine Proton Web Site: http://www.asciient.com "It has always been the goal of ASCII Entertainment to create products of the highest quality.” Il Entertainment L Enhanced AsciiPad Fully loaded with features! um 1 ^ \ "E 7% / d | j € } jA ASCIi WARE For Customer Service, Contact : ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc., P.0. Box 6639, San Mateo, СА 94403, (415) 780-0166 Internet: Sales@Asciient.com ©1996 ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. ASCII Entertainment, ASCIIWARE, Mach 1, and the King’s Field logos are registered trademarks of ASCII Entertainment, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. These products and software titles are compatible with the PlayStation Game Consoles with the NTSC U/C designation. Г uper NES Genesis 300 Import > e ‚ Ronni Sonnenberg _ Jeffrey Ballowe J.B. Holston Ш Bob Brown Шап Rosenthal Vice sd де! i. x Timothy O'Brien Chief Finai Senior Vice Pi Terri Holbrooke ЕН Terri Holbrooke Vice President, General J. Malcoh is ‘Counsel ае НЕХ General cim Mor Vice President, Rayna Brown . Human Resources Darryl Otte Roger Herrmann 2 Vice President, Controller Mark Moyer Vice President, Information Systems Steve Gladyszewski Treasurer. А | Thomas L. Wright - $: 0 S: Publications Group President, U.S. Publications Ronni Sonnenberg Preside pod diuine hase Claude Sheer President, Consumer J. 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David Shnaider Vice Preside James Savage General Manager ZD Nec Vice President, ZDTV Richard Fisher Vice Presic шыш бее Мїсе President, Research Elda Vale Editorial Director, Bill Machrone А lew Products. Group Business Manager Jocelyn Grayson, ‘Director, Public Relations Gregory Jarboe Е. hing Company, A SOFTI BANK ompany ү One of the longest, toughest, most GameFan “Overkill is not only finely tuned and balanced, but a godsend for those fond of 40+ levels of blasting carnage." GameFan "A must for lovers of challenging, violent games." à EGM "Hot rendered graphics, crazy transparencies, : burnin' music. Another fine Konami effort.” is pes GameFan "Overkill offers hours of blood-drenched fun, and there's plenty of replayability...hundreds of hidden areas." PS Extreme PlayStation - 9900050 Shelve the puny human routine. It's pulverize or be pulverized when you become this mean green fighting machine. Go fist to fist with the entire Pantheon gang from Ajax, Ulysses, Hector and Adalanta to your own Future Imperfect self, The Maestro. It's all part of mastering the puzzle. Not to mention, the finer points of smashing, crushing and pum- ПЕ АС DURA that gets in your way. So go E = E B Av ahead, burst a [| = eh __ EIDOS HINT LINE 1-900-288-4263 Cost or CALL $0.95/MiNUTE/MUST BE 18 YEARS OR HAVE PARENT'S PERMISSION/TOUCH-TONE PHONE REQUIRED Marvel Comics, The Incredible Hulk and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used with permission. Copyright © 1996 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved. Eidos Interactive isa trademark of Eidos, Ріс. ©1996 Eidos TEKKEN THE GUYS AND GALS FROM TEKKEN | ARE BACK AND DEADLIER THAN EVER! | THE STORY STARTS ON PAGE 78! Tekken 3 and logo are ™ of Namco Co. Ltd. lel ГГ Г © з үч га РЯ DEPARTMENTS P | CA lle 6 INSERT COIN И LG «ОК RU УЛ e Our editor talks about Shoshinkai—all hype and no show. с л 20-26 PRESS START Бире зано тие оет The news that's making headlines іп the world of video games. Beyond the Beyond 70 Pandemonium! 69 Blood 52 Peak Performance 148 30-3) TOP TO See which video game won the number-one spot. Brahma Force 138-39 Pegasus Prime 134-35 City of Lost Children 40 Power Move PW 72 3 4 GAMING GO 5 SIP I RUE Deje Toren THE inside source on the gaming industry from Q-Mann. Cool Boarders ^ — 151 Rally Cross Crimewave 57 Rebel Assault зет 5 2 NEXT WAVE PROTO S Crow: CoA 136-88 Re-Loaded Exclusive first-looks at games on the horizon. Cruis'n USA 69,50 Resident Evil2 130-31 s Crypt Killer. Rush Hour 149 56 64 REVIEW 8 CREW A no-hold's-barred critique of gaming's latest releases. Dark Forces. Sentient 118,120 Dark i Shadow rior ав 68-74 TRICKS OF THE TRADE Dark Savior Soul Blade. 116-17 Want a power trip? Check out the hottest cheats here. иа ge 78-105 SPECIAL FEATURES Serm An in-depth look at the newest of the new. Doom 66 Spider me љома 106-142 NEXT WAVE Heaven's Gate Star Wars:SotE Get a sneak peek at upcoming titles for all systems! 104 -: Street Racer. я 144-151 ТЕАМ ЕСМ. Lost World: JP2 Ton Pin Alley 151 Previews and reviews for sports gamers. Lunacy 142 Test Drive: Off-Road 148 Mario Kart 64 108-109 Tomb Raider 69 15 2- 155 INTERFACE MegaMan 8 112-15 Total Driving 50 An open forum for readers’ questions and concerns. MKT 68,72 Virtual Pool 150 NBA Hang Time 73 Mar Gods 140-41 МВА Jam Extreme 7274 Wing CommanderlV 51 МВА Shoot Out '97 — 146 АА лме; ла qur PM The master of fighting games has spoken! The honorable Sushi-X | voices his opinions on such fighting games as Virtua Fighter 2, | Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Samurai | Shodown IV, Toshinden and more. The story begins on page 90! “Even if you're not a big MK fan, you have to be impressed by the sheer size of the game.." | Tekken series, watch out. Soul Blade for the PlayStation looks like a contender for 3-D fighting game champ. Both the character graphics and the backgrounds will knock your socks off when you plug it into your PS. There are also numerous modes to try, adding to the game’s complexity. The story begins on page 116! *...has the potential to be a worthy successor to the Tekken series.” NINTENDO 64 Race your favorite "Mario" character against other opponents in Mario Kart 64. SATURN Command & Conquer your enemies with different types of weapons. PLAYSTATION Strive for your Independence Day while destroying aliens in 104! ARMOUR STRENGTH : “МОК promises 3-D technology so cool and action so...realistic that it will send everything else running for cover. -PC GAMER oca «> “One of the most innova- tive games ever created." — GAMEFAN п "There are too many т- novations...to list here." — COMPUTER PLAYER ARMOUR STRENGTH : s ^ Created by Shiny Entertainment, Inc. © 1996 Shiny Entertainment, Inc. МОК is a trademark of Shiny Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Artwork and design © 1996 Playmates Interactive Entertainment Inc. PIE™ is a registered trademark of Playmates Interactive Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE PlayStation RATING BOARD тм Your planet is being bulldozed by the ton. Six massive mobile mining cities, controlled by a force that nobody can stop, are strip mining the Earth's surface, overrunning and crushing anything in its path. Unless you can stop them. BILLION PEOPLE WILL DIE. * Unbelievable 3-D graphics, adrenaline- weapons and equipment including: pumping gameplay and extremely fluid -A helmet-mounted sniper movement through a massive and wide rifle with vision goggles — open playing environment. target enemies from over * Over 60 arenas of play spread tea = two miles away. out over 6 mobile cities. * Over 60 hours of game- 2 play. ' * A fully reactive program intelligence where ene- mies think, listen and communicate in a calcu- lated assault on your life. * An arsenal of innovative -A living polymer suit that protects from piercing projectiles. — A high-tech reusable parachute. — Bombs...decoys... homing sniper grenades... and many more. AIOI IT THINKS. THEREFORE IT KILLS, Chin! COMING MARCH 1997 WHERE Е. http://www.playmatestoys.com 611 Anton Blvd., Suite 500 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 428-2100 ACTIVISION. INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW MECHWARRIOR?2 ARCADE COMBAT EDITION. REBUILT FROM THE GROUND UP. MechWarrior 2 has been fully customized for console systems. Equipped with 48 arcade-style missions— sixteen exclusive console scenarios. Simplified controls for genuine shooter-style gameplay. Plus, awesome power-ups, super-charged AI and more ’Mechs® per mission to trample on anyone that suggests this is just a PC port. MEGHWARRIOR2 31ST CENTURY COMBAT 48 missions with awesome power-ups Ultra-fast gameplay packed with Advanced tactical Artificial Intelligence including Stealth and Invincibility! lethal missiles and Mechs! and stunning 3-D texture-mapping! NEWS ANALYSIS THE BEST VIDEO GAME NEWS What Rules the Market? PREVIEW N64 ITEMS TO ARRIVE lowly but surely, additional Nintendo S 64 add-ons are seeing the light of day. In last month's EGM, Nintendo's disk drive and new controllers were featured. This month, info on some small-yet-vital accessories has been made public, such as the Memory Card Plus (pictured). Developed by Datel, the card offers 1 MB of game save storage space— four times as much as the standard card. - InterAct Accessories is bringing this product into the U.S. under its own brand, and should sell for $29.99 U.S. InterAct has also made good progress on developing an N64 Game Shark, a players' cheating/help tool that's expected sometime this year. № The darkness of ancient Egypt and evil ` weapons like hand grenades, а flame thrower, Ё forces, possessing horrifying powers, have taken an M60 machine gun and a magical cobra staff. possession of the ancient city of Karnak. And Dynamic lighting allows for stunning visual these landlords are exacting extremely high rents. effects. Cross bridges, crawl through tunnels and Like an arm and а leg...or worse. swim through underwater grottos. Your only Airdropped into first person landscapes, you salvation is the guiding Spirit of the Great must swim, crawl and otherwise run like hell Pharaoh Ramses. He's the only one in this god- through 20-plus levels of gameplay. Real time, forsaken neighborhood who wants to help you fully 3-D rendered environments allow you get a forwarding address. complete 360° freedom of gameplay. With just a So welcome to the nightmare of Ramses’ machete to begin with, search for 7 other tomb. And enjoy your stay. It may last forever. PLAN ES 2 ZÉ Е E Í E ay 611 Anton Blvd: Suite 500 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 428.2100 http://www.playmatestoys.com c PlayStation SEGA SATURN: Lobotomy апа Powerslave are trademarks of Lobotomy Software, Inc. © Lobotomy Software, Inc. АП rights reserved. PIE is a trademark of Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Artwork and design ©1996 Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Sega and Sega Saturn are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Video game systems at school? Yup, it sounds too good to be true, but Sega has teamed up with a nonprofit group called Projectneat that aims to link every school in the United States up to the Internet. Using 1,100 Saturn Net Links donated from Sega, the project will give students a chance to tap the Internet's vast edu- cational resources. The group chose Net Links over PCs because they're less costly, easier to set up and operate, and able to run with a TV—so groups of kids can watch the Screen at once. Projectneat hopes to connect every K-12 school in America to the Internet by the summer of 1998. It's official, but not surprising: Sony has inked a deal with Square to publish its upcoming PlayStation games, notably Final Fantasy VII (on three CDs, in case you haven't already heard). The deal effectively ends Nintendo's former monopoly on Square titles. FYI: Final Fantasy VII is due out this summer. Ex-execs Jim Whims of Sony an Gregory Ballard of Capcom: Where are they now? Well, the two are back in the gaming biz by joining the board of 3Dfx Interactive, a maker of PC accelerator cards and 3-D arcade boards. | | : i 22 [--'| THE BIG STORY Model Number: SCPH-1000 (Japanese version) In the beginning, the PlayStation had all these ports: (from left to right) the parallel I/O port, the serial port (for the link cable), the A/V output, the S-Video output, the multi A/V out, and power... Given the PlayStation's strong branding, Sony didn't dare tamper with the machine's look... Even with the original model, the PlayStation's interior design (power supply board on the left, motherboard on the right) has been regarded as compact, clean and efficient... OUT WITH THE Model Number: SCPH-5500 (Japanese version) ANOS риє to make the PlayStation cheaper and faster to produce, Sony eliminated the A/V and S-Video ports. The multi A/V port connects the PS to TV; different cables are needed for S-Video, RF, etc. -..however, the PlayStation's redesigners did move the location of the CD lens and motor. ...but even Sony found ways to shrink the main board's size by 2O percent. Note the soldered-in metal plate, which serves a dual purpose: protect the main chips from heat and human tampering. & IN WITH THE What's So Different About the New PlayStation? of a new PS mo el (SCPH-5500) that Japanese systems can't play ow can Sony supply the = world with the 1 million or so PlayStations churned out each month in Japan? Simple: design a system that's cheaper and easier to build. Last month, EGM reported the arrival that will increase manufacturing output by 30 percent. It should be stressed that the PlayStation's compatibility or functionality remains unaffected with this new model—meaning U.S. games and vice versa. Still, EGM remained curious to see how Sony improved on the PS design—some major changes are described above. (Continued on Page 26) Do yov live for the thrill of CRUSHING ‹ an adversary? Do) you) ПРОТЕ SUCCESS OF SLAMMIUNG: the competition? Are you tired of having a ЕШ HOHE WEE HETE ND help. The Alps Gamepad for the PlayStation?" game console offers УСШ Е ОТО Б OVINE waiting for in a fine-tuned, easy-to-hold unit designed by professional| бте роуа IO THEE THE demanding needs of today’s gamers. p PlayStation G АМ ЕР АП POWERED Bv namco z| 2 е REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED PLAYING VIDEO GAMES SO DID WE. The fun of yesterday's arcade is now more than a fond memory. Presenting Namco Museum Vol. 3" for the PlayStation™. Six authentic arcade Classics that bring back the buzz.of a bygone era. Galaxian™, Ms. Pac-Man™, Pole Position 2™, Dig-Dug™, Phozon™ and The Tower of Druaga™. Each great game an exact translation of the coin-op upright, all the way down to the arcade options and dip switches. Namco Museum Vol. 3. Because fun never gets old. FIRST PLACE? m NAMCOVUVUSEUM i PlayStation! t ~— SS =, M ОШ ЖЕШ - ПР" Plenty of games can claim they're good, hat were Ken, Guile, but how many can W Chun-Li and other say they're good familiar faces up to enough to get into a before they became Street hall of fame? Well, Fighter legends? Midway's NHL he answer to that question is Open Ice earned the revealed in a series of 10 videos honor when the NHL from Manga Entertainment put the arcade hit called Street Fighter II V. into the Hockey Hall The episodes first aired in of Fame in Toronto. Japan as a weekly TV series, The game, on display and were produced by the same for visitors to use, is makers of Street Fighter: The currently available Animated Movie. for the PlayStation. With brilliant, detailed artwork and a deep, emotional story line From big game to with multiple plots, this series the big screen: looks nothing like the ordinary Capcom of Saturday-morning cartoon fare. Japan will team up The actual plot apparently with a German film predates all the events in the team to make a flick Street Fighter games (including based on the game Alpha). The series will show how BioHazard (known Ken and Ryu travel the globe to as Resident Evil in the United States), overseas sources report. Expected to cost more than $20 million U.S., the movie will feature monsters and new characters developed by Capcom via computer graphics, the sources stated. layStation owners of p the world, unite! That's what Sony hopes to do with the introduction of "PlayStation Underground.’ This first-of-its-kind fan club will give system owners easy access to "news, game demos, tips, interviews, behind-the- scenes information and valuable promotions" via a CD-ROM that will be sent out to members, according to Sony. Fans of the arcade 3-D robot fighter Virtual On for the Saturn, take note: 5еда has stated that it'll sell a Virtual On Twin Stick peripheral, available through direct sales, 888/SEGA-SALES. This dual joystick will give Saturn players the same gameplay experience as in the arcades. A Japanese version of this dual joystick was unveiled last year. [26 [> Each video will contain three episodes of the Japanese series. meet the Street Fighter protago- nists—such as Chun-Li, Fei Long, Sagat, Dhalsim and M. Bison, just to name a few—in a quest to hone their combat skills. The fairly violent fighting scenes in the series hold true to the games, as characters pull off their now-famous special attacks, such as Ken and Ryu's Hadoken, and employ their familiar fighting styles. Each video sells for $19.95 (dubbed version) and $24.95 (subtitled). A new video will come out each month. № BREAKING NEWS SONY FORMS PS CLUE As of press time, Sony had not yet revealed details on how to join the club or any possible fees. However, at Sony Computer Entertainment's Internet site (www.sepc.sony.com/SCEA), the company had been promoting "PlayStation Underground" with a special promotion. Those who gave the names of opponents they've beaten in PS combat received free minutes on Sony's game hint line. № PREVIEW BIG OLD/NEW (Continued from Page 22) Most of the changes are internal, except for the output ports that have been consolidat- ed. Also, Sony placed a metal shield over the main chips, probably to keep 'em cooler. The significance of Sony's new PlayStation model is more important than it seems at the surface. First off, the design changes make the North American and Japanese systems more similar than before. Ostensibly, that makes it easier for Sony to adjust PS production to account for fluctuations in demand in Japan and here. More importantly, with a cheaper-to-make PS, Sony can swallow the brunt of a system retail price cut, which has been heavily rumored—and will loom even larger come this spring. № 50 What Else Is Changed? № The system comes supplied with a new A/V cable that plugs into the multi A/V port. You'll have to buy different cables for RF and S-Video. (These cables also work with the older PS systems.) You may know that the PS pads in Japan were just slightly smaller than the U.S. ones. With the new system, Sony is sticking to the larger size. The original PS in Japan labeled all the ports in kanji. Presumably to make the system more “global,” all the labeling is now done in English. DINOSAUR HUNTING SEASON OPENS MARCH '97 y С Тиш Dinosaur Hunter © 1997 Acclaim Entertainment, inc. TUROK:™& © 1997, GBPC, a subsidiary of Golden Books Family Entertainment. All A aim rights reserved. All other characters herein and the distinct likenesses thereof are trademarks of Acclaim Comics Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo 4 64 and 3-0 "N' logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. © 1996 Nintendo of America, Ine. Acclaim is а division and registered trademark of ЕРУУ Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ® & © 1997 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. а d www.acclaimnation.com Со МНЕВЕ МО МАМ HAS EVER COME OUT ALIVE. NOTICE МЕ SAID “MAN.” IF THE GAME GRAPHICS DON'T BLOW YOU AWAY, ONE OF THESE WILL OMETIMES, HAVING A Sometimes, you also need guts. Or a brain. Or quick feet. Other times, you need all of the above plus TREASURE SEEKING, PUZZLE SOLVING, ALLIGATOR WRESTLING, AND STILL TIME grenades, a shotgun and a matching pair FOR A FIGHT of nine millimeters. Such is your fate when you control Lara Croft, heroine heartthrob of Tomb Raider. EIDOS INTERACTIVE, CORE, Tome RAIDER, LARA CROFT AND HER LIKENESS ARE TRADEMARKS OF Eipos, PLC. ©1996 Eipos EIDOS HINT LINE 1-900-288-4263. Cost or CALL $0.95/MiNUTE. Must BE 18 YEARS OR HAVE PARENT'S PERMISSION/TOUCH-TONE PHONE REQUIRED NOTHING LIKE A LITTLE SWIM BEFORE FENDING OFF A PACK OF WOLVES. KILLER B JUST ISN'T ENOUGH. b vs Мот EVERYONE SEES А BRIGHT LIGHT Lara has her sights on a few ancient artifacts, and she's not going to let anything or anybody get in her way. Alligators. Wolves. Thugs. They're all tempting fate once in Lara's path. But hey, what's a little temptation? Especially when everything looks this good. In the game, we mean. Check out Tomb Raider at www.tombraider.com. ae бе, EM 0781 ۸ ск | E B | | Е В | Tomb Raider DEA ра: И те? — ВЫ Legacy of Кат е ы — BH pure | 5 Jet Moto EH 00 "WE Dri Ш ШЕШ | j| [Shadows ОТЕ Диа cop 2 2 ud H ммо — Wa ПШ ШЕШШ» ЕЗ np] seen Metal | mb: DÉEEUGE E] 197 [ora series 2 Egg By Nintendo of America 207 4 DK Country 3 By Nintendo of America By Sony Computer Entertainment A Soviet Strike Бч ЕЧ БЧ БЧ БЧ БЧ ES Crash Bandicoot By Sony Computer Entertainment VE i - Н БШШШ E 07 ст № g П КОШЫН py ]Decathlete By Sega of America. Iron Storm By Working Designs. Dark Savior By Sega of America | | | у | | Rank Numbe |! | | Bond El | verage Review Crew Scc tive Months On The Chart Last r the first time anywhere, the ditors of EGM have put together listing of the best games for the most popular systems. Our Review | Crew has done the ratings, and they have been averaged into one easy-to- read score. It is also important to note that sometimes a game will get ranked | higher than others with larger Review | Crew scores. This is because the game | is "hot," and it is one which our Review | Crew is constantly playing. These lists | will change every month as additional | games are reviewed. | The games are ranked by individual system, and there is an overall top 20 list for all the systems. This last list will pick | up any hot 16-Bit or portable game that may come out. On the right-hand page, we have put together a list of all of the games that will be coming out in the next three months for the three major game sys- tems. This list should be helpful for play- ers, so that they can plan out their future game purchases. The game name and the month the title will be released was obtained from each of the game companies and is correct as of the mid- dle of the month listed on the previous page. Please note that the release date could change due to reasons beyond our control. Watch each month's list to get the latest update. п нева №8 11 77 Killer Instinct Gold By Nintendo of America Nintendo Mass Destruction BMG Interactive Apr. | Action Cyberbots Capcom Apr. Fighting Doom 64 | Mar. | First-Person Marvel Super Heroes Capcom Apr. | Fighting Syndicate Wars EA Apr. Act/Shooter Blast Corps | Nintendo ^ | Mar! Action Armed Interplay Apr. | Action T Eye de Mi i VR Baseball Interplay Apr. Sports Tetrisphere Puzzle Pinky and The Brain Konami Apr. | Action N possible _ C \ U Sacred Pools Sega Soft Apr. FMV Adv Dark Rift Vic Тока! Apr. {Fighti Albert Odyssey Working Designs Apr. | RPG Battlesport Acclaim Feb. Act/ Shooter Killing Time Acclaim Feb. | First-Person I 2 | i VAI i VIE M UR Tunnel B1 Acclaim Feb. Driving/Shoot Playstation — d E à MechWarrior II Activision Feb. | Sim e Battlesport Acclaim Feb. | Act/Shooter Lunacy Atlus Feb. RPG Killing Time Acclaim Feb. First-Person Mega Man 8 Capcom Feb. | Action Psychic Force Acclaim Feb. | Fighting NBA Live 97 EA Feb. Sports Test Drive: Off-Road Accolade Feb. Racing Soviet Strike EA Feb. | Act/Strategy MechWarrior II Activision Feb. | Sim IDA Fox Interactive Feb. Action Spider BMG Interactive Feb. Action Lost Vikings Interplay Feb. | Adventure Mega Man 8 Capcom Feb. | Action Herc's Adventures LucasArts . Act/Adv 104 Fox Interactive Feb. Action Dragon's Lair ReadySoft . | FMV Adv Hexen GT Interactive Feb. | First-Person Scorcher Sega Action Locus GT Interactive Feb. Action Last Rites Acclaim First-Person Broken Helix Konami Feb. | First-Person Battle Stations EA - Action Crypt Killer Konami Feb. Shooter Swagman Eidos Act/Adv Road Rage Konami Feb. | Sports Virtual Pool Interplay : Sim Ball Blazer Championship LucasArts Feb. Act/Sports Shadoan Readysoft FMV Adv Herc's Adventures LucasArts Feb. | Act/Adv Fighters Mega Mix Sega . Fighting Necrodome Mindscape Feb. First-Person SCUD Sega Soft ar. Shooter MDK Playmates Feb. | Action Grand Slam Virgin . Sports City of Lost Children Psygnosis Feb. Adventure 7 League of Pain Psygnosis Feb. | Act/Sports Rush Hour Psygnosis . Sports Rally Cross Sony Interactive . | Sports Command & Conquer Westwood Studios Strategy Project X 2 Acclaim . | Shooter Buster Bros Capcom . Puzzle D&D Collection Capcom . АсУВР@ Mega Man Battle & Chase Capcom . Act/Racing Battle Stations EA Action Need for Speed 2 EA . Racing Swagman Eidos . LAcU/Adv Tigershark GT Interactive . Shooter Sign of the Sun Koei Act/Adv Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 Konami . Shooter Vandal-Hearts Konami . (RPG War Gods Midway. . Fighting NCAA Basketball Mindscape Sports Soul Blade Namco . Fighting N К Wing Commander IV Origin FMV/Shooter тЫ VMX Racing Playmates . Sports Codename: Tenka Psygnosis - [First-Person И Í * Sentient Psygnosis . RPG * к А Thunder Truck Rally Psygnosis Sports SCUD- Sega of America Shadoan ReadySoft FMV Adv Bushido Blade SCE Fighting Real Bout Fatal Fury SCE Fighting Wild Arms SCE RPG NBA Shoot Out '97 Sony Interactive Sports WCW vs. the World THQ . |Sports Grand Slam Virgin . Sports NanoTek Warrior Virgin . [Shooter EERE interplay O AcUShooter ОЗ ооа Westwosd Studios SARRE! Red Asphalt Interplay ‚ | Act/ Driving Ballistic Pinball Acclaim . (іт VR Baseball Interplay - Sports Last Rites ‘Acclaim First-Person Brahma Forces Jaleco First-Per/Adv Cyberbots Capcom Fighting Pinky and The Brain Konami : Action Marvel Super Heroes Capcom т Fighting H.O.S.T. MGM Interactive Shooter Darklight Conflict EA - JAct/Combat QAD Philips АВЕ Syndicate Wars EA - ActShooter Tale of the Su CE іт n S Bedlam GT Interactive Act/Adv This calendar details for the next three month games. These games are subject to change without notice Rebel Moon Rising GT Interactive . | First-Person Armed Interplay - Action Caesar's World of Gambling | Interplay г. | Sim Не spent years Scrapping, clawing and, grinding fw the right tv play in the NHL? All суш did was buy your way (л. Don't think he won't be looking for you along the boards. Y KIDS TO ADULTS ct BERE You're а marked man. But try not to let that intimidate you. Because you have all the teams with all the starting lineups. You have advanced ameplay and artificial intelligence, with players Cycling and executing powerplays just like they do in the pros. You can create your own strategy for breakouts, forechecking and offensive and de or focus your o ensive attacks. You'll be able to swarm the net ense around your right winger, left winger or center. You've got Icon Passing; which lets you execute give- and-goes as we as any assist leader. Of course, when you go Skate to skate wi h the likes of Jagr, Lemieux, Hatcher, Coffey and Brodeur, there's one thing you haven't got. A prayer. ify [mn с> PlayStation PlayStation Hc d product OR www.sony.com * сат consoles stronger than ever • PlayStation upgrade т '97_ С New. Пе game tem By: 2000 * Ghouls & Ghosts For the N64? > D sega to laun record label of Quarermam, With ие smel of f spring in 08 аіг апа Е? rapidly. Е Q-Mann and his team of spies licted the | ПОЙ of the video game console business, while PCs were “л to take over the rd-breaking sales of the N64 prove once and for all that the console is king, and it's not just Nintendo n PlayStations in November and December combined, and even Sega has seen a considerable sales -pack software bundle. Although all this is not exactly breaking news to Q-followers, it just proves again what console biz is here to stay and has a bright future indeed. Sega, Sony and, of course, Nintendo are all feeling warm and fuzzy soles' sales numbers and Шуу want you to know that. What they don't want. уон to know is that еба next, next-generation game еп than you might think. Sega are seriously contemplating marketing video 0 game: music here i in the States as well as in the Land of the Rising Sun, It seems that А gearing up.to launch a new record label (Sega Records is one of the names being thrown around) and plan to do a big push on that division later this year. In other Sega news, Yu Suzuki san and the white shirts at AM2 are currently knee deep into the development of МЕЗ for the Saturn, will be released in Japan around Oconer The game (a CD: is designed to run in conjunction with а 3-D cartridge upgrade that plugs into the / Corporation (the company that designed Sega's | Model-3 arcade architecture) is cur- it art, hich is b ed on the Real 3D chipset, LMC's upcoming 3-D accelerator for the PC. The entire package is targeted to ith 6000 yen of that for the CD and about 3500-4000 yen toward the cart. Our Q-spies report that VF3 Bit console 19200008). Sega has also commissioned. E to design a killer 64-Bit ا‎ system code named sor to the N64. о this is C ite same Tua crew who и (hé N64, and while hearing news of them start- no Т what is. SURG E is the Jardel street date of the box: rany 1999..we'll see if that Dp КОШЕ close to looking for a partner: to ae a a Super NES gai to insta your PC...that is, if the PC we doesn't crash fst. »in the Super NES, was Mid as saying, “The true Rn ofthe PlayStation will be some secret game Sony was working on, but we later found out that he was hinting ion. Dubbed the o © this new PS is not the 64-Bit PlayStation 2 that's been grabbing the headlines recently (that console is ў 1999 release date) but rather, it's similar to the current PlayStation except with а quad-speed CD drive and an additional 1-2 megabytes í of VRA M..sort. of.a PlayStation 1 1/2. From what we understand, Sony's original game plan for the PlayStation was to launch the console with the aforementioned: faster drive and additional RAM. Only. one problem stood in the way: price. A year and a half ago, а PS such equipped somewhere in the neighborhood of $550 U.S., which Sony thought (rightly so) was a little too pricey. So Sony went ahead гапа cut corners to help: drop | the price, hence, the PlayStation as we know it today. That being then and this being now, the price of RAM and four- speed drive i is currently | low enough for the- console to be priced the same as today's PS if not lower. PS: Type C will play older PlayStation games along with new dedicated Type ( C games, the first of which is Tekken 3. The Japanese Type C will ship around June of 1997 апа а U.S. release should be sometime before: Christmas. ‚Ап УУУУ 09, that plugs into the back. of regular DUE will ship simultaneously with Type C and should cost “around 80 Ss. 7 РДА > 2 The new. hardware Mae wouldn’t be complete КЕ including ЗОО, so we'll now. shift gears over to the MX. Like the M2 before it, 3DO claims the ` MX will be its generation's top gun. Our Q-spies report that the M2's successor is already past the design document stage and is actually living, breathing hardware. At ihe moment, the ‘MX chipset is physically huge (it can barely fit on a good-sized table), but once 3DO gets all the bugs out, they'll work on reducing the size (common practice in the hardware biz). By all accounts, the MX is a screamer, with close to 5 million polygons boogy- ing around the screen at once. Not only can the MX produce -N64/M2-type graphic effects like Trilinear Mip Mapping and Edge Antialiasing, but it can handle such esoteric realti graphic functions like Anisotropic filtering, Phong Lighting and Surface Antialiasing. The secret to the MX's ultra-high - performance lies in.its radical hardware architecture. Unlike all others before it, the MX's RAM is incorporated into the same chip as the CPU and _ -graphics processor. Seti up in this manner, game information can now run at the same clock speed as the CPU (a 110 MHz Power PC 604) or the graphic processor (which. ‘ig basically a-128-Bit ASIC). The MX is less than a year away from completion, but 3DO has already shown the technology to _ а famous Japanese software company who has shown interest in developing for the machine and perhaps even buying the hardware rights outright. - The mystery software company is led by a certain Mr. Hironobu Sakaguchi, but you didn't hear it from те: In M2 news, Panasonic is scheduled to.show anywhere from five to 10.titles at the upcoming E" show in Atlanta at their 14,000-square booth. No word on when (or if) the unit will ship, but our best guesses say June 1997 Japan and October 1997 U:S. Capcom of Japan is currently working on three separate titles for the Nintendo 64. The first title in question is Ghouls & Ghosts 64. The word on the street says that this new installment to one of the best action game franchises around, is shaping up to be quite the exceptional title. The game is com- pletely 3-D and utilizes a free-flowing chase view camera. Our Japanese gossip-mister, Terry-Aki, reports that the game eschews the cutesy look of Mario and-his many. N64 clones (Doremon 64 and Goemon 5 are just two examples of the countless Mario 64 look-alikes on the way) and instead sports an older, harder look (аа Tomb Raider and Zelda 64). G&G 64 is already up and running and plays similar to Mario. 