Samurai Shodown 3 A YOUR GUIDE TO: 7 Ultra 64- PlayStation | Saturn» Super NES — Genesis: 32X +300 Jaguar: CDi ‘ Neo-Geo» Game Boy Game Gear PHOTOS FROM JAPAN MICVA | m ia GAME REVIEWS and and TIPS! САМЕ SCREEN DEBUT! 3 & | т >, j Complete New 12-Page Guide To All New 64-Bit Games: Zelda 64 NINTENDO January, 1996 $4.99/$6.50 Canada 01 o 70992 37371" 0 | ТМ апа ® are trademarks of SuoiAuH31S Ui1AVTd 311191dS 06 ЗЛО 51105919 31151138 SIINWIHS HJUV1J01 ° SAVId 007 u1A0 S119NV S3NIMIIA 1141110Н Sui1AVId T4N 13% SWW31 T4N Of 11У "6319315 $19045 Уно NOOS 3NINOJ sii uonelsÁe|g EF =1 UONeISAPId Cm fm^ Хеј 8 =), UONRIS 01 NOILY 03501803 NOILOW ONY 591наУ99 NOSAIOd "ONIdWnd-3NITUNIHQU 150и зні `53114345 519045 IWUNOM 01381031 GE НИМ 01005 SNIHJONQHI OINIGWOD 30.34 5.1 `МІНӘ YNOA 903 O30U3H 38] 511081504 3H1 ONY “ONIHL 1039 3H1 30 301S SIHL 5349 519045 3903-8010 A-NT 7039918 14 SLIH 3H1 "H3OUUH 397 SANNO IHL ЗУЗНА 5.11 “MOA 803 SNILIUM 397 SAOS 919 3H1 `531445 519045 IWUNOM HIA 01313 3Н1 OINO INO 4315 OS UNM E 5.11 “WAH 05 NONU 519045 ONY 1N3W3AOW 310382 1 = гш ы 511119305834 Езус я 1141110H z O eS SANAA QNAOGIY E х d 9н1199190 438 зні @1Н1Н38 SHNAG d00-A3111V NOILIY S-NO-S- S.f AWAY ЗАМ 5901913 3191173 51015 WIAVId 535504 X001-0N JOOW i110A4VTd ONY .N0Svis 1101 SWV1l YaN 62 117 . Sui1AVId Чан 1Viu 51015 WIA 3NIddilS H9IH 24 megs. With rendered graphics. Battery backup. A hero and his shape- changing dog. Ancient civilizations, prehistoric jungles, medieval king- doms, futuristic cities. АП on one strange planet. Discover the Secret of Evermore. And remember to put on your game face, ‘cause this one ain't going to be pretty. THE FORCE OF EVIL THE FORCE OF GOOD HAS © 1995 Square Sott. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Seoret of Evermore’ is a tadematk of Square SON, Inc. SquaresoftO is a registered trademark of Square Co.Ltd, Nintendo, Super HAS AN UGLY FACE. AN EVEN UGLIER ONE. е > БЕ] S z NC] EU EC" ACTION ELECTRONIC GAMING MON THEY, publisher. Steve Harris editorial director. Joe Funk editor in chief. Ed Semrad senior editor. Danyon Carpenter associate editors. Andrew Baran Mark LeFebvre Mike Desmond Scott Parus third-party liaison. John Stockhausen hews editor. Todd Mowatt assistant news editor. Nelson Taruc art directors. Michael Stassus Jason Hinman layout and design. Paul Ojeda Tim Davis Ken Batiziak Howard Grossman Sushi-X • Mike Vallas Terry Minnich * Al Manuel Dindo Perez • John Gurka Jason Streetz • Mark Hain Dave Malec • Dave Ruchala Carey Wise • Scott Augustyn Ron Marciniak managing copy editor. Jennifer Whitesides copy editors. Gayle Schneider Jo-El M. Damen Jennifer McGeary assistant editors. foreign correspondents. Stuart Levy David Rider president. Steve Harris executive vice president. Mike Riley vp/general counsel. Mark Kaminky vp/finance. Lambert Smith editorial director. Joe Funk director of operations. Marc Camron publicity manager. Kate Rogers circulation director. Val Russell circulation manager. Jack Copley contract publishing manager. Ken Williams production coordinator. John Born production manager. Dave McCracken advertising coordinator. Mike Darling customer service (NO TIPS!). 708-268-2498 advertising ECG, Inc. inquiries 20700 Ventura Bivd., Suite 205 contact: Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-712-9400 national ad director. Jeffrey Eisenberg national ad manager. Jon Yoffie account executive. Karen Landon ad coordinator. Suzanne Farrell new york office. (212) 984-0730 account executive. Michele Citrin Audit Bureau of Circulations EGM and Sendai meaia Group aro trademarks of Sengar vubnsning Group, Inc. Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for: Nintendo's Ultra 64. This system has been ever since the beginning, and now EGM and all you readers are going to have a look — |у Danyon Carpenter, Senior Editor at the future of gaming. (That was hype I just fed you. Did you fall for it? Probably, and why shouldn't you?) Everyone in the gaming community, including this magazine, has been touting the U64 as the most incredible system on the planet, and maybe it is. However, before you get lured into saving every penny you've got just to buy a U64 (or N64 in Japan), take the time to look at the full picture and listen to what I have to say. The aura surrounding the PlayStation, Saturn and Jaguar releases has hardly had time to fade away, and yet here comes Nintendo, ready to strut its stuff. Are all of you PlayStation, Saturn and Jaguar owners truly sick of your new systems and must now buy a U64 to I'll bet Nintendo is counting on that. What the are not counting on are the parents who are probably fed up with little Johnny and Jane's expensive habit of getting new game systems. Heck, this hobby ain't cheap. There comes a time when every consumer must say, While I can't speak for everybody (even though I try), I think many of you will agree with me. Could there be another repeat of those special offers? You know, “Hey, trade in your crusty, old PlayStation, Saturn or Jaguar and 10 games from these primitive systems and bring home a brand-spanking new Ultra 64 for X- amount of dollars. Hurry, we could use the quick cash!” Sorry, but Гуе grown quite fond of my PlayStation, despite my earlier reluctance to purchase one. Software companies are showing full support and the games, for the most part, are quite excellent. Besides, because Nintendo kept delaying the U64. I have no doubt Nintendo will stand behind its new baby for a long time to come. I’m sure it will be a good system, but I just don't expect everyone to rush out and buy it for its near $300 price (unless you didn't buy a new system this year). I'm afraid ГЇЇ find myself at home playing my Ё PlayStation on the Ultra 64 launch date. Sorry. comic Sook is no} An new breeds of evil! “А Ж, NA ¢ So. 1 Spawn” vs. Violator”: A Eternal Enemies! 7777 Escape Spirit Knight's Escape Spir f Knights) is unstoppable! Rooftop vengeance! THE VIDEO GAME Infinite powers are youts, but-üse them at the cost of your soul! As A. are the AA endless battle between the Mad One”and thé)Lord of Darkness! Your ene aro lator, Redeemer; ertkill—are everywhere! Gan you survive 17 levels of 24-meg madness? с combat in they A intense graphic style of the comic that started it all: Todd McFarlane’s Spawn! SUPER NES, = Spawn game © 1995 Sony Electronié Publishing)Company., Based on material © 1995 Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc. Spawh s a trademark of Todd е Productions, Inc. АС IM A All Rigfits Reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo/Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. © 1 of America, Inc. | Acclaim is a division and registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. © 1995 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved, a TO T The knight's a pathological liar. Rapunzel's schizophrenic. And Cheech is blazing again. Forget the sword. Bring a psychiatrist. Т The pursuit of the crown in the King's Tournament will have you seeing stars all right. Blazing Dragons" —a warped medieval adventure boasting а freakish mix of voice-over talents like Cheech Marin, Harry Shearer ca Hahn—spills from the twisted mind of Monty Python Troupe member Terry Jones. And between the wicked, kitty-hurling villains and brain-liquifying puzzles, your grip on reality (not to mention self-respect) will be seriously tested. Available on Sega Saturn” and the PlayStation" game console. Bizarr redneck hillbilly hunter: n't hold а candle to the aw STALL DYNAMICS Check out our exclusive coverage starting on page 74, secrecy to give the gaming pres the first look at what may be th the future? ELECTRONIC — — MONTHLY GAME DIRECTORY Allen Virus Aquanauts Adventure Boldies Batman Forever Beyond the Beyond Bounty Hunter BustAMove Captain Quazat Carnage Comix Zone Creature Shock Cyber Speedway Cybersied Defcon 5 Defender 2000 Deep Space 8: COT 11th Hout, The Earthworm Jim Emmitt Smith Football ESPN Extreme Games. Eternal Champions: COS кею Final Fight 3 For Hunt оза Gargoyles бе Hermie Hopperhead High Velocity Horned Ow Impact Racing "on Soldier 2 m Johnny Bazookatone iler Instinct Londod Lunar: EB Mario Clash H. Davie Fishing Master Mazer Mega Man VII 167 Missile Command [3 Mortal Kombat ll 108 Mortal Kombat 39,64,66 NFL GameDay 188 NFL OB Club 96 190 Омоним benê — 66 Primal Rage 169 Resident Evil LI Revolution X 3086041 Rond Rash LI ‘Samurai Shodown 3 160 Scramble Cobra ч Sega Raty Championship 188 Seikendonsetsu 3 162 ‘ShockWave 2 45.12425 Solar Eclipse 2 Sonic Labyrinth а SpiderMan 100-01 ‘Star Trek: 059 е Street Fighter Zero 160 Эше Fighter Alpha LJ таге Adventure sense Tempest 2000 m Theme Park “ Tower, The 160 Toy Story E] Vectorman © Viewpoint “ tua Cop 4030203 Vitun Fighter s Virtual Stupidity ма YR Baseball 96 190 YR Goll 96 190 Warhawk D Warriors of Fale 118,20 Weapontord 6266 World Series Baseball — 185 WWF Wrestiemania е хсот 361243 Zone Raiders m NWA aR * „ Cover Story Killer Instinct H graces the cover along with coverage on the Ultra 64 from the Shoshinkai Show! STORY BEGINS ON PAGE 74! b. INSERT COIN PRESS START 18-26 CONTESTS 32,99, 133 REVIEW CREW 38-48 GAMING GOSSIP 50 TRICKS OF THE TRADE 58-68 SPECIAL FEATURES 74-93 NEXT WAVE 96-152 NEXT WAVE PROTOS 158-171 TEAM EGM 176-190 INTERFACE: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 194-202 ADVERTISING INDEX 204 EACT FILES GeNEsIS 96 124: c Tm Play a tune to stop the a fun ~ enemy in Revolution X. erupts with Bust-A-Move. 32X 100 JaGUar 130 Swing into action with (=) Build an empire with cute Spider-Man: WOF! little Baldies! = вату 102 GalME BoY 140 [LÀ | Mortal Kombat Il bursts Carry the KI gang in your == onto this system. back pocket! PlayStation — 44g ~~ GaME GeAR 142 Get off the planet or It's a portable adventure E perish in Defcon 5. with Tails' Adventure. YOU WANT THE GOODS? ENTER THESE GREAT CONTESTS... Check out the contests from Playmates, Digital Pictures and ReadySoft! Wanna be greedy? SCORE SOME OF THE BEST LOOT | AROUND IN EGM’S SPECIAL CONTESTS EGM EDITORS WITNESS THE UNVEILING OF THE ULTRA 64! Oh what a happy new year this will be for gamers! EGM editors flew to Japan for the Shoshinkai Show to witness the world unveiling of the Ultra 64. As well, they got to check out the numerous games that are being prepared to be launched with the system. We were the only U.S. gaming magazine to have coverage on this event and what an event it was! Check out the 12 (yes, 12) pages of reviews and previews of the new system and its games. It will totally