NEW: Lazlow's Technoraves • WebBoard • QmodemPro for Win 95 September 1995 US $3.95 Canada $4.95 70992-35460 8t6 flflwlwury town pie Qpllona iVmdow yelp EZh^ Support Syalems ]_-J Harvard Akjfinr Counly Lbf arjj CcmnfyBonk Attnciijlicri &> European TiavalAgency DirlntMj4oi Mam menu: Launch your (urn online service, right out of the box. with Worldgroup. Offer users e-mail, fomms, multi-user teleconference, palls, files, Internet access and more. Worldgroup Manager: ( 'st'rs access and navigate your system with Worldgroup Manager, a Windows client. Willi the click of an icon, users are connected and logged in la your system. ! Ilr Lrfi' Vl'w Mill Ppila n* ^flnAttm Help £c: Olhwi RBMBbwH iBffC: | W A.tva.l.ran Caa^ufcy. MM "* M "' '*"* PaPOIil. Ml VM and Divan mm a paal Iran You mam II tairiajala lar aamar ■ Forums: Creole up to 10,000 group message areas or Internet newsgroups for users to exchange ideas on a variety of topics. A map even helps users track conversation threads visually. E-mail: Users can easily manage, their mail with their own in box, out box, multi-foidered filing cabinet, at/dress hook and more. Hit Edll K"» Mwgc rppim Qpllona Mf1mJo> B mm *mmu \ Culfttt TortM. f;~ Open Your Windows to the Worldgroup". Bring the World a Click Away. The newest, smartest generation of online software isn't coming from Microsoft. Or CompuServe. Or America Online. It's coming from you — and Galacticomm, the creator of The Major BBS'. Worldgroup. And it's a client/server online software platform that brings the world to you, Think of Worldgroup as the bridge that links the people and resources within your company to the world beyond. With the click of an icon, you can network your entire business world — customers, stockholders, prospects, field staff, distributors, vendors, the press and more — together online! Worldgroup. The World's Most Powerful Client/Server Online Platform. By running your own online service, you have 100% control over the content, presentation and revenue ^ of your system. And Workgroup's client/server approach makes it easy for anyone to use. The client runs under Windows on your users' machines. Its multi- threaded architecture lets them do all sorts of cool things simultaneously. Like download files in the background, while reading new mail. Or auto update new versions of applications transparently. Local caching, "look ahead" and client-driven intelligence maximizes performance at 2,400 or 28,800 bps. You can customize all the icons and menu pages out of the box. With Worldgroup's multimedia features, you can have a "splash" screen with a BMP image and a WAV or MIDI file, graphic menu backdrops, real-time video and more. There's even a "launch" client/server utility that downloads and launches files for your users, such as Adobe Acrobat files. Word documents and PowerPoint presentations, in one easy step — while the user is online. You can use Visual Basic and C to create your own custom client/server applications (we provide source code). Or, just plug and play dozens of add- on applications from our network of Independent Software Vendors. UllrillulillrhlllUtiiaiih 9se rank your revel ol interest in Internet connectMy Polls and Questionnaires: Offer marketing surveys, suggestion boxes, applications forms and testing, to name a few. Results are immediately tallied and can be viewed as exportable bar graphs or pic charts. 5£1£L£ m*s& 3.823 Preii r^gaie frtlan stout VfcJ ENTER! FU.5 Tg4>g 1/24/96 4371 OK Pr*iiF*Jea« s6oy Er»srt«Tw>rtCo*«irn HPHI^ Pwi ■c'mm «6eM Equfv 5ytitff4, Inc &WECON TXT MHOS * aa Pi*»| ■— v- *■ -/ 5*™ ■... < ■ - '. - ICO TXT 1/J4/95 e i:: Pi#*i hInh ibout IflttmH ComactM'y Opton ICDBETATXI T/JJ/9? i.712 Pi#±i ioIhm iboui InfHTW Corrwctmlv Dp«n RECORD Rt5 1/24/95 &*i FVmi r^Hu Qsteteorm bcii twnd r*c* J POYER TXT 1/34/95 ^C45 h«*t tglHn tan floyei lo head new NlS drown Pi«i ivImm tmnii Sevch ynJPtfngv^ fltVe libraries: t 'scrs simply tag the tiles the!/ 're interested in and select the download icon. Files can be downloaded in the background while users enjoy your other services. -: Help: Users will quickly grasp the advantages of ' WorldyrcMp's friendly Windows interface, with hypertext online help at every window. fcdll ¥lc» hi *'J Op tion* Wlflttow n*ia Internal Modem 33-k " Thm mod»ni entu*y thtrtt tt PC -cart ■* W COM port oiCuAy fcv* h**«jffti lanatpMotBiGcoivitcaan wi«d#th* PCtcabmM PCMCIA Modem ^Kk^kW Matt no*»taak compute, on ff>» rrori* todsy dN* PCWO*. (kwift ertranwy cDtnpoe* add-On d*uit*i »OvdW^ moMm* TH* r^od*" raeusy i* I" CM I id il a port iji heie-Fy ifl(5*f Sisn b crrticBfti Be* edwnoi ond internal mwjtn* 0cm»3V) ?■* iN0hon« ty*t»fn bya is DNWOTC Mow PCMCIA modtwii ^ta praida esmKMy to cataor tawpftarvi World of Online Computing The server runs on a single 486 or Pentium DOS machine and can handle up to 256 users online at once. Locks and Keys'" security provides airtight access control. Full system accounting and reporting is built in. And in addition to client/server users, you can still support ASCII/ANSI/RIP terminals. Worldgroup. Beyond the World-Wide Web. Workgroup's client/server interface works just as well over the Internet as it does with dial-up modems. We're talking full-fledged interactive applications, not just documents. In addition, ftp server and basic WWW server capabilities are also supported. Worldgroup provides a communication mode! that bring: the inside world and the outside world together in a secure, productive environment. But it doesn't stop there. You can make your service accessible via modem, serial ports, TCP/IP, Novell LAN, ISDN and X.25 networks such as CompuServe and SprintNet. Worldgroup. The Best of Both Worlds. Worldgroup gives you the best of workgroup software and commercial online services. E-mail, group discussion areas, file libraries, teleconferencing, surveys and more are all built-in. You can gateway to existing message systems via MHS or UUCP. And that's just the beginning. Worldgroup. A World of Resources... A Phone Call Away. As a Galacticomm customer, you'll also receive excellent documentation and world-class support. In every way, we will work with you to make your online venture a success. So open your Windows to the powerful, smart new Worldgroup of online computing today. Call your Galacticomm dealer or call us at 800- 328-1128 (or 305-583-5990 outside the U.S. and Canada). You can also send e-mail on the Internet to and access our home page by pointing your Web browser to (f)GALACTICOMM Bringing your vision online Online Interactive Software moms. Galaclicomm and Worldgrcnip are trademarks ol Gfllacitcornm, Inc. The Major BBS is a registered Iradenrnik ol Gfilacticomm. Inc AH ether products are trademarks rjl 1h©ir respective companies. TRUE WINDOWS MULTITASKING • ON-THE II Y DAT 1 , COMPRESSION SyttePt VfMv Brig MULTI-NODE* NETWORK COMPATIBLE - as z a. Q s z a 6 u Multitasking allows users to download files, compose and read messages, plus preview images... all while participating in group chat. - storm, ll was the first system ol'its kind to run entirely under Windows" and continues to set the standard of measure. Because Excalibur is built around an accelerated bi-directional protocol, users can upload and download files, chat with other users, and compose messages ... all at fhf same time.' Utilizing our proprietary graphical interlace, users are able to design their own menus and screens incorporating object oriented graphics, bitmapped graphics, and TrueType fonts. This means no two Excalibur based systems are the same! Advanced error correction and data compression offer reliability and convenience to all users, even without error-coirect- ing modems. As for expandability. Excalibur offers true Plug'N Play abilities. Imagine doors that are both hassle free and easy to use. By using Excalibur' s Application Programming Interface (API), third party developers have created everything from Internet gateways and databases to shopping malls and interactive games. The possibilities are endless. Modem into Excalibur HQ/USA at 918.496.8113 or call 800.EXCAL.BBS (800.392.2522). In Canada, modem into Excalibur 11 (J/ Canada at 905.508.8872. Find out what users worldwide are heralding as "the next generation in BBS software". v. - 3 - 2 Z i > n z - - COMMUNICATIONS, INC. EXCALIBUR COMMUNICATIONS. INCORPORATED • 4410 EAST S0TH PLACE • TULSA. OKI MIOMA 74136 • 800.392.2522 • 918.488.9801 O > F 3 — ■J- 30#TE ■ *» ,/ JL VOLUME 6, NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 1995 DEPARTMENTS 4 readme.txt 6 Newswire 51 Ask Tess 56 The Mist 66 Netted Boards 71 Bookshelf 72 Classified Ads 76 Online Update FEATURE 10 Launchtime So you want to be a sysop? by John Hedtke COLUMNS 9 On the Horizon A Board for Your Web? 16 BBSing by the Web-Board Light Webwise by Dave Kramer 20 Ludd Online Technoraves by Lazlow Jones 22 Games, Finance, Entertainment and Free Web Pages! The Big Boards by Terry Rossi 28 bbs.notebook by Steve Janas 32 Sharewaring by Maria Langer 36 Hot Files byHankHurteau * ¥ 40 Class Distinctions Macintosh Online by Michael A. Kuykendall 44 Wolf Spiders Fetch Pizza Upon Request! Internet Made Easy by Mike Robinson 46 Download Bulletin Commodore Connections by Gaelyne R. Moranec 52 Modem Spins Modems by Modem Mage Pag* IV P"ge 16 '■•V' 21) SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE llll§L#: THE BULLETIN SOAfiD SERVICES MAGAZINE readme.txt Getting On Board We should do this more often. With (insert four-digit number) sysops born each month 'round the world, we'd be smart to offer on a regu lar, cyclical basis the kind of timely advice saturating this issue's feature story. The report, in case your cover was torn off in the mail or at the news- stand by a Luddite (see Technoraves below), details author John ^ -— Hedtke's revelations on how to start a bul- letin board service. Hedtke not only looks into the practical and tech- nical aspects of starting a BBS (for starters, should you even bother?), he likewise offers first- hand tips on how to deal with crazy callers, ways to manage your ego, and what it takes to keep a BBS fresh — perhaps the most vital task of all these days. With years of experience in BBSing, and with a book on the subject heading toward its fourth printing, he's some- one worth listening to. And maybe we'll ask him for an update in a couple of months. Elsewhere this month, we talk to Chris Duke of Duke Engineering about a little project he's been working on to change the face of World Wide Web sites. Oh, haven't heard of him? Well maybe O'Reilly rings a bell — they're that book publisher-cum-software pro- moter partly behind a little thing called WebSite. Duke's WebBoard claims to bring BBSing to WebSite, and we bring a touch of both to you on page 9. A welcome should go out to a fellow named Lazlow Jones who joins our line-up this month. He'll be writing under the Technoraves heading, where humor at the expense of the online world will mingle with serious ideas and iconoclastic rants... we think. Truth be told, we're never quite sure what Lazlow will do next, so follow him as we do, beginning on page 20. And liTVV, this is our fifth anniver- sary issue. There's no pomp, no cir- cumstance, but there is an embarrass- ing picture of our early days on page 6. Cheers... gulp. Rick Robinson Editor PUBLISHER Richard Paqueite ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER John P, Carcione EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard W. Robinson Jr. WEST COAST ADVERTISING SALES Wayne J. Fields, 714.770.2955 DESIGN AND ILLUSTRATION Terry Wilson ART DIRECTOR Jeanne Lorenzo CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tess Heder, Hank Hurteau, Steve Janas, Lazlow Jones, Dave Kramer, Jacqui Kramer, Michael A. Kuykendall, Maria Langer, Modem Mage, Gaelync R. Moranec, Mike Robinson, Tern' Rossi, and Shari Steele PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION Beth Tomasello NEWSSTAND CIRCULATION DIRECTOR William A. Townsend EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING OFFICES BBS Magazine Callers Digest Inc. 701 Stokes Road Medford, NJ 08055 609.953.91 10 Main Office 609.953.9 110 Advertising 609.953.7961 Fax 609.235.5297 BBS Advertising: Subscriptions; SUBSCRIPTIONS USA CAN/MEX 1 Yr. (12 issues) S30 S50 2 Yrs.(24 issues) S50 S90 SINGLE COPY DISTRIBUTION Warner Publisher Sen-ices, Inc., NY, NY Call our order HOTLINE at 1-800-822-0437 8am- 4pm EST, Mon-Fri, and charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard, or send check, money order payable to Callers Digest, Inc. Entire contents copyright ©1995 Callers Digest, Inc., all rights reserved. Material in this publication MAY NOT be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher of BBS Magazine. BBS Magazine (ISSN #1055-2812) is published monthly by Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, N[ 08055, Callers Digest, Inc. is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contribu- tors. Questions and comments are welcomed. Unless otherwise instructed, we assume all rights to letters, articles, or other communications sent to Callers Digest, Inc. as unconditionally assigned for publication. Material not accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope will not be returned. Uploads are accepted only in ZIP format at "The Livewire BBS," 609.235.5297 (All V.Everything modems). POSTMASTER: Please send all change of address (with old label and new address) to: Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE ^ULTIMATE BBS E-mail Management Tool! • Stop wasting on-line time and money. Why spend valuable on-line lime just reading mail? Off-Line Express (OLX) from Mustang Software lets you download 5'our mail, log off and read it on your own time so you can spend your on-line lime transferring files, chatting or gaming. • OLX gives you freedom to properly research and prepare your messages and replies. Use the built-in editor to impon and fomiat data, add your own com- ments, check for mistakes with a built-in spell checker - even save copies of your message for future reference or distribute to other BBSs, • No more looking through stacks of business cards or paper scraps for E-mail addresses. Store long Internet addresses and mail routing information in one integrated address book. • OLXs powerful search engine lets you scan the current conference, current mail packet, or all open packets for any word or combination of words in seconds. You don't need to spend hours scouring thousands ol mes.-ages lor inlormanon hi a few topics. • Maintain a record of every message you send or receive. OLX automatically stores your personal E-mail in folders for easy reference, even long after the original mail has been deleted. You can also define custom folders to save any mes- sage or group of messages for later retrieval All this, and it's easy to use! Call 800-663-1886 for more information or to place your order. DOWNLOAD OUR DEMO TODAY! MSI HQ BBS 805-873-2400 The professional QWK mail reader from the experts who brought you Wildcat! and QmodemPro! Works with Wildcat!, PCBoard, Major BBS, TBBS, and any other QWK-compatible BBS. Mustang Software, Inc. 6200 take Ming Road Bakersfield. CA 93306 Phone: 805-873-2500 FAX: 805-873-2599 e-mail address: Web address: \-r »/, r>.rdi»V (T. .11* [i|>-j. &X&rwJjTL B !i' _ Camdno "* Wtin. m Iraar frarts tf Mj&w SGtws ftoprtsj Ail atv pottfl raws n nwwB ex v& ibkhj w cigy-ira PAsung Sflwi. Inc jl rtffc raawd Workgroup's Their Oyster: Galacticomm's ISVs Deliver the Goods As promised, i lalacticomm's Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are serving up new applications for the Worldgroup client/server software with an initial batch of 24 cool tools and apps that offer both sex appeal and hard-core functionality. "...basically, client/server extensions of every nature can be linked through the Internet or via regular dial-up modem or ISDN lines," said Scott Brinkcr, Cialaclicomm CEO. "And this is real])' just the first wave oi Worldgroup extensions. We're aware of a number of incredible new products that are in the early development stages." Says Brinker, with the openness of Workgroup's client/server platform, "ISVs — or an organiza- tion's own staff — can create these applications easily using our t Client/Server Developer's Kit with Visual Basic and Borland C++." Some of the Worldgroup extensions include two online shopping packages (with [PEG photo support) that permit credit card orders to be processed while the caller's online — Mix "K'y™ fifis Homepage Btcfc Print |>U P(*ct &££ 204.29.198,6 u ^u^.^y.iya.D Tn* fifU PI os* BBS flam Ezarc Z-3i\1*rmncm 2 Aval lab, • Fil* 3 i i-*c tC" i tl I t morg of Fl la Dlr*ctoM» fgr Cwif#r««« HOtl-Wtl u)b 1 1 Ftoctni Uplcoai 2 O B— tfllwtlaiM Procro** and help 3 Electronic rtogetlnu and Bookj 4 n*dld HobblfM and Profiwiorali 3 Qroc+ilc* Proerw 4 634,460 ft Pletwt fun <6iF, PCI, itc.J 15 1,4*1,302 7 Csofclfig flnd fttclpiis 1 19,32a 6 U-ltlnQ and Urit«r# 9 "mi! Hfllwfc InfOTMtlOn 4 216.66? 10 DO* UtH I ll«« and Information II 1,606, WM 11 Q-~fmt oftd Pragraw (<*? Fun iq 10,734,104 12 OffllmNall R»«i«rf a 333 , mo CI7 Win l, < H J* I p , rior«7 | ^EEC KEYWORDS Where the boards are Telnetting to exotic lands 16 So, why are you still dialing into BBSs in different time zones? Before you start this month's column, you're going to need a Telnet client. For Macintosh, NCSA Telnet will work just fine, and Windows users can't get by without Trumpet Telnet or its equivalent (or Galacticomm's Worldgroup client). Most Web browsers will deliver Telnet URLs to the appropriate tool if you set your preferences right, or you can just login directly to sites once you have the Telnet address. OK, so let's surf the Web for some BBSs! If you want to track down Internet-accessible bulletin board services on your own, go no further than EvcrClear's Vicious Book of BBSes at long-winded site by Dan Vishnesky profiles Telnet-accessible BBSs and offers links directly to the sites. (Also, check out the extensive list and source sites in the telnettable boards later in this issue). Some highlights: Notes on etiquette, tips on how to sign on to a strange BBS, and rankings of "The Biggest Userbase," "The Most Files Available," "The Most Unpredictable," and "The Most Political." My only criticism is that the names of the ranked and rated BBSs aren't anchored to their entry in the master list {which would make best use of hypertext to help the SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE user of the site). Also, the site hasn't been updated in awhile, so there are bound to be cobwebs. But, the site is one of the more comprehensive for Web surfing BBSers and all of the Telnet links that I tried were still valid, so have at it! Note to newcomers to Telnet: You generally will be greeted with a text login prompt. Fortunately, Dan's list tells you how to sign in initially (often "BBS"). From there, you should get guidance on how to sign in as a guest and what sort of valida- tion is required — for instance The 9th Floor (Dan's pick for "Weirdest BBS," located at telnet:// requires you to first visit Misc/bbs.Qaire.html or Finger to get an application to fill out. 204.27.72.Z I S*at*w* Star MS I 2* OI»n*«tK - '= Lines ISP Unproved It! I Internet: esstonvenw, I Fidnnrt *■»: l:3«/I I S*l lion-. II J Internet ■*««« I HI FiOffet Hrjinatfl 0.1 Lncol Hiss*,.* | SKI Q II t Reciter tl\ fill tr>«s III Fn I taH I 101 On-L,ne Choi | 17 n\imi*% wwliln Inf. • tin I HI bile tins I 1*1 Knot bit I HI hUtsis I HI Extra Inf. I IS) Sfston Slats I Ml W»'n On I inn | [HI Help Infn I Utilities I I mi fttfiltratlm I tV] V.ur Setting I IP I Pess«#rn CfcwifC [ EG I Ca-^ent to SysOp I 1-1 Pea* the Sgrtp «■■-■ — - — - ——— — — — — I IS I D*n»in I Another quick warning: Some of the BBSs you can Telnet to are in, gasp!, non-English languages, like Korean, Spanish, or Finnish. This is great if you speak those languages, but can be disorienting otherwise. Fortunately, Dan lets you know what boards are in what tongue. Speaking of foreign sites (one of the advantages of using the Internet is that overseas phone bills can become a thing of the past), there are several Italian sites worth visiting on the Web. The Energy BBS is at Much of the site is in Italian, but there's enough English to get you through the login 'ijUiTm ; a*. fj<] 01:2 1ST 3 I I'fWft I/tf'jlj '».< («■.«$ JJQT 1 Texas Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) Sites Netscape: Energy! in w Slop 2 LotJtton frHjV/vw *rnriff il/ Benveirato in Eaergyf vm* §M>»**t&e *shfoi4+et iaM, e% $tiH0A&d.... ZL //«fl| SIT* of I0K(«I H2byUj/;f; 2? min^i;ni ? ; process if you're not a native speaker. Another Telnettable Italian site is InfoSquare BBS at, but they only offered English prompts for RIPscrip, which is not an option on my Telnet client. Oh well. Korean-speaking BBSers will find a goldmine at The Hana BBS is an easy Telnet in, and even has an English option for those who don't speak Korean. The BBS is geared toward chatting and topical discussions, although the Web page also links to an FTP file area and a sophisticated map of Web servers in Korea. Planning a trip to New Zealand? Be sure to take along Craig Shore's dialup BBS list for the Christchurch area at http://hcli- Sadly, none include Telnet addresses, but there you are. Maybe the next update will offer some clickable access. A little closer to home (for me at least) is the New Orleans Big Easy BBS site found at The BBS was easy enough to get into, but I wasn't going to shell out $15 per month without a preview. At least the Web site includes a list of other local BBSs. I found a little more Southern hospital- ity at the Southern Star BBS, at telnet://2Q4.27.72.2. The site offered me a free look around, although the only files I could get to were lists of the files available for paying members. Still, the BBS offered database searches of the CIA World Factbook, drug interactions, CEO phone numbers, and other useful and interesting info on my trial visit. Cool. As a former Texas-based reporter (now East Coaster), I am always interested in the state of the government there. So I checked in at What 1 found there was both cool and useful: The Texas Marketplace BBS, replete with a directory of Texas companies and a database of Japanese importers. The Web site also offered a full listing of state gov- ernment BBSs, some of them reachable via Telnet. The Arts Place BBS in Arlington, VA., offers a free login with access to files, chats and conferences on all things creative. An interesting twist is that the site has international appeal, with options for English, Spanish, French and German visitors. A great site at If this isn't enough for you, remember that Yahoo is a Web SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Continues 17 INTERNET )NNI S6K WITH CLASS O *ONLY $535/month NATIONAI "3C 25 *ONLY $585/month Why pay $1 500/month for X.25 connections from other companies when the same connection costs you about half with us. SUPER NETWORK Get X.25 & Internet on the same 56K line onfy *$935/month Call regarding our access cities and our low hourly rates for X.25. *Price does not include local Telco Costs. INTERN MAJOR TCP/IP ■ Telnet, Rlogin, FTP ■ Finger Client/Server ■ WWW HTML Server ■ 32, 64 or 255 TCP Sessions ■ RLogin-Plus for Unix Application W 7 ® LF3 Q= E) Q= D LM DC VERSION 3 Starting as low as $1 .00/hour via Telnet or Hubs and only $245/month for unlimited connection, where available. ■ Global User Paging ■ Global Chatter Channels ■ Private One-on-One Chat Mode ■ Configurable Multiple Topic Chan ■ Adult Channels Keyed fo.rJ3.ecun ■ Full Registry of User™ ■ Full Screen Message Browser , ■ UseNet Forums ■ Internet E-mail Addresses ■ Interactive Games between BBSes ■ Over 40 BBSes Linked 24 Hours a Day I Deluxe Bulletin Forum Interface ■ Full RIP Support in all Modules ■ Constant Upgraded Features FREE ■ Standard Forums & E-mail ■ File Attachment Supported ■ Full Online Configuration ■ Uses Standard Galacticomm Actions ■ Link via Hubs, internet or SprintNet ■ Over 350 BBSes using WorldLink ■ Adds 250-350 Users to your Tele ■ Time not used is not LOST ' Sold separately u s er the major database search and retrieve CALL FOR PRICING o\& voVil _, Q p^ *'"" fax/online sh °PPmg ma// Online Interactive Software AVAILABLE ADD-ONS FOR WORLDGROUP AND THE MAJOR BBS BBS Listing Global Actions Match Maker Online Employment Happy Birthday Major Agenda Omni-Mall BBS Lister w/MajorNet ADP Phone Lister City Search Major Stats AutoRate HefpMan The Newsroom WorldLink Cross-Wordz WorldLink Jumble Madness $ Charge Card Manager Major CD Major CD Lan Major CDS Major CD Lan CD Express 900 Service Chat-on -Demand Remote Console AMS DOS Shell Line Monitor EZFax The File Library Extension Mountain Mail Real Time Cleanup Prices subject to change without notice With Tessier Technologies, you are assured of quality products and services. We are one of the largest vendors for WORLDGROUP/The Major BBS and an authorized reseller for the following companies: •Vircom, •Sirius Software, •DataSafe Publications, Inc., •High Velocity Software, •Mountain Rose ■Media, •Galacticomm, Inc., •ZyXEL, •ProDesign, Inc., •Softworks and •Motorola. Trivia Forum RIP $ 129.95 Oltima 2000 $ 249.00 Jumble Madness $ 89.95 Horse Track RIP $ 129.95 BBSopoiy RIP 3 "35 95 Mouse Trap (Maze) $ 39.95 Liar Card Game S 39.95 Hearts Card Game S 39.95 Pig Dice Game $ 39.95 NovaTrek $ 99,00 Crossroads $ 250.00 Global Destruction $ 125.00 Game Connection $ 239.00 Trade Wars 2002 $ 400.00 Backgammon RIP $ 99.95 Chess RIP S 99.95 Othello RIP S 99.95 Checkers RIP S 99.95 Tic-Tac-Toe $ 19.95 Board Package (5 above) $ 299.95 Cross-Wordz RIP $ 150.00 Yahtzee S 19.95 MicroMind $ 39.95 Instant Lotto $ 29.95 Video Poker $ 59.95 Video Blackjack $ 69.95 Mega Madness $ 49.00 Card Sharks S 69.95 Pulse $ 69.00 Log Master $ 39.95 S 39.95 Major TCP/IP S 700.00 S 39.95 Major Pro S 199.00 S 159.00 VisaMan S 149.00 S 109.00 Global Power S 49.00 S 49.00 High Velocity Utilities $ 100.00 S 149.00 Major Goose S 100.00 S 299.00 Auto Validator S 60.00 S 69.00 Form Editor $ 75.00 S 99,00 Menu Magician S 100.00 S 39.00 Metakeys S 50.00 $ 75.00 GalactiBoard (8 port extn'l) S 449.95 S 99.00 GalactiBox (16 port intr>'l) S 1289.00 S 49.00 PC XNet Card (X.25) S 1039.95 S 80.00 Gaiacticomm's Intelligent Serial Kit $ 49.95 ISK115K-I6fine S2250.00 S 29.95 ISK 115K - 32 ine S3 175.00 S 69.95 tSK 115K - 64 ine $4825.00 S 129.00 ISK 115K -96line $6425.00 S 89.00 ISK 115K- 128 line $8075.00 $ 199,00 ISK230K-16line $2195.00 S 49.95 ISK 230K - 32 line $3250.00 FREE ZyXEL Internal 16.8 $ 259.00 S 89.95 ZyXEL External 16.8 S 259,00 $ 90.00 Linux Slackware V, 2.1 $ 49.95 S 89.00 Dr. Linux Book S 39.95 S 49.00 Vue-it $ 99.00 $ 59.00 FT-Fax Protocol $ 149.00 $ 149.00 Motorola Routers CALL S 149.00 CSU/DSU's CALL $ 149.00 Terminal Servers CALL TECHNOLOGI 800-473-31 1- >I/G»VER C.O.D. 1876 North University Drive, Suite 200 • Plantation, Florida 33322 Voice: 305-473-5525 BBS: 305-473-2000 Fax:305-473-2122 Telnet: HS.WISENET.COM IP: Netscape; Concentric Research Corporation BBS Locator and Info H_cfc Hmtw C»f*> J ft-wl | FteJ LkjIwi: |http:/yvw-CT-nwm/B6S/CAhtJTil ;ti-t:->: fVF.qgHnMfti Melscap&: The $pt*f!rj Trap Registry Legation, |tittp //w^vA*i?nnT>fi*iyip**Jtry/_ THE WWW Speedtrap Registry TtaWWWSpetdo^Rtgmry. TMsieeutry v*jsiarKiItof«ij "95 mMLemmnetHdovntte Bumbeiof jpwduit iKktB ruuHlr* from speed a»ps. The "MentaBJW" ofow patented bctKiMatso do, (lfltt vathlheO J trtsl).llaiinc|*mt spwdff&ps 10 enTisn moTDrUB ui *n effort to lnrrMM fipe reVinaW. la aider u b»t»i»m »flof tt* peopls jtjppin tyThe WWW Spwdrap Rettrtty v« Jaw warned up vflhthe Radio Assackticn Dcfeadrat Mrvm Righw (RAOAH). Tlcy in tat jvtysxmttwlsma flgfctas to protect jnocrisC j BKhi » ttae rtdu txd infcuaHOgfliepTiWicof Blfficad*r')«TOra«!dinJFa« :n«dditJon&eyaie iba »IC* fawftu u r of ccccrijt stilly *nd edacukHL Stro byfteft fco»e JXf» WOuJot* about ihe pmUBms wish radar, ho ve defend yonraeif aeiinsi speeding; octeu J and mtrh mow. Ifyciitto'w^t^TisMpfct^coinideipinii^toiniaTbcf^lLi iaL crawler's tool, and searching for BBSs is no exception. Surf directly to Networks/Bulletin_Board_Systems/ for a short but sweet listing of boards and BBS-related sites on the Net. 1 was pleased to find a BBS that was actually in my local calling area, PICS Online at But for every local BBS you find, there will be a dozen or more in exotic locations you'll be longing to Telnet to. Surfing about, I also stumbled on Concentric Research Corp's BBS Direct site at This is access you must pay for, allowing you to bounce to the many boards who are members, but unfortunately their site, although well planned, was in a state of reformation (?) when I dropped by. Email requests for information on whether they planned to ever complete their site yielded no reply. At presstime it was another pretty face on the Net with not much body. Still, the Telnet access does work. With more than 