WINS: 09 45 [7] x мете; A япа | | | | | | -—— — ب‎ me m2 —— TRONIC FIRST PIX OF E NINTENDO'S $ se - ULTRA-G4! 28 ð á INSIDE EGM... 4 we COMIX ZONE ° VECTOR DRACULA - X + DEEP:SP. PRIMAL RAGE • Dic CASPER * KILLER INSTINCT, NINJA GAIDEN TRILOGY zy BUG · EARTHBOUND-— Juw, 1995 $4.99/$6.50 Canada | 07 | | o T0992 37371" о Display until August 1, 1995 Push your Sega” \cclaim’s® NFL" Quarterback Club” esis” to the; 16-bit videogaming | system ever, right? Bey 4 Р, : Now take the next step up to the ЖШШЕ №) universe of 32X", Sega's Metal Head" the only 32-bit upgrade for the Sega" Genesis" system. arcade quality | gaming without having to uild your system fS (ШЧ, from scratch. Faster action. ng graphics. “What are you waiting for? Make the connection!” > hottest new games as only Sega" can bring them And if 32X" can do this for your Sega" Genesis", imagine J Digital Picture’s Slam Cit Starring Scottie Pippin what it could mean for your Sega CD"! Then get out there and add it up for yourself! Other Т itles Coming Soon: i NIRTUA FIGHTERS X-Men", Ratchet & Bolt", Kolibri", 32X-Treme", Zaxxon's Motherbase 20007" The Adventures of Hollywood SPOT? Y Toughman Contest and FIFA '96 1 GOLD: Thunderhawk 2 . ega CD anc trademarks of SEGA. See individual game packages for trademark information. 3772 for info оп game ratings. ©1995 SEGA. P.O. Box 8097, Redwood City, CA 94063. All Rights Reserved. AN ANCIENT CLAN WITH THE POWER TO TRANSFORM INTO FEARFUL MONSTERS STANDS POISED TO DESTROY ITSELF FOR A GOUPESS WHO WILL GRANT THEIR EVERY WISH... ONE HERO MUST FIND THE SIX KEYS TO BANISH HER FOREVER... ARRRGGHEE 89 ONE FALSE MOVE ANP WERE HISTORY. TOAST. END OF STORY. GAME OVER 111 SHOULD HE ATTACK WITH А BAND OF EIGHT VALIANT WARRIORS OR SHOULP HE PULL UP HIS ASBESTOS UNDERWEAR ANP SET FORTH ALONE KNOWING AIS NEXT STEP MAY BE THE 245777 WILL OUR HERO SURVIVE 7 ONLY YOY HOLD THE ANSWER... you THINK THIS 1S ` TYST A GAMEZ! BREATH OF FIRE, A RED-HOT I2-MEG EXTRAVAGANZA FROM SQUARESOFT. “WHAT RPG FAN CAN'T GET EXCITED ABOUT A GAME LIKE THIS? «СОШ? EASILY END UP BEING THE BEST RPG OF THE YEAR.” GAME PLAYERS- ANIMATED MONSTERS! MAY ‘94 NOW YOU'RE PLAYING WITH FIRES! CAPCOM is a | trademark and Breath of Fire is a trademark of CAPCOM Co., Ltd. Breath of Fire Japanese Original Version © 1993 CAPCOM Co., Ltd, All rights reserved. Breath of FireWáoftware ШАШУУ ОМИ Д CAPCOM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Squaresoft® is a registered trademark of Square Co., Ltd. Package design, Screen text, and Manuals of Software English Version ©1994 ) jun 9 АУ чаш чо on CAPCOM's Japanese Version. All rights reserved. Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of Атегіс с publisher. Steve Harris editor in chief. Ed Semrad senior editor. Danyon Carpenter managing editor. Howard Grossman third-party liaison. John Stockhausen news editor. Todd Mowatt assistant editors. Sushi-X « Mike Forassiepi Mike Vallas * Terry Minnich Andrew Baran • Al Manuel Paul Ojeda • Mark LeFebvre Dindo Perez • Tim Davis John Gurka • Jason Streetz Mark Hain « Mike Desmond Dave Malec * Carey Wise Jason Morgan Dave Ruchala Scott Augustyn • Ken Batlziak managing copy editor. Jennifer Whitesides copy editors. Gayle Schneider Jo-El M. Damen Jennifer McGeary L lifestyles editor. Shawn Smith | foreign correspondents. Nob Ogasawara David Rider ] art director. Juli McMeekin sendai media group: president. Steve Harris executive vice president. Mike Riley vp/general counsel. Mark Kaminky promotions manager. Cindy Kerr | | promotions coordinator. Kim Schmidt j publicity manager. Kate Rogers circulation director. Dave Marshall contract publishing manager. Кеп Williams production manager. Colleen Bastien production assistant. Dave McCracken advertising coordinator. John Born customer service (NO TIPS!). 708-268-2498 advertising ECG, Inc. inquiries 10920 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor contact: Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-824-5297 national ad director. Jeffrey Eisenberg national ad manager. Jon Yoffie account executive. Karen Landon ad coordinator. Suzanne Farrell new york office. (212) 984-0730 account executive. Michele Citrin ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY (ISSN # 10: бтр, hz 1820 Highland of address, write to: Electronic Gaming Monthly, РО. B 51591-0524. The editors and the publisher are als. Without limiting the rights under c ay ош! the prior written notice of Sendai Publishing. Group ‘Copyrigt 'ublishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. TM and © for all тойу an characters contained therein are owned by the respective trademar holders. All materials listed in this magazine ject to manufac! turers ch the publisher assumes no responsibility for anges. Printed in the USA. EGM is а registered trademark of Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. Electronic Gaming Monthly and Sendai Media Group are trademarks of Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. ‘Audit Bureau of Circulations "WARNING SHOCK ONOTINMERSE 1 эттик DEEP DARK SECRET «« Nintendo has decided to postpone the U.S. launch date of their Ultra 64 until April of next year. In a very carefully worded speech, j HAVEYOU SEEN NO. ard Linc stated the e ra time Semad Howard Lincoln stated that the extra time est seen: So tien а would be used to give their green ($) team ... Moy s m ; 7— A % excuse me, "dream team" of licensees time [n [di id to put the finishing touches on their soft- ware. As for the hardware he stated that it is “ESSENTIALLY COMPLETE.” ssentially complete?” When asked for a definition of “ sentially,” Ed Semrad Nintendo execs stated that the chip set is done but the circuitry just editor in Chief V has to be shrunk down to fit in the с. Then why not show the games with cords going into a wall? Or show a tape of the software? No one would directly answer that question. Sources have stated that their U64 version of Killer Instinct is over 80 percent done, as are a couple of other carts. Nintendo has shown beta versions of games before, so WHY NOT NOW? It has been my opinion for several months now that it has to do with Nintendo of Japan (NOJ). New hardware introductions (NES, Game Boy, Super NES, Virtual Boy) have always appeared in Japan first ... normally at their Shoshinkai Trade Show. Several months ago when NOJ moved the Shoshinkai dates back from August to November something was up. It could only be because the Ultra 64 was to debut there. And, as we know now, it will. win te DEBUT. PUSHED BACK « November, in Japan there is just no way it would launch here the very next month. That’s why we have been stating for months that it would Sr .. 2 not be coming out in the U.S. this year. Others naively continued to say that it would make it out this fall and one even picked a Sept. 29 date. Oh well. As to the real launch of the Ultra 64, as expected, it will be in JAPAN FIRST. While Mr. Lincoln was very specific in his speech лог to say anything about the launch of the system in Japan ... only North America and Europe (April 1996), his people later admitted that the Japan launch will be before April, and possibly as early as December. Why the delay? Perhaps the real question should be WHAT S THE HURRY? If you were the company that controls over 90 percent of the Japanese game market and a majority of the U.S. market, would you rush out too early with some- thing new? So what if Sony and Sega sell a half a million new sys- tems. That is nothing in a long-range plan. Besides, at $299 and $399, the competitor’s new systems will move slowly after the “early adapters” buy out the first shipments. If Nintendo comes in with a $199 price (their internal price goal ... watch them announce it at the January CES) they will catch up in just one season. Even faster in Ё ^ Japan ... if not instantaneous domination, if they get Square to do FF 7 for the Ultra. 7 й. ر‎ ^ Don't count Nintendo out yet! The year 1996 will be very interesting! (THANK S T T T NRG red trademark of the National Football League. NHL Wanna meet Stinky? Put an XBAND" Video Game Modem into your Genesis" or Super NES? Plug in your phone cord. And you can go up against hard-core gamers. No matter where they live. The Modem is $29.99, and local play is $4.95 a month: Or get XBAND Nationwide for an additional $3.95 an hour" XBAND works with games like NHL” '95 апа NBA* JAM" TE and your first month's subscription is free. You can get XBAND wherever you buy video games, or call 1-800-X4-XBAND to order. It beats having this guy sit next to you on the couch. BYND“ Video Game Network We have Batman—the game, that is. Take a peek at this issue's cover story on the new movie-to-video game hit, | N Batman Forever! J - STORY BEGINS ON PAGE 54 INSERT COIN 7 INTERFACE: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 14-22 PRESS START 26-30 REVIEW CREW 34-40 EGM HOT 50 44-48 GAMING GOSSIP 52 SPECIAL FEATURES 54-72 CONTESTS 5792 ARCADE ACTION 74-81 INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK 82-91 TRICKS OF THE TRADE 94-98 TEAM EGM 102-114 LIFESTYLES 138-139 ADVERTISING INDEX 140 d FACT-FILES NBA Jam оз SuPeR NeS 116 А GaMe GeaR 136 E muc Check out Earthbound, 2) Follow your instincts Panzer Dragoon 34,95,98 Judge Dredd, Deep in the portable Primal Pebble Beach Golf Links 114 H П 1 Power Rangers Movie 34 ЖЫ Space Nine and тоге! Rage! Primal Rage 136-37 RBI Baseball ‘95 108,110 MB GeNeSiS 126 Record of Lodoss War зз MB E an iron Key Ristar 97 E Fight evil creatures Road Rash 112 Secret of Stars 35,120-21 drawn by your enemy а % Shockwave от E in Comix Zone! А r : Sporting News Baseball 108,110 + E y SF: TM 78-81 32} 1 30 е Super ВВ! Baseball 108,110 Save the day and become the hero in Fahrenheit! GaMe BoY 132 Join in the fun with everyone's favorite fluffy in Kirby's Adventure! M DiReCToRY Air Combat 22 74,76 Batman Forever 54-55 Beyond the Beyond 82 Bug! 68 Caravan Shooting Collection 88 Casper 69 Clockwork Knight 38,96 Comix Zone 128-29 Contra: AW 97 Daytona USA 95,98,114 Deep Space 9 35,36,122-23 Destruction Derby 72 DKC 2 62-63 Donkey Kong Land 134-35 Dracula X 65 Dragon Ball Z 88 Earthbound 116-17 Earthworm Jim 40 ESPN Extreme Games 112 Exo Squad 36,126-27 Fahrenheit 130-31 GB Bomberman 2 84 G.O.D. 84 Gunner's Heaven 90-91 HardBall '95 108,110 Hover Strike 98 Judge Dredd 35,36,40,118-19 Killer Instinct 59 Kirby's Adventureland 40, 132-33 MK3 60-61 MLBPA Baseball 112 Mobile Suit Gundam 84 Tokyo Dungeon 86 Toughman Contest 96-97 Triple Play ‘96 114 Triple Play Baseball 108,110 Vectorman 66-67 Viewpoint 70 Virtua Fighter 38 Virtuoso 38 Warlock 96 World Heroes Perfect 86 World Series ‘95 104,106 Worldwide Soccer 114 WWF Raw 102-03 X-Men 2 94 Zenki find on planet Earth, the issue of EGM you now hold in your hands can be your key to a chance to win some of the best stuff you can think of! SCORE SOME OF THE BEST LOOT AROUND IN EGIW'S SPECIAL TAKE IT TO THE ICE WITH WAYNE | | GRETZKY AND HIS EGM CONTEST! In addition to the best gaming information you'll CONTESTS ON PAGES 57 AND 92! IS THE ULTRA 64 DOOMED? PRESS START HAS ALL THE UPDATES ON THE NEW SYSTEMS. In Press Start, newly released information on the Ultra 64, Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn systems is causing a stir. First, the Ultra 64 release date has been pushed back to April of 1996! Is this disastrous for Nintendo? Or are they hoping gamers will wait that long for their new technology? Take a peek at the exclusive pictures of the system. Also, the Sony Play- Station offers tricks and cheats with their Ultimate Game Buster Action Replay memory card. Plus, Sega Saturn's release date has been moved up to now! The story begins on PAGE 26. “Industry insiders have been speculating for some time that the Ultra 64 project was in trouble.” THE DYNAMIC DUO IS BACK IN GOTHAM d BUT WILL IT BE FOREVER? Dick Grayson (Robin) teams up with Batman to stop Two-Face, the man responsible for the death of Grayson's folks. However, Riddler is waiting to seek his own justice on Batman! Acclaim Entertainment will be bringing Batman Forever (based on the summer box-office hit) onto the Super NES, Genesis, Sony PSX, Sega Saturn, Game Gear and Game Boy systems. With more than 125 moves, weapons and attacks, this cart will not lose its game-play value! The story begins on PAGE 54. "There are rendered interactive back rounds and scenarios including the Batcave, Riddler's ‘Claw Island’ as well as Two-Face's hideout.” EGM RETURNS FROM Е° AND BRINGS EXCLUSIVE MK3 HOME VERSION PIX BACK! The editors return from the Electronic Entertainment Expo with 14 pages filled with all the games and information. The most noteworthy pictures are the shots of the MK3 home versions for the Super NES, Genesis and Sony PlayStation! Although preliminary, the pictures will amaze Mortal fans! As well, check out the coverage on soon-to-be-released games, like Donkey Kong 2 (Super NES), Dracula X (Super NES), Casper (3DO), Viewpoint (PSX), Killer Instinct (Super NES) and many more! The story begins on PAGE 58. "The PlayStation has such a close reproduction (of МКЗ) that you could be easily fooled into believing this was the actual arcade game!" KIDS TO ADULTS ©1995 Nintendo of America Inc. Game By Rare. © &' are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. AGES 6+ First there was Donkey Kong Country® it was Like nothing anyone had seen before. Now all that excitement has been crammed into an awesome new game. Ш eae ДАНЫ and it's only available for Game Boy? and Super Game Bo 9 You'll recognize the [EEE heroes for sure, but everything else is entirely new. There are four wild its own sinister boss. There are savage EEE that take Donkey and Diddy from pirate ships to mean city streets. пайї 4 Wig Pad This КОЕ is populated by the most bizarre crew of T ape-hating slimebags ever. There are flocks of Ш 0 (keep that umbrella up), psycho squids and a helmet-hurling mole, to name a few. Add to all this fully computer- rendered graphics, (a first on Game Boy) (1t was in Kong s contracto, and you've got the biggest, hairiest adventure of the year. You're gonna love it so much you might even scratch, grunt and throw food a little more than usual. This is the section where you can open ир Hi, I'm your your mind and let the rest of electronic daughter's date! gaming see what color your brain is. Got any food? While you're at it, you can also expose A yourself to more than 1 million gamers R d off Biti l E h looking for an easy target. Remember, you @ a e n ers l ing n $ ig t = have the right to remain silent and any- = j EHE into Gaming World the magazine. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Dear EGM, dental awakening. You remember І Yes kiddies, the new generation of these guys. You know, the ones who Get ConNeCTeD! game systems is coming. With them target boys ages 10-17 with loud comes the avalanche of games that music and morons who scream at you You can also reach the editors of will, no doubt, roll into stores like so from your television about how many ЕСМ via e-mail at many leaves from the trees. Are we bits they have, blast processors, spe- Beginning June 1, you can get access really prepared for all this? | think not. cial chips, how to do math, how your to ЕСІМ articles, reviews and Think about a few things: Think about Parents are idiots and how you're an more on the World Wide Web via the all of the 16-Bit carts that you already idiot for buying someone else's sys- own. Think about all of the time you've tem. Think about it. Are you ready for spent waiting for that special game to this again? Yet, you keep on buying. hit the stores after you saw pictures ої Why? Well, because in the scheme of NUKE home page at itin a gaming mag. Think about all things, it just goes to show how much that money you've spent over the past junk you'll go through just to escape few years! That's right, just sit there reality for a few lousy minutes and and think about it! You'd better think have some fun. That's all you really really hard because it's all going to want. Not the fat kid in the ad scream- start all over again! Can you handle it? ing in your face. You're not interested All of that [crud] you've gone through, іп bits, processors, polygons ог Get your letters the waiting, the hours in front of the sprites. You’re after ... fun. And that’s into ЕСІМ today or we kill tube, the money, the fact that you what it’s all about folks, isn’t it? Fun. another editor. You can reach have to be the first one to own a cer- That tiny little bit of happiness that EGM by writing to: tain game, everything. Kinda makes stretches a smile across your trem- Interface, Letters to the Editor you wonder what the heck it’s all bling little mouth the second you stick about, huh? Yeah, go ahead and think that new cartridge into that machine. for a while. You can start reading this Рип. You remember that, don't you? again when you're done. Back so Mr.X soon? Good. Now the really good Portland, OR stuff: The marketing by the gaming companies trying to convince you that 1I saw this little beauty, and | knew right away the slop they're handing you is going who won our Letter of the Month. Don't worry, to make your hair turn white with pure, ме know who you are mystery writer and adrenaline-pumping excitement. They резї assured that your Acclaim Dual Turbo try to make you believe that their Joysticks are on their way right to your front game (or game system) will take you door! to the verge of some kind of transcen- 2 J Get connected with video game enthusiasts just like 2 yourself, courtesy of GM, the number-one name іп video í games! Send your name, address, age, sex and three favorite 1920 Highland Avenue, #222 Lombard, IL 60148 f T games to: EGM PENPALS c/o Sendai Publishing Group, Inc., 1820 Highland Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, IL 60148. Make friends and share your secrets worldwide! ARCADE GAMERS TORN OVER МКЗ QUALITY Dear EGM, | know I’m gonna get some complaints over this but here it goes: As soon as I got ЕСМ #70, | turned directly to the МКЗ section. The game looked awe- some, and the fatalities looked great. The next morning 1 got up and headed to the local arcade. | saw a large crowd of people around a game, and | imme- diately knew that it was MK3. | went to see it for the first time, and when | final- ly did, the first thing that | thought of was MK2. | was really disappointed to find out that this game was almost identical to its predecessor. The game played exactly the same, and | immedi- ately mastered many moves using the same old patterns. The only new thing that | really enjoyed was the combos. There are other downsides to МКЗ, too. | don't mean to totally bash this game, because 1 do think that it is still a decent game, it's just a little too similar to MK, that's all. Mortal З just was not all | was expecting it to be. A Mortal Fan via Prodigy Dear EGM, Every week 1 spend about $20+ on Mortal Kombat 3. While I'm playing | am constantly asking myself, "Why am | playing this game?" Is MKS really a good game, or am | playing it because it's part of the Mortal Kombat series? Гуе come to the conclusion that | really am playing it because it is part of the series, not because | think that it is a quality game. | think that the whole fatality thing has gotten boring. The * Yup, it's Mortal Kombat alright. But people seem to disagree on this one. Alexander Husband Age: 11 Зек: Male Occupation: Video Junkie Manchester, NH Favorite Games: MK3, Demon's Crest, Killer Instinct characters really aren't that exciting. The Bosses are way too easy. | was hoping that the MK series wouldn't turn out to be another Street Fighter-like game. Please tell Ed Boon and John Tobias to worry more about the game than putting their names in the back- grounds. | hope any subsequent ver- sions will show some improvement. Derek Koziol via America Online Dear EGM, Well, | went to the arcade the other day after reading issue #70. | was so excit- ed that | was finally going to get to play the game that | have waited all year to play—Mortal Kombat 3. Well, | must say (I’m probably going to get mugged THG BTE Although it has some new features, the ЕСІМ editors are split down the middle. by my friends for saying this!) | was totally disappointed! New fatalities, yippee. New characters (the riot cop looks ridiculous), oh boy. Improved graphics, yawn. | know that many of the people who play this game are gen- uinely crazy about it, but | just didn’t think it was that great. Am | missing something? Hello? Oh yeah, there must be some people who feel the way | do because I’ve heard other guys in the arcade bashing it. What do you think? Are we spoiled, or should we expect more from game companies than the same old games regurgitated over and over again? Chad Comiski Tallahassee, FL Well, we've gotten bunches and bunches of let- ters about МКЗ. Everyone seems to agree that the game itself is good, but many of our readers ауе expressed some disappointment. Taking Jeff Roney Age: 31 Sex: Male Occupation: Unknown Santa Ana, CA Favorite Games: Secret of Mana (or any other RPG), Super Return of the Jedi, Zombies Ate My Neighbors ‘titi Nui ZELLE i I \— ta NS у > Ы ET lah йат» e Many players seem to like MK3 just hecause it's pant of the MK series. the side of Midway, one could argue that maybe we expected a little too much. There were already two Mortal Kombat games out there, how much different could you make it? I'm also sure that a lot of hard work went into making МКЗ. On the other side of the coin, you could argue that because we (the gamers) give Midway a lot of our hard-earned dinero (cash, money, scratch, coinage, whatever) they should he expected to come out with a quality product. We could go on forever! At this point we'd like to encourage you to write us and tell us what you think. Be honest. There are no right opin- ions, there are no wrong opinions. I'm sure that this is a debate that will continue for some time. In the meantime, if you like MK3, you'd better keep those fingers limber. If you don't like it, maybe it's time to find a new game. PERSISTENT LETTER WRITER GETS PUBLISHED! Dear EGM, | have sent you many hundreds of let- ters. None of them have ever appeared in your magazine. Due to today's tech- nology, | can have a hope of you actu- ally publishing one of my letters. Because the Internet can help me send a letter to you at lightning speed, could you answer one question? What is the probability of having a letter published? Derek Potts via the Internet Today is your lucky day, Derek! Because | try to read all of the letters that come our way (not an easy feat!) | actually recognized your name! Geez, | guess perseverance really does pay off! Our advice to all of you has always been the same—Keep those letters coming! ЇЇ you have а good idea/comment/gripe we just may include it within our pages! David Monsottri Age: 17 Sex: Male Occupation: Permanent fixture at local convenience store. Pittsburgh, PA Fav Games: MK3 until my eyes burn! A B Seriously. Where's' the food? Are there any fries left? ASK ЕСМ Q: Tam а 11-year-old boy. My dad is 32 years old. The problem is that my dad likes to play video games. Whenever I get a new game, I hard- ly get to play it because my dad hogs my 3DO! None of my friends have this problem. What should I do? Willie Caruthers Boston, MA А: Your dad sounds like a true video game addict. You might try. (nicely, I might add) to ask him to share your games with you. If that doesn't work, try buying some two- player games that you can play together! Ө: Have you guys tried the XBand lately? There are some kickin’ tour- naments! I won $1,000 in their last one! I recommend that you give it a try. Runaway Train via the XBand А: Whoa, you won a grand? That's pretty good—lunch is on you, right? Q: I was just wondering. is the Ultra 64 really going to be cartridge based? I’ve heard that it is going to be CD-ROM like the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn. Also, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound? Brian Hackberth Berwick, PA А: Yes, the U64 is going to be car- tridge based. As for the tree ques- tion, what are you trying to do, make me think? I try not to think too much—it hurts. SEGA SATURN DEBUTS IN STORES EARLY! Dear EGM, What's the deal here?! | just went into a local toy store and (to my utter disbe- lief), they were selling Sega Saturns! Wasn't the Saturn supposed to be released sometime in the fall? Roscoe Markley Chicago, IL Yes, the Saturn is out! For more information on its early release check out the Press Start section in this issue. WILL U.S.-JAPAN TRADE WAR AFFECT GAMING? Dear EGM, | was watching the news and they were talking about a trade war between the U.S. and Japan. It sounds as though the U.S. is talking about imposing heavy sanctions on some Japanese products like some makes of cars. My question is: Will this have any effect on game/system prices? Brian Flores Los Angeles, CA That's a very difficult question to answer at this time, Brian. Whether or not the actions of the American government toward the Japanese car makers will bleed into other products produced hy Japan is uncertain. At this time, there is a possibility that some Japanese car prices may actually double! How could this affect us video game players? Well, one possible scenario (worst case) is that Japan might retaliate by increasing prices on things like electronic com- ponents. We all know what this would mean— much higher prices for things such as game systems. But as I've already said, this is a worst-case scenario. Let's just hope our gov- ernments can work something out, pronto! GOING TO THE POOR- HOUSE IN CANADA Dear EGM, I'm writing to the almighty god of gam- ing mags to address a problem. You see, I’m Canadian, and Гуе been sitting up here in Canada reading all the cool stuff about the Ultra 64's incredible $250 price tag. Now here comes the bad news. One day | decided to find out how much $250 in American money is in Canadian money. I called the local bank to find out what the current exchange rate was, dragged out my calculator and found that it came to just over $350! Wait! That's not all! You're forgetting the tax! Adding that on, my shiny new U64 will cost me around $400! Does this mean | should start selling my internal organs? Sean McKinnon B.C., Canada If you do start selling your organs, make sure to give me a call—1 could sure use a new spleen. Yes, Canadian gamers will definitely pay a higher price for the same systems than U.S. residents do. As a matter of fact, it is a distinct possibility that Sega and Sony will be making more of a profit on a per-unit basis in Canada than they will in the U.S. I guess it only goes to show that it's not who you know, it's where you live. (Or who you know in the States who can get you a better deal!) WORRIED READER VOICES CONCERN OVER NEW SYSTEMS Dear EGM, First of all, | just wanted to tell you that issues #69 and 70 looked great. Don't change a thing. However, like most of your readers, | have a question, too. After looking at the Sega Saturn games and seeing that they aren't quite the "Next Level" we've all been expecting, ! have become worried. Do you think the first U64 games are also going to be below par? | ат an MK fanatic, and | am worried that MK3 and other early releases aren't going to look so hot. 1 would appreciate your opinion. Jake Masters via the Internet I wouldn't worry too much about it, Jake. If you remember, some of the early games for the Super NES and the Genesis weren't all that good. Remember Super R-Type for the Super NES? Slowdown city! As the designers learn more and more about the system, we will see the games improve in overall quality. * Here is an actual frame grab of the Sony PlayStation version of MK3. Looks okay to me! ROAST А FEW WEENIES TONIGHT. So, tow vo You LIKE YOUR- OPPONENTS Wer- DONE? LIGHTLY HAREEDT Єхтт.А-стіѕРЧ? Мә, BEFORE YOU ROAST Em, YOU GOTTA GET TO BLOCKBUSTER. We've GOT MORE COPIES OF THE BEST GAMES AROUND. Come Он InN, GET THE GAMES AND START COOKIN’ THE SOURCE incl BEHIND THE FORCE. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO name and design are registered trademarks о! Blockbuster Entertainment Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 1987, 1995 Blockbuster Entertainment Inc. What are the hottest new games to cross the EGM editors’ desks this month? What games do you and your gaming pals think are the best? We have the answers in this exclusive listing of the most incredible softs available for any format—chosen by the editors of EGM and you—the wired-in read- ers of the biggest and best video game magazine on the face of the: planet! EGM’s TOP TENS d 7m 2@-- | LET YOUR VOTE BE HEARD! vou can contact ЕСМ directly апа record your vote for the hottest new and upcoming games by logging onto the NUKE Internet Interface at on the World Wide Web beginning June 1. Until then, send a postcard with your fave game! ANGRY GAMER BLASTS “WEIRDO” ADS Dear EGM, The new format is a tremendous improvement. 