THE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS MAGAZINE March 1995 US $3.95 Canada $4.95 70992-35460 ■ GitlucticD/nrr] UKJ me power i « JJJiidJ J JJidl 13 wcori tyj.YM «t '♦* nt>Mv *H4DO*n liftt/U JSiM w» n CAAQAWAV ttKWS l!/S/»l V*U WAV m Hal J- KHWAv wrOCa'S I1M* (*H Hot MOLCM-wav WWW! i:/ZWW J10JB Hal +l« g**i fc *r wmkwj ir;ro/w ura ice*' — lta**l£4; -. I.(- iijfi JlIij'MjJJJlC jJujjJij Amh Jijjlijj L J ijJjJUJ J JJJ"-' -■ i . : ■- „■ I!--;, i tjL-aiinur HcaJUujnci excalibur w oi^ ' headquarters Online WYSIWYG messaging sub-system. Change typefaces. formatting and colors, . all within the same MULTI-NODE & NETWORK COMPATIBLE. Scalable graphics wi embedded TrueType Font technology E < s z - TONTASTJC! Dtu Mr Web«. Multitasking allows users to download files, compose and read messages, plus preview images... all while participating in group chat. - 50 ■- - CONNECT TJ: J- — z - - - - J CO ..'■ Excalibur is ..- ihe bul lei in Q board system - taking the world by storm. It was the first system of its kind to run entirely under Windows'" and continues to set the standard of measure. Because Excalibur is built around an accelerated bi-directional protocol, users can upload and download files, chat with oilier users, and compose messages ... all at the same time! Utilizing our proprietary graphical interface, users are able to design their own menus and screens incorporating object oriented graphics, bitmapped graphics, and TrueType fouls. This means no two Excalibur based systems are Ihe same! Advanced error correction and data compression offer reliability and convenience to users, even those without error-correct- ing modems. As for expandability. Excalibur offers true Plug'N Play abilities. Imagine doors (hat are both hassle free and easy to use. By using Excalibur' s Application Programming Interface (API), third party developers have created everything from Interne) gateways and databases to shopping malls and interactive games. The possibilities are endless. Modem into Excalibur HQ/USA at 918.496.8113 or call 800.EXCAL.BBS (800.392.2522). In Canada, modem into Excalibur HQ/ Canada al 905.508.8S72. Find out what users worldwide are heralding as "ihe next generation in BBS software". excalibur 1 73 - z --'-■ — — COMMUNICATIONS, INC. J > EXCALIBUR COMMI N1CATIONS. INCORPORATED ■ 4410 EAS1 B0THPLACE • TULSA. OKLAHOMA 74136 ■ 800.392.2522 • 918.488.9801 THE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS MAG A ZIN E PI RUSHER/ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Richard Paquetle 609.231:1757 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER John P. Carciorie EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard W. Robinson Jr. DESIGN AND ILLUSTRATION Terry Wilson ART DIRECTOR Jeanne Lorenzo CONTRIRUTING WRITERS Huh Browne, "Uncle" Hank Hurteau, Michael A. Kiiykfiitlall. Modem Mage, Gaeiytie R. Morancc. Mike Robinson, Terry Rossi, ami Shai'i Steele PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION Belli Tomasello NEWSSTAND CIRCULATION DIRECTOR William A. Townsend EDITORIAL/A I) VERTISING OFFICES BUS Magazine Callers Digest Inc. 701 Stokes Road Medford, NJ 08055 609.953,91 10 Main Office 609.231:1757 Advertising 609.953.7961 Fax ()( (9.235.5297 BBS Internet: Advertising: Advert Information: SUBSCRIPTIONS ISA CANADA MEXICO 1 Yr. (12 issues) S30 850 2 Yrs.(24 issues) S50 S90 I all out order HOTLINE at 1-800-822-0437 8am-4pra EST, Mon-Fri, and charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard, or send rticck, money order payable to Callers Digest. Inc. Entire contents copyright ©1995 Callers Digest, Inc., .ill rights reserved. Material in this publication MAY NOT be reproduced in any form without written permission Irorn the publisher ol BBS Magazine. UBS Magazine (ISSN #1055-2812) i- published monthlj bj Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. Callers Digest, Ini . is nol responsible For the opin- ions expressed hj euntributors. Questions and comments are welcomed. Unless otherwise instructed, we assume all rights to letter^, articles, or other communications sent to Culiei-s Digest, Inc. as unconditionally assigned for publi- cation. Material nol accompanied bj a stamped, self- adthessed em elope will not be returned. Uploads are accepted only in ZIP format at "The Liveware BBS." 609,235.5297 (All V.Everytbing modems), POSTMASTER: Please send all change of address (with old label and new address) to: Callers Digest, Ira*.. 7t)I Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES CONTENTS VOLUME 6, NUMBER 3 MARCH 1995 FEATU 10 Worldgroup for Windows 26 Art- Biz -Movies -Games The Big Board* by Terry Rossi 32 Sweet e-MOO-tion Netlaw bv Sltari Steele 36 Everybaudy's BBS, Home Again, Hotel California, State Patrol BBS Notebook by Bob Browne 42 The Best of the Web Internet Made Easy by Mike Robinson 46 Mac Files on PC Boards Macintosh Online by Michael A. Kuykendall 48 Pluck the Keyboard, Be a Star Uncle Hank's Shareware Reviews by "Uncle" Hank Hurteau 50 CKit 94! Commodore Connections by Gaelyne R. Aloraiicc 54 Modem #!©%!! Modem Discounts by Modern Mage TMENTS 4 readme.txt 6 Newswire 60 Bookshelf 64 Classified Ads 66 Advertiser's Index P"gl' 10 page 46 page SO MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Rusty Edie Call a different kind of BBS. "We are the Friendliest BBS in the World." Our name says il all. Edie and I are a couple of burnouts from the 60s. We didn't like rules then and we don't now. Come on in and relax; you will be among friends. We have a huge adult section, including over three gigs of adult graphics, as well as a fine selection of public domain and shareware programs, including over a gig of family-type graphics. But that's not what sets us apart. When you call the first time, you'll know what no amount of words can tell you, you are Home. That's right, put up your feet and enjoy yourself. We live by three no's: "No Censorship, No Rules, No Hassle." You'll find us like no other BBS: • We answer your messages and comments. • We answer your on-line pages. • We post our address. • We post our voice phone number. Rusty n Edie's BBS 7393 California Ave. Youngstown. OH 44512 Voice 216-726-4217 HSTonly 216-726-1804 Compucom 216-726-3584 Hayes V-Series 216-726-3619 All (V32etc.) 216-726-2620 Fax 216-726-3595 fh WMdU \- BBSing travels through iterations of redefinition, pi peiled b\ innovations in software and frequent fresh takes mi interconneetiviiy, callers andsysops worldwide are fumbling Inward tomorrow with one hand on the i in hi--, the other on whatever gives balance, OJ course tint all BBSers face the new frontiers with the boldness of a Lewis or Clark. Some take the slow road, quiell) waiting for the "all clear," while -till others exhibit a child-like verve a> the) wander Uiis boundless new world for the firs! lime. Regardless oi where the paradigm grabs vou. there's almost always some- thing arresting on the other side of that seven-digit dial. Calacticomm i^ introducing a novel way to explore I In i-i ■ frontiers 1 mentioned. The r lorida company's new client/server bulletin board system takes The Major BBS 6.25 and transplants it in another envirohr menl - \\ indows. But it's far from j i i-i The Major foi \\ indows. This system \ irtuall) revi rites ever) ta>k the I K >£ lerformed and im ill i pi ifs their flexibility. No longer do you simpl) chat, for instance. You chat, send and retrieve files, whisper, and share a painting palette with the oth- ers onlini — simultaneous!) in real-linn-. For a sneak preview of the soon-lo-be-released system, fiip to page 10. Elsewhere in this issue, Shari Steele (Netlaw) offers an update on recent major changes at the Kleetronic Frontier Foundation. Mike Robinson (Internet Made Eas) I checks mil The Best of the Vi el> and finds what voters deemed the best World Wide Web pages xA 1994— seeil .■■ KuykendaU (Macintosh Online) takes on the problems that cum.- with find - retrieving and. placing Mae files on l'( . BBSs. So no matter where you fall, on that metaphysical paradigm of the KBSt's thing, we're right their with you to help navigate. If you don't agree, mj mail box is always open. Riel Robinson, Editor-in-Chief rick.robinson(9 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Buying a modem that's not i with everyone else's could m a little sticky at wor! Introducing... the only 28,800 bps modems that support every high-speed protocol: V.34, V.FC™ and V.32 terbo. You know people depend on their modems. You know they can make it very uncomfort- able for you if you don't recommend the fastest, most compatible modems available. So doesn't it behoove you to give them the only 28,800 bps modem that supports every high-speed protocol and international standard? The only modem that connects with every other modem at its highest possible speed? Courier V.34 does all that. Want a magic number to protect you from curses? Call 1-800-845-0908. C0URIERV34 The Only V. Everything™ Modem MVPI ■mill J US Robolicsand llio USRobotics logo are registered trademarks, and Courier, Courier V.34 and V.Everything are Irademarks ol US Robotics, IncVFC is a trademark of Rockwell International Corporation. 'Special $249 price applies to externa! Courier V.34 Ready wtttl V.FC ("The V.Everthing Modem") only Purchase at this price limited to one modem per dedicated line. 3008 NetPublisher EVA.NSTON, IL— "Businesses and other organizations want to get their information on the Information Superhighway — but they need the tools to do it." Thai's John Kolnian of Ameritech Library Services (ALS). He says ALS* al is to "enable Organizations to pro- de information on the Internet quick- and easily." And he plans to meet iiat goal with NetPublisher. a Windows NT-based publishing tool. At heart, NetPublisher is a World Wide Web. Gopher and Z39.50 server that enables organizations to catalog and organize resources of all media types, including text, images, audio, video and multimedia. When a user stores or catalogs infor- mation with NetPublisher. the inputting need only be performed once. The serv- er then automatically formats resources for the Wei). Gopher and Z39.50. Callers can in turn access the info with any ^ eh browser. Gopher or Z39.5Q client. In-depth knowledge of HTML, is nol necessary, because NetPublisher fea- tures a template allowing sysops to cus- tomize layouts by prompting them for header, footer and other graphical information. NetPublisher then auto- matically delivers the information lo the chosen format. for more information contact Amer- F4*- I'" Qpikrc UMiqata Armotate Sl^Wg Pofcm ITii Mi iwmm TheO** Internet Ser*.*r Solution NetPublisher ■ itech at 1 800.556.6847, or point your Web browser at The BBS Option SEATTLE, WA — With all the big media companies taking their products to market on the Big Board services of Prodigy. CompuServe, and AOL (among others), the Seattle Times news- paper did what more and more entities are opting to do — run its own service on a BBS. Galacticomm's The Major BBS has been chosen as the software and "Seattle Times Extra" was picked as the name. A number of reasons were cited for the Times' choice of a BBS over a dedi- cated area on a pa\ service, among them being the control factor and the ability for numerous users to access the information without the need for high- speed modems. According to the paper, the focus of the board will be un local interests. Buttoning DOS SEQUIM, WA — Triad Software has released its popular "Buttons lor DOS 5.0'' into the shareware arena. Buttons is a weighty pop-up that can be set to appear when users boot or exit to DOS from \\ indows. \\ bat's dis- played is an attractive point-and-cliek mouse environment from which to launch DOS programs. for those downloading a lot ol RAM-hogging games, for instance. Triad maintains that Buttons for DOS solves the problem of resorting lo a boot disk or performing major surgery on the AUTOEXEC.BAT. "\\ hen a user needs an alternate start-up configuration, not only will Buttons create the alternate boot files," Triad says, but "it will also edit the alternate files for them automatically." Buttons scans the user's hard drive in search of common DOS programs. automatically assigning them a button in the menu. When a DOS application is launched. Buttons disappears, taking ilsell completely out of user memory. Registration is $29. Triad Software can be reached at P.O Box 1299. Sequim, WA 98382. or by calling 800.683.3202. The program can be downloaded from the Triad file area of SWC BBS at 508.365.2359. Clark (In)direct MURRAY. UTAH— Clark Development Company, developer of PCBoard BBS software, has signed up as a premier member of BBS Direct. Formed by Concentric Research Corporation. BBS Direct fundamentally changes the way BBSers access their favorite boards. Instead ol dialing direct and incurring costly long-distance fees, callers can ring up a local number into BBS Direct for a 830 monthly fee. and from there link up with member boards. "We are proud lo be a premier member of BBS Direct," said Steve Klingler, general manager ol Clark. "Their service offers our customers high-speed access to our BBS for a flat monthly fee." MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Concentric Research says local access is provided in 100 of the nation's largest metropolitan areas, with 250 others coming online over the next year. "We make long-distance usage charges for callers obsolete," said Marc Collins-Rector, Coneentric's president and chief operating officer. Currently BBS Direct boasts 31 member boards, including Clark's Salt Air BBS. Other members include Channel One, Software Creations, Mustang, Exec-PC and Rusty V Edie's. To access BBS Direct, call 800.991.4227, or dial them voice at 800.745.2747. Wildcat! 4 Jolts Mustang Sales BAKERSFIELD, CA — Mustang Software, Inc. (MSI), makers of the Wildcat! BBS software, says the latest release of its BBS package set company records for sales in the first four months of availability. Version 4.0. shipped last July, has helped boost projected sales past 15,000 for the year — a 36 percent increase over 1993. And the company expects that when the counting's done, annual revenues for '94 will have broached 85 million. MSI attributes the brisk sales to the product itself, as well as marketing strategy and an increase in "demand for BBSs in business applications." The Wildcat! BBS Suite, retailing for $999. supports up to 250 concurrent dial-in callers, allows up to eight BBS lines connected to a single PC and is packaged with three add-on packages. A single-line version of the software is available for 3129. For more information, contact Mustang at 800.999.9619. enlightened: Awareness of Services Strong NEW YORK, NY — A recent study has concluded roughly 40 percent of American consumers are aware of each of the four major online services. Conducted by CDB Research & Consulting Inc.. the research arm of Creamer Dickson Basford (a public relations firm), the study interpreted results returned by 356 respondents (of 1,030). Three percent or fewer of those sur- veyed reported being current sub- scribers to each of the major online ser- vices. Past usage of the services at home, work or school ranged from 11 percent for Prodigy and eight percent for CompuServe to one percent each for Delphi/BIX and CEnie. However, according to the study, awareness is high: Prodigy, 73 percent: Internet, 58 percent; CompuServe, 56 percent: America Online, 44 percent. "The high awareness suggests online services could soon have an explosion of subscribership," said Larry Chiagouris. managing director of CDB Research & Consulting Inc. 'Taking into account this high awareness and the historical penetration rates for other teclmologies, plus the finding in our survey that as many as half of Americans now have home computers, we expect subscription rates to double in 1995." To gel a copy of the survey; call 212.887.8033. BBS EXPO '96 PHILADELPHIA, PA —Philadelphia has been chosen as the host city for next springs BBS EXPO '96, the expo- sition devoted to the world's online community. BBSers, sysops, online services, software developers, Internet providers, Net surfers and anyone interested in gelling involved with the continuing online revolution is encouraged to attend. G O N'tl N U"E s ... BBSing the Internet Still on the fence about tapping the Net? Maybe this'll nudge you — it's the tales! list (al press time) of newsgroups earning "bbs" as part of their title: alt.bbs aSl.hhs.allsysnp alt.bbs. doors all.bbs.dreamlhhs alt.bbs. first-class alt.bbs. gigo-galewav .alt.bbs. internet ait.bbs.lisls alL.bbs. lists. d all. libs, inajorbbs alt.bbs. metal alt.bbs.pcboard all.bhs.pebnuep all. lib-. renegade alt.bbs. searehligh I alt.bbs.unixbbs alt.bbs. unixbhs.uuiboard all.bhs.iutpcb alt.bbs. Watergate alt.bbs. wildcat com p.bbs. m ajorbbs eomp.bbs.misc comp.bbs.tbbs comp.bbs. waffle MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE The EXPO staff is currently prepar- ing for the event, which will feature demonstrations, displays and seminars from leaders in die HBSing. online ser- vices and Internet arenas. Further updates will be posted in this space. The Skinny Tllfi NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL the largest selling legal publication in the U.S.. has begun a comprehensive online information and communications ser- vice for the legal profession railed Law Journal EXTRA! COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS CORP. has signed with UUNET Technologies, a top Internet provider for corporations, and Met software publisher Netscape Communications to offer \\ nrldW ire. \\ orldW ire is plunned as a corporate Internet bundle. USA TODAY has launched the USA Today Information Network, uilh the intent to seek opportunities online. And Gannett Media Technologies Inc. has been created to develop and market products designed to strengthen bonds between newspapers and their readers and advertisers. IMKMCA ONLINE has said il plans to bm the network assets and customer base ol Interne! backbone provider Advanced Network & Services, Inc. INTEL CORP. has reworked its Gl I lor SatisFAXlion hoards, adding dynamic link libraries. GLOBAL VILLAGE COMMUNICATIONS INC. has released One World Combo, a full- function, plug-and-plav comm server. PRODIGY'S joint venture between IBM and Sears, Roebuck oi G>. is planning to cut it workforce bv 100. down to 600. It appears the move is being blamed on lack ol profits. NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. says it will license a system to play video games over telephone lines. CONNECTSOFr IMC. has announced a complete upgrade to its flagship E-Mail Connection. The product gives users direct connections with the mail sys- tems ol America Online. CompuServe and Prodigy, as well as the Internet. DOW JONES BUSINESS INFORMATION SERVICES will soon be a major contribu- tor of business news and financial information mi eWorld, the interactive ■ inline sen ice In >mi \pple Computer. Pentium Computers 486VLB Systems 25GK Cache 8 Megs RAM 1.2 8 1.4 Floppy 420 IDE Drive Mttlu" I/O IDE Controller 2 Serial, 1 Same, 1 Parallel SVGA .28 15" Color Monitor PCI Video Cart — 2 Meg RAM 1D1 Keyboard Microsoft Mouse Mid Size Tower [230W] PCI Motherboard 90 MHZ 52,195 SCALL 66 MHz $1,995 $CALL 60 MHz si 895 SI 695 Intel Processor 4 Megs RAM 1.2 & 1.4 Floppy 420 IDE Drive Multi I/O IDE Controller 2 Serial, 1 Game, 1 Parallel SVGA .28 14" Color Monitor SVGA Card 1 Meg RAM 101 Keyboard Microsoft Mouse Mini Tower (230W) DX2/66 ft** SCALL 0X2/33 .«*& SCALL SK/33 si* $855 +S/H . i/ii;» $249 — OS CD-ROM, W-Bil Sound Card. Speakers, SUCH T> Sales • Service • Leasing We accept POs, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. Call for custom configurations/pricing. Free Shipping and handling on prepaid orders. Info/Orders: 800.886.3874 Voice: 609.953.2024 Fax: 609.953.2056 BBS: 609.953.2067 643 Stokes Road, Medford, NJ 08055 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZIHE Winner Of The 1994 Dvorak Award For Outstanding Telecommunications Technology! '/a • «#" ,0. .■■■°" - ■as fELECO MM ^ICAnONsi T .. Award f Sat*** e knew we had a winner on our hands when we introduced die most feature lied communications program of all time. Now that we' ve won this coveted award, the hole world knows QmodemPro for Windows is #1 , QmoriemPro™ for Windows is the first to give^ou data, fax and Remote Imaging Protocol (RIP) pphics — all in one outstanding package! o other program makes it so easy for Windows users to dial into BBS systems ... or to gel so iLich done while on-line. Imagine — now you can upload by simply dragging-and-dropping les from the Windows Fde Manager lo QmodemPro's upload window! We've also made unloading better with such features as a built-in .GIF viewer thai lets you view .GIF and IMP files as you download them. he awards committee especially liked QmodemPro's easy-to-use interface and support ir launching both fax and data calls from a single dialing directory. With QmodemPro for /indows, you can fax directly from any Windows application using our FAX printer driver ption. •urs is also the fust Windows product to support RIPscrip graphics, so you can plug into the lousands of BBSs offering graphics and full mouse support on-line. And that's still not all! • Multitasking support lets you download files in the background! ■ Sound card support so you can play your favorite .WAV files for different on-line events! • New BASIC-like script language gives you unparalleled power. Includes compiler and debugger! • Over .10 of the most popular terminal emulations, includine RIPscrip, ANSI. DECVTandTV!925! ■ 1 built-in transfer protocols, including Zmodem, CIS B+ and Kermit ! ' 40 programmable macro buttons per dialing entry! modemPro for Windows is the most flexible and easy-to-use communications tool on the lanet, with twice the features of competitive products ... and at the my reasonable price of nly $99 (suggested retail price). No-nonsense, unconditional 30-ilay monejf-liack guarantee /hether you're an on-line novice or a seasoned modem user, you can't go wrong when you j with the winner! Try QmodemPro for Windows for 30 days, If it doesn't win you over, ist return it to the store where you bought it for a full refund. No questions asked! Buy the best communications software anil we'll send m this mouse pad No other Windows communications program lets you get so much done with your favorite rodent. Thai's why we're offering you a free Mustang mouse pad when you purchase the experts' favorite communications program! Mustana Software. Inc. • 6200 Lake Mine Road Bakersfield, CA 93306 • Phone (805) 873"-2500 Fax (805) 873-2599 • BBS (805) 873-2400 QmiwemPro, Ihe MSI hixa loeo and artwort arc Irafcnmks olSJjslacs Soflftat. loc. — CopmghlOt987-I»l.Allri{hsin£nai. Call toll-free for more information or the name of the dealer nearest vou 1-800-663-1886 Customer service hours: 8 am to 5 pm, PST. Monday through Friday H0W TO GET YOUR FREE MOUSE PAD To get your own Mustang mouse pad, just pick up QmodemPro for Windows at your favorite software retailer before March 3 1 , 1995. Then send back the registration card along with this coupon. •Buy QnuxlemPni for Windows between December 1 , 1994, and March 3 1 , 1995, and mail ihis coupon — along with your registration can! — lo receive a Mustang mouse pad while supplies last Void where prohibiied by law. Offer good for purchases of QmodemPro for Windows when coupon is accompanied with product registration card. Please allow 2-3 weeks for your mouse pad to arrive. Send in Musiang Software. Inc.. 6100 Lake Ming Road. Bakmfield. CA 93306 BBS LUorldgroup rrirj T J T J I 1 :: co in in poiiiJjg pyje cofiifjiufcia sijfyices in your K 10 -• MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Victory Alpha System rev. File YJew lools Options Window Help Main System Men 14 & U fgHflBl Information Forums (Public Electronic Mail File Libraries Center Message Bases) Account Polls and Display/Edit: Questionnaires Multi-user, multi-channel conversation o & Doors Registry of Us Brs We're frequently impressed with the swift advancements popping up in nearly all aspects of BBS Software. It seems that even before the ink dries on the review of one package, another sys- tem comes along groomed to top it. This kind of rapid-fire competition likely spells salad days ahead for users on both ends of the telephone line: callers reap the visceral rewards, sysops benefit from happy callers. And this is true, now more than ever, in the public and private sector. One shining example of this one- upmanship comes from the Florida- based Galacticomm, developers of The Major BBS. For the last two years the company has been covertly shaping a product by taking all of the elements of earlier incarnations of The Major and transplanting them into a whole new arena — often doubling, sometimes quadrupling, the thoroughness of each of those elements along the way. In Galacticomm's eyes, this is not a BBS, but a client/server information manage- ment system powerful enough for major corporations, and yet lucid enough to wow any teen-age caller or sysop. In short, an online system for every "group" in the world. We call it a remarkable bulletin board system for Windows. They call it Worldgroup. 