64. Capcom is working on a 3-D Mega Man title (Rock Man in Japan) for the N64. From what we hear, MM 3D will not only play similar to Mario 64, but will also feature the bright, colorful look of Nintendo's smash hit title. Look for this game sometime in 1998. The third mystery game has been identified as a hand-drawn, 2-D one- ‘on-one fighter, thought to be based around Capcom's licensed D&D universe. This game is still on the drawing boards. In other news, a certain Washington-based game developer is working with Atlus on bringing Japanese N64 RPGs over to the States. Speaking of Atlus, Nintendo of Japan is E 1 talking to the Persona people about jointly developing a 3-D Megami Tenso adventure game for the N64 based on the popular Japanese Manga of the Я same name. The big."N' has also just signed a multiyear deal with Konami. Under the agreement, Konami will develop at least 10 Nintendo 64 games over the next five years at a minimum budget of 2 million bucks each. Well Q- fans, that's all the gaming gossip for this month. Stop by here next month where we'll spill the beans on the gaming fallacies of other mags, scramble 4 behind enemy lines once more and (hopefully) thwart all the gaming hit men who have the Q-crew in their crosshairs. ТТЕМ... Soul Blade is the home version of Soul Edge, Namco's 3-D fighter that's reminiscent of the 16-Bit, 2-D fight- er WeaponLord. There are 11 combatants in all (but two of them— Cervantes and Soul Edge—are Bosses). The game's moves and combos, although different from those in Tekken 2, are pretty easy to master. Spiral Attack Triple Head-butt Shoulder Charge Е В+К Sledge Hammer F, F A+B Drop Kick Dash B+K Double Lancers DF, K, K Unicorn’s Charge DF, K, K, B Spin Kick Brainstormer Earth Divide Flapjack Eagle’s Flap Crosscutter Mortal Slaughter Command of the Blade MITSURUGI Slice & Dice Tiger Sweep Sudden Wind Wipe Out Thunder Strike Leg Sweeper Wood Chopper Phoenix Tail Silent Step Silent Stab Final Strike Dirty Stab B, A*G (with weapon) Life After Death B, А+С (with kick) Cross the Styx B, DB, D, DF, F, B-K Sea of Madness А+С KEY TO MOVES: Forward Weak Slash Back Strong Slash Up Kick Down Guard 'TAKI Purple Wind Lightning Spark 5 ip m >? = = Silent Storm Middle Crisscross Low Crisscross EE: Hunting Shadow > جا ا ج RRR |‏ Z E Assassin's Kick (Triple) Death Spin Moon Orbiter Rolling Kick Stalker А+В Haley's Comet F, DF, D, DB, В, В Wind of Death D, U, B+K Assassin’s Revenge В, А+С Mad Circus D, DB, B, В+С Silent Shadow Silent Rage Holy Slash Holy Comet Holy Step Athens Upper Moon Flip Angel's Spiral Angel's Dive Angel's Flip Kaleidoscope Kick Paradise Kick Heaven to Hell Returning Madness Soul Asylum D, DF, F, A+G SEUNG MINA Bad Attitude Dancing Souls Sleeping Souls Triple Wave Skyscraper Rocket Launcher Moon Crusher Earth Crusher Baton Twirler Orion Express Star Destroyer Killing Vault Crystal Cyclone Rail Crusher Seek and Destroy Dark Shredder Donkey Kick Praying Mantis Evil Bow Leg Trap Kaleidoscope of Pain Deadly Rose Monkey Flip Psycho Spin Whipping Whiplash Low Kick Whiplash Pain Rope Skipper Double Stab Drum Fire Air Splitter Snake Venom Punisher Whip Monkey Magic Turn Around Dragon's Elbow Dragon's Knuckle Harpoon Driller Rising Dragon HWANG SUNG KYUNG Spiral Flame Nail Driver Sidewinder Edge of the Hurricane Trip to Death Trip to Heaven Heaven’s Strike Cut Grass Single Jump Kick Double Jump Kick Triple Jump Kick Split-U-In-2 Run & Hit Foot Stamp Steel Explosion O Heaven’s Swing Power Slave Demon Elbow Black Masquerade Meat Driller & Kick Rat Chase & Kick Blind Spin Grave Digger Stomach Slicer B, DB, D, DF, F B+K mo > D> а ie ww тн P р ج ج‎ A D D, А, В, Е, я > g m w > Коск Wild Slash Horizontal Sweep Kick Buffalo's Charge Axe Swings Down Demolition Strike Tidalwave Discus Thrower Elephant Trunk The Annihilator Lumberjack Tornado Battle Axe Pouncer Falling Rock Devastator РЕ К, А DB,K БЕК БА, А F, A, А, В БА, А, А DB, А DEB DF, A«G ERA ЕБА, В F, F, B B, A+B D, DB, B, B+G F, DF, D, DB, B, A«G “ADVENTURES ARE cina AKD YOU СН THIS STATION. - TRINITRON Ы + ۰ remofe. Two action-packed Star Wars games have arrived - specially enhanced for ttt . Drop that gru PlayStation" game console. Dark Forces™ surrounds you with its visceral brand of first-person fire- P power, while Rebel Assault Il: The Hidden Empire™ launches its perfect combination of live-action - „video and intense space combat. Two thrilling Star Wars experiences - both designed to take maximum > advantage of the power found in Sony's stellar game system. Who said there's nothing qood on TU? - * niit sRiPlayStatio! n A M . Entertainment Company IMUSE is a Irademark of Lucasfrts Entertainment Company ks of Sony Computer Entertamment, Inc The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. .. H . Here's proof that EGM brings you the first look at the newest of the new games. The following section contains everything from cut scenes to screen shots for titles in early development. Watch for updates in future Protos and more extensive coverage in upcoming Next Waves. PREVIEWS This spring, prepare to be amazed again as the sequel Saturn version) will showcase some amaz- to one of the biggest action movies of all ing 3-D effects and speed. Each dinosaur time, Jurassic Park, hits the big screen. was modeled with such care and precision, Around the same time, gamers will also you'd swear that the artists were somehow have to prepare themselves for what able to motion-capture live ones. will surely be one of the best-looking You will play as a heavily armed games of the year. Both the movie and human, or as one of the dinosaurs from the video game will be called The Lost the new movie (either a T-Rex, raptor or World: Jurassic Park. compsognathus—a small, but violent carni- This PlayStation title by DreamWorks vore). You'll have to run through several Interactive (Sega will be releasing the large 3-D worlds fighting, clawing and bit- ing your way to survival. Each character you can play as will showcase over 80 different moves and actions, making this game one of the most realistic-looking games around. Stay tuned to future ЕС МВ for a more in-depth look at this hot actíon title. | | SYSTEM Action RELEASE DATE PLAYERS COMPLETE “Carnage runs - а plot i "Kain is a ‚ "the gaming s- LJ rampant..." _ com а: powerful, Ў equivalent of | Xx : Ў persuasive and VE Braveheart.” —Next Generation = j -d ‹ exciting new Nest Getisration : as character... — Game Informer GORY COMBAT ACTION 1 Brim ning with 170 horrifying enem ies and — each with a bloody graphic. ` А x TURE VAMPIRE BLOODFEST о Drink the blood of your victims, - PlayStation{ i= then morph into one of four sinister PRODUCTION - forms to escape — vampire, wolf, à A staggering bat or mist. i г S У а 100.000 plus screens 2 у * _ and120hoursof | ACTIVISION. li ® ; | |, adventure enhanced . Blood Omen: Legacy of Kin is distributed by Activision. a ` with 95 grisly minutes - : = DIM Ur ey V uted by а, | | with 25 grisly minutes — Explore the carnage — ©1996 Crystal Dynamics Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. $ i | 3 of full-moti 5 at www.activision.com _ Peon he Hie logas cre ders of Sony Compter timen lnc $ D E ; Е Migne 1 ee 3-Danimation. = or www.crystald.com Inspired by the interesting but strange French film, City of Lost Children is coming to the PlayStation. When an evil scientist loses the ability to dream, he builds a tool that steals the dreams from children. Since he needs chil- dren for their dreams, he starts kidnapping them. Players control Miette, the main star of the movie, as she makes her way through the city, trying to avoid trouble. She also plans to save all of the children captured for their dreams. The camera view is similar to Alone in the Dark, but it can be changed by the player as well. All of the character ani- mation has been motion cap- tured, and everything in the game is original renders— from the buildings to every single character in the title. Keep an eye out for this one as it nears completion. Astonishing is the best way to describe the graphics and the action in Doom 64. Even from these preliminary screens we received from Midway, gamers are in store for a release that is destined to set the standard for first- person shooters on any home system. This title received is more than just a cross-system port, it PUBLISHER was ripped apart and put back together again using the hottest development tools yet to surface in any programmer's arse- nal. With all of the graphical improvements on this N64 version, it is bound to revitalize what was thought to be a dying genre in video gaming. Too bad this one didn't make the pre-Christmas release date. Sales would have been through the roof. Until March, however, we all just have to wait patiently. SYSTEM Person Shooter % COMPLETE His heater will cross the dish in .4 seconds. On Opening Day, it's your turn. GRAND SLAM | FOR REAL- tificial intelligence.” - GAMEPRO play that captures the essence seball.” - COMPUTER PLAYER > www.vie.com | CD-ROM. For more information, visit your local retailer or call 1-800-874-4607. ark of Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises, Ltd, Burst is gue Baseball Players Association. OMLBPA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. With the incredible success of Electronic Arts' popular, military-themed Strike series that began on the 16-Bit systems and moved into the 32-Bit age, it should come as no surprise that they would make another game in which you take control of some aspect of the armed forces. Their latest game, which will be made available on the PlayStation and Saturn, is called Battle Stations. In it, you will be able to command fleets of naval ships ranging from destroyers to aircraft carriers. From the early screens EGM has seen so far, Battle Stations appears to have strong strategic elements. There are also action sequences in which you control a ship as you go up against an enemy vessel. The ships are made with excellent polygon graphics that show a great amount of detail. With EA's reputation of making quality games, this looks like one to watch out for. PUBLISHER Electronic Arts RELEASE DATE PLAYERS SIZE March | 1or2 CD-ROM SYSTEM War Sim % COMPLETE N/A Electr ' rac title based on the knowl- edge of the experts from Road & Track returns for a second course in Need for Speed 2 for the Sony PlayStation. In this second version, players are given more courses in which to use their driving talents. It is also expected to contain updated versions of the exotic cars seeing that many from the first release are no longer even in production. With the fandom that Need for Speed created for itself / with its realistic control nd car movements, it's no wonder this one has | had a tight lid on its | production. We'll have | more information for / you as it becomes available to EGM. Saturn owners who are jealous of Electronic Arts' game, Soviet Strike-coming to the PlayStation—can rest easy. The latest chapter in the Strike series is coming to Sega's machine. In the game, you pilot a heli- 4 copter іп an isometric PA Š view, carrying out mis- sions and destroying the enemy. The game fea- tures excellent graphics and photorealistic terrain to fly over and destroy. SYSTEM | PUBLISHER Í Electronic PUBLISHER Electronic Arts RELEASE DATE SYSTEM PLAYERS Е ULTIMATE BATTLE THE ONE YOU IGHT ALONE. " An alien conspiracy df A. bizzare ES. э and ruta, dim A deadly trap with only chance for survival... s H 4 lethal alien attackers can gang up on you, using FIRST and ONLY , Behavioral Artificial Intelligence. 2 Perfect Weapon?" is a trademark of American Softworks Corporation. ASC Games "is a trademark of American Softworks Corporation. Developed by Gray Matter. Head Games" is used by permission. ©1994 AVE Limited Partnership. © 1996 Americ’ “one of the first true 3D fighting games." Next Generation “If you're in the mood for a combination of fighting and action , this is for you" “Perfect Weapon may very well end up as one of the most ique and exciting products to hit the PlayStation this year" Off , Editor in Chief , PS Extreme оа , a new approach to a fighting game . | found the lism and the moves really appealing" ic Gaming Monthly *Years from now when action/fighting games advance to a higher level , | feel gamers will look back to find this game at their roots" = Electronic Gaming Monthly “A пісе”, long , difficult quest ( for a change ! ) .” Int&lligent Gamer | ewed over 1,000 games and have ever seen anything like Perfect Weapon" Lawrence Neves , Senior Editor , Game Pro ASC Jeb GAMES” ess | htip://www.asegames.com Softworks Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation 10908 are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. The latest 3-D shooter is coming to the control of vehicles including tanks and boats. PlayStation courtesy of GT Interactive. In it, you There are even such unique vehicles as bulldoz- play an ex-Navy Seal who has been thrown in jail ^ ers and forklifts. Your character will be able to after a bit of a “misunderstanding.” You have been perform a variety of actions like jumping, flying offered a chance to clear your name, if you can and crawling. You will also have to fight in such destroy a stolen laser satellite and rescue a space conditions as earthquakes and tornadoes. shuttle full of astronauts who have been high- Perhaps the strangest feature is the ability to use jacked by an evil terro! ys like _ your fallen foe's body parts as weapons. (That PUBLISHER SYSTEM GT Interactive Action RELEASE DATE PLAYERS SIZE *; COMPLETE ath Qtr. "97| lor 2 | Playstation [CD-ROM $i Dc Lor First-person perspective shooting games have been a popular genre in the arcades and home with such hits as Virtua Cop and Time Crisis. Now Konami makes their mark on the genre with a campy romp through a Transylvania-esque landscape. At certain points in your journey, you'll have the choice of taking two different paths. Along the way, your guide from the spirit world will steer you in the right direction. The game is reminiscent of another Konami gun hit, Lethal Enforcers. The game's locales are made of 3-D polygons, but enemies and their fire are all 2-D. You'll run into some of the strangest Boss characters ever to wake from eternal slumber. With light gun(s) in hand, take on the undead John Woo style or with a friend! PUBLISHER SYSTEM Konami RELEASE DATE PLAYERS B February] 10r2 PlayStation Lots of colorful and female, right With their own characters, male 7 and lefty, each unique styles, Available Now d WF: Sanctioned by Developed by 00 PC-CD-ROM «ғ + INTERACTIVE I Playstation Windows® 95 Т Ten Pin Alley" is a trademark of American Softworks Corporation. © 1995 PEG Limited Partnership. Bowling eee HN Hall of Fame and Museum® is a registered trademark of Bowling Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, MO. Bowling АЗС Games™ is a trademark of American Softworks Corporation. Ten Pin Alley™ is developed by Adrenalin Hall of Fame and Museum Entertainment. Head Games™ is used by permission. Windows® 95 is a registered trademark. PlayStation" St. Louis, Mo. and the PlayStation logo is trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. DUME WANA ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE w INANA WHEN AMERIGA Unto INVIDIE айша то NOW AVAILABLE ON SEGA SATURN” Imaginative characters in a cross between Toshinden and Tekken, this spells only good things for Atlus' newest 3-D fighter called Heaven's Gate. The title features a number of new and mostly original fighters who battle in a platformed arena (Toshinden-style). The backgrounds in their 3-D splendor are enjoyable and colorful to say the least. They are clear and brightly designed even if to the point of nausea. Control seems to be a little slow, forcing play- is some time for tweaking before release. Heaven's Gate also features a Training Mode as well as the typi- cal Arcade Mode for one or two players. There are power-ups and special moves for the players out there who won't accept it as a fighting game without the included genre traits. Does Atlus have what SYSTEM PlayStation PUBLISHER PLAYERS RELEASE DATE it takes to make Heaven's Gate a hit? Only time will tell. ers to telegraph moves long before they actually launch from the players sides and strike the opponent. However, considering the percent complete of this title, there still lor2 Total Driving features a good-sized handful of cars that can be used to race in One-player Mode as well as head-to-head Two- player Mode. The title's courses are situated in many different set- ' tings that include dirt race tracks with multiple winding and curved-banked turns as well as city-based courses where avoid- ance of multistoried buildings is a must. Graphically, the title looks to be fairly detailed with accurate con- trols and close-to-realistic car movements for players to enjoy, as they rocket under bridges and through mountainous settings with challenges rooted in the type of setting the course is located. The only area of concern is the lack of competing cars in this demo. Besides the Two-player Mode, only one car is ever seen on the road at a time. SCE hasn't officially announced this European title, but we believe they will in the upcoming months. SYSTEM SYSTEM PUBLISHER PLAYERS After m success translation of the PC hit, Wing Commander 111 to the Sony PlayStation, Origin will be bringing the latest chapter in the Wing Commander saga to the 32-Bit powerhouse. Wing Commander IV, like the previous title, originated on the computers. If you have played WC3, you should be familiar with the play mechanics of part four. The game features the same fast-paced space combat of the original games, but with many enhancements to me gar е nun to Jel it RELEASE DATE better. In order to continue the Wing Commander story, the game features extensive use of full-motion video between missions to keep the story moving along. The FMV features big-name actors to give the game a more “Hollywood” feel. Among the stars returning from WC3 are Mark Hamill (Star Wars) and Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange). Their acting talents lend a lot to the game and make you want to continue playing so that you can see more of the epic story. Fans of flight sims SYSTEM or space shooting games should be looking forward to Wi 9 Commander IV, should definitely best of the ade available Nightmare Creatures gives the player a chance to play as one of the two heroes in a plot that takes them into the darkest parts of 15 different districts of London. These areas are filled with monsters and littered with more than 21 separate characters all with different types of behavior and levels of intelligence. The visuals are filled with textured 3-D landscapes that convey a frightening atmosphere through the streets of London. Note: A U.S. publisher hasn't picked up this title yet. Keep watching EGM for an official update. PUBLISHER Toka PLAYERS If there's one genre that has run rampant, it's 3-D fighting games. This, however, is not stopping Vic Tokai from releasing another contender in the fight to win gamers over. Dark Rift is the latest brawler to hit home. It takes place in a future world where you take control of one of 10 different characters in an attempt to prove yourself the top fighter. The game features full motion-capture animation that is shown at a high frame rate, result- ing in incredibly realistic movement. To make the game engine as realistic as possible, you can look forward to such features as side-stepping block moves, a counter attack system that targets both the upper and lower body and a variety of grab moves. For you combo freaks, there are chain combos and combo breakers to escape from a barrage of hits. Adding a new element of strategy is the variable gravity on different planets. This will make jumping and attacking more tricky. At the end of the game, you will encounter two Bosses, who will hopefully be hidden playable characters. Dark Rift looks to be a unique fighter. | | t for tenderizing your enemies. Later, you can tating weaponry that include aerosol 'andy lighter for a flame attack, flare dolls, voodoo d with plenty of interactive devices like over- and windows that can be fired out of and into other sport their own highly developed AI that se objects for cover and duck behind them when gets to be too much to handle. Or they can opt to you down and hunt you unmercifully until you no longer t them off and die a simulated н death. ap nd чара KONAN SOME PLAY AT Al HIGHER LEVE ALLEY-00PS AND REBOUND DUNKS M NO TRADING LIMITS CREATE YOUR OWN PLAYER — _ PUMP FAKES — — "WIENER RESOLUTION ERE |! ВМ FULL 12-MAN ROSTERS GRAPHICS — — | МЕИ NLL 29 НВА TEAMS 18 DIFERENT | B FOULS DUNK SHOTS - . POST PLAYS FULL SEASON AND 21 PLAYOFF MODES EE INTUITIVE CROWD $ STAMINA FACTOR REACTION 348 NBA PLAYERS SUBSTITUTIONS EE ИЗ) NBA PLAY, 32 KONAMI. Eco invitetien te Darkness с TECMO $ DECEPTION IE LIGHT HEARTED: ТЕСТО) Г ^ = | Visit Tecmo Interactive at: http://www.tecmo.co.jp | D AVAILABLE NOW! E 97 Invitation fe Darkness — у | Wa ПЕСО) 501 inment America for use with the PlayStation game console. оно" istered “ке, of the Interactive Digital Software Association. NTSC U/C DESIGNATION. © Тесто, Ltd. 1996 TECMO? is a registered trademark of Tecmo, ine. Moin: 2 Sony Computei and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer rtainment Inc. The ratings i THI: IS SOFTWARE IS COMPATIBLE, WITH PLAYSTATION GAME ON Tecmo, Inc. * АЖ Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, У , les THE RATING SCALE: 10-Perfection 5-Average 9-Virtually flawless 4-Rent first 8-Splendid 3-Time-waster | 7-Worthy 2-Don't even rent 6-Good, not great 1-Flush it SHAWN Shawn has been getting a hanckering for some strategy games as of late, and his appetite has been taken care of. Besides this, he’s been taking some classes to become a weather person. This past X-mas, Shoe was so excited about the Sega special (VF2, VC, Daytona free), he got a second Saturn (he already has all the systems at work). Now he can play Dragon Force 24/7. CRISPIN Cris was a little overwhelmed by all the Star Wars games he's played this month. Sure, he's a big- lime Star Wars fan, but sheesh! Enough's enough. Still, he’s jazzed up to see the rereleased films. Sushi's been in high gear since hearing tidbits on Street Fighter titles for N64, so he's off to Japan again. Now that he’s gone, the rest of us can enjoy the vending machines again. j| into than Ca CATEGORY: STRATEGY BACK-UP: SYSTEM/CARTRIDGE BEST FEATURE: SIMPLE INTERFACE WORST FEATURE: TINY SPRITES ALSO TRY: DRAGON FORCE PC side, C&C would've been a big hit with me r the superior Warcraft Il. B No other strategy game on the Saturn is easier to get an learn its interface in e er н nic the ti that Don't forget to send in the citizens... VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY VALUE 7 KB 5 Ei CATEGORY: FIGHTING BACK-UP: NONE : BEST FEATURE: GRAPHICS WORST FEATURE: SILLY COMBO 5ҮЅТЕМ ALSO TRY: MK TRILOGY ing to play a fighter that really e arcade version. Sur iter, so to speal iller series, aining Мо ctice and learn the special combos. e t, but it's le of game turn you off just as easily as it turns you on. BI also true to Î combos in All KI2 fans will flock to the stores for this title, but e tbe pick- IM Still, any KI regular should check this title out. VISUALS SOUND ОЗШЕ И REPLAY VALUE ct STAR WARS: SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE SUPER PUZZLE FIGHTER ind 2z sd Tani 1 E + Е ч 3 CATEG CATEGORY: ACTION BEST FEATURE: FIRST LEVEL à BEST FEATURE: CUTE CHARACTERS T BEST FEATURE: LEVEL DESIGN | WORST FEATURE: TOO MUCH LUCK ДЫн ^ ALSO TRY: NOTHING LIKE IT ALSO TRY: BAKU BAKU 1 ALSO TRY: NOTHING LIKE IT Again a puzzle comes along and makes it hard At first this one reminded me of R.C. Pro-Am on e in a timely fashion. Puzzle УХ] steroids, but then games in one. Plus, ead is as great as the other. A deal even for $70 or $80. game freak as one gets. Super EM It's been quite a while since I've thrown down а > x 3 : eof the better ones on the market, ШШШ controller i ion, Thank you Cri hint of te ue. The e and offers a light, fun time. | recommend it. EE Shadows tries to be several games in one—a К Although this sucker isn't as addictive as Baku Baku, -combat game, a driving n. It’s also not as complicate |, on the Shadows' music and sound effects are also superb. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo just screams for attention, big tip for anyone who's set to whether it's cute character animations or vib ol- " i t play or watch Cri i he fac is № 1 e first game I^ Hi L HN i b ightly 3-D perspe бе MI player a larger view of the actual playfield. Rent it. ‘VISUALS INGENUITY REPLAY VALUE VISUALS SOUND INGENUITY REPLAY VALUE A VISUALS МСЕМИТУ REPLAY VALUE 8 6 EA 7 A 6 EN 6 7 5 B "84 N - EGMETA MHA үс: } ' RELOADED | CATEGORY: SHOOTING CATEGORY: RPG CATEGORY: ACTION BACK-UP: | SYSTEM/CARTRIDGE BEST FEATURE: BONUS LEVELS BEST FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE BEST FEATURE: CHARACTERS L WORST FEATURE: DIALOGUE WORST FEATURE: DULL GAMEPLAY ALSO TRY: VIRTUA COP 2 ALSO TRY: LEGEND OF OASIS КЩ Gomes like these are a dime 1 dozen. 15 a below- I'm a big fan of Landstalker that was on the Genesis iM. ew ALSO TRY: LOADED Re-l posset is the perfect example of why sequels e. The first one wasn't perfect, but it t pe of graphi his probably attributed risper in is a sure an for those who want a solid title. 1 feel light-gun games are like bubblegum. n may be r Here's a simple way to explain how this sequel to fun fora short whi e Dur it's strictly a M" ran - е Loaded is: ects of the game have bee | ginally e. If you art fanatic, put Dark Savior on your wish list. ely, com game is spent exploring and solving puzzles. Playing Re-Loaded is very much like playing the origi- nal Loaded that game, уо! : [ lallenge, but th 0g e at all con- E sti |, if you'r which keeps it only slightly above average. 8 ithout gi ing. Mil give Re- loaded a try. REPLAY VALUE е VISUALS Тез tia ME REPLAY VALUE Sn 2 1 EJEGM к VISUALS iNGENUTY REPLAY VALUE С Visuals SOUND INGENUITY Yesterday, you were а cocky 2-D arcade shooter. Today, you totally suck. destruction. Where the fighting i5 fast and furious enough to turn - you into a certified junkie. With progressively difficult levels and E intense play environment, Мапотек Warrior offers awesome replay value. Which means just maybe, by the turn of the century, We hate to break the rude news, but you're about to be humbled. It's the 23rd century. Nano-robots are on the rampage. And you've gotta deep-six hundreds of vicious killing machines and eight virtually indestructible nano-bosses. The good news 15 you can run. The bad news is, in this 3-D world, you can forget about hiding in corners. At 30 FPS, it's a 32-bit firestorm of nonstop death and you'll be back to your same old cocky self. IUE CC E 3 V. ea i (© 1996 Vign interactive Entertainment, Ic. A is reserved, NanoTek arii a trademark of Tetragon and Vin Interactie Entertainment, Ic. Vrg is a registered trademark of Vra Enterprises. Lid. Sony, the Sony PlayStation and the PlayStation Logos areal radematk of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Chin up, А east you doit suck at reading mice type, HYDROFOIL MODE 2.75' Shrike homing missiles 2.75' Blowpipe heavy rockets 2.75' F-90 cluster munitions 25mm GAU-90. 4 barrels rotary cannoni 1" Stiletto salvo rockets о 2cm multiheterodyne pulse 1: 3" EXT Disruptor sonic torpe 6" Mark-65 Moray torpedo — 3999 ^^ " > T" Ma E 6" Mark-68 Barracuda honing torpeđo PROP SENS | WEAP. 'UB-S! E: Hull pressure resistant to 1100 meters {= PlayStation 2060 A.D. The Red menace has resurfaced: The sea boils with submarines and battlecruisers, blood and oil. The skies are dark wit ‘enemy birds. alaima chine. Tiger Shark™ © 1996 n-Space, Inc, All PlayStation Logo™ are trademarks Inc. All other rademêrks a xe GT Interactive Software A KIDS TO Va. @ pee Jes ж * SPORTS CATEGORY: FIGHTING CATEGORY: ACTION/SHOOTING > BACK-UP: MEMORY CARD BACK-UP: MEM CARD/PASSWORD M BEST trm : WACKY CHARACTERS BEST FEATURE: ANIME INTRO BEST FEATURE: MOVIE SEQUENCES * WORST FEATURE: 16-BIT GRAPHICS WORST FEATURE: LAME MOVES WORST FEATURE: GAME ITSELF AISO TRY: NEA. JAM EXTREME ALSO TRY: TOSHINDEN 2 ALSO TRY: DARK FORCES Psychic | Forces was pretty. interesting. | know Lor sa Another Star Wars game?! Usually I'd say this and be pleased, but I'm afrai good рой NON Моде. 3-0 fighter but it's not perfect by any means. RA2, like its prequel, packs one heck of a cool movie. ‚ it ain't all eu e ra way to X two hype a 1 _ too hi busy—you I might want to check out Space Jam. relies on them. PF needs more hand-to- hand moves. is game gets my rental award of the month, and allow me to explain ; I would like to know ho nes, and it's novies, but games hav 8 ( ring. ime. Re e anime, waste your time if Looney Tunes aren't your r fang. then this game. c « VISUALS INGENUTY REPLAY VALUE © visuais SOUND INGENUITY * VISUALS ТЕЗ УЖ REPLAY VALUE 62 - н | | n the near future, mankind has conquered dimensional travel but he door we have opened swings both ways. The peaceful city you ave grown up in has become a haven for dark creatures from nother world— Demons! Now it's up to you and your friends to arness the hidden power within you by entering the fantasy ame known as Persona. i ou awaken with incredible abilities that you will need to defeat he scores of Demon invaders and cleanse the land of their forces. Jonverse with them before doing battle to determine your best ourse of action. Fight them or enlist their aid in your mission. àther way, you are sct for the fantasy adventure of a lifetime! es pecial e ealurés M Based on the ultra-popular, mega-hit, Megami Tensei series: first time to hit US shores 100+ hours of pulse pounding gameplay Over 300 different monsters to do battle with Morph any member of your party into a a more powerful source known as “Person Fight your way to oné of many endings uos р Use your "Persona" A PRS навэззг5 http;//www.atlus.com Anus Ву REVELATIONS © 1996 Atlus Co., LTD. Persona, Revelations Series are trademarks of Atlus Co., LTD. All Rights Reserved. PlayStation, the PlayStation logo, and the PS logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Call 1-800-771-3772 for Game Rating Information. ARCADES GREATEST HITS2 * DARK FORCES Tey 1 ч з KIDS T0 AGES 13+ CATEGORY: CLASSIC ARCADE CATEGORY: SHOOTER BACK-UP: MEMORY CARD BACK-UP: MEM CARD/PASSWORD BEST FEATURE: VECTOR GAMES BEST FEATURE: STAR WARS THEME WORST FEATURE: CONTROL WORST FEATURE: SLOW AND UGLY ALSO TRY: ARCADE HITS VOL. 1 ALSO TRY: REBEL ASSAULT 2 Since | wrote the retro article last month and this {| Pardon me for saying this, but | was very disappoint- month, I’m a little partial to retro title: in eril i now, | know-it' r War: cooler than th 0 see if you can get и especially on Centipede and Super Breakout. Sorry LucasArts, your valuable Star Wars license isn't going to save this game. First off, Doom Н this. Oh wi even if it were done well. It is simply a uninspiring attempt to milk Doom's popularity. What we have here are six great arcade games and DF is loaded with well-designed levels and clever puz- . Only Asteroids and ~ а пе graphics are so.pixelated a e games). е the fascinating, interview-packed documentary. Ouch! | must admit that these are perfect translations H of classi il lr for PlayStation? the Star Wars saga. Give me a clean sequel!!! [bigis M REPLAY VALUE 4 4 ^ “ж А ба [<< I m iz м CATEGORY: ACTION BACK-UP: BATTERY ® BEST FEATURE: CONTROL WORST FEATURE: MORE OF THE SAME ALSO TRY: ANY DKC GAME ould be pl it's another great опе to put in your library. either surprise nor disappoint fans of the VISUALS INGENUITY REPLAY VALUE 6 c Cs 4 " Buy Id accessories with to Be sure that they uv patible with the 4 Ê РР 74 Saturn System АНЯ 02 12 775 3 7 в 4. Dragon Force is a trademark ої.