1 love the new look. I still disagree with most of your reviews, but 1 can't tell you which games to like. (Although I’m sure many people try!) The main reason | am writing this letter is to complain about the ads in your magazine. Specifically, | am writing about ads like the Secret of Evermore ad in your April issue. This ad consists only of two black pages with a red dot on each page. | don't know what Squaresoft wished to accomplish with this ad, but it tells me that they're so ashamed of their game that they will not display any screen shots or even a description of the game. There were three such ads in that same issue, including Mortal Kombat 3 and Warlock. Those ads had one or two screen shots with the remainder of the page filled with crap not related to the game itself. Ads like these seem to be increasingly polluting your otherwise fine magazine, and seem to be severely diminishing its informative value. Tell your advertisers, "If you want to sell the games, show the games." Shawn Rader via the Internet Sorry you don't like the ads, amigo! | guess our advertisers are trying to catch your attention, and it looks like they did. It is a shame that some of these companies don't show more screen shots in their ads. You're right —they would probably sell more games! e Geez Ken, what took ya so long? ЕСМ” Ken Williams finally "ties the knot" with girlfriend Kim. Riddle me this... What has The Riddler” and Two-Face’, Sugar’ and Spice, and more villains than Gotham City” can handle? What has the Dynamic Duo’ battling from Arkham Asylum" and Claw Island" to abandoned subways and the Batcave ? What has the most amazing arsenal of weapons the Batman Utility Belt can hold— from Batarangs and Bat Cuffs’ to Bat Grenade Launchers’ and Bat Bolas ? What has digitized graphics, interactive backgrounds and the first-ever teaming of Batman and Robin’ in duel fighting action? TTA EINN о BATMAN FOREVER SUPER МЕЗ" • GENESIS” + GAME GEAR” + GAME BOY" SEPTEMBER 1995 /AClaim’ PSYCHO LETTER OF THE MONTH Now for that part of the show where the truly insane get a chance to shine. This month's letter comes from Charles DelMorte, who won our Psycho Letter contest for obvious reasons! Dear EGM, Recently 1 have started reading your horrid little magazine and | know what you're doing. You are the ones who talk to me in my sleep. | know you are them, because the orange clown has told me so. Please stop pleading with me in the realm of dark sleep. My head hurts and the web is growing on the loins of destiny. Make them stop the spiders in the day of my reasons. Have a nice day, Charles DelMorte Sure, hop on in! I pick up hitchhikers all the time! You are a true psycho, Chuck your T-shirt is in the mail, ELO PHOTOCOPY CONTEST! We've dug up a mean one this month, readers, guaranteed to turn your brain to toast! Get your lit- tle fingers moving because somewhere in the 148 pages you now hold in your hot little hands is the screen shot to the left. Let us know what game it is and you can be entered for a drawing to score some cool game wear from your buds at EGM. Put your answer on a 57 postcard and get it to us at: ЕСМ” BAD PHOTOCOPY CONTEST, 1920 Highland Avenue, #222, Lombard, IL 60148. Be sure to include your name, address, age and the month you are entering for. IT'S TIME TO CALL THE INTERNET POLICE! Dear EGM, | don't see how Midway thinks that they can keep the Internet clean of MK3 info. The fatalities and moves will get out eventually, and if they're that des- perate to keep this information off the information superhighway, they should make an upgrade chip. Heck, they could even downgrade games in cer- tain areas. They would also have to make a complete sweep of the Internet every day (yeah, right!) because the message boards are updated daily. If Midway is going to attack the Internet, they might as well bug all of the phone lines, send in a SWAT team if the word "Kombat" is mentioned, screw steel masks with eyeholes onto people play- ing the game so they can't talk to oth- ers, use blindfolds on the people watching so they can't see joystick movements and put secret agents into all of the arcades. If they're having Such a cow over the Internet, why do they let video game magazines publish the moves? Geez Midway, get real. Scott Sanborn via the Internet NEXT-GENERATION SYSTEMS AND LOAD TIME Dear EGM, With all of the hype surrounding the upcoming release of the Sega Saturn and the PlayStation, no one has really said anything about access time for these two machines. I’m assuming that because they're both CD-ROM, there will be some amount of time that it takes for the machines to load their games. Is there a lengthy wait for these games to get loaded into their respec- tive systems? Just wondering. Miles Blackstone Detroit, МЇ Surprisingly enough, the access time for both the PlayStation and the Saturn isn't that bad. Sure you might have to wait for about 20 sec- onds for your game to load, but so what? Ridge Racer for the PlayStation even lets you play a round of the old arcade classic Galaxian while you're waiting. (Yes, there is a trick you can do by beating the round before Ridge Racer Starts.) All in all, | guess it just boils down to whether or not those 20 seconds really bother you. It’s kind of a weak argument against these systems if you refuse to buy one because of the load time. | actually know people who feel this way, however. Poor souls. PUSH YOUR GD TO THE M B ased on the eli е "Flying Nightmares" Marine Harrier squadron, this game really envelope of CD pushes the echnology. Everything is state-of-the-art: Stunning 3D tex ure-mapped graphics. Intense full-motion video sequences. Internal, external and missile camera angles. Plus the hottest CD-quality sounds and special effects. М, ШИШИ ШШЩ s) It all adds up to the most exciting combat flight simulator on Sega CD. Imagine the power under your command: Harrier jump jets that can turn on a dime and stop dead in midair. Laser-guided missiles, cluster bombs and radar- jamming pods. It's enough to make your heart pound and palms sweat. It'll also strain your brain. This happens to be one intel- ligent action-adventure game as well. FiyiNG NIGHTMARES. Pushing CD Coming Soon n technology — and you — to the max. SERA 0D & 300 Rated by V.R.C. Sold exclusively in America by Time Warner Interactive, Inc. Phone 408-473-9400 for LETTER ART Where Creativity, Your Favorite Video Game and a Stamp Can Make You Immortal* Put your creative skills to the test by decking out a plain #10 envelope (you know, the long, business type) with your own unique touch. Send your letter art submission to: EGM Letter Art, 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, Illinois 60148. 1 in the magazine and win yourself a Ж for your hard work (First Prize Only)! SAVVY READER DIVULGES FAVORITE GAMES! Dear EGM, | was thinking, you guys should have a tribute to the best games—not just of the year, but of all time! Games that just blow you away and are still great even after all this time. Here’s my list: Mega Man 2 (NES) Ninja Gaiden (NES) Zelda Il (NES) Sonic 2 (Genesis) Gunstar Heroes (Genesis) Y's | and II (Turbo) Dracula X (PC Engine) Street Fighter II Turbo (Super NES) Axelay (Super NES) Final Fantasy Ill (Super NES) Strider (Genesis) Samurai Shodown II (NeoGeo) Name Unknown via the Internet We here at EGM love making lists! Here are a few other possibilities to add (in absolutely no particular order): Super Metroid (Super NES) Super Bomberman (Super NES) Madden '94 (Genesis) 2) ЕА John 0. Snead * Siler City, NC Matthew McGinn • Alexandria, VA Viewpoint (Neo Geo) NBA Jam (Genesis and Super NES) Ghouls and Ghosts (Genesis and Super NES) Mario Kart (Super NES) Contra (NES) Contra 3 (Super NES) Super Mario World (Super NES) Quantum Fighter (NES) Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) Earthworm Jim (Genesis and Super NES) Mortal Kombat Il (Genesis and Super NES) M.U.S.H.A. (Genesis) Super Adventure Island (Super NES) Super Monaco GP (Genesis) Castlevania IV (Super NES) Parotious (Super Famicom and PC Engine) Space Megaforce (Super NES) Streets of Rage (Genesis) Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis) Magical Quest (Super NES) Super Star Wars (Super NES) Nam ‘75 (NeoGeo) Shinobi Ill (Genesis) Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Super NES) Tetris (NES, Game Boy, etc.) Donkey Kong (Game Boy) Mega Turrican (Genesis) The list could go on and on. If you have a list of your all-time fave vids, send it in! We'd love to see it. (Really, we promise we won't laugh!) This month's Who says that MK3 makes it hard to keep your lunch down? Congrats to Jose Hernandez of Santa Ana, CA. While not artistically exciting, it got a good laugh from us! David Houser • Willits, CA Christopher Bryan • Orlando, FL Josh Reno « Denver, CO SEGA TO DISCONTINUE SUPPORT FOR 32X? Dear EGM, A friend of mine told me that he heard from a reliable source that Sega is secretly planning to discontinue support for the 32X. He said that Sega had two reasons for this. The first was that the 32X was a big flopola and that Sega could no longer afford to support it. The second was the fact that the Sega Saturn was coming out and no one wanted 32X games. Joseph Allesti Rockford, IL Your friend is wrong. Sega has many new games (some of which were shown at F in Los Angeles) for the 32X. They include Spider- Man, Web of Fire, Primetime NFL, Virtua Fighter, X-Men and Rachet and Bolt just to letters column was brought to you бу Mike Forassiepi, EGM assistant editor. Mike is hav- ing a hard time handling all of the stress from the NBA playoffs, so he's crawled under his desk and assumed the fetal position, The poor guy just lays there mum- bling something about Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen being the kings of the known universe. { figure | = == A detailed view of World Series Baseball? { figure 2 } E A detailed view of Triple Play 96. Ah, the sweet sound of chin music. Now available in stereo. Two batter /pitcher views to choose from. Drush'em back in either one. Its your call. As close to the ballpark as you can get without a ticket. Lifelike animation puts you there whether you're diving down the third base line or caught in a pickle between second and third. Call it a head- first slide. Call il a take-out slide. Call it a balls- out Im- goin- in- no- matter- what- slide. Just don’t call it an "out This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards of Sega™. Buy games and accessories with e^ this seal to be sure that they are compatible Software © 1995 Electronic Arts. All rights reserved. EA SPORTS, the EA SPORTS logo, If its in the game, it's in the with the Sega™ Genesis?" system. PLAY. тм trademark owned by Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. Get all the stats in TV style presentation. Updated 1995 rosters. Full season compilation mode. Use em to create players. Trade players. Edit teams. And become the first player/ manager in recent history. Whether youre pitchin overhand N or submarine, you've got the runner in the corner of your eye. Йез on. He's off. He's out. Picked off. L got it. No, T got it. I got it. No, I got il. Wham. You both got it. Out cold. Watch where youre going or suffer severe player collisions. SPORTS. If its in the game, its in the game. Triple Play 96 is the first baseball game ever to deliver excitement beyond an oversized pitcher / batter interface. We took all of baseball. Edited the boring parts. And delivered an action-packed game that can only be described as "playing one continuous highlight reel Go nuts. E ) ) | зате", Triple Play Baseball, 4 Way Play and the 4 Way Play logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts. MLBPA logo © MLBPA MSA. Officially licensed product of Major League Baseball Players Association. The World Series is a All rights reserved. This product is not sponsored or endorsed by Major League Baseball DON'T COUNT O 300'5 NEW М2 The gaming industry is abuzz about 3DO's new M2 technology. At the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, movie maker Steven Spielberg stopped to chat with Trip Hawkins and take a look at 3DO's new technology. The entire industry is excited about its capabilities and its ramifica- tions in terms of the way games are designed, made and played. One of 3DO's partners showed off a new 64-Bit 3DO unit with the M2 tech- nology built in. Dave Needle and R.J. Mical, two designers of the original 3DO unit and now the M2 technology, are confi- dent about what the M2 will bring to the gaming table for both game players and designers. ULTRA 64 "DELAYED" UNTIL APRIL 1996? intendo has just America, would only say that could be due to orders from announced that the hardware is”... essential. Nintendo of Japan (NOJ). "It seems as though every- the North ly complete." His staff Every product that body is talking about the American and expanded on this statement Nintendo has ever made Sega Saturn and the Sony European launch by saying that everything is (Game Boy, NES, Super PlayStation, but many inside for their new done and that the hardware NES, Virtual Boy) has made the gaming industry are tak- flagship 64-Bit now only has to go through its debut in the Japanese ing notice of our new M2 gaming system, the typical shrinking-down marketplace. technology," said R.J. Mical, : the Ultra, will be process to get everything to Even though the Ultra 64 is a vice president with the : delayed until April 1996. fit into the system case (see essentially an American- ЗОО company. "Our technol- : Citing reasons of wanting to below). made product, it will make its ogy will allow ЗОО users to — give third-party licensees Upon further investigation, first official appearance at the upgrade their systems with- £ extra time to fine tune their EGM has learned that it is Shoshinkai Show in out having to trash their ini- ; software, Nintendo has quite possible that the rea/ Makuhari, Japan. The show tial investments. This is : decided to take a pass on the reason the Ultra 64 is being is scheduled for the end of something that we said we — : lucrative 1995 Christmas delayed in North America November. would do when we first * shopping season and con- launched the ЗОО system. : centrate on 1996 instead. We said it would be back- While rumors abound ward compatible with future about the hardware being hardware upgrades and we late and not being able to stuck to our word." meet their expected $250 Some are speculating that * price point, Nintendo contin- the M2 technology will be : ues to say that itis”... on released in September fora : schedule.” In his press con- price of $149-199 but that : ference, Howard Lincoln, has not been confirmed. : * chairman of Nintendo of DS (EBA ULTRA 64 SPECS PRELIMINARY) CPU: True 64-Bit MIPS RISC cus- tom R4200 MIPS processor that will run at 105.9 Mhz and will have a through put of 500 MB per second. GRAPHICS: The Ultra 64's resolu- tion will exceed NTSC and Pal. The graphics engine will have a 64-Bit reality immersion graphics processor running at 80Mhz in its enhanced mode and will have a resolution of 1,200 X 1,200 or HDTV standard in 24-Bit color. SOUND: 64-Bit DSP chip that will run at 44.5 Khz and will have 64- sound channels—{CD QUALITY) PERFORMANCE: 100,000 polygons or 50 pixel meshed triangles per second ant will exceed 100 MIPS (millions of point operations per second) and the unit will allow for real-time anti-aliasing, real-time ray tracing, real-time tri-linear interpolation and real-time load management and will come packed in a nice polystyrene box. As to when the system will see the light of day on store shelves, Howard Lincoln was very specific when he said that the Ultra 64 will come out in North America and in Europe in April 1996. What he didn’t say was when the unit will be released in Japan. His staff added to his words by stating that it would come out in Japan before April, and quite possibly as early as this December! With that type of time schedule the system wil have to go into production within the next few months. “After 19 months of intense development, we have attained our two main goals for the Ultra 64: to develop a chipset capable of delivering the world’s best video game experience, and to do it ata price that can deliver a hard- ware set below $250 retail,” Howard Lincoln said. “However, we have made a conscious decision not to rush the Nintendo Ultra 64 to market. Instead, we've decid- ed to give our software developers additional time to maximize the power of this System in their game creation." In addition to that, if the U.S. roll-out is indeed some- time in April, Nintendo will have to be handing a com- pleted unit over to the FCC to test sometime before the end of this year. The FCC tests all electron- ics products for RF emissions (that is why there is so much metal shielding inside U.S. gaming systems), and this process takes a few months. Japan does not have similar emission testing and that is why it can come to market over there so soon. Nintendo's main competi- tor, Sega, was fairly reserved in their reaction to the delay of the Ultra 64. "We knew that the Ultra 64 wasn't coming out this year for some time now," said Tom Kalinske, CEO of Sega of America. "We've shown in the past that we can take advantage of Nintendo's delays in the release of their hardware units and we plan to take full advantage of the extra time they have allowed us." By postponing the U.S. launch until April, Nintendo is taking a risk that the dollar/yen rate will rise from its present all-time low. With the rate currently at about 85 yen to the dollar, a return to the 100 yen/dollar rate of last year would mean Nintendo could feasibly lower their price to under the $250 announced price. Should the yen/dollar rate continue to fall Nintendo may not be able to meet their price goal. Nintendo has not officially announced any Japanese software licensees. This announcement is expected to be made at the Shoshinkai Show. Rumors have it that Squaresoft may bring out their long-awaited Final Fantasy 7 for the Ultra. Should that be true, Nintendo just may move from 16-Bit domination to 32/64-Bit domi- nation in that country. Don't count Nintendo out quite yet! “THE BAND PLAYS ON" XBAND GOES NINTENDO band will soon be up and running on the Super NES and gamers will be able to experi- ence multiple player gaming on the Super NES Catapult modem. The Super NES | Xband network will be up and running in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta and Dallas in June. The rest of the country should be on-line in August. If you want to get hooked up to the service or order an Xband for the Super NES or Genesis, call 1-800-X4-XBAND. You can order the Xband for the Super NES for $29.99, but you'll have to pay $8.75 for shipping. That will get you the modem device—you still need to con- nect up to the service. To do that you must subscribe to Xband for $7.95 a month. For that you will get 32 connections to the network, or 32 chances to play your favorite games. If you go over your 32 plays each additional play will cost you 15 cents. You can play against players in your local area or across the country. As a user you can choose to have long-distance play turned on or off, because when you play its just like a long-distance phone call. Games that will be up and running on the network will include: Mortal Kombat 3, Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, NHL Hockey and John Madden Football. Starting next month in Team EGM the Iceman and I will be printing the names of Xband's top sports gamers in what we will be calling Team EGM's XBAND Box Score. Are you tough enough? EGA 27 hiny entertainment and Activision have entered into an exclusive agreement to develop a state-of- the-art, next-generation action engine that will drive games produced for the Sega Saturn, Sony PlayStation and Nintendo Ultra 64 platforms. The engine will enable Activision to increase its development of action titles and develop high-quality products for all platforms. "Our video game engine has been responsible for generating over $1 billion in retail sales," added Perry. "As consumers become more accustomed to higher quality, 3-D entertainment, the next-generation plat- forms will have to deliver compelling game play and visuals that not only com- pete with CD-ROMs but actually set new stan- dards." Under a separate agree- ment with Shiny, Activision was given the license for the worldwide rights to Earthworm Jim for the Windows operating system. Goldstar U.S.A., now called LG Electronics, recently announced a sum- mer rebate for the GoldStar : ЗОО system. Consumers will : receive $50 off the ЗОО unit : if purchased before Labor — : Day, bringing the price down : to $349.95. : “This is a wonderful one- two-three package for game enthusiasts of all levels who are considering an advanced CD interactive video enter- tainment system,” says Jim Lerton, vice president for the HiMedia group at LG Electronics. “You get one of the most technically advanced CD gaming sys- tem on the market today; two, top-notch titles and three, $50 back! This is an excellent opportunity for people to experience the most powerful system on the market without damaging : their pocketbooks.” : The unit will come bundled : with FIFA Soccer and Shock : Wave, a $129 value. 3 QuESTioNS WItH EGM: What is your favorite game? ROB: I enjoy playing anything that has been done well. | like playing Daytona at the arcades along with all versions of MK and MK2. What games are you the most proud of? Гуе been in the gaming business for nine and a half years and I’m very pleased with the way the home versions of Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II came out. As well, | was very pleased with the Quarterback Club game that we brought out across all platforms. What games are you currently working on for the new systems? I'm working on a boxing game for the next-generation systems that Acclaim producer will feature George Foreman. We are tying together our motion- capture technology with our ultimatte technology for the project. „БШ The greatest number of gamers to log onto the Xhand Genesis network in one day, Users log on and challenge others across the U.S. up to 50 times per week. By Todd Mowatt 28 [E SONY TO DELIVER KNOCK-OUT PRICE POINT TO PSX CONSUMERS ony is ready to rum- ble and they have trimmed down their price to a competi- tive fighting weight. It's round one of what will surely be one heck of a heavyweight fight. Sony Computer Entertainment of America jumped into the ring recently by announcing that Saturday, Sept. 9 is the day they will officially launch the PlayStation for $299 and $349. The $299 announce- ment made by Sony at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles took Steve Race two seconds to announce and months to determine. At $299, the unit may or may not come with a game packed in, but at the $349 price, one game will be packed in with the unit, although no formal announcements were made as to what the game may be. Sony is keeping all of their options open, and it could be any one of three games depending on what their competition does. Also available at the launch of the system and sold sepa- rately, will be the Play- Station's unique and highly innovative memory cards. These portable cards plug into the front of the system and will allow players to save their games at any time. Each memory card allows the user to swap characters, teams and levels with friends—creating an entirely unique game play experience that no other system current- ly offers. According to Sony, nearly 1 million units of the game system have been sold in Japan since its intro- duction five months ago, and its aggres- T Sive pricing for the A North American mar- ketplace should pique everyone’s interest. Third-party software developers are migrating to the Sony WINS: 09 к ; PlayStation like Canadian : geese heading south to avoid the impending cold of a fero- cious winter. Sony has added a number of game develop- ers and publishers to their ever-growing PlayStation licensee list. The number is now over 300 and that could hinder rather than help the launch of the system. Too and confident about our launch." Some of Sony's big-name licensees include Acclaim, Capcom, Crystal Dynamics, Electronic Arts, Imagesoft, Interplay, Konami, LucasArts, Mindscape, Namco Hometek, Psygnosis, SSI, Time Warner Interactive, Viacom and Virgin. good titles in development. It's going to force one of the fiercest marketing match-ups in gaming history. We will be ringside giving you the blow- by-blow account of what's happening in the fight. It shouldn't take Sony too long to put their punches together. many software titles could prove to be as damaging as not enough, and Sony is developing a strategy to stem the flow of games heading into the marketplace. "To become the most popu- lar game system, you need more than the best hardware. You also have to offer the hottest games," said Steve Race, president of SCEA. “Just one look at who we are partnering with makes it clear why we are so enthusiastic The PlayStation is a CD- based game system built around a custom-made pro- prietary chip created exclu- sively for the PlayStation. Multiple specialized proces- Sors work in tandem. Some insiders are suggest- ing an early release of the PlayStation at between $249- 299, now that Sega has unleashed the Saturn price tag. The PlayStation is one powerful machine with some They have an exclusive win- dow for Mortal Kombat 3. They purchased the rights from Williams for the PlayStation and the game looks great. Secondly they recently purchased Toh Shin Den from Takara. Either Toh Shin Den or Ridge Racer are rumored to be the games being considered as the pack-in for the system. Sony just тау send the competi- tion to the ropes gasping for air. A $299 price tag and some hit software like Toh Shin Den and MK3 could send Sony's main comp SEGA HOPES TO RUN RINGS AROUND THE COMPETITION WITH EARLY RELEASE OF THE SATURN ega recently threw a curve at both its third-party develop- ment community and their largest retailers when they first announced a nationwide launch for the Saturn on Saturn-day Sept. 2, then launched the system on May 11. The Saturn appeared on some in-store inventory com- puters on April 17, and Sega tipped its hand about an early release. No one thought the Sega Saturn would be on store shelves May 11 with an impressive launch lineup of hit titles: Daytona USA, a hit Sega arcade title that has been converted over to the Saturn; Panzer Dragoon; Bug!; Clockwork Knight; along with a couple of killer Sega Sports titles such as Worldwide Soccer and NHL All-Star Hockey will enthrall sports gaming enthusiasts. The early launch of the Saturn was fueled by con- sumer demand and ignited by phenomenal sales in Japan, according to Sega of America. In Japan, 500,000 units of the Sega Saturn were sold in : the first month the unit was on sale and more than 1 mil- lion units have been sold to date. In the first seven days the U.S. version of the Saturn shipped, it was sold out nationwide. Sega Enterprises antici- pates more than 3 million units will be sold worldwide by this Christmas. Sega of merica is projectin s of : En А Вто sale * was a matter of servicing : those outlets with healthy supplies now, and we will be : adding more retailers in the more than 600,000 units by the end of this year. The only thing that may not be too much of a hit with gamers and parents alike is the price. The Sega Saturn sells for $399-499 and is bundled with Virtua Fighter. "Consumers have been extremely anxious to get their hands on Sega Saturn," said Tom Kalinske, CEO of Sega of America. "Many Americans have gone to the extent of : paying $800 and more for * Sega Saturn units from * Japan. We've decided to : bring the product to market * earlier than scheduled to * meet the high consumer : demand, to refine our mar- * keting strategy over the sum- * mer, prior to the important fall : season and to get a head- * start on the competition." і The unit is available in lim- ; ited distribution around the : U.S. and Canada in : Electronics Boutique, : Software Etc., Babbages and : Toys ‘R’ Us. * Аѕ production ramps up, * additional retailers will be : added as quickly as possible * according to Sega. * "We don't have the invento- : ry right now to include all of 2 the retailers. We're not trying * to alienate any of them. It © UNPRECEDENTED POWER DELIVERS THE TRUE ARCADE EXPERIENCE € PHOTO-REALISTIC 3-D GRAPHICS BLAZING Doue PEED CD ROM near future,” said Kalinske. Sega is dubbing the Saturn the Ferrari of video game systems. Close to 20 titles are already on store shelves in some locations, and more than 80 first- and third-party software titles are expected to hit retail shelves by Christmas this year. According to Michael Ribero, Sega’s executive vice president of marketing, the Sega Saturn was specifically designed for the growing population of interactive entertainment consumers ranging in age from 12 to 40. “The Pong generation— now 15 to 20 years older—is demanding new, immersive gaming experiences that are not only entertaining, but compelling and challenging, and Sega Saturn delivers just that,” according to Ribero. “In addition, Sega Saturn casts a net over a broader consumer demographic, reeling the mainstream into new worlds The Saturn has been launched with Virtua Fighter as the pack-in, but that could change. of interactive entertainment, Sega Saturn will be a regular in-home entertainment option for the mass consumer along with watching TV and renting movies.” Some of the more popular titles that will be available later in the year will include: Alien Trilogy, Big Hurt Baseball, Mortal Kombat 11, NBA Jam: Tournament Edition, Myst and Revolution X, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter: The Movie, Basketball ‘95, Off-World Interceptor, 3-D Baseball ‘95, The Horde, Gex, Dark Legends, Defcon 5, Minnesota Fats Pool Legend, Alone in the Dark, Caesar’s World of Gambling, Casper, Cyberia, Descent, Virtual Pool, Castlevania, Parodius, SimCity 2000, Cybersled, Water World, Monopoly, Skeleton Warriors, Mickey Thompson’s Supercross, Brain Dead 13, Dragon’s Lair 1, Kingdom О’ Magic, Virtua Cop, Virtua Fighter Il, Prime Time NFL Football, Prime Time Baseball, Eternal Champions, Primal Rage, The 11th Hour: The Sequel to the 7th Guest and Spot Goes to Hollywood. These titles are scheduled to be released before the end of the year. er 7 5 ' Nes the action and excit® a T s. е M \ ku at Electronic Arts ade p e Row for your Game Boy © visit your local retailer or call: Г ` orders r 500 4 3s 004 ext.30 ; | bad | Fi For immediate prier E r Visa or MasterCard while suppli. hs st. Phone pri: pim Ct to d nge with notice. kd tC re small. » To get your hands on these hot games, For оше Hints & other infomation call: (818) sbi- 3241 ^ © GEAR". a, ic PS \ A b d AIKMAN NFL FOOTBALL" "Its really impressive...the Jaguar version is the best yet." -EGM "It has tantalizing innovations and a well-prepared collection of features." -GamePro SvNbICATE" “Jaguar strategy fans should be stoked. One of the best Jaguar games.’—Game Players “More than 50 missions of mayhem and mob activity.” -GamePro TEMPEST 2000" “One of the most intense video gaming experiences ever.’—Next Generation "Further proof that the next level of gaming has arrived.” “This game sets a new standard for intensity.’"-Die Hard Game Fan “10-Editor’s Choice Gold Award."-EGM “Best sound and best shooter- all platforms.”-Game Informer ALIEN Vs. PREDATOR™ “A masterpiece and a milestone... AVP \ scared the hell out of me."- VideoGames \ "AVP's graphics are stunning." -GamePro \ “Best Jaguar action adventure game.” \ -Die Hard Game Fan ` “Jaguar game of the year" 1 -Game Informer & Game Players "Blows Sega's 32X version away!" "The best version of DOOM for any home system."-VideoGames "Doom is a gaming milestone." “10-а mega hit!" -GamePro 2001 2“ "Features superior level design... the visuals are truly gorgeous."-Die Hard Game Fan. "Zool has everything... once you play, you're hooked." -EGM VAL D' ISERE SKIING AND SNOWBOARDING™ “My adrenaline is pumping-I'm blown away!" "The best skiing and snowboarding game ever created.” “The speed at which it moves is what makes it so freakin’ fun.’-VideoGames “Graphically, the art is right on.” -Die Hard Game Fan THEME PARK™ “...a sardonic strategy game that honors the unique design of SimCity and Populus.” “It's worth the price of admission."-GamePro “Anyone who enjoys designing things is gonna love this game.” -Game Players “Recommended.” -VideoGames WOLFENSTEIN™ “The best on any platform, including the PC.” “If you want riveting action, intense graphics, lots of blood and tons of glory, Wolfenstein delivers.” "It's candy for your senses." -GamePro JNATART Game tips and hints: 1-900-737-ATARI. 95€ per minute. If you are under 18, be sure to get a parent's permission before calling. A touch-tone telephone is required. USA only. Atari Jaguar information is available in the Atari батіг frotin The usa Forum оп CompuServe. Туре GO JAGUAR to access this area 24 hours a day. Atari Jaguar information is available in the Atari Roundtable Forum on GEnie. Type JAGUAR to access this area 24 hours a day. * Includes Jaguar ar one controller. ATARI, the Atari logo, Jaguar, the Jaguar logo, Burn Out, Fight for life, Iron Soldier, Tempest 2000, Hover Strike are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. Copyright 1995, Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, C 94089-1302. Made in the U.S. of domestic and imported components. All rights reserved. Troy Aikman NFL Football © 1994 Williams Entertainment Inc. Tradewest™ and Troy Aikman NFL™ Football are trademarks of Williams Entertainment In IRON SOLDIER™ “The best game of its kind.” “Simulation game of the year, among all hard- ware platforms.’