iRIO LAI 3.95-4.95 CANADA the editors of KECTRONIC Naming MONTHLY 0 14302^74874 4 1 FOR YOUR BOTTOM LINE You're looking at a dozen of the greatest arcade titles ever. Now, Tengen makes them available for play on the hottest game machine — the Nintendo Entertainment System ! Every Tengen game is a faithful conversion of the original arcade hit. You get all the heart-pounding action, the stunning graphics, the dynamite sound effects. Carry Tengen's line of top hits today and sell the games that kids really want. Which means you get what you want. I # A very healthy bottom line. .... ■ mem 7M majm Take a look at the Gizmo, Silen¬ cer, and other new controllers! Get a look at the best new tips and tricks for your favorite NES carts! The TurboGrafx-16 is a knock out! Now knock out the Turbo games! CONTENTS 60 66 lAIMCCSIRCI_ S Electronic Gaming Monthly looks at the latest developments in joystick tech¬ nology. The EGM staff, along with the experts on the U.S. National Video Game Team, evaluate some of the highest of the high-tech in joysticks and re¬ lated peripherals. Among the team’s favorites are the Beeshu Gizmo joystick, the Hudson Sansui SSS, and old favorites like the Advantage. Must reading for any prospective buyers or those looking to upgrade their player-machine interaction and response. NINTENDC SECRETS_16 Blow away your competition with this collection of tips, codes, and strategics for the Nintendo Entertainment System. You’ll uncover great secrets on super games like Cobra Triangle, P.O.W., Faxanadu, and more! SECA MASTER SECRETS_52 Many of your favorite Sega Master System game secrets are included in this section! Now all of you 8-Bit fans have an instant access reference guide to lead you to higher scores on great Sega titles such as Fantasy Zone, Rocky, Alien Syndrome, Golvelius, plus many more! TRRBCCRAEX-1C SECRETS- CC This great new system is packed with games that have plenty of secret modes and special functions to keep you busy. Move to the highest levels of play in Pac-Land, Keith Courage, and more thanks to hidden Debug modes. Use the no-kill and secret continue functions on Deep Blue, Legendary Axe, Pac-Land, and others. Finally, you’ll find an added assortment of codes and other tricks that will allow you to perform even more amazing tricks like playing Side Arms in black and white, or adjusting the game modes in Space Harrier! CENESIS SECRETS- CC The Genesis may blow you away with its super graphics and sounds, but these fantastic tricks will let you blow away several of this new system’s hottest games! Perform strange tricks like playing Fantasy Zone at the end of Arnold Palmer’s Golf, or play Super Hang-On in Japanese, or if you’re really daring, warp to the last level of play in Ghouls ’n’ Ghosts with great Genesis tips. CAMEBCr SECRETS-C8 Now you can play portably, and with our selection of secret tricks, you can blast through a number of GamcBoy games on the go as well. We feature great tips from games like Tetris, Super Mario Land, and Shanghai! EICEISCCRES_ 7C Now you can see exactly where you rank up against some of the hottest players in the world. We feature high scores on a wide variety of popular titles for the Nintendo, Sega, Turbo and Genesis systems, as well as a long list of arcade favorites. Compare your scores and see how they stack up against our win¬ ners! If you’ve beat one, be sure to send in your score on an official U.S. Na¬ tional Video Game Team high score form so we can properly record your to¬ tals and print them in Electronic Gaming Monthly for all to see! Rip into the latest GameBoy games Only COLOR DREAMS could pack-so much color, excitement, magic into games for your NES? You’ve played with power, play the games of your dreams from COLOR DREAMS. liable aPyour local TCP SCCPE Editorial Offices: 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 300, Lombard, Illinois 60148 n A SENDAI PUBLICATION Publisher, Editor Steve Harris Associate Editors David White Edwaid J. Semrad Martin Alessi Brian Belanger Nintendo, Sega, Atari TurboGrafx, Genesis, GameBoy Game Experts Martin Alessi Jim Stockhausen ZackNeal Brian Belanger Strategy Consultants U.S. National Video Game Team Layout and Production Ken Cunningham Foreign Correspondant TonyTakoushi Subscription Manager Sherri Harris Customer Service Questions ( 312 ) 916-3133 National Advertising Director David Siler 6828 Platt West Hils,CA 91307 Advertising Inquiries Only Call (818)7160588 PLAYING TO WIN. There are really two different kinds of video game players. Those that play for an occassional diversion, and those that play to win! It is to the later group that this special edition of Electronic Gaming Monthly is dedicated. Within these pages you’ll Find all the secret weapons and hidden power-ups you need to defeat the enemy and overcome any challenge that you meet! The second volumn of Top Score! follows in the footsteps of its predeces¬ sor, with dozens of tips, tricks, codes and strategies that will give you that extra winning advantage and help push you over the top! You’ll learn spe¬ cial controller maneuvers