1 Continues... MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 'We're talking about a unification of email, workgroup, customer service, sales, support, EDI, Internet — all into one cross-pollinating, easy-to-use, Windows platform. I think this will be the future of business-to-business online commerce, with or without the Internet." Scott Brinker Galacticomm's new Worlclgrmip. to which BUS Magazine was granted an early look, is (he company's i' foray into the field of Windows BBSing (begun by Excalibur BBS. Mediallosi and FILKX). Worldgroup is a turbocharged and multilait'lcd l> HS llial draws ils pei'snn- ality from ttiree key laclors: a complete- l\ redesigned tnulti-lhreaded protocol. a basis in the \ isnal Basic program- ming language and ils allocation of resources lo die client instead of the server. Upload, download, send email. chat, and share a full-color, mouse-dri- ven, real-time drawing board with other callers — all al the same time and without serious performance reduction. It is the brainchild of Galacticomm founder and sometimes author Tim Slryker. who has since turned the pro- ject over to Chris Robert (director of technology) and Bert Love hire presi- dent of research and development), as well as Galacticomm's Bill Hyatt. Don Pitchford, Tim Stark. Jack \lvrus. Charles Dunn, and Dan Rhea, con- tributing applications-level develop- ment over the past year. Company President and CEO Scott Brinker says tin- intention from the out- set has been "lo give sysops the ability to run (heir own 'America Online,* and in the business world, to many the power of workgroup/email technology with the open communication of online services." Hence, the name Worldgroup. On that subject, Brinker said the name came to him while sketching out a diagram relating tliis workgroup/ email market to the commercial online service market. "The two sets don't intersect, and as a result there is ibis empty applications C o \ i i \ i i". s ... File Libraries Die Mew Options Window yelp 1MB File Listing File Name Library Added Size Description PAGE ICO AFFAIR.WAV BLUESBOY BMP ERROR WAV GONG.WAV DOHWAV HOMERH.WAV ISLE BMP TPFif pririK wm/ vT I 1 l WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS 12/27/94 12/22/91 12/22/94 12/22/94 12/22/94 12/20/94 12/20/94 12/20/94 766 25.290 325.450 11.404 42.072 5.764 33.03D 383.626 mm Yelling in a me .WAValiheCu ] 924x759x255 .WAVdIHbIsi WAV lile of 8 1 Homer gaols e Hal 90Q gives 1024x76Bx256[ LOGTUNE.WAV in the Bledate: 12/27/8 RleSme: 8.0710 File size: 31,012 1 Uplooder: Charles Beginning olthe fog tune File itorne: Download a File DJreciories: c:\gclien1\galfil Download Now $$«« ami bbsuser doc galfl.OO.exe gaMIOO.hlp galms.doc F^gclient Download Lato- Cancel Help - Download File B3 Jype: E JAM Files f) ~ E Driven: 1*1 i^Ic: 1MS-D0S_5] fcftiMEUUBLH L-. ■ ■ ■ .!. L 1 . ' .. -TT T5T f!55 BBSMENUVIR MISCMBBS 12/16/94 20.480 MiscvirgindntaWe Download... Details... Cancel Eto Jflgw Options WJndow Q eFp I :-! lUng Uptoad to a library SmUkX btwtity io Upload \o MAIN WSCMOM VGADRVHS WINDOWS Inn Mn r ,l IHIMj. il.i.. l. A iji.i ■■■!■ I (iirlpn in lain UFOfl Mi- n- nia nt'if mm fi: r....,- r ii-: if thin RIP tann Libmry VGA diivuc lui Cmui 5426 T he Windowi app-liCfltrtini HUH. SVSFO_ AVOAJGR BBSAUOITBCfi EESAUOrrVR BBSCLASflCfl BBSCLASV1R BBSEFHVER'uIR EBSGEr; ElP BBSQEHVIR tBCR BB5KV1A BB5MAJDOC BBSMEW BCfi vit. ,;-, VGADHVRS VGADPlVttS ...■■,■ --■■■■■ . VGAORVRS :■ , m MSCUBSO m , .-.L; . •■ .■■-'I ; M-SCw-EE-3 '.' ■ VI ■ M SOCK '.'■.. f-'\:t I." "Tr.'ETE " L7lr,/.H ll/ll/H 11/11/14 12/16/$* i.VWJ* 12/1C/-94 i:;it/j* U/li,"-: 12/16/?* 1Z/16/S4 i:/it/^ 12/16/9* lt/11/W i:/ie/9* 17/IE/l* wr-tH* 12/H/3* i:/1f/S4 JlDttat. |! Cmm* Hftra w* iomt. ell C* OOC W**** mmrpih 1 h# Ua*x BBS 'lurnbamt I litis miibinrv .".? Utu Film in IJbtriry I tins Added Trjd«y Q Mduc binary SJiv. FilMAdB-Bri-niliWieh: a Mta Uplrtwl hl» HU lOH KBGbyM IQCCtlTObytM libtnfyOpfMfolOT SyiCD Fie view Options Wnflow Help els: m* ifcfryj ;. '..-. ■ tun* DCMWAV -:■:-■ ■■-■ I51£S»*' "i-i : - ■■- WHJZWAV - .... ; - . ii man* m isiom K14FMF0 ■HDBil . . ,j t j ■■ , PMBIUC "'■ w BBSHX " '- £fcSSXASV« ::::■ e" " "GSC OCA BC3IVW ::■ MMI . BE&MEI WMOTAVS IJ/II/SJ !?*.*« WKHtMS U/IW !!.«* WINDOWS i:/Ey»4 Git! .:■■.-__. : ■: _. ■' ■_■( WMBW 1!!jW/I4 ura WW0CTW3 II/H/W 3»JH1 v*00>vs IJWVH IIM VMKM U'/Ji/M tiT* v(MOn«nsi?/tlrt* UI7U vCAD«rrfe lifil/W IKMJ vovMViuiirT* IHD) VGAEAtftSlf/IIrtt IIBtM VQ*Cmmi?/llA* !M VHtPMB I.VU/M <2J7 vocmmt/ic»< us VQIO -4 :■,: 1Z/11/W *flst ir/T4rn in i-iiim * ire ir,ii-'M i It iWUrt* jim lf/ttrH 11H0 i.-AKM ii.' eersaocs WS04BB! :-■""": 12 MARCH 19S5 BBS MAGAZINE UJorldpup quick-tour Using the Worldgroup client is as easy as using Windows. Once the caller installs the free software on his system, the Online Service Manager pops up as a group on the screen. Then as a board is dialed— via clicking on an icon pre-programmed with all the vital information such as user name and password— up comes the main system. This is a menu box displaying icons leading to Teleconference, Information Center, Forums, Electronic Mail, File Libraries, Account Display/Edit. Polls and Questionnaires, Doors, and Registry of Users. Main Office Vicfoiy Test Server Rev 5] Eile View IodIs Qplinns y/indow Help m^s Main System Menu fCTBrav-i Infwmation Fwvms (Pubic Electronic Mai Fit LibiaflK Center Message Basel) & & Accour* Pols an) Dots RegBUji d Users Display/Edit Questionnaires Mulli-uset, mufti-channel conveisalion the message immediately, or save the message in the out box for later transmission. Want incoming messages bounced to an email address? Worldgroup does it. FORUMS Choosing the Forums icon launches callers into a slick environment for asynchronous group discussions, both "inside" (through a LAN) and through modems, X.25 and Internet. As many as 10,000 forums can be created here, including both local and networked forums. Each forum displays messages in chronological order as well as by topic "threads." When reading a message, the caller can choose to post a public reply, send private email to the author, file it in the filing cabinet, copy the message to someone else, download attached files, clip the address of the author or directed recipient, or display a map of the conversation's thread. The caller also has the option to scan messages by keyword, and to choose only new messages, messages directed to him, those with a particular starting date, or only those with a selected keyword. From the menu, callers can then look up information on each forum such as description, Forum-Op, number of messages, files, threads, surcharges, or message lifetime. And if the user chooses to work offline, all that's required is the selection of the "download messages" command— all new mes- sages and tagged threads are then sent to the client. MAIL Selecting the Email icon brings up the window for writing new mes- sages, checking the in and out boxes, retrieving stored messages from the filing cabinet, and managing the address book. Nice features here include the caller's ability to use check-box options to request a return receipt, tag the message as "urgent" or decide whether the list of carbon copy addresses will be shown to each addressee. Buttons at the bottom of the window let the caller attach a file to the message (through a common Windows dialog box), set options for saving the message in the filing cabinet, send Electronic Mail File Edit View Mail Options VVindow tlelp ■9 3E SC&OBT & °fc Write New Message H2 Tu |@SAL£S (Dhlribuuon lisi] £ q;JJcff Toiellp, ^MARKETING Topic: (Upcoming: aiticlei re: Victory I - Return Receipt |k Priority Mail I - list Hey thene. folks.! Remembci,. the articles ,i re going to pie-date our targeted release lime frame, so make sure you ■.::■■ up to ipeed on all facett of the product, ax there will not be a demo you can tend to pf oipeclive cuilomen yet. •Scott I jfeltach... ][aplion*...|| Send H~Put-aox j| Cancel ||_ Help j File Libraries File Library View Options VVindpw Help 3 <£ Bli Hie Listing File Name Added Size Di-scnption TIPINDEXDOC 12/29/94 11264 ThisiittetirtexGf the TIPS dccumenis * TIPIN0EX TXT 1 2/29/94 1,558 This is the Index in Tex! IwrrW TIPS.DOC 12/29/94 2.945 This it a proposed hi o( future TIPS TIPSOD01 DOC 12/29/94 11.264 Ncrn-GcommMLilti-por! addressing scheme* TTPS0OQ2.DOC 12/29/94 13.312 GALFILIN.EXE jnsMurtons TIPS0003.DOC 12/29/94 7.SBQ The Maja Database sample Enter view TIPS0004DGC 12/29/94 10.752 The Majoi Dalabass sample Search view TIPS00050CC 12/29/94 10.752 MG/I netwotfc setup ■ LantaxSa specie TIPSOOOG.DOC 12/29/34 17.403 GelacliGox Stot AddfSSMng TIPS0007.DOC 12/29/94 6,656 GalactiBoatd DlP-switch settngs - * lDC d jSaveLiil... j| Help FILE LIBRARIES Worldgroup gives the sysop the capacity to create as many libraries as he wants, including ones located on network drives and CD- ROMS. Once inside the application, members can search the libraries (those they have access to) by date, file name, description keywords, or popularity, selecting only those libraries he wishes to search. To browse a specific library, the caller just chooses an "info" button to display the library's description, number of files, files added today, files added this week, who the Lib-Op is, any surcharges, file restric- tions, etc. Once files are selected for download, the caller then clicks the Download Manager icon to take them all, hold particular files or can- cel any of them. Or. he can just opt to download them later. Uploading files requires the caller to click the proper toolbar but- C NT I M ES MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 13 space between them. So what do you call an intersection between work- groups and the world? Worldgroup. And unlike workgroup, which implies drudgery, the word 'worldgroup' con- jures up images of people interacting with each other." said Brinker. "And whether you're talking business or con- sumer systems, the point behind all of this is to bring everyone closer togeth- er." The original working name for the system was (Project) Victory, an unquestionably optimistic moniker. But, as Brinker recatls, everyone he showed the alpha software to agreed that it was far more than a BBS. "So after much debate, we decided to give the product a new name, to real- ly emphasize the paradigm shift this release will bring to the market. But I'm proud of our BBS heritage, and for all practical purposes, Worldgroup is The Major BBS Version 7." Asked what he considered some of the more notable parts making up the whole now known as Worldgroup, Brinker immediately mentions the client/sei-vei' "solution:" the placement of much of the work on the back of the client, which resides in the caller's machine. "The applications primarily inn on the caller's computer, which allows you to make full use of multimedia presen- tations, offline operation, and local CPU horsepower," Brinker said. "At the same time, this frees up loading on the server, too. It's a beautifully bal- anced relationship."' On tht- callciV side, said Brinker. "it's Windows — the real thing. It's intuitive, it's easy to use." Indeed it is. Workgroup's email, for instance, is modeled after the best of LAN-based mail packages: an address book, cut-and-paste clipboard support, visual sorting in the user's in and out boxes, a local filing cabinet, and user preferences for auto-forwarding mail. In Workgroup's Forums. Brinker enthuses, "you can list messages by topic thread (similar to CompuServe's WINCIM), you can see a graphical map of who replied to what message: jusl click on a button to download (in the background) all the latest messages, click on a different button, and so on. Need help? Just click on the help button — there's one on every win- dow — and full hypertext Windows help is at your fingertips. We spent a lot of time making the online help jusl right." Brinker continues with his "best-of" by illustrating the file transfer func- tions, one of which has eliminated the confusion of XA7ZMODEM. 'The user now has two choices: 'download now' or 'download later,'" Brinker said. 'He can jusl double-click on a file in the library to download it. Or. he can review a list of files offline. collect his picks in the download man- ager, and then just batch-download everything with a single command but- ton. All the file dialog boxes are stan- dard \\ iridows." In the telecnulerence area (accessi- ble, as with all features, with a mouse click) callers can have a chat window open while they're transferring files back-and-forlh between users in back- C N Tvl N I E S ... Polls and Questionnaires file Iflew Help \& 1 Description P HI DEPARTMENT SURVEY p /■Sic Weekly departmental survey P El PROFILE P / TECHPOLL Q Q USER MARKETING PR0F1L User Interest Profile Are ynn » Iprhin? Plftnse rale: "The Planets" by Hold rVBryGocd (7 Good (*" Fair C Poor C Very Poor r Never heard of rt Please rote: "Watermark" by Enya (•Very Good C Good fFoir C Poor Polls and Questionnaires Pie Slew Help IL Df-ictiplinn 11 DEPARTMENT aURYLY E PROFILE TECHPOLL . CI USER MARKETll W^hl^ri^rtmrintnl «,mmv Results for Poll Music Survoy Please rate: The PJnnete" by Hoik m.. '.__: A Very Good S Good C F»i D Pwm E VetyPoof F Neve* tmtttd art il a Please rate: ■Wal*mlOf^c , by Emya Question Results Gr 25 00' : 25 00'/. Please rate: "The Planets" by Holtz 1 Response Number | A (25.00%) B (25.00%) C (25.00%) % 0(0.00%) E(0,00%) F(25j00%> Graph Iypa « Bar r pie 14 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Using the Worldgroup client is as easy as using Windows. Once the caller installs the free software on his system, the Online Service Manager pops up as a group on the screen. Then as a board is dialed— via clicking on an icon pre-programmed with all the vital information such as user name and password— up comes the main system. This is a menu box displaying icons leading to Teleconference, Information Center, Forums, Electronic Mail, File Libraries, Account Display/Edit, Polls and Questionnaires, Doors, and Registry of Users. MAIL Selecting the Email icon brings up the window for writing new mes- sages, checking the in and out boxes, retrieving stored messages from the filing cabinet, and managing the address book. Nice features here include the caller's ability to use check-box options to request a return receipt, tag the message as "urgent" or decide whether the list of carbon copy addresses will be shown to *> «$ Drawing Board u. I °» i Dear each addressee. Buttons at the bottom of the window let the caller attach a file to the message (through a common Windows dialog box), set options for saving the message in the filing cabinet, send the message immediately, or save the message in the out box for later transmission. Want incoming messages bounced to an email address? Worldgroup does it. FORUMS Choosing the Forums icon launches callers into a slick environment for asynchronous group discussions, both "inside" (through a LAN) and through modems, X.25 and Internet. As many as 1 0,000 forums can be created here, including both local and networked forums. Each forum displays messages in chronological order as well as by topic "threads." When reading a message, the caller can choose to post a public reply, send private email to the author, file it in the filing cabinet, copy the message to someone else, download attached files, clip the address of the author or directed recipient, or display a map of the conversation's thread. The caller also has the option to scan messages by keyword, and to choose only new messages, messages directed to him, those with a particular starting date, or only those with a selected keyword. From the menu, callers can then look up information on each forum such as description, Forum-Op, number of messages, files, threads, surcharges, or message lifetime. Online Service Manager File Options Window Help _Mallnnjil Systems Interne! Connections Online Service Properties ■ B Name: ||Victorii Server Suite 101 rWhen lo conned * Always connect upon invoking this service O Hun ofllMie until "Connect" button is pressed Cancel How to connect " O Modem Server name: | Victory Server Suite 101 O Serial ® Novell LAN O lelnet a How lo log on □ Log on a* new user Uiei-.D: |JeH torello Password: »■■■■ Advanced.. And if the user chooses to work offline, all that's required is the selection of the "download messages" command— all new mes- sages and tagged threads are then sent to the client. FILE LIBRARIES Worldgroup gives the sysop the capacity to create as many libraries as he wants, including ones located on network drives and CD- ROMS. Once inside the application, members can search the libraries (those they have access to) by date, file name, description keywords, or popularity, selecting only those libraries he wishes to search. To browse a specific library, the caller just chooses an "info" button to display the library's description, number of files, files added today, files added this week, who the Lib-Op is, any surcharges, file restric- tions, etc. Once files are selected for download, the caller then dicks the Download Manager icon to take them all, hold particular files or can- cel any of them. Or, he can just opt to download them later. Uploading files requires the caller to click the proper toolbar but- ton, select which library he wants the files in, and then, from a dialog box, pick which files are to be sent. Both up and downloading can be performed in the background as the caller moves to other areas of the board. TELECONFERENCE Real-time conversations are always popular, especially with the big- ger commercial services. In Worldgroup, the Teleconference is multi- channel, and each channel can have a moderator setting a topic. Channel discussions are displayed in a scrolling TTY format, with a split-screen window for each user to type in his responses — a user preference may determine whether the conversation window contin- ues to scroll or not while the user is writing his messages. Next, each caller can open a floating window displaying a list of all other users in his channel. Each can send private whispers or request a one-on-one chat. Whispers and chat requests appear in the window in a different color. Callers can then scan other channels for topics and users, and, with a mouse click, join the desired channel. Once in the new chan- nel, the scrollback buffer allows the new participant to catch up on MARCH 1395 BBS MAGAZINE 15 ground mode. At the same time, the) ran bring up a drawing board where others online can generate sketches with -their mouse in living color, arid everyone sees it simultaneously and in real-time. "All of ihis happens at once via our multi-threaded protocol." said Brinker. "And third-parties are already talking about enhancing this with thumbnail (ill's ot eaeh user in a list box. You just click on whoever you want, and send a whisper to join a one-on-one chat.'" Brinker says he could "iii> on and on about the user interface," noting its color bar charts users can bring up with i click in Pulls and Questionnaires, ihe simple toolbar shortcuts in every appli- cation and unlimited Ble display pages. "But to sum it up." he says, "the power of (his for users is that it's easj to use. has the graphical sex appeal everyone wants, and on top of thai. delivers real-world applications tech- nology thai until now has been absent from the BBS market." On (he sysop side of \\ orldgroup. operators can easih swap icons and Help files without having to touch Visual Basic. "We retained much of the configurability thai has made The Major BBS so successful," Brinker said. "\\ e've even maintained back- wards compatibility for most Version 6 third-parly modules on the server. For example, if a sysop has the ASCII/ANSI nnilli-user Trade Wars module, he can still run it on his \\ orldgroup platform. And when client/server users click on the Trade Wars icon, lliey will smoothly drop into a terminal mode window where they can pla\ the game. \\ hen they exit, it returns them to client/se\er mode.'" Again, key to \V orldgroup is that it isn't merely a Windows front-end to the Major BBS. Instead of the BBS machine (the server) driving the appli- cations, the actual program executable* are running on the user's machine, the client. "The server just becomes more of a 'data server.' from which the client requests things." Brinker said. "In this way. the server can deai with any arbi- trary data — compressed images, dis- tributed dBase records, whatever — and jusl pipes ii down to the client, which then handles all the real work." C o N t in.U-.EJ5 ... r n< rn ni? r WI'HUUPIJH File Edit ¥iew Message Forum Options Window Help °fc Q %& Current Ferum: Hello From | Jeff TorellD | Tim Stark I Jeff Torello | Tim Stark | Chris Robert | Chris Robert |JeflTurella I Chris Robert Messages in Hello To "ALL Jet! Torel Tim Stark Topic -ALL Jeff Torel Tim Stark Chris Rot .lnHTnrR Ijpi.ri ± S322 in Hello Dote: Thursday Daeember 1 5. 1 994 1 (MM ! AM From: Dan Rhea To: -ALL- Topic: Registry & Beply (ni ni I Reply File rt _ When you gel a chance (and it you haven't already), please (ill: out youi reqisrtv. Thanksl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forums LU* LrJit yicw M'-:V*.$29.69 3 Dungeon of Dominance • CD107' $49.69 JSslUJlTL - GLUIil - StbULGi UZlLL L\LluLll Lullu - eii^zia - s&l^ LLLLLl LLLaVlLLi: ilLLLLClLLtLLi. - L^LilLL Meet Mew BB S tfcfc/ 1-900-884-1400 EXT 433 * < ;1 SZ.95/MIN • 1 8+ • TTP • TMP LV, NV O ve %eas RE l_EfiSES ■ Animation Fantasies l-Premium adult computer animation on CD-Rom. IL401 - $55.69 ■ Urotsukidoji-Adult tL+ c—i— n-i----- r nnM Japanese animation. fw ™ D WILD INNOCENCE - SPS 100 • $49.69 Q DEEP THROAT — GDI 91 00 • S29.69 J DEBBIE DOES DALLAS — GD1 101 • $29.69 J HOUSE OF DREAMS - CD 9009 • $39.69 u CDV 103* $60.69 P 3 101 SEXUAL POSITIONS ■ Pornmania (double cd pack) (pc) Hardcore sex from Eu rope. IL 100- $1 18. 