AUGUST 1986 VOL.11, NO. 8 i $3.50 IN UNITED STATES $4.25 IN CANADA / £1.75 IN U.K. A McGRAV^HILL PUBLICATION 0360-5280 THE SMALL SYSTEMS JOURNAL® c A • *OA • y\ ,V '••: > X \\: \ • \ "\\\S v • V: • \< "■\ ,.'■'* . News from Borland International! Vol. 1 No. 1 W: ■e frequently surprise people with inventive, imaginative software, and people frequently surprise us with the way fcheyuse it. For example, you'll read on this page how Michael J. Watkins of the Petroleum Technology Center in Houston, Texas, used Turbo Pascal® (and Turbo Graphix Toolbox™ and Turbo Tutor®) to cut down the tedium and time in creating Circular Performance Profile Charts (CPPCs). We didn't know they existed, but you learn something new every day! Applications like CPPCs might not fit your exact needs, but at the same time they might stimulate fresh ideas in your mind about how you can put Turbo Pascal and the Turbo Pascal family to work for you. And thank you for your interest in and support for Borland International. pi& Philippe Kahn, President, Borland International INSIDE STORIES! ■ Turbo Pascal 3.0, already described by PC Magazine as "Language deal of the century," is now an even better deal than that, because we've included the most popular options (BCD reals and 8087 support). What used to cost $124.95 is now only $99.95! ■ Completely new Turbo Tutor 2.0 now available. New software. New manual. New split screens. New quizzes. Only $39.95. Upgrades available under Borland's "Almosi-Free" upgrade plan. Details inside. LATE NEWS! ■ June/July Special Artificial Intelligence Issue of The Micro Technical Journal says, "Turbo Prolog looks like it's going to be a winner, for both the beginner and professional programmer." Turbo Pascal deliberately programmed to go around in circles Circular charts (or CPPCs) are used by Michael J. Watkins of the Petroleum Technology Center in Houston, Texas, to plot a single performance property for a large number of elastomers, which have elastic, rubber-like properties. Mr. Watkins wrote us saying, "Because CPPCs condense a lot of data in one graphic, they can be very tedious and time-consuming to draw' 1 What he did to solve those problems was to write a Turbo Pascal program for IBM® personal computers to "generate these charts quickly and easily' 1 He used Turbo Pascal "because it has a companion set of very powerful graphics programs (Turbo Graphix Toolbox) which greatly simplifies the required programming. ?&& l^bo Pascal is not a difficult language to use and can be easily learned by persons who can program in FORTRAN or BASIC An excellent tutorial (l\jrbo Tutor) is available for the novice or experienced programmer The Turbo Pascal products are also very moderately priced! 1 sss* TMHBOBaSCAI ^»