that start you with extra men or continues, secret playing techniques that warp your scores to all new heigths, as well as valu¬ able passwords that, when entered into your favorite games, will blow you past the earlier levels of play and stock your on-screen hero with all the equip¬ ment that the game has to offer! This special issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly is written with both begin¬ ners and pros in minds. If you’re stuck on a game and just can’t get anywhere, or if you’ve already completed a game and want to know how to get even more out of it (with secret levels of play, sound tests, etc.), this is the magazine for you! The game masters at EGM, combined with members of the U.S. National Video Game Team, have combined their resources to create a pub¬ lication that is loaded with dynamite information - some of which can’t be found in any other similar gaming mags or books! Beginning with this issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly - Top Score, you’ll also find secret tricks, codes, and strategies on games available for the Sega Master System, the hand-held Nintendo Game Boy, and the powerful Turbo- Grafx-16 and Genesis 16-Bitters! This means that the magazine you now hold is the most complete reference guide to video gaming tips and tricks anywhere around! Be sure to keep a look out for future editions of Electronic Gaming Month¬ ly and Electronic Gaming Monthly - Top Score!. Together, you’ve got the most power-packed combination of video game news, clues, and reviews around! Also, don’t forget to send us your new tips for our free game boun¬ ty - if we select yours you will receive a cartridge and your name blasted across the pages of Electronic Gaming Monthly! Have fun with these codes, and especially with your games! 6 Steve Harris Editor “To the Citizens of River City: I hold your high school captive! With my gangs of students and vicious bosses roaming the streets, nobody can stop me now. Meet my demands - or else!” Slick, the meanest, most powerful gang lord in River City, has issued this ultimatum - and the entire town is powerless in a grip of fear! Fortunately, Alex and Ryan weren’t in school the day Slick took it over. But now, their fellow students are prisoners - including Ryan’s girlfriend! It’s up to our two young heroes to battle their way past several dangerous city gangs, then defeat the gang lord, to free the students of River City High and restore peace to the panic-stricken populace! Technos, Inc. 10080 North Wolfe Road Suite SW3-372 Cupertino, California 95014 (Editor’s Note: Since the explosive in¬ troduction of the Nintendo Entertain¬ ment System in 1985, joysticks and other add-on peripherals which provide addi¬ tional interactive feedback have become more necessary, now that pads and other more compact interfaces are now the pack-in standard. We’ve seen an abun¬ dance of joysticks appear for the NES, almost more than can be counted, but several do stand out, boasting either revolutionary features or unique capabilities that are de-serving of extra attention. What we’ve tried to compile here is a brief review of some of the most noteworthy of the dozens of peripherals we examined in the preparation of this article. Having examined a full spectrum of joysticks that range from the conventional to the conservative to the overwhelming you can be sure that the sticks we show have earned their place in these pages. Also, with more and more players buying into the new game systems, it is becoming appearant that both the Gene¬ sis and Turbo will also need the benefits of joystick control very soon. Some of the current joystick makers are looking toward these two new systems and plan to bring 16-Bit users the latest in joystick technology. A brief listing of some of the sticks that can be expected for the Turbo and Genesis are also contained at the conclusion of this article. While some still consider the pad a per¬ fect game-playing utility, others, who want the look and feel of the arcades or the more expressive control a joystick can offer, will probably never press ’Start’ without one! THE GIZMO Beeshu One of the most impressive joysticks ever created comes from the masters of the trade, Beeshu. The Gizmo sets out to out-ultimate the company’s Ulti¬ mate Super Stick, with a larger base, higher joystick, and independant LED indicators, rapid-fire features and slow-motion and one or two player op¬ tions. The unit also extends its list of abilities even further by including a special audio cable which connects to the system and enables you to listen to your battles and adventures in com¬ plete privacy! Some of the best features of the Gizmo include its size, which is large enough to remain stable in just about any en¬ vironment that you may wish to play in. The base is much larger than any com¬ peting stick on the market which provides added security in tight places Gizmo. From independant slow-mo¬ tion features to adjustable rapid-fire dials, the Gizmo has it all! The Gizmo even adopts one of the most cost-effec¬ tive features from the rival Nintendo