69 SUBTOTAL s/h_ ...izm, FED-X $ 11-50 TOTAL NAME Wi 320 MIN FOR CREDIT CARD HOLDERS W JCASH JCHECK JVISaN (H|[| JM/C J Mi). JAMX _, . . □j^ ape' 3 - 99 ™"- 1 * LDiIEIY i4 wi PB^ ^ um f^G^ CITY/STATE/ZIP LimJli^LLli^ MJffiSMl 1? IKE! id GJ jstim UM4! iTdili LIU * IM SIGNATURE 1 CERTIFY I AM OVER 21 DATE.. YOU MU PRIOFHT RUSH OR PAID WITH CASH MONEY ORDER OR CREDIT CARD ONLY NORMAL LD RATES APPLf* 18+ MOST BE 21 OR OLDER TO ORDER USA/CANADA WELCOME ALL OTHER COUNTRIES S100MIN. ORDER + $50 S/HMIh (US CURRENCY ONLY) (VIA REGISTERED AIR MAIL MfilL TO: TM PUBLISHING INC PO BOX15O07 DEPT BHI294 IV NV 89114 FREE booklet helps jf on decide if a BBS is right for pur company Could a computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) make a positive impact on your sales, customer senke and your bottom line? You bet it can ... and with Mustang Software's BBS Suite .it's easier and less expensive to set up than you ever imagined! Lmking for an innovative, powerful yet cost- I'llative way tu market your products and services, boost your sales, enhance customer service, and promote communications between employees? A computer BBS might be the perfect answer! If you men a computer and modem, you already have the hardware. Nine all you need is BBS Suite" and a little help from your friends at Mustang Software! Leave it to the number-one name in B BS sofas are In introduce the very first integrated package that includes everything your company needs to set up and run its own BBS. ^" Give customers 24-hour access to your business! ^ Fax sales and product literature with Fax On-Detnand! ^ Give your staff and callers access to I ntemet E-\\ai\ and much more! To find out if starting a B BS vv wild be a profitable endeavor for your company, call today for your FREE copy of our new booklet! 1-800-663-1886 Customer service hours: Sum to 5pm PST. Mcndav throuch Fridiv PteastaB&v2*3wtthjbryour booklet to anivd tropins: 1/3185! hfanofSafiMttc fat' 6200 lite Mm] Read lUmfeld CA 93306 »nae4lQ0)ffH BCD ■ ■■ O-BDSl ■■■■■-. ■ HO Ik MM bane kga .nJ BtwA, xA HlfS Sum: xt. ir*kiiu(li .i Mutun? Srfu re. Ik Copyii|bCWO-WW ALir:,'. "The power of this lor users is that its easy to use, has the graphical sex appeal everyone wants, and on top of all of that, delivers real- world applications technology that until now has been absent from the BBS market." Scott Brinher, Galacticomm Blinker sees this as opening up ;i "universe of possibilities" thai couldn'l even begin to lie considered under the Iradilioual BBS-lo-duinb-leriniiial model. "There's a good reason wliv the rest ol the computing world is migrating in Hocks to the client/server paradigm: il maximizes power for (he users and flexibility lor the hosl server."' he said. In this respect, it should be pointed out. part ol this model requires the server to accept full responsibility for all security issues, which the \\ oi Idgroup ii'ii ■•; does indeed do, "S\ -.ops can use our familial I ocks and Keys method of restricting access lo particular features or data areas, pre- venting anyone from making "hacked" versions oi client programs to try to do things lliey shouldn't." said Brinkcr. "Kadi ]>iece of data accessed by the client — we call them "dvnapaks" — can be checked lo verify thai the User-ID and password lhal arc associated vsith thai particular client have permission to retrieve it." Visual basics Worldgroiip's basis in Visual Basic presents obvious advantages when add- ons and enhancements are considered. Anyone familiar with the fairly simple VB can lake the Worldgroup environ- ment jusl about anywhere thev want. Speaking ol some uf those specific advantages. Blinker looks to the stan- dardization of VB, saying "you don't have to learn any proprietary- paint pro- gram. "You can buy books, you can take courses, you can hire consultants, you can use off-the-shelf tools, you can gel worldwide technical support" for Visual Basic. Secondly, he says, "il's incredibly easy to use. Anyone can write simple \B applications. As part of our client developer's kit, we'll even include most ol the VB source to our applications, so people can just tweak them and add in their own graphics and multimedia bites," he said. CONTINI E S ... Electronic Mali Elle Edll Bew Hail QpUons Window tielp •9 -, S Write New Message Io:|Symop Q Topic; | P Botvm Receipt r Priority Mm) r skdb [iipi.»r, | | Sand ]j Oul-Bm I Cnftcel ]| Hatp r File when jon* £~ File jiow ,*,.,|^.,w i*i; | OK j| CobcI | | H.lp | 18 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE "Little" details. Like full Internet access - including FTR Telnet, IRC, Worldwide Web, Gopher, Archie, E-mail, news groups and more - at no extra charge. And worldwide local access via the biggest BBS multiple networks. Not to mention the world's largest online shareware collection (over a million files plus over 50 CD ROM collections), a horde of online games and information in the world services, one of the largest adult areas in existence, and 280 phone lines - each with its own dedicated CPU. Small wonder Exec-PC has grown to be the biggest BBS on the planet. without paying Since 1983, we've logged over 8 million calls, from 50 countries across the globe, and we're still growing! For more information, or to subscribe, call toll-free 1-800-EXECPC-1, attention Take a free test drive! v.32 & v.32bis • 414.789.4360 S? v.Fast (28.8kbps) • 414.789.4500 © 2400bps • 414.789.4210 S ISDN and worldwide local access, call for information. to the smallest details. A EXEC-PC 2105 S. 170th Street New Berlin, Wl 53151 Voice: 414.789.4200 ""Third, you can put power under ihe hood. Use Visual Basic to develop your user interface, hut then you can use C and Assembly to write 'heavy' routines that can then be called from VB," he said, "ft did this for our client com- munications and database engines. Or. you can write everything in V'B — it's your choice." The fourth major point deals with the range of VB custom controls pro- grammers can choose from: "Several hundred commercial VH developers oiler things such as plug-in JPEG, GIF, TIFF. PCX support, compression and encryption technologies — a plethora of user interface gadgets." Blinker said. "And the great thing abotil this is that lor all these technologies and new ones yet to come, you don't have to wail for Galacticomm to develop them. 11 anyone develo] is a tool for \ B. and a huge wave of people do. you can use it right away. For that matter, anything you can do in W indows vou can add to vour Worldgroup applications without Galacticomm even having to know alxtul it." And since VB has proven such a success in the general market, there are already beta versions waiting for ^ indows 95. Therefore, users can smoothly upgrade. Blinker assures, to that platform when il comes out. "You won't have lo wait two years for Galacticomm lo develop support for it. Gay • Straight ■ Bi • Swing?rs • Ultra HOT Chat • Specializing in alternative lifestyles • FREE downloads'E-mail • Matchmaker ■ Over 5.000 ttHs'day 40-60% females'males • Up to 16.8 on 35 lines 1-618-669-4BBS ry Q27) Always FREE no hidden charges 18+ only LD AppEies Electronic Mail Flic r.d*t yiew Mail gptfons £fef| [BSIIilE* Set E-maa Preferences Out box nectaries C Automatically send all upon conned ■■ P'umpt lo *i-cmd all upon coanacl f~ Don'1 Band a* piompl upon cniiinci In boxmatiagaa F Get new nail upon canned r*V*ewnew mw! wlin tcnnsel AufcHvte messages written by you " Aulofiln in « 1 Cond j |:'- "' 1*1 T Gel all *=:f- ■ I a'Hm.^ j MiacHfatiec-us options V AJwsys us** mBBitge quoting !" Always add comments r~ Lisl iatam messagus; to you i~ Dalata mail otte* a lepFy r Save naif a.iJdi"irs3Gi] whr-n wiitim? Aoiii turwoiij ihcumwit] L mini >' Auln fnrwaidSQ Address ftouk. y_ ■ rbfin ?tmc Qotoils... f QK Artrtrcss Book lo: c°py*» | f You'll jusl have it inherently through this model." But suppose you have no desire to learn VB. hut still want the henefits of some of ilit- potentially incredible applications possible with the lan- guage? Galacticomm's answer is sim- ple: third-parties. The company has always considered its third-parly developers lo he one of its iwo higgest strengths, the other being the open architecture of the prod- uct itself. Worldgroup lakes liiis lo a whole new level now. allowing developers lo run wild with (lie possibilities. A'cHi' AiTit'tiU hJ.ciy:i AvaticAfli Girl ii co800G*- s 3&69 Hot Fix am95B S 30.B9 John Holme Fantasies — -cDilQ3- s a9LB9 Nightwaich cd70 52- ! 49.Bfl Debbie does Dallas cdi 101 -79.69 Legend of Kuma Sutra — cov15- s 39.69 PC i MAC DVEBSEAS DRDIRS MDD MIM + ; 50 S H f 702.796.9966 FAX 702.796.5655 US 1.800.696.9292 TMP PO 17070 CDMS LV NV 89114 Qjfi> AdulT MACjAiiNEs on Line Local Access Lines across tin: Notion & InterlMet NEW GAMES. GIFS a ADULT CHAT "Some ol ihe applications possible include online shopping with J FUG color photos, 'replicating" client/server databases, workgroup suiles including project managemenl tools, I oca l/re mole sales and inventory systems, awesome multiplayer games with animation and sound and control via joystick or mouse (or eventually \ It glines and helmets), collections of 'global' command floating toolbars, and matchmaker programs with MPEG video clips," Brinker says. "In addition, all those 500,000 Visual Basic programmers out (here are now going to be able to use (his as a toolkit for creat- ing custom online services and hot new add-on modules. I think we're going to see this entile market explode with cool extensions ol every shape and color." Going big-time This brings up the question of "how far can ibis go?" Thai is. will sysops truly he running "little America Onlines" as previously suggested — services that exceed the flexibility and erase (he lim- itations ol if.- huge commercial mil ine service? Brinker thinks so. admitting \\ orldgroup shares AOL's characteris- tic advantage of a standard \Y indows interface. "But it goes beyond that in a number of ways. "Our multi-threaded protocol elimi- (J () M T [ X I V. S ... 20 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE p 2 THE ROAD TO A SUCCESSFUL BBS f GALACTICOMM The Major BBS -User 154.95i ^CTWOARD^PC^ ^N OF ADD-ON viMUi'AnodOsga 'zquom-ssoho 'nohiwsww" <" X.25 and INTERNET ROUTER Aa} motorola *»% '^^^•^ * 900 SERVICE I STOP Z^ y£ ^NS,0 N , AND „ ( lOflE. CALL FOR A CATALOG! nosnooaiowaa'iNawAoidWHaNnNO'dEiMvwHOivw'aN TESSIER TECHNOLOGIES AUTHORIZED DEALER OF: SIRiUS SOFTWARE HIGH VELOCITY SOFTWARE DATASAFE PUBLICATIONS MOUNTAIN ROSE MULTI MEDIA VIRCOM MAJOR TCP/IP MAJOR PRO PROOESIGN VISA DUCWVER E S3 IS I EE R FOR ORDERS CALL: 1-800-473-3177 Voice: 305-473-5525 Fax:305-473-2122 BBS: 305-473-5134 Telnet: HS.WISENET.COM Have it your way For individuals and organizations seeking their own place in cyberspace, but feel a little like Will Robinson and the crew of "Lost in Space," Galacticomm's recently formed Network and Integrated Services Division (NIS) might have a solution. According to Galacticomm, NIS will plan and implement interactive solutions to get organizations up and running fast with their own custom-tailored online service. "We created this new division to give these customers everything they need for a professional online service," said Scott Brinker, Galacticomm CEO, "from software and hardware components to business and marketing strategies." NIS' plan is to stay on top of all the latest technologies to help clients gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Currently, the Internet is the "killer app," according to Brinker. NIS will help organizations create their own interactive services on the Net and offer Internet access to employees, customers and others. World Wide Web (WWW), probably the hottest place for organizations to promote themselves or disseminate information over the Internet, will be utilized as a locale for NIS- designed WWW sites with hypertext-linked multimedia pages that users can navigate with Mosaic and other browsers. Other services NIS can integrate for clients include email and wide-area workgroup applications, customer service systems, secure online ordering, electronic commerce programs nates a lot of the waiting that AOL clients tend to experience. For instance, with Workgroup, you can download updates in the background and von can do mail transfers in liic background." he said. "Our applications arc also more flew division offers custom services (EDI), document and information dissemination, and databases. NIS will consult with clients to get a clear picture of the system they are envisioning, and then produce a blueprint for making it happen. With out-of-the- box software from Galacticomm and Integrated Software Vendors (ISVs) — combined with custom programming, if necessary — NIS plans to offer complete online solutions. And on a smaller scale. Galacticomm says the division will offer simple fine-tuning of existing systems. For organizations with in-house systems analysts, the division offers training in the areas of configuring and managing an online system. Training courses for end-users are also available. In addition, yearly support contracts offer advanced technical support to assist in-house staff in configuring their systems, establishing network connections, creating new services, and other special projects, NIS is being guided by Galacticomm newcomer Ken Royer, most recently with the U.S. Department of Commerce, where he was the systems manager for FedWorld Information Network — a system recognized by many as the best government BBS. "NIS will bring clients the knowledge of online technology that we've gained as the world's leading online software developer, as well as a fresh perspective in creating onlines solutions," Royer said. "By outsourcing system integration, organizations will save time and money. They'll eliminate the cost of hiring a high-level developer, and we'll ensure that they select (he most cost-effective and appropriate products to create a successful online service." client-oriented, and can be used in an offline mode much more effectively." Hul (he big difference between Worldgroup and America Online is the sysop. "Anyone can run their own Worldgroup. li±0^1^£^M^^ O @ra$kiF fa' 'rmtfi AWare h. CYI31IU™ IHHPsffimmi ■ 1 1 Galacticomm claims very special deals await these svsops. The client-side de\elopnielit kit will sell for under 8500. For more information contact Oalaclicomm at 800.328.1 128. Or email (sales) at 3 hi. Electronic Mail file toll Ylew M.iil Options Window Help 8 ** Write Hew Message EE I*r[Sy»flp & Topic ] TBwIyl AddroftS Hunk. AtMims Hook Dew Brunswick. ME Sharp qvy. Z8„ IBM Offer* got*) buuREras lends . * I »"* I EC IH IL^U Victory Alpha System rev. 5 (Mo '/low Tools Options window Help %15ic#PM Main System Menu victory Aipiia system U & ^ P I^mlniB WomMon Fonm>(Ptf>lic Enamel** WjUtxww *OTun( Ft pS) Onlme TXD RW) C«*r Unu^gai«) Daploy/E« Ow U" MIF Q Q m A.SUI/ANSI (C/5 no hold) •*W RegistyrtUtart The Juggling Protocol The Galacticomm Client/Server Protocol (GCSP) is a true multi-threaded protocol, which allows up to 32 simultaneous "threads" between each client machine and server. Callers can update their database application while uploading new mail and downloading the latest messages from chosen newsgroups. "It maximizes your use of bandwidth." says Scott Brinker, Galacticomm CEO. The GCSP is also fully error-correcting, so callers are virtually guaranteed reliable communications. Even under varying line conditions, it's not susceptible to damage from line noise as ANSI and linear graphical languages can be. "On top ot this connection, the server and client talk with 'dynapaks' that can represent data and/or calls to 'agent' services on the BBS server. Dynapaks are uniquely named and can be up to 1 BK blocks ot ASCII or binary data, or they can specify any arbitrary binary file of any length," Brinker said. "And then on top of that, we offer services to the API such as file transfer capabilities. For Workgroup, we actually developed our own tile transfer windov/ed protocol, similar to ZMODEM. with CRC32 error- correction and a full-duplex architecture, that lets it simultaneously send bytes in both directions without delay." All of this was built at the low-level with C and Assembly, and was structured according to the standard OSI layer mode! to facilitate future porting and "extendibility." "But those are the raw technical pieces." says Brinker. "The real power ot the GCSP is its availability as a Visual Basic API for client application development." MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 23 ■*- In addition to complete documentation, TBBS comes with a 40 minute installation video tape. ■ Number of simultaneous, full-speed ZMODEM downloads at 38.4 kbps on a single P5/60 CPU £K§^£i=^ "*3SSC?r W^ LAC a The high reliability of TBBS means its power won't turn on you. No babysitting required. ► TBBS' unprecedented flexibility lets your BBS talk to your callers in their language. a The test was conducted in the cSoft Testing Lab. Each PC represents one BBS user. < A 64-line TBBS and Internet Protocol Adapter (IPAD). Minimum hardware - maximum power. JHnUSN BOBS j&Sfc*- I«S SE5SPS9KKSS Sek ,'-.'•■'■■:■ When your BBS succeeds, you'll need the power mmEfgmS$ESH£&^ 9S^ B sBprJ to back it up - and you won't want to buy a WMSafffi ■mr^b room full of computers to get it. For years, TBBS ■■■BBbH has stood alone at the top of the power curve in . : BIS BBS software. It still does. To prove it, we put all types of BBS software in a room and tested them. As the graph on the left ,i-*Jy£S8 . sasEni £»&.* SbkIu IJWHQ p ? ffiS p3K M Jl fctf^ teiBM shows, the closest competitor can't deliver half the speed and power of TBBS 2.3. To complement its speed and power, M\ flfKl ■■■■ TBBS delivers unprecedented flexibility and BSMEftsfcni&i smooth expandability - on the minimum hardware possible. So scaling up as your : ■■ "i :■■■'■. '■ ligw^j-^''.tX'JifcSaP system grows won't stress either your m$ '■-:-'-'■■:. : . .:•?>£. -,A hb<- SBB - ■ I 1 ■■■] ■ 1 SHIRHb raw budget or your sanity. And TBBS is backed by eSoft - the company with the most computer communications knowledge ■ : *^-i- 3r«fe. and expertise in the industry. You can buy 64 user TBBS 2.3 for $1,995 (32 user for $1,495, 16 user for $895, and 4 user for $295). When you're ready for the only BBS product that can truly deliver reliable online xBASE databasing, TCP/IP Internet access, LAN access and high speed modem support in an integrated system, then you're ready to step up to TBBS. Call (303) 699-6565 for more information and access to a demonstration system. 1 5200 E.Girard Ave. Suite 3000 Aurora, CO 80014 THE BIG BOARDS BY TERRY ROSSI Art-Biz-Movies-Games New entries on the commercial boards CompuArt Library Sections 1-U 3 Grammar Expert - Online Help for ' £3 The Geometry 01 The Heart j THUMBS UP Graphics file pieviev HI Aesop's Fable - An interactive Aci [2] Adobe Acrobat Reader v2.0 (or M QJaic Media Center v2 HPagePlui Intro A full featured DT 12] LViewr Image Editor handles JPG, EDJPEGView Coiii|uiScitc has debuted li joint venture between art galleries throughout the world and the Artist forum (GO ARTIST). The forum's new Online Gallery joins participating galleries with CIS's 2. I million members. bringing images and information online at the same time they deliul in the gallery. The premiere show features the work of Norwegian artist Per Fronth, and is shown in con- junction with the Meisner Gallery in Ne\s *t nrk and Kunstuset A/S in Oslo. It consists of eight large, highly person- al photographic images on canvas and one photoengraving/composite. In addition to being able to download images of each featured artist's work, (he fomm will present an online brochure containing detailed informa- tion about the artist, the pieces in the exhibit, an artist's statement, and thumbnails ol till the pieces, plus pic- 26 using > \dobc Systems' Acrobat file exchange soft- ware — which allows Tor the easy exchange of complex documents con- taining typography and pictures to and from an\ computer, regardless of make or operating system. A copy of Acrobat Reader is required to view the online brochures and it can be downloaded for no additional charge from Library 1 (Helpful Software) in the Artist Forum. If business is more \ OUT cup of lea. Industry Vi eek Interactive is a new "vir- MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE tual corporation" on CIS. Industry Week Publisher Carl Marino defines the term "\ irlual corporation" as a new kind of organization that can deliver highly customized gootls ami services to cus- tomers on demand. Virtual corporations are characterized by constantly shilling roles and responsibilities for employ- ees, an absence of organizational boundaries and strong alliances u illi customers and suppliers. The biweekly magazine's online area consists of a forum, the current print issue, an electronic letters to the editor area, a searchable archive of hack issues and a store on the CompuServe Mall. The Forum, called Industry Week Virtual Organization. Inc., represents a significant departure from the tradition- al forum structure in which message sections correspond to topics. The mes- saging of the Industry Week forum, while appearing as a top-down manage- ment hierarchy, is really an organiza- tion without houndaries featuring open lines of communication among the vari- ous functions. The sections include the Executive Suite, the Bean Counters, Product Development, Information Systems, Factory Floor, Supply (main, Consultants, Grapevine and others. "Our goal in taking this approach is to foster the same kind of cross-func- tional communication as you would Mud in a virtual organization." said Marino. "In effect, we're creating an environ- ment that encourages members to par- ticipate in several functional areas to develop innovative solutions to both real and hypothetical management problems. We believe our current read- ers will benefit tremendously from the online exchange of ideas, and other CompuServe members will learn about our magazine's approach to business management." The forum library' includes extensive background material on topics covered in the magaziut profiles and statisti- cal information on the 50 companies that have won the magazine's "America's Rest Plants" award over the past five years, surveys and research materials, and 100 reviews ol manage- ment books, [ndustryWeek will also host online conferences with executives and editors from the magazine. AOL Investing In today's economy, investors need up- to-date information on the movers and shakers in the markets. We've all seen film of the ticker tapes Hying across rooms of traders. What AOL gives investors is the '90s version of all that tape. Today's computer user is hungry for personal money management — just Th* VMfc Ahead & s MaHSNIOfl C*nw* ask Intuit, the makers of Quicken. AOL has a host of ser- vices avail- able to sub- scribers to help tbem slay abreast of invest- ments, markets and money. In late 1994. AOL announced the addition of two new services in this regard: Investor's Business Daily and Vanguard Online (from the Vanguard Croup of Investment Companies). Investors Business