30 BBSs available to the committed hypersurfcr, it's really not a bad deal. Just don'l expect the pretty maps on their Web page to offer information about member BBSs and you'll be OK. While not exactly a BBS, the Speed-Trap Registry has the trappings of a well-kept, moderated conference. Web surfers are free to contribute their own reviled speed traps on the real highways and byways of the United States so that others may try to avoid them. Kind of like CB Radio for '90s, only without the immediacy of a "Breaker 1-9, there's a smokey on the west- bound side of High way 5 just past the 120 mile marker." Tune in your Web browser to The Mother of All BBSs is not a BBS in the traditional sense, either. It's more of a user-updated repository of links to Web sites on the Internet. In other words, YAWIS (or Yet Another Web Index Site), but with a bit of a twist. The top level of this site is more than 1 50K and, all in all, the site is not easy on the eyes. The BBs, as sub-levels are called, tend to be fragmented and all over the place, and there's very little order. But it can be a diverting place to surf new Web links for awhile. Check out Oliver McBryan's wayward brainchild at mary.html. Of course the hard-core BBSer will be at home in Usenet, the land of 14,000 or more conferences. And, I've found, using Netscape as a Usenet mail reader is really not a bad option.... Of course, that's fodder for another column. Overheard on the 'Net "Make love, not flame wars." ""■" Dave Kramer can be reached at A very classy BBS solely /or the foot lover We publish our own original images ♦ chat rooms ♦ online shopping areas ♦ Internet ♦ ♦ highest quality scans ♦ email ♦ Usenet ♦ ♦ Multiple lines + expanding ♦ 1 8 & older ♦ modem (717)427-FEET(3338) internet: in the/eeto/the night. com MindWire so/tware from Durand Communications _WS4 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 19 Technoraves BY LAZLOW JONES Ludd Online Commercialization, over-mechanization, frustration, sabotage — to embrace the dataway, or to crush it? # » * • 9 • « • • » * • • • • S r "■> » I abotage in the electronic world indicates now more than ever a determination by the rank^and file to make their own decisions. The reaction by the core users to the* online explosion explains more about the movement than the mass enrollment on commercial online services does. The early 90s jnight be described as a transition from a socially diverse network of BBSers to a shared online experience that reverberated through society and prompted the masses to adopt a commercialized vefsion. I * 20 • SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE I . With this scurry to get online or die, frustration levels run high, already prompting some to beat their machines senseless. One person threw an unre- sponsive modem from a 50-story Manhattan apartment window; another group of teenagers took baseball bats to a slow 286. With the seemingly inevitable com- mercialization of the online world, comes a clear reaction. What was once an exchange of ideas, morphed into an exchange of money. The new saboteurs, many of whom frequented BBSs for nearly two decades, tout understanding of the computer world. These seasoned pros strike fear in the hearts of the masses who scream at the sight of a C:\ prompt and type w-i-n to return to "reality." Now as computers surpass TV sales and with the transition of the computer into a consumption mechanism, many have undertaken reinvestigation of a school of thought called "Luddism," recently ridiculed in a jazzy pop-techie lifestyle magazine from San Francisco. The term "Luddism" in the 90s is quickly depicted as referring to barbar- ic opponents of technological progress and the American way. The original Luddites in the early 19th century were not opposed to machinery; they were opposed to autonomy and control over their own labor. Reaction to domination by mecha- nization puts labor on the defensive, which has resulted in social unrest since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Pinpointing machine breaking as the hallmark of a move- ment minimizes the intense reaction by labor to mechanization. This trend did extend past the era of Ned Ludd. Sabotage surfaced at Volvo plants in Sweden, Australian reac- tionaries in the 1970s pasted industry giants with "smash this machine" stick- ers, and in the pre-dawn hours of Oct. 1, 1975, Washington Post pressmen — whose jobs were threatened by com- puterized cold type technology — dis- abled 72 units of the Post's nine presses in 20 minutes. Beyond the mechanical destruction, it is apparent that something bigger is going on here: Workers are reacting to a drastic change in labor relations. The core of a genre or movement is always subordinated by the commercialization of their movement. Many artists refused repeat perfor- mances at the second go-around of Woodstock — "This revolution is brought to you by Pepsi." The commercialization of the music industry left many of its founders dazed, wondering how they could have been so easily displaced. Such is the transition of the online environment from a dusty pile of Commodore components to a tiny Pentium in the corner sending and accepting messages across the globe. The seasoned online veterans' plight becomes quite visible. And as corpora- tions fly head-first into a paperless world, integrated automation systems render management/corporations themselves more vulnerable to sabotage than ever before. Enter Luddism. Sabotage is a beautiful thing to those outmoded by the means of production. Who doesn't smile when someone socks it to an oppressive monopoly? Regardless of right or wrong, the virus writers and the crackers are screaming a battle cry: I AM HERE. Destruction of machines doesn't seem like a sensible solution to change, and I'm not averse to someone making a buck. Technology saves lives, and frankly, it's cool downloading files from the far reaches of the earth. But it is interesting to examine reactions to technology, too. The Tofflers, Gingrichs, Gates and AOL executives will continue to thrive off of the technological transcendence. Our online future is pretty with advan- tages. But the headlong advance by the masses into an online Utopia has a reac- tion: the sysops, the code writers, the bulletin board frequenters who started a revolution are now either adapting willingly to the new culture of the online environment, or are reacting against it through sabotage, hub Lazhw Jones writes mid produces the Underground Technofile for the Underground Network, an alternative radio satellite network in New York. He can be reached at and www. Rusty Edie Dual Eliminator Rusty n Edie's BBS announces the introduction of their Dual Eliminator. Simply plug your phone line to the Dual Eliminator and then plug the Dual Elimin- ator into your modem. This device consists of 2 passive electronic filters that handle both high and low frequency noise from the phone line. Both high and low frequency are independently adjustable with knobs that mount on the front of the unit. Surge protection is provided by an electronic varistor. A light emitting diode, also mounted on the front of the unit, glows whenever the device is eliminating noise from the phone lines. This device can solve the majority of noise problems associated with telecommuni- cations today, and is sold with a 30-day, money-back guarantee. They sell for S25 each plus S4 shipping and handling. To order, call Rusty n Edie's at 216-726-4217, fax to 216-726-3595 or call their BBS number 216-726-2620; they will accept Visa. MasterCard and American Express. Rusty d Edie's BBS 7393 California Ave. Younestown, OH 445 1 2 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 21 The Big Boards BY TERRY ROSSI Games, Finance, Entertainment and Free Web Pages! Culture Club America Online continues to improve its offerings with new forums, Web pages, services and faster access locations. Netnoir — One especially interesting new feature of the ser- vice is Netnoir, a forum that aims to digitize, archive and dis- tribute Afro-centric culture in cyberspace. Afro-centric culture is defined as Afro-Caribbean, A fro- European, Afro- Latin, Continental African as well as African-American. Culture is defined here as literature, music, fashion, history, art, cuisine, etc. It also includes individuals, groups and organizations that are of direct or indirect African descent, as well as information which relates to some aspect of African culture. The service launched this summer with four departments: Music, Sports, Education and Business. There will be a total of 18 departments included over the following year-and-a-half, including Film, Travel, Games, Health, Women, Politics, Lifestyles, Religion/Spirituality, Comix, News, Literature, The Arts, Communications, and Shopping. Since the cultures of so many people are being represented, certain aspects of the service will be available in English, French and Spanish. Further, content/information is broken into two categories: "above the line" and "below the line." Above the tine content is made up of original articles and interviews exclusively for NNO in each respective department. KEYWORDS Afro-centric online Piay the market Web pages, gratis PC Financial Network ■ PC Financial Network Save on Commissions Open an Account Nov Try Our Ontlne Demo SPECIAL OFFER 22 SEPTEMBER 1995 Below the line content/information is where NNO creates areas online for existing brand name content/information providers such as magazines, newspapers, record labels, etc. PC Financial Network — With this new AOL service, PC Financial Network investors can instantly open an account (Individual, Joint, Partnership or Corporate) using up to $15,000 dollars with which to trade. PCFN offers a wealth of services including "Alerts," an up- to-the-minute recap of the events related to your account; "Trading," which gives you two simple stock trading formats designed to meet your trading comfort level (plus online option and mutual fund trading screens); "Accounts," easy to use monitoring of your Portfolio Holdings, Executed Trades, Transaction History etc.; and "Quotes," free real-time quotes for stocks, indexes and options. AOL members have the option of test-driving a practice BBS MAGAZINE mi Calculator Commission Calculator Compare our commissions* by entering the numuer of shares and the purchase price of a trade you might make. Then click the 'Calculate' button. 1000 I fsmss Purchase Price: 2.50 •based on publish ed schedules 3sc [Commissi nn Schedule 1 PC Financial Network Regular $50.00 Frequent Trader $40.00 Full Commission Broker... {149.44 Charles Schwab & Co. Regular 190.00 Electronic ItU.OO Fidelity Regular. $65.00 Electronic $76.50 account to get a feel for how the online service operates. Members can use the commission calculator to check PCFN's commission rates against other discount brokerages. PCFN, which was started in 1987 and claims to have over one million online trades, might be a great way to do your investing if you like the convenience of 24 hour access and no pushy brokers with high commissions. Other new services on AOL include Tower Records, one of the worlds largest sources for audio media, and The Free Shop Online — a place for the thrifty among us to get something for nothing, or almost nothing. Web pages — AOL has also announced users will be able to create and publish their own Web pages (or "sites") on the World Wide Web. Two services, "My Home Page" and "My Place" are free to AOL members and should be available by the time you read this. My Home Page offers members an easy to master format for creating their own customized multimedia personal home page. My Place offers members two megabytes of space {about 25-40 Web pages) to publish on the Web. My Place will also provide a feature which allows members to send and receive files. . Prodigy — It's In The Mail Prodigy has made some of the much needed improvements to its mail interface, and if you're running the latest version of the software for Windows you now can catch and correct typos in messages via a built-in spell checker, select the style and size of message type fonts, mark your messages as "Urgent" in the recipient's ill-box, send and receive messages iZJ8"Net PRODIGY Edition ZD Nel Mam Menu J o i n $ u f ( There' s pf ogra your ZiffW maya e Worl are ■ tr lions rs |l Have you heard what they're saying about Saturn'' SRTlflN . j, Check oul the free Salurti Bulletin Board in "Saturn Bn-iine up to seven times the current maximum length, deliver real and blind carbon copies of outgoing messages, and enjoy native Windows functionality like scrolling text, list boxes and resizable windows. Looking for cool shareware while on Prodigy? Check out the ZD Net Shareware Club where you can get membership for free (for the first month anyway, $3.50 per month after that) and two downloads, gratis. ZD Net Shareware Club is for members only and gives you over 6,000 of the best shareware programs, plus daily share- ware highlights, weekly feature articles and newsletters from shareware "experts." Get games on the cutting edge of 3-D technology, puzzles, utilities to help you and your computer work more efficiently, business programs, plus a great selection of media. The club is a Prodigy timed (plus) feature, with no sur- charge for modem speeds up to 14,400 bps. The two free downfoads are the ZD Net Download Manager (this makes it easier for you to store, track and use the programs that you download) plus Alan Friedman's Computer Glossary, the award-winning reference of choice for both industry experts and lost-in-the-lingo novices. It provides over 6,000 defini- tions covering the entire computer industry. iZWNet Shareware Today'!, Highlight! Stay Out of the Red with Loan Advisor Enjoy Summer wi th Capture the Flag Keep Vour F mances 1 1 Order Software Reduces Interest Payraen ts Organi ?e Vour Personal Affairs m 4 .► IZlfl Real-Time Conversations See uricit guests and events are scheduled For June and July CompuServe Offline Ashmount Research has updated and enhanced WigWam, a CompuServe offline reader, and given it a new name — POW- WOW. POWWOW 3.03 offers a standard Windows multiple doc- ument interface, user-definable toolbars, definable icons for favorite places, and iconized tool tips with context-sensitive help. Among other things, the program can automatically download messages from forums and mail while you're off browsing the Internet with the new CompuServe NetLauncher. POWWOW 3.03 presents forum messages and other online information as conversations, allowing you full control of the storage, retrieval, and management of your information. New Continues SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 23 features include improved Internet functionality, including support of Telnet connections, making access to the Net easy. And newsgroups are viewed as threaded conversations — just as in CompuServe forums. Download POWWOW 3.03 from the UK Communications (GO UKCOMM) Forum's Library 12: "POWWOW" is in the file POWWOW3.EXE. Support for the program is offered in message sections 12 (POWWOW Help), 13 (POWWOW Wishlist), and 14 (POWWOW Chatter). CSCD — CompuServeCD, the award-winning CD-ROM multimedia companion to the information service, now offers single-click hotlinks to the World Wide Web in the Windows and Macintosh Edition. in the "Big Fun" issue, CompuServeCD subscribers get a free copy of NetLauncher, CompuServe's previously men- tioned Web browser, as well as Trouble Shooter, the program used by CompuServe Customer Service to track down connec- tion problems. This issue has also been loaded down with plenty of free- ware and shareware, including a big grab bag of screen savers, utilities and games. Hear music from the latest Annie Lennox and Jacky Terrasson albums. Cruise the highway with Bob Dylan in his new "Highway 61" interactive section. Preview summer blockbuster movies. Get a sneak preview of the upcoming WorldsAway role playing game. Check out cool sites on the Web. These are only a few of the things you'll find packed into 650 megabytes of information and pure fun, delivered in a really swell '50s retro theme that includes everybody's favorite Online Income r~r66 Report on how to go from $0 to $5,000 I a month in Online Income in as little as 120 days! I This unique report reveals how even a little guy can be a real player on the information superhighway. It contains money- making information on exciting new online business opportunities including the Internet, BBS, and various other hot Online Services. You'll learn how to: I Get up and runnin g in as little as 2 weeks I» 3 ways to fund your service including ultra secret leveraging techniques that most high powered tax/financial lawyers don't even know. I • How to set up a board with no software costs. ' • 7 techniques to save from S2,000-$5,000 when expanding I your system. Generate your cash flow in as little as 6 more weeks I* 5 proven ways to generate income from your callers... even with no subscription fee. I» 9 specialized techniques for increasing your subscriber base. Achieve S5,000 per month in as little as 8 more weeks I* It marketing secrets to multiply your income rapidly (and at little or no cost). I* 4 little known hidden revenue producing sources that could take your income up to 510,000 per month. Limited availability'. IlnfoLink 56925 Yucc.1 Trail, Suite 254-CD09, Yucca Valley, CA 922M 619/228-9653 FAX 6)9/369-1185 L Prepared by the publishers of the book: — Tile* Complete Hiismes? C unit' In n Profitable Internet F HH$, or Online Service. — | P»wWt*tefCM»(M£cftv \2 ■- .,--■ Action Mail Service Ijoormirt ImI Admin Window Help |U Liiioi m mm idsi taKi^i ihkipi i^j urj UiniiiOm * - ' f *- H >:••= j UnrirtiMgi 101 A X CoB^irfriaMialAirwisrtRiaMKftLrtWd Ttnam tt PwWd* • hmrmd to FWOHBHWW 9. 1 oul 1 - ! •'•■■•i I MtaiQMfnm ITlM !><■■!■ | «-*■ | I *— | | v. | 1 «- I | r*. J 1 '■■* 1 -1 WekMKrtMna Lncil {■* - Float >*imp#i ftutr, jStftpW • -i i -: i ! ■■ . >■.! ■.' 1 1 A 'iprr ,i: C.\:r MHitfi 1 *om aibHHiM tavpi *.;»& . > ;:*.. ?\ mit v. l i \l Tfra message appears in your LOCAL service [wttiuut rt ycumtgrrt notiffiowsuttiaservttBtMsw) The L!_ service is avanaoe tor you to store important i J. ; * mBoOtwwfcSM \a U* 1*55 QC commercials and images from the 1950s. Phone*File upgrade — Phone*File, a database of over 80 million U.S. households containing names, addresses, and telephone numbers searchable in several ways, has been enhanced with flexible new features to make searching faster and easier than ever. Some of the new features include: • Search for surname by metropolitan area. Previously, searching was only available by geographic area. For example, if you tried locating an individual in Philadelphia, you either searched Philadelphia and each surrounding town individually or the entire state of Pennsylvania. Using the new metropoli- tan area feature, you can search the primary city and all sur- rounding cities in one pass. • Search by first name and/or first initial with surname. Pretty much what it says. You can now search for all James Jones's at ZIP, city, metropolitan, or state level without having to review every Jones at the geographic level requested. • Search for a surname on a particular street. For example, you could look for all Joe Does on Elm Street in the state of Wisconsin. Phone*File is a great tool to help you locate long-lost friends, school buddies, business associates, distant relatives, and even those who might not want to be found. X-Delphi Focusing on the creation of imaginative and interactive con- tent tied to the launch of its new online service in the fall of this year, Delphi Internet Services Corp., in collaboration with sister Fox Broadcasting Company, has launched the official 'X-Files' Web site. The site, which previewed at the first offi- cial "X-Files" convention in San Diego on June 1 1, can now be accessed by the public via the Delphi Internet home page at "The X-Files' Special Interest Group on the current Delphi Internet service has been so popular with Delphi members that we wanted to create something fresh and original specifically for the Web," said Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of Delphi Internet. This new 'X-Files' Web site is a great example of the exciting and Continues 24 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Dofft [IB Start YourM Without The 32-bit Power Of QmodemPro For Windows 95 You're a speed freak, right? You bought the Pentium and 28.8 modem, and you just upgraded to Windows® 95 to take full advantage of your computer's 32-bit architecture. So why are you using old 16-bit communication software that chokes the performance of Windows 95? Get on-line fast with the 32-bit POWER in QmodemPro for Windows 95 v2. It's the first communication softwarffthat delivers all the features and performance you need to get the most from the new 32-bit Windows platform. And since you demand performance, you'll like the fact that QmodemPro's communication and Internet capabilities go way beyond the standard terminal software included with Windows 95. So whether you're connected to the office, compa- ny mainframe or BBS for data/file transfer, you'll get the powerful, 32-bit technology in QmodemPro to satisfy your "need for speed." 800-208-0616 Available at Software Etc., Babbages, Computer City, CompUSA, Electronics Boutique, Egghead and other software outlets for $129 or less. Registered Qmodem/QmodemPro customers cat! for upgrade pricing. MisMNc Connecting The World SOFTWARE inc. Mustang Software, Inc. • 6200 Lake Ming Road • Bakerefield, CA 93306 Voice 805-873-2500 ■ Fax 805-873-2539 * BBS 805*73-2400 Internet your foorfc GIF BMP m *» and ■ BUP * JPEG r„ e m * m,n dolose Exciting New Features Include : A Phone Book that uses Explorer style menus and buttons, with display options including Large Icon, Small Icon, List and Detail styles. OLE 2.0 support so you can drag & drop files, phone book entries and text to and from other Windows applications quickly and easily. 35 Terminal emulations, including ANSI, VT100 and IBM 3270 to get you on-line quickly while the programmable keyboard will satisfy the needs of any system administrator. A programmable tool bar with up to 50 different program function icons. A graphical file viewer that lets you display files in GIF, BMP and JPEG formats with zoom, even while downloading. Fully multi-threaded protocols that keep going even when your PC is very busy. Transfer files with 10 high speed protocols, including Zmodem and CompuServe B+. TAPI support for sharing communications devices between multiple applications. MAPI support for transferring text, images and files to major mail applications including Exchange, Microsoft Mail, and cc:Mail. Telnet support with MD5* secure passwords for Internet access to your favorite sites. RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm ) 1995 Mustang Software. Inc. A!f names ore trademark;-, of their respeeLive eompanie*. engaging content we will be producing for our new service, which will be launched in the fall of this year." Similar to the "X-Files" area on the current Delphi Internet service, the official "X-Files" Web site is loaded with exclusive, up-to-date information provided by the show's creator, Chris Carter, the creative team behind the series and the show's stars. This arrangement allows Delphi Internet to be the first to offer fans of the series the latest news, sound files, video clips and official "X-Files" merchandise online. Hats, T- shirts, jackets, mugs, tickets to "X-Files" conventions, and official fan club membership kits are available for purchase at this site. The "X-Files" site also provides users with episode guides, . background on the cast, creator and producers of the show, and links to other "X-Files" sites and related areas covering the paranormal. Additionally, fans of the "X-Files" with access to the current Delphi Internet SIG can download photos of the The Briefing Room These files contain Top Secret intelligence on a Fox Television show known as The X-Files. This television show is about two FBI special agents who are teamed up to investigate a series of unexplained cases called "X-Files." The topic material of this show and its popularity have been classified as a potential threat to certain organizations witliin the government, and a team has been assigned to events at the June "X-Files" convention. "The X-Files" is a one-hour drama about an unconven- tional FBI agent. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), who investigates unsolved cases, known as the "X-Files," which he believes involve paranormal phenomena. To keep labs on his work — and in the hope of debunking his theories— the FBI teams him up with Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), a young, skeptical agent who has a degree in medicine and a strong bias toward the scientific. Delphi Internet's home page on the Web also contains links to the fX cable network, HarperCollins Publishers, Twentieth Century Fox feature films such as "Die Hard With A Vengeance," and the latest from Delphi UK's Camden Lock, Europe's most innovative Web site. Now all we can hope for is that the new Delphi service debuts on time, and in grand fashion (as it appears no effort is being made to improve the current service), aata BBS Software & Hardware This Month's Specials MajorBBS, 6.2, 2-line $155 We Carry MajorBBS Add-on Modules CALL TBBS 2.3m, 2-line wirh QSO $249 QSO. .$79 Interchange $116 GTEKBBS550w/cables $395 Call our BBS 209-498-6533 for product information and to download our complete catalog! ] Digiboards, GTek, CD Disks CALL Digiboard PC/8 with 16550's CALL RIPaint from TeleGrafix $139 Q-Modem Pro for Windows $69 BBS TOCHnOlOglOS Wildcat! ♦"The World's Most Popular BBS" Wildcat! BBS Single Line NEW VERSION 4.1x $78 All Versions of Wildcat! 4.1x in Stock Call Wildware! wwBirthday, wwVerify, wwNewliser Call wcCODE, wcGATE, wcPRO Call Game Pack $49 value, (ordered w/Wildcat!) $10 DesqView386 Multi-tasking w/QEMM Call 4 Port Serial Card, with 16550 UARTs Call Digiboard PC/8e, w/cable (use w/Wildcat! IM) Call Visa, MasterCard & AmericanExpress Accepted P.O.'s Accepted - C.O.D. 209-498-0200 P.O. Box 4290 ♦ Fresno, CA 93744 ♦ Fax 209-237-0206 26 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Is Your BBS Software keeping you up at night? Is it from Frustration? Severe Anxiety? uish \ PCBoard Bulletin Board Software is incredibly powerful and intuitively easy to use. It is the most popular, award-winning, affordable BBS software on the market today. So quit popping aspirin, ranting and raving, spitting nails and all those other nasty habits and give us a call. Ask about our competetive upgrades and conversion utilities. PCBoard. for DOS PCBoard. for OS/2 CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE DEMO 1.800.356.1686 NEW FOR OS/2 op messing witn expensive aaa-ons: PCBoard and PPLC comes standard with everything you need.. .right out of the box. Standard features include: Internet/UUCP Gateway Fido Mailer & Tosser Internal QWK Mail Credit Accounting Programming Language dBASE III File Access Automated File Maintenance Multiple Language Sup/wit Optimized for D0S,WIN, OS/2 Intelligent Multipart Support OS/2 Comm Driver Support PAD (X.25) Support Local & LAN Logins PCBMail for Windows FREED/L Upgrades for a Year FREF Voice Technical Support for a Full Year and lillS Technical Support for life! f^t t Clark Development Company, Inc. = 9/ 3950 South 700 East, Suite 303. Murray. Utah 84107-2173 Tel 801.261.1686 Fax 801 .26 1-8987 BBS 801.261.8976 email: - tech. support@clarkdev, com Copyright 1995 Clark Developmenl Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PCBoard is a registered trademark and PPLC and PCBMail are trademarks of Clark Development Company, Inc. ''<, -tZP^^tL-J^ ' <£&&' \ "»"«>}'» ''Ward ^_#» Ludlow 055) bbs . notebook BY STEVE JANAS r Ci To qualify for possible review in BBS Notebook, call The Livewire BBS at 609.235.5297. From the main menu, type ADDBBS and follow the prompts. The Transom Sysop: Michael Collins BBS Location: New York, NY Voice*: 212.274.0444 Modems Supported: Up to 14,400 A transom, in case you didn't know, is a small window placed over a door. Contemporary tastes haven't really embraced them, but there was a time when a doorway was naked without one. In fact, it became quite popular for fictional characters to hold whis- pered conversations through them with unseen counterparts, or to receive mysterious letters delivered clandes- tinely from strangers who would dis- appear once the door was opened. That's the association that Michael Collins (not the astronaut) exploits with his board, a banquet of information and opinions presented in a unique, point-and-click graphi- cal style that incorporates proprietary client software developed by New York City-based Reach Media, a partnership formed by Michael and a telecommunications company. The front-end software, by the way, is the only way into the board. Because it is so heavily dependent on graphics, Michael says, the software can't support any of the common { ciav ... 