Advantage stick by incorporating a dual plug that allows you to toggle a switch and share the stick with a game¬ playing buddy in those games which do not require two-player simultaneous play (for which a second controller must be used). Beyond the extensive use of every joystick power-up ever seen, the Gizmo tops off its superb package with an ear¬ phone attachment that lets you plug in and listen to the action without disturb¬ ing those around you. Definitely an important feature for the joystick that promises, and delivers, just about any¬ thing you’d want in a stick! when game action may get more frentic than expected! The Nintendo version of the Gizmo (which we previewed), also fea- sized fire buttons on both sides of the cen¬ tral stick (for both lefties and righties), and all of the other goodies found in competing sticks are The Gizmo is out to break all records for joystick versatility! ALL included in the Look for NES, Turbo, and Genesis versions of the Gizmo! 8 Hudson BE THERE! with the Magic of Sound. BE THERE! Feel like part of the action with Hudson’s New Personal Stereo Controller and the magic of sound effects. Just put on the stereo earphones. And get ready Sound shifts rapidly from ear to ear, while video images race across the screen. It’s lun and intense - almost real - as the excitement swirls around you. The joycard also comes equipped with volume control. Plus, a rapid-fire setting of up to 15 shots per second - for when you need maximum power. So look for Hudson’s new controller wher¬ ever you buy video game equipment. The magic of sound will make you feel like it’s more than just a game. NO MORE TV NOISE. Mirant sorr Hudson Soft USA Inc., 400 Oyster Point Blvd., S-515 South San Francisco, CA 94080 TEL: 415-495-HINT NES ADVANTAGE SILENCER SANSUISSS Hudson Some of the best joysticks we previewed weren’t even joysticks at all, but extensions of the normal pad that comes packed with the NES. Although several are available, with some nifty enhancements not found on the regular pad (like rapid-fire or remote capabilities), the most impressive of the lot (and one of the most impressive controllers we’ve ever seen) was without a doubt the Silencer Sansui SSS from Hudson. Hudson, better known for their plethora of game titles for the NES and Turbo, now deliver a pad unlike any other. Carrying a price tag that is less than most conventional joysticks, you get your standard crosshair pad, with rapid-fire built-in, plus earphones that allow you to keep all of the sounds of battle within your own head. The San¬ sui controller, however, goes even fur¬ ther by actually simulating true stereo sound through the earphones! Since the Nintendo does not have a stereo output, this enhancement is remark¬ able. The results that the Sansui SSS provides to both your ears and your scores make the controller even more of a bargin to game players who want to expand the scope of what their Ninten¬ do can do while increasing game scores at the same time. The Sansui SSS was one of the favorite controllers of the review panel, which could explain why it has received so much attention, in¬ cluding top honors as the best control¬ ler of 1989! One of the first joysticks available for the NES still remains one of the best! The Advantage appeared shortly after the Nintendo Entertainment System went into wide distribution. This peripheral quickly captured the atten¬ tion of most game players who were out for arcade-like sensations at home, and continues to be one of the hottest sell¬ ing joysticks to this day. Designed with right-handed players in mind (it may be awkward for lefties), the Advantage offers an easily-grip- pable ball atop a small shaft that rises from the surface of the main base. To the right of the stick are the ’A’ and ’B’ buttons, which have been angled for some unexplainable reason. Also fea¬ tured in this stick are the old standbys of slow-motion and rapid-fire not to mention a two-player adapter plug that allows two people to enjoy the same stick in two-player games that feature non-simultaneous play. The Advantage stick is well-con¬ structed, with a large base that is slight¬ ly weighted to keep the joystick in The Advantage gets its highest marks, however, in the area that is most impor¬ tant for any good joystick to succeed. It delivers on its promise to actually im¬ prove player-game interaction, which translates into better performance and overall higher scores. This is the main commandment that any good control¬ ler must pass, and the Advantage was clearly one of the top winners in that respect. When you pick up the Ad¬ vantage you know that you’ll be able to “...The Advantage delivers on its promise to actually improve player-game interac¬ tion, which translates into better performance and higher scores..." greatly affect how well you will normal¬ ly do on any game, but especially high action contests and shooters that revolve around constant movement and use of the buttons. And with spe¬ cial weapons like rapid-fire and slow- motion, the Advantage makes it pos¬ sible to rip through just about any