Daily and Vanguard Online join Mumiiigsiar Mutual Funds, The American Association of Individual Investors, The Nightly Business Report, Worth Online, Consumer Reports and a host of other services as part of AOL's finan- cial services channel. With the addition of Investors Business Daily (1BD) subscribers can read each day's issue, including a cal- endar of the week's events, financial news, editorials, executive updates and profiles on successful companies and individuals in the financial community. Additionally, subscribers now have access to archives of previous IBD issues, and can discuss IBD content with other investors through its mes- sage boards. Vanguard Online features lour topi- cal areas — Mutual Fund Center, Planning and Strategy, Vanguard News, and Communications — through which investors may learn more about invest- ing in mutual funds, asset allocation, retirement planning, and other invest- ment-related topics. Vanguard provides the editorial con- tent and a steady How of new and time- ly insinuation. They also maintain a library ol fund prospectuses, annual reports and other investment-oriented information that may be read online, printed or downloaded for later review. The Communications area includes an email service to Vanguard as well as Investor's Business Daily llie Newspaper For Important Decision Makers NATIONAL ISSUE Out With New, In Win The Old EDrTORlAL Changing Washington's Rules NEWS FOR YOU: A well-Planned Will Keeps Family Harmony LEADERS & SUCCESS: Labor Leade« Samuel Gompers • In... m a interactive message boards through which interested fund investors may share information and ideas. Prodigy jumps on board Adopting the policy Delphi look last month. Prodigy is helping new users adjust bo life online with a free bulletin board section. With the holiday season past and PC sales up 35 percent over the same peri- od last year, Prodigy saw a vast group of "newbies" coming online. With Prodigy software installed on four out of five new PC's sold through retail out- lets, the company has made special plans to get these new fish acclimated to the water. The new bulletin board called (what else?) "New Member Bulletin Board" allows unlimited and free access during the members' first 90 days on the service. Questions in the "BB" range from the basic — "How do I enroll another Family Member; 1 " — to I he more complex. The BB is staffed by employees, special contributors and subscribers acting as mentors to help answer new members' questions about the basics of going online, including accessing the Internet, sending email, using chat and bulletin boards, importing and export- ing files, and recommendations on areas to explore. The New Members Bulletin Board can be reached by JUMPing to "new member bb." All the news that fits: Thai's what you get when you read Usenet news- groups (or "news" as it is known here). I send is the network of conferences MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Cor* t ikce s 27 • Send A Private Heply Iroot@plcspc01 Subject I He: lest This is a reply to your newsgroup posting in nj.tcst [Charlie Root) wrote: > >Path: prodigy,com!!!uhog,!sgifjlal)!swri ndelpipex!uunet!!decwrl!decwrl!twwells! mlplcspcOl .pics. com!not far-mail >From: (Charlie Root) >Ncwsgroups: nj.lcst >Sub[ect: test >Date: 26 Dec 1 934 1 9:41 :39 -0000 >Organization: Pics OnLine BBS - telnet or 609/753 -2540 >Lines: 1 >MessagHD: <3dr>G9jSf5@picspc01> >NNTP-Posting-Host: > > which sprang oul of the early days of the [nternel and UUCP-based mail sys- tem. 1 1 is literally 350MB of confer- ences per day. and il i- now available on Prodigy for subscribers. flic service lias created a greal user interface for reading Usenet news online. Members can subscribe to newsgroups, grab the group's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), read articles by thread (similar topics) and add custom signatures lo each piece of outbound mail. IVodigy lias incorporated some of ibe advanced features in UNIX-based news leaders that I didn'l expect to find. Features such as Ignore List (which allow you to ignore a subject or person), personal replies via email instead oi news, cuslom signature files, keyword searches and many others. Jump USENET on Prodigy, wade through the legal disclaimers, pick your newsgroups, and away you go. COHVt Cdsts s * \ \ V I I I I f income^" (naketo y ou.- Voice: (817) 581-93B0, Fax: (817) 788-3046, BBS: (817) 788-3038 Delphi goes to the movies. Ever wanted lo know about how films are made, about an actor or actress, about how special effects are executed? If so, the Entertainment section on Delphi should be your first slop, A quick trip to GO Entertainment on Delphi will show you they're well con- nected: • Astra Predictions • Penn & Teller • Chal and Chat Games SIG ■ Rolling Stones Critics' Choice Reviews • Hykodisc Online • Entertainment News (Variety) • Star Trek: The Forum • FOXtalk • Studio Briefing • fX Cable Channel • Trivia Club • TV/Movie Group • Hollywood Online • 20th Century Fox Films • Movie Center • X-Files • Movie Hi \ iews h\ ( lineman • Music Faudom 1 took the lime to browse through the loruius and found some really interest- ing information. I started my trip at "Hollywood Online." the online source C (l \ T I Pi 1 K S ... BBS INCOME "(66 Report on how to go from $0 to $3,000 per month in BBS income in as little as 90 days! This valuable report reveals money making information on how to operate a BBS tor profit. It outlines powerful marketing secrets including unique ways of finding new subscriber;, and how to gel them lii p.iv \ini top dollar; guaranteed ways to generate other revenue plus the secrets to getting free publicity and being able to accept credit card payments; plus much more. Limited quantity. Infol. ink 56089 29 Palms Hwy. Ste 254-CD Yucca Valley, CA 922R4 1 (619) 22S-9553 FAX1 (619)369-1185 | Prepared by the publishers of the book _ How To Successfully Run A BBS. For Profit. 28 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Full Text Searching Need to add powerful full path text searching software to your business BBS? Cheetah is the solution! Cheetah was designed by APDI, a leader in the BBS service industry. APDI listened to corporations, associations and government agencies who need a simple full text searching software to work with their BBS. From these talks APDI designed and developed Cheetah. Cheetah enables you to search online for any combination of words in seconds! Cheetah lets your users access large amounts of data quickly and easily. Cheetah also performs phase and proximity searches. Users can specify word proximity within a paragraph or sentence and the file viewer conveniently highlights all found text. Unlike other full text searching software, Cheetah was specifically designed for BBSs. Cheetah keeps track of users* time, left on the BBS, mode settings, modem status and even allows users to down- load their search results using any compression software they choose. rwi-ce companies, in th nTM"s WIS Cente E.dlt Yicw tJclp • =■'"! '.-■! Hi. I 1 nt iigency business and coup Patent and Trade-He filter icon fled Cros: s deyel* product for use ir lirv'i-i nii.-ri exclusit!. PCBo.inl. trtbase to . size. Users way i Fron the mountains BBS connected '■" ■ ■orld's "fastest L ILIoi.Jr IKWk II Beginning Hie ifci'je tr iad text tiles JS node or 3 i Hit* ZHode» triinsfcr iirolo*:ol is -tl;iiiiiniiniiui!ih[ll!llil.j,.r.»] ti™»:.rv CD! j I R'T-" I j Sir I j Uam J [ OPS ZjMtfVtXPMK :■-' Cheetah handles text and images — newsletters, magazines, even government regulations! Cheetah is available in both serial port and Digiboard versions and works out of the box on Novell networks. Cheetah comes with an unlimited user license per BBS. New Cheetah 1.5 version now shipping • Images, GIF files • Document Date support • Sysop Configurable menus • Auto open databases • Menu-driven maintenance program • Usage reports • Unlimited hit lists • Open multiple databases • RIP support Cheetah 1.0 can be purchased at SO'* off while supplies last. So if you work for a corporation, association or government and run a BBS, or just have the task of building one. call APDI at 1-800-785- APDI and find out more about Cheetah's ability to give your users what they need. Business Beat Mark Burnett at APDI's BBS Service Bureau "The BBS Service Bureau" Companies looking for a serious BBS company to provide a wide range of services are choosing APDI. APDI is devoted to providing professional BBS services to corporations, associations and government agencies throughout the United States. Typical APDI clients are organizations that need turnkey BBS solutions or advanced technical on-site support. APDI provides installation and support for WildCat!, Galacticomm, PCBoard, TBBS, and Searchlight. APDI is a Certified Mustang Software Integrator (CMSI). APDI frees up precious time for you and your staff to concentrate on marketing your new BBS. Most of APDI's corporate customers find it advantageous to let APDI run the BBS for them at APDI's location. APDI provides all equipment (like the BBS center shown above) and handles all technical support and navigation issues on your BBS. APDI's fiber- optic cabling ensures crystal clear connections and communications to your bulletin board system. Many businesses wish to put a database online but find it difficult to locate programmers with the skills to assist them. APDI has a skilled database development staff and is on the FoxPro and Paradox development teams. Now APDI puts your BBS on: • Internet • X.25 Packet Switched Network Call and find out why so many of the largest corporations in the world dial into an APDI BBS every day! yiPDr Application Programming & Development, Inc. 6805 Coolridge Drive, 2nd Floor ^w^ Camp Springs, MD 20748 1-800-785-APDI (301) 449-1400 -Voice • (301) 449-6100 -BBS for Inside Hollywood. It"s filled with die latest in Interactive Multimedia Kits for upcoming films, as well as special photo images, video clips and inter- views with your favorite stars. The Hollywood Online Forum is structured with a software library devoted to each of the movies il fea- tures, all [Kicked with informative mul- timedia, photos, sound and movie notes. Hollywood Online's message hoards also offer a wide range of dis- cussion topics for movies and entertain- ment. It's rounded out with the usual Delphi goodies like Usenet news- groups, conferences and databases. Forrest Gump was one of the fea- tured movies during in\ visit — a film I always wanted to see but never got around to. Upon checking out Gump, I was surprised to find the forum offered quite a bit of informal ion about the film, including production notes, biographies on Tom 1 hmks and other cast members, a detailed description oi the script, settings, filming locations and other interesting asides. If Rock n" Roll is more for vou. then the new Rykodisc Forum will likely hold an abundance of material to catch your interest. It is Incused on the medium-sized record company RYKO and the artists and bauds on their labels. The World of ImagiNation If you fancy online gaming and enter- tainment. Sierra Online has a fairlv new service called ImagiNation to whet your appetite. ImagiNation is set up like the eWorld service from die folks at Apple. The service is designed around a world or nation and the main menu is a map to that nation. The service features a Post Office to read and send email, a Town Hall for help and information, die Phone Booth for finding other players and friends online, and the real attrac- tion — games! Among the places to visit is MedievaLand. where fantasy role-play- ing games — including The Shadow of \ serbius and The Fates of Twinion — allow players to match their skills against the dragons, monsters and dan- gers within a maze of dungeons. SierraLand is the electronic amuse- ment park of ImagiNation. featuring a variety of action and strategy games for kids oi all ages. For popular hoard and card games, check out The Club- house — backgammon, bridge and other favorites are available with a nice graphical interface. The jewel of ImagiNation is CasinoLand. the adults only online casino. The of-age can play casino games or socialize in Lefty's liar with bar games or simple chit-chat. Within CasinoLand reside restricted and unre- stricted areas: the difference being that in unrestricted areas, adult subject matter and language may be discussed freely and openly. A speeial form must be signed and either faxed or mailed in for access to CasinoLand. The ImagiNation network costs * ( >. ( .)5 pei- month, which includes five hours ol the service. Additional hours are billed to at S3.50 per hour. For sign-up information and software, call I-800-IMAGIN-1. B Get Ready for BBS EXPO Philadelphia Spring, 1996 26 Nodes niteiog BBS Fidanet / Internet Email / Usenet Rime & ILink Mail 2900 DOS / DS2 / Windows / Amiga / Conferences m]x f j^ / ^^ ffl A 50,000 Files ( 408 ) 655-1096 v\32bls 655-42I& Register Online SUBURBAN PCBoard Ver 15 708-636-6694 SOFTWARE Home of King of the Board • Strike 93 • Word Nerd BBS 30 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE fhey couldn't lop Synchronet So we did* Introducing .JlsPCMSthe mmand ana 'CMS is Ba/'a™, an easy to use lasic-like programming language ommand shell programming without external programs or odd- itis. Because compiled command .hells are loaded dynamically upon " le BBS structures :hoose from; including emulations )f other BBSs, complex graphical jser interfaces, foreign language SMB .ides a level II lentalion of the new SMB message storage and retrieval. SMB ' isible to support future ig multimedia! nchronet for OS/2, OS/2 fflfwstfiflir for DOS. Finally, a powerful and feature rich 32-bit BBS will soon be within your grasp. Free Demo ...psV.3__ 714) 529-9547 28.8Kbps V.FC Synchronet for DOS v2.0 2 node $ 99.00 4 node $199.00 16 node $399.00 Digital Dynamics PO Box 501 Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 529-6328 voice [714)529-9721 fax rcBH^^^HnRHH^HnMHSHMBHfl^HHHflHHHflD ictre 8 nodes on a single 486 ****** Synchronet Node license* S299 Programmable Yes Multiple command shells Yes Intelligent DigiBoard Yes Intl4h device support Yes Standard serial ports Up to 10 Caller ID security Yes Nested security logic Yes Multichannel chat Yes Private user chat Yes Offline reader support Yes QWK networking Yes FidoNet import/export Yes PostLink (RIME) support Yes Includes RIPscrip menus Yes Novell/DOS LAN support Yes Enhanced CD-ROM support Yes Incoming FAX support Yes Chat between doors Yes Bidirectional file transfers Yes DOS door support 1 1 types FILEJD.DIZ support Yes Offline NetMail Yes Offline/Remote file requests Yes Real-time configuration Yes WildcatNM 5799 No No Yes No No No No Extra No Yes Yes Yes Extra Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 2 types Extra Yes No No PCBoard/M $440 Extra No Yes Yes Up to 4 Extra No Yes Extra Extra Extra Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes 2 types Yes Extra No Yes MajorSBS S508 Extra No No No Up to 2 Extra No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Extra Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No No TBBS $895 Extra No No No up to; No No Yes Yes Extra Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No Features and prices compiled Irani vendor supplied information 2/94, are street 10 change vrrthout notification. Wikteal! IM, PCBoard/U. MaiorBBS, TBBS. QWK. FetoNet, PostUnk. RIME, RIPscrip. Novell, and DOS are trademarks or their respedve companies. Third party utilities may be required for some message network technologies. • to- 8 nodes WiWtatMM requires a 250 node license. PCBoardJM requires a 10 node Scense, TBBS requires a 16 node license. If you haven't checked out Synchronet yet. crank up your modem and download a demo. There isn't a faster, more feature rich BBS available anywhere from anyone. Synchronet combines the robust interactive nature of a multiuser BBS with the speed, power and flexibility of a multinode system. It was innovative out-of-the-box features such as intelligent variable timeslicing, ARS™ security, RIPscrip, enhanced CD-ROM, and easy to use fully integrated message network support that made Synchronet a multinode powerhouse. And now. with version 2.0. custom programmability, lightning fast high volume messaging, and much more makes Synchronet the sysop's choice for BBSing in the 90's. I BBS version 2 Multinode Bulletin Board System Software X E T L A W BY S II A R I S T E E I. E % What do "A when you crf^pi rock band, a civil liberties organization and a collection of electronic services? A: A new way of having fun, collecting money for a great cause, and. most important, developing bonds between people. That's e.xaelK what happened righl before Christmas, when \erosmith, one d1 America's premier rock hands, decided to turn its attention to online communications. And the I land's timing couldn't have hern heller, heeause the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was in ihe process of making organiza- tional changes to reflect a return to its roots — thai place they call cyber- space. In I lie middle of November, tile management company lor the rock band Aerosmilh contacted EFF with a unique idea — the band wanted to do a "Cyberspace 'lour." I nlike other lorays into the online world, however, the baud did not acluallv want to perform online. While concert broadcasts arc certainly worthwhile, band members Steven Tvler. Joe Perry. Hrad Wliill'ord. Tom Hamilton and Joey Kramer wanted to actually connect with their fans, and they realized thai only a limited number of folks currently have the capability to receive networked audio-video. Instead, the band wanted to "chat" with the online masses. The band proposed a four-night tour, from Dee. 4—7. where thev would appear on CompuServe, Prodigy. \mrrica Online and the Internet. The proposal lor EFF was rather interesting: if EFF could help the band arrange I he online events in two-and-a-half weeks, the band would donate proceeds of con- nect lime and T-shirt sales lo EFF. fur- thering freedom of Speech online. Aerosmilh has taken a strong stand for free speech over the vears. participat- ing in several lawsuits that tested the limits of intellectual properly owner- ship and censorship. Coincidental^, when Aeiosinilh's niaruigemenl approached EFF. the civil liberties group was undergoing some internal refocusing of its mission, and jumped on the opportunity to work with the band mi this event Aside from the publicity for online Iree speech the band would lie sure to generate, folks at FFF saw this event as something more — a chance lo sponsor a commu- nity even! for several communities in 32 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE cyberspace. EFF was founded in July of 1990 as a result of a disturbance in cyberspace: the systematic seizures and raids erf several BBSs throughout tile country. Over the years, [he organization lias dedicated itself to working on cases and legislation that made cyberspace a better place to lie. Hut recently, mem- bers of the board of directors were growing less and less comfortable with the organization's role as Washington deal-maker and were interested in gel- ling Siack to a more community-baaed focus for the organization. The ■\erosmith tour was a great chance to help foster a few of cyberspace's com- munities. And the event was a whopping suc- cess. On December 1. Aerosniith came online for the first lime, appearing on CompuServe. Thai service filled its "auditorium" to capacity, when hand members literally dialed in from back- stage at liie Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit, where they physically per- formed to a sell-out crowd less than an hour later. Subsequent events on the following nights on Prodigy and America Online also resulted in the largest crowds those services had ever gathered for a single event. Bui the most interesting event was the band's appearance on the Internet The band had no idea of the best "place" to appear on the world's largest computer network and had assumed that a channel on IRC Internet Relay Chat, would lie the location of the final event. However, folks at F.FF weren't so sure that was the bcsl place for this tvpe of event. IHC is great fun. but the non-hierarchical nature of tile medium surely would drown out band members attempting to answer questions. No, IRC probably wasn't best tor this type of chat. Folks at EFF decided to turn, instead, to the MOOs. .MOOs are inter- active online services, usually game areas, where fantasy worlds are created and traversed through textual com- mands and descriptions. Win not cre- ate a MOO concert hail where the band con hi appear onstage? A message was posted on one of the MOO organizer lists on the Internet asking if any MOOs were interested in sponsoring such an event. Several MOOs respond- ed, and within days MOO organizers from several of the largest MOOs were working together on programming code that could link them all together. The final Aerosniith "gig" was going to be the largest online gathering ever. This might not seem like such a big thing for the uninitiated, but the linking of the MOOs was actually an historic event in the life of the Net. Owe the software was created for an online gath- ering of this sort, it was available for other such online gatherings. Willi those lines of code came a new way ol linking the world together. All' in all. 14 MOOs from all over the world participated in the Aerosniith event, and several thousand people were online to participate. An IRC channel broadcast the discussion. There were problems and bugs, but lliings were sorted out as the chat pro- gressed, and everything worked smoothly by the end. EFF is committed to holding other events of this kind, encouraging more and more folks to find their way online. In the meantime, sonic big changes have happened at EFF. Andrew Taubman has been Policy Director Jerry Herman, have left EFF and have created a new organiza- tion called the Center for Democracy and Technology (CUT). In 1995. EFF will continue to pur- sue its policy mission ol protecting the health and growth of the global comput- er networks. The 1995 policy agenda includes such projects as an innovative new "State of the Net" report: studies of the implications of the global nature ol the Net for jurisdictional governance questions: a study of the protection ol intellectual property on networks: and. efforts to preserve the free flow ol Infor- mation across the Global Information Infrastructure (Oil). EFF expect- to continue to intervene actively to counter threats to computer-mediated communications networks, and virtual communities, such as limitations on the use of cryptography and intrusions into personal privacy, as it has in previous Skari Steele is Director of Legal Sen-ices of the Electronic Frontier Foundation I EFF). Sent! legal questions to or c/o BBS Magazine. named EFF Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer. David Johnson has been named Chair of the EFF Board of I hreclors and Senior Policy Fellow of EFF. Esther Dyson has been named \ ice Chair of the Board. EFF co- founders Mitchell Kapor and John PeiTJ Barlow remain Directors and will continue to participate actively in the development and implementation of EFF policy pro- grams. Five mem- bers of EFF's \\ ashington policy staff, including SHOP SHAREWARE TESTING LABORATORIES - USA TODAY LIGHTNING-FAST SEARCHES - GET TECHNICAL HELP MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 33 BURSTING WITH FEATURES! 