EXCLUSIVE INSIDE: 1990 FIGHTING GAME PREVIEW! Cw. кр ШЕ BATTLE » BEGINS: MU JN" D m. Vi 11 | | оверу ЖҮ] là Jay SEED Cui ° WHIZZ \ NCAA FINAL FOUR \y/MIDNIGHT RAIDERS STARFOX 2, OSCAR EARTHWORM JIM-GB BLOODSTORM ° HELL KNUCKLES CHAOTIX DONKEY KONG LAND DUNGEON EXPLORER CAPTAIN COMMANDO $4.99/$6.50 Canada March, 1995 | 05 | { j ( Ñ ara DE. eS jr Ze ,. у Р. з Ж wa, A 2а P^ = Ad goan 1 id I HE 2 170992 37371 o SS NS | HE Display until April 4, 1995 la EC ^ WHEN You DIE, | MEI) NOT YO U R С ЕГЕ T H AT Е LASHES The cattle prod and six other weapons will get you purnped up for some serious nipple surfing. Why observe laws when you've got an all-time favorite like the club to solve your problems? Ditch these cops and they'll take to the air in their helicopters, ready to bust your chain wielding butt. Terrorize seven international roadways and learn to say road pizza in the local tongue. How about a little oil to send EH youn pesky nemesis to scab hell? If you think a couple of punches to the head blurs vision, check out the mace. Fed The nastiest, no-holds-barred motorcycle combat game returns to Genesis” $ єр. j к ^ > АЛЕ” This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards of Sega. Buy games and accessories with this seal to be sure that they are compatible with the Sega” Genesis "system m AN ANCIENT CLAN WITH THE POWER TO TRANSFORM INTO FEARFUL MONSTERS STANDS POISED TO DESTROY ITSELF FOR A GOUPESS WHO WILL GRANT THEIR EVERY WISH... ONE HERO MUST FIND d 4. THE SIX KEYS то || BANISH HER FOREVER... || |! ARRRGGHE !! ONE FALSE MOVE ANP WERE HISTORY. TOAST. END OF STORY GAME OVER JI! SHOULD HE ATTACK WITH A ВАМ? OF EIGHT VALIANT WARRIORS OR SHOULD HE PULL UP HIS ASBESTOS UNDERWEAR AND SET FORTH ALONE KNOWING AIS NEXT STEP MAY BE THE 145777 WILL OUR HERO SURVIVE 7 ONLY YOY НОГ THE ANSWER... 4 YOU THINK THIS 1S | [257 A came?! BREATH OF FIRE, A RED-HOT 12-MEG EXTRAVAGANZA FROM SQUARESOFT,. "WHAT RPG FAN CAN'T GET EXCITEP ABOUT A GAME LIKE THIS? COULD EASILY END SQUARESOFT UP BEING THE BEST KGa RPG OF THE YEAR.” GAME PLAYERS- MAY ‘94. 3/4-BATTLE PERSPECTIVE! ANIMATED MONSTERS! NOW YOURE PLAYING WITH FIRE!!! English Version Сй Е (o. Li. All rights reserved. Squaresoft® is a registered trademark of Square Co., Ltd. shake design, Screen text, “and Manuals of Software English б. ^ W CAPCOM'S Japanese Version. All rights reserved. Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America nc. Squaresoft, 157^ SEGA VS. SONY ... THE U.S. BATTLE BEGINS! At the Winter Consumer Electronics Show very little was being publicly said about the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation. While both major companies had discussions with the press about their respective upcoming system, neither would go on record about the important details, such as when they will come out, how much they will cost and what the pack-in software will be. Things are different now. The companies are letting selected bits of information ‘leak out,’ perhaps to keep attention on their product, to scare the other guys or to honestly start reporting the facts, off the record, of course. Both companies have full- time staff to maintain contact with the media but the official word is still ‘no comment.’ The most recent information (albeit rumors) are interesting fficial release nevertheless. Some sources are saying that the о date for the Sega Saturn (the new official name) is July 11. Sega is sticking to “late summer” (August). Sony sources state that the PlayStation could hit as early as the end of June, but realisti- cally, with no distribution network in place, even late July would be highly optimistic. Anyway, there is little advantage to bringing the PlayStation out before the Sega Saturn. The advantage is to wait a week or so, then undercut the Sega price by $50. Internal Sony sources are all hinting that their system will sell for $299, which would be great for the consumer (it certainly takes the air out of the projected $259 for the Ultra 64), but at that price there would be no profit in it for Sony. Perhaps their plan is to do the old ‘razor-razor blade' sell tactic. It certainly will sell a lot of systems! Sega, “...for strategic reasons," will not officially state a price, but some sources are talking $399. Numerous sources are telling us that Mortal Kombat III will be the pack-in for the PlayStation, an interesting statement consid- ering the close relationship between Williams and Nintendo. It certainly would sell systems, though! Ridge Racer and Toshinden would be more realistic choices. We are hearing Virtua Fighter and Daytona will be the games packed in with the Sega Saturn. Not bad, but they have been working on converting Virtua Fighter 2 for some time and that would be a much better choice. The one nice thing about rumors is that they change weekly. Stay tuned for the next batch. Meanwhile, check out the latest Japanese discs for these two great, new systems in our International section. Ed Semrad Editor EGM A SENDAI PUBLISHING PERIODICAL Г О March, 1995 olume 8, Issue 3 PUBLISHER е si ev Fars ASSISTANT EDITORS CHIEF Mike Forassiepi Ed Semrad Mike Vallae SENIOR EDITORS Anes Danyon Carpenter Howard Grossman Mike Weigand THIRD PARTY LIAISON Paul Ojeda John Stockhausen Мак aoe Ме ART DIRECTOR Jann Gorka Juli McMeekin „Пт Davis FOREIGN MES m ar CORRESPONDENTS Jason Streetz | Ogasawara Dave Malec David Rider Carey Wise NEWS EDITOR Es Augustyn Todd Mowatt [Video Cowboy] fave Ruchiala Dave Ruch Ken Buchala hawn Smith SENDAI Steve Harris, ал MEDIA eS. Mark Kaminky, Vice President/G Mike Riley, Vice President of оа M Ed Semrad, Associate Publisher Cindy Kerr, Director of Promotions Kim Schmidt, Promotions Coordinator Kate Rogers, Publicity Manager Dave Marshall, Circulation Director Harvey Wasserman, Newsstand Director Peter Walsh, Newsstand Manager John Stanford, Manufacturing Director Ken Williams, Systems Coordinator LAYOUT AND PROD Colleen Bastien, Production ee к McCracken, Production Assistant ennifer Whitesides, Managing Copy Editor Gayle Schneider, Jo-El M. Damen Jennifer McGeary, Copy Editors | un uie Ad Coordinator ustomer Service - (708) 268- M-F, 7a.m.-7p.m. Car M NATIONAL ADVERTI Jeffrey Eisenberg Р ENIM Eisenberg Communications Gr : oup, Inc. Ern Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor i os Angeles, CA 90024 Phone: ( eles, С : (310) 824-529 Jon Yoffie, National Advertising aan | Karen Landon, Account Executive Suzanne Farrell, Ad Coordination WORLD NET CONTRIBUTORS ' Drive Beep-Japan; Famicom Tsushin-Japan. DISTRIBUTED BY WARNER PUBLISHING SERVICES, INC. Electroni i E ا ا‎ Monty (ISSN 1058-918X) is published month! Teese ae) ор, me 1920 Highland Ave., Suite 222 ТОЛЫ, É ostage Paid at А i | палов спе Subscription rates for U.S.: cepe MESES: SE oo eno all others: $100.00. Single issue vin мео: Id Eh г subscription changes, change of address, bi SER EO nceming VANUS write to: Electronic Сапан „Р.О. ‚ Red Oak, ІА 51591-05: i the publisher are not responsible for unsolicited ded NOUS 5 is ublicati p Bl EL E without the expressed written permissi eruere Ing roup, Inc. Copyright O 1994, Sendai Publishing d оек ы All materials listed in this magazine He PORE cae ange and the publisher assumes no respon- Printed in the U.S.A. EGM and Sendai Media Gri | , 'oup are t - Audit Bureau of Girculations marks of Sendai Publishing Guin ee "s K eR ттс "x i "ONT Se 2 Lap SMEs 5 Mc dolut d Dy JAMDAY '95 FEB. 23 : =: GEA A«laim entertainment inc The NBA and individual NBA Team identiications used on or in this product are trademarks, copyrighted designs and other forms of intellectual property ol NBA Properties, Inc and the respective Teams and may not be used, in whole nt ol NBA Properties, Inc. © 1994 NBA Properties, Inc. АН nights reserved. Sub-licensed hom Midway? Manutactunng Company. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment and the official seals are registered Iradenarks of Nintendo of America Inc © 1991 Nintendo of Amenea Ine. Sega, Genes RODUCT w Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, ine, 6) & © 1994 Acclaim Entertainment, Ine. All igh »rin part, without the prior witten con: MIDWAY. [= АШ ө 1 ind Game Gear are trademarks оГ. = served Never Walk Away From A Challenge! Dual Compatible with both Super NES and Sega Genesis TED Slow Motion Extra Long Cord 6-Button Arcade Layout Turbo and Hands-Free ‘<۰۰ Auto-Fire Durable Steel Base and Joystick Shaft ооооооооое о) for Sega Genesis™ AND Super Nintendo ® Multi- Programmable «7: Extra Fire Buttons Long Cord Y зев» LED Indicator Slow Motion Turbo Аио-Еге ЖАИНА. — oe Six Button Long Cord .... Arcade r^ Hands Free Auto-Fire for Sega Genesis™ Slow for Super Nintendo ® Some things in life are important. If someone challenges you... you gotta meet that challenge. Period. Never walk away. Play With An Attitude! STD Entertainment (USA), Inc. PY 110 Lakefront Drive * Hunt Valley, MD 21030 * (410) 785-5661 © 1995 STD Entertainment (USA), Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MHRA TA GAME PRODUCTS Super Nintendo Entertainment System is a Registered Trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega Genesis is a Registered Trademark of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. SATURN VS. PLAYSTATION-THE HEATED BATTLE RAGES ONWARD! The Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn kept out of the limelight at the Winter CES, but the two companies had fun pulling a few pranks on each other. EGM went behind closed doors to get you the latest information on what went on between the rival companies. | THE FIBHTING BAME BENRE IS STILL GOING STRONG! What makes the fighting game genre so popular? Find out in this issue with a special, four-page feature on hot games like Mortal Kombat | and Il, the Super Street Fighters, Tekken, Virtua Fighter and many more. Also, can game-to-movie translations really work? NINTENDO DIVES INTO THE 3-D REALM WITH A NEW PORTABLE! At the Winter CES, Nintendo unveiled its new, . | true 3-D portable Virtual Boy. EGM was there ыл | to take a peek at the new system as well as "pas d check out some of the upcoming games. Nintendo is certainly bringing us closer to a virtual-reality world with this hot item! TEAM STAR FOX JUMPS INTO HIGH-VELOCITY WITH ITS SEQUEL! Team Star Fox returns to fight the forces of Andross once again with two new members, transformable R-Wings and non-linear game play. It’s everything you could want ina sequel and more. Check out Cyber’s awe- some four-page extravaganza in this issue! ПШ | Y x E teneret et Dt ett iulie М4 Цц CCL Na 4 " Na AE " TET UU 1DWINDOW MELEE DOT PATROL n: N 45 b MEGABYTE P ví — ReBoot™& - о © 1994 Mainframe Joint Ventur = -DIRECTORY - Batman Cannon Fodder Captain Commando Coach K B-ball Corpse Killer Cosmic Carnage Crusade of Centy Desert Demolition Dragonball Z 2 Earthworm Jim Ecco Jr. Flintstones Ignition Factor | mercenary International Soccer Iron Soldier — . Knuckles Chaotix Lemmings 2 Ме Мап 7 Midnight Raiders MK II. NBA Live ‘95 NCAA Final 4 NHL ‘95 Hockey Novastorm Pac-In-Time Pac-Man 2 all: Popful Mail Popoitto Hebereke Punisher Puyo Puyo2 . Rise of the Phoenix Rise of the Robots Ristar Quarterback Club Sailor Moon S Samurai Shodown II Sonic Drift 2 StarFox 2 e Chinese Fighter SSF 2 Turbo Tempo Jr. Toshinden Uniracers Van Battle INSERT COIN INTERFACE: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CONTESTS REVIEW CREW EGM'S HOT TOP TENS NG GOSSIP ARCADE ACTION INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK TRICKS OF THE TRADE SPECIAL FEATURE TEAM EGM LIFESTYLES AD INDEX PAGT FILES SUPER NES TIMES JAGUAR DOMAIN 134,135 136 Q This Saint Patrick’s Day, Fantasies come true with you'll find a huge pot of Pinball Fantasy. Super NES gold at the end of 128-129 the rainbow. Get lucky this March with hot games including StarFox 2, EM CD-i ACTION Mega Man 7, Captain Commando and | Save the Lemmings again BreakThru. | yo alj in this sequel. 104-112 130 OUTPOST SEGA CLUB GAME BOY Punish the baddies with Earthworm Jim springs onto the Punisher. 114-124 the portable. 131 PLANET 300 SUPER GEAR E Travel to a virtual world Make Tempo Jr. happy— Dy in Immercenary! play the game! 2 126 132-133 YOUR TOMBSTONE WILL READ “GAME OVER: CHANNEL... STOP JUST WATCHING TV.. Looking for a meaning-of-life thing? Look no further. Sega Channel is here. It's up to 50 games a month. With secret codes, insider tips and test drives of the newest games pumped into your home 24 hours a day. Play what you want, when you want, for as long as you want, for one low monthly fee. Call your local cable company or (402) 573-3637 today. You'll get old. Sega Channel won't. Sega Channel is a service mark and trademark of SEGA. €1995 SEGA CHANNEL. All rights reserved. DRAGON'S LAIR? Dirk's back, only this time he'll be fighting dragons in your home. It'll take the Jaguar's raw 64-bit power to the max. Available 1st quarter. HIGHLANDER™ and TV series, Highlander will take your swordsmanship to the 64-bit level. Available 1st quarter. ЖАТАК BATTLEMORPH™ This much-anticipated 3-D sequel to Cybermorph has a killer new twist. You can seek out new worlds underwater and underground. Available 1st quarter. Based on the hit movies Lo — A 1 Ty ДЕГ. VE ar ( FEL Le n RoBinson’s REQUIEM™ Imprisoned on an alien planet, you either escape or die. You'll cover 3 miles of 3-D terrain as you fight off star- vation, predators and insanity. Available 2nd quarter. BLUE LIGHTNING™ You're in an F-18 battling arenegade general. Can you handle precision flying and stomach-wrenching dogfights or do you need your mother? Available 1st quarter. Brett HuLL HockEY" With awesome digitized graphics and a real-time 3-D rink, you'll feel every slapshot, save and humiliating slam into the boards. Available 2nd quarter. CREATURE SHOCK™ You're on a mission to find the remains of a lost ship on the near-dead Planet Earth. 3-D graphics and eerie special effects add to the chills. Available 2nd quarter. Game tips and hints: 1-900-73-ATARI. 95¢ per minute. If you are under 18, be sure to get a parent's permission before calling. A touch-tone telephone is required. USA only. Atari Jaguar information is available in the Atari Gaming Forum оп:СотриЅеге. Type GO JAGUAR to access this area 24 hours a day. Atari Jaguar information is available in the Atari Roundtable Forum on GEnie. Type JAGUAR to access this area 24 hours a day. ATARI, the Atari logo, Jaguar, the Jaguar logo, Jaguar CD, VLM, Virtual Light Machine, Battlemorph are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. Copyright 1994, Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1302. Made in the U.S. of domestic and imported components. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners. “Dragon's How can we possibly make the 64-bit Jaguar more powerful? Attach an Atari Ы . double-speed CD player. It's a lot like attaching an atom bomb to an F-14. We're v ът talking explosive power that no other CD-ROM combination can match. Just ` piggyback this 790-meg monster onto your Jaguar and watch your TV come alive with insane true color, movie-like images and CD-quality stereo sound. idm oe DEMOLITION MAN™ Get ready for an interactive adventure with live action footage of Stallone and Snipes. Now your sappy dreams of movie stardom can be a reality. Available 1st quarter. VIRTUAL LIGHT MACHINE™ Watch the beats of your CD's come to life in a put If our Interactive CD games don't rearrange your brain cells, the sating collage of 65,000 mind-blowing colors. Ог built-in Virtual Light Machine will. Throw on your favorite CD, and B ORO EARS watch the music morph, contort, and pulsate in a psychedelic light light show at the touch of show your ex-hippie parents may even appreciate. So check out the new CD play- RES er for the Jaguar. It'll crank the torque up to nuclear proportions. 3149 E Lair" is a registered trademark of Bluth Group; ©1994 Character design ©1983 Don Bluth; all audio, visual and concepts - used under exclusive license of Epicenter Interactive Inc. Programming ©1994 ReadySoft Inc. All right reserved. Brett Hull Hockey is a trademark of Accolade, Inc. and is officially licensed by Brett Hull and the National Hockey League Players Association. NHLPA is a trademark of the National Hockey League Players Association and is used under license by Accolade, Inc. Logo and name O 1994 NHLPA. Creature Shock is a trademark of Virgin Enterprises, Ltd. Photos ©1992 NASA/Victoria/Johanna/Photobank 1994. Highlander ©1994 Gaumont Television. "Highlander is the protected trademark of Gaumont Television." $149 is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price for the Jaguar CD Player. Prices may vary. g | MULTIMEDIA PLAYER рр үле: С me Selte о A $0404 dai Pup, 1920 Highland Lombard, $ Dear gg. 1 recently gop Bed to my Publishi; Now Since [am in velopment to be exact, and she different ang “nique in how | р ire on fOTPuter, buy Ме recently Played a By friend, Dar ANg of Echidna, Progra © Solitaire, emmed for hi, "T a 4 > ( тщ ЖЕ, ` BAMING IN THAILAND A few days ago, | was look- ing through the video games in the audio/visual section in one of Bangkok's many department stores. Suddenly, | spotted a copy of Donkey Kong Country. Using the money that 1 received at Christmas, | purchased the game. Later that day, as 1 was playing the game, I tried to save my current position. However, nothing happened and my game didn't save— the save slot was left blank. Obviously, the cartridge didn't contain the battery needed to save the player's progress. The next day, | went back to the department store to return the game and ask for a proper cartridge. | showed the sales clerk that | couldn't save my position in the game. The following events were rather shocking. | soon found out that the game I received was a copy. Upon some close observation, | . found that many other games were available as shameless pies. a we MK ll, Super | | searched the shel found ano iginal co to sell me the then they couldn't make any more copies of Donkey Kong Country. As a firm believer in the prevention of game copy- ing and because of the fact that | felt guilty about buying a copied game, | persisted - and asked for the original. After a long wait, | eventually - received the original copy of DKC. Do Sega and Nintendo 18 А know that Beans every single game for their systems sold over here is an illegal copy? If the video gaming giants know about these crimes, are there any agencies to crack down on such activities? | have lived in Thailand for nearly six years, and it is only . now that these copies seem to be emerging. | now refuse to buy any game here in _ Thailand for fear of ңа їпд а сору. d Jonathon. Budd Bangkok, Thailand (Ed. First off, let me say that it is doubtful that every game sold in Thailand is an illegal - copy. With that said, you have just proven a point that we here at EGM have known for many years. Game copy- ing hurts EVERYONE. Sure, it may be a cheap way to get the game that you've always wanted, but as Jonathon has pointed out, you usually get an inferior product. As far as your dilemma, Jonathon, the only thing that we can sug- gest at this point is to try going to the local authorities. If they аге по help, make sure you find a reputable - dealer. If you were in ف‎ there would be — Some agencies to help you, like the Software Publishers Association (SPA). Their phone number is 1-800-388- . 7478. Copying is a big prob- ` lem, and its a really big prob- lem overseas. | doubt if there . is anything you yourself can do about it, so find a rep- utable 3 dealer!) ` REPLAY VALUE The r reason In т writing is annoying way of scoring a "2" on the fun factor. The problem is, graphics don't make the game. IS ANYONE LISTENING OUT THERE? | think that people get too caught up in making the games look cool and they leave out the game part of it! Another thing that | wanted to mention is some of the great games that have really had an effect on me like Mario Kart. This game, in my opin- ion, ranks an “11” on the - replay value and fun factor scales. | know it's an old game, but that just proves my point that the latest isn't always the greatest. What's up with that Virtual Boy thing? Gag! So what if it's in 3-D. If you want 3-D, go and strap your face to a diorama! NBA Jam is a game you can play over and over. Nintendo, please make SMk2 with hills you can go over, a part where you're in boats and cooler weapons. The gamers would love it! Name Unknown (Ed. Yes replay value is very, very important in any game. We've talked about this again and again. Many of our read- ers echo your opinions. Here are some of the EGM Editors' top picks in the replay value category: Super Mario Kart, NBA Jam, Super Bomber- man, Street Fighter II (all of them), МК Il, Madden ` Football (all of them), Tecmo Bowl (NES) and Tetris. _ These are the games that you've had for three, four or — five years, and every time — you play them you just have - га great time! Who cares if some are 8-Bit?) WHAT IF... ...Sonic got motion sickness? ...Vision went blind? ..Spider-Man had eight legs? Collin Crabtree, Alpine, NJ .. Scorpion would yell other dog commands when throwing his spear (Sit! Heel! Down boy!)? ...people stopped send- ing in bad “What Ifs?" about Scorpion's spear? (Seriously, how many more harpooning jokes do we need?) ...you stacked a Sonic and Knuckles cartridge on a Sonic and Knuckles cartridge? ...£hey made a movie about Pong? David Salgo, Dix Hills, NY ... John Madden coached Mutant League Football? .. game cartridges came with Cracker Jack™ prizes? D. Abernathy, Virginia Beach, VA „Saturday Night Slam Masters fought on a Tuesday? ..Beavis and Butt-head fought Ren and Stimpy? § Efren Gonzalez, Brooklyn, NY What are you waiting for? "This game kicks a hell of “Wow! At last! A true Doom KILLER!!!!!!!^ » — Patrick Simmons, Compuserve 720172374 a lot of ass! — Fire Boy1 - AMERICA ONLINE "The nasty computer game with graphics that change as if the player is moving in “With the six-degrees of freedom, true 3-D three dimensions.’ game engine, Descent has set the new — The Wall Street Journal standard that all other 1st person shoot-em- ups must now live up to. " — Jon Saloga, Compuserve 72712,450 “Descent is an incredible game. Descent is to Doom as Doom “Descent Kicks BUTT!’ was to Wolfenstein.’ - Rick Johnson, Compuserve 74431,1824 rM Mad Compuserve “Doom with a Jet Pack...It's not like playing The weapons are ome: an arcade game, it's like being in one.’ some, the game play is awesome, the — Electronic Entertainment motion sickness is awesome...’ — Eric Rose, Compuserve 71221,2660 “Descent is superb.” “Cool game, just need to find my — Apogee Dramamine to play it.’ "The sensation of speed is amazing, and the — Mike Hulen, Compuserve 74023,3004 3D texture mapped graphics make this game a genuine joy to behold” "Holy Bat farts, Batman!... I have never experienced an enemy intelligence any- — PC Gamer where NEAR the way these rohots act. They peek, they fire, they chase you, they B бу» take cover, they wait.’ gravity free flip. — Marty Peralta, Compuserve 7414733 — Computer Gaming World “It's Doom with a twist, a turn, and a "Played її... and I have one thing to say. Wow. — Sir Ryck AMERICA ONLINE “If you still have Doom loaded on your HD © 1995 Parallax Software. you're just wasting space.’ All der үл Eod a — Big Joe d, AMERICA ONLINE trademark of Interplay Productions. "Fantastic graphics, incredible 3-D animation, support for modems and LANs, music, you name it. The best I have ever seen.’ — Jon Yardney, Compuserve 70563,2311 BY GAMERS. FOR GAMERS. ^ Interplay Productions 17922 Fitch Avenue Irvine, CA 92714 Coming March 17th to a store near you. For IBM and compatibles. (800) 969-GAME -r al. [= (^) = ^n e 30 twisting levels full of mechanical monsters and hidden secrets. Highly advanced А. with creatures that plot, wait and ambush from all sides. Explosive 3D, multidirectional sound effects and blazing musical scores. >» ШШ ee quM E NT JAGUAR IN JAPAN | was wondering if the Jaguar was in circulation over in Japan and whether or not it was very popular. Does it have any companies based in Japan and do they have to wait any longer than we do for games? Josh Cordasco Raleigh, NC (Ed. On Nov. 21, Atari announced that the Jaguar would be available at all 25 Toys 'R' Us stores and other selected stores in Japan. The Japanese gamers were able to test drive the Jaguar at special demonstration kiosks in many of these stores. We don't have any information yet about how the Jag is doing in Japan. However, seeing as how it’s the only video game system manufac- tured in the U.S., it would really be interesting to see if it becomes a hit. Could you imagine, Japanese gamers playing games made in America?! Wow, that’s a - Switch! Among the games for the Jag that would probably do well in Japan would be Doom, Tempest 2000 and Alien vs. Predator.) Recently, my father went to Thailand, and purchased Super Street Fighter Il (Super . NES) for me. In Thailand the rrency is the. baht, which is equal to about four cents . here. The game cost him 1,000 baht, which is just _ about $40. The game play is exactly the same, the graph- ics are just as good, and the sound effects are just as good, if not better, than the American version. The price for the cartridge here is about $70 in most stores. | would like to know why the game cartridges here are more expensive than they are in Japan. Jerry Chantemsin Flushing, NY - 0) [863A special edition EGM T-shirt proclaiming po Dear EGM, ls it just me, or is mat о. gu ing his [rost on the beneh in NBA CEN оре} Pes picking lourd. in today's vieo games disgusts me. | mean look at some of the games: The “infamous ’” TOS. - picking rins of Super Sheet Fighter A, The famovs nose- рыбу frame thet CUN On. is Seem |Æ Sone hen he is standing around in Senie 3, sod, of count, до ый, fongit the ending of Раза only picks his ow bd picks ck Ws бад! E A wl! Tha. ed of ame obse, inclusions do уйш games disgust PG GÀ | have- foued. that many che yen), рдан. janes hwe eel ds be [Ve Mie io мра, and hure begun do pike Heir aun noses | This is thy lam rallying + pet Inst pking retry on video gamess IP you RUE TAN Sage anl. Niche). ОМ Ye ый, HK ти rd Hie bah hebi, irite do He ка Ford ks [fni he башк of Méeyiclor (NAN) ab: of Super Street Fighter Il, the о поѕе-ріск frame that everyone has seen of Sonic when. heis апей around i in Sonic 3 and of course, who ca 120 Highland Ди, Suite 222 Lombard IL. Goins ings on h video games. If you want to ‘tell Sega and | Nintendo what you really think about their bad habits, write to the National Foundation to Abort the Proliferation of Nosepickery (NAPNZ). Rory Cleveland Address not given Rory. Cleveland, lence that is NOSE PICKING! This scourge of American aes kas е оп nato enc 1 People should learn to blow instead of pick. Тоо bad you didn't include yo r 3 erder form, there we pictures. of Lynxes wil games playing on the the cartridge was a $70 game when it came out, you could get it two or three months later for about $40- one of these wa 50! That's quite a savings! THE HEDGEHO Believe it or not, the games make a Sonic ga are always in great shape! | Lynx? - got used Super Famicom & versions of Dragon Ball 23 Only SEGA” lets you live the adventure with the highest number of The real Marvel? comic playable characters ever-including Magneto! : characters swing into action to stop an evil Has this villain finally turned hero? i Play as Wolverine-or any of DNA disaster. But the Cloning Factory is seven different X-Men? and watch your mutant no match for Cyclops’ awesome optical powers- = TM powers come alive! The only thing sharper than your ¥ S Hl jum claws i imal instinct! = Gi adamantium claws ie your pure animal instinct! especially when he gives ‘em the eye! X-MEN : GAMESMASTER'S КСАСК PLAYSTATION AND SATURN: LOST AND FOUND There was a printing/mailing error that resulted in a number of subscribers not receiving the official entry form for EGMs “Win a Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn Contest” with their February issue. This entry form will be included in your March issue of EGM and provided you return the contest entry form by the March 15, 1995 dead- line, it will not effect your ability to enter nor your chances of winning. You can enter the EGM “Win a Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn Contest" before receiving your March issue by sending a postcard with your name and address to: EGMs Future of Gaming Contest 1920 Highland Ave Suite 285 Lombard, IL 60148 Please remember that only one entry is allowed per household. Anyone who would like to obtain a copy of the contest rules can do so by send- ing a written request and SASE to: EGMs Future of Gaming Contest Rules 1920 Highland Ave. Suite 222 Lombard, IL 60148 Please be sure to include your name and address with your request. XBAND COOLNESS Dudes, Рт XMailing you from my XBAND! | seem to have full Internet mail access! It’s pretty cool to be able to send your e-mail from my Genesis. Dan Bennion via the Internet (Ed. Who would have ever thought that you could use your video game system as a means of communication? If you used your Genesis con- troller to type your message, you know what a pain it is. There is a keyboard available A prototype of a keyboard for use with the Catapult modem. 22 [бл that will let you type your messages in about half the time! There’s also an option to allow you to use numeric pagers to exchange mes- sages. My, the times they are a changin’.) NO BARKLEY? | was wondering why Charles Barkley was left out of NBA Live ‘95 for the Super NES. Was it something legal that didn’t allow EA to use Barkley in the game, or did Sir Charles not want his name in the game? JESCOTT3 via America Online (Ed. Our guess is that Charles is under contract with Accolade for Shut Up and Jam, and it would have been a conflict of interests for him to appear in a game by Electronic Arts.) In the January issue of EGM, you showed some- thing called the Game Wizard. Could you please give me some information on where to buy it or who to write to if it is something that must be ordered from the company that makes it. Jane Cutler via the Internet (Ed. The great peripheral you speak of is made by Innovation, based out of Old Saybrook, CT. You can reach them at (203) 395- 3087. The Game Wizard allows you to not only play Super Famicom games on your Super NES, but also lets you create codes for the newest game releases and to use more than one code (up to seven) for multiple enhancements. With the Magic Memory Cartridge, you can even save your codes in memory for later use! It’s a cool product, but you really need to tinker around with it to get the hang of it!) RPGs FOR THE 32X What | play most is RPGs. | am just not dexterous enough to play all these new fighting games. | like the idea of the 32X but | have not seen any RPGs mentioned for this add-on. It seems to be mainly pushed as an arcade game machine. If this is true, it doesn’t seem worth- while for RPGers to bother with the 32X. Please give us diehard RPGers your opinion. Cuong T. Nguyen via the Internet (Ed. I'm sitting here looking at the list of Sega licensees, and there is no mention any- where of any real RPGs com- ing out for the 32X. I’m sure that there will be a couple in the future, but when? If you're really into only RPGs, 1 would not recommend buy- ing a 32X.) PLAYSTATION AND SEGA SATURN JAPANESE GAMES | am just about to spend a lot of money on either the Japanese Sega Saturn and/or the Japanese Sony E-MAIL PlayStation. | would like to know if any of these two sys- tems will be compatible with their American counterpart when they come out. Joey Tsai via the Internet (Ed. Well, Sony has announced that their Japanese games for the PlayStation will NOT be com- patible with the American PlayStation. As far as Sega goes, based on their past track record of encoding games, it is highly doubtful that the Japanese Saturn games will work on the American system. Buying either of these systems in their Japanese configuration is probably not a great idea at this time.) ТЕСМО SUPER BOWL Il | was wondering when the release date of Tecmo Super Bowl Il is. Is it coming out any time soon? I’m a big fan of the Tecmo football games. Nick Scott via America Online (Ed. Good news for you, Nick! Tecmo Super Bowl Il Special Edition should be out for the Genesis and the Super NES by the time you read this!) EGM Communicate with EGM electronically! -America Online, Delphi, Internet and most others: 75052.1667 @ compuserve.com -CompuServe: 75052, 1667 -GEnie: 75052,1667 @compuserve.come @ INET# $ EASY $ MONEY EGM BRINGS YOU BIG SAVINGS EACH AND EVERY MONTH! Take advantage of exclusive savings from Atari, Vic Tokai, Koei and UBI Soft. The number one provider of info on the video game industry goes one more step to give you savings on the games themselves! * Atari Jaguar The 64 Bit Atari Jaguar Interactive Multimedia Entertainment System delivers unprecedented anima- tion speed, true color graphics and stereo CD quality sound and is the most technologically advanced home video game system on the market today. With 64 Bit processing power, the Jaguar delivers colors that are brighter more realistic, coupled with unparal- leled overall processing speed that makes objects in motion appear much smoother on the screen. Now, when you buy the 64 Bit Atari Jaguar, with this special limited time mail in offer, you get a free game cartridge (either Tempest 2000 or Wolfenstein 3D) and a free extra controller... an $85.00 Retail Value! * Vic Tokai's Flink Flink is only an apprentice wizard, but he's got a heck of a lot of magic spells up his sleeves. At least that's what the people of Imagica Island believed when they asked him to rescue their leaders from the clutches of Wicked Wainwright. With impressive visuals and 25 challenging levels, Flink will win you over one way or another. * Koei's Aerobiz Supersonic It's the beginning of the 21st century and competition in the airline industry is heating up. As a young, ambi- tious CEO, it's up to you to make sure your airline is a survivor and not just another casualty. To succeed, you will have to make some though decisions includ- ing where to fly, which planes to purchase and how to attract visitors to the cities you service. Your goal: to differentiate your airline from the rest while still turning a profit. * Ubi Soft’s Street Racer" If you liked Super Mario Kart, you'll love Street Racer! Many refer to it as an enhanced version of the ever popular "kart" game! Challenge your friends in a fight to the finish with Uhi Soft's newest rock'em, sock'em racing game where your racing skills are just as important as your fighting skills! Up to 4 players can compete on 24 tracks, and for variety there's even an all out rumble mode and soccer option! Street Racer gives you a thrill a minute! So put the pedal to the metal, give it all you've got and hold on! Buy a 64-Bit Atari Jaguar with Cybermorph (J-8001) and get one of these HOT Jaguar Game Cartridges and a Game Controller FREE! While quantities last! ELECTRONIC AN DOR Just send us this coupon, a copy of your original dated sales receipt, and the UPC (bar code) form you FLINK box. (See back side for details) 100 rot INTO TRE Ubi Soft un uc E LL LLL UD mcm Exc EE EE cruci РАР ee RS MTT A NM EISE rra A Get a FREE game cartridge and a free extra game controller? Game value ($59,99). Game controller value ($24.99). Receive by mail when you buy a Jaguar Name (please print) Add with Cybermorph (J-8001) Se video game system. Mail this coupon, Jaguar video City State Zip Code game system proof-of- purchase and store receipt dated January 30, 1995 - Phone Store Name & Location May 3, 1995 to: Jaguar Free Game and Age о Male 4 Female (Check опе) Game Controller Offer Atari Corporation Р.