game in no time at all! 10 O ' » A Detroit has seen better days. A gang ot ruthless hoods has -'-""overrun the city, and crime is out of control. ^''Attacks on the streets. Drug trafficking. Corruption and cop killing. It’s so bad a private firm, Security Concepts, now runs the police department. As RoboCop, your job is simple-clean up the city. Armed with a heavy-duty arsenal of weapons, including Robo’s Special Issue Auto-9, make your way past street thugs, the notorious Clarence Boddicker and the powerful ED-209 to your final battle with Dick Jones. Serving the public trust, upholding the law, and protecting the innocent was never so challenging, never so dangerous, and never so much fun as this. With great graphics and great game action, the future of law enforcement-is ROBOCOP. On Nintendo. From Data East. CAMERICA FREEDOM STICK Camerica The Camerica Freedom Stick is for those players who like the look and feel of the NES Advantage but don’t want the trouble or interference of wires. The stick itself is very similar to the Advantage in most respects, with the same basic design (again, withoutthe buttons on the left for left-handed players). The stick also incorporates the rapid-fire and slow-motion fea¬ tures, but not the dual player option. The problem with the Freedom Stick lies with its advanced technology. While the stick does indeed allow you to break free from the constraints of wires, it also requires a bit more sub¬ tlety in its handling. You cannot, for instance, let anything get between you and the receiving unit that plugs into the joystick ports. Doing so breaks the infra-red signal and causes you to lose control of your on¬ screen alter ego until you re-establish a connection between the base and your stick. Camerica offers several different versions of the basic Freedom Stick, including a triangular model that does incorporate two different sets of but¬ tons and an even more exciting device that will let you plug any exist¬ ing joystick or pad into a remote unit (that can rest on the floor and hook onto your belt) that then beams a sig¬ nal back to a receiver installed at the system. This is an even more effec¬ tive way of bringing remote play to joysticks since the Remote allows you to plug in an existing controller that you are already familiar with. Now you can rack up the same high scores you have always enjoyed, but without the tiresome troubles of wires to contend with or limited mobility. All of Camerica’s peripherals are a little more expensive as you can ex¬ pect, but the remote features work rather well. WIRELESS REMOTE Acclaim Another variation of the wireless joystick theme, only this time Acclaim brings us remote abilities in the same pad we’ve grown to know and love from Nintendo. The Acclaim pad is actually quite a bit thicker than the normal Nintendo pad, but it does offer rapid-fire options for added firepower. If you like your pad than this unit should work just fine! THE ZIPPER Beeshu Still another pad controller that isn’t wireless, but it does have a nice feel and comes with rapid-fire switches. The Zipper doesn’t have a lot of flash, but they are brightly colored and make an excellent replacement for the standard Nintendo controller. POWER GLOVE Mattel The Power Glove, like the U-Force controller from Broderbund, isn’t really a joystick or pad at all. These controllers use advanced sensing mechanism to detect the positions of your hands and the actions that you perform within their field of vision. The Power Glove is the only control¬ ler of its type currently available on store shelves, however. For playabil¬ ity and interaction, the Power Glove scores marginally. The only pro¬ blems are in the same restricting field of movements that the unit can sense. The unit does look quite intimidating on anyone’s hand, although a left- handed version is not produced. Some enhancements over standard joysticks include 'Thrasher" mode that lets on-screen heros go crazy with firepower in all directions. The only drawback is that you can’t move during this mode! You’ve got to give a little to take a little. COMPETITION PRO Happ Controls This is the ultimate in beefed-up pads for the Nintendo. The Happ Competition Pro throws everything into your hands in a shape that is very similar to that of the standard Genesis pad (although this model has only two buttons). You get rapid-fire, slow-motion, and more! This is the ideal controller for those who like the feel of a pad, but want the features of the best top-of-the-line joysticks. THE DOMINATOR Nexoft This is another one those "do-every- thing" joysticks that has just about every feature you can imagine. A high price tag makes this stick question¬ able, but if you need a stick that has no bounds and can perform some in¬ teresting tricks, the Dominator may be the stick for you. We Buy-Sell Used NIIMTENDtf GAMES HIGHEST PRICES PAID! Send For A Price List With A Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope To: u.v.T., inc. Olympia Plaza Route 22 East Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 ( 201 ) 232-3222 CALL FOR NEW GAME PRICES! 