ӘЕ@А-Ел!їегрпївез, LTD. Original Game © SEGA Enterprises, SEGA AND SEGA SATURN ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL Call 1-800-771-3772 fot Information on Game Ratings. LTD. 1996. English Translation © Working Designs 1996. Schwing! Fora dealer near yc With the gut-wrenching, all-terrain racing of Jet Moto; victory isn’t a thrill. It's agony. Jet Moto's ten outdoor tracks will lead you and beat you over scorching i sand, choppy seas and brittle ice and snow. Your only defense? One of twenty fiercely 5 maneuverable next-gen moto bikes. There's so much going on here, all you need to 5 5 know is that the grappling hook isn't an option, it's a necessity. That's because — un with Jet Moto's TruePhysics; every bump, every curve and every pothole will go ЕУ directly from your suspension to your spleen. It's time you took a Jet Moto «nso wars = test ride. Or better yet, do so against а friend on the two-player № їй split-screen. Only this time, try to keep your eyes on the road, will you? £s For game hints coll 1-900-933-SONY(7669). The charge is $0.95 per minute. Callers under the age of 18 must get parental permission to coll. Touch-tone-phone is required. Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. U.S. only. Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Jet Moto, TruePhysics, U R NOT E are trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. ©1996 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. www.sony.com > PlayStation TRICKMAN TERRY PREDICTS BAD WEATHER, BUT COOD TRICKS! This is the month where the weather could be bad for a little while longer, or spring could come early. Whatever the case, Trickman Terry is prepared for anything (his endurance is built up from messing things up all the time). Even though the wind that chills the bones may come, it will not stop the Trickmeister from finding the best cheats for his readers! The flow of codes has been steady and it just keeps getting better, thanks to Terry's loyal trick fans. Now that Kasey has graduated from training, she can be a big help with opening letters. You can be a big help too! Just send your tricks, codes, cheats, FAQs and valentine cards to: Tricks of the Trade 1920 Highland Avenue, #222 Lombard, IL 60148 or send e-mail to: egmtriks@mcs.com While Terry waits for a valen- tine from his true love, he will be munching on chocolate goodies and putting a new layer onto his gut! Between bites, he'll most likely be open- ing his mail. If he likes your trick and uses it, you'll get your name printed in this awesome magazine, and we'll send you a FREE game for the system* of your choice! Gaze at the tiny text below for details on the free stuff. Make sure if you send e-mail that you include your real name, address, city, state and Zip code. Zitf-Davis Publishing Company is not responsible for the submis- Sion of similar or identical tricks, and is not obligated to award tho. ‘game carts to those people who submit information that has already been printed or was previously located by the staff of the ‘magazine or any affiliated publication or media source. In the case f two identical tricks being submitted, the first trick received will bbe chosen as the winner. Limit one game per person per issue. Tricks may be printed in both publications (EGM and/or EGM). However, the winner will receive only one prize for the submitted trick. You must print your name and address on the actual letter for us to give you credit. Tricks obtained or submitted by players using the computer online services must contain the player's full name, address, state and zip code to be eligible for Ino free game. Computer online addresses are ineligible. You can e-mail us at egmtriks @ mes.com, Final selection of games is up to us. “The allowable game systems are: Game Boy, Super NES, Genesis, Game Gear, 300, ашт, PlayStation. and Nintendo 64. Void where prohibited by law. СЕЕСМ اس | = "CK OF THE MONTH MORTAL KOMBAT TRILOGY THE WARRIOR MONK, ий KHNG/WODLO: BECOME THE NEW CHAMPIO VICTORY WAS SHORT LIVED AS. HIS COMRADES FIND ТНЕМЗЕШИ INTO THE QUIWORLO TO сомрЁ SECOND TOURNAMENT. P At the Story Screen, press the button combination for the trick. On the Story Screen, take controller one and very enter the code on the designated buttons as shown: Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Run, Low Punch, High Punch, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch. Once you do this, you should hear a voice. Now on the Main Menu Screen, you will have access to all three question marks (green, blue and red)! You may now access Menu Screens with many options After hearing the sound, press Up*Start for the Options. KOMBAT CHEATS FREE PLAY OFF FATALITY TIME on COLLISION BOXES OFF 7 КОПИР MATCHES OFF EXIT Within these options, you can access more Cheat Menus! within the question marks including Human Smoke, Khameleon, Free Play, etc. Chris Nguyen Wheaton, IL SYSTEM: Nintendo 64 PUBLISHER: Williams Ent. Youll have the red and blue question marks as well as the green. | AU QUESTION MARKO | Ow 20 z At the Story Screen, to press Block, High Kick. · 34 ^ Low Kick, Run, Low Punch. High Punch. WF High Punch, High = "&. Punch, Low Punch, Low “7 Punch. Remember to ' do these very quii E ii you don't get it the first J time, keep trying until you get the timing right. SCORE BIG WITH A CONTROLLER FROM INTERACT ACCESSORIES AND EGM! Everyone who sends in tricks to the Trickman has a chance to win the Interact accessory of his/her choice for one of the following systems: PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy or Game Gear! If you send in a great trick, you'll be eligible to win our TRICK OF THE MONTH sweepstakes! If you win, you'll score your name in print the Interact Accessories controller and a free game for the (allowable) system of y choice! Contests like this are only found in the Biggest and Best Video Game Mag, Electronic Gaming Monthly! SYSTEM: YSTEM: Sat S urn PUBLISHER: Sega pi Saturn Any time during play, press Start to pause the game. Go to the last page of your passport book, “Exit to title,” and press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X then Start. Lara will make a groaning sound. After you hear this, press the A button. This will exit to a Statistics Screen of that level. Then you will warp to the next level! At the Course Select Screen, press and hold the X, Y and Z buttons. Then select your track with A or C. At the Course Select Screen, the words, | | Thron Soven Sneodway, И Onthe Course Select Screen, hold X, Y, Z and press A or C. M: Nintendo At the Choose Car Screen, highlight any of the cars except for the red Ferrari. The trick will not work on this car. Once any of the others is highlighted (it will spin around), press and hold the Top, Left and Bottom C buttons simultaneously. The vehicle you highlighted will change into a different one! You can now play the game as a police car, a jeep or even a school bus! Keep holding these and press Start to choose it. CHOOSE CAR When you do this, the car will change into a different vehiclel PUBLISHER: Eidos On this screen, press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X. X, Start for the next level. “Mirror Mode" will appear on the left side. You will now have backward tracks! Eddie Vetayases Torrance, CA Hornet Gallon max, Phoonx ого! mante Wolf (ШЕШ Mirror Mode will appear on the left side of the Car Select Screen. HER: Nintendo Onthis screen, highlight a car and press the correct C buttons. MPH 2 E i You can race across the U.S. in vehicles such as this school busl KILLER. CODES Enter these codes on the Password Screen for the vari- ous results as shown: EVILDEAD=Immortal ene- mies. They keep coming back. TWISTEYE=Rock 'N Roll. Hold L1 and L2. Move the direc- tional pad left or right to rotate the screen. Pull it down to center it again. INANDOUT-Just Visiting. It allows you to quit in mid- game as normal, but rather than go back to the Main Screen, you can carry on, or restart another, or do the same level (you must have reached more than one level). If you want to go back to the Main Screen, repeat the quit procedure on the Level Select Screen. THETHING-Mutant Mania. Hold L2 and press the Circle button to cycle through odd shapes of your body. L2--X swaps your body back to normal. HARDBODY-Can't Touch This. You will be invincible! BODYSWAP-Gender Bender. Press the Triangle button to swap characters in mid-game. OTTOFIRE=Permanent weapon. Basically, you won't lose your weapon once you get it unless you switch weapons. VITAMINS=Life of the party. 31 lives are at your disposal. CORONARY=Hearts aplenty. You get loads of extra hearts. TOMMYBOY=Full tilt. Finish a level and you'll get to play this! CASHDASH=Speed greed. This is the bonus level after a normal level is finished. BORNFREE-The world's your oyster. Go to any world you want. Brett Schultz Elm Grove, WI [245169 | Qa < KILLER INSTINCT COLD KILLER [ES POWER TRIP) £ Here is a key for the music and stage select trick: BEYOND 1-Quick Punch, THE 2-Medium _ Punch, 3-Fierce BEYOND е Й Punch, 4-Quick - —by Sony Computer Ent. Kick, 5 Medium, 4 for PlayStation To find the hidden intro- duction sequence in the game, hold Up on the direc- tional pad and Triangle at the same time at the Camelot Software logo. If you do it correctly, you will see a computer-generated a normal character. Glacius’ Crash Site—U+3 Random Select: Hold Up and Tusk's Stone Henge—U+4 press Start at the Character Fulgore’s Museum—U+5 Selection Screen. Orchid's Helipad—U+6 Colors Code: At the character Music and Stage Select: In — Jago's Bridge—D+1 profile demo, press Z, B, A, Z, а two-player game, the first Gargos' Castle-D--2 A, L. You'll hear, “Welcome.” person will choose the stage Combo's Street-D--3 You can now choose the gold, and the second person will Kim Wu's Dojo- D--4 shadow, etc. colors. choose the music. Hold the Spinal's Ship—D+5 Gargos Code: At the charac- buttons accordingly for the Sky Stage—D+5 (Both players sequence after the logo, ter profile demo, press Z, A, В, results: must press them) showing the main character Z, A, B. You'll hear Gargos Sabrewulf's Lair-U--1 Brandon Ferguson Bandore and more. Eddie Vetayases laugh. Now he is selectable as Maya's Jungle—U+2 Frankfort, IN oot with gun, shoot with D-p shoot with D-pad and partner, shoot with gug and partner, sho d in the U.S, Patent and Trademark Office, Sega Saturn is a trademark of Seg SYSTEM: PlayStation Access the Options Screen and then move down and high- light the Cup Password Option Enter the following passwords to get the various results: TRAFIK: Silver Cup NEJATI: Gold Cup DOUGAL: Platinum Cup TURGAY: Advanced gun, shoot with gun PUBLISHER: Ub KILLER. CODES You'll be able to mess with the cars sizes and shapes! Ex. E s Sn In the Options Screen, highlight the cup password and enter the code. These codes will give you more tricks to do in the air for each of the events. Skateboarding: Triangle, X, Square, Circle. Snowboarding: Triangle, Square, X, Circle. Rollerbladin: E СЕ Square, X,‏ م Even a new character will be at Mountain Bikin‏ You can access higher cup levels Я your disposal with а codel Square, Triangle, Circle. with the other passwords. Options/Secret Level and Character. Patrick Licklider Fayetteville, NC Eric Cheung Henderson, NV you don't get to do: Recite poetry, pick daisies, hug lovable stuffe Corp. FOR A FREE WINDOWS ‘95 DEMO OR TO ORDER SCUD DIRECT, CALL 1.888.SEGASOFT WWW.SEGASOFT.COM ә SYSTEM: Work every time. PlayStation This code will allow your character to have a big head and big feet! After choosing your character, press and hold Right, Start, Circle and Square simultaneously. Hold them until the round begins and you'll get a strange character! Doing the same code, but holding Left instead will give you a shrunken head. Choose "Start Game" from the Main Menu Scr When asked to keep a record, choose “Yes.” Then enter any of the initials and SYSTEM: dates for the teams as shown below to play these new characters (cycle through them with R1) Misfit Team 1. Daren Smith: MSS 10/26 2. Jane Bradley: JHG 8/26 3. Scott Perras: DJP 6/29 4. Mike Spendlowe JCS 12/8 5. Cowboy: TVC 10/3 6. Richito: RTS 2/25 Atthe Story ; Screen, enter this. code very quickly: Up. Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, — Down, Down. You will hear a sound _ confirming the trick its will now be on > Smiley Team 1. Pirate Bill: SAL 2, 2. Mr. Happy: MJT : 3. Dufus the Clown: GRR 6/19 4. Three Feet Under TOD 4/17 5. Mr. Unhappy: GEM 11/3 6. Ooohh: JLH 1/26 J Invisible Team Gary Rowberry: WHO 1/1 The Brain: BCS 1/7 Monkey Boy: PJP 11/2 " Г Howie: ВСЕ 7/10 i J 183] 6. Huh?: СВЕ 6/25 Celebrity Team 1. Junior Seau: JR 6/1 2. John Elway: WAY 9/30 3. Frank Thomas: BIG 12/6 4. Marv Albert: MRV 12/31 5. Newt Gingrich NEW 8/12 6. Samoa: TVH 6/6 Screen, press the buttons in the exact order as shown. You will hear a bell for | Special Sports Team 1. Cheryl Swoopes: SWO 1/1 2. Rebecca Lobo: LOB 7/4 3. Carol Blazejowski: BLZ 3/1 4. Bob Lanier: LAN 9/10 5. Air Nick: ARN 5/18 6. George Gervin: ICE 4/27 EZJEGM the new eee These tricks will give you three hidden characters to wrestle for you. Go to the Title Screen and enter one or all of Nintendo 64 the codes. For Sparrow, enter To access the Free Play Mode, go to the Story Screen and quickly enter Up, Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, ү FOR NINE GENERATIONS NORTALIXONSAT WAS RüLED BY QUTWORLOS FIN. WARRIOR. PRINCE GORO- THE QN THE BRINK OF ITS DESTR WHER @ NEW GENERATION OF WERE VICTORIOUS IN DEFEND REALM. On the Story Screen, enter the code with the directional pad. Circle, Right, Triangle, Up, Square, Left, X, Down, X, Down, Square, Left, Triangle, Up, Circle, Right, Select. Then press Select again on Commandant on the Player Select Screen. For Gorgon (the Ring Announcer), enter L1, L1, L2, R2, R2, R1, Triangle, Down, X, Up, Select. Then press Select again on Orange from the Player Select Screen. To play as Sallie (the Referee), enter Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. Then press Select again on Е! Temblor from the Player Select Screen. Chris A. English White Plains, NY PUBLISHER: Capcom Hold the specific buttons before each round for a strange player! PUBLISHER: Williams Ent. Down. You'll hear a sound. If you lose, your credits will now be on Free Play! -via the Internet PLAYER 4 PRESS START TO KONTINUE 8 FREEPLHY After losing a match, your credits will be on Free Play Model LALIE Dish Stort Bate GNJPW ©1995 TOMY At the Title Screen, enter any of the codes and press Select. After hearing a bell, go to this screen to choose the new guys. TRICKS- TRADE WAYNE GRETZKY'S 3D HOCKEY SYSTEM: Nintendo 64 PUBLISHER: Williams Ent. Here are the many tricks for this game: Logo View: Press any button (except Start) on the Attract Screens to view logos, records and credits Instant Start as Gretzky: Press any button at the same time you press Start on the itle Screen. After pausing the game, go into the Options Screen and press the ollowing combinations or various results: Head Scale: Bottom C utton + В button. Body Scale: Left C utton + В button. Y Scale: Top C button + R button. By combining these with multiple button presses, you can create wacky layers! The announcer will sound funny too. KILLER. sé Аста for PlayStation Cheat Menu On the Options Menu, hold all four triggers and press X over Game Options. Full Cheat Menu will appear. Additional Cheats Win the Intergalactic Tournament on Hard, then go to Speedy's Space Race in any Game Mode. Ships will be chosen at random (secret and normal). This feature will continue to function until the PS is reset. If you get a flawless score in Speedy's Space Race, you get Infinite Turbo the next quarter. If you "flawless" your opponent in the Shoot O (his score — 0), you make every basket you shoot the next quarter. FEAT SHEET | VISUAL TRICKS: POW E ЕРТКЕ ВЕУ You can change the "Specials" that appear at the bottom. CODES is Wilama Entertalhintont for Nintendo 64 VS. Numeric Codes 025 - Baby Mode 048 - No Music 111 - Tournament Mode 120 - Fast Passing 273 - Stealth Turbo 284 - Max Speed 390 - No Pushing 461 - Max Turbo 552 - Hyper Speed 616 - Max Blocking 709 - Quick Hands 802 - Max Power 937 - Goal Tending VS. Joypad Codes No Drift - Hold Down when entering a matchup, then when in the matchup, Shoot, then Turbo. ABA - Hold Right when enter- ing matchup. Still holding it, hit Shoot, Turbo, Pass. KONAMI. IT'S AMAZING THAT YOU SURVIVED WITHOUT IT INTUITIVE AIMING SYSTEM AUXILIARY FIREPOWER BUTTON FIRM ERGONOMIC GRIP SPECIFICATIONS COMPATIBLE WITH ALL SONY PLAYSTATION GAMES ¢ KONAMPS LETHAL ENFORCERS І & II^ ¢ KONAMPS CRYPT KILLER" * DIE HARD TRILOGY" * PROJECT HORNED OWL™ * AREA 51" WEIGHT: 7 OUNCES RANGE: 5-7 FEET SIZE: 8 INCHES FROM NOSE TO BUTT THE LICENSED GUN FOR THE SONY PLAYSTATION. PROJECT HORNED OW в trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment inc. © 1996 Sony Comput Inc. © 1996 MOVIC. DIE HARD TRILOGYIM & © 1996 Twentetn Century Fox Рип Corporation, Ali AREA ST © 1995 Май Games Corporation. All nights reserved. Developed by Mesa Logic. Ine. MIDWAY is a registered trademark of Midway Games Inc, Used by permission, Konami and JUSTIFIER® are registered trademarks, and CRYPT KILLER™ and LETHAL ENFORCERS | & Iw are Trademarks of Konami Co, Lid. Licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment America for use with the PlayStation game console, PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Enienainment Inc, © 1996 Konami of Americ, Inc. Al rights reserved WWW.KONAMI.COM Playstation f Agile Warrior F-t11X. Battle Arena Toshinden Remix SAT Bust-A-Move 2 Guardian Heroes King of Fighters '95 Night Warriors Pocahontas LÀ ISSLIÓ = Әб» Battle Arena Toshinden 2 PS Bust-A-Move 2 PS College Slam SNES Cyberspeed PS Donkey Kong Country 2 SNES GEX PS T A Jumping Flash! PS Bladeforce Clockwork Knight 2 Golden Axe: The Duel Gun Griffon International Track and Field PS Need For Speed PS This guide is a reference to all of the game codes printed within the last si This does not include Game Shark codes or any other codes that use a peripheral attachment. Resident Evil Return Fire Slam 'N Jam '95 Solar Eclipse Street Fighter Alpha 2 Super Mario RPG МесіогМап Need For Speed NFL Quarterback Club '96 Shellshock Slam 'N Jam '95 Street Fighter Alpha Triple Play '97 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 N-Tennis PilotWings 64 Resident Evil Skeleton Warriors. Super Mario 64 Tetris Attack Ultimate Morta! Kombat 3 Worms (Look for the update in next month's Tricks of the Trade!) NBA JAM EXTREME SYSTEM: P ation PUBLISHER: Acclaim [RANDOM SELECTS; BIG FEET жн рага НЕДА ZIp These tricks will give you awe- some codes such as Random Selects for both teams and play- ers, and also let you play with hilarious, huge feet for your cho- sen player! ЕЧЕСМ PS SAT months of EGM. Note: PS PS PS PS Bogey: Dead 6 DecAthlete Descent Die Hard Trilogy Earthworm Jim 2 Game Guru Gun Griffon The Hive Lemmings 3-D Namco Museum Vol. 1 Battle Arena Toshinden URA PS Blast Chamber Bogey: Dead 6 DecAthlete Final Doom Guardian Heroes King of Fighters Madden NFL '97 DecAthlete Die Hard Trilogy Gun Griffon Gunship. Loaded Machine Head Motor Toon Grand Prix Namco Museum Vol. 2 NFL Quarterback Club ‘97 NHL Powerplay '96 Namco Museum Vol. 2 Need For Speed PilotWings 64 Robo Pit SimCity 2000 Skeleton Warriors Skeleton Warriors Starblade Alpha Super Mario 64 Tetris Attack Virtua Fighter Kids Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mortal Kombat Tri!ogy. NFL Quarterback Club '97 Project Overkil! Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 Time Commando Tokyo Highway Battle Virtua Fighter Kids PilotWings 64 Project Overkill Star Gladiator Street Fighter Alpha 2 Super Mario 64 Time Commando Tobal No. 1 Tomb Raider Triple Play '97 Twisted Metal 2 Wave Race 64 WipeOut XL For a Random Team Select, go to the Character Selection Screen and press Up and the Turbo button at the same time. To get a Random Player, press Up and Turbo again after the Random Team Select is done. To give your player very big feet, choose "Yes" when PRESS. 3H Een On the Team Selection Screen, hold Up and Turbo for a randorn select. TO Do the cod Option to also get huge feet!! asked to keep a record. After entering any initials and dates, you will be asked if you want to Î turn on the Big Head Mode. Hold Right on the pad your answer to get big feet! a: “While арыб powerhouses come and. ‘go, "à E titles: ‘like: ‘Grid Runner that focu * Over 57 rounds of gameplay 15 monster opponents * Two-player head-to-head action > ‘28 independent two-player rounds A. to perform different magical spe a | В v s пер Ела Жы. " Mes paie ity 20 «озб; Well balanced off-road ability and on-road handling keep the Jeep in every race. Land Rover" Chevrolet Defender 90 K1500 274" Quick and agile, this V8-powered import can negotiate the tightest Extraordinarily powerful and surprisingly spots due to its compact stature. controllable-a true off-road monster! p" = Conquer The World's Most Wicked Terrain! Three unique environments: Desert, Snow, and Forest affect the way your car handles and maximize gameplay. Four ways to race: SINGLE RACE, 12 tracks test your off-road skills. Ei wert Se Negotiate treacherous terrain as you battle for the checkered flag! View the action from any of 9 camera views selectable on the fly! Engage in wild MULTI-PLAYER ACTION via network, modem, or split-screen racing. “dike Need For Speed” in an off-road environment" -Computer Gaming World TEST DRIVE FE-READ s Test Drive is a trademark of Accolade, Inc. © 1996 Accolade, Inc. To order direct call: 1-800-245-7744 All rights reserved. Developed by Elite Systems. The Land Rover name and logo are trademarks of Rover Group Limited used under license. Hummer and Humvee are the registered trade- p li marks of A.M. General Corporation. JEEP and Jeep grille design | ‘Ts rar are registered trademarks of Chrysler Corporation, U.S.A. and A LJ ux г. are used under license. OCHRYSLER CORPORATION 1996, ЇЇ CAL. Chevrolet K-1500 Z71 and Body Design are trademarks of ta Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corporation, used ШИИ www.accolade.com under license by Accolade, Inc. The Need For Speed is a trade- mark of Electronic Arts. <= с> PlayStation | Г Lal Ч H Namco's Flagship Fighter Gets New Moves, New Fighters And A Facelift Three is seemingly the magic number for fighting games in 1997. Virtua Fighter 3 is making its way into arcades; gamers are gearing up to play a bona-fide third installment in the Street Fighter franchise; and now Namco is readying its big weapon in the war against archrival Sega, Tekken 3, which looks likely to follow Namco's sequel-design philosophy of giving gamers more of the same, only better. Although Tekken 3 is reportedly only 30 percent complete, EGM = recently saw a top-secret playable version of the game. Tekken 3 already looks like it'll be to Tekken 2 what that sequel was to the first Tekken. It fea- tures many of the same fighters and moves (as well as several new combat- ants), but the graph- ics and animation have been super- charged with a NINA "LAYER PRIORE ыза Some characters have been given radical facelifts while others remain unchanged. higher polygon count and pseudo 3-D backgrounds. The game's four-button control scheme remains unchanged, with no new Dash buttons or other added-on clutter. Tekken 3 was running on Namco's new System 12 arcade board, and not on the System 33 gear—which Namco is still tweaking— that many had expected. Specs on the board remain unknown, owing to Namco's reluctance b^ YOSHIMIT SU. PEE у to release such info. 5 Namco instead likes to let its games speak louder than tech specs. Judging by what we saw of Tekken 3, System 12 is powerful indeed (although the game doesn't look as good as Sega's VF3). Returning fighters include Lei, Paul, Nina, Yoshimitsu, Law and King, as well as four new non-Boss brawlers, all of whom are examined later. Although we saw no sign of Jun or any of Tekken 2's Bosses, they may be Boss characters in Tekken 3. The game's story is reportedly set 20 years after events depicted in the cinemas of Tekken 2. Yet only Lei and the now-bearded Paul look any older. Tekken 3's higher polygon count is readily apparent. You can actually see the individual fingers of some fighters, and all wear more detailed clothing. The combat arenas (which now have pseudo-3-D backgrounds laid over flat backdrops) have been dressed up, too. New locales include a mountain dojo, a carnival and an alley. NEW MOVES AND TECHNIQUES Returning fighters in Tekken 3 still rely on many of the moves and combos they could perform in the previous installments, but now they have several new moves and throws. King and Lei, in particular, look like they've been given more throws (even their simple two-button grapples have been replaced). The fighters themselves move faster, especially when they stand up from ài " a fall. And taunts, activated by pressing the Start button, have been added. We also saw what looked like side-step moves and possible low grabs (in addition to the regular ones). As well, 10+-hits remain. Se Өр и Although the arcade version of S dn 3 isn't even half complete, rumors are already flying about which console | system will get the much-anticipated title. After all, just | because the first two games appeared on the PlayStation | doesn't mean Sony's system has a lock on Tekken 3. | Rumor has it that the Nintendo 64 may be the lucky con- | sole, since Namco has always maintained that it will | develop for the system most able to duplicate its arcade games. And Namco has already officially announced that it will be creating an RPG and a sports game for Nintendo's 64-Bit system, thus Will Tekken 3 opening the door for Tekken 3 to come once again be later. Of course, even if the N64 does get a PlayStation- Tekken 3, that doesn't mean PlayStation exclusive gamers will miss out. Namco could always title? develop it for both platforms. In its uphill battle to beat VFS3's visuals, Namco turned to motion-capture technolo- gy to improve the animation of Tekken 3's combatants. And the results are obvious. The fighters move with a lifelike fluidity unmatched by the previous games (although VF3 still looks superior). And new anima- tions abound, as well. Each fighter now performs a "get ready" animation before combat begins (for example, Paul cracks his gloved knuckles before a fight). The characters also strut around in new victory animations after each successful round. We think Xiaoyu looks better than her motion-capture model. HWOHRHN( The first of the four new fight- ers revealed so far, Xiaoyu boasts the most distinctive fighting style. She often adopts a low-to-the-ground stance and pummels enemies with her windmilling arms. Our theory is that Jin is the son of Kazuya, because he both fights and looks almost exactly like Tekken 2's deceased bad boy. | guess we'll have to wait until we see Tekken 3's cine- mas before we know for sure. This dude's a red-headed clone of Tekken 2's kick-happy sub-Boss Baek. Volleys of varied kicks are Hwoarang's specialty; he uses them to juggle enemies in the air or flatten them on the ground. The strongest, cheapest char- acter in Tekken 2 returns with few changes in appearance or fighting style. He does sport a beard that makes him look older and angrier than he did in the last Iron Fist tournament. Nina's aged well—and she's learned a few new tricks. For instance, a Spinning Leg Sweep has been added to her arsenal of low attacks. Nina's long legs— and variety of attacks—remain her best weapons. Move over, Arnold. SPOT's Got More Moves and Better Reviews. "One of the finest 32-bit platformers on any system...innovative and addictive..beautiful graphics, Hilarious animation, Stirring music. This game is packed with secrets." —PS.X. platform-game goodness, and that's a pleasant rarity in the 3-D obsessed PlayStation worldhhere seems to be addiction written all over-this thing." —PSXtreme > 3 "a heapin' helpin' of retro-flavored У “I think it's safe to say that this could | easily be the best isometric action 0 game ever. —Die Hard Gamefan "Editors top five picks. SPOT Goes to Hollywood contains tons of gameplay. The graphics are excellent along with fantastic sound effects." "SPOT has found a new home on the PlayStation... fun and imaginative levels.. this game looks outstanding." —EGM To order, visit your local retailer < A == Pystaton | SEGA SATURN Tw or call 1-888-4VIRGIN ©1996 Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. The SPOT character is a registered trademark of Dr ии Cadbury North America. Inc. Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises. Ltd. Burst is a trademark of Virgin Interactive Entertainment. Inc All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. $1 m most dramatic among Tekken 3's old-school fighters. The cyborg’s features have taken on an organic, alien look. Even his sword—now а lightsaber—is new. His fighting style isn't. ҮТП favorite returns Wh a couple of new outfits and many of the same moves. Even his Bruce Lee-ish appearance has remained unchanged-right down to the haircut. Lei remains the only fighter who can kick butt while taking frequent naps. Besides his lie-down moves, he can now pull off a new, drunken throw that shakes enemies before dropping them to the ground. King finally looks like the buff, costumed professional wrestler he was supposed to be all along. Not surprisingly, he has several new throws, including one that hurls enemies against imeginaty ring ше; posted. We still haven: t earned who the normal mid-Bosses will | As of this writing, the game is still only 30 percent complete. There is still a 10th character (mug shot on the left) to be added to the regular roster of fighters. Little is known about this strange guy | with the dreadlock hair and the pierced eyebrow, but we'll keep you be (or even if there will be any mid-Bosses.) However, it is known that Heihachi Mishima returns as the main bad boy in this game. He'll |... now be sporting grey spots and ап even more menacing stature. ПЕ НЕ ЩЕ М | ZERO IN ON THE АИ 1 REBATE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT u BECOME айн n [m ни 10 MERELY. SURVIVE... - BECOME THE PRINCE OF ete, COMMANDER OF THE ZENDORIAN ЗН, CRUSH INGS AND чс. уйин "Visit our web site at = http://www.koeigames.com Available at retailers з. jui. di 415/34 348-0500. Sega and Sega Saturn are vademarks of SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. 