—Die Hard Game Fan “Gripping first person game with edge-of-the- seat excitement" -GamePro As if it weren't enough having the most killer system on the face of the earth, we : head-exploding games in the universe. All you have to do is take one look at what the magazine critics have been saying and you'll HOVER STRIKE" “Hover Strike should blow you away." -EGM "With ЗО fully texture-mapped 3D levels, and two-player co-op mode you simply cannot lose with this game." know that the Atari Jaguar is where it’s at. CANNON FODDER" “Detailed and ultra colorful...original and just plain fun to play."-Die Hard Game Fan “War has never been so much fun!" -EGM INTERACTIVE 000000 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM Rayman™ “The control is perfect and the artwork is phenomenal." -Die Hard Game Fan “The whole game looks like a cartoon.’-EGM ULTRA VORTEX™ “The graphics in this game are mind bending...the detail is unbelievable.” -Die Hard Game Fan FIGHT FOR LIFE™ “Its super smooth graphics... texture- mapped polygons... gives Virtua Fighter a one-two punch."-VideoGames BURNOUT"" “Redefines the term hi-octane. The fastest motorcycle racing game, bar none."-VideoGames liams ® is a trademark of WMS Games Inc. All rights reserved. Team names, logos, helmet designs, uniforms, Super Bowl and NFL™ are trademarks of the NFL and its member clubs. Ultra Vortex is a trademark of Beyond Games Inc. Val sere Skiing and Snowboarding™ is a trademark of Virtual Studio. Doom™ and Wolfenstein 3D™ Copyright by id Software. All rights reserved. Alien" and Predator" © Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Used under license from Activision. Zool is a trademark of Gremlin Interactive Ltd. Cannon Fodder is registered trademark of Virgin Interactive Entertainment. Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises Inc. Theme Park and Syndicate are trade- rks of Electronic Arts. Game Programs © BULLFROG Productions Ltd. Manufactured under license by Ocean of America. Actual screen shots may vary. All other trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners. 34 | Ed's been suffering from all of the par- 21077 | zr N THE REVIEW CREW Current Favorites: Arnie Morton's three-Ili. steaks Company freebies ties while in California for the E’. He was quite surprised to see the other EGM editors get revenge by eating him out of house and home. DANYON carpenter Killer Instinct models Batgirl models Dano has finally realized that he really doesn't like flying after all. After being crammed next to Paul and Cyber in a space meant for two for almost four hours, he’s been drooling profusely. Current Favorites: PlayStation shirt PlayStation hat PlayStation Al recently fled to the Е? so he could gather his summer wardrobe of shirts and hats. What about work, you ask? It seems that Al has just plain forgotten about games. “What are those?” SUSHI-X Stolen КІ jacket LA. babes ummm ... chicken Sushi joined the rest of the Review Crew staff at the show. Sushi’s got a new set of wheels, finally! All the better to pick up women. Now if only he would show his face. ... HOW GAMES ARE RATED... The reviews that are published in ЕСМ are created after each gamer on the Review Crew staff plays through the game in its entirety. The Crew then independently writes their reviews based on the quality of the product, originality and challenge (how long it takes to complete) and bases their numerical scoring on a 1 to 10 scale in relation to other titles available for the same system. EM +«+«+»оөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөбөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөзөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөөө”өөөзөззөзөөө, PANZER DRAGOON POWER RANGERS: category: release date: category: release date: challenge: back-up: challenge: back-up: [ Moderate | Мое | Panzer Dragoon is simply the best game for the Power mangers is a simple side- о The wonderful visuals, e game p TEENS has it all. Almost a perfect game. Here we e go with yet another Final Fight Шо that i he quality of ita erms Е: = and NUS Saturn owners should not pass this up. me | | e теа path, but that Сап be easily overlooked SUE the. ш of the game. апіс anging views. ever, thi er, full of great top-notch graphics. ontrol, but itis nothing average side-scroller. Best Feature: Great visuals Best Feature: Kiddies will love it Worst Feature: Seems limited Worst Feature: Kiddies will love it Time To Complete: Medium Time To Complete: Medium Also Try: Space Harrier Also Try: Final Fight | & Il, etc. super nes super nes STAR TREK: — JUDGE DREDD DEEP SPACE NINE playmates acclaim — 3m d ES ARAA e KIDS TO ADULTS A K BASHIR 1S EXAMINING Е | SUMMER. NOW ЕЕС - Eu category: release date: category: release date: | Adventure | Now |i Act/Shoot. | Now | challenge: back-up: challenge: back-up: | Ham | Na | I'm not a bioi fan of the show (though | neal its If you liked Stargate or Alien 3, then уш 'll love music is very repeti to find your way аг ome of the Bosses are just murder. Good game though. This game reminds of Alien 3, which was also a actiomgame. VEU" е that п really take a toll бї you. Otherwise, it is a show should definitely try it out. good blend of hunt and shoot! Best Feature: Kinda like the show Best Feature: Lots to kill Worst Feature: Slow pace Worst Feature: Impossible Bosses Worst Feature: Too simplistic Time To Complete: Long Time To Complete: Long super nes SECRET OF THE STARS tecmo AGES category: release date: challenge: back-up: Secret of the Stars is no Final Уу butitisa р aces with other fighters cag This dem worth esum lasted A your libra y you'd do well to check out Secret of the Stars. players may want to check it out. Not a great RPG but still fun. Best Feature: Time To Complete: It's an RPG Long Also Try: Flashback, OOTW, etc. ... [ Also Try: Alien 3, Stargate j Also Try: FF: Mystic Quest EM 35 JUDGE DREDD category: release date: тшшш challenge: Judge Dredd doesn't come off all too well on the Genesis. Like thenother two gamesithatusedsthis И engine, hitting enemies on the ground is difficult, although it isn't_as bad here. Judge Dredd is a good/Side-seroller With lots of missionSitoraecom- plist. The graphics аге much дагке than they should bene Bossespare preallyeeheap, and instead of using skill to defeat them, your must trade hits Until one of you dies. Judge Dredd is an okay game. Play the Super NES one instead. Judge Dredd offers the same thrills and chills on the SupersNESsassitwloes on this Genésis,ver- sion. The action 15 nonstop, and there is always someone or/Something to shootfat; The Bosses, although pt Big, thankfully, аге areal ра її the neck to Rill While not frustrating/@nough t0 send the controller on angumexpectedmflight, teal patience and timing аге required, The levels are large, and alas, do repeat themselves. As it stands, this one is decent. Cool comic! Cool movie! So-so video game. Acclaim takes.asmajor license and createsiapfair- ly good сае отте graphics@re good; ара the soufid is Standard Genesis fate, Nalso like the overly large levels and the cleverly hiddeny out- of-th-Way areas ій each level All аге yery cool features, butsthe problemplies Withinitne game's play "Control. IS ratier difficulttattimes»to get Dredd to do what you Want. A button configura- tion would have been nice. This is very similar to the Super NES version with an equaksensejofigame play. The hugedevels are filled with tricky areas to reach as Well as puizzle- like situations; Tbe graphics апа sounds ale slightly inféfiof te the Super NES but still dO a good jobs Where this one diffefsiis in the playa- bility. just Seemed to теза! if Wasiasbit difficult to get the character tê рейогт the мау | Wanted him to. That is not to Say the game didn't play well. It's just a bit harder to control. genesis STAR TRE DEEP SPACE NINE KIDS TO ADULTS AGES 6+ category: release date: лачом Star Trek: 059 should be a treat for Star Trek fans. The,graphiesare fairly simple buigadequate. The sond 06605 а little work, buf ће датем pretty 600l lm4ot all that familiar with 259, so | was а little IOS If took some іе to find ту Way around, andthe control was ји 10010056. Still, | think DS9\will appeal tovanyone Who watches’ the ѕпо IS опе of the better Side-serollers lve seen this year. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is fun once you get into it. Basically, I'll have to reiterate my Super NES reviewsbeeausesthisyone is very closedosthabyer- sion. Aside from minor graphic differences, Which we've comedo expect these dayê, DSS also Mas nicely detailed "backgrounds fight from: the show—all the Characters in great detail and mis- sions gat are downrightafun. The Control could һауа Usedva bit тоге tweakings but it isn’t horri- ble. Again, this game Isn't only for Star Trek fans: Any adventure lover will dig it. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is pretty much like the Super NESaversion in terms ofsplaysmechan- ics. The ovement and taskg are slow and tediousgand they, made it difficulffor me to really get intuit, resultingjin my losing interestailihe dif- ferehees betwéenithis and the Super NES areithe graphics; which take asslightadropsif Color and clarity J think thet anyone) who is into the Series will get into this game. But if you Want nonstop action, | suggest you move on. This is very close to the Super NES version with the usual dropsin color that is associatedawith some Supgf NES-to*Genesis versions, Basically the game is idéntical, filled withyadVenture-type missiOns Using the\characters and Scenes,from Stag Tek? Deap Space Nine. Fans of the Series with а bit\more patiencesmay find. оге enjoy- able, “out бога іе tired of it; perhaps due to the lack of involvement in the show. If is a good adventure game, but it would appeal to fans. EXO SQUAD playmates Exo Squad starts off with some cool cinemas but quickly changessiosa poor first-personsperspec- tive shootes@This element of һе ате needs work. Thefside=scrolling level isfit that бая, but the play mechanics really пева tWeaking, For еха@ріевуой Havesto press back to сгойей. Not the/way it should be. „Exo, Squad isıcool in the aspect thatit Mas different typeS of game play to it, but they really aren't all that good. Jack of all trades, master of none. Rent this one first. I'll tell you one thing: | was really excited about Exo Squad whenheard it would havedh@imechs from the Robotech) series. Sorryéto Say, that's about the#best part of Exo Squad: The graphics аге thefirst thing to strike your eye as being bad, almOst 8:Bit, if youwwill. The opening/cingmas are nice and'get you hypedsor the\gamepbut its just a letdown When the qamê hits. 4 trip Bak to the drawing board is seriously in order for this game. Sorry Playmates, this just doesn’t work. Uh ... NO! I wasn't pleased with this game at all. Exo Squadis@hampered by someihingsisalso complain=about every month: bad play control. This i$ quite evidentin the stage Where you are in a first-person perspective. You fly throughjabom- bardment’of Shots and enemies. The poor control makes, it difficult to dodge, land уой have’ no chaiee but to take some hits / Unfair! The graph- ics are also done poorly resembling that of an 8- Bit game. Not a good action game. Well, from the start of the intro screens, | wasn't expectingstoojmuch. The graphicssonsthescinema and game=sereens are pretty plain and simple. Once’you agtually get into the game, | found it frustrating to play and simply not enjoyable, The controPtook а While to get used to, bÛ if still was clumsy. dike the Storyeline andthe mech-type games, but MiSs Camê simply Wasn't fun to play. There are tons of mandatory hits Where you don't feel like you are in total control. Intro Worst Feature: Everything else Also Try: Any other side-scroller 3 q VOU ШЕП, p а Уо M NEI nA пруд у А Imagine the wildest, most twisted гасе track you can. Full of hair pin turns, snakin’ "S" curves and out- landish loops. Then actually build it! You can, with Kyle Petty's No Fear* Racing". Now, see if you've got the guts to race the monster track you built. Go split screen so you can be up close and personal when you run your buddy into the wall. Go head-to-head with Kyle Petty himself. Then race down victory lane with your choice of 13 pedal-to-the-metal hard rockin’ hits screaming in your ears. If you can think it, you can live it— but only if you have No Fear* Kyle Petty’s No Fear^ Racing’ It's Never The Same Game Twice. ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM M ‘Miams® РО. 097 Create all the curves, hair рїп Split-screen views of exciting Corsicana, TX 75151-2097 turns and loops you want. head-to-head action. (903) 874-2683 ©1995 Williams Entertainment, Inc. made under license from No Fear, Inc., Motorsport Traditions Limited Partnership, Kyle Petty and Sabco Racing, Inc. KYLE PETTY'S NO FEAR® RACING’ trademark of Williams Entertainment Inc. Williams® is a registered trademark of WMS Games Inc. No Fear® is a trademark of No Fear, Inc. All rights reserved. Phot Motorsport Traditions. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES™ and the Official Seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. VOU ЇЇ, Л ў f DECAN INSIDE ШЕ д DIN Exclusively for Super Nintendo Entertainment System®. hs ©1995 No Fear, Inc., ©1995 91, Nintendo of America VIRTUA FIGHTER category: release dat нак Û Now challenge: back-up: | Hara | Battery | I've played the arcade game extensively and con- sider myselfgamfaifly good player. Thesgraphics don't compare'to the arcade, andgthe controls sluggish. You'll/doa/move and û while later, itil happen On Sereen. Га like to/have/ it be more responsive. The computer сай do unbelievable combos, Ones that fio human сап @0.145 ап okay translation from the coin-op, andthe audios top- notch. VF should have fad endings added. Virtua Fighter is okay, but it's certainly not the best. | must admit that | despised the arcade version when | firstetriedpit,. but after playingsitsensthe Saturngl've grown to like it. First off, this is a near- perfect translation from the arcade. All the char- acters‘ moves and techniques have Deeminclud- ed. Being able to play as Dural is а bonus, It's also а Donus thai itssbundled. with the Sega $аїшї. Either way you Win! This Sega Saturn version ÎS а little more glitchy, but you never real- ly notice. Don't leave this one on the shelf! Fans of the arcade original can finally start saving those quastersybecause Virtua Fightergfon, the Sega gatum has arrived! At first¢glance, you'll notice that the visuals are nearly identical to the arcade All the moves are herg, along with their lethal combos: and the lifelike ‘animation’ that madê the,game Stand,out!, The options config- ure the бате to-yourtiking is al added bonus— even a neW mode after you beat the game! This is a leap above the arcade! Basically, this is the arcade game on a home sys- tem. | wassneverithatibig on Virtua Fightemwhen it was ÎM the arcade” | don't parti¢ilarly like the slow fightingStylé: V prefer the fast-paced MK and SF дате Yet this game has 4 lot of moves and сотроѕ youygive it a change, There/is Some breakup in the gamewatptimes, ОШ isnt’ too mugh, 1 just can’t help but think this 15 Old hat when you compare it to VF2, Tekken or Toh Shin Den. It's good but old technology. Best Feature: Good translation WorstFeature: — Tons o' glitches EET Medium Also Try: Any other fighting game CLOCKWORK KNIGHT category: release date: challenge: back-up: Clockwork Knight is a first-generation game and it shows. Jistriesstesshow off a little toosmueh,with lots of 3*Dieffects and polygons gaigre The Video is rather boring, апа the quest itself Seems pretty relaxed, The Bosses, while big; aren't animated all that МӨ! The Colors are bright; and/most/of уо Opponents 100k cool» Knight's Control Could havê Bee tweaked a Dif, but it plays Каут an average game, but | do recommend picking this one up—give it a chance. Welcome to round one of Sega Saturn games. Clockworksinightemust have been insdevelop- ment jas the Sega Saturn was being developed because it seems’ everything the Sega Saturn can do isdn this’ game. The 3B perspective is practically shoved down your/throat: There аге enought Colors here tosblind уби forire and’ the contfol could use sOme tightening, The” game gets repetitive almost Immediately, but at least there are some secret areas to check. Clockwork Knight tries too hard to impress with all the Sega Saturn's new capabilitieszitsalmost worked, exéeptithiathere were а few things that could have made. that game bettêf FOF one thing, it would be logicalto have youf Charactemmove into/different Scrolling planes like the enemies and\backgrounds. Anothenis better control, espe- cially the jumping, which was difficult af times. Outside of that, it's ап okay action game.. But stay away from the music. Eeeww! At first glance it looks very impressive, but the problem is yousean’t actually gosintosthezother fields. Тһе 3D perspective is ISON Of Wasted becaus@ of thisdimitation. The graphies are good, and it Ras а Very New and clean rendered,|ook. Thejgame play is Sort of Mario-like, БИИ jumps and controls bit Sloppilyalt’s full oféye-catching effects and plays more fo the eyes than the hands. Overall, it’s а good game With some cool graphics that try to show off the system's stuff. Best Feature: Opening cinema Worst Feature: Мау too easy 3do VIRTUOSO data east category: release date: challenge: back-up: With the recent interest in first-person games, some poorlymfashioned games weresbound to come oUt VIRUOSO)Is one such game, The Visu- als arê Somewhat choppy, and Objects аге diffi- cult 19566. Tieygame play suffers a lot from hits coming froma Blade you can’t react fast enouigh to see. The 2090 doesnibfit, and рагу Con- sistentin the types of levels it has: The ЗВО can do much better than this. Virtuoso TS at best only an average game. Whoa. Virtuoso tries to jump on the bandwagon of first-person games, but this one doesnityeome close. The sheer Choppiness of she movement when youl Walk 15 enough to drive you batty. It's also yéryannoying the way уои character ducks when hesshoots, which adds a delay in the reac- tiontime Repetitive is.aiso a word that Comes to mind. Grafted; this style of game isn’t the most creative, but at least others were fun. Not so with Virtuoso. Sorry, it's not the game for me. This is a very good example of how not to make a game;«Virtuoso»tries too hard to besDoom, but falls way пой Тһе most significant Boo boos the game’s choppy Scrolling. Youftum around and because f ће сборріпеѕѕ, you Can't tell/how far you tum sometimes, so you end Up tuming too mugh»Add4o that bad, animation andypoor music, and you've gota game that really suffers. The only redeeming quality of the game TS that ... well | can’t think of one, but I'm sure it's there. RIGHT! Aweird sort of Doom wanna-be. This game adds characters to thesfirst-person perspeetivemand | don't like ital Qêt really tired of seeing the rock star/cowp6y/ duck and shoot all ете The biggest drawback 15 the fact that you can’t see anythinguinuiront Ofgyou and yol must rely ол the Map: Sereen to go anywhere. Also, thé music is corny, but if does go along with the game’s theme. There are better Doom rip-offs out there. For the desperate Doom fans only. Best Feature: Umm, let me think ... Worst Feature: АН of the above ‘Time To Complete: Short. Also Try: Any other action game Also Try: Time To Complete: Medium Another game Grab This! promotion. Buy GEX plus any one of the meum e í GA products listed below, including SLAM 'N JAM''95, Crystal Dynamics" in-your-face basketball game with a new 3D ”fast break“ perspective and receive a FREE GEX teshirt. ; E 5 ON 5 FAST BREAK ACTION puts you courtside for all the 3D breakaways and thunder jams. Dynamic camera angles follow up close and personal. PLAY LARGE! Rotoscoped players, twice as large as 16-bit games, give the twine scorching three-pointers an incredible sense of realism. Make roster substitutions, call plays, set screens and picks. • Replay the highlights from multiple angles Track players, teams, games, and season stats • High-octane commentary by CNN Sports" - favorite Van Earl Wright Off-world Interceptor™ Samurai Shodown™ The Horde™ Star Control II" Just purchase GEX and any of the Crystal Dynamics titles listed on this page between 4/1/95 and 6/30/95. Place your original dated sales receipts and copies of the UPC bar codes from each of your software packages, along with your name and address in a stamped envelope and mail to: Crystal Dynamics, GRAB THIS! Promotion, 87 Encina Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301 The UPC codes and the ORIGINAL dated sales receipts must accompany your T-shirt request. (Note: sales receipt may not be reproduced in any manner.) Crystal Dynamics assumes no responsibility for lost, late, illegible, incomplete or postage due mail. No rain checks. Offer valid in the USA only. Offer void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. T-shirt request must be postmarked by June 30, 1995. Crystal Dynamics, the Crystal Dynamics logo, СЕХ, the СЕХ character, Slam ‘п Jam '95, Off-world Interceptor, and Б The Horde are trademarks of Crystal Dynamics. Samurai Shodown is a registered trademark of SNK Corporation of EN Z FU N 3 D о America. Star Control Il is a trademark of Accolade, Inc. 300, the 300 logos and Interactive Multiplayer аге SIRS S AANE trademarks of The 300 Company. © Crystal Dynamics, 1995. All rights reserved. DYNAMWVI Ге Call 1-800-771-3772 for information on Game Ratings. game boy game boy game gear ГҮЛИ JUDGE DREDD EARTHWORM JIM nintendo mp s ku MOERORE M category: release date: challenge: back-up: | loved the first Kirby, and the second game total- ly beats thesoriginal. The graphics arexthiesbest you cam/expect on the Game Boy, and the contro! is tog-noteh. The alidio is standard /8-Bit fare. Therê 15 ã lot.of technique to Kirby's Dreamland 2. Кігбў Сап SUGK ала blow, usifig'all/of {не орро- nents’ attacks: Kirby isane, of thé better CaS out thers Of the’ сате Boy. Hatd-core gamers shouldn't pass this onê Up. While YOU Te at it, try the original as well. When Nintendo likes something, they sure stick with itgiinbyisslatesteadventure issswellzsjustsliike his first опе ТӨГӨ are loads of little tidbits to learn and techniques to master) Interacting with the епетіё 16 give you new abilitieSsissalways cool, and IFS something you don’t 588 160 Often these days: The musicsissstandard GB fare, with simple Beeps and pops, but {Mere IS а definable tune. Kirby is a blast, But you find that you can beat this rather quickly. Kirby 2 is a continuation of Nintendo's immense- ly sucgessfulegamesfeaturing the cuteglittlespink guy. Like the Original game, Kirby 2125 awesome levels and good graphics. Сге game play a Nintendo trademark, is also іпсійдед as уви сог- trol Kirby ad his eating habilS А5 far as the audio goes; they're justebleeps and biis Noth- ing 10 00 Grazy аро | highlyfecommend this game if you want any more of what You got in the 8 8 ll option to use the Super Game Boy. first game. This is good stuff! Okay, | guess I'm just a softy for the little cream puff, Kirbyalsaetually:got into this gamesbelieve it or not/l GUESS old Sushi may havado Te-evaluate his stance gf e Game Boy. What/made this game wordf if, Beside the added бепе: of Being ll portablefWas the cute charactérs, Kirby and his їепаэ ауе bunch ofseute attacks midust found myself playing more dnd more 10666 Kirby's next friend and what his poWers might bet is a sim- ple game but really cute! Wurm ll nothing special acclaim category: release date: Act/Shoot. | Now | challenge: back-up: | Moderate | None | Judge Dredd translates surprisingly well to the Game Boy. The«graphics are a bitsxdingysandsyou can't see attacks before they hit. This Version has pretty much the same flaws ag the 16-Bit ver- Ѕіоп With some problems in control, andyeheap Bos§@s, but it Ştill IS good game. The audios a little ак. арӣ more workeshould have Oê into it. If Were was less emphasis оп backgrounds, the characters would be easy to See. The clutter hurts the game play. Й You just gotta love cross-platform gaming. I'm surprised isn't available onsttiesNES! Judge Dredd's attention to detaiéon the small ѕсгееп 5 quite. impressive. Although it seems most@f the levels ate here, they are Considerably shofer Again) the sounds аге ШУ weak, But it has\alWaysbeen а problem On heg GB. The action iS all Mere and (there are plenty of things to blast at. Tf You can livé with the problems, you might enjoy it. Judge Dredd knows no boundaries as he is now headed for multiplesplatforms. Unfortunatelygthis portable isnt aS good as the 46:81615. The graphics shave been hampered with the small screengsize /and ifs difficult tol 586 themenemy shot Sometimes: The sound is just a8 expected —blippy for lack Of a better word. Tie play Con- И trol is tolerable, but suffers a bit Because Of the screen blurring. Thank goodness We have the Judge Dredd seems to be all over the home mar- BM ket. FrompiiG=Bitstoyportable, youjressurestosiose 8 some graphic quality, but surprisingly this game does Have a lot of the effects and Şamê play ele- ments Of itSsbignMeg counterparts, "hhexievels aren't quite $ impressive or as fun On the little screen, but they Still ave a»lot 10 Offer The biggest drawback is the shooting control espe- cially when trying to duck. It's a decent game but playmates Р e036 1199 category: release date: challenge: back-up: [ Moderate | None | ll Earthworm Jim doesn't translate well to the small screenmNotesimplysbecause of the blurring, but because) having Only two buttons diurts the Con- trol. Compound that with the amount of damage enemies dê, and you have yourself a severely frustratigg@ game. It's too hard SO eventif you mastered) the other versions) YOU imget stuck heres THe looks and Sotinds «іе Surprisingly good, and closely resemble their 16-Bit counter- parts. If it was easier, it would be great. Earthworm Jim made a nice transition to the portableyseenesbutthere are a few shortcomings. As always, there is some blurring when Jim tins because hesSprints’ quite quickly Also, Мо Dut- tons can puta Йатрег on the Options, BU it's something YOU Can get used to, The musie is pet- ter tuqfêd Off, if you knowewhat I Mean THe lev- els Are pretty сіоѕе@ © the 16Bi edition, too. Earthworm Jim is a gréat game for those trips and is a worthy purchase. Earthworm Jim has finally gone portable for Sega and I'm sorry tossay that it just doesniseubit the way its 16Bi courterparts до. will Say, lof course@that the. graphics are pretty good, but that'sfaboutithe'extent of the brownie paints Im ll gonfla give. Or) the Other side of the Coin Ahe play control isnt whatit Shouichbe, namely»bécatise of the тй ОРОП Wo buttons onthe бате Gear. Maybe if the game were simplified JUSt a tad. Тһе game was a bit hard. Earthworm Jim looks pretty good on the portable platform, considering the great detail ofdiem6-Bit versions. AdOtofthegame play andSignature Jim stuff haê Made Lover. The only problem Was the combination/Of WO button controlland the difficul- ty, making’ it evem Harder to really get into If For veterans oft Game.Gear, it may be 0 prob- lem, ®Ш I fOUNG awkward to play and abit too much of afiassle. Still, Tt does look good and may be worth it for big fans of the 16-Bit version. Blurring The 16-Bit version | In the Darkest Hour, Hope Springs Eternal. The incredible E to the best- THIS OF FICIAL SEAL IS YOUR AS- OFFICIAL Г ЗЕА! OF "QUALITY тч BUY SORIES WITH NOT YET RATED NOT RATED Our games go to 111 ™ EGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Original Game ©1994 Game Arts/Studio Alex. UNAR" is a registered trademark of Game Arts/Working Designs. English Translation ©1995 Working Designs. Another production in glorious ЗВ! icensed from Game Arts/Studio Alex by Working Designs. For a dealer near you, call (916) 243-3417. Afraid you may have missed ЕСМ 5 review of your favorite product? Curious as to how good that game in the bargain bin is? With more and more new game releases hitting store shelves every week, that could be a bad thing. Never fear, because the EGM 50 details the Review Crew's rankings of the highest- rated softs from the past year. The games on this list are in alphabetical order with the top eight titles featured in the sidebars in numerical order. RANKING: #1 Nintendo Super NES Donkey Kong Country This game outperforms a lot of the 32-Bit games out there. It also toasts all of the 16-Bit competition. DKC really shows what the 16-Bit systems can do—both in sheer graphic abili- ty and a killer soundtrack that makes you wonder if there’s a CD inside your cartridge. It's a winner. (Nov. '94) AVG. RATING: 9.25 RANKING: #2 Sega Genesis ; Sonic & Knuckles With fantastic graphics, sound and game play, this is one of the best games around for the Genesis. The use of loc technology even helps you drag out those dusty, old Sonic 1 & 2 carts! So enjoy playing as Knuckles in both Sonic 1 and 2 and also experience new levels. (Dec. '94) AVG. RATING: 9.25 44 EM “EGM Ы! 3DO Interplay Alone in the Dark Another excellent PC translation for the 3DO, featuring excellent graphics and sound. Also, it's much more strategy-oriented. Playing as а man or woman is a nice touch. (Sept. 94, Super NES Animaniacs If you love the cartoon, you'll love the game. It has everything: great graphics, killer sound, challenging levels and of course, Yakko, Wakko and Dot. (Nov. '94) RANKING: 28 AVG. RATING: 8.0 | Interplay Super NES BlackThorne This is the perfect blend of mystery, strategy and action. The animation is excellent and the graphics are superb. The dark background adds to the mystery. RANKING: 36 АУС. RATIN' Philips CD-i Burn: Cycle Burn: Cycle is a great interactive mystery that must be seen to be believed. It's hard-core cyberpunk with nothing left to the imagination. (Nov. '94) Its a must for the CD: Taito Super NES Bust-A-Move This is a thoroughly enjoyable, addicting puzzle game that relies on reflexes and timing. Bust-A- Move contains solid play instead of flashy [graphics and effects. (March | 95) ‘RANKING | Computer West Cannon Fodder As one of the best games out for the Jag, Cannon Fodder is a humorous look at war. The graphics are better than the average Jag Jaguar Genesis Crusade of Centy Crusade of Centy is one of the best action/RPG games for the Genesis (like the Zelda series on the other system). The control is less refined, and there are many plot twists ‘95) RANKING: 45 АУС. 150 Demon's Crest will probably be one of those Sleeper games. The graphics are beautiful and the game control is top-notch. Also, the back- Capcom ground music really draws you in. Nintendo Donkey Kong is back in this Game Boy varia- tion that gives you more levels, cool cinemas and color using the Super Game Boy adapter. Takes you right back in time. Playmates Earthworm Jim One of the coolest