28 - 09 mmefsville communications programs. Call the voice number to get a copy of the Client. At the moment, only the PC format is available, but Michael says he's hard at work on a Macintosh version. Like many large boards, The Transom occupies a middle ground between large online services that serve millions and small, one-node hobby boards that link a circle of friends. It's not Prodigy or America Online, with their vast reservoirs of information presented without edito- rial filtration of any kind, and it addresses a certain community of like-minded individuals. Those individuals want informa- tion — current events, entertainment news, sports, etc. — but they believe in contexts. Hence, The Transom provides the news, gleaned from the Associated Press and Reuters wire services, but frames it with pithy essays and off-kilter rants by a stable of talented writers that includes some former staffers of Spy Magazine. The opinions have an earnest, Gen-X feel that may seem a bit off- putting to those over 30, or to any- one who's just interested in scoring the latest shareware HTML editor. In fact, providing large file areas is probably the least important part of The Transom's mission: when I logged on, there were a grand total of three files ready to be downloaded. But if you expect to come away from the board loaded down with all SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE V M-,,i; ,„, f Ga!eton~ _ ' 'Wellsboroj'*' jp ^ [ several keywords together to build searches, which you can then save for yT future use. crN *■ \ ••••• f^ Probably the board's greatest strength is the clarity with which it presents information Unfortunately, the variety of top- ics belies a shallowness of content. Most of the text files have been cross- referenced between cells of the grid, so they appear quite frequently in different places. When I logged on, I saw the same Reuters story about an Egyptian judge censoring live belly- dancers under three different topics: Censorship, Entertainment, and Strange Stuff. Reflections on the news — and whatever else seems appropriate — is contained in the Discussion and Topics sections. There are regular columns by professional writers, which provoke a string of responses from readers, all of which are contained in the same file. There are also ruminations on music and movies, plus a "virtual water cool- er," where members post essays on whatever strikes their fancy. The O.J. Simpson trial was a popular subject here, as it is virtually everywhere else in the universe. Finally, there is the newsstand, which features online versions of paper magazines, as well as KGB, an all online publication. This is the one area where the board's lack of graph- ics is felt most. All the files are text, and as you page through them, you start wishing for some kind of visual cue to distinguish one publication from the next. Besides, an online ser- vice is really not the best way to deliver text-heavy information. You can't curl up in your favorite chair with a computer screen like you can with a paper magazine, so something a little more graphic and interactive is called for. (That criticism is, of course, not directed solely at The Transom. Many services have yet to catch on to that simple fact). On the yalusing Lenox ml R51 plus side, the writing here is as uni- formly strong as it is everywhere else. The best thing about The Transom is the effort made to take the virtual community of a BBS and get it talk- ing about relevant issues. Every gen- eration has had a medium they have called their own, and because of that medium, a shared consciousness has emerged. Sometimes great things have been the result. Here's hoping that The Transom in particular, and BBSs in general, will stitch the many voices of Gen-X into one. Dazed and Confused Sysop: Bunny McElwee BBS Location: Charleston, SC BBS Main Access*: 803.873.5797 Voice*: 803.821.9214 Modems Supported: Up to 28,800 BBS Software: PCBoard v. 15.2 The story of Bunny and Robert McElwee is the story of BBS lust that borders, perhaps, on obsession. What started four years ago as a pastime for Robert, who got hooked on MUD games while calling around to some of the boards in his area, has now taken over the McElwee's house. Thirteen 486 PCs hum and buzz all day, fielding calls from 25 telephone lines. The monthly phone bill aver- ages about S800. The couple has even sold all their living room furniture to make room for their operation. And, Bunny says, they're perfectly happy with the situation. They wouldn't have it any other way. "We had a power outage for a couple nights a few weeks ago," she says. "And for that little bit of time, I was bouncing off the walls. There were no sounds from the computers and we couldn't talk to all our friends. It's deafening silence when there are no computers running after three years of having 13 of them." The McElwees actually run two boards — his and hers matching BBSs — that perform two distinctly different functions. Dazed and Confused is the original board, a file- and-message BBS launched from a single 1,200-baud modem in 1991. Honesdale Then, last year, Robert began a chat board called Carolina Chat that, as the name suggests, hosts multi- node conversations on South Carolina topics, or on other topics treated with a Carolina flair. When Robert began his board, he turned over operation of Dazed and Confused to Bunny, who, prior to 1991, knew as much about comput- ers as she did about brain surgery. That is to say, nothing. "When he started the board, he talked so far over my head, I had to take an adult night course just so I could know what he was saying," Bunny says. Now, there is almost nothing in her life that is not touched by the board. "When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is check the Bunny says she and Robert ... host monthly face-to-race meetings attended by between 15 and 40 registered users. board," she says. "And when I'm ready to go to bed, that's what I'm usually doing. And in between, everything I do is in front of the computer." The couple's social life is also con- ducted within the context of the two BBSs: Bunny says she and Robert met most of their friends through the boards, and host monthly face-to-face meetings attended by between 15 and 40 registered users. In addition, there are picnics, bowling nights, and the pair is trying to organize a Lazer-Tag tournament, inspired by the games of Doom often played on Robert's board. Over the years, Bunny's board has become enormous. She now boasts hard disk space totaling 9.5 gigabytes, plus an extra eight on CD-ROM. The mail area includes over 3,500 Usenet newsgroups, plus access to a number of networks, including Continues... iwn f ach iach ChancRiioii \Fredericks6uJ Falmouth /(3<>^U Colonial .,... un ™ u t \tSK Park ->>-, <>- w^DceafiCftv ■■ 29 ^Hf% H_ W^i^L W :/ ^r4>-® . land Uu 15: Fidonet, an international genealogy network, and Chaznet, a Charleston area network. One of the nine nodes (which, incidentally, were rather quiet the Tuesday night I logged on) is linked to Planet Connect via satel- lite dish. Aside from that, however, mail options are fairly basic. Users get email accounts, but with the excep- tion of the news groups and a limited FTP capability (send email to the site of your choice and you get the file back in a message) there are few Internet options. Another potential drawback (whether it is or not depends on your personal taste, I guess) is the board's rather unspectacular look. All the graphics are ANSI, which is somewhat unusual, given the eye-popping look some sysops have given their boards thanks to Remote Imaging Protocol. Bunny says the issue really hasn't come up. "Maybe two people have asked about it," she said. "Most seem to be at a point where it really doesn't matter to them. They like it in the games, but as far as menus, most didn't really care. Most people said ANSI was just as good. That's why we didn't bother. There just wasn't much of a call for it." Robert's board, Carolina Chat, does have an arresting RIP interface, inside Galacticomm's Worldgroup software. However, I couldn't get past the first couple of new-user reg- istration prompts without being dumped from the system, which is why I'm not writing more about it. Maybe next time. Access to Dazed and Confused is free for the first 14 days, after which you can choose one of several sub- scription options. The cheapest is $15, which gives you two months of full access. The most expensive is $50, which will get you a year's mem- bership, although your online time is restricted to two hours per day. Bunny says the fees pay the bills — sometimes. About three months out of the year, the board shows a small profit. Even though it hasn't been a goldmine, she says she quit her job as a manager of a pizza shop (J5S) ( cray 30 i ^J^^frtiSMmmersvilte to run the board full time. Her rea- son? Just love of what she's doing. "The profits aren't great. I can't say we make more than $10. Just to pay the phone bill is fine with me," she says. The Berlin Wall Location: Berlin, CT Sysop: Tom Mucha. Data Access #'s: 203.829.1697 203.828.8824 Voice #: 203.828.6577 Modems Supported: Up to 28,800 BBS Software: Remote Access Pro. 2.02 Why don't more high schools have BBSs? It seems they would make a per- fect match: some of the most com- mitted and knowledgeable voices in the online world belong to people who aren't old enough to vote. And shepherding the curious and talented Berlin High School's students have been willing to take over the day-to-day operations of The Berlin Wall... into an activity that could become a career would appear to fit right into any public school mission. But school boards are still the exception rather than the rule. One reason for that, says Chris Wolfe, faculty advisor of Connecticut's Berlin High School BBS, is time. He knows first hand how much time, effort and frustra- tion goes into setting up a board after he and a team of dedicated students got The Berlin Wall off the ground four years ago. "It doesn't take long to get it up and running," he says. "But to get to the point where you like it takes maybe six months." To help other schools along, Chris and his students developed BBS in a Baggie, a shareware version of Remote Access software distributed / v; I* / -v * SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE in a mailer and equipped with an install program. Type 'install' at the prompt, and the program sets up a bare-bones BBS on your hard-drive, ready for tweaking. Even with such user-friendliness, Chris reports there have been few takers for the program among other high school teachers. Again, the problem is time, he says. Fortunately, Berlin High School's students have been willing to take over the day-to-day operations of The Berlin Wall, making it a rather low- maintenance proposition for Chris. Much of the initial work was done by a student, Joseph Annino, who has since graduated and bequeathed the board to succeeding classes. Thanks to the students' work, the board has developed to the point where it won an award from the Connecticut State Council on Vocational Education. It was then granted $3,300 from the local Baby Bell to add a second node to the sys- tem and install dedicated phone lines ■to each of the Berlin School District's five schools. Student membership is not as uni- versal as in some other BBS-equipped districts — about 60 technology edu- cation students have memberships, whereas the Princeton, New Jersey school district, for example, provides accounts for its FirstClass board to each of its 2,800 students. And The Berlin Wall's member files don't consist exclusively of students' names. About 60 percent of the board's callers are non-students, drawn by the games and shareware utilities stored on its one gigabyte hard drive and two online CD-ROM drives. The board keeps a pretty respectable collection of files for Macintosh users on hand, reflecting the taste many schools have for the format. The mail features on The Berlin Wall are fairly basic, with standard email available to members of the system, and a UUCP connection on the way. Chris says the latter will open the board to the Internet and a sampling of Usenet Newsgroups. Of course, being a school-spon- sored board, The Berlin Wall is sub- namsomju i?L-» -fQiL M,,i;n.«n/ W. Augusta (Turchl /P/Z5 y -^ GalelDtH 6 W^'llsboro) m Troy I owanc :

an Citv •■""fS." 31 wiv ftofi J$ fa m Mays ach ;ach olontal Beach TC\ n H .L J <#i I 1^ Anna «P. urn Shareuuaring BY MAR L A N G E R Summer's the time for fun and relaxation — at least it's supposed to be. But if you're like me, you're completely bogged down with work that keeps you near your computer. Solution: take a break with one of the shareware games covered below, while sum- mer's still here. 32 DOS Capture the Flag 3.1 CAPFLAG4.ZIP by Carr Software P.O. Box 3919 Merced, CA 95344-1919 EXEC-PC BBS: 414.789.4360 (14.4 bps) or 414.789.4500 (28.8 bps) If you're running DOS and looking for a game that combines strategy with arcade graphics and animation, Capture the Flag might just be the tick- et. This full-color shareware game, which was modeled after the outdoor game with the same name, offers hours of challenging play against another opponent or your computer. The two teams in Capture the Flag each have one objective: to find and take the other team's flag before the other team takes theirs. An illustrated playing field that includes trees, farm- land, streams, roads, and rocks, is divided into two equal territories. Each team's flag is positioned in its territory. Players take turns moving their eight team members through the playing field, searching unexplored territory, which appears as black squares on the playing field grid, for the opposing team's flag. At the same time, players must position and move team mem- bers within their own territory to defend their flag by finding and captur- ing opponents. Capture the Flag offers a wide vari- ety of options to help new users learn the game, including a demo game SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE mode, pop-up instructions, playback mode, and complete online help. It includes full mouse support and fea- tures pull-down menus that can be activated with the mouse or Alt-key combinations. Sound Blaster-compati- ble card users will enjoy the sound effects built into the game. If you like to play against other play- ers connected by modem or network, Capture the Flag has you covered. You can even play against other players by email — Capture the Flag's home BBS offers lists of other players you can contact for games. Capture the Flag requires a DOS- compatible computer with at least 640K of RAM, a 640x480x16 VGA monitor, and a 286 or better processor. A mouse and sound card are optional. If the shareware version isn't enough for you — although it should be, at least for a start — a commercial version of the game is available for S32.95. It adds a wide variety of fea- tures, including 200 scenarios with from two to 24 people per team, 10 different Capture the Flag games, 40 playing fields, eight computer oppo- nents, a map builder to create your own terrains, and a cheat mode. Either version offers plenty of challenging fun for anyone. Ellr Shaw Options Build Help ESHHS Windows Crossword Mania 1.01 CWM101-1.ZIP and CWM101-2.ZIP by Saturn Software P.O. Box 5292 Glendale,AZ 85312-5292 If you like solving crossword puzzles, you'll like Crossword Mania. But if you like creat- ing crossword puz- zles you'll lave Crossword Mania. This Windows- based shareware game lets you solve, build or edit cross- word or diagram- less puzzles on your computer. Crossword Mania stores cross- word puzzles in puzzle books on disk. It comes with one puzzle book containing five differ- ent topical puzzles. Open one of these puzzles to edit or solve. If you need a hint while solving a puzzle, peek at a letter or an entire word. You can save puzzles you've begun solving so you can complete them at a later time. In the shareware version of Crossword Mania, you can create and edit puzzles, but you won't be able to save them — this seems like a fair way to let you fully explore the creation fea- tures before you register the software. Set a size and grid pattern for the puz- zle, then add words by typing them into the grid, creating a list of desired words to add; asking Crossword Mania find words that will fit. Crossword Mania includes an 85,000+ word dictionary you can use to find words for the puzzles you create. It also has the amazing ability to create puzzles to fit your grid in the amount of time you specify. When you're fin- ished filling in the grid, enter clues for the puzzle, give it a name and descrip- tion, and you're done! Completed puz- zles can be solved on-screen or printed in a variety of ways for solving the old- fashioned way — with a pencil. Crossword Mania includes search- able online help. Its toolbar buttons display their purpose when you point to them, so it's easy to figure out what each button does. A Puzzle Stats win- dow displays statistics about an open puzzle, including its name and descrip- tion, how many times it has been solved, and the amount of time you've vl.Ol IFWZLES.CDK Putrid?] S35SDon> TraWuaa SwiJwISMW I34p already spent working on it. Crossword Mania requires a DOS- compatible computer running Windows 3.1 or later, two megabytes of RAM, and a '386SX or better processor. For best results, use a '386DX or stronger processor with four megabytes of RAM. A mouse is rec- ommended but not required. You're free to use the shareware ver- sion for 15 days; after that time, register for S25.99 and get a reduced price for upgrades, removal of registration reminder screens, enabling of all puzzle building features, more puzzles, and free support. If you're crazy about crossword puzzles, I think you'll find Crossword Mania enough to satisfy your crossword cravings. SOLO 0.06 SOLO0-06.ZIP by Dan Reed Bad Elf Software Bored with the usual collection of soli- taire games? Wish you could create SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE your own card game? SOLO may be the answer. This freeware graphical soli- taire game maker and player for Windows 3.1 includes 35 different soli- taire card games, and lets you create your own games — without knowing a single word of programming code. SOLO has two modes: Play and Edit. In Play mode, you can choose from among the 35 different solitaire card games built into the software. Customize the game by choosing a dif- ferent card illustration, screen size, background color, scale, operation of left mouse button. SOLO supports a tourney mode and keeps track of high scores. An Undo command lets you reverse the last card you played. In Edit mode, you create your own card game from scratch or edit any of the games built into SOLO. Specify loca- tions for the tableau, reserve, founda- tion, waste, stock, hold, and other cards. Change the name of the game and the kind and number of card decks. You can even define your own custom deck of cards, including graphics you provide. When you're finished, save your changes and play your game. You can even create text files with game instruc- tions to be included in online help. SOLO includes searchable online help forplayingand creatingsolitaire games as well as complete rules for each of the games that are included. You'll definitely need the online help feature when creatingyour own game from scratch — edit mode isn't exactly intu- itive. SOLO requires a DOS-compatible computer running Windows 3. 1 or later. Continues... 33 Macintosh WordScramble! 1.1.1 by Allan Trautman If your daily newspaper's puzzle page doesn't include enough scrambled words for you to decipher, check out WordScramble! This freeware Macintosh game contains hun- dreds of words in a variety of categories for you — or your kids — to unscramble. You'll get an idea of how WordScramble! uses sounds when you first launch the program and it wel- comes you by trying to read a scram- bled word that unscrambles itself on screen. In the main window, click the Category button to choose from among six categories: Animals, People, Transportation, Foods, Science, Body Parts, Geography, and Things. Then, in the scrambled word screen, click the Scramble! button to have WordScramble! display a word. To unscramble a word, click the buttons beneath each letter in the order in which they belong. One by one, they're added to boxes below to (hope- fully) spell out the scrambled word. If you get it right, you're rewarded with a congratulatory sound effect. If you get it wrong, you'll hear "oops!" and get an r Make $3k a month, Become a PC Consultant Can you hook up a modem, printer, install ram or software? Then I can show you how to make good money helping people with their computers in vour local area - call 800-330- 9112/714-838-0387, E-Mail Ask for of- fer BBSM795 for free info on the new home study course/manual "Hoiv To Make $3,000 to $5,000 A Month Working As A Part- Time Computer Consultant" by Matthew Ferry. opportunity to try again. WordScramble! also lets you enter your own words to unscramble. While this isn't much of a challenge for you, you might find it a useful learning tool when playing the game with children. For example, you can enter a spelling or vocabulary word, then let the child unscramble it. WordScramble! requires System 7 or later and a 13-inch color monitor. A HyperCard-compatible version is also available; that version takes up less disk space but requires HyperCard 2.2 or the HyperCard 2.2 Player to run. Online Help is limited to a list of words in a category that could match the cur- rently scrambled word. A DOCMaker document that includes instructions is included with the program. WordScramble! is distributed as freeware, but if you're feeling generous and really like the program, the author suggests that you send a donation to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Although designed for the author's six- year-old son, the list of words included in WordScramble! is beyond the vocab- ulary of any six-year-old I know. Don't think of this as a kid's game — it's cer- tainly challenging enough for the whole family! Till Dawn is a shareware package of 24 solitaire games that can really keep you up all night. Choose from among standard games like Klondike, Canfield, and Golf or more exotic games like Beleaguered Castle, Miss Milligan, and Pyramid. If you don't know how to play, no prob- lem — a Rules command displays con- cise rules for the currently selected game so you can learn. Solitaire Till Dawn will keep track of player statistics like the number of games played and won, as well as the current score. An AutoPtay command will automatically make all obvious moves, saving mouse drags, especially near the end of a game. Solitaire Till Dawn can be played on color or black and white Macs. The amount of RAM required varies depending on the number of colors your monitor can display, from 500K for black and white monitors to two megabytes for millions of colors. A preferences option lets you set the card size so you can even play on an old compact Mac. Online help is provided through Balloon Help and two PocketDoc documents that completely explain how to use the program and phi)' the games. Unless you don't know the rules for a specific game, however, you won't need any help playing — the interface is completely intuitive. Solitaire Till Dawn is distributed as shareware. Use it for a week or two for free. After that time, register for Mario Longer, o freelance writer running a BUS since 1989, is currently ot work on the Excel for Windows 95 Visual QuickStart Guide. She can be reached at . Solitaire Till Dawn 2.0.3 by Rick Holzgrafe Semicolon Software P.O. Box 371 Cupertino, CA 95015-0371 If you're a solitaire lover with a Macintosh, Solitaire « File Ed! I Gomet Other Beleaguered CMlN fr -■' * Ki~ _»S 34 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE By Hank Hurteau Following is a list of some of the most do wnloaded files as recorded by various BBSs. Files such as QWK packets have been omitted, as have any graphic files. Descriptions are generated by author or bulletin board. Programs carried in the "Top Ten " download list don 't necessarily denote a good program, of course — just one that's freguently downloaded. You'll have to be the judge when it comes to quality. And keep in mind: always look for the latest program, as one of the advantages to using (and registering) shareware is that you'll be privy to the frequent updates. ". U7.Z7 i. > 131 lrii.ii. .i-i i: mi oprcJ | |W0>| llfl uith IBTT-FC. Mirystmea. KUhei, •■< . H UmMgbpal ficit). Chdrs per r.ecand uirt BIOS.. ■ uti ui>t DOS. . . ■■''.. MM .li.J. riril IKK disk sped i-ram. 43 18 U27 (■)) 3ZZ48 Byle/sec 9628 ttytcsec 78x [' ISM am Pioneer Valley Computer Club (PVCC) — 413.737.4501 1 AC-A.ZfP 469466 ALIEN CARNAGE v1 .0 — An Apogee action/arcade game for the IBM PC. Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster music/sfx; animation. 2 AC-B.ZIP 433866 ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 Part 2 3 AC-C.ZIP 419877 ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 Part 3 4 AC-D.ZIP 429568 ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 Part 4 5 BOPPIN.ZIP 1292341 BOPPIN' v1.0 from Apogee is an arcade/puzzle game. In an alternate "arcade game" universe, you must free dozens of imprisoned enemies from other video games. 6 SCN-222E.ZIP 401500 VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. scans and cleans PCs/LANs for known and new viruses. Always a Top 10 dov/nload, look for latest version. 7 C0NF727.ZIP 109668 PC-CONFIG V7.27 detecls all the hardware in your PC and displays it on the screen. One of the best sysinfo-programs going, with a CD-ROM benchmark routine. 8 WINZIP55.ZIP 585260 WinZip 5.5 w/built-in ZIP+UNZIP. Drag & Drop brings the convenience of Windows to Zipping. Updated regularly, 9 ACDC2.ZIP 50891 Audio Compact Disc Controller v2.00. A resident audio CD player for DOS. CJBOM unregistered «Jwre***rB version :; - softwrc MPS ic) Hnwj Corporation. ITJ1.193Z. l - CD-VevcltMrk BIOS dale. . BtOS client mi 00/GBV33, ShaJowHnMi ,uti«r ■ llllllh r Pmaravi Bus ■! -tn ■ ISA n 1 InTo - CnM]i.».rir: CPU nnti ii rtajn MrMfity HHUdi cue*, ikHlf!) 49. n Hiz 1st Level :D M. 2nd Le*cl:2S6 KB Ml KByte, fttr: WJ KBnt* C Chlpi [nfo Extended rtcs 33ZB KByte, tree: t] Expanded rV-i 3616 KB-ifi*f. tree: I9W KByte *, - Hideo-card 1 VESfl-tlGft (THJDEHT* 1& Ift-les. 18241 HilH '. - IBQs UGfl cftijKurt Trident G36GCL L - Priufis ur.n-Bros.. . B1>ZBV*M . Sh^HnuRfih: active 1 - Restart Gapccard.. . Found ! Flupptj drLvt £. 2 : l.+l HP. 1.2 MB X - HutKJ. Forti lpti com conz rr tONFffi U7.Z7 ', lSU'J-'JM hij Mi, feci i: hp 1 1 it Hli 1J IBS. 6 MB 15 heads. 989 Cyl, 56 Sect-Cyl. With full background control, play favorite tracks while running almost any other program. 10 NVL9504B.ZIP 204892 Shareware NeverLock Spring '95 — Unprotects over 400 games. Channel 1 BBS — 617.354.3230 1 TM420-1.ZIP 166870 TELEMATE 4.20. Powerful multi-threading communication program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102 terminal, editor, viewer, backscroll, clipboard and many unigue functions, Built-in mouse support provides access to all functions. 2 TM420-2.ZIP 231202 TELEMATE 4.20, 2 of 4. 3 TM420-3.ZIP 171305 TELEMATE 4.20, 3 of 4. 4 TM420-4.ZIP 229984 TELEMATE 4.20, 4 of 4. 5 TM420UP.ZIP 445716 TELEMATE 4.20, upgrade files for v4.xx. This ZIP contains the files reguired to upgrade from Telemate 3,xx. 4.xx to 4.20. 6 PWRESL15.ZIP 9526 Updated WinMag Resource Probe version 1.5 — shows you what's using conventional memory when you're running Windows. 7 SUPER11A.ZIP 1369852 SuperHer for Windows by HomeBrew Software. Adventure game where you play SuperHer in combat, gain abilities and objects to assist you in finding your lost sister, 8 SCASTLE1.ZIP 391925 CASTLE OF THE WiNDS for Windows. The quest begins with a guestion of vengeance, as you try to discover the secret of your mysterious past, and why it has proven so deadly to those you love. 9 TWSK20A.ZIP 178226 Trumpet Winsock for Windows. 10 ZSHOW106.ZIP 187355 Release 1.06a of CompuShow 2000. A new interlace and all the graphics capabilities of CompuShow, the full-featured graphics display system for all your graphic files. 36 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE o SupctChoicet C Hnc't I'nrmtp doEmt [iH pout Ml ■> iw.f m.iI r -no ifiL-kJ-I lime you otfl rilflvefouierril -,- jritei m GDS31G.ZIP 381278 Graphic Display System v3.1g. Views, gives thumbnails, converts, Hips, rotates, crops, scales, dithers nearly all graphic formats. 3DTV-A.ZIP 745737 TERMINAL VELOCITY from 3D Realms. A 3D shooter that's part Star Wars and part Descent. Take flight in this futuristic action game with huge levels, insane weapons, modem/Net support, and 10-channel digital music and sound effects. 