blow your mind. “No one took a breath during the unveiling of the Ultra 64—it was truly spectacular!" THE GAME SHARK TAKES A BIG BITE OUT OF TRICKY GAMES! Having troubles with Sega Saturn and PlayStation games? Worried that some of the Ultra 64 games could prove too difficult? Datel and InterAct have teamed up to create a new Game Genie-type device for these systems. As well, InterAct won't leave you swimming alone after your purchase. They are offering opportunities to always get the latest codes, like code updates in our mag as well as a provid- ing newsletter that Game Shark owners can receive! “It money is tight, InterAct has a memory card equal in mem- ory to Sony's except that it costs only $20." CRAZIES “GOT А GUN"...USE MUSIC TO STOP THEM IN REVOLUTION X! Remember Revolution X at the arcades? Well, a brand-new translation is going to hit the PlayStation soon. The story takes place in an apocalyptic world ruled by a crazy dictator. It's your job as a freedom fighter to stop the Boss, while running through huge levels and trying to save the mem- bers of the band Aerosmith. There are numerous features that keep this game exciting, like the new areas and special secrets. As well, choose which areas you want to explore and what actions you want to take! “You'll need all of these [weapons] to beat back the tide of enemies that relentlessly attack.” BLADEFORCE. The year—2110 AD. The city-Meggagrid. A gritty metropolis reeking with the stench of organized crime. You enter this cesspool wearing only a helicopter flight suit and a big grin that says “Hello Mr. Criminal. My gun is bigger than yours” You fly in real time. You fire in real time. They die in real time. Have a real good time. Features: 360° 3D flying. 3D worlds. 3D everything. You spin. You soar. You shoot. You spew. Pack the Dramamine. 16,000 true 3D objects. 28 missions and 7 | ~~~ / crime infested levels. Buy the game, get the motion sickness free. |/ a ne я —— C Gun | с Who's responsible for these two NRA favorites? The warped minds at Studio 300, of course. These innovative renegades have turned the most advanced gaming tech- nology on the wie into their own sensory amusement park—and every ride's an "E" ticket. See your favorite retailer or to order direct, call 1-800-336-3506 ТТТ up on the Web: SEE LAE C RASEN NUR _ KILLING TIME. What a politically correct title, eh? You're trapped in a horrifying 3D world of the undead. But lucky you. You've brought along some serious firepower. You've got to shoot first and catch your breath later. To solve the mystery, listen to the ghosts for clues. You'll have to call on your wits, call on your weapons or call for an organ donor if things go south. Features: 16 horrific enemies (only 3D0 could get 7 genuine ghosts on videotape). 45 supernatural areas to discover and over 200 rooms to explore. Requires use of the head, if it hasn't been blown off already. PlayStation. Adam Oates n Ег1с Desjardins #12 Center 42% #37 Right Defense GEO Ww You know that dream you've always had of playing professiona LLL D e тыма — a% a> ~~ ret ein P MES } а» жс, TOT ri NO ПА UU C 3 ч EIE :29 Ё% de | 573 rs RIDENDE MCN А Sok TA 3 = а OGE sports? Well, it’s not a dream anymore. It’s a nightmare. Е $ ~ wj 4? em. 518 TB UU 44 Bettis Y PlayStation Paul Karlya БҮ А ы w || THE BEST VIDEO GAME NEWS Dw Sloe hare оў TNC кеге Current and projected* overall software and hardware sales signal the end of the 16-hit era. *i ж; 38 32-/64-bit | 32-/64-bit N Source: UBS Securities Forecast: Sony’s strong marketing arm gives it a slight edge in 1996, but can the PlayStation battle 64-Bit systems? The Forecast: Should the Saturn falter in the face of Sony and Nintendo, Sega could very well dump its hardware manufacturing to someone else and focus on software publishing on various platforms. nic P REAL NTERACT^ — MULTIPLAYER" The Forecast: This electronics conglomerate has the money and marketing power to sell the M2 to a mass market. But it's betting a lot on other parties such as 300 to churn out killer games. Four Systems, One Market: Who'll hen there are too many cooks in the video-game kitchen, someone's liable to get burned come Christmas. In the meantime, the top four video hardware platforms slated for 1996—the Ultra 64, the Saturn, the PlayStation and M2—will coexist in an unstable market that no one company will dominate this summer. That's the conclusion reached by company officials and industry analysts as they look toward 1996: a year in which 16-Bit systems will walk into the sunset and the next- generation systems will rise. Who's in charge Analysts agree that the 1996 market will decline as the shift from 16-Bit goes into full Swing. Aside from one or two big titles, many developers will abandon Sega Genesis and Super NES development. "Under the most likely Scenario, we see a split of "| won t lie to you, we screwed up with 32X. We overpromised and underdelivered.” —Segas Mike “We don't think (Atari has) a chance, aot a prayer. It's too little, too late now.” —Raalyst David Cole surprise me if Sega pulled the plug en its hardware system.” —Kunalyst Mike Wallace the marketplace for the next-generation systems,” said market analyst David Cole. “Basically, four platforms will survive—the Ultra 64, assum- ing Nintendo will deliver as promised; the Saturn; the PlayStation and 3DO will con- tinue to have their foot in the door,” and widen that foothold should the M2 win acceptance. Analyst Mike Wallace of UBS Securities suggested that Sega may exit the hardware busi- ness altogether in favor of software titles. “Now that Matsushita has decided to go with the M2 full force, it wouldn't surprise me if Sega pulled the plug on its hardware system and developed for someone else, maybe the M2. "| don't think the Saturn's going to last," he added. Sega officials would not comment on such a prospect. On the way out Analysts are putting the Atari, CD-i and Genesis 32X Systems to rest in 1996. "Atari, we don't think they Nintendo The Forecast: Make no mistake, the Ultra 64 will sell like hotcakes if it’s delivered with a $250 price tag. But a higher price and expensive carts could prevent the system from reaching blockbuster sales. Win It All? have a chance, not a prayer,” Cole said. “Originally, we said if they could back up the Jaguar with quality software in '95 then they could do okay. But it’s too little, too late now. “| don't give them much of a shot,” he concluded. As far as other platforms go, analysts said Neo*Geo will remain a niche market in danger of folding, and Bandai's multime- dia Pippin system will prove too expensive to market as a video-game console. Neither Atari nor Sega officials say they are giving up on the Jaguar or 32X systems. "We haven't abandoned the 32X,” said Mike Ribero, Sega vice president of marketing. "I won't lie to you, we screwed up with 32X. We overpromised and underdelivered." However, Ribero contended that Sega is evolving its game library to sustain the 32X market in '96. The major players Both Sega and Sony will remain neck and neck, (Continued on Page 20) INTERNET SATURN UPDATE irst, the good news: Sometime after April, the Internet Saturn will hit the market in Japan, allowing owners to access the Internet—and play Saturn games to boot. Sega of Japan is developing peripherals (such as a modem, software and keyboard) and investigating expanded Net access via the Sega Saturn makes sense in , hut some obstacles in the market Saturn/Internet possibilities, such as networked games and PC commu- nication, according to a Sega of Japan press release. The peripherals that would hook up to the Saturn would be bundled together in a special package that would reportedly sell for ¥20,000 (about $200). Now here's the not-so-good-news: А U.S. version of the Internet Saturn may not have the marketing impact to justify its release here. “Опе of the reasons why this product is being driven in Japan right now is because there are so few home PCs allowing people to access the Internet there," said Dan Stevens, Sega of America corporate spokesman. As a result, Japanese companies are looking at other hardware options for that service, such as the Saturn. “With the number of PCs out in the U.S., [Internet access] hasn't been that much of an issue,” Stevens said. For Sega of America, he said the focus is currently on Internet content—such as Web pages—rather than access. However, Stevens did note several of Sega of America's product developers are researching the product, and its fea- sibility in the U.S. market. But gamers will have to wait until the middle of next year to find out Sega's U.S. game plan. Sega of Japan's effort to get Saturns linked to the Internet dovetails nicely with another project that is under way. Japanese carmaker Nissan will use Sega Saturns to help sell its cars, by placing the 32-Bit systems in 3,000 dealerships. Each system will play an interactive Video CD, which Shoppers can watch to find information on new car models. The Saturn system will replace the older method of playing sales videotapes. Furthermore, these Saturns will be linked up to the Internet so shoppers can access Nissan's Internet home page in Japan. could hinder à widespread release. Virtual-reality peripheral maker VictorMaxx Technologies will create a series of entertainment centers based on Steve Jackson's Car Wars game. The company plans to set up a prototype site in Chicago in 1996, which will let gamers go head to head in a racing combat game (tentatively named Autoduel). Additional plans call for develop- ment of a PC CD-ROM game that will allow online play to the site from home. Should the Chicago site prove successful, VictorMaxx will set up other centers in other major cities. 