THE March 1993.» BULLETIN US §3.50 BOARD oad SYSTEMS


a a



“You Ane ar Inutted To | a

The Be pe ui Palace Fare |

8 BBS \\

m New Yersion RyBBS

m@ Spitfire Commands |

m Shareware Reviews



This team created a professional BBS for you.

We're usually a little more modest. But we couldn’t help feeling proud of what this team has created a pro- fessional, reliable Bulletin Board System that you can relate to.

The Major BBS® Version 6 provides:

* ELECTRONIC MAIL with file attachments, carbon copies, return receipts, message forwarding, mes- sage quoting, distribution lists, and user preferences.

* PUBLIC FORUM AREAS (up to 3500) with file attachments, message threading, “Quickscan”, keyword searching, and fully configurable security access levels.

¢MULTI-USER TELECONFER- ENCE with 65,535 channels, confer- ence “moderators”, and a private chat mode.

¢ FILE LIBRARY supporting over 10,000 sub-libraries and over

1,000,000 files, file tagging, CD-° ROMs, keyword searching, and optional file approval restrictions.

¢ MHS MESSAGE NETWORKING with DaVinci E-Mail, cc:Mail, MCI Mail, the Internet, CompuServe, X.400 networks, and other third- party message networks.

«FULL SCREEN EDITOR with block commands, paragraph format- ting, and message importing.


¢ MULTI-USER SUPPORT for up to 256 simultaneous users all on a single desktop computer via modems and serial ports at up to 38,400 bps, and Novell LAN channels.

¢« PLUS: questionnaires, global com- mands, a user registry, file displays, remote system management tools, and much more.

We went all out to make your life as Sysop easier, too. Installation is super-easy, with automatic modem detection and customization utili- ties. Fully configurable menus, screens, prompts, help messages, and user accounting options,

The Major BBS Development Team with about 5% of the code they wrote and tested, line by line. From left to right: Bert Love,

Edward Bush, Richard Skurnick, Tim Stryker,

Bob Stein,

Brian Stephens, Sheri Robert,

Les Bird,

Chris Robert,

Scott Brinker,

: S1 Chris Kotacka

together with our Locks and Keys™ security system, give you total control.

Add-on options include advanced LAN support, The Major Database™, X%.25 connectivity, a Dial-Out pack- age, a QWK-mail interface, C source code, and dozens of third-party soft- ware products.

But The Major BBS is more than just bits and bytes. The design is well thought out from a human point of view. The documentation is thorough and comprehensive, yet “reader- friendly”. World-class tech support is just a phone call away.

We want your business. Call now and we’ll send you literature and a free demo disk.

Sales & Literature Hotline

The Major BBS Version 6 requires a ‘286 or better, with 2MB or more, running MS-DOS 3.3 ar higher.


4101 SW 47th Ave. © Suite 101 © Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 BBS: (305) 583-7808 « Fax: (305) 583-7846 « Voice: (305) 583-5990


Publisher/Advertising Director Richard Paquette

Associate Publisher/Editor John Carcione

Associate Editor Ted Freeman

Design and Illustration Terry Wilson

Art Director Jeanne Lorenzo

Pre-Press Operations Dever Graphic Arts

Newsstand Consultant William A. Townsend BNL Distribution Services, Inc. 100A Centre Blvd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Tel: 1-609-985-8550

Fulfillment Operations Starr Fulfillment Corp. 900 Haddon Ave., Ste 326 Collingswood, NJ 08108 Joseph Starr, President 1-609-858-4411

Editorial and Advertising We can be contacted online at “The Livewire BBS,” which is the support BBS, set modem at 8,N,1 and call 1-609-235-5297. Voice Office number is: 1-609-953-9110; Fax is: 1-609-953-7961; hard- copy mailing address is: Callers Digest Inc, 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055.

Subscriptions USA CANADA/

MEXICO 1 Yr. (12 issues) $30 $50 2 Yrs. (24 issues) $55 $95

Cail our order HOTLINE at 1-800-822-0437 8AM4PM EST, Mon-Fri, and charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard, or send check, money order payable to Callers Digest, Inc.

All material is copyrighted 1990/91/92 by Callers Digest, Inc., all rights reserved. Material in this publica- tion MAY NOT be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher of BBS Callers Digest.

BBS Callers Digest (ISSN #1055-2812) is published monthly by Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. BBS Callers Digest is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors. Questions and com- ments are welcomed. Unless otherwise instructed, we assume all rights to letters, articles, or other communi- cations sent to BBS Callers Digest as unconditionally assigned for publication. Material not accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope will not be returned. Uploads are accepted only in ZIP format at “The Livewire BBS.”

POSTMASTER: Please send all change of address to: BBS Callers Digest, 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, N] 08055.