О. Box 61657 Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657 Check your first game choice below: Tempest 2000" Wolfenstein За” GCEGM Proof-of-purchase (UPC Symbol) and original store receipt dated 1-30-95 through 5-3-95 must accompany this coupon (no facsimiles accepted) to receive free game and controller. Offer runs through 5-3-95 or while supplies last (coupons must be postmarked by 5-17-95). Not to he combined with any other offer. Atari reserves the right to substitute a game cartridge of equal value if necessary. Offer only available in USA. Void where prohibited. Please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery. € 1995 Atari Corporation. АП rights reserved. Send to: Limit one $5 Flink rebate coupon FLINK/EGM REBATE OFFER per customer, per household. No 22904 Lockness Ave. other discount promotions may be Torrance, CA 90501 used in conjunction with this certifi- cate. This form, the Flink UPC, and the original cash receipt dated between 3/1/95 and 3/31/95 must accompany your rebate request. Good only in the U.S.A. Offer void Name of game player Address where prohibited by law. Please allow 4-5 weeks for delivery. Sega City and Sega CD are trademarks of —— — Sega Enterprises, LTD. АП Rights State Zip Reserved. © 1994 Sega. FLINK logo and FLINK published under License from PSYGNOSIS LTD. © 1994 PSYGNOSIS LTD. Distributed by VIC TOKAI, INC. C) Daytime Phone Birthdate of game player S Where did you buy Flink? Just purchase Aerobiz Supersonic at your favorite retailer and send in your original dated sales receipt, a copy of the UPC bar code from your Aerobiz Supersonic package, and this completed rebate coupon to: KOEI Corporation c/o Aerobiz Supersonic Rebate Offer 1350 Bayshore Highway, Suite 540 Burlingame, CA 94010 Limit one Aerobiz Supersonic coupon per consumer, per household. No other discount promotion may be used in conjunction with this offer. This coupon, Aerobiz Supersonic UPC code, and the dated sales receipt (dated between 02/15/95 and 05/30/95) must accompany your request. Koei Corp. assumes no responsibility for lost, late, illegible, ۸ v & vU Vu if? Name : : incomplete or postage due mail. No Address rainchecks. Offer valid in the USA ' and Canada only. Offer void where City prohibited, taxed, or otherwise State/Province restricted by law. Rebate request vu T Zip/Postal code Which store did you buy this at? Aerobiz Supersonic is a trademark of Koei Corporation. Nintendo, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega and Sega Genesis are official trademarks of Nintendo of America and Sega America. To receive your 4-player adapter, send a check or money order to: Ubi Soft, SREGM 1000 Bridgeway, Suite C Sausalito, CA 94965 must be postmarked by May 30, 1995. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. All games must be purchased after 02/15/95 to be eligible for rebate offer. ’ 1 Limit one Street Racer coupon per consumer. This offer is exclusive to Ubi Soft and cannot be combined with any other offer. Please allow 2-3 | \ | w Name weeks for delivery. Ubi Soft assumes no respon- Address sibility for lost, late, illegible, incomplete or City State Zip postage due mail. Offer void where prohibited. e Price for Super NES version of Street Racer $59.95 Valid in the USA only. * Price for 4-Player Super NES Adapter (retail value $25) FREE * Shipping & Handling $4.00 e Tax (residents of CA must add appropriate sales tax) $ TOTAL $ Copyright 1994 Vivid Image. Copyright 1994 Ubi Soft Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. Offer good until June 1, 1995. Call us at (415)332-5011 if you have any questions. WV VU. Uy uu „л, КК, CREE UE EUER E $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ & Dive Into the seaQuest DSV” HENI iR I & THQ! 1 ж — HSN Original seaQuest DSV story boards and signed script, seaQuest DSV video game on SNES/Genesis/Game Boy, Official seaQuest DSV hat, Monogram® seaQuest™ model kit, and Winterland Productions® ` seaQuest DSV T-shirt 9 FIRST PRIZES: seaQuest DSV video game on SNES/Genesis/Game Boy, Official seaQuest DSV hat, Monogram® seaQuest™ model kit, Winterland Productions® seaQuest DSV T-shirt 15 SECOND PRIZES: Winterland Productions? seaQuest DSV T-shirt - „26 HOW ТО ENTER: Send a postcard with your name, address, and phone number to: SEAQUEST CONTEST (EGM), 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 285, Lombard, IL 60148 ‘a A Prenare to submerge and ut» discover the new irontier beneath the waves with seaQuest DSV, based on e~ the hit.television series on NBC by ENOmDer5ui-Televisibidnd.Amblin Television. Recently, | got into a “dis- pute" with a friend of mine. He said the Neo CD-ROM was going to have a triple speed CD-ROM drive built into it. | said that he was wrong. Who's right? Also, just what the heck is the differ- — 5 | inado vadi get мрен us ji ET d E the me xs a | a Michaelangelo with a Mario? You get. l be у үз л еше S ^| EGM's envelope art! Send us your best. Paul Sarine P NE . Scenes and if you get first place you d Billings, MT SIE Ауд КЕ could win a FREE Fire Stick donated _ (Ed. First of all, the Japanese | DA i "d Бу G & C Joystick Mfg. Only in the - Neo CD has a double speed U2w . Aj 4 ^ Biggest and Best Video Game Mag! - CD-ROM drive. It's anyone's Wi |» 4 o л М дену; 101! guess as of this printing what ? /4 ) i ; the American unit will have. The difference between a double speed and a triple speed CD-ROM drive is faster access times. The triple speed unit will be able to access the data quicker than Christopher Wells Nick Zuccarello Мате not given (Don't you feel stupid?) the double speed unit (in the- Stone Mt, GA — Catawissa, MO Silver Springs, MD ory). If SNK decides to ep ; Eo Sap? aye i release the Neo CD in A ah’ vox Tor E America with a triple speed drive, you can probably expect shorter access times. This means you won't have to wait as long for your game to load into memory. On the down side, if the U.S. Neo CD has a faster drive, expect | Takei il antra to feel it in your pocketbook. “Lubbock. TX The triple speed drive will ; i T push the price of the system up. It's kind of a "no win" situ- ation, huh?) DIDN'T MAKE THE GRADE! I'm in the eighth grade. Recently, my parents went “ballistic” upon receiving my report card. It was pretty bad. The teacher wrote that | didn't complete my assignments, and was always tired in school. | play a lot of video Sl ee IWIN A RIG STICK! games. Could you help me by i Ш Кеуіп Costello 1 >. 3 Christopher Wells Carlisle, Ont. Sud id Stone Mt., GA | telling me how to do better in \- FIRST PRIZE - FIRE STICK school? lr ; Jonathon Hannigan i WE The first place prize is a Fire Stick from G & C Joystick Ed. Try doi в Stroh 7 Ч IE Manufacturing. For product info write Р.О. Box 848, (Ed. I dois p o nena Шаар Paramount, СА 90723 or call (310-634-8938). before you play games.) по ESN Ste. 900, San Mateo, CA 94402. pires June 1, 1995 offer ех E ©1995 Digital Pictures, Inc. Digital Pictures, Slam City, Corpse Killer and Supreme Warrior are trademarks of Digital Pictures, Inc. 1825 South Grant St., you call and Digital Pictures sends you a 20 minute Behind the Scenes video tape absolutely free. Got it? It'll show you — how we use Hollywood techniques, directors and stars to make interactive movies that put you in the game. We're talking about hits like Slam City with Scottie Pippen, Supreme Warri video games, wall-to-wall, with no lags or delays. So call a get a glimpse’ of what the future of gaming’s going to be. And “ B8 if you're yt kind who thinks you need mommy’s permission, then don't bother. Just go ask | ^ her for a lollipop..maybe she'll let you stay А late us uel *COMING SOON Yeah, these are what the games look tike. u e pictures don’t tell уои бш. hy we're trying to give you the tape, * o Ogre Battle is a trade mark of QUEST. Copyright © 1993 1994 QUEST Licensed from Imagineer Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Jt's boon 24 4 уша sinco tho Zetogonian Empire AEST ne -duod the ‘Kingdoms of Zenobia With a wrath of fear апд bloodshed. S ts You aro the leader of a rag-tag band of rebels ~ [e ; T who have fought to prosurve tho last shred of Ronorin .- | this Qosporato timo of ereachory: ae ‘This sots the sombor scone for Ogro Battle, a 5p SR the latest in the superb lino of E fan tas) у; Role-playing and Simulation Sagas from P SUPER NINTENDO. ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM | ә ^. -EGM 12/94 Anê you ready for the next level RPG?! . * Over 25 huge new areas to explore: and conquer. А Each stage contains many ойе advan characters and € enemies to chal- lenge players from novice to advanced. _ RT * Real animation battle. ^. ^ i Each character is animated with incredible detail. Special effects that fill the whole screen, plus amazing color and sound. She 298 * Multiple story lines and endings. Ogre Battle offers replay value like no other game “before it. Each decision leads you on a new and exciting adventure. Try to ШЕК E. to uncover the perfect ending. - as C Over 75 unique and impressive characters wait to T А тереп. It is up to you to locate the most powerful and persuaue them to j in your party. Don't just take our word for it... “Ogre Battle is a graphical, et and strategic tour-de-force! All of the battles are fully animated, to a level surpassing Final Fantasy 3, and this title’s only 12 Meg! In the months to come, we'll have more on Ogre Battle. Until then, Strategy and RPG fans gaze at these shots and reserve a dues of weeks in March for an incredible experience!" - GAME FAN MAGAZINE 1/95 — "Ogre Battle combines role- playing ele ate a great adventure... The graphic details. The interface i is simples ents with war simulations to cre- ге surprisingly good, with lots of can hop right i into the game." Yee ^ Зул The industry needs more games like this!” 4 E HN ES ык у : و‎ 2 e THUNDER | prc a] ENIX AMERICA CORPORATION " NI X 2679 151 st Place N.E., E Z4 Redmond, WA 98052-5522 brutes: for “Super NES? sad. One. da you're cite. = dd ty’ They néx p » you're. burying: your opponents and emies.- Who's to n Aw ds те? Bad parent POLICE DEPT #8 |2..0ne- too many - soc B10 СУУ marshmallow 435 —— амо now on 16-bit in two games. So prepare to be e (оү “ © = oaste Gl >A АЛИИ The chain- t10 puzzle game where saving your skin =. opponent i facing some 50: Coni ‘Waddle Dee and Squishy. tendo of America Inc. Kirby's Dream Wie | Trip to “METRO POLICE DEPT f Hey look, 3-D wit stupid'/g lasses, is back in tuo new games And. this time here to separ ere “ры... M 3 m PUTTS ы oiy For 18 GAMES REVIEWED!!! Ignition Factor, Flintstones, Bust A Move, Rise of the Phoenix, Pac in Time, Beyond Oasis, Punisher, X-Men 2, Desert Demolition, Crusaders of Centy, Corpse Killer, Battle Frenzy CD, Popful Mail, Novastorm, Cannon Fodder, Bubsy, Iron Soldier, BreakThru, Ristar E OF [ПЁ MONTA ED SEMRAD Ed’s always been an animal lover (espe- cially on long, cold nights), and now he’s found new joy with his puppy Barkley. He might be little now, but soon.... Current Favorite Games: Return Fire; Star Control 2, Fatal Fury 2 DANYON CARPENTER After the hellish experience called CES was over, Danyon found new reason to live once he learned that Star Control III was in the works for the PC. Current Favorite Games: Return Fire; Need for Speed; StarFox 2 AL MANUEL Al escaped the ordeals of CES by disguising himself as a Chia pet. Ignition Factor is a good game. |} This one is a toughie to grasp at Unfortunately he’s been watered a bit too There are a lot of different ways [© first, but Ignition Factor proves to approach the many problems, || itself to be a very strategy-orient- Д еа дате. Current Favorite Games: i ion i to rescu Ridge Racer; NBA Live ‘95; Toshinden i limit and || each time to rescue issi offer good much and seems to be turning green. 5 variety, b a few sit- SUSHI-X | graphics tings, the difficult to A NEA Pe j | tainly top- beat. IF plays like The elusive ninja tried to stay out of sight ommend this for kids, it's more || Jaleco's Operation: Logic Bomb. at the CES, however he did not escape for the hardcore gamer who'll |) If you enjoyed that game, you'll being accosted by several rowdies, love it. Ignition Factor is great. enjoy this one, too. including fans and company reps. EA Sa а Current Favorite Games: | SUSHI-X Lane prp АЕ Ire ЕИ Ignition Factor is a pretty good f This is a good strategy game that requires you to think as well blend of action with a little bit of strategy. Unlike many games [| as play. IF starts out slowly, but will challe rent types of player nd work through tl he game gives you el for the heart-poun y of a real fire plus or regret after choo: ar. It's like the movie Backdraft and Ghoul Patrol combined! A frantic chal- lenge of time and your own wits. After the Winter CES, Major Mike is about what the looking for some time to unwind. plish in order Thankfully he has his Мео•Оео CD | level. All the : ed to some etem toine pin, With all А u'd think they'd Current Favorite Games: tweak the music and sound a lit- EE TIED И ДАЛЕ, ШИТ tle. | didn't care much for those, | however IF is a decent title. Fentorin ДОДА ^ Video "9000059 о о Look for contest stickers оп CD packages and contest information inside! Grand Prize WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION" i f n Ba І i JL Yewc Face Win this Slammin’ WWF Royal Rumble’ Pinball Machine! А Your Fdce rw or Che KD The Grand Prize winner will also get their PIC photo in our full-page ad this Spring! here Rules & Stuff: OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES. No purchase necessary to enter or claim a prize. Not sponsored by Sega. HOW TO ENTER: Fill out the entry form or a plain 3 1/2" x 5' card with your name, address and telephone number (please print) and mail it to DATA EAST USA. INC., 1850 Little Orchard Street, San Jose, CA 95125. Not responsible for printing errors, or for mutilated, late, lost, postage due or misdirected mail. Only one entry per person. Entries must be received and postmarked no later than March 31, 1995. HOW TO WIN: On or about April 14, 1995, winners will be randomly drawn from all eligible entries. А! prizes will be awarded. Odds of winning depend upon the number of entries received. Only one prize per person, family. organization, or household. NOTIFICATION: Grand prize winner will be announced in EGM and SEGA Visions! All winners will be notified by mail by April 30, 1995. By accepting their prizes, winners consent to the use of their names. photographs. or other likenesses for the purpose of advertisements or promotions on behalf of Data East without other compensation. PRIZES. (1) Grand Prize: WWF Royal Rumble arcade style pinball game. Estimated value of the Grand Prize is $4,500.00. (2) First Prizes Sega 32X System (6) Second Prizes: Your choice of 2 Data East titles available. (200) Third Prizes Sports water bottle. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Winners accepting prizes agree that all prizes are awarded on the condition that DATA EAST and their agents, representatives and employees will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from acceptance, possession or use of the prizes. Winners further acknowledge that said parties have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty. representation, or guarantee expressed or implied, in fact or in law. relative to any prize, including but not limited to, its quality, mechanical condition or fitness. All taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners. Prizes are not transferable. ELIGIBILITY: Sweepstakes open to all persons who are residents of the United States. Employees and their immediate family members of DATA EAST. divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies and any other persons or agencies involved with this promotion are not eligible Puerto Rico and where prohibited by law and subject to applicable federal, state and local taxes and regulations. WINNERS LIST: For the names of the winners. available April 30. 1995, send a request envelope to "Pinball Sweepstakes" c/o Dat Orchard Street, San Jose, CA 95125. Side Pocket TM & © 1994 Data East USA, Inc. Panic, Sega, Sega CD and Sega 32X are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved. WWF Royal Rumble and the WWF logo are registered trademarks of Titan Sports Inc. its 1850 Little cA SA, DATA EAST 2 First Prizes: L4 Yew Face CD Contest We're hyped about our first 2 SEGA CD Games so we're giving away stuff, like OVER 200 prizes! 6 Second Prizes: | Апу 2 DATA EAST 4 Game Titles Available SEGA 200 Third Prizes: Sports Bottle = Entry Stuff: = = = = = шош ш = – Name: Age: Address: CIV O State: Zip: Phone: Send entries to: Data East In Your Face CD Contest, 1850 Little Orchard Street, San Jose, CA 95125 MAJOR MIKE'S GAME ROUNDUP al Rise of the Phoenix | Koei/Super NES For those who like this type of game, Rise of the Phoenix is an excellent strategic war simula- tion. However, fast-action fans will probably be repelled by the deliberate pacing. Set between waring Chinese factions, there are plenty of options and even One-on-one Combat Modes, with excellent cinemas and good music. For the genre, it is one of the better entries (fans of AeroBiz will definitely want to take a look), other players may want to approach with caution. "Tape ГМ ЛА ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE =. Flintstones M Ücean/Super NES Taito did an earlier version of this game which seemed more fitting because the graphics resembled the cartoon series. However, this game tries to resemble the movie (Fred is an awkward sprite with a John Goodman head) which really didn’t work. Despite some eye- popping graphics (like the Password Option) and tech- nique, this one is a rather rou- tine side-scroller. (Although there is some variety in the stages like driving, etc.) Movie fans may like it more. 7 8 5 5 6 ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE val Bust A Move M Taito/Super NES Bust A Move is a thoroughly enjoyable and incredibly addict- ing puzzle game that relies on reflexes and timing. It takes a while to get used to the ricochet effect, but once that's down, it's solid game play. The Two-play- er Mode really shines (espe- cially where one player can be handicapped), and the опе- player game is also a chal- lenge. This is a game that relies more on solid play than flashy graphics and effects. (The Bubble Bobble characters at the bottom are adorable.) 9.7.7 8.8 ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE 34 Ем > and filled Super NES Namco Pac-In-Time has the makings of a great game. It combines fast- | paced action with puzzle-solv- ing abiliti hics and | animatio ou can si However, ame is f right dow | PIT lacks | keep peo | music is a bit on the repetitive | side. All in all, it’s a good game, | but not an outstanding cart. | He's an old man but he stil knows how to rock! Pac-In- Time puts Pac in the world of | | an action | is on par, the high and Pac Using tools hrough p the game is nice, but he end of the game it becomes impossible to | beat the levels. It’s a fun game | with a high learning curve. This is COOL! Pac-in-Time fea- tures one of the oldest video game characters who seeming- ly has Бес, vable the ore ga rs in! PIT is a cute ute char- acter. The are good he music, as expec nd whim- sical. To plays very well. The only down fall | found was that it was a tad | | difficult. All in all, a good game! | Well Namco does it again. Jus when you thought they couldn’ — do anything more with the yel- { this great Ё uy is fully | low wedg | action ca rounded ude of p way to t think a fe the action a mu to find his | need to S out and ough for a j pro. In fact toward the end, the | game gets hard! Overall, it’s extremely colorful and fun. the best- | | looking et. The| ce that'll | ack. The E he game | Genesis Atlus Centy is a good game. Atlus | should be thanked for this cart. | | With the sheer shortage of | RPGs available for the Genesis, any ol' game could come alo ot. Not so with this combina- tion of th nd Zelda- like play make this stand out S a great game for d experi- enced pla ame pro- vides plenty of action, and there are nice little twists to the plot to keep it interesting. It's fun! Crusade of Centy is an RPG that will cater to most RPG fans who are into Japanese anime. ned. As far as ~ the story, your standard 7. "boy turns hero and saves the world," but it's done pretty well. Not a bad RPG for the Genesis. This is an excellent RPG for the 2 Genesis equal to the likes of | Zelda and Phantasy Star. A etting for plore and st figure | Bd graphics e control the inter- | face used’ _ games like this, the RPG genre will have a big resurgence of Ё top-quality games. | While Desert Demolition looks ү and sounds like the cartoons, | but | had a problem with the f control. 1 so much E attention mation that th left unfinishe getting hit, trating. It's play as b Road Runner and the Coyote, but this doesn't make up for the control problem this game suffers from. All this game needed was а lit- tle more control tweaking and it 5 would have been better. As it © | to forget it. are set u world perfectly. If you can learn f to live with the quirky control, E you'll have fun with this one. It hurts me to say this because I'm a fan of Looney Tunes, but I | was disappointed with the way rned out. stallment reat anima- d, all of | ed by the | poor play ough you can cho Wile E. Coyote or Road Runner, this game could have benefitted as a two-player game. Desert D Yes, this of pretty tion and which wa Once again the odd couple of | cartoonland comes to a home system. The a few more tion between although play- ing as Wile E. gives you a lot more to do. It's fun but needs more interaction. : Sure we offer a variety of more things BUT, it doesn't matter cuz you're still gonna get your BUTT KICKED! SPECIAL SEGA CD SEGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES SPECIAL™ ©1993 SNK Corporation of America. ALL RIGHT on the SEGA CD™ System. Licensed by SNK Corporation of America. Fatal Fury Special is a registered trademark of SNK Corporation of America. Reprogrammed by JVC Musical Industries Inc. ©1994 Funcom. The Video Game Rating Council, its Rating System, symbols and indicia are trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. ©1993 SEGA. AINE MUSICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. This official seal is vo that this product meet е quality standards of SEGA™. Buy games and accessories with this seal to be sure that they are compatible with the SEGA CD™ SYSTEM. 32X Digital Pictures | Corpse Killer | Action | Now | Sega CD Working Designs MAJOR MIKE'S Levels: N коз To ите The Punisher Capcom/Genesis Although the blood and brutal tone of the arcade version is absent, this version of The Punisher is still pretty thin despite an appealing character. One of the big problems is that the characters are too small on the screen, and there is little or no skill involved in defeating the Boss characters. (They are more like wars' of attrition than anything else.) On the plus side, there are plenty of weapons and moves to learn, but the whole game comes across as routine and bland. 7 6 S 6 6 ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE en Beyond Oasi гн Beyond Oasis is а Zelda-type RPG with the main character loaded with attacks (although the crunch/jumping technique takes a little getting used to). This one is pretty enjoyable (you should use а six-button controller with this one), with the standard fare of menacing enemies and creative Boss characters. The best element is probably the gigantic area you cover, and the plot twists throughout the game. For those looking for a good action/RPG title this is one to check out. 8 8 7 7 8 ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE ey X-Men 2 Sega/Genesis X-Men 2: Clone Wars is pretty much like the first Genesis X- Men game; except there are more characters to choose from, each with diversified attacks. Yet, the game suffers from generic sound effects and other sub-par elements (not to mention that goofy, mandatory introduction stage). Granted, there are several attacks and techniques to master, but the game never. seems to come alive, despite a few cool (not to mention huge) Bosses and challenging levels. ANA Т7 6 ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE 36 EM There is plenty of full-motion | video footage in this game, so you like camp you are game. U have to Û who likes ally mindl get the there. 1 movies, but there should b more to this game. Okay, bu not great. liking this you also Full-motion video games are _ flooding the market, but none of exciting to me. | executed out there, than the than som up. If FMV games are you thing, then have fun. As for me, I'll look elsewhere. For starters, | can't be too excit- ed about a full-motion video game. Corpse Killer is all eye the attacki Sor is a pai with the an improvement. It would have | been better if you could use the | mouse. It's a rather dull game. Well I’m not a big fan of full- bad B-movies, | ME ge of person £ the virtu- | | CD plays motion games. It always seems | » to me that they leave out a lot of action in but there | do. Call ike more action or d footage if its going to serve as eye | candy. Live action fans may dig it, but | couldn't get into it. а m ADULTS й N v 4 Горь Аза у та ачта? ез рез резене: 3 aid ORNS АКЕ Y GESSSSIENEH Y ES; аз fem + ё} } „зил Lar ак лл) AGES 6*k E wem s = Here’s a game that could’ve been Sister Sonic. Instead, it uses unknown characters. This little detai icant, how- ever, as game. Th ous at tim Working otif. of charac e. Popful pond Mail should be a good chal lenge for even the most hard- ~ ened player. It's worth buying. A long and involving RPG wit - a humorous story. Now that's | original! Popful Mail plays like | an action also has bits and shabby. These types of games | are all too rare. Pick this one u before they're gone. Popful Mail is a side-scrollin action game with a good mix o . The cinemas with a big kic movie and still a cool game with good play | | control. RPG and action fan should get into it. This is one of the best Sega CD games in a while. The graphics are detailed апа are shown off f well in There are es and 50 the CD fog love this Scenes. fans will is also a great co action to draw in thé | seekers. Cool characters, great cinemas and an equal balance of action make it a terrific game. a decent | ry humor- | in with the | This | e choice > drawn en | enabling | the textu If you've played Sewer Shark or | Microcosm, you've already played Novastorm. Novastorm is a very, oter that has you f st poorly ept for the r graphic tely you f ower-ups t down at | least a few of the alien ships. т not too fond of FMV, and this isn't an exception. Bosses) backgrou can find liieeee! Haven't | seen this game before? Oh, sorry. Psygnosis jumps on the band- us anoth- f game with graphics. r games? is very cial to play and gets repetitive quite quickly. Not my cup of tea but will appeal to some. It was quite obvious from the | beginning that | wasn't going to enjoy this game. | knew it the there's ^ seemed sists of around the screen to avoid the [S shots that come your way. It | has no technique and no fun. This reminds me of Microcosm. The game is rather basic with minimal shooter qualities. It seems th re time on unds than | on the ac . For those who like graphics there are emas. F myself, | need more fast-paced action in a shooter. However, it is great to look at. A TRUE SAMURAI FIGHTS WITH Go back to the end of the 18th century when fighting was for dignity and honor. When style and form was of importance. Of course you don’t have to play like that though. Cutting an opponent in half is half the fun. Through the intense graphics and sounds of Sega CD, you'll really think you're back in Feudal Japan! TEEN У x SEGA CD SNK JVC MUSICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. AGES 13+ SEGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SAMURAI tectis GE Bout СЕК SHODOWN™ ©1993 SNK Corporation of America. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed by Sega Enterprises, LTD. For that this product meets the highest play on the SEGA CD™ System. Licensed by SNK Corporation of America. Samurai Shodown is a registered quality standards of SEGA™. Buy trademark of SNK Corporation of America. Reprogrammed by JVC Musical Industries Inc. ©1994 Funcom. The Video games and M MD T) with the SEGA CD™ SYSTEM. Game Rating Council, its Rating System, symbols and indicia are trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. ©1993 SEGA. MAJOR MIKE'S GAME ROUNDUP Battle Frenzy Domark/Sega CD Those put off by the Genesis version may want to check out the Sega CD version. The scal- ing is a lot smoother, and the sound effects seem to have been punched-up somewhat. However, as a derivative on the Doom theme, Battle Frenzy holds its own, but it just isn’t anything special. Typical of the point-the-gun-and-shoot types, there are plenty of weapons to collect, lòts of enemies to blow away and huge levels їо explore. Its not a bad game, just nothing special. 