3DO has promoted Chief Operating Officer Hugh Martin to company president. The move coincides with a $100 million deal with Matsushita for the 64-Bit M2 system technology. "Hugh played the central role in successfully building our partnership with Matsushita,” said previous 3DO President Trip Hawkins, who remains chairman and CEO. Martin will oversee technology develop- ment and overall operations, while Hawkins will focus on software develop- ment, he said. -T-S E P — E — D um ш EM 19 The star of the Sega Saturn game Bug! could be making his way to the television tube. Sega has talked to Nelvana, an animated television show producer, about a possible acting gig for Bug. "Bug! certainly has the potential to be a defining game—and character," said Saturn product manager Sarah Mason Richmond. According to Sega officials, Bug's rising popularity has prompted them to create a special Bug! Web page that can be found at http://www. a DL. pa Catapult has taken its XBand game network technology to the PC, specifically targeting Windows 95 and Intel Pentium users. Joining XBand in the effort are three big-time game makers that are creating XBand-compatible PC games: Capcom (Super Street Fighter I), Accolade (HardBall 5) and Zombie (Locus). The software devel- oped for XBand will allow users to access online news, track statistics and match up with other players with similar skills. Q "W E ED 1— 2 ln "=... .. — 20 Ем = (Continued from Page 19) analysts predict. “The problem Sony has is being a large corporation, there’s a lot of internal strife over the marketing of the PlayStation,” suggested Cole, who disagreed with other analysts regarding Sony's perceived edge in 1996. He contended Sony's software publishing credentials remain a question mark (although Sony officials are more than happy with its in-house titles thus far). Wallace believes Sony will continue to outsell Sega. Meanwhile, the M2 and Ultra 64 will remain the wild cards. о other home video-game system—no multimedia If Matsushita can unleash its full marketing might behind the М2, "they could probably do a killer [sales] job," Cole said. “Рт skeptical how they'll do in terms of backing it. "Nintendo is used to having Four Systems, One Market: Who'll Win It АП? ; trend by insisting on going cartridge,” says Mike Ribero, Sega executive vice president of the dominant market share, but they won't have that any- more even in the best-case scenario" with the Ultra 64, Cole said. The $250 price point will make or break it with gamers in 1996, he added. personal computer—is the equal of Nintendo Ultra 64." That statement from Nintendo Co. Even the strongest of armor has weak points, and as the Ultra 64's launch nears, competitors tell how they'll : marketing. "The flaw with that concept is that President Hiroshi Yamauchi has not As the Ribero suggested. By that time, fallen on the deaf ears of gaming Sega will have a library of titles foes. As Nintendo weaves a spell system nears idm $39-59. While Sony has that highlights the Ultra 64's launch, not yet made an announcement, technical dominance, rivals competitors it's likely they'll follow suit. work to dispel that notion from reveal their a marketing standpoint. battle plans “Panasonic will not bring games will need expensive memory chips, jacking cart prices to $100,” the M2 to market without quality software,” according to company spokesperson Bill Gardner. But should the exploit those weak points to fight the Ultra 64. : Ultra 64 software not live up to Nintendo's self-proclaimed high standards, then the M2 "Nintendo is bucking every industrial : would be in a very attractive market position. cH нүп UNBELIEVABLE! THUMB BREAKS FOUR WORLD RECORDS By COURT CRANDALL ATARI STAFF WRITER > Thelivingroom- At f exactly 8:37 p.m. ET, the blue guy crossed the finish line nearly two minutes ahead of the red guy in i) Val d'Isere Skiing and 299 Snowboarding" to topple Mera e the fourth world record in Iwas two days ago.” two days. It started Friday night with a record-breaking 140 points in NBA Јат“ Tournament Edition, followed only hours later by a new speed record in Super Burnout" “There is no T in “HAND,” Thumb said. “Every finger played a role.” By 1:34 p.m. Saturday, Thumb added a 14-stadium reign in Supercross 3D!" The rest, as they say, is history. > The deal- Moments after the fourth record was shattered, sports attorney Bob Prichard said his client and the sports world were still far apart in terms of con- tract negotiations. Prichard cited the dis- crepancy between his client's salary and Celebration spills over into streets after Thumb topples fourth world record in two days. those of other much less valuable body parts like the big toe, guaranteed $5.6 mil- lion per year, and the right eyebrow, which earns a cool $6.2 million plus incentives. > The injury- “If we were talking about a pinky, it would be just another hangnail,” Dr. Arnold Markovitz said. "But when you're talking Thumb, you're talking potential career-ending injury." р The system- After the tickertape welcome home parade, Thumb dedicated his record-breaking performance to the Atari Jaguar system, and encouraged thumbs everywhere to hitchhike to their local video game stores and pick one up for the holidays. 64 bit · $149 “I'm proud to have left a thumbprint on this system) Thumb says. “I'll be ready to take on more hockey, racing, basketball and soccer games soon.” How The Records Fell In a mere 48 hours, Thumb propels himself from body part obscurity into sports mythology. NBA JAM" TOURNAMENT EDITION Thumb fingers look on in awe. S 0015 76% from field as „ "It takes big calluses to beat these guys.” SUPER BURNOUT™ Riding one of six custom bi h st digi VAL D'ISERE SKIING AND SNOWBOARDING™ Thumb narrowly avoids freak accident with snowmobile to break Giant Slalom record. SUPERCROSS 3D™ Overcomi айг as he sweeps all 14 supercr as Ty Progr c Artis s ese My ert Тайтай cl нс ай cuis are pops moron Compusene a GO JAGUAR or Paid Advertisement 22 An investment group that includes Corp. has injected several million dollars into , a firm that does computer and virtual-reality technology research and development. is trying to hammer out a deal with that would give it dibs on any developing technology that could emerge from 's endeavor, and apply it to future products. The Jaguar hasn't exactly lit up its competition, but that hasn't dissuaded the company from open- ing up the nation's first Jaguar Mall Store in Longmont, Texas. Atari teamed up with computer retailer to open the store, which uses hands-on demos and displays to sell Lynx and Jaguar products. Runner-up Rob Lewis,12, and winner Mike Dobbins, 19, emerged as the top two players at the "National Primal Rage Video Game Tournament” in October at Six Flags Over Texas. The event was sponsored by which is publishing versions of the arcade game for various home platforms. EM t's the video-game equivalent of Manifest Destiny: Sega expands its borders to include its own brand of PC games. Sega PC's first games include souped-up transla- tions of Comix Zone, Tomcat Alley and Ecco the Dolphin. Other titles in consideration N or development include Sonic he 4. CD, World Series Baseball ей and possibly conversions of е Bug! and Virtua Сор. -— “Now that multimedia PCs ¢ a have the kind of horsepower we need to run our style of games, we will focus on Sega [to become a PC gaming software leader],” more hits,” said Sega PC marketing manager said Sega President Tom Kalinske. i Curtis Broome. To that end, Sega has created an indepen- : Other developments in the works include a dent development team, Sega Soft, that will : special add-on card that would let PC gamers focus on multimedia PC titles as well as i hook up Sega Saturn controllers and periph- Saturn titles. (Some original titles are already : erals to their computers. in the works, Sega officials have confirmed.) : Sega's PC software line includes special "By Sega Soft being its own living, breath- : versions of Virtua Fighter and Panzer ing entity and having its own bottom line, it's : Dragoon for use with the Diamond Multimedia further incentive to drive toward producing : Edge 3D accelerator board. Just who are the Captain's [LJ legal guardians? The IN E demented designers at Studio 300, of course. Who else. would crossbred a musde- — bound hero and a mental | 2 ; midget, then give him a 4 loaded weapon? To find out what else they've got tucked in their tights, see your favorite retailer or to order STUDIO direct, call ЕЁ) 16 or look us up on the Web: $ 3 D О He believes in truth, justice and that Elvis is alive and pro wrestling is real. He's Captain биатаг, with a body of solid rock and a head to match — and he’s only on 300° Brandish big weapons, shoot big criminals, and get a ig... .bonus from the Intergalactic Police! Outstanding, action-packed gameplay. Simultaneous two-player shooting with tons of targets to blast. Explore 10 big levels on 3 crime-infested planets. Each world challenges you with new missions and a bevy of drug runners, terrorists and felons. 300, Studio 300, the 300 logos and Captain Quazar are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of The 300 Company. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. © 1995 The 300 Company. All rights reserved. It's no easy feat when boasts sales of video games like McDonald's does with hamburgers. Over 1 billion served: That's the landmark number the company reached in October of how many video games have been sold since the first Mario game came out in the early '80s. Roughly half that number comes from NES cartridge sales worldwide, while the other half comes from Super NES and Game Boy game sales. According to ,the billion mark means the company has sold games at the rate of three per Second of every minute of every day— for 12 years running. , Which has made a name for itself in the PC car racing field, is porting over two of its best titles to the Saturn and PlayStation. A spokesperson for , Which publishes Papyrus* games, said NASCAR Racing will come out for the PlayStation, and IndyCar Racing will come out for the Sega Saturn. Both games are due for a release sometime later this year. 24 Ем CD provides hi-fi workout for audio systems ooking for a new way to show off and at the same time test your stereo system that you use with your PlayStation or Saturn? Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, makers of high-end audio test CDs and other audio products, has developed the Sound Check CD, which sells for $40. The audio CD has more than 90 tracks with dozens of standard audio tests such as frequency and range. Also included are music tracks and special effects such as jet flybys and thunderstorms. The CD itself is straight from a master recording, burned onto 24K gold. Need- less to say, the quali- ty is incredible. Originally intended for audiophiles, the CD would be a big help to gamers who want to check the audio capabilities of their video game systems. Good Flight Sims Deserve Mission Stick t's a rare event when a peripheral breaks new ground in the video-game arena. Sega has done just that with the Mission Stick, an analog controller designed primarily for flight games. The controller boasts some : neat features. First, it's designed for either left- or right-handers. By loosening two screws on the bottom, the joystick can be flipped to the other side of the buttons. The joystick itself has some nice features. A trigger button and two other buttons (A, B and C) are located at the top, so gamers can use either those buttons or the ones located on the panels. A thumb switch offers the possi- bility of movement in the z- axis, so the joystick can be used to move in all three dimensions—a feat not easily duplicated by a standard controller. (Look for more Saturn flight games to take advantage of this feature.) In addition, there are rapid-fire switches for each button and an adjustable speed switch. After testing the controller with Panzer Dragoon, it was apparent that the Mission ; Stick was more than sufficient і for the task. The analog control proved : highly sensitive, making targeting adjustments a breeze to pull off. Couple that with the Rapid-fire Mode, and : the game becomes relatively easier to defeat. However, there are minor gripes. At times the joystick was so sensitive that during the Options Screen choices it would toggle wildly. While the Mission Stick is a big plus for flight and action/ adventure games, the joy- Stick is too cumbersome for fighting games such as Virtua Fighter—meaning that it's not really an all-purpose controller. Combine that fact ; With a price tag of $69.99 and the Mission Stick is geared toward those willing to sacrifice some serious dough to enjoy a truly realistic flight experience. fj A Mysterious Murder. A Doomed Planet. eo An Angry Alien. ‘Welcome to . SAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE HARBINGER’ ` А powerful plasma ` storm has rocked Space Station Deep Space Nine". As a Tirrion envoy for the . Federation. you join forces with: Sisko, Quark and . the Deep Space Nine crew in a ` fierce: struggle to save the Deep. Space Nine Space Station. -From a startling. first-person ' perspective, you engage in 3-D battles with deadly drones, and solve a Deep Space Nine Space Station murder to prevent an alien race from destroying a E а Federation-Allied pfanet. May the prophets walk with you. Available for PC апа Macintosh® on CD-ROM * Ы ч RATING PENDING | | | | | | To order, visit your nearest retailer or call 1-800-469-2539. | Visit our web site: Aa ШЕ ۰ ^. Call 800-771-3772 for information оп game rating STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE Harbinger TM & © 1995 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved, STAR TREK and Related Marks are Trademarks of Paramount Pictures Game Design and Software Code © 1995 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. У Special ба! [Тег a whine new fall game The Super Data Blaster comes in three sporting flavors: NFL, NBA and MLB. Each sells for $49.99 retail. Additional data update cartridges will sell for $14.99 each. Sports and More Are Just Fingertips Away iger’s Super Data Blaster caters to sports fans who need quick access to sports statistics. “It’s like carrying a book of statistics around along with the other options,” said Dan Sabato, product manager for the Super Data Blaster. “It really gets a kid involved and The Super Data Blaster comes in three themes: NBA, NFL and MLB. Each contains in-depth stats on current players. Also included are functions for fans to inventory their sports card collections and type in their personal /PUL VOUT ents on) ; stats for calculation. Another i feature lets fans put together } and coach their own teams— } a big aid for those into ; fantasy leagues. As expected, each model : has a built-in game. For ; baseball, it’s a home-run derby. i For football, it's a quarterback } challenge. For basketball, it's a i horse/three-point challenge. up to date" on a specific sport. : і has a built-in calendar, address i book, calculator and message } sender or receiver. The Super Data Blaster also Additional cartridges sold i separately will allow owners to load updated season } stats or statistics of past i and present stars. K Another _ Macross Plus | music CD apanimation fans can feast their ears on the recently released "Macross Plus Original Soundtrack 11,” which features more music based on the Macross Plus film. The Japanese movie is loosely based on a popular animated TV series known as Robotech that took hold in the United States during the mid-'80s. Songs on the CD run the gamut, from high-energy dance tracks to moody, introspective ballads. JVC Music, which is bringing out the CD for $15.98 retail, already has released the first Macross Plus soundtrack. Also from JVC Music is the soundtrack from another popular anime film, Akira. To order any of these CDs from JVC Music, call (800) 582-1386. An introduction to the hierarchy of Doom. Cyberdemon Spider Demon wn | Revenant Mancubus | Arachnotron | | | | | | | Lost Soul Cacodemon : KR A | B Я moe | Baron of Hell Knight of Hell д | Chain Gunner Demon | 5 5 Аг Spectre (invisible) Former Soldier Former Sergeant Custom Edition for the Sony Playstation. You mi Doom. The Sony Playstation Custom Edition. Over 50 levels of madness and mayhem from Doom I and II. Plus all new levels of destruction as well. Every weapon, monster, and surprise you loved before. Plus a two-player Deathmatch mode for when you're feeling really nasty. The nice thing about Doom is you always know where you stand. Even if it's at the bottom of the food chain. DOONP € 1993 ld Software, Inc. A rights reserved. DOOM™ in the Sony Playstation Platform © 1995 ld Software, Inc. Al ighis reserved. Distributed by Wiliams Entertainment Inc. under cens from GT Interactive Sofware Сор. DOOMS, te DOOM np carats names таре, dtc eres and ohe eet tle ee ar aderat an east corde o! Зав, The ate ig are fleas ad he excise cp righted property of ld Software, Inc. Wills? is a registered trademark of Willams Electronics Games, Inc, GT™ and the GT logo?" are trademarks ol GT Interactive Software Сор. Al other trademarks are property of their respective companies. EITHER WAY...YOU Features == Tune-up your car for maximum performance by adding a turbo charger, racing suspension, VR rated tires and much more! » Blast across three grueling mountain courses in whichever direction you prefer! s= Unique split-screen feature merges when racing action gets up close and personal! » Customize the color, body type and engine components of your car! » Get the best time and become the King Of The Mountain! Mountain racing has a whole new perspective! In High Velocity you'll power through three gripping courses that are based. on actual alpine-styled roads. You're going for the title in these unsanctioned events, where speed and timing are the ultimate test of your driving skills! Buckle up and scream down the tracks in some of the hottest cars this side of Detroit. Race the clock in a never-ending battle of nerves vs. time as you pit yourself against roads built at the top of the world. The better you do, the more power you'll crave! Finely tuned, your vehicle can blow the doors off of anything on the road — but can you really handle THAT much power? ATLUS Software, Inc; High Velocity is a trademark of Atlus Software RE GONNA SCREAM! In the near future. Moonbase ‘HAMLET is overrun by alien invaders from an unknown source. The A-MAX FACTORIES Corporation sends you and five other highly trained and heavily armed "specialists" to deal with the situation. Your way of dealing with them is to use the latest in high-tech armor and weaponry to blast them into atoms! Travel deep beneath the lifeless surface of the moon in man made tunnels that extend to the horizon, Explore the cavernous moon base irs. this gripping RPG/Action drama and get set for anything! You'll face challenges as both a warrior and a detective. Find the secret to ridding the outpost of alien invaders. then pilot your Tri formula Griffon into the toughest fight this side of the Milky Way! FEATURES: * Your armor adapts into three super- powered formations: Combat, Assault, and Cruise! + Collect multiple weapon enhancements to super-charge your Griffon! + Obtain vital clues for the key to surviving your next assault! d c PANTHER | | * Scan enemy aliens to learn their deadly potential before you engage in combat! ¥ Multiple weapons arrays allow you to PlayStation, the PlayStation logo, and the PS logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. € customize the fight to your style! 1995 PANTHER SOFTWARE INC. All Rights Reserved. Published by Atlus Software. Atlus is a registered trademark of Atlus Software, Inc. Call 1-800-771-3772 lor Game Rating Information. CAPTAIN QUAZAR GOLDEN GATE: TREASURE BY THE BAY P Sex. [= =] о A -|Drugs о e = Violence. - Weapons. шы — “ы e cL e e ' wn F rancısco. A must own for hard-core shootists. а A smorgasbord of violence. Soar, Ley explore and shoot the smores out of : T 3 anything that moves (or is dumb LIA ш to й still). M» 3D world, is j 1. huge missiles, huge fun. Fly any- ecc 0 } where, shoot anything. You choose. c» х It’s the American way. a. Nn Тау Stoggins (Dynasty, Lois & Clark) ры is New York assistant DA Lara E \ Calabreeze - the long arm (and legs) r N of the law. One of 20 suspects is out an to snuff her. No wonder her fuse is shorter than her skirt. Guns, gangs, ; strippers. Quick. Somebody frisk me. So what chaste champions of family values came up with this collection? The developers with a morally- high fer diet, Studio 300, that's who. Gaming geniuses that have gener- ated more solid hits than the last Tyson fight See your vorile retailer or to order direct, 300, the 300 logos, BattleSport, Captain Quazar, Golden Gate: Treasure by the Bay, Phoenix 3, Snow Job and Star Fighter are tra € XINJOHd Ard FHL A8 ШК, STUDIO call or okas up on the Web: 3 D О IX3 BATTLESPORT STAR FIGHTER SNOW = om) > ax = es [=] | ا‎ т> Mm T 22 сә Arena football meets General Patton. co You choose a tank. You load up on pes firepower. You ше te arena. You = try to score goals while opponents try to blast you to hell and back. It’s a = sport where a cup doesn't offer much eo protection. I m rm “Look! Up in the sky! It's a rocket!” axan Жу; No, it's a grown тап in very snug zx х fights, Meet Captain Quazar - the т> L. bumbling superhero with e far wn beyond mortal men (and brains far c ws below). Battle evildoers with an د‎ S arsenal of weapons and the wits of FE У 57 M the witless Captain. = aba AK LT A "М М m RA Е Someone left more than their heart їп =f eee) San Francisco. It's hidden treasure, шщ So) and no Tony Bennett around to help ra aims n locate it. Decipher puzzles, scour c3 3 = or clues amongst the 3000 beautiful = T = watercolor images of the City by the Bay. Like MYST? You'll love this. ike great space combat and bitchin’ veapons? So do we. As hero Derek ‘reeman, you must locate starships ind brave pilots to fight some surly liens. Of course, that entails shooting he green snot out of them. Can't we il live in peace and harmony? In a vord, no. arks and/or registered trademarks of The 300 Company. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners. © 1995 The 300 Company. All rights reserved. 1V9 N30109 YVZVND NIVLAY) ЇГ mu wu MEUS FAA A CONTEST ТА DIE ГОК! Enter now to win with Fritz! ReadySoft wants you to be the proud owner of BrainDead 13 with a grand prize of a Sony PSX to play it on! Just send a postcard with your name, address and phone number to: A CONTEST TA DIE FOR!, ReadySoft Incorporated, 3375 14th Ave., Units 7 & 8, Markham, Ontario, L3R 0H2, CANADA * PC-CD ROM * SEGA CD * ЗОО * MAC CD-ROM * MPEG * SEGA SATURN * SONY PLAYSTATION • Contest Rules: 1. No Purchase Necessary: To enter, mail the entry form or a standard size postcard containing name, address, phone number to "BrainDead 13 Contes", EGM, 1820 Highland Avenue, 2nd Floor, necessary reproduced system and one (1) BrainDead 13 video game. Grand Prize has an approximate retail value of $400.00. 1 ret Prize: Rest Prize winner ий госаће one (1) BrainDead 13 Crew eter Jacket Fret WZ Value o $50.00. Winners wil be determined by a random drawing tom all valid entries by Sendal Publishing Group, nc. whose decision are final. Drawing to be held on or about February 28, 199. AN prize) wit NC nett be awarded. Prize winner will be notified by mail. Prize(s) are non-transferable. No substitutions of prize(s) are allowed, except at the option of Sendai Publishing Group, inc. should the featured prize(s) become. Uu мге, unavailable. 3. Odds of Winning: The odds of winning will be determined by number of valid entries received. ‘Sweepstakes open to residents of United States and Canada only. Void in Rhode Island and. VS ж, Quebec. Non-compliance with the time parameters contained heroin or return of any prize/prize notification as undeliverable will result in disqualification and an alternate winner will be selected. Winners or their . — Neither Sendal Publishing Group, Inc., ReadySott Inc. nor its affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, or related companies are responsible for any damages, taxes, or expenses that consumers might incur as a result of ELECTRONIC this contest or receipt of prize. Winner accepting prize(s) agree that all prize(s) are awarded on the condition that Sendal Publishing Group Inc., and thelr agents, representatives, and employees will have no Habili- GAMING {rom acceptance, COMPUTER Ne Eerie erp eae ctl O e онаа het malay GAME REVIEW [лий ADPSOPT ‘ming ©1995 ReadySolt, Inc. Ай Rights Reserved. EGM is a registered trademark of Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. ©1995 Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. $ EASY $ МОМЕҮ EGM BRINGS YOU BIG SAVINGS EACH AND EVERY MONTH! ‘Take advantage of exclusive savings from Data East, Aura, Catapult and TeHQ. The number one provider of info on the video game industry goes one more step to give you savings on the games themselves! * Data East’s Defcon 5 & Creature Shock: Special Edition In Creature Shock: Special Edition, battle an array of beasts While trying to solve the mystery of the survey ship—which is floating aimlessly in space on a mission to find a new world for Earth to colonize. Data East's latest action game features spectacular full-screen, 3-0 rendered, ray-traced animation. You'll find fast-paced space shooting and combat which makes for exciting, varied game play. Experience the suspense of this game, heightened by atmospheric music and sound effects. It you're looking for a captivating space adventure featuring an incredible diversity of game play, then Defcon 5 is for you! A rich, involving story line will engross sophisticated players and draw them in to exciting, full-motion video sequences coupled with first-person action, 380-degree space shooting and ray-traced graphics. Players must discover who (or what) is behind the sabotage at the space station, while surviving the continuous enemy onslaught. It's visually stunning and addicting! * Aura's Interactor" Vest Imagine feeling the roar of a jet engine, a basketball hitting the hardwood, the lightning jabs and kicks of a martial arts warrior, and the spine tingling excitement of laser blasts hit- ting your spacecraft. With the amazing Aura Interactor™ Vest, you can feel all of this and more, as if you were inside the games themselves. Simply strap on the adjustable interactor™ Vest, connect its power amplifier to the audio output of virtual- ly any gaming system and start to feel the experience. The Interactor™ Vest comes with custom connectors to hook up to ЗЕВАтм GENESIS™ and SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMS". The power amplifier has its own set of sensitivity controls, so you can customize the Interactor™ Vest's perfor- mance to a particular game. So order the Interactor™ Vest today. It's a feeling that has to һе experience to be believed. * Catapult's XBAND XBAND is the world's only Video Game Network for your Sega™ Genesis and Super МЕ8®. Play Mortal Kombat" Il, NHL®'95, NHL ‘96, Super Street Fighter" ll, Madden NFL® 95, Madden NFL® 96, Killer Instinct", NBA® Jam and other exciting games against someone across town or across the country. It's almost like putting thousands of the nation's most vicious gamers right in your living room! You can buy the XBAND Video Game Modem at Blockbuster Video stores, Toys R Us, Software Etc., Electronics Boutique and Babbages for only $19.99! Get ready for the ultimate video gaming experience for only pennies a day. And, with this special mail-in offer, you get a free XBAND T-Shirt. Act now, while supplies last! * Black Pearl’s URBAN STRIKE”: The Sequel to Jungle Strike This year is 2006 and you are the leader of the UN Special Forces Unit. Your mission is to prevent a takeover of the U.S. government by the ruthless media mogul and political maverick, H.R. Malone and his private army! Command the most technologically advanced military vehicles and weapons available. Complete 40 challenging missions in 10 power- packed levels across land, sea, jungle and city terrain. Ultimately, uncover Malone's treasonous plot and face him ‘army to army’ in a battle to rule the world! SAVE $10 ON THESE AND ANY OTHER TITLE AVAILABLE WHEN YOU BUY DIRECTLY FROM US AT DATA EAST! CALL (408) 286-7080 EXT. 23 OR DE TS SEND IN THIS COUPON TO DATA EAST ыы. .EAST SEE BACK FOR DETAILS CU Don't let video game boredom ruin your day. Help is here. Just strap on the Aura Interactor, and you'll feel the punches, kicks and explosions from all your video games. And with this rebate offer, you can feel it all for $10 less. Rebate offer. AURA. | The Interactor is now available where video game products are sold. RE EXIY NAR. Mail-in Certificate - Expires 3/31/96 A Buy an XBAND™ Video Game Modem (Sega? or Super Nintendo?) and get an XBAND watch FREE! Hurry, while supplies last! Order direct from Black Pearl Software to take advantage of this special offer! Call 1-800-4-FUN-004 anytime to order with your Visa or Master Card. COMING SOON FOR NINTENDO, GAME BOY AND SEGA GAME GEAR! Offer expires April 1, 1996 ————A——————T------------------------ SUPER NINTENDO Зик Fal Buy directly from Data East and receive $10 off Dark Legend or Defcon 5. Call (408) 286-7080 ext. 23 for instructions on how to order or send this coupon along with a money order or check in the amount of $49.95 (No cash please) to: Data East USA, Inc. 1850 Little Orchard Street San Jose, CA 95125 Name. Shipping and appropriate sales tax will be paid by Data East. Offer good only while supplies last. Offer valid in the USA only. Data East assumes no responsi- bility for lost, late, illegible, incomplete or postage due mail. Offer void where prohibited by law. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. This offer is subject to change without notice. Address. Й Defcon 5 is a registered trade- City. mark of Millennium Interactive, Ltd. 1995 and licensed to Data Zi SEER East USA, Inc. Dark Legend is a Game: registered trademark of Data А East USA, Inc. © 1995 Data East Daytime phone USA, Inc. Want $10.00 back? Here’s how you do it: MAIL TO: INTERACTOR $10 REBATE OFFER AURA Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 2306 El Segundo, CA 90245 (800) 909-AURA SEND: * This form, complete with all information. * The UPC Code from your Interactor box. * Your original store-identified cash register receipt with purchase circled. NAME ADDRESS (REQUESTS FROM PO BOX ADDRESSES WILL NOT BE HONORED OR RETURNED) CITY STATE ZIP REBATE OFFER MUST BE RECEIVED BY 3/31/96. ALLOW 6 TO 8 WEEKS FOR REBATE. Not valid with any other offer. Void where prohibited. Limit one rebate per household. Requests must be forwarded in an envelope with sufficient first class postage. Photocopies not accepted. ©1995 AURA Systems, Inc. Free XBAND watch offer! To receive your XBAND watch: 1. Fill out this coupon completely. 2. Attach your valid, dated sales receipt that shows that you purchased an XBAND Video Game Modem between December 20, 1995 and February 10, 1996. 3. Cut out and attach UPC code and any XBAND logo from your box and send them along with your completed coupon and sales receipt (originals only, no photocopies accepted) to: Catapult Entertainment, Inc., 20823 Stevens Creek Blvd. #300, Cupertino, CA 95014, Dept. XBAND Watch - EGM Please print Offer good through February 1, Name: 1996 or while supplies last. Coupons must be postmarked Address: by February 10, 1996. Offer only сиу. State Zip Code available in North America. Void where prohibited. Please allow Phone: 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Age Trademarks are registered to their respective companies. Catapult Entertainment is not responsible for merchandise breakage or loss through shipping. Item Purchased (circle опе): Sega XBAND Super Nintendo XBAND Place or purchase: To get $5 off URBAN STRIKE" call 1-800-4-FUN-004. Ask for “Ext. 80" and mention EGM's “Easy Money” $5 savings. Experience the fun and excitement of this action packed adventure -- Have you Visa/Master Card ready when you call to place your order today! SEE THE SAVINGS... REGULAR PRICE: $65.95 SPECIAL PRICE: $60.95 Offer good only while supplies last and subject to change without notice. This offer is exclusive and cannot be com- bined with any other offer(s). Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Offer expires April 1, 1996. © 1995 Electronic Arts. All rights reserved. Jungle Strike™ and Urban Strike™ are trademarks, and Electronic Arts and its logo are registered trade- marks of Electronic Arts. Black Pearl Software is a trademark of THQ, Inc. © 1995 T*HQ, Inc. Super NES@ is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Sega™ is a trademark of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Heihachi Mishima a One of the more powerful char- It may have happened to you. You plunked a few quarters into that brand- 7 new Tekken 2 machine hoping to beat a few heads in. Instead you found yourself wondering what truck hit you when you were pummeled by a barrage of hits from your opponent. Welcome to the world of 10-hit combos. Now you too can become a master and beat your buddies senseless! (10) acters, Heihachi packs a wallop 12] [E] © |] 5) (2] fe) || is) | oe 99 | ОО ОО Ы "e ОО QOO UO 8 oe oe [Qo B сө with punches, notably his Twin Pistons punch. His 10-hit combos put his strength and speed to the test. Just be careful ‘cause if you miss, you'll be open to an attack. NE ER а Sess: This mechanical monstrosity is (10) even better in Tekken 2. He’s тоге 10 6 agile and can attack with even more force. His 10-hit combo will [1) (2) certainly clean your clock. Опсе he eo eo I О О E tS [uo 8S өө him, leaving him to attack. ins his combo, it’s hard to sto) M begins his combo, it's hard to stop YOC) CO 9) -0000 09100 21 25 е Jun Kazama A new face in the crowd of OO Tekken, Jun is an incredibly fast 15 10 and powerful woman with a few too many evasion moves that really tick you off. She was almost a sub-Boss and her 10-hit combos prove how strong she is. 25 25 Пе ][ i9 ][no О eS „OO OO өө "өө kno SEC The tiger mask-wearing King is OO OO back has mastered new and 12 [15 improved fighting techniques. Don’t let that suit and tie fool you. King means business and will give you a serious thrashing if you’re not prepared. Lei Wulong eo oe | Lei is another new face to OO OO M Tekken 2. His kicks are truly [10 [8 | devastating and his punches aren't anything to sneeze at either. A jood strategy is to use his “play lead" technique and then unleash a potent 10-hit combo. 6 55 (6) S) |5 | Төө; |. OO lOO (OO : Marshall Law one bad mutha you don’t want to mess 10 with. His speed is practically unmatched (8) (=з) (У) by any opponent and his power is there to back it up. When playing as Law, be sure to keep your distance then attack when the time is right. 6 6 ФО ОФ КЫ ФО ОООО ОО ОО ОООО sini ы аши cl a OO OO OO eO "eo oe ; 5 7| 5 ES [ (&) | (sS) 10) OO |LOS lec ОООО Michelle Chang Hao eo o6 EJ Michelle hasn't really changed all that | OO || OO || OO ОО! ®О | ФО | 12 6 6 6 6 much from the first game, and that’s fine since she was a perfect all-around longer reach on her kicks and knows a killer 10-hit combo. [7 | eo 5 10 30 character. She has, however, learned to (5) (S) 0) rins Riesen densis Рана рі Фо ОО ОО О 7 ; АТА ШШШ] [ (& | Nina Williams O6 80,06,00,00 | O6 A favorite of our resident Tekken OO OO OO eO [ 9) ОО expert, Nina has learned a whole new 0 | 6 |) 6 Lz e | [БИЕ ОШ | array of nasty kicks to bash your face in with. This is in addition to her incredible J T d M A на ва [оа that 10-hit combo, there’s по hope. Paul Phoenix Check out that haircut! Paul has become the most powerful character in the game. His moves are all incredibly deadly and are surprisingly quick. What 2 is his weakness? Does he even have ,00 Ner ? 8 one? Try him and found out. Just watch OOII OO 30 |5 out for his Phoenix Punch. Ouch! Yoshimitsu УС Yoshimitsu has lost an arm and replaced it with a cybernetic unit. Don’t 1 * T en Сов oo! ОЕ өт e OO 0 feel pity for him as he’s more than m happy to show just how deadly it is. Yoshimitsu is still very fast and with his OO ноо cool 10-hit combo, he’s a force to be Ө] || oe reckoned with. [20 [ (565) ]— Number: Indicates the Q combo step. Buttons: Black buttons 100 means to press these E buttons. H: Means hold these buttons down for that step. Damage: Indicates the percentage of damage. (ё) Р 0© ӨС Óe |00 OO 5 10 8 12 [ 8$ ] When you see the arrows, it indicates a new path to perform a different combo. LOCKS ЯПО те itch, ШОО n Re the simple joy of building with blocks? Now take that mental image and pump” it up. Way up. Because with SimCity 2000, you construct an entire city from the ground up—and lead its residents into the next millennium. And instead of ' chunks of wood, you wield 32-bit, landscape-morphing graphics. So you ^ : сап expand your city with virtual bulldozers. Or turn 19505 tract homes into a solar-powered ) bois burb (hey, Det isn't child's play). So get pumped for the us block party: SEGA SATURN = 1M CIT Y UL EI. L) © 1995.Maxis, Inc. All rights reserved. SimCity 2000 and Maxis are registered trademarks of Maxis, Inc. Sega and Sega Saturn are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. For product or ordering information, contact your local retailer or call 800-33-MAXIS. Visit ће Maxis Web раде at MAXIS AOL © keywol www.nintend Enjoy/itiwhereverjyou/go!| 'IS'NOW/ON.GAME BOY! _ THE REVIEW CREW ANDREW haran CyberBoy has been cruising the Net looking for info on his girlfriend's computer. He's found some cool info and a few people he'd been wanting to get ahold of. Another Net junkie? MARK lefebvre Current Favorites: Candy has vowed to never purchase another PlayStation game until he’s finished the ones he's bought. Unfortu- nately, it looks like he’s going to be stuck playing for about two years. MIKE desmond Roach is really mad. Someone stole the stereo out of his car for the fourth time. If you're out there, you'd better watch out. There's nothing more dangerous than an angry Desmond. SUSHI-X Our elusive ninja is working on a line of fashionable clothing entitled "Shadow. Wear." The ensembles include masks, Swords and an ever-attractive, two- piece dagger set etched in gold. HOW GAMES ARE RATED... The reviews that are published in EGM are created after each gamer on the Review Crew staff plays through the game in its entirety. The Crew then independently writes their reviews based on the quality of the product, originality and challenge (how long it takes to complete), and bases their numerical scoring on a 1 to 10 scale in relation to other titles available for the same system. 38 EM H H H H H H . H H В H E > H H H H H ——-—r ISS Smxa02> playstation X-COM UFO DEFENSE microprose AGES OF release date: category: Strategy | Now | challenge: back-up: Adjustable X-Com's graphics may be only average, but its in-depth gameplay. and terrific strategyewillewin you over. The difficulty may be a/bit extreme, but you can keep going back to it. The range of mis- [| sions and thesdiversity keep it/fresh every. time you play. While my cohorts may enjoy using the mouse, like the controller better.X-Com is a must-buy. There is so much to do, you really get your money's worth. You can keep playing this one for months. Hard as hell, but great. If you only could afford to buy one game for the PS over themextyear, X-Com wouldybesitysltyhas it all and then some! This PC port-over has the same’ look and feel as the original, especially when accompanied by the new PS mouse», The best way to describe the intense strategic level of to compare вію, playing.five games of chess. at once...blindfolded! / Plan on setting a couple Weekends aside when you fire up this extremely addictive title. At first glance, you would think X-Com is just an average game"due. to the graphicsysbutythatyis incorrect. The game is like chess With a pulse. In- depth Strategy and varying enemies with different attributes are what make this game worthwhile and fun to play. The interface is tedious and diffi- cult'to use with the PlayStation.controller, but the PlayStation mouse makes it easier. Any person who likes strategy games will fall In love with this title. Although this game is nothing more than the computer.originaliconverted into the PSiformat, it remains one of the best strategic/games avail- able for players looking to spend many nights in front of the tube. The graphics are superb/and the cinemas added since the computer release really liven it up..Gontrol withathe Keypad-is a good adaptation, but the PS mouse is the preferred | way to get around. X-COM is perfect for players with compulsive save-itus and a lot of patience. Best Feature: Strategy super nes REVOLUTION Y acclaim IU PLAY c-——m--UUUSSUUU s» dec 094 ‘AH — dE. wi ی‎ ae Se ES A г таен Bos TEEN = "E - AGES 13+ category: release date: challenge: back-up: Adjustable | None | This game has the best audio and voices I've heard on а 16-Bit.system. All of jthesvoices: and sounds of,the аїсаде аге reproduced nearly ре | fectly. The graphics are poor, with most of the detail/from the arcade missing. The hiddemband members are in the tight places, but some more obscure secrets. are. missing. The: are near impossible to beat, After a whi don't know What you have to hit. It doesn't flash or anything. You should rent it first. When an arcade-to-home translation is made for a gamessuchwas, Revolution X, a.fewsthings should be considered. If the gameplay, graphics f and overall feel of the game will be lost during the process of porting over, then it Shouldn't be done in the first place! This is another title broüght. out too quicklysin, the hop making sales off the (itle itself. Rê been done a lot better, and it should head back to the drawing board! The voice and music on Revolution X are possibly the best | have.heard on any 16-Bit;platform;-The graphics aré а completely different story, though. The grainy, non-detailed enemies and structures are its downfall. The\control of the cursondoes not handle as well a8 it Should, and the only way you can tell you.aré taking damage' at the life meter. Fans of Aerosmith or the arcade game might enjoy this title. Büt those who want a great shooter, rent Revolution X before you buy it. While the sounds boast some great digitized speech.andirocking tunes, the graphics:are:way below/par. This arcade port just didn’t translate very Well graphically and this hurts the game. Also, the lack of a gun makes the cursonmove- ment awkward and)slow for this type of game. It Чое8ге!аїл!