32,760 File Areas Free-form menu trees Local Sysop Node (even in Single Line) FREE Technical support Chat system with action words, multiple channels and language filter Support for newest 28,800, VFCandv.34 modems Access to Doors and wcCODE applications (over 200 available) GIFThumbnailer Built-in message spell checker International language support RIP 154 ready including dynamic RIP menus Caller ID modem support Session scrcllback and capture 32,760 Message Conferences FILEJD.DIZand DESCSDI support RIP, ANSI, and TTY auto-sensing Activity audit trails Event processor Downloadable bulletins LAN, Desqview, OS/2 and Windows friendly 28 Sysop utilities induding; wcDRAW screen drawing utility MakeMenu menu tree designer wcMAIL .QWK mail processor wcECHO .QWK netmail processor MAKEQUES questionnaire facility wcFILE CD-ROM file description processor wcPROMPT prompt editor wcPACK message packer wcMODEM modem setup utility wcNODE activity viewer Access to fax-on-demand (wcPRO add-on) Access to Internet E-mail, Usenet News andMHS (wcGATE add-on) r Access to custom Wildcat! applications (wcCODE add-on) MUSTANG SOFTWARE PACKS MORE INTO THE BOX THAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER The World's IVlost Popular BBS Software.™ There's a reason why more than 35,000 sysops worldwide run Wildcat! This powerful BBS soft- ware is packed with more performance features than any other product on the market. Today's sysops know they can count on Mustang Software to deliver a complete, feature-rich BBS solution at a real value. In fact, most of the features we include as standard are an extra cost in other prod- ucts. So it's easy to understand why Wildcat! has been selected by more sysops than any other BBS package. The King Of The Online Jungle. A centralized, PC-based system, Wildcat! lets callers send, receive and view messages and files, access external applications and chat 24 hours a day. Wildcat! 4 BBS software is available in four configurations, from single-line up to 250 total con- nections. So whether you're a home office-based entrepreneur with a single modem or a corporate system administrator running a multi-line customer support hotline, there's a Wildcat! version to fit your needs. Special features in the Wildcat! base product include a .GIF thumbnailer, support for RIPscrip graphics, a spell-checking message editor, support for over 32,000 message conference and file areas, and remote access to all BBS sysop functions. Wildcat! also features sysop- defined language files that let callers select the BBS interface of their choice, and a BBS display screen editor (wcDRAW) that allows the sysop to customize the look of the BBS interface. "If you're looking to set up your own electronic bulletin board ser- vice (BBS), look no further than Mustang Software's new Wildcat! BBS Suite, version 4.0." - Padraic Boyle, PC Magazine "Mustang deserves credit for creating a superb successor to its already impressive BBS program." - Russ Lockwood, Computer Shopper "To meet demand for features that allow bulletin board systems (BBS) to be tailored individually, Mustang Software's developers rewrote Wildcat! BBS software from top to bottom." - Shame Van Tyle, ElectronicDesign "Planning to build your own bulletin board system? Mustang Software's major rehaul of its popular Wildcat! BBS software can help." -PC World Add-Gn Utilities. Mustang Software also offers powerful collections of add-on utilities. You'll enjoy wcPRO's powerful user, message and file database maintenance capabilities, including wcFAX, a fax-on-demand processor that lets callers request data and receive literature via fax. Tap into the Internet and Usenet Newsgroups with wcGATE, a sophisticated Internet/MHS messaging gateway. wcCODE, a custom online development engine, helps the sysop to quickly develop custom applications or change Wildcats operation. BASIC-like syntax combined with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) make it easy to use more than 200 built-in functions. The Wildcat! BBS Suite. Designed to move today's corpcate environment into the new world of online communications, the industry's first BBS suite includes Mustang's top-of- the-line Wildcat! MultiLine Platinum BBS software with the wcPRO database utility, wcFAX on- demand server, wcGATE Internet/Novell MHS mail gateway and wcCODE development tool kit. The suite allows up to eight BBS lines to be connected to a single PC and supports up to 250 concurrent dial-in callers. The Wildcat! BBS Suite is the ulti- mate BBS solution. Get online today. Mustang Software can help you get online faster with our special CD-ROM offer. This FREE limited- edition CD-ROM contains Wildcat! utilities plus popular shareware programs that you can make available to your callers, all of which can give you a jump start to the world of online communications. No other BBS software manufacturer makes it this easy for you. Get started today! rTREECDROM FROM MUSTANG! New - get this limited edition CD-ROM absolutely FREE when you buy Wildcat! 4! It's filled with thousands of the most recent shareware programs in dozens of categories and is j especially configured to work flawlessly on your Wildcat! 4 BBS. To get your FREE copy, just pick | up Wildcat! 4 at your nearest software retailer before July 31, 1995. Then send back the registra- tion card along with this coupon.* Mustang Software, Inc. 6200 Lake Ming Road, Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 873-2500 Fax (805) 873-2599 BBS (805) 873-2400 "Buy Wildcat! 4 between February 1 . 1995 anil July 31 . 1995. and mat in this coupon - along with your product registration card - to receive our CD-ROM while supplies las!. Void where prohibited by law. Offer good only for purchases of Wildcat! 4 when coupon Is accompanied with product registration card- Available through Software Etc., CompUSA, Fry's and other software outlets everywhere. Call 800-663-1886 for more information. Mustang Software Connecting The World" 6200 Lake Ming Road • Bakerslield. CA 93306 800-683-1886 • 8O5-873-2S00 FAX 805-873-2589 • BBS 805-873-2-I0O The MSI Horee Logo and artwdrfc and all product names are trade- marks of M'jstang Software, Inc. © 1537-1935 All Rigiit5 Reserved. BBS NOTEBOOK BY BOB BROWNE EveryBaudy's BBS Manchester, New Hampshire Home Again BBS Chicago, Illinois Hotel California BBS Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The State Patrol Appleton, Wisconsin 36 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE EveryBaudy's BBS SYSOI'fS): Jon Gross and E3 Lennon LOCATION: Manchester. NH BBS MAIN ACCESS #: 603.668.2983 or (voice info) 603.645.0 1 1 MODEM TYPE(S): All ZOOM 28.8V.M: Externa! BBS SOFTWARE: The Major BBS networked w/Renegade BBS MOTTO OR THEME: Glial. Files, Contests, Internet and More! Every Bandy's RBS originaled as Jon's Bus Stop in June of 1993 as a single-line Renegade BBS. Soon afterwards, multi- ple CD-ROM drives Were added along with the Nightowl series shareware CD ROMs, and when the sysop ran for local office in November '93, a local message area was set up to dis- cuss politics. The board has grown in popularity, mainly due In its file collection (oyer eight gigabytes now) and the contests they Continues MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 37 The added ability of a local BBS to offer access to the Internet and live chat makes it feasible to achieve a market-share against the 'big' national services. run. They were running Richard Paquette's FACTS Door this month, For instance, arid od'cii utr prizes In the win- ners — some oi which have included movie tickets and restaurant gift certifi- cates. I lie extremely helpful sysop. Jon Gross, also founded Rebelnel in L993, with four other local hoards. Node quickly went online, and shortly after thai Jon added Internet UUCP and Usenet email sen ires for his users. The hoard was still completely free, with increased access gi\en for $10 and S2."> annual contributions. "We were averaging about 70 calls a day. with70 percent busy time, so we needed to expand," Jon said. So The Major 15 US was added as a neiv platform and Every Baudy's BBS was bom. The upgrade included seven lines— all at 28,800 baud (with a license for I I lines and hardware ready for 10). Many games and additional modules were purchased, Jon said. Currently I CD-ROMs arc online and live Internet will be available this month. \\ orldlink Live Chat is on nightly and most of the time during the week- ends. In its first week of operation, the new board averaged over 120 calls a day. "I uani to provide an inexpensive alternative to the Big Three — AOL. Prodigy and CompuServe — when' peo- ple can have live chat, interactive games, live Internet and Ions of files Iot- as little as 50 rents an hour, and not have to drag along at 2400 or 9600 or even I I. IK."" Jon said when asked win- he runs a BBS. "I love creating a social world where we can have bin. organizing contests within our own electronic universe, with the feeling of home to our users."" The equipment on Jon's board includes two computers (the main one is a 486766 with 16MB of BAM |, i e- gigabvle IDE hard drive. SCSJ con- THE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS MAGAZINE Don't miss another issue Subscribe Today I \ear ISA *:i0:CA\ \DA -S50 2yearslS\ .-CO: CANADA .SOU YOU CAN CHARGE VISA OR MASTERCARD BY CALLING 1-800-822-0437 ( 1 am - I pm est) J Knclosed is niv check lor 8 D Credit card (circle one) VISA M/C i ! # Exp, date Signature Name Adfh Cih State// p ( lode 1 ' I Phone (home) _ (bus. MAIL TO: Cullers Digest. Inc.. 701 Stokes H.I.. Medfortl, NJ 08055. j If paying by credit rani, you nun FAX thisform at <(><)')) 953- i 961. troller with seven CD-ROMs, and a 16- I'orl BocaBoard (with 10 |f).V>0 I Mi'l'S). Ml modems arc ZOOM V.FC 28.8K. The second computer is a 486/33 K1SA with 8MB of RAM and a 5 k)MB SCSI-2 (fast SCSI) hard drive, a DTC 3290 SCSI controller (with 2MB of cache installed tin the controller), and three SCSI CD-HOM s . A third system is poised ami ready to go on line as an Internet Server. I'lie mail networks carried at EveryBaudy's BBS are ITC. SING, Rebelnel. Usenet (Internet I UCP), and Worldlink. Playing Door games seems to be a growing American pastime. Of the many great Doors Jon has online, the most popular are SLOTS. TEOS, LORD. SCRAMBLE, and FACTS. Jon's board is family-oriented, with unaduli file areas. However some adull "talk areas are online. In the future. Jon said he plans to "develop Internet further and add X.25 lines so people all over the country can reach us w ith a local call." "I think the opportunity for a well- run BBS to prosper by catering k> regional users is great. The added abili- ty of a local BBS tti offer access to the Internet and live dial makes il feasible to achieve a market-share against the 'big" national services," he said. "In addition, the ability to move more quickly onto cutting edge advances, like providing 28,800 band connect lines, can keep the local BBS ahead of lire national systems. Local shopping sen-ices and a local feel add to the nice atmosphere of local boards." Hotel California BBS SVSOP: Llu\ ilLawson LOCATION: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma BBS MAIN ACCESS #: 405.728.7 1 21^ MODEM TYPE: USRiibutics Sportster 28.800 V.34 BBS SOFTWARE: Wildcat! 4.1 Single Lille BBS MOTTO OR THEME 1 regular cornu- copia ofmodemingjun and excitement! After previously running a BBS for over a year. I.lovd Lawson knew about ihe hours required to run a BBS. not to 38 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE mention the expense of it all. So with experience as his guide and an old 386 computer. Lloyd I. awson jumped hack into the BBS world hy putting ihe Hotel California BBS online. This was in May of '94. Today Lloyd says he has already taken 2.500 calls. I asked Lloyd why lie runs a BBS. to which he replied "I have a serious Cod complex. This is my only outlet for such a problem. But seriously, it has to he the thrill of knowing thai someone is interested enough to lake time out of their day to call my hoard to see what 1 have to offer, then seeing the same peo- ple call hack day after day." The one-gigabyte hard drive is packed with plenty of current share- ware and there are two CD-BOM drives with Pier 4 and Software Vault Ruby which gives you a little over 8.000 files to browse through. As for software, "After trying several BBS programs, I kept coming back to Wildcat! for its ease of use. simple set- up and unmatched customer support," he said. Customer support, indeed. Lloyd told me I hut Paul Davis, the main Wildcat! programmer, personally helped him out with a hug fix and Hick Heming. vice-president of Mustang Software, railed him at home to he sure he was happy and that everything was working properly. The board is run on a lull tower 186 DX2-66 with 8MB of RAM, a one-giga- byte hard drive, two CD-ROM drives, a LSR 28.8 V.34 modem, and a Jumho Trakker tape drive for backups. "I run my BBS under Windows for Workgroups," Lloyd said, assuring that it works ijuite well — perfect for his needs. Running the BBS this way allows him to operate other programs After trying several BBS programs, I kept coming back to Wildcat! for its ease of use, simple set-up and unmatched customer support while leaving his BBS online. The Hotel California BBS currently carries the SELKNLT message echo. SEEKNET is a QWK-hased message network which carries over 50 topic areas. Llovd savs all of his Doors are quite popular. Some of the favorites are Dollarmania, a slot machine game, Lasso!, the classic hangman game, word Scramble, Saratoga Race Track, King of the Board, and Online Trivia. They also offer the Online Bible and the CDSub BBS Magazine doors. The board is also the new home of the SOONER BBS list which offers callers and r-ysops an up-to-date list of BBSs in the -105 area code — two-thirds of Oklahoma. Hotel California caters to a wide range of callers from age 13 and up. All ages arc welcome, arid. Llov d sa\ -, "There are no adult areas, so parents do not have to worry about what their children are seeing on my hoard." As for the future. Lloyd said "I will definitely add one more CD-ROM drive, bringing the total to three. I would also like to offer Internet mail and newsgroups. As technology expands, so will Hotel California BBS." Lloyil says nothing irritates him more than seeing on TV and reading in magazines what he calls "BBS slam- "Best BBS on the planet " ^^^ ( Channel L Over 3,500,000 calls! AbmJ 6 1 7-354-3230 2400 - 1 4.4 v.32bis PO Box 338, Cambridge, MA 02238 trung. "It is obvious that some of these people are narrow-minded in thinking that BBSers are all perverts with noth- ing better to do with their lime than to look at dirty pictures on their comput- ers," he said. "This is definitely not the truth. Cranted, there are many BBSs that offer adult material, but the majori- ty of the BBSs in my area don't. 1 feel that more positive advertising by the sysops and strong support from user groups could bring about a better pub- lic opinion of URSs now and in the future." Home Again BBS ; SYS0P: William Johns., n LOCATION: Chicago, Illinois BBS MAIN ACCESS #■- 312.665.73 1 9 MOBEMTYPE: US Robotics Sportster 28.8k internal ™ BBS SOFTWARE: PtKoard vl5.2 BBS MOTTO OH THEME: Free noncom- mercial access lo Interne! email and Usenet newsgroups. William Johnson put his BBS online in September of 1993 with GT Power BBS. And after a mail feed was estab- lished with a BBS in a nearby town, the ! lome Again BBS started taking calls, William told me he quickly became interested in the Internet and set up Waffle lo send and receive Internet email and Usenet newsgroups using Russell Kroll's (Computeeh BBS) WAFT0GT utility to gate mail between Waffle and GT. But WAET0GT was only capable of gating a maximum ol 50 Usenet newsgroups, forcing William lo Continues ^ Home of the Online Mac Users' Group Macintosh Online 404-988-9904 • PD/Shareware • Software Giveaways • 300-14400 Baud " • Demos • Tech Info • More!!! A Mac GUI BBS! Over 130 different conferences!!! Large free Classifieds section. MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 39 Home Again is provided for the enjoyment of its callers. If you are concerned about not getting ripped off, not being taken advantage of, then Home Again is the place to call. seek other available software packages that could possibly meet his needs. "When PCBoard vl5.2 became available with UUCP built-in. I was able lo recover over 100MB of hard drive space by removing the Waffle system, WAFTOGT, and GT." he said. "'My Waffle scripts and system files were practically drop-ins for PCBoard UUCP!" The board now averages anywhere between 24 and 32 calls per day on a single node, and has already logged over 1.000 calls since changing lo PCBoard last November. Now. according to William, "it's time for node two to go online." "'I find it amazing lo be able to exchange Internet email with BBS users in Sweden and Italy, and sometimes getting a response tile same day I entered the message. I use the BBS more than the callers do." William said, "If a caller can log onto the system and find what they are looking for. then great!" he continued. "A new caller left a message to me saying he needed a utility to convert graphic images in order to complete a task at his work. He was surprised lo be able to download what he needed during his first call." When you log on to Home Again yon trulv do feel right at home — especially if you're looking lor files. William main- tains a terrific file selection between the files on drives and the assortment of available CD-ROMs. Some of the CDs online when I called were the NightowTs 10. 11. 12. 13. and the Pier 5 CD. You'll also find a great selection of Door games here, including Legend of the Red Dragon. The PIT. VGA Planets, ChessMagie. and SuperSlots. The US BBS List Door was also avail- able to users. William runs his BBS on an AST mini-lower i 486DX/33 with 8MB of RAM, a USR Sportster 28.8k internal FAX V.34 w/V.FC and a Pioneer DRM-604X CD-ROM changer. Johnson runs, and endorses highly, PC Board software for its long list of built- in features. To him, the built-in UUCP support and the built-in f'ido support were very important and necessary. "Home Again (as the name implies) is provided for [lie enjoyment of its callers. If you are concerned about not getling ripped off, not being taken advantage of, then Home Again is the place to call." he said. "You will find no pornography, copyrighted material, hacked or otherwise illegally obtained material. If you are looking for that, then I would prefer that you would call elsewhere." William said he recently acquired a ZEOS Pantera 90 MHz Pentium with 21MB ol'R \M that will be used as the file-server for a new LAN-based system that I he BBS will operate on. In the future. William says. "Additional lines will be installed, and callers will be able to participate in mulli-line Door games and online chat. The Slate Patrol SYS0P: Micky Pagel LOCATION: Appleton, WI UBS M \l\ ACCESS ft 414.830. 1885 MODEM TYPE: Zoom 28.800 BBS SOFTWARE: Renegade BBS MOTTO OR THEME: Do Your Best! There's a very popular BBS out in Appleton. Wisconsin, that went online in September of "94 called the State Patrol. Its svsop is 14-year-old Micky Pagel (known as Stale Trooper to board members). Micky said she runs a BBS becau>e she likes giving oilier people the enjoy- ment of having a local BBS that they can call their home board. She also enjoys the interactivity she has with the callers. Micky's modestly sized BBS gives a user plenty of things to do while online, and if vou like downloading and check- ing out new files, then you can browse through the CD-ROMs that are online, in addition lo the new uploads thai are kept on the hard drive. Some of the CDs we saw were Games lo Treasure 1 and 2. and the Pier 5 Shareware CI). The Door games online at the Stale Patrol are very popular with callers, arid each is heavily played. The most popular include the Legend of the Red Dragon and Barren realms Elite, fol- lowed by Motor City Drag Strip and the ever-popular Tractor Pull. A built-in feature with the Renegade software Micky tuns is the voting boolh she uses lo ask her callers what they waul lo sec on the board. Mickv then tries to tailor the board lo be what the users want. She asks them what Doors they want lo play, what lypes of files they want posled and what kinds of message bases lliey want to post mes- sages in. Micky chose the Renegade software package because she says it was very easy to set up and is extremely flexible, giving her the ability to make it look and feel the way she and her users want. Il is also a very popular package among sysops in area — so there's plen- ty of support. The Stale Patrol is run on an Acer Acros 486/SX-25 computer with a 318MB hard drive wilh 4MB of RAM, an SVGA monitor, a CD-ROM drive, and a Zoom 28. 8k modem. The E-Mail Networks carried at the Slate Patrol are also very popular in (he area. She carries RTS Net. RGS Net. ITC Net and another message network started by Micky and a friend called Dragon Net. which is quickly becoming very popular. Future plans for the State Patrol include selling up another nude, adding more CD-ROM drives and having more shareware CDs online, and maybe bringing in a few more message nets like Fido.ncl and getling linked to the Internet. Micky told me she feels a sysop should be nice, as well as flexible. "Most of all, be careful of who vou lock out on your system," she said. "Gel caller-ID if it's available in your area." Sounds like good advice lo me. We found the Stale Patrol lo be a very friendly, easv-going BBS to visit. And although the user base seemed to be made up of a younger crowd, the BBS was si'l up to give users of all ages plenty oi things In do online. BBU 40 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE Magazine BBS Magazine is nol only your ticket lo llie evolving information highway, it's also your road map. wC?