games of the year, EWJ has it all. The warped jokes and stunning visual effects place this game in a field of its own. Its Playmates Earthworm Jim Super NES Earthworm Jim is a totally unique character, with plenty of animations and characteristics. With huge, challenging levels and hilarious Bosses, this is a must-have. (Oct ‘94) Crystal Dynamics Gex | Gex is for the ЗОО what DKC was for the Super NES. The animations are excellent, and the voice-over by comedian Dana Gould adds [some great one-liners. Super NES Ghoul Patrol Aworthy sequel to Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the game play is the same, but a few new options are included, like Boss characters and the abili (Dec. 22 RANKING: 50 Jaleco $ирег МЕ$ Ignition Factor In Ignition Factor, you play as a firefighter trying to rescue people. IF is both a strategy- and action-oriented game with decent music and effects. (March '95) МЕР A SPECIES enous AND ..AND FROM TH AORE INTELLI 20432 CORISCO STREE CHATSWORTH CA 9131 PHONE : (818) 709 - 369 RANKING: #3 SNK — SWORLLLEROER ТҮЙ e РОР N CHALLENGER ЖЫ. OA, Bm کک‎ — = P NeoGeo Samurai Shodown Il As the only fighting game in our top eight, Samurai Shodown II earns its ranking. It is a total improvement over SS1. The graphics and sound are simply amazing, while the playability is unmatched. (Jan. '95) AVG. RATING: 9.0 RANKING: #4 Squaresoft Sw WEDGE LICKS Were пат Super NES Final Fantasy Ill Undoubtedly the best RPG on the market, Final Fantasy III has caused insomnia in some of our editors. RPGs with this much depth and realism come once in a blue moon, so don't pass this one up. (Oct. '94) AVG. RATING: 9.0 RANKING: #5 Acclaim тица. = ET = Super NES NBA Jam As one of the most popular games in the arcades, NBA Jam has made its way to the home systems. NBA Jam offers great graphics and cool soun See if you can hoop it up wi the best of them! (Feb. '94) AVG. RATING: 9.0 46 EM SNK Neo-Geo The King of Fighters ‘94 Another totally awesome fighting game from SNK. With 24 characters and tons of special moves, this game is bound to keep you up late on many occasions. (Nov. '94) RANKING: П AVG. RATING: 8.5 Psygnosis Super NES Lemmings 2 Those lovable critters are back for more action. This title adds some nice twists, like Lemmings with different skills and better-looking graphics. It's a must for Lemming fans. (Feb. '95) RANKING: 48 AVG. RATING: 7.75 Virgin Genesis The Lion King An excellent movie-to-game translation, and once again, this one does the animated feature justice. It has knock-out graphics and sound plus challenging game play. RANKING: 29 AVG. RATING: 8.0 The Lion King by Virgin) Metali Шап. hy Konami Konami Super NES Metal Warriors Mechs, mechs, mechs. Metal Warriors offers up a mech lover's delight. Lots of Mechs to choose from, lots of weapon power-ups and huge chal- lenging levels. (April 95) RANKING: 24 AVG. RATING: 8.125 Sony Imagesoft Sega CD Mickey Mania This game was totally unexpected. Its graphics and effects will blow you away. It has good play mechanics and great sound. If you love old Disney classics, get this (Nov. '94) RANKING: 30 AVG. RATING: 8.0 Acclaim Super NES Mortal Kombat Il This is the version of Mortal Kombat II to get. It plays almost the same as the arcade with all of the secrets and combos, and most of the audio included. (Oct. '94) RANKING: 18 AVG. RATING: 8.25 LI Electronic Arts 3D0 Need for Speed Drive any one of eight supercars like the Viper or Diablo. Race on three types of track from the mountains to the congested freeways of a city. This game is action-packed! (April '95) RANKING: 25 AVG. RATING: 8.0 Enix Super NES Ogre Battle One of the best RPG/military sims out. Ogre Battle offers large maps, lots of units, and excellent sound and graphics. The interface is a little peculiar but easy to work. (May '95) RANKING: 41 AVG. RATING: 7.75 ^A. ё Матсо $ирег МЕ$ Pac-In-Time Pac-In-Time has the makings of a great game. It combines fast-paced action with puzzle-solving abilities. The graphics and animation make this the best-looking Pac-Man yet. (March '95) RANKING: 44 AVG. RATING: 7.75 Sega Genesis Phantasy Star IV This is the fourth installment in the Phantasy Star series. It features an improved magic sys- tem that allows you to combine magic spells for more (April. '95) RANKING: 42 AVG. RATING: 7.75 Pieces) у Atlus Super NES Another excellent puzzle game, this one’s unique ploy is putting jigsaw pieces together. The Two-player Mode really makes this game shine. (Jan. '95) RANKING: 15 AVG. RATING: 8.25 LE d Natsume Super NES Pocky & Rocky 2 This is one of the best adventure sequels out. The graphics are really good, and the music is cool. The new people are a nice touch: Finding out what they do is half the fun. (July '94) RANKING: 39 AVG. RATING: 8.0 # Working Designs Popful Mail This is a side-scrolling action/RPG. The story is very humorous with the help of spoken text. Sega CD The animated cinemas are excellent and quite funny. (March '95) RANKING: 46 AVG. RATING: 7.75 Super NES Jaleco R-Type Ill R-Type III is one of the best shooters ever produced. Huge levels, deadly Bosses and an overall difficult game make it an excellent (Sept. '94) AVG. RATING: 8.0 purchase. RANKING: 37 You've perfected the art of begging. Don't waste it by making your parents drive you all over town to buy our titles. USE IT TO HAVE THEM BUY YOU ONE. B Ü hh; P їй $29.99 #JM921 $29.99 #JM947 $49.99 #JM944 $49.99 #JM945 $49.99 #JM933 (RPG) (shooter) (arcade fighting) (arcade fighting) (shooter) $29.99 #JM941 $64.99 #JS955 $47.99 #5953 $47.99 #5954 (RPG) (action) (action) (action) JVC ORDER FORM Name = ____ Shipping Charges: Address T 5 DOES Cit T" .. State Zip HomePhone( ) . Daytime Phone ( Items | ltem Description UPS 2 Days Air U Discover L ] CA RESIDENTS SALES Visa POSTAGE & HANDLING | ] _ TOTAL ENCLOSED | | Mastercard Important! Send all orders to: JVC Musical Industries P.O. Box 66-1235 Los Angeles, Game Counsel CA 90066 Call for Orders Only 1-800-JVC 1 FUN 1-800-582 1 386 (213)655 0110 Credit Cardi Exp. Date JVC MUSICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. RANKING: #6 Capcom Z 4 44 Mega Man X As the first Mega Man game for the Super NES, this one blows most other action games out of the water. It has 13 mind-bend- ing levels and lots of secrets to find. If you’re a fan, don’t pass this one up. (Jan. '94) AVG. RATING: 9.0 RANKING: #7 Interplay Sega CD Earthworm Jim: SE The special edition of Earthworm Jim contains new levels, new music and more great animations. If you don't already have EWJ or just love it, this is the version of EWJ to get. (April '95) AVG. RATING: 8.875 RANKING: #8 Titus Prehistorik Man Prehistorik Man has excellent graphics and sound. The con- trol is excellent and the levels have lots of secrets. The hang glider scene is one of my favorites. The opening scene is hilarious, too. (May, '95) AVG. RATING: 8.875 Prolific Software 3D0 Return Fire Return Fire is a great game that has it all: mass destruction, driving, flying, a classical sound- track and still more mass destruction. It's a great buy for the 3DO. RANKING: 26 AVG. RATING: 8.0 Konami Sega CD Snatcher Snatcher is a great title for older audiences. An adventure game with nice graphics and an intri- cate plot, this one is sure to keep you rooted to your seat. (Dec. '94) RANKING: 17 AVG. RATING: 8.25 Konami Super NES Sparkster This one has it all: huge levels, large Bosses, outstanding graphics and excellent music. There is plenty of technique to learn, and you (Oct. '94) АУС. RATING: 8.0 won't master this in one sitting Bullet Proof Spike McFang Spike McFang is a huge adventure game simi- lar to Zelda. The twist is that you can pick up Super NES partners along the way, but the perspective takes some getting used to. (June '94) RANKING: 22 AVG. RATING: 8.25 Crystal Dynamics 3D0 Star Control ЇЇ One of the best games out for the ЗОО, Star Control 11 is a transition that surpasses the PC version. Excellent graphics and sound make this an absolute must-have. (Oct. '94) RANKING: 20 AVG. RATING: 8.25 ^ jvc А Super NES Super Return of the Jedi All of you Star Wars fans look out because Vader's back. This game has excellent graphics and sound plus some very hard levels that you can't just run through. RANKING: 32 АУС. RATING: 8.0 SRotJ by JVC SSK2 hy SNK SNK Neo‘Geo Super Side Kicks 2 Here's another great sports game from the guys at SNK. The control is dead-on with intense action. Soccer fans won't be disap- pointed. Listen to the crowd roar. (July '94) RANKING: 40 AVG. RATING: 8.0 Panasonic зро Super Street Fighter ЇЇ Turbo A near-perfect translation for the 3DO with arcade-quality graphics and sound, near-perfect control even on the normal 3DO controller, and yes, you can even play Akuma! (Jan. '95) RANKING: 27 AVG. RATING: 8.0 A , Atari Jaguar Tempest 2000 The best game out for the Jag, Tempest 2000 takes you back to your arcade-hopping days. With a cool, techno score and great graphics, it's a must. (April '94) RANKING: 13 AVG. RATING: 8.5 Nintendo $ирег МЕ$ Tetris 2 More of the same Tetris fun. If you loved the first, then this is the sequel for you. The Two- player Mode is an absolute addictive blast and (Oct. '94) AVG. RATING: 8.0 will keep a pair up all night. Natsume Super NES Wild Guns One of the best shoot-'em-ups for the Super NES. The Two-player Simultaneous Option and very challenging levels make this one a real blast. It’s a good product overall. (Oct. '94) RANKING: 34 AVG. RATING: 8.0 SNK/Alpha Neo-Geo World Heroes 2 Jet This is another great fighting game for the Neo*Geo. The tons of special moves, excellent graphics and top-notch sound make this one of the best fighters around. RANKING: 22 (July '94) AVG. RATING: 8.25 fs WH2J by SNK/Alpha X-Men by Capcom Capcom Super NES X-Men Quite possibly the best X-Men game out there. The characters are detailed and have Street Fighter-type control for their special attacks. This game requires lots of skill. (Jan. '95) RANKING: 49 AVG. RATING: 7.75 Sunsoft Genesis Tero, the Kamikaze Squirrel Zero has great graphics with vibrant colors, cool sound, awesome play mechanics and all the moves of Bruce Lee. This is one of the best action carts out for the Genesis. (Dec. '94) RANKING: 16 AVG. RATING: 8.25 Average ratings are based on the combined scores of all four Review Crew critics divided by four. Games with identical average ratings are listed in alphabetical order. Please remember that any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. 48 Ем THE MAGAZINE OF MOVIES, TELEVISION AND NEW MEDIA ON THE EDGE GET 12 ALL-COLOR, ACTION-PACKED ISSUES FOR LE ES 19.95 Save E Off the Regular Subscription Price! The coupon below is your VIP pass to Д special savings on a charter subscription to the only full-color monthly magazine of science fiction, action, and adventure movies! Save big bucks and get the first word on the hottest new movies and TV Ё every month! SAVE BIG BUCKS! WARP INTO CINESCAPE TODAY Get 12 full-color issues of CINESCAPE for only $19.95! You'll get the hottest previews of upcoming movies and TV shows, plus special interviews and behind-the-scenes reports that can’t be found anywhere else! Send payment to: CINESCAPE, P.O. Box 1733 Lombard, IL 60148 ' ; cs $ Address : ues ACT NOW! em © ge ZIP Payment Enclosed _ Bill Me To receive this SPECIAL OFFER! For Credit Card Orders, Call: ACT NOW! ion to CINESCAPE today! orm. in U. would go through a U.S. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Non-Stop Video ® SUPER TOUR Play All New, Mind-blowing Video & Computer Games - See ‘em before your friends do • Test Out ће COO lest Game Systems Around : 3DO™, Jaguar™, Sony PlayStation™, Sega Saturn™ and тоге e Meet Your Favorite COMIC Artists and Creators • Win Incredible prizes • Battle in video game competitions • Get a FREE Official Super Tour Magazine jam packed with video game news, tips and more! Join the Hottest Video 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 муе инд Management, be. O 1895 Sendal Ev Mangone Fija ишы EG ata afl Sandi Рай Sip o ON Sardi РАБЫ Gre ho. SPONSORED BY: tronic Gaming is a trademark of Sendai ai рли бош. їс. O85 Sendai ubt Group, к. M Rights Res елей Hero sated в а dena d Vir Pubicatons, he. © 1985 Warr Pubicatons, 1 AT Ris Rene Un жаШ, а trademark of Cinescape Group, Inc. 61995 Cinescape Group, Inc. AI Rights Reserved, CAMING CINESCAPE Mero THE MAGAZINE OF MOVIES, TELEVISION AND NEW MEDIA ON THE EDGE —— — MONTHLY m Panasonic REAL 3DO`INTERACTIVE MULTIPLAYER” Drive Possible..Sega Names New - *Jpdate..300's Secret Portable... 2) P and Tekken 2 In The Works... 3 Ita CD-ROM Drive Possible... Sega Names New Color P. ... MK3 Home System Update ... 3D0’s Secret А Portable ... нй Gaiden Trilogy ... Ridge Васе апа Tekken 2... It's showtime in the Q-Zone and the inaugural Electronic Entertainment Expo has closed its doors in the City of Angels. With all of the majors in place to show their wares, the Q-Mann has scored some of the coolest gossip in the galaxy for your eyes only. In the immortal words of that guy who wears a shirt: | Love L.A.! ... Stepping into Е?, the О was on a mission to find info on the now-delayed Ultra 64. In addition to holding off on their big gun until at least April ‘96, Nintendo seems intent on bringing the system out for less than $250. While some financial papers have reported the U64 hitting stores at the $300 benchmark, yours truly just may have overheard someone close to the Ultra’s development speaking about a price tag a full 100 beans lower. ... While we all know the Ultra is caught in a tractor beam of its own creation, the Q has the inside skinny on the real reasons behind the delay. Originally Nintendo had planned to release the Ultra 64 on Dec. 1 worldwide with three titles: Cruis'n USA, Killer Instinct and Final Fantasy VII (working title). Nintendo of Japan, however, has yet to launch a new system outside of Japan before serving up the big bits to the Land of the Rising Sun, and they weren't about to start. Seems the big "N" also wanted to give Dream Team licensees time to get their games together. The Q is now hearing that the Ultra 64 will officially be unveiled at the Shoshinkai Show in Japan in late November and will hit the street in Japan just before the end of the year with a small selection of titles. ... ... The show was abuzz with rumors that the Ultra 64 chip set was too hot as well, causing unwanted melting in test units. The О is here to tell you that this is not the case. Yours truly got a sneak peek at the system and it looks great. Other rumors were circulating that Nintendo plans on changing the Ultra 64 from a cartridge-based system to a CD-based system, but the white shirts at Nintendo deny this plan. After doing some digging, the Q discovered that although it is possible, no one looking to live should start holding their breath waiting for Nintendo to make the big change. However, my Q-sources have revealed that while Nintendo of Japan isn't comfortable with current CD technology, they are rumored to have someone working on a CD-based peripheral in conjunction with a readable, writeable optical drive peripheral that we talked about in a past episode of the Q. Yours truly hears from these same sources that you won't have to play Galaxian or Space Invaders while the game is loading, but such enhancements won't come cheap. ... ... The Saturn went on sale May 11 in certain retail outlets and took everybody in the gaming world by surprise—except the Q-Mann. On April 17 the Saturn appeared on the computer terminals at one toy store in particular and their store policy dictates that any item that appears on the computer can go on sale anywhere from 14 to 60 days later. In this case, the Saturn went on sale 24 days later in limited quantities across the United States and Canada. Q hears that 50,000 units sold out in less than a week. The unit is priced anywhere from $399 to $449 and is packed with Virtua Fighter. Did anyone notice that the Virtua Fighter logo is only a sticker on the outside of the box, suggesting that Sega may change the pack-in and the sticker at any time. Could be! ... The gaming public weren't the only ones taken by surprise with the early launch of the Saturn. Several Sega third-party licensees had planned to have their products ready for the original system launch on Sept. 2. ... ... RARE was at the show in force with Killer Instinct for the Super NES and Donkey Kong 2: Diddy Kong's Quest showing on the floor. One game that they didn't unveil included a Donkey Kong game for the Ultra 64, as well as a Battletoads adventure suiting up on the U64 some- time next year. ... Ninja Gaiden fans will be rejoicing as Tecmo intros all three Gaiden 8-Bit classics on one 16-Bit Super NES cartridge! Be forewarned Gaiden fans: This may be the last Gaiden game to hit the market, with another upgrade or sequel showing up only if interest in this cart is strong. If it does well, you could see a Ninja Gaiden game for the Sony PlayStation, so go out and relive what has to be one of the best gaming adventures of the prefighter era. ... - The О also saw an all-in-one 64-Bit ЗОО with the M2 technology built-in as well as info on a portable ЗОО in the works for gamers look- ing for a real experience when hitting the road. ... Speaking of handhelds, Sega's project Venus has been officially named the Nomad. The Nomad will be a portable unit that will play Genesis games, but won't be compatible with 32X cartridges. It looks similar to NEC's Turbo Express, and it will have a high-rez screen. The Q also hears that Sega is working on a Super Game Boy-type device that will allow users to play Game Gear games both on the Nomad and on their Genesis systems. ... Mortal Kombat fans get ready! MK3 on the PlayStation looks incredible and plays like a dream. As we speak, Williams is getting the Ultra 64 version of Mortal Kombat 3 and Doom ready for that sys- tem's spring ‘96 U.S. launch. ... ... In the Sony corner, everyone was drooling over the PlayStation. While the unit looks impressive, here's a little bit of inside info straight from the О: There won't be a pack-in game, but don't be surprised if you see a demo sampler packaged with the machine! ... | love the Demolition Derby game from Psygnosis—a flat-out racer where the only objective is to absolutely destroy the competition. ... The Q has also heard that a version of Mega Man is in the works for the Ultra 64 and the Sony PlayStation. ... In other news, Namco is working on versions of Ridge Racer 2 and Tekken 2 for the PlayStation. They wouldn't give the Q much in the way of details, but a few more tracks, some new cars and all-new fighters are expected to be added to these two great titles. ... As for the goings on off the show floor, the О and about 5,000 other attendees of the Sony party got to moonwalk with Michael Jackson. The real one. He walked around the Sony lot shaking hands and playing Tekken and Ridge Racer with partygoers. People competed with the Great Gloved One (who made his own video game intro on, ahem, a Sega system), although his competition was hand selected and played like they wanted to lose. ... At the Spectrum Holobyte party at the Paramount lot, | brushed up on my Klingon as real actors dressed up as their Star Trek characters made their rounds. As far as other celebrities are concerned, Kevin Costner, Steven Spielberg and Geena Davis were spotted at the show. The Q even overheard Steven Spielberg chatting with 3DO President Trip Hawkins! One 3DO game caught Spielberg's eye and he asked who the designer of the game was. Just as Trip told him, Spielberg told his assistant to write his name down and hire the person immediately! So there was some big-time cherry picking going on. ... All in all, the first E* was a great show that may just have finally put the stake in the heart of old CES. Tune in next month for more inside info from the show floor from the one and only ... - QUARTERMANN dont need а | You о! of то see why iles dStar : Go! мане Multiplayer? is We М \ qome system that ^e —poppind E o Can't be beat. 05 43 РОВ Н Motion Video: full-blown OCT QN ` LRS 33) GRAPHICS ana t6 FR Make ever e fis special audio Processoy n. | Du vi SOUND 5 you uth OU О 32-27 Ren Total head тер, its A, other game System l Chip moves $0 toa S 4 * Thing else look like Heard enough? like they've standing AN. 5o Es lime То face the futuve- Р you've got the veve: The GoldStar 300® system is jammed full of FREE stuff. f “ $130 TOTAL VALUE „ Wi à | GoldStarc | e LG Electronics | P z& Ümit ed Time Offer “*Requives optional digital video module. Acclaim Entertainment presents : NN У) у, SPECIAL PEAT ORE z E: ES Batman Forever, a new game based on the much-anticipated movie. Shown here are pic- tures from the Super NES version of the game. Plans are in the works to release this game on Genesis, Sony PSX, Sega Saturn, Game Gear and Game Boy. Harvey "Two-Face" Dent has escaped from the mental asylum and is bent on getting even with Batman. He robs the Gotham bank, joins the circus and manages to plant a bomb on the main tent before making "i his escape. Dick Grayson, gymnast and circus performer, foils the attempt by throwing the bomb into the water. In the process, his par- ents are killed. Grayson then seeks out Batman to help him track down Two-Face. rmi d The efforts of Ed Nygma, a brilliant scientist and inventor of a t mind manipulation device, are spurned by millionaire Bruce Wayne, a man Ed Nygma truly admires. Nygma turns the device upon himself, thus the Riddler is born with | md [m | Fr E V E R a vendetta to destroy Bruce Wayne. — ست‎ == EER ana There are over 60 stages You only need one of the 125 of action-packed game play. moves to pulverize the enemy! | UN у 9 aA, You can play this game in either One- or Two-player Mode as Batman or Robin. There are also more than 125 moves, attacks and weapons. e p А i BATMAN and all related elements are property of DC Comics ™ and © 1995. All rights reserved. Acclaim is a registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment Inc. © 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. HEY LOOK- There are ren- САМЕ BOY! dered interactive All of you Game Boy junkies out there backgrounds and can rest assured that Batman will be scenarios includ- making an appearance on that system as ing the Batcave, well. So get ready to be the Bat! the Riddler’s “Claw Island Hideout” as well as Two-Face's hideout. Over 60 stages of action/fighting through eight lev- els are sure to keep you playing. Batman is back, and this time it’s forever! EM 55 You've played it... You've watched it... Now live it... David Fishof Presents RIA МИН THE LIVE TOUR Executive Producers: Larry Kasanoff & Danny Simon On Sale Now! New York - Radio City Music Hall Sept 14-17 Chicago - Rosemont Horizon Sept 15-17 Cleveland Sept 22 Dallas Oct 1 Pittsburgh Sept 24 Los Angeles Oct 21 Cincinnati Sept 30 Anaheim Oct 22 Philadelphia Oct 13-15 Many more cities!!!! Tickets available at your local Box Office and all Ticketmaster locations! ©1992 MORTAL KOMBAT® is a trademark of Midway®Manufacturing Company. All Rights Reserved. Used Under License. ON XBAND, YOU NEVER KNOW WHO MOR WHAT YOU LL BE MATCHED WITH. The XBAND' Video Game Modem and Network for Genesis" and Super NES? ' "You've- beaten the computer — you've trashed your little brother — your best friend won't play with you anymore cuz'. He doesn't like losing to you. You think you're the best? Well, your tender little ego is about to get fried. Get an XBAND Video Game.Modem, sign on to the Network, and soon you'll be competing against ihe toughest opponents you've ever faced. Play against Someone across town or &cross the country. Right in your living room (where no one will see you сгу). Want to know more? Call 1-800-X4-XBAND now! Quit Whining — We're Giving Away Free Stuff! Read on and enter — and you could be one of 10 people to walk away with а FREE XBAND Video Game Modem (choose GENESIS or Super NES) and 3 FREE months on the XBAND Network! Hey, as an added bonus, we'll even gel your best friend the same prize pak (maybe Ñe? Tl start Speaking to you again). Now you guys can battle it out no matter where you are! With the XBAND Network, you can Send X-Mail" to your friends and opponents and keep up vith the latest game and with our on-line news in BANDWIDTH " and XBAND News. > Put The "X" Back in ХВАН} Contest! Heyy put the “x” in the right spot and you could be a winner! Here's the dealj*if уой can find the hot pink "X" in this magazine (it could be anywhere), cut it out and paste it in the spot below. Fill out the entry form and send it in TODAY. ENTER NOW! UT d dM MEM E EIE © е $ Name kep eee Ы ° ° ¢ Address : e ° ° ° ° E . Н Phone Number BYND S . ° $ Game System: Sega Genesis Super NES (circle one) 2 ° e. © : $ Send this entry form to: M $ Catapult Entertainment, Inc. x • Dept: “x” — EGM : e 20823 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 300 ° x Cupertino, CA 95014 One entry per person R о оа еее eese аа ае сеооа eee veesues eese see eee XBAND, X-Mail and BANDWIDTH are a trademark of Catapult Entertainment, Inc. Genesis is a trademark of SEGA Enterprises Ltd. Super Nintendo Entertainment System is а registered trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. Catapult Entertainment is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail. Drawings will be held on September 10, 1995. Ten winners will be randomly drawn from among all eligible entries. Winners will be notified by phone on or about September 15, 1995. Winners are responsible for all phone charges (XBAND Nationwide) they incur through the XBAND Network. Upon completion of the 3 free months of network subscription, winners may cancel their XBAND Network subscription or continue as a paying subscriber. Employees of Catapult Entertainment and EGM are not eligible. Let's break tradition here and start with a disclaimer: The games featured on the following pages are not the best games as rated by the Review Crew. These pages are a compilation of the favorites from the show as determined by the EGM edi- tors who attended. As of yet, there are no official endorse- ments by the Review Crew praising these games as the best. Got that? Good ... on with the show. If this show is any indica- tion of what the future of video gaming has to offer, you might as well pack up your 16-Bit systems now. They're dead, baby! Aside from a few notable standouts, the 16-Bit market is getting pummeled by the incredible, new 32- and 64-Bit machines. After a hot and sweaty flight on a 'vacation' airline, sans airvents, no less, we arrived in Los Angeles on May 11 with visions of bad airline food dancing in our stomachs. Everyone was anxious to see what the PlayStation had to offer, and we're glad we weren't let down. Many impressive games like Mortal Kombat 3, Razor Wing and Twisted Metal from Sony; Legacy of Kain from Crystal Dynamics; Project: Overkill from Konami and many oth- ers were displayed. For those Dark Stalkers from Capcom This popular arcade game is coming to the PlayStation. ELECTRO NIC ENTERTAINMENT E who thought the PlayStation could never make it, Sony was ready and willing to toss every bit of that doubt out the window. Sega was proudly showing off their wares, notably the Sega Saturn. With numerous titles up and running, Sega had one surprise after anoth- er. Games like Bug!, Astal, Virtua Cop and Grand Slam Baseball are ready to take you beyond the next level. Where was Nintendo dur- ing all this? Well, not showing the Ultra 64, that's for sure. Instead, they were happily showing Killer Instinct and Donkey Kong Country 2 for the Super NES. There was plenty of attention paid to the Nintendo area with the in credible Killer Instinct models strutting around. (I think I’m in love.) Atari had quite a showing as well. The latest fighting game for the Jaguar, called Thea Realm Fighters, stars КЕНЕШ ХЫ; 2 TEA Pion TETER UTEM d many of the cast members from Mortal Kombat I and Il. How will it compare? Stay uned for more. Also in the works were Nerf, Highlander, White Men Can't Jump, Battlemorph and Flip Out. As always, 3DO had a arge display area to show off heir wares. Many of the hird-party companies had some spectacular titles to show off like Ballz: The Directors Cut from Crystal Dynamics; NHL Hockey ‘96 and Foes of Ali from Electronic Arts among others. Where does all this leave the 16-Bit systems? Based on the rather slim showing of titles for the Super NES and Genesis, it looks like compa- nies won't be supporting them for too much longer. The E? show was truly a howcase of what the future as in store for video gaming, nd that future looks good. njoy the following preview of your future. azo m 2 Virtua Cop from Sega Blast the bad guys in true virtua-style with Virtua Cop for the Sega Saturn. yber Sled for Saturn Free-Cam CN L * The hyper exciting Cyber Sled will arrive on the Saturn from Namco. * The Mortal Kombat crew live it up in this new game from Atari. Ballz: TDC for 3DO ohh! > that's Б, "d \ Bai 7v y à P * This version from Crystal Dynamics offers even more fun. X-Men for 32X ' * In this early demo from Sega, Wolverine searches for evil. Take over the world in this awesome sequel for the PSX. ELECTRONIC ENTERTAINMENT o „әз Yes! Here it is. Killer Instinct for the Super NES. This con- version looks pretty good and appears to have all the same moves as the arcade version, but will it be able to match it ... or beat it? According to information acquired at the show, players can expect it to be the closest conver- sion from the arcade possible. Will | the home version draw in as many play- j ers as the arcade version did? Do you want to see the finishing moves, humil- iations and the killer combos that made the arcade game such a the date when this game comes out in the stores . on your calendar and B reserve your copy! Welcome back all you kombatants! No sooner had Mortal Kombat 3 hit the arcades, when play- ers asked: "Will this be converted for any home systems?" That question was answered at E°. The arcade smash is going to rocket itself onto three sys- tems: the Super NES, Genesis and most notably the PlayStation. Other ques- all the graphics be ported over?” and “Will all the moves be included?” The pic- tures shown here were from an earlier version of MK 3 that didn’t have all the special moves (like Sub-Zero's old ice blast), but you can be sure that all the moves and secrets will be transferred to the home systems as much as the hardware can handle. The home version is supposed to have a few things that will separate it from the arcade and vice versa! The Super NES version had several of the backgrounds and all of the characters. Fatalities and such were not the same as the arcade (or may not have been in this preliminary copy). Still, it looks very impressive when you consider the amount of information you need to store MK 3. Super NES fans won't be disappointed. ашыш ЕЕГ 4 2 « D : 176 с ач This particular version of Mortal Kombat 3 had all the stages and most of the moves in incredible detail. It was such a close reproduc- tion that you could be easily fooled into believing this was the actual arcade game! From the sights and sounds, it was extremely close. 