March 1993

Volume 4, Number 3

THE EMERALD PALACE ............... cc ceeeeeeeenes 4 SPITFIRE! BBS COMMANDS ..............---0 renee 32 by Phil Bailey

RANDOM MUSINGS ON THE FUTURE.............. 40 by Peter Edward Cann

A LOOK INTO THE NEW RYBBS. ..................-. 42 SO YOU WANT TO BE A SYSOP?.............----+- 45

by Wally Byczek


A [TOT ANN VAN] a iS8 GTO] MRS es Mine pe enn nero O55 14 Uncle Hank’s Shareware Review by Hank Hurteau


GETeREADY FOR MARCH G.2 roar oan. ett see a ue 20 Tales From the Lighter Side of Computing by Caro] Carmichael & Ed Lazarowitz

BES: INGORPORATEDR: 4.7 goer ee tara e 22 BBS Barrister’s Corner by Charles S. Kramer, Esq.



NEVVSEIN ER i. ce... crm samen stas Scttcss = 0 <9 0 ooh 3 BBS GOI B ESSE Sie nis caja + Meares caaketea tions, = Selena 36 ROTO TS OBS 25 ae as einai = ren ee 38 GU ASSIEIEDS sh. seer dpe. Co ond os feel gy ieee. oa 51 ADVERTISER ISINDEK ee oe S. e ote se ss aie a 52

MARCH 1993


The Synchronet Bulletin Board System combines the best of multinode and multiuser technologies with it's revolutionary DESQview Enhanced Mode Operation providing up to 20 times improved

performance over other BBSs under multitaskers. Intelligent Syncnron, XP? BBS variable timeslicing under DESQview combined with Mumneue Bulletin Board System Sonware

Multiline Features

Synchronet's highly advanced interrupt driven outputallows up Nbve'Newsre & BOS LAN compatible,

Local LAN node logon access

to ten full throughput 9600bps or 14.4kbps connections on a

Sysop Conveniences Complete menu driven configuration utility

single 486 PC without expensive coprocessed multi-port cards Comprhensive statistical reponing Customization

5 a é 5 Ch ac} All and colors fi ble wi urce cod or a special version of the BBS, all while maintaining access to Nc and colon conta le eed one

User selectable alternate command re sets & menus

industry standard door applications and proto- Wildcat, PCBoard, Searchlight, WWIV, and more! Commercial BBS Support

cols. And since Synchronet is fully network- Time and file transfer credits User expiration dates 976/900 automated billing features

able, building a large scale high-speed MUI- —_ Optional external program (door) and NetMail charges

G 2 r Security tiuser BBS just got a lot easier and a lot More 100 security levels with 52 sysop configurable flags per user

User level restrictions and exemptions

affordable. Synchronet exploits its advanced message Base

Bi-level (group/subboard) message structure

design with the most interactive multiuser WK offline mail reader features w/bidirectional QWK/REP!

ailbox oriented internal E-mail syst:m

environment ever created. Afterjustafew minutes [genet Menage Nerworkins

Multiple simultancous networks Multiple origin lines on a per message area basis

online you and your users are sure to be hooked. With hundreds Optonst user NewMail forwarding addresses

' QWK Message Networking 1 i Multiple simulta twarks of leading edge features Synchronet is Muliple simultaneous tetwors Multiple taglines on a per message area basis

not only the most advanced and fea- Multiple archive formats on a per network basis

A . File Transfer Features ture rich BBS available but at $ [99 Unlimited fite transfer protacols with DSZLOG support 2 Batch uploads and downloads w/quick file flagging Alt Bidirectional file transfer support for a 25 0 node license, its clearly User to user file transfers with attached message Built multiuser CD-ROM access features View archives and GIF info online

the best value as well. If you're fxternal Program Support

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and your users deserve the sxtemal svents Logon and logoff events

Multiple automatic upload events Synchronet BBS. Vinis scannin, RCE checking, etc. Node, system, ard time triggered daily events Call now Multiuser Interaction

4 A ony = for more info! 99 channel multinode chat with channel password protection

Private character by character two user chat Real-time activity alerts {can be user disabled) oO List users and send private messages from any BBS prompt

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P.0. Box 501 Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 529-6328 $199.00 for 250 node license (714) 529-9525 2400bps (714) 529-9547 HST/}v.32bis

All products mentioned ore trademarks of their respective companies.


Paril, IL Computer Investments merge with Computer Wares, Inc.

A new business merger in Paris! Computer Investments, 807 Marshall St., Paris IL. once owned and operated by James Piper, merged with Computer Wares, Inc., 130 N Main St., Paris IL. This recent merger allows Computer Wares, Inc. to broaden its base of com-

Modem Cammunication Software far IBM PC/XT/AT and Compatibles

Send or fax a copy of this add with your order or


puter sales and service to cover both business and personal needs. James Piper will have position of Vice President/Sales Manager.

Computer Investments was formed in 1990 by James Piper. His pri- mary focus was on personal computer sales. Through the use of innovative marketing techniques he developed this business into a full time operation by the beginning of 1992. His market area includes mail order, area business and personal use.



Computer Wares was formed in 1977 by Jim Lewis. His goal was to pro- vide microcomputer hardware and soft- ware to the business community. This venture evolved into primarily a com- puter hardware service and software development business. Computer Wares Incorporated in 1982 and at this ime boasts many specialties including hard- ware service, software development, local area networks, and microwave data

Continued on page 43

Special Price For

BBS Caller's Digest Readers

30 Day

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mention it when you call for a 40% savings.