77 6 6 в ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE E Bubsy w=" Atari/Jaguar The talking bobcat is back. Bubsy fans will love this version of the popular character, and this one’ will prove challenging to even the most hardened vet- erans of the series. The levels are huge, the graphics are very detailed. ЕК To ЕЖЕ ПИ? is equally impressive. Non-Bubsy fans probably won't be convert- ed, but those raised on the feline will obviously take to the character. Just one quibble, though—the control could be tweaked a bit; otherwise it's a fine game. Oe NB NG HA ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE fn) оп Soldier “= Atari/Jaguar A surprisingly good combat simulator, with excellent poly- gon graphics. There are sever- al combat systems to. master (using guns and even the robot's fists to destroy buildings and enemies). One of the best features of this game is being able to: pick your combat area rather than starting at the same one. and progressing from there. The control does take a while to get used to (especially with the various buttons, etc.), but this is a very good Battlezone-esque title. ON NS SE V SNS ED DANO AL SUSHI MIKE 38 EM a Be Jaguar Computer West Act/Stra _ Cannon Fodder is one of those games that grows on you. It's a warped and demented cart that | has уои 9 platoon of troops їпї@ е6 of a war- E | zone. тпа sef entertain- | | ing, but û E ® humorous | approach епа welcome. The спага ӨШ Ve been a little bit БӨДӨШ АӨ” wish you could blow away parts of the background. Overall, one of the | most entertaining games. War can be fun. Cannon Fodder stands high above the crowd of average Jaguar games. It ASST Ruto rely on superb gapmi Sgets by on — the pure @ Oi И SSnding the troops, а UG E Bit tiny (who | cares), п a blowing еуегуїпїп Bis E Some of the most fun 8997 a while. _ Warning! This game is highly © addictive so seek medical | attention soon after playing. Cannon Fodder is a military . strategy game with a humorous — twist. While it may seem like ч your спа оо small, _ it's one of'thefewisligrtcomings of the дате аї< more | | important is MBs fun. The humor, ао 85 bit warped, is a nice addin. lt keeps it from being е hour-per-turn sim. A mindless action game is © just what we need. It’s fun, | good and for the Jag. Finally a game that doesn’t stress your brain and leaves you to some_“mindless” shoot- ing. Тпеге4 SOME birategy but the fun of ТЭ е move- апа-5һоо Game BEY that is a great stres Є, The char- acters аг Ша! е a cute © almost | you're tire Of E me old tex- | ture-mapped, high-end-looking IE graphics, this game will hit the spot. Шын appeal. If Ei > puzzle players, it's worth a try. Game Boy Spectrum Holobyte BreakThru is a strange puzzle game that looks very poor on | the Game Boy screen, but pret- ity good 6550р Game | Boy. Its Ее а апа it's a | good way 18 Wass time. However, the #MMISIC gets irritat- 7 ing, and the © Strain gets hor rendous. ЕД? lers are your | thing, Вге@ и should give you a good time. | liked thi game, but it wasn't able to hol my interest for very long. Reverse Tetris: That's the way | like to think of BreakThru Instead of adding pieces to take | away line ОШ ЕГО to take them awaya Mique twist — on the old ри272@ Game theme. BreakThru is 48 Es easy as i sounds. You4@@igmess up right at the Бед! Щ/о! the round. | | couldn't jmggine staring a those little squares on a| portable Game Boy, but the | game is dandy on a Super GB This is one of the better Tetris | clones out there. But even . though it looks like Tetris, it | doesn't ра Ке BıcakThru is - original е є own. The _ idea of 8953935 nice. Too | bad | can 00658. for the | graphics RE sald Oh, how | annoying ЙД ЫЙ IS the Game Boy. 5отё е9 05” very diffi cult to make out the differen tiles. Anyway, BreakThru won't | disappoint puzzle fans. This is an interesting puzzle game that may be just what you need on a long trip. а suggest it for puzalestanssSattion seek- ers may Jf Bored too quickly. Along theisameslines of Tetris, this is one 656392 теѕ that can get vegysarid|eliBid once you get into Шер сѕ and sounds arê етт ріе even for the Game Boy. Not every- one's bag, but for hardcore Game Gear Sega ~~ © “et Ristar is a good game for the | Game Gear. It's thankfully not Sonic, but looks just as good. Ristar adde a Bil more tech- nique to ІШЕ ВЕТА times the action is Mad orl El eyes, but the colors ай Ша Ө characters help it ои Bf. WE @ топ game to play, ай нда Кару it con- | | trols ргенў& ОЧ Fe audio is ? standard Game Gear fare, and | is best left turned down. This is yet another decent GG cart. This Game Gear version of | Ristar loses practically nothing | from its 16-Bit counterpart. The | graphics аЙ, for the most рат ес 21. The amount of іе е needed | for each level йо, making | Ristar morefllBigractive than | Sonic. Соо а vibrant lev- | els are И піау of GG | games and Ristar doesn't hold any colors back. Another enjoy- | able Game Gear title. Ristar for the GG follows in the footsteps of its 16-Bit counter- part as a portable that keeps the ѕуѕіе DOVE E rest. Like | the Оет оп, this | $ portable етріо 9 new tech- | nique that епі 65 the game | play above 5! platform games. АД as looks, the | _ graphics 4 ор-поісһ. GG! music was never appealing, so | can't say much about it for this game. It’s a good game! | enjoyed the 16-Bit version even when everyone else was saying it's too similar to Sonic. Once адаи EET е!р but be taken in ете) little star and its D@UR¢ingwastion. The colors апа 2601956 ге good for a ройабі 89 ilê bw rubber band агт бы 865 make it fun to pla Good ате play and controls add to the enjoy- ment. This makes a great com- panion for some portable fun. íme сїрї 23 fadt, Se ا‎ ODOR 45 GRAN A ШЫ E NCAA "m FOUR (is: Reberts - — 8 Nichols з Tucker 2 ? Whitaker Holmes ^ Morris Richardson s NSA : Cunningham Simmons Wolfe Hartman Lopez TOTAL 18 Press button to confine ooo guais 0 тоб, wooooodcooooocmo ے6 6 0و و کے ای‎ (TIN 1 об©д@шсососвожвос SSoCtccooco.cco 7 NCAA tournament action! Lots of stats! .. 84 REAL NCAA TEAMS, REAL TEAM LOGOS, E Fast break slam dunk! Side shuffle on defense! d foul! 3-point shot! REAL TOURNAMENT PLAY. WANT A TASTE oF wHAT IT'S LIKE? LOOK RAPID y ppop SCREEN 10 SCREEN, FRANTICALLY 151 half с Free throw Percentage 46% 1 r Foul shot! TWITCHING YOUR THUMBS, SIT ON THE EDGE oF your SEAT AND TAKE YOUR тед TO THE BIG DANCE. COPYRIGHT © 1995 MINDSCAPE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NCAA, NCAA SEAL, THE NCAA JORA ЕИ LOGO, FINAL FOUR AND NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ARE REGISTERED حح ج کے‎ TRADEMARKS OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ETE SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. SEGA AND GENESIS ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. MINDSCAPE INC., 60 LEVERONI COURT, NOVATO, CA 94949. iua s" GENESIS Do you have what it takes? Then customize your roster and prepare for real NCAA? Final Four? 5-on-5 action. To order call: 1-800-778-2299. MINDSCAPE While Some КОНЫ у wor Just Scratch the Surface, Brandi the Underworld NOW that you've mastered games like Breath of Fire™ and Brain Гота“ we think you're ready for a role-playing game where the sun doesnt shine and the monsters grow big, really big! In Brandish, you stand accused of murder, being pursued by a fearless bounty hunter looking to collect the reward. About to be captured, you fall into a deep underworld maze filled with dan- gerous traps and deadly monsters including: giant crabs, headless fist-pounding warriors and fire-spitting gargoyles. With the bounty hunter still hot on your trail, you must navigate your way out of the mazes and back to the surface ASAP. Our only advice: stay alert, well armed and always moving upwards! Headless warriors are out to ruin your дау of NAVIGATE YOUR WAY THROUGH FIVE TREACHEROUS LEVELS AS YOU FIGHT TO lw RETURN TO THE SURFACE Narrow corridors & rolling boulders are a зеі DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST 55 DIFFERENT deadly combo MONSTERS FROM THE UNDERWORLD of KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR TRAPS THAT WILL SEND YOU BACK LEVELS OR TIME WARP YOU TO A NEW LOCATION s^ SEEK OUT MORE THAN 50 DIFFERENT ITEMS THAT WILL HELP YOU IN YOUR QUEST Visrr THE MAGIC, WEAPONS & ITEM = SHOPS FOR USEFUL MERCHANDISE & ADVICE Some underworld characters give helprul L SAVE UP TO TWO GAMES AT ANY ONE TIME! advice roe a oe ee КО Ei AVAILABLE FOR PC & SNES ت‎ KOEI Games are available in retail — ws то ADULTS — — outlets nationwide! If you can't find ЖЧ i $ Ө E $ d the KOEI product you are looking DE " r 9 a shw. 3 KOEI Corporation, 1 350 iO Highway, Suite 540 for. call us at 415/348-0500 pee Burlingame, CA 94010 (9A to 5PM PT). Brandish is a trademark of KOEI Corporation. Nintendo, Nintendo Entertainment System, Online Support offered on CompuServe: and the official seals are trademarks of Nintendo of America. GO VIDPUB, Sect, 4 Breath of Fire is a trademark of CAPCOM Co, Ltd., Brain Lord is a trademark of ENIX America Corporation. Bi o Troubles Brewing! 2. а М t bora! * he year's 206 BC and China's beginning to take shape. The Great Wall just opened to visitors, the writings of Confucius are moving up on the Best Sellers list and two great warriors are about to clash. It's said that the victor has been selected by the heavens to rule all of China. Assuming the role of either great warrior, it's up to you to plot the strategies that will defeat your counterpart and lead the country into the next dynasty. Are you prepared to fulfill the myth now known as Rise of the Phoenix? a PLAY ONE OF TWO POWERFUL ЭД” SEND UNITS ON SECRET NIGHT WARRIORS ENGAGED IN A BITTER ATTACKS, ORDER AMBUSHES & RIVALRY FOR CONTROL OF CHINA DAM UP RIVERS IN HOPES OF BATTLE YOUR OPPONENT IN OPEN FLOODING ENEMY FORTRESSES FIELDS OR OUTSIDE CITY WALLS a GO HEAD TO HEAD WITH THE CQ LAUNCH ATTACKS AGAINST YOUR ENE- COMPUTER OR CHALLENGE A =, CERN MIES’ STRONGHOLDS USING ARROWS, FRIEND IN HOPES OF CONTROL- MW Pag CATAPULTS & BATTERING RAMS LING ALL 39 CITIES Dm 3 CHALLENGE YOUR ADVERSARIES TO Ы ALL KOEI TITLES HAVE BATTERY ONE-ON-ONE DUELS ATOP HORSEBACK BACK-UP TO SAVE GAMES TULIT LNR de, s CA a is ыы + Bige of Ihe Phoenix is a trademark of ОЕ Corpo the bl seals are trat М ce w a The 1995 Winter CES has come and gone, so now it’s time to pick our favorite games! There were no Ultra 64, Saturn or PlayStation games shown (at least not in the open), so everyone had to (mostly) rely on the good ol’ 16-Bit platforms (with a few new systems being the exception). So | here they are, the 10 best we saw... STUDIO 3D0/3D0 pes CLES ا‎ KN Opinions are based on preliminary versions of games. They do not represent the opinions V of the Review Crew. Samurai Shodown Il barely holds— especially with a strong challenge from Toshinden! 4 Months Yet again, the upcoming Mortal Kombat Ill arcade game is first and foremost on everyone's mind! We'll see as the game is due to go on test in the months ahead. Otherwise, this month’s lineup is almost the same... An actual (exclu- = | sive) screen shot (kind of)! Wow! ^ People will һауе m : settle for this until MKIII comes out! Dropping one, the - big DK slides down a notch. T | Dropping one num- ber, Mileena and | gang still hold on. : Oops, Chun—that spinning piledriver looked real painful. " Sonya is sched- uled to return in Mortal Kombat III! Ë The little red foe of Sonic is still hang- ing around (get it?) ДЇ ПШГОО/ АЙ! ] People may start lining up for X-Men soon, too! | Everyone's favorite worm. Walk that puppy! hodown Il/NE 15 Still hanging on to the charts at num- ber 10! THE ^ CHRONICLES BIGGER, ~ Ef b SO да ` B DE diss ys — Psygnosis Limited 675 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, МА 02139 ‘Phone: (617)/497-7794: FOX 617] 497-6759 feeds 4 «1691994: Psygnosis; Limited. Г The lemmings Chronicles Mand all other related ye tirademarks, likenesses, and art аге trademarks of A URP Psygnosis, Limited: All Rights Reserved: E + = Ll The Top Ten Lad , information below is provid- ed by Babbage's and is current as America’s Software Headquarters 55; ^ 3 Months 5 Months x #5 4 Months 3 Months | #1 | ; M aes” Bd #7 2 Months TA ES uM #8 m EE xn #9 Cae TEESE #10 44 EY چ‎ # E ЫЙ} jy haracters and game] through space and time to help incewind, the hapless wizard, the land of dreaded dragons. he plot twists and turns in over 100 locations. Discworld's^ CD quality h features voices by Eric Idle of Monty 1 fame, Tony Robinson of Black Adder, and e of Doctor Who. A transparent user ws you to fully interact with the clicking the mouse. « es fun and adventure! | laughing with hours play for PC CD-ROM, | Ж * FREE сце ш> feels їп їйтїїе а PERFECT 10 ae EUR иена ESYInosis 14 Ave, • САТТИ [BOO GENFSYG е F] Эл s Faxc(617) ng goes with th ir 3DO™ System. Full- n, full color video. Mind 9 graphics and 360° part of the baddest essors, the Gol is a no-holds barred lesson in 's technolog bu've been looking for our life, get into the „PlayStation The Unseen Hit Of CES... Nintendo To Eat $100 Per Ultra... „New Ultra Games Announced... „MK3 Seen By The 0 - Full Details... „PlayStation Gets MK3 Exclusive... Virtual Boy Goes Color?... „32X Not Living Up To Its Potential?... „Jaguar Gets MK Actors For Game... ... The one-armed bandits of the gaming world were decked out in their Sunday best just weeks ago. Even though there were fewer companies this year at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, that didn’t deter yours truly. The Q-Mann made his rounds and lifted enough dirt on the movers-and-shakers of the gaming world to ... well ... write this column ... Nintendo confirmed what the Q-Mann reported previously: Diddy Kong will be starring in his very own Super NES jungle adventure. Rare is doing the programming as we speak, and it will also feature the new ACM technology used to make Donkey Kong Country ... Also at the Nintendo booth, execs released info on their upcoming Ultra 64 on a need-to-know basis only. Behind closed doors, however, the Q heard rumors that Nintendo has committed to taking a $100 hit per unit to get the Ultra onto store shelves at the promised $250 mark. (There remains a remote possibility that it will slip to $259.) Seems the release of other details is being held back so the big N can react to the rabbits that Sony and Sega have planned to pull out of their respective hats... In other Ultra 64 news, the Q hears that LucasArts, in conjunction with Nintendo and Sculptured Software, is working on an Ultra 64 Star Wars game that takes place 20 years after the originally trilogy's timeline. The play mechanics are rumored to be a combination of Rebel Assault and TIE Fighter. Yours truly has also discovered that they're trying to get Mark Hamill to play an older Luke Skywalker and use compressed full-motion video in the game ...The other game the О finally laid his eyes on was the almighty Mortal Kombat Ill which the Mann viewed behind closed doors at the show. МКЗ looks great and early indications are that you won't be disappointed by Boone and Tobias’ latest course in pain. Rich Divizio is once again playing the parts of Kano and Baraka, Tony Marquez is playing Kung Lao, Kerri Hoskins is playing Sonya and John Parrish is playing Jax. As far as the other nine characters are concerned, Williams hired models instead of martial artists. Williams is still trying to con- vince Robin Shou, the actor playing Liu Kang in the Mortal Kombat movie, to play Liu Kang in the game. Fighting on (and under) city streets and other locations will defi- nitely offer a new change of pace for a game that has most definitely taken the crown from Street Fighter II (let's just hope the movie is better)... ...So where did the people responsible for bringing many of the Mortal Kombatants to digital life end up? The Q-Mann hears that they are working on a new fighting game for the Jag with Atari. The project is being headed up by Ho Sung Pak, the man who played Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat II and Dr. Philip Ahn, who played Shang Tsung. Also along for the ride is the actress who played the part of Kitana. The game should hit stores later this year ... In other news from the Atari front, the Q saw a fatty dis- play loaded down with 64-Bit goodies, including a yet-to-be-named, Virtua-inspired fighting game with some truly cool features. While some of these softs have been seen at previous shows, the people in power at Atari Central Command promise players that they'll be able to get their hands on dozens of new titles as well as their new CD peripheral as the months tick off the 1995 calendar... ...Wurd has it that Super Tetris III is in the works and the game may be ready in time for this coming Christmas. The game will allow four people to compete at the same time! Gamers can expect to see at least 12 to 15 titles ready at the launch of the Ultra 64, including a new version of Castlevania from Konami, Robotek from Gametek, a Mario adventure from Nintendo and a Mario Kart-style game also from Nintendo, Doom from Williams, Batman Forever, Alien Trilogy, Turok the Adventure Hunter and Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball from Acclaim and the next Final Fantasy Quest from Squaresoft. Also look for Capcom to launch onto the next-generation platforms with Street Fighter Il, complete with blood and guts. While this will help, Sony, who may not get MK3 as а раск-іп after all, IS likely to get an exclusive distribution window instead, meaning that for a period of 30 days the PlayStation will be the only format that you can play MK3 on. Seems the guys with the lightbulbs floating over their mel- ons at both Nintendo and Sony think that a new war of the fighting games will be the best way to attract interest to their respective camps... ... Virtual Boy was one of the wanna-be highlights of the show. At first glance Virtual Boy really isn't all that great, but the Q-Mann scoured the halls and parties looking for the V-Boy's hidden agenda and, as usual, yours truly found it. Virtua Boy's future seems to lie in a future virtual-reality gaming application and insiders are suggesting a possible compatibility with the Ultra 64 and a virtual-reality arcade application is in the works in Japan. The Q-Mann was catching rumors of Nintendo pushing back the release date, however, by the end of CES ... It took some doing but Virtual Boy's red diode display may become full color if Reflection Technologies has anything to say about it. Seems that company has developed a blue and a green diode and they're lobbying to develop an adapter that could turn the Virtual Boy into the first full-color VR station for home use. Virtual Boy may even become the eye piece for the Ultra 64 or possibly even the Super NES! ... Other games planned for the Virtual Boy include a version of Tetris, Bomberman from Hudson Soft and Brutal from Gametek. Also expect other companies to be getting games out for the one-color version of Virtual Boy as the secret to its real purpose begins to leak out ... Another peripheral that developers told the Q was not living up to its potential was Sega's 32X. Those in the know tell me that the peripheral is capable of much, much more and early games don't use many of the device's higher functions. Some were saying 32X is 90 percent of a Saturn which bodes well for Sega's lower-priced next gen machine... „So what was the hit of the show? It's an odd one my Q-Fans as the most talked-about product at the show wasn't even there. The Sony PlayStation, in light of what the Sega Saturn has to show and what Nintendo's Ultra 64 has yet to show, is quickly becoming the new standard of the video game industry. While the Q will remain con- cerned about widespread acceptance of the unit until a definitive price is announced, sources close to the company are saying that it will be under the $300 barrier. Furthermore, the system will accomplish a first for the industry and actually launch with more than three pieces of software. In fact, there are so many games in the queue (or is that Q?) that Sony insiders are privately concerned that too many games may be available! In any event, the PlayStation is hot, Hot, HOT, and with the stellar lineup of talent supporting the product, the next generation of gaming could have Sony written all over it... ... That wraps it up for this chapter of Gaming Gossip, the longest-running video game gossip column on the face of the entire planet! Next month I'll deliver more dirt from the show and keep you posted on the latest developments from the 32-/64-Bit front. Until next time, keep the rapid-fire on, the slow-mo off and remember to never double down on 20 or stay on 7 like that sap at the end of the table... ADVERTISEMENT a} What's the result when Game Boy? and y Game Boy. Instant color conversion! Super NES? have a head-on collision? And it’s not just for new Game Boy ® Super Game Boy’. This high-impact games. ANY Game Boy game can unit transforms your favorite portable take advantage of Super Game Boy’s games into full-screen, multi-colored powers of color transformation. masterpieces! Super Game Boy packs That's a lot of games, too—well over a lot of technology into a tiny Pak, but 350 titles! And once you're all set up, you don't have to be a brain surgeon you'll play your Game Boy games to figure out how to use it. It's a using Super NES controllers. simple piggy-back job. Just You'll hear the stereo Game slide the Super Game Boy Boy music through TV into your Super NES, as or stereo speakers. you would any other You'll play it in Super NES living color on game, then pop any your TV screen. Game Boy game into the Super Get the big picture? ADVERTISEMENT о \ "take it with you," but Super Game Boy lets you With Game Boy, you have the ability to show off your favorite Game Boy games in an all-new way. Your Game Boy games will look better, play easier and take on a whole new level of graphic detail. In this case, bigger is definitely better. Instantly mutate Metroids to 10 times their original size! If a picture is worth a thousand words, the "before and after" shots here are saying a lot of good things about Super Game Boy! ADVERTISEMENT If you have a Super NES but not a Game Boy, you can access a whole new world of games once you have a Super Game Boy. Exclusive Game Boy titles like Donkey Kong Land, Metroid 11: Return of Samus and the entire Super Mario Land series can now be played on your Super NES! Paks like the Legend of Zelda®: Link's Awakening™ and the Final Fantasy Legend™ series take on a whole new level of excitement with Super Game Boy. When you plug a game into Super Game Boy—POW-—instant color. Some color combinations look better than others, and some might be fitting for one game but not another. It all depends on what looks good to you. If the default color palette isn't to your AS you can see, liking, that's not a problem. Super games like Link's Game Boy has lots of palettes Awakening look to choose from, 32, great in almost any to be exact. color palette. When a customizing the game you're playing, you'll find that contrasting colors often work best. There is a secret about the border. IF you pause your game and let it set long enough, the border image changes and/or sets itself in motion. It's like a Super NES Screen saver. Try it! == IF you really want to go crazy with your borders, we suggest hooking up the Super NES Mouse to port || on your Super NES. It will work kind of like Mario Paint? Just select a color from the О color palette, click and hold the buttons, and paint away! Another custom feature that will help you create stand-out screens is Super Game Boy's border option. It has nine pre- programmed borders, but your choices are almost endless because you can also design your own borders. Be creative. Select the Custom Border Icon and paint your own masterpiece. Using a border that complements your game screen can certainly Super enhance your gaming 1 Game Boy also experience. For example, allows you to edit the set the scene for Tm с various colors of any given ink's Awakening by palette by increasing or decreasing painting a border that the brightness of each color. If you features Koholint come up with an unbeatable combination and Egg Mountain, of colors, write down the password that or build an arena you're given, and then enter it any around your time you want to use that palette again. NBA Jam™ court. It’s versatile. It’s comprehensive. It’s cool. ADVERTISEMENT Programmers Wild паке,“ Ё can now pre-assign Bonk's Revenge," colors to provide optimal Mega Man V, Donkey Kong contrast, vibrancy and Land and more! Keep an eye out for detail with Super Game Boy the happy face icon on the box. It Enhanced Mode. lets you know that the Super Game Different levels of a game Boy Enhanced Mode is can access different color palettes, as well. And customized borders that surround the playfield can be built-in to create an exciting frame that complements the game. Check out games like Donkey Kong, Space Invaders," Mighty Morphin Select any Power Ranger and the Enhanced Mode outfits them in the right color. ® is a registered trademark of Nintendo. TM & © for games and characters are owned by the companies who market or license those products. mmmmmmmm mm mmm mmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m mmm um mmm mmm mm wmm mmm mmu 1 HEV! RIP- OUP THIS COUBROM AND SCORE $5 OFF YOUR PURCHASE OF SUPER GAME Boy! When you purchase e а V e» b О О one Super Game Boy. e | 5 | CONSUMER: Coupon is only valid towards the purchase of Super Game Boy. Coupon must be submitted to an authorized Nintendo retailer by the printed expiration date at the time of purchase in order to receive the discount off the retail selling price. Limit one coupon per specified Super Game Boy purchase. No other discount promotions may be used in conjunction with this coupon. Consumer is responsible for the payment of applicable taxes in connection with the purchase. Good in the U.S. and Puerto Rico only. Cash value 1/100c. Coupon expires December 31, 1995. RETAILER: Nintendo of America Inc. will reimburse the face value of this coupon plus eight (8) cents handling, provided it was accepted from your customer and its face value amount was deducted from the retail selling price at the time of purchase of the designated product. Limit one coupon per qualifying item purchased. Other applications may constitute fraud. Void if copied or altered and where prohibited, licensed or regulated. Coupons submitted become property of Nintendo. Reimbursement will be made only to 5 45496 82174 1 authorized Nintendo retailer who redeemed coupon. Good only in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Send properly redeemed coupons with return address within thirty (30) days of printed expiration date to: NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC., РО. Box 880481, El Paso, TX 88588-0481 GOOD TOWARDS PURCHASE OF FEATURED SUPER GAME BOY ONLY. Manufacturer's Coupon Offer expires December 31,1995. "mummmmumummummuumummmumuumuuummumumumuuuumuuumuuummuummuuummumumum ADVERTISEMENT OES ү « GAME GEAR * + ARCA 0 + 300 PLAYSTATION * ^ cO- « JAGUAR * „ GAME 80) + SATURN NEO-GE! Each big full-color issue of EGM is packed with In-Your-Face information and exclusive coverage of the hottest video game action you can find. SUPER NES * GENESIS • 22X * SEGA CO * CTRONIC сар. c | EGM is the only mag loaded with | special pull-out strategy guides, killer | maps, and super secrets that will send | your scores soaring! You'll find all this and more only in the Biggest and Best video game maga- zine! Be the first to get every action- T packed page delivered to your door by subscribing today! i К | ха\! ! ACE HARRIER; hr ' PARTHWORM JIM cD ^ С W ITCHY & SCRATS TCHY M { | NBA JAM TE B X-MEN2 ‘SPECIAL E QUARTERMANN CHEAT. аыр ЕКЕЕ!! BECOME A VIDEO GAME V.I.P. Now\you сан Tearn more about & GET 12 ISSUES OF ЕСМ & Q-LETTER! ША ШАШ LSU ЕЙ Petrie К ORDA аса ever before witha subscription їо e Issues o plus Chea eets Tor the special reduced price o „J9: 1 LR h H Send payment to: EGM, Р.О. Box 7524, Red Oak, IA 51591-0524 EGM! Bound-in ui: h y Ба 2 ecial copy-of-EGM-you'll-find-incredible Name \ssve® ACRES game cheats from the*guru of‏ ور L only Cit UU V MEET WX аы góssip—Quartermann—ài no‏ A EG USE um ee Es‏ State ZIP additional charge! As а‏ ?93.9 TEA _ Payment Enclosed Bill Me subscriber you'll have access,‏ GAMINCG cred card Orders: fo information sÓ,provocalive If.‏ He == MONTHLY | < W VISA ER M MC‏ BUS бе | Card Мо. cant even get into EGM! Only = = © n nu le Exp. Date Quartermann can deliver this Signature kind òf info. Don't miss out! For Faster Service, Call Toll-Free: 1-800-444-2884 Make check or money order payable to Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. Canada and Mexico add $10.00. All foreign subscriptions via air mail only $100.00. Any/all checks or money orders must be payable in U.S. funds, and must be drawn on an American bank. (American Express money order, Citibank money order, or any other type of check or money order that would go through a U.S. branch bank.) All foreign orders must be prepaid. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your first issue. HEMC1 GEL Serdar PUBTISHING Group, e Rignts Reserved” ean ane Electroni Gaming Monthivaretrademarks.of Sendai-Rublishing.Groupelng, APPLE AND BANDAI TO PUT FULL COURT PRESS ON GAMING WORLD WITH PIPPIN For months, the anticipa- tion for the Saturn, PlayStation and Ultra 64 next-generation systems has kept gamers on the edge of their seats and hun- gry for information. All the while, Apple Computer and Bandai, a leading Japanese toymaker and Nintendo licensee, have been working on a 64-Bit CD-ROM player to be used not only to play games but also for educational and business purposes. Apple will manufacture the hardware and Bandai will develop the software plus handle the marketing for the unit. The Apple Pippin CD- ROM player uses a 64-Bit PowerPC 603 RISC (reduced instruction set computer) microprocessor and the Mac OS operating system. Using the technology, Bandai plans to develop the Pippin/PowerPlayer. It will go on sale in Japan this summer and in the U. С їп October or November. The quadruple speed CD-ROM player will feature two serial ports and ROM containing 680X0 emulator software, a Macintosh tool- box and accompanying fonts. The Macintosh compatible Ultra 64. Apple plans to license the Pippin to a variety of vendors from different industries and has already attracted more than 100 third-party licensees to its ever-growing list of soft- ware supporters. It won't just be a gaming System. A keyboard, mouse and other periph- erals are already being аж d planned to Apple Computer and Bandai have develope the 64-Bit, CD-ROM-based Pippin. player will be priced in Japan at about $500 U.S. Bandai of America officials are suggest- ing that the price hasn't been finalized yet and a price of $300-500 is reachable, with software prices expected to be in the area of $50. Development kits are said to be cheaper than any of those currently being offered to developers including the Kay tanon, Saturn or handle the many tasks that the Pippin will be able to perform. Playing high-quality games will be among its uses, but that's not all. Another interesting feature will be a Geoport to allow a telephone line to be hooked up to the Pippin, so players can play against or communi- cate with one another. Fifty to 100 titles will be ava ADIP at launch, Including 30 games. Bandai will also make games for the new unit. CPU—66 mHz-power PC, 603 RISC Processor, one megabyte of video memory GRAPHICS—dual frame buffer for superi- or frame-to-frame ani- mation, NTSC, S-Video апа VGA Computer monitor capabilities. RESOLUTION— 640X480 level Colors—Up to 16.7 million Memory—6 megabytes combined system Sound— Dual stereo 16-Bit quality output and dual 16-Bit digi- tized stereo inputs SATURN TO PLAY CD-QUALITY MOVIES USING A Ше ЧЫНЫ MESE VIDEO CARD Sega recently announced that they are working on a video CD card for the Saturn. Not unlike the CD-i MPEG, this latest technolo- ду will allow you to play video CDs on your 56 EM Sega Saturn unit. The price is unknown, but the unit is being worked on now and should be ready and on the market in Japan in late April, or early May. A cartridge plugged into the Saturn will give the Saturn the actual programming capabilities it needs for accessing the CDs and memory storage. The port on the back is where gamers will insert the video card. GTE AND NINTENDO ENTER INTO FX FIBHTER PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT GTE and Nintendo of America have announced that they have entered into a joint agreement to devel- op, market, publish and distribute video games, as well as act as partners to explore new interactive technologies. At the the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, NV, GTE unveiled their new partnership with Nintendo. The two companies showcased their first com- bined effort, FX Fighter—a 3-D perspective fighting game using Nintendo’s state-of-the-art FX2 graph- ics enhancer chip for the Super NES. “Nintendo is committed to bringing its millions of brand-loyal players fresh, new games that provide unique game play experi- ences,” explains Howard Lincoln, chairman of Nintendo of America, Inc. "To this end, we've joined forces with GTE Interactive Media. Their unparalleled ability to engage top creative talent for collaborative content develop- ment and focus on new tech- nologies will be an invaluable | resource to Nintendo." This partnership marks the first time Nintendo has co- published a 16-Bit cartridge game product with an outside company. This new union is expected to be a long-term venture uniting the strengths of both companies. This effort will occur at multiple levels, including the joint development and copublishing of FX Fighter. Other projects include support by GTE Interactive Media for the launch of the new Nintendo Ultra 64 home game sys- tem that is now in develop- ment with a scheduled launch in "i the fall of this year, cB well as 4 e possi- И network and other interactive Service delivery systems. The GTE Corporation is the $20 billion corporate parent of GTE Interactive Media. The joint venture combines Nintendo's strengths and ARP JAGUAR PROMOTION OFFERED BY AT Atari has come up with an interesting promotion that gamers will be able to sink their teeth into. They are getting aggres- sive in the gaming market- place and they are trying to claw their way into the hearts of the public. They not only have plen- ty of new and innovative game titles coming out, but they also have a promotion in the works that should entice avid gamers into prowling around the Jaguar camp. From now until May 3, 1995, when you buy a Jaguar system with Cybermorph packed in, you will get a second con- troller and the choice of either Tempest 2000 or Wolfenstein 3D free by mail. To get in on the offer all you have to do is send in the coupon for the free game and controller that is available where you pur- chase your Jaguar system. Atari will send you back the game you selected and the free controller in four to six weeks. The controller and game offer is an $85 value you won't want to miss. brand recognition in the video game market with GTE Interactive Media’s creative resources and leading-edge technology. FX Fighter is a polygon fighting game that features cutting-edge, motion- capture technology combined with real-time, polygon-based characters. The technology and the concept for the game was developed by U.K.