5 HITS 21% DANKE The Genesis version only had two levels when we played it, but the characters had their moves and combos. Although this version may be a little behind the Super NES, it still shows promise for Genesis fans. ELECTRONIC — ENTERTAINMENT ~~! DIDDY KONG'S QUEST =) Nintendo's got a hot new Super NES sequel to one of their most impressive titles ever: Donkey Kong County. DKC2: Diddy Kong’s Quest will blow you away. Donkey Kong has been captured by Kaptain K. Rool, and now Diddy must save him. Along with his new friend, © Diddy must face all-new dangers. There are more secrets, Uf 3 (me = different enemies and brand-new animal friends. After a little time playing, | was pleased to find that this game is even harder than the first. The traps are deadlier, and you'll need a lot of technique. s If you enjoyed the first Donkey Kong Country, you're sure to love this one. Check out a future issue of EGM or d that UVunber ng ong andsyou wil him again. har-har: The first level Diddy has to get through is called Pirate Panic. In this level, you will have a chance to get used to the control, as well as the new play mechanics. Did you know you can throw the other character at enemies and icons? This level is relatively simple. You'll have a chance to find your Ram buddy here. There are lots of rats and Krocs hidden in barrels. Don't let them surprise you. Have fun. ПЗЕ A Kaptain K.Rool Look for secret areas everywhere in the game. They’re all around! Can you get the bonus? Diddy must brave a terrible storm, plus learn how to climb up and around ropes. Watch out for the bugs that take several hits before they die. If you're smart, $ Ж i you'll use them as weapons. You ^ / 1 can get the snake in this level. n я Can you find the secrets strewn Climb up ropes and dodge throughout this level? enemies in a whole new way! In this level, the pair of pri- mates must negotiate careful jumps using the hooks that are scattered about. One wrong move, and you'll end up in a watery grave. You'll meet some 5 nasty new Krocs who will try to : У mess you up. Your best bet is to Diddy and his pal can han avoid them altogether, if you can. from hooks. More techniques! This new adventure is even | more elaborate than the first _ game. Here's a sneak preview of | some of the levels yet to come. You will find new friends and . deadlier enemies. Nintendo went all out to make this the best side- scroller on the Super NES yet. Are you ready for what lies ahead A friendly parrot will give you a lift through the honeycomb. Giant Bosses will challenge you throughout the game. Look for their patterns. Swanky’s Bonus Bonanza will give you an opportunity to win 1-Ups. LI H e LI ЕСИ Dracula x, ЕИ TM the popular [9] Japanese PC Engine game, is finally making its way to the Super NES. It is still very early in development, but we managed to get a hold of a sneak pre- view! Check out some of these pictures. The game looks and sounds great. If you're interested in seeing more, check out next month's issue of М? for a lot more coverage on this long-awaited title from Konami. Does this enemy look familiar? Many of Just like the other Castlevania games, When you run into the half-decapitated the characters from the previous games you can gain hearts and weapons by bull, don't bother trying to defeat it. Just are back! using your whip on the candles! run as fast as you can! EARTH IS URTH: MAN 15 GRUB. Before try- ing to cross the water, grab the invincibility potion, then hop on the log! These ene- mies may take awhile to defeat. M Be careful, they can attack from above, too. On the log you'll be safe from the attack- ing bats. Make sure to duck for the spikes! The whip isn't as strong as the special weapons, but it Е works great nonetheless. Richter has When leap- a new back- ing from flip that will the stone help you get pedestals to those don't waste difficult, any time— hidden they will areas. collapse. (PRIMAL RAGE, COMING To YOUR House AUGUST 25, 4445.) Sega Genesis" Seda" Game Gear" Surer WES" Nistendo® GameBoy $C-Cb Rom Primal Page" & Ostat Atari Games Corboration. Licensed 40 Tine Warner Interactive, Inc. Al rights reserved Soga, Genesis, 32X and Saturn are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ld, NI Rights Foservod. бело Entertainment System, Nintendo, Gamedoy and Tho Official Seals are registered {тека of Nintendo America, nc. All Rights Reserved VECTORMA In this game for the Genesis, play as Vectorman, humanity's last hope to save the planet before the “re-arrival” of the humans. The story goes like this: Humans polluted the Earth so completely that they fled to outer space. They knew that Earth needed to be cleaned so they left “orbots” to repair the planet while they were gone. An accident occurred, though. One of the orbots was hooked up to a salvaged nuclear missile. This caused a malfunction in the orbot and it began turning the Earth into a military surprise for the returning humans. But there is hope: Making a routine load dump, Vector- man returns to find Earth in a state of military upheaval. This, he realizes, cannot be permitted. He charges forth to meet their leader in battle. But it is a long battle and you must remain diligent and $$ eve — B: determined. Good luck! ttendant Warhead“ is born and he stands fot yranny, hatred instrument of dea for the returntng пшпапҳ5 | ресторан | раге є ма феа геа ог. 9 WARNING! USE ONLY IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA. enough already. Now you've got to be prepared for EarthBound™*—the first Role- Playing Game with B.O. * Imagine the horror—in the aftermath of a terrible meteor strike (or was it an evil alien invasion?), burping, belching, gaseous monsters roam the streets of your home town. * Your only chance to survive and avoid their nasty smells is to learn the Because This Game Stinks. newfound strengths. * And help you'l need. If you thought ° stench of monsters roaming the countryside. • To make it easier to aee "t button, a $10 coupon is attached. When the отт scratch bere if you re hungry. Call for delivery wherever game arrives, a free Players Guide will be included to help and whenever you're feeling tired you find your way around town. Inside the Scratch bere and dive in. You might Guide are six Ident-A-Smell playing cards that give you a brutal whiff of some of the characters, as well as powers that can counteract their deadly forces. Luckily, every day that you manage to stay alive, your powers improve. As you venture into the neighboring towns, you make some friends, including a girl Tbe most brutal thing about this who has amazing psychic guy is his stench. Scratch here. if you dare. Yuck! You ll find bim powers, a boy-genius capable in the Zombie camp, bebind the waterfall. Hey, plug your nose of repairing anything broken, and a prince from an exotic eastern land. Find one of the burger joints, scratch bere, breathe deep, and scarf some : These friends help you take control of your tasty grub. It'll replenish your strength Don't forget the salt about everything from PSI Powers to Items. * But even with all the powers, friends, and tips in the world, it isn't gonna be easy. That's because you, Ness, a mere thirteen-year-old boy, are the Just passing through? This 128- nly o h š only one who has a fighting chance Of ge Players Guide, free with с А пету game, will prove a strong finding and defeating Giygas, ап “786 t prove a stro lá * ally as it belps you find your interstellar warrior who is out to we around any town. destroy the entire universe. * And to be perfectly honest, the odds are against you. YEAR DAY State MONTH ( Code о o e [2] c a A n 9 = 2 x © tr € о Birth Date Phone No. is] ae E| @ e Б zio Cit Zi specified Game Pak upon, Consumer is Manufacturer's Coupon Limit one coupon in conjunction with thi inted expiration date at the time of purchase in proj їп connection With the purchase. Good in the U.S.and Puerto reimburse the face value of "Cut this coupon not the cheese. 00 OFF CONSUMER: Coupon is only valid toward the purchase of the specified Game Pak. Coupon must be $e submitted to an authorized Nintendo re ‘copied or altered and where prohi lated. Coupons submitted become our Г be made only to authorized Nintendo rel $Ю 0481, El Paso, TX 88588-0481. EarthBound" It's like living inside your gym shoes. The various areas you will have to pass through are beautiful graphically speaking, but are extremely long. You will travel through a number of different terrains rang- ing from a hydropon- ics lab to the polar icecaps! Each area poses a threat that must be overcome. No one else can take on the challenge, so it's up to you! Start with three lives, but there are 1-Ups hidden in each level. There are also the various items Vectorman can pick up. These items can be very helpful in a time of need. Watch out for those baddies, though. They just get rougher and tougher as you continue in the levels. eter oer Do you have what it takes to save humanity? NM You'd better, because you are their only hope! lil Use the jump rockets installed in the base of your legs to leap great distances. With your onboard weapon sys- tems, you will be able to make quite a dent in one @ particular baddy's plan. Я Shoot the overhead TVs for hidden power-ups. Get ready to charge up your guns and go in blaz- У ing. That may be what it = seee 5 takes to reach your goal 19: 13 of saving the Earth! Welcome to the won- derful world of insects! Bug! is the first fully ani- mated 3-D character for the Sega Saturn. He's an actor with a huge ego. Help our tiny friend make it through all six kingdoms and 18 levels of Bug Island. Here you will encounter a wacky cast of creatures like Daddy-O-Long-Legs, Bee-52, Fire Ant and some of the most ferocious dung beetles you have ever | crossed. Whew! Your ultimate task is to stay alive long enough to defeat the evil widow Cadavra. She is spinning a sinister web and must MI be stopped at all costs. Jump and Ё spit your way through without get- ting squashed if you want to save і all of Bugdom. Sometimes, the way to go ELECTRONIC ENTERTAINMENT will need to be opened by pulling a switch on the wall or lower- ing a suit of armor’s hand. Р ШШШ If you look care- E p fully at Casper, you can see right through E him. This a very | cool aspect and is just what the ghosts will look like in the movie. Search everything thoroughly. The answer might be hidden right under your nose. Sometimes it could be as easy as hitting a switch on the wall to get you moving through the level. Other obstacles might not be so obvious—keep your eyes peeled. If you find yourself getting stuck, do everything you can think of, because even the most absurd action can produce grand results. Keep tabs on what keys you have at any given time so you know what doors can and can't be opened at the present time. Is Casper really a friendly ghost? Let's find out. A- Examine B - Drop C - Blueprint "° This is your Item Screen where everything you collect is kept. This game definitely has an RPG element because you must find certain items. A- Examine B - Drop C - Blueprint ^^ This game is something that has to be seen to be believed. It is graphi- cally intense and animates smoothly right down to the pixel. The detail on every item is very cool and sound effects are top-of-the-line. The music has an eerie feel to it that adds to the overall enjoyment. With the summer movie and the video game coming out simultane- ously, it is a double whammy for Casper fans. This game has definitely seen its run опа lot of platforms. It originally appeared on the NeoeGeo and then was found on the Genesis. Now, we get a texture-mapped ver- sion of it for the Sony PlayStation. It has the same game play that we (who have played the game) have all come to love. This game is pretty tough, which is good because many zm games nowadays don't pre- ] sent too much of a chal- lenge. Control on the PlayStation is pretty darn good. Shooters come and go—most go pretty fast, purely out of stupidity. This is one that has weathered the test of time and still is a favorite among many of the EGM editors. The enemies have been redone well, and with the new look, it almost feels like a new game. This may be new to a lot of people and it is great that it’s being brought out on the PlayStation. If you have not had the chance to play it and are a fan of shooters, then this one is definitely worth your time. The music and sound effects weren't in yet, but you can bet they'll be great! Press and hold your Fire button to charge it for a second or two. Then, when released, your Î ship will project a more powerful blast. This is a map of half of the first level. You will find these stationary turrets throughout the level. Don't : They fire slow bullets and are let ene- al? 4 pretty easy to spot. Don't pass mies get away. 2 them by, because they will If there is a string of - dii shoot at you from behind them, press the Fire button Ж Ж UA ^ З (unbeknownst to you). rapidly to beat them all. Hey, Superstar. You've done just about everything there isto do in basketball. Except TWO things. You haven't played NBA JAM TE on 32X and GAME, BOY. It has all-star teams! Rookie teams! Full court dunks (Can you do that?). 9 pt. shots (you'll love that). 3-5 players per team! Stereo sound*. Arcade player scaling*! The fastest gameplay ever*(a lot faster than you). Updated player rosters! 5 speed juice mode (Drink plenty of fluids). 8 player attributes! Tournament and practice modes (you need all the practice you can.get). Same team match-ups! Injuries and fatigue factor! And variable shot clock, overtime (game winning shot at the buzzer, baby) and timer speed! Mi SCORCHING CROSS-COURT REALISTIC ARCADE BIGGER PLAYERS AND SUPER JAMS! PLAYER SCALING"! BETTER GRAPHICS*! *32X only DESTRUCTION derby Some people like to make things ... some people like to break things. The latter will be found playing Destruction Derby on the PlayStation, yet another title from the geniuses at Psygnosis. The object of the game? Run your opponent into a barrier wall! Ultra-smooth, realistic explosions, dents and smashes will keep your adrenaline pumping as you search for your next victim. This is stock-car racing on steroids! THE OFFICIAL CONGO” MOVIE MAGAZINE IS e, YOUR GUIDE TO THE SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER! RC %, о, 4 peg Т = А and иа st tne Seu with ith the Congo Cast m \ | fx Blowout! stan Winston's Killer 2 à ; Plus: ILS ig Volcanic Graphic: ; SEND ME THE OFFICIAL FW = CONGO COLLECTOR'S MAGAZINE! we ME Don't delay! Reserve your сору of the Official Congo Movie Magazine today! NAME ADDRESS amo PAYMENT ENCLOSED _ CREDIT CARD ORDERS: м CARD NO. م‎ EXP, DATE SIGNATURE ——— 7 Please include $6.90 ($4.95 plus $1.95 postage & handling) for your magazine and mail to: Congo Movie Mag, PO Box 1733, Lombard, IL 60148-8733 For faster service «all: 708-268-2498 1 тм & © 1995 Paramount Pictures. All RightS/Reseied;" Sendar Licensinglric. authorized User. Air Combat 22, the latest offering from the folks at Namco, is an impressive new flight sim that should have virtual pilots pumping in credits left and right! Take a seat, pick your mission then choose your plane ... it's then on to the vast blue skies for a little target practice. Your oppo- nents are not so cooperative, howev- er. They'll bob and weave, dive and drop and just generally avoid you all together! In later stages, they'll even fire off a flare in order to deceive your heat-seeking missiles. Each plane you shoot down earns you extended time. Should you run out of time, you'll need to pop in more credits to continue. You won't get that option on the Dogfight Stage, however. Once you're out of time, your game is definitely over! Overall, this is an excellent offering from Namco. —Jason Morgan The opening sequences for each mission are quite impressive. Depending on which mission you choose, watch your plane take off from an aircraft carrier or finish its midair refueling and prepare for combat. Fasten your seat belt, here we go! Air Combat 22 has impressive graphics, clear sound and is easy to sit down and start playing. Things get a little monoto- 4 nous, howev- er, as your only objec- tive is to hunt down enemy fighters. AMERICAN AMUSEMENT MACHINE ASSOCIATION Therefore, 1 give ita... 99» Midway Manutacturing Company. All пдпїз TeServeg. The awful <> shadow of some unseen Power floats though unseen among us. -Shelley © A MK3. The Arcade Game. eri EO ADE Ат, PN sat asd] por сае үйнө зс Kroner COR as pure “ЖЩ Sv TH cra n LES тне You have four skill levels to choose from. The first Cadet level is geared toward rookies. Pop-up help will appear often. The second Cadet level encourages gun usage. You'll have to use them if you run out of missiles, which is likely. Top Gun level is for veterans who are ready for a stiff challenge. The enemies make a concerted effort to fire back, and they are now much harder to tail. Dogfight level is for the truly skilled—only ace pilots will survive. Your opponents will use flares, causing you to use more than one missile. Good luck! EA eh RO ge = АГ RRO, à *PRESSIA БОЛП МОҢ Air Combat 22 TO RESUME САМЕ! is easy to learn but hard to master. You have some heat-seeking missiles that usually get the job done quite nicely. Should you run out of those, you have cannons, Your guns are rapid fire but don't do much damage and аге hard to target on a fast-moving foe. You'll need to use them eventually, because your opponents will divert your missiles with flares, leav- ing you with just your twin cannons. Lead your opponents in the direction they are flying, and maybe you'll succeed. Also, you have a throttle control; allowing you to speed up or slow down rapidly. That helps a great deal in chasing that last bogey. You can even have fun with barrel rolls and upside-down flying. Remember to take care of the bad 0 7 guys, too! So you couldn't quite catch the last fighter, and you ended the mission a missile short and a second late. At least you'll get a chance to see how well you really did. You'll be presented with a list of what you shot down and how (missile or gun) plus what you missed. You get more points for a kill by cannon rather than by missile, and then you'll get your overall score. A brief cinema will be shown depicting your escape via parachute from your plane, and then you'll get a ranking. Anything from a sergeant on up is pretty good. Are you officer material? Master Sergeant Technical Sergeant Airman First Class Airman Second Class дута Басі y Watch for the F s wackiest roundball game ever! Looney Tunes B-Ball features every- one's favorite “cwazy wabbit" playing two-on-two with Taz, Sylvester & the whole Looney Tunes bunch! Choose four player slam dunkin' regulation action or crank up the Wacky Meter and watch the ball turn into a cream pie or a time bomb! So don't drop the A just might explode! "That's all, folks!" eus и GH FLYIN’ woe = p APPER! ; Wi МЕЗ a, ti SV ў ER, NES * Я а! 1-800- - ог information on game ratings. : ү “© 1991 Nintendo о А«іаіт entertainment inc. UNIDENTIFI, IED MARTIAN! Street Fighter: The Movie is quite possibly one of the best Capcom games to date! Your favorite characters' moves have been put together for you in this strategy guide. There are tons of special modes to play in, as well as some kick-butt combos! Part one is shown here, the second part in ЕСМ! For a complete list of moves check out Quatermann’s Cheat Sheet in this issue! SPECIAL MODES Activate before selecting fighter UP > START Random Fighter Select START >> Hidden Strength Meters START => STRONG Inviso Tag (2) START => FIERCE No Throws (2) START=> ROUNDHOUSE Tag Team Mode START => FORWARD No Standard Moves (2) ‘> Means No Standard Moves (2) Means Available only in Two- player Mode Charge Fierce Punch howd A P Tag team is just onevef the ѕресіанріау modes. Move List: The moves and com- bos are pretty self- explanatory, with the exception of : o Bc - Button Charge Br - Button Release 59115 Super comm Flaming Dragons}, a е £Blue;Hadoken Projectile с=Ввше, ETT am Burst Fireballs Bc 6, Bc 4 Br 4, Shadow Hurricane Br 6, Dragon Punch G- HIT COMBO = E = EL] m P ya - Kick е EM iy SAE i j Back, A а dei ap DAE Fists deal Ат” a 35 г mair Û £ у; a ў { o£ ~ Any Kick c-RediSupeun = Punch Kitana ¥ BRE, 3 g: ы ALS i 2» Charge any Kick ч Я 4 “Ch any punch Ыы: aum IN s AD КГР UTUIC EST Close 1. Release Axe Kick, Rising Kitana, Jump kick (short) 7 +4, Jump kick (В. House) 7 +6 Repeat Jump kicks, or Air Flash Kick 5- H І T COME O A 79 = Spinning caen = Backfist N ecko Ride * Blue Super: ae ы Em a Fac reri Thrust Т. er-Upperc ce ee NA Thai Dyed Suicide WM SO O - i s S o NIU = | e t Зи h ү: 4 T Q ” qe we Seien iilii — —" \ EA VIRTUOSO™ © 1994 MOTIVETIME LTD. USED UNDER LICENSE BY ELITE SYSTEMS LTD. AND SUBLICENSED T © 1995 DATA EAST USA, INC. 1850 LITTLE ORCHARD ST., SAN JOSE, СА 95125. З i VON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 300, THE 300 LOGOS AND INTERACTIVE МШ ER ARET KS AND/OR REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF THE 300 COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. East v ийе aset Bandai of Japan Mo Suit Gunda PlayStation р | june 3-0 Shooting | „ш The first series of the long- rebel Zeon forces. All the running sci-fi robot animes fighting is done from within returns as an eye-popping Gundam’s cockpit against all 3-D combat simulator. Play the classic mechs of the pio- as Amuro Ray, a rookie pilot neering series. There's alsoa Ж LUNAR ZN of RX-78 Gundam to take on fantastic 3-D database of all о с Кеа the highly advanced mobile the mechs that appeared in р мости F mobile armor of the the year-long series! Heavy action takes place и on Earth and іп deep space! Imagineer of Japan Hudson of Japan GB Bomberman 2 EJ | RPG | "He | Unknown Price | Hey, an RPG that's not time not far from the pre- set in a fantasy setting of sent day. It stars a young swords and sorcery! Similar boy who triggers an incident to Nintendo's Mother 2 that comes back to haunt (Super NES Earthbound), him 10 years later with dis- G.O.D. takes place in a astrous consequences. You don't need me to write about this do you? If you've never played B-man, well here's an excellent, inexpensive way to get acquainted with one of the most exciting and hilarious multiplayer games avail- able. Using a tap, up to four players can join in a massive blastathon pret- ty much anywhere. Or play at home on a Super Game Boy adapter for partial color. New traps should keep fans happy. ПЕР ЧЕР FE de Е > Р Gi» Pi» Р æ He made you. immortal. . NS 0 f -. Л 3 = = ow. Its payback time, 222 х dà. ADB R- nA Cc eis E " ВОЗА. Кеа ee TEER ECU RW. ie 2 i “0һ yes, my brother... The Koma Clan is “Our prayers have been answered, E no match for Hagane’s masterful my friend. Hagane has come 2 | Ninja technique and spectacular b to save the day!" * "MU EE o йй à SSS P. Ancient mar tali ings, Futuristics@faphic technology Black пїагїс-роууег {субе | el ü Ninja ап. ; ا‎ iend: This is a wicked adventure: A full color; 2298 + 100%, chaot adventure. x The This ДЕК ЖЕ your assurance that Nintendo has а j Wed the quality of this product. Always look for this seal when buying games and lintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are registered trademarks of ° accessories 10 ensure complete compatibility. Міпіепао 8 Nintendo of America Inc. © 1991 Nintendo of America Mg. Ко reserved. © 1995 Red. © 1995 Amamiya. © 1995 Hudson Soft. All rights reserved. ADK of Japan Worid Heroes Perfect NeoGeo CD The global warriors have been summoned once again in another contest of sheer brutality. It appears all the characters of the preceding WH games are back with some added new fighters including mysterious Bosses. However, the game system Hudson of Japan Super Famicom | B August _ ® has undergone many changes, such as the addi- tions of new special attacks, mid-air blocking and the abili- ty to swat away projectiles. Although the game might look familiar, it will play much dif- ferently than past WH titles. You'll be happy to find more dynamic moves, like this flaming shuriken attack performed by Fumma! Kadokawa Shoten of Japan Tokyo Dungeon PlayStation p. PlayStation Unknown Release [action | MM | оо || вы | Hudson brings the cast of the popular Asian fantasy dere ee ау IV апа anime series to life in this side-scrolling action game. ima IV game designer) teams ЧА Zenki, a legendary demon, is raised from the deep and up with the producer of the huge- ly popular Megamitensei series (released by Atlus) to present PSX gamers with a dense, harrowing look at Tokyo in the future. You play as a detective hired to unravel a sinister plot that spans the real world and cyberspace in the year 2020. darkness of the wicked netherworld to fight an army of mystical enemies that has been sum- moned by an evil warlock. Zenki has a wide repertoire of special moves that will help lead him to complete victory. 23000 Tree 200000 Many mystical moves will be provided for your pleasure. Expect lots of chilling events to happen. look around? Ca say anybody will stop you from looking around, mister. Except the last man who came here looking for kin is ed over thére on че that hill. H S The ever-popular anime series is finally coming to SFC! The Story is based on the first book of the novel series. This game's story line will be simi- lar to that of other RPGs, only with а more tactical fighting system. Yeesh! Talk about feeling like a rat trapped in a maze! The game is not just a remake of the PCE version. | Dragon Ball 7 | PlayStation [ww Ё The hyper-popular SFC fighting game series (based on the monster manga comics) is heading to the PlayStation! Because it's on CD, Bandai has been able to cram in 22 char- | acters! Plus, the animation has been made smoother by using at least three times more movement graphics than the SFC ver- sions for extremely fluid movements. Add in texture-mapped poly- gon backgrounds and tons of cinemas from the TV series and movies, and you get a fighting game Toriyama fans cannot afford to miss! PlayStation Don’t be fooled by this screen! There will be a complete cast of 22. Caravan Shooting Collection Shooting Every summer, Hudson conducts a tour of video game contests throughout Japan called the Hudson Caravan. Hudson used to develop original shooting games for these Caravans on which video game hot shots Y6,800 tried to prove who was top gun. Now as a show of appre- ciation, Hudson is bringing together Star Force, Hector '87 and Star Soldier, three of their popular Famicom Caravan shooters in this reasonably priced collection. ТЕЕ CARAVAN OFFICIAL SOFTWARE cse ST [ШЕ OFFICIAL n cm + CI World Wrestling Federation and its logos are registered trademarks of TitanSports, Inc. © 1995 All rights reserved. Sega and 32X Д аш) are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ® & © 1995 Acclaim Entertainment, 4 Inc. All rights reserved. entertainment inc PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION It's Gunstar Heroes with the addi- $ E Sp; Wesel) Ж | The way your gun works is that it pofietantia saps tion of hundreds of sprites and bul- t i r ^ Fi ў i: 112. power out of its main energy source. You have to lets flying in your direction with no ; 73 1 || |4| keep it charged up! Also, should you find the Slowdown! с , El. “Boost” item, you will have a mega-gun for a while. BEST FEATURE They keep the screen full of things || Ha sli [D d ERS s opr CON y. ® Rape ; to shoot at! | i i км Е й К y A "rA" 2 WORST FEATURE Sy ve A two-player capability would have 3 Ё : Ln 4 | been nice, as well as some real = - Б Е udi = 2, —— j cinema displays! WHAT'S MISSING Cinemas. All of the time was spent on the game (which isn't necessari- ly a bad thing), and the cinemas really are a bit of a letdown—with a Axel has a normal fir- | ing pistol, a three-way wave beam that arcs homing laser, bounc- just the character standing there _ out when it touches a ing bubble shots and not moving, and you hear the _ surface, a fireball V А her most deadly voice. - / blaster and a cool ; weapon is a nifty IS IT AS GOOD AS А е (Ж flamethrower GUNSTAR HEROES? Well, yes and no. Yes, there's a lot to shoot at, but it doesn't have the personality of Gunstar. Overall, it is more than enough to challenge anyone! —Mike Vallas FACT-FILE | £ [THEME e ere Hard -oo UE ENE Мопе 764 # OF PLAYERS If you can't wait for a 32- соте with four A ad- R 1 Bit Gunstar Heroes, then ly Settings. You have grab this title for PS and to keep this gun AVAILABLE rock on! Gunners Heaven `- pumped, or your Now is. precisely that—huge lev- shots will grow % COMPLETE els filled to the absolute weak—meaning a brim with tons:of enemies... you'll be diced up Ww 100% You have a choice of two no time at DEVELOPED BY: characters: Axel and Ruka. all! Media Vision (Sorry, no Two-player PUBLISHED BY Option exists.) Both have Sony Computer Entertainment of Japan| very different s that 9 0 EM Oopsie #2!!! in ECM #11 we stated that Gunner's Heave gl to Gunstar Неѓбеѕ for Genesié, ws ize à both to Sony and to Treasure forthe mishap. Ñ жай, — (Н LEVEL ONE a LEVEL TWO ` LEVEL THREE Do yourself a favor, and just practice It's a marsh land filled with fish, natuli Don your pair of slicked-up skates and your abilities in this level. The enemies and other water-born creatures. Beware zip through a massive cave system blast- come in a simple formation and pop on of the Chameleon апа Mantis Boss. ing mine cars and other fast-moving vehi- cles. Once you are out, you must travel alongside a train and blast the several holders the screen in mass quantities. Learn to dodge, throw and perform other skills in this hangar contain- level so ing ene- you are mies prepared SEU for later _ other levels. weapons. Watch your Giant turrets and huge back in this armored level! You'll mechs get pum- | appear fre- meled from quently in every corner ғ о this level. possible! d С) [Ename o LEE Arra Boss — гаг: < i! сз с Asan 109000, Caer "e^ VR Wer у К ") PA (4 Me "f rT ay an m acres! : Тһеге аге hio Bossa per пе: Two = subs апа а mega-kill.Boss at the end. All kinds of killer codes! If you hold down all four top if you also do the below code 4 LR keys of controller опе, and оп the Secret Code Screen, · then press Select on the Press уои can then use controlle Start Screen, you will get а two during the game to give ` special screen to entera two- — your character different stuff, digit code: like bombs, invincibility, etc. MA MK QB TY Enter “МА” UT HT MV. SS Press "Select" T RE PET Я «ey» Use controller two for special RH CM Yl f; Enter “SV” then Start! _ stuff fh ese codes! ` EM o “ОВ” lets you: pley asa huge ‘character! Try out the others. WAYNE You Could Win: A trip to Los Angeles AND VIP tickets to a Kings game AND Special entry into a Kings Мт practice session AND meet Wayne Gretzky! One Grand Prize: A trip for two to Los Angeles (for 3 days and 2 nights including airfare and lodging), VIP tickets to a Kings game, special entry into a Kings practice session PLUS A SPECIAL MEETING WITH WAYNE GRETZKY! (valued at over $5,000). Two First Prizes: Exclusive, Authentic, Limited Edition Wayne Gretzky “Ninety-Nine” European Tour Jersey — autographed by Wayne Gretzky! (valued at $1,000 each). Ten Second Prizes: The official, authorized Wayne Gretzky pictorial biography autographed by Wayne Gretzky! (valued at $50 each). and print your name TIME WARNER INTERACTIVE Mail your entry to: WAYNE GRETZKY SWEEPSTAKES P.O. Box 4032, Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55730-4032 Name. Address. City, State, Zip code Age Phone number. ANSWER THE QUESTION: Name two gameplay modes found in Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars and what gaming/computer system these modes apply to. The answer to the question may be found on packages of Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars video game. 1. 