This is a limited time offer for BBS Caller's Digest readers. Features:

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e Context Sensitive Help

e Over 16 Terminals Emulated

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MC/VISA/AMER EX Fax: (408) 364-2788

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e Remote Control (Optional)

PereLine Data Systems, Inc. 750 Camden Ave. Suite B Campbell, CA 95008

MARCH 1993





BBSCD: A brief history of Gregory Shaheen after several conversations.

At the age of 8, Gregory Shaheen’s father retired from the Oil and Gas busi- ness and moved the family to a ranch located outside a small rural town in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. With nothing around but acres and acres of streams and mountain land to play on, Gregory’s dreams as a boy was to one day move to Alaska and live off of the land.

As tme went by and Gregory began to mature, he quickly realized that there was more to life than hunting, fishing and all the things he did during his youth. Of course he is still an avid


Gregory Shaheen at his office.

hunter and fisherman, but has since decided to take life on at full pace. When Gregory graduated from High School he enrolled at Texas Tech University receiving a scholarship in Applied Music. A Jazz trombonist to this day, he claims that he will one day take the time to record an album just for his mother and father who love to listen to

him play.

After his third year at Tech, Gregory decided it was time to get things going so he left school and ven- tured out on his own. With the three people in mind that he admired the most being his Grandfather, Father and Cousin, Gregory felt he could do any- thing he set his mind too.


Gregory became independently involved in the Oil and Gas business and would peddle drilling deals just like his grandfather did. He went out and did what many thought was impossible by negotiating with the Lebanese Government to extend over a million acres of Oil Concessions that his late Grandfather, Father and late Uncle had acquired in the late 1960’s but were forced out of the country due to the war.

“When I would sit and talk with my grandfather about the Lebanon deal, his eyes would sparkle as he truly believed Lebanon is sitting on a structure greater than that of Saudi Arabia.” I made a vow to him that one day I would get the con- cessions back in the family name and proceed with his and my late Uncles dreams.” Gregory hopes that operations to began fulfilling those dreams will began in mid summer 1993 when drilling operations are scheduled to begin.

Gregory’s interest in computers came into focus in the summer of 91. He went and bought a computer to keep business in order and found that it mostly just sat there. His father one day made the comment “you should be able


Peggy Shaheen answering customer questions.

to make money with that thing some- how.” This is when Gregory got the idea. He had been calling some local bulletin boards and called one of the major online services.

With all this in mind he decided to start his own service. He took a chal- lenge from his father and decided that he was going to succeed with his newest venture. Shopping around for the right soft- ware was a major task as knowing almost nothing about computers, he did not know exactly what he needed. He made his decision by choosing the soft- ware he felt offered the most and was most user friendly. That is when he picked up the phone and called Galacticomm Inc.

“I remember I spoke With Christopher at Galacticomm and he was very helpful as to pointing out the prod- ucts I would need to get started.”said

“I was taught that there are three keys to a successful operation,

says Greg.

Gregory. He relied ona local computer pal Chuck Mace who had previously operated a Major BBS system. Chuck introduced Gregory to the features that MBBS had to offer and would spend countless hours with Gregory teaching him the language of C pro- gramming.

Eventually Gregory learned how to compile and link all the pro- grams himself and decided it was ime to shoot for the stars. In March of 92 he moved all of his operations to San Antonio and decided that he was going to make this service available to the national public. After negotiating with a X.25 Network carrier, July saw the national birth of The Emerald Palace. Now his service was available with just a local phone call in over 92% of the pop- ulation in the country.

Starting and continuing this ser- vice is not an easy task. Gregory is a per- fectionist and works very hard to make sure everything is done cor- rectly. “I was taught that there are three keys to a successful operation,” says Greg.

The first key is that a person must be 100% committed to what they are doing. They must be willing to sacrifice the long hours of hard work and frequent let downs.

The second key is keep overhead to an absolute minimum. “If Ican do it myself then I will. He is very fortu- nate to have his lovely wife Peggy at his side contributing her share



MARCH 1993 © 5

Rusty Edie

Dual Eliminator

Rusty n Edie’s BBS announces the introduction of our their Dual Eliminator. Simply plug your phone line to the Dual Eliminator and then plug the Dual Eliminator into your modem. This device consists of 2 passive electronic filters that handie both high and low frequency noise from the phone line. Both high and low frequency are independently adjustable with knobs that mount on the front of the unit. Surge protection is provided by an electronic varistor.

‘” B,

A light emitting diode, also mounted on the front of the unit, glows whenever the device is eliminating noise from the phone lines. This device can solve the majority of noise problems associated with telecommunications today, and is sold with a 30 day, money back guarantee. They sell for $25 each plus $4 shipping and handling. To order, call Rusty n Edie’s at 216-758-8342 or call their BBS number 216-726-3589, they will accept Visa or MasterCard.

Rusty n Edie’s BBS 1480 Fredricksburg Drive Youngstown, OH 44512



r é CR y=. “a Cte! ey

Emerald Palace Setup includes, 486/50,3 CDRoms, 56kbps x.25 Modem, 2 Galactiboxes Housing 32 Internal Modems and a 386/25 Development Machine.

of hard work. Gregory’s reason for keep- ing the cost down are simple. “To pass the savings on to the customer.”

