I FEBRUARY 1987 VOL. 12, NO. 2 $3.50 IN UNITED STATES $4.50 IN CANADA / ei.75 IN U.K. A McGRAW-HllX PUBLICATION 0360-5280 IE SMALL SYSTEMS JOURNAL" Educational Computing ne flex is the MM acclaimed, high-performance database manager that's so advanced it's easy to use! Reflex: the high- performance, state- of-the-art database manager Whether you manage mailing lists, customer files, or you are in charge of your company's budgets, Reflex is the database manager that you've been waiting for. Reflex lets you organize, analyze and report in- formation faster and easier than ever before. Reflex extends database man- agement with business graphics. Because a picture is often worth a 1 000 words, Reflex lets you extract the critical information buried in mountains of data. With Reflex, when you look, you see. Reflex: the critics' choice . . . if you use a PC, you should know about Reflex. Reflex and Reflex Workshop may be the best bargain in software today. Jerry Pournelle, BYTE 11/86 Everyone agrees that Reflex is the best-looking database they've ever seen. Adam B. Green, InfoWorld The next generation of software has officially arrived. Peter Norton, PC Week ' ' &£>ft£>wr* The Database Manager -^0t: Reflex: The Workshop adds 22 templates to your business repertoire Only $69.95! You get 22 different ways to run your business— instantly. The formats are all there. All you do is enter your own numbers. A superb business tool. System requirements Reflex: The Database Manager IBM PC, AT, XT, or true compatibles. PC -DOS (MS-DOS) 2.0 and later. IBM CGA, Hercules Monochrome Card, or equivalent. 384K. Reflex: The Workshop: Requires Reflex: The Database Manager. 384K. For Finance/Accounting: • Business Expense Tracking • Petty Cash Tracking • Line of Credit Tracking and Analysis • Accounts Receivable Tracking and Aging Analysis • Purchase Order Entry and Analysis • Purchase Order Tracking System • Leasing Inventory /Management • Asset Inventory Tracking • Cash Management Trial Balance • Commercial Real Estate Tracking and Analysis For Administration: • Mail Lists • Appointment Scheduling • Applicant Tracking and Inquiry System • Facilities Planning • Project Scheduling For Sales & Marketing: • Sales Lead Tracking and Analysis • Store Check Inventory Analysis • Sales Analysis • Trend Analysis For Production & Operations: • Manufacturing Quality Assurance Tracking • Assembly Repair Turnaround Tracking • Product Cost Analysis and Control tt Reflex does the job. Workshop shows you applications. The 400-page book that comes with Workshop has sections on creating accounting systems; inventory control; business expense reports; real estate manage- ment; production; operation and quality control; and just a whole bunch of other stuff. Jerry Pournelle, BYTE 11/86 55 Reflex: don't use your PC without it! Join hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic Reflex users and experience the power and ease- of-use of Borland's award- winning Reflex. BI-W93A For the dealer nearest you or to order by phone call (800)255-8008 in CA (800) 742-1133 in Canada (800) 237-1136 ^k Eureka: The Solver' M nyone and Im everyone who routinely works with equations needs Eureka: The Solver It solves the most com- plex equations in seconds. Whether you're a scientist engineer, financial analyst, student teacher, or some other professional, you need Eureka: The Solver! Any problem that can be expressed as a linear or non-linear equation can be solved with Eureka. Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus problems are a snap. Eureka: The Solver also handles maximization and minimization problems, does plot functions, generates reports, and saves you an incredible amount of time. X+exp(X) = 10 solved instantly instead of eventually! Imagine you have to "solve for X," where X + exp(X) = 10, and you don't have Eureka: The Solver. What you do have is a problem, because it's going to take a lot of time guessing at "X." Maybe your guesses get closer and closer to the right answer, but it f s also getting closer and closer to midnight and you're doing it the hard way. With Eureka: The Solver, there's no guessing, no dancing in the dark— you get the right answer, right now. (PS: X = 2.0705799, and Eureka solved that one in .4 of a second!) How to use Eureka: The Solver It's easy. 1. Enter your equation into the full-screen editor 2. Select the "Solve" command 3. Look at the answer 4. You're done You can then tell Eureka to ■ Evaluate your solution ■ Plot a graph ■ Generate a report, then send the output to your printer, disk file or screen ■ Or all of the above System requirements IBM PC, AT, XT, Portable, 3270 or true compatibles. PC-DOS (MS-DOS) 2.0 and later. 384K. Eureka: The Solver includes ■ A full-screen editor ■ Pull -down menus ■ Context-sensitive Help ■ On-screen calculator ■ Automatic 8087 math co-processor chip support ■ Powerful financial functions ■ Built-in and user-defined math and financial functions ■ Ability to generate reports complete with plots and lists ■ Polynomial finder ■ Inequality solutions Some of Eureka's key features You can key in: ■ A formula or formulas ■ A series of equations— and solve for all variables ■ Constraints Hike X has to be