-^ * With features on the latest in bulletin hoard software, interviews with top industry insiders and news and reviews of everything making its way into cyberspace, BBS Magazine has heroine required offline reading for anyone getting online. ^Stefc-, Eaeh month we look at the best and brightest BBSs, as well as those just getting started, and review the most informative books on BBSing and online services. Every issue features our expert columnists commenting on all aspects of life online. From the best deals on modems to our look into the Internet — it's all there. BBS Magazine is written for you, the BBS caller. The stories are exciting, informative and olten . ■>" entertaining. J%^#> We won't waste your time, hill we will get you ■ted. Subscriptions: □ 1 year US — $30. Canada — $50. □ 2 years US — $50. Canada — $90. Name Address City. State Zip Code flume (home) . (bus.) Payment Type □ Check/Money Order □ Visa □ MasterCard CC# BBS Name (if any). Exp. Date Signature BBS # \U 701 Stokes Road • Medford. NJ 08055 • Call the Subscription Hotline: L800.822.Q437 -y&. Fax: 609.953.7961 T E R 111 E T MADE EASY BY MIKE ROBINSON The Best of the Web And the winners are... Travels with Samantha Cover Page File Edit View Go Bookmarks Options Directory IM Help Location httpJAvwv^ [Chapter 1 [Table of Contents | Credits and Copyright! Reviews [ Othgr Voices | FAQ] 1 ime and again I'm sked the same question by ders and colleagues. Where are the best Web sites? The answer to that question depends on die interests of the one doing the ask- ing. And since I don't know the person- al likes and dislikes of everyone asking the question. I point them lo llie Rest of the Web Awards. Winners of die Best of the Web '94, or BOW awards, are undoubtedly some of the finest sites around. However, by the time you read this who knows wiial else might have emerged, for now. the Best ean fie found at litl|i://wings.biilfa- These awards are given in 13 differ- ent categories and are selected by a majority vote of over 5.000 respon- dents. The contest was run bv Brandon I'lewe, assistance coordinator ol the Campus-Wide information System at SU NY-Buffalo. And plans are already iii the works for a BOW '95. Following is a list of the winners in each category. Go to the BOW '94 page lo get the actual UHL for each page. 42 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE BEST OVERALL SITE National (denier for SupercomptllinK World-Wide-Web-Worm (U. Colorado) SERVICE CONCEIT What's New on (lie WWW (NCSA) DOCUMENT DESIGN Travels with Samantha (MIT) INTERACTION Map Server (Xerox PARC) MULTIPLE MEDIA LeLouvre (Telecom Paris) TECHNICAL MERIT Map Server (Xerox PARC) We're not in Kansas anymore Playing around vvilh the Map Server (BOW's pick for technical merit) locat- ed at Xerox PARC (http^/pub-, left me truly impressed. This was my experience: Once at the server, a map of the world appeared. I asked for USA-specific Locations to get more detail, and then requested a color map. Ne\l came the hard part — where to go? First 1 found the geographic loca- tion lor my search. I chose a small town in the woods of Wisconsin called Merrimae (you know, the one with a cable channel displaying pictures of cows in a field). I'd been there once and can report that it"s as small as it sounds. Merrimae (pop. 365) is located at latitude 13.22.2 4 north, longitude 89.37.24 west, according to the Geographic Name Server. The next step was to enter the loca- tion into the Map Server. 'Plus was done by entering the string '71al= 43.22/lon= -!").: 37" into the entry hox al the bottom of the screen. One hint at this point: Make sure you have your inline image display turned on — mine was oil (or a frustrating few minutes on my first trip here, allowing me no maps. Tinning the inline image display on. 1 saw Merrimae. \\ 1. right in the center ol the screen. I could also see Lake Wisconsin and the major highways nearby. Finally. 1 located Philadelphia. PA — iiiv home — only to find there was simply too much detail, and had to turn off die major highways selection. One final note: there is no labeling of towns, roads, rivers, etc., so von likely won I be able to use these maps for travel. FTP by email Xerox PARC Map Vicwei: world U.OIIN D.OGE |I.OX] The number of people with simple email access probably far outnumbers, that of people with FTP. This has undoubtedly made for a lot of frustrated would-be downloaded. Hale to break it to you emailcis. bill for some time there's been a solution lo this dilemma. Il goes like this: Send a message to without a subject. In the body of your letter, put the following line: send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq This will send you some help on how- to use the service, where lo get more information, etc. I'm assuming here you already know where you want to FTP. II not. there's information on how lo get listings using the above information. The next step is to send mail to a local FTP-by-mail server such as Princeton University's in New Jersey ( Again, don't include a subject — all of your instructions will be contained in the body of the message. For example, to download the current release of Trumpet Winsoek (2.0b). include the following text as the body: cfl /p ub/win 3/ winsoek bin gel quil You can also include commands like "dir" to retrieve directory listings. FTP-by-mail is not the easiest way lo retrieve files, but lor those u ilhoul FTP. it's as good as it gets m om aix zo™ ox osa utti ww. aim ' Vi™C.l.«tAi»Uirra1diM. Sdert apenri on ae trap to loam oi (by 2), or ,cltei an option Mow- Flewml ^frwj At Ml lltrtr. Eitl «l j &rtwU-TofcKtatf-3lo«ion bv Iwpm. i*: :; SpHtKlFM-M* MO; Stww*ra (H»T*1 Come rtb**) ft! Cj Sufr-* H*VJ2mMC| mtKIHllllWHJlim TtJ»biiT16Q0pfi.rj) TelBb.1TT5mif¥lOJ Twmcom t**DfTr3TJ) Ed'l DunmHjt EMRentH C*dct EAMvwii 3_ Help t Into Ti l OK l| C.wtl | Hot tip Are you a frequent user of America Online or any other service offering TCP/IP as will as modem access? Do you also have a SLIP or PPP account? If so. dial your SLIP/PPP account and then connect to the service through your client using TCP/IP services (Winsock). This will give you 19. 2k. 28. 8k, or even higher access speeds. For example. 1 dial into my office (which is live to the Net) at speeds up to 38.4K. get a PPP account and then use that to connect to A01. at much faster than my local 96(K) Sprint connection. And I can use Mosaic, as well as log in to check my mail — all al the same lime. I wouldn't recommend this if you use an Internet provider, however. since the additional online charges will probably accumu- late and cost you big bucks. Bui a lot of you have free SLIP/PPP accounts — some- times without even knowing (students) — so here's another way to lake advantage of lliem. Nexicon DNS — Domain Name System. This is probably the most useful sen ice on the Internet, although most users don't even knows it's there. DNS is an online data- base \_\m-i\ to translate human-readable names into their numerical IP address- es. IP messages arc addresses using a dolled-quad notation (i.e., which is nol easy for us to remember. So DNS takes a machine name and auto- matically translates ii into the appropri- ate IP address, ma Mike Robinson (or dii liir Web at hltp://f>iuiiicr.nh(ii- UNCLE HANK'S SHAREWARE REVIEW NEWSLETTER Published bi-monthly, this newsletter takes a good look at some of the best Shareware available today. Each issue contains reviews from a wide variety of areas. Always in plain English. For a sample issue, send S2 to: Uncle Hank's Shareware, 8 Hendrick St., Easthampton, MA 01027 Send $10 with this ail, yuu can subscribe for 1 yr. (6 issues) & scats $2. Make checks payable lo Hank Hurteau PEXT SEnERiiTinn BBS PCBoard. Home of Trek Trivia Online. Lots of Files, Message Networks, FidoNet 1:266/19 After Dark Adult Network. Visa/MasterCard accepted online. 609.482.7345 FREE Internet $ Usenet Mail It's SO Big! ;- Adult Access Hoi Adult Clubs! Match Making! HOT NEW GIFS!! Adult Chailing Live! Adult Games / Party! ALL LIFESTYLES LADIES FREE ACC- Toll Free #'s Local Access #s 300 # access too Satellite News Feeds Magic The Gathering Games & Contests Sports Club Online Business ' HAM too ♦ m mm ♦ COS-BBS VOTED 13TH IN THE NATION. ONE BBSCON FREE DEMO ACCESS! C : ":x 512 8870787 (■ 44 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE MediaHouse Software Inc. ■■.-:■.:■: ?■■• :■"- EU MODEMS 1\7 I9K Oof2*f?A GBnerdhfbrmatton about Modem Corrfigi lot rriaiy popular brands Includes an in cd ri dilC^SSion gn new 20 & moHems. and mt( 10 (levees Worth Rfading' H CO-ROM System Tree Lib pa f^ s Moil Folders John Smith: I knowl I'm sending and receiving files at "He same time while we chat, ive never seen another system where this is possible That's why our company is using MediaHost and MediaBase ■) Ann Fowler: What does your company use MediaHost lor ? I rtork for an adverusina aoertcv. We are tftrttanq of setting up Connectivity Solutions Dial-up and Network Email & BBS Functions Photo Databasing MediaHost Online Server for Windows™ • E-mail with private mail boxes and public conferences. • CD-ROM support. • Private and group chat. • Online image previews and • photographs. • Multitasking allows most system functions to take place in the background. • Receive and send files concurrently. • Line noise correction. • Free Client software. • Includes visual design tools. • Configurable security. • Configurable menu structure. MediaBase Database Option tor MediaHost • Reads & writes dBASE'f FoxPro and Paradox' files directly. • Can display JPEG, CMP, TIFF and GIF™ images. • Allows multiple image and document files per entry. • Allows security based entry and editing of records. • Background searhes allow the viewing of data as it is found. • Intuitive spread sheet view. • Supports multiple databases. • Configurable spread sheets, templates and queries. • Configurable multi-key searches. • Integrates with MediaHost ordering interface. MediaHouse Software Inc. 32 Eardley Rd, Aylmer, Quebec, J9H 7A3 Sales & Info 819-682-9737 Demo System 81 9-682-3330 Fax 819-685-0994 MediaHost and MediaBase are trademarks ol MediaHouse Software Inc. All other trademarks are the properly of their respective owners. © 1994 MediaHouse Software Inc. £ mflcmTosH ooyof Retrieve 'em, post em, unarchive em without a hitch. ■/■''+, ■ Mac Files on PC Boards ,. ^ ' ':^3**£ hen I receive email on subject en masse, I lh;il many others out nTc arc silently wondering the same thing. How to cfeal with Mac files on a PC board ,one of those quandries. 995 BBS MACAZINE I get a lot of mail from PC sysops wauling Id know the best way lo provide Mac files for Macintosh callers. Because the problem often lies in making the files readable, my suggestion is to sim- ply convert them to a MacBinary formal file before transferring. Although there is a public domain program that converts to and from MacBinary (which is called, coincidentally, Mat-Binary), most telecommunication programs provide MacBinary conversion. ZTcnn, for example, can be configured to detect a MacBinarv file when it is received and automatically convert the file to its original representation. I discussed [his with Henry, a friend of mine who runs Lone Star Mac Online, a first Class BBS. Henry explained that you really don't have to worry about pre-converling files with a utility like MacBinary before uploading a file to a IT, board. As long as the file is uploaded as MacBinary. it can be downloaded as a Mac file (the MacBinarv header info remains with the file). It's simple. Otherwise, if it's uploaded as a simple binary file, it may not be usable when downloaded unless you run a utility like MacBinary lo intrepid die header info on the file (determining where the data and resource forks begin and end). Bill even then. I've encountered files that I couldn't restore. PC downloads I've also had manv newer Mac users ask me how to open files they've pulled from a PC-based BBS — files that were com- pressed or archived in some manner. This calls for a primer on file formats, and what utilities translate them. Y^ hen vuu log onto a IT, board, many ol the files can be easily dealt with, such as lexl files, GIFs. TIFFs. EPS images, even TrueType fouls. However, you will encounter many files that have been compressed by a PC archiving utility. Below are some of the more common archives you'll find, with the suffix of the file, a description, and a Mac utility you can use lo unarchive the files. File suffix Type of archive/file Mac utility(s) to use .arc MS-DOS PC archive ArcPop, MacArc arj MS-DOS PC archive unArjMac .Izh Amiga or old MS-DOS PC archive LHarc, MacLHa .zip MS-DOS PC archive UnZip, ZipPop, Ziplt Occasionally you'll also come across files bom a UNIX sys- tem. Below are some of the files you'll encounter and utilities to use with them. File suffix Type of archive/file Mac utility (s) to Use .shar UNIX shell archive Unshar 1.5 .uu UNIX uuencoded files UUIite 1 UNIX 'compress' archive MacCompress 3.2 .tar UNIX tape backup archive SunTar These are the ones mosl prevalent on Mac boards, online ser- vices and the Internet, but the) are not the only utilities ihal translate these file types. Sluffil Deluxe ,'i.O. for example, includes translators for .lar. .uu. MacBinary. DiskDoubler, and MARCH 1995 UNIX compress. These translators (tan also be used with Sluffil Lite. In addition, .arc and .zip translators are distrib- uted with Stufflt Deluxe. Mac archives As for Macintosh compressed archive files, there are several different popular utilities and file formats used online. Some of these include: File suffix Type of archive/file Mac Utility(s) to Use .bin MacBinary files MacBinary, BinHex, Stufflt Deluxe 3.0, SunTar xpt Compact Pro archive Compact Pro, Stufflt Deluxe 3.0 .sit Stufflt archive Stufllt Deluxe 3.0, Stufflt Lite, Compact Pro, Disk Doubier .dd DiskDoubler archive DiskDoubler, DD Expand, Stufflt Deluxe 3.0 .hqx BinHex files BinHex, Compact Pro, Stufflt Deluxe 3.0, SunTar .image Apple DiskCopy disk image file Apple DiskCopy, DiskDup+ .pit Packlt files Packlt, Stufflt Deluxe 3.0, SunTar, DiskDoubler .sea Self-extracting archive files double-click to decompress Another utility, Stufflt Expander 3.0.7, can decode BinHex, Sluffil. Compact Pro. and Applelink archives. What's really nice about Expander is that it supports drag-and-drop under System 7. Stufflt Expander is distributed free by Aladdin Systems Inc. Notes on utilities • Packlt files were the standard before Stuffll burst on the scene. If it's a Packlt file, odds are, it's very old. • In order to expand DiskDoubler archives. Stuffll uses inter- application communication and requires DiskDoubler to be installed, which might seem to defeat the purpose. • DiskDup+ can mount .image files on your desktop, so you can run installers without having to create install disks first. I believe you're only limited by available RAM. Over the past few years, utility authors have included more cross-plalform conversion tools, making life easier for many of us — because, unfortunately, not all BBSers are enlightened enough lo have a Mac (grin). And it's likely that more sophisti- caletl lools will soon become available. 1 II be sure and report on them as thev appear. If you have any comments or questions, don'l be shy about asking. I'll take up the broader issues here: otherwise cheek your email box for a personal reply, bhhb Michael A. Kuykendall has written for 1 several computer publi- cations and is currently president/sysop/general flunky for the Online Macintosh Users Group BBS in Atlanta (404.988.9904). Comments or suggestions may he sent in care of BBS Magazine. to the BBS via the sysop or to BBS MAGAZINE 47 Uncle ffmvir'y VummNtott /?fi//fm/v BY "UNCLE" HANK HURTEAU Pluck the Keyboard, Be a Star Basement to Stage shows the way (sort of). Plus: Mah Jongg, Mars and a BBS number finder. BASEMENT TO STAGE ROCKCITR.ZIP by Ronald Price Have you ever wanted to learn In play die guitar? If you're looking for a place to start, try this program. "Bascincnl to Stage" will lake you through the steps of buying the right instrument, along with an appropriate amplifier. Author Ronald Price says players can go "from basement lo stage in 365 days!" (hence llie name). I'm not too sure about that, hut by following the procedures outlined in litis program. you should at least be able to keep up with your friends. Hasemcnl lo Stage (UTS) stresses basicr- and b .1- of practice. The author believes that loo many aspiring gui- tarists "spend too much time in the basement impressing themselves with speed and Hash" and "fail lo learn scales and to use a metronome." BTS is a menu-driven tutorial that can be used at your own pace. The menu is split into several parts with chapters delv ing into such things as parts of a guitar, selling goals, gelling m 1 8 3 UJjJJIJJJl — s +5=^ m in a band, rock chords, and scales. There are even a few pages of shed music to try out. Nice graphics pop up throughout die program and no sound card is required. So if you want lo jam or strum, give this, one a trv. The registration fee of S14.95 gels you a metronome, guitar Inner and 25 more pages of music. LOCALBBS V1.3 LCLBBS13.ZIP by J. A. Murrero There are several HRS lisls floating around out there. Some are quite exten- sive, listing thousands of BBSs around the country and the world. But what if you jusl want the local boards? Trv a program called LOCALBBS In J. A. Marrero. To use I he pro- gram, all you need to do is create a tcxl file listing your area code and all the exchanges local to you. Then simply run lire program from die command line. For example, type: LOCALBBS "tile name." where "file name" (minus the quotes) is the name of the file you want to check. Thai's il. If you wanted to check the USBBS list edited by Bob Breedlove (USRRS###,ZIP) you would use the command: LOCALBBS USBBS217.LST. ,\e\l a lisiing of BBSs is produced that match the area code and exchanges you signified in llie LOCALBBS.XCH file. A file is then written lo your disk wilh an .LOC extension. There are also a few switches you can use to perform many kinds of searches, such as for area code only, siring or a single word. The author asks for a 85 donation. 4B MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE MAHJONGGV4.0 MAJONG40.ZIP by Nels Anderson Let me admit it, I am not a fervent game player. While I do entertain some of the more popular titles, as veteran readers of this column know, a decent game of solitaire now and then is good enough for me. And one of the finest solitaire games you'll find is a Chinese tile game by Nels Anderson called Mali Jongg. Playing the game is quite simple. You start with a layout of 144 colorful tiles, and your objective is to remove them by pairs until you're left with an empty screen. Sounds simple, right? It isn't. The liles are stacked up to five high when you begin: therefore, some are covered. You proceed to remove pairs that are not blocked or covered by another lile. The graphics in this game are some of the best to be found anywhere, espe- cially with the fine details of the liles. And the general quality of Mali Jongg really impressed me. To play, vou can use either the key- hoard or a mouse (the keyboard works fine, but to get the most out of the game you'll want lo use a mouse). One of the unique features ol ibis package is the inclusion ol a lile editor. With this separate program, you can Create your own tile sets. It can be lime consuming, but the editor is pretty easy lo use and produces some very nice graphics. Hundreds of "homemade'" sets can be lound on most BBSs and online services. Another interesting feature added lo version 4.0 is the ability to archive your tile sets. This can save considerable disk space if you like to collect differ- ent sets. All you have lo do is ZIP the tile sets with the same name as the original, then delete the file with the .TIL extension. When you choose a set within the game, il will unzip and lie readv for use. Trust me, it works quite well. Mr. Anderson's Mah Jongg has been a favorite for years. And his latest ver- sions include some alternate board lay- outs. II' you've played it in the past, try it again. If you haven't seen it before, it's worth downloading. Keep in mind though, this is another game I'd have to put on die "addicting" list. Registration for Mah Jongg is S15. which gets you more tiles and board layouts. MARSPAL MARSDEMO.ZIP by Mark Feldman You may recall a short review I wrote recently on a program called MARS. With it you could "explore" a Martian landscape. It was a neat little program, but it only came in red (naturally). No more. Mark Feldman took that program and added the ability to change colors. To use MARSPAL. you have to run il in the same directory as MARS.EXE. You do this by typing: MARSPAL ground-color sky-color cloud-color. So, to make it look earth like, type: MARSPAL green blue white. There are unlimited possibilities, and although the program still has no real use. it's fun lo play around with. What is Shareware? Shareware is a special breed of soft- ware based on the honor system. It's known by a variety of names, each of which just means "try before vou buy." Shareware authors allow vou to try the program at no cost. II you like it. you're responsible for sending in the requested registration lee. If il isn't for you, try something else. But please, if you find yourself using a shareware program on a regular basis, send the author his requested fee. This will encourage the shareware authors to continue providing you with quality products at a reasonable Rusty Edie Dual Eliminator Rusty n Edie's BBS announces the introduction of their Dual Eliminator. Simply plug your phone line to the Dual Eliminator and then plug the Dual Elimin- ator into your modem. This device consists of 2 passive electronic filters Ihat handle both high and low frequency noise from the phone line. Both high and low frequency are independently adjustable with knobs that mount on the front of the unit. Surge protection is provided by an electronic varistor. A light emitting diode, also mounted on lhe front of the unit, glows whenever the device is eliminating noise from the phone lines. This device can solve the majority of noise problems associated with telecommuni- cations today, and is sold with a 30-day. money-back guarantee. They sell for $25 each plus S4 shipping and handling. To order, call Rusty n Edie's at 216-726-4217. fax to 216-726-3595 or call their BBS number 216-726-2620; they will accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Rusty n Edie's BBS 7393 California Ave. Youngstown, OH 44512 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 49 COMMODORE CONNECTIONS BY GAELYNE R. MORANEC CKit 94! Mad Man Software squeezes more into new the Compression Kit. Wl H; ouldtrt it be nice to have an easy-to-use and accurate program to com- press and back up files and disks? Mad Man Software look its Compression Kit program and gave it an overhaul — to CKit 94! — making full use of many of the C128s features, while maintaining compatibility for C64 users. The Compression K it (or CKit) was designed by Mad Man Software primar- ily for its own purposes,- While working on a major game product, because the programmers lived in different areas of the country, a need arose for a means of sending each other accurate copies of the software for testing. The) also want- ed il easy to use and to allow for some compression of die files. The CKit was designed to work with Creative Micro Designs' storage devices, and according lo Cene Barker of Mad Man Software, the program is reallv no! intended for slock systems consisting of a 1541 disk drive and i computer. Rather, it's intended mainly for those with larger storage devices 3 dial need a method to back up the data to other devices for safe keeping. Accuracy was the aim of the first elease of the CKit, and having hieved this, the CKit 94! upgrade tackles the speed problem inherent of e [irsl release. CKit 94!