3DTV-B.ZIP 1442163 TERMINAL VELOCITY Part 2. 3DTV-C.ZIP 1448808 TERMINAL VELOCITY Part 3, 9 10 If you're a sysop with a Top Ten bulletin on your BBS and would like to see your BBS listed here, please contact me at Uncle Hanks BBS — 413.527.8977 1 BDLFS5.ZIP 23798 FS5 scenery: Bradley International and Springfield, MA area. Also covers Westover AFB and the Connecticut River. 2 DOSEDITR.ZIP 49231 New version of Microsoft Editor (EDIT.COM) for the DOS. Can load text larger than 1 MB and also features Split windows editing. 3 MEMFIX1D.ZIP 27520 MemFix provides a work-around lor Windows allocation of DOS memory, and allows more Windows programs to run simultaneously than would be possible without MemFix. 4 CCHECK23.ZIP 316086 ImagiSOFTs Chinese Checkers Classic Board Game v2.3. April '95 update to this ever popular game. 5 FNA317S.ZIP 878211 FIRST NAME ALMANAC for Windows. Makes a commercial quality print- out of the meaning of more than 1 4,500+ first names in calligraphy script — suitable for framing. 6 TBCWIN.ZIP 1108373 THE BIRTHDAY CHRONICLE for Windows makes a commercial quality printout of a mini newspaper front page of when you were born, graphics and all. Lifestyle OnLine: Meet 3000+ sexy couples & singles on the world's hottest & most active adult chat system. Modem: 516-689-5390 (local access Irani 1000+ cities) Internet: Telnet (166. 62. 150.22) The Male Forum: Where men meet men every day. Absolutely the world's most erotic GAY CHAT system. Modem: 516-689-0286 {local access from 1000+ cities) Internet: Telnet (166.82.150,41) Grafix: XXX-rated computer pictures hot enough to melt your modem. Every file is worth downloading. Modem: 516-689-2853 (local access Irani 1000+ cities) Internet: Telnet ( SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 37 We Cant Keep The Future Technology Under Wraps Become one of a few select SYSOPS to experience a preview release of the first true 32-bit client/server BBS The seal on Mustang Software's top secret project Wildcat! BBS re-write, code-named Annihilator, has been broken to allow 5000 "leading-edge" SYSOPS a glimpse of this breakthrough 32-bit client/server BBS technology. Your reward, when you purchase one of the limited Pre-Release Annihilator CDs for only $49 and learn the inside story, is a 75% discount off the purchase price when Annihilator is released later this year. Learn How Interactive Multimedia Can Expand Your On-line Experience Annihilator takes full advantage of the new multitasking in Windows 95 or the robust server operations in Windows NT to provide a solution that brings full on-line multimedia to every caller. See how you can use Annihilator's built-in remote graphics to provide an exciting multimedia greeting, using familiar JPEG and GIF graphic editors to customize the caller interface. See How You Can Deliver More Information At Greater Speed Annihilator s Preview CD will demonstrate how the true power of client/server functionality can be unleashed to provide a broad, BBS-based solution. Learn how to implement a BBS with a core information server, and route that information using a number of application clients at the Sysop's location. You'll be able to establish a true distributed processing system that delivers more information at greater speed, now even on a single PC. The Client/Server Model Provides A Number of Advantages The Annihilator Preview CD will show you how a SYSOP can offer a BBS on a desktop platform with the expansion capability to run any size on-line service. • 32-bit Windows multitasking means no additional multitasking software is needed and 16-32 lines can be run easily without loading multiple copies of the BBS. • The server controls all access to messages, files and other system information, isolating the core of the host activities to provide secure, private system access even to local users. • Under Annihilator, the entire BBS configuration can be modified even while in full operation, but only by authorized personnel. Of 32-bit BBS Much Longer Single PC Running Windows 95 or Windows NT CLIENTS USERDATABASE MSG. DATABASE FILEDATABASEh SERVER prolan -X a sjijie lji I fJUEf td lil iflc T tMl Ir.ftl Moo* fTrtw Sen** MOdftfRS v evert ktWk> MMMBMbNT FT?MDCbfe{n?Sen*| Tfte c//^irAt'r\'tT mode? of Annihilator can be easily installed with the swer and nil clients running on a single PG The computer can operate under Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation or Server. This configuration offers the most compact system and allows for total management from the single BBS computer. Build A Powerful New BBS With Annihilator Server And Client Modules Standard Annihilator modules included with every BBS create a foundation for the new client/server BBS: Server Module - functionality for processing all database and configuration requests and operational characteristics of the BBS, Local Client - a fully graphical connection for anyone connecting at the host PC or over a LAN, Modem Client - answers the phone for all dial-in lines and presents the BBS in ANSI, ASCII or in fail graphics. QWK Client - handles QWK mail exchange between the host and other BBSs. TAPI Client - provides a link to the Windows Telephony Application Program Interface and a mechanism for ISDN, X.25 and other connectivity. Graphical Remote Client - a set of freely-distributed Windows programs for callers to experience full multimedia when connected. This 16-bit program suite operates on Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT and any OS/2 release with Windows support. Optional Annihilator modules increase the power of a client/server BBS: UUCP Client - handles dial-up Internet e-mail and news- group support. Internet Package - accessories to handle TCP/IP support: Telnet Module, FTP Module, WWW Module, IRC Module, SMTP Module and NNTP Module. MAPI Client - a mechanism to exchange messages between applications such as Microsoft Mail, cc:Mail, Lotus Notes, etc. wcCODE Package - a new high speed, 32-bit development language so powerful that all standard BBS functions are written in it. Source Code - for total customization of online activity, the wcCODE source for the BBS is also available for purchase (requires wcCODE). SQL Database Client - provides full remote connectivity to distributed database processing using the SQL language. Reports Client - reports BBS usage and statistics, and provides a means for manipulation, export and selection of database records using match criteria. Billing Client - bill callers for any action performed on the BBS, includes report and invoice generation, pre-pay and post-pay models. Annihilator fully supports all DOS-based doors and includes a program for DOS program redirection to any line. It can be connected to any multi- port serial card that includes drivers for Windows 95 or Windows NT. Buy The Pie-Release Annihilator CD For $49" And Save Up To 75% Off The Purchase Price Instructions and Information on the Pre-Relcase Annihilator CD provides SYSOPS with an inside look into the future of BBS technology. WU Purchase of the Pre-Relcase Annihilator CD establishes eligibility for a 75% discount off the manufacturers suggested retail price when Amtihilator is released later this year. H r Only 5000 Copies Of The Pre-Release Annihilator CD Will Be Mastered. Get The Inside Track And Stay On The Leading Edge Of BBS Tech nolo By Getting Your Copy. Call Today To Reserve A i 1 -800-208-061 6 "A dii SlOfor shipping ami handling Product MSRP" 75% ore 66.6% off* Availability Annihilator M2 (two node + local) S149 S37 S49 4th qtr/95 dflw'W/3torM16(16node) S349 S87 S115 4tlt qtr.95 ,taMirorM32 (32 node) $699 S174 S23Q 4th qtr.95 8 Pack Node Increase S19S S49 S55 4th qtr.'95 UUCP Client (dial-up) S149 $37 S49 4th qtr.'95 Internet Clients (Telnet, FTP. WWW. UUCP. IRC) S799 5199 S265 4th qtr.'95 MAPI Client $799 S199 $265 Early '96 SQL Database Client S799 $199 3265 Early 96 Reports Client S149 S37 S49 Early 96 Billing Client S149 S37 S49 Early 96 CODE Development Language £ IDE S149 S37 S-4S 4th qtr.95 BBS Source Code S799 $199 S265 4th qtr.95 Annihilator CD, 66.6% suggested r Oft tO WiUl, ■b off to purchasers of the special Pre-Release lit' SYSOPs with valid registration number. Connecting The World MUSTANG som MC. Mustang Software, he • B200 Lake Ming Road • Baker sfield. CA S33Q6 8GS873 2500 • FAX 805873-2599 • BBS 8O5-B73-240O • Iwamet: hrtp//wvwv .-lMuifijgh I'il" /IRS i»n the CD wi'fl be operational, it i* mt intended a be taeti iu a commercitti HUS faxmtte it will- not havt completed letting, mn wll a tndwfcjafl printed duamwnMi&w Bath CI) amtoita Anntfufaror M16 plus all mod- ules divuifliite in 1995. Same modtdts nu (udin$ the Gmphitat ftpttale Client are not jrt atmplelaL but ivtfl he made iiviiiM'le electmnxutfy la Preview putduuers tn tliey an (ompliwd. Viis Preview CD retjiara either Window* 95 or Windows NT v3J$l for epemrien,^ 1995 Mustang Safnvare, lite All mma tire tWilemarh of their respeemvconTvaniex macintosh Online BY MICHAEL A. KUYKENDALL Class Distinctions A coach-class tour of FirstClass BBSing CeskTop As a caller, I find graphi- cal user interfaces fun to work with (as well as to look at). Who doesn't? The downside is that once you have the client software, you have to download the con- figuration file for each BBS you call — d-r-a-g. It would be nice if we could just com- press that type of info and send it along for the ride (much like RIP graphics and some Windows boards). Orbit One m 40 Unfortunately, we probably won't, as users, see this sort of thing happening any time soon due to the large number of callers still using slower modems, such as 2400 baud (even the occasional 1200 baud). Because of the sheer amount of overhead, this method would make the 2400-baud group feel like their modems had gone south for a holiday. You may wonder why I'm jabbering about interfaces. Well, I've had so many people asking me to take another look at the FirstClass boards, that I finally relinquished and did something about it. For starters, I found numbers for several boards by looking on America Online. Some of these, however, had disappeared since they had originally posted their config files. (If you're a former sysop, please go back and make sure all references to your defunct board are erased in the various lists). I tried retrieving the client from a local board here in Atlanta; however, they had their software configured to allow new users only 20 minutes con- nect time per day, then only allowing transfers in 128 byte blocks. Needless to say, the 372K download of the client software did not transfer completely. I SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Weekly Planet Ne< Internet Email and Conferences Mac and Windows Libraries VMUB Plwtf Digital L*r*ry Memb*r Service; Local Confer«*#s Mtrnfl Conferences finally went and pulled a copy off an FTP site (version 2.6 of the client). Sysop Hint: Allow new users enough time to download your client software. Oh, and set your software for 1K block transfers; 128- byte transfers are way too slow for our error-correcting modern modem devices. The boards One of the FirstClass boards I checked out was Orbit One, based in Tampa, Florida. Orbit One offers such features as Internet connectivity (mail and Usenet news), local conferences, Mac Digital Ubrarij DigitalLibrary ry Macintosh H £T .J The Mac 25 ■a* tw,fH-«w+ 25rkj*i oroMHH-i ^ - Q Mtctototti rori*n-U»d*- 1 It* VtroTife Tntni 5/5/95 902 PtA # P D M*J*1o*h r nrinH,"*' 2*3k ftntfTVl Pr* »/5/?3 8.MWH j# r D Km w.lcsh Torun-Lrkdwr T7K Srrtrtfr^^l !2 H/20/M 11 19 PK #rQ KK^tslh 1 onni-Ul Ur 3IK s.iti^nif',/1 2/16/53 5 25 PM !# !- Q K*:-1rr.t55h r9rwH.»rtr<- T7K Ort«n<>n(pt fc 2J0 2/lfc/M S2£fn ♦^ " D H*£»tort F «■ uT.-L*..Vr 1324K Now UiiHt** 5 1 2/16V95 3*4 PM E* - □ KM*itwh FcrurH.tM*r 6X r-W.j Eur Pattern ! 23. 2/2T/W 11 57 PK ■* " Q KK-talafh Forim-Lj Wrr !'?>: hUfcffrvrkv 1J3 2/20/93 10.3BPH #fQOrw Afrtgm ?&« M*f btrwn 1 4 2/1 9/M 53tPM * P Q MMMHfa Forun-Lf»>T 77K h«,Cb.i s 103 2/1A/93 mm # r Q H*c*it«h rorwH.n*r 46K H>.kB» 1 5/1 3/W »s4m Si " QhUctotDfti rorurH.*«4t<- 1DIK Dr«g'iBu1l«n3.7 Tractor FW] 2.2 2/1 B/W 120*PK # r Q KKViiarh F«»tjtH.m*t I12K C«ir*h ForijrH.»rt»r 1 26K J/ID/93 UtxU'fr t« a.. ■. . . , ) J/ 1 3/93 9 4TPM software, and The Weekly Planet Newspaper, Tampa Bay's third largest newspaper. When I first logged into Orbit One, 1 had to fill out my user information. You will have to do this with all FC (FirstClass) boards. Orbit One has lots of information online. The Weekly Planet is entertain- ing and chock full of news, but only in a local sense. If you live in Florida, this would be a great resource — but not for someone in Butte, Montana. However, their Digital Library has many files available for both Mac and Windows users (FC has both a Mac and Windows client available, thus many FC boards are multi-platform). There is a useful feature called the Mac 25 in the Macintosh section that offers the top Mac files on the board — great for new callers. Bottom line: Orbit One is a good local board for Florida users offering lots of local information, local con- ferences, online chat, and access to many of the different Usenet news- groups. Reach it at 813.281.0277. My next FC board is called GameNet, located in New York City. GameNet is a subscription-based BBS with an extensive collection of com- mercial game demos, game cheaters, bug fixes, updaters, FAQs and discus- sions of commercial games. Subscribing to GameNet also allows users to log on to GameNet 's ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) server and play games over the modem against other live users. They currently offer three games: F/A-18 Hornet, Power Poker and Links Pro (a golf game). The schedule includes three game nights a week starting around 8 o'clock. Users pre-reg- ister 24 hours in advance with the sysop, then check their email several hours before game time for confirmation. Those users who don't have a copy of ARA can buy it at cost through the lioard. GameNet also allows the use ol SnapMail, a Shareware package that allows you to communicate across net- works during game play so you can "verbally" abuse your fellow players (GRIN). Besides just the gaming tips and demos, GameNet also has Internet, Fidonet and OneNet conferences. OneNet is SoftArc's internal net- work that FC boards use to exchange messages, files, etc. (similar to Fidonet). ( KimeN'ct may be reached at 212.254.5883. They offer technical sup- port Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. at 212.254.5300. Subscriptions run SI 4.95 per month, with unlimited access to the BBS and ARA server. Gvn«N*t Sc/wftjW Our final stop on the FC tour is a board in California called the Peninsula Information & Bulletin Board System, Pibbs for short. Pibbs is a BBS for the Monterey Peninsula, offering some- thing for both Macintosh and Windows users. Online, you'll find the latest news for Macintosh and Windows, three gigabytes of current C o n 'r i n u e s SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE File Digging in the eWorld Looking for some good programs and utilities? Check out some of these files available through eWorld. Anarchie 1.5.0 is an Internet application that will poll Archie servers and help you find and retrieve files available from anonymous FTP sites. Pull up the dialog box to find the filename, and then double-click on the desired found file to download it to your machine (or drag it to a folder if you have System 7.5). Simple and straight forward. Anarchie v Disinfectant Mr MacHTTP 2.2 Disinfectant 3.6 is a FREE virus prevention, scanning, and repair program. Created by John Norstad of Northwestern University, Disinfectant is rather easy to use. Simply run the application and Disinfectant will automatically install its protection exten- sion for you. In addition to its ease of use, Disinfectant comes with built-in online help. Version 3,6 detects a new clone of the nVIR B virus, and allows modification of Disinfectant's memory partition and icon. MacHTTP 2.2 (Fat) allows you to establish your Mac as a World Wide Web server. MacHTTP opens up the Internet architecture in a way that may well bring the Mac to the forefront of Internet connectivity. Version 2.0 contains dozens of improvements over the previ- ous released version, 1.3. Most of these correct bugs, but also add significant functionality (such as a background-only option). uued 2.3 is a freeware uuencoder/uudecoder that's small and fast. It sup- ports standard drag-and- drop on its Finder icon and drag-and-drop directly from the Finder into its window (for those with System 7.5 or later), it automatically strips headers and footers from the text files you load (which is a godsend when you have a file divided into 34 segments). It allows easy, visual drag and drop rearrangement of the files within its win- dow, and will automatically assign whatev- er creator you want on files lacking the originating application information. For encoding, uued will automatically segment a file according to the line limit you specify in the preferences. uued 41 Rusty Edie Call a different kind of BBS. "We are the Friendliest BBS in the World." Our name says it all. Edie and I are a couple of burnouts from the 60s. We didn't like rules then and we don't now. Come on in and relax: you will be among friends. We have a huge adult section, including over three gigs of adult graphics, as well as a fine selection of public domain and shareware programs, including over a gig of family-type graphics. But that's not what sets us apart. When you call the first time, you'll know what no amount of words can tell you. you are Home. That's right, put up your feet and enjoy yourself. We live by three no's: "No Censorship. No Rules. No Hassle." You'll find us like no other BBS: • We answer your messages and comments. • We answer your on-line pages. • We post our address. • We post our voice phone number. Rusty n Edie's BBS 7393 California Ave. Youngstown, OH 445 1 2 Voice 216-726-4217 HSTonly 216-726-1804 Compucom 216-726-3584 Hayes V-Series 216-726-3619 All{V32etc.) 216-726-2620 Fax 216-726-3595 42 DeskTop a ftfl DfikTop Jh :■ ■ '::■:■: s -V MlilBoit S3 H»lp 9 pibbi BBS Tllk | U o ^0-~ N*vlon CorripUlfr Tiik Nft S3 Mic CD [ssi M*o Flit* Club M+o Mic Tllk E mo Nrt VinCD i03 VinTlV WinWfl 1" Lheliiiirkdi m Smjll Tllk *l \<> files for Macintosh and Windows, and information on local Internet providers, Internet files and one-step Net installers and switchers. Pibbs is quite nice because il makes things easy to get to for the first-time caller. Some of the conferences you'll find on Pibbs include: BBS Talk — information, questions and answers, comments, and news about Pibbs and other BBSs and com- puter services in the Monterey Peninsula (such as the Monterey City Library online catalog.) Computer Talk — information and news about the latest products for both Mac and Windows computers, such as Zip drives and ISDN. Net — Information, ques- tions and answers, comments, and news about local Internet service providers. Club Mac — Information about Club Mac of Monterey, a local Macintosh user group. Mac Talk — Info about Mac programs and using Macs, from Pluses to PowerMacs. Unclassifieds — Items and ser- vices for sale, though not neces- sarily computer- related. Small Talk — Chit-chat with your neighbors. There are also lots of public domain and share- ware files available through the confer- ences, such as Mac CD, with over two gigabytes of PD files for Macs, current as of April, 1995; Mac files, new and hot PD files for Macs; Mac Net with files and simple one-step installers and switchers, use- ful for surfing the Net; Win CD, with over one gigabyte of PD files for Windows; Win files, new and hot PD files for Windows; and, Win Net, which carries the best recent Windows files for accessing Internet. The subscription-based Pibbs can be reached at 408.899.4822. Users who pay a yearly fee get a much greater daily time limit. Subscribe online or through snail mail. This concludes our calling tour of FirstClass boards, though obviously there are many other FC services out there waiting to be discovered. If you have any boards you'd like to recom- mend for review, please send along the Telnet address or number. Until then, keep on Mac-in'. mtmm Michael A. Kuykendall can be reached by sending wail to Macintosh Online via the sysop, or to his email address at OneNet S' Ccnfirrrw OFflu 8FoVk>n Or Sei«i£*Flett9fi S*mt Cflr>fw»rie« hftetry Cormeclwns Si* LaF US & >*>d«mj Onlrw SttyIwi Internet '££* Confrr»nc» F»« leggMji cornp Jyf rn ic -jan-i** ill« m*r iihe-n no.qttfiis .board BB> ret <; *H .fan .1* Herman ill an»gr*mj iH al^nrMtjrch *H.4rl*«vvtsTtors iHilnirliwjifno.gniTiM alt .comtdg ^lipstick - : :- **o*ip *H.orfl,*i4Tfl#*t rtt.Q*ro*i.nttrik rM.9*mfs.ptnb*11 rn:.g*mre H trivM -;* -:* r*c.hunw funny »?t.*t»rf-j»gy*r.d1jeitf SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE The Professional BBS Service Bureau Bulletin Board Systems {BBS) are fast becoming a vital tool tor information exchange in corporations, associations, government and other professional organizations. Yet the learning curve and related costs for an in-house installation are steep. Not to mention the staffing required for continuous user support. APDI has the solution! APDI will implement and operate your BBS at our state-of-the-art Service Center. We provide all of the hardware, software and communication facilities required to make your system successful. APDI also provides a fully staffed "help desk" to assist your callers in connecting to the service and navigating its functions. All you worry about is providing the data, keeping it current, marketing the service and reaping the benefits, APDI operates dozens of successful professional BBSes. We assist in all phases of the project from BBS design to implementation to user support. APDI selects the BBS software which best fits your application. We also provide your users with multiple connect options including toll call, 800 number, Internet, and CompuServe's x.25 packet switching access. We can even allow access to your BBS via a World Wide Web Home Page! We have hundreds of fiber optic phone lines and will assign to your system the number you need. Call us today and find out why APDI is the nation's leading Professional BBS Service Bureau. Online Full Text Searching Need full text indexing and searching on your BBS? APDI has the answer! APDI has developed Cheetah, the world's fastest and most powerful full text search program specifically designed for online systems. Cheetah enables you to search online data collections using Boolean and proximity search phrases, searching megabytes of data in fractions of seconds. And Cheetah's interface, menus and setup are fully customizable to present your board's look-and-feel. Searches may be conducted across one or multiple databases. Images may be attached to the data and unlimited hitlists are supported. Cheetah works with virtually all popular BBS programs. Call us today to learn more about Cheetah! Mark Burnett at APDI's BBS Service Bureau ATTENTION: Consultants, VARS, Resellers APDI announces its BBS Reseller Program!!! Participate in the online revolution by providing your clients with customized Bulletin Board Systems operated by APDI. You have the clients and contacts, you have the application knowledge and expertise. APDI has the resources to create and operate customized BBSs for your customers at our BBS Service Center. Let's work together! Associations, Publishers, Financial Institutions, Corporations, Government Agencies... all have applications for online services which are easily cost justifiable. APDI will help you to recognize these applications and present a BBS solution. APDI then does the implementation and operation. You become a player in the online industry and incidentally, generate income. Check our references and compare! • CompuServe Network Systems Business Partner • Certified Mustang Systems Integrator (Wildcat! Developer) • Galacticomm Business Partner (Worldgroup Developer) • Certified Novell Professional Developer • Member of the Microsoft Foxpro Development Network yiPDi Application Programming & Development, Incf ^k Ij 6805 Coolridge Drive. 2nd Floor ^T J Camp Springs, MD 20748 ^ 1-800-785-APDI (301) 449-1400 -Voice • (301)449-6100 -BBS • (301) 449-1224 -Fax Internet [Hade fasy BY WWKE ROBINSON Wolf Spiders Fetch Pizza Upon Request! ... And other true tests of three Internet search engines. A few weeks ago one of my co-workers asked me about this "Internet thing" she was getting herself involved with. Apparently one of her friends taught her to read news with a really old, archaic news- reader. {Funny how these friends disappear when it's time to actually install Mosaic or teach how to use electronic mail.) After explaining to her the scope and content of the Internet ("really big and lots of stuff") I left her alone, hoping she would share my enthusiasm. She did. KEYWORDS Crawling, stalking, searching the Net Who's fast, and who leaves you hanging lafoSttku ««w5£taaiejrrh«r»we fcu nuku Sadm jrferas**wi euy You ce Kirch WWW p*fctt, TfractNewf, over 5D CMDpBwaajtnBsi. wmpipn mwwm k4 pnn rdvuer, coaster pioBt*, mcicil *yd he«j& rf«mH»n. movie i tt iflWi , tcckMil rupport d*Ubw?j. adsucfasHft. Iukt&k M*g*ace ufed teaSttk ih« h*rt ■•■rrb t*oj mt lb* Inttmtt gne'i wfcrt fegr i*± Ws irrtc yw » tee to TroundE Yon en ttj IifoSeek fw free 44 SEPTEMBER 1995 The next day she showed up wanting Mosaic, Netscape, Eudora, Telnet, FTP, (and just about every other utility I'd ever heard of) installed on her computer... pronto. Unfortunately that was my job, so I installed the batch of programs and gave her the manual on how to use each. This was soon followed by a multi-hour, hands-on tutorial of how to use all these programs. Next, of course, she wanted to know how to find all that "stuff 1 boasted about. Have you ever heard of a search engine? I think people get overly concerned about computers. If I ask someone to order my dinner, they'd probably find out what I wanted (pizza), look in the Yellow Pages for several pizza restaurants, find the best one closest to us, and order. Yet if I ask the average person to find information about pizza on the Internet, can you imagine what kind of looks I would get? This should not be the case, as these days there are plenty of good searching tools on the Web. I'll look at three of the more popular ones to give you an idea of what's out there. InfoSeek Unlike the other two services I'll discuss, InfoSeek is a charge service — that's for-pay, money, dough (although a limited freebie search is allowed). You can use a wide variety of view- ers, such as Netscape and Mosaic to launch a search. However BBS MAGAZINE • SeBr.hlheLyt-.-i c*uk£wf s-'.K-t. ■ rrr. to Ht fee nmabH otits. wd other oyCcos Yoa can also try the s (503 1 . webpagw). ccf you have Fceds, usclhe | such a search tool has become vital. You can use Boolean logic in your searches (AND, NOT, OR, etc.) and Lycos will spit out the top 10 hits by default. If you don't have a graphical browser, Lycos works just fine with Lynx. If you have your own Web page, you can add it to the Lycos library, as well as remove any old links. There are a few limitations to the library, but basi- cally anyone's home page can be placed. Once you add your "top-level" page, Lycos will find it and all the sub-level pages. (This can take months, however, because of the sheer number of pages being added). Lycos may be slow, but it's not with- out good reason: the system runs on seven computers handling up to 150,000 requests a week. An average search of the more than three million pages takes perhaps 10 seconds — you do the math. CMU recommends searching be- tween 6 p.m. and 11 a.m. EST. Another time-trimming trick is to request using one of the reduced-sized catalogs, which holds about 750,000 documents, and are frequently below capacity. Lycos has become so popular that Microsoft has licensed it to be used with its new Microsoft Network. Don't worry, though, 'cause you'll still be able to use Lycos as is, since Microsoft's license is not exclusive. CMU actual- ly suggests this is a ben- efit (i.e., MSN users won't contribute to the load) but that assumes the MSN will be a success. WebCrawler An alternative to Lycos is the WebCrawler. Developed by Brian Pinkerton, a Ph.D. student at the University of Washington, it allows you to access Web information through a full-text searchable interface. WebCrawler was started before Lycos, and as such has a larger client base — approximately 250,000 people use the WebCrawler each week. To connect to the WebCrawler, go to You can access many thousands of sites, with almost 2,000 new ones being added weekly. Recently, America Online acquired the WebCrawler and plans to continue offering the service as a public interest. In a typical WebCrawler search, I looked for the occurrence of the word "Dilbert." In about two seconds, I got a list of 20 sites, ranked by importance. This ranking, although not very scientif- ic, gives the user a relative feel for which document more closely matches their search terms. In my case, it found "Dan's Dilbert Stuff ' to be the #1 document ( WebCrawler has a very simple inter- face, and it is fast. For simply playing around, I'd recommend using it. But if you want a more complex or compre- hensive search, try using Lycos. Either way, you'll find hundreds of new sites to explore each time you use one of these easy Web searching tools, nun Mike Robinson can be reached at mrobinsn@wbarton.upemi.edtt WebCrawler 7 To March Che WebCnwter dstabw, type m your Wirch kaywof d* bttt Tf, htbj> lo urtqueiv tdrubfy «*.