-based Argonaut Software. Both Nintendo and GTE have assembled an awe- some team to develop FX Fighter. To help them out on the project, Nintendo has invited GTE to utilize their programming facilities and their top programming talent, including fighting game guru Ken Lobb, the man who made and designed Killer Instinct on the Ultra 64 arcade system. His team will be tweaking the game, and it is sched- uled to be released in May VIR SYSTEMS’ THE BIRD CONTROLLER WILL SEND YOUR SCORES SOARING! VIR Systems has devel- oped a virtual joystick called the Bird. It's a revo- lutionary controller technol- ogy that should take the gaming world by storm. Once only available to computer gaming enthusi- asts, it provides a revolu- tionary way to control com- puter (and now video games) without players having to keep their hands clamped to a joystick on the table. The ergonomically designed pistol grip simply sits in the player’s hand, sensing every movement. It's a free space device— no desk- top, no base and no cable connec- tions are required. It uses a non- | directional, infrared link to keep its contact with the computer. It captures every attitude adopted by the player, providing freedom of movement that allows it to be used to control the game from anywhere in the room, even when the player is walking around. Imagine the possibilities with that! The feel and sophistication of the Bird is made possible by a version of attitude-sens- ing technology developed by VIR Systems. In its Propor- tional Mode, it offers respon- sive sensing of attitude that adds to the thrills of flight simula- tors and space missions. In qT the Digital Mode, it uses a special digital keypad that provides a choice of three key layouts. It has an auto-pilot func- tion, its firing controls provide sharp response times and it can be used by left- or right-handed players. The technology was tested in IBM PC applications, but the technology is adaptable to other platforms. VIR Systems is even offering its propri- etary sensing technolo- gy for | licens- ^] ing. = The company has been approached by all of the major gaming players NINTENDO ADDS COLOR TO GAME BOY STRUCTURE Nintendo is making a fashion statement. They are dressing up the gray look of the Game Boy by adding color to it—vibrant yellow, radiant red, gor- geous green, deep black, even “high-tech” transpar- their own distinct person- ality and style. Despite the boiled- cabbage-colored, 8-Bit LCD screen, Nintendo is sticking with the Game Boy. With an installed base of more than 40 series comes in five hot, new colors with a clear car- rying case that can hold as many as six Game Boy titles. “Game Boy is breaking into the ‘90s with these exciting new colors,” says and has plans to make the Bird for the Sony PlayStation, Ultra 64 and Sega Saturn. It will take some time and the New South Wales, Australia-based company is even thinking about setting up a U.S. office to handle the distribution of the Bird products. No final pricing on the controller has been decid- ed. But VIR Systems feels that the pricing won't be out of line with other joy- Sticks and control pads that are currently on the market. VIR Systems had the unit on display at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show and they show- О cased the technology at that time. Attendees got to try out the Bird on flight simulators and IBM PC space fighting games. Gamers will be able to use their colorful Game Boy to play some new Nintendo releases, Peter Main, Nintendo's vice president of marketing. New, color Game Boys introduce another round of excitement to this great product line." million users worldwide and more than 400 Game Boy games to choose from, this new “Play it Loud” Game Boy ent. Players, pick your color! Now video game play- ers can select a Game Boy in a color that reflects including Wario Blast and Space Invaders. Nintendo also plans to release Donkey Kong Land, a Donkey Kong Country for the Game Boy. лүгү” BETTE eur rur Лү | [: the beginning of the 21st century and competition in the airline industry is heating up. Lower fares, better service and improved flight schedules fuel the war in the skies. As a young ambitious CEO, it's up to you to make sure your airline is a survivor and not just another casualty. To succeed, you will have to make some tough decisions including where to А. “9 -. егобі2 4 fly, what aircraft to purchase апа how to attract visitors SET UP BOTH DOMESTIC AND to the cities you service. Your goal: to differentiate your airline INTERNATIONAL ROUTES from the rest while still turning a profit. In Aerobiz Supersonic, fashion a powerful fleet of aircraft p Offer air service to over 80 major & from more that 50 possible choices, organize routes to 89 minor cities around the globe global destinations and invest your profits in a variety of new p— Select from 4 eras in aviation history including two futuristic scenarios | Start of Production: 2818 Price $155888K - services including amusement parks, ski resorts and airport shuttle services. b- Purchase from an extensive list of PURCHASE раа | | , aircraft, including historical, fictitious And don't forget, as CEO your still responsible for things & supersonic airplanes like plane maintenance, advertising and handling those y Diversify your airline through business periodic emergencies such as a plane crash or employee strike. ventures such as golf courses, ski resorts & shuttle services Get ready to make some tough decisions! And now that you're Total sl 1918 S07 teo. Со. Slot CEO, try doing something about the food! Üne to four player fun REVIEW AIRLINES SERVICES AT KO EI DESTINATION CITIES — — AVAILABLE FOR SNES & SEGA. KOEI games are available for all systems in pa A> KOEI Corporation, 1350 Bayshore Highway, Suite 540 retail outlets nationwide! If you can't find the (==) SEGA Burlingame, CA 94010 KOEI product you are looking for, call us at «2:7 415/ 348-0500 (Jam to PM PST). S. SUPER NINTENDO. Aerobiz Supersonic is a trademark of KOEI Corporation. Nintendo, Nintendo Enter Д G E N ES I 5" Sega, Sega Genesis and the official seals are trademarks of Nintendo of America and Se Online Support offered on CompuServe: GO VIDPUB, Sect. 4 Sega Genesis title pictured above not yet rated. Connecticut In Alabama Í | | Cincinnati In Michigan State Outlawed in the pros, sure, but in Collegeville the glass comes out when you throw down. , Illinois Maryland Duke Georgia UNLV Louisville Oklahoma State Wake Forest Kansas LSU Indiana Florida ims Design your own tournament with real я teams, stats апа logos. And Michigan who better than Coach K to guide you through Missouri the madness? сто, gr or бошт This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards of Sega™. Buy om games and accessories with ушшш" this seal to be sure that Ry Ркорост they are compatible with the = Sega™ Genesis" system. Virginia Purdue St. John's California Arkansas Think On The Run 101. Call plays on-the-fly with over 50 offensive sets and 14 defensive sets direct from Professor K's textbook. аа North Carolina State The real deal, baby. Baggy shorts. T-shirts under jerseys. Temple 32 top current teams and 8 SPORTS. all-time championship teams Massachusetts It’s in the game? [complete with afros]. No time left, national championship on the line, and the only thing in your way is King Taunt and his merry band of chanting idiots. We were gonna’ call it "The net trimmin'- glass breakin'-play makin'-face-paintin'- Wisconsin that's-my-brain-you- jarred-roundb Syracuse pops ga K's паї box be M * © Villanova this year? s: Kentucky Coach K College Basketball, EA SPORTS, the EA SPORTS logo, and "It's in the game" are trademarks, and Electronic Arts is a registered trademark of Electronic Arts. ©1995 ElectronicArts. The Officially Licensed Collegiate Product logo is a trademark of the Collegiate Licensing Company. School names, logos, and mascots are the property of their respective universities. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of SegaEnterprises Ltd. All rights reserved UCLA Dragonball Z is one of the most watched cartoon series in Japan. The story line is very intricate. Explaining a few supporting characters and their relation to each other will show you this intricacy. (This is the basic story from the cartoon series.) Gokou is the main character, who is from another planet and a race called the Saiyans. Cell is the main bad guy, the strongest living thing in the galaxy, who is made up of cells from a number of super warriors. Gokou and Cell fought and nearly wiped out the entire planet. In this fight many people join in, and duy 3: Most fights take place in the SU air, for a change in game play. AMERICAN AMUSEMENT MACHINE ASSOCIATION Gokou dies, only to return later. There are many reporters covering the fight, but only one piece of tape survives. This tape shows a man named Satan kicking Cell. Satan is the world cham: pion of martial arts. He says he has a never-wielding body and the highest level of intelligence. Satan is hailed as a national hero, but in reality he is a coward. Trunks is the son of Vegeta, who used to be bitter enemies with Gokou but they have made up. Piccolo’s son was saved by Gokou, so Piccolo owes him his life. However, when Gokou is thought to have been killed, Piccolo takes care of Gokou’s son, Gohan. It seems likefJapanese -cartoons are not unlike-Our soap operas. There are 10 characters to choose from in all. Each character has access to seven special moves. A slight twist is that these special moves were designed forthe game, and the characters cannot do them in the / show. The action voices for the g are done by the same voice-actÓfs and actresses who do the TV series. The same sound effects are used as well. Unfortunately, the series is not popular here, so this game will probably not show up on these shores. All characters have an array Е 18 of normal attacks as well. б » VENE 78 poou MIM OT Р " А This game definitely has its share of special attacks. Б TRUNKS i 7" f: :S8y RW Satan is a pretty strong character, being the master of martial arts. CS Cell is the most powerful being in the galaxy and the game. If you lose to your opponent, you This game is not unlike Tetris. It tells get laughed at by an ugly panda! you what Puyo Puyo is coming next. | NEO-GEO Audio CDs are A few years back, Tetris hit the down on the opposition’s field. Due to Ё now available, States in a big way. There was an a chain reaction when many Puyo k re-mastered-and ready arcade game, then countless comput- Puyos are erased, the opponent will er, console and spin-off games. In have many obstructive Puyo Puyos on Q6 play! Listen: io the Japan, the same happened with a puz- his field. When your screen is filled all zle game called Puyo Puyo, a game the way to the top with Puyo Puyos, music that helped i ake that is not unlike Tetris in its theme and you lose and the game is over. 1" object. Now Puyo Puyo has a sequel. Almost exactly like Tetris, this puzzle our titles 0 tat. \ Game play is simple. You choose game is insanely popular in the Land either the 1P to compete against the of the Rising Sun. As we've noted computer enemy character, or Player before, puzzle games do not do very available for all our hit Vs. Player Mode. Select from the play well here in the States. Puyo Puyo and levels: Beginner, Normal and Difficult. its sequel will most likely never make it titles. Please call, By moving the joystick, you move to arcades and home units here. This | 310 / 371- 8555 fo the Puyo Puyos (which come down shows how diverse the Japanese are | r from above, to the left and right), and in their tastes and how Americans | turn them around with the qn won't play a game infest has mus- Чай: ( (such as price, Press the joystick downward to make cle-bound cretins beating the pulp out N : availability and them fall quickly. The whole idea of the of each other. Hopefully when this game is to line up four or more Puyo fighting game kick dies out (in the near 1 *. delivery). _ Puyos of the same color vertically or future if we're lucky) we'll see more horizontally to erase them. Erasing the diversity in-arcade games with titles Й Don’ t wait! Experience Puyo Puyos will cause them to drop such as Puyo Puyo 2. 7 the music of NEQ:CEQ Call Today! ' The Future Is Now mx: 20603 EARL STREET, TORRANCE, The funnest way to play Puyo Puyo The best way to win the game is by | CA 90503, U.S.A -is the Two-Player Simultaneous. adding Puyo Puyos to the other side. Е TELEPHONE (1) 310-371-8555 EG, Eyre uii Be we, “<= ——---- EM fa- :— ДЕСЕ 2 99 EINE em =. + 7 ME 9 AT 1 ооа гр дс A strange entry in the list of new arcade products this month includes a device that many a game enthusiasts would kill for. The device is called a super gun, and it allows you to play most arcade games in the comfort of your own home. MAS Systems sells many products that are used in the arcade realm as well as a large selec- tion of arcade game boards for use with the super gun such as Primal Rage, Darkstalkers, MK2, SSF2 Turbo and lots more. The technical side of Mas Systems' unit is somewhat confusing, but this is what it boils down to: Mas has spent the last 10 years doing serious research and development in the arcade as well as the home video game market. The result is a line of — high-quality products for almost any video game need. The Super Nova If you decide to invest in a super gun, you might want to buy a cabinet, too! SUPER PRO.STICK The Super Pro Stick really helps with NEO*Geo control, and only costs $89.90. Imagine playing the new Mortal in the comfort of your own home! system, for instance, is incredibly impressive. Picture quality is near per- fect, and there should never be a heed to adjust the colors. The JAMMA unit has any kind of output you might want (they will customize), and the joysticks are some of the most sturdy and high- quality sticks | have ever used. Quality is not the only thing to consider here. MAS Systems also has some of the best customer service in the industry. In my dealings with Thao Nguyen, lead engineer/designer at MAS, | found that he was willing to listen to any problem a consumer might have and try his best to fix the problem. | The Arcade system d. absolutely perfect, however. | found that there were minute coler-distortions in the signal when it finally got to my comput- er. In fairness, this could be due to user error. However, the problem does exist. Other than that, | was fully satis- fied with the design. If you have they money to invest in a Super Nova and the arcade boards as well, MAS even sells full-size arcade cabinets with a Neo*Geo-type selector to flip through all the games you own! System Hardware Specifications: -Control unit system with a powerful 15A DC power supply -JAMMA signals output with a standard auxiliary harness for push buttons 4, 5 and 6 (used for kick but- tons in Street Fighter 2-type games) -Two separate controllers with standard six-button configuration Input Signals -Universal DB-15 connector for Player One and Player Two -Unlimited number of controllers may be added to accommodate games requiring more than two players (games like Capcom's Alien Vs. Predator and Armored Warriors) Output signals -Left and right speakers output jacks Standard Composite Video and S- Video -Standard analog RGB out and pinout compatible with NeoGeo system Options -Individual Turbo on/off switches for all six push buttons Power Supply -AC 120V, 60 Hz For more information on MAS products contact Thao Nguyen at (714)831-5760 or (714)831-5985 fax. Primal Rage is one of the many games you can play on Super Nova. Super NOVA (Dual Controllers) A two-player single unit costs $450, and the dual controllers above cost $525. RODUCING Vivio3D, Tae ULTIMATE GAME SOUND Get ready for the most realistic game adventure ever. The VIVID 3D™ sound enhancement system from NuReality transforms ordinary game sound into an amazing 3D sound experience. What does “3D sound” mean? It means game sounds come alive all around you. It means you feel like you’re in the front row of a live concert. It means you'll never listen to your games the same way again. According to Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine, the VIVID 3D "rede- fines sound as we know it." The VIVID 3D is easy to hook up to any Nintendo, Sega or similar game system. You can also attach it to any computer equipped with a sound card. Thanks to award-winning" SRS (•)® sound enhancement technology, the VIVID 3D creates dynamic 3D sound from only 2 speakers. For a store near you, call NuReality at ЪТ ЫГА]. Why just play games, JI) Featuring sns( 9)? 3D Sound when you can be there? NuReality, 2907 Daimler St. Santa Ana, CA 92705-5810. Telephone: (714) 442-1080, Fax: (714) 852-1059. els NUREALITY Now available at: Babbages con A 4f COMPA. boutique ELEK- TËK The Computer Wonderland RETAILVISION* * SRS (+) technology won the prestigious "Ultimate" award from Game Players magazine in July 1993. © 1994, NuReality. All rights reserved. All product names are = 1604 Winner set Best Product IN MOMMA LT! о ы 5 trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Сз ^ i » 4 P т ies „че ч» = x ¢ . > T Ф ý t " | М e - T * * < н س‎ ~ F = your Nothing's worse than a mean dose of vertigo —except maybe a crushed kidney. 'Cause in Off-world interceptor, Crystal Dynamic's™ vicious 4x4 off-road kill-fest, grabbing air is just another Sis Е ; E On the way up, you gotta whup a couple'a tough mo'fo's. pez к. ( Check out the extreme , 52-bit This game's no exception. They re called lene But ru E bother ass-kissing ‘cause you'll lose more than your face. texture mapped, butt-bone sma shing terrain!) As a bounty hunter, your job's to scrape up the scabs that society's picked off and flicked your way. Crush'em beneath ten tons of screaming steel, cremate 'ет with blazing napalm cannons. Whatever it takes— cause given half a chance, they'll be thrilled to deep-Íiry your customized Monster Stomper into a crispy mess you wouldn't serve in Hell's Kitchen. one last thing — buckle up. Because coming down's a СЕЕ Ditch the KC lights, cause this ain't no sausage-on-a-stick stadium show. Beef up your 4x4 with trick engines, air grabbing jump jets and carcass-carving pulse lasers. Exorcise all that repressed juvenile behavior with our head-to-head, “waste-yer-buddy” 2 player mode. Freud'd be embarrassed. But Genghis Khan would totally approve. "Апу closer Dog Breath, and I сап braid those nostril hairs. Get this man some clippers and a mint." Sick of pointless full-motion video? Well, bite us, we're doin’ it anyway. We've dropped in some smart-assed punks sittin’ up front talking smack. MATURE MILD LANGUAGE SUGGESTIVE THEMES For information on this product's rating, please call 1-800-771-3772 Crystal Dynamics ond Off-world Interceptor are trademarks of Crystal Dynamics тм (Antilles) N.V. 300, the 300 logos and Interactive Multiplayer are trademarks of the DY RI A [УЛ] a c S 3D0 Company. ©1994 Crystal Dynamics (Antilles) N.V. All rights reserved. 6 GAMES PREVIEWED!!! Here is another sam- pling of the recent delec- tables in the land of chopsocky saurians! Taito unveiled plans to make Ray Force and Darius Gaiden (3) for the Saturn. On the SF front, since the Shoshinkai Show in November, not many SFC games have been announced (though it’s still numero uno in Japan). Nintendo did, however, unveil a new title called Virtual Lake, a fishing game used in combination with the new Satellite downfeed. Stay tuned for Inter- national Outlook’s new look, which will be mak- ing its debut next ish! Go for it Morikawa #2 is a simulation game where you train a Morikawa #2 robot to do all sorts of things. Available for the PlayStation. Van Battle, Virtua Racing Saturn, Sonic Drift 2, Philosoma, Popoitto Hebereke, Sailor Moon S. FACT FILES: Hyper Solid Toshinden, Chinese Fighter Sega of Japan Van Battle In a mystic, medieval land ruled by demons, bloody battles are waged as entertainment for the king of darkness. The combatants are horrifying denizens of the netherworld with skills far beyond the ф puny strengths of humankind. Huge ogres, @ ghastly twin zombies and a beautiful doll given unholy life are just a few of the mon strosities you will face in this stunning fighting game. Extensive use of digitized graphics lend this brawler an air of surrealism, including splashes of bloody gore for those so inclined. The spooky air of this gruesome soft is further enhanced by the use of candles and an hourglass in place of the usual life meter and count- down clock. Don't play this Se n š Sporting a bizarre cast of digitized creatures and little humans, this is one tough fight! The first serious polygon racing game from Sega's famed AM R&D Dept. 2 is now being prepared for the Saturn by TWL. As this game is still very early in development, very little has been decided as to what new fea- tures will be incorporated, but bet on Seeing new courses and new cars! Saturn VR will feature more tracks and cars than the previous 32X and MD! Game Gear Sonic and his sidekicks are back to show who's the fastest on wheels! This time, the num- ber of drivers who join of Sonic, Myles, Rosy and Robotnik has been increased to seven, including Metal Sonic and Knuckles. The number of courses have been upped to 18, including those in outer space. With a grand Prix Mode and Time Attack, there's plenty to do here! Turbo Grafx Games ff From $6.88 әм, Ke) 33] GAME PRICES In The UNIVERSE Battle Clash Brain Lord FIFA Soccer Great Circus Jeopardy: Sports Edition King of Dragons MLBPA Baseball Michael Jordan Mystic Quest NBA Showdown PGA Tour Golf Pink Panther Sim Ant Street Fighter II Turbo Super High Impact Yoshi's Safari Andretti Racing Baseball 2020 Dick Vitale FIFA ‘95 Jeopardy: Sports Edition Lethal Enforcers 2 MLBPA Baseball Mortal Kombat NBA Allstars NHL ‘95 PGA European Tour Golf Royal Rumble Skitchin' | Tecmo Super Bowl Tony LaRussa X-Band Ѕеда Ср $24.88 $19.88 $14.88 $14.88 FIFA Soccer Lethal Enforcers NHL Hockey Racing Aces All New - Not Used Order Now! 1-800-262-7462. Available By Mail Order Only. CABTRON Add $5 for Shipping & Handling. Limited to Stock on Hand. All Sales Are Final. Sunsoft of Japan Sunsoft’s resident mas- cot (Supposedly a penguin) Popoitto Hebereke and his weird buddies are out to settle old scores PlayStation/Saturn | February | again, this time in a re Columns-like puzzle game. | Puze | 62 The object is to line up falling playing pieces 3 (heads of Hebereke and his foe, yukko) tj in rows or columns 4 of four and pop them. Chain reac- tions cause nasty things to happen to your opponent. ц Great, raving, j| techno-dance tunes €— a liven up the already Above is the PlayStation version. In this pic of the Saturn version, intense Tetris-style Here, you can see a column. a two-player game is in progress. game play! PlayStation PlayStation SCE is finishing up the taa7og = VULCAN E3 32100 first PS shooter that puts the : on 11 new system through its n Du - paces. Philosoma is a visu- ally stunning game that uses cool CG cinemas to link the shooting stages with shifting viewpoints to suit the action, including front, side, top and rear view. SCE has integrat- ed wild CG with superb 3-D polygons, so you're in for a visual tour de force! Bandai of Japan Sa The impossibly long- legged heroines of the hyper popular anime (at least to girls under the age of junior high and lovelorn men of all ages) are out to save the world from domi- nation by a messianic foe. Set mostly as a side- scrolling action game, you can plod through the levels with just one character or a number of unique gals! 70 Ем Fritz... Armed and Dangerous BrainDead 13 starring Fritz... a bizarre comedy, horror, action-adventure IBM PC CD-ROM - 3DO - MAC CD-ROM ‘° SEGA CD - MPEG CD-ROM ReadySoft Incorporated KCN Za 33/5 lh. де Units 7 & 8 | | кушы» © rr Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 0H2 BrainDead 13 is a trademark of ReadySoft Incorporated. EADY SOF'T | те: (905) 475-4801 Fax (905) 475-4802 ©1995 ReadySoft Incorporated. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. yn ЕА Normal Sky Well; it's nor- Being an angle mal! The cam- that is almost 1 era. will pan impossible to 4 around the two play with, this characters.up is just a neat. й and sideways. effect view. 7 Controlling The Action Toshinden is riddled with all kinds of nifty options. There are the obvious ones, like dif- ficulty select and bout time. However, you.can also set the number of bout points, your strength, camera angle (see right) and there are also con- , OVerhead Long troller setups that let you use The camera Engage in bat- the top four triggers for exe- angle will be tle with your cuting side-stepping or spe- nearly right on opponent cial moves! the top of your while. watch- heads! A weird ing it from a but cool angle. distance! me FIGHTER Vs. Тон SHIN D рен | | Í Virtua Fighter was made utilizing actual martial arts so the game | is more of a fighting simulation. Toh Shin Den (direct translation | The round points can Бе set anywhere from first-fall upto ~ | a whopping seven points! J| Spelling), however, is made as a just-for-fun game. - Mike Vallas | Side-Stepping Attacks Using the full 3-D effect, you can flip around any attack. Certain characters will flip to the side, while others will get in close! With the PlayStation recently released, there needs to be a title that can really show off what this wonder of a game system can do. HS Toshinden does exactly that! Takara has gone all out for this one! Featuring eight characters and two Bosses. (Both Bosses are also:playable—see EGM? #8 for the codes.) Unlike its obvious rival, Virtua Fighter, this title relies on very dynamic visuals, like fireballs, energy kicks and other improbable moves making HSTSD seem more like the fight- ing games that have been popular in the past combined with the technological feats.dis- ~/ played by VF. With side-stepping moves for full 3-D encompassment during battle, this game will go down in history as one of the coolest games to hit the PlayStation! FACT FILE LTcNETENEERCT 2777 | MANUFACTURERS TAKARAASE TAPAN * OD EWELOPERS T AMNION OF JAPAN ‘ in а day's rk ж for a superhero, iud ч =, s E 1 aturing full screen animation and cris "FOR RATING INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 12800277123772 [PC CD-ROM ien QD" stem. RED AD а: Fireball xy 3 $ + A ог] = Fireball фе &+ A or! Шэф АФ ФА Desperation Moves e “Sliding kick + O or X Desperation => à «f kt Є kr x з. € u-Aor! QU/Spim € d+ Aor [O £ Eiji Хорлоо Eiji can be.considered the.Ryu of this game. He possesses fireball = attacks, slide kicks and a spinning up-slash. UpSlash > ¥ + A or D/Kick* <= ре «y + A or | : Kayin: Amoh 8 | ъ ^Y The longtime friend of AL. Fe Elit (a la Ken), Kayin has ` variations of Eiji’s T" «f. attacks and possesses a «Ча?! LE 'nasty split kick. Fireball ¥ 34 ® + A or UpSlash > «Xy 3 + A or F/Kick YY kr 4& + O or X A/Kick* ф er Si + Oor e: Sofia This Russian beauty with a whip can spin:like a ballerina for. ari attack, fires projectile rings and “has a good range. Spin > RY kr «+ Aor! R/Whip «y А Э + A or Mondo “Mondo like spears!" This guy сап spirr his "spear 360 degree for a shield and has the = longestattack reach. Spin € kr Y 34 + AOT |) LSpear ¥ kr & +A ог Desperation Moves {эф ADSStA ud OA, % These moves can only be be/also be preformed in the air Rune bo. ra A bulky American with an equally. bulky, granite mace. Run-Go can kick | projectile attack! Dustbally A 3 + A or Фф» > ù «p kr G+ Aor Jo Shidr > фу A+ xX Desperations «& kr x» 3 y 1. uw claws is fast and-has'a surprising reach. The Oh „Му move is the pic on *. ‘Boles > dà «p Er «+ Догг] Аю &+ O or X o D. Bhle.<& «9 3 + A or Y [Bits This screaming 16-year- +. old. may seem out of = : L^ гасе but. she's tough ] with her knives and the UpSlash => 4 ùA +A or АСК № k&-Ooorx DSlash* ¥ kr «& + A or Desperation Moves Duke: B amber | This: knight һаз по pro- move incredibly fast with his two-handed ` broad sword! O.Slsh => & $ 6 + A orl) D/Stab* YW A > +A ог] Chrga< > à «5 Дог] up dust for a vicious DU «y ASEA or | This aging man with бү, и : the bottom left. Oh Му? => A Y ke < + Ribbon! Оол A AW Ф + [есше attacks, but does : Sweep W 3 3 + A or | Desperation Moves kx u»€- А These moves can only belalso be preformed in the air. (^ 75 This huge Shogun warrior monster can be easily considered the god of death! Armed with gigantic fireballs and an eight-shot fire spray—he's tough! The brother of Eiji has all the moves from both Kayin and Eiji. He is strong, fast and a worthy opponent! Defeat him and you'll learn your secret move. ОУ | nie Fe AT Might and Magic III is a Role-Playing Game in which you'll head ир a team of six fighters consisting of thieves, wizards, clerics, barbarians and others in varying races including human, gnome, elf, dwarf, half-orc, and others. The huge size of the world with all its towns, dungeons, and powerful spells makes M&M Ill the ultimate quest for survival and domination. It’s Mythical, Magical and Massive...And it’s your last chance to defeat the sinister and mysterious adversary: Sheltem. But it won’t be easy. You'll have to: * map your surroundings * talk to hundreds of people to learn clues . * strengthen your team through battle and training * learn dozens of new, powerful spells to cast * complete many mini-quests So start preparing yourself now for those mythological monsters who want to keep you from your mission, and remember...they don’t like to lose! 9 has two different modes: Story |- Mode and Tournament. Couple that with outstanding graphics and sound and you have one great-looking fighter. RYU Ryu has a number of moves including variations on the ever-popular fireball and a flaming splits kick that packs a wallop. The 12 fighters want to mop the floor — with your hide. Can you defeat them? NIE Il NOS МАА и х2 =. In Story Mode, cinematic sequences pop up between battles to keep up with the story line. Some are short, others are long. #PLAYERS #LEVELS MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE 70 FIRST PR >= € LD = BASKETBALL Y NCAA FINAL FOUR ® و‎ NCAA FINAL FOUR v V Marden-Kane, and 979 family. 8. Gro RT 1 be required to SIgnramAffidavita selected. 9. Prizes; Grand Prize; Final Four Game, 611019 or se ea. 10. All taxes аї@ the resi family members ûf MIST are not eligible. МОВ official rules, for сбру 5 This contest is sponsor aur logo, Final Four and Natronabealleqrate Association. All rights r SARI SUG trademarks of Sega Enterprises LEC EG rights reserved. This сопіеѕ ТОЕ ТОО ig arta FINAL FOUR’ PARTY! THROW A ZES? NCAA” FINAL FOUR® BASKETBALL game for Super NES or Sega Genesis. ECOND PRIZES? NCAA”? FINAL FOUR® Hat. nizan (ПАШ! “(цо ПО COU asittent of USA, Э. Fill out entry form, ora 3"x5" card with complete name, WParty Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 8067, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-8067. Entries must aled separately. Meelranieally reproduced entries are not eligible. 