2. Each big full-color issue of EGM is packed with In-Your-Face information and exclusive coverage of the hottest video дате action уои сап find. EGM is the only mag loaded with special pull-out strategy guides, killer | maps, and super secrets that will send | your scores soaring! You'll find all this and more only in the. | Biggest апа Best video дате maga- zine! Be the first to get every action- packed page delivered to your door by subscribing today! SPECIAL . OUARTERMANN CHEATSHEETS FREE!! Now’you can leafn тоге;йбоиї the-video-garhe-indusiry-than ever befote with a subscription to £EGM!-Bound-in-with-your-special сбру of'll find incredible game.chedfs from_theuru_of gossip—®Quartermannh—at no additional chargel/As a subscriber-you'lijhave-access fo informationso provocative it can't even gét into EGM! Only Quartermanrcarrdetiverthis kind of info. Don't miss ойї! 01994, Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ЕСМ and Electronic Gaming Monthly are trademarks of Sendai Publishijig Group, Inc. |: IT'S SLIME TIME | FARTHWORM м, RETURNS: INSIDE EGM: У E CHES 4 SECRET OF MANA 2 r PP MYSTIC IA gj TERNAL CHAMPIONS 5 SBOT CES TO HOLLYWOOD DRACULA X. sintcity 2099 “DOOM хашт - DUIS 2E LUE e д «e BECOME A VIDEO GAME V.I.P. & GET 12 ISSUES OF EGM & Q-LETTER! Get 12 issues of EGM plus Cheat Sheets for the special reduced price of $28.95! Send payment to: EGM, Р.О. Box 7524, Red Oak, ІА 51591-0524 Name Address City State ZIP Payment Enclosed Credit Card Orders: VISA MC Card No. Exp. Date Signature Bill Me ELECTRONIC | САМ/ЧС For Faster Service Call: 708-268-2498 add $10.00. All foreign subscriptions via nust be drawn on an American bank. y order that would go through a U.S. HEGG9 ing Group, Inc. o must be payable (American Express money order, branch bank.) All foreign orders must be prepaid. | CLONE WARS ER- ; Publisher RICKMAN = While playing the game, Do the code and you will Do more codes to choose press the START button. skip to the next level! characters and be invincible! These tricks will let you ters. (Magneto is not includ- CHEAT SHEET: cheat to win the game! ed in the character select; A First, start your game and you must capture him when i Stage Skip, Character in any level press START to you fight him.) For invinci- d Select, Invincibili pause the game. Now bility, pause the game and |. F " press LEFT+C simultane- press UP+B simultaneous- While playing the game, | у up UP LEFT, ly, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, press START to pause. DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT+C RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, Now enter any or all of simultaneously. You will UP, B. You will hear another [:: the codes. hear a sound and warp to sound. Unpause the game the next level. Unpause the апа pause it again. Press 1 game, then pause it again. UP+B simultaneously to |. [IIIIITITTI Now, press RIGHT+C to be invincible! E] I [m i PETIT Ko n PNE I TATE i skip levels or press Brian Benigno LEFT+C to change charac- Pembroke Pines, FL m è БЕТТЕН 4 Í ij & A | ; SCORE Everyone who sends in tricks to the Trickman has a chance of winning either an БЮ PORTS. TT WITH THIS pd a few aeu n 2M T you erat к wl A e eligible n our Trick o AWESOME the Month sweepstakes! If БОР youl CONTROLLER 777 777 come in (iab se t FROM STD your choice! Contests like this come, well, —b ‘Il only find it in th AND EGM оте Biggest and Best Video Game Mag, Electronic Gaming Monthly OFFICIAL RULES ANO CONDITIONS; | h ^ System CHEAT SHEET: Play as the Secret Horse You must place first in all three tracks, then you will get to choose the horse from the Mission Select Screen and race it. To race as the horse in Daytona USA, go to the Options Screen and choose Normal difficulty level. Exit on the Mode Select Screen. You must win first place in the Beginner, Advanced and Expert tracks. After finishing first place in the third track, go to the Mission Select Screen and scroll your way through the cars until you see the word, “Horse.” They loping and whiny noises! This trick will let you play with a floating rider and no dragon! Pop open the Saturn’s Data Memory Menu (with no CD inserted) and CHEAT SHEET: Harrier Mode Change the language to Deutsch and enter UP, X, RIGHT, X, DOWN, X, LEFT, X, UP, Y, Z. You'll play as a Harrier with no dragon! EN Ne TN CIEE I1 TIER M BI ҢЕЛЛЕ TII and choose the Saturn Mode come fully equipped with gal- DAYTONA USA | Publisher NORMAL=GRANDPRIK “ENDURANCE EASY EASY NORMAL HARD MERO ЕНЕЙ LEVEL PES EASY NORMAL HARD ric SOUND MODE STEREO MUSIC TEST seca toco SOUND TEST souna estect crear REY ASSIGH EXIT GANE=NODE DIFFICULTY TIONRURRL In the Options you must have the difficulty set on Normal. Make sure to place first in each WIücuity track. The brown horse is the "Automatic" shifting one. change the language to German (Deutsch), then load the game CD. When the Title Screen appears, press UP, X, RIGHT, X, DOWN, X, LEFT, X, UP, Y, Z. You'll hear a sound like the dragon get- ting hit. When you begin the first level, your dragon will be missing! On the title, press START and here, enter the code. After winning the third track, scroll until you see "Horse." TRICKS. p, ИГЕ FRADE ARCADE MODE SATURN MODE RANKING OPTIONS In the Mode Select Screen, choose the Saturn Mode. ICCELERRTION [3 кон @ SELECT Ж нн Е ш л The grey horse has manual transmission. He's fast! On the Data Memory Menu, choose Deutsch language. You will be playing the game without your dragon! BM 95 TRICKS peg TRADE TOUGHMAN | CONTEST System These incredible tricks will give you the ultimate advan- tage for the fun platform game, Clockwork Knight! Each one of these tricks can be done separately. But if you're quick enough with entering the commands, you can put in the Stage Select, Final Stage and 999 lives code to use all in the same game! This will help you defeat the last Boss by warp- ing straight to it, with 999 lives, making it much easier. The codes are as follows: Stage Select: At the Title Screen (while “Press Start Button” is showing), press LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, R button. The stage name CHEAT SHEET: Stage Select, Final Stage, 999 Lives All tricks (except for Million Point Bonus) must be entered at the title while “Press Start Button” is showing. will appear in the middle of the screen. Press Up or Down to choose the stage you want. Final Stage: After entering the above code, press LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, R button. After you do this, press Up two times to find the stage that says, “Last Boss.” 999 lives: At the Title Screen (while “Press Start © SEGA ENTERPRISES,LTO. 1994 When “Press Start Button” is showing, do the codes. = Last sess @ SEGA ENTERPRISESLTD. 1994 Combine two codes to warp to the last Boss of the game! ` CLOCKWORK KNIGHT Publisher Button” is showing), press UP, RIGHT nine times, DOWN six times, LEFT seven times, Z, X, Y, Ү, Ү, 7. You will know the trick worked if you hear the open- ing theme song play from the beginning again. Million-Point Bonus: Finish stage 2-2 (the train stage) in under 30 seconds. Make sure you get the clock item if you want to make it, and time yourself. Be $ N Beat this stage in 30 seconds for 1 million points! “Tou CONTEST System Publisher CHEAT SHEET. As soon as you begin your game, go to the Game Setup Screen. Press and hold but- tons A, B and C on controller one. While holding these, press DOWN. The Sound Test Screen will appear! Justin Ramey; Franklin, NY Bo to the Game Setup Screen. Press and hold A, B and б. While holding these, press DOWN. The Sound Test will appear. Lo. Exhibition IP Enter Yoush fü. Gastomvable Tournaren? Restore Fron Passuord When you reach the Game Setup Screen, hold A, B and C. Sound: 38. Dane: Sharp Ponch While holding these, press DOWN. You'll get the sound test! System | | Genesis | Electronic Arts CHEAT SHEET: Play a Practice Golf Game Pick any team. When you get to the Player Setup Screen, press DOWN. Choose “Start New.” Enter for your name. Press Start. Here are some great passwords that will give you some new options in the game! From the Title Screen, choose Option. Then, get to CHEAT SHEET: Boss Rush, Time Attack, Onchi System At the Title Screen, pick Option. From Option, choose Password. Enter any one of the codes [їп red) for different results. E A RUD ДЕМЕ ШШ NBA LIVE ‘95 Start an exhibition game and pick any team. When you get to the Controller Screen, choose “Start New” Hg RS PC DEL 775 DELETES LAST LETTER SELECTS LOWER CASE 1 SELECTS UPPER CASE 6 ü П SHOCKWAVE You must play all the way through the game until you reach Level 10. There is a huge moon base (bigger than the others) right at the begin- ning of the level. Blow it up and then fly over it again. You will see Elvis with his yellow cape waving his arms! the Password Screen from the Options and enter any of these codes (in red) for many various results: : You will fight only the Bosses. : Onchi System Setup (Tone deaf sounds). : Time Attack Mode where you'll get the treasure! Publisher from the options given. Enter your user name as REFLOG to get a secret golf game! Jess Redmon; Gresham, OR ALES Par 3 139 yas Publisher This sure isn't Graceland! "Rete Œ cane srar + OPTION. At the Title Screen, choose Option and press START. шы PÁSSWORD- E BOSS RUSH E MODÉ MUSEUM- You can initiate Boss Rush Mode and many others! = TRICIO OF HE In CONTRA: THE ALIEN WARS | » an 97 OF АНЕ FRADE PANZER DRAGOON 98 EM TRICKS HOVER STRIKE Publisher CHEAT SHEET: Access Secret Mission Start your game and at the Mission Select Screen, press 2+3+6+UP on the keypad. Now you can access the secret mission. ] Press button A for a new Choose any difficulty level game at the Title Screen. and press B to start. Ийи ИҢҮ, IZ At the Mission Select Screen, take your control pad and enter the following sequence simultaneously with the numerical keypad: 2+3+6+0Р. You will hear a sound. Now, scroll through the available levels until you reach the one that says, "The Drive for Five." You will see many people standing in the background. Choose this level to play a secret mis- Sion! Also, press 4 or 6 to £ Е rotate the planet. You will get this Collect ammo and missiles Benjamin Brathwaite; Miami, FL "Congratulations" Screen. hefore you complete it. Hold the correct buttons Scroil through until you see the screen with many people. on the keypad. At the Title Screen, press at the Record Keeping START and enter the code: Screen, just enter the initials, Y, UP, DOWN, B, LEFT, A, JAM. You will have beaten RIGHT, DOWN. Choose the аі 27 teams, plus you'll get game you want to play. Now, ап expanded roster, be able to play as the All-Stars team, secret characters will reveal themselves, and the game is i: Sales $ much more difficult to play! At the Title Screen, do the Joe Varnauskas Belleville, MI code with controller one. When the Title Screen игү е 14 up r4 appears, press START. \ ШЖ БЕ qum Then press Y, UP, DOWN, Phin Ш Ie B, LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN. [ | 1 | т 1 " Put in JAM as the initials. quo o. urn DE Just put in your initials You'll have 27 teams beaten, as "JAM" on this screen. and a more difficult game! Ка nil, , TM MA cabe beeen rir J y =ч A 5 ече P MA ме ке Loss) жез A — эр ваго cA Ne ا‎ ететт Se УЗБ аата م تو م ور‎ Фа dede mah e — PLE hyeme der dde ттт _ t— md ÀÀÀ аон t pA rien вее pre: ‚© € <- Фф» es этте бк -o LL -—— M n o Фе с 0 - WE NN EM NM |j Мы РА ВНЕ Fusion is dedicated to covering tne Changing face of interactive entertainment. Taking you beyond the simple fun and games of yesterday's software. FUSION energizes the pages With information on applications of today while looking ahead to tomorrew. FUSION Will transport You to the places where only computers and technologies are responsible for what you see, hear and play. FUSION Gigs Пеер to set one- . on-one with the people and personalities behind this state-of-the У art change іп entertainment. A true Cyberspace magazine. Name Address City State Zip Sex: M/F Phone ( ) Year Born 19 О 2 year - $44.95 0 1 year - $23.95 О Payment Enclosed ÛU Bill Me For faster service on Visa or Mastercard orders call: Please wait 6-8 weeks for your first issue to arrive. Enclose U.S. Funds Only. Canada & Mexico add $12.00 per year. Foreign rate $80 per year. JJUL7 Fusion is a ™ of Decker Publications, Inc. © 1995 BECKET FUBIEaNONS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. g б Е 3 , movies an the only place to go on the Web to find the hottest info on video games, computers Mortal Kombat 3 TM & O 1995 Midway Mfg. Co. АП rights reserved. Options Navigate Search Tools Help | Document Title: [Joystiks Home Page Document URL: [ htm! m Star Trek: Voyager © 1994 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. * Check Out New Reviews In the Review Crew * New Mortal Kombat 3 Pix In Press Start * Complete MK3 Tips, Codes, and Strategies In WINS: 00 ($0014; > | Kombat 3 TM & © 1995 Midway Mfg. Co. All rights reserved. et the inside scoop with tons of exclusive info you won't find anywhere else 9 уу/ Mortal Kombat 3 TM & © 1995 Midway Mfg. Co. Doom 2: Hell on Earth TM id Software © 1994-95 Batman Forever TM & © 1995 DC Comics Babylon 5 © 1994 Warner Bros. (All Rights Reserved.) All rights reserved. packed for the you won't find anywhere else, a on scorching new games. You c demos, see what the editors с es. Plus, you can get the inside scoop at more...only with NUKE! [MISU URIS (MYNNI ГУЗА) INSIDE TEAM EGM EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: TALKING WITH VAN EARL WRIGHT OF CRYSTAL DYNAMICS PREVIEW: NBA JAM:TE (32X) WWF RAW (32X) STRATEGY: WINNING BIG IN WORLD SERIES BASEBALL ‘95, HIDDEN TEAM; ACCESS A CODE AND PLAY WITH THE BLUESKY TEAM SPRING TRAINING: THE SEASON IS IN FULL SWING, CHECK OUT WHO DESERVES TO BE ON TOP INSIDE LOOK: NHL ‘96 (3D0) ROAD RASH (PLAYSTATION) ESPN EXTREME GAMES (PLAYSTATION) MLBPA BASEBALL ң LTS VOUGE OF SLAM & JAM Time to go deeeeep over the wall in left field with one of the greatest sportscasters of our time. This month we chatted with the king of sports one-liners, Van Earl Wright. We probed into his past and got his views on.some of the most pressing issues facing sports today. Team EGM goes from the top of the rim to behind the plate to give you some insight into the man behind the voice of Crystal Dynamics Championship Sports brand name. Crystal Dynamics is build- ing a sports dynasty and Van Earl Wright will bring you along for an exciting ride. 102 EM We've just come back from seeing some of the sports games that will be offered this fall. We'll give you an exclusive first look at NHL ‘96 for the 3DO. This game should be just what the doc- tor ordered for 3DO users. Can you say FIFA Soccer boys and girls? | know you can. NHL ‘96 for the 3DO will be a landmark title for EA Sports. Road Rash fans won’t want to miss our inside look at Road Rash for the Play- Station with some new tracks and bike features that will leave you playing long into the night. Sony Imagesoft had some interesting games that they let us see. One we will be talking about in this month’s Inside Look is ESPN Extreme Games. If you love sports gaming as much as we do, you won't want to miss our cool fea- tures and inside strategy on some of the most popular games on the planet. Next month we'll hit the hard court and let you know who will win this year's video game bas- ketball championship with an "Around the Rim" look at some of the best basketball games of the year. We'll also shed some light on what companies are working on for next year. Here we go with this issue's intense Team EGM! Tournament Edition has finally hit home. In this 32X version, you'll get to see the closest translation straight from the arcades. Acclaim has finally done it right; it's never too late for the best. If you have played the other platforms, you'll notice that the new tournament rules allow you to juice-up your players and speed up the action Let's get ready to rumble! You've seen the WWF Raw on the earlier machines, now take a look at the new-and- improved WWF Raw for your 32X. The animations have been enhanced to bring you 32X quality. Digitized pictures of wrestlers are more vivid than before. Animations of wrestlers in the ring come alive with more realistic of the game. With icons turned on, there will be icons lying on the basketball court that you have to pick up. Some will give you defensive and offensive advantages. Thinking of shooting a nine- point layup? Look for the hotspots on the ground. More players are involved in this one as well. You'll have at least three players on your team. After each quarter has expired, you can substi- tute fresh players for injured ones. You can even pick a б < rookie team that consists BI entirely of rookies. | Another feature that stands out is being able to play against the same team. The one thing that will really mmm m wn ms umm moves and attacks. As for the sound department, there aren't any big changes at all. However, this is not a big factor, con- sidering the game is well done in the long run. Be prepared to see the bone-crushin' killer moves the game is filled with. Each wrestler has his/her moves. | someone out of the ring, THEME DIFFICULTY TIME TO COMPLETE MEG SIZE BACK-UP # OF PLAYERS catch your eye is the scrolling of the players on the field, just like the arcade. This is the closest thing you can get to the real thing arcade-wise. The team Iguana from Acclaim has seriously out- done themselves with this cart. What's next? Sega Saturn or PlayStation plat- form? Maybe Ultra 64! AVAILABLE % COMPLETE DEVELOPED BY: Iguana PUBLISHED BY: Acclaim The hotspots and the icons increase the chances for you to score as well as defend against your opponents. FACT-FILE THEME There are even special moves you can access. These do not mean it's smooth sailing from here, because there are many other wrestlers who can use special moves against you. Jump on the ropes or an opponent, scratch some- one’s face, body slam, throw DIFFICULTY TIME TO COMPLETE MEG SIZE knock down the ref—these are just a few of the things you can do in the ring. Enter tournaments and team up with a friend, or have a brawl with up to four players at one time. This wrestling game has it all! BACK-UP # OF PLAYERS AVAILABLE % COMPLETE DEVELOPED BY: | Acclaim PUBLISHED BY: Acclaim [А 108 ПАШ) VO tile MUGS OF CVS IAL HAMM NESS WAN [ЇЙЇ RIGHI 104 А ou may remember him as the voice of late-night sports from the time when he worked the graveyard shift at CNN reporting on the sports highlights of the day, all the while adding his own flavor to the sports news he was reporting. He is best known for calling deep fly balls when major league home run kings swat- ted the ball deeeeep over the wall in left field or when the NBA's dunksters took the rock and were slammin' and jammin' on the hard court. He had a dedicated late-night following and garnered more attention from sports fans than any other U.S. sports announcer. From "He gets the roll" to "A beautiful dish with an even prettier finish," Van Earl is well liked and a big hit. He took his show from CNN over to WDIV TV 4 Sports in Detroit and was an instant hit there as well. Now Crystal Dynamics has started their Championship Sports lineup and gamers can hear some of Van Earl's sayings first-hand in Crystal Dynamics' games such as Slam and Jam for the 3DO. Van Earl Wright is now the official voice of Championship Sports and you won't be disappointed by the results. He's a great guy and one heck of an announcer. We had a chance to chat with him about sports and a few other related issues. TEAM EGM: What's your favorite sport? WRIGHT: My favorite sport has always been NBA bas- ketball, but after following the Red Wings during my first year and a half in Detroit ... I’m now proud to call myself a hockey geek. Who was your hero as you were growing up? Which sports celebrities did you look up to? Julius Erving was my number-one sports hero growing up. Gale Sayers and Dale Murphy come in a close second and third. In broadcasting, who did you enjoy listening to as you were coming up through the ranks? My broadcasting heroes have been Bob Costas ... Chris Berman ... and Fred Hickman. Dick Enberg and Marv Albert have always been my favorites as well. Along with the immortal Howard Cosell. My dad dis- liked Howard. | thought that | was supposed to hate him, but | eventually realized that | really liked the guy. Some of your critics say that your flamboyant calls on home runs and incredi- ble dunks distract from the sport itself. How do you respond to that and what do you try to do witha sportscast? My response to any type of criticism | might receive for my particular style of sports- casting is ... there is absolutely no way you can please everyone, especially in this type of job. If people don't like it, they can change the channel. It’s sports! I’m just trying to have a good time when I’m on the air. | love sports and that’s why I’m so enthusiastic when | talk about sports on the air. How do you look upon your stint at CNN Sports? My four years at CNN were great in that | received a lot of exposure not only national- ly, but worldwide as well. It definitely helped me develop a style that | am now well known for, but it was also very limiting because the atmosphere there was very conservative. In the end, I realized that if | wanted the opportunity to grow and take on new challenges in broad- casting ... it was going to be somewhere else. Do you play video games? If so, which ones? I’m embarrassed to say that | haven't been that involved in video games in the past. However, Crystal Dynamics has added a level of realism in their games that has defi- nitely piqued my interest. Who is your favorite athlete and why? | don't really have a favorite athlete. There are many peo- ple here in Detroit who are | good, fun people to be around ... Joe Dumars, Grant | Hill, Shawn Burr, Paul Coffey, Steve Yzerman and Barry Sanders are among them. Who was your best interview? Favorite interview? The | impossible question. My favorite is a person who VAN EARL WRIGHT BRINGS THE THUNDER WITH AUTHORITY ON CRYSTAL DYNAMICS’ SPORTS TITLES T treats me with courtesy and isn't scared of me just because | have to ask some | questions. Tecmo® 16 bit Sports games are unmatched in the true-to-life control you have over every aspect of the game. You've already played Tecmo” Super NBA* Basketball" апа Tecmo* Super Bowl." But just in case you've been on an extended vacation to ORDER SEASON LINEUP BATTING AVERAGE: 274 з" S AT ATL” AF | RUZ “rara a B И! B m ape ө — — Р Ber Hi Вав вис? AT SBP You have complete control over Team control modes include Coach, Season Schedule displays games Select a Pinch Hitter with Computer, Manual and Skip batting order played, in progress and to be played Lage REN all pitcher stats displayed Select your swing, give a sign Select your pitch, choose your or use Manager options defense or use Manager options ипе TON : ESO зс Wn a БВ GE 28 и BATTER STATS TEEB PITONER STATS JE n Uh раб Change your defensive formation All the game stats you could want, Comprehensive stats for all 700 Regular, Reduced and Short seasons for any situation with battery back-up! MLBPA players We would show you more but xn BASEBALL ECMO SUPER BOWL Ш FINAL EDITION ee compe nh be OMLEPA MSA ESR Officially Licensed by the Major League Baseball Players Association. ч шн © Tecmo, Ltd. 1994 TECMO* is a registered trademark of Tecmo, Inc. Licensed by Sega Enterprises Ltd. for play on the Sega™ Genesis" System. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. Licensed by Nintendo for play on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Nintendo, Super NES and official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. The videogame Rating Council, its rating system, symbols and indicia are trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. © 1993 Sega Tecmo, Inc. * 19260 South Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501 Phone (310) 787-2900 WORLD SERIES 1995 e o o o o ALL-STAR STRATEGY BAAR KOL OSA 3 Stealing can be tricky and here are some sure-fire ways to succeed. First, take a look at the opposing team’s roster to find out what type of arm the opposing catcher has. If he has from a six to an eight rating, his arm is good. With these types of num- bers, he will be very hard to steal against. In terms of speed, any players who have a rating of seven or above are fast. Below a seven, they'll have John Olerud's (Toronto Bluejays' first base- man) snail speed and they'll have a hard time stealing second base. To access the numbers, hit left and C and you'll be able to look at your teams and your opposition's numbers. To steal when your player is on first base, press the B button to get him to lead off and press the directional pad toward first base. Then press B again a couple of times, but be careful, because the artificial intelligence of this game is quick. If you take too large of a lead, you'll get picked off. A sure way to not get picked off is to press the B button to get a good jump as soon as the pitcher chooses the speed of his pitch. Quickly press the B button again to send the runner and press the directional pad in the direction of the desired base. Then you'll be on your own to try and conquer the base paths. >з OLA H DAG If you start the runner, it looks as though the outfielder will catch a fly ball and you want to get all of your run- ners back to their bases safe- ly, push down on the direc- tional pad while pressing the A button. That will control all of the runners and get them If you think your opponent won't be able to catch the ball, run to the next base. back to the bags they started from safely. If the ball drops unexpect- edly, all you need to do is hold down on the directional pad and press the B button. Everyone will advance to the next base. Be aggressive on the base paths. Got back just in time. Always watch your men on the bases when there's a flyball. When playing a two-player game, there's a way you can hide the location of your pitch from your opponent. BlueSky has built a pitch-hiding mech- anism into the AI of the game. Pick the pitch you want to throw, then move the cursor around to the location you want to throw the pitch to. To hide the location, all you need to do is keep your fin- ger on the D-pad while mov- ing the ball cursor (pitch loca- tion ball) around. If you move it up to the left-hand corner that's where you'll throw the pitch. As the ball goes over the left-hand corner, press the A, B or C button to choose the location, but don't let up on the direction pad. The ball cursor will keep moving and you've already selected your pitch, but your opponent won't know where the ball is going to go. This will trick your opponent into thinking he knows where the pitch will go, and you can cross him up using this sim- ple controller trick. ——— 86 ERI d X | e LOE SIC LEA p ———————— At the beginning of the game, wait for the Stadium Fireworks Screen to begin fading out. Then, press A, B, C and Start simul- taneously. This puts you in the BlueSky Zone. The first screen is a controller function check that also includes the software ver- Sion date. Press the Start button twice to move on. The next screen is a developer's "cheat area" where you can modify vari- ous start game parameters, such as number of innings, Visitors’ score and Home Score. Make the screen read Inning: 3, Visitors Score: 1 and Home Score: 3, then press and hold A, B, C and Start, (the BlueSky Zone Controller Screen again), then press the Start button twice to get to the cheat area. Now access the line that says "BlueSky"—off." Use the controller to select this line and change the "off" to “on.” At this time you will see photos of the BlueSky World Series ‘95 development team, (aka the BlueSky Team). To PLAY BALL! Hit the Start button to make the game restart. Choose "Exhibition Game," then select either to play as the BlueSky team or against them. The BlueSky SS team is composed of BlueSky artists and programmers; their statistical attributes are the best in the game—never below a “7.” Look out for the following team members: Try to hit against Chuck Osieja. His 40mph knuckleball is literally Й unhittable, especially when it's followed by his 90mph fast- ball! Jay Panek’s offensive attributes are all “9” or above. Use him to put a hurt on the ball! Or you can discover your own favorite BlueSky all-star player. -- WELCOME TO THE BS ZONE --- 62-15-95 02: 29: 57 ART GAME WITH SPECIAL TECMO S This fall, Tecmo will be releasing TECMO SUPER BOWL III: FINAL EDITION for both Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis systems. Because of the unusually high demand for Tecmo Super Bowl II last January, Tecmo would like to assist you in obtaining a copy of TECMO SUPER BOWL III: FINAL EDITION from your favorite retailer. In order to avoid the shortage problems which occurred with Tecmo Super Bowl II, Tecmo is making a special priority shipment program available to retailers and distributors, who choose to participate, from JUNE 15, 1995 TO AUGUST 1, 1995. Tecmo encourages you to go to your favorite participating retailer and reserve a copy of TECMO SUPER BOWL III: FINAL EDITION by placing a non-refundable deposit between JUNE 15, 1995 AND AUGUST 1, 1995. In order to assist you, Tecmo suggests that you fill out the reservation/deposit form below and drop it off at any participating retailer. TECMO SUPER BOWL III: FINAL EDITION CHECK OUT SOME OF THE NEW FEATURES: * New, updated player rosters * New character edit mode * New NFL expansion teams * New Free Agency mode * Better graphics and sound TSB III: FINAL EDITION - THE PERFECTION WILL BLOW YOU AWAY! cut here 'TECMO SUPER BOWL III: FINAL EDITION. RESERVATION/DEPOSIT FORM: І i i Dear Retailer: 1 The customer whose name and address is liste below wishes to place a non-refundable deposit on Tecmo Super Bowl Ill. Please contact your local game distributor and/or your central buying office for specific instructions. Name NE ees Amount of Deposit $ Address : Store Stamp or Receipt City State Zip 1 Phone Number | Reserve me copy(s) of Super Nintendo | or Sega Genesis Г] TECMO SUPER BOWL III: FINAL EDITION should be available in October of 1995. Watch this magazine for late breaking updates regarding game features and when Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition will be in stores near you. YEMIN di f GENESIS @ == are comple wih the Sega KIDS TO ADULTS} © Tecmo, Ltd. 1994 TECMO* is a registered trademark of Tecmo, Inc. Licensed by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. for play on the — Genesis" System. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Licensed by Nintendo for play on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Nintendo, Super NES and official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. This product has AGES 6 P" System. Bit not yet been rated by the Entertainment Rating Software Board. For information about the ESRB ratings, please contact the ESRB at 1-800-771-ESRB. SPORTS Tecmo, Inc. * 19260 South Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501 Phone (310) 787-2900 Fax (310) 787-3131 It's part two of Team EGM's Spring Training. baseball fea- ture. We've been scouting the big leagues for all of the baseball news that's fit to print. Let me tell you—there are some very cool baseball games coming down the pipe. Frank Thomas "Big Hurt" Baseball from Acclaim will be throwing strikes on a number of systems including the Super NES, Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sony Play- Station and the Nintendo Ultra 64. A few other game compa- nies are stepping up to the plate as well, with upcoming baseball products. Konami, Interplay (with their new VR Sports brand name) and Crystal Dynamics will all be swinging for the fence. Just as BlueSky continues to set the standard with World Series Baseball '95 for Sega Sports, new games featuring full SGl-rendered baseball diamonds and poly- gon players will make base- ball even more exciting on the next-generation gaming systems. The Iceman and | hope you enjoyed our innovative look at gaming’s Spring Training: Baseball edition. Sporting News Baseball Hudson Soft/Super NES Get ready to take on the rest of the league for the 168-game pennant race with real-time players and their current stats on hand. Cool zoom effects bring the hits to you. Sporting News Baseball has some unique features. If you're having problems on the plate or at the pitcher's mound, take some time off and practice your swinging ability and your throwing arm. This is not all that's here. If you like slugging it out against the computer or a friend, you can enter the Home Run Derby to see who can whack it out of here. Sporting News Baseball has other features and options that you'll enjoy. Super RBI Baseball Time Warner Interactive/Super NES Ever since the first RBI game came out, the game play and А! (Artificial Intelligence) have gotten better every year. Also with newer technology being used on these systems, the graphics and sounds have greatly improved. RBI Baseball, a very popu- lar game, comes alive again in this year's Super NES version. Many features have been tweaked to bring you the very best baseball has to Select Your Limeup Baltimor a = brings the game alive. Crowds cheering along with manager and player cinemas add some nice touches to what's taking place on the field. Toss in the real players from the league and you have a complete game of baseball. These are only a few of the great features that make up this game. RBI Baseball has been one of the most popular video baseball games money can buy and this one will continue to show you why. x iei mei ga arges PS f: PR Ne E < wes з-лоис ew NS ММММ эп п uwa NB a ыдым ала NNUS. элс абазы AUN = NaS NAWA L а 8 H p [4 H 1 в 9 5 a ma ^0% 3830X3008 БАШЫ یں روید ووم‎ БЕТТЕШ ЕЙ Lt-—ma e330 raa кею, $T American Watianat EAST sone rans xn و‎ ы озсо, ها‎ eee [retenu] a> o M т; tars ni Look at all of the stats that this game has to offer. L] offer without leaving your house. The animations have been enhanced dramatically: batters swinging, players throwing the ball and pitching have all been reworked to give the movements realistic perspectives. Fast-paced action on the field really Fast-paced action on the field sets the tone of the game. D THE MOST ' POPULAR "a 1 BASEBALL GAME E RETURNS РОК . ANOTHER SEASON. Step up to the plate and drive one into the cheap seats! Crisp color graphics and realistic gameplay make) RBI Baseball 95 the latest, greatest installment in the best- Selling RBI Baseball video game series; Improved|artificial intelligence enhances computer opponent strategies like base Stealing, bunting and runner pick-off attempts, Ехрейелсе an incredible view of those fasthalls, curve- balls; and sliders with the large, realistic batter/catcher, playing view, State-of-the-art digital video, displayed in 256 colors, provides а fantastic look and feel at the plate, Jumping and diving catches, ctolen|basesy,powersal|ome yins,,,youll find it all and OTE її RBI Baseball 9) 1 A Whole Season B RBI! Just fill out the form below and return to: A Whole Season of RBI Sweepstakes, РО. Box 8095, Grand Rapids, MN, 55745-8095 and you could be a winner of one of the following prizes: (1) GRAND PRIZE: An autographed baseball and bat from your favorite big league play- er featured in RBI Baseball '95 for the Sega Genesis 32X, or Super RBI Baseball for Super NES, and your favorite protessional baseball team's "uniform" " (8) FIRST PRIZES: Ап autographed baseball from your favorite big league player fea- tured in RBI Baseball 95 for the Sega Genesis 32X, or Super RBI Baseball for Super NES. T Replay (25) SECOND PRIZES: RBI Baseball "95 hat and watch, (100) THIRD PRIZES: RBI Baseball 95 hat NAME ADDRESS. PHONE RBI: TM and € Atari Games. Licensed to Time Warner Interacti All rights reserved, ©MLBPA 1995. Official Licensee ~ Major League Baseball Players Association. Sega’ Genesis"? and 32X" are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Lid, All produc rate names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners, TEAM EGM STARTING LINEUP ... THE REAL SCOREBOARD TITLE SYSTEM #OFPLAVERS LICENSE(S), SPECIAL FEATURES 1 World Series Baseball ‘95 1or2 MLBPA, MLB | Choose Най of Famer lineup; all 28 rendered ball- | parks; Classic Home Run Derby; Draft and Trade | players; Free agents; Multiplayer. leagues 2. Triple Play Baseball - 1104 | MLBPA | 26-, 52-, 104- or 162-Season Mode; Injuries; | | Trade players; Create, sign and release players; | Hot and cold streaks; Multiplayer capability | (tourra play); | ceu Seed en or m 1or2 | MLBPA | Batting Practice; Edit Teams and Players; 182-, | | 81- or 13-game season; All 28 authentic ball- | parks; Pitcher and hatter views а Snorting News Baseball MLBPA 26-, 52-, 78-, 162-season schedule; Home Run Super NES | 1002 | Der 5. RBI Baseball '95 1or2 Full 162-game Season, а Playoffs and World | Championship Series; Large batter/catcher's | playing views; Actual footage from spring train- | ing; Challenging computer intelligence; 28 actual major le league : stadiums - n MLBPA | Full 162-game season, Playoffs ап and World | Championship; Home Run Derby; Create Teams; | Practice Defense; Game Breakers; Over 800 ball | players from all 28 major league teams 6. Super RBI Baseball 102 Рт sorry to say Super RBI Baseball comes out last on our list. Despite having the MLBPA license and over 800 ball players from all major league teams, there weren't any big changes to this Super NES translati RBI BASEBALL 95 Updated graphics and Й a unique view from behind the catcher adds to this year's RBI experience. This game tries to stretch a single into a double and gets tossed out in dramatic fashion at second base. SPORTING NEWS TRIPLE PLAY BASEBALL BASEBALL Hudson This game Soft, not is a definite well known contender for their sports games, surprises This year's is one great for this year's baseball crown. this team with their Sporting World Series game that The game play is incredibly tight. News Baseball. The “flyball” Baseball looks Ji stands out and is a must-play for any serious zoom perspective will really catch better than : تح‎ above the baseball fan. It's the bottom of the your eye. All of your favorite play- ever. The WORLD SERIES crowd of base- ninth inning and there’s going to ers are here going at each other unique zoom BASEBALL 95 ball titles. Тһе be a play at the plate to determine for the pennant. batter’s box game features this year’s winner. view makes it a realistic both the MLBPA and major baseball experience. This league team licenses. WO А LL BASSMASTER BLASTER CILLUM TWO YOU CAN KEEP! BASS. ENDORSES FIRST VIDEO GAME В ASSM ASTERS CLASSIC- PRIZE CATCH, USA. - The best software developers, working with the Bass Anglers Sportsman ‘MOST RE ALISTIC 3) Society®, have put together the world’s finest bass fishing simulation! Players hone FISHING f ANE FVER’ their casting skills on the practice pond, then compete in four tournaments and the BASS HITS STORE SHELVES! Masters Classic! Inside sources say ‘Don’t let this one get away — it's a trophy catch!’ This videogame tour consists of five three-day tournaments at five lakes. The first ono A bait shop is a local landmark, and from there:anglers can 77 Y anf “they'll need to take care of а fewethé : = ед i NIE B Би Local Anglers GET YOURS TODAY! | Catch Their Limit De {| Enjoying the fine seasonal $6495 $59.95 т! weather and the finest fishin’ Super NES Genesis game this side of the Panama ьа аа Available at your local retailer or order by phone! Casey, Cory Crispen and Zoe Shelby show off their prize- for orders winning catches. only, call: (1-800-227-7061) as always. Perfect for fishing, Order by phone and receive a free gift while supplies last. Tis cfc sour тае 1 mm. mets teli For Game Hints & other information, call: 501-3241 н with his seal to be sure that ASS Маме c* and Bass Anglers Sportsman Soci nd Genesis Mey are compatible with NS 7 endo Entera and the Official ыбы Seal are registered trades lo of America Inc. Black Pearl Software is a trademark of T+HQ, Inc. Malibu Games iva division of THQ, Ine, © 1995 Т°НО, In [PILAE FAN ION] inside look the scouting reporte o o o o o o ППИ ATHURI Time to hit the ice with what should be to hockey what FIFA “95 was to soccer: a landmark game that all others are measured against. EA Sports has created a 32-Bit wonder. Although the version we saw was not anywhere near complete, it was playable. It was on dis- play for all who ventured into the EA Sports booth, and it looked very impressive. All of your favorite NHL teams, actual players and logos have been included to add to the realism of the game. EA Sports’ popular slogan is, "If it's in the game, it's in the game." They aren't kid- ding! NHL '96 has everything a hockey fan could want. It is EA Sports' first 32-Bit hockey «s то ArFGS= NEIL “98 title and if it is any indication of what hockey fans and sports gamers can expect, EA has a bright future in hockey games. The realistic sound effects and a great perspective of the rink almost make you feel as if you are actually on the ice with the players. In this version sprite drop- out was a problem, but that will be cleared up as the game nears completion. We'll let you know when EA Sports launches this game. Look for more coverage in the future. ne 1 Surprise, surprise, surprise—Road Rash on the PlayStation. This game has all of the spills and thrills of the other Road Rash titles. If you love fast-action motorcy- cle racing, then this game is for you. It will be available for the Sony PlayStation when the system is launched Sept. 9 in North America. The game has all of your favorite bikes and some new weapons (five of them in fact) | -[3lecmoutks Arese Road Rash that will help you get back at the guy who just knocked you off your bike or rudely cut you off. If you're a Road Rash fan, you'll want to kick start your PlayStation library with this game. It's a translation of the ЗОО Road Rash with some new tracks and a few new twists and turns. There are no rules. In this version you can buy upgrades to improve your tires, performance and sus- pension. These kits will give you quicker acceleration and help you finish in the money. There's also a new Snitch | Mode that allows you to rat | on another biker and de- crease your own fine at the same time. When you rat on someone, you'd better have eyes in the back of your head because they'll get you for it in the end. This is no traditional racing game. In ESPN Extreme Games, players compete against each other in true 3-D worlds using the hottest new sports gear or vehicles, like in-line skates, mountain bikes, skateboards and street luges over friendly and not- so-friendly terrain. Sony Imagesoft plans to introduce the PlayStation version close to the launch of the unit in September. Gamers will be able to choose from six unique courses from around the world, such as San 12 А Sony Im SPN EXUREL Francisco, Lake Tahoe, South America, Rome, Hollywood and Utah. The game will have four levels of difficulty taking gamers on an incredible journey through many challenging scenarios. Konami will be swinging for the fence with a polygon- based baseball game that will feature all of your favorite players from the Major Leagues. Some unique game play perspectives add to the look of this game. Remember, this is just a first look and be- | МВА BASEBALL Akonanmie cause the game was in the early stages of development, we didn’t get a chance to play it. But we just had to show you these pictures from the tape we saw. Watch for a more complete look at Konami's MLBPA Baseball for the Sega Saturn and PlayStation as well as the inside scoop on a new basketball game they are currently working on. DU. аер Look ғов your $5 оғғ Batter Up™ COUPON INSIDE THESE GAME CARTRIDGES: For real video baseball action, forget about pressing buttons on a boring controller. Get your ТА hands оп ће new Batter Up" electronic bat. Batter Up is compatible with the most popular baseball games around. So you can take your swings against the toughest pitchers in the majors. Chances are, they're all well-rested by now. Batter Up is also available for IBM° * Wonip SERIES BASEBALL® “95 * Наврвди “95™ * TRIPLE PLay™ BASEBALL PC games, so look for it at your favorite video game or computer stores. SPORTS Interactive Baseball Accessory for SEGA" GENESIS, SUPER NES; and IBM PC's. Software not included. SCI ENCES Batter Up™ is о trademark of Sports Sciences, Inc. SEGA™ and GENESIS" are trademarks of SEGA Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. SUPER NES?" is o registered INC. trademark of Nintendo of America © 1991. Al trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Al rights reserved. Р» * "de niu "Шш Pu NM = * N Triple Play Baseball touches all the bases and EA Sports has knocked one into the bleachers. Avid fans of baseball will have tons of fun controlling the runners. The advanced Al in this game will keep you on your toes. There’s no fooling around on the base path in this game. Even in the One-player Mode, the catch- er will pull the trigger on you, so watch it as you lead off. The frame rate isn't quite as good as it is in the arcade for obvious reasons. But the game burns rubber in a big way and deliv- ers the same type of exciting racing expe- rience. This is a good translation of the arcade classic, and it plays much better than the Japanese version that was rushed to market. Sega of America polished up the game and it really shines on the U.S. Saturn. It's time to hit the links, drive for show and putt for dough. The seven different play modes and the ability to create your own players and the three different golf views including the ball cam add to the enjoy- ment of this game. You can even track your hole-by-hole scoring averages and custom select your clubs. If you're a golf fan you'll be teed off at yourself if you don't try this game. The unique penalty kick perspective and the large player animations will have you bicycle kicking your way to big-time suc- cess. You can perform volleys, flying headers and you can watch a replay of your spectacular goals from a variety of angles. This game is so realistic you'll come away with grass stains on your hands from pounding away on the controller. Give this one a try or two. How close can you get to the real thing? This is one complete baseball game. You get some amazing animations that you don't normally see in a video baseball game. Cool commentary on the plays as well as crowd reactions are among the many features. | never knew you could put so many in one baseball game! Electronic Arts has seriously outdone them- selves and it has paid off. It's finally here, a surprise for everyone stateside. The quality of the game, mainly in the graphics, is quite noticeable from the arcade version. The scaling and scrolling of the tracks need more anima- tions. It was disappointing to watch at first but when you get started you won't want to get off the wheel. The overall performance of this translation is well done. It needs some tweaking. The Saturn shows off some of its capabilities with this new Pebble Beach golf game. The cinemas (video clips) are superbly done, even the overview of the courses (rendered) are vividly displayed to give you the very best in a video golf game. Lots and lots of features are in this one, so you can play golf at home without spending a bundle for some clubs. Good start for Sega. This is truly next-generation gaming. It's really hard for a game to capture my interest, but this is one awesome soccer game. The rendered field and players are top-notch; | have never seen such fluid polygon graphics on system. Great rotation and zoom effects on instant] replays. Cool radar feature. If you're looking for a soccer game that has some guts, this is the one for you. O Gamin WIN U The Viti mate over $20,000% =. | gig! [PANDEMONIUM IN PRIZES! draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then youi have what it takes. It looks simple, but it's only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time its all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! Computer Contest. Win a blazing fast Compudyne with Pentium 90 processor, 8 meg. ram, 845 meg. hard drive, CD-ROM, modem and more! Video Game Contest. Playon the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: Super NES; Sega Genesis with CD-ROM and 32X. Panasonic 300; and Atari Jaguar. Get all four or trade the ones you don't want for CA$H! Bonus options include: Sony Play Station, 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more! Yes! D CLUE: TO GRAB SOMEONE'S SKIN BETWEEN TWO FINGERS AND PRESS. You have the POWER. In this contest you don't rely on the luck-of-the Media Rig The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 40 inch monitor, 130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Pro logic Surround Sound, and all components shown. Win DBS Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION! This rig will blow you away!! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with words going across that spell out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue. In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many wil play but к 61% will have the highest score possible score to Phase I, 43% to Phase Il, 36% to Phase Ill, and 32% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will each receive the grand prize they are playing for. ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTRY FEE: [Г] ($3.00) Computer Contest L1 ($3.00) Video Game Contest CI ($3.00) Media Rig Contest C ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter them all (SAVE $4.00) TVA ОМУ апо Мате Address State Zi City KE? SEND CASH, MI.O., OR CHECK TO: PANDEMONIUM, Р.О. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED • ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY AUGUST 12, 1995 « ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Only one entry per person. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible, Judges decisions are final. Where judges are in error the sponsors liability is limited to the amount of entry fees paid. Not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen mail, Open to residents of the US. its territories and Canada, You can request Winners List and Official Rules by writing Pandemonium, Inc. 7204 Washington Ave. S, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who, along with this magazine have no affiliation with this contest. © 1995 Pandemonium, Inc. M This is ARAB ARAB ده‎ am i Threex where you = will spend a lot of او‎ time іп the begin- amas tenei jen ning of the game. oe A lot of places won't be accessi- * ble in the begin- ning. Don't get BACICUP | ^as - | pr too frustrated m - Î because there has got to be a flag # OF PLAYERS somewhere—you just haven't triggered it yet. Pay attention to I what people say (especially people who might be blocking your : AVAILABLE way), for they might tell you what you need to do next. Keep your- ce e T self high on healing items and sell what you don't need. % COMPLETE l |) odes cou eS ron HOLT [rg DEVELOPED BY: Nintendo PUBLISHED BY: Nintendo gt ў Goods Auto There are a ton of enemies for you to fight in this game. The fight scenes may not look all that | exciting, but once you get into this game, that no longer really matters. The enemies are very | tough, and it does take some skill to beat them. Also, a cool thing about this game is that the ene- mies don't just come out of nowhere. You can see them on the screen before they hit you, but it is extremely hard to dodge them. Another cool thing is, if you get into a fight that you're undoubt- the best RPGs to date and will edly going to win, the game goes on as if you've beaten the enemies, giving you the money and keep any player interested for “ће experience. The Bosses all have their own distinct background, which gives you something a long time to come. very cool to look at as you're fighting them. The characters in this game may look cheesy, but don't let that fool you. This is one of к-к э жт: n Goods Ашо Fight *Bash ^ Goods Auto Fight Defend Run Away Pst Defend Run Away Hey, close to m +4 deadly PSI attack which only ANDY can use. *It's a psychokinetic wave generated by concentration that deals each enemy about 50 E oun Peces of = دچ‎ Check — Statu Talk to РІ E E PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION When | first got a look at this game, | laughed out loud. It looked like it could have been done on a Nintendo, and that was all the thought | gave it. It wasn’t until | sat down and gave the game more than a once-over that | realized this was no NES game. BEST FEATURE The story line is definitely what makes this one a winner. This game wouldn't be nearly as good without it WHAT'S MISSING Graphic intensity! The graphics are nothing to get excited about, and | think that could hurt this game. People might look at the back of the box and then put it down, not giving it a fair chance. WILL YOU LIKE IT? | think so. This is a game that most people young and old (not too old) can enjoy. This definitely isn't just a kiddie game. If you play this game for more than an hour, you'll most likely be hook: which is a rarity with games nowadays. —John Gurka [£y Ш/ FACT-FILE Adventure Moderate TIME TO COMPLETE шш ТҮ ишн 16 Password [| ипе 100% PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION Unlike most movie-to-game adaptati | really enjoyed playing this cart. The levels are large and intricate enough to keep even a skilled player busy for a while. BEST FEATURE In each level there are two objec- tives: the primary and secondary. You only need to complete the pri- mary to go on to the next level, but you also have the option of going for the secondary objective and any other power-ups or secret rooms you may find along the way! WHAT'S MISSING Some cinemas taken straight from the movie would be nice to see in the finished version of Dredd. WILL YOU LIKE IT? Unlike many other games that are adapted from movies or comic books such as Dredd, this cart has no problem standing on its own. Definitely a good game! —Mark LeFebvre 118 Ем The first skill you learn is how to stay alive! Dredd can use punches, kicks and even head- butts to serve justice. - Ві 7 The lawgiver is your main weapon, It will also allow you to fire other ammo that you find later in the level. There are two ways to E clean up the scum on the streets: Te either arrest or sentence the perpetrators. ` | There К ETT differ- Fent types — of ammo that can be picked up throughout the. game. Try to conserve your grenades, for they can be used for many other- uses, such as walls! In the first level, your primary objective іѕ їо locate and destroy all атто supplies.. wouldn't destroy all of them until you search the area for hidden or hard-to-reach rooms! pa- = TT B ^3 E EUROS Е "EH. MB i iiei 6 a гл B tively = | WS ame |) Be T ee" МИ 85 | ma E Seep sever КЕ Жү a at Ta TA СЄ ШШ ШИШ BHL N | | 1 ЖЕ =E l е е нае rade шей ШШ ешн. ECTS Dr y ; | i i. JUDGE DREDDE and all. names, с! 5 Cinérgi Pictures Entertainment Inc. 5, ahd elements thereof arc trado nd Cinérgi Productions N.V. Inc. Albrights reserved. ©1995 Egmont Foundation: All rights reserved. JUDGE DREDD ks of Egmont Foundation: Licensed by Copyright Ptomotlans Intemational Limited Surge. Comic Properties. Inc A – MISSION STATUS B - AMMO STATUS Y — DREDD STATUS LOCKING PROCEDURE ENGAGED — SECURITY DOORS CLOSING. LEVEL 5 LOCATE RICO In Level Five, your primary objective is to reach the council chamber so you can prove your innocence to the council of judges. Your secondary objective is to avoid or disarm any judge hunters in the hall. To reach the chamber, use the elevators to search for the security cards that unlock the doors to the different areas. A-Ammunition supplies §-Security door cards D-Security door ¢-Computer terminal These are the three ba: shops in the game. А! the item shop. Moderate house where y TIME TO COMPLETE Short 12 BACK-UP Batte # OF PLAYERS AVAILABLE % COMPLETE 90% DEVELOPED BY: Tecmo PUBLISHED BY: are nothing to get excit \ 3 * about. They аге ' Entrances to caves are not particularly noticeable. It will ! take some looking to find them. You must search everywhere. Listen to the give hints on the loca- stumble upon something. The people in the town of Likado will tell you that you need to find the Crest of Stars. It is located in one of the island's north- rn mountains. Head to the moun- tains to find it. A vision of your father appears jays that you must become the Ai ) к; BECOME ^AQUTALLION* ! JOHN... Am thi 1gs like volcanoes! F — David joins your H L3 party after you find the Crest. К Е Journey to the [= Jeep Volcano т = together and Other PLAYER’S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION | felt like | went back in time. | thought | had turned on my NES instead of my Super NES. | pinched myself really hard in order to wake up from my bad dream, but when my eyes opened, the graphics were still the same BEST FEATURE The backgrounds in the fighting sequences. WHAT'S MISSING Just about everything. I’ve said this before and I'll say it again: An RPG doesn't have to be graphi- cally spectacular as long as the Story line shines. The story line in this game is just so typical and bland that it didn't excite me at all. The graphics and game play don't even help this game. ss | WILL YOU LIKE IT? HELP US! If you are really desperate to play а new RPG, then you might not mind playing this one. When there are games out there like FF3 and Shadowrun, this one just doesn't cut it. | can't see any advanced RPGers bragging about this game —John Gurka ‚ yellow ones. You will need to take different paths, so don't be surprised when you must split off from David. Your path will lead you directly into the volcano, where you will encounter many extremely tough enemies. Make sure you are at a really high level (like seven or eight) before trying to fight the Boss. It is not essential but will help a great deal. The Boss will spit gas and fire at you, quickly reducing your life. Just keep attacking him and healing up when low. Your per- sistence will pay off. Now reap your rewards! After checking out the temple where you are dropj west and you will come across the town of Wind: the town has been devastated and are told named Badbad is responsible. (What a Say, "Yes" to the kids in the k mu рєє Ё. S PACE nine V WES 1 STAR TREK | TIME TO COMPLETE MEG SIZE BACK-UP # OF PLAYERS E ۴ а М. Stardate 46870.7: Commander Benjamin Sisko AVAILABLE reporting. A Cardassian has requested docking privileges for shore. leave. | don’t like the idea of so many Cardassians being aboard, but | have no rea- :son to deny their request. However, | have a bad feeling about this. ?6 COMPLETE DEVELOPED BY: Novatrade PUBLISHED BY: Playmates CARGO ВАМ А ӨТТ — Gul видеу cn i gu the captain 1 " : of the Cardassian ship, wants action taken against the Ва]огап:` terrorists. Capture the Bajoran: ship that is trying to escape ~~ Тһе. Вајогапѕ аге. planning to -h blow up the docking pylon. Search the cargo bay with .. your tricorder to find the hid- den.bombs. Once found, dis- pose of the bombs properly 7 before they explode. d 122 EM. © әр © таво Раат Plures Ате квет Star, Trek: Deep Space Nine and.relat- ESA JOFAAIN TEMPLE Enter the cat- acombs unde! the temple. lurking around every corner. ^| After destroy- ing the gener- |. Ч ator, race. Ё against the flames їо деї р: back to the: 5 surface. One | slip and that’s it. Bajorans lie i in waitto ||} as you search for the. generator. Blast them with your phaser before they get you! THE BORG Sisko must face the Borg on the Saratoga to obtain some needed equip- ment before the ship blows. Odo beams to the Cardassian ship to try to stop their sinister plans to destroy the space Station. Odo to mutate into a rat while héis on {һе Сагааѕѕіап ship. He has the ability to turn to liquid and seep through the ventilation.system: Destroy the Cardassians’ secret weapon before they. can use it оп 059. The temple оп Bajor is filled with traps and lock- ing mechanisms. You will need to decipher them to get through—if those bats don't get you first. Try to blast them-before they fly in the air for an attack. Rescue Kai Opaka from the Bajoran Redemp- tionists. She states that there is a generator and weapons replicator in the catacombs. Go beneath the destroy them. Maybe that will put an end to this madness. PLAYER’S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION Deep Space Nine is full of awe- some characters. Run into villains, such as the Borg and the Bajoran Redemptionists. The game allows you to play as different characters and has you guiding a ship through a wormhole. BEST FEATURE The characters move smoothly as they jump and climb. Also, it was good to be able to play as several of the show's characters, instead of just one. WHAT'S MISSING The game isn't lacking a lot. It has you racing against the clock in many of the levels. Sometimes this gets annoying. But if you like а challenge, then | recommend it. WILL YOU LIKE IT? For all of you Trekkies out there, this game is pretty cool. In addi- tion to the multiple characters you can play as, you also get to face enemies like the Cardassians and the Borg. If you have wanted to see if you could make it as a cap- tain, give this game a try. —Dave Malec БЭМ 123 NINJA GADEN 1 аБ2 2 Б 1 үн ШШ This is, of course, the first level. Everything is straightforward: Get to the end of the level to fight the first Boss. A big sword-wielding monster who is easily beaten awaits you. ERAN BARE MASS SAN ET Em S (ЙАН d с СО, Sy oe ETA AY 8 Е А а АС AG А Enemies like to have the height You'll have a lot of small ledges you When you get your special weapons, advantage. Do a jumping sword attack. must jump on. Timing is everything. try notio waste them. mee. 124 EM d = че (Сазы... NINJA GAIDEN ё ~ Ninja Gaiden 2 is also included in the cart. NG2 will give you more of the .