21585 КОЕГО. о returning characters hope to compete? Who is returning? These are Much like we'd expect, Capcom has aken its own sweet time preparing he third true installment of the Street Fighter series. Still, as time grows clos- er to the long-awaited release of Street Fighter IIl, we can't help but give away a few tidbits to pacify your hunger for nowledge. Who are the new charac- ers? What can they do? How do they relate to the other World Warriors? How Diehard SF fans will remember this mysteri- but a few of the N D N questions that have been pouring in from around the world. Now it's finally time for some answers, don't you think? First on our agenda today is to introduce you to the new challengers (oops! New Generation) in the Street Fighter universe. After some brief intro- ductions, let's see what Street Fighter III is capable of by examining the latest game screens. You'd be surprised at what you can learn from a simple screen! Then we'll = head over to the for- |5 tune-telling area where we'll look at what Capcom has been doing for the past few years. This is a great insight to what will be in Street Fighter 111. If something worked in one game, it’s bound to resurface in another. For example, remember the old New Moves NEW FEATURES * NEW BACKGROUNDS o NEW CHARACTERS stage background? Well, he's back, and maybe he does more than watch people get clobbered this time. Anything goes, and if this upgrade is anywhere near as impressive as these very early shots suggest, 1997 will be a great year for SF fans. Last time we spoke a little about the wonderful animation, so we won't dally with that trivial bit of info. Instead, as the clock ticks faster and play-testing time approaches, we'll be right there, delivering the news as it happens. Look for our hands-on preview in an upcoming issue! Editors Note: In some pictures you will see six X's and directional text (Up, Down, Left, Right). This is debug text only, and not a feature of the game. man who appears іп All the new changes will leave you burning with excitement! Chun-Li's original Take a look at this detailed background. It animates as well. A new game means new fighters o challenge our wits and patience. Capcom has really delivered this time by reducing the returning fighters o only Ryu and Ken (Bosses are unknown as of yet). This means you'll have to face all-new blood if you want to make it to the top, hence the sub-title, “Next Generation." Note he addition of two new female fighters as well as a new robotic one! Judging by these early looks (sub- ject to change), poor Ryu and Ken will have their hands full this time. These new fighters are younger and more erocious than our peaceful heroes. Whether they will be up to the task is up to you. Start practicing now on Street Fighter Alpha 2! Ryu has gotten older and wiser in his quest to be the best fighter in the world. He has added some new punches to his arsenal of firepower. His Super Fireball causes a massive wind blast which causes his gi to ripple Cool! [BUKI YUN _ | EY This female Ken's rivalry with Ryu has grown, but he has a new maturity in his methods. His stylish fighting can take off energy quick, but still leaves him open for a counter. Elizabeth is no where to be seen, but that could change. ninja may have ties to the original SF ninja, Geki. Perhaps she is a daughter or relative? Her graceful attacks| are quick and deadly. ELENA pu Little is known about the jungle queen Elena, but we do know that she will become a quick favorite among gamers who crave Chun-Li-style action. The young skate- | boarding kung-fu king is as much a mystery now as before. His twin is never far behind him, lurking close in the background. Looks like another Shotokan character is entering the ring. Perhaps he is of some relation to Capcom's favorite wuss-boy, | the ever-lame Dan This suave | boxer packs a mean punch, including a Dragon Punch- style uppercut borrowed from| the Shotokan masters Ryu This robotic character is unnamed as of press time, but he appears to carry a large arsenal of technological weapons. This decidedly military-looking muscle man has several grappling tech- niques to put you on the ground fast. It is as effective in the air as on the ground. | UNKA IOWN H2 The unnamed fighter bears a striking resemblance to Dhalsim, albeit without the stretching limbs and fireballs. His attacks are limited so far. TEEN Let's take a quick look at what we've | seen so far, class! There are four impor- tant (or just cool) new changes in Street Fighter 1: new Super Meter, new Super Mode Select, the Mysterious Chi Meter and the Incredible Scrolling Playfield. These four gems will take us into the next level of Street Fighter gaming, so listen up! There will be a test coming soon (playtesting, that is), so take notes and be prepared for anything! I'll be keeping an eye on you. GUPER [METER . SUPER [MODES 4. SCROLL © T99/ CHIPS & BITS, INC. бор OU Online Catalogi MIN cdma Апуопе сап build а соп- crete and steel building. But it takes a darn good soldier to bring one down You can customize Apache assault chopper, hellfire missiles and chain guns for an outfit that's not suppose to exist.PSX $49 soviet’) STRIKE ЗН ти ит тїї t “FIGHTING VIPERS’ This game moves at a blister- ing speed, with fighters moving at lightning-fast speed & 200 plus moves. Sound effects of the arcade are here, house music, tech- No-rave soundtrack and all the bells and whistles you'd expect SAT $44 ‘DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 3’ New friends and enemies make the adventure more exciting, while checking out new unexplored areas featur- ing lots of hidden areas. SNES $64 Call NOW to Order Source 10844 Сотту Пр АРТ [SPECIALI] ‘ASCII VOR- Leila TEX ANALOG CONTROLLER" Analog con- troller with precision technology rugged steel control stick and base, high tech 8 button ABS molded handgrip for an $52 layout ergonomical fit and 7 foot cord. "CRUIS'N USA’ Choose from several vehicles in this wild 14 stage ride across the great American highways. Split screen perspective allows 2 players to share the action simultaneously. — ММ 64 $62 ‘FINAL DOOM’ Skewered corpses, Qut wrenching shot- gun blasts and demonic back- grounds are some of the enhancements of Final Doom. Fluid movement thats free of slowdown is another feature in this bloodfest! Making Final Doom the best corridor shooter around! PSX $52 ri 2 5 л 3 & M 802-767-3033 j| SONIC X-TREME’ Sonic can move in any direction with full cam- era rotation. Evil genius Robotnik has created a Death Egg so huge that its gravita- tional pull is sucking up all 5 surrounding worlds. Sonic's job is to rescue the Mips from each world fap) before they can be ш destroyed. ЗАТ $46 3 FRET RAAT E Ffghting-Gam AE а SUPER NINTENDO ‘ULTIMATE MORTAL KOMBAT 3' Shao Kahn has entered the earth realm to punish humans and wrench their souls GEN $66 SAT $54 SNES $69 ‘MARVEL SUPER HEROES: WAR OF THE GEMS’ Choose your favorite Marvel characters and battle Thanos, the most dangerous villain in the Marvel Universe! SNES $54 STAR. WARS ООК ШШ 'STAR WARS SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE' Smooth play control is surrounded by amazing and highly detailed graphics featuring texture mapped 3-D polygons! NIN 64 $72 iN ThE ‘NBA - IN THE ZONE 2’ Incredibly realistic 3D tex- ture-mapped play- ers provide unsur- passed basketball action, includes all 29 МВА Teams with full 12-man { rosters. Choose from full season or playoff modes, where you can trade players, select substitutes and even create your own player. Enjoy multiple camera angles, play-by-play announcers and more. PSX $46 “X-MEN: CHIL- DREN OF THE ATOM' The most popular X-Men train for head to head combat by using Professor X's inven- tion of the "Danger Room." There, the X-Men spar against each other or face phantasms of their most infamous ene- mies. PSX $50 м гА«іаіт 3D Golf $66 М4 Shark Pad Pro $29 — 2Xtreme $50 ` Incredible Hulk $50 Рапгег General $54 ASCII Fighter Stick $34 Marvel Super Heroes $52 Virtua Cop 2 w/gun $88 Alien vs Predator — $64 N64 Stereo AV Cable $10 7th Guest2 11th Hour $50 Into the Shadows $52 Perfect Weapon $52 Alien Trilogy $50 Mechwarrior 2 $49 Virtua Fighter 3 $54 Blade & Barrel $69 N64 Super Pad 64 Plus $21 ASCII Control Pad $22 Jumping Flash2 $50 Power Slave $46 Andretti Racing 97 548 Меда Man 8 $52 Virtua Fighters 2 — $54 Blast Corps $64 МВА Hang Time 576 ASCII Fighter Stick $44 King of Fighters 95 $50 Powr Mve Pro Wrsting $46 Area 51 $51 Mortal Kombat Trilogy $52 Virtual On $46 Body Harvest $62 Nintendo 64 Sys. 8249 Alien Trilogy $51 Kings Field 2 $51 — Quake $54 Blast Chamber $49 Муз $46 — WWFintheHouse — $50 Buggy Boogie $64 Pilot Wings 64 S62 Allied General $50 Lands Lore Grd Dstny 554 RayMan2 S54 Blazing Dragons 546 NBA Jam Extreme — $51 Wipeout 2 $50 Clayfighter 3 $66 Robotech Crystal Drms $69 Andretti Racing '97 $49 Legacy of Kain $52 Re-Load $52 Bug Too! $42 NBA Live 97 $49 World Heroes Perfect $52 Creator $69 Robotron X $69 Arc the Lad $52 Lethal Enforcrs 1 & 2 $43 Rebel Assault 2 $49 — BustA-Move 2 $36 — NRL'O7 $54 Worldwide Soccer 2 $46 Cruis'n USA $62 Silicon Valley $69 AradeClassis2 $46 MLP Pennant Race — $50 Resident Evil 2 $54 Castlevania Blooditng 842 NFLOBCub'97 952 Мий Series Basebll2 $52 Dark Rift $64 Stacker S66 Ата51 $51 Mad Catz Ani Str Whi $54 Ridge Racer Revolutn $44 Соттап & Conquer $52 NHL Hockey '97 $0 Х-Меп Childrn of Atom $49 Donkey Kong Fantasy S64 Star Fox 64 $69 Beyond the Beyond $50 Май Catz Cont Pad Dix $16 Road Rash $54 Contra:Legacy of War $46 Nights w/3D Pad — $82 Doom $72 Star Wars Shd Emp $72 Big Bass Wrld Champ $51 Madden Football 97 $54 Samurai Showdown 3 $50 CrusaderNo Remorse $49 Panzer General $54 FIFA Intl Soccer 64 — $89 Street Fighter S64 Blast Chamber $49 Мадіс the Gathering $50 Shadoan $50 Dark Rift $52 — Quake $54 Freak Boy $66 Super Mario 64 $62 Breath of Fire 3 $56 Marvel Super Heroes $52 SimCity 2000 $44 Dark Savior $54 Rally $52 Breath of Fire 2 $62 Golden Eye 007 $64 Super Mario Кай — $69 Bust-A-Move 2 $36 —— Mechwarrior 2 $49 Sony Playst w/Game $249 Dark Sun 551 RayMan 2 $54 ChronoTrigger $72 Ken Griffey Jr Basebl $66 Tetrisphere $45 Castlevania Bloodltng $42 Меда Man 8 $52 Sony Playstation Sys $219 Daytona USA:Chp $44 —— Re-Loaded $52 — DonkyKongC3 $64 Killer Instinct Gd — $72 Тор Gear Rally $72 Chronicles of Sword $50 Monster Truck Rally $54 Soviet Strike $49 Descent 2 $52 Sacred Pools $52 боот $56 Kirby Bowl $62 TopGun $66 Command & Congr $52 Mortal Kombat Trilogy $52 расе Jam $42 Destruction Derby 2 $54 Saturn 3D Control Pad $35 НРА Soccer '97 Gid Ed $56 Legend of Zelda $69 TurokDinosrHntr 8689 Contra:Legacy of War $46 Moto Toon Gran Prix $50 Spot Goes Hollywood $52 Die Hard Trilogy $49 Saturn Arcade Racer $64 Madden FB '97 $56 Mad Catz Adv боп $29 Шіга Combat $69 Crash Bandicoot 952 Му $50 Star Gladiators $50 Doom $52 Saturn Backup Ram $46 Marvel Super Heroes $54 Mad Catz Anal Steer $52 Ultra Descent $66 Crusader:No Remorse $49 МАМСО Musm 1-5 ea. $44 Star Trek Generations $52 Dragon Force $48 башт Gore System $209 Mortal Kombat3 $67 Mad Catz Basic Cntrir $25 Маг Gods $69 Cyber Gladiators $46 NASCAR Racing 86 Street Fighter Alpha 2 $52 Duke Nukem 3D $2 Saturn Light Gun $19 NBA Live 97 $56 Md Ctz FightFght Ctr $40 Wave Race $62 Dark Forces $49 МВА Hang Time $52 Suikoden $44 Earthworm Jim2 $456 Saturn Mission Stick $59 NHL 97 $59 Mega Man $64 Wayne Gretzky Hokey 2$76 Dark Stalkers $44 NBAInTheZone2 $46 Syndicate Wars $49 НЕА Soccer ‘97 $49 Satum Net Link $199 Secret of Evermore — $64 Mission Impossible — $66 Dark Sun $51 МВА Jam Tourn Ed. $48 TNN Outdr Bs Tourn 96554 Fighting Vipers $44 башт Net Kybrd Айр. $20 Secret of Mana $59 Monster Dunk Bball $66 Death Keep $52 NBA Live 97 $49 тесто Deception $54 Game Shark $56 Saturn Net Link Mouse $24 Street Fighter Alpha 2 $66 MK Kombat Trilogy $75 Descent 2 $52 NCAA Final Four2 $48 Тесто Super Bowl $54 Grand Slam Basebll 97 $52 Saturn System w/game$229 Тоһ Shin Den $54 N64 AC Adapter $19 РРА Soccer ‘97 Gld Ed $56 Destruction Drby2 — $52 МА бате 0ау97 $50 Tekken 2 $4 Hexen $52 Saturn Virtua Stick — $54 Toy Story $66 N64 Arcade Shark $42 Lunar S34 Die Hard Trilogy $50 NFL OB Club 9 $39 Test Drive Off Road $52 Hyperblade 55 Shadoan $50 Ultimate MK 3 sn N64 Cleaning Kit 510 Lunar? S49 Duke Nukem 3D $52 NHL Face O97 850 Tetris Plus $44 ID4:Independence Day $52 SimCity 2000 $49 —— World Heroes $29 N64 Controller ea. — $29 Madden FB '97 $54 FIFA Soccer '97 $49 NHL Hockey 97 $50 Tobal No. 1 $50 Incredible Hulk $50 Sonic 3D Blast $43 Yoshis Is/Spr Mario $56 N64 Extension Cable $10 Mortal Kombat3 $64 Final Doom $52 PGA Tour '97 $50 Toh Shin Den 2 $46 Into the Shad $52 Sonic X-treme $46 Zelda 3 $34 N64 Flight Force Pro $52 NBA Live 97 $56 Final Fantasy 4 $69 РӘХ Analog Joystick $59 Tomb Raider $50 King of Fighters O5 $52 Soviet Strike $49 Zoop $36 N64 Gameshark $59 NHLHockey'97 — $56 Final Fantasy VII $72 PSX Controller $22 Triple Play 97 $52 Legacy of Kain $52 Spot Goes Hollywood $52 №64 Hammerhead $34 Sonic Blast $51 FormulaiWridCh $52 PSX Flight Force Pro $56 Twisted Metal 2 $50 Legend of Oasis $44 Street Fighter Alpha 2 $52 We Also Carry N64 Memory Card Plus $26 Ultimate Mort Komb 3 $69 бате Shark $56 PSX Game Gun $38 Warhammer Horn Rat $50 Lunar Directors Cut — $54 Syndicate Wars $49 NEO GEO N64 Memory Cat — $19 Vectorman 2 $52 Hexen $52 PSX Memory Card Plus$40 Wing Commander 4 $52 MVP Baseball97 $52 TohShinDenURA — $4 Game Gear N64 RF Switch $29 Virtua Fighter Animatn 552 Hyperblade $51 PSXMousew/Pad $32 Wipeout2 $50 Madden Football ‘97 $54 Tomb Raiders $50 ۳ N64 RFU Adapter 519 Wrid Series Bsbll 96 $50 ID4:Independence Day $52 PSX Multi-Tap $46 X-Men Childrn of Atom $50 Magic the Gathering $50 Ultimate Mort Komb 3 $54 CDi Visa, MC and Discover accepted, Checks held 4 weeks. MONEY ORDERS UNDER $200 SAME AS CASH. COD $8. Price, availability, offer subject to change at any time. Hardware їйї РОУ Federal Federal Матто -MalTo orders may require additional shipping and handling charges. Defectives replaced with same product. All sales final. Сай for details | wisi UM Moms Pos ry Shipping and handling charges calculated on a per order, per shipment, and per item basis. The “per order" charge is charged once per order placed and the “per item” charge is | per Qrder — $00 8150 8000 иш $00 $200 Charged once for each item ordered and the "per shipment" charge is charged once for each shipment we make to Per Item. $1.00 $150 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $6.00 №6893 ав | T aD елэ GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD EB (D CD GD «нэ вю CD CD CD ED вю вю CD вю вю вю вю CD Sit \ NL 5 WE c 1 2 | = * 2 + 1 ES ats] taie] E | Wa / а Еви zu BE z 2 1 E SED GS 3 ® € = ED =D ED GD GD GD ED S GP GD =D =D GD GD GS ED GD GB E ED ED GD GD EB GD aD GD Now that we've gleaned all we can from the latest update, let's spend a moment thinking about what Capcom has put the World Warriors through over the past few years. Maybe by doing this, we will get a rare glimpse into the future of Street Fighter IIl. Since the real Street Fighter 111 rumors began flying around the time of Street Fighter Alpha's release, let's start there, and work our way to the latest and greatest SF upgrade. The following list keys on the techniques added in the creation of the legend of Street Fighter. STREET FIGHTER ALPHA EZ Е STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2 | X- MEN VS. STREET FIGHTER WAIT *TIL IT'S IN Y NASCAR. Racing for the PC was the biggest racing game ever. Now it's available for the PlayStation" Game Console. * Totally realistic car physics Customizable Simulation Mode or hop-in and-start-driving Arcade Mode 1996 cars and drivers on 18 different tracks, including 2 fantasy tracks * Night racing on 3 tracks * Hard-rock soundtrack, realistic sound effects ; , Officially licensed by NASCAR Е : ч Change tires, gears, suspension, and more to In-car view puts you in the driver's seat. Rear customize your car's performance in Sim mode. Also available on PC and Macintosh view lets you see the big picture. ^"^ gi crm —— os то NOUS For more information, see your local software © отв ЕК. А dealer or visit us at http://www.sierra.com. лушу E PlayStation BM 'apyrus Design Group, Inc. PlayStation"'^ and the PlayStation?" logos are та On-Line. Inc. A rights reserved. Papyrus and Papyrus logo аге trademarks SPECIAL FEATURE IN OTHER WORDS: THE BEST HOME SYSTEM FIGHTING GAMES OF 1996 > ey there, fighting fanatics, | this is your old pal Sushi-X coming at you with my killer guide to domestic violence. Now before you start sending me nasty letters, | want you to know that when | say domestic violence, I’m not talking about abusing your family members. Heavens no! I'm talking about the only type of domestic violence that there should be- ў console fighting games. In my guide, you'll see some of the best fighting games to come home recently, and what | think of them. On this page, there are ‘NIGHT WARRIORS — four fighters that may be a little old but GHT WARRIORS are still worth checking out. Finally, at the end of the article, there is a handy chart that lists some of the more important features of many of the newer games, as well as my score for them (of course, my score is the only one that matters). So after you finish reading which fighting games are hot and which ones are not, get out there and start playing. TEKKEN MORTAL KOMBAT TRILOGY у © E ‚ KING OF FIGHTERS '96 ананна? PRESS START 38 ‘Г PRESS START C | рн. ey yer EY ЭН BLOW CHOW! PlayStation ak Performance is а trademark of Ath ^D. Ай Rights Reserved. harks ot jq feetertaimmant tings ола m а tradema Game Ranny ) FIGHTING VIPERS Sega has been riding high on the suc- cess of Virtua Fighter 2 for quite some time. Meanwhile, everyone has been waiting for Virtua Fighter 3. In order to tide us over, Sega released Fighting Vipers, which is a sort of strange varia- tion of the VF series. As expected, the Saturn version is very close to the smooth, but there are tons of other special effects. The characters are very bizarre, ranging from a skater kid to a One of the greatest series of games on the Genesis was the Golden Axe series. When the Saturn came out, everyone was hoping that the Golden Axe crew would make a 32-Bit appearance. Eventually, they did, but not in the form of a side-scrolling hack-and-slash game. Instead, the characters from the й 7 а‏ ارت Golden Axe games now star п а fight- ing game. All the main characters as well as some new ones compete one on one. You can even fight as the evil SUSHI'S QUICK REFERENCE FIGHTING CHART SF ALPHA 2 (SAT) SF ALPHA 2 (PS) MK TRILOGY (PS) MK TRILOGY (N64) SAMURAI SHODOWN IV STAR GLADIATOR TEKKEN 2 TOBAL NO.1 KOF '96 SF ALPHA2 (SNES) ULTIMATE MK3 (SNES) FIGHTING VIPERS GOLDEN AXE: THE DUEL IRON & BLOOD (PS) TOSHINDEN URA VF KIDS NINJA MASTERS RAGNAGARD BATTLE MONSTERS fenced-in area that you can interact with. If you were a fan of the VF games, give Fighting Vipers a go. Death Adder. One of the coolest features of the game is the magic and health power-ups you can get from elves, just like in the original game! о -шшо - л Uu--h50 пра "The Vanguard of a terrifying new level of immersive * hy far the most addictive, multiplayer action game technology.” ®™ we've ever played.” Quake’ 5 greatest addig а ) ý Deathin , \ ever was n Doom, oV «Quake uen c much ha ful) registered version in stores now. 3 ` “Quake is the Most satisfying first-person 4. PC CD-ROM ч action game of all time." enemy robot aud fire at it because these www.idsoftware.com Y U A I4 by Distributed by GT Interactive Software - quake" ©1996 1d Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published Бу Id Software, Inc. Distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. MS-DOS‘ www. gtinteractive.com is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation; All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. NT |й PHOENIX N | \ missile command’ DONKEY, KONG" , a АТАА!” 7000 Е ры It's simple. Last month we covered retro titles that have come back from the dead—those rereleased in compilations or enhanced forms as well as originals released on new systems. Since we covered those games last month, we thought it would be interesting to cover the roots of gaming. This time, though, we're not covering the original games, instead we're covering the original systems from yesteryear. After all, this is where it all started (as far as home systems are concerned). We got everything from the Atari 2600 to the Intellivision and most of everything in between. Due to size constraints, some systems had to be left out. There's always the possibility of more retro gaming in future issues though, so keep an eye out. As mentioned in last month's EGM the history of gaming is à quick but technology-filled adventure. It didn't start all that long ago, and it has made incredible progress in that short time. You must keep in mind that the first home systems were no more than two blocks on the screen with a block that moved back and forth in between them (also known as Pong, Hockey, etc.). The controllers were mounted to the system before there were joypads with X, Y, Z, A, B, C, L and R buttons not to mention the D-pad. Now we have antialiased technology that makes polygons look even more real than when they first appeared and controllers that are programmable— the whole thing is kind of mind-boggling. Many of us can’t help but stand in awe and wonder how technology advanced so quickly and how simple blocks that represented a dragon ere it is—retroactive number two. What's Mi different about this second installment? Remember the olden days of gaming? It was.a time of three-colored, blocky graphics with awesome synthesized sounds that rivaled a transistor radio. turned into-hundreds of texture-mapped polygons that represented the same thing. But which one is better? | Most of the technology in the Odyssey and Atari systems way back when is very primitive compared to today's. The irony is that back when those sys- tems first appeared those who were fortunate to have them just sat there like when they saw Star Wars for the first time—mouth hanging open, drool- ing. Now we look back and have a mild chuckle. We know there are people out there who won- der why we even bother covering retro gaming. They might say that all of the old systems are obsolete—that they suck compared to the Saturn or PlayStation. This may be true when compared to today, but the old systems have something that ideally should be obtained on any system regardless of graphics. This is gameplay. The one thing that stands out about most of the old-time games is that they were fun to play (and a little wacky at the same time). If gamers agree, and they don't happen to still have these oldies, then the next step is to find them. This is kind of tough but hardly impossi- ble. Keep an eye out for garage sales around town, or even better, look in local thrift shops (they do. have more than funky clothes and dishes). The best way is to find them on the Web. Look for a sidebar on one of the following pages that gives some info and web addresses on sites that deal with retro gaming. Ree eR ORO ГЇ ATARI 2600 Remember this system? How could any- one forget it. This was the big one—every- body and their brother had a 2600. If you didn't have it, chances are a friend did. There were several different types of Atari 2600s available. Some were the standard plastic casing, others featured a simulated wood cabinet. Another version came out for a мено оон" С \ i ‘ \ 1 | low, low price of under $50. $50!? Well, isn't that nice? If gamers want a huge library of games, this is where to go. With some good investigative skills, most of the titles that came out can be found. Like the systems, these can be found on the Web as well as from thrift shops, garage sales and'maybe even from aunts and uncles that have them collecting dust in. the crawl- space (and those will be free...unless they don't love you). Y There were quite afew cool.centrollers and add-ons out " for the system once more games started coming out. Some of these include a Track & Field controller along with the very handy trackball. Check the accompanying sidebar on controllers for more info. ATARI 5200 The first thing that comes to mind about the 5200 is its enormous size—it was close to the size of the Yugo when it was in its Yugoslavian glory. The cartridges were also fairly large. However, there were different models of the 5200 available—not all were gigantic. The sleek sil- ver and black casing really made the 5200 look like something from the future...like 1997! Like all of the other systems, this one also hooked up through the RF port of a TV. Many of the games that were on the old 2600 came out for the 5200 and as gamers may already know, the graphics were a step up. That's right, there were 10 blocks instead of three. Actually, some of the titles on this one were literally arcade-perfect, rivaling some of the retro titles that have come out for newer systems. The controller for the 5200 was like the Coleco, the Intellivison and the Atari Jaguar in that it had a numerical pad. Imagine a standard Atari 2600 controller somehow combined with the Coleco controller. 206 " Atari controllers Ah the most advanced of the Atari sys- tems (more powerful than the Jaguar?) was released and gamers were pleased...or at least mildly pleased The funny thing about all of these Atari systems is that they came out pretty close to one another. It's like they were pulling a Sega or something (or should | say Sega has been pulling an Atari). This may account for the huge lull in video game sales back in the mid-'80s until the original Nintendo came out. An interesting story is that Nintendo came to Atari with their 8-Bit Famicom system and the deal was botched at the last minute by Atari. So instead of the Nintendo 8-Bit from Atari, gamers were able to play games on the g old 7800 The 7800 w: mpatible with the 2600 (but not the 5200) which was the main reason why the 5200 didn't succeed. Most of the games were similar to the NES but they didn't hav many colors and nothing really came close to Super Mario Bros After the video game crash at the end of 1983 (beginning of '84) Atari was left to single-handedly compete with the NES in 1985. Guess what happened...| think history speaks for itself. peripher: but they did have quite a few. Pictured here are the kball and the Track & Field controller The ball is pretty straight- forward and so is the T&F troller—not like th trollers of today with 16 buttons an analog stick. tricky, but it shouldn't be impossible | ODYSSEY 300 . Although the name may make gamers think otherwise, the Odyssey 300 came out before the Odyssey 2. This one is very similar to the Odyssey in that the dials are on the system itself and that the games are based on Pong. This one didn't have screen overlays though— Magnavox must have realized what a cumbersome feature they were. The 300 had one of the most stylish cabinets around. It looked more like a vacuum cleaner than a video game system. Now that we think about it, most systems back then looked like something out of a bad sci-fi movie than anything else and that's probably why they're so darned cool. The Odyssey 300 had three games that could be selected. These were Smash, Hockey and Handball. ODYSSEY 500 Basically the Odyssey 500 was very much | like the Odyssey 300. The difference 08 х | between the two is that the 500 had three Gamers who not CRetro on the Web 7 | dials instead of one. only play games on o ш pee a! The 500 also had a different-colored cas- the consoles but also have es "eg! ing as well as a simulated wood strip down | access to the Web already know that die Е is an incredible WE the middle (was that cheesy simulated wood . source of information on gaming. Although it may not always be ÎÎ thing popular back then?). accurate, what it is prefect for is finding those games or systems that | EEE Magnavox, the "smart, very smart" com- can't be bought at local stores. ЩЩ pany made the Odyssey 300, 500 and the 2. This is especially good when the games and systems players | | There were other versions of the Odyssey. are looking for old—like 1970s and 1980s old. As mentioned, 55 One in particular was the first Odyssey. This lucky gamers may find them at garage sales and thrift stores i one used screen overlays to change but a better way to locate the various retro games is through 1 “games” instead of a toggle switch. the World Wide Web. SM Since the 500 was more of a family The addresses listed below are only a few of the sites that | machine, the three games and three dials feature descriptions, screen shots and ordering info on many Î instead of one came in handy. The controls of the games of long ago. Î were on the machine itself—little dials that First up is Telegames. This site is one of the bigger ones for finding | were difficult to use—back then that didn't retro games. Their address is: http://www.telegames.com. | matter, though. We were just pleased to be Next there is a smaller site (compared to Telegames) that offers a j able to play Pong-esque games at home. huge amount of different games, accessories and systems available ҮК to order. It may take a little longer, but gamers will get what they've been looking for. It's Ben Johnson's Classic Videogames and it can be found at: http://www.halycon.com/benj/. These are only two of the sites dealing with retro games, but there are more out there. Some of the sites offer the ROMs of the old Atari games that can be downloaded to be played on the emulator for the PC. Those who may not be able to find the actual system can play the old Atari games through this emulator. It’s very accurate. Be iE CE T ү š P B. в. PROFESSIONAL. ANALYSIS OF: "They don't get much better than this!" www.disruptor.com studios- "n ub m. | vi те RES X ny Computer Entertainment, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of tho Interactive Dig 1 Software Association, " 5. Inc. All rights reserved. Disruptor EA wi of Universal ictive Studios, b WE ст PD Ai VE 5 ОМА The picture shown here is actually the DINA system. This one was completely compatible with the Colecovision system. Owners of this beast may have remembered all of the strange controllers and gadgets that were available. Some included the sports trackball controller (which is more What's even better (and we say this sarcastically) is that certain games had a little number pad overlay for special con- trol options. For instance, a flying game might have had a landing gear button or a flare button. Needless to say these often got lost, bent and who knows what else happened to them in the process of playing. complicated than the controls on a nuclear submarine) among others. The controller for the Colecovision was a chore to use. Not only were there two buttons and a little joy- Stick, there was a complete numeri- cal pad, much like the one on a touch-tone telephone. DONKEY KONG JR. Way back when the day the idea was to convert the arcade systems so they could be played at home. As mentioned, the 5200 and 7800 Atari systems came pretty close but they were on that nice, big TV screen instead of the big cabinet like at the arcade. Somewhere in between lies the little jobbies known as tabletops. These were scaled-down versions (way scaled- down) inspired by arcade greats. Some include Donkey Kong Jr., Q*Bert and Zaxxon. Even ' the little, yellow man himself made an appearance in a tabletop version of Pac-Man. Some more obscure tabletops were a version of Popeye (which wasn't based on the arcade game) and Snoopy. Instead of using actual sprites, the graphics were made with LCD (liquid crystal display). Often, there would also be a clock built into the game that you could use as an alarm. Yes, these games were both fun and functional; essentially doubling their worth. Sure, the games may not have been exact to the arcade. In some cases, they weren't even close. They were, however, fun. The thrill of being able to take a miniature arcade cabinet over to a friend's house where you could compete to see who would get the highest score in Frogger was something that couldn't be duplicated in a home system. Heck, you could even take it to school to play during recess (they were far too big to sneak