The third key is the most impor- tant, customer service. You must treat your customers with the respect that you would want yourself. Many are first time bbsers and you want to give them the best first impression of their life. I like to think of the Palace as being a customer oriented system. Whenever major changes are to take place that I know will affect the users, I email them and invite them to an open forum in the teleconference to get their views on the matter. The Palace is like one big fami-

The Playpen

(A)...Social Room (B)...Females Only (C)...Males Only (D)...Adult Gifs

ly and everyone knows that if they have an opinion it will be heard.

Now about The Emerald Palace Information System.

The Emerald Palace has a vast majority of features available. Greg says: “We try not to be really fancy but offer the customer many features for their hard earned dollar. The most popular feature is the interactive chat. This is where any number of users can enter a room and talk live with each other. It is very fascinating mainly because there are people from all over the country in there chatting with each other.”

(E)...Adult Access Form (A Must!)

(X)..-Exit Menu

Select an option (A,B,C,D,E,X, or ? for help):

A user also has their own private chat channel where they can invite as many (A) other users inside as (D) they want. They can (G) also uninvite a user. Users on the Palace also have the unique

feature of going into a (2) one on one chat with (S) another user from (U) anywhere on the sys- (W) tem. Users are not (B)

limited to chat just in (T) the Teleconference on the Palace.

There are sev- eral Chat areas on the Palace. There is even a Wedding Chapel where users can get married online! And Yes they do! At least once a week online romances turn into marriage on the Palace. The fol- lowing menu on The Emerald Palace shows some of the Chat areas.

Message Base Topics

. Windows Applications

Debate on Issues : Squares (Othello) (K) ... Commodore/Amiga

(O) ... Science Ham Radio Suggestions Galactic Empire Natural Phenomenon

. Gaming Schedules Sports Club

(8) ... BBS 800 List


There are different regions set up so you can chat and exchange messages with users from your region of the coun- try. Many users from other regions have actually planned and met in real life for regional Palace get togethers!


. Jokes & Quips . Apple MacIntosh Hello to All IBM Applications . Poetry . OS/2 Star Trek Talks San Antonio Chatter . Communications . Games & Shareware Investments Exit to Previous Menu

There is usually one a month in San Antonio for the locals and others who fly in. We have had them drive in from 300 miles away to fly in from Boston, Atlanta and Wisconsin! A



Animation Fantasies 1 Animation Fantasies 2 Pc-Pix(tm) 1 Pc-Pix(tm) 2 Pc-Pix(tm) 3




My Private Collection 1 My Private Collection 2 My Private Collection 3 GBL (Gay, Bi, Lez) Volcano

Visual Fantasies

Ecstasy Hot Pic's Busty Babes

Erotic Encounters So-Much-Stareware Pork-Ware 1 Pork-Ware 2 Pork-Ware 3 Shareware Tiger Shareware Bonanza Lion Share Shareware Mother Earth Il

Lovely Ladies II So-Much-Shareware 1 & 2

So-Much-Screenware Clip Art Galore Shareware Galore

All American MultiMedia Game Master Business Master Education Master The Women of Venus Rotor

Night Owl's 6.1 & 7.0 Gigabyte Gold

Time Almanac Reference Library Magazine Rack

New Titles Arrive, Prices Change. Call Now for Discount Prices, particularly on multi-title purchases. Ask for UNLISTED SPECIALS. Please Be aware that not all titles are available forever!

Prices as low as $39 Yes... We have Caddies Available


P.O. BOX 23591

Columbus, Ohio 43223

(614) 276-5736 VOICE

(614) 276-1935 BBS Visa & Mastercard Accepted (No Surcharge)

MARCH 1993 ¢ 7


21 Home computing 41 02 Games & Fun Things 22 BBS Programs 42 03 DeskTop Publishing 23 File Archiving Utils 43 04 Word Processing 24 GIF Pictures 44 05 OS/2 Programs & Utils 25 BBS Doors & Utils 45 06 Pascal & Turbo Pascal 26 A.S.P. Shareware 46 07 BASIC & QuickBasic 27 Math & Science 47 08 Education Programs 28 dBase Files & Utils 48 09 Business Applications 29 LAN Files & Utils 49 10 Window Demo’s 30 Food Recipes 50 11 Personal System Utils 31 Printer Utils 51 12 Windows Applications 32 Screen Utils 52 13 Windows Games 33 Keyboard Utils 53 14 CAD Programs & Utils 34 Modem Utils & Help 54 15 Religious Files 35 Virus Protection 55 16 Hard Disk Utils 36 EGA & VGA Games 56 17 Floppy Disk Utils 37 File Processing 57 18 Data Base Programs 38 Ham Radio 58

Graphics Programs Operating System Utils

Dos Utils & helps Spread Sheets & Utils

Caribbean cruise is also in the works for late summer '93 for all Palace members who wish to attend.

The Black Cat

Information Service || cames

Based entirely on 14.4K lines There are many online games Over 2GB of on-fine space and 6 CD- reels epic ltiol ROMS varying from single player to multi-play- New Macintosh, IBM, Amiga, and er interactive games. Users can actually Commodore files daily! play live against each other.