-. same nail-bitting ` action the first one _ did. You’ll also have different power- ups and special weapons. With 20 more stages, what more could ES you ask for? Action Нага TIME TO COMPLETE | 12 BACK-UP Password # OF PLAYERS AVAILABLE August % COMPLETE 30% FACT-FILE | A This level has a lot of platforms and ladders (9 climb. Watch out for holes in the floors and guard dogs. You will also have your first i us with flying enemies who are no treat. 5) PLAYER’S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION All three Ninja Gaidens in one Super NES cart! This will keep me up for many nights. Being a big fan of the NES games, | started to drool when they handed me this cart. BEST FEATURE The best feature would have to be the fact that all three games are included in one cart. Also, the sound effects have been improved since the original NES version WHAT'S MISSING The graphics! These games must have been ported straight from the NES. | would have really lik: it if Tecmo would have improved the graphics as Nintendo did with Super Mario World. Still, it is a great compilation of the three Ninja Gaiden games WILL YOU LIKE IT? The original games aren't avail- able anymore. If you haven't played these before, you will defi- nitely want to look into this. They are still some of the best action carts around. —David Ruchala EM 125 PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION Exo Squad was first previewed about five months ago. While it looks essentially the same, improved music and sound effects have been added as well as a story line. BEST FEATURE Exo Squad does offer a wide variety of missions to play. However, many seem like nothing more than the same level with different backgrounds. WHAT'S MISSING The graphics are detailed and are very well animated. Unfortunately the control is not as precise as expected. The later levels get frustrating as a result—perhaps too much for novice players. WILL YOU LIKE IT? Hard to say. Die-hard fans of the toy line or TV show might enjoy seeing their favorite characters in action. Newcomers may just want to pass this one up—the control is not what it should be, and the level of challenge seems to change from moderate to chuck- your-controller-against-the-wall —Tim Davis Your mission will take you back in time to the year 2045! Check out |. the Ехо Ñ Squad headquar- Protect your time machine at all costs if you want to return home їо bring the Neosapiens 4\7 4\7 | safely! to justice. LE LE ! MEET THE EXO SQUAD CREW! WOLF BRONSKI 281 | АСЕ: 32| Í AGE: UNKNOWN AGE: : НЕ!ОНТ: 187 СМ | HEIGHT: 172 CM HEIGHT: 167 CM WEIGHT: 83 KG) |) WEIGHT: 94 KG WEIGHT: N/A НОВВҮ: (CLARENCE | [a[e]:]:) 6 EATING HOBBY: UNKNOWN CURRENT EXO | A SHOW-OFF, BUT | AN EXCELLENT SQUAD TEAM | VALUABLE TEAM | HAND-TO-HAND LEADER 126 EM ыз MEMBER | FIGHTER FACT-FILE | THE DUEL MODE | THEME — MM Action | Neosapiens a la Street | Fighter! Variable TIME TO COMPLETE The computer will tally up your win/loss record as well as the computer Opponents record. BACK-UP Password # OF PLAYERS | or 2 AVAILABLE u COMPLETE 100% DEVELOPED BY: Novatrade PUBLISHED BY: Playmates ARCADE Watch out! The Boss of this level will try to get a weapon lock on | you, so keep moving! In the flying stages, |) be on the lookout. for asteroids and other space debris. Sometimes the p foreground scenery , becomes too distracting during a side-scrolling P Use your flamethrower to get rid of those pesky enemies who take a lot of, | damage. ~ Push back on the control pad to duck ; and avoid the enemies’ projectiles. The Neosapiens fight dirty, walking up to you and kicking you when you're down! You've found their time machine! It's up to you to stop them before they do even more damage! OM a RA | | | Sometimes all it takes is. a good | „straight punch to get rid of ‘em! E FACT-FILE Adventure Moderate TIME TO COMPLETE BACICUP Batte # OF PLAYERS I AVAILABLE u Your name is Sketch Turner and you are an artist. You and your pet rat Roadkill enjoy sitting at home and drawing. That is until that one night when you are Now you must battle through the pages of the story you created. You will not be alone though—Roadkill is at your side. Find various helpful items 80% hard at work sketching your latest comic book. as your journey progresses. You are going to DEVELOPED BY: All of a sudden your book is struck by lightning! need all the help you can get when you reach Sega Tech. Inst. Your ain bad guy comes to life апа teleports that final Boss who was supposed to be the PUBLISHED BY: you into the pages of your own comic book. king of all baddies. 1. Robotic Monsters 2. Sewer Dwellers 3. Roadkill (your pet rat) 4. Floor Switch 5. Flying Menaces 6 . Destroyable Items (Barrels, Doors) р Because of the different s routes through each level, strong pres LE "m there are multiple ways to uppercut. М i reach either the end of the f 2 H level or some item you might need for future use. One such item is Roadkill, your pet rat. Depending on the route you take, you will face different amounts of enemies throughout the level. This d can save a lot of energy by This is the aS ор... a > A = пої taking too much damage best\way to + Б ашса 1 2 M from the enemies you would otherwise encounter. As 4 attack. noted before, there are two ways to receive Roadkill. You will need this little helper! the kill with this strong leg attack. Repeat for big dam- PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION My first impression when | started playing this game was one of interest. The concept of a play- through comic book was not used frequently in the past and | was interested in seeing how they might have tackled this challenge. BEST FEATURE The many different ways that you could solve a puzzle interested me. Also, with multiple paths comes multiple challenges. WHAT'S MISSING The graphic power of this game is not exactly top, but is pretty far up there. Also, the game itself is kind of difficult with the way that you lose energy from punching and kicking! Better not get hit too many times or it could mean a quick death. WILL YOU LIKE IT? If you like the comic-book idea and enjoy adventure-type games you will like this addition. Action, adventure and puzzle-solving are all rolled into one for this game. The humor included in the game will also attract other players. —Scott Augustyn fight a very tough blade fighter. Good luck, you'll need it! . Flying Menaces . Ceiling Hangers . Roadkill (your pet rat) . Robotic Menaces . Combination Puzzle . Destroyable Obstacles . Mid-Boss 6. Final Boss Now that you have a good handle on the moves your character can perform, you will be offered a real chal- lenge in the second level. If for some reason you lost Roadkill, you can pick him up at the beginning of the level. {| He will be very useful now. You will also face an easy puzzle close to the end of the level. Don't worry—it is very | simple. All you have to do is make the right connection. The Mid-Boss and Final Boss are a challenge, though, so be ready for some serious battle! 1. Ground Enemy(ies) Destroyable Items Dangerous Scenery ( PII GETTING ) А CRAMP... J ت‎ —P = „=======——=—= К TWO SUGARS Y (i PUE... j ` E 2. 3. 4. Flying Menaces 5. Special Items The third level is a challenge. It contains difficult goons and some tricky puzzles. This level—with all its dangers and enemies—packs some very useful items. These items are best saved for the last Boss. This level has a very challeng- ing ending. It starts out with you being in an arena in a fight to the death. You start by having to face the familiar robot menace of the first and second pages. After you beat him, you have to beat one of the new ninjas from this level ... but that’s not all! After you beat the ninja you have to EM 129 “=з " iw еа ieu HT E ` 13/0) ESM Bombs! Bullets! Explosives! 4 PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION Yippie skippy. Another full-motion‏ ا ш, 4 EA waste of time!‏ Ves MAR |] | BEST FEATURE‏ Great graphics. This is one of the best-looking FMV games on the market. It rivals most of the ЗОО FMV games out there. Also, most of the acting in Fahrenheit is surprisingly good. (Leaps and bounds above the typical B-movie quality acting that infests most of the FMV games out there.) WHAT'S MISSING Well, the sound in this game is not nearly as good as the graph- ics. It's very raspy. Sega could have done a better job with it. Finally, whoever cast the part of the father on Level 1 should have his or her head re-examined. He was downright terrible. Oh, well. You can't have your cake and eat it too. WILL YOU LIKE IT? You probably will. Fahrenheit is the proverbial light that shines out from the murky void known as FMV Land. (Whoa.) FMV game designers should take a few point- ers from Sega. They really got their act together for this one. —Ken Badziak FACT-FILE Action Moderate _ TIME TO COMPLETE Short CD-ROM BACK-UP Password # OF PLAYERS l AVAILABLE Now % COMPLETE 100% HA لكل‎ [GAME Boy | At the beginning, you are restricted to the first cloud. LEVEL 1 Every level consists of three smaller stages plus a Boss level. After you complete a stage, the door to the next stage opens up to you. Pe Pe Pe Pe Pe Pe Sr FACT-FILE Action Moderate Medium 4 BACK-UP # OF PLAYERS AVAILABLE Now 100% DEVELOPED BY: Nintendo PUBLISHED BY: Nintendo 23 IL IA т FIBA OEE LVI KERB RARRAR CAN PLAYER’S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION The first thing | noticed about this game was its smooth control and instant addictiveness. The levels are well thought out and they suck you right into the story. It's hard to pull yourself away! BEST FEATURE Kirby is the best feature in this game. The way he controls and the things he can do make this game challenging and fun. The other feature that ties it for first is that you can find some of Kirby's buddies who will help you out in the levels. This also adds a great deal of versatility to the weapons you pick up, giving them new ways to attack. WHAT'S MISSING | really can't say that there is any- thing missing from this game. | only wish there were more levels. WILL YOU LIKE IT? All Kirby fans should love this game. Even if you have never met up with the little dude, you will probably like it because it is a good, solid, side-scrolling adven- ture game. —Paul Ojeda LEVEL 2 After you kill the Boss of the first level, you can move on to the next world. In these stages you will find your buddy Coo the owl. Coo will help you through by carrying you around and keeping you off the ground. a) = з 00088030 РФР НФ Яр OFF LYSE z LEE Pee ELLE Ppl |] Coo will carry you around If you swallow enemies Your weapons abilities change Оо through the door and take and keep you out of trouble. with weapons, you get them. when you are with Coo. Coo to the next level. LEVEL э Most of this level is under water, and since Kirby needs air, you will have to find air bubbles so he can breathe. On this level you will run into your buddy Kine the fish. T Kine is a good swim- ig LT LI — | Tuc atu 1 mer, so he will help АКЕ S Onz а: ; ] 0021290 002 Lv: J you get around under ү |. j ® | m ш“ EN | E m x ! | water. It's not as easy as you might think! ттлт IM ma rr22 ® == rw WIE 7 FACT-FILE 4 м THEME | ~ Action Moderate TIME TO COMPLETE 4 BACK-UP Batte І icy trails! Avoid killer bees AVAILABLE * апа use barrels to propel yourself through this frozen | une маѕїеІапа. | ?6 COMPLETE СЯ о. СВИНИНА 100% 8 Swing from platform Р Watch your step on these to platform on these vines. As you contin- | ue through the levels, | search for secret rooms and bonus lev- сл els. They may aid you y" through the game by giving you extra lives. PLAYER'S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION Can this really be a Game Boy game? | was impressed with the conversion of this game to the Game Boy system. It looks good and plays well, making it an enjoyable experience. BEST FEATURE Although the game is basically Donkey Kong Country, it is filled with new characters and awe- some levels, including new water levels and a pirate ship. WHAT'S MISSING Lf Bê careful of these vultures! They will try to shoot you down. T Talk about leaping lizards. Time The only thing missing from this game are the 3-D rendered char- acters. Other than that, | have no complaints. WILL YOU LIKE IT? Donkey Kong Country fans will definitely enjoy this version. As far as Game Boy games go, this is one of the best | have seen. The added levels and nasties you run into really make it exciting. The same kinds of challenges are offered in Donkey Kong Land as were offered in Donkey Kong Country. Get ready to go ape for this game! Throw these barrels against. | Timing is everything when 5 - E Ё > E — Dave Malec a wall and hop on for a ride. | jumping on this guy’s head. — Once you have com- j pleted the first world, j move on to the next. à Each new world is | E E more action packed than the last and has a monster Boss wait- ing to get in your way. à [ Perhaps you can discourage this big brute by whipping that barrel at him. EM 135. FACT-FILE THEME DIFFICULTY TIME TO COMPLETE MEG SIZE BACK-UP # OF PLAYERS AVAILABLE % COMPLETE DEVELOPED BY: Probe PUBLISHED BY: Time Warner One of the main attractions of Primal Rage is the fatali- ties. Each character has two, and both are grisly or down- right funny. The red pictures show Talon’s Shredding. “Yes, but does it have blood,” you ask? Take a peek at the picture to the left to get your answer! PLAYER’S NOTES: FIRST IMPRESSION My first impression was that | got what | expected. The technology of today's portables tends to severely limit arcade translations. | expected a fighting game some- what resembling the arcade smash Primal Rage, and that's what | got. BEST FEATURE Its best feature is the picture. I rarely had any trouble seeing the action—a problem common to games on the portable systems. Furthermore, there was no prob- lem with blurring. WHAT'S MISSING A Boss! After you defeat all of the characters in separate battles, you then fight them all again in one round, but there is no new character as a Boss. Also, the dif- ficulty! Even on the harder set- tings it's too easy. WILL YOU LIKE IT? Well, if you like Primal Rage arcade, then maybe you'll want to check it out. Otherwise, there's nothing here you haven't seen before. The green pictures show Blizzard's To-da-Moon Fatality. Check out how Talon falls behind the trees after Blizzard punches him! —Jason Morgan Like most of the pop- ular fight- ing games in the arcades nowadays, Primal Rage allows combos. The characters will sometimes "juggle" when hit. allowing for further attacks before he can recover. These pictures show Sauron getting a four- hit combo, starting with his Earth- quake stomp. This bounces Talon into the air for three more easy hits! Your quest involves conquering the planet to rule supreme! Urth. Crush your foes 8 Diablo likes to spout fire and teleport. It can really annoy opponents! Armadon has some really vicious attacks! With his Iron Maiden, he leaps into the air— back first—and spears his opponent! Also, he gj can throw the | spikes from the | end of his tail. Sauron’s Primal Scream and Blizzard really packs j a punch—a Mega Punch! Not only that, he =| can freeze foes with his Cold Breath. Brrr! Talon may be tiny, but he has mean moves, like the >, Jugular Bite pictured » Flip (below) " is tough to avoid. Chaos' Battering Ram (far left) and 1 Grab-n-Throw (left) are powerful moves. New Equation: Summer + Nerf = fun! football isn’t filled with any goop, but the football does feature a water-filled ring that aids in spiral passes. On the action side of things, Nerf offers the Nerf Double Crossbow and the Nerf Chainblazer (two per- sonal favorites). The Double Crossbow fires two soft darts at once and has storage for four more! The Chainblazer has a rotating chain that fires a suction dart each time you pull the handle. It holds eight darts he question that "| may come to mind T when Batman is mentioned is, is Batman forever? Until the movie comes out it may be hard to tell, but Fleer Card Company will definitely have Batman sticking around for some time with two new card ummer is rolling on in and Kenner Toys has a bushel basket full of hot, new toys that’ll define what summer fun means! First, there’s the Lava Blast Liquidator Bat. The Liquidator Bat is a hard plastic, hollow bat that is filled with a slimey sub- stance that goops around when you move the bat. Though it’s relatively dis- gusting, the goop has a useful purpose. When you swing, the ooze slides altogether. toward the Others to look for are end of the Ripsaw and Nerf’s new bat giving Max Force line. Nerf's youan darts are sold sepa- added dose rately of power to when send the you ball (that’s need included) extra ammo. flying. This summer is Another Nerf toy going to be that'll surely be a hit rockin’ good with is the Turbo Liquidator all these cool Nerf toys. Football. The aerodynamic t’s kind of sticky, but at the same time it’s slippery. Hmmm ... not too sure what to think? Not to worry-it’s some- thing new from Nickelo- deon and it’s called Floam. From the first time you open its globular contain- СИРИ But seri how about O.J?" Brian Kaelin, better known as Kato, will be making his comedy debut in Las Vegas sometime this month. Kato will be accompanying comedian Louie Anderson. Whoa, now that’s what I call a comedy team! What's Louie thinking? Rap star and car basher ... Tone Loc was recently fined over $1,000 when he became angry and started smashing up a friend’s car while Tone’s girlfriend was in it. Loc will have to undergo an anger-management program as well as pay the fine. I guess he still hasn’t gotten over Bebe’s Kids. Poor guy. 2 Strange but true THE POP What's this?! Batman on cards? sets that go along with the movie. Using their advanced card-making technology, Fleer has developed two sets that will show some of the wonderful art from the upcoming movie, Batman Forever. The first set will feature original artwork that has been computer enhanced, inspired from the film. The second set is the movie set that will feature stills of actors like Jim Carrey and Nicole Kidman plus other sites from Batman Get ready for B-man in more ways than one! Kooky, sticky Floam rules! er, you know Floam is going to be something special. Floam’s like little styrofoam balls thrown together with a sticky Gak- type substance. It’s the ideal cure for boredom! Pull it apart to create little barnyard friends or shape it into processed meats. With whimsical Floam, who knows what will happen? With this much appeal Floam may just take over the world ... and that’s OK! CULTURE SOURCE FOR EGM READERS Soar high with the Ultrasport ave you ever looked up in the sky, saw a bird and said, “Hey, why can’t humans fly?” (Besides the fact We whatsoever. This little don’t have wings and are too heavy.) That’s where the Ultrasport comes in to Neer play. Its АЖ ү small design mo x. powerful features let you have a helicopter-type craft that fits in the garage. Take it out, fly over to the movies and fly home when you're done. No traffic helly isn’t cheap with a price tag around $32,000. No matter CE 4 JY ... it’s 3 still pretty cool! Get inside the Lucas world ould you like to take a look into the mind of a genius? Well, with a book by Charles Champlin entitled George Lucas: The Creative Impulse you can. George Lucas: The Creative Impulse goes into detail about Lucasfilm, its creator and what they have become in the past 20 years. Photos fill the book along with excellent text and quotes from friends of Lucas like Francis Ford Coppola and other industry veterans. The movies covered in the book range any- where from Lucas’ THX 1138 to Howard the Duck. The book takes an intimate look into the life of the man and the company that brought us some of the greatest movies of all time (the Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies). If you're а big fan of Lucas or his films, George Lucas: The Creative Impulse is a great book to put on your summer reading list. CD-ROM ... the final frontier! ou may not be able to walk on the Enterprise NCC- 1701-D, but you can come amazingly close with Simon & Schuster’s ROM entitled Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual (ST:TNG Tech Manual for short). Commander William T. Riker is your guide for this virtual tour that will show you interesting facts and SCIENCE & NA ATION 2 = NAVGATONAL гистон E эзер be deny и з etait nudum ke orum им, Р) эделе тин овес өй, Hec y fr тнл. Өмөр it sene кш behind-the-scenes tidbits along the way. In addition to the guid- ed tour, there is more than 15 hours of unguided exploration, which means this CD won’t get old fast. A user can even zoom in on objects and retrieve a detailed, accurate analysis of the item. The ROM follows a suc- cessful paperback book from Pocket Books with the same title. If you love and miss ST:TNG on television, then you'll enjoy this CD-ROM. EGM MARKETPLACE GAMESTUFF 2327 S. GARFIELD AVE. MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 213 724-5733 11 TH HOUR. B.LO.S. FEAR BLADE FORCE BRAINDEAD 13 CHESS WARS CLAYFIGHTER II CREATURE SHOCK CYBER SCOUT DOOM DOOM II DRAGON LORE DRAGON: BRUCE LEE DRAGON'S LAIR IT 3DO P ‘CONTROL РАО KILLING TIME KINGDOM: FAR REACHES LEMMINGS CHRONICLES KINGS VIDEO CD ADAPTOR WING COMMANDER III ZHADNOST WIPAD 2 CALL FOR THE LATEST ОШ. ADVENTURES. RTS BATMAN & ROBIN BATTLE FRENZ’ BRAINDEAD d CRIME PATROL DARKSEED FATAL FURY SPECIAL WORLD О CHaMProsti RALLY WORLD CUP GOLF YOUNG INDIANA JONES LIAE ALONE IN THE DARK pr BLACKTHORNE AvP C2 JUDGEMENT CLAY ARENA FOOTBALL COLLEGE BASKETBALL BARKLEY SHUT UP FLYING ACES BLUE LIGHTNING GOLF CD BATTLEMORPH IZZY'S QUEST BRETT HULL HOCKEY MIDNIGHT RAIDERS Ee MOTHERBASE eae POWER RANGERS CD ИРЕН SHADOW SQUADRON BEDNE RACING TOTALLY BRUTAL EE TOUGHMANCONTEST | svupicare WIRE HEAD CD ULTRA VORTEX WORLD SERIES BASEBALL | 200.2 SEND FOR A FREE IR. SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AIR CAVALRY. DIRT TRAX FX боом ЕМНАМСЕ РАО EXOSQUAD FIGHTER PAD FIRE TEAM ROGUE JELLY BOY JUNGLE STRIKE. JUSTICE LEAGUE KYLE PETTY: NO FEAR LOST VIKINGS II RELEASES! CALL FOR USED GAME PRICES! LOWEST PRICES GREAT SERVICE LATEST RELEASES HUGE SELECTION SAME DAY SHIPPING WE WILL BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE (ITEMS MUST BE IN STOCK) PHONE ORDERS CALL (213, 424-5733 CALL FOR USED GAME PRIC UPDATE SHEET ОМ ALL THE HOTTEST GAMES! COD / CREDIT CARD ORDERS FREE UPS SHIPPING DOUBLE DRAGON FATAL FURY 3 PANIC BOMBER ZED BLADE GAMES ONLY / 2 GAME LIMIT UPS GROUND PLAY STATION BUY / SELL / NEW / USED / JAPANESE & AMERICAN GAMES & SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTED BY WARNER PUBLISHING SERVICES, INC. Electronic Gaming Monthly (ISSN 1058-918X) is pub- |) lished monthly by Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. ! 1920 Highland Ave., Lombard IL 60148. Second Class Postage Paid at Lombard, IL and additional mailing offices. Subscription rates for U.S.: $28.95, Canada and Mexico: $40.95, and all others : Acclaim 19, 71,| |Nintendo of America 12:15 3 00.00. Single issue rates: $4.99. POSTMASTER: i or subscription changes, change of address, or cor- i 77, 89 Pandemonium 115 respondence concerning subscriptions write to: Atari Corp. 32-33 | |Sega of America 2-3 Electronic Gaming Monthly, P.O. Box 7524, Red Blockbuster 17 Sports Sciences, Inc. 113 Oak, IA 51591-0524. The editors and publishers are not responsible for unsolicited materials. Without lim- BRE Software 141 Square Soft, Inc. 4-5 iting the rights under copyrights reserved herein, no Capcom 148 STD Entertainment 146- part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in Catapult Entertainment 8-9 147 or introduced по a retrieval ee or transmitted, 3 in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechani- Crystal Dynamics 39 Tecmo 105, cal, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without Data East 83 107 the prior written notice of the publisher. Copyright € Domark 21 THQ 31. 111 1995, Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. All rights Elect ic Art 23-2 2 " * reserved. 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Please list Credit Card Orders: (209) 432-2684 7 alternatives when ordering by mail. Not valid with any other offers or specials. This coupon is valid thru 7/31/95. No copies 24 Hour FAXBACK Information System: (209) 432-2644 accepted. If we can't fill your order within 30 days, we will return Call from the handset of your FAX machine your order, payment and this coupon to you. EM7 с Send us your old cartridges Receive a check back or purchase other titles of your choice SEGA оиа ү To Buy Cartridges Used (GENESIS) Cartridges Ж 11 LLL 20У Cartridges so е, complet " STANLEY CUP HOCKEY MEGA RACE 4.95/14.00 the cartridges you would like to order. To speed processing of your order, list an alternative for each We Sell Used / We Buy MORTALKOMBAT 29.9571000 DESERTSTRKE 399571500 STAR РОХ MICROCOSM йе you aro ordering, POM ipn хета оаа КОК UG 19880000 SROKA MEET seem 2. 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PREDATOR 28951200 3 TONE РЯ WIREHEAD 39952000 MIGHT&MAGICS 149953000 BARKLEY SHUT UP 38.352000 OF RAGE МАВРА BASEBALL 95400 VES DE Yn We will buy back your old videogame systems and cartridges. Receive a ey Spee АКЕ MONSTER TAUCK WAR 44 35122 00 ME. MEME hase a BRAND М TIENTS SCRATCHY 44352500 SUPERBATTLE TANK SUPER MONOPOLY 4982200 Т sanu мне guan check back or purchase a JEW Sega Saturn or Sony PSX. You IZZY OLY QUE E n 10 E ee е val i Z2Y OL m Uren COLUNN E Mm. x may pay the difference between the value of your systems/cartridges and i 5 NINTENDO. Sees 228% эт j 108) BLUELIGHTMNG, ., 39352009 new system with a check or money order, credit cards will not be accepted EADY IGHTER I 29.95/12 NBALIVE 95 d 44952000 SANDE BRUTAL SPORIS PO 39900000 as payment towards any new systems. If your old systems/cartridges are EN MAD 5 We Sell Used / We Buy NOMENALFOUR — 14399009 BURNING SOLDIER BUY | worth more than a new system, we'll send you a check for the difference. E. sug NGAAFOOTEAL изо SURNNG SOLDIER aE ‘JUDGE DREDD TALE SPIN URGE {EW HORIZONS 18952500 CACTAN QUAS CANON FODOER "s We В JUNGLE BOOK х TALESCAPEMARS — 949 CHE ANMATO NELQUARTER CLUB 94981400 CASPER, ren y ; i е Buy JUNGLE STRIKE. TECMO BASEBALL рш. NHL HOCKEY 95. 995500 COWBOY CASINO. 5 ч 8 RE E UR UE UNN Me WEE о cern Genesis core system $40 Б Тон 34991400 TENO SUPER BO EER JA RACI ЖЮ d T4 2982000 CLUB ORNE à RAAS DAS TECMO SUPER BOW) SO ОМО ANDRE AGASSI а NOBUNAGAS AMT CREAT dono CREATURE SHOCK Sega CD (with cables & plates) $40 Й Е TEGMOSUPERNEA 24951000 ANMANIACS 4552000 Corpus 2 E MOST 0 А LE DOE ү e pezh p $288 32X with cables, parts, instructions $40 2438100 GARKLEY SHUTUP JAZA 991000 QVERATIONEUROPE 40852000 CIBERWAR DINO DU 28961000 i 7 BARTS NGUTUARE- улоо) OVER Я он КЕЙ : por o SONER p E Super Nintendo core system $45 952000 BASSINS BLACK BASS. 3000 PAGEM Dr DEAD HUNT \GON'BRUCE LEE LEERY OR DEAT 32952000 BATMANA ROBIN 883000 PACEMASTER, 30361500 DEMOLITION MAN SUGAR gs Jaguar core system $50 951800 радон орет i500 FIGHT FOR LI 952 E TIBASSTOURH, 4 BATTLE Gop PEACEKEEPERS 349571400 H840 122% ЗОО (any model w/1 control pad) $150 LOST VIKINGS 2 * TOEJAM & EARL 2 TTLETECH PINBALL DREAMS 3895/1500 DRAGON LOF Gl 20. At € X prices only. We do not sell used Systems m Jude 1 E " Я А В опе 39850000 HOSENCSE & BOOGERÍS $2000 bove are buyback prices only. We do not sel used systems. Systems must include ТЛА RUSSA BEA BENE SEUTINEAD 19888400 PIRATES DARVATER 19981300 PAAGONS CAR HOVER STAKE Control Pad, AC Adapter and RF Cable. Sega CD systems must include all cables and TOPGEAR? Erin 39952000 PIFALLMAYANADV 44952500 DRAGONS LAIR II NTL SENS. SOCCER 0 2; өү ii roller bom ES Ebo da pn NIL SENS, 90 plates. 32X systems must include all cables and paris. Additional controllers also у COMERS oy 39352000 PRIMAL RAGE 49953000 DDEON PREMANI KASUMI NINJA A951400 urchased. Defective systems will be returned at your expense ($10.00 minimum). $1 [n Hoc prd MN il be deducted for each missing or defective controler, AC adapter or RF cable. С 57200 uaa RAMPAGE се Pra se pe coe eee eae ee eo ee wee Sis 3 РАНАХ 3 E Waraia now Boing Tof fn REY MANA N UTI HRS Митя ATTN We are now buying full lengt E 4 ТАК; 00 BRUTAL x 3 FN RISE OF THE ROBOTS 1 Il Pop, Rock, Soul, and Country 39% 54953000 GRIDDE R AS CDs released after January 1, GUARDIAN WAR STAR RAIDERS Vi d "с relea after J у паа аан E call the Мо © BOAO AUNNER S ELL 39392000 SYNDICATE y Ideogame |, о ззо each. Rap and 3 Mice Е Н j er ful lengt ЧИ INFERNO mous 5» > sim ' Game Domain ERE : TOME Ope Video Stores" « music Cuivsngte cds tor MURAI ной 315250 ON ANGEL OF APAC TYAN Fe 11 $1.00 each. Booklets and ене! MURALSHODOWN 44982500 yr ЖЛЕ | BBS 2400 Baud DEATH RETURN SAVAGE EMPIRE 49252000 JONN MADDEN FB VAD DISERE SING | Wholesale orders welcome. рц Cases are п OF SUPERMAN OFEVEwoRE авэззою USC PAK 50 мою 2} Callandaskforour и CDs 1 ine address above o cal V DEMOLITION MAN KILLING TIME WOLFENSTEIN 3D. ET OF MANA 209) 432-9619 DEMONS CREST E KINGDOM: YODAGAGHTERS 39382000 wholesale department. for more informati il ) = мзш FAR REACHES 1002 Adie) Leis src eee aT YES! We honor our advertised prices. Prices i in this ad are good through July 31, 1995 Titles in ITALICS are newer and may or may not be available, please call for availability. All Used Genesis, 32X, Super Nintendo, Jaguar, and 3DO Cartridges/CDs must include box, instructions, and any hint books/maps that were included with the game. We will deduct $2.00 for each SNES cartridge without a cardboard insert and $5.00 for broken CD cases. Cartridges without box, instructions, etc will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). Cartridges/discs not in resellable condition or with evidence о! rentals ers Wil be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). Al Used Carvidges have а 80 DAY WARRANTY and are subject 19 availabilty. We reserve he rato rue any sale or purchase, Ailow 40 day to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 day to receive orders placed wih personal checks. No refunds or exchanges оп cartridges. For shipping, add $7.00 for the first cartridge and $1.00 for each additional. Alaska/HawailPP/APO/PO Boxes double shipping charges. Calf. Res.add 7.85% tax. We do not ship to Canada. Prices are for mail order only and based on 1 copy per title, to buy or sell іп quantity, contact our wholesale dept. Limit of 1 cartridge/CD per tile accepted without proof of purchase. If we do not receive your package by 7/31/95 or your game titles are not listed in this ad, you wil be paid from our current catalog/price list. To receive prices in this ad you must include the Dept. # from this ad on the OUTSIDE of your package. If you are unclear about any of our policies, procedures or prices, please call. Internet: BRESW@AOL.COM Super Nintendo is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. 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Theme Park SuprWng Cmndr 3 Yu Yu Hakusho (Jap) SUPER NES Hunt Valley, MD 21030 • (410) 785-5661 uM; Ed A © 1995 STD Entertainment (USA), Inc. GAME PRODUCTS [ENTERTAINMENT] ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - nterprises, Ltd. ay Gein Inc. All rights re: [Xe МУЛ KONE) (97