-ehecks for and makes use of a Ram Expansion Unit (REU) — the VDC RAM of the Commodore 12" (either l6or61K)— DACC (Dim 1 Access) partitions ill CMD's KA M Links, as well as available com- puter memory to use as bulfer space while copying and compressing. It also uses the 128"s two MHz mode when compressing files. Unlike other archival and eompres- 5a MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE ion programs, which require compli- cated commands, the CKit uses a menu-driven interlace. The screen dis- plays two windows for lite source and destination devices, and will toggle through the user's drives and/or parti- tions. CMD device paths for subdirec- tories musl be entered by the user, of course. Parts of the whole DECMIPER — CKit 94! includes Deeomper, a program which can be dis- tributed on MUSs so those who don't own the CKit can dissolve files com- pressed by it. The Deeoinper program could be considered a demo of the CKit itself, as it has fewer features, doesn't use any speed enhancements (like the CKit program does) and only dissolves files. PHOCOPY — Procopy is essentially a menu-driven file eopv utility with a lew differences. It lists the directory and allows the user to select files by high- lighting those lo copy. It then copies lo RAM and finally lo the destination device. If the option is toggled on. Procopy fully verifies the copies, both the RAM copy (before duping to the destination), and again on the destina- tion device. It also has the option to either delete selected files, or lo move selected Hies. The "move" option copies to the destination device and then de letes the file from the source device. This is an option not generally found on most Commodore file-copy utilities. ARCHIVES — For general hack-up pur- poses, the Archiver is iho recommended choice, according to the manual. As the name implies, the Archiver allows the user to select files arid compress them together into one or more files. The user can toggle Verify on or ofl. and if desired, limit the size of the output files. Output files can be from 100 disk blocks up to 20.000 blocks, depending on the eapacitv of the destination stor- age device. This option was included lo allow those with large capacity devices. like a hard drive, lo back up their data to a smaller drive. A chart is included in the manual as a guide to what the limit for different destination drives should I"'. and how many disks it's expected lo take. The Archiver in CKit 91! is improved from the original Compression Kit. It allows the same menu-driven selection ol files as I'rnropv does, and uses the above men- tioned memory and speed enhance- ments at full tilt. Aside from speed, the other improvement is allowing lor MS-DOS file naming conventions. Archived files end with specific letter and number designations, and when used with Ckit's normal file naming convention, it pads the name with spaces and adds its extension. The \IS-D( )S sly le allows eight characters and an extension with- out adding spaces. This change allows lor easier hie uploads to MS-DOS ISliSs. Disk and C/lflD Native Boas In early Commodore history, there were utilities such as Lynx and Zipeode!, which allowed entire disks to be archived into one hie and then uploaded to bulletin boards or stored for back-up. One did some file com- pression while the other didn't, and they worked only on 1541 disks. BOA — The CKit's disk Boas (think of a Boa constrictor squeezing your disk), accomplish the same lasks. but do so on any Commodore-tvpe disk or CMD device partition. In other words, it uill compress l.VH. 1571 and 1581 disks and partitions, as well as CMD device Native Mode style partitions. However, if you're in a burn, the Archiver is rec- ommended instead, as it will compress onlv files, whereas Boas archive and compress entire disk track and sectors — regardless of whether they are in use or not. This means if you had a file on a disk and deleted it. the deleted file is also compressed within the Boa. since it operates by track and sector. The manual recommends you avoid compressing "dirty" I i.e. used) disks or partitions for this reason. As with the Archiver. if the menu option is select- ed, it verifies and will blank the screen for compressing at two MHz (C128 users only). MSSOIVER — The name of this is mis- leading. The two mentioned archive utilities. Archiver and Boa. have menu options for dissolving the correspond- ing files. This part of the program instead converts already archived files to self dissolving files with a .MAI) extension. Just as with the older .SDA (Self Dissolving Archive) files. .MAD files have a lim- itation of 192 blocks for the original archive. These files can be uploaded lo bulletin boards and dissolved by the end user simph b\ load- ing and running the file, then following the prompts. ( )ne ol the original com- plaints about The Compression Kit is still evi- dent in CKit 94! The compres- sion isn't what it could be. Oiven the choice between a slow program with great compres- sion, and a last one with mediocre compression. Mad Man Software took the middle ground. For archival back-up purposes this is quite functional, but for serious BBS use. the greater the compression the better. An added option allowing for slow but great compression would have been welcome by the Commodore BBSing community. The adtled benefit of the Decomper and .MAD self-dissolving files are still over-shadowed by the smaller file size of other compression utililies available for the Commodore. Dongle protection/SID/CIA and printer conflicts To protect their software from piracy. Mad Man went with a seldom used pro- tection scheme of including a "dongle" (or joystick) key with the software. When CKit is first run. the program cheeks for the key and reminds the user to insert it. If the key is not insert- ed into the joystick port, the program will lock up. Continues.. II i ©ISO© I gOffWMl B Wildcat! Single Line Version 4 $79 All versions of Wildcat! 4 in stock CALL! *p Low Prices on All Mustang Products! CALL! If I Major BBS V6.2 2 User. $153 Major BBS V6.2 8 User Bundle CALL! S m All Major BBS Add-ons! CALL! « 1 Digiboards CALL! _ Searchlight BBS CALL! I ■ DesqView 386 w/QEMM $109 ■ Modembase Pro (Online Database) CALL! n p Much More! Call Now! Visa, Mastercard, Discover, COD, Purchase Orders 4 Order 24 Hours! (800)597-6160 or (909) 782-6463 1 * Order/Info/Faxback on our BBS! (909)682-1654 Uftt-ih //(& Serv-zcef I 3839 Brockton Ave. Riverside, CA 92501 III ■ 111 J MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE 51 -^ ttoUlvfl *v, "ves o The Pier Exchange CD-ROM Publishing Inc. is proud to present the HOTTEST and most CURRENT dated shareware CD-ROM's ever released. The Pier Shareware CD-ROM's are a series of sequential updated disks containing the latest Shareware programs. All files on the discs are TRULY the most CURRENT files available on the market at the time f their release. To top it off there are NO uplications of files between discs! We have set the standards for Shareware CD-ROM's in regards to the quality of files one comes to expect on CD-ROM's, but now we are going to raise the standards for CD-ROM access software. Introducingfor the first time on The Pier Shareware CD-ROM, ThePier v3.0 High Performance CD-ROM Access Program. This is not just another retrieval program, &» it's in fact the WORLDS FASTEST CD-ROM retrieval software! 76e Pcei S6a*ect*€i>ie ^5 - $29 95 "^v EGA VGA 650+ Megs of Shareware files directory 100% files dated 1994S.D.C! (Smart Date Checking in place) ThePier v3.0 The Worlds FASTEST Retrieval Software!!! Database is ACCESSIBLE from the CD-ROM Minimum HD requirement ONLY 600K. All files have been scanned for viruses with the latest McAfee SCAN. Full GAP, PCBoard, Spitfire, Wildcat, TBBS! Remote Access FILES.BBS Support. Less then 1% duplication between The Pier Shareware 1, 2, 3, & 4. Windows Applications Windows Games Programming Languages Programming Tools SVGA GIF Pictures Educational Programs Games / Entertainment Sound Blaster/ MIDI DTP/Clipart Bible Medical / Health Word Processing Laser/Printer Utilities BBS Programs / Doors Communications Legal OS/2 Programs/Utilities And Much, Much, More! GUI Graphical Interface Full Mouse Support Pull-down Menus File Comment Field Entries Worlds FASTEST Retrieval Software Multiple File Viewer Configuration Will Not Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT Keywords Search File Name Search File Name Within Archive Search Copy / Extract Files "On-The-Fly" Built-in Default Text File Viewer Can Run In Text Mode Blows Competitors Out of The Water {Judged #1 Shareware CD-KOM Buy All Four For Only $gg 95 Please add $6 for S&H ($9 for overseas orders). Check and Money order must be in US funds and drawn on US bank. Make check payable to: THE PIER EXCHANGE INC., 80 W. HAZELTINE, KENMORE, NY 14217 Discs Sold Separately: 76e Pi&i Sfanetv&te # 2 $?5 76e Piei Sfawvmz #3 $20 *7&t 'Pten ', S6tvtewvte#4 $25 International Orders, FAX, or Information 716-875-4931 BBS 716-875-3130 ORDRES ONLV DIJOtVER IflllltHIIIHI 1-800-438-9734 30 Day "MONEY" Back Guarantee/ ff Due to the checks made for this Jungle, llic computer must have an "in spec" CIA and SID chip, or the pro- gram will assume ihe dongle isn't pre- sent and will lock up mid-process. My first attempts to use the software were unsuccessful, as there was a con- flict with one of these chips in my com- puter. 1 tried a different computer and didn't have the lockups. The manual also suggests that some printers may cause serial-bus lockups, and to turn off or disconnect printers from the com- puter. Because of this, use of the CKit is a planned event rather than a fast utility one can load and use at will. Practical uses I used CKit 94! to Archive and back up the subdirec- tories on my RAMLink so I could do some rearrang- ing and still have avail- able the files I use often. The back-up utility sold by Creative Micro Designs, BCopy. would have been inappropriate since it backs up entire partitions, rather than sub- directories. I also thought that archiving subdirecto- ries would allow me to have a fast replacement, should I have a need. The process of archiv- ing the fdes was faster than I thought it would be. even w ith full verification on. I used even' possible speed enhancement allowed by the CKil, REU. the VDC RAM in the 128. and the two MHz screen blanking option. When done, with a great deal of trepidation. I deleted my Bamlink parti- tion, created a larger one and dissolved the archived files back into new subdirectories. Then I wiped the worried sweat from my brow, as all of my files uere complete. A few days later when 1 accidentally deleted 500 blocks of needed work files. I thought ol the archives, and managed to restore all of mv work files from the same archives I'd made to test the program. Whether the CKit's ease of use (in terms of ils menu-driven interface and the Decompcr program) will start a rev- olution in telecommunications use lor Commodore users remains to be seen. Regardless, it does create fast and accurate back-up files and disks. CKit 941 sells for $39.95 ($9.95 if upgrading) with a shipping fee of S5 L'.S. and Canada (S 10 others). Mad Man Software can be reached at 1400 East College Drive. Cheyenne, WY 82007; or call 307.632.11 78. mm Gaelyne Moranec is a freelance writer and co-sysop of Ancient Heart BBS. She ran usually be found in the CB.M Fidonet echo. Comments or suggestions ran be set to 1:239/200, gaelyne.moranee@n'olrerine.eom or in rare of BBS Magazine. rIique Arra ZJ*& £?&#& e^f^-v i li cenence Cn-Li ne B Modem: 408-847-0665 MA- .!■ ' . BBS MAGAZINE 53 54 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE MODEM DISCOUNTS BY MODEM MAGE em #!©%!! How to gel around those XID and error correction failures. uite often data communication can like an ancient black art. cloaked in ry and foreign tongues. This is where tfuTModem Mage thrives. Not in the dark secrets though, but rather in bringing the magic out into the open for all to under- stand. Over the next few communiques, we'll venture into the tangle of VFC and V.34 technology. By the time we're done, both end-user and sysop should have a better understanding of what's going on and which modems are the best buy for traversing the online worlds. If you read ihe nets, you undoubtedly have seen complaints ! i'diii mi K li-ni umt- regarding a scenario known .1- XID Failures or Error Correction failure. To a user or sysop, this can severely limit your online activ- ities. \\ hile many experience lliis problem, few understand it. Let's start with some basics and build over the next column or two. First of all. what's this XID (pronounced X - I - I), not /.id) stuff all about? The XID frame is exchanged between modems during the initial negotiation and defines error control and compression for the connect. This all happens before the "CONNECT" message, but after the datapumps (DSPs) have linked with each other. This XID information is handled by the modem supervisors and is critical to understand for a number ol rea- sons. Of chief importance is that in order for the modems to exchange the XII) frame, they must be passing good data back and forth. In order to do this, each must have determined opti- mal communication rates for the other modem's receiver. And this is where many modems fall into the depths of negotiation Hades. You can identify an XII) timeout condition in a number ol MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE C ONTIHI E S 55 ■ fashions depending on your modem type. Mosl Rockwell-based modems report the failure as "V.42 negotiation (ailed." L S Robotics modems show it as a Disconnect Reason: XID Timeout. It can also manifest itself as a CONNECT XXXXX/NONE connect message. The problem with these errors, of course, is that they typically mean you're starting at a disconnected modem session. Briefly, let's sec why this is happening and what yon can do In reduce the occurrence of such an annoying curve in the cosmic carpet. The XID frame must be passed at a reliable data rale since without it the modems arc yet to be operating with error correction. This process is also incredibly timing intensive. You're looking at milliseconds at this level. An obscure cause of a XID failure could be excessive line noise. If the line is so noisy as to not allow a clean XID frame across, the modems rnav sitnph give up. The most common cause is often termed a loo aggressive DCE rate nego- tiated by the modem receiver. Remember, llic modem receiver tells the opposing modem transmitter what it can handle. The third possible cause (and not that unusual) is poorly implemented V.42 code. If the problem goes away when you disable LAPM. the proba- ble cause is simply older Rockwell code. Most manufacturers will have an update to remedy this problem. The lesson in this last case is sim- ple: be sure you have up-to-date code before blaming the other guv for problems. Aggressiveness is an admirable quality for slaving dragons, but isn't always a good idea in data communica- tions. We see this rear its ugly head in a number of ways. Several Rockwell- based modems by S-regisler or design have a tendency to first announce to the opposing modem their ability to com- municate at 28.800 regardless of the actual quality of the line. This results in the user seeing a CONNECT 28800 message. If the modem's DSP then sees loo man) block errors (because it really can't support 28800) it may request the modem to retrain. And i( this happens while the supervisors are wailing for the XID frame to pass, a resultant time- out condition will occur, and typically TABLE I — SYSOPS HIGH-SPEED MODEM DISCOUNTS BY VENDOR AND MODEL TYPE VENDOR/ PRODUCT 14.4KV.32bis INTERNAL 14.4KV.32bis EXTERNAL V.32TERBQ,V.FC V.34 INTERNAL V.32TERB0, V.FC V.34 EXTERNAL AT&T Paradyne 3721-81-OOf S160 3710-A1-20T S180PC:S190Mac N/A N/A CPI; ViVa ViVa 14.4 S180 ViVa 14.4 S196 N/A N/A Hayes Corp Optima 144B* S179 Ultra 144 S249 N/A Optima 288+FAX v.FC 28.8k $288 Optima 144+ FAX' S179PC;S179Mac Intel SatisFax/400 S249 14.4 EX S269 N/A N/A Faxmodem 144i S99 SatisFAXrtOOV S245 Faxmodem 144e S109 Microcorn N/A N/A N/A DeskPorte FAST v.FC 28.8k S2-9 TravelPorte FAST v.FC 28.8k S249 MuitiTech MT1432BC S400 MT1432BA' $400 N/A N/A MT1432ES S400 MCA MT1432MU' S300 MT1432BL" $450 MT1432PCS $575 Practical Peripherals N/A PM14400FXSA' S215 N/A N/A PM14400FXMT* S155 Supra Corp SupraFAXModem' S129 SupraFAXModem' S149 N/A Supra V.FC 28k S169 USRobotics N/A N/A N/A HSTV.Everything V.34. VFC, FAX' S249 Ven-Tel PCM144FAX* S195 EC144FAX* S215 N/A N/A PCMV.32biS* S480 ECV.32bis* S525 MCM144FAX' S380 MCA RMV.32bisN' S425 Zoorr Telephonies VFPV.32Bis" S99 VFX V.32Bis" S119PC;S130Mac VFP V.FC 24k S99 VFX V.FC 24k S119PC:S130Mac VFP V.FC 28.8k S139 VFX V.FC 28.8k S159PC:S170Mac ZyXEL U-1496B- 16.8K S2-9 U-1496E" 16.8K S299 N/A U-1496E' ■.-.32t-;ioo 16.8K S299 U-1496B+" 19.2K S389 ' Modems with an asterisk include 14,400 baud FAX send/receive at no extra charge! Notes on Table I: 1 . All internal modems are assumed to be PC-AT ISA bus unless otherwise noted. Some manufacturers do not offer inter- nals: be careful when ordering. 2. Consult manufacturer for details on availability of Caller ID or voice-mail processing options (any modem above). 3. These prices NEVER include shipping and handling, which is always extra. Tlypically S5 • S15 U.S. dollars. 4. V.34 is International (ITU-T) standard for 28. 8K, This is not the same as V.FAST (generic name) or V.FC (Rockwell based 28.8K standard). 56 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE TABLE II — VENDOR CONTACT INFORMATION VENDOR NAME CALL THEIR BBS AT THIS NUMBER AND... ...DOWNLOAD THIS FILE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS CALL. CONTACT VIA EMAIL AT&T Paradyne (813)532-5254 ATTSYSOP.TXT (800) 554-4996 CPI/ViVa (805) 499-9646; (215)746-9948 CPIA.TXT (800) 854-7600 Hayes Corp. Intel (404) 446-6336; (503) 645-6275 (800) USHAYES H96SYSOP.TXT OFFER.TXT (404) 840-9200 (503) 228-9707 Microcom (800) 822-8224 SYSOP.TXT (617)762-5134 MultiTech {612)785-9875; (805) 496-4445 (800) 392-2432 PRICE.TXT (612)785-3500 Pract. Per. SYSBBS.TXT (805) 497-4774 GO PPIFORUM (CompuServe) Supra Corp. (503) 967-2444 SYSOP.TXT (503) 967-2400 USRobotics (708) 982-5092 SYSDEAL.TXT (708)982-5151 (800) 550-7800 CIS 76711,707 Ven-Tel (408) 922-0988 SYSDEAL.TXT (408) 436-7400 Zoom Teieph. (617)423-3733 ZOOMBBS.ZIP (800)666-6191 (617)423-1072 CIS 71333,1527 ZyXEL (714) 693-0762 ZYXEL.TXT (714) 693-0804 the modems disconnect. If the modem has an aggressiveness selling (%E, &N. S54). care must be taken. I usually recommend Idling the modem do it's jol>. II the device has ihe capability to determine what's best, why should I assume I know better and force il into a certain speed? II your modem is Rockwell based, beware ol %EO. %EO tells the modem to "Disable line quality monitor and auto-retrain." This sounds pretty scary, even to me. Many come this way from the factory so keep an eye out. Other aggressiveness settings like &N in USR's should be sel to CvNO whenever possible. Altering the aggressiveness of a modem by changing the available sym- bol rales is actually the best way to force a modem, if you must. This will narrow ihe scope of potential connect rates, while still allowing speed shift- ing. In mv lab I have mercilessly tested many modems and have found most to experience the forced aggressiveness and XII) timeout problems. Two manu- facturers seem to have tamed this beast: Hayes and US Robotics both perform admirably. While the Hayes does utilize Rockwell DSP code, they seem to have developed satisfactory work-arounds where necessary. USR modems experienced the XII) problems early on. but also seem to have resolved the issues in their latest code. Connecting these Iwo modems to them- selves or each other seems to work rather well. Next month we'll see just how w : ell these and others connect to each other — this lime not in a slerile lab. but in the real world. Sysop/Provider programs I've included a couple ol basic charts to help those who believe a picture (well. chart) is worth a page or two ol ram- bling text. The minimum performance level is v.32bis (14,400 bps), but will soon be displaced by V.34. All modems also must have v.42bis for error correction and data compression to make this list. The rightmost column of Table I shows all modems faster than 1 1400 bps that support at least v. 32bis standards. continues FrontDoor provides the automated connection to FTSC networks such as FidoNet, bringing the world of network data telecommunications to your door step. Provide She added interest of world wide message and file exchange to your BBS! £ \ FRONTDOOR'- 1 $295 Speciai Sysop Price $149 FRONTDOOR- APX 1.01 Introductory Special Price $79 Frontdoor®/Frontdoor® APX The Professional E-mail System Distributed by Online Communications, Inc. 22 State Street Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 941-1 110 (voice) (207) 990-351 1 (BBS) FidoNet 1 : 1 32/300 V;APCH -995 BBS MAGAZINE 57 I recommend only V.34 forsysops. End-users can economically afford In now live liy the same standards. The V.34 ITU-T standard offers 50 pereenl more throughput than v.32bis, at only minimal cost increases. It also offers a I letter chance at a high-speed connect (24,000-28.800) than VFC under mini- mal line conditions. Beware of upgrade plans lo v.FAST/v.3 1 modems, as vari- ous manufacturer programs vaiy greatly. More than a modem Some vendors offer more than just modems lo the sysops joining their pro- gram. For example, US Robotics offers substantial discounts off their ComniServcr 486 LAN product. Other vendors, such as ZyXel. offer big dis- counts on modem rnckmounts. A rack- mount reduces the tangle of multiplying power supplies and becomes economi- cal for sysops planning on larger, multi- line systems. Buyers' restrictions li \iiii maintain a system operating 2-1- hours per day for the last six months. What's OnLine? • Hot Aduit Graphics • Multi-Node Chat • Windows, Netware, OS/2, and Lantastic Network Tools • Ham Radio and Shortwave Listening • MIDI and Soundblaster Files • QWK Packets for off-line reading of over 400 worldwide conferences • Internet and Fidonet E-Mail Access • 4.5 Gigabytes - New Files Daily 609-753-2540. HST & V.22 609-753-2605, HST & V.32 609-753-1549, HST & V.32bis 30 Minutes Free Access Per Day then you're eligible for any of these dis- counts. Some manufacturers onlv require that yon are currently running a BBS at time of ordering. A few may actually waive the current operating requirement. Once you receive your modem, you're expected to keep the BBS up and running between six and 1 2 months (requirements vary). Generally. the modem is yours lo do whatever you want with after this period expire,-. Some manufacturers may ask you to never sell modems purchased on a dis- count plan. Modem resellers, such as computer stores, are generally excluded from participation in discount plans. Nearly all of the modem vendors are accepting VISA and MasterCard for orders. Some also accept a cashier's check or money-order lor prepay orders. Personal checks often require additional clearing time which iusl holds up your order. C.O.D. is becom- ing less common, and is rumored for phase-out by several of the larger play- ers over the next lew months. One requirement, which goes lot- nearly all vendors, is that they general- ly expect at least a one-line advertise- ment somewhere in your welcoming screens. For example; "Using the finest Model X 1 ! / modem from Acme Modem Co." would be perfectly acceptable in all cases. Order processing and availability Delivery times and schedules vary radi- cally, so your mileage may vary. Mam manufacturers arc placing orders on hold until they release V.34. Hayes typically shipped in li! hours, and lo the far extreme, US Robotics guaran- tees a two to six week waiting period. For Canadian, European and other sysops outside the U.S.. yon may or may not be eligible for discount offers. Please check carefully ahead of lime to avoid disappointment. ^ ou may want to check with their European subsidiaries before contacting the U.S. office. If you have information about manu- facturer discount-. please lea\ e llle a message at or to Modem Mage c/o MbS Magazine. 