* you'ie taokwfifer Lmi apdjrt*; Jane 11, i ~n | Search | BAUD TOrda together of it: 1 -!',? I II I .1 ' I WebCrawler Search Results The query "oHbert* fowjd 641 doewoaau; and returned 25. . ■■"''■ ' : : St,* fw. ptfohc Ftr' access !•}-*' r 1T&7 Links Pi£E tamStA&jA j - .7":'.'. ^P&je. StQkAft - Home Pj^ c 0169 ■" - i.Lista 0lG3 T rr r.- Youajroart't Home P^c OICS Home I'm* Oifis Wha't lbs P«a«i gur? Q1!,J I'.-'.. ■ - • .■■:::■■ .'■.: . - - KeceotKewj Tfee WebCrawlw has beep secured by America OrJrae' See 3 short ■-'■■ ■ - afpi '"-'";■' I, F^f-f-F* f.'^PT..iri.-,r. SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 45 Commodore Connections BY GAELYNE R. MORANEC Download Bulletin New and updated programs for the Commodore Keeping up with new files is one of the most enjoyable aspects of BBSing. There's nothing more fun than downloading a new program or discovering that one of your favorite pro- grams has been updated with bigger and better fea- tures. That said, here's the skinny on the latest releases and announcements in the Commodore 8-bit world. KEYWORDS BBSing in your sleep New fax software A protocol to blow you away? u. /tin a u.1^.^.1 i_j c___ t- r~ r. \/r>A 650+ Megs of Shareware files directory 100% files dated 1994 S.D.C.! (Smart Date Checking in place) ThePier v3.0 The Worlds FASTEST Retrieval Software!!! Database is ACCESSIBLE from the CD-ROM Minimum HD requirement ONLY 600K. All files have been scanned for viruses with the latest McAfee SCAN. Full GAP, PCBoard, Spitfire, Wildcat, TBBS! Remote Access FILES. BBS Support. Less then 1% duplication between The Pier Shareware 1, 2, 3, & 4. Windows Applications Windows Games Programming Languages Programming Tools SVGA GIF Pictures Educational Programs Games / Entertainment Sound Blaster/ MIDI DTP/Clipart Bible Medical / Health Word Processing Laser/Printer Utilities BBS Programs / Doors Communications Legal OS/2 Programs/Utilities And Much, Much, More! GUI Graphical Interface - EGA VGA Full Mouse Support Pull-down Menus File Comment Field Entries Worlds FASTEST Retrieval Software Multiple File Viewer Configuration Will Not Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT Keywords Search File Name Search File Name Within Archive Search Copy / Extract Files "Qn-The-Fly" Built-in Default Text File Viewer Can Run In Text Mode Blows Competitors Out of The Water Judged #/ Shareware e*D-KQM Buy All Four For Only $ CQ 95 Discs Sold Separately: 74e Pee* S4*>i£MVie#2 $/5 74e Pt&t S64neewvte#3 $20 76e Piei S6an£twzne*4 $25 Please add $6 for S&H ($9 for overseas orders). Check and Money order must be in US funds and drawn on US bank. Make check payable to: THE PIER EXCHANGE INC., 80 W. HAZELTINE, KENMORE, NY 14217 International Orders, FAX, or Information 716-875-4931 Hi nffflrfl. 30 Oay BBS 716-875-3130 ORDRES ONLY 1-800-438-9734 /WOA/EY"' Back Guarantee!!! The 7V Guid Cyberspace!" — Louis Rossetto, Wired new world. . . bookstores everywhere! RANDOM HOUSE inECtHMCraUSHM F I I I I I I For free updates get the Net Books online at YPN — Your Personal Network ( BY TESS HEDER Ask Tess Q&A Q: After running a BBS on my PC for a few months to exchange ANSI graphics drawings among my friends, word seems to have gotten out that the BBS is an entertaining place to visit. I've started charging a fee to new callers, so I can get enough money to put in a second phone line. This is going well, but it's also bringing me more email than I have time to deal with. I've noticed people lose interest pretty fast when they don't get their questions answered almost immediately. There's got to be a better way! Ideas? Carleton, from California A: Congratulations, Carleton, to you and your friends for creating an online place that folks want to visit — one that is apparently attracting new callers by word of mouth. It takes talent and originality to stand out in a field like this. Having been lucky enough to have lived through times where demand for our BBS exceeded available supply for hours in the day), here are some of the things that help. When it comes to saving time writing email, you can set up a series of pre-writtcn mes- sages that answer the questions you get most often. Odds are you'll be able to call these up to your message base by hot key. Most folks really like to get email, especially if you can make it colorful with ANSI! Try welcoming new callers with a canned welcome email. They'll love it. And maybe antic- ipate one or two of their questions with a start-up explanation message. And certainly try to make lime to read your callers' mail daily. But when you don't have time to answer the messages in detail, return a hotkey message that acknowledges reading their mail and let them know that you'll get back to them soon (then be sure and do so). If you haven't already, you can sec to it that your Bulletins menu develops so as to answer the questions your callers ask most often, keeping in mind that a lot of callers will not check Bulletins no matter what information you've got there. Each of your Bulletins can, however, do double duty as a hot-key message. This hits the spot sometimes. And last but not least, callers appreciate "short" forced communications from you on your login or log-off screens. You can tweak the amount of time you allow each call, SEPTEMBER 1935 even paying callers, until you have more than one line. This is easy to do with most BBS software. As long as you realize that no sysop can be expected to do all of the above, adding one or more to your bag of tricks may help you manage your time, and keep your callers connected while your BBS grows. Q: Can you tell me some economical ways to advertise the BBS I am starting this fall? Joe, from Washington state A: Get listed! Get your BBS on a BBS list .. .all kinds of them. Nationwide, there are several extensive lists that circulate BBSs online. Call the sysops who maintain current BBS lists for your metropolitan area, area code and/or local calling area and put your BBS on each and every one of them. Tell your friends! Enlist the help of your early callers — ask them to spread the word. If you have any interest in attracting new callers from out of state as well as local, start listing your BBS in the maga- zines, too. Computer Shopper, BBS Magazine and others main- tain free listings. You may be eligible. Call and find out. If your BBS wilt be accessible via Telnet, don't forget to put it on the "BBSs on the Internet" lists, too. If your BBS is geared toward a special interest, send press releases to trade publi- cations and to your local newspapers. It's a good habit to get into early on. Hob-knob with the staff, if you can. And give them access. When your BBS generates what you consider a news story, you'll be in the groove to get it published. Flyers aren't very expensive to produce, can usually be multi-purpose, and will serve you well. Mail them as follow-up to folks after they call your BBS, scatter them around your local user groups, computer societies and software shops. You'd be sur- prised how many people ask clerks at their local software stores, "What's a good BBS to call around here?" So cultivate friendships with your local software store clerks. Give them access, too. If you can get them enthusiastic about your BBS, they will tell others. ■»■ Please address your questions, comments, problems or con- cerns to: BBS: Comment to sysop, 617.349.1300 Email: tess.heder@channel 1 .com Fax: 617.354.3100, Attention: Ask TESS SnaitMail: Channel 1, Attn: Ask Tess, 1030 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. Tess Heder is co-founder of Channel I s BBS, winner of the Dvorak/Zoom Award of Excellence in Telecommunications and the 1992 Best General interest BBS. BBS MAGAZINE 51 modems BY MODEM MAGE // III Modem Spins A little chaos is a good thing now and then i A fter a few millennia, one can build a special affinity for certain spells. Take the one currently cast over the modem industry — a real thing of beauty. The way the spell ties all the players together, manipulating them so subtly, few actually realize their decisions are not their own. SEPTEMBE The hex currently cast is called the Spell of Chaos. It has the industry spinning in so many interesting directions, few seem to know what to believe, what to anticipate, and most importantly, what to buy. Let's take a brief look at a few of the news breakers of late and how they prove the Spell of Chaos is well in force. Just when you had a handle on the major modem play- ers, AT&T attacks the market with a low-cost V.32bis desktop modem. Yes, the folks who crank out data center products and high-end modems have put forth an under- $100 product. It can be found on most store shelves, but somehow seems out of place with the other brand names. Is AT&T hoping to grab their small share of the bur- geoning first-time modem buyers market? This sure seems to be the case, as the product offers nothing new compared to others already in the game. If you think AT&T is an odd entry, how about Motorola? Motorola has always delivered top-notch data-center products and typically offers high-end desktop systems. Now they, too, have tossed their chaotic hats into the ring with the "Lifestyle" modem. A less than $250, the Lifestyle seems a direct attack on USRobotics, Practical Peripherals, Zoom, and others in the low-cost market. Motorola obviously has plenty of cash to throw at the effort, but will people be willing to think of Motorola out- side the pager/cellular phone arena? I think they face the same challenge AT&T does: name recognition vs. brand- name recognition. If 'name" is the primary issue, AT&T and Motorola have an advan- tage. If "brand-name" is the bigger factor, these big guns are going to be left in the "also-rans" slot. OK. These are interesting exam- ples, but look a little further for even more testimonial to the real power of the Spell of Chaos. Many have been following the Hayes financial situation with pro- fessional and perverse curiosity. Since last October, Hayes has been struggling in the midst of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Rumors had them com- ing out in April, and then again this summer. Now we toss in a pinch of Chaos and poof! BOCA announces the purchase of Hayes! Yes, BOCA, a company with sales of $82 million last year, purchased Hayes, a company ringing up $230 million during the same period, and currently in the throes of Chapter 11. Isn't Chaos a thing of beauty! Working with this tempest is a bit like gambling: it's sure to bring the unexpected to light (which isn't nec- essarily a bad thing). For instance, AT&T and Motorola entering the market will surely drive the price leaders to cut again. The marketing campaigns have clearly been gearing up lately, so keep an eye out for the game to get pretty competitive. The marriage of Hayes with BOCA is harder to read, but there are safe assumptions: BOCA will benefit from the Hayes distribution channel and has the cash to dig Hayes out of debt, while Hayes (lack- ing freshness the last two years) may find some needed research dollars headed to its engineering depart- ment again. On the other hand... Well, we'll just have to wait and see what Chaos does next. Sysop/Provider programs I've included a couple of basic charts for those who believe a picture (well, Continues... TABLE 1 — SYSOPS HIGH-SPEED MODEM DISCOUNTS BY VENDOR AND MODEL TYPE VENDOR/ PRODUCT 14.4K V.32his INTERNAL 14.4KV.32bis EXTERNAL V.32TERB0, V.FC, V.34 INTERNAL V.32TERB0, V.FC V.34 EXTERNAL AT&T Paradyne 3721 -B1 -001* $150 3710-A1-201* $165 PC; $190 Mac $175 N/A CPI/ ViVa Viva 14.4 S180 ViVa 14.4 $196 N/A N/A Hayes Corp Optima 144B* S179 Ultra 144 S249 N/A Optima 288+FAX v.FC 28.8k $259 Optima 144+FAX* $179 PC; $179 Mac Intel SatisFax/400 $249 14.4 EX $269 N/A N/A Faxmodem 144i S99 Satis FAX/400e* S245 Faxmodem 144e $109 Microcom N/A N/A N/A DeskPorte FAST v.FC 28.8k S249 TravelPorte FAST v.FC 28.8k $249 MultiTech MT1432BC $400 MT1432BA* $400 N/A N/A MT1432ES $400 MCA MT1432MU* $300 MT1432BL' $450 MT1432PCS $575 Practical Peripherals N/A PM14400FXSA* $215 N/A N/A PM14400FXMT* $155 Supra Corp SupraFAXModem* $109 SupraFAXModem* $139 $159 Supra V34 $179 USRobotics N/A N/A N/A HSTV.Everything V.34, VFC, FAX* $249 Ven-Tel PCM144FAX- S195 EC144FAX* $215 N/A N/A PCMV.32bis* $480 ECV.32bis* $525 MCM144FAX" $380 MCA RMV.32bisll* $425 Zoom Telephonies VFPV.32Bis* S99 VFX V.32Bis* $119 PC; $130 Mac VFP V.FC 24k $99 VFX V.FC 24k $119 PC; 31 30 Mac VFP V.FC 28.8k $139 VFX V.FC 28.8k $159 PC; $170 Mac ZyXEL U-1496B* 16.8K S299 U-1496E* 16.8K $299 N/A U-1496E* v.32terbo16.8K $299 U-1496B+* 19.2K $389 ' Modems with an asterisk include 14,400 baud FAX send/receive at no extra charge! Notes on Table I: 1. All internal modems are assumed to be PC-AT1SA bus unless otherwise noted. Some manufacturers do not offer internals; be careful when ordering. 2. Consult manufacturer for details on availability of Caller ID or voice-mail processing options (any modem above). 3. These prices NEVER include shipping and handling, which is always extra, Ttypically $5 - S1 5 U.S. dollars. 4. V.34 is International (ITU-T) standard for28.8K. This is not the same as V.FAST (generic name) or V.FC (Rockwell based 28.8K standard). SEPTEMBER TABLE II — VENDOR CONTACT INFORMATION VENDOR NAME AT&T Paradyne CPI/ViVa Hayes Corp. Intel Microcom MultiTech Pract. Per. Supra Corp. USRobntics Ven-Tel Zoom Teleph. CALL THEIR BBS AT THIS NUMBER AND... ...DOWNLOAD THIS FILE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS CALL. {813) 532-5254 ATTSYSOP.TXT (300) 554-4996 (805) 499-9646; (215) 746-9948 CPIA.TXT (800) 854-7600 (404) 446-6336; (800) USHAYES H96SYSOP.TXT (404) 840-9200 (503) 645-6275 OFFER.TXT (503) 228-9707 (800) 822-8224 SYSOP.TXT (617)762-5134 (612) 785-9875; (800) 392-2432 PRICE.TXT (612) 785-3500 (404) 734-4600 SYSBBS.TXT (404) 840-9966 (503) 967-2444 SYSOP.TXT (503) 967-2400 (708) 982-5092 SYSDEAL.TXT (708) 982-5151 (800) 550-7800 (408) 922-0988 SYSDEAL.TXT (408) 436-7400 (617)423-3733 ZOQMBBS.ZIP (617)423-1076 CONTACT VIA EMAIL GO PPIFORUM (CompuServe) CIS 76711.707 CIS 71333,1527 ZyXEL (714) 693-0762 ZYXEL.TXT (714) 693-0804 chart) is worth a few pages of ram- bling text. The minimum performance level is v.32bis (14,400 bps), but will soon be displaced by V.34. All modems also must have v.42bis for error cor- rection and data compression to make this list. The rightmost column of Table I shows all modems faster than 14400 bps that support at least v.32bis standards. I recommend only V.34 for sysops. End-users can economically afford to now live by the same stan- dards. The V.34 ITU-T standard offers 50 percent more throughput than v.32bis, at only minimal cost increases. It also offers a better chance at a high-speed connect (24,000-28,800) than VFC under minimal line conditions. Beware of upgrade plans to v.FAST/v.34 modems; various manufacturer pro- grams vary greatly. More than a modem Some vendors offer more than just modems to the sysops joining their program. For example, US Robotics offers substantial discounts off their CommServer 486 LAN product. Other vendors, such as ZyXe!, offer big discounts on modem rack- mounts. A rackmount reduces the tangle of multiplying power supplies and becomes economical for sysops planning on larger, multi-line sys- tems. Buyers' restrictions If you maintain a system operating 24-hours per day for the last six months, then you're eligible for any of these discounts. Some manufactur- ers only require that you are currently running a BBS at time of ordering. A few may actually waive the current operating requirement. Once you receive your modem, you're expected to keep the BBS up and running between six and 12 months (requirements vary). Generally, the modem is yours to do whatever you want with after this period expires. Some manufac- turers may ask you to never sell modems purchased on a discount plan. Modem resellers, such as computer stores, are generally excluded from participation in dis- count plans. Nearly all of the modem vendors are accepting VISA and MasterCard for orders. Some also accept a cashier's check or money-order for prepay orders. Personal checks often require additional clearing time which just holds up your order. C.O.D. is becoming less common, and is rumored for phase-out by sev- eral of the larger players over the next few months. One requirement, which goes for nearly all vendors, is that they generally expect at least a one-line advertisement somewhere in your welcoming screens. For example: "Using the finest Model XYZ modem from Acme Modem Co." would be perfectly acceptable in all Order processing and availability Delivery times and schedules vary radically, so your mileage may vary. Many manufacturers are placing orders on hold until they release V.34. Hayes typically shipped in 48 hours, and to the far extreme, US Robotics guarantees a two to six week waiting period. For Canadian, European and other sysops outside the U.S., you may or may not be eligible for discount offers. Please check carefully ahead of time to avoid disappointment. You may want to check with their European subsidiaries before contact- ing the U.S. office. HUH ModemMagdPais. net 54 SEPTEMBER M F 3 i; :c^ Now Planet Connect brings realtime data within the reach of every BBS. Our sports data is delivered to your BBS via satellite as the news is created, so its always the latest most current information. Your users can learn about important sports events and news hours before they appear on TV or make the newspapers. No other sports information source can match the completeness of Sports Connect. Players, teams, leagues, and more are completely covered with over 4 megs of data daily. Scores are reported as the games and events are in progress. A variety of doors are available for most brands of BBS software and the system is designed to be fully automated. Our satellite data systems also provide the latest files and nets plus Internet Usenet Newsgroups. Our 19,200 baud system can deliver 1 50 megs of compressed f\ files daily. If you 1„V already own a satellite • dish you can get started for only $299.00.. Weather and sports are now available, Stocks and News are coming soon. Instead of thinking of their BBS as a place to store and distribute information that may be hours or days old, the progressive Sysops that have Planet Connect can now deliver data in real time. Highly desirable data such as Sports, Weather, News, Stock Quotes, and more can be obtained from Planet Connect via sateilite. These Sysops are finding many new users who want to obtain information as soon as it happens. People that need time sensitive data will come to you, since you'll be hours ahead of newspapers, and other media. Whether at work, school, or at play your users needs only a modem and computer to quickly locate the exact data they want. With satellite delivery, your BBS can be almost completely automated to provide services that only the big on line services have traditionally provided. Planet Connect negotiates with quality data providers to obtain data at excellent prices, and passes these savings on to you. You'll be amazed at how inexpensive a satellite real time feed can be. Contact Planet Connect Today. Winner of the Dvorak "Best Product of the Year Award" Cora&aefe Ffeiraee %se©[rer]§ ;7 Qirae= SMS A- IPQuDTXge&CorM] F0O®s vssm %M© If you're a sysop and would like to be considered for the list, contact one of the following sites. Posting to the USBBS List at these sites will place you on the A-List. BOBsBBS — 916.929.7511 Livewire/CD SUB — Download CDSUB.ZIP from The Livewire BBS (BBS Magazine's support board) at 609.235.5297 and register the CD SUB Door program for a permanent listing. FTP — Download USPUB103.ZIP from, create USBBS.DAT and send the completed file to BOBsBBS or Call 609.953.9110 (voice) for help. Derived from the USBHSUST. LEGEND BAUD z SE CD s = 300 o U- i t = 1200 2 = 2400 'PE LATI p ° E ill a a 5 u to a UJ 9 = 9600 or taster m m i= tn * V. — MODULATION TYPE B 29 D 50+ 3 i 3 V = V.32orV.32bis U = USRoboticsHST H = Hayes VSM BBS TYPE F = V.Fast, V.34 (1/25/95) A = Auntie = Other proprietary method 8 ■ PCBoard D = USHoooiics Dual Standard C - Ptioenix/Collie/Collosus (V32 and HST) = dBBS B = Hayes Ultra (V32 and VSM) F = Spitfire G = GAP SIZE H = PC-Host Indicated in 100$ ol megs. 1 • TriBSS + = CD-ROM. J ■ SuperBBS NODES L s Telecard Number ot lines M = OraComrn/Major/Galacticomm 'J = Genesis Deluxe SUBSCRIPTION = OpuS/Maximus S = subscription: blank = FREE P = GT PowerComm Q = QuickBBS/RemoleAcces: INTERNET FEATURES R = RBBS SERVICES CODE S = Searchlight 123456789ABCDEF T.TBBSorTCOMM Mail XXXXXXXX U = uitraBBS Usenet XX XX XX XX V = WWIV FTP XXXX XXXX W = Wildcat Telnet XXXXXXXX X = BBS-PC, RyBBS. ROS. fido. Citadel. Osiris, etc. or custom. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS unverified or unknown type Must support 2400 bps or greater Y = T.A.G. 100 MB ot disk capacity Z=TPBoard 24br/7 day service Sysop must give REAL NAME 201-585-0957 NJ Fort Lee Phantom Mark Be! lev/ FidoNet, Freedom Net. B 29 FV 2 1 201-729-2602 Chuck's Attempl Chuck Ammann 201-904-9781 NJ Prospect Pk DBrertain'sRealmRon Lotterman EMS related, games. Wildcat. W 09 D 10 2 202-234-0750 WashingtonOC Absoluts Bliss P. Willow Games, tiles, adult discussion. M 29 V 15+ 20 S B 203-397-5225 CT Hamden CONNeclBBS Rico Gattilia Utilities, games, graphics, W 09 D 47+ 1 203-443-3857 CT New London BEYOND BBS Shawn Brogan Geared towards Ihe family. B 29 VF 800 1 203-487-6134 CT Ashford Slonehenge BBS Dave Swift 3D action games & general comp. X 29 VO 10 2 203-488-2315 CTNo. Branford Interstate BBS Lewis Reid Messages, files, games. X 19 VO 14+ 1 203-646-8990 CT Manchester Dungeons/Doom! Mike Penningion Doors, files, message bases. X 29 VF 19+ 1 2 204-475-5199 MB Winnipeg Generic BBS Victor Laktng General chatter, text files. I 09 V 1 1 205-574-6B41 AL Scottsboro Power Station Allen Godwin Files, games. Planet Connect. X 29 VF 5+ 1 S 205-751-9890 AL Hartselle Paragon OnLine Richard Creel Graphical Windows based. X 09 V 14+ 1 3 205-759-4317 AL Tuscaloosa FloydACDogHsel Lyie Osborne Files and online gaming. W 09 VO 14+ 1 205-871-967B AL Birmingham Lions Den BBS M. Sieniawski Games and files. W 19 D 50 1 206-584-4309 The Wolf's Den Keith Shinkle 207-288-2712 ME Bar Harbor Acadia Online Derek Sheppard Ml. Desert's information util. T 19 F 60+ 4 3 208-734-3544 ID Twin Falls Faze V Tech Ken Vaughn Echomail prgrming, medcl, writng. W 29 V 1 1 209-224-9310 CA Fresno Revolution BBS Brian Wallers Full featured 44 node PCBoard. B 29 F 100+ 10 7 209-277-7979 CA Fresno LegacyNet Sean Rutledge Chat. game, full service. M 29 FV 10+ 38 F 209-323-6835 CA Clovis Clovis Connect Rod Jessen Genealogy, AIDS/HIV, OS/2. W 29 FD 14+ 3 209-437-9903 CA Fresno Hunter's Den Rick Hunter Paul Revere Network & SurvHet. W 29 VF 10+ 2 209-439-5934 CA Fresno Revolution BBS Brian '.'/alters Business related. Internet. B 29 F 14+ 44 S F | 209-956-6751 CA Stockton Cheers BBS Jeff Lee Latest Ware?. V 09 VB 15+ 2 F 216-324-6410 Comm. Netlink K. Stevenson 212-749-3268 Waller's BBS Walter Parristi 214-223-826B TX Desoto ThePAiNCAvE Jeff Goldstein Erotica, art, and games. W 29 V 13 2 214-245-9315 USS Inverness Jonathan McGirr 214-288-6826 TX Mesquile The DarkRoom S.Hubbard Public access. I 29 V 11+ 1 214-351-9859 Collector's Ed Len Hull 208-664-2983 The Third Mill Jim Fromm 214-355-1835 Lonesome Dove Matthew Peacock 214-641-6292 TX Grand Prairi Hogard Sltware Chuck Hogard Software support, shareware. B 29 FV 30+ 5 S 9 215-321-1873 PA Philly Atter-Hours Tony Reesby Games, fun BBS. W 09 FD BO+ 1 215-985-4326 PA Philadelphia IVIetrolron Mike Knerr Urban Interest, film noir. B 19 VF 30 3 S3 216-248-1891 OH Cleveland Mip Online Brian and Dan Internet messaging with files. S 29 B 10+2 S3 216-345-5623 OH Wooster CJB's BBS Chris Butdorf Doors, files, mail, and more. F 09 FV 14+ 1 216-639-9508 Scientist's BBS Soo Kurz 216-665-4551 OH Akron AIEBBS Justin Spies Games, sports, aviation, model. B 29 FV 11 2 218-376-4590 MN Sear River The Dare Towe r Roger Soular Games. F 09 V 11+ 1 218-525-7520 MN Dululh Wizard's Tower Sheldon Aubut Intelligent debate. W 09 U 01 218-729-7026 MN Duluth TBNT Roger Martell Messages, crafts, games. X 19 VF 02 218-878-0642 MN Cloquel Echelon MLS Ed Miller Entertainment, game revue. M 09 D 10+ 10 S 3 219-744-4908 The Play Board Jay Tipton 301-293-0320 MO Hagerstown TheBereanBBS BobCoss Christian Hies and ministry. 19 V 40+ 2 301-498-8729 MD Laurel Razors Edge Bob Kelly Music, comics, games, adult W 29 D 14+ 1 301-620-1401 MD Frederick TheBereanBBS BobCoss Christian files and ministry. 19 V 35+ 2 301-808-7233 DC Washington Capical City NorrisSydnor Windov/s, Internet, news, games. X 29 FV 70+ 3 3 303-244-8420 Mirror Image Mark Feil 303-456-1642 CO Westminster SportsBoard Gary Hawley Sports forecasts & data. 19 VO 2 1 303-964-5372 CO denver RU BBS Kate Secrest University board. J 19 V 10 5 1 303-964-8559 CO Denver Sylver Moone Nythcar Pagan oriented messages. J 29 V 10 1 3 56 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 304-725-1957 WV Charles Twn Fly By Nite Gary Mace Aviation, Home of ATCnet. X 09 FV 14+ 2 1 304-728-0884 WV Charles Twn The Bit Bank J. Willingiiam Full-featured BBS. Q 19 F 11+2 1 305-344-9534 FL Coral Spring Digital Abyss Scott McCarthy IBM support, tiles, etc. X 29 FV 12* 4 1 305-432-2223 FL Pembrk Pines SunShine PCB Michele Stewart Over 3000 ANSI's, online games, 8 19 D 24+ 2 3 305-964-3463 FL Miramar John's Playpen John Slater Downloading BBS, adults. W 29 FU 50+2 S 7 310-212-7605 CA Torrance Beginners Club vmceSheu Dos & Windows files. I 09 V 10 1 31 0-392-3981 CA Sanla Monica Moroni Joe Fashinder Mormon-oriented text files R 09 V 5+ 1 310-425-5710 CA Lakewood aussie M.Szabados Chat, files, games. M 09 V 100* 18 S 3 312-565-7319 IL Chicago HOME AGAIN! William Johnson Free Internet email arid Usenet. B C9 FV 36+ 2 3 313-582-0888 Ml Dearborn bloom county GaryGilmore A little bit of everything. 19 FV 62+ 1 1 314-281-8598 Megabiter II George Belcher 314-282-4216 MO St. Louis Ajax Cat Grind George Smith FIDO, chess, games, legal. W 09 VO 11+ 1 314-351-7150 The STL CATII David Russo 314-664-6877 MO St Louis CITADEL BBS Lee Young Alternative lifestyle. M 09 D 14+4 S 314-770-2342 MO St. Louis The Shoe-Me BB Bob Patel Adult images, chatting. W 29 BV 14+ 4 315-458-3482 Dreamscape Scott Brennan 312-284-7133 4th Dimension Jeff Jones 315-475-3250 NY Syracuse Bytrnnix! Mike Bettua Variety/general interest. X 09 VO 5 2 316-267-5125 KS Wichita Elyslan Fields Chris Schroeder Internet service. M 19 VF 12+ 65 S F The fl-List 316-788-7520 Griswold's Priv Jim Kelland 317-359-5199 IN Indianapolis TCON C, Hanrahan Classified ads, Internet X 19 FV 50O 120 S F 317-455-3703 IN Kokomo Grim Reaper's George Borg Games, Fidonet. Internet soon. R 29 BV 14+ 2 317-756-7956 IN Indianapolis The Slargazer Ken Johnson Programming C/C++,Qbasic. B 19 F 10+ 1 317-889-4274 IN Greenwood Eagle BBS Ralph Moore Genealogy, shareware, Internet. B 29 DF 45+2 S3 318-323-7882 LA Monroe Bayou Internet Jerry Scroggin Broadcast radio related. M 19 FO 14+ 6 S F 334-409-0956 AL Montgomery Homeowners Hvn Alison Gwin Real Estate information. I 29 F 1 1 334-675-8406 AL Saraland The Anchor Inn Jim Wilson Fidonet, many doors, Filebone. B 29 FV 11 1 1 334-677-7316 sandstorms bbs games adult W 29 VO 5+ AL Dothan Kim Gransden i 334-809-0270 AL Brewlon TSE Russ Haag Motivation, psychology, games. F 29 13+ 1 403-459-3270 AB St. Albert Second Reality Earl Potter Tech support, games files. Q 09 VO 65+2 S3 404-476-7880 Late Nile BBS 404-478-9700 The Night Shift Bobby Nowell Bill Hardy 404-516-0048 G A Woodstock AtlanlaWindows Warren Royal Windows and OS/2 shareware, B 29 FD 70+ 13 S F 404-773-7966 Warp Factor Mark Stewart 404-819-6660 GA Mableton Mountain BBS Shawn Cannon Christian BBS, Star Trek. W 29 V 8+1 404-825-0841 GANorcross BrightStar Bob Naumann Business-related. B 19 B 404-936-0550 Music ConnectionDavid Coleman 404-994-0612 GA Atlanta ABBS Ron Miller Many SIGs including law enf. T 09 VO 10+ 6 405-354-6937 OK Yukon Chamber32Doors Dave Mather Music & games. X 29 V 6+ 1 3 405-372-5658 OK Stillwater CdoKdo'sNbsI EricJansen World wide networks, and files. X 09 VF 5 2 405-478-8250 GKEdmcnd Medicus BBS John Gilliam Medical computing. B 19 FD 60+ 3 3 405-728-7124 Hotel California Lloyd Lawson 405-949-9769 OKOklaCiry Eternal Pwr II Kevin Kultlman Games, files, americomm net. V 29 VF 1+ 1 406-256-1301 MT Billings Great Escapel S. Richardson Games, files, lots of confs. W 19 D 11+ 2 407-375-8530 FL Boynton Bch ECL Robert Heyen travel & cruise, gen. entertainment, T 09 VO 2 7 S Surf The 'Wet On iTSmSTa ifiTimi Full Internet access & 1/2 million ad listings in dozens of ad papers. Download the latest software, no dubs or viruses. Play 70 hottest interactive games, chat world- wide on 100 lines. No long distance charges from any of our 600 local phone #'s. Dial the number below with your computer for a FREE FULLY INTERACTIVE DEMO. We're not just part of the communication highway, we're paving it as we go. Power Up The Classified World Network™ CONNECTION 1*00-753^223 T 1-800flJN-TC0N (Info via voice) (Info via modem) 1-317-359-5199 (modem info & local access ») ^,,W,l:l:WJWIMIMLJ.h.