Over 30,000 files The most popular is Othello, a ver- je) On-line shopping E= sion of the popular board game. Free On-line Another popular board game is


Scrabble. You have to play this to

GIFs for the family and adults believe it. There is a full online casino

More than 300 varied conferences

ranging from just about all the card

Tired of Sys Ops who ea games to roulette. And they are live! You answer questions: play against other users online.

Call The Black Cat fe or Sysops War of Worlds is a very popular

who are there for you.

space game where users create their own 30 minutes free daily/downloads

planet, operate the resources and try to

Instantly conquer and take over the existing plan-

r 4 16-262-3680 ets in the galaxy. This is another you just

ore have to play it game! Galactic Empire

aff support challenges the players to over take the

SLs Galaxy and fight off the dreading

oe Cybertrons and other evil forces of the standardé galaxy.

For all the Chess lovers, the Palace offers a full ANSI chess game set

Text Editors & Utils CakeWalk 3 & 4 Utils Midifile Sound Files Sound

Blaster Files .CMF Albums -SNG Albums

Music - Midi-

Music - .WRK Albums Music - .CMS Albums Music - .STM Albums Adlib and Rol Files

PC Speaker & Sound Misc. Music & Sound Midi-Yamaha DX Utils .CMF Player & Utils TrakBlaster Files Midi-Roland MT Utils Clipper Programs

All unsorted Files

up with all the regulations. It can also be played anywhere online. Get this, there is a full screen ANSI horse track online! Users go to the betting booth, place their bets and sit back and chat with each other. Then the screen clears and the race begins! You actual- ly see the horses trotting across the screen. At the end of the race the com- puter tallies up your winnings and adds them to your account.

For all the trivia fans there is a online trivia forum that has over 10,000 questions. Also nightly trivia contest are held in the trivia chat channel and users play against each other for points redeemable for free usage on the Palace.


The Palace also. offers Matchmaking utilities that lets users match themselves with that perfect mate. Users answer a complete list of questions about themselves and the computer will match their answers with those users of the opposite sex. So far



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A Bemo and Test contains 350 megs of PC Shareware & PD software. Including Special CD-ROM Benchmark & Test Utilities written by our programming staff, and NOT available on any other CD-ROM Discs. Our Special Test Utilities measure throughput as well as access times in a reliable and consistent manner for a meaningfull real-world benchmark for CD drives. The Disc and Interface Software are fully functional (even for BBS use) and not crippled in any way. When purchased seperately Mega Demo & Test is $9.00 plus $6,00 for S&H - However for a Limited Time Only this Demo and Test CD-ROM Disc is Free with any CD Disc purchase.

So what’s different about PROFIT PRESS’s CD-ROM Discs ... Besides Interface Software that'll Blow Your Socks Off?

All of the archive files have been read and indexed by our hypertext search engine which creates a file on the CD-ROM Disc that allows for searches on unique words and phrases. This means that the user can search the entire disc in less than 10 seconds and the search will include ALL of the documentation INSIDE the archive files. For DOS and Windows 3.1 users we provide both MegaSearch and MegaWin our Graphical Search and Retrieval Software that allows the user to view 256 Color Gifs, Animated Color Fli's, play SOUND BLASTER sound Files, plus view and search for text strings INSIDE the archive files, all with just one keystroke or mouse click.

All of our CD-ROM Discs are "BBS Ready" and include files.bbs, plus MegaDoor and MegaTerminal. Both programs fully support the hypersearch lookup features | of MegaSearch. MegaTerminal is our "Remote BBS Graphical User Interface” for MegaDoor that allows the remote user to access MegaDoor using... Mouseable Pull-Down Menus in a Windowed Environment! Try MegaTerminall It's unlike anything seen before on public BBS systems. You Have to See it to Believe it. Call our BBS at (602) 299-0693 or at (602) 577-6969. Select Doors from the main menu, run door #1, enter ! to download MegaTerminal, unZip, read the short

document megaterm.doc, install as instructed and experience MegaTerminall

650 Megs Over 7,000 Virus Free Files - 1 plus Gigabytes Uncompressed! Contains Sound files, 256 Color GIF's, FLI’s, Utilities, Programming, Bibles, True Type Fonts, WINDOWS Programs, Electronic Magazines, Communications, BBS Programs, Plus Much More! - 65% different or newer files than Mega CD-ROM 1

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All prices are quoted in U.S. dollars, with funds drawn on U.S. banks. The prices listed above do not include shipping and handling. PROFIT PRESS, 2956 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719 ae } . ORDERS ONLY! Call Toll Free

INFORMATION (602) 577-9696 - FAX (602) 577-9624 | 1-800-843-7990

i QWK Mail utility available so that users

==> Richard’s Profile <==

Credits Allocated Number of Credits Transferable Membership Days Security Level Voice Validated Alert User Log ON Show Information Invisible on System Adult Access


1) Change Alert Status

2) Change Show Status

3) Change Invisible Status 4) Help and Information

X) Exit to Main Menu


there have been 4 real life marriages with 2 pending.