in a game during class). Is this where the handhelds started? = — The games featured a decent amount of colors and cool graphics (relatively speaking). There were plenty of games out for the Coleco. One that stands out in EGM editor Shawn Smith's head is Loopz. This one was at the arcade. Players controlled a plane that, you guessed it, did Loopz. INTELLIVISION The Intellivision was a personal favorite of many EGM editors. This little machine sported two built-in controllers that were as comfortable as they were practical. The unique disk-shaped directional pad provid- ed unprecedented control for the time, and the numeric keypad opened up new options previously unavailable in console gaming. The Intellivision not only had plenty of action titles, but simple role-playing games (like the D D games?), casino games (who can forget playing 7-card stud with the shifty deal- er?), and many more. Even though there were a good amount of games for the Intellivision, there wasn't anything that really stood out. The Intellivision became popular enough to where a second, equally powerful version had to be released. The Intellivision II was more compact, had longer controller cords and looked much more sophisticated and modern. Although it was the same machine at heart, it sold well. The Intellivision ("The Intelligent Television") had its namesake to live up to. So out came the Intellivoice module. Any Intellivision game would plug into this gadget, which in turn, would plug into the main cartridge slot of the system. Any Intellivoice—compatible game would then give you speech in the game! It was an important innovation back then, as game systems did not have the capability to talk. This added a new dimension in gaming, as the CPU could tell you some of the things that were going on in the game. Important warnings in B— 17 Bomber (the Intellivoice game that was included with the module) included, “Watch out for flak!” or "Bandit, 3 o'clock!" THE OFFICIAL SPORT DRINK OF THE PROFESSIONAL UNDERGROUND LEAGUE OF PAIN. WELCOME TO THE FIRST SPORT SIM WITH A DISTINCTLY VIOLENT FLAVOR, No referees. No rules. In this league it's pummel or be pummeled, beat or be beaten. Your challenge is to guide а six-man team through a gauntlet of 15 international infgrmation with you. PlayStation and the Playstation logo are trademarks teams in practice, league or cup play. одо end Ep ague of Pain are trademarks of Psygnosis Ltd. © 1996 Psugnosis 110. Ihe first futuristic sport sim to deliver Boers sans ND EDU ultra- realistic game play with full sports management capabilities. Crush the life out of your opponents from multiple camera angles with full multi-player capability. Torment your opponent and score goals while experiencing | time li ht-sourcing _ and the highest resolution. te Play Station, PlayStation YOSHIMITSU IS А JUJITSU EXPERT. HE LEADS A GANG OF RUTHLESS THIEVES. HIS TITANIUM SWORD IS A LETHAL WEAPON. (GO AHEAD. YOU TELL HIM HE'S WEARING A GIRLIE 19% Namco Lid. Alf rights reserved, PlayStation ала the PlayStatio The ratings icon is a | active Digita He's got unblockable moves. He's got a huge arsenal of 10-string combos and air juggles. What's that mean? That means Mr. Yoshimitsu can wear any damn hat he wants. With a new-found ability to disappear and reappear, the stealthy Samurai can carve you a new orifice in seconds flat. "SIAGEI QU'41718 1 2 м 9 0 5% [TET 1 sl mations, and more ай combos than any game on Еа. Yoshimitsu believes he intendo puts on one trade show a year for the Japanese gaming industry: Shoshinkai. Last year, Nintendo unveiled Mario 64, the game that single- handedly launched the Nintendo 64 in both Japan and the U.S. This year's exposition marked the unveiling of the 64 Disk Drive system, even though no games were playable on the peripheral. Nintendo had only a handful of playable games at the show. Mario Kart 64, StarFox 64 and Blast Corps. were the three games that Nintendo was showing off in playable form. Yoshi's Island 2, the sequel to the popular Super NES action platform game, TII CES was shown on tape. YI2 features rendered graphics and 2-D gameplay, a major dif- ference from the hand-drawn graphics of the first game. Kirby's Air Ride is a little further along than it was at last year's Shoshinkai, but was also unplayable. This version had Kirby sporting a baseball cap and traveling over hills to collect star icons. Only a few seconds of footage were shown of Mother 3, the third game in the hugely popular Mother series. U.S. gamers кор СЛ БЕЛҮЕ H | will remember Mother 2, which was retitled and released on the Super NES as Earthbound. The big story of the show was definitely the 64DD and Zelda 64. It is still unclear as to whether Link will save Zelda on 64DD or on cartridge, although the stor- age space on the DD would certainly help to make the game bigger. The DD runs at approximately the speed of a 5.4x CD-ROM, and can hold up to 64 Megabytes of game data—eight times that of an N64 cartridge. Making up for the lack of playable games on the 64DD were the number of titles shown by Nintendo’s third- party developers for the car- tridge system. Wonder Project J2 was released shortly after Shoshinkai, packed in with its very own memory cartridge (how's that for value?). Wonder Project J2 is the sequel to one of Enix’s more popular Super Famicom games. Enix also had Go! Go! Troublemakers, a platform adventure game in 2-D that uses 3-D graphics. Seta has quite a few Nintendo 64 a J-League Dynamite So By Imagineer BYA MAMET: POM = By Bottbm Up projects in the works that look very promising. Rev Limit is much like Ridge Racer in presentation, and is sure to satis- fy N64 racing fans. Seta's lineup included Wild Choppers, St. Andrews Golf, Marita's Shogi 64, Like Thunder “Со” and Super Real Island. Seta was one of the first Nintendo 64 licensees, releasing Shogi at the Japanese launch of the system. Doraemon, the automatically powered chubby and earless kitty cat, is making his N64 debut courtesy of Epoch. For those unfamiliar with Doraemon, his antics have been chronicled for years in children's manga and anime, and he has starred in numerous games on other platforms. y uy joublema Acclaim showed the latest rev of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter at the show. The game is slated to be released in March and features eight levels of 3-D shooting action. The graphics look great with 3-D rendered landscapes, filled with human and dino enemies. Weaponry ranges from simple pistols and rifles to energy pulse rifles and a gun that nukes all of the enemies around you. The areas that Turok has include monkey-infested jungles, dark caves, jun- gle rivers and underwater caverns. Konami is hard at work on their N64 projects. Goemon 5 is a 3-D action plat- form game in the style of Mario 64. U.S. 23 26. Mothers. B y. Nintendo Blade Barr ka / „Ву Kemco s. gamers might remember Konami's first Super Famicom Goemon game, which was released here as Legend of the Mystical Ninja on the Super NES. Add to that J-League Perfect Striker, Mahjong Master and Powerful Pro Baseball. Kemco is hard at work on their heli- copter shooting game Blade & Barrel. Up to four players can duke it out or work cooperatively on a campaign. King of Pro Baseball is the newest game in Imagineer's super-deformed baseball series, the racing title Multi Racing Championship, and the RPG Magic Tale. Some of these games will make it to the U.S. When they do, you can bet that EGM will have hard-hitting previews and reviews of all the new N64 games. Look in this issue for our blowout of Mario Kart! NU FEST БИП LCS —B Л Nintendo t had it all—stylized graphics, brilliant control, a huge cast of Nintendo's superstars and Shigeru Miyamato's creative genius to bring everything together. Yes, the Super NES' classic Super Mario Kart is one of the finest games ever made. But will the much-antici- pated 64-Bit update, Mario Kart 64, shine as brightly as its predecessor? Will it offer the same power-slid banana-launching thrills; the same well-balanced characters; the same ПІЗЕСМ Can you find the decoy power-up in this picture (top half)? Its question mark gives it away. Avoid these fiendish additions to excellence in multiplayer gaming? Don't worry—it does. EGM recently nabbed a Japanese copy of MK64, and our staff descended on the game, often four at a time, to put it through its paces. We're happy to say MK64's Battle Mode is half the reason to buy the garne. Although you still only get four battle arenas to choose from, they're much larger than those in the original. And they're multi- leveled, too, so cunning racers can hide from opponents. But perhaps the mode's greatest MARIO KART E Classic Kart Action Is Back Оп ome innovation is what happens when you lose your last balloon in a three- or four-player battle. Instead of being sidelined while the others finish their game, you becorne a rolling bornb. Now you can cruise around and try to ram the rernaining players to blow thern up for revenge! ++ The Japanese version of МКЄ4 is being packed with a special (sort of) controller. This joypad is identical in almost every way to the standard N64 controllers— except for one thing: It's black on top and gray on the bottorn. Nintendo is offering these dual-colored controllers for a couple of reasons. First. most garners will need an extra controller for MK64's multiplayer modes. And sec- ond, a Nintendo executive, who wished to rernain anonymous, told us that Japanese N64 owners have been creating their own dual-colored controllers for a while (by taking apart differ: ent colored controllers and swapping the halves of the outer casing). Being the shrewd business people that it packs all the glorious stayed thes same. Nearly all of As before, all the racers playability—and all of the little the original's racers have possess different driving = 4 5 Rh à aen Е they are, Nintendo created Miyamato touches-—of the returned, including Mario, characteristics. The lightest their own pad to appeal to 16-Bit classic, as well as the Luigi, Princess Toadstool (now three— Yoshi, Peach and fans of funny-colored sticks. fancy new, antialiased visuals better known by her Japanese Toad—boast the best turning It's highly probable that the gamers have come to expect moniker, Peach), Toad, Yoshi, and acceleration capabilities, US. Mario Kart 64 will sell from the Nintendo 64. Donkey Kong and Bowser. The but their top speeds aren't with this joypad, as well—a But before we get to whats only MIA is Koopa, who has too speedy. Mario and Luigi pack-in that will add about new with the Mario Kart been replaced by Nintendo's are the middle-of-the-road $30 to the game's price. gang, let's look at what has more noteworthy villain, Wario. guys and give a solid—if not "...the courses are longer апа шапу extend through buildings and tunnels.” stunning—all-around perfor- ы E mance. The heavyweights— RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY | Wario, Bowser and Donkey Копд-аге the speed demons [181 Qtr. '97 Moderate of the group, at least once | PUBLISHER % DONE you get them moving. Their Й Nintendo 8096 turning skills and acceleration E EE leave a lot to be desired. MK64 gives its drivers 20 Although not as important as in the original SMK, power slides are still a crucial skill to master, if you're going to lead the pack. Whether you nab them alone or in packs, MK64's power-ups are essential to successful racing. КУЧ These are unguid- м... ed, so you'll need dead-on aim to whack opponents. Let a pack circle you | for protection. Launch one and watch it home in on enemies. Watch out, though—some times they'll turn and come after you! = r Shell This spiny wonder will seek out and nail anyone in first place, occasionally hitting others on the way. TTI NM Nothing can touch you when you start up the star. Besides granting invincibility, it improves speed and handling Activate this guy to swipe the M goodies of other racers. It will also turn you invisible for a little while. courses to race and battle on. Sixteen courses are designed for the Grand Prix and multi- player race modes, in which players race against the entire Mario pack or just each other. These courses are divided into four classes—or "cups"—of increasing difficulty, the Mushroom, Flower, Star and Special cups. Funny thing: You don't have to proceed through the cups to race on later courses; all 16 can be played right away (which leads us to wonder if there might be more, hidden courses that open when you earn gold tro- phies in the four cups). The final four courses are reserved for everybody's favorite Mario Kart feature, the Battle Mode. MK64's race courses pack most of what you'd expect As many as four players can now speed down the game's tracks or battle it out in its courses, thanks to the various split-screen modes. Lone racers drive in full-screen glory, with out having the bottom half of the screen wasted on a map or rear view. Two-player games from a typical Mario Kart track—hidden shortcuts, plenty of power-ups, turbo arrows and the occasional critter hazards (such as the first game's moles and SM64’s penguins). Of course, much is new and improved now, too. For starters, the courses are longer, and many extend through buildings and tunnels. They're not the flat, often stark raceways of the origi- nal's Mode 7 courses, either. MK64’s tracks undulate with hills, banks and ramps, and track portions often wind around and above other por- tions. The only things missing are gold coins, which could be collected in the first game to build speed. No Mario Kart track would be complete without split the screen in half, while three- and four-player games split it into fourths. The level of detail remains nearly the same for all multiplayer modes, but the game does slow down a bit when three or four people play. It's a small price to pay for the best multiplayer game ever The ultimate insur ance policy. It'll shrink all the other racers and let you roll right over their tiny, helpless karts. cz e power-ups, and MK64 fea- tures most of the items of the 16-Bit game, as well as a few ingenious new ones. You get the Bananas, unguided Green Shells, homing Red Shells, Mushroom turbos, item-steal- ing Ghosts and Lightning Bolt shrink rays, all of which are hidden in the rainbow-colored power-up blocks that you'll find grouped in patches along each track. New power-ups include the Decoy Block and the blue Super Shell (see the sidebar to find out what they do). Only the first game's Feather power-up, which boosted your jumping abilities, is missing. Most of MK64's items come in two varieties, the standard, one-shot type and the enhanced, multiple-attack I чн Activate these п the straightaways for a boost of super speed. They'll extend your jumps, too. power-up. For instance, shells can come singly, and be launched once, or in groups of three. If you nab a three- pack of red shells and tap the trigger button, they'll begin circling you, acting as a sort of force field. You can then launch the shells once a clus ter of enemies gets in range, or just ram other racers and let your orbiting shells take them out. The type of power- up you get is determined both by random chance and by what position you hold in the race. A kart driver in last place is more likely to get a choice power-up than the racer at the head of the pack. Super Mario 64's friendly penguins are now a road hazard. Acts like a regular mushroorn, except it gives you contin uous turbo boosts for a short amount of time. iar The least useful of the weapons, bananas will still save your butt if you drop them in the path of enemies. Drop this among ы regular power-ups % and watch unsus pecting racers crash into it. Hilarity ensues. Control in MK64 is what really sets it apart from its predecessor. Thanks to the analog stick, power slides are no longer crucial to a suc- cessful race. The stick gives you nearly all the control you need to slide around tight cor- ners or keep from flying off elevated tracks that lack guardrails. In fact, once you get used to the analog stick, you'll wonder how you ever played Mario Kart without it. A few new control tricks have been added to MK64, too. Your Kart can now go in reverse, an ability you'll espe- cially appreciate when you get stuck in a corner in Battle Isn't that Peach's castle up ahead? Could there be a way in? down the gas and break but- tons to execute U-turns and donuts. Finally, the four cam- era buttons adjust your view and switch between the vari- ous onscreen displays, such as the map and speedometer. MK64 is the third N64 game whose premise was borrowed from Nintendo's 16-Bit glory days (the other two being Super Mario 64 and PilotWings 64). With Zelda 64 and a Kirby game on the way, it looks as if Nintendo's 64-Bit library ' won't stray from tried-and- true-and-money-making titles. But then, with games as good as MK64, who's complainin hat would you do with a PC game that sold over 1 million units worldwide? Besides the obvious answer (release a sequel), you'd probably want to bring it out on other plat- forms. And that's exactly what Westwood Studios did. Saturn (and PlayStation) owners are going to be treated to one of the most popular PC strategy games of 1996. Now, console owners will be treated to some of the PC's best. Command & Conquer is a present-day strategy war game whose engine is based on the classic game Dune II. Since most console owners are accustomed to action-oriented games, a real- time strategy game lends itself well to the market. Everything in C&C is moving and acting, without regards to what you are doing. Forget about taking your time during your “turn.” his is action-strategy at its finest. The setting for C&C takes place in a world where the ey to power is control of crystals called Tiberium. A terrorist group called the Brotherhood of Nod controls about half of the world's sup- ply of Tiberium and is quickly taking over the reigns of con- trol of the world. To combat Nod, the United Nations ormed a special operations group called the Global Defense Initiative (GDI). In C&C, you can choose to play either as the "good guys"—the GDI or as the "bad guys"—the Brotherhood of Nod. Each group has its own completely separate set of missions, as each has its own goals in the world. The game will ship with two discs—one for each side. After choosing the team you wish to play as, you will be briefed as to what your indi- vidual missions will be. These missions will all be different from one another. For exam- ple, the first GDI mission has you establishing a foothold on the enemy's beachfront. Kill all of the opposition, and you shall move on. Next, you are sent to help GDI forces who were ambushed in a Nod attack. When playing the Brotherhood, you may find yourself executing key political figures or running rescue missions to save your cap- tured brothers-in-arms. "Forget about taking your time..." The parameters of every level is what truly sets each mission apart. In some stages, you will start with only a few soldiers. It is your responsibili- ty to establish and defend a base from which you will build your army. In other missions, you will only have a set amount of troops, with no chance of creating more (although reinforcements may be sent your way). You will have to complete your objective(s) with only the units and supplies given to you. In those missions where you are allowed to build a base, you'll usually start with a Mobile Construction Yard. This vehicle transforms into your starting base, from which other structures and units can be formed. Eventually, you'll be able to create barracks, guard towers, weapons factories, power plants, SAM sites and more. These buildings can help you defend your base, produce offensive soldiers and craft (see sidebars), provide power, etc. You'll be allowed to build a Tiberium refinery, which will let you collect and process Tiberium crystals (which in turn brings you your only source of income). The game becomes fast and furious as you are forced to make quick decisions during the heat of battle. Will you pour out offensive unit after unit for a quick and decisive victory? Will you spend valu- able resources to defend your base? Will you rush out to gather the remaining supply of Tiberium, before your foe does? Will you take your time and build a powerful base? Don't ponder too long, for the enemy will always be prepar- ing for your defeat, whether you're ready ог not. № RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY | Now Moderate PUBLISHER %DONE | [| Westwood Studios 100% § THEME PLAYERS SIZE Strategy 1 CD-ROM Armored Personnel Carrier Weapon: M60 Machine Gun Bazooka Infantry Weapon: Light TOW Rockets Commando Infantry Weapon: Sniper Rifle Engineer Weapon: None (he takes over Nod facilities) Grenade Infantry Weapon: Grenades Ground Support Aircraft Weapon: Napalm Bombs Gunboat Weapon: Tomahawk Missiles Harvester Weapon: None (but it can run over enemy troops) Humm Vee Weapon: M60 Machine Gun | Mammoth Tank Weapon t: Dual 120mm Cannons (armor piercing) Weapon 2: Mammoth Tusk Missiles Medium Tank Weapon: 105mm Cannon (armor piercing) Minigun Infantry Weapon: MI6 Minigun Mobile Construction Yard Weapon: None (it can run over enemy troops as well) Mobile Rocket Launcher Weapon: Surface to Surface Rocket Launcher Orca VTOL Aircraft Weapon: Dragon TOW Missiles Transport Helicopter Weapon: None EGMETII NEXT WAVE ideo game characters come and go, but few have lasted longer than Mega Man. Capcom's video game hero from the early days of the NES has survived six NES games, five Game Boy games, five Super NES games and even a Game Gear game. Now, Mega Man is coming back stronger than ever in his first appearance on the U.S. 32-Bit systems in Mega Man 8. There was a bit of contro- versy over this game early on. Sony wasn't too keen on Capcom’s decision to keep Mega Man in his traditional 2-D form. Luckily for Mega Man fanatics, Capcom stuck to their guns and made sure that the latest chapter in the Mega Man saga remained true to its original form. Those of you who have played the Mega Man games in the past should feel imme- diately at home with number eight. Like all of the Mega Man games, you can choose the order in which you chal- lenge the eight Bosses, and you acquire their weapon after you defeat them. The only change to the stage select system is that now you can only choose from a set of four Bosses who you must defeat in order to fight the remaining four. This setup is the same as the Game Boy Mega Man games, but it is a first for the regular Mega Man series. One thing that the Mega Man games have been criti- cized for is the lack of original plots. п MM8, the basic premise is the same, but with some extra twists. The evil Dr. Wily has gained control of a giant, mysterious robot. Mega Man, as always, has to stop him. Along the way, Mega Man comes in contact with a new robot who may or may not be an ally. In addition to having the new robot at his disposal, Wily also has a new group of robot masters. Like all the other Mega Man games, one of the major strengths lies in the unique robot masters that you have to contend with. Mega Man 8 When you head on over to Dr. Light's shop to pick up some items, there are many things you can buy. Two of the most important items there are the weapon upgrades you can get for your gun. The first picture is of your normal powere ond one is a powerful laser beam upgrade you can buy. The final picture is of a beam that will split into a s; up Mega Buster. The sec- ead shot when it hits an enemy, taking out a wide range of baddies. Each weapon is beneficial in different areas, so try to get them all. я 4 е ONC Mega Man games to date.’ marks the debut of some of the strangest Bosses yet. Sword Man is the most basic Boss of the group. The characteristic that sticks out on him is the giant sword that he has for a hand. In one part of his stage, you fight inside a volcano, where a wrong move could mean instant death. Like every good platformer, there is the ever-present “water stage” which is guard- ed by Aqua Man. He's a roly- poly sort who has a water „С ht L ч от tne pest nozzle fr ın arm. One nice touch fr iis stage is that Mega can now actually swim t! ugh the water—a new а! ity for this game. The inost unique-looking Boss of the group has to be Astro Man, due to his lack of legs. Instead, the lower half of his body is spherical, and he hovers above the ground. He also has two smaller spheres that orbit around him. While it would seem that his stage would be set in outer space, playing 2 you actually fight through a mechanical garden and a couple of tricky mazes. Grenade Man is basically a giant grenade with arms and legs. His stage is somewhat reminiscent of Metal Man's stage. It is an industrial area that also houses a scrap yard. The largest of the robot masters is Frost Man. This hulking creation looks like a giant, humanoid igloo. As to be expected, the ground here is slippery, and there is a cou- ple fast-paced snowboarding scenes to liven up the action. Tengu Man is the most Japanese of the Bosses. In Japan, a Tengu is a type of crow demon. Therefore, Tengu Man looks somewhat like a crow. He has a beak and a tail, plus one of his har s is made of three ыы giant, metal "feather" blades. The standout feature of this stage is that it is very windy and hard to maneuver in. The best way to | describe Clown Man is an evil robotic version of Sega's NiGHTS character. After fighting through his crazed circus (which is full of toy versions of classic ыы | RELEASE DATE PUBLISHER THEME PLAYERS SIZE Gamer's EDGE When things get too tough for Mega Man himself, he calls on his faithful pal, Rush. The robot pooch can help out Mega Man in a variety of ways. J heck out these options! Random Power-up Rush Cycle Rush Bomber Power-up Barrage Mega Man enemies), you must take on the clown prince of robots himself and his electricity attacks. Search Man is possibly the coolest-looking Boss of the bunch. This guy's armor is painted in camouflage, and he has a rocket launch- er for an arm. Not only that, but he has two heads, each one with its own voice. He lives deep within a jungle hideout that is fortified to make sure Mega Man never gets there. With so many powerful enemies to contend with, even Mega Man needs some help. Joining him once again on his mission is his faithful robo- dog, Rush, complete with a whole new set of transforma- tions. Gone are the days of Rush-Coil and Rush-Sub. Now, Rush is able to help out in even better ways. You can now call on Rush to deliver a random power-up to you. If you get in a real pinch, he can soar overhead in his Rush-Jet form, delivering a barrage of missiles on the enemy or a ton of weapon and health power- ups for you. Rush can even change into a stylin’, missile- launching motorcycle for Mega Man to ride. Rush also shows up in his Rush-Jet Mode in certain stages to give Mega Man a lift in levels that play like a Gamer's EDGE One of the coolest things in Mega Man 8 are the excellent cinema scenes that play during the game's intro and at certain key points in the game. The flawless Japanese ani- mation and excellent voice acting will have you begging for a Mega Man anime. Dont just take our word for it, check out these scenes from the game. Dont you wish the U.S. Mega Man cartoon looked this good? 114 [= traditional shooter. During these levels, Mega Man can collect special icons that call on even more of his friends to give him a hand. Beat, the robotic bird, will act as an option (remember them from Gradius?). Auto, Dr. Light’s robo-mechanic from Mega Man 7, will fly with you and launch a powerful bazooka. The final pal to help you out is the little robotic storage unit, Flip-Top. He'll х ШИШ assist you by dropping bombs on the ground below. In addi- tion to your robot pals, you can also collect a power-up for Rush that allows him to shoot missiles. Throughout the levels, there are several bolts scattered about. Be sure to collect them and stop by Dr. Light's shop between levels. There, you can buy items and weapon upgrades with the bolts you have collected. The graphics in Mega Man 8 are excellent. They may not be an extravagant leap over the Super NES games, but the vast color palate of the PlayStation leads to some stunning visuals. The anima- tion is also a sight to behold. The near-cartoon smoothness and little details give it a character all its own. Mega Man fanatics (and | know you're out there) will surely agree that this is one of the best playing Mega Man games to date. Even if you've not played a Mega Man game before (which isn't likely), you'll certainly want to give Mega Man 8 a look. Right now in Japan, Capcom is developing a 3-D polygon Mario Kart-style racing game starring the Mega Man characters for the PlayStation. Perhaps if Mega Man 8 is a success here, they will consider bringing it out. After all, we can always use another Mega Man game. № si THUNDER CL RII | тти FLAME заново Like all the other Mega Man games, when you take out one the big Bosses, you can use their weapon. Here's a peek at all the robot masters and the weapons that you gain from thern. Astro Man 5 > u © g 10} OUL BLADE t's no secret that fighting games are one of the favorite types of games here at the EGM offices. It's also common knowl- — edge that one of the most popular fighting games around here is Namco's PlayStation hit, Tekken 2. Recently, we received a copy of Namco's newest 3-D fighting game for the PlayStation, Soul Blade. Everyone was wondering if it would be able to compare to Tekken 2. After a few extensive game playing sessions with it, it looks as if Soul Blade has the potential to be a worthy successor to HK АНАН the Tekken series. In fact, there are some areas where it is even better than the mighty Tekken 2. Опа purely cosmetic level, the graphics are excellent. The characters are much more smoother and detailed looking than 3-D fighters of the past. Even with the incredible amount of detail (especially in the face), the characters animate smoothly. Each of the 10 characters has a different weapon at his/her disposal, ranging from a typical sword to a spear to a pair of nunchakus. In addition to the typical health meter, you also have a separate energy meter for your weapon. When you block attacks with your LU CY b= he E 3 К 4 Sou Diade nas тле DOL6enTt?5 © ©0 ыыы А еъ 55609 wet PUY 3 aş WAPT K F RIICOCASSAP та TRA U WOL UI) BUCLESSUL UU WLG 1екке Perhaps the coolest feature п Soul Blade is the Edge Master Mode. While it is mainly another variation on the fighting theme, there are a few different features that make it more fun to play. Among them is the ability to earn and use different weapons. After most battles, you will gain another weapon from your fallen foe. Each weapon has its Own statistics that will help you in different battles. There are even hid- den weapons that are especially tricky to find. While the advantage of using a powerful weapon is obvious, it's also great fun to be able to have your favorite character use a different weapon. 