5. Sponsor and USt. hostage те of misdirected mail: 6. Winners selected on 3/27/95 at random by tosa 1601510175 aka тар 7. All prizes awarded. One prize per person or 7/95 hy tele prae followed hy written Er Priority overnight, and will Avert ч Ж RA үл! (д ТАПОТОХ Неба атте (ARV) $1,050. First Prize (10) NCAA ЖШН NES Version ARVAS eae seuond Т6. (25) NGAA Final Four Caps. ARV $10 П(з ЧОИ ЗП ТОГОТ СТ transfers parmittad, 1, Employees and immediate iusimissubsidiariesvaltiliateswadeneies anu oiher persons involved with this promotion omrohibited hy awe SUH ГОС ЕТО ТЕСТОТ ае ато са! laws. 12. Subject to Hox G68) зав! ОЗЕ 0669 HGS ONUFGWA, omit ret. postage. tag ТИТО ПТ АПИ ТҮ ТӨП. NCAA, NCAA seal, the NCAA Aiete Assoctattoneare reuisterau (rduentatks ИЕ National Collegiate Athletic Sisrarredistereud (addat e OF ШО Of Ameti¢d. sega and Genesis are registered 3 ГИЛЕ со соосу EGU OT ESE GET IN THE GAME! $4 ^ GET IN THE GAME! FA NINTENDO “NM ENT SYSTEM ÅA —— MINDSCAPE How to Enter: Complete the official entry form and mail your entry to Throw A FINAL FOUR* Party! Sweepstakes, Р.О. Box 8067, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-8067. Name Phone Address City State Zip Super NES L Sega Genesis ТО Groth, Me 11995. Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. All Fa gulis Group, Inc. 80 Ем SEND TIPS If you've found a cool new trick, write it down and send it in to: Tricks of the Trade 1920 Highland Ave, Suite 222, Lombard, IL 60148 Or you can e-mail us at: Sendai@mcs.com. YOU CANT TEACH A TRICKMAN When you are on the Select A NEW TRICKS?! | Game Screen, go down to the з Erase Game option and press В, А, ао [ button, R button, A, L button. Trickman is never going | "Шотт - 2 94:47 41% to change the way he | A does things around 3 03:748 | 46% here. First of all, that ru "s ES AUTE: THEME. massive "white boat" hel This killer trick will give Erase Game is sti d ou 50 lives right away, and pura сагы sill pg | E On the Select A Game Do the BARRAL code then ging along. (Its died | JOU can Use i at any рот ee e Gan h " i агу a me, butha. d that you saved in the game! | se Erase Game. choose the game you want. keeps bringing it back). | To do this, go to the Select Second, there's a slew | A Game screen and go of PEZ dispensers all down to the Erase Game around his computer option. Now, take pad one and he keeps getting and press B, A, R button, R more! Odd. But third button, A, L button. (The and most important, һе. BARRAL code). Now, move is always making sure | up to a saved game and to get the coolest tricks choose it. You can now out to his loyal readers. 1 start in the level you left off Send your tricks in to: with 50 lives! Start the game at your last You'll start where you left off х 5 Burt Fields: Little Rock, CA save point. Go to a stage. with an automatic 50 lives! Tricks of the Trade, i ? Sendai, 1920 Highland | Ave, Suite 222, Lombard, IL 60148. Even though Terry will; act abnormally at any n H П d à E - given time, he'll award | Everyone who sends in tricks to the Trickman has a chance of trick winners with their < winning either an SNPROPAD, SGPROPAD-6, SNPROGRAM- name in print and they'll PAD or SGPROGRAMPAD-2! We're looking for the Trick of the get a free game for the | Month to put on the first page of Tricks of the Trade. If you send * i ice! ; system" of their choice! us an awesome trick, code, cheat, etc., that we haven't found, Rules that we put in tiny print to keep our lawyers happy and; ini i Ч 1 Я , Eee tea det Mp tva unt andis you are eligible to win the Trick of the Month! If you win, you'll responsible for the submission о! similar or identical tricks, get your name in print, the STD controller and a free game for ОЕШ Ине baee" the (allowable) system of your choice! Contests like this come previously located by the staff of the magazine or any айай ed publication or media source. In the case of two identi i i tricks being submitted, the first trick received will be chosen only from the Biggest and Best Video Game Mag, EGM! as the winner, Limit one game per person per issue. Tricks = тау be printed in both publications (EGM and/or ЕСМ). OFFICIAL RUI ITIONS: 1. No Purchase Necessary: No purchase or payment of any money is necessary to enter. To enter the contest, print your name and address (including your city, state, and il it to: Tricks of the Trade, Sendai Publishing Group, Inc., 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, Illinois, 60148. One entry per household. All entries not be accepted. Entries must be received by March 15, 1995 Sponsors assume no responsibility for lost, mutilated, late, illegible, incomplete, postage etd ӨЕ for ae t 5 Glad the right to cancel this contest at any time with appropriate notice. 2. Winners: Winners will be judged based on their code's uniqueness, novelty, accuracy, BOR чег BELE O QS OU сен the Judges. The Judges will be from the Sendai Publishing Group and their decision is final. Noncompliance with any entry procedure may result in disqualifica- mitted by players using the computer roperty of Sendai Publishing Group and will not be acknowledged or returned. By entering, winners agree to be bound by the rules of this contest and judges’ contain the player's full name, address, state, Lr al 5. i} е! warded one of the following prizes: (1) SNPROPAD; (2) SGPROPAD-6: (3) SNPROGRAMPAD; or (4) SGPROGRAMPAD-2. All prizes not claimed by a order to be eligible for the free game. Computer online ij 1 vithin y (30) days following notification by Sponsors shall be deemed forfeited and shall not be awarded. PrizeWinners will be notified by mail. Prizes are non-transferable. No substitutions of prizes addresses are ineligible. You can e-Mail u: Я мен lion of Sponsors should the featured prize(s) become unavailable. 4. Eligibility: Sweepstakes open to residents worldwide. PrizeWinners shall be notified by mail and must agree to the Sendai@mes.com. Final selection of games is up to us. s by Sponsors and sign a release. Employees of Sponsors and their affiliates are not eligible. Neither Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. or STD Entertainment, ог ted companies, are responsible for any damages, taxes, or other ses that consumers might incur as a result of this contest or receipt of prize. All local mitted trick. You must print your na * The allowabl sys NES, Game Boy, Super NES S es E Зате SOE y of the PrizeWinners. If PrizeWinners are under 18 years of age, the prizes will be awarded to the parent or guardian and the release shall be signed by the parent Sis re prohibited or restricted by law. All federal, state and local regulations apply. 6. Sponsors: Contest sponsored by Sendai Publishing Group. Inc. and STD. Philips СО- and Jaguar. Void where proh: — inment (USA), Inc. Copyrig} 94 Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. SNPROPAD, SGPROPAD-6, SNPROGRAMPAD, and SGPROGRAMPAD-2 are all trademarks of STD Entertainment (USA), Inc. pe of IV e full of aggressive to fight. Force е fields, sliding flo " belts « com Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System. а ist red trademarks of Nintendo of Anus In c0 MN CHEAT SUPER STREET FIGHTER JI TURBO On the Versus Battle Screen, choose your speed and hold all six of your controller but- tons for both players. To select Akuma in the VS. Mode of the game, choose Versus Battle from the Title Screen. On the Versus Battle Screen, choose your preferred Speed setting. Now, press and hold all six buttons simultaneously (P, A, B, C, L button, R button). If you picked your character first, keep holding these buttons On the Password Screen, enter the code: TRLMDPW. You can now have access to four time ша! stages. At the Title Screen, take pad one and press B, A, DOWN, C, RIGHT, A, B. This will send you into the tomb. Practice your basketball shooting skills by holding A and pressing START when you have the ball. - E um Сз, os D. OW (oe D ор. к. K.O, O SP. K.O O, 215 4 ZE TOTAL, id о: о E xo 0) choose your ST on this screen then do the trick. until the second player makes his/her choice. If the second player wants to be Akuma, he/she will have to press all six buttons too. You'll see the shadow of Akuma replace your current characters if it worked cor- rectly. Both players can fight with this secret character! Richard A. Cosner Jr. Bethlehem, PA At the Title Screen, press START and move down to the Password Option. Here, you must enter the follow- ing code with the B button: TRLMDPW Four Time Trial challenges will be set before you. Get coins and beat your time! Kenneth Hallman; Panama City, FL This trick will send you into the tomb where memo- rization is the key to getting out! At the Title Screen, press B, A, DOWN, C, RIGHT, A, B. When you’re in the tomb, just press the corresponding buttons to break the combination code and free yourself from impending death! Start a game, get the ball, press and hold button A and then press START. You have now frozen all of the other players. Practice making baskets and a box will appear in the upper left corner that will tell you the shot percentage. To end this mode, just hold button A and press START. 1 Ü 19 7 [0] L. e O D. 0 50:41 O 2E TOTAL SP Rr о Hold the six buttons while your opponent does the same. You can now match up with the most fearsome warrior! EXC dE - MINE CART 1 MINE CART 2 HANG GLIDER 1 HANG GLIDER 2 PRESS START BUTTON You will access a Time Trial Stage Selection Screen! WATCH THE COMBINATION THEN REPEAT TO UNLOCK THE LOLTUN VAULT Repeat the combination to get out before it’s too late! Hold A and press START to freeze everyone. FCI Step into the ring with the WCW’s best! Dozens of classic moves plus signature moves make this the most realistic action you'll find outside the square circle. Fujisankei Communications International, Inc. 150 East 52nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10022-6017 World Championship Wrestling © 1994 World Championship Wrestling, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Turner Home Entertainment, © 1994 FCI. FCI is a registered trademark of Fujisankei Communications International, Inc. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seal are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. 84 EM CHEAT SHEET Samurai Shodown SNK/Neo:Geo Blood Code This great new fight- ing cart willbe even | better with the real blood back in! To do this, just go into the Options and highlight the word, Exit. Now, press buttons A, B, C and D simultaneously on the first controller. Go into your game and _ hit your opponent with a strong slash. You'll see the blood fly! Virtua Racing Deluxe Sega/32X Knuckles Sign In Sand Park Zone, you must turn your car around and drive the wrong way around the whole track. When you come up to one of the forks in the road, there / will be a large yellow | sign with the word, KNUCKLES written on | it! Drive slowly around | the forks in the road so you don't miss the sign. Interesting Glitch This is in Bay Bridge % Zone. Just before you | finish the lap and you : are in the enclosed area) (wall), turn hard to your | right and you can go a totally different way. Turn right again on thi alternate route and yo will drive into a huge, gray field. The route and field are best seen with the view that is farthest away from the Car. 1 | Jack Bernard: West Vancouver, Canada; Way OF тне Warrior | эш | UNIVERSAL INTERACTIVE Secret Characters and Stages In the game's options, choose Names and enter the right information for each charac- ы = ышы: sunu CE you start the game, go to the Options and move down to Names. Now, enter the name, month, day and year for each character and special stage. Listed here and underlined is the informa- tion you need to know to get these new characters and stages for the game. -Characters- Gulab Jamun: Gulab, February 29, 1900 Black Dragon: Wyvern, March 9, 1927 Major Trouble: Bad Boy, February 4, 1908 Voodoo: Evil, June 6, 1966 -Stages- Garden Stage: Taj Mahal, January 1, 1901 Turbo World: Play as the Supervisor From the Options Screen, press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, Y. Go to One or Two-player Mode to fent or play Supervisor. ES HP roo IE 1 =) SECIMI L к UI 7 ruri val This code will allow you to choose the Supervisor in Training or Two-player Combat Mode. Go to the Options Menu. There, press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, Y. In the One-player Mode, you can choose to fight the Supervisor in Training. In Two-player Mode, the sec- ond player can control the Supervisor! Bryan Pryor; Dade City, FL At the Names Entry Screen put in the correct information. Both players can choose the secret character, Gulab Jamun! fe ž (4 vió О СУКЕ ШЇ || lil In Turbo World, there's no floor and everything is fast! Speed, August 8, 1980 Alley Fight: س 1PLAYER‏ PLAYER‏ 2 OPTIONS‏ Do the code here. Pick one or two players. Melt to gain back energy. | Move: DOWN, AWAY, UP. 777 E Эту. Muy rm. |. Бру аш дд БЕМ асе jas. AT EEA HME ‹ 2 n The secret characters will be located on the lower right. There are black-and-white versions of many characters. In the Alley, the life bar is a Tug-of-War versus fight. Tugawar, April 16, 1964 In Training or Two-player Mode, fight or be Supervisor. The Horse Kick is powerful! Move: DOWN, TOWARD, UP. Note: This trick was done on a pre-production version of the game. The trick may or may not work on the production version. ms TO CORWETE m ТИС THEY a MEET CERTAN DERTH BY SHAO КИНА HIMSELF. ALL THE ACTION OF THE ARCADE SMASH! SHANG TSUNG ic wins E m FRIENDSHIP? wort ROMBAT Rip into the real arcade action that 32 megs of high-speed, 32 bit processing can deliver! Trade-up to faster game play, realistic character animation, state-of-the-art graphics and the bone-crunching music and а: m "Finish Him" to "Flawless Victory." You might have playe ... Nothing, NOTHING can prepare you for MKII on 32X! * Ё. М, ` ~ MIDWAY . ` A«laim = . entertainment gg * ga Enterprises, Ltd. АП rights reserved. Acclaim is a а ud Acclaim Entertainment, 1 Ў $ U i. MORTAL КОМВАТ® К ensed.from Midway Manufacturing Company: All тоц. гезе ® & © 1994 Асс!аїт Епїе! ent, ey rights 1 reserved. we а> ~ CHEAT SHEET Uniracers Nintendo/Super NES Better Medals This trick only works if you have a bronze medal in the tour you play. When you select the tour, move the dancing arrow under the fifth track to the medal for which you are racing (which will be silver or gold). Press the A or B button to cycle to the bronze medal. Then select a course to race. The Match Screen will show 3 you, racing Bronzen, the bronze unicycle. Continue to race against? him. Once you've beat- © en all five tracks, the cinema that shows you won the medal will appear, but you will get the silver/gold medal instead of the bronze. This will not work for the stunt tracks. The | number of points need- 4 ed to win will be the same as if you had raced Sylvia or Goldie (the silver and gold unicycles). J.M. Adams; Beaverton, OR: Donkey Kong Country} Nintendo/Super NES) Warp to Orang-utan-Gang | First, you must beat Jungle Hijinx (the first 1 level of the game). Kill 3 off Diddy in the level and exit with only Donkey Kong. Once you beat it and are walking 4 down to Ropey Rampage, rapidly press | RIGHT on the control pad and the B button. This will warp you auto- 4 matically to the Orang- | utan-Gang level! 86 EM С 20 сиза Drames] Same Colored Opponents Follow the instructions below to become the same color as your computer opponent. It's hard to tell which one you are. ACTES Rs ani m eram Ц Н a р. ENS | HG |] у о, | لالہ‎ a! ПЕГЕ ПОГ О Start а one-player game with anyone. When the match starts, join in with controller two and pick the player that the computer was using. Take the second player and kill off the first player. Wait for time to run out on the Continue Screen and you'll go back to a one- player game. When the Perform Fatal Moves | Simply do one of your char- acter's special moves when his/her life bar is very low to = pesmi etc. xz зға мз [ mw _ The DARBY DAYS Code On the Select A Game Screen, move to Erase Game and press DOWN, A, R, B, Y, DOWN, A, Y. Then press SELECT. иа |1 а DAF EUAS VIT 7 | E: ТТ ЙӘШ api. MATT Vr ew Way oF tHe Warrior | э | UNIVERSAL INTERACTIVE Secret Space Game Player 2 must first choose a character, hold DOWN-RIGHT, A, B, 6, P. Player 1 holds UP- LEFT, L, R, and presses P. When you start the | game, Join. in with the second controller. match starts, join in with controller one and again, pick the same character that the computer was using. Kill off the second player and go back to fighting the comput- er. The computer and your character will now be the same color. It's tricky, so be careful. Steve Rife; Glenwood, WV The instruction manual doesn't say anything about ultra-gory fatal moves in this game, but it has them! Simply get your opponent's life bar down until he/she has just a little bit of energy left. Then, perform one of your character's special attacks. Blood galore! Raymond Gardner; St. Louis, MO This trick will allow you to listen to all of the music in the game. On the Select A Game Screen, move down to Erase Game and press DOWN, A, R button, B, Y, DOWN, A, Y. You will hear a confirming tone if it worked. Now, press the SELECT button each time you want to hear a new song! To get a weird space game (like Combat on the Atari 2600) in Way of the Warrior is kind of tricky. At Options, go to Versus Mode. Player two must select his/ her character and then hold diagonally DOWN-RIGHT, A, B, C and P. While holding these, player one should hold diagonally UP-LEFT, Do the rest of what it says in the trick, and kill player two. Go back to fighting the computer —you're the same! Perform gory fatalities such as this with a special move! SELECT A GAME 1.00:12 08% 04:4] 42% 03:48 Erase Game 46% Move to Erase Game and do the code to hear the songs! L and R shift keys, then but- ton P for two-player action! Keep your games networked on a VJ. On-line all the time, What's the point of having only one game im the Genesis or SNES when you can attach up to SIX VJs (36 carts) at once?? : ity Dune E e5oX... s Painful. 'echnologies, Inc. ir store Taal E 1994 ASG Technologies 0с. 2H R d. For play with. the Sega Genesis System and Sega CD. Sega and Genes Enterprises Ltd. SNES a Ni lademarks of Nintendo of America. Atari and Jaguar are trademarks of At In other PlayStation and Sega Saturn news, Acclaim announced that they intend to enter into joint ventures with Sony. "Sony has created a pow- erful hardware system and Acclaim plans to support it with compelling, high-profile titles," said Robert Holmes, president of Acclaim. "We are excited about publishing software for Sony's home gaming System and broadening our library to include a new generation of interactive entertainment enthusiasts." Acclaim currently has At the recent Winter Consumer Electronics Show a few minor announcements | were made and Sony took a few jabs at and played a few pranks on Sega. This year, coincidentally or not, the two companies stayed at the same hotel, the Alexis Park in the heart of Las Vegas. Sega representatives nave stayed at the Alexis Park for years, and every year they have put a five- oot, inflatable Sonic outside of the hotel's entrance. This year it seems that the Sony | oeople deflated Sonic and threw him into the pool. Turnabout is fair play, so Sega switched Sony's “PSX Welcomes Sega" balloons to read, "Play Sega 32X." At the show itself, however, Sony didn’t showcase any- | thing that the media hadn't seen before. Company spokespeople made a short speech and showed off their PSX unit with Ridge Racer and Toshinden playing on big screens. Sega, on the other hand, still isn't talking Sega Saturn, although they did show it off at their press conference and beamed about how well | the unit is selling in Japan. With both companies ready to wage war, the key will be pack-ins. Rumor has it that the competition will be hot. several PlayStation titles in development, including Frank Thomas “Big Hurt” Baseball, Alien Trilogy and Batman Forever. All three titles will incorpo- rate Acclaim's award- winning, motion-capture technology, taking full advan- tage of the PlayStation's technological capabilities. "We are pleased to have one of the leading indepen- dent interactive entertainment software pub- lishers as one of the first companies to produce soft- ware for the PlayStation," said Steve Race, president of Sony Computer Entertainment. Sony also announced that they have signed licensing agreements with more than 100 U.S. third-party publish- ers and developers to make games for the CD-based PlayStation. "We've had an overwhelm- ing response from the third- party community, with pub- lishers and developers eager to showcase their creative and technological talents on what will be the superior entertainment technology available on the market," said Race. “These include the industry's strongest publish- ers, and we are working closely with companies such as Acclaim, Lucas Arts, Crystal Dynamics and Electronic Arts. Together with our growing family of licensees, we will launch an extensive library of U.S. software that will help make PlayStation the game system of choice." In Japan, 290 licensees have signed agreements with Sony and more than 200 titles are currently under development. There in Japan, including Namco's popular arcade game Ridge Racer and Parodius from Konami. Other popular Japanese licensees include Capcom and Bandai. "We anticipate that many of the existing Japanese and European licensees, as well as other leading, third-party American publishers will come onboard to develop software for the PlayStation here in the U.S.,” Race added. Some of the PlayStation licensees include Acclaim Entertainment Inc., Activision Studios, American Laser Games, Boss Game Studios, Core Design, Crystal Dynamics, Data East, Electro Brain, Fox Electronic GameTek Inc., Jaleco USA, JVC Musical Industries, Kronos, LucasArts Entertainment, Psygnosis, Radical Entertainment, ReadySoft Incorporated, Sony Imagesoft Inc., Spectrum Holobyte/ Microprose, Takara USA Corporation, T*HQ Software, are 19 titles already available Shown is the U.S. black Saturn. VIACOM International, Vic Tokai, Virgin Games/Virgin Interactive Entertainment and Williams. The list for the Sega Saturn licensees promises to be at least as long. Sega of America is concentrating on the 32X and their other sys- tems, and hasn't released their official U.S. licensee list yet. Sega made some very interesting announcements of their own regarding the Sega Saturn at the Winter CES. A color change is expected when it comes to the U.S. The grey-colored Japanese Saturn will be black when it is released here. Sega also announced that they have a letter of intent from Microsoft Corp. that names SOFTIM- AGE 3D as the official 3-D development tool for the Sega Saturn platform. According to the terms, Microsoft intends to enhance significantly its popular SOF- TIMAGE 3D animation soft- ware for the Sega Saturn by providing a SOFTIMAGE toolkit for the Sega Saturn platform. In turn, Sega has agreed to purchase a substantial number of licenses for the toolkit and to include the toolkit in Sega's official Sega Saturn develop- ment package offered to independent Sega Saturn game developers. "We selected SOFTIMAGE 3D after evaluating the other major 3-D products on the market," said Yu Suzuki, director of Sega's amuse- ment software research and development headquarters. "Sega has used SOFTIMAGE tools for all of our amuse- ment games for a number of years. SOFTIMAGE 3D offers a shorter learning curve and higher productivity while delivering top-quality results." SOFTIMAGE 3D is a collec- tion of intuitive, integrated tools for creating, animating and rendering three-dimen- sional imagery. It is recog- nized by game developers for its industry-leading motion- capture technology. The motion-action module offered in SOFTIMAGE 3D enables animators to capture and reproduce the natural motions of people and other live-action models—a key requirement in today's most popular games. The announcement demon- strates Microsoft's commit- ment to providing tools that enable developers to tailor their content-production processes and deployment to PlaySta various environ- ments, such as game environ- ments. The SOFTIMAGE toolkit for the Sega Saturn will incorpo- rate a set of extensions to SOFTIMAGE 3D, including Sega Saturn file-output filters that make it easier to move images from SOFTIMAGE animation software to the game-platform format, a 2-D paint retoucher to paint sur- faces interactively and see results in 3-D (resulting in better-looking 3-D objects), an advanced, interactive color-reduction tool that allows users to switch from 24-Bit space to an appropri- ate number of bit planes sup- ported on the target platform, a Sega Saturn file format on- line viewer to quickly preview models created using SOFT- IMAGE 3D in the Sega Saturn file format and enhanced UV texture map- ping for memory-efficient representation of textures. SEGA SATURN AND QSOUND In another bit of convention news, Sega and QSound Labs announced details of an agreement that brings patent- ed QSound technology to Sega's next generation of video game machines, the Genesis 32X and the Sega Saturn, that will be available in the U.S. during late sum- mer early fall of this year. БЫ "QSound is a great feature [that allows] software developers to enhance the game play experience with a "i 5 full range of three-dimension- al sound,” said Joe Miller, senior vice president of prod- uct development for Sega. "QSound will allow Sega Saturn developers to work out a completely interactive experience." According to David Gallagher, president of QSound Labs, "the extension of our alliance with Sega of America and our introduction into the Japanese home video game market affirms QSound's ability to provide the most innovative sound placement technology demanded by today's indus- try leaders." With the announcements out of the way, it's pack-in time. Some are suggesting Mortal Kombat Ill and a sam- pler will be packed-in with the PlayStation, and Daytona and Virtua Fighter will be in with the Sega Saturn. The Saturn and PlayStation information is flowing like someone turned on a tap, so stay tuned to EGM and EGM for the latest info. TEKKEN Namco’s latest arcade fighting game, this one plunges the player into the realm of polygon-rendered virtua reality. fe фу e bx a S n T á | ге 2 » è : = - | iA 8 ص‎ à ШАТ EE Tia | line ў G ' 7 ; fa uy | э: ч + i $ ES pm | einst. EY m & E 2 ~ $ EGM SPECIAL FEATURE A LOOKING GLASS INTO TOMORROW'S FIGHTING GAMES ith the ever-changing fighting genre, the stakes may be higher now than ever. Gone are the days when fighting games released by a particular company could assuredly draw huge crowds and large sums of money. Today's arcade's quarter-eating fighters are more violent and more graphi- cally advanced than before. Is the genre grabbing at the "shock factor" to reel in gamers, or is it turning the corner to a new dimension of gaming? For now, the undisputed king at the arcades is Killer Instinct, the latest fighting game from the unlikely duo of Nintendo and Midway. (At least it is the king until Mortal Kombat IIl arrives.) Arcade fighting games have come a long way from the days of Ken and Ryu and the Dragon Punch: Video game graphics improved drastically as did techniques of the individual fighting characters themselves. Weapons also entered the scene in SNK's Samurai Shodown and Strata's Blood Storm. Prehistoric dinosaurs did battle to see who would rule the Earth in Time Warner's Primal Rage. Virtua reality entered the arena with Sega's Virtua Fighter and Namco's Tekken. These titles offered a different kind of fighting style, with a distinct method of game play and move execution. Blood, used only sparing- ly before, now fills the screen with the phrase “You Win” changed to "Finish Him,” “Fatality,” “Ultra Combo," "Babality" and other ‘finishing’ expressions. Street Fighter stayed at part Il and never reached 111—аеѕріїе four upgrades including new fighters, improved graphics and faster game play. The eye-popping four-hit combos of yesterday seem like child's play compared to today's 37-hit "ultra" combos. But is the challenge still there, or is it now simply a matter of playing the , waiting game? Wait for your opponent to make the first move and then he's yours—just execute your super combo and he or she is finished? Are today's fighting games as enjoyable, or do they rely more on flashy graphics j and shock elements like fatalities? Where is the fighting genre heading? : TOO MANY SEQUELS? The best way to look at the future of fighting games is to look at the present status. Most of the game makers know the best way to capitalize on a current suc- cess: Build on it! The same holds true for any medium: movies, books, television, etc. Take a successful idea and improve it, rework it, correct mistakes made the first time around. Mortal Kombat II is the best recent example of this phenomenon: This sequel took the first game to new heights and made its first outing look like an antique. It рое everything (better ч ,9raphics, sound, ? play control) and added new moves and playable fighters. While this had _-, been done with other game sequels (like SNK’s Fatal Fury 2, Samurai Shodown II and Art of Fighting 2), $n Mortal Kombat II (J was a runaway smash success and quickly became the crowd-gatherer and quarter-cruncher of arcades across the country. Besides the excellent technical aspects of the game, something else was also readily apparent: the violence factor. MK II also topped its predecessor in the blood and fatalities department. This game has several finishing, fatality moves, ОШ to the replay factor of the game. Rumors of The recent trend (from top): Killer Instinct, Toshinden, Tekken, Primal Rage and Virtua Fighter 2. finishing moves popped up everywhere: Nudalities and animalities were a few of the finishing moves people claimed exist- ed, but in fact never did. One other aspect was the hidden fighter. Where Mortal Kombat had one hidden fighter (Reptile), the second one had three and the antique video game Pong also inside. The game was loaded with hidden moves for each character, too. The same pattern is again present in Killer Instinct: The fighters are loaded with moves and there are other hidden aspects that should surface in the upcoming months. THE VIRTUA FACTOR Not to say Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat are the only games in town—other sub-genres in the fighting game category have also appeared. One of these is the "virtua" fighting game. The first truly popu- lar entry was Sega's Virtua Fighter. Using fully-rendered polygon graphics, Sega took the look of their popular racing game Virtua Racing and threw it into the fighting arena. The layout and presentation was a bit different as well: Instead of a side-view of the fighters, the camera zoomed around them, from the sides, top, close-ups, long shots—the camera was everywhere but still allowed the player to be in complete control of his or her character. The play movements were also slightly different as it relied on other joystick ® fa E a j ты Does It Always Work? The more recent development: going from the video screen to the sil- ver screen. Video games making this leap have yet to make their mark— remember Super Mario Bros. the movie? Street Fighter the Movie failed to set box office records, however Mortal Kombat the movie does look promising. One of the problems with such a leap is the material available: Is it reasonable (or even realistic) to put the outlandish storyline of a video game into a Hollywood screenplay? Furthermore, can the pro- ducers hit the target younger audience while still keeping in line with the games' predominantly violent themes (Mortal Kombat especially) without being branded with the dreaded “R” rating? Granted, it is easier on the ani- mation side: The full-length ani- mated feature versions of Fatal Fury and Street Fighter did their game counterparts justice (because with animation any- thing goes), while the live-action feature of the latter received decidedly mixed reviews from fans of the game. movement than the traditional 45-degree- movement toward your opponent on the joy- stick and press the punch button configura- tion. This game relied less (if at all) on the blood and fatality factors than on solid game play. Virtua Fighter 2 retains all the same qualities, but has better graphics and more fighters. Another example of this type of virtua game is Toshinden for the Sony PlayStation. Like Virtua Fighter, Toshinden я} has a limited battle area (you lose the match if you exceed the boundaries), but the fighters' moves are executed the same as in Street Fighter. Toshinden also provides a cartwheel * \ | sidestep feature that allows you to avoid an oppo- J nent and sneak in from the side. This in itself is revolutionary as it is the first of the 32-Bit games to allow movement in the third dimension. Incredibly playable, Toshinden combines the best