Of course the Palace offers all elec- tronic mail features. Users can write,

0 (Not used for network callers)

(Not used for network callers)

N (Not used)

modify, read, erase and even configure mailing list online. Users may also attach a file to the mail they have writ- ten. What a convenience. There is a

can download all their messages into a QWK packet and read and reply offline.


The Palace offers a rather large file library with over 40,000 up to date shareware files. Just about anything you need is located in the file library. Growing everyday, this area will keep you busy for hours on end.

Also available is a dial out utility that lets users online dial up another sys- tem. The Palace has several local bbs’s set up so that users calling form any- where in the US can call these systems without incurring any additional charges or long distance charges.

In the Utilities Menu users can look up any user they wish and see when that user was last on. Users can look at the actual BBS statistics and see how many hours of usage was reported for that day to how many messages were written.

The Forums area has roughly 200+ topics all carried over Echo’s and



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e Easy to use installation program Works with personal or network MHS

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MARCH 1993 ¢ 11

Se ee SS Se

are distributed through out the world. Topics for just about anyone’s taste are available. This is a good way to com- municate with friends who are in cities that do not have a local access number to connect to the Palace.


An online Travel Center is under development and will offer users dis- counts on travel packages and airfares. This area is operat- ed by a Travel Agent in Florida who is a member of the Palace. He says he can give a great deal on just about any travel package avail- able.

Of course for Adults only, the Playpen is available 24 hours a day. With private chat areas as well as echoed messages,

Adults can get together and converse on a much more laid back and mature level

BBS Technologies

Since the birth of the Palace in late October of 1992, it has grown

from a 2 line local system to 128 lines with

national access.

without being bothered by the oh so ever anxious teenagers. A large collec- tion of Adult Gifs are available also. Access to this area is restricted to adults only. An Adult Access form with proof of age is required before any user is permitted inside.


Connecting to the Palace is very simple. Users just dial a local number in their city and they are online. No long distance charges at all. And the cost is the best part of the whole package! Only $1.50 per hour! Unlike most of the other services, the Palace is access- able 24 hours a day, seven days a week at this low hourly fee.

Users do not have to wait for the sun to go down to have fun. There are no additional sign

1444 E. Brown Ave. @ Fresno, CA 93704 Your Source for BBS Software & Hardware

This Month’s Featured Products

Wildcat! ........ Single Line BBS

Wildcat! ........ 1-10 Line BBS Wildcat!

TDBS 1.2........ 2 Line Database 8 Port Communications Card...449.00

DigiBoard Major BBS .....2 Line BBS Major BBS Searchlight....1-10 Line BBS CD-Disc


up fees or monthly account fees. Users pay in advance only for the time they use. The advantage of users paying in advance is that they have full control of how much they are able to spend online. Once a user is out of credits, they are dropped back into the demo mode and are given the option to log off or purchase additional time.


A unique feature of the Palace is one of the payment methods available to users. Users just pick up the phone and dial a 1-900 number. A voice on the other end gives them an 8 digit code. The user writes it down, calls the Palace back and redeems the code for instant online time. Gregory became involved with 900 service for the Palace back in the spring of 92.

He called a carrier and in turn they connected him with a 900 service bureau in a city 250 miles away. Gregory then called on Yannick Tessier in Mirimar, Florida to do a few program- ming tricks for him. He asked Yannick if he could write some software that would enable a user to dial the 900

Call our BBS for latest Product information and download our complete catalog!

© Wildcat! ¢ TBBS © TDBS © DigiBoard ° e The Major BBS e BBS Technologies Doors e Searchlight ¢ CD-Discs © U.S. Robotics

Orders only (800) 944-9464 Inquiries (209) 222-0733 BBS (209) 222-0227


number, receive a code and call the reg- ular BBS number and redeem the code for online credits. Within days Yannick had uploaded the program to Gregory and after a little work as far as adding features, Gregory had his first 900 number up and running.

The unique thing about it was that when the user actually called the 900 number, they were calling to a city 250 miles north of where the Palace is based. The only other way this could have been done was for Gregory to shell out a few thousand dollars to get a line installed at his location or pay hundreds of dollars every month to have the 900 calls for- warded to his location.

After Yannick saw that his software was a success, he completely rewrote the program to include multiple BBS’s thus the birth of Tessier Technologies 900 Payline service. Yannick now has over 70 systems connected through his 900 ser- vice and all a user does when calling is enter the System ID on the keypad of the telephone, write down the code and redeem it on the system they chose.

Pics OnLine!

MultiUser System 609-753-2540

Other options for buying online time on the Palace are sending in a check or money order or using a major credit card. “The 900 payline service by Tessier Technologies enables a first time user to purchase instant online time without the hassles of waiting to get val- idated.”

Since the birth of the Palace in late October of 1992, it has grown from a 2 line local system to 128 lines with National access. Gregory is dedicated to offer an enjoyable atmosphere where users can relax and forget about the worries of every day life. The future of the Palace of course is the future of the users and as long as the users are around, so will the Palace.

To log onto the Palace, just call voice 1-800-521-2733 to get your local access number.