25 Ы 260 ai» weapon, its energy level gets lower and lower. When the meter drains completely, you lose it. Now you are much weaker than before and at quite a disadvantage. In addition to the character graphics looking fantastic, the backgrounds themselves are also beautiful. They are completely 3-D and feature a = 3 weapons collide, you must fight to win the duel. surprising amount of finely detailed animation happening during the fight. Another nice little touch is the trails of light that your weapons leave after you pull off a powerful attack. This adds nothing to the gameplay, but it makes the proceedings much prettier. A big plus for all fighting games is that they can have an extremely long life span. After all, you can play against a friend again and again, or you can attempt to master every character. In order to keep Soul Blade fresh for a long time, Namco has packed it with seven different modes. There are the typical Arcade and Vs. Modes that every fighter features. There's a Team Battle Mode where you can create a team of up to five players to compete against another team. A Time Attack The PlayStation's power is shown off by the lighting effects. Personally, | think the fight would be over when and shoves a knife in your throat, but you bravely fight on. Mode tests how quickly you can waste your opponents, and the Survival Mode sees how long you can fight with one energy bar. There is even the popular Practice Mode to perfect your fighting style and special moves. The most unique mode, however, is the Edge Master Mode. This is basically the equivalent of a Story Mode, where you choose a fighter to control, move around on а map and fight various opponents. What makes this different than the normal one- player game is the fact that you will earn a new weapon after beating an enemy. Plus, there are various types of matches. For instance, some opponents can only be defeat- ed with throws or by throwing them out of the ring. Some even gain their health back Taki spins you around Here, Voldo shows off his plate-spinning abilities. Unfortunately, you play the role of the plate spinning atop his deadly claws. as quickly as you can take it away! With such incredible graphics and unique modes of play, it is little wonder that Soul Edge is quickly gaining such popularity here at the office. The more we play it, the more impressive little features we find. This just makes us want to keep com- ing back for more. As long as Namco continues to make such fun fighting games, we will be getting less and less actual work done. № RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY March Adjustable] PUBLISHER % DONE | Namco 95% | THEME PLAYERS SIZE | You can see the detail of the characters in the Victory Screen. One of the more unique features of Soul Blade is the shifting battlefielc of the matcl A couple чо on platforms floating in water As the rings sit in the ter the motion of the waves causes the entire ring to rock back and forth. At first, the effect may be а bit disorient specially when the form is movihg wn at the ne time. Luckily, there's really nothing to worry about The Soul Blade fighters згу well з that n their bal apparently have developed inner help them maint ance on the shifting ground. All you need to do is try not to £ let the movement distre your from the fight, £ should be fine. 2 « E 4 - x ш 2 SENTIENT amers who have been starving for a realtime adventure full of intrigue and scandal—with a sci-fi feel—should look no further than Sentient by Psygnosis for the PlayStation. The story begins right when а shuttle is making its approach into a space sta- tion that is slowly being pulled into a sun. Now gamers may wonder why a shuttle would dock on a ship that is going to be incinerated. The reason is that there are people aboard this shuttle who are going to help the ship in one way or another. As the shuttle approaches, a problem arises and the ship crashes into the landing bay. This means death for all on the approaching shuttle—or so gamers may think. Players control a medic who was aboard the crashed shut- tle. He was the only survivor. (The reason why the main character survived is a mystery which will be revealed later in the game.) The reason he was sent to the space station is to care for those suffering from radiation sickness (from the approaching sun). The graphics in Sentient are completely 3-D polygonal, that's okay since Sentient isn't an action game-it's a sci-fi adventure. Don't worry, though, there is some death and destruction in the game. The interface in Sentient is one of the most interesting ones EGM has seen in awhile. When talking to a person or computer, the main character, Garritt Sherova, is able to choose what he is about to talk about. аб 0: в 21128 HEELS " > WE 1 b " A a 2 gamers may think. similar to King's Field. There is a huge cast of characters, each with his/her own unique features—even his/her facial expressions change depend- ing upon what you say to them or how they're feeling. Unlike King's Field, there isn't a whole lot of action. But For instance, in some situations Garritt may want to talk to someone about an object he needs to find. In this case, a gamer can pick to ask "what about" and then fill in the blank with the par- ticular object he/she is trying to get info on. This can also be done with person and places as well. There are various levels in RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY PUBLISHER THEME PLAYERS SIZE WORLD DOMINATION IN A BOX There are nine different per- sonalities that Garritt can be during the game. The key to these different personalities is when to use them and who to use them on. Certain char- acters that gamers will come across are scared and are easily manipulated. Be aggressive with these people and getting information will be a breeze. Trying to be in control with a controlling per- son, though, doesn't work at ( all. With these people a more submissive personality works better. Be aware of the differ- ent types of people Garritt will meet and try different per- sonalities when talking to them to see what happens. Jurrell Ramin, is suspected of a conspiracy. One of the plots that Garritt can venture upon is to find out what Jurrell is hiding. Another plot that can be interacted with is one that involves a space fungus that is quickly taking over one of the levels and eventually the entire ship. Garritt can choose whether or not to stop the fungus. By choosing to stop it will yield a different ending than if he failed. The shortest possible game that can occur is someone who is confident, using a commanding tone will do more harm than good. Sentient may prove to be one of the more interesting titles to come out. As more info comes to us on this title, EGM will gladly pass it along. BM up a bit. Some include a Big-head Mode and Wide- screen (or letter-boxed) Mode and a nonsense code where all of the characters talk like they're crazy (i.e., they talk about pink butterflies and bread that talks to them). During the game Garritt That should kill the pain... Until 1 can get to sirkhay... will fall in and out of consciousness. During these trippy dream sequences, there is a maze that gamers can find their way through. If they do, a special FMV clip plays that gives them a hint or two. There are several opportunities to find these clues. Players can choose to the Space Station to which Garritt can adventure. These levels are split up between different branches like engi- neering, science and med- ical. There are also plenty of security guards walking around giving Garritt a hard time. The head of security, probably close to 20 minutes according to Psygnosis. The longest game is much longer than that, but since Sentient has 10 endings, who knows how long it'll take to get to the end of all of these? Sentient also features some hidden goodies to spice things As mentioned in the Next Wave text, gamers can eventually get to one of 10 to the land of the living... have a certain personality when talking to various char- acters. There are nine person- alities altogether that include angry, sarcastic, normal and happy, among others. Some characters are submissive, so talking to them with an authoritative tone will yield answers, while talking to different endings that Sentient has. Of course, multiple plays will yield dif- ferent endings. Although 10 seems like a pretty decent number of endings, this is nothing compared to the number of pathways there are to actually get to one of the endings. There are a bunch of sub-plots that'll take Garritt for a loop as he tries to focus on his main goal, whatever that may be. Chances are gamers will have a whole lot of fun get- ting to these different end- ings. Keep an eye out for a secret ending that can only be obtained by being at the right place at the right time. WIN PANDEMONIUM) < 2 You have the POWER. In this contest you don't rely on the luck-of-the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill, Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but its only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time it's all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! Computer Contest. Win a blazing fast computer with 200 Mhz Pentium, 16 meg. RAM, 2.3 Gig, HD, 8X CD-ROM, 17" monitor, Windows 95, modem and more! Video Game Contest. Play on the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: Sony Playstation; Sega Saturn; Virtual Boy; 300; and Nintendo 64! Get all five or trade the ones you don't want for CASH! Bonus options include: 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more! C The Viti E Gaming mate over $20,000% ! IN PRIZES! \ TEA remm Rig! Los анин 22275 t » 5 3 е. 5 5% BE — 4 | SONY PlayStation > “ЕЗ Media Rig Contest. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 40 inch monitor, 130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Digital Surround Sound, and all components shown. Win DSS Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION! This rig will blow you away! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with vi enl across that spell out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue, In the future, There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle, We don't know how many will play but typically 55% will have the highest score possible score to Phase |, 43% to Phase Il, 36% to Phase Ill, and 32% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the grand prize they are playing for. eda MYSTERY WORD CLUE: WORLD RULERS HAVE IT AND IN THIS CONTEST YOU HAVE IT ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTRY FEE: [5 ($3.00) Computer Contest (J ($3.00) Video Game Contest C ($3.00) Media Rig Contest [7] ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter them all (SAVE $4.00) Yes! Name Address City © SEND CASH, M.0., OR CHECK TO: PANDEMONIUM, Р.О. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED = ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY FEB. 15TH, 1997 * ENTRY FEE М Only one entry per person. Y be ineligible. Judges decisions for lost or delayed mail Pandemonium, Inc. 7 respective companie: Í This Itsy-BHitsy Hero Ain't Cute Spider's spider is a hairy, crawling tarantula—an arach- naphobe's worst nightmare— and it has all the creepy creature features that make real spiders so frightening. oss Game Studios, a two-year-old new- comer to the video game industry, defi- nitely didn't go for the cutesy look when it \ designed the eight-legged | hero of its first video game, | Spider. The arachnid protago- Р E nist doesn't wear a little top p hat or a four-legged pair of pants. It doesn't shout cute catch phrases, unleash mag- ical attacks or even frolic with its insect friends. But Boss Game Studio's bold choice for a hero isn't the only thing that makes Spider leap out from the standard side-scroller fare. For starters, your spider isn't limited to walking and hopping across the tops of the platforms scat- tered throughout the game's "Your spider's ШЕ offense lies in its EP cight hairy legs." le guy, Spider's spider sure 4 gets around. He starts in a lab, where he = ` skitters over broken computer equipment. In world two, he treads through a factory. - ErjeceM tea (P Am" № аш After he defeats the factory's mechanical arm Boss, the spider wanders into the city, where he climbs up buildings and crawls through the park. Next up is the museum. massive environment. He is, after all, an arachnid, and as such he can walk up walls, crawl around to the platforms’ undersides—even hang upside down and swing from his webline. The spider's abilities go beyond the standard jump-on- enemies-to-kill-'em attacks of traditional platform games, as well. Your spider's offense— and defense—lies in its eight hairy legs. As the spider wan- ders through the game, he'll stumble upon different leg gadgets, which he can attach 4 и T P" GEM © Spider's next stop is the dank, dark sewers, where one badly aimed leap lands the critter in the slime. Finally, spider will reach the evil lab, where he faces the game's final Boss. ® aae у One thing players won't have to worry about as they wan- der through Spider's enemy- infested world is adjusting the game camera—the per- spective is adjusted automat- ically. Much of the game is viewed from the side, owing to Boss Game Studios' desire to create a more traditional platform-title experience. But often your spider will head toward the background, and the camera will swing behind the critter to follow his progress. Other levels have the camera sitting above the spider, providing a top-down view of the action. web is a handy tool. to his body to gain special attacks and abilities. You'll find 10 different legs in all, seven of which grant offensive powers, while / three boost the arach- nid’s defenses (see sidebar for more info on leg power-ups). So how does the spider get away with swapping its "Each level i gat RES The funky psychedelic 70s room is only one of Spider's seven levels, which open up when you collect enough CD pieces. direction." limbs? Well, the game's story has it that the hairy-legged hero is not a real spider. Instead, he's the cybernetic result of an experiment in arti- ficial life. It turns out that the scientist who created him also produced hundreds of other robo-bugs, many of which the spider will battle in the game. A rival corporation broke into the scientist's lab and blasted him when he was tinkering with the spider. In a last-ditch effort to save his life, the sci- entist transferred his essence into the spider. Now, as the spider, the scientist must wan- der through level after level, in hot pursuit of his stolen body. Spider contains 32 levels, which are divided among six worlds. The critter starts in the huge RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY March Moderate | PUBLISHER % DONE BMG Interactive 759% THEME PLAYERS SIZE Action 1 EGM chatted recently with Seth Mendelsohn. Boss Game Studios’ cre ative director, to get the low down on the sophomore È development house's first E product, Spider ; % 3 * SM: We wanted to do a game that plays more like the traditional platform game, because they're fun to play, In full-form 3-D, you can't make а game that plays like a traditional platform game. There are issues about jumping and 3 judging distance. SM: For one thing, the spider does more stuff. The most unique thing is your ability to walk up on walls or the ceiling. Also, all of our levels are in real places, as opposed to fantasy places like in Crash Bandicoot, and there's a huge variety in the graphics style. We didn't want what | call the "Sonic syndrome," where you have three levels that use the sarne graphics set SM From the very begin: ning, we wanted to do something different, and every single game with a mascot is cutesy. We want ed to do something that's a little harder edged. We thought spiders are creepy. We wanted to do a real envi ronment that had a darker tone to it SMWe had a lot of ideas p for interesting Bosses, but Ы as we started making them, E alot of thern became very similar to each other So we said, "What if we spent rnore tirne on each Boss and gave them more ani mations, more Al and made thern do more things?" We ff could have three unique Bosses instead of six or seven okay Bos scientist's lab, where he'll have to skitter over and under countertops and computer equipment while avoiding sinks, burning debris and falling beakers. The spider's quest will take inside a computer and through other oversized locales (see sidebar for a closer look at the levels). Like in the pseudo 3-D titles Crash Bandicoot and PandemoniumlSpider's level's and enemies are cómprised of polygons and look 3-D, but they grant only two dimensions of freedom. Your spider can move forward and backward along each level's multiple paths, but he can't crawl wherever he wishes, thus giving the game a very side-scroller, platform-title feel. Spider's developers make no apolo- gies for the game’s 2-D gameplay. After all, they planned all along to create a more traditional platform game rather than a him out into the city streets, along the side of a building, Super Mario 64-like 3-D beast. But just because Spider adheres to 2-D gameplay doesn't mean there's little for players to explore. Each level is huge and sprawls in every direction. Since the spi- der can walk up and down vertical surfaces, he can trek to out-of-the-way areas high above or use his web to descend to hidden platforms below. The game camera adjusts automatically as the spider wanders through his environment. Most times the arachnid is viewed from the side, but occasionally his path will steer him toward the background, and the camera will switch to a behind-the- spider perspective. Control in Spider is fantas- tic, although it takes some getting used to. Unlike in Рапаетопіит!, Spider's spider must always be guided in the direction you want him to trav- el. For instance, if the spider is walking right and comes to an incline, he'll stop if a ous "Control is fantastic, although it takes some you simply keep pressing right on the control pad. You have to press Up and Right if you want him to con- tinue. You always have to press the pad in the direction the spider's facing if you want him to go in that direction, even if he's only skittering over a slight rise in his path. This control method is a little awkward at first, but soon it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Each of Spider's levels has between one and four exits, which are marked by comput- er chips that the spider must collect. Although players don't have to nab all the chips to finish a world, they do have to * z ed to." collect a certain amount to proceed to the next world, kind of like Super Mario's find-enough-stars-to-proceed approach. Finding all the com- puter chips will let players see the game's best ending, and the developers are tinkering with the idea of sticking in an extra level that will open for players who collect every chip. The levels also hold hidden CD pieces. If players find the three pieces scattered throughout each world, they'll gain access to that world's secret level. Spider packs seven secret levels in all (the last world contains two secret stages), and these hidden areas-unlike in most games— й, zT Battles with Bosses are infrequent in Spider, since the game contains only three Boss levels. Each of the three is memorable, though. VideoGameSpot is heré ' to the eye-popping w I аот S gives: you the _ Е Besides scorpions, you'll also battle rats, mantises and slugs. are every bit as large as the regular stages. Some are kinda strange, too, like the psychedelic ’70s room, where the spider will crawl over eight-track tapes while lava lamps glow nearby. Spider is Boss Game Studios’ first title, and it looks to be an impressive debut (and one we've been waiting for ever since the game caught our attention at E°). Boss’ creative director, Seth Mendelsohn, said that when the Spider team began development on Unlike in most platform games, Spider's hero can attack his enemies 10 different ways—thanks to the cyber netic spider arms he finds scattered throughout the lev. els. The simplest weapon leg—and the one that players start out with—is the metal tipped slasher, which tears into insectile enemies. But players will also find six other offensive legs. including a guided-missile launcher, flame thrower and poison sprayer. In addition, the spider will find three defensive legs, such as a smart bomb and mine layer. Spider's tunes—especially in the sewer world—are outstanding. the game more than two years ago, they set out to create a game that they would want to play. Judging by ЕСМ preview copy of Spider, they've created something all other gamers will want to play, as well. № The spider can only carry two offensive legs and two defen sive legs with hirn at any given tirne, and you can switch between the appendages with the shoulder buttons to unleash different attacks. The legs also alter the spiders appearance, turning his head and thorax into rnetal after he collects four of therm. Unfortunately, the spider loses his legs whenever he dies, and he rnust start his next life with nothing more than the wirnpy slasher leg. РР > >. LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION Step-By-Step Strategies For Every Game Level ) Take a behind-the-screens journey into the most anticipated) яш Wars foy the Nintendo“ game supte If you love Star Wars and want see everything hidden in t Shadows me, this is the magazine for you! J AT B. Dalton Rut. т |Whup E.T.'s Butt At Home ne of the most an invading alien force. Only video game-it mainly focuses original and popular with Independence Day (ID4), on the dogfights between the video games from the gameplay experience is human's jets and the alien's the early days of the completely different. fighters. Just like the movie, industry was Space Obviously, 104 is based on the massive alien destroyers Invaders. Now, FOX this summer's blockbuster loom above the battlefield, Interactive is releasing movie of the same name. It serving as a constant reminder m | Independence Day for the should come as no surprise as to the fate that awaits ! PlayStation, and in concept, that such a popular, action- mankind if you fail. Whe ; + = ; n зеп youre out blasting the в №, it is almost an upgrade of packed movie would make the In the game, you control alerto es vou haveta nake № sorts to Space Invaders. transition to the video screen. a character very similar to sure that you get them before When you think about it, the While there are many ele- the movie's Captain Hiller they get you. In order to get f concept is the same. You pilot ments in /D4 (the movie) that (played by Will Smith). While the drop on the invaders, you ‘a ship in an effort to fight off would translate well into a you never see your character, have to know where they are at all times. To do this, you J "3 "launch a missile right ор ШЫНЫ X the ship's main gun port." shel anand of wi sho area inside the force field that you you do hear him a lot as he have to fly in and your posi chats over the radio with the tion within it. There are other fighters. little details such as the ter Your main goal is to bring rain. The screen on the right down the destroyers. As in the shows the locations of the movie, the only way to do this enemy fighters and when Е | n issile right û they appear in your range. In 8 aune a ms 9 р addition, this radar will point the ship's main gun port. you in the direction of the Unfortunately for Earth, the major targets you need to aliens aren't dummies, and take out to win the mission Careful pilots who pay atten tion to their radars cannot fail p When you hit an alien fighter with one of your missiles, you can see Nothing is going to penetrate the their shield light up as they go down. It's a nice little touch. to see. 70 force fields. WüzJEcm * 77 эи К ЖАТ, The Two-player Mode pits you and a friend against each other instead of aliens. Why can't man unite? Why can't we all just get along?! they aren't going to make things easy for you. They have ample defenses to insure that their conquest of Earth goes smoothly. Surrounding the destroyers is a powerful force field that cannot be penetrated by any of your available weapons. This same force field extends down around the circumference of the ship, essentially trapping essential missile into the gun. While you're trying to destroy the generators, you will have to fight off an army of alien fighters who will lock onto you with their lasers. You can blast them with your machine guns or launch a missile at them for a quick and easy kill. Adding a sense of urgency to the matter is the countdown clock on the screen. When the When you tire of blasting aliens, you and a friend can play a split-screen or linked-up deathmatch where you fly the plane of your choice in an attempt to kill each other. While the control needs a little fine tuning, 104 looks as though it has the potential to live up to the high expectation set by the hit summer movie. When this game is finally released, we can all relive the thrill of fighting off evil invaders from space. № "IDA...has the potential to live up to...high expectations." you underneath it. So if you're trapped under the ship and are unable to damage it, how do you destroy it? Well, even the aliens are going to overlook a few details (after all, in the movie, they didn't even have an anti-virus program in their computers). On the underside of the ship are some shield generators that are unprotect- ed by the very shield they generate. If you can take all of these out, the shield goes down. At this point, the main gun in the center of the ship opens up. This is your chance to get in there and launch that time runs out, the destroyer will fire its primary weapon and, well, kill everyone. The early alpha version of 104 we received only had one level playable. While the canyon stage looks great, there will also be levels in various locations, including such cities as Washington, D.C. If you fail on your mission, this is the fate everyone must suffer. RELEASE DATE DERE | February Adjustable { PUBLISHER % DONE Fox Interactive 60% f THEME PLAYERS | size | Flying lor2CD-ROM These generators are your key to victory. You'll have to take them all It is expected nowadays that when you have a game based on a movie, there will be some movie footage featured in the game. ID4 is no exception. During the Demo Mode of the game, it shows highlight scenes from the film. The first batch of clips shows the aliens coming to Earth and destroying everything. Later, we are treated to footage of us fighting back. The movie scenes look nice and are presented in a letterboxed format, which should please movie purists. While these movie clips add nothing to the game, they do effectively set the mood for what you are about to play. i = < | MULTIPLAYER OPTIONS out guickly if you want to destroy the aliens and save mankind. NEXT WAVE * 1 A 4 ca = IDENT EVIL 2 hen Resident Evil was Racoon City, the team of first released on the S.TA.R.S. have left. The town's PlayStation, it quickly citizens are slowly recovering became one of the from the disastrous experi- system's top titles. ments conducted there. Little To date, Resident Evil is do they know that they are the best-selling PlayStation slowly being zombified by a title in the U.S., so it's no skin rash that is spreading surprise that Capcom is fol- like wildfire across the town. lowing up the game with a Resident Evil 2 (called sequel. Riding on the heels of the first game, Resident 91/73. > ee « Evil 2 looks like it just might плед yo eclipse the macabre look 9, 9 x and feel of the original. 20m0 les or The sequel begins where i 40 > the first one left off. After i S ы О discovering the biogenetic experiments going on in BioHazard 2 in Japan), intro- duces us to two new charac- ters. Leon Scott Kennedy is a rookie cop who is just begin- ning his beat in Racoon City, and Elza Walker, daredevil motorcycle stunt racer and college student extraordinaire. When the terror of the skin rash first reveals itself, the two find themselves in the police station, which you'd think would be the safest place in the city. When you have bloodsucking zombies on your trail, no place is completely safe from the threat of attack. Droves upon droves of living undead make their way to the hub, hoping to turn the rookie Zombies pop up all over the place in this game. Trapped inside the police station, you have to make sure no more get inside. cop and college student into a late-night snack. Add to the already menac- ing zombies a few of the experiments Umbrella had been working on (that have freed themselves in the chaos that has fallen upon the city), and you have one major problem on your hands. What you see on the follow- ing two pages are screens from a videotape of the game, 50 we can't yet comment on the gameplay or plot line just yet. But just looking at these screens tells you that this : Rookie cop whose first assignment in Racoon City is going to turn out just a bit longer than first expected. won't be a game to be taken lightly. Shinji Mikami, the designer of the original game, has been working to make this game a whole lot more than just your average sequel. During the development of the first game, there were game- play features that were left out of the final game because of time constraints. Now that Mikami-san has the time needed to develop the game in the way that he originally wanted, the game will have a lot more depth (not that the first one didn't). : Who would have thought that a daredevil motor- cycle racer and college student would be placed in such a night- marish predicament? In Resident Evil 2, not only do you have bloodthirsty zombies after you, but also the creations of Umbrella that are running free around Racoon City. Many of these will be placed as “Boss” char- acters around the areas of the game. It is unclear yet as to whether the game will let you explore areas other than just the police station, but you can bet since Capcom has said that the game will be bigger than the original, the possibili- ty of travelling through adja- cent buildings will be part of the adventure. Capcom is looking to accurately translate the game from Japanese to English this time around. Simone Seydoux, Capcom's product marketing manager says, “I think we're all going to miss the ‘master of unlocking,” a translation error from the first RE. "We at Capcom have a deep affection for Resident Evil," Seydoux said, “..