58 MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE PLANET CONNECT TV is now on the air each month bringing you additionannformation and the latest information about the BBS business and the Information loeicosbf Highway IvM'Iir^liiMlXJ; il^^^ satellite tv system or viewed from video tape.l 615-623-9889 BBS Fido: 1:3615/50 BOOK ii i ■>_ The Internet Business Companion; Growing Your Business in the Electronic Age by David Angell and Brent Heslop SI 9.95, 256 pages The idea of doing business on the Net seems to have finally gelled with the corporate world. While lots of Intemauts may find the whole idea dis- tasteful, to say the least, businesses large and small are finding virtual com- merce means the same in the end as any commerce: money. Trouble is. many start-ups and established businesses are finding that getting wired is not as easy as the hype says it is. That's where The Internet Business Companion (Addison-Wesley) wants to step in. Authors David Angell and Brent Heslop (Internet consultants and authors of The Instant Internet Guide), teach readers techniques for develop- ing cost-effective business strategies. They illustrate how to reach and ser- vice new markets and customers, and bow to evaluate Internet services, tools, products and consultants to determine "real'" cost and benefit. There's plenty of common-sense advice through- out, such as, "If you don't understand the tools and options of the Internet, then technical peo- ple (consul- tants, server services, ser- INTERNET BUSINESS COMPANION ■ vice providers) will decide your business objectives, which can be costly." OK. but on the other hand, "tech- nical people" might make you rich. Some of the focus points here instruct readers how to: • market products using low-cost server options; • set up an online information source; • create an Internet storefront for conducting online sales: and, • understand the likes of FrP, Gopher, WAIS, and WWW. There's an appendix filled with resources such as service providers, Web page designers, software develop- ers and consultants. And a decent glos- sary will help you spell out (and figure out) all those crazy acronyms. Visual Basic Power Toolkit by Richard Mansfield and Evangelos Petroutsos 839.95, 950 pages, CD-ROM Microsoft Windows has created a huge market for programmers, and Visual Basic is the software tool with which to tap it. Visual Basic has become something of a phenomenon, with Windows appli- cations — shareware and otherwise — popping up on boards everywhere. Visual Basic Power Toolkit (Ventana Press) aims to take VB programmers to places they've never been. Authors Richard Mansfield (Visual Guide to Visual Basic), and Evangelos Petroutsos write for the programmer, but in a step-by-slep fashion with prac- tical examples and sample routines, ''Visual Basic Power Toolkit covers sophisticated, advanced topics, hut explains them so simply and clearly that anyone who programs in Visual Basic can easily add these impressive techniques to their own applications," said Mansfield. VBPT shows users how to optimize programs for speed, create custom DLLs, use the new Visual Basic for Applications, OLE automate and exploit the best, most useful built-in Windows APIs. VB's database manage- ment language is explained, as is the means for creating visual transitions, image processing and user-friendly interfaces. The book also delves into some of the more glamorous functions of VB, such as the integration of sound effects, voice, music, animation and video. Development of data security is also covered, with the authors so sure of themselves that they offer SI. 000 to the first person to crack the encrypted mes- sage in chapter 15. Along with the book comes the Visual Basic Power Toolkit CD-ROM containing all the program examples from the book, sounds, animations, third-party demos, as well as original. unreleased utilities from the authors. Ventana gets an extra plug for itself, too, as the book also contains an Online Companion, developed by Ventana Online and residing on the company's WWW server ( vbtoolkil.html). Orders can be taken at 800.743.5369. America Oniine's Internet (Mac and Windows editions) by Tom Lichty S24.95, 400 pages, free AOL time If you're an OALer, you've probably heard about (or experienced) the wrath of experienced Net surfers. They're not alwavs kind to AMERICA ONLINE S those from AOL attempt- ing to explore the ins and outs of the Internet via America Oniine's graphical con- nection. Fear not. however: help has arrived. America Oniine's Internet (Ventana Press; for Mae and Windows) takes AOL members by the hand through tin- minutiae of "Netiquette" and the cul- ture of the Internet. Author Tom Lichty explains (with exercises) sending and receiving email, subscribing to mailing lists, participat- ed MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE ing in newsgroups, searching with \Y.\IS and Gopher, and downloading files via FTP. The book is accompanied liy a disk which gives new users 10 hours free online time. How to Access the Government's Electronic Bulletin Boards by Bruce Maxwell S 19.95, 340 pages Last year we lamented over the fact that too many government HBSs were inac- cessible — down, temporarily olfline. unlisted numbers, or eliminated — and that in the future things could only get better. Well. according to one author, the future has arrived. How to Access the Government's Electronic Bulletin (WASHINGTON ONLINE How to Access the Government's ELECTRONIC- - BULLETIN BOARDS Hoards, by ISruee Maxwell (Congressional Quarterly Books, CQ Press), lakes the reader on a thorough trip to some 200 free U.S. Government - supported boards. Maxwell describes just about everything you need to know, from how to navigate a BUS to what you'll find when you get there. Each BBS is given at least a page of descrip- tion (data and voice numbers, time limit, snail mail address, email, files online, handy lips, and a few para- graphs about what the board contains). and each is categorized into chapters from agriculture to transportation. The book is straightforward and informative, with lew graphics getting in the way of its crisp design. It alsn claims the most comprehensive, up-to- date lis! of free federal government BBSs anywhere. Overall it's an excellent resource for anyone wauling to download ihe "full text of Treasury Department Circular 570" or the bank of White House docu- ments. How to Access the Government's F.I eel ionic Bulletin Boards is the firsl volume in the Congressional Quarterly's Washington Online series, w liich continues in May with How to Access the Federal Government on the Internet, also by Maxwell. To order either book, call 800.638.1710. HBB LIVEWIRE Support board for BBS Magazine (print and Online Edition) and Livewire Doors. Subscribe online or register doors using V/MC. Internet - Publisher@BBSCD.COM Fidonet- 1:226/36 Get ad rates, insertion forms and deadlines. 609-235-5297 CALL FOR A FREE LOOK! MajorBBS Software! Digital Consulting Services is your one stop for all your Major BBS needs! l Call us to add FULL Internet Connectivity to your Major BBS! Specials of the Month: MajorBBS 2 User - $155.00 [ User 6 Packs - $170.00 RIP Paint - $155.00 GTEK BBS-550 w/cables - $395.00 Digital Consulting Services 800-899-2002 Sales 212-697-7340 Support P0 Box 2142 - Secaucus, NJ 07094 I CHANGE OF ADDRESS DON'T DELAY YOUR BBS Magazine - IF YOU'VE MOVED LET US KNOW! OLD ADDRESS (oflbc your mailing l:il»-l and AOP members. 3000 mail network forums, over 80.000 files. Authorized PCBoard BBS reseller with installs. MISC. CLASSIFIEDS Free legal advice to sysop members. We under- stand the legal issues facing sysops. Skilled high tech lawyers maintain forums on crucial legal top- ics and are available to respond to specific prob- lems. All basic advice is included with your mem- bership. Multiverse log-on. 216.664.6776, voice 216.344.3080. Deep Green Motherboards turn off IDE disk drive and power-dov/n sleep mode, just like laptops. Choose 5 or 3.3 volt model. For all 486 cpu's and speeds, 3 VESA slots: 256 cache, x36 (PS/2) SIMMS. S225.00 free freight. Software Express 800.326.7083, cserv 72377.3634 BBS 504.486.2371. Live one-on-one with beautiful, sexy ladies who want to talk to you... also live chat with a group or listen to our recorded fantasyline. You may even participate in our dateline. Call 900.745.0865 ext 383. S2.99 per min. Must be 18+ Touchtone only and straight lifestyles only. Infoservice, Studio City. CA 213.993.3366. IDS World Network, customer 800.IDS.1680, Modem 914.637.6100. Complete Internet access solutions. Dial-up. SLIP/PPP. Corporate SLIP, SIG's. Games. FTP. WWW. Gopher, Chat, Airline Tickets. Direct online access to CompuServe and Del- phi (with an account). Much more. Call for 1 week free trial. Livewire Doors! Send 4-1.4 disks with a stamped return envelope to: Livewire Doors, PO Box 416, Mt. Laurel NJ 08054. Total of 35 door programs which will operate with any BBS software which can run doors. BBS Magazine BACK ISSUES! Save when ordering back issues. Send your mailing information along with S5.00 for each back issue. When ordering 3+ issues send only S3.50 each to: BBS Magazine, c/o Back Issues. 701 Stokes Road, Medford NJ 08055, Please specify which back issues your would like. All available except April 91 issue is sold out. First issue is Sept 90. 66 BBS expert needed for part-time consulting in NYC for expanding company with new concept of com- puter kiosk. Technical and instructing abilities a+. FAX resume referenced BBS to 212.925.5723. MARCH 1995 BBS MAGAZINE NEWSBYTES WEEKLY — The world's #1 newser- vice covering the latest developments in comput- ers and communications is now available on a weekly basis for as low as SI 5 per month. Price includes a FREE reader program for CoConet. Major BBS, PCBoard, TBBS, or Wildcat. To sub- scribe online call (612) 753-5286. For more infor- mation call (612) 753-3994. College Degree without Classes/Study: I succeed- ed at major school, you can get credits too! Comprehensive guide S5. Grants, bonus included. William Kemble, Dept. BBS-50, P0B 4352. Kingston, NY 12401. BOARDS/ADD-ON CARDS 16550 Uart chips and double socketed AT I/O boards. Reasonable prices, online orders accept- ed by calling (301) 654-2554. ONLINE MAGAZINES If your favorite computer retailer, newstand. book store, etc. doesn't carry BBS Magazine. then have them call us at: 609-953-91 10 for more details on how they can have BBS Magazine'm their store. ADVERTISER'S L« AI'IM 26 BUS \l VGAZINE 1 1 BC COMPUTERS ,8 CDS BBS -14 CHANNEL I to CLARK DEV, CO.. INC OBC CYBERL1NK , 22 DELRJNA <>; DIGITAL CONSULTING SERVICES 61 DIGITAL DYNAMICS 31 DURANI) COMMUNICATIONS 68. IBC ESOFT, INC 24,25 EXCALIBUR 2 EXEC PC 19 GALACTTCOMM, INC , IPC. 1 CAKI.igt K GRAPHICS 53 I N F( il.INk 28 LIVEWIRE 61 M ICINTOSH ONLINE to MATRIX 28 MEDIA HOUSE 45 MUSTANG SOFTWARE INC 18.34,35 NEXT GENERATION 44 MTK LOG UBS 30 ODYSSEY 66 ONLINE COMMl NICATIONS 58 ON-LINE SERVICES 51 PICS ONLINE 58 PIER EXCHANGE 52 PLANET SYSTEMS 59 QMODEMPRO 9 It! STY-N-EDIE'S BBS I. 19 SI lit RBAN SOFTWARE 30 TESSIER TECHNOLOGIES 21 TM PUBLISHING 17. 20 TRADERS CONNECTION 33 UNCLE HANK'S NEWSLETTER 44 US NET 20 USROBOTICS 5 Mlll'l VLCOMTECH 63 Comparing Procomm Plus to WinComm PRO? Just make sure you're comfortable with your decision. NOW O C I. ■ I N A INTERNET MESSENGER Introducing Delrina WinComm PRO 1 1.1. It's the first truly powerful communications software that makes going on-line a pleasure. Instead of a pain. As you'd expect, you get all major protocols, all popular terminal emulations, built-in script recording, a GIF Viewer to display graphics images, and a lot more. 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FEATURES FLEXIBLE USER INTERFACE 3 Complete flexibility in design of data-entry, searching, browsing and detailed viewing 2 ANSI, RIPscrip & WIP graphics protocol support for all database functions (DOS & Windows Access) K Complete entry screen validation via pick lists ■ Easily jumps from browse to detail viewing PHOTOGRAPHS IN SECONDS - Support for the following image formats: JPG, CMP, PCX, BMP, TIF, TCA and GIF RELIABLE MULTI-USER CAPABILITIES ■ Support for multiple users running separate copies of DC Genesys on the same computer (ie: DesQView) or on separate computers on a LAN network 2 Seamless sharing of data with concurrent dBase/ FoxPro applications on the same LAN U1MI (M'aiIJJ o WIP Main Menu create beautiful native Windows menus with sound, text, icons and compressed images for users to view Notepad after creating menus in ANSI, RIP or WIP, create an applica- tion in CenScript to link menus with the Genesys Database Q DC Compress ^ DC Compress for Windows can compress TIF, TCA, BMP, PCX and GIF images to CMP or IPC fi\ Detailed Output ^^ users will see online 24-bit color WIP menus Q WIP Navigator '■' displays the status of your current online WIP session DC GENESIS vi.i Online Multimedia Databases Imagine creating a beautiful 24-hir color multimedia database that will run with any BBS. DC Genesys' allows everyone to easily develop robust graphical online informational applications and services. Durand Communications Network (DCN) specializes in providing interactive software tor the online industry that is affordable, easy-to-configure and easy-to-use. DC Genesys comes with Contact Phonebook . a turn-key photographic directory application. Additional turn-key applications include: Product Catalog ", Auto Seller'", Residential Real Esrate"' and Match Maker' "( dating service). With DCN's all new Windows Interface Prorocof "(WIP), created with the DC Interface Builder" , your end-users will he able to access your database with a true all Windows interlace. Your applications can have embedded compressed graphics, text tiles, -ound files and mote. DC Genesys can be accessed through a royalty-free terminal program for DOS and Windows (Macintosh coming soon). DURAND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK ONLINE SOLUTIONS 147 Castilian Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Sales: (805) 961.8700 / Fax: (805) 961.8701 / Demo BBS: (805) 961.8710 (BNl) FTUEX BBS vl. A True Windows Client/Server BBS FILEX BBS™ is the first fully client/server, all Windows', multi-user BBS. Using FILEX technology, Durand Communications Network (DCN) has created the most powerful BBS platform on the market. F/LEX BBS is a collection of easy- to-use gTOUpware productivity products: E-Mail, Messaging, File Library (all with spell checker), Chat, Accounting, Security and W1P Compatibility. WIT (Windows Interface Protocol) allows your end-users to access your system with a true Windows interface and allows you to create menus with embedded graphics, text and sound files. Now, everyone can easily develop their own online informational services. Choose either F/LEX vl.O single line, Pro-4 or Pro-8 (simultaneous modem lines) along with FILEX BBS, and you'll have a complete, comprehensive and cost effective interactive BBS. FEATURES ■ Completely Client/Server ■ True Windows Graphical Interface ■ Multinode Support (up to 8 lines per node) ■ Customizable Dynamic Menuing System ■ Compressed Image Viewing (CMP, JPG, GIF, BMP, PCX, TIF, TGA) ■ MDB Compatible Audit Trail ■ Network Compatibility I Complete Sysop Defined Security for Every Feature I Multinode Chat with User Defined Macros I Royalty-Free Distribution of Client Software I DigiBoard Support © WIP Main Menu create beautiful native Windows menus with sound, text, icons and compressed images for users to view Company Identity example of WIP image capabilities to showcase company products Application Icons MP buttons with Windows leans ©Messages post bulletins and respond to message threads with spell checking capability ® © © WIP Navigator indicates WIP menu status Status Bar snows status of online session and indicates new mail Chat live teleconferencing with other members currently online Chat Forum choose from multiple forums the one you wish to join Write Mail write E-Mail with attatched images B6SA1094 u«J— ) 1994 DC Genesys. WIP, fliflrOBS, anl all OCprorajd names are Iradama.Ks ol Durand Communications Network, Inc. AH referenced trademaiks and copyrights are me property ol Iheir icspecine owners. NEW PCBoard Version 15.2 offers Internet Gateway, Full Credit Accounting, Windows E-mail, dBASE File Access, Internal QWK, FIDO Mailer and more sensational benefits, all as "standard equipment" the other guys make you pay through the nose for, or don't even offer... And now you can try PCBoard for FREE 7 promised to offer the best value in Host hi/ormation Systems Software, and our new VCRogrd Version IS. J delivers big time, with at least 8 FRlili, essential operating junction) the competition charges you for or daesii 1 even bare! " Steve /dingier, Vl'ICencral Manager Clark Development Co. By Jim A\ krnmm Why is PCBoard is the most widely used RBS software on tilt market today... used hv 23 of the top 100 boards, including Software Creations, voted top BBS the last two years... and the only commercial BBS software ever, to win PC Magazine's prestigious... Editor's Choice Award! The reason is unmatched flexibility and adaptability. And now, with the release of the new 1 5.2 version, PCBoard is such a superior value, vou can classify ir in a league of its own. You g et more connectivity , accntuitahiliiy , and ease- ot-use . because PCBoard gives you more standard func- tions rhan anyone else. The new 1 5.2 dramatically increases your sysrem capabilities, and reduces vour need for costly add-ons. As a result, you can use PCBoard regardless of die size of your board, and regardless of growth or other changes that may take place in the services vou ofter, the hardware you run or custom add-ons vou employ. Who wouldn't want these 8 essentials the competition considers options you must buy IWhy should you be charged exrra for such an essen- tial function as an Internet Garewav? You shouldn't! So, it's parr ot rhc standard package automatically built- in to PCBoard 15.2. Most other BBS manufacturers charge you for it. . . some charge more than their regular, stambiril package. 2 Credit Accounting.. . surely rhe ultimate essential. PCBoard doesn't make you pay extra for things vtm must have. With the new Credit Accounting function, you can charge or reward the user (or each activity and decide the charges tor each : Operate on pre-pay or pay- as-you-go terms : Track in any kind ol local currency you choose, or as credit u nits. And set your own peak times, including holidays. Again, maximum flexibility! 3 Everyone on your network can now easily use the new, fully integrated Windows E-Mail application, PCBMail. No gateway needed because PCBMail uses the PCBoard configuration and data files directly. 4 You won't need a costly front end to add Pid o access to your board . It's already part of PCBoard 15.2. Out of the box, your users can do the "l-'ido thing " right Scorn your PCBoard message bases. 5 Built-in QWK makes you popular with your users. And 1 5.2's QWK now includes Net Status and File attachments. What a time and money-saver! 6 Now, unleash the power of dBASE 111 and Database Access, with on-line applications created with the award winning PCBoard Programming Language (PPLQ. 7 Your BBS can truly gfi rldwidi with Multi-lingual capabilities. PCBoard I \2 gives them to you. includ- ing support lor 2 byte and reverse printing international character set. 811 you're read)' lor RIPscrip Graphics, registered PCBoard customers download PCBoard's RIPKit i-RF.F. , so your remote callers can choose between ANSI. ASCII and RIP, on your BBS. This out-of-tlv- box capability presents the caller with a true (rl 1 interlace, complete with graphics, icons and mouseahle point-and-cltck menus. Once again, maximum flexibility and adaptability for vou and your users. Maybe that's why PCBoard has more installations than any other BBS system software. Who else gives you FREE Upgrades for a year... FREE telephone voice support for 12 months... FREE BBS support for life... and instantly installs as an upgrade from your FREE demo NOBODY does it all... and only PCBoard installs as an upgrade from your demo, Just imagine the time and headache you'll save , not having to set your entire system up mice! Once vou try our demo , give it a complete shakedown , and decide PCBoard is for von , simply install ynur full prog ram upgrade and instantly he oper- ating without skipping a beat. And don't forget. . . from the time you get your demo , we're behind vou all the wav. [ ^g Customers get anv improve- "-'" - ments we make — FREE for a full year. Need tech support: Our "live-on-the-phone" sup- ■< — port Stat! talks you through vour questions. It's FREE! And tor as long as you're a PCBoard sysop, you can count nil FREE online supporr through our Salt Air BBS. W; But wait... there's more e've only scratched the surface. There", literally not enough space to cover it all here. Like... you can use the same newsgroup names as the Internet on PCBoard because 15.2 supports conference names tip to 6(1 characters long, Save amazing amounts of time with our new, Automated, Rules-based File Maintenance Utility. Plus... local logins, 19 FREE PCBoard utilities, and even FREE support for Multil'ort hardware, all "stan- dard equipment" on PCBoard version 15.2. How can they do all that... and without raising the price to boot F)/"" 1 T) oard was designed with an open architecture, A vj LJio flexibility, adaptability, reliability and sta- bility were built-in at the start. That's why PCBoard can otler all of this functionality ... all of this power ,. . all of this value ! And even with all of these new benefits, the price hasn't changed. Begin as small as one or 2 lines for S 1 5(1. DO. and grow all you want. Only PCBoard supports up to 1,000+ dial -in or local access nodes. It s the perfect solution for the I -line hobbyist to the Fortune 500 international corporare E-mail application. <0 Copyngh! Clark Oflvelopmont Company, Inc 1994 All Rrarili Resoiv«d PCBoard is a myiBlered tlflaomiMX and F J PLC and PCMal Get your FREE DEMO and a lot more G el your FREE Demo online 24 hours a day. The phone number is 801 261-8976. Enler DEMO ACCOUNT as your login name to bypass the usual registration process and get online quickly . Ot call us at 800 356-1686 (or 801 261-1686) ond we'll ship you o complete inlroductory kit, including FREE demo, comprehensive brochure, & special new.. . Guide To Selling Up Your Own BBS. When you actually order by phone, and give the code from this od, we'll also include a special 4 (ape audio pro- gtom from two nalionally renowned direct marketers, to help you quickly and easily spread the word about your BBS. whether you're a hobbyist, ot you see cyberspace dollar signs in your Future. It's a S47.77 value. Naturally, our program is guaranteed for a full month. If you buy and then decide PCBoard isn't for you within 30 days, simply return the package for a complete refund. But keep the 4-lnpe audio ptogram as a FREE gift from us, just for trying PCBoard. ^PCBoard ClarH Development Company, Inc. 3950 South 7O0 East. Suite 303, Murray, Ulan &3107-2173 Tel 80V2G1.1&B6 • Fax. &01 261 S38? • BBS 001-S61.B976 E-Mail: sales » lech support r\r%c nr*o- t vUb: B taal | ie trntfomaihg ot dark Davcloprnonl Company Inc AH olhoi brand and product names ate haefcmarks ol Tti&rc reapeclivo companies