of the virtua world with the Street Fighter move configuration. \ FROM VIDEO SCREEN TO SILVER SCREEN MORTAL KOMBAT: Moody and atmospheric, Mortal Kombat appears to have the dark theme of the popular game. But will it be so violent that the ratings board will keep its target audience out of the movie theater? STREET FIGHTER: Despite a strong cast (including Ming-Na-Wen, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Wes Studi and the late Raul Julia), Street Fighter the Movie failed to make waves. Did the producers take on the wrong subject? DOWN BUT NOT OUT Of course, never count out the old reli- able genre entries that once domi- nated the arcades. First and fore- most is Street Fighter. The last entry was Super Street Fighter II Turbo, that many said should have been called Street Fighter Ill. The next scheduled Street Fighter game will be based on the movie and will use live, digitized characters the way Mortal Kombat does. Will it count as a sequel, or will it simply be an upgrade to tide fans over until the next official entry? Another Capcom fighter, DarkStalkers, had several characters who had the same special moves as the SF characters, only a different look. Although it sported superb graphics and cre- ative fighters, DarkStalkers failed to wow crowds at the arcade and left gamers asking where Street Fighter Ill was. It remains to be seen whether the upcoming X-Men arcade fighting game will use the same old elements as Street Fighter with a different face, or if it will truly redefine the genre. Sequel Successes: Samurai Shodown II lined up patrons at the e arcades with new graphics, fighters, more moves and hidden fighters. g At the Winter CES, we had a chance to peek at Nintendo's newest "portable" system, the Virtual Boy. In addition, we got our hands on some pix of the games con- firmed for release in the U.S. Everything is beta at this point, but there was still plen- ty to see and hence, plenty for us to show you. This newest system by the Big N will definitely be break- ing new ground with three- dimensional scaling and rota- tional graphics coming from a high-tech, projectional LCD visor. Its specifications are a tad sketchy, but we do know that it will be true 3-D (as opposed to 3-D-like effects produced on other systems), 32-Bit and feature true stereo (not just two speakers pro- ducing the same sounds). Its controller is bound to remind you of the PlayStation's wing- style, hand-held control unit. There are a variety of but- СДИ. СИ We're close to those virtual-reality units you see in the movies. The Virtual Boy is somewhat cumbersome to strap onto your head, so it is designed to rest on a tripod for you to lean into the visor and play. Technically speaking, it is portable, but due to the odd shape and weight of the unit, it is yet to be seen how practical such a product is. The con- troller is very PlayStation-like and has special buttons for depth control. VIRTUAL BON: EXPOSED) Get a good look at this head unit. If Nintendo’s wishes come true, this will be strapped to the heads of gamers across the country. It's the headset to Nintendo's newest System, the Virtual Boy. On these pages are sneak previews of games con- firmed to be released in the U.S. for this 3-D, virtual-reality system from the big N. SEVERAL VIRTUAL BOY GAMES CONFIRMED FOR U.S. RELEASE tons, among them those that control "toward and away from you" on the back of the controller. The graphics were very impressive, and the sound was excellent. This unit will definitely raise some eye- brows once it hits the States, sometime in April for around $200. Its portability is question- able. Although it does run on Six AA batteries (for about seven hours), its large size and cumbersome weight will limit the number of people who will be willing to lug this thing around. At CES, there were some games on display, among them are the ones shown on these pages. Below, you can see the demo that was run- ning. It showed some of the power the Virtual Boy has in terms of graphics in 3-D. Among the titles confirmed for release were Red Alert by Т+Е Soft, an unnamed space shooter by Hudson Soft, Space Pinball, Mario Bros. and Teleroboxer by Nintendo. Look at some of the pic- tures on the next page to get an idea of what these games will look like. (Of course, on paper they are only 2-D, in actuality they are in very impressive 3-D). Nintendo displayed a demo that showed the power and realism of the Virtual Boy. Yes, every new Nintendo sys- tem has to have a Mario game as a sendoff. Virtual Boy gets a 3-D remake of the original title involving Mario and his faithful brother Luigi. Why not Super Mario Brothers, or something other than the orig- inal Mario Brothers? Who knows? This would seem to be a risky move on Nintendo's part, but maybe it's worth it in 3-D. сте Р е LE ج = 23 п‏ |) an "E ч . Д EN L1 FIGHT! | ‘cy + teas Морето K^ 29 SEGA GOES PRIME- TIME WITH DEION Sega’s going primetime with the 49ers’ star corner- back, NFL defensive player of the year and Cincinnati Reds center fielder Deion Sanders. Sega and Sanders have entered into an exclusive multiyear relationship that will result in Sanders’ endorsement of а wide iss Ф variety of sports-related products for Sega. à — Ata press confer- ence, Sega announced that Sanders will be the official Spokesperson for the Sega Sports brand and also star in Sega's NFL video game series beginning this fall. In addi- tion, Sega Sports will create new software titles specifi- cally designed around the popular athlete. At the recent Winter Consumer Electronics Show the Cowboy was on fire and didn't miss a sports news event as he took pictures of Deion Sanders and Sega's President Tom Kalinske putting on ban- dannas (Deion's signa- ture headwear). In the next few. months, get ready as the Cowboy and the Iceman go one- on-one with Deion to talk about his relation- ship with Sega. At the Acclaim booth, Larry Bird was signing autographs. However, Bird was too busy to speak with the press. In NBA Jam Tournament Edition Larry Bird is one of the hidden characters, as is Randal Cunningham, quar- terback for the Philadelphia Eagles. In our travels we also caught a glimpse of the Denver Bronco's all-star quarterback John Elway. He's in Acclaim's » Quarterback Club com- . ing out shortly for the ax. We even had a chance to chat with him and ask him what he was doing at the show. I thought he might have | 4 been there making a sur- prise appearance at the У Acclaim booth, but as it turned out he was just on vacation with his wife. He was enjoying a late- night snack of a Caesar salad in the Riveria cafete- ria. | guess he's watching his QB Club figure. Elway may not have stopped by the show, but the World Wrestling Federation's Gunn Brothers, Billy and Bart Gunn, stopped by the Acclaim booth to sign a few autographs. The boys aren't in WWF Raw but rumor has it they will be gunning for the top rope in the not-too-distant future. They will be starring in their own WWF wrestling extravaganza from Acclaim. There were lots of very cool Sports games at the big show, including a fantastic hockey game that will have Wayne Gretzky's name on it from Time Warner. Talking to Sushi-X and the Q-Mann, there are also a number of excellent games coming out for the 32- and 64-Bit systems from some big-name companies. Acclaim is going to put the Big Hurt (Frank Thomas) in his own game featuring motion-capture technology. The new game will be ready when the PlayStation and Saturn are released. Acclaim is even planning a version for Nintendo's Ultra 64. Besides the CES games, its a light month on the sporting scene. Just think of it as the calm before the storm. Several companies are making sports games due out later this year. Sega's stepping up to the plate again with World Series Baseball '95. The only thing missing from this game is the smell of the hot dogs, kids crying and fans spilling beer on each other ... it's that good. We'll also take to the ice with the first Game Gear hockey game ever made. It has all of the fast-paced action that you would expect. Sega Midwest han- dled the play-by-play on this game for Sega Sports. Mindscape is hoping you go for the three-point shot in NCAA Final Four Basketball for the Super NES. It's a solid game with an awesome free-throw feature. You'll want to foul anyone in your path when they go up for the Shot, so you can view the free-throw cinema in action. The Cowboy and | are also doing a little spring cleaning in the review department and we've got an entire page of reviews on some excellent games. We're reviewing Acclaim's Quarterback Club for the Super NES and the Sega Genesis. If you loved these games, get ready for the 32X version of QB Club plus a whole lot more. Stay tuned next issue when Team EGM brings you more sports information. Until then, stay warm and keep on playing, just not blackjack. But if you do, and the dealer comes up with three 21s in a row, know when to hold them and know when to fold 'em when the dealing's done. TAKE IT TO THE NET WITH deve FINAL FOUR | Press START wher done If you enjoy taking it to the hoop with your favorite col- lege basketball team, then this is a game you should check out. NCAA Final Four is a great game for budding bas- ketball players. The anima- tions aren't huge, but you can inbound the ball and guard the three-point shoot- ers with ease. It brings board-crashing action home and the incredi- ble new free-throw animation will add realism to the game. Players can tip-off in an Exhibition, Tournament or Practice Mode as you make your way to the Final Four. The top college teams of the last decade are included: Tennessee, Cincinnati, Maryland, Michigan State, Alabama, Florida State, Arkansas, BYU, Arizona, South Carolina, New Mexico State, Seton Hall, Virginia, Georgia Tech, Pitt, Temple, Kansas State, UCLA , Louisville, DePaul, Vanderbilt, Providence, Stanford, Wisconsin, Clemson, UNLV, Florida, Georgia, Pitt, Wake Forest, Villanova, Syracuse, California, Hawaii, Duke, Wake Forest, Notre Dame, Illinois, Indiana, Oklahoma, St. John's, Rutgers, UTEP. North Carolina, lowa, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Georgetown, Memphis, Texas and Massachussets. There's plenty of slam dunking action to keep you busy as you work your way to the Final Four. All of the official college basketball rules are in the game such as backcourt vio- lations, the five and 10 sec- ond rules, plus watch the rough stuff—the refs will call anything. They watch the key and they don’t take kindly to any rowdiness. Keep it clean and keep your elbows down as you try for the alley-oop or the one- sho: W223 ist halt Arkansas 4 Routh Carolina | handed tomahawk jam. You can still play hard, but you can’t cruise through the paint like you own the place. The zebras rule the paint and they won't hesitate to call you for any one of the infractions you can commit in a real basketball game. The player animations are smaller than average, but you get to see more of the floor and know where all of your players are to set up plays in the key and along MANUFACTURER MINDSCAPE CARTRIDGE SIZE 12 MEG RELEASE DATE MARGH # OF PLAYERS the base- line. The Iceman and | went head-to- 1105 head and he hand- ed me my lunch. He’s pretty good at basketball. |, on the other hand, need to practice my hard-court slamming and my dishing skills need plenty га HAL IRLFTIME. . © enm 2> Kentucky A conn = P £ | A { отте 2 7$ ONZE 1 7$ of improvement. But there will be plenty of practice as there are lots of roundball games coming down the pipe. а" e her nc iui imu "i WORLD SERIES BASEBALL ‘95 p o i SPOT WITH WSB ‘95 version expect to see more the 28 stadiums. All have ... a lot more options and been fully reproduced includ- features than before. Never- ing new ballparks in before-seen features like the · Colorado, Cleveland and Classic Home Run Derby. Texas. Improved sound Once again, the game is fully licensed by Major League Baseball and the Major League Player’s No one really knows when _ Association. this baseball dilemma will All 28 end. However, Sega Sports teams knows what you've been and missing and it's all here in their '95 edition of World Series Baseball. They're stepping up to the plate once again with а new-and-improved ver- sion of what many referred to last year as the best baseball game released for any system. effects, music and two announcers give the most realistic experi- ence short of actu- ally sitting in the dugout chew- ing tobacco leagues enable friends to take part in a fantasy league. You can play out a season that may not ч even take place with the real with the play- Major Leaguers. World Series Baseball ers. Baseball The best baseball game of started fans can play in last year has b d MANUFACTURER i y as been made SEGA E Sega J == P has dae Ў better with everything but the Sports on -— eason or гїауо smell of hot dogs and pop- MEO. their run Eri / Modes as they corn added to the mix. to the make their way to PETERSE DATE Hall of 700 players are the World Series. Fame. back to play some serious Players can be drafted and UC In this hardball. traded, allowing you to build Newcomers to the game a dynasty team. Multiplayer include American and National league all- time great player teams. For the first time ever, gamers can pit old-time Hall of Famers such as Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth against today's hot-shot superstars including Barry Bonds, slugger for the San Francisco Giants; Jeff Bagwell, first baseman for the Houston Astros; Ken Griffey, Jr., centerfielder for the Seattle Mariners and Greg Maddux, pitcher with the Atlanta Braves. TEAS Making their debut after 1994 AVG .311 HR-14 SB-2' complete renovations are ^ ШЕШ Itt = One or two player action и Real NHLPA players with real player stats и Regular or short season with playoffs = Penalties, hooking, body- checking и Substitutions = Adjustable difficulty level и Adjustable speed и Adjustable penalties и Eight different league-leader statistical categories и All-star team IN FAL TDA KIDS TO ADULTS LICENSED BY SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD, FOR PLAY ON THE SEGA™ GENESIS™ SYSTEM. = Tournament-style play и Instant replay E^ s b = Season-saving battery back-up h —— COMING IN FEBRUARY! Tecmo 7 ee д p | À the highest quality standard of OFFICIALLY LICENSED BY у Sega™. Buy games and THE NATIONAL HOCKEY accessories with this seal to be LEAGUE PLAYERS’ NO sure that they are compatible with ASSOCIATION. the Sega™ Genesis™ System. © Tecmo, Ltd. 1994 TECMO* is a registered trademark ої Tecmo, Inc. Licensed by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. for play on the Sega™ Genesis™ System. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. This product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, For information about the ESRB rating, or to comment about the appropriateness of the rating, please contact the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772. Tecmo, Inc. * 19260 South Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501 Phone (310) 787-2900 NHL ON YOUR COLOR GAME GEAR! _ REGULAR SEASON OME PLAYER VANCOUVER VISITOR PERIOD LINE CHANGE Home | Just like this year's NHL season, the Game Gear is still alive. Games like this add fuel to the fire for this color portable. NHL All-Star Hockey deliv- ers what other portables can and cannot do. Select from all official teams straight from the National Hockey League with their very own logos and colors. At the Option Screen you may change the number of minutes in each period to five, 10 or 20 minutes. If you like being technical about your game play, turn line changes on or off and GORL update your lines to improve your team's performance on the ice. Penalties can be turned on or off. Unfortunately (or for- tunately for you squeamish players) there is no fighting included in this Game Gear version. No need to worry, though, because fighting is included in the Genesis ver- sion. Offsides can either be turned on or off if you prefer all-out action on the ice. The graphics aren't over- «Cont 1¥ MACTAVISH ЕЕ 6 OZOLEIHSH ASSIST BY — Domen seme moro و д, REL — NHL ALL-STAR HOCKEY whelming as this is a simple game that doesn't require intensive animations. Plus, we are talking about the Game Gear which doesn't supply too many true colors. It does give some detail to the players—that is more than the cabbage-colored portables do. Despite the options, the eye-appealing nature of the game will be appreciated. Players shooting and passing are clear throughout the game. Small as they are, you can feel the action whether being checked by your opponent or shooting a slapshot. As you play, the referees regulate the game by com- ing up whenever there’s a foul committed or a goal is scored. Take a time-out and look at some Team Options. In this screen you can check out your team's performance and other options that can change the game. You can access the score- board easily and you can even change the goalie if you feel that your current goalie isn't doing the job you expect him to do. Before changing goalies, check out the Goalie Statistics and choose the right man for the job. You can even run through the Game Statistics. See how you are doing against the opposition and measure your on-ice performance. That's right. You can even look through the Player Statistics and see individual stats on the game you are playing. Penalty and Scoring Summaries are self explanatory. These also can be accessed. Look through your roster to see who are the top players on your team. Ratings are on a scale of 100 in a number of areas. NHL All-Star Hockey deliv- ers what you expect in a hockey game: plenty options and cool features. eont. € охо ман ASSIST БҮ | SO OTEVREL | шк b „к EF GOALIE STAT Z-SMITCH TERI REASONS WHY BASKETBALL WILL NEVER BE THE SAME CAUTION: If you are completely satisfied with other basketball games and are unable to upgrade to RAP JAM, you will not need to know that now you can: 1. Out-shove & out-shoot 2...if you know ө © real rap stars their special © aybe they're bigger than ou, but you | moves get your shot... Treach’s Helicopter jam ..LL Cool J's ө 3. Make choices Drop-The-Ball-&-Back-Dunk...Sticky Fingaz’ Twirling Jam...Queen Latifah’s ou've never Butterfly Jam.. ..Everlast's Flip Flop Dunk ... ad before & waitll you see your teammates Go 2 оп 2,3 оп 3, | on 3, | on 2 * Pick how jump up through the hoop! long- to. play -- 5 minutes? 10 minutes? -- or how mm - A sd a e many points • Play in a different language • Full ; Pita | 4. Pick the court or half court * Mix and match players * M e ee Е coolest 9 Solo or spirit mode, you always know. which player you are — 9& xi playgrounds 5. Move faster Reaction time seems faster than other basketball games...smoother moves! =, gem e o: E 8 S Unbelievable graphics! Play in the dark on Chicago's glowing rooftop court above the city lights...Or in the sun at LA's Venice | | | Beach as surfers & bodybuilders watch 6. Watch non- | 2H | d stop animation . Hear rea е HOUSTON See the first-ever Nintendo Morph as a basket- ; MUSIC rM. TE à ball turns into a CD turns into the RapJam logo....Cheerleaders do the bump...Lo-Riders cruise by the New York playground... .Baskets bounce & shiver with each slam dunk / 9 sound f/x 9. Rules? Rules R Everyone's got something to say...the <3 fools! LA. cheerleaders & your own team- Rap beats 2 keep U loose... TE FEI: 005. mates....the wind whistles in Chicago...the pog bc. No refs to | r z z ` ocean roars in L.A....Get a real playground L | keep Yo | Yo from . shoving E you out of play . of Chuck D from stealing the ball by d any means necessary / NEW YORK . M MOTOWN [GAMES | BEA GAME TESTER. Tell us why you'd be good at it, or get on our mailing list for gate free information. Write to: STREET GENIUS clo Mandingo Entertainment, 345 вам ўо оме! 02 - ©1994 Mandingo OT No. Maple Drive, Suite 373, Beverly Hills.CA90210 Super NES and the official Seals are registeneditrademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © yp nent System, bounce & a chain-metal basket swoosh LL COOLJ 6. $ да WP ‘th га HOUSE OF PAIN 3 QUEEN LATIFAH £ 2 5 WARREN G «ай PUBLIC ENEMY CUM 7 iain. NAUGHTY BY NATURE Here's something you don't normally find in a football game. Play in a game and compete against other top QBs in the league. Animations in the game and the QB Challenge are quite exceptional. Top it off with cool sound effects and you get an excellent football game where you can play up to five players at one time. iceman |Challenging Al. Here's something from Konami that you might consider looking into. At first, the controls can get tricky. There seems to be a delay in pick- ing the player closest to the ball, but you eventually don’t mind that at all as the realis- tic animations attract your attention as do the great sounds this one offers. Expect a ton of options for your playing sat- Iceman _Jisfaction. College basketball at its best. Featuring 32 top college teams across the nation plus eight all-time championship teams, this one's the best college basketball game so far. Realistic plays and great animations from the NBA Live engine make this one as real as possible. Awesome backboard-smashin’ dunks. Lastly, the Multiplayer Mode Iceman iis a blast. Lace up those shoes! Okay, they also have this for the Genesis. ! am really picky on football games, but this one caught my attention. Even though the charac- ters are a bit on the small side, the game play makes all the difference. Intelligent CPU makes the game more challenging than oth- ers. In addition to the gridiron action you have the QB challenge. Check iceman |this one out! World Cup Golf is everything you need to mimic the real thing. Packed with features that you don’t normally see in a golf game, this one stands out like a sore thumb. Accurate landscapes of courses and well-digitized voic- es guide you through the game. The access time is a bit on the slow side, but this beats watching golf games on eman Jthose lazy Saturdays. 102 А tty | This game is three games in one. ! really enjoyed the crunch time feature and the QB Club competition isn't for the faint of heart. The difficulty setting is quite high, but it's fun after you get used to what you are supposed to do. In terms of the game play, it has a ways to go. The players are blocky and the receivers, despite the colored arrows, are hard to follow. WEGE) Гуе played both the Japanese and U.S. ver- sions of this game. | enjoyed the play-by-play feature that the Japanese version had, but it was taken out over here due to cost. If you like to color coordinate your team, you can even change the colors of your team’s jerseys and make the shorts match. The game play is good, the players are large and there are lots of options. 98916690 The large animations and the top 32 teams in college hoops are highlighted in this realistic- playing b-ball game. I'm not a huge basketball fan, but | do understand the game. The NBA Live engine may have been used to make this game. | still felt as though there was some- thing missing when | took it to the hoop. | laced up the shoes, but | found | felt one lace was untied. [Video Cowboy It's fourth and one and although this game doesn't get it into the endzone every time, it is still a very solid football game. There’s more to this one than your typical football simula- tion. You can play the Regular, Playoff and Regular Season Modes. There’s also the QB Club Challenge Mode and the crunch-time simulator which has never been done before in a game. [Video Cowboy World Cup Golf has everything but the wind. It is jammed with all of the features that anyone itching to get out onto the golf course after a long winter's hiatus will need. A digitized voice will guide you through the game. The only downside of the game is the slow access e time. It will definitely keep those e ЗОО users eager to try their skills on * the course highly entertained. Video Cowboy TOURNAMENT EDITION TAKES 1 G » Fi ND 3 FIRST 50 SECOND ТОО THIRD | 200 FOURTH | ЗОО FIFTH PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRI 4-2 МВА Jam ТЕ | NBA NBA _ The Official NBA JAM Arcade Game | Backboard and | Sweatshirt | NBA Basketball | The Album & • Trip for Two to a '95 NBA Basketball Encyclopedia NBA JAM NBA Finals Game ia I ADe The Music • Be a secret character SPALDING Video in an Acclaim? video game • $500 in cash i unm VIDEO SPORTS SPORTS m " Check Out The NBA° JAM™ TE™ Hot Spot Sweepstakes Win the Ultimate МВА Prizes Г.Е. OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Fil out and mail this entry to: NBA* JAM" TE" HOT SPOT SWEEPSTAKES, DEPT. EGM, P.O. Box 553, Gibbstown, NJ 08027 (PLEASE PRINT) NAME ADDRESS АРТ# GO FOR THE 7 POINT SHOT ‘ALL-NEW JAMS p ee ee tee FROM THE HOT SPOT DAYTIME PHONE DATE OF BIRTH MORE NBA STARS oa erg) ETE MORE SECRET PLAYERS =, Duda aac NA "RE MORE SUPER JAMS атата 4 GENESIS LE GAME GEAR OFFICIAL RULES: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY: To enter the NBA Јат Но! Spot Sweepstakes complete the entry form and ma 'ss р your name, full addr Вох 553, Gibbstown, NJ 08027, All requested information must be provided. You may enter with a 3 be mailed separately and rece entries that are lost, late. illegible, or misdirected. All entries become property of sponsor is Game. $500 in c: il value $4,000 each) 50 Second Prizes: NBA Huffy Backboards and Spalding NBA Basketballs. (Approximate retail v 100 rts. (Approximate Fourth Prizes: The Offical NBA Basket pedia. (Approximate retail eu S40 each). 300 Fifth Prizes: NBA JAM Session CD & CBS Fox? NBA JAM Video. (Approximate retail value $20 each). Values may include handling and delivery charges. Total maximum retail value of all prizes is estimated at $46,000. WINNERS vill be selected from among all qualified entries in a random drawing held on ог about 5/15/95 by CD Sports, an independent judging organiza- tion whose decisions on all matters relating to this offer are final and binding. Grand Prize winner will receive a three day. two night trip for two to the NBA Finals. Trip inclu (2) tickets to an NBA Final game. round-trip coach airfare for two from the most convenient major airport to their residence to one of the two NBA Finals cities. deluxe double occupancy hotel, transportation to/from the game and $500 cash spending money. Odds of winning a prize are dependent upon the number of eligible entries п х0. Circulation limited to 2.000.000. Al! prizes will be aw transfer of prizes permitted. Taxes, if any. on all prizes are the sole responsibility of winner. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission to use winner's name and likeness for Entertainment. Inc., the NBA, their affiliates, subsidiaries, participating retailers, advertising/promotion/publicity agencies, CD Sports and the immediate families of each. Void be awarded in the пате of parent or legal guardian. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Grand Prize winner will be required to sign an affidavit of eligibilit alternate winner will be selected. Winners agree that Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., its affiliates, agencies or participating retailers shall have no liability in connectio Box 786. Gibbstown, NJ 08027. All requests must be received by 6/30/95. ytime telephone number and name of store where promotion was ised оп а 1 il to: NBA“ Jam” Hot Spot ей by 5/10/95. Entries th: pax en not be accepted. Sponsors not responsible for LES ideo game. (Ap; s; NBA Jam TE Arcade Games. (Ар wherever prohibited or restricted. This sweepstakes is sponsored by Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. Oyster Bay, NY. If Grand Prize is won by сту release within ten days of notification. Travel companion must also sign а liabilty/publcity release. In the event of non-compliance within this time period an vith acceptance or use of prizes awarded herein. For the name of the Grand Prize winner send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to NBA” JAM TE” Hot Spot Sweepstakes, P.O. | bet you're as surprised to see this as we were. Yes, tarF ! was on display at the Winter CES and boy was it hot! It seems that the evil Andross is back, and he’s out to conquer the universe again. utilizes many of the same play techniques as the first game, but there have been some major improve- ments. For one, the game is non-linear, allowing you to fly your R-Wing almost any- where. Second, your ship can transform into a robot- like walker for new types of missions. Another cool idea STARFH d FACT nm FILE [жоюла 1on2 | NA | 16 Моют МА Aucus 405 | *MANUFACTURER: NINTENDO OF MORIA: INc. 104 EM The R-Wings have a new ability in StarFox 2. They can transform! Whenever you want, you can hit the SELECT button to morph. Each form has its own advan- 4 tages. The land walker is best on the ground, while the standard form is fast and maneuverable. Г is that you can choose your pilot from a cast of cool char- acters. There is even a split- screen, Two-player Mode for even more shooter thrills. is an impressive shooter that goes beyond the original in the typical Nintendo fashion. THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW | loved the first StarFox, and the sequel is even better. Everyone criticized the original for its inability to allow players to move freely. StarFox 2 allows you this mobility and looks good, too. What more could you want? – Andrew Baran = ga r^ 3o É- + _ LOO UE dih THE PILOT/ OF TEAM STAR FOX A i n ee N ЕО-ОО! y dens =] тє "AUi БТ PEPPY; е "DEVELOPER: ARGONAUT. JO UNDE | A. Taitania B. Venom C. Meteor Ж zi F- To ЕТ, E. Corneria ANTENGE derer TAR Team StarFox has been called to duty once again, as Andross' forces make a surprise attack on the Lylat system. Instantly, four worlds have been enslaved by the armies of the evil Andross, and the invaders are now approaching Corneria. You must free the planets and stop Andross once Ba)? ve азап. Tye E4 returned to seek and for all! revenge! 4 PROTECT CORNERIA AT ALL CO/T/... Throughout the game, the Andross forces will attack Corneria. When this happens, you'd better stop the level you’re in and hunt down the attackers. If Corneria’s damage hits 100 percent, you'll lose the Е 2 RETURN TO МАР ? game. The Andross armies send ships i YES and missiles. аш YOU MU/T KEEP THE/E GUY/ AWAY FROM THE PLANET CORNER = As you attempt to free the four planets from Andross’ control, the enemy will attack Corneria. As you saw above, the planet can only take so much damage before your game ends. Andross will send several types of ships, and even a missile or two. It's up to you to hunt down these enemies and dis- pose of them. Youmustact | quickly or they'll. ~ do damage! X. | — í \ П | ШЇ С NI ШЇП LET Fox and his team must travel from planet to planet in search of ANJOS... Taitania is where Andross has his primary Ex missile launch sites. К ^" Sweep in quickly and ES ` destroy the few defenders. Then concentrate on the missile silos. They go down after a few shots, so hop to it StarFox Team! Venom was once Andross’ main fortress. After you liberated it, the world began to heal. Now the evil one has returned, and the world is turning nightmarish again. Destroy the base by shooting its walls away. OG93D 106 EM The Poisoner is ruin- ing the planet of Eledard. It’s up to you to find the machine, shut it off and blow it up. There is little resistance here, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble. You’re almost done, so hurry up! LL EI Destroy the occupa- tion forces that lie deep within the Meteor. You will mostly come across strange walkers and lots of cannons built into the walls. This mission is tough, so move fast or you are as good as dead. Andross himself has decided to enter the fray. Fly deep within his fortress and stop him. Can you find your way? IT MAY seem TOREAEARATHE END. BUT THI/ 00 JUT THE BEGINNING- TO BE CONTINUED.. TIME BOMBS You have to be light on your feet around these things. Once touched, they count down to detonation! BEER ЕАСТ THEME #PLAYERS #LEVELS ШОШ тоге {һап enough action for any game UNDERWATER As in other Mega Man titles, under- water areas slow down your move- ments, making actions more slug- gish and difficult. MEGABITS CHALLENGE FOR MORE ACTION Mega Man has a few different modes of attack. Your basic shot is small and not lethal, but fast and accurate. If you hold the fire but- ` ton, he will begin to ~ charge and grow in . attack power. This method of gaining , extra power may work ^ With other weapons found later in the game. Once you reach ` your maximum power, you can have Mega _ Man release with a massive bolt of destructive energy. This is your most pow- erful basic attack and it requires no special battery power like other weapons you find in the game. When you are hit by a foe, however, your power does decrease. „|| With the over- | abundance of |! explosions оп у this level, it is ©! no wonder | this area Boss d is called Burst | Man. It will take patience || to overcome į the many obstacles coming your == way on this 4| stage in the = form of both enemy robots and environ- mental hazards. BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE CAPCOM ^ 4 Cloud, gaking 2 | the occasion- 2239 OUD WAN nS RF, >} al nasty. A Many high- - altitude jumps will be blocked by an annoying Inc | fi | ae Я ugly waiting EC De Б. еа а = (ж | to get you. Storms cause These harmless E X | Cet used to a wind effect, little things can be § r- ———— — this style of making it more used to escort you fi |) zj SEES i Ж attack, be- difficult to keep to otherwise s GER 3 о =| | cause the moving in one unreachable Ero К Ё ; ES af Boss of this direction. Tough areas. Use these A redi ial ‘=w M Stage is опе in some areas. 