ме’ге also waiting with the legion of fans who've played the first game to play and be frightened by the new Resident Evil 2” We can't wait to play it either. Look for more details on this game soon. № RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY nd Qtr. '97 Moderate PUBLISHER % DONE | E | THEME | Action PLAYERS SIZE 1 CD-ROM 2 ax “м см il Many times gamers will do nothing but sit at home and think about the history of games. Sometimes the oldies are definitely the goodies (especially compared to some of the sorry games being released these days). But where can gamers go to find info on those old games back in the day? Well. for info on Missile Command. Centipede. Super Breakout, Tempest. Battlezone and Asteroids. go no further than Arcade's Greatest Hits Atari Collection |. Within this compilation lies a history database with general info about the arcade versions of these classics. Other insider info that is hilarious as well as disturbing (like the nightmares of a nuclear war one of the programmers had after working on Missile Command for six months). From what EGM has seen so far. these video sequences are a lot better looking and have been produced incredibly well. This history segment of the disc really adds to the title. ARCADE'S GREATEST HITS The Greatest Hits Of The '80s Оп WEGM re can someone go to not only wheel around in a futuristic tank but also defend a city from alien invaders—not to mention destroy a giant centipede? The answer is simple: Williams’ Arcade’s Greatest Hits Atari Collection |. But those are not the only things gamers can do in the title. All of the games in this collection are classic arcade games compiled onto one D for the PlayStation. This volume of AGHACI includes the following titles: Asteroids, Super Breakout, Tempest, Battlezone, Centipede and Missile Command. The first volume of AGHACI included some classic titles including Joust, Robotron and others. This time around the inter- face is changed, among other things. The first volume featured “virtual dip switches” which allowed gamers to change options in the game (ike difficulty, number of lives, etc.). AGHACI allows gamers to change these same options—along with a few new ones-in a standard options menu environment. On top of this, the game features a full-fledged, rendered intro sequence (which is quite impressive) and a huge amount of background info on each of the games. The first one had interviews and some info, Besides AGHACI hav- ing a load of games, it also features behind- the-scenes info on all the games—every- thing from Halloween costumes based on arcade classics to С FOR МЕХ A TO QUIT but not as much as the second installment. For instance, gamers can see some of the old-school Halloween costumes based on these arcade classics along with some of the print ads and pack- aging from the '80s. There are also interviews with some of the original programmers for some of the games in the history por- tion of this disc. These interviews X FOR INDEX TO QUIT give gamers some interesting and sometimes funny stories about the making of the games (like the Tempest free 43 credits bug). The graphics in the games are identical to their arcade cousins. Little blocks thrown together represent a mush- room in Centipede or a city in Missile Command. The vector classic, Battlezone is arcade perfect, except for the control. The digital sounds are identi- PUBLISHER ZBONE | cal to the arcade versions, too. There are probably gamers | THEME PLAYERS sze | out there wondering how the control is overall (as men- tioned in the last paragraph). Since the arcade originals used a whole slew of different types of control (like rollerballs and double joysticks), it may be strange to use the PS pad for some of the games. With the use of the mouse, the con- trol is much better. Since this version is early, the control may be tweaked to make it feel more natural (with RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY | Now Moderate | Missile Command and Super Breakout). Last month gamers so some of the retro titles that have come out or that are coming out. Now that we have a playable version of the second volume of AGHACI, more retro should be a good thing—for fans of these classics that is. № An arcade-perfect version of Tempest awaits. Are you gameP The Games Defend your cities from nuclear destruction. Are those rockets from the Soviet StatesP Maybe back in the 'BOs, but these days For some reason vector graphics don't remind the EGM editors of war, but when there are tanks involved, who can say? they're probably from aliens Destroy any and all aster- oids. Use the thrusters and hyper-thrusters for boosts around space. Watch out for UFOs flying around. apre оне This one is simple enough— a bar that acts as a barrier So a ball can bounce back and destroy blocks at the top of the screen. There are several modes of play in this one. This one supposedly takes place in space but the lead Ep programmer says that the original idea was that it took place in a tunnel in the ground. it is What does Atari have against centipedes any- way? Mushrooms were never so fun to blow away || as you try to take out the EX multilegged insect. Watch [zi] for the spiders. вы SUPER BREAKOUT Game Options Volume [`` anaana] Game selection Cavity Game length 3balls Gamemessagesin English Show panel lights? Yes (Clear high scores? No Show test mode? No Auto-save оп exit? Yes «p= select O = reset X= accept А = cancel The options in AGHACI make changing things around easier. NEXT WAVE THE JOURNEYMAN PROJECT Which Кач To The DeLorean, Doc? P ҮШ Wn. here's a fine distinc- tion between what differentiates a PC game and a good console game. The Journeyman Project did well on the PC, spawning itself a sequel. The game has now been ported to the PlayStation as an original game under the name Pegasus Prime. Pegasus Prime uses a poi and-click interface. You can move in three directions: forward, left and right. The absence of backward movement hinders the realism of the game. If you move too far forward and want to go back, you have to turn around and backtrack to where you were. The menus and movement are reminiscen of another console point-and- click, Sega's Jurassic Park on the Sega CD. The game controls very Once inside the Pegasus, youll travel back in time to repair the time continuum. Time travel can be an electrifying experience. loosely. Movement is slow, and in long hallways, you have to keep pressing forward to move. Your character stops every few feet, which can get frustrating at times. Playing this game on the PlayStation is no different than if it were running on a PC. Pegasus Prime has good rendered graphics, and the movement through hallways, while slow, is quite smooth. The cinemas and effects are futuristic, and add to the feel that this is a true sci-fi adven- ture. The human characters of the game have been captured After travelling back to 200 million B.C. to retrieve the Historical Log, you'll return to an altered future to view the contents. The computer analyzes the data from the Historical Log placed in the past to the altered future that is occurring now. Pay attention to the differences, as you'll soon have to go back to the future to correct those. When you arrive at the altered future, your boss Jack Baldwin. will attempt to stop you from erasing the altered past. That's all right though. because under TSA regu- lations, you have control ofthe computer. on green screens and over- layed into the environments. The FMV is smooth, with no trace of the graininess that plagues other such games. During the game, your personal agent comes on game, it would have been nice to see a few more intelligent computer comments. The environments you travel through are super-detailed; the designers took a lot of time to make them look good. While on your journey, you You can (and do) meet up with robotic life, and they're not always friendly. Your goal in the game is to repair the timeline that has been disrupted. To achieve your goal, you'll travel through time to make sure certain events happen the way they are supposed to. By preventing the launch of a nuclear missile, you'll save the world from turmoil and insure that Earth can form a peaceful international organization. Stopping a renown scientist from being assassinated will help that cause even further and make Pegasus Prime was made by the team who created the original Journeyman Project on the PC. To do the PlayStation version, the team created amazing ren- dered graphics and video- captured hurnan actors to place in the game environ- ments. The end result is a garne that looks futuristic with its landscapes. It's good to know that human life hasn't changed much in the 25th century. screen to remind you of Green screen video capture putat the actors in futuristic scenes. Ш haec „ wa ‚, Лаз good re the movement Th " while slow, cannot make contact with people living in that time peri- od, or you will disrupt the tem- poral wave. If, by chance, you do run into people of the past, you will disappear from time forever. Your personal agent will warn you if you are in close proximity to human life. important facts, your mission or to tell you where you are. Some of the hints are helpful, while others aren’t. Some of the painfully obvious info given out by your personal agent during an Environment Analysis is what location you're in. In a three-CD osm T EC mmus {тағо ]—— peace with alien life forms. Console gamers have “different tastes than those who do their playing on the PC. The version EGM received was still a work in progress, but consoles are not suited as well to the type of game that Pegasus Prime is. № The designers sketched out the game's environments first DIFFICULTY PUBLISHER THEME PLAYERS SIZE CITY оғ | ANGELS This Crow Has АП The Funky Moves he gothic experience can be obtained not only through the movies nowadays. Now gamers who fancy themselves “goth” can play Crow: City of Angels based on the big-screen version and enjoy every dark minute of it. Players control Ashe, a supernatural hero, who's unjustly killed. He returns from the land of the dead to avenge his and his son's death. Gamers shouldn't take this lightly, since there are a whole city full of bad guys waiting for them. The graphics are similar to Perfect Weapon but have a style all their own. A dark atmosphere, much like the movie, makes this title a little eerie. For example, in one level Ashe starts on the mast of a ship. The fog is in the back- ground and the only illumina- tion is from small hanging lamps above. Enemies come from several sides, firing rifles. Like the moves in the game, Crow features a whole bunch of different weapons to find. Whats nice about the weapons is that when gamers are done using them, they can throw them at the enemy. Even the guns can be thrown. which explode on contact. Does this happen in real life? Be careful of the more explo- sive weapons like the rocket and flaming cocktails. These will knock off quite a bit of Ashe's power, besides killing the enemies who are close enough. Remember to use hand-to-hand combat when the weapons fail. Otherv Ashe will sleep with the fishes Besides rifles, players can pick up a whole array. of different items. Some include pistols, bottles, pipes and rocket launchers, among others. These can help since some enemies can be pretty // tough. (Check the sidebar on weapons for more info.) All of the enemies in the game have been animated with Acclaim's own motion- capture technology. Some of the enemies feature over 15 Some of the cinemas are а ине strange. Watching them really makes you hate the bad guys. Besides this, they are done well. The Crow: City of Angels" and © Bad Bird Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. once and for all. PUBLISHER Acclaim р The rounc THEME PLAYERS SIZE around The levels range from a pier to a church and pretty much everything else dark in between. Gamers will play through all of these. gamers advance to the tomb. As the name might suggest, moves. The main character While gamers make their this one is a little scary. From that gamers control, Ashe, way through each level, small there the level gets more features close to 50 moves. crow icons will appear to intricate and difficult. The game itself is a 3-D guide Ashe through the level. In one level, gamers are fighter, in the sense that it's These only appear after the warped back to the land of like Final Fight or Streets of proper amount of enemies the dead where they must Rage. Couple one of these have been killed. fight their way through and Ashe has a load of moves— classic side-scrollers with Players start at the pier. As make it back to the land of close to 50 as the Next É - Wave text mentions. Some of these include punches, kicks, head-butts and flips. The different moves have a greater or lesser effect depending on what enemy they're used on. The round- house works best all around. | Gamers who are lucky enough to find weapons may find that these work better than the hand-to-hand "Cin ia te ving to oke Ae enas prov е % «Some out an extremely capture animation of all the @ — Powerful henchmen. characters helps to make all disturbing imagery. ee ЕСМ doesn't want of the moves look realistic. to give away the Here's a look at some of the Alone in the Dark and you they make their way inside, ending, but if gamers were moves from the game. Note: have Crow: City of Angels. some fairly easy enemies think able to see the movie, chances ЩА ДАА Cinemas provide back- they can get a piece of Ashe— аге they know what will hap- HESS CAE о ground info and some disturb- they couldn't be more wrong. pen-that is, if they have ing imagery at the beginning After playing through this one, enough skill. I of the game which continue throughout. In the intro Ashe and his son are shot in the head at close range. Of course, no one was hurt in the making of this intro since it was rendered. Unless the motion capture was that real! Jump And It's А layStation gamers have been given more than a few first-person perspec- tive action games in the past year or so. Starting with Kileak: The DNA Imperative, gamers witnessed a futuristic journey into the halls of action using a mechanized attack vehicle. That legacy continued with its sequel, Epidemic. Now, the team at Genki in Japan have stepped up the genre and created Brahma Force. The key in Brahma Force is exploration. The game's levels expand around you as you traverse the landscape, enemies and power-ups scattered all over the place. Working your way into the heart of the enemy ship is Here are just a few of the items that you'll find along the way during your descent. Stockpiling energy and weapons in the first few levels is helpful for the later floors. Energy that is plentiful in the first few stages is scarce as you get farther along. your goal, and each floor presents a new problem. Instead of being a blast- 'em-up carnage fest, Brahma Force is heavy on puzzle solving. Before each missi you are briefed on the objec- tive and given pointers on where to find the goal. Your dexterity is put to the test, and you'll find yourself looking up, down and jumping to higher levels with ease. Collecting the AP- 200 will increase your armor so that you wont be as damaged by enemy fire. "m Also an armor upgrade, it boosts your power by a few levels and prepares you for the damage | yetto come. = ole New Game The game controls very naturally, and every button is placed for ease of use. Probably the biggest diversion from the formula of first- person perspective robotic hunt- and-search games is that you can jump. While on its face, that doesn't seem like that big of an upgrade, but once you start playing, you quickly realize what kind of dimension it adds to game- A weapon of mass destruction, the |, Banger can be used to destroy lots of enemies within a small space. Collecting these replenishes your | stash of energy so that you can use your shield longer. play. Hidden passageways are sometimes not so obvious from sight, and only by jump- ing can they be reached. Jumping over obstacles instead of having to go around them makes travel a lot easier. The first couple of levels don't pose any major chal- lenge to the experienced gamer. As you get deeper into the ship, levels get bigger and more complex, with elevators, Boosts your ammo / -- stock with the |. weapon youre |, using. Defeated enemies drop № these frequently. | Gain entrance to locked areas by pick- ing up Key Modules. When in your invento- ry, use the action but- ton to open the door. DURABILITY r97 Cormeen beawen around each floor. Weapons consist of a standard rifle, laser, missile launcher and bomb. Within these categories, there can n - be more than one weapon. d There are two stages of health: durability and energy. Durability counts as health. catapults and secret doors. Positioned around each level are computer terminals, which when activated put you in contact with your team for more info about the level. If you miss an important detail from their transmission, you can call it up on your recorder. “т J 7 У GT O G f^" ere еї ато £ ча ^^ С РО ifiSreaQ oi Deing а carnage 1 В | тоат тал ттл а FArAO та РӘ les. DIGAGILILLO готгсе 1s пеауу The graphics in each level change as you get deeper into Beltlogger 9. The game isn't made up of flat floors and platforms, but inclines and ramps to travel down. Gather a new weapon and collect WPAs to super-charge your ammuni- tion. Extra health, energy and the like are scattered evenly knocked backward when hit, shield or not. The Bosses are big and detailed, with rendered cinemas that play while you fight them. Finding their weak points can be difficult. If you prefer puzzle solving to fast action and blasting, Brahma Force is for you. № When it reaches zero, you are dead. The energy bar represents your shield energy. Your mech has a shield which can be used as long as you have energy. Press and hold the button to activate it, and watch the green glow sur- round the ship. The only drawback is that you get RELEASE DATE Missile Repair Module Harder to kill enemies can be damaged more |. using the Missile instead of the f normal rifle or laser. № Gives your shield a burst of protection for a limited amount of time. Use while fighting a Boss to survive longer. Replenishes your matched with a Le hard level or Boss. i ^ Powers up your shield. Before passing into a new level, you should use these to power your shield. Star Shell Helps you to get past tougher areas by powering up your shield. These hold valuable power- ups, when they're notjustonthe | ground. Your launcher could use some of these shells. Bosses beware, this can inflict some major damage! Takes an ordinary weapon, and adds power to it in the Options Screen. Use these wisely to power up each weapon. ұ n the realm of 3-0 fighting, there are standards. Gamers have been enjoying Tekken, Toshinden and Virtua Fighter for years. Only recently have U.S. developers turned their attention toward this genre. War Gods is the first 3-D fighter by a major U.S. arcade vendor. Midway's fighting game reputation was made by Mortal Kombat, and War Gods was their first venture outside of that universe. Comparing War Gods to other 3-D fighting games is pointless—it's not like other 3-D fighters. It's the "MK" of 3-D fighting. The only thing missing is the style that Ed Boon and John Tobias brought to fighting games. It's not an easy task to duplicate the kind of style that they set forth, and many have tried. (BloodStorm and Time Killers being the two best examples of games that tried to copy MK, but failed miserably.) War Gods feels a lot like MK, but the feeling of a Mortal Kombat game is gone. Since both games are made by Midway, it's natural to compare the ГОЕСМ Though the characters are in 3-D, the projectiles and effects are 2-0. Here Ahua Kin traps Kabuki Jo in a fireball. ün Gods, You Devils two. Even if they were by different companies, comparisons would be made. The graphics, while decent, seem flat and two-dimension- al. The colors are dull and washed out, except for the green glow that is present throughout. Blood spatters away in globs with each hit, but the comical feeling is gone. The characters look like they're made up of stick figures instead of being motion-captured models. The kicks and punches look awk- ward to perform, and all pro- jectiles are two-dimensional. The backgrounds and fighting arenas are big, and very detailed—up to the stan- dards of other 3-D fighters. If the amount of attention was given to the fighters' animation that was given to the backgrounds, War Gods would be a better game. At this stage in its develop- ment, there is still time to fix a An uppercut as a finish launches your enemy into the air. What would a garne be with- out Mk-style fatalities? War Gods has a slew of them for each character, some depen- dent on the character's back- ground to how they play out. Having been popularized by Mortal Kombat. War Gods spills even more hemoglobin. What's better. is that the blood stays on the arena floor, much like Kasumi Ninja. fc now-dead Atari Jag system. Surely the col men who have been looking at violence in video games will find War Gods as fodder for their crusade, but at least the game has a warning before the Title Screen. few things. The gameplay hasn't yet been sufficiently tweaked, and control is a bit on the loose side. The game controls in 2-D during each fight. If you want to dodge attacks, you have to hold the 3-D button and tap up or down. Instead of this route, it would be beneficial to be able to assign commands to the top L and R buttons, like dodging or other specials. Let's hope that Midway adds this to the home version before its release. "...а mode to learn some of the controls would only help; especially with fatalities." RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY yeopoo War Gods has a cast of 1O chara acters are t Side. All have been chos fight, and fight they shal Ahau is one tough opponent. Dont get caught in a fireball War Gods would also benefit from the addition of a Training Mode. Since the game may not be familiar to gamers (the arcade game never got sufficient distribu- tion), a mode to learn some of the controls would only help, especially with fatalities. Let's look at War Gods from a purely fighting game aspect. It isn't on the same level as Virtua Fighter or Tekken. As a 3-D Mortal Kombat, the game does pretty well. However, when new MK games are released, they have cyberman who is bent on Anubis’ Pyramid Hold reels the opponent in for the kill. Something as simple: as а power-up meter or weapons would have made an excellent addition. Maximus: something new, something Fighting game fans who Strongman : E s Maximus can that sets the game apart from enjoyed War Gods in the асова all the others іп the genre. War Gods is lacking a new feature to grab players and make its mark in the ranks. arcade will want to try the home version. Look for WG to be reviewed in a future issue of EGM! № off. so Tak: What's a rock mar do? Big and bulky, he's also abit on the slow side. Voodoo: Wt Voodoo? do! Sharp claws and a tendency to spit fire. ull-motion video has earned a bad reputa- tion among game players, and develop- ers rarely use it out- side of game intros any- more. But not all FMV games = are total stinkers. Titles such as D proved that video-rich games can still immerse ayers in an intriguing story. And full-motion video's rep- utation may get another boost from Atlus' soon-to-be-pub- lished Lunacy, which will hit the Saturn in February. s Lunacy plays much like D, with players wandering through a vast, prerendered environment that spools off the CD in hundreds of FMV sequences. Fortunately, movement through Lunacy's ark world isn't nearly as slow-going as movement in D, whose main character plodded along at a snail's pace. Lunacy's hero scoots about at a brisk pace. ——— "ш t Е | But quick feet are а necessity in Lunacy, since the game packs two enormous Cities, each on its own com- pact disc. Players start in the City of Mists, in which lies a hidden door to another, ancient city—one that grants the wishes of its residents. Little is known about this leg- endary city, and the only proof of its existence are the few enigmatic folks who have emi- grated from this wish-granting world. These immigrants bear a bizarre mark on their foreheads, so they're easy enough to spot. FR Unfortunately, чү they lose all memory of their previous life once they enter the City of Mists. Players guide Fred, a young man who carries the mark on his forehead. The ruler of Mists forces Fred into finding the entrance to the legendary city. So players spend the first half of the game wandering through Mist's dark alleyways, graveyards and shops, talking to people and digging up clues about the legendary city. The second half of the game begins when players find the city, this portion of the adventure is contained on the second disc. "The game packs two enormous cities, each on| its own compact disc." RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY THEME PLAYERS SIZE As soon as Fred enters the Legendary City, he causes problems that could throw both worlds into chaos. Players spend the rest of the game trying to restore balance to both cities. Although Atlus is publishing = Lunacy, the game was devel- oped by Sega, which is also translating it for U.S. players. While it might seem strange for a third-party company to publish a game created by Sega, this practice is nothing new. As it has done with games such as Virtual Hydlide and others in the past, Sega often lets third-party develop- ers publish its low-profile titles. This way, Sega can pump all of its marketing mus- cle into its big games. When = Atlus saw that Sega was look- = ing for a third-party to publish Lunacy, it jumped at the chance. Judging by our early =- look at this adventure, Atlus made a wise decision. № Februarv 1997 We are continuing to support games on all platforms as ЕСМ? delves into several titles that are released not only in the console world but as computer titles as well. Check out the multispanning cover- age of games like Re-Loaded, Tunnel B1 and the classic The EGM correspondents have locat- Command & Conquer. Also in this issue are a cou- ple of classic games remade. Mega Man 8 and DKC3 make a big comeback on the PS and Super NES respectively. Then, to really start your engines, we have some great N64 coverage. Check out the first blowout of the anticipated remake of Mario Kart. This rac- ing title is sure to be a huge hit. Also, learn the way of the Force in Shadows of the Empire, the awesome 64-Bit Star Wars title that fans have been waiting for. Learn all the secrets to become a Jedi. AAOLS JAOLVAA ed a test version of Street The ЕСМ editors are in the air flying to Japan once again to get more exclusive photos and information on the two hottest arcade games of 1997: Street Fighter Ill and Tekken 3. As usual, you'll find this exclusive information and pictures only in EGM and months before everybody else. As for previews, our editors have been working hard on getting the first information on Swagman, Crypt Killers, Clay Hexen, MechWarrior 2, Tenka and Mega Man 8. As you know, our crew is brutally honest and you won't see all high scores from them as you see in other mags. Plus look for a special feature on a game with a “4” in it! Fighter 3 and more. If the game is being made, you'll see it in EGM first. Our Review Crew is already Watch for part three of our coverage] tearing into Mario Kart 64, 3 NBASHOOT OUT ‘97 * PEAK PERFORMANCE * RALLY CROSS * RUSHHOUR * TEST DRIVE: OFF ROAD NEXT-GENERATION SPORTS FINALLY ПАВ COME OF AGE... | И + FIFASOCCER '97 * NFL GAMEDAY 97 * NFL '97 * NHLOPENICE * TENPIN ALLEY * VIRTUAL POOL E- LEM > SP s PlayStationi « ally Cross looks like Sony's answer to Sega's Rally, which hasn't been topped since its release on the Satum a year ago. Sony's Rally Cross appears to have the graphic quality and gameplay firepower to give the long-standing king of off-road racers a run for its money. Immediately apparent is the level of depth and attention to detail Sony has gone to to make things as realistic as possible. This shows most noticeably in-the vehicle physics and Ше уау in which it affects gameplay. Four-wheel independent suspension along with true acceleration and breaking characteristics takes this off-road racer to the next level of realism. Hitting a dip in the road or a banked curve at the wrong angle and speed»will result in your vehicle flipping ог rocking back and forth, making it hard to regain control. Other more entertaining driving maneuvers include power-sliding, jumping and Sand, ісе, water, тод: Вапу will make you wish for pavement. impressive roll-over crashes. Be warned, as the vehicles take visible damage as the race continues on. A hefty 20 different cars are offered, all with their own distinctive speed, acceleration, traction and handling charac- teristics. Unfortunately, the DIFFICULTY Sony's off-road racing game looks to rally with the best of them vehicles in Rally Cross are not name-brand cars. Nonetheless, the cars hold their own with their sporty styling, functioning brake lights, rotating wheels and a good "throaty" engine growl that will make you forget that you aren't racing brand-name cars. The racing environments are large, impressive and detailed. There are six courses in all, each with three separate tracks. You also have the option to race them backward in order to prolong gameplay. The tracks range from a stadium-cross to an island course. This diversity allows for a variety of racing surfaces. Your vehicle will have to traverse dirt, snow, ice, gravel, pavement, grass and sand as you make your way through all of the tracks. Many of them have secret roadways and other bonuses hidden amongst The split-screen two-player version of Rally Cross is similar to Sega Rally. The finished product will allow up to four racers simultaneously. There's always one thing for certain: Pretty snowflakes make for good racing. the trees and bushes that make things a little more interesting. Other elements within the tracks include streams, leaf piles and mud-pits for cars to plow through, thus spitting up debris behind the rear wheels. There are several camera angles from which to view the action. Rally's optional cameras consist of bumper, hood, first-person and chase cam. The most notable option is an ambitious four-player Split-screen Mode. If the final version:of the game can run this smoothly, it might be the best feature of the game. With any luck, Rally Cross could be the quality off-road simulation the PS has been lacking. Sony's new basketball game looks great and plays even faster he new editions of Sony's sports games such as NFL GameDay '97 and NHL FaceOff '97 were major improvements over the origi- nals. Judging from everything that we've seen in this early look at Sony's new roundball title, Shoot Out '97 doesn't look like it will buck that trend. For starters, Shoot Out '97 looks and moves absolutely wonderfully. Imagine detailed 3-D graphics that easily outperform last year's version with some additional, motion- captured basketball move- ments. That means there will be no more silly, unrealistic annoyances such as jumping straight in the air regardless of momentum, or bouncing between defenders like they are padded concrete walls. Also, as a result of this increased ani- mation, the players will move much more fluidly, making the game feel more realistic. In addition to adding more regular player movements such as different types of jumping and dribbling, a slew of exciting dunks were added to spice up play. There are seven types of left- and right-handed dunks that include all sorts of oppo- nent-embarrassing slams. Alley-oops, tomahawks and two-handed slams make up part of the available repertoire. Oh yeah, and you can replay those dunks at a variety of camera angles for full effect. One of the more interesting features new to Shoot Out is the innovative "Icon Passing” | find this feature welcome because it allows you to choose exactly who you want to pass the ball to. How many times have you tried passing the ball to a particular teammate in any basketball game only for it to be passed to someone next to your intended target? Of course, by the time you finally get it to that player through a variety of unnecessary passes, the intended play- er isn't open any longer or you turn the ball over. Well, Shoot Out's "Icon Passing" is geared to The new Shoot Out will include free throws, unlike the original. Just kidding. This is a good shot to show the level of player detail. x MEGHT 5 AS PRO: uncé ext It appears that this version of Shoot Out will play great in addition to just looking the part. If so, Sony will slam home another winner. remedy all of those problems. To visualize how this interface works, think of the passing icons that represent the receivers in NFL GameDay or Madden and you'll basically understand the concept. Rest assured, there will be plenty of different high-flying dunks to keep this game sizzling on the offensive side of the ball. During play you can bring up the icons under your teammates and pick which one to pass the ball to. You don’t need to use this for every pass, however. Maybe you'll only want to use it to “thread the needle,” so to speak. To improve the realism in the game, Sony says that they have substantially beefed up the computer intelligence, and will also add a variety of new strategic defensive features. These options will consist of user-selected double teams, in addition to different amounts of defensive pressure. Season play will also enjoy some enhance- ment as an NBA All-Star № game based on your M season can be played. Й Additionally, you can create players (useful for creating unlicensed players like Jordan and Barkley) and sign free agents. Avid fans will be happy to know that Season Play will also keep track of more statistics, which was something that the original lacked. Like GameDay '97, Shoot Out '97 looks like it will correct most of the problems that plagued its older counterpart. The question is, will these changes propel Shoot Out to the elite rank presently held by games like GameDay ’97? DIFFICULTY RELEASE DATE There can only be ONE #1 п Fa BASKETBALL Tl Е te NCAA www.mindscapegames.com MINDSCAPE SPORTS ALTERNATIVE™ Windows" 95 ©1996 Mindscape, Inc. All rights reserved. Mindscape is a registered trademark and Mindscape Sports Alternative and the MSA logo are trademarks of Mindscape, Inc. The NCAA and Final Four are registered trademarks of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and are used under license PlayStation CD-ROM by Mindscape, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. y тм All other trademarks and registered trademarks аге the property of their respective holders. у репо ede Atlus drives their quirky racer from Japan to the U.S. ) eak Performance is a unique breed of racing sim that brings together a large amount of depth and realism while holding true to what makes arcade driving games fun. What is most prominent in this game is the ability to “power-slide” the cars around every corner without losing any speed. Peak Performance could best be described as a mixture of Ridge Racer-like graphics with Daytona driving charac- teristics. The name of the game is “power-sliding” and this game has plenty of it. There is an overwhelming selection of 28 different vehicles broken up into five different categories. As a unique bonus, vehicles not known for their racing prowess such as a Semi Truck, a Greyhound Bus and a Scooter are also available in the “Special Class” category. A Time Trial Mode is offered in addition to its One- and Two-player Modes (which allows you to choose vertical or horizontal split-screen). In addition, there are plenty of prerace options. Players can select the vehicle’s color along with the ability to adjust its gear ratios, handling and even the shock-absorbers through the “Tune Option” offered before each race. Three long courses are available that can be driven forward or backward. The tracks are based in and around rural settings with many wind- ing corners, cliffs and intersec- tions to maneuver. Selectable driving conditions include Sunset, Midnight, Mist and Sunny. Rounding out the list of variables is the skill option which offers five levels of play. With unique driving techniques and a ton of options, Atlus’ new racer might pique racing fans' interest. RELEASE DATE DIFFICULTY f PUBLISHER | PLAYERS THEME "Test Drive: Off-Road Accolade takes their popalar series to rougher territory acing simulation fans have had a lot to be thankful for over the last year. With groundbreakers like EA's Andretti Racing and Psygnosis" Formula One, players have had their hands full mastering the art of Indy car and Formula One road racing. Now it's time for the next wave of 32-Bit racers to hit the shelves and there's not a sign of asphalt in these puppies..just dirt, sand snow and mud! Accolade's Test Drive: Off- Road puts players in control of four different heavy-duty 4X4s that must tackle several obstacle-laden tracks. Each vehicle, whether it be the Jeep Wrangler, the Land Rover Defender 90, the Chevy Z-71 or even the famed Hummer, will have its own handling characteristics, as well as several other features unique to that vehicle. Each vehicle's dashboards and instrumenta- tion are digitized right from the real thing. In addition, six other vehicles will be available by code including a monster truck and a baja bug. Cars will display damage when colliding with other vehicles and various objects on the road. Players can choose from two different modes: Class Racing, which puts all the same type of vehicles in a race together, or "Unlimited," which mixes up the classes for an all-out contest to determine which type of vehicle is king of the off-road mountain. Two-player split screen or link-up play is also available. The 12 courses feature sand, snow, mud and dirt as the primary racing surface with plenty of hills and ditches to maneuver. Large amounts of road debris including logs, rocks and even the wreckage of a downed airplane make things even more challenging. The carnage is accentuated by the music, which is provided by the group Gravity Kills. Controls are pretty straight- forward, except for one nice twist which allows players to power-slide around corners by using a handbreak control. The genre of off-road racing continues to heat up, and Test Drive looks to be one of the early front-runners in that growing category. РЕ ORS Pens NE ЗОВ СТРА ЧА ВЕЕРА a ct کد ر‎ O کک جک‎ NUT MUT Dt) evo sygnosis has always been one of the most active makers of great-looking racing games for the PlayStation, and it appears that they don't have any plans of letting up now that Rush Hour is nearing completion. Rush Hour is a racing game that utilizes the same three- fourth perspective that made classic games such as R.C. Pro-Am and Rock 'N Roll Racing so popular. At this point, it doesn't look like Rush Hour will be nearly as wild. There are no weapons or other gadgets that will help you win the race, or make others lose it. What Rush Hour does have is some outstanding 3-D racing environments. The tracks are very complex, with multiple layers of roads criss-crossing over each other. On the Coastal track, the road may wind along a mountain, while on a city, the track crazily sprawls in many directions in an unorganized fashion. It's not unlike many of our city's horrible highway sprawls. The track's graphics are very impressive, and it's clear that from what we've seen Could Psygnosis’ offbeat racer become the RC Pro-Am 211 id н in Rush Hour thus far (and other Psygnosis racing games), they will be one of the strong points in this racer. Rush Hour offers 16 different vehicles to race with, and they are divided into two groups: Performance Cars and Off- Road Vehicles. There are eight of each kind. The Off-Road vehicles consist of choices like a Hummer or a Semi Truck while the performance vehicles let you rip loose with nimble Ferrari or Porsche-like cars. The divisions are designed to keep you from racing mismatches, which inevitably would make the game boring. Although it would be interesting to pit that Sleek sports car up against a Slow, trudging Hummer just once, it's not going to make for very competitive racing. There are three single-player modes of play available: A Single Race to quickly let you jump into the game, a Time Trial which allows you to race against the clock and a Championship Mode which takes you through all of the circuits while saving wins. There is also a two-player, Split-screen Mode that should keep the gameplay fresh for a while. Psygnosis' new racer looks great, but whether or not the gameplay matches will deter- mine if gamers rush to buy it. RELEASE DATE DIFF иш пп PUBLISHER SIZE CD-ROM Sony has really surprised те with one of the healthy dose of realism and fun make this title the best football game ever. FIFA has always been one of the leaders We've been a little spoiled by all the excel- lent software that has hit the N64 in when many cars are on screen. ommend this if you are a fan of the arcade. It's about time someone made a serious a result of the gamepad. If you really like pool, pick this up, along with a PS mouse. aig Kujawa NF. GameDay '87 «NBA Hang Time Dean Hager NF. GameDay ' ability to entertain and challenge players of all skill levels. This one's a keeper. With 42,000 real players and 250 interna- tter to bea ter than competent to compete effectively. As a straight port-over from the arcade, Cruis'n USA for the N64 leaves a bit to be desired. n things get congested. weren't enough, the music is quite lame. A port-over from the PC, Virtual poo! still game is the only challenging and realistic pool game console players will need. Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa Kraig Kujawa Cool Boarders is a pretty hard game to get a handle оп.Бесацзе racing on snowboards offers interesting racing physics. The graph- ics are decent, and the CD soundtrack adds a lot to the attitude of the вате, Being able lo pick from several characters and boards is a nice feature, but an important Two- player Mode is missing. All in all, once you get the hang of it, Cool Boarders is reason- ably fun, but since there are so many great racing games, only pick this up if you are а fan of snowboarding or “Extreme” sports. After playing great football games like GameDay and Madden, it hurts to play NFL '97. The graphics look atrocious, and they animate just as badly. The gameplay is about average, with some interesting, optional visual aids such as a line that shows the arc of a pass. If it weren't for the nifty Playbook Editor that | wish every football game would contain, this game would have been а total waste. NFL 97 has nice features, but they fall way short in adding up to a good game worth playing. This is the perfect example of a bowling game done right. Ten Pin is an accurate bowling simulation which doesn't take itself seriously. You can choose from several dif- ferent characters to use, each of which reacts differently according to how you score on the bowling lanes. The 3-D, rendered graph- ics are superb, and the game's. humorous atmosphere is wonderful. With six players being able to play at once competitively or on teams, Ten Pin is both an excellent party game and a fun bowling simulation. TUTTI OTTO +. 797 T s P! р Making a hockey takeoff of NBA Jam's gameplay was а good idea, but here it. doesn't seem to capture the magic that made that arcade basketball series so popu- lar. This Wild; fast-paced, two-on-two (plus the useless goalie) puckfest is fun to play for а short period of time, but becomes pretty boring after a few games or so. If you like this sort of no-holds-barred sports action game, you can do better elsewhere. In par- ticular, Wayne Gretzky Hockey for the N64, made by the same company. a Overlook the blocky graphics and line pop- up.problems.and you will find that Cool Boarders is not too bad. Three mountains provide varying degrees of difficulty, trans- lating into how fast players can speed down them. Perform tricks for points or just go for time. There's no two-player option offered, but a “ghosting” option lets players race against their best time in the form of anoth- er snowboarder. The game could use more options and variables, but for those who liked Extreme Games this one is similar. Sega's NFL '97 is up against some harsh competition in 1997. Because of this, elements like blocky players, bad camera angles, hard-to-read play diagrams and confusing gameplay make this game the runt of the litter in the 1997 batch of foot- ball games. On the upside, it is different and semi-innovative with its unique passing graphics and playbook, but not enough to save the game. If you have to have every football game—go get it, if not, check out some others first like Madden NFL '97. Despite its cheesy atmosphere and goof-ball charaders, this sleeper-hit delivers an accurate and entertaining bowling game to the 32-Bit platform. Players need only master aiming, power stroke and release point to become proficient. The game's physics are very good, emulating the spin and power of a bowling ball rumbling down the alley to a tee. The real fun begins when playing multiplayer. Replayability is high due to the challenge of the game and with up to six-player capability, this one is a natural party game. NHL Open Ice is perfect for those who live for fast arcade action and not stat-heavy realism. Players who don't normally get into sports games will easily adapt to the intense speed, exaggerated moves and humorous special features like "Big-Head" play, "On-Fire" and Super Goalie Моде. More importantly, the gameplay is solid and responsive. Although hockey purists may not like this game too much due to its arcadish appeal, fans of the arcade version and gamers in general should check it out. чэвен чеза чабен ueag чэбен uesg чэбен иеза Interface gives you the chance to praise, gripe, ask, speculate or simply reflect. Letters editor Dan Hsu will discuss some of today's top issues in the video game industry. You can reach him by writing to: Interface, Letters to the Editor 1920 Highland Avenue, $222 Lombard, IL 60148 or, you can e-mail him at: 75052.1667G6compuserve.com Each month, EGM will award a prize to the writer of the best letter. Make sure to include your mailing address. Please note: The above two addresses are for editorial correspondence only! Direct any subscription inquiries to: Electronic Gaming Monthly, P.O. Box 55722 Boulder, CO 80322-5722 Also, Hsu cannot and will not personally respond to any letters! The right is reserved to edit all correspondence for space and grammar purposes (to increase your chances of getting your letter printed, keep it short and to the point!). TOP" Most Original | » Games of 1996 | Psychic Detective | Blast Chamber 2 Dragon Force 1 Tecmo's Deception Ё Honorable Mentions: NiGHTS, | Tetris Attack, Persona, Grid Runner, Mr. Bones, Dark Savior PTJ ^ 1 YT WIDE is THE | ERR Dear EGM, As a 27-year-old gamer, | have seen games and systems come and go. 1 can remember when Pong was ап arcade machine. | have watched both arcade games and home games evolve and have taken notice what types are popular at the current time. We have had the single-screen shooters (Space Invaders), the single- screen platform game (Donkey Kong), side-scrolling shooters and platform games, and most recently, 2-D and 3-D fighters. Of course, there have been various types of driving games. Remember how realistic Hard Drivin’ was when it first hit the arcades? Now, the current rage appears to be the first-person corridor shooter. The game companies are really milking this craze. After all, corridor shooters are a dime-a-dozen these days. There are, of course, a few standout corridor shooters such as Doom and Quake (ever notice how all the great ones come from 14 Software?). Now with Super Mario 64, look for the 3-D platform game to take off. My question to the game developers is this: When the current popular genre of games becomes “old news,” what will you come up with to recapture gamers’ interests? Now that the third dimension has been truly captured on video games, it’s only a matter of time before developers run out of new, groundbreaking ideas. When the 128-Bit systems come out, you will have better graphics performances, but you will be approaching the point of diminishing returns. The “next level” will be when virtual reality becomes affordable for the home gamer. But that seems to be about 10 years or so away. In conclusion, there could be a near-collapse of the video game industry in about seven to 10 years like what occurred in the early 1980s, unless developers can create some- thing fresh and new, not rehashes of KEJ O GAME “DOOM the tried-and-true. After all, gamers are becoming more sophisticated and more demanding with each passing day. Donald Davis djrdonald@concentric.net Good insight, Mr. Davis. It’s scary when you notice all the mediocre games that are out on store shelves these days. Looking at them all, one might fear history repeating itself. The great video game crash of the 80$ happened because game compa- nies put out more less-than-stellar products than consumers were willing to shell out money for. The market became saturated with substandard video games, no one bought them, companies lost money, they stopped making games, everyone (including gamers) lost out. Is the future bright? You might not think so when most of the games coming out are either: a) yearly updates of past sports titles, b) side-scrolling games, or c) driving games, not to mention the Doom/ Street Fighter II/Virtua Fighter 2 wanna-bes like you talked about in your letter. Our only hope is that developers keep coming up with original ideas, and we keep supporting them by buying their products. This month’s Top 5 list is for you, Mr. Davis. It's there to recognize EGAV's favorite feature in video games: originality. Congratulations Мг. Davis. You win an Acclaim Dual Turbo Joystick. FRUSTRATED Dear EGM, I'm writing to vent my frustration. 1 purchased an N64 a few months ago. Mario 64 was great, though it got real old real, quick. When 1 decided to get a second controller, | went to over 20 different stores and could not find one. Every store was sold out. $0 1 figured Га just get the games and worry about two-player action later. Yup, you guessed it-no games either! 1 went back to the Toys ‘В’ Us where 1 got my system, and they had the nerve to tell me that I was lucky enough to even get a system, like it is some sort of privilege to own an N64. After sev- eral days of frustration, | just packed the system back up and fought tooth and nail with the manager until І got а full refund. I’ve had it!!! | hope the next person in line is happy with my sys- tem. With a little luck, games may be available for him/her by the time they get through Mario 64. Yeah right. Й JD Beales jdb1012@rit.edu Well, as we finish off 1996, a few more N64 games are trickling in, but not as many as N64 owners would like. Perhaps Nintendo is purposely releasing only a few games at a time? Think about it. By spacing out these releases, Nintendo can keep demand up for each and every title. You can bet WaveRace sales would have been lower if it were released with 20 other N64 games at the same time instead of by itself. We tried to ask Nintendo what explanation they had for the lack of new titles, but they were unavailable for comment. FIGHTING TS: ЕСМ TAKES А STA Dear EGM, Руе been glancing at the Newsgroups, and it's been apparent that many people (myself included) think that EGIV's reviews have been very harsh on Sega. Of course, you can't please everybody, but it seems that EGM gets the lion's share of the accusations of bias. Fighting Vipers is one recent and glaring example of a review that seriously breaks from the scores given by other magazines. | don't under- stand why your magazine's reviews would be so at odds with the majority of other similar publications. Kevin Ip kevin.ip@utoronto.ca Every game publication that takes a stand or forms an opinion will inevitably be accused of being biased by the readers who feel differently (and who are defensive of their respective game systems). We don’t have a single reason to be biased against Sega, or anyone else for that matter. Why would we alienate our Saturn-owning readers? We just tell it like it is. On Fighting Vipers: We think it’s pretty amusing that the arcade game was not very popular with crit- ics and gamers alike. All of a sudden, everyone (except EGM) is raving about the home version. Sure it’s a great translation, but it’s a translation of a game that not a whole lot of peo- ple really liked. Perhaps these other mags are inflating their scores to “prove” that they are not biased against Sega. Or perhaps they liked Fighting Vipers all along. Either way, our Review Crew rated the game fair and square. So we weren't crazy about Fighting Vipers, but then again, judg- ing by how popular the arcade game was, most of you weren't either. E sá Are there any Sega fans out there who thought that our Review Crew scores for Fighting Vipers (5.5,7.5,7.5,6.0) were fair? Write in and speak your mind! THE AGI Dear ЕСМ, Just a while back, | was in Electronics Boutique. The guys there were claim- ing that certain games were much better on the Saturn than they were on the PlayStation. They said that these games move faster and the graphics are smoother on the Saturn. They also said that the PS really stinks when it comes to 2-D games. My question is: Should | trade in my PlayStation for a Saturn? If the Saturn is the more powerful system, why not? I want to own the stronger system. As I was told, the Saturn seems to be the better 2-D and 3-D console. vidgamer@usa.pipeline.com -OLD DEBATI Who cares which system is more powerful? Get the system whose games you prefer. What's the point of owning a powerful system if you don't like the games on it? But to answer your question: It's impossible to say which console is more powerful. A set standard or benchmark does not exist _ to accurately compare the PS to the Saturn. Both Sony and Sega would probably beg to differ and would be happy to throw some tech specs at you to prove that they're better, but the problem is, comparing these numbers is like comparing apples to oranges. We'll tell you this, howev- er: The Saturn has dedicated back- ground and sprite processors making it easier to make 2-D games on the. machine. The graphics processor in the PS has a geometry engine that makes it easier to create 3-D games on the system. Notice we said that these things make it easier, not necessarily better. It's all up to the programmers to utilize these features. If they wanted to (and were able to), they can do great 2-D and 3-D games on either machine. Perfect examples: Powerslave and Virtua Fighter 2 are great 3-D Saturn games, while Mega Man 8 and Adventures of Lomax are great 2-D PlayStation games. So which console is more powerful? Don't worry about it and just look at the systems' library of games. ANGRY “М Dear EGM, I am a 12-year-old girl, and I’m writ- ing to complain about the things l've heard so many people say and write. about kids and video games. First of all, from what you read, you'd think adults are the only ones spending money on video games. My brother (10) and 1 have bought over $250 worth of video games with money we've saved. Second, a woman wrote in to another magazine and said, ^Why make games $504 to target an audi- ence 12 and under, who would be just as happy runnirig under a sprinkler?" In the same magazine, an article said children 11 and under wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a 64-Bit game and an 8-Bit game. Anyone with eyes and a brain can tell the difference! As for sprinklers, 1 stopped playing with them to play video games when I was seven. Third, in your June issue, Charles Shy made it sound like kids only like *cute" ip" ECML] games and adults demand "high-level realism.” Well, my 45-year-old dad plays Tetris Attack and Super Mario World, and I usually play Mortal Kombat 3 and role-playing games. 1 do have something to say that's not a complaint: I think ЕСМ and ЕСМ” аге great magazines! Stacy Kamberis Buffalo Grove, IL Well, we're glad we're on your good side! Unfortunately for you and your brother, many members of the older, “тоге mature" generations tend to underestimate young adults and children. But we do agree that you are way too young to be playing fancy role-playing games. Wouldn't you and your brother have more fun playing the likes of Candyland or Hide-and- Seek? (Just kidding!) 15 THE SATURN'S FUTURE DIM? Dear EGM, Iwas in Hill's Department Store, and they had a sign which said that the Sega Saturn has been discontinued, and they would no longer be stocking the machine. Jerry Suggs, Jr. jsuggs@nt.infi,net The Saturn has not been discontinued. It’s just Hill's Department Stores (which Mr. Suggs Jr. told us was comparable to Wal-Mart) that stopped selling them. With over 161 stores throughout the Midwest and East Coast, this could be a big setback for Sega. Both Sega and the corporate offices of Hill's would not confirm or deny whether the decision to stop selling the Saturn was made because of poor sales. But Sega did tell us that their sales department is currently talking to Hill's to rectify the situation. If they succeed, then Saturns should go back on sale there soon. Hmm...if sales are bad, then maybe Sega should go after the untouched left- handed market... SATURN SOUTHPAW CONTROLLER? Dear EGM, Please take a quick glance at the enclosed picture. Notice anything unusual? Yes, the Sega controller has the buttons on the left-hand side! Could Sega actually have made ЕСМ controllers for left-handed people after all these years? Larry Mah Eston, Saskatchewan Sorry, this controller does not exist (we double checked with Sega to make sure). Sega said the picture is a layout error of some sort. The strange thing about this picture is, it's not invert- ed. It's hard to see, but the Sega logo on the controllers read correctly (left to right). Someone had to go through a lot of trouble to make the Saturn controller look this way. POWER TO THE GAMERS Dear EGM, Thank you Leon Wilborn [Interface, ЕСМ #89] for pointing out the negative representations of African— Americans in video games. Don't just blame Capcom for this though. Thank Sony for excluding blacks completely from King of Fighters '95. Perhaps we don't deserve a spot on such a highly acclaimed game. Then we have Twisted Metal 2, with three negative black representatives. If that's what you think of us SCEA, then you may go to [Satan's realm] in a handbasket. But now let me recognize those who do represent us fairly. Thanks Acclaim for making the black character Jax an all-American hero. Also, Sega used Adam and Skate in the Streets of Rage series to positively represent our inner-city youth. Please EGM, encourage these companies to keep it up. | know they don't want what hap- pened to Texaco to happen to them. C.D. Wasp Richmond, VA Great letter, Mr. Wasp (is that your real last name or are we missing the symbolism here?), though you are criticizing/praising the wrong parties. The programmers at SNK are the ones responsible for designing (and not putting blacks in) King of Fighters '95. Midway is the one you want to thank for creating Mortal Kombar's Jax. 128-BIT SYSTEMS? Dear EGM, Nintendo began work on their Nintendo 64 about four years ago, right? Well, does that mean that Nintendo, Sega, etc. are working on 128-Bit systems as we speak? Dave Reid wt299@freenet.victoria.bc.ca We asked the companies what their plans were for the future. They were all very tight-lipped, which is to be expected. After all, any news released to the public of future systems would only take momentum (and sales) away from their current systems. But Sony and Sega wanted to make sure that everyone knew that they were technology-oriented companies, and research and development are always on the forefront of their game plans. £GM's translation: Yes, they are probably already working on their next generation of systems, but we won't hear anything about them until they have milked the current market dry. WHAT THIE??!!? Dear EGM, Hi, т one of EGM’s and GamePro's biggest fans. My grandpa ordered me a year's worth of GamePro books, but 1 only got five. | was wondering if you could send me the rest? Justin Booth San Antonio, TX We're not even going to comment on this one. CLARIFICATIONS In the November issue (pg. 66), we inadvertently ran pictures of Virgin of Japan's “The Deep" for Virgin of U.S? “Treasures from the Deep.” Also, in the December issue, we stated that the PlayStation will be getting a Bomberman game. Interplay has not yet confirmed whether a PS Bomberman will be coming out. Where Creativity, Your Favorite Video Game and A Stamp Can Make You Immortal!" Cincinnati, OH Congratulations, Ms, Chiba, Your prize is on its way— an ASCII Specialized Control Pad for the PlayStation. It features rapid-fire controls for all buttons and slow motion for those intense moments. Vu Nguyen Garden City, KS Alvaro Toledo * Los Angeles, CA Charles Kusiak Mlacomb Twp, М! Eugene Olivarez Mission, TX | Put your creative skills to the test by decking out a plain HO envelope (the long business type) with your own unique touch. Send your letter art to: | EGMLetter Art Acclaim TR Accolade 76-77 Activision 18-19, 39 Alps Electric 23 ASC Games 43-45, 47 ASCII Entertainment 8-9 Atlus 63, 93 BRE Software 157 Capcom 164 Chips & Bits 87 Eidos 12-13, Electronic Arts 28-29 Funco 159 Game Cave 160 Game Express Game Spot GT Interactive Interact Accessories Japan Video Games KOEI Corporation Konami LucasArts Mindscape Namco Nintendo Pandemonium, Inc. Playmates 156 125 60-61, 95 162-63 161 83 11, 53, 73 35-37 147 4-5, 24-25, 102-03 2-3 121 16-17, 21 ADVERTISER INDEX — Psygnosis Sega Soft Sierra On-Line Sony Computer Entertainment Tecmo, Inc. Universal Interactive Studios Video Game Discounters Virgin Interactive Entertainment Working Designs 1920 Highland Ave, Suite 222 | Lombard, IL 60148 rd 101 70-71 89 32-33, 66-67 54-55 99 158 41, 59, 75, 81, 119 65 ЕСМЕЗЯ ORDER HOTLINES Want to know more about our products? Visit our web site: You can prebook hottest tittles. Get lattest info on Import and Domestic Games. 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Dark Savior Dragon Force Fighting Vipers Hexen Lunar Marvel Super Heroes Maxx TT Policenauts Tomb Raider Toshinden URA Virtua Cop 2 Saturn Titles 3D Boxing The Apocalypse 4 Assault Suit Leynos 2 Die Hard Arcade Enemy Zero Fighters Megamix Fire Pro Wrestling S Gundam Side Story 2 King of Fighter ‘96 Macross Mega Man 8 Sailormoon Super S Samurai Showdown 3 Sega Ages Series Tactics Ogre X-Men vs. Street Fighter P 1st Poster $10.00 each additional poster $7.00 BLOW OUT SPECIALS!’ SONY PLAYSTATION SEGA CD A-Train А 29.99 Sega CD Unit w/Sewershark $49.99 Big Hurt Baseball 29.99 Adventures of Batman & Robin’ 19.99 Bases Loaded '96 29.99 Ecco the Dolphin 9.99 Criticom 29.99 Jeopardy 19.99 Descent 19.99 Jurassic Park 9.99 Krazy Ivan 29.99 Lethal Enforcer 2 . 9.99 Toshinden (promo) 19.99 Masked Rider 2 9.99 Tekken 2 39.99 Vay 2... 29.99 X-Com 29.99 SEGA SATURN GENESIS Knights w/3D Control Pad $54.99 Adventures of Batman & Robin $19.99 Bugs .. s 19.99 Aladdin 19.99 NHL Ail Star Hockey 19.99 Aliena... 19.99 Sega Rally (promo) 19.99 Beavis & Butthead 19.99 Wing Arms 29.99 Caesar's Palace 19.99 World Wide Soccer. 19.99 Incredible Hulk 19.99 SUPER NINTENDO Indy Car 19.99 Batman Forever $19.99 Jeopardy 19.98 Killer Instinct 29.99 Lion King 19.99 Pinball Dreams 19.99 Monopoly 19.99 Spawn 19.99 Risk 19:99 Tiny Тооп Buster Loose 24.99 Wheel of Fortune 19.99 WWF Arcade 29.99 NS Price and availability are subject to change without notice. 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EM2 OO еее еее еее а ерее ES Send us your old games/systems Receive a check back or purchase other titles of your choice LAST BOUNTY HUNTER 28 95/1000 ZOAK NEMESIS LASTGLADATOR — 1998800 LEGACYOFKAN 31851400 LEGENDOF OASIS 29951200 LEGEND OF THOR 3495/1400, LOADED. 23951200 MACHINE HEAD - 29851000 MAGIC CARPET 29951000 MAGIC GATHERING — 34951400 MANXTT. 34991400 MARVEL SUPER НЕ. 3499/1400 MASS DESTRUCTION 34951400 SEGA SEGA WOO SURGE EMD ЕЕ C | | SATURN PlayStat [EC We Sell Used / We Buy MORTAL KOMBAT 00039351600 Ме Sell Use HHO Seh MORTAL KOMBAT Ir 8951000 теме 4X4 GEARS тоште 39291800 MK TRILOGY 39981800 4x4 GEARS N GUTS AUENTRLOGY "285200 MR BONES ATRAING ALONE THE bance S10 MIST л AMOK Bog WRU, ANDHETTIRACNG 3881800 N Mee оков 041000 NBAJAMEXTREME 399811400 AEQNALUX BATMAN FOREVER 3499/1400 NBA JAM TOURN EDIT: 1885600 AFTERSHOCK НАОСА АЕ гз NEEDFORSPEED 34990409 AR CONANT пораги NYT 29951500 ALIEN STRIKER TOSHINDENURA _ зп NFLFULL CONTACT. 34891400 ALIEN TRILOGY BATTLE MONSTERS 29951200 NELO-BACKCLUB'S7 34991400 ALIEN VIRUS BATTLESPORT 29951200 МН 97 39991800 АШЕР GENERAL. 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Games without box, instructions, etc will be retuned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). Cartidgesidiscs nol in resellable condition or with evidence of rental store stickers will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). All games are Used, include a 90 DAY WARRANTY and are subject to availabilty. We reserve the right to refuse any sale or purchase, Allow 40 days to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 days to receive orders placed with personal checks. No refunds or exchanges on games/systems. For shipping, add $7.00 {or the first cartridge and $1.00 for each additional. Alaska/HawaiilPR/APO/PO Boxes double shipping charges. Cali. Res.add 7.75% tax. We do nol ship out of the US. Prices are for mail order only and based on 1 copy рег tile, to buy or sell їп quantity, contact our wholesale dept. Limit ‘of 1 cartridge/CD per title accepted without proof of purchase. If we do not receive your package by package. 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