Configure your settings as follows: Parity: NONE

Data Bits: 8

Stop Bits: 1

Once you get your number dial and connect. Upon connection hit the ENTER key two times.

Autonet will respond with:

Autonet Line nnnnnnnnnn Command:

Where nnnnnnnnnn is the line number of your connection.

At the Command: type the fol- lowing;

Command:C PALACE

Then press the RETURN key. Autonet will respond with the fol- lowing message:


You may now proceed with the log on procedures of the Emerald Palace.

If you have difficulty or need assis- tance please do not hesitate to call cus- tomer service at (210) 561-8166.

To connect via the local San Antonio lines, please dial direct to: (210) 561-8150. |

Looking for a HOT Adult BBS? Pics OnLine! offers some of the best BBS’ing in the country. We have something for everyone, including over 50,000 files in specialized collections including Adult Graphics and Novels, Network Tools, Ham Radio and SWL, and MIDI/MOD/SB Music Files.

...Pics is one of the best BBS's I have ever seen.

No matter what I am looking for I know I can find

it here.

All the best Files for PC Compatables

. Oswell - Charlotte

(1987 \

5 Years


400 Fidonet, Usenet, and ThrobNet Worldwide conferences

Internet and Fidonet E-Mail plus Outgoing FAX Server

Many Modem Types HST V32 V32bis PEP V42 V42bis

MARCH 1993 © 13



Take care of all your PKWARE needs with this shareware utility.


by Jack Hildenbrand

There are a few shareware authors that enjoy a reputation of excellence. Seeing their name on a program almost guar- antees that the product will be a worthy addition to that particular niche the pro- gram is aimed at. Jack Hildenbrand of jwh: SoftWare is one of those names.

You may have seen some of his

GOLD series of programs, most notably Fast Menu Gold. The GOLD series is developed for VGA and a mouse (although a mouse is not necessary). Jack’s GOLD programs are known for being “pretty” and very easy to use. Ok, Jack calls it an “attractive windowing interface”. ZIP MANAGER GOLD is his latest addition.

ZIP MANAGER GOLD is really two programs in one. As the name implies, it is a front-end for the PK util- ities by PRWARE (PKZIP, PKUNZIP, etc.). However, it’s also an excellent



DOS Shell loaded with features. Let’s start with the DOS Shell.


After a very short pause reminding you to register the program if you like it, you are presented a small menu. The first tree choices are A-Format, B-Dos DiskCopy, and C-Single Pass DiskCopy. These three options are simply DOS functions, however, they are easier to use than the command line.

Unlike many other DOS Shells, ZIP MANAGER GOLD needs no other external programs.

Choosing Format allows you to do all kinds of formatting without remem- bering (or looking up) the needed switches. You can format 360k floppies in your 1.2 drive and 720k disks in a 1.44 drive. It also will allow you to format a System disk (bootable).

Choices B & C are for copying disks. Option B is again a simple DOS disk copy. Option C, however, lets you

copy a high density disk in one pass, thus eliminating the need to keep swapping disks. Normally, you'd have to have an additional program if you wanted to do this. DOS would have you swapping SOURCE and TARGET disks several times on a high density disk.

Selecting D from the Main Menu is where the real power of this program comes in. This is where your directory, file, and Zip file maintenance is done. After selecting which drive to work from, you are presented with the directory tree of that drive. From this screen you can rename, create, or delete the high- lighted directory (it can not delete a directory if it contains files).

If you wanted a hard copy of your tree, hit “P” to send it to your printer. To work on files, just highlight the direc- tory that contains those files by going up and down the tree with the cursor keys or the mouse and hit RETURN.

Once you've selected the directo- ry to work with, a list of files is displayed. This list can be sorted a number of ways, such as by date, size, or extension in either ascending or descending order. From this screen you can copy, delete, rename, view, or edit the highlighted file. Unlike many other DOS Shells, ZIP MANAGER GOLD needs no other external programs.

The file viewer and editor are built into the program. That doesn’t mean

that they are “stripped down” applica- tions. The included editor is as full-fea- tured as any other you’ve been using. I could do a review on that application by itself. The editor alone may be well worth the modest registration fee.

When copying, you are prompted for the destination path. Choosing Query will let you search for a file (wild cards are accepted). You can even runa program with an .EXE, .COM, or .BAT extension. All of the above options are just little “extras”, what we really want this program to do is manage our ZIP files. That’s the last item on the files menu.

If you wanted to create a ZIP file, toggle the files you want to include in the archive, and select Zip Up. You will be prompted for a file name and desti- nation path. To work with an existing ZIP file, highlight it and choose ZIP Menu from the file menu. Now a new list of options is displayed.

UnZIP—If you want to unzip the entire file, select Tag All. You will be prompted for the destination path. You can however, be selective and only extract some of the files. This might come in handy if you were tight on disk space and wanted to keep seldom used files compressed. Then you could extract the one you want and use it. It’s also nice if all you wanted to do is read or print a programs documentation.

ZIP to .EXE—Have you ever want- ed to create a self- dissolving ZIP file? This option allows you to do that quick and easy. Here too, you can direct the output to an alternative path.