971 yi Ap tough cookie | i 4 to kil Us It’s cold. It’s full of uglies just waiting to gak you. This whole stage is one big, slip- pery mess, making any running you do deadly in many areas. Tough out the a Ie "^" à ums : АА STDC ТИ рурии pei eot s TL Elem > — | These аге a one- Yes, it’s cold, it's problems апа - = -— hit death. It white and it's slip- take out the j5 یہ‎ ў Ыы {| doesn't matter pery. Of course, large polar S x p f how much life you this will make cer- bear nasties ; d x — || have—these will tain areas of the on your way ‚ | : Мы M kill you quickly. stage more diffi- to Freezeboy. 7 А s cult to maneuver. This is per- haps one of the most diffi- Ж .. А cult levels to = TERRAIN Es Tah COM Ro | master. It has - і large areas of ladders and passages guarded by small, but —— CM: | | ; deadly, foes. ROACHHOLES § Fi SMA | з а Get used to These wonderful ^ This is another Ec E ШЕЕ large Bosses works of technolo- example of the =o = =| coming out of gy spew out little Меда Man-one-hit- B ive ч чер the floor. It's a mecha-roaches kills-you-quickly Bi ee ага : dw OR E fact of life on that attempt to environmental A = ^ this stage. take you out. Zap problem. Don't IT =: Junk Man’s this thing quickly. land on them! 5 eu |: - EE | waiting. a 192) TM м GAME LEVEL ATTACKE 1а This is опе big problem indeed! Watch out for his dashes and keep pummeling him until he looks something like Jell-o. FACT SELL #PLAYERS LEVELS МЕСАВІТЅ CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE тр | 60% | *MANUFACTURER: *DEVELOPER: CAPCOM TROUBLE m а Shoot to kill is this guy's motto, and he follows it to the letter! Dodge his shots and deliver hardcore damage if you want to see your next birthday. ND GAZO Ty MAGE | Instead, beat him to a pulp! Watc out for his jumping beans spear and air attacks. ake a look at this, Tetris lovers! The creator of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov, introduces BreakThru. Instead of building a wall, in this game you bring one down. Travel around the world knocking down walls with your sledge and a little bit of help from some explosives. Sound easy? Don't be surprised if there are some obstacles to contend with in 96 this game! nent, use all of your speed to knock your wall d runs out. The more walls you knock down, the h Cans can get in your way. Dynamite! This comes in handy. Missiles can plow through rows. block your way to victory, Use the missiles to your advantage. They take out everything blow them to smithereens! except rocks. Set them off in places that you can't reach. Multicolored cubes help big time. Sitting rocks can't be budged. If placed carefully, the dyna- mite can cause a chain reac- tion of explosions that will In Cooperative Play, you anda Оп the other hand, there is speed up your game! .. friend can team up and tear Competitive Play in which. down the wall in a flash! race to achieve more points. #PLAYERS #LEVELS MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE JE. EA [uU PENES GI; RUMBETOIO BYTE UNG. ONE SHISH KABOB, COMIN’ UP! They fight, and bite, they fight and bite and fight! Get ready as Itchy & Scratchy slice, dice, crash and bash their way into your home. This cat's gonna need more than nine lives to survive bazookas, grenades, chain saws and flame throwers. There's more than one way to skin a cat... So, are you mouse enough!!!2?? Ll The Simpsons & Characters TM & © 1994 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. € 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. Sega, Genesis & Game Gear are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ® & © 1994 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. A«laim entertainment inc. Play as either the Caped Crusader or the Boy 4 Wonder. If you've got a buddy, both of you can play in double-player simultaneous action. Will your efforts as these superheroes be enough to save Gotham from the 15 levels of nasties? Keep an eye out for the excellent animation done by the animators of the TV car- toon series! This title has some excellent graphics. ire up for total Batman [о straight from the Emmy award-winning, animated TV series! The Dark Knight and his sidekick, Robin, battle the most chill- ing forces of evil known to man—or bat! Diabolical Mr. Freeze is targeting his hyper- j annon straight A horde of ids by, ready to turn man's town into an This title has some totally excellent 3-D effects that are hardly ever seen on the Genesis! You will be impressed. CVC MRO NECO Be sure to snag the icons you find on your way to defeat Mr. Freeze. Some restore life; some increase power. All are necessary. Snag this and kill everyone on the screen by yourself. WEAPON = This changes or increases the strength of _| your weapon. БШШ, > #PLAYERS #LEVELS FACT THEME ШЫ Acton т MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE ER? CLOCKWORK TORTOISE ME RI CA, Û UNIG So vem & all E elements are property of DC Comics. TM & C 1994. You must first work your way past 7 the lesser, but perhaps more well- / known, super criminal, Joker, to „į J defeat Mr. Freeze. Despite his name, Йй { МЕУ he's nothing to laugh at! ENS CARACAS MC YEN This guy has — i i — m come into his own Honey, | shrunk the bat? Has light for the game. Batman invaded a Smurf You can play him village? Check it out. alone, without the : aid of the big BM. Does he have the moves to take on Yep, he's mad. B | Mr. Freeze alone? Take one look at à - Pick up this cart a few of m " and find out for these ZF P yourself. stages, 7 4 NC and you should have no doubt about his sanity. Some of the greatest effects of the VD are here. At a gem show, the Joker's lackies make a surprise guest appearance. Joker's sidekick Jester tries to Таке out an entire convoy take you out with some laugh- оп your way to the big grin ing bombs. himself. Scores of bouncing enemies Batman in wonderland? Okay, form rings and chase you sure. Some awkward foes around some structures. come your way, alert. The Caped ctures y ау, s stay Crusader makes rey - - the jump from the 4A “З This disfigured TV stations to f criminal has a your Genesis E i __ bone to pick with home system with yÊ; FZ Batman. This por- a flying leap. la tion of the game Master this mean ر‎ was a tad raw, but dude’s moves > _ have a quick look alone or team up LE anyway. with his faithful sidekick, Robin. Big Chief Mean is here with some E bad news for the Caped Shine] | and his sidekick. Again, this part | of the game was somewhat | incomplete but looks promising E nonetheless. | You must penetrate his large Along t the way, you will cavern-like fortress to prevail. | encounter even more visual Very nice graphic effects. effects to impress you. rank Castle and his fam- F: were enjoying a pic- nic in Central Park when they witnessed a brutal mob killing. Not wanting them to go to the police, the murder- ers gunned down the family. On that day Frank Castle died and the Punisher was born—a vigilante bringing those who deserve it to justice. With the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury, they hope to put an end to the new trouble that's brew- ing. The notorious gangster Bruno is up to his old tricks and needs to be taught a lesson. Your mission is to put an end to whatever he is planning. Use whatever is at your disposal to stop Bruno's mob. You will be using every- thing from rapid firing pistols to hand grenades to stop these criminals. Now it’s time make them wish they were never born! E THEME FILE #PLAYERS *MANUFACTURER: CAPCOM 116 EM = Back TO THE WAR T , NISHER» c € s Uem rem FF | eus mu m E PUNISHER'S ARSENAL STEEL HAND PIPE Eel GRENADE BATTLE KNIFE UZI HAND GUN BASE- BALL BAT MACHINE ТИТ Drop in on Bruno's club. Smash the patrons over the head with bar Stools if they get in your way. | кыа, Chase down Bruno as һе tries to es- cape. Here you get the pleasure of meeting Б! He’s a Bruno has escaped to his castle. When it comes to the Punisher, there is no escape. Time to get in there and bring down the house! It turns out that Kingpin is behind the whole ` | thing. Sneak in through the pool and give these _ т guards a thorough trashing. { #LEVELS MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE ‘DEVELOPER: SCULPTURE SOFT ™and© 1994. Marvel Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. The waterfront has turned into a spawn- =. | ing ground for drug dealers. Shutting 74 down Kingpin's operation would really set him back. mea NN + a n 38 | i Н H e ———— ——— ! ~ | { | i | "m Bonecrusher has no intention of p you get past him. Try using grenades. “| I’ve heard of a ship of fools, but a whole train full of them is a little =| ridiculous! Let’s see if we can throw a wrench into the Kingpin’s drug deal down at the waterfront. Kingpin is loading a train full of poppy. Get through to the train to stop him. and toss the thugs around. he’s sending his mercenaries after you. Turn these That makes kicking their butts easier. | апд mechanical misfits to scrap metal. A quick uppercut to |- the jaw | - should slow | — these boys | _ Kingpin has sent his goons to your hideout to make sure you don’t interfere again. You've got other plans, though. чеизаев FINAL PUNISHMENT кшен, at this hotel. I’m Fiane тыд through playing games with this oversized blimp. Let’s finish this business for good. |. It’s fightin’ time! Having worked your way through a floor packed with henchmen, take the elevator to the top. Kingpin lies in waiting for you here. Good luck handling this behemoth. Don’t these creeps ever learn? Let’s make sure they get a clear picture that the bad guys never win. And | mean NEVER! EM LLL n a world of video games that emphasize blowing things up and committing violent acts, a game that emphasizes friendship isa breath of fresh air. | enjoyed Ecco Jr. from Sega Club even though | am well above the four to nine age group that the game is meant for. The graphics, as with the _ Ecco game, are very well — _ done. The sound was great and | especially liked the two extra mammals you can play as. The puzzles aren't too hard, but should provide enough of a challenge. for the jn | younger kids. The controls | are a little difficult to get used to, but once you do, you can make him turn on a dime. If you liked the Ecco game and have a child around age four, this is a must-get; even if you don't, you might want to — check it out. I'll be playing it . - well after | finish this preview. Г 8 [ШЕП ШЭ EA -tropical fish and stingrays. In Ecco Jr., none of the sea crea- tures are hostile toward you, ۳ K : з y ы : 1 i yt ; y ۰ irm tena Me | з f dm Ротны Ame | 75% | Ecco, but you can also be two — : . Of his friends. Choose from a es killer whale or another - ý e impressive sea creatures. From giant sea horses and sharks, to ` Ecco Jr. is also a two- -player - and friendship is emphasized. _ sae ша! omer s ae ike "E 7 13 This is one big level. It also men the fone for the levels to come. In бепе ©еа, your job is to find two of your friends using your song. When your friends hear it, they'll sing back, allowing you to find them. In Aqua Maze, use your Bay of Songs is another song to destroy the hide-and-seek game. crystals. Find five rings to complete a song. In Seal Rocks, find the seal's ball and return it to him. In Treasure Caves: find | the treasure and take it to the crystal. relatively simple. | CORE @ TIME 0° 04788 mcs -ai GORE 200 B... 021715 War" 4 « Е 2 "АК Ll - а = = = a = = > = = = = = жк каш LESE LE 500 TIME 0 46°95 INES -27 ITERE TE вз RTH ee Е.И.) оз 5 wig кк көккө $ 2 e аы WS > P. Vw Ww LE oe = s = м = = M 2 = rd = = = = his friends to this awesome cart with him. This is pretty cool because not only can you pla but you can also tag team it as well! This poses some interesting possibilities and greatly trek. Any Knuckles fan (or Sonic, for that matter) should definitely try this one out. Кее the Echidna is back, only this time he's playing on the 32Х! He brought all of Play from an assortment of seven ET? =| = С FA A FAAC T = PRS characters, each with his or her own special ability. Vector FACT THEME #PLAYERS #LEVELS MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE (FILE _25+ | 24 (Mopenare NCAT E ЕЕЕ Є i d А АА-А, Coins at the seafront! You know the routine. Race along at mind; ing high speeds and collect the coins. Avoid the nastit They sure can ruin a great day at the beach. fon i TIME 0°07°80 INES 4 Ahhh, speed. These guys love it. Zoom around at mach speeds over loop-de-loops and avoid obstacles as you race to the finish in this incredibly fast (and I mean fast) level. oints in the hidden bonus rounds! You can “fly” through a tunnel (above) or race inside a he biggest arcade hit of all time comes home in a big way— for the newest Sega platform, the 32X! This title really comes to life. - _ Liv u E } [о0о им 88 БЕШТ FACT FILE 122 EM f cf E O Ч e owe e dM 00 WINS = The control is very similar to the Genesis version (imagine that), which is pretty good. There should be no obstruc- tions to the kombat. _And ALL The | Special Stuff... The Dead Pool, the Babalities, the Friendships, the Pit Fatalites and of course, the hidden secret characters must be in any respectable version of Mortal Kombat Il. This is one such a version. Be on the lookout for all your favorites. 02 WINS *MANUFACTURER: ACCLAIM — INc. — ق MORTAL KOMBAT BATTLE PLAN * | EN | | PLAYER TWO HAS ENTERED THE TOURNAMENT ! ` BLADE STUN 2 BLADE TOSS. “3 Don’t play alone. Grab little Billy from down the street and pummel him a few times in Versus Mode! Raiden Every character, including the secret characters, is here. It’s practically a carbon copy of the arcade- EM 123 The fuel lights are lit ... the engines are on... the | «nin TI I) LI Mysterious Mr. Adams has brought Top Secret orders into the military thumbs up is given ... and you're off! The opening sequence —— is impres- sive in its enact- ment of a heli- zooming over forested hills. It looks cool! FACT ДИ ОС ИА И носа Нок ние шш copter takeoff. After you're up and away, you start THEME #PLAYERS #LEVELS base that you operate. for you! However, ‘MANUFACTURER: SEGA OF AMERICA, INC. IXA ESM MEGABITS CHALLENGE revealed until you're . well into by then, it's l- too late to turn back. You'll need BACKUP ШЇЇ to rescue а scientist who's creat- | ed an incred- ibly deadly toxin. The bad guys have him and it’s your job to get him back! Should you get past the heli- copter part of the game, you infiltrate the enemy plant. Point and shoot. г (upper left) while bob- 90 long or too many shots rsor should turn white AVAILABLE % COMPLETE | oD EWELOPIERS Or the brave Darwin. The choice is yours — you are captain of the largest, most powerful submarine on the TV airwaves, the seaQuest! ^E Ros Many dangerous underwater adventures await you, and you NS: z à will need all of the resources of the seaQuest and her crew. The future is in your hands! Y erfect is a virtual-reality р of the future that has gone very wrong. The inhabitants are trapped inside and forced to fight each other to the death. A plea for help is sent by one of "E Й A transmission that was sent the people in Perfect, and "PD by a woman from the future now you, a mercenary, will » (on the left) is received by have to try to save them all. е Р уоиг people in the present. It Four have gone before you E is a warning that virtual reality and failed. As you make your H A ÛÎ will take over everything. first jump into the future and Е your first virtual world, Listen to what this woman On this screen either start remember that things are dif- says—it's important. a new game or continue. ferent here and also that y ud ттт" there are many enemies, so s just keep moving. At first your power levels are low, but as you gain experience, they will increase. Your goal is to reach the status of Number . z Two in order to fight the After you make the jump you will Perfect One. be in the world called Perfect. Perfect was created as a virtual heaven-on-Earth, but things have not gone the way they were supposed to. The people inside are trapped and can never get out. Once you are in the virtual РТ : This world is complete with world, you will find these balls A Eis virtual stadiums, towers and that will give you weapons |: ш б, | 7, iy | even towns! Search around to and other things to help you | get the information you need stay alive. $$$. à to conquer the evil people. can heal yourself, plus you have the opportunity to speak to the local inhabitants. EVELOPERS 5 MILES Our 26 А HIGHLY DANGEROUS oy & HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE. GET READY TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT FEMALE ACTION FIGURES. MEET ZEALOT” THE FIERCE KHERUBIM WARRIOR FROM JIM LEE'S WILDC.A. T. S7 THIS FATAL FEMALE'S GOT А TITANIUM BATTLE CLEF BLADE, NOBELIUM SABERS AND VALKAR BLADES — AND SHE Ki HOW TO L SERIOUSLY VERY $ JIM IEE'S WILDCATS COVERT ACTION TEAM AND ZEALOT ARE THE TRADEMARKS OF AEGIS ENTERTAINMENT, INC., D/B/A WILDSTORM PRODUCTIONS, AND USED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 1995 AEGIS ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SERIES © 1995: NELVANA LIMITED. PLAYMATES TOYS (HONG KONG) LTD. AUTHORIZED USER. inball Fantasies is just that, pinball. You have » four different tables to choose from, each having dif- ferent challenges. There is some pretty cool music to move you along. You get points for hitting just about everything pong except the flippers. Most tables have high scoring for complet- ing loops off the ramps or around the entire table. There Skill shots area part are plenty of cool bonuses to of any pinball game. acquire, too. The high scores If you make skill are kept on backup so you shots, you will get a never lose them. This is cool for pretty hefty load of competition against friends. points. Skill shots are shots you make after you initially launch the ball. It usually 7 requires hitting a particular me at the right time or f putting just enough pressure on the pinball launcher. The picture below is from the Billion Dollar Game Show. Put the right amount of pressure (and do a little tilting) to get the ball up this ramp. The picture above is the Speed Devils table. There you must light up all three letters to spell “pit.” After that, you can then flip the ball to get a 2X bonus. The picture in the , j upper-right corner is Stones ‘N’ Bones. Here you must get the ball to go through the flashing slot. Do so and you will be rewarded with millions of points. The final picture to the right is the Partyland bonus. After launching the ball, use the second flipper to get the ball, up a ramp for a million points. There are four different pinball tables to choose from. | found that the easiest and most fun is Stones 'N' Bones. You can get a ton of points by repeatedly hitting these targets. of course, they are not easy to hit. The picture in 1 the middle is is E nom the Billion Dollar Game Show, and it is one that can be hit easily. You are guaranteed to get 500,000 points every time you hit it. The Vault is not pictured here but is on the Stones 'N' Bones table. It is also easy to get to in the game. FACT THEME #PLAYERS #LEVELS MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE ДН roms | tree ма | в | Eav [Bamm] Manen Их i (MANUFACTURER COMPUTER DEVELOPERS SPIDER SOFT 128 А 5 This is probably the toughest table. Once you get used to it, it's pretty fun. There are tons of ramps to flip the ball into and plenty of bonus points waiting for you when you do. The more times you flip the ball through the Cyclone, the more bonus points you will get after losing your ball. If you get the ball through the skill shot, keep looping it for repeated points. You can earn 8 million points if you loop only ЗЕ three times. Billion Dollar ure Show ХМ, / 29 SSC E T S 4+ ы n C= "e AN : А. dii» A S Са ai This table i is run T Ust like a game show. There are lots of oppor- tunities to score. If you shoot the skill ramp six times, you get to play Money Mania. Money Mania lasts for 30 sec- onds and every time you hit a bumper you get 500,000 points. l've earned 30 million points this way. Also, hit the two dollar signs by the skill ramp and fi then shoot the ball up the Loop Mil ramp to spin the wheel. Earn big bucks there, too. This is the easiest table to get all of your bonuses. Keep spelling “pit,” then launch the ball through the off road and you will find the times bonuses jumping up. Shoot the ball up the right ramp then up the left ramp above the left bumper to get a loop bonus of 1 million points. Also, the more times you get the ball up the ramp above the left bumper, the more miles you earn and the bigger bonus you will receive after losing your ball. Stones NB This is the best table. You can earn tons of screams by hitting the right ramp. Earn 20 screams and the tower opens up. Shoot the tower by shooting the ball past the right ramp where the ball is launched. Go up in the tower to earn an enor- mous amount of points. Shoot the ball up the left ramp and then tilt the game to get the ball to fall on the right side. This will get you to the vault where you can get at least 500,000 points each time. hey're back! Those loveable; little blue Lemmings-are making their-debut on the Philips СВ: АШ һе fun you vé come to expect from m original PC vér- sion is intact.ón t You can this CD, along assign eight with a few. different extras. The skills to the game play is Lemmings. exactly the The skills same as the other : bar is at the versions—you won't have bottom of any'problem getting used to the screen the controls. Infact, the only problem, you may have is putting it down; They should put a warning label.on this game that states, "Highly addictive, may.cause insom- nia, play at your.own,risk!" If you're looking for a game that can be enjoyed by the whole family, Lémmings is just what you're-looking-for in a game. THEME #PLAYERS ST ANION GRURTERG (PTS 19 А After each level, check out how well you did! #LEVELS At the Main Menú, you can config- ure the sound and select between four difficul- ty levels. MEGABITS CHALLENGE The goal in Tine each level is to make sure that the Lemmings make it:to the exit alive! BACKUP T Minutes’ AVAILABLE ЩН ттш] 1 | пө | соч Moma von] Mcr 100% р "DEVE See ya! A passWord system is a must with over 120 levels. ve The levels; start-out very.easy, but it doesn't také very Tong for thé difficulty Jlevelito increase“) If the-going.ever.gets too tough, there's always the Nuke button. 5,43,241... ГОР, Before you start the level, check ой the map and also some important info. % COMPLETE ER: IS i r have and don't give up the fight! ich out for some o 1 mies or they will make a quick lunch out of you. Giv ет a little bit of ea SS TIT] Even though this is the first level, it is still a good chal- lenge. Dodge the crows and avoid that mutant dog on the bottom to be able to face the other dangers, such as the earthworm pulley and the upward conveyor belt. Don’t be afraid to use the gun, and | learn how to control your head whip early on. It just кыш FACT THEME #PLAYERS #LEVELS MEGABITS CHALLENGE BACKUP AVAILABLE % COMPLETE Î MEN N Mem НА NA i Tempo's adventures from level to level, к he'll discov- E». er special Begin your adven- | bonus games that will test his memory ture at the bottom and ШЕ ап вуе coordination! ` ofthe tower. Remember your password to contin- ue where you left off! Sometimes during a level Tempo Jr. will become suddenly sad. If this happens, you must find a magic flower to cheer him up. 5 Jr., Sega's latest side-scrolling hero, first made his d debut on the new 32X. Now for all you portable buffs out * there (you know who. you are), he's coming to the Game Gear from Sega Club! First off, Га like to say that Sega really taken a 32- Bit game and shrunken it down to‏ 7ط ўт ЕСМ Dare’s то COMPARE Given that the Bit and Meg differences between the two are || astronomical, the G.G version holds its own with great character animation and game play. Check it out for yourself! — Tim Davis ` FACT کے ana‏ ت کن ن کی کے FILE‏ ‘MANUFACTURER: SEGA OF AMERICA, INC EVELOPER: SEGA & RED 132 EGM ; n Use your gliding ability to save yourself from the spike pits. Position yourself above this Boss’ head and glide there until he attacks. ПАО = = M = 55 ЕСА time walking down the road, because there are ene- | mies every- where! Sometimes the current path isn’t the most rewarding. Look every- where for hidden items. enemies come in all shapes and sizes! Grab the health notes that your enemies leave behind. These notes t! This frog-type Boss not only lashes out at you with his jaws, he'll send LEVEL 3-THE POLAR CAP Destroy the enemy cocoons before they can destroy you. This weird-looking Boss will attack you with his "| cane so be careful. When all else fails, remem- ber to use your wings to glide over any hazardous situations such as water and spike-filled pits. [£ look cool, but hey really don't do anything. | [m these creatures' heads to stop them. Much like the frog Boss of the last level, this pen- guin Boss will launch lit- tle drones of itself to attack you—so be alert! To make Tempo Jr. happy again, you must find the magic flower. Look out for this penguin’s snowball attack! EM 133 ave you H | ever made a phone call and been attacked by Magneto or the Hobgoblin? If the answer is “no,” fret not. You'll soon be able to experience it-at least in its audio form! GTS (Global Telecommunica- tions Solutions) has developed a calling card that allows callers to interact with the X-Men, Spider- Man and other heroes plus heroines and their battles against evil. Priced around $40, ° GREATEST BATTLES OF THE X-MEN 20 UNITS TELEPHONE GAME CARD © your calls using а touch-tono phone О! into entertainment vehicles." Imagine calling up a toll-free number, press- ing a few numbers that represent your secret the calling cards are a code and helping fairly inexpensive solu- Spidey wipe up the tion to pricey and some- streets with the scum of times abused 900 num- the city! bers. Cory Eisner, vice pres- ident of Interactive Services for GTS, states that, “We [GTS] want to transform calling cards These cards are a per- fect way to jump on the information super-high- way without actually going on-line. Imagine the possibilities... Don't need no short man? THINK AGAIN! The children's story. of Snow White is one that has a special place in the hearts of many kids, and in Britain this is especially true. Snow White is so popular in fact, British producers are having trouble finding performers of restricted growth to play the parts of the seven dwarves! Cats, dogs ... now TVs!!! It was raining television sets in an area of Bombay, India recently, when hundreds of resi- dents threw their televisions out of their windows. Why the rash action? They were sick and tired of sex and violence being broadcast so heavily on their TVs. What's wrong with that?! Strange but true 134 EM Models will have you Screamin’ for joy emember back in the good old days, when you spent hours playing with those Star Wars action figures? (Of course, it was just yesterday!) Well, now it may be time to take Star Wars fig- ures to the next level. Screamin’ Products, Inc. has professionally molded many collectible characters from the Star Wars films including: Yoda, C3PO, Han Solo, Chewie, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and the per Storm Trooper shown | ie here. All of the Star Wars figures are officially licensed through LucasArts Entertainment. guaranteeing the models aren’t cheap, 51арреа together pieces of plastic. In fact, these models are of the highest quality, made with only the best materials ауайаЬе! All of Screamin’s Star Wars kits are exact replicas of the characters from the movie, down to the smallest detail. Screamin’ captures the characters in dynamic poses you will recognize from the movies. Though you can’t handle these fig- ures like the old, poseable ones, they will be a beauti- ful addition to anyone’s mantle or bookcase. The price per figure varies, but a price around, or under, $70 is average. Screamin’ manu- factures an entire line of officially licensed and amazingly realistic models from vari- ous sci-fi, B! horror and fantasy films. As their motto am states, 97 Screamin’ has the collector in mind when they mold and design all of their models. This means that they the models are authentic. The hunger for Star Wars is still very much alive, and Screamin’ products has a serving that will no doubt be a tasty tid- bit for any col- lector’s Star Wars appetite. It’s time to not only collect comics and stories, it is also time to start collecting Screamin' Star Wars mod- els. Why, you ask? Because it has to do with Star Wars and they’re so darn cool! CULTURE SOURCE FOR EGM READERS New CD-ROM is head of the pack Capture Reboot forever etro is back in full swing. Bellbottoms are back, . Grandpa’s threads are in style and T-shirts with Scooby Doo on the front are hip. Is this the sign of a lame society? Nope-it just means what goes around is bound to come back around. Activision, longtime creator of excellent games for many different plat- forms, has announced plans for an Atari 2600 action pack for PC CD-ROM and 3.5” diskette. The pack will include 10-15 titles by Activision that were once played on the 2600. Now the games can be played in Windows with the mouse or key- board. All of the games included are identical to the originals. Some titles include the original versions of: Pitfall!, River Raid, Grand Prix, Chopper Command and several others. There is also talk of video clips of interviews with the origi- nal programmers of the Atari games included on the CD-ROM version, but this has yet to be con- firmed. Let’s hope they do! The compilation is per- fect for the veteran Atari 2600 player and the kid who just wants to have some simple fun with a game. These games also offer a perfect situation for parents and kids to get together and play games that are entertaining for all. Maybe now Dad will win the game instead of Junior always being the victorious one! The pack should be EMEVIE Le) CE io March with a price around $30. hopes to release more vol- Atari 2600 series. Now we can take a break from the multi- media games and have some real fun! Activision umes of the : omeone has 5 captured nearly е all of the char- ы acters of the hit ° Saturday morning, * computer-generated e cartoon, Reboot. Only 5 this time it's not the evil |: e Megabyte who’s behind et. 2 Fleer Card Company $ has taken all the great e moments and charac- ¢ ters from Reboot and e transferred them to a ¢ series of high-quality, e collector cards. ° The cards use the same e amazing computer imagery ¢ that the show displays so e convincingly to portray the ¢ adventures of Reboot. e These UV coated, gold- $ foil stamped cards will e please any fan of Reboot, ¢ as well as, anyone who e enjoys crisp, computer- e rendered graphics. Also being packaged in some of the regular sets are Fleer’s special cards. The special sets take the regular cards a step further with hologram and chrome effects that will stun you. Let's not be *basic"-let's get some cards! EGM MRRKETPLRCE GameStuff sems = 2327 S. 1C AVE. VON ALL THE MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 HOTTEST GAMES! (213) 724-5733 WCW SUPER BRAWL BRUTAL , ; FIFA SOCCER CREATURE SHOCK ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES RETURN OF THE JEDI SUPER STREET FIGHTER Т CYBERIA CAPT. COMMANDO ULTIMA RONES OF VIRTUE 11 AERO THE ACROBAT 2 MADDEN ‘95 / SHODO DIGITAL DREAMWARE pora LORD OF DARKNESS AEROBIZ SUPERSONIC EARTHWORM JIM r man FAN poy AIR 1 FIRE TEAM ROGUE PAGEMASTER BATMAN С ROBIN PITFAU RETURN FIRE و‎ FAM астаи ROUGE DICE: N ATRO. RISE OF THE ROBOTS FUNSTONES ULTIMA BLACK GATE и FREEWAY FLYBOYS WOLVERINE (ШО ZAM MATTER INGDOM: FAR REACHES DRACON LORE Ace GALACTIC DEFENDERS THE TICK HOME IMPROVEMENT wera Ui IGNITION FACTOR MIGHT & MÁCIC I ITCHY & SCRATCHY RBI 96 JELY BOY BATMAN & ROBIN JUSTICE LEAGUE TOP GEAR 3000 MIGHT ё MAGIC HIT SYNDICATE LOONEY TOONS B-BALL FATAL FURY SPECIAL MIGHTY Max PUNISHER LOST VIKINGS II AKIRA MONSTER TRUCK WARS ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES Ж ЛУ КЫ PE PYWETICYS ATP TENNIS STONE PROTECTORS ИЙЕ ванна T2 0 BEYOND OASIS MONSTER HUNTER FOR MENACES PORKY PIG HAUNTED TINY TOONS: WACKY SPORTS COUEGE BASKETBALL STEVEN SEGAL HEY POWER ETIT CRUSADERS OF CENTRY TIME TRAX ГЕ AA DESERT DEMOLITION SUPER OFFROAD BAJA 2000 STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE 9 METAL MORPH BRETT НОЦ ‘95 KICK OFF 3 C2 JUDGEMENT CLAY SOCCER FATAL FURY SPEC, SUPER 100Р2 НО ESCAPE Р TECMO SUPERBOWL 2 SKULLIAGGERS 2-REVENGE THREE NINJAS WO ESCAPE CALL FOR USED GAME PUR, ЛО PRICES! uli tna = kor DP PHONE ORDERS CALL (213) 724-5733 o west prices 525 CALL FOR USED САМЕ PRICES ө GREAT SERVICE COD / CREDIT CARD ORDERS © AUGE SELECTION ACCEPTED e HUGE SELECTION ө SAME DAY SHIPPING FREE UPS SHIPPING GAMES ONLY / 2 CAME LIMIT UPS GROUND ee LH bi LOST VIKINGS ANER CAN SWEETHEARTS QUARENTINE THEME PARK LEMMING CHRONICLES _| SPACE ACE POWERSLIDE 32 # STAR WARS ARCADE STELLAR ASSAULT VIRTUA RACING DiX SURGICAL STRIKE CD COSMIC CARNACE TEMPO GREATEST 36 HOLES WIREHEAD CD MIDNICHT RAIDERS CD SUPER SPACE HARRIER SUPER MOTORCROSS COLLECE BASKETBALL CORPSE KILLER FAHRENHEIT CD SUPER AFTERBURNER (ТСНУ € SCRATCHY PHANTASY STAR IV JUSTICE LEAGUE ROAD RASH (U LOST VIKINGS It SCAVENGER Ф METAL NEAD UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS BABY BOOM X-MEN 2 CLONE WARS HURRICANES NCAA FINAL FOUR THUNDER IN PARADISE JACK NICKALUS 95 NO ESCAPE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM SUPER NINTENDO STREET HOOPS SAMURAI SHODOWN 1t ZED BLADE CALL FOR THE LATEST RELEASES! ASHBA ULTRA VORTEX ма Мыл 33 ө WE WILL BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE (ITEMS MUST ВЕ IN STOCK) Acclaim ASG Technologies Atari Corp. BRE Software Capcom Captron/G&G Stores Chips and Bits Crystal Dynamics Data East Digital Pictures Electronic Arts Enix America Corp. FCI 85; 103, 113 87 14-15 137 148 69 145 66-67 33 2f 2-3,60-61 28-29 TION 83 Fleer Corp. Gamestuff Goldstar U.S.A. Inc Interplay Japan Video Games JVC Game Division Koei Malibu Mandingo Master the Game Mindscape Nintendo Nu Reality Playmates Toys Inc. Psygnosis Ready Soft Inc. Sega Channel Sega of America SNK Corporation Square Soft, Inc. STD Entertainment Sunsoft Tecmo ThQ World Intl. Trading Zappers 65 127 43, 45 71,73 13 1:7 63 4-5 8-9 146-147 99 125 143 140 $5.00 OFF * Return this coupon with your next mail order (not valid on phone orders) and receive $5.00 OFF your purchase. Please list * alternatives when ordering by mail. Not valid with any other * • offers or specials. This coupon is valid thru 3/31/95. 