«*^.|,UI^ Major BBS v6.25 - $129.95 Special Price for Limited Time Only! Call (or the full line of Galacticomm Products Valuable Applications for The Major BBS! Global Monitor ■ Split screen monitor users hy key, class or userid & still use bbs. Chill-Now - Sjilii screen one on one chat & still use the bbs! Sysop forced chat Loo! Lost Cavems- Open Lnded Mud - your users build the narrw as they pl»> ill Pick Up Artist -Lets see it" you're as hot as you think you are! Careful mil to get dumped. Bartender - MuW drinks for computer controlled customers & manage your own bar File Viewer - let user* scroll up down and keyword search any length textfile on your bbs. Accounting Automation - Accept 90,03, Credit Cards and other forms of payment. AnonvmotlS Teleconference - Nobody knows who .said what in this teleeonfeniCe Colorific - Let your users color coordinate messages, registries, pages, whispers and more. Credit Exchange - Allow users to swap days for credits or credits lor days, lOUll) flexible. Dual Password Security - Give users a second password for certain areas of um\ hrV Executive Informer - Send News, Bulk Email b> key, class. se\. age & more. Global Teleconference - Talk in 36 Channels at the same lime from anywhere. Gnifttli Wall - Our colorful Grafitti Wall is globally accessible for extra usage. Modem- "lb-Modem - Play modem to modem g4mes or transfer files directly to users Not Keys • Negate the effects of keys in personal or class keyrings - give to users or classes Major Pager - Let users make their beeper goolVwhen receiving email, pages and more? t lira Globyls - the most useful package of global* available, many unique featun-S- World Wide Wfltt - formerly World Conquest, strategy game of world domination. Autopost - 1 -cj\ e a message for the next user, can hold configurable M of messages. Cybcrtech - Futuristic rale playing text adventure, over 400 rooms, player combat Forbidden Lands I - The City of Falehon. o\er 300 rooms to explore, IJ&D Style Game Forbidden Lands 11 - The Vale of Grimyre, over 5(H) rooms and over 121) monster types Forbidden Lands III -The Islands of Dawn, over (>0O rooms and configurable quests HZ- Mailer* - Send all new signups a Flyer in the mail uu I o nun i call} ! Choke ■ Graphical word game: save Ihesysop from being choked! Kxpandable dictionary Star Market - Huild trading companies in space and then purchase slock to make profit. Online Menu Tree Editor - F_dit menuing system without taking system offline Who Cares? - Control whai gets posted to your audit trail. User Information Editor - Replaces account display/edit. Sysop edit user info Major Ouer\ - Keyword search \our audit ir.iil online, lisl users with a certain ke> & more Cheersofl 457 Highway 79 Morganville, NJ 07751 800-466- 1 3 1 8 x7300 £55Si™ Orders Only iBS:908-59l-1171 fax:906-591 -8652 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 57 407-575-3853 FL Jupiter 410-485-0551 MD Baltimore i ti. n r i 1 503-232-9202 OR Portland 504-633-9515 LA Thibodaux JUPITER Ted Parsons Chesapeake Bay Philip Knott Hfi H- m Banished CPU Gannon Lagniappe! David Cagle Files & novice help. Files and local email IIIU II LIOI Freedom of speech. Interne! email +600 newsgroups. Q 19 FV 90+ 6 3 X 29 V 3 1 410-893-6905 MD Fallston l_ T 09 FV 50 29 S F 503-266-3177 OR Canby X 29 FV 120+ 4 7 407-687-9355 FLW. PalmBch 505-672-1665 AIM White Rock Benjamin Comp John Benjamin TimeDistortion Tom Vaccarino ACECOM Jerry Withers Political BBS Brian Tafoya Live Internet. S9-99 per month. Online games. National employment database. Games, files, pofilical debate. W 19 D 14+2 S F W 29 FV 14+ 2 415-961-6911 CA Palo Alio W 29 V 4 1 3 F 29 V 12+ 2 3 412-226-9549 PA Natrona Hts INTERACT Eric Knight 503-393-5580 505-898-7120 NM Albuquerque 407-859-7428 JABS Talk BBS Todd Simmers Live action chat and multiplay. Chemekela Bob Hunter Deadend Joel Yancey The Dealti Star Nicholas Seabury Helping users. T 19 V 5 J6 S Program development, chat. W 09 FV 20+ 2 3 503-636-4947 OR Portland B 29 D 5 1 407-932-0584 FL kissimmee 416-770-6917 Disk Jockey Mike Gottlieb NIVETS BES steven webb 412-567-6782 Platinum Express Glenn Jarvis Live chat, multiplayer games. Games, business, comm entertain me bbs Shawn Cupec M 09 FV 20+ 16 3 508-287-0311 MA Concord W 09 FO 14+ 1 419-599-4878 OH Napoleon VIDEODROME M. Lammons 412-767-7068 PA Pittsburgh Boll's Micro Bob Weitzel Total movie and entertainment. 408-242-6120 CA Monterey Doberman Gang Tom Bing Police / general. 503-697-4099 OR Portland T 09 9 2 LingHet BBS Red Lloyd Over 100.000 files, shareware. X 19 V 10+ 1 69-Online Mike Gottlieb Military linguists. W 09 FU 180+ 5 Portland's premier adult BBS, 508-347-5516 MA Sturbridge M 29 BV 11 8 C 419-697-9477 OH Toledo M 09 FV 20+3 S3 PiralesCove Brian Tremblay 413-527-7360 MA Easthampton Lair Dl IheBD Chuck Lowry Large files area. 5 networks. 408-245-1967 CA Sunnyvale Shangri-La BBS Moe Lanza Adult "Alter Ego." 503-699-7915 OR West Linn F 29 V 14+ 1 INTERACT Eric Knight Perlection and fun in a hobby. T 09 V 100+ 2 The Windows BB Adam Stites Live action CHAT and multiplay. 09 FV 5 1 1 Latest for Microsoft Windows. T 19 V 5 16 S 501-234-5596 AR Magnolia W 09 VO 11+ 2 1 508-462-8387 MA Salisbury 413-527-8977 NOT (the BBS ) Trever Brackett U.S.S Titantic Chris pelletier 408-364-2789 Uncle Hank's BBS Hank Hurteau Multi-Channel music files. Talking. PereLine BBS Torn Serface 414-837-2348 Wl Casco W 19 D 14+ 1 503-883-1574 OR Klamath Fall Stormy Night Parti McMann X 99 14+ 1 408-378-6588 CA San Jose HomeTownBBS Chris Gotstein Family oriented, games, msgs, 508-528-2295 Malrix Online Darryl Perry Games and software. 502-245-8117 KY Louisville W 19 VF 5+ 1 Computer Conl. Edward Zdrok San Jose Bay area community. X 99 D 10 1 «Prism Janis Kracht T 09 V 14+ 2 IFDC FileGate HUB. PDN HO. 504-356-0790 508-668-4441 MA Walpole 414-862-6221 Wl Trevor 09 FD 14 2 Southern Online Russell Jackson Emerald City Tim Lyons - Chip -N- Disk Rich Cmiet Community concept. 408-422-5B84 CA Salinas Technical support. 502-443-6014 504-436-0640 LA New Orleans W 19 V 500 1 GDCSTECHLINE Gary Doda W 09 VO 6+ 1 S The Dala Center Jeff Burton HBP! Dave Davis Free tecrt support Food and beverage, geneaolgy. B 29 D 52+ 2 415-927-2435 CA Mill Valley 502-499-7893 KY Louisville W 19 FV 11 1 508-759- 1 888 MA Buzzards Bay CIA BBS Sieve Wingate Cyber Street Brad Newton Maximum BWidlh Brian Beaulieu 409-769-4249 UFOs. GIFs, conspiracy. Games, active chat and forums. 504-542-9600 Games and messages. Wayne's World Wayne Belvin W 2 2 1 M 29 D 10+8 S Computer Solti Sidney Egnew X 29 FV 14+ 1 Galacticomm Software! The Major BBS v6.25 .... $ 1 55.00 WorldGroup by Galacticomm .... CALL! Place your Major BBS on the Internet with Major TCP/IP! Add Incoming and Outgoing Telnet & Rlogin, FTP, Finger, a Telnet Dialer, and a WWW Server right on your BBS! We sell the entire line of Galacticomm Hardware & Software. In addition , we also sell addons from such Quality TPD's as: DataSafe, High Velocity, Sirius, East Side Computing, ProDesign, Human Ware, HighWaterMark, MajorWare, Logicom, and Vireom. GTEK BBS-550 w/Cables - $395.00 GTEK Blackboard-4 -$225.00 We Also Do Turnkey Systems... Call For Details! Digital Consulting Services, Inc. 800-899-2002 Sales 212-697-7340 Support Call for a Free Catalog! VISA, MasterCard, and American Express 58 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 508-775-8216 MA Hyannis Oedipus Rex J. SanGiancomo Files, games, messages. 29 VO 3 1 1 508-853-0340 SchuniK-Puta UNIX Robert Schultz 509-244-3666 WA FAFB NWQnllne Aran Spence APCi multiplayer game server. Q 19 FV 20 5 3 509-482-2016 MieroDala Shareware. fl 19 VF 140 WA Spokane Larry Taylor S 3 5D9-54 5-9879 WA Pasco Sigma lotia Jl Del Bice Full service information. R 19 DF 65+ 6 F 509-891-6148 The Moontlower Peter Link 509-925-3893 WA Ellensburg UniNnva Stuart Whitmore Tech support for UniMova. W 19 VO 11+ 1 3 510-235-3273 CA El Cerrito ECPD PubSafety Bill Gurjgemos Law enforcement, crime prevent. W 29 V 2 1 510-568-7807 CA Oakland Gold Diggers Harry Goldberg Files, doors and messages. S 29 F 14 1 S 510-689-9528 CA Concord Terminal One Pete Nelson Aviation GIFs. W 19 VF 3 510-777-1314 CAAntioch CAbbsxom Mark Liddington City of Antioc public into. X 19 FV 20* 3 7 512-836-4262 The Night Owl II Danny Dyess 512-945-9304 Ranch House Larry Easley 513-299-8331 OH Daylon Global Eric Lowe Business, investment. M 29 FV 110+4 513-451-8990 OK Cincinnati MagNet Mike Nelson Only the NEWEST files. F 19 FV 38+ 2 S 515-245-9663 IA Des Moines WoodNet Gordon Gaippe Woodworking plans, lorums. DBs. M 09 VO 10 4 S 515-246-1745 IA Des Moines Ordinary World JeflSchoen Games, graphics. X 19 F 11+ 2 515-256-9406 CRC Online All purpose. I 19 FV 25+ IA Des Moines Jeff Schoen 515-282-3656 IA Des Moines TALK BOARD Tom Williams Family (un & language areas. I 09 VB 1 1 The fl-List 515-628-3101 The Main Slreel Steve Jensen 515-842-6482 lAKnoxville CyberSlation 7 J. ProvenzanD General and privacy software. X 99 FD 14+ 1 516-422-7400 NY West Babylon nelConneclBBS Dick McGuire Personal/business related. X 29 VF 40+ 2 F 516-437-1659 DEFCON BBS M. Christiansen 516-496-4956 NYSyosset DaCool BBS Jason Weill CD-ROM online. Usurper. 19 V 10+ 1 516-594-0054 NY RVC Paradigm Legal EnzoAlduino Legal shareware free Internet. B 29 D 40 2 7 516-736-6662 Your Software 516-822-8909 Ariif. Intell. Fun. X 19 FV 5 John Woodstock NY plainview Paul Sheiman 516-878-4906 NY Moriches HAM-IT-UPBBS Joseph Isbell Amateur radio. W 19 V 13+ 2 3 516-981-4689 NY Holbrook Hicks World NickSchiano Messages, files, games. B 29 FV 2+ 2 3 517-288-5099 .Ml Durand Cluster Dne Brad Bennett Files/online doors. X 29 VO 9+ 1 520-321-9762 AZ Tucson UFO Infonet Bruce Anderson UFO's, cattle mutilations. W 29 V 2 1 continues... 1 -900*344-0014 1-300-220-1170 2.99 per min. Visa, MasterCard. Musi Be IB to access call from home or office via Modern 8-1 24 Hours a Dull 1 up ro Be.s Bps ilEXT SEnERJTian BBS PCBoard. Home of Trek Trivia Online. Lots of Files, Message Networks, FidoNet 1:266/19 After Dark Adult Network. Visa/MasterCard accepted online. 609.482.7345 The Ultimate Ratourci lar Sup arch arging Your BBS EXPANDING YOUR :k DAVID WOLFE ISBN* 11-471 -1 1566-5 S34.9S w/CD-ROM Available at Bookstores Everywhere For more information email Also available The BBS Construction Kit (ISBN# 0-47 1 -00797-8) $27.95 w/disk (^WILEY SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 59 520-722-4870 AZ Tucson Graveyard Shit A & C Peters UFO tiles, national job list. W 19 V 10+ 1 601-371-0423 After Hour: BBS Randy Riley 602-258-7113 The Wish Book Lome Stianlz 603-626-1741 NH Manchester The Bird Call S. Pidgeon Renegade files, games, Windows, R 19 VF 14+ 2 3 605-331 5331 YEBB Education. X 99 D SD Sioux Falls Ray Christensen 31 8 S F 606-275-4321 PsI Phi Pi Utilities. X 09 FV KY Lexington Ken Newherg 1 1 606-344-0284 KY Ft. Mitchell Interstate BBS Gil Vogt Files, adult conference. W 09 F 60+ 1 606-432-0879 KY Pikeville StrawberyPatch Phillip Moore We focus on the user. B 29 F 50 3 3 606-441-2130 The Ghost House Michael Haley 606-497-0192 KY Mt.sterling RacelandSBS Gary McClure For all people. Everybody. B 09 VF 5+ 2 1 609-235-5237 NJ Mt. Laurel Livewire BBS Richard Paquette Support board for BBS Magazine. 609-482-7345 NJ Maple Shade Next Generation John Carcione Trek Trivia online; After Dark. 609-484-8874 NJ Pleasantvill R.C.BBSofNJ Kenneth Lean/ Catholicism/Christianity. W 19 V 2 1 609-541-2417 NJ Camden Top Secret BBS G. Stafford PC/Windows HW/SW support. M 09 BV 14+ 4 F 609-587-2672 NJ Mercerville The TA0 BBS Bob Watson Practical computer services. B 09 DF 20+ 3 7 609-587-4651 NJ Mercerville the Oealmakers Ted Kraus Commercial real estate. B 29 V 10 3 7 609-589-3374 NJ Pitman Serendipity Brian Farr Education-Internet world wide. G 19 V 10 2 F 609-751 -9021 NJ Cherry Hill CyberEiplorer Matt Fusfield Philadelphia area info/bus. M 09 V 12 2 S3 609-764-0812 Radio Wave BBS Tyler Myers The fl-List 612-442-5635 MN Chaska The Black Hole JohnPerrill Your one-stop BBS. W 29 FV 120+ 11 3 612-470-5449 MN Minneapolis MUTUAL FD BBS Rick Johnson Investing no-load mutual funds. M 09 V 10 2 S 615-399-0707 Lebanon Link B Richardson 609-845-9171 NJ Deplford Bill's Bill Williams Relay-Net, Sports-NET. G 99 D 60+ 3 609-890-6347 NJ Ham. Square CyberCity USA Bob Marsley Internet email. 130+ newsgrps. M 09 D 45+ 2 3 609-987-9539 NJ Princeton SSDecontrol Alfredo Oemalte General orientation B 29 FV 10+ 1 610-497-3912 PA Boolhwyn NighlWind Bob Martin Games, 2,000 message areas. B 29 D 54+ 5 3 610-534-1377 PA Collingdale Hurricane BBS Jason Kramer EMS, Fire. EMD. OSHA. Law Enf. W 09 U 10+ 1 612-488-5112 P.C. MegaMall M. Wielenberg 612-923-5020 MN Goodhue Heath Computer Chris Heath Busmesss. I 99 1+ 1 614-344-6512 OH Newark PC Exchange BB R.Schweitzer Hobby type, SWyPD doors. W 09 F 14+ 1 615-478-2890 PC Junction BBS Doug Carpenter 615-637-3641 TN Knoxville The 2nd Mile Rusty Titsworth Family oriented fun. Q 09 VO 10+ 1 1 615-870-0794 TN Chattanooga The Registry Bill Kern Registry of computer pros, W 29 FV 35* 3 615-966-3574 Data World BBS Sean Dudley 615-977-9385 WHMFS BBS Michael Walker 614-387-2762 The Vault BBS Keith Ketcham 610-838-2908 Hard-Drive Cafe Grab a "Byte". V 99 F 9+ PA Hellertown VinceAmato 7 609-768-6585 SB's BBS Bob Browne 609-778-4442 Computer Gaming Gregory Moore 612-385-1144 MN RedWing Pc-WingBBS Chris Heath Computer user group W 29 H 1+1 S 614-759-7018 OH Columbus Doug's Place Douglas Reese Adult areas, online games. B 19 F 80+ 3 614-855-8504 OH Columbus Gingers PorlLldl Phill Terry Telecom munications-related . W 29 D 14+ 2 3 614-855-9504 OH Gahanna GingersPoriLTD Phill Terry HomeoflCOMMOI. W 29 FV 25+ 2 S3 615-320-1820 TN Nashville SSHTSX-BBS Steve Gregson Sample of the TSX-BBS software. X 09 F 1 1 F 616-445-4342 Ml Cassopolis E.L.F. BBS TimToepp Entrepreneur & small business. M 29 FV 50+ 4 S F 616-629-4395 Ml Richland Cafe Olivia BB A.Wolters Chat, JetNet, local interest. X 29 VO 1 3 S 617-279-3561 MAStoneham Atomic Dog BBS Patrick Breen Games, shareware. M 29 FV 52+ 4 3 61 7-354-8873 Channel 1 BBS Brian Miller 617-361-1242 MA Boston Skyline BBS Fred Bawes Adultliks, Fidonel. W 09 D 13+ 8 THE BULLETIN BOARD SERVICES MAGAZINE Don't miss another issue SUbSCPfte Today □ 1 year USA t30 CANADA S50 2 years USA S50 CANADA 195 YOU CAN CHARGE VISA OR MASTERCARD BY CALLING UIW-822-0437 {10 am - 4 pm est) J Enclosed is my check for S □ Credit card (circle one) VISA M/C # Kxt>. date Signature Name Address Cit? State/Zip Cod« Phone (home) (bus MAIL TO: Callers Dijiesl. hie., 701 Strikes h\L Mertfonl. NJ 08055. If paying by credit card, von may FAX this form ni {(it) 1 )) 953-7961. A BBS Caller's Guide to FirstClass ® ABB5CA1LER-S GUIDE TO FIRSTCLASS INIJX" 1-886637-00-3 210pgs. 114.95 US by Paolo G. Cordone Learn how to make the most of every session you spend on a FirstClass system, whether ynn connect via Macintosh or Windows Client software. This hook takes yon every step of die way! Save 20%: pay only $12 per book + $3 S&H for the 1 st book and SI S&H for each add'l book. Pay by check, money order, or credit card. (In NJ, add sates tax.) Mail or fax orders to Giles Road Press, P.O. Box 212, Harring- ton Park, NJ (17640. Fax; 201/767-7457. For marc itifbrmjithn, call 201/767-7001 or c^ntkH gksrdprsffieworld.toM, SUBURBAN PCBoard Ver 1 5 708-636-6694 SOFTWARE Home of King of the Board • Strike 93 • Word Nerd BBS 60 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Magazine BBS Magazine is not only your ticket to the evolving information highway, it's also your mud map. ^£^" With features on the latest in bulletin board software, interviews with top industry insiders and news and reviews of everything making its way into cyberspace, BBS Magazine Iras become required offline reading for anyone getting online. ^Sgife, Each month we look at the best and brightest BBSs, as well as those just getting started, and review the most informative books on BBSing and online services. Every issue leatures our expert columnists commenting on all aspects of life online. From the best deals on modems to our look into the Internet — it's all there. BBS Magazine is written for you, the BBS caller. The stories are exciting, informative and often entertaining. ^%4" We won't waste your time, but we will gel you connected. Subscriptions: □ 1 year US — 830. Canada — $50. □ 2 years US — 850. Canada — $90. Name Addr Cit\ Stale Zip Code Phone (home) , (bus.) Payment Type D Check/Money Order D Visa □ MasterCard CC# Exp. Date . . Signature BBS Name (if any) . BBS# \J* 701 Stokes Road • Medford, NJ 08055 • Call the Subscription Hotline: 1.800.822.0437 Sfc> Fax: 609.953.7961 617-442-6071 HA Boston Naulica BBS Maria Forshaw Ansi, adult, music, anime. games. L 19 V 14 1 619-256-7012 CABarstow Devil Triangle Jim Lankford Vga Planets BBS support. W 29 FV 14+ 1 619-449-4911 CASantee #1 BBS Grabbag Bill George Files, games Fidonei. X 19 V 5+ 1 7 619-579-7814 CA San Diego MartgageWire EdSchoonover Real estate, business related. 703-620-B900 World Data Net Tony McClenny 703-638-7580 Xsworrfs Haven R. Hedgecock 703-731-0601 The Docksirfe Danny Cook 703-667-6963 VA Winchester Yellow Rose Haynes/Whilmer Community information system. W 29 V 2+1 703-878-4931 VA Woodbridge GEEZERS B, Schoonover Mature folks aged 40 and over. W 29 VF 5+ 1 The Mist 708-367-7851 System Software Wayne Lawton 708-462-2572 IL Whealon Info Exp resswy Nick Poulos General and technical info. X 29 V 63+ 6 708-501-4851 ILNorthfield F.A.I. S. Ashley Poole 713-873-5702 Bowlers Acr Amer Dennis Asfour 714-262-1200 CA Irvine aussie M.Szabados Chat, files, games. M 09 V 100+ 18 S 3 71 4-537-4300 CA Garden Grove aussie M.Szabados Chat, files, games, M 09 V 100+ 18 S 3 714-572-8800 CA Placentia aussie Michael Chat, files, gamss. M 09 V 100+ 18 S 3 W 29 V 2 1 Tons of files & message bases. 714-636-2667 CA Garden Grove 704-279-6157 NC Salisbury M 29 VF 80+ 4 S Kandy Shack Mary Bernstein 701-280-2343 Star-Edge Rick Foster Conference/message oriented. The Spectrum Dale Hill Text Files. RPG files & games. B 29 F 6+1 708-546-0301 Castle KingSide Don Martin B 29 VF 40+ 7 3 701-772-5399 714-646-1199 CA NewportBch City Liles John Lundell 704-622-1018 NC Charlotte 708-634-9368 Noah's Ark Doug Nicholson Moabasi Optics Blaine Schmidt Great Northern Michael Wilson Endtimes inlo and CalvaryNet 703-331-2145 VA Manassas Genealogy & programming. B 19 D 13 1 Cimarron Bay Rich Davies W 09 D 14 2 708-635-7427 IL Oes Plaines Sysop support & files. The Dungeon John McCurrie 714-670-6500 CA Buena Park Q 29 VF 8 1 704-657-6898 NC Ciiffside General information and program. aussie M.Szabados Gentle Breeze Larry Beheler W 29 FV 13+ 1 Chat, liles, games. 703-427-0226 Door games. M 09 V 100+ 18 S 3 Mountain Air BBSEdward Wood X 19 FV 14+ 2 2 708-636-6694 Suburban Soltwr Chuck Valecek 703-435-8644 714-724-1041 CA Irvine The Last Resort Derek Figg 704-757-9949 708-776-2395 IL Palatine Crossroads David Squier Encbnl Forest Brian Miller Warp Speed BBS Alex Gen Huge & diverse file section. 703-532-7143 Games, music, demos, Internet. B 29 FD 22+ 2 3 Arlington Soltwr Jay Falvey 704-983-2877 NC Albemarle Small Wonder Mark Brooks F 29 VF 10 2 7 Files, games, user satisfaction. 708-832-7754 714-837-9677 703-590-3107 VA Dale City X 19 HB 10 1 Addison Dos Haus Leroy Hein Jr The Solar System Peter Guefhlein Hodgepodge Rick Palmer Mail and games for everyone. 708-260-8818 708-991-2452 714-996-7777 M 09 D 5 2 S Adline U.S.A.! Charles Parker BBS Data Sys Greg Kaiser The Liberty BBS Steven Grande 715-363-3895 Wi Rbinelander Old Frog's BBS Ryugen Fisher NASC site, games, tech support. B 29 D 14+ 5 715-398-7141 WI Superior Info Central Bob Slowinski The entire Fidonet/Filebone. 09 VF 12+2 S 1 715-726-0501 Storm BBS A lot of mods. X 19 V 9- Wl Chip. Falls Clay Busker - 1 716-475-0658 NY Rochester DlgitalHorizon Ron Bangel Best games and latest files. B 29 F 11+ 3 1 717-290-8139 PA Lancaster Soft connectio Travis Siegel Disabled users/programmers. W 09 V 22+ 1 717-367-4973 PA Elizabethtwn Turbo Systems Rick Kaylor Jr. Auto glass conferences. X 99 FV 16+ 1 717-383-9868 PAPeckville John Muldertg HAM Radio. X 29 VF 14+ 1 717-427-3338 PAWeatherly InTheFeelOfNight Jim Gillespie Foot lovers; scans, chat, Internet. X 09 VF 20+ 10 S 9 717-729-8102 PA Beach Lake Landscape Com Jeffrey Chorba Landscape design, horticulture. R 09 D 13 1 Has Your Bulletin Board Locked Up Lately? A Locked BBS is a Useless BBS. Teleboot BB-100 The BB-100 will automatically "reboot" or reset a locked-up or hung telephone system. Any incoming phone call will automatically reset your locked-up bulletin board, voice processing system, or other unattended telephone system without you even being there! Under normal operating conditions, the B8-100 is totally transparent to the system's operation. If the modem fails to answer an incoming call by the fourth ring, the unit will remove power for approximately 20 to 30 seconds, then restore power, "rebooting" the locked-up system. During this boot-up cycle, all incoming calls will be blocked out until the system is ready to accept a call. Price $189.00 U.S.A. COMMUNICATIONS CORP. M ^>~'\. Leaders in Remote Communications 493-9 Johnson Ave., Bohemia, N.Y. 1 1 71 6 800-724-5434 516-244-6851 FAX: 516-244-5725 Your Discount BBS Source! Utt-Cixi oif-HCM Wildcat! BBS v4.x Single Line $78 The Major BBS v6.x 2 User $1 49 TBBS v2.x 2 User $189 Wildcat! BBS v4.x Multiline 1 Wildcat! BBS Suite v4.x wcPRO, wcGATE, woCODE QModem Pro for DOS or Windows QModem Pro for Windows Network 5 Pack The Major BBS v6.x 8 User Bundle All Major BBS Add-On's by Galacticomm Searchlight BBS v4.x Single Line Searchlight BBS v4.x 10 Line DesqView386w/QEMM ModemBase Pro (online database software) Wildmail! (Fido mail tosser for Wildcat! BBS) DigiBoard PC/8e DigiBoard PC/8i USRobotics Sportster Modems Cljk BananaCom ^g^ic, sold here! ^ (800) 597-6160 ORDERS ONLY (909) 369-3251 Technical Sales \*£^ S163 S669 CALL S69 CALL CALL CALL $89 CALL $105 $129 $89 $489 CALL CALL Board (909)686-5636 FAX (909)369-6556 BBS 3839 Brockton Ave. Riverside, CA. 92501 62 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 717-730-8501 PA Lemoyne Stlmpy'sSandb Mark Friend Free, Fido, AP member board. I 19 FV 10+ 3 717-840-144'! Cyberia Sara/Adam Viener 717-992-1071 PA Saytorsburg Fathers Rights Bob Hassler Civil and lathers rights B 19 D 14+ 2 7 718-366-6165 Rama One BBS 713-743-2430 NY Brooklyn Bklyn BBS David Kaufman Home of CatNET(sm) echo mail. W 29 V 11+ 1 718-816-1808 NYStatenlsl Computer Connx Steve Laino Mullipfayer DOOM, adult. X 29 FV 14+ 8 3 718-837-0220 NY Brooklyn p, p, &T Lori Weinstein Message based, door games. X 09 2 1 2 The fl-list Tommy Brunning 718-529-8890 ny queens holman's world mike hoi man sr. Ftel, african american, k12net, 718-648-5199 NY Brooklyn Tea Room Zendo P. Starzynski Zen Buddhism, Buddhism, Taoism. B 29 DF 5 2 718-848-8342 Squid Shack General. B 19 D 5 NY Ozone Park Ron Kulick 1 71 9-540-9728 CO Colo Spri ngs Co. Connection Scott Carter Internet, files, Highway 1. W 09 V 39+ 1 7 800-735-5282 DC Washington Vendor's BBS Jeremy B. Cohen Dept. ol Veterans Affairs T 19 D 14 7 302-878-1983 VT Colchester We The People Kevin Plant Report on the dark side of gov. W 09 VO 5+ 1 803-552-4389 SC N.Charleston Earth Art Bob Chapman Environmental. B 09 DF 123+ 4 3 803-745-0073 SC Charleston Dragon's Lair Hugh Pearson Role playing talk and games. R 29 V 10+ 1 1 803-766-0176 SC Charleston THE INN Steve Lanning Home of S&G software. 29 F 11+ 1 803-767-8212 SC N.Charleston Night Wing BBS James Salter Files, games, mail. 1 09 F 14+ 1 7 304-222-2242 VA Richmond ChatCity BBS Brian Mueller Entertainment, chat, games. M 09 DF 13 20 804-468-6454 VA Virginia Bch Straight Board Ray Sulich Echos. files, doors. Internet. 8 19 FO 200+ 2 3 805-297-6225 CASaugus Database Andy Daddarirj Internet plus monthly CD ROM, W 09 D 28 2 F 805-374-9997 CAThousOaks The Matrix Denny Cherry Games, general files, W 09 B 4 1 805-498-5505 CA Newbury Pk TOPEC BBS Shawn Schneider Tons of files, online games. X 29 10+1 804-596-2131 Time Out! BBS 805-499-5717 Formula 350 Mark Solomon Eric Lundberg 45 Nodes ^niteing BBS ^Bfcjl^y Rime & ILink Mail ^■^^ DOS /OS2 /Windows/ Amiga /UNIX/ MAC / Ad u ft files Areas (406) 655-V96 „.32Ms ^ ^ ^ Internet: T«tn«t/FTP/Rlogin/Goph«r/Flog«f/Whol* T«Jn«ttabb ah "Bes\ BBS on the planet " ^^^ Channel L Over 4,000,000 calls! 617-354-3230 2400- 14.4 v.32bis PO Box 338, Cambridge, MA 02238 GET CONNECTED Virtual BBS Multi-IMetwork Virtual BBS offers unsurpassed BBS networking power and flexibility. Included as standard with every Virtual BBS package are interfaces for Internet and VirtualNET. Adding additional networks, network types, and setting up gateways between networks is easy, thanks to our unique Multi-Network Engine. Configurability As your needs change, Virtual BBS grows with you. Definable menu blocks and an extensive built-in programming language are just some of the ways in To try listing all of our features in a half-page ad wouldn't do us justice. So, try the DEMO and let us know what you think. TM which you can customize your multi-user Virtual BBS system. The package also includes support for multiple languages and system operator editable "strings" so you can fully modify the output of your system for the ultimate desired presentation. Free DEMO To receive a complimentary, fully operational DEMO version, call us at (616) 399-B934. To download the latest DEMO, call our multi-user Virtual BBS system at [616]399-4B18. Feature Packed We've listened to our customers over the years. We've worked hard, and will continue to work hard to produce the BBS software that you and your callers want to use. Times change and we feel its important to keep up. Virtual ComTech International, Inc.™ 61 6-399-8934 VOICE/FAX 616-399-4618 DATA 4246 Elizabeth Ave. Holland, Ml 49424 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 63 805-734-3873 CA Vandenberg The Launch Pad Rick Olsen fiit-;.. games B 29 D 30+3 S 1 805-954-4766 The Seaside Les Jones 809-781-4207 PR Guaynabo Hurricane BBS Luis Benite: Multiline chat, files. W 19 D 10+2 S 1 810-346-2236 Ml Brown City Tri-County BBS Dan Butterfield Files. Fido-Net. internet. X 29 VO 6+ 1 1 810-363-0554 Ml Walled Lake Mil Dimension Jim Bier General, online games, files. W 09 FD 20+- 1 810-476-5713 Ml FarmingtnHls EtJCO Systems Gene Novaci:k ENCO software products. 