а lot of secrets and. playability of the arcade Version, but its | “sluggishness а id grainy- looking graphics are just too much Tor me to get into this game. Best Feature: Music Worst Feature: Load Time Worst Feature: Graphics Time To Complete: Long Time To Complete: Medium Also Try: X-COM, X-COM II-PC Also Try: Other Platforms super nes FINAL FIGHT 3 capcom AGES 13+ category: release date: challenge: back-up: | Adjustable | ное | The Super NES is finally showing its age with. titles like FinalsFight 3. It isn't thatsthesgraphics are bad, its that they-are just “there.” This game just wasn't exciting. Sure, there! ate some more moves and new characters, but | got thesfeeling that/this Was more of the same. The TWO player Mode was.a.good addition, butthe ensuing slow- down really hampered the gameplay. The control wasn't precise at all, and it didn't have an arcade feel. FF3 is a renter only. There are a lot of good qualities about FF3 that should ;be-noted;- The graphics aresaboveyaver- age, the sound is okay and the пем super moves are a nice addition to the game; Also, the ability to have the computer join in as a Secondiplayer is a very unique idea for a side-scrolling fighting game, Ihe'only problempis that thedwhole Final Fight series is getting a little too old to pump my adrenaline anymore. Please dont fell me we might be in for a Final Fight 3 Turbo Edition. The Final Fight series is getting old quickly. Grantedyethesnewsfeatures like thexTwosplayer Computer Mode and special moves for the char- acters’ are a nice touch, but repetitive enemies and Backgrounds. plague this game. Theagame does not have the look or feel of the arcade, as the jother.Final Fight game did, possibly due to the “blah” graphics. Sorry to say that Final Fight was good in the past, but nowadays, its just old and boring. As a longtime fan of the Final Fight series and the genreassagwhole, I'm sorry to saysthat,the third time isn’t a charm. In fact, thé gameplay is getting far too repetitive. | like the previous ver- sion, but if'Sguststhe same reoccurring enemies with a few extra moves. The new options like the special. moves, super attack and compliter com- pensating as a Second player аге good but not enough to make this game original. It plays rela- tively well but needs a redesign, not just a facelift. Worst Feature: Same Old Stuff Time To Complete: — Medium. Also Try: Final Fight 1 and 2 super nes MORTAL KOMBAT 3 category: release date: | _ Fighting | мом | challenge: back-up: Adjustable | Мое | If you haven't upgraded your system yet, MK3 Super NESwsiswthe best 16-Bit versionzof«this game. The graphics are close to the arcade, and the voice isn t half bad. The controlis pretty good, but a few of the combos from the atcadeshave beenileft out The computer Al on the Super NES version is tough! The computerwill kick your butt. The'codes to play as/Motaro and Shao Kahn are nice touches. MK3 is a good translation. Upgrade or get the Super NES version. You can only expect so much from a 16-Bit sys- tem whensitycomes to porting oversansarcade game a$ complex as MK3. This version may be a bit on {the Weak side when it comes to the graph- ics, but it excels in every other CategorymGontrol is thé most important feature of this type of game. This translation may notibe perfect,sbut it is well worth every penny when it comes to a 16-Bit car- tridge. MKS for the Super NES comes in a close second to the near-flawless PS version. Of the 16-Bit versions of MKS, this is the best. The voicesandycontrol are not half badgibut, the occasional combo is missed. The, ártificial intelli- gence of the computer is great, making it difficult to beat the computer. The multitude of / Options and jficks that can be used in Mortal Kombat 3, like (playing. aS Motaro,and, Shao Kahn; is a nice touch. If you own a Super NES and like Mortal Kombat 3 їп the arcade, definitely check this game out. Of course it doesn’t look or sound as goods as the PlayStationwwersion, but for 16=Bityitysuresdid а 900000: The combos and techniques work relatively well and play close to the arcade origi- nal. Its strongest point is the addition of:tons of special options and flags letting you do а multi- tude of things from the Bosses to tóg- gling fatality time. Graphically, it won't leap out at you if you're used to the PS version, but it plays well with only a few snags: Worst Feature: Small Characters Time To Complete: — Medium Also Try: MK3-Arcade genesis TOY STORY disney interactive KIDS TO ADULTS onm category: release date: challenge: back-up: [ Moderate | ное | If you want a game that can really show what the Genesis сап@ороһеск out Toy Story,.Initerms of graphics, this game rivals the Saturh’s Clockwork Knight, The control is a little bit awkward and not precise at all, however. The levels vary in difficul- ty from mindlessly easy to near impossible. It's hard to tell whether this:was meantefor kids or hardcore gamers. Those players out there who are still holding on to their Genesis Should con- sider this one. | was very impressed with the graphics of Toy Story. They're.some of the best thatel’verseenjon the Genesis in a long time. Upon playing for the first time, | thought for sure that this was going to strictly be an easy children's 'game.-But. after throwing the controller a few times, | realized that players of.ali'ages can-join inon the frustration! Thumbs up for the graphics, and thumbs down for the loose control. Toy Story will be a good rental to see if it's your kind of game. Just like the movie, the look of Toy Story is great eye candy. Thesgraphics are possiblysthesbest | have seen:ón a Genesis. However, the control is awkward and loose, which takes time to get used to. The levels vary from easy as hell toyinsanely difficult, which can become amazingly frustrating. The differentlevels like:the overhead driving level do a'good job of breaking the monotony of the side-scrolling levels. Overall, Genesis owners should check out this great-looking game. Most movie-to-game translations don’t work very well. However,this time they succeededsinymak- ing a visually appealing game that is very colorful and reminiscent of the movie. There is a good variety of levels but they can/get really-tough quickly. Fortunately, you can turn off the Story Mode after.yoü've playedhit a couplerOf times. Its one downfall is the quirky control, especially in using the yo-yo. Overall, it looks better than it plays and is geared toward veteran players. Worst Feature: Pullstring Time To Complete: Medium Also Try: The Movie EM 39 genesis disney interactive [ KIDS TO ADULTS 7 (oM category: release date: challenge: back-up: Adjustable | None | | thought that this game would be cool, like the cartoon. Uponsplugging it in, | sawmsome mediocre cinemas and dingy backgrounds with little detail? Worse yet, the control and gameplay was abysmally poor. It's too rigid. For example, to throw an:enemy, you have to be a set distance away. You will get hitsautomaticallyeno matter what you do, The Bosses are simple, but cheap. It's no fun. Pass on this game. There are better titles out on the market. E затен | was expecting the worst from Gargoyles, being that it issanother:game with a big licensepfor a title. But | was actually surprised athow much the game had to offer. There are numerous ways you can attack andsthe levels are Jaid out to where you must actually use your abilities, such as scal- ing the sides of a Wall or.double jumping to reach a higher platform. The graphics aren't the best I've seen, and the control needs a little tweaking. Other than that, it's a decent game. Many games based on cartoons tend to be aver- age, and this onesis no different. Gargoylesyani- mation isssurprisingly smooth for the Genesis. The control is way too tight and is tough to maneuver, which is. а major рай of thisygame. Many of the hits taken are mandatory and drag this бате. сойп. Genesis. owners.looking for a good side-scrolling game might want to rent Gargoyles before buying it because of the control and difficulty. The animation and color are really impressive in this gamemhioweverygits good lookssandsyouth appeal may be misleading as the game gets chal- lenging and.almost frustrating. The control is part of the frustration factor but there ismamlot of gameplay in this cute-looking cart. Techniques such a§ a double jumpyithrowsand.dash attacks givesyou plenty to do. It may be too hard to get used to especially with Some auto hits. Still, it's a good game if you want a challenge. Worst Feature: Frustration Time To Complete: Medium Also Try: Other Disney Titles 40) EM saturn VIRTUA COP sega of america ШОП. (н 1 m A category: release date: challenge: back-up: Adjustable | None | Virtua Cop is so far the closest a Saturn game has come:to:duplicating the arcadezHoweyver;the coin-op Was really nothing special. Good players will blow through this one with по trouble. Virtua Cop is surprisingly short, with only threeslevels to it. There/are a few neat elements like interactive backgrounds, but theysdo not keep the game fromigetting old after ã few times through. T pre- fer using the controller over the Stunner. It has great graphics and cool gameplay, but it gets old. | haven't been impressed with a lot of the earlier titles that have:been released for the.Satum, but Virtual Cop may just have changedimy mind. This is a very close franslation to the arcade hit. Many games like this suffer because there is no gun peripheral, or it's not even worth the money, But | gotito lock and load firsthand with Sega's new gun; the Stunner. Believe me, its well worth it. The gun Will be a pack-in with the game for the true arcade experience. This is a surprisingly great translation from the arcade:to:achome:system. | really likedithe:arcade and did not find any inconsistencies between the two. The main problem with Virtua Cop is the length of the game. With only three levels, any fairly good gamer will be able to play through Virtua,Cop їп а short amount oftime he practice screens are fun for two people to compete against one another in." Due to the difficulty, try this one before you buy it. The first Sega game to make use of the new StunnersVirtua:Gop:could be the best.arcade-to- home-system conversion yet for the Saturn. The smooth-scrolling perspectives and virtually no load time make this the Saturnstitle that will grab players’ gattention and hook them on һе CD realmDifferent reactions.for body wounds are bound to make all of the sadistic players laugh as they gun their way through the three stages pre- tending to rescue the hostages. Worst Feature: Needs More Blood Also Try: Arcade Version release date: challenge: back-up: Theme Park is one of those games you pick up on a whimeandehave a darn goodstimeswith. Тһете Рак is тоге or less SimCity with a play- ful spifit. The looks are simple, but the gameplay isn't. There are all Sorts of things to takerinto.con- sideration when you're running a park. You can have lots of fun soupingsup a:roller.coaster, and having kids fly right off. Theme Park will have you spending months working on the perfect park. It's worth purchasing. There is literally nothing negative that | can say about thisygamemAlmost every keyselementsthat you could ask for їп a strategy game has been kept intact inthe PC port-over. Anice thing about the games the varying levels of difficulty-when designing your park. They range from simply building the park to taking, onjall. thewesponsibili- ties,and getting your hands dirty in the stock mar- ket. Truly as much fun as going to the Theme Park when you were a little kid. This is one of those games you can play from din- nertimesuntilthesnextymorning. ThemesRarkemay look like child's play from the outside, but it actu- ally is an in-depth game in which you бап control the lengthvand speed of rides, researchptoilets, how much Caffeine is in the coffee апа much more./At times it becomes frustrating because youyconstantly go bankrupt because of Varying factors in your park. Sim gamers should definite- ly check Theme Park out. Players of all ages can jump right in and design their idea.ofstheyperfect amusementyparksinsone of the best simulation, games yet to grace the disc holder of the Saturn. However, Theme Park is not aimed toward the younger players primarily»Even those who consider themselves simulation mas- ters will find it difficult tormanage.theif park prop- erly and keep it from going into bankruptcy. An all-around good choice for players who want to build instead of destroy everything. Best Feature: Puking Kids Worst Feature: —— Addictiveness Time To Complete: Long Also Try: Any Other Sim Pacific Theater of Operatio Coming Soon for: “Р MEM, A WINDOWS ~ COMPATIBLE IBM CD ROM Available at your favorite retailers nationwide. Phone 415/348-0500 for additional information or to order direct. e gc ETED! he battle rages on. Two opponents. | Two strategies. The year is 1941 and | the scene is the Pacific. Japanese Zeros ^ appear on the horizon, marking the J| beginning of World War II. From Pearl | Harbor to unconditional surrender, this is your battlefield. PTO II delivers the power to control this infamous war. With new technology, faster and better war machines are at your disposal. Command the guns of the mighty Missouri, launch | devastating Japanese fighter attacks, or storm the beaches of Okinawa. India, Australia, and the east coast of the United States mark new regions for enemy domination. Three campaigns await the most ambitious of generals while single-ship engagements prepare you for more! 225100 Belleau Wood TORPEDOES ARE A DEADLY FORM OF ATTACK. The Chief of Staff iz trum to persuade you to agree with ham. What will you do? ш Play one of three major campaigns or seven short scenarios Seyret РО PRIME MINISTERS AND E Set your own victory conditions COMMANDERS. ш Execute precise military maneuvers with over 100 unique officers ш Select from 120 war- ships, 60 fighters & 3 bombers, 20 submarines, & ~~ : 10 categories of tanks o | ш Intercept & decipher enemy messages using technologically advanced weaponry ш Command forces from 70 strategic bases around the globe сын) plan phase orders. \ POWERFUL GUNS PROVIDE LONG-RANGE FIRE POWER. ш Full motion video enhances special events and commands (not available for Super NES or IBM CD) ш One or two player excitement KOEI KOEI Corporation 1350 Bayshore Hwy, Suite 540 Burlingame, CA 94010 PTO Iis a trademark of KOEI Corporation. Nintendo, Nin s 50! Seg. logos are trademarks of Micro: TEUER All Rights Reserved. category: release date: challenge: back-up: Memory Card If you thought Total Eclipse was a poor game, I'd agree; The. sequel, however, hasiquite a bit moré going for it. First, the gameplay is actu- ally fast-paced and exciting. There is actually technique to use when dodging enemies and obstacles. The graphics may not be the most spectacular, but they get:the job donesThere are a lot of nice little details. The power-ups are real- ly intense, but they do get distracting. This ranks among the best for the Saturn. Solar Eclipse may look like its predecessor at first glance;:but-after-playing throughsthesfirstylevel, you will realize that there have been numerous enhancements added to the game, making it so these two,itles can’t even be putin theysame cat- egory. Seamlessly drawn, texture-mapped back- grounds; cleaner graphics;..tighter control; improved enemy Al and a new cockpit view make Solar Eclipse well worth your time. | suggest checking this game out. Solar Eclipse is definitely a step up from its pre- decessor;-Total-Eclipse. The graphicswaren’t mind-blowing, but far from being poor. Unlike Total Eclipse, there is now an actual strategy for dodging the enemies’ fire. The game ismotas lin- ear either, offering the gamer freedom to choose different catacombs and»tunnels. іо# у through (even the caverns have differing difficulty). Fans of Total Eclipse or Saturn owners looking for a good shooter should check out Solar Eclipse. We have all watched this style of game come along way.from Total Eclipse, which wasireleased before its time. This version has good graphics, sharp | Control and many action¢intensive levels (including tons of secret codes and levels). The most/notable feature to look out for when consid- ering this purchase is.that it is hardsOnly with hours of practice (or by cheating) will anyone even have a chance to see any of the later levels. No dust gathering on this one. Best Feature: Game Speed Worst Feature: Enemies Time To Complete: Medium Also Try: Total Eclipse 42 Б playstation ШШ! interplay category: release date: challenge: back-up: Adjustable | Memory Card Loaded is a great action game that combines the mania of Smash-TV with the questyelementssof Metal Gear. The graphics and visuals are out- standing, right.down to the last/gory detail. The gameplay is excellent, and there are secrets to find 400, The difficulty is a bit extreme, making it tough to clear even the:second.level: The ability to link this game гог multiple players is a great idea. The more the merrier! Loaded is a fast- paced game that will grow on you. | have to give credit where credit is due. Loaded features-some"of-the»best lighting a game) that | have ever seen! However, special effects don’t make a great game. Even though each level is large, action-packed and nearly impossible to make it through without losing a couple’ of lives, | foundymyself starting to yawn halfway through the! destruction. The ability to waste your friends in the Multiplayer Mode is what raises this to an above-average game. This is Smash TV brought to the next level. Loaded has-a vast array of fightersstoyehoose from, each has differing speeds, weapons and special Weapons. Right from the get-go, you are constantly facing multiple enemies at every turn, which Will keep any gamer on his or her toes. The only downfall of the game is the background musie will get on your nerves. From beginning to end, Loaded is full of gore and excitement. This game is a must-have for PlayStation owners. Shoot, maim, kill. Loaded is the fast-paced game that sends»youvoma search-and-destroyimission killing everything in your path. The visuals are clean and the character movement is smooth and exacting, letting you move quickly around to blast the nasties who are gunning for you. The only thing to watch out for iswhen you getitoo close to an enemy and can’t seem to turn fast enough to get him. Count me in When the link Is released. Two-player will excite you. Worst Feature: Darkness Time To Complete: - A While Also Try: Total Carnage playstation GEN crystal dynamics ios + : category: release date: challenge: back-up: Gex has been translated over to the PlayStation with a numberzof-enhancements:over-the-3DO version? The graphics have been cleaned up a bit, and the gameplay itself is a lot smoother. The FMV cinema intro is TV-quality clear--Dana Gould's voice is perfectly clear in this One. | Was- n't too excited with thisigame»simply because | played the heck out of the з00 game. However, newcomers to Gex and his world will have a lot of fun with this one. Gex was a really good game when it was first released, butilithink a lot of gamers.missed, out becausé they did not own a ЗОО Хом that Gex has risen up to the 32-Bit level, more players will be able to share the Gexperience. A wide range of attack methods, secrets ‘galore and crisp graphics are.just a few,ofithe reasonswhy Gex is as popular as he is. With some minor enhance- ments from the ЗОО Version, Gex is a definite game to check out. The PlayStation version of Gex has a lot of improvementsmoversthe ЗОО versionz-Dana Gould's voice-overs are crystal clear and under- standable. The cinemas are amazingly crisp сотрагед40 the original. Gamers who have not played the 300 version will enjoy this title a lot more than those who have played theshell out of the 3DO version. | would have liked this title a lot more if | had never played it on 3DO, but gamers new to Gex will enjoy the game, humor and all. Admittedly, there is nothing new to be found inside the,levelsyof,the PS version over:the-3DO release: This game scores a high/fating just for the cleaned-up audio of everyone's favorite witty gecko. Control has also been spiced up a bit, shortening the time between controller and reac- tion; Gamers. who neverhad the privilege of play- ing Gex on the 300 shouldn't miss the PS release. It is bound to be the best one yet for any home system. Anyone ready for Gex 2 yet? Worst Feature: Nothin’ New Time To Complete: Medium BI Also Try: Any Other Mascot Game An Experience from the REAL ЭРО Zone’, Mikey "Водоцбор, VA à ' @: Ж” | g from roadpizza to tee tron d the fendi foks Ә- 20:4 at per ле. Now lm trapped in a weird, chaotic: world. Dw Barfivan is hurin! at me and the Drpmeicter’s coping. hot, Б! AY steamy bna mines. HS jwenile, bathroom humor at its deg - ing best. [m on a Scavenger hunt for fow godes andl trying. to get the kell ovt with my only weapon—a right arm thats become a Coberplunger. Yeah, Cperplunger. This i truly Sick Stuff. Later” Wy HOOK UP VITH YOUR NEAREST 300 DEALER OR CALL: 1-800 332-5368 playstation VIEWPOINT electronic arts 3w