12 CAPCOM i California: (800) 222 0928 ITS THE EM) OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT) u6lUe a te ac&jfal.of advanced weaponry in these superfast action adventures. Conquer your enemit Launch into battle at your favorite software retail outlet. Call Capcom U.5.A. for more unearthly details at 408-727-1665 CAPCOM fJjFj _ _ ,v I _ ■ L._ wmm 1 NmUteindk) EEEE ACE TEE BEST TIPS, I I AVISC II C I SIC5I I S, STRATEGIES, HIDDEN PCHfP-UPS EEVEL SELECTS AND CODES EPCM TEE ENTIPE YEAR CE EDM, ALE IN CNE PLACE, Mill MANT TIPS TEAT EAVE NEVEP BEEN POINTED BEECPE! SUPER TRICK! ANTICIPATION 6ray Square* Moie With this method, you can use the gray feature squares on the third and fourth levels. When you land on the gray squares, push the 'A' but¬ ton rapidly until your player marker starts flashing. The gray feature square will then be playable like a normal square. BAD DUDES 64 MEN This neat little trick will allow you to start the game with 64 men! When the title screen appears, on controller two press B, A, Down, Up, Down, Up, then press start on controller one. The extra men will certainly help you defeat the bad¬ dies that await! BASES LOADED GREAT TIP! N> Ejection* There is a way to keep players from being thrown out of the game. If you get hit by a pitch and charge the mound, rapidly press the ’B' but¬ ton and continue to push it until the next batter comes to the plate. Now, when you go to look at the lineup, you’ll see you haven’t lost the bat¬ ter who should have been ejected! ADVENTURES OF LINK Expulonon Booftor When it comes to Role-Playing Adven¬ ture games, few titles are as well-known as Nintendo's Adventures of Link. But starting out can be tough, especially building up your experience. So here’s a helpful trick that will let novice players get some quick experience with very lit¬ tle trouble at all! First of all, you must have one Link on any of three games who has already completed the first adventure and is into the second. For the other Links to receive this free boost, the Link who has already finished the first quest must then go through one of the palaces. When that Link’s experience begins to go up, after you have set the crystal in the statues’s forehead, press ’Up’ and ’A’ at the same time on controller two. The ’Continue’ or 'Save' option will ap¬ pear. Select ’Save’, then choose another Link to use. Upon starting his first quest, the other Link’s experience will begin to rise and will continue to in¬ crease many levels! 16 world for their own profit. Control Orin and your falcon Cutrus alone, or in the unique simultaneous mode, where you are Orin, and your friend is Cutrus. Contains Password feature. As Orin the Falconer, you must save --- the world from the _ — evil of the 8 Eyes. ,:r | ; / --- . > These Jewels of . r b . ' Power are held by the King’s dukes, ___*_l who plan to use them to rule the T&XAINI Consumer Divi This official seal is your 2 "YOU STAND AT THE EDGE OF A DEEP CHASM. FROM THE DARKNESS BELOW RISE THE SCREAMS OF THE UNDEAD" Can you outwit and overcome the Slay a dragon, cross a river of fire, thoroughly-evil Warlock Lord? His But be careful. A wrong move could mysterious spell holds Castle Shadowgate bring your quest to an untimely end. captive. Dozens of hidden pitfalls and nasty entities lurk in every corner. Probe along menacing stone corridors looking for hidden passageways. Discover mysterious artifacts in dark chambers. Clues are there for those bold enough, and wise enough. Torches. Keys. Gemstones. A whole world of options are at your command with dynamic graphics to bring the dark mysteries of the Middle Ages to life. The question is...are you up to the challenge of Castle Shadowgate? KEMCCUSEIKA TCP SECPET! TCP SECPET! HYDLIDE End Code This code will take you to the chamber where the evil Boralis awaits. It will also start you off on your quest with 90% Life, 100% Strength, and 90% Magic! ICE HOCKEY Super Puck This little trick will speed up the puck so that it never stops! During the player, speed, and time select screen, hold down both the ’A’ and ’B’ buttons on both controllers and press ’Start’. The puck will continue moving when you hit it and hold down the ’B’ button. XBNMXMPNWQMNQHB7 Be sure that, when you attack Boralis, you defend against the upper corner of his wing, and back off to heal back up. JOHN ELWAY"$ QUARTERBACK Super Fart Reeeiveri In the play select mode, move the cursor to the Normal/Reverse win¬ dow, and let the time run out. This will make the wide receivers as well as the quarterback extremely fast! Just snap the ball, toss it immediate¬ ly to a wide receiver, and watch him glide untouched into the endzone! KID ICARUS Saarat Paiward Cadat To warp to the last level with a bunch of nifty bonuses: DANGER mm TERROR HORROR Forthe last level, an endless supp¬ ly of life, and 640 Hearts: 8uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu 20 GET THE TITLE THAT MAKES YOUR Hot News for Hot Shots! Get the inside track on SunSoft games in the FREE SunSoft Game Time News. Name_Age_ TCP SECRET! TCP SECPET! /• TOP^ \ i secret} V