09 VO 40 2 810-477-6695 The Soul Conn Mike Demski 810-546-4467 Ml Femdale Gomm Conned Jeff Squires IP BRE games. USURPER. Y 09 DF 10+ 1 810-631-6885 The Casual BBS Pat Cargill 810-794-9477 Terra Forma All types. X 09 H 12 Ml Algonac matt blanck /'. ti 1 fr-"r Laaaa 812-234-0091 IN Terre Haute Psychedelicate Kevin Lange General. X 29 V 5 1 812-254-9601 IN Washington Junk Yard BBS Barry Hauser New releases, bus., games, etc. F 19 V 10+1 812-477-8813 IN Evansville Highlander's Will Duncan WME network, DOS utilities. I 19 VF 9+ 1 813-639-7170 FLPuntaGorda Joe's Bar&Grill JoeJepsen X-Files OWK based network. W 19 V 6+1 813-934-7881 FL Holiday Planet Alderan Dale Hutchinson Star Wars support BBS. P 19 D 10+1 813-942-0323 Genesis Network D.Thompson 813-949-4993 FL Lutz PC-Help! Walter Zipper Extensive new user support. B 29 DF 45+ 6 1 314-726-5787 PA Warren terminal jrlii Oran Stewart Teens and their parents. M 09 V 12+5 S3 815-458-3910 IL Braidwood Monkey Rob Cnr George Rozak General purpose board. S 09 V 10+ 1 The fl-List 815-795-6371 Squirrel's Nesl Neal Roberts 816-632-3297 MO Cameron PC-LYNX Bob Schmidt Free Internet email. CUG. W 09 FV 40+ 4 3 816-746-6911 MO Parkville Nikonos V Dennis Smith 180 online doors, magazines. L 99 Of 10+ 1 816-796-7078 MO Independnce PDQDnLine James Whorton GiF's. shareware, adult, B 29 V 61+ 1 818-584-1952 CA Pasadena Hllsbbs-KB6AXK JoeCIra Amateur radio hams. W 09 21+ 1 818-609-9276 CA Reseda Solaris Jim Burrows Online gaming access F 29 V 21+ 2 3 318-727-7639 Sleuth Mark Valentine 817-355-9252 The Contrails Joe Richter 817-473-2089 TX Mansfield We Da Windows Scott Boyd Windows shareware. T 29 FV 14+ 1 818-344-7777 CA Calabasas TheK-FoneBBS Scott Summers Online games, jokes. Gifs. V 99 FV 14+ 2 818-447-6100 CA Arcadia aussie M.Szabados Chat, files, games. M 09 V 100+ 18 S 3 818-919-6285 CA Diamond Bar NightPlayer Leon Lien Microsoft AVI movies. B 99 F 14 2 S 901-327-1895 MetroplexBBS Rick vanHooser 901-761-1122 TN Memphis SYNC-Link Bob Cook SYNCHRONICS. RealWorld. C 09 D 60 3 902-679-2258 NS Coldbrook Ted's BBS Ted Gervais Games and message centers, B 99 FV 10+ 3 903-566-1927 TX Tyler Data Center Bruce Bates Business related. X 29 VB 10+ 1 904-323-8684 Up All Night BBS Rob Warren 904-328-2925 FL E. Palalka HaunledMansion Jim Bailey Christian. X 29 BH 900+ 1 tvwypmkmm 24 High Speed 28.8 bps V.34 Lines (1200-28,800 bps support) Live Online Chat - Multiline and Sexy Adult Chat! 14 CD-ROMs Online - Hot Adult Graphics and Shareware The Latest and Most Exciting in Online Games Internet Usenet and Personal E-Mail Accounts Online Shopping and Product Catalog Unlimited Downloads - Large Adult File Area 305-748-0004 8,N,1 18 or older to access adult areas. Visa/MC. Voice Support (305) 748-OOI5 904-671-3734 FL Tallahassee BROTHERHOOD Ryan Allen Adult areas P 19 D 9+ 1 904-969-0157 FL Pensacola Snake's Den Randy Oavila Latest files, door games. B 29 F 5+1 907-333-0565 AK Anchorage P0WBBS WadeHamel Games, treedom of speech. M 19 VF 14+4 S3 907-488-3751 AK North Pole TC's BBS Tom Creek Alaska information. Q 09 FV 25+ 2 1 907-488-4796 The NITE OWL Games. W 29 VO 2 AK North Pole Roger Hatcher 1 907-790-1942 AK Juneau Club Alaska JimpJotts Subscription Internet access. X 29 VF 26+3 S F 908-253-0897 NJ Manville Llnken Review Ken Smith Doors, chat, messages, files. W 29 V 4+3 908-276-4405 The Veclor 908-572-5762 Datalandf BBS J. Delveccnio Rick Young 64 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 908-632-9703 NJ Edison USBBS -TBBS Peter Eskow Family, files, messages, games. T 09 FV 14+ 5 1 908-634-5117 NJ Woodbridge Best Buy Onlin John Carroll Graphics & shareware. B 29 V 55+5 S 909-797-3135 CyberCullure Todd Novak 908-821-1684 NJ Franklin Pk Gay/Us Mecca Darren Gay, lesbian, bisexual T 09 VF 10 13 S 3 909-825-8450 CA Cotton Wild Weasel Matthew Dietz Registered doors. W 09 VO 14+ 1 9909-925-9564 The Ouija! Board Keith Burgner 09-948-9967 CA Alia Lorna Christian Conn Brent Griffith Focus on the Lord Jesus Christ W 09 VB 5 1 910-579-1672 NC Calabash LoOnEyBiH! PatFinnerty General system, O 19 FD 7+ 1 1 910-659-0576 NCWinstonSIm PC Addict JimRibet OS/2, Linux, messages. 19 FV 600 1 1 910-659-9121 NCWinstonSIm PC Solution JeffMoen OS/2, PC service & support. B 29 FV 54+ 2 3 912-436-9557 GA Albany TCS BBS Jerry Luckey Comics books & H/PM related. 1 29 V 12+ 1 1 912-538-7950 GA Vidalia Carnerslone Michael Brazell A general purpose BBS. W 19 VF 11+ 1 S 913-784-7171 The Publishing Mike Robinson 914-226-3249 NYWappingers Flastiover Tom Walker Themed tor fire, EMS, police. W 19 V 1 1 914-227-4402 NY Hopewell Jet Tholian Web Tom Walker Star Trek orientated BBS, W 19 V 2 1 914-426-0729 Mirage Network Brian Bui If ell 914-472-0779 NY Eastchester EastNet Mark McCarthy Internet access, politics. DOS. I 29 V 10+ 1 1 914-621-2865 Dark Side Moon Peter Cacchioli 914-683-3788 NY Valhalla Skywave One Larry Spinner Message oriented, ham radio. X 09 V 1 1 914-744-5085 NY Pine Bush Farbys Funhouse Gary Farbman Education; based in a school. B 19 D 12+ 1 1 914-833-1479 NY Larchmont Powerboard HQ Scott Brown Powerboard BBS software. X 09 D 3 2 1 914-835-2373 NY Harrison Brentwood Guy Cappello 75 online doors, adult area. B 19 FD 14+ 12 S 3 916-222-0320 CA Redding Firehouse BBS Ed Nowlin Fire/EMS, role-playing games. V 09 V 10+ 1 916-247-1232 CA Redding EBS MSystems Bruce KnaptDn File distribution system. B 09 VF 253 10 S The fl-List 916-534-5329 CAOroville TDEC West BBS John Young Email, games, technical. I 29 D 16+ 2 916-583-7980 CATahoeCity Yet Another BBS Joel Rodriguez Business-related. W 09 V 5 3 S 916-585-2281 Golden State Gregory Smith 916-587-6947 CATruckee Cheshire Cat Sally Kosh Broad focus, free, big. B 99 F 34 3 91 6-635-41 57 CA Sac ramento VacationTravel RonAblang adult files, games, messages. 09 FO 5 1 S 916-929-7511 CA Sacramento BOBsBBS, USBBSBob Breedlove Home of USBBS and BOBsWARE. X 09 F 2 1 916-966-3115 CA Fair Oaks Boater's Mktpl Dale Gilbert N Cal boating & marine industry. M 09 B 3 2 918-272-4327 OKOwasso Ham Emporium ChesterMcCarter Amateur radio. J 09 D 90+ 1 918-272-7779 Black Gold BBS 918-627-0923 The Hub! BBS Michael Cline W. Farrimond 919-544-7811 NC Durham Entertain. Club Brian Womack Entertainment modem gaming. W 99 VO 12 S3 reXicpu /&caa^ C? &/?&&/*' r Lxcel ence On-Li me 408-847-0665 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 65 The following collection of Telnet- accessible BBSs is a unique version of the SBI List maintained by Richard Mark, sysop of Dragon Keep BBS (904.375.350D/Telnet:, or Versions of the list can be found at the sites noted in the box below. Bulletin boards new since the last revision are given full descriptions. ' -New since last revision A World Locally 204.11947.5 Absolute Connection Access Nevada 199 2.253.3 ACE InloSystems AdeptXBBS Advanced Data Services BBS •AECNET(tm) The Electronic Resource Network of Architecture. Engineering, &Contruction Alter Hon rz BBS 204.134,204.10 Afterimage Information Matrix 'Albuquerque ROS Daily news, weather, sports, movie reviews, etc: no adult material. 204,68.29.244 Aladdlns Palace Alien's Spaceship BBS AlmacBBS Amateur Radio INTERNET BBS wb3ffv1 20.2.1 .80 America's Suggestion Box Retted Boards WWW: htlp:// Includes a "Guided Tour of Internet," BBSs from around the world. FTP: dkunix,dkeep,com (in /pub/sbi) login:anonymous (in /internet) login: anonymous (in pub/woo) login: ftp Finger: (Information about the SBI List) "Quick" Guide to Select BBS's on Internet) (Revision Information for current list) (How to Become a Part of the SBI list) BBS: Dragon Keep — / 904.375.3500 (signup, then type /GO SB)) * Anarchy-X BBS Doors. Chat, Game Connection, Matchmaker, teleconference games. Annex! •Another World (Im) Hot Mega-BBS! 36 CD-ROMS online with everything you're looking for. 204.160,88.13 AOP BBS Appraisal Professional Online Aquila BBS 'Arizona InterActive Systems 199.190. 114.2 " BBS 'Atlanta Windows BBS Largest Windows and OS/2 specific BBS in the Southeast. Atlantis BBS Atlas BBS Austin Clubhouse BBS Barney's Rubble Barter America BBS BBS One Online Service Big Easy Black Gold BBS Blitzkrieg Information BBS 199.190 90,2 Boardwatch Magazine BBS 1 98.21 1 .1 87.1 Boston Dungeon Society Brainstorm BBS Bryant Software Canned Ham Bulletin Board Caribbean Online Network lor Info Castle BBS CCS World Cetys BBS .... 158.122.1,9 CHANNEL 1(R) Christie's Internet Matchmaker 'Cleveland's Worldnet Free chat accounts. MUD — the only way to chat and play at the same time. Close Encounters Adull Closer to Home BBS 203.4. 149.98 Cloud Cily 199.190.94,2 Colossus Box "Columbus Online Internet, chat, files, forums, games. Comm 2 199.92,200,58 COMM Port OS/2 Comp-U-FInd Online ComPart BBS 193.64,198.200 Compu-Plane 198.68.17,57 "Computer Factory 10+ gigs of files, Live chat. CompulerLink Online, Inc. . . . 1 Con-X-Tion CONNECT 2000 BBS Connection BBS 204,138.111.2 Country Online 199.190.71,2 Courier Online 204,120.30.100 COWZ (Cattle Crossing on Ihe CRIS (Concentric Research Corp) 199,3.12.13 Crystal Ball BBS . . . 199.79,146,181 "Crystal Barrier Sheboyan County's Largest BBS! Over 4 GB of files online. Crystal Quill 199.125,162.3 Cutting Edge Technologies BBS Cutting Edge! Cyber Warrior Network 204.97.1,4 Cyber/Chat! 199 171.196.2 CyberDen Cyberspace BBS .... 204.96,30.25 Cyberspace7 BBS .... 204 186.240.1 CyberStatian Cyberverse c Dalacom 'DataSale Publications BBS Support BBS for Datasafe MBBS products, Oavasolt BBS 204.1766.5 dellaCornm Online 204,32.41 .2 Digital Concepts BBS Digilec Online Doctor's Olfice BBS / Falken Supp 204.97.64,6 Dragon Keep International 198.79,54,10 Dream Link Online Information Ser DreamscapeBBS "Dreamscape Entertainment Service Home of West Coast Creations — "MajorMUD"1orMBBS. . . 204.244,18.12 DSC BBS /Voicenet (Datamax/Satal) DSP Information & Entertainment Eager Beaver Computers MBBS Eden BBS 199.190,73.2 Edex "EDR's BBS Server 3 BBSs in one: Anarchy Online, Game Board BBS and Random Access BBS. 199.1.91,250 "Edward Lowe Foundation BBS Dedicated to helping American entrepre- naurs and small businesses succeed. Electronic Lucidity Elysian Fields Empty Spaces BBS Endless Mountain CyberSPACE English Palace 1 99.1 71 .54.2 Entertainment and Consumers Netwo 1 Escape 198.6.71,10 eSoft Support and Demo BBS EuroGate Europe /Eurolink! EveryBaudy's BBS Exchange BBS Exec Talk BBS 198,69,107.208 ExecPC Executive Network Information Sys . 198,232.143.136 EXU13 . Eye Contact BBS Eyes of Time BBS 198.6,201.206 EZLink Interne) Access 199.45,150.1 EZNet 198,4,60.100 Fairfield Community Connection ( Fetish Network BBS 66 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE File Bank BBS Final Frontier BBS FIOaTIng PAncReAs Flower Link BBS G.L.O.B.I.E. 199.67.39,34 G.O.D. Galacticomm DEMO System Game Master .... Game Power Headquarters BBS GaRBaGe DuMP BBS Gateway Online Global InloNel GRAFIX 'Grand Rapids Online An interactive online community. gronline .alliance. nel .... Granala Board BBS Graphics Alternative Green and Yellow Ground Zero BBS HACOM BBS Hal 9000 ..... •Heartbeat BBS Over 13 gigs of files, many multiplayer games, full teleconferencing. 1 99.1 90.1 13.2 Hellas On-line .... Hi-Teck's Place High Society Hale in the Wall Hotel California IACC ONLINE BBS Idaho Interactive BBS INDEX System [tm) IntiNet Infinite Data Source Qn-Line Serv Infinite Loop BBS Infinite Space Online InloNel Information Superhighway InfoNel Bulletin Board System InfoPort Instant Access Instant Global Access ? lletted Boards 'Interact! BBS Located ;n Honolulu and connected to all of the major Hawaiian Islands. 204.182.45,3 Intercom Online Interludes BBS 'In the Feet of the Night Solely for the toot lover; original photos, chat rooms. Durand's MindWire software InTheNet BBS 1 99.1 .222.1 95 IONX IPlay On-Line Iris BBS Jaguar BBS .... Janis II -Tokyo Jungle BBS KBBS Los Angeles Kingston Online Services Kobayastii Alternative BBS LaserBase Communications 198,3.118.114 LeClub BBS 196,14.80,33 LegacyNet Liberty BBS LIFESTYLE ONLINE Liquid Sky BBS Livewire Logic Circuit 199.1 90.88.2 LOIS: the Link Online in Santa Ma Love Bytes Magnus Online Male Forum Maloca BBS Toronto Maloka BBS Warsaw Meeting House BBS Metro Online BBS Melropoli/StarPortBBS Metropolis .. MHUnet 'Micro Village BBS Internet, challink, worldlink, Interlink. great chat. Mike's BBS Miller's Party Board MindVox 198.67.3 2 'mixBBS Newsgroups, Internet Access, 7 CDROM Tower, WWW server. Mnematics Videotex changes Modem Nation . . . 199.67 37.66 MPI Online Services Mr. Natural's BBS .... Multi-Comm Las Vegas ...... Multluerse . . . NandoNet Nasty Playmates Needful Things BBS ... NET-LINK ONLINE 165.1 13.201 .2 NETIS New Jersey Computer Connection Newtonian BBS NFE BBS 199.89,235.68 Nitelog BBS . Nucleus Inlormalion Service Nurse Nel Nederland Odyssey Online 'Olympia Online Internet Provider and BBS. Featuring news, chat, games, full-featured Internet. 'OnixBBS Philadelphia's friendliest BBS. On-Line Entertainment . . . Online Computer Distribution .... Online Data Systems Online Montgomery Online Orlando DNline WEIcome OS/2 Shareware BBS 204.194 180.10 'Pacific Connections Focusing on a regional flavor of California's central coast. 199,74.141.67 Pacilic Horizons . , . Paclller Online Data Service Paradigm Online Paradise Play Line BBS 198.64.53,173 Parly Line Entertainment PC Genius 'PCS Online Services Full Internet, files, real-time multi-player Doom, Heretic. Descent. 204.251 .132.2 PENN-COMM BBS Pennsylvania Online! 'Phantasy BBS Local gomes like Trade Wars, Mutants. Galactic Empire, etc. Pics On-Line BBS Pink's Place BBS Point Blank DNLINE MACINTOSH USERS GROUP The Online Macintosh Ussri" Group it a small, Iriandly , non-profit organization darJicatad to tha education and tuppart Dt Mac users, JretBtiQiricBstoprD*. Nothing f» more impaitaal to u s than yo u. OOver 1 Gigabyte of «h»rewnre and troBwara files to download ONova!er« graphic mar Interlace ODozsni ol special intarait conteranca araat O Online electronic boots OltatlBwi ari asjri to o Friendly and ttiiplul volunteers OFREE Z weak trial ssesibartalp, with unlimited iccaii 6«i On-Line and tea what you'va been missing. [4S4] 888-8804 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 67 Porch BBS Power Exchange Powersystems BBS PressRoom 'Principle cl Obscurity BBS C-Net Amiga BBS with lull Amiga and graphics support. . , 204,137.229.20 •Prism BBS So. Calif's premier socially-oriented adult BBS. Live chat. Matchmaker, games. prism.cDm 199,190.77.3 Prollnk Promised Land Proslar Plus Information Network Proton Palace Public Data Network Rain Fores! Systems, Inc RCI Revolution! Online Services 199,3.179.1 Rock Garden Rock Pile BBS S S H Computer Systems BBS 199,1.88.68 Sacramento Exchange BBS [letted Boards Sail Air BBS Silicon Matchmaker BBS SIO Support BBS Smurpti Land BBS 199,250.197.34 Software Connection Online Software Creations "Sottworte Friendly Alaskans just waiting to talk to people from "Outside" Sthe "Lower 48". 'Southern Star BBS 25 gigs of files, games, ASP approved BBS. *Spa! Springfield Public Access BBS. 32 line BBS. Over 250.000 files. Spider Island BBS 199.35,3.99 SPIN 200.12 165-19 Spring Guide Starship II BBS Starship Sirius Strategic Online Studio PC Information Services 199.231,123.235 Sun. One Superlink 204.97.320.5 'SuperStation BBS Great chat. 204.94.1 62.82 SVIS Synergy Entertainment Network Synergy Online Communications *TDS Online International Peoria's largest online entertainment net- work since '92. Techlands BBS TnT Online Toledo's TBBS 'Topgun BBS Games, files. Internet, chat. 204.97.71 .2 Top Secret BBS 'Trader's Connection World's largest collection of classified ads. 50 GB of computer information Tranquility Base THIEnel Trilogy On-Line Service (tm) Twinlurbo Demo System , UPS Depot 198.70,69.9 VIA'Net Villa BBS Virtual Galeway 199.227.B7.2 WELL West Coasl Online BBS Wlngham Online 165,154.42.73 Wireworks Christian & Community N 199.1,85,65 Women's Wire World Data Network BBS 198,232.144.1 WorldCHATBBS WorldWorks Symposium Zagreb MEET BEAUTIFUL ASIAN LADIES! WorldClub BBS •Asian Penpal Ladies •Hot Adult Asian Graphics •Exotic Travel Information • Adult BBS Features •Hot Adult Forums •Internet E-mail & Newsgroups Romance, Friendship, Love, Correspondence. WorldClub features a rotating filebase of hundreds of GIF color photos and bio-data of attractive Asian ladies overseas who wan! American penpals. New files added regularly. Instant access wiih Visa/Mastercard. All high speed modems. OVER 18 ONLY 301-203-0281 UNCLE HANK'S SHAREWARE REVIEW NEWSLETTER Published bi-monthly, this newsletter takes a good look at some of the best Shareware available today. Each issue contains reviews from a wide variety of areas. Always in plain English. For a sample issue, send $2 to: Uncle Hank's Shareware, 8 Hendrick St., Easthampton, MA 01027 Send SIO with this ad, you can subscribe for 1 yr. <6 issues) & save $2. Make checks payable to Hank Hurteau Ohhh,SOBIG!! | $3Bt 21 GIGS OF NEW FILES! FREE FOR THE LADIES! FREE FULL DEMO S TOLL FREE ACCESS #S TELNET: i X HOTTEST ADULT CLUBS ONLINE XCHAT LIVE WITH 100s - 24 hrs!! X F R E E Internet Mail. Usenet & More X HUGE Social Clubs -ONLINE!! X24Hr. Satellite News & Weather X Business Info. / Capital Venture!! X HUGE GIF LIBs! All Lifestyles!! X Online Shopping & Adult Malls XVirus Research & Ham Op. Club 512-887-0787 highspeed! 68 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE NEWSWIRE FROM PAGE 8 will adversely affect the performance of the entire system," said Harrer, "The new QmodemPro delivers advanced features and performance in a specially designed 32-bil package that keep other- Windows 95 applications humming." Both QmodemPro and Wildcat! will be available in most major retail soft- ware outlets. QmodemPro will retail for $129. Current users can upgrade for $69; $49 for those doing so by September 30. For more information, contact Mustang at 800.999.9619. A Mall In Every Home Why bother with traffic, parking and crowds when you can do your shop- ping online? That's the question Primeline Communications Corp. is asking with the release of its Online Business Works, what it refers to as an amalgam of the online industry and home-based businesses. With Business Works a sysop can become a new breed of virtual mall manager, renting out space to retailers or offering up their own products for sale. Callers (cus- tomers) get the benefit of shopping in their slippers, from their bedrooms "Our products make online com- merce easy, affordable and highly visi- ble," said Primeline chief Carl Partington. Online Business . 1 "■ . ■•"■ h? t ; »1 Works/Shopping Mall affords anyone with $795 and a little ingenuity the ability to market products online by establishing a "turnkey" electronic shopping mall (based on RIP 2.0 graphics from TeleGrafix). The software has callers pointing and clicking their way through photos (displayed in under seven seconds) and information about products in 255 pre- definable store types. And an accompa- nying offline database manager allows sysops and their customers to update inventor)' without tying up the lines. The system can run on a 386 PC as a standalone or with BBSs and Net servers. Future Online Business Works modules will include Real Estate, Auto Sales, Auction House and Matchmakers. For more info contact Primeline at 704.648.1298. The Case Against MSN America Online President and CEO Steve Case recently took aim at Microsoft suggesting the company step back from packaging the Microsoft Network (MSN) client in all copies of the long-delayed Windows 95. The battle cry? Put the power of choice back in the hands of con- sumers. "We have no quibble about Microsoft's plans to enter the online market," Case said. "They have every right to provide an online service and consumers have every right to choose to subscribe to it. But consumers should be free to choose. By only bundling MSN with Windows 95, Microsoft is depriving consumers of choices." Case says all his company seeks is a "level playing field" and that "Microsoft should either agree to unbundle MSN from Windows 95, or they should provide equal access within the operating system to other providers of interactive services." In response, a Microsoft spokesper- son said, "First, MSN is not included in Windows 95. All Microsoft has done is to include access software in Windows SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 95 that will enable users to subscribe to MSN if they choose to do so." Further in the pre- pared response, MS said "The playing field is level. Approximately 93 percent of U.S. households do not subscribe to any online service. All of them are potential customers for online services that pro- vide the best value to consumers." Still, don't expect an AOl client to ship with Win 95 anytime soon. Get a Jobb If you're in the construction or com- puter industry and have found yourself without work, you might need to look no further than JOBBS. IBEX Enterprises, led by President Steve DeHanas, himself an architect, has launched JOBBS (BBS) with the Excalibur for Windows software to offer up-to-date applicant/employer searches. According to DeHanas, the concept is to allow callers to place resumes within the appropriate category on the board (there are 12 for each industry), with each kept current through caller re-submissions. Companies seeking applicants can scan and d-load resumes for free (avail- able only to companies; other appli- Continues ' *-#-v**»jr ^**. *f<*.~. COMPUTER INDUSTRY RESUMES l).l*|.lbi 1 CASM ■■ 1 - 1 1 1 jri_J-^'o^sr-i*^ss'j , L!2E™J - 69 FREE booklet helps you dedde if a BBS is right for your company Could a computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) make a positive impact on your sales, customer service ami your bottom line? You bet it can... and with Mustang Software's BBS Suite", it's easier and less expensive to set up than you ever imagined! [.miking for an innovative, powerful yet cost- effective way to market your products and services, boost your sales, enhance customer service, and promote communications between employees: A computer BUS might be the perfect answer! If you own a computer and modem, you already have the hardware. Now all you need is BBS Suite and a little help from your friends at Mustang Software! Leave it to the number-one name in BBS software to introduce the very first integrated package that includes everything your company needs to set up and run its own BBS. ► Give customers 24-hour access to y r our business! ► Fax sales and product literature with Fax On- Demand! ► Give your staff and callers access to Internet E-Mail and much more! To find out if starting a BBS would he a profitable endeavor for your company, call today tor your FREE copy of our new booklet! 1-800-663-1886 Customer service hours: Sam to 5pm. PST. Monday through Friday Phase allow 2-3 weeks for your booklet (o arrive. Offer expires 12/31/95! Musang Software. Ire * 63130 LateMiKjfload Tt* USI Hot* two re *t*rt r* BBS Sm Mt UdrtfrC 19BM995 M ftpeRtUfrtd 70 cants cannot view "competing" resumes), write want-ads, and send and receive messages. DeHanas says later this year visual resumes will be available with query- able databases. "I estimated that in more than 23 years of professional practice in America and nine foreign countries I have sent out over 2,000 resumes," said DeHanas. "Assuming a 15 cent average price for a stamp, the cost of postage alone would be $300." Compare that to $50 per year for a J013BS membership and you start to get the picture. The BBS in Fairfax, VA, can be reached at 703.503.8440. The Well-Rested Wrist I'd rather have a waterbed for my body than for my wrists, but SI 9.75 beats a grand. That's $ 19.75 for Waveco's Waterbed For Your Wrists, the squishy and "ergonomic" gel-filled-pillow-snake that lies in its own plastic bed, held in place by that wonderstuff Velcro. "Put it in front of your keyboard and surf the Net all night," I can almost hear the infomercial screaming (hey, Waveco DOES roll off the tongue like "Ronco"). Truth is, it does relieve fatigue on wrists better than some of the other "wrist rests" because it serves as a prop while you type, and not just while you've paused. The inventors suggest the Waterbed not only gives support but also absorbs shock, a major contributor to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In addition, the cushy device can be tossed in the fridge to give aching wrists a little cool relief. Our test run revealed a little difficul- ty with typing at first, and we started to SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE have some aches in new places, like the forearms. But this is likely due to the sudden change in habits. After a while, we adjusted. And, if nothing else, the bed is great as a buffer between your forehead and desk after a long day. The fabric cover is machine wash- able and comes in different colors. All this can be yours by calling Waveco, 813.723.2229. USR ISDN US Robotics is rolling out a line of products based on ISDN for what it calls telecommuting, branch-office connectivity, remote access, and point of presence applications for online ser- vices, Internet service providers and value-added networks with high-band- width data transmission needs. USR says it plans a "two-in-one" approach: Due to inherent restrictions of installed analog devices, the compa- ny will release all new ISDN products with both analog and ISDN capabili- ties, "allowing customers to take advantage of ISDN's increased band- width while also providing access to the much larger and still growing installed base of analog applications." ISDN products will include: ■ Courier I-Modem products. • Total Control NETServer eight- and 16 -port remote access servers with BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN capabilities. ■ Total Control eight- and 16-port Continued on page 74 The Usenet Handbook: A User's Guide to Netnews By Mark Harrison 388 pages, S24.95 As anyone tapping the forums on Usenet knows, there's something for everybody to, er, Use. Discussion ranges from Barney to Uzis to pedophilia to God. There's fine art photography, music, pornography, answers to questions about how to buy computer memory, and the smallest details on semi-obscure Latin pop singers. Of course most of what's available is only as good/reliable/worthwhile as the sender (who sometimes leaves a good deal to be desired). And none of it's of any use if you don't know how to find it Mark Harrison's The Usenet Handbook: A User's Guide to Netnews (O'Reilly & Associates) looks at all aspects of Usenet and breaks each of them down into tender morsels (or consumption. Newcomers will find handy guides on where to find what, and even the experienced benefit from in-depth chapters on popular news readers for Unix and Windows, such as Tin, NN, GNUS, Trumpet and Web browsers. The book offers a discussion about HrJpftrr Inlrmtl Vtrn THE USENET HANDBOOK A User's Guide to Netnews !££ O'REIUY ft AlKWATIJ, INC etiquette and the language of the so- called newsgroups, along with the his- tory of some of the better practical jokes to appear on Usenet, including a $295 cookie recipe. U.H. is peppered with examples of what you might see when accessing Usenet, depending on your software (although more graphical examples common these days would have been nice), and the author frequently gives sample commands while precisely describing the expected outcome. And there are plenty of helpful hints throughout: "Typing CTRL-1 (that's an el) refreshes (redisplays) the screen. This is handy if the screen is garbled for some reason." Overall, The Usenet Handbook upholds a tradition of excellent sott- bound Net tools from O'Reilly. The language is instructive without being pedantic and nearly any Usenet ques- tion (technical or otherwise) is paired with an answer somewhere in its pages. Interactive Internet: The Insider's Guide to MUDs, MOOs, and IRC By William ]. Shefski 202 pages, SI 9.95 MOOs, the MUDs, MUSEs and real- time interaction of all kinds — it's all there; you just have to find it. "There" is the Internet, and it's teeming with people chatting, flaming, ranting and raving; some are doing it in real-time chat areas while others dive into the maze of other-worlds like multiuser dimensions. But without a guide, getting to these netherlands and navigating them can be a bit trying. William J. Shefski takes on the task of explaining the ins and outs of Net- SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE based interaction in his Interactive Internet (Prima Publishing), interviewing people who frequent the sites, those who provide access (including BBS Magazine's Terry Rossi) and by giving a little history along the way. The book is clearly for the beginner, as it provides lots of diagrams and sam- ple screens of what users will see once they enter an interactive arena. Many of these areas are text-based Interactive Internet TnaMWiMfttol root, «n ore environments, requiring a good imagi- nation on the part of the user, and thus is reflected in the somewhat bland design of the book's pages. But this is actually a plus, as users are given a true illustration of what to expect when online. The chapter on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is especially informative, replete with warnings ("Don't trust anyone"), real-world uses (cheap business confer- encing), and nuggets of information about things like "netsplit" and "lag." Newcomers who read Interactive Internet will enter the cyberworld wiser for having done so. And they'll be much better equipped to use com- mands such as "sleep" and "wish" and "tellback." And, more importantly, with 17 pages of MUD addresses, they'll know where to go. hhbb 71 The classified ads are for Pre-Owned items & Software, and for BBS ads only. Ads for new equipment must be inserted in the regular dis- play advertising sections. No logos, or photos, or any other illustrations can be used in the classified ad section. INSTRUCTIONS are provided to keep the ad rate low and to ensure accuracy. Use the form on the next page to type or print your ad. Ads received that are difficult to read will be returned. Write the desired category at the top of each ad. if a category is not specified, the ad will be placed in the Misc. section. If more than one ad is sub- mitted, use a separate piece of paper lor each ad. Ensure that your complete name and address is at the bottom of each ad sheet. BBS ADS ACE STATION BBS, 818.891,0397, Using MajorBBS 6.25 w/1 6 lines expanding to over 64 lines on MS DOS. 15000 MB storage. 