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HURRICANES 3495/1400 ROBOCOP 3 2995/1000 Control Pad 4.00 CLUE 44952200 OGRE BATTLE 49952500 WORLD HEROES2 44952200 pad and cables 150.00 Not valid with any other offers, IMG INTL TOUR TENNIS 29.95/12.00 ROCK 'N ROLL RACING 34.95/14.00 COMBATRIBES 3495/1400 OPERATIONEUROPE 44952000 WORLD SOCCER 94 3495/1400 Above CDs are used and include a 90 day warranty. 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PREDATOR 44952900 1 1 1 КА AUI элыш PELESOCCEA СОР оа wih Control Pad AC- ARENA FB LEAGUE 42952500 Wholesale orders welcome. 1 - fs Ф We Sell Used / We Buy DOUBLEDRAGONV 39951500 PGA TOUR GOLF 44.95/20. lapter ant MD Ss (209) 432-9619 ts scale Sell Used We Buy DOUBLE DR 3051600 PAA TOUR GOL 2000 Ed 400 BATTLE SPHERE 49952500 Call and ask for our wholesale dept. YES! We honor our advertised prices. Prices in this ad are good through March 31, 1995 Titles in ITALICS are newer and may or may not be available, please call for availability. All Used Genesis, 32X, Super Nintendo, Jaguar, and 3DO Cartridges/CDs must include box, instructions, and any hint books/maps that were included with the game. We will deduct $2.00 for each SNES cartridge without a cardboard insert and $5.00 for broken CD cases. Cartridges without box, instructions, etc will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). Cartridges/discs not in resellable condition or with evidence of rental store stickers will be returned at your expense ($5.00 minimum). We pay cash for Genesis, Game Gear, Super Nintendo, 3DO, and Jaguar cartridges. All Used Cartridges have a 90 DAY WARRANTY and are subject to availability. We reserve the fight to refuse any sale or purchase. Allow 40 days to receive orders placed with money orders and 60 days to receive orders placed with personal checks. No refunds or exchanges on cartridges. For shipping, add $7.00 for the first cartridge and $1.00 for each additional. Alaska/Hawali/PR/APO/PO Boxes double shipping charges. Calif. Res.add 7.85% tax. We do not ship to Canada. Prices are for mail order only and based on 1 copy per title, to buy or sell in quantity, contact our wholesale dept. Limit of 1 cartridge/CD per title accepted without proof of purchase. If we do not receive your package by 3/31/95 or your game titles are not listed in this ad, you will be paid from our current catalog/price list. To receive prices in this ad you must include the ‘Dept. # from this ad on the OUTSIDE of your package. If you are unclear about any of our policies, procedures or prices, please call. Super Nintendo is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc, OU'RE #1 SO URCE OF AMERICAN YOUR TAPANA VITAE Ce NIWA "PLAYSTATION Raiden — Ridge Racer A. IV Victory Zone Philosoma King's Field Parodius Motor Toon GP Falkata Power Baseball '95 Hot Blooded Family Samurai Showdown 1& 2 World Hero 2 Jet King of Fighter '94 Fatal Fury Special Art of Fighting 2 /% Aero Fighter 2 Top Hunter Ninja Commando Super SideKicks 2 Baseball Star 2 Last Resort Nam 1975 Magician Lord and many more... Ces Moto Cross Championships Tempo Star War Arcade Virtual Racing DX Doom Super Space Harrier Cosmic Carnage Super After Burner Corpse Killer and more... С а * ж Live А Live Mahjon Pretty Fighter Aretha 2 Super Parodius Goemon 3 Godzilla Spr Battle Tetris 3 | Albert Odyssey 2 Chrono Trigger | Rmnc З Kngdm 4 Dragon Quest 6 Captain Tsubasa 5 Gum Dam G Breath of Fire 2 4th Spr Robot War Fk SD Great Battle 4 Sailor Moons (Fighter) Pat Labor Yu Yu Hakusho 3 Yu Yu Hakusho 2 Ranma 1/2 Spr Btl Dragon Ball Z (#3) Battle Heat Graduation 2 Phantasm Soldier Fx Fighter Team Innocent Crime Crackers Rayman , GET WITH FREE PURCHASE OF 3DO Super SF2 TE Corpse Killer Yu Yu Hakusho Samurai Shwdn Crime Patrol (JPN) Need for Speed Theme Park Grad Fnl (JPN) Demolition Man Kngdm Fr Rchs Novastrom Gex Shckwv Jmp Gt Dragon Lore Star Blade Off World Suprme Warrior Flash Back Interceptor and many more S-NES, SEGA (Reg & Turbo) $85 / $99 Neo-Geo / 3DO $85 / $105 Two in One (SNES-SEGA),... $120. 00 Also Avail. in Double Size f. pum Call 3DO / SNES PAD ADAPTER AVAILABLE Phantasy Star 4 Soul Star (CD) С Dragon Ball Yu Yu Hakusho Lunar 2 (CD) Megaman X2 Power Instinct WWF Raw and many more... Batman & Robin Popful mail (CD) and more... Virtual Fighter Wanchai Connection Tama Myst Gale Racer Dragon Panzer Daytona USA Dream House Clarkwork Knight Shin-Shinobi-Den Iron Soldier Zool Cannon Fodder Club Drive AVP Checkered Flag™ Kasumi Ninja Doom Ultra Vortex Tempest +2000 and many more... Dragon Ball Z Vasteel 2 | Cosmic Fantasy 4 Arcade Card Fatal Fury Special Strider Starling Odyssey 2 Xak 3 Blood Gear Advanced V.G. Sailor Moon Collection Flash Hiders Record of Lodoss War 2 Super Big Brother 2 Y's 4 Strip Fighter 2 Dragon Knight 3 Neo-Nectaris SPECIAL Kazek $49 The Kick Boxing $45 $20 Art of ng $45 Psychic Storm $45 Bomberman '94 $45 "New-Geo Gold System™ with br GAME ZAAN 5 Ѕігееї Ноор Samurai Showndown 2 King of Fighter '94 Fatal Fury special Aero Fighter 2 and тоге... CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU CALL ANYONE ELSE! We will BEAT any advertised prices (items in stock only) Lowest Prices Latest Releases Huge Selections C.0.D. & Credit Card OK Please call for your latest catalog!! GAME x STAR We buy and sell Used Games & Systems For Mail Order or Wholesale CALL (818) 281-9282 or FAX (818) 458-6845 710-1 W. Las Tunas San Gabriel, California 91776 Credit Card Orders = Money Orders Personal Checks * & * * wt Ship SAVE-DAM = ل‎ like CASH! Held for 3 ws, SPECIALS listed in REL i GAM E 9 atl T lable! Mana oe Many more titles in stock! ШШДЕ FAX 608) 283-9172 1 508-281 -01 18 $40 King of Monsters 2 $48 WCW Superbrawl | : . $50 Knights of the Sky | $48 Wolverine SUPER NINTENDO $46 Mickey's Playtown $53 LaRussa '95 $54 World Series '95 а $57 Міскеу & Міппіе $48 Lawnmower Мап e WWF Raw 5 $56 Micro Machines GENESIS ACCESORIES $55 Lemmings 2 49 Zero Kamikaze Squirre i $57 Might & Magic III Price Title $53 Lethal Enforcer Il GF > SOREN Acer ones $53 М.Јогаап'ѕ Chaos W.Cit f д Price Title y $ 19 6 Button Controller $60 Lion King SEGA 137 System W/Super Mario $67 Mortal Kombat II $ 24 6 Button w/turbo $49 Lost Vikings II WELCOME TO THE NEXT LEVEL $99 ©, оса $19 NBA All Star $ 48 6 Btn Stk w/trbo SN/GEN | $55 Lufia GENESIS CD GAMES 0 $57 NBA Jam Session $ 79 Activator $53 Maddon '95 $54 Akira $ HOM PAS уш ро $63 NBA Jam Tournamnt Ed $229 CD Player W/SwrShrk $53 Mighty Max $44 Axe 101 $48 6 Btn stick w/trbo SN /GEN NEI БШП $395 СОХ Player $55 Mickey Mania $19 B. Walsh Col. Fball $60 Capcom Fighting Stick | $63 Quarterback Clu $ 99 Core (Sega) System $57 Might & Magic III $19 Batman Returns $30 5 Player Multitap | $54 NFL Team Heroes $ 20 Datel Converter $65 Mortal Kombat II $42 Battle Corpse $79 Pro Action Replay $56 Obitus $ 79 Proaction Replay $53 NBA Jam $49 Brain Dead "13" $69 XBand Game Modem $50 Pac Man II : 34 STD Program Pad II HA NBA Jam Tournamnt Ed ҮЕ camer Aces $51 Pac In Time 134 System With Lion King 53 NBA Live '95 50 Corpse Killer $59 PGA European $ 29 Team Player $52 NCAA Final Four $46 Crime Patrol БОЕ NINTENDO $59 PGA Tour Mi $ 69 X Band Game Modem E NCAA Football oe Dark aoe ^ad Price Title $52 Pinball Fantasies 53 NFL '95 43 Dracula Unleashe imation ; GENESIS GAMES $60 NFL Qrtrback Club $29 Dragon's Lair o Pe din Sa LE In-stock & Coming soon $50 NFL Team Heroes $49 Dragon's Lair II $49 Airborne Ranger $48 RBI'94 9 Price Title $56 NHL Allstar Hockey $49 Dune $52 Air Caval $49 Aero Acrobat II $53 NHL Hockey '95 $43 Dungeon Master | 1 Air Strik % | | $55 R Type III $59 Aerobiz Super Sonic $43 Pac Attack $55 ESPN Baseball | $51 Air Strike Patro $52 Radical Rex $52 Air Cavalry $50 Pac Man 2 $46 Eternal Champions | $53 Animaniacs $52 Radio Flyer : $45 Al Unser Jr $52 Page Master $48 Fatal Fury $53 Arcus Odyssey $62 Return of the Jedi $46 Animaniacs $52 Penn & Teller $56 Fire Team Rogue $59 Bassin's Black Bass $61 Revolution X $55 Barkley Basketball $50 Pete Sampres Tennis $56 Full Throttle Racing $58 Bass Master $55 Rise of the Robots $54 Bass Master Classic $53 PGA Tour Golf 3 $55 Ground Zero Texas $61 Batman Forever $50 Robo Saurus $52 Batman & Robin $79 Phantasy Star IV $19 INXS $19 Battle Clash $31 R. Bowe Boxing $54 Beavis & Butthead $49 Pirate's Gold J. Montana NFL $56 Battle Tech $57 Samurai Showdown $50 Beethoven $58 Pitfall Jurassic Park $49 Black Thorne $55 Scooby Doo $45 Berenstein Bears $49 Power Rangers Lethal Enforcer 2 $55 Btle Tds/Dbl Dragon $58 S y tD.S.V. $46 Black Thorne $54 Punisher Link $54 Beavis & Butth zm E EE зу: $26 Blades of Vengeance $48 Radical Rex Lunar 2 Eternal Blue pum í Fi e $58 Secret of Mana $50 Bobby's World $59 Rise of the Robots Mansion Hidden Souls $56 Breath of Fire $57 Shaq Fu $48 Boogerman $55 Road Rash Ill Marky Mark $61 Breath of Fire ll $56 Sim City 2000 $48 Brett Hull Hockey '95 $46 Rock -n- Roll Racing Microcosm $51 Brett Hull Hockey '95 $39 Skulljagger $31 Bubble & Squeak $51 Rugby World Cup Mortal Kombat $57 C-2: Judgement Clay $54 Slam Masters $48 Bubsy II $55 Samurai Showdown NBA Jam $52 Carrier Aces $62 Soulblazer II - Ill GIA $19 Bulls Vs Lakers NBA $49 Scooby Doo NHL '94 $30 Chavez Boxing | $51 Speedy Gonzales $51 Clayfighter $54 Seaquest Out of this World II $56 Citadel FX Vortex | $56 Speed Racer $50 College Football '94 $55 Shadow Pinball Fantasies $39 Claymates $59 Spiderman Venom $48 Comndo Raid Red Zone $31 Shaq Fu Popfulmail $24 Dennis the Menace $61 Pes Ae TV. $44 Contra Hard Corps $63 Shining Force 2 R.B.I. '94 $62 Donkey Kong Count EM ILL F&B I $48 Cybernauts $48 Skeleton Krew Revolution X $62 Earth ү Ес. M $51 Sports - ba $36 Dashin' Desperadoes $53 Slam Masters Samarai Showdown on $61 Stargate $49 Daze before Xmas $57 Sonic & Knuckles Sim City 20001 $46 Equinox $49 Star Trek Fleet Acad. $49 Death of Superman $40 Speedway Pro Chlg Slam City $55 ESPN Baseball Fball | $39 Street Combat $40 Dinosaur Tales $54 Spiderman T.V. Snatcher $61 Fatal Fury Spec. Ed. $29 St. Fighter II Turbo $45 Disney Bonkers $53 Spiderman Venom Sonic Hedgehog $50 FIFA: Intnl. Soccer $50 Super Bomberman II $29 Dracula $53 Star Gate Space Ace $63 Final Fantasy III $55 Super Empire Strike $45 Dragon Lair $52 Star Quest Supreme Warrior $56 Fire Team Rogue $24 Super High Impact $62 Earth Worm Jim $53 Star Trek Deep Space 9 $55 Top Gear 3000 $39 Flashback $56 Super Metroid $37 Elemental Master $49 Super Bike Challenge $51 Total Carnage $49 Freeway Flboys $52 Super Punch Out Fora put OM ION ту кол с $53 FIFA: Soccer '95 $43 Syndicate $159 32X System 1 ЖЫШ Ен Ja $58 Sylvester & Tweety $48 Fireteam Roque $34 T & J Frantic Antic $58 C:2 Judgement Clay aun Fy Bulk y $45 T-2 Arcade $48 Generations Lost $54 Tecmo Super Bowl II $59 College Basketball $54 Incredible Hu $52 Tarzan $49 Goofy $54 Tecmo Super Hockey $56 College Football $49 Itchy & Scratchy $57 Tecmo Super Baseball $50 Impossible Mission 2025 | $43 Theme Park $58 Corps Killers $50 Jaguar у $57 Tecmo Super Bowl II $54 Incredible Hulk $52 The Tic $56 Gol 56 Grtst Hits $24 John Maddon '93 $56 Time Cop $43 Itchy & Scratchy $51 Thunder in Paradise $64 Mortal Kombat Il $34 John Maddon '94 $51 TNN Bass Tournament $55 Jammit’ $43 T. Tunes Acme Allstars $62 NBA Jam Tour $39 Jurassic Park $55 Top Gear 3000 $19 John Maddon '93 $49 TNN Bass Tournament $62 NFC Qtrback Club $54 Jurassic Park Chaos Cont | $61 True Lies $55 Jungle Book .— $53 True Lies $56 Nighttrap $55 Jungle Book $56 Ultima: False Prophet $54 Jurassic Park 2: Rmpg $54 Un-neccesary Roughnes 1 i mt 1 Has Tea 20 Urban Stik $57 Slam City $63 Justice League $56 Ultima: Runes Virtue II писе age $50 Urban Strike $52 Star Wars $54 King of Monster II $59 Ultima: Savage Empire $49 Kick Off 3 $51 Warlock i a SOLID $55 Supreme Warrior BR ron Kng e $55 Ultimate Fighter ooney Tunes Bball; $59 Urban Strike z = $57 Brutal Iron Soldier $54 Lord of the Rings $59 Warlock ———— | $84 Canton Fodder Poncho oe on pee Mealy EOE JAGUAR SYSTEMS i i О БОА ашп $49 Lost Vikings II $52 Wntr Exreme Ski $62 Casino Royal Skiing & Snowboarding $60 Luf CALL Jaguar System $58 Checkered Flag Space War 200 AE $43 Wild Snake CALL Jaguar CD System $51 Club Drive Star Ride 2200 $54 Maddon '95 $57 Wolverine = $24 Stereo Monitor Cable $59 Doom Syndicate $29 Magical Quest $52 World Champ Rally Control Pad $52 Double Dragon 5 T. Aikman Football $58 Mask (The) $63 WWF Raw Stereo Montr Cable $52 Dragon: B.Lee Story Theme Park $56 Mega Man X2 $38 X-Kaliber 2097 Air Cars $58 Dune Tempest 2000 $36 Metal Combat $58 X-Man Alien Vs. Predator Vy _ $51 Flashback Vortex — $56 M. Andretti Indy Car $50 Yogi Battmorphe $62 Hard Ball III Wolfenstein 3D $55 Mickey Mania Zero Kamikaze Brett Hull Hockey $54 Hover Strike Zool 2 $51 Conquered Kingdms $52 Drug Wars $52 Nova Storm $50 Star Control II м $57 Corpse Killer $60 FIFA Intrntnl '95 $50 Off World Intercptr $54 Star Trek зро $46 Cyberia $48 Flashback $39 Plumbers Don't WT $52 Supreme Warrior CALL 3DO System $46 Clayfighter 2 $52 Gex $44 Quarantine $58 Super SF II Trbo $129 3DO Stick $52 Corps Killer $52 Guardian Wars $51 Rise of the Robots $53 Syndicate $49 Adaptor SNES stick $52 Creature Shock $52 J. Maddon Fball $52 Road Rash $54 Theme Park $60 11th Hour $52 Crime Patrol $46 Kingdoms far Reach $52 Robinson's Request $51 VR Stalker $54 Aces Over Europe $46 Cyberia $51 Lemmings $48 Rock N Roll Racing $52 WAIA Lea Golf $54 AD&D Slayer $40 Cyberclash $46 Lost Vikings $52 Slam City $56 Way of Warriors $52 Braindead 13 $60 Demolition Man $53 Mad Dog Il $52 Space Ace $48 World Cup Golf $52 Burning Soldier $52 Dragon's Lair II $54 Need for Speed $52 Space Shuttle $48 Who Shot J. Rock Prices current at printing, subject to change. Not responsible for typographical errors. Plus S&H min. $6.00. MA residents add 5% sales tax. Not all titles in stock. WE WILL PAY BEST PRICES IN THE COUNTRY - UPDATED DAILY! XP TI (800) 336-6843 10 AM - 5 PM EASTERN TIME HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: STANDARD Call us with a list of your games in alphabetical order. We'll give you a price for each game or a Gê price for all. Keep in mind that you will Rapa DISCLAIMER more for your games if you have the instruction book and the box for each. STUFF: You'll get an authorization number over the phone which guarantees our е quote for seven days. Раск up the games and send them to us right away by We have the right to refuse any pur- registered mail or U.P.S. with the authorization number on the label. We'll chase. The games sent to us must send you a check on the same day we receive your games. That's it! be in good working condition and ae free of physical damage or we will Our address is: CAMBRIDGE/AMHERST 2558 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14216 return them to you at your expense. LIGHTNING STRIKES THREE TIMES LOOK FOH THE RAYDEN & KANO THREE ISSUE MINI-SERIES STARTING IN MARCH! © 1992 MORTAL KOMBAT? is a trademark of Midway® Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. Used under license. MALIBU COMICS 6 is a registered trademark of Malibu Comics Entertainment, Inc. MEGA REVIEWS • COMING ATTRACTIONS • MEGA TRICKS INTERNATIONAL ° MEGA STRATEGIES THE SEGA SATURN — SPECIAL FEATURE INSIDE! i „о шш NEN INN RE UN IM IM IGNI INNEN IM I UMEN INN IEEE IM IM iM UMEN IE IM iN IM IM IM INE IN x | WANT MEGA PLAY! SENS PLEASE START MY INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION TO MEGA PLAY - THE ALL-SEGA GENESIS, SEGA CD AND GAME GEAR MAGAZINE! NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP . Payment enclosed _ Bill me Credit card orders: VISA MC Card no. Expiration date Signature Please include $19.95 for your subscription and mail to: Mega Play, PO Box 1733, Lombard, IL 60148-8733 ° For faster Service, Call: Make check or money order payable to Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. Canada and Mexico add $10.00. All other foreign subscriptions add $20.00. Any/all checks or money orders must be payable in U.S. funds, and must be drawn on an American bank. (American Express money order, Citibank money order, or any other type of check or money order that would go through a U.S. branch bank.) 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Air Cars Space Wars пее 7 Low Sipping pending є cost. H Flashback and more ... joystick or joypad Please call us ! Come to visit us ! ooo WORLD INTERNATIONAL TRADING Fax : (305) 668-0142 4601 Ponce de leon Blvd, Suite 230 Phone : (305) 668-0141 Coral Gables, FL 33146 MORPH INTO THE WINNERS CIRCLE AS THE MIGHTY POWER RANGERS CONTEST WINNERS ARE UNVEILED The following are contest winners from past issues. From the October 1994 Issue, These are the winners of the Power Rangers contest. Grand Prize Winner: Sean Wang, Orange, CA 20 First Prize Winners: Eric Sanchez, Cudahy, CA; Justin Terramagra, Pine Hill, NJ; Brian Cook, Miami, FL; Jonathan Chavez, Aguadilla, PR; Adam Campbell, Ventura, CA; Luis Fernandez, Los Angeles, CA; Luis Rodriguez, Yauco, PR; Stephen McDowell, Texarcana, TX; Dean Hutchby, Jr., Port Arthur, TX; Kenny Gasenburg, Honolulu, HI; Tyler Robins, Temple City, CA; Sarah Nguyen, Rosemead, CA; Aaron Thomas, Detroit, MI; Timothy Love, Bailey, NC; Jason Caldwell, Mount Sterling, KY; Bui Ngoc Tuan, Stanton, CA; Eric Wolf, Panorama City, CA; Michael Bender, Hope Mills, NC; Garrett Ouellette, Salem, OR; Jordan Rose, Manlius, NY 10 Second Prize Winners: Paul Martinez, Chicago, IL; Billy Flynn, Woodbridge, VA; Aaron Nelson, Antioch, TN; Nadia Licea, Oxnard, CA; Derek Thomason, Long Beach, CA; Rocky Haggard, East Boston, MA; Chris Kidder, Athens, OH; Patrick McGowan, Hamburg, NY; Juan Ramirez, Gerris, TX; Corey Martin, Rogers, AK 20 Third Prize Winners: Matt Perry, Laguna Hills, CA; Marc Jean, Brooklyn, NY; Anthony Johnson, Los Angeles, CA; Matt Kestner, Pembroke Pines, FL; Alex L. Hampton, Pittsburg, CA; Mark Balahadia, Staten Island, NY; Thorn Phoeun, Fall River, MA; Jeremy Flessing, Auburn, CA; Sheridan Williams, Atlanta, GA; Lee Babin, Canada; Joe Grink, Fairbanks, AK; Jose Barajas, Ft. Valley, GA; Kamil Godley, Uniondale, NY; Daniel Le, Redmond, WA; Jesse Grazella, Philadelphia, PA; Tom Swenson Il, Bensalem, PA; Justin Lee, San Diego, CA; Michael Nakayama, Honolulu, HI; Damian Ellenburg, Rio Rico, AZ; Josh Anderson, Ramona, CA The Winners from the Wayne's World Contest in the December 1993 issue are as follows: and Prize Winner: Dale Mayer, Troy, MI; The 5 First Prize winners are: Jordan Bieber, Winona, MN, Dave Miller, Bayville, NJ, Shaun Roberts, Jacksonville, FL, Tim Thomas, Montevallo, AL, and Scott Holland, Libertyville, IL. | DISTRIBUTED BY WARNER PUBLISHING SERVICES, INC. Electronic Gaming Monthly (ISSN 1058-918X) is published monthly by Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. 1920 Highland Ave., Lombard IL 60148. Second Class Postage Paid at Lombard, IL and additional mailing offices. Subscription rates for U.S.: $28.95, Canada and Mexico: $40.95, and all others by air mail only: $100.00. Single issue rates: $4.99. POSTMASTER: For subscription changes, change of address, or correspondence con- cerning subscriptions write to: Electronic Gaming Monthly, P.O. Box 7524, Red Oak, IA 51591-0524. The editors and publishers are not responsible for unsolicited materials. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of Sendai Publishing Goup, Inc. Copyright © 1994, Sendai Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. All materials listed in this magazine are subject to manufacturers change and the publisher assumes no responsibility for such changes. Printed in U.S.A. Audit Bureau of Circulations ‘NBA JAM: TOURNAMENT EDITION’ Slam home all the excitment of the arcade sensation. Over 100 stars, 9 all new rim-rat- tling monster dunks, post season action, power up icons, hot spots, injuries, subs and new secret charact- ers! 32X$62 ‘GENESIS 32X SYSTEM’ Genesis 32X will turn your existing Genesis & Sega CD into state-of-the- art machines! Features crisper & smoother video footage never seen at home. 6 Buttn Arcade Pwr Stck $39 Aura Interactor $79 Batter Up $64 Compete Joystck SF2 $59 F-16 Wirelss Contri Pad $39 Fighter Stick $29 Game Gun SEGA CD $36 CD Backup RAM Сап $49 CD Syst 2 SEGA CD $229 Genesis СОХ System $399 Genesis Syst 2 (соге) $99 Genesis Team Player2 $34 Lethl Enforcr Gn 1 Playr $18 Lethl Enforcr Gn 2 Playr $18 Mega Mouse $34 SG Pro Pad 2 $19 Saturn System 32 Bit $499 Adven Batmn&Robn CD $46 Akira CD $54 Aladdin $49 Alien Trilogy CD $52 Batman & Robin $52 Batman Forever $59 Beavis & Butt-Head $54 BlackThorne $49 Boogerman $49 Bubsy 2 GA $49 Comix Zone $54 Corpse Killer CD MA-13 $52 Dark Seed CD MA-13 $52 Death of Superman $52 Demolition Man CD $54 DrgnsLair 2:Tim Wrp CD $52 EarthWorm Jim CD $52 Ecco Dolphn:Tds Tm CD $52 Effacer СО $52 Fahrenheit CD $52 Flashback CD $46 Flintstones Movie $56 Izzy's Olympic Quest $52 Johnny Mnemonic CD $58 Jungle Book $56 Jurassic Park Ramp Edit $49 Lion King $64 Mad Dog McCree CD $49 Michael Jordan:C.W.C. $52 Mickey Mania CD $58 Mutant Chronicles $59 Myst SEGA CD $46 No Escape/Cliffhangr CD $52 Penn & Teller CD $46 Pitfall CD. $48 Power Rangers CD $46 Return of the Apes $56 Revolution X $58 Scooby Doo $52 Shadow of Beast 2 СО $52 Sherlock Holmes 2 СО $39 Shinobi 3 $42 Snatcher CD $44 Sonic the Hedgehog 4: $59 Space Ace CD $52 S &V Maximum Carnage $56 Spiderman TV $56 Star Trek:Next Gen СО $64 Star Trek:Deep Space 9 $56 Star Trek:Starflt Acad $46 Sylvester & Tweety $54 The Mask $56 The Tick $54 The X-Files $56 True Lies $54 Who Shot John Rck CD $49 Wild Woody CD $52 X MEN 2:Clone Wars $52 $139 Battletech CD Beyond Oasis Dark Wizard CD Dungeon Master 1 CD Eye of the Beholder CD Lord of the Rings Lunar 2 CD Might & Magic 3 New Horizons Phantasy Star 4 Popful Mail CD Revngrs of Vengnce CD Shining Force 2 Uncharted Waters Vay CD Ballz Brutal CD Clayfighter Double Dragon 5 Eternal Champions CD Fatal Fury CD Final Fight CD Just League:Task Force King of the Monsters 2 Kung Fu:Legend Cont Mortal Kombat 2 Mortal Kombat 3 Power Instinct Primal Rage Rise of the Robots CD Samurai Showdown CD Shaq-Fu Streets of Rage 3 Super Street Fighter 2 Supreme Warrior CD Virtua Fighters WeaponLord World Heroes 2 AX 101 CD Android Assualt CD Contra Hard Corps Crime Patrol CD Drug Wars CD Exo Squad Fire Team Rogue Keio Flying Squad CD Lethel Enforc w/gun CD Lode Runner CD Mad Dog McCree 2 CD Rapid Deployment CD ВЫ Assit:Str Wrs 3D CD Red Zone MA-13 Soul Star CD Surgical Strike CD Total Carnage CD Urban Strike Zero Tolerance Battle Corps CD Daytona USA ESPN SpeedWorld GA Flying Nightmares CD Formula 1 GP CD GA Megarace CD Midnight Raiders CD Road Rash 3 Rock & Roll Racing SeaQuest DSV Super Bike Challange Super Strike Trilogy CD $52 $68 $43 $44 $42 $59 $54 $59 $62 $82 $49 $44 $66 $59 $48 $49 $49 $52 $52 $46 $49 $44 $58 $49 $58 $62 $69 $54 $58 $49 $49 $39 $56 $66 $52 $79 $59 $56 $44 $39 $49 $49 $49 $52 $49 $45 $56 $46 $49 $49 $39 $49 $42 $52 $52 $52 $44 79 $58 $39 $44 $52 $49 $56 $49 $52 'MORTAL KOMBAT II’ The fastest selling video game in history is set to conquer Sega 32x and the exploding PC category. Breath- taking graphics, amazing charac- ters and sensa- tional combo moves bring the arcade action home. 32 X $62 'PHANTASY STAR IV’ Homify- ing biomonsters have once again cursed the Motavian landscapes. Discover the dreaded Dark Forces behind them. Offers dramatic battle sequences with fully animated characters and backgrounds. $82 Aero Biz Supersonic $59 Animaniacs $44 BrainDead 13 CD $49 Dune CD $49 Generations Lost $49 Jeopardy CD $49 Liberty or Death $56 Operation Europe $59 Pac in Time $52 Panic! 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Apply discipline and age old fight- ing techniques to subdue oppon- ents. Jaguar $39 'MEGA MAN X 2' With Sigma destroyed X leams that all the Maverick Reploids haven't been destroyed. Unique weapons, accessories and enemy characters distinguish this game. 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Overall, the Looney dee Aen piggest Victor. b When this wacky, fast tea jammin ‘game of rounaball begins, pgs! Fir ү, all! б $5 TA ooney | Bess moves The arena will rock as you come into question. lay through earthquakes, a ۸ eclipses and more! 50 90 atures al! J, Bugs Bunny, PN "Taz can t dribble, but he sure does drool," said team captain Bugs Bunny. Taz was unavailable for comment, but released the following statement through his agent: 'Roarg hawraaaá grroagh froww hrrrg! Sylvester and Tweety, Ё Fudd. And Daffy Duck himsel 7he Acme Animation Factor, just the carrot on the...&r... Ne ЖАЛ | ahead and drive to the hole. But watch out, you just might fall in one! UNIO T ; treetball, all the Jy rule wan )onsense 5 ay to 5, where the ОП there are no rules! Change the ball into à am pie and show your onent the new meaning (in your face’! 80 ible or teleport past man and take it to the yr two! And the clock isn't the only thing ticking when the ball becomes a bomb for ™Sun Corporation of Á America. © 1994 Sun Corporation of America. / К По Reserved. LOONEY TUNES, bed. ers, names, and all related E ШО а of Warner Bros. PEE intendo, Super Nintendo | A OTER System, Game Boy and { D n igs Seals are registered / EL rks of Nintendo of America | . © 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. j * &§ to! locker room after i T j $ Y H 1 A x FA t ee 4 „аА сш ы, z Take the ultimate ride on the Mobile Attack The amazing new CAPCOM C-4 graphies chip In the abandoned Reploid factory, “X” better makes Mega Man X's duel with the renegade $0 for the head of the Maverick Hunter or Cycle and eliminate the Mavericks from behind, get crushed into scrap metal. where they least expect it. sword an all too real slash-fest. Just when Dr. Cain and Mega Man X thought the rebellion was over, a new uprising is in the works in an abandoned factory. While the X-Hunters keep "X" occupied fighting Mavericks, they're devoting every second to collecting pieces of someone or something he thought was long gone. "X" must use the powers he gains from the X-Hunters, and vehicles like his Mobile Attack Cycle, in his all-out battle to end their С/АРСОМ! threat forever. Or face total "X"-tinction. With the new CAPCOM 0-4 graphics chip AMAZING 9 REALISM! and 12 megs of memory! ©1995 CAPCOM. Mega Man X2 is а trademark of CAPCOM. CAPCOM ts a registered trademark of Capcom Co. Ltd. Super Nintendo and the Nintendo Entertainment System are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. Inc. For more Information call (408) 774-0400. QUARTERMANN'S CHEAT SHEET MOVES KEY F=Forward, D=Down, U=UP, B=Back, C=Charge, DF=Down Forward, DB=Down Back, CB=Charge Back e Moves No Mercy Bem Spinnin Cho : CREI Pur dd pones т! ying Mohawk: F,D,B + Рипс UF + Wa Flamin Phoenix: B,D,F + Kick Fierce Punch mm | ШЫ Diving Hatchet (in air): F,D,B + Fierce Super Chop: F, D, B « Fierce Kick B bu Punc HUMILIATION eg "x B D.D.D + Quick Punch TO ыў F,D,B + Medium Punch B,F, + Quick Punch | o Moves No Mercy gii e Lunge Punch: CB,F + Fierce Punch Neck Breaker: B,B,F,F + Medium Punch emm = Flying saoe vee р ee or ro к Splat Fatality: B,D,F + Fierce Kick e olling Punch: CB,F + Medium Punc e Spinnin Backfist: CB,F + Quick Punch HUMILIATION e u Ср Upward Knee: CB,F + Medium Kick D,D,D + Quick Punch = | LN BREAKER Ultra EX [== B,F + Medium Kick CF, B, + Fierce Punch © A Moves No Mer б. » Bouncing Ice Ball: B,D,F + Punch Freezer Fatality: B,D,F + Medium Punch е Shoulder Dash: CB,F + Punch Absorber: F,D,B + Medium Kick " ENS Ice Pick: E.D,DB + Quick Punch Pool of Death: B,B,B + Fierce Kick E. UJ) Melt & Uppercut: B,D,F + Medium or HUMILIATION A- $ Fierce Punch B,B,B + Medium Kick Шан | BREAKER Ultra C 69 ву + Fierce Punch СВ, Е, + Fierce Punch Gn a Moves No Mercy © Boomerang: B,D,F Punch Kill That Frog: B,D,F,D,DB, Quick Kick Be рео свв Flasher: B,B,F,F + Quick Punch "| pside-down Kick: CB,F + Kic * Ы Spinning Blade: F,D,DB + Quick or HUMILIATION A | E edium Punch B,D,F + Fierce Punch m m | = BREAKER Ultra E B,F « Fierce kick CB,F + Medium Punch ; te Moves No Mer A Flame Dive: F,F + Punch Burning Pool: B,B,B + Medium Punch ЫШ нге А = а Pundi : Meltdown: B,D,F + Quick Kick rad p nvisibility: F,D,B + Fierce Punc а Anti-Projectile: F,D,B + Quick Punch HUMILIATION g | 4 Flip and Kick: F,D,F + Kick В,В,В + Fierce Kick m ; U BREAKER Ultra E. Г F,D,F + Medium Kick CB,F + Fierce Punch QUARTERMANN'S MOVES KEY Moves Leaping Uppercut: CB,F + Fierce Kick Flaming Bat: F,D,B + Punch Rolling Slash: CB,F + Quick Kick Howl: F,D,DB + Fierce Kick Spinning Slash: CB,F + Punch BREAKER B,F + Medium Kick Moves Fireball: F,D,B + Punch Shoulder Check: CB,F + Punch Fire Breath: F,D,DB + Fierce Punch Leaping Claws: CB,F + Kick Tail Swipe: F,D,DB + Kick BREAKER B,F + Fierce Kick Moves Fireball: B,D,F + Punch Flying Heel: F,D,DB + Kick Blade Whip: F,D,DB + Fierce Punch Uppercut: F,D,F + Punch JAGO — RIPTOR SABREWULF BREAKER F,D,F + Medium Punch Moves Shield Charge: F,F + Punch Super Slash: CB,F + Medium Punch Flaming Skull: B,D,F + Punch Teleport: D,D,D, Punch(Same Side) or Kick(Opposite Side) BREAKER D,D,D + Medium Punch Moves Electric Charge: CB,F + Kick Uppercut: F,D,F + Punch Projectile Reflection: F,D,B + Punch Eye Bolts: F,D,DB + Fierce Kick Electric Bolt: B,D,F + Punch BREAKER F,D,F + Fierce Punch FULGORE SPINAL CHEAT SHEET F-Forward, D-Down, U-Up, B-Back, C-Charge, Q ME E _ DF=Down Forward, DB=Down Back, CB=Charge Back d No Mercy Claw Killer: B,B,B + Medium Kick Screen Slap:B,B,F + Medium Punch HUMILIATION КЕ + Quick Punch Ultra CB,F, Quick Kick No Mercy Eat Them Whole: B,D,F + Medium Punch Acid Spit B,B,B + Medium Kick HUMILIATION 222222? Чолга NMI Ultra CB,F, Quick Kick No Mercy Neuter Slice: B,F,F + Quick Punch Car Drop: B,B,F,F + Medium Punch HUMILIATION F,D,B + Medium Kick Ultra F,D,DB, Quick Kick ооч! No Mercy Grave Puller: B,B,B + Medium Kick Shield Stab: B,B,F + Quick Kick HUMILIATION B,D,F + Fierce Kick Ultra B,F, Medium Punch No Mercy Head Turret: B,D,F + Fierce Kick Death Beam: F,D,DB + Fierce Punch HUMILIATION B,D,F + MediumKick Ultra F,D,F + Quick Punch EtROMAGS биг goal is to Preserve classic video game magazines so that, ‘they are not lost permanently. People interested in helping out in any capacity, please visit us at www.retromags.com.. No erofit is made from these scans, nor do we offer anything available from the publishers themselves. If you come across anyone selling releases from this site. please do not support them and do let us know. Thank yout