500 CD- Rom's online. All nodes 28.800 ops. Internet. Usenet, Matchmaker, Interactive Online games. ASP approved BBS. Largest library in the Nation. That's right 350.000mb of files. ADULT EXXXTACY BBS 209.962.4045. Pine ML Lake. CA since 1 986. Large Hi-rez adult file col- lection and 10 CD Rom's online. New Member Bonus - Adult Burlesque Video Tape of our Cal- ifornia Coeds with each S25/yr membership. Visa and MC accepted online. Sysop: Victoria Cum- mings. ADULT HANGOUT BBS, 508.746.601 0. an adult only bbsv/ith over 65.000 xxx adult files online. Adult online games, adult classified ads, adult services directory, huge matchmaking database, live teleconference. National mail, adult CD-store and much more. Over 40 high speed lines with local access numbers. ADULT PREVIEW PLUS. 818.997.3888. Preview adult videos, online picture viewing, largest adult video library, online product catalog, view adult video stars, adult novelties, strip club listing, monthly 'pixel princess', internet email, chat, personal ads, Usenet, plus much more. AMERICAN ATHEISTS ONLINE 512.302.0223. Resources and information for Atheists. Files on Alheist thought and history, religion, state/church separation, the religious right. Home of the echo Theist_Watch. Sponsored by American Atheists, PO Box 21 17, Austin TX7B768. ASIAN SPICES BBS, 01 1 .852.1 729.0900, Hong Kong since 3/95. Sysop: Cherry Wong. Using TBBS with 10 lines. An exciting adult bbs with the distinctive taste of Asia, Hundreds of stun- ning Asian giris. Revealing poses; smooth skin; beautiful bodies; exotic tropical locations; no subscriptions and all for the cost of a call. CALIFORNIA INTERNET 510.596.9977 Telnet cal- We have over 7,000 game files, over 12,000 shareware files. California Wine Online, shopping, public access real estate, cruise only travel agency, custom forums, parapsychology online, live chat, multiplayer games including DOOM. Rip graphics plus more. CLASSIFIED RATES S25 per issue or S250 per year. Ads can contain up to 300 characters. The name of the BBS is set in boldface capi- tals. All other type is plain only. Fill out the form on the next page and FAX your ad to 609-953-7961 or MAIL it to BBS AD, Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd.. Medford, NJ 08055 with check, money order, or credit card information. Classified ads are purchased 60-90 days in advance. BBS Magazine is not responsible for incorrect telephone numbers/addresses, nor is it responsible for any claims made by classi- fied advertisers. 72 CALIFORNIA LIP SERVICE, 909.987.8483. Join Sexy Sabrina & Tempting Tonya as they explore California Lifestyle and Surf the Net. GUI, Chat, Inet email/usenet, cd's zines, personals all with CA flavor. Free one month trial. TCP-IP with FC client to port 3000 (Visa/MC @ S9/mo). CHANNEL 1 ONLINE, 617-354-3230 — Using PCBoard. "The Best Files in the USA", 90 lines, v.32bis support. 96 IBM file libraries; Amiga; Macintosh; Unix; Adult. Massive Windows, .GIF's, sound files collections. Online games and shopping. Echo Nets. InterNet. Over 4.000.000 calls and growing. Come Join us! COMPU-EROTICA BBS, 312.902.3599. Chicago's largest adults only system, serving open minded adults for over ten years. 32 lines running on Vax mainlrame/USR Courier v.32bis. using unique custom software system with fea- tures found nowhere else. Rates as low as .15 cents hour; local dialups nationwide. COMPUTER CONNECTION BBS, 718.816.1808. located in Staten Island NY — 6 lines at 28.8bps. 8 CD Roms, adult area, UFO/Paranormal, online games including ' " ' multiplayer Doom, Doom2 '*' and tradewars 2002, online shopping. Internet email and Usenet. CYBERCITY USA, 609.890.6347 or 609.586.3751. "Your online hometown". Ham. Sq. NJ. Running Major/Woridgroup, 28,800 (v.everything). Single, and Multiplayer. Casino, and Telecon type games. Online chat, forums, 12 CDRoms. Internet email, and newsgroups. Supports ASCII, ANSI, RIP and Workgroup. No ratios. THE FETISH NETWORK BBS, Inject your modem with the finest in leather alternatives. Join God- dess Dianna Vesta & other famous Mistresses & Fetishist. 16 lines. Lots of files, shopping, high speed modems. Worldlink, Kinklink, National Local access 305.583.8407. THE FRIENDSHIP EXPRESS BBS 612.566.5726, since 1 2/88, 54 lines best kept secret in Ameri- ca. Internet newsgroups, email, telnet address Members in all 50 States and Cana- da. For swingers, gays, lesbians, bi, straight, leather, Xdressing, B&D, S&M, etc.. free swing mag. A top 100 BBS. THE GARBAGE DUMP BBS, 505.294.5675, 110 incoming lines, nationwide local access avail- able. Huge system leaturing realtime chat, mes- sage forums, massive shareware tile library with SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 12 CDs, online dating registry, online trivia, casi- no style games, multi player adventure games. Adults Oniy! HOTEL CALIFORNIA, 310.407.1300, Full Internet! Telnet. IRC, FTP, WWW, Usenet. 50 CD-ROMs— over 40 gigs of files. Adult GIFs, movies, games & utilities. Adult and standard chat w/Worldlink 24 hrs. Multiplayer games online— DOOM. Heretic, MUDs. 64 lines— 14.4 & 28.8! Free guest accounts. Unlimited access. Local to Los Angeles/D.C- Telnet to 1 65.90.1 41 .2 HOUSE OF FILES, 516.938.6722, King of the shareware bbs systems. Over 40 different cdroms always online. Full internet, ftp and tel- net access. INTIMATE IMAGES ONLINE, 415.598.0898. Over 10.000 adult images now online. Free vhs preview video for new members. Specializing in scans of our own original adult photos. Video lor Windows clips from our original adult videos. Home of the Women of PBG. Absolutely no recy- cled magazine scans. JOBBS, 703.503.8440, Job Opportunity Bulletin Board System, computer and construction indus- try professionals. Display your resume electron- ically for access by organizations searching for employees and consultants in your specialty. 24 categories. Take the free tour and find out more. KBBS LOS ANGELES 818.886.0872 Telnet, 1000's single adults, weekly parties, shareware, GIFs, Games, and DOOM wads, 24/hr Worldlink chat. Online games, TradeWars 2002, Erotica, Trivia. DOOM game Connection. Internet: Telnet, Rlogin, IRC, FTP. WWW, Gopher, MUDs etc. Free Trial. THE LIVEWIRE BBS 609.235.5297 (v.everything). support board for BBS Magazine both the print and online version. Home of Livewire Door Col- lection. Internet, Fidonet, Throbnet, ILink, Usenet. Register Livewire Doors online using your Visa/Mastercard. Support and home for Doorframe (door writing kit) available for Quick Basic 4.5. BasCom and Visual Basic. MAC LINE, 608-233-1798 FirstClass system at 14,400bps. Mac files, messages, news, chat etc. Playmaker Football league. Mac Guru Conference. MODEM KOMBAT BBS, 512.328.6328. Austin. TX since 1/95. Sysop: Philip Cole. Using Major BBS (Game Connection) with 1 2 lines and 1 Gig online. Over 400 megs of DOOM files! Practical Peripherals at 1 4400 bps. 4 Player Doom online. 1 hour free. Online Doom league. Supported: Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Descent. THE NEXT GENERATION BBS 609.482.7345, Home of Trek Trivia. 750+Megs of the latest adult GIFs. Throbnet, Fidonet. Couple CDRoms online. Gigs of files, newsgroups etc. NIGHTVISION 909.369.6556. Monthly amateur GIF contests — free memberships available to entrants! Internet email and news groups, mas- sive library of adult GIFs and text files, live group and private chat, online games, adult networks, all 1 6 lines at 1 4,400bps, only S69.00 per year. Visa/MC online. ORIENTAL EXPRESS 011.852.172.989.69. World's most erotic BBS. Instant access — no restrictions — must be over 18. 1000's of erot- ic photos, chat, games, contests and more. Easy to download. Free to use, pay only LD charges. Ansi/Rip compatible. RIM DF THE WORLD REALTY CONNECTION BBS 909.336.3578. "The Home of Mountain Hospitality, Opening doors for you." Shop tor you dream home online, discuss real estate issues, preview photos and information online, free. Sysops: Theresa Grant and Rita Sternath-Shaw. Broker, CRS. 14.4/n/8/1. SHOW-ME BBS, 314.778.2342. One of the fastest growing BBSs in St. Louis, Special dis- counts on CDRoms. Free access. Running Wildcat 4.1, Hayes 28.8 modems, 17+ Gigs online. Serving the Adult audience since 1992. Call today. SUBURBAN SOFTWARE 708.636.6694, Home of "King of the Board", one of the oldest and most supported door programs in United States, Strike 93, Word Nerd, Ansi-View, Deluxe Hi-Lo and many others. Members on RIME. MetroNet, Usenet. Fidonet newsgroups, always new files, support for Doorframe plus much more, TAVERN BBS 717.671,3760 Central PAs newest and largest BBS, offering Online Magazines, tons of shareware, exciting games, featuring Cybertank, Internet, national chat link. forums and matchmaker. All with custom RIP graphics. Immediate access with free demo. Call now and join the Club! WILOWARE! BBS, 209.277.3005, demonstra- tion and support BBS for Wildware! software add ons for the remarkable Wildcat! BBS soft- ware. Add ons include wwVerify — a call back verifier, wwBroadcast. wwBirthday, wwNewuser and more. New add ons always being developed. If you are a Wildcat! sysop and want the best for your Wildcat! BBS, give Wildware! a call. WORLD DATA NETWORK 703.620.8900 / 301.654.2554, Online since 1984, Internet: tel- net (email, ftp, gopher, newsgroups and telnet). 35 lines, 28.8k modems, 100 doors, PC World Online news, and AOP mem- bers, 3000 mail network forums, over 80,000 liles. Authorized PCBoard BBS reseller with installs. mm Adult CD Rom interactive titles, virtual vixen S41.99 Immortal Combat $41.00 The Maddam Family S45.00 Seynwe Butt S55.00 New Penthouse Virtual Photo S69.00. Special 4 CD, Rom forSIOS.OO get (1 interactive title, 1 inter- active cd. movies, 1 cd movies & 1 cd sampler) pack. Send Ck/MO to: CD.View, PO Box 21 158, Oxnard, CA 93034. 800.772.5063 Custom Made CD-Rom — Transfer your IBM files from floppy or tape back up to CD-Rom. Up to 650 MB, only S40. Quick turn around time. data kept confidential. For further details, e-mail: or sase: 3870 Central Ave, #202, Ft. Myers FL 33901-8241. Livewire Doors! Send 4-1.4 disks with a stamped return envelope to: Livewire Doors. PO Box 416, Mt. Laurel NJ 08054. Total of 35 door programs which will operate with any BBS soft- ware which can run doors. CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Classified Dept., Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055 The rate is S25 per ad up to 300 characters long. Save money and send $250 for a full year of advertising. The BBS name or first two words are set in bold capitals. All other type is plain. If you wish to have a heading category not list- ed, simply write in this new category and we will create it for your ad. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. Run this ad under the heading of (For additional words, use separate sheet of paper) NAME ADDRESS CITY STA'l I-: ZIP PHONE (home) Run class ad for issues. Payment of $. (bus.). enclosed. IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, YOU MAY FAX THIS FORM TO (609) 953-7961, MIC VISA (circle one) # exp. date Signature Just you and me! Unforgettable conversations on America's hottest, unrestricted live line! S3.99/min. straight, over 18 only. 10718-011- 972-0116 How to run a BBS for profit. Electronic multi- media book tells you how to profit with your BBS. System setup, promotion, menus, screen displays, secrets not used by 99% of sysop's. Keep callers calling and subscribing. Only S19.95, forward to: Mark Adams, PO Box 96, Waterford CT 06385 Medford NJ 08055. Please specify which back issues your would like. All available except April 91 issue is sold out. First issue is Sept 90. H'Mil^l*!!!*!:!*! BBS Magazine BACK ISSUES! Save when order- ing back issues. Send your mailing information along with S5.00 for each back issue. When ordering 3+ issues send only S3. 50 each to: BBS Magazine, c/o Back Issues, 701 Stokes Road, Digiboard 8 port PC/8E - S529, PC/8I - S759 STB 4C0M CARD $110, 4port/16554/FIF0 w/BIRQs 2 4C0M cards & 8 10' Belkin modem cables - $300. USR 28800 v34 FAX/modem EXT-S249 / lnt-3239 Mailorder- PreRapture™ Solutions 1806 Albany St., Durham NC, 27705- 3134 (NC residents add 6% tax) lnquiry/orders = >91 9.286.1 502, Fax=>919.286.4617 Orders 800-SELLCOM (735- 5266) VISA/MC Ext 9 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 73 NEWSWIRE P 1! O M V A G E 7 I modem pool products with BRI ISDN capabilities. • PRI (Primary Rate Interface) ISDN capabilities for the Total Control Enterprise Network Hub, accommo- dating 256 separate channels of user traffic through multiple PRI lines. For more information, contact USR at 800.USR.CORP. PCBoard Client/Server to be Unveiled at 'Communications Conference' Clark Development Company, the makers of PCBoard software, have announced details of its "1995 PCBoard/Online Communications Conference," scheduled for September at the Prospector Inn Resort in Park City, Utah. The company plans to use the event to unveil its new graphical, client/server online technology. According to CDC, the conference (Sept. 21-24) will include technical ses- sions covering all facets of setting up and running a successful PCBoard BBS, third party vendors exhibiting PCBoard add-ons, and loads of outdoor activities at the mountain resort like hiking, mountain biking, motorcycle/ATV rid- ing, horseback riding, hot air balloon- ing, and Alpine sliding. "In the current business and hobby- ist environment, there is a ground swell of activity in setting up a BBS system to handle the many types of applications needed in today's competitive electron- ic community," said Fred Clark, presi- dent of Clark Development. "We felt it was appropriate to get back to the basics of how and why to set up a suc- cessful BBS operation and therefore decided to sponsor the conference." Several conference sessions and in- depth presentations are scheduled for the four-day event. Some of these follow: Thursday, 21 — CDC will host a keynote dinner on "The Future of Online Communications and PCBoard" covering the next generation of online communications software. Friday & Saturday — These days will be dedicated to learning about BBSs and online communications from 74 the experts at Clark. Technical sessions will cover how to set up a BBS, linking a BBS to the Net, multitasking proce- dures and operating systems, FIDO, UUCP, and how to write PPL (PCBoard Programming Language) applications. On the non-technical side, Association of Online Professionals Executive Director Dave McCIure will give a legislative update, while Stevens & James marketing will be dishing advice on how to make money with your BBS. Additionally, Clark plans crash courses for programmers on the archi- tecture of the new client/server soft- ware and how to use their APIs to develop add-on modules and device drivers. Both afternoons and Sunday morn- ing, session rooms will be open for ven- dor demonstrations, topical meetings, and one-on-one hands-on training by the programming and support teams from Clark Development. Registration is S249 before August 31 and S299 for late-comers. Hotel rooms, studios, one-, two- and three- bedroom condos are available for between S50 and S 1 60. For more information and registra- tion, contact Clark at 801.261.1686. ADVERTISER'S INDEX APDI ...43 BBS MAGAZINE 35, hi BBS TECHNOLOGIES 26 BRIN COMMUNICATIONS 68 CDS 68 CHANNEL 1 63 CHF.F.RSOFT 57 CLARK DEV. CO., INC 27, OBC COMPUBASE 64 DIGITAL CONSULTING SERVICES 58 DIGITAL DYNAMICS 75 DURAND COMMUNICATIONS tBC EXCAL1BUR 2 LINE TIME COMMUNICATIONS 59 GALACTICOMM, INC IFC, 1 GARLIQUE GRAPHICS 65 GILES ROAD PRESS 63 1NFOLINK.. 2-1 IN THE FEETOFTHE NIGHT 19 ]OHN WILEY & SONS 59 MACINTOSH ONLINE 67 MEDIA HOUSE 15 MUSTANG SOFTWARE INC 5, 38, 39, 70 NET GUIDE 50 NEXT GENERATION 59 NITF. LOG UBS 60 ON-LINE SERVICES 62 ONLINE TECHNOLOGIES 37 PICS ONI INI IS PIER EXCI IANGF -19 PLANET SYSTEMS 55 PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES 34 QMODEMPRO 25 RUSTY-N-EDIE'S BBS 21, 42 SUBURBAN SOFTWARE 611 TESSIER TECHNOLOGIES 18 TRADERS CONNECTION 57 UNCLE HANK'S NEWSLETTER 68 USA COMMUNICATIONS 62 VIRTUAL COMTECH 63 ONLINE UPDATE l j R O M I' AGE 7 6 have an important advantage: They can also be used to call local BBSs or to access the Internet through a true ser- vice provider. The primary advantage of a PDA is cost: The average wireless PDA hovers around S700 to S900, depending on the what, if any, extras are purchased with the item. Mobile computers cost twice that much on the low end. And remember, PDAs are supposed to be small enough for purse or pocket — although I doubt many people actu- ally cany them in either place. The PDAs I've used would never fit com- fortably in a man's pocket — if at all — and the devices reacted so badly to gen- tle rocking that a trip in the average woman's purse is out of the question. Instead, potential buyers should figure in an extra $25 to $50 for a carrying case. (Both Apple and Motorola sell carrying cases for their systems.) The latest PDAs are generally bun- dled with one or more online service clients (AOL, CompuServe and/or PersonaLink). Individual software packages also are available through electronics boutiques in major U.S. and European cities. The RadioMail per- sonalized service can be ordered direct- ly from RadioMail Corp. by calling 800.597.6245 (U.S. only). POSlSCripl: Just to set the record straight, the Newton MessagePad 1 10 could ace the spelling part of the SAT, despite the well-publicized problems of its forefa- thers. When I tried one out earlier this year at a trade show, the Newton was able to spell my oddly configured first name — Jacqui — without missing a beat. The device had a little problem with Kramer, however. After a few moments of deep thought, the device offered up "crammer," a legitimate word according to the dictionary. bhhh SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE ACCEPT THE INEVITABLE, SWITCH TO SYNCHRONET. Communications Experts Agree: Supra Corp., Conned Magazine, OfficeMate Software, Trans-Med Corp., United States Air Force ZyXEL Communications Corp., Memorex Telex, Electronic Frontier Foundation, ViewSonic Corp. Experienced and first-time BBS operators around the world are discovering Synchronet multinode BBS software and how it can make their job easier and more enjoyable. We know you don't want to be left out, so we're inviting you to take a personal firsthand look at the best BBS soft- ware in the industry. Message network connectivity, user interactivity, file transfers, CD-ROMs, and doors are all seamlessly integrated into Synchronet without requiring expensive add-ons. custom program- ming, or additional hardware. Multi- port intelligent and non-intelligent boards, as well as FOSSIL and generic int 14h drivers, are supported at no additional cost. Options and features that you would normally expect to pay extra for, like multinode chat, split-screen private node chat, caller ID security, fax-receive support, RIP menus, module/shell compiler, PostLink, FidoNel, and QWK networking - arc all included free with Synchronet. Internet, order processing, fax-on-demand, and match making options are also available. 1ZK IMPRESSED MESSAGE BASES Technical innovations such as real-time LZH mes- sage base compression, routed point-to-point QWK NetMail. ARS™ Security, HyperAllocated message bases, hierarchical message, File, and programs areas. as well as 32-bit DOS and OS/2 utilities are simply not available - at any price - with other packages. Digital Dynamics* P.O. Box 501 Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 529-6328 Voice (714)529-9721 fax You can even retain the user informa- tion, message areas, file areas, menus, and the look-and-feel of your old BBS software. Whether you're running a single-line hobby BBS or a colossal multi-line entertainment system. Synchronet will meet or exceed your expecta- tions. But don't take our word for it. Download the free 20-user demo version today! Multinode Bulletin Board System Software Undeniable Value 1 Node License $ 99 2 Node License $ 149 4 Node License $ 199 8 Node License $ 299 1 6 Node License $ 399 250 Node License $ 499 Baja™ Compiler FREE Add'l Local Node FREE Technical Support FREE C/C + + XSDK FREE Node licence upgrade are available lor the l ifference plus KM*. Minor revision upgrades ean be downloaded free of charge. Download the free demo version: 1 4.4k BBS (714) 529-9525 FidoNet 1 : 1 03/705 28.8k BBS (71 4) 529-9547 FidoNet 1 : 1 03/706 /pub/sb/sbbs Online Update BY JACQUELINE KRAMER PDA Redux They're baaack It's been a scant few years since Apple Computer rushed its Newton MessagePad to the marketplace, and the company has been repenting at its leisure ever since. You remember Newton, don't you? The device that cost thousands of dollars and still couldn't spell? Perhaps the terms "Personal Digital Assistant" and "PDA" ring a bell. Still fuzzy? Okay, one more try: Mobile computing. The term mobile computing actually refers to mobile com- puters (think Apple PowerBook or IBM ThinkPad). However, many of today's PDAs are being marketed as "mobile comput- ers" (or some variation on the term), presum- ably to avoid being associated with the original Newton, which had a serious handwriting recognition problem. (Newton's illiteracy was lampooned mercilessly for a week in the Doonesbury newspaper comic strip, among other places. ) By now you are probably wondering what this all has to do with you, the BBS and online services consumer. If Apple, Motorola, and their manufacturing brothers have their way, the answer will be: Everything. Spelling problems aside, the greatest prob- lem that has faced PDA manufacturers until recently was its lack of portability. Early PDAs could be used as notepads and money man- agers (courtesy of the obligator)- copy of Intuit's Quicken), but little else. In order to actually do anything productive — say, going online or communicating with the office — PDA users had to find a telephone jack. Needless to say, this lack of mobility was not a major selling point. Motorola was the first out of the gate with a pair of wireless portable devices, Envoy and Embarc, both of which offer pretty much everything found on the Newton, but with better screens and improved spelling capability. The company later intro- duced a third wireless PDA, Marco, despite the market's gener- ally weak pulse. Apple's primary contribution to the wireless PDA industry has been an adapter that can be attached to one of Newton's PCMCIA card slots. The company has yet to introduce a wire- less Newton, but one is believed to be in development. Judging by the advertising and publicity released within the past year, the PDA industry is hopeful wireless access to vari- ous services will single-handedly save the sagging personal assistant market. Correction: The industry is hanging its hopes on email. The PDA companies' main argument in favor of 76 SEPTEMBER 1995 BBS MAGAZINE wireless access is the possibility that you, the consumer, will miss the BIG MEMO from your boss because you couldn't access your America Online/CompuServe/Internet address before the BIG MEETING. (Prodigy users are out of luck in the PDA world.) First runner-up in the marketing blitz is news, with "sports scores" and "financial updates" cited endlessly (and breathless- ly) as a reason to have a Newton/Embarc/Envoy/Marco in your pocket or pocketbook. Online shopping, once thought to be the savior of the wired world, comes in a distant third. So what, exactly, is available in the PDA world? Well, Newton, Envoy, and Embarc all come bundled with special America Online (AOL) client software that allows users to do essentially everything a PC-based user can while online. Although this is nice in theory, it does not translate well in reality. PDAs are designed to fit in a pocket or purse, as men- tioned, therefore ensuring portability. This means the screens are tiny, making prolonged visits online to, say, the Sports chatroom an unlikely event. Instead, the real benefit here is immediate access to the real world — namely, well, email and news. The AOL-phobic can access essentially the same information from CompuServe Information Sendees (CIS) by purchasing River Run Software Group's Magic Genie, a sort of PDA Friday. Magic Genie can be configured to automatically go online to send and retrieve email at specific times daily or whenever the urge strikes the user. Magic Genie also can grab infor- mation from certain CIS sendees, including the news feeds and stock information. The PDA alerts the user each time information is received from CIS, be it email or a weather forecast. PDA users who want to buck the trend but still have access to a full-fledged online service, should consider AT&T's PersonaLink service (if it's still around by the time this goes to print). Despite the financial strength of its sugar daddy, PersonaLink is, for lack of a better word, non-existent in most minds. PersonaLink is designed to be a giant online shopping mall, complete with store fronts and pictures of the merchandise. However, few people have been willing to spend good money on clothes they have seen only on a screen the size of an adult hand. Cybersurfers who have graduated beyond the basic online services may be more interested in RadioMail, a personalized service that can include an international wireless fax service, an operator-assisted messaging sendee, Internet email, a news feed, an interactive stock service, and a directory service. Envoy, Embarc and Marco users also can access the service via ARDIS' national wireless network, which can be accessed by more than 80 percent of the U.S. population. All of these sendees can be accessed by using mobile com- puters (e.g., PowerBooks), of course. But mobile computers Continued on page The ULTIMATE WINDOWS PLATFORM for Online Services t MINI-WIRE™ and MlNlWlRE NT" harnesses the power of the Internet and client/server technology taking the traditional Bulletin Board System to die next level. Now, you can create a dynamic, multimedia online sendee that rivals the large commercial systems. MiNDWiRE is the most powerful communications platfomi available today. MindWire Accessories Interactive Games Chess 1 00% customizable menus with DC Interface Builder Supports any ODBC-compliant database 24-bit color images JF, Develop your own applications with our FREE Develtrpers Guide! i-j. I Business Applications Classified Ads .~-\. > Business Applications Window Shopper No other platform offers this much power and scalability! • All Windows Client/Server Solution • Scalable Database Solutions • Modem, Network & Internet Connectivity • Open Architecture for Third Party Development using OLE Objects • FREE client software ***SS$** o 1 SOLUTIONS Tel> (805) 961.8700 MindWire Demo> (805) 961.8702 E-Mail> Web>- € 1995 0CN. MindWire and all application names are trademarks or Qurand Communications Network lie. NEW FOR OS/2 rtjnig gta}aJlB|1j|HiJTLi»» ■■-■• .- : r ■'■-■"■ r ■.• :« -■•■-■■ ■-'•'■'■ • '■■'"■ WBkbbGBULk ■-'■'-.■ s^ JGR BPwKJ awfaf j^aMHHp ■ 19" j*t2!iKJKsi» ! ■I II M £££€ W*H v»j 1. i ft: "■"--''"-■.-'.' ■a 12H bKh ss--- ^H »-i&^' PCBoard. BBS Software Puts You in the Pilot's Seat <»*• a ■ BhB^B : 9P The World is Ready to Connect with You! T A he .here's no secret why PCBoard is the most widely used Bulletin Board Software in the market today... unmatched flexibility, adaptability and value! At Clark Development we originally designed PCBoard with an open architecture so your needs will never outgrow your system's capabilities. For the past decade we've been fine tuning and adding features to PCBoard thus making it the world's most widely used and highly acclaimed bulletin board software on the market today. Whether you are a hobbyist or a Fortune 500 company, PCBoard is the most comprehensive, flexible, powerful, affordable solution for vour BBS needs! PCBoard for DOS PCBoard. for OS/2 CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE DEMO PCBoard w/ PPLC ... everything you need right out of the box! standard features include: ■ Internet/UUCP Gateway I Fido Mailer & Tosser ■ Internal QWK Mail I Credit Accounting I Programming Language ■ tlBASE III File Access I Automated File Maintenance I Multiple Language Support ■ Optimized for DOS. WIN. OS/2 I Intelligent Multipart Support I OS/2 Comw Driver Support ■ PAD (X.25) Support ■ Local & LAN Logins ■ PCBMailfor Windows ■ FREED/L Upgrades Jar a Year I FREE Voice Technical Support for a Full Year and BBS Technical Support for life! fer ^ Clark Development Company, Inc. WJ 3950 South 700 East. Suite 303. Murray, Utah 84107-2173 — r -^= Tel S01 :fil IdNh l-.t\ sdl :M-S4S7 UBS Mii.2fil.VT-. email: - 1.800.356.1686 = Copyright 1995 Clark Development Company. Inc. All Rights Reserved. PCBoard is a registered trademark and PPLC and PCBMail are trademarks of Clark Development Company, Inc.