View ZIP—This will show you the files contained in a ZIP with all the necessary information. Here, I’d like to be able to read any included text files, but that isn’t available (yet?). For now you’ll have to unzip the text and read it that way or send it to the printer.

Test ZIP—This option tests for any corrupt files.

Fix ZIP—This option will attempt to fix a corrupted file.

PKLite—PKLite is a program from PKWare that compresses an .EXE file while retaining the ability to be used. Compression can be as much as 50%. This is a handy and effective space saver.

Using this option will convert your pro- gram and place it where you specify.

The included editor is as full-featured as any other youve been using. The editor alone may be well worth the modest registration fee.

The original is kept intact. So, if your PKLited file doesn’t work, you’ve lost nothing.

Using the default switches should be just fine for most of us, but if you are familiar with the different ZIP options, these can be edited to your preferences.

Aside from reading text files with- in a ZIP, the only problem I had was ZIP MANAGER GOLD didn’t “see” my net- work drives. I talked with Jack and he assured me he is working on that and hopes to have that ability in a future release. With all the options avail- able and the ease of use, ZIP MANAG- ER GOLD is a real bargain at $25.

If you’ve found that other pro- grams of this type were toq



confusing and required several pages of documentation to get anything done, try this one. If you’re like me and prefer to use the command line with the ZIP utl- ities, you might just change your mind after trying this excellent program.

Naturally, you’ll need the above mentioned utilities from PKWare. These have separate registration policies, so be sure to check on those as well.

NOTE: As of this writing, no new ver- sions of PKZIP have been released. There have been many “bogus” versions floating around but none of these are genuine. Some may even contain a virus or “trojan horse”. A new version is promised by early 1993, but for now, the latest can be found as PKZ110.EXE on nearly every BBS. If you do see a new version, BE CERTAIN you have authen- tic release.

ZIP MANAGER GOLD requires VGA and a mouse is recommended. It has a registration fee of $25 and can be found with the file mame


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MARCH 1993 « 15






Hobbyist BBSs should not be charged business telephone rates.

YW A, any BBS

x1 SysOp can tell fa->; you, local tele- } phone compa- nies make some seemingly arbi- trary decisions that can have profound effects on a BBS's ability to stay afloat. One of these seemingly arbi- trary decisions concerns the rate hob- byist SysOps are charged for the tele- phone lines they need to run their boards. BBS SysOps of hobbyist boards must convince their local telephone companies that their boards are more “residential” than “business” in nature in order to receive substantially lower rates. A recent decision by the Oregon Public Utility Commission, while decid- ing on the lower, residential rates for a BBS SysOp, emphasizes the problems inherent with the current rate classifi- cation scheme.


Let's start with a discussion on how telephone line rates are deter- mined. State public utility commis sions, or PUCs, are responsible for the regulation of local telephone line access rates. These organizations often base


their rate decisions at least partially on political or social pressures, rather than exclusively on the cost of actually pro- viding service. For example, the rate structure of the former Bell monopoly required businesses (who were consid- ered to be generally in stronger financial positions) to pay more than residential users (who were thought to have less ability or willingness to pay for services that society considered they ought,

...many local telephone companies have attempted to classify all BBSs as businesses in order to charge them the higher rates.

nonetheless, to enjoy). Regulators rea- soned that 1) the policy of universal ser- vice required that there be affordable rates for residential subscribers; 2) the value of service for business subscribers increased as the number of residential subscribers increased; 3) business sub-

scribers valued telephone service more than residential subscribers; and 4) busi- ness subscribers used telephone service more than residential subscribers.

With the divestiture of AT&T, state PUCs have continued this trend, requir- ing businesses to pay higher rates and enabling residential users to continue to pay lower rates. These cost differences can be substantial. In October of 1990, the national average for flat rate resi- dential telephone service was $17.78 per month, including taxes and subscriber line charges. The average for single-line business customers during that same period was almost two-and-a-half times larger than the residential rate, or $41.09.

PUCs execute their regulatory function by requiring local telephone companies to submit tariffs for PUC approval. These tariffs define rates tele- phone companies will charge for the various services they provide. A tele- phone company may only charge for service based upon the current tariff it has on file with the state PUC. A tele- phone company doing business in dif- ferent states must file separate tariffs with the PUCs in each of those states.

Each telephone company tariff within each state gives its own definitions of residential and business services. In


practice, most of these definitions are amazingly similar. Most definitions of residential service have a requirement that the service be provided primarily for “social” or “domestic” purposes. Unfortunately, the terms “social” and “domestic” are not defined in the tariffs, and there are few published opinions where state PUCs have defined them.

The typical definition of business service incorporates the idea that the service is used substantially for “busi- ness,” “professional,” “trade” or “occu- pational” purposes. Sometimes the def- initions incorporate the idea that if the telephone number is regularly adver- tised, business rates apply. However, the terms “business,” “professional,” “trade” and “occupational” are not defined in the typical tariffs, nor is there a defini- tion of what it means to “advertise,” so the telephone companies and PUCs define these terms on a case-by-case basis.

Why should any of this matter to BBS users? Because over the past couple of years, many local telephone compa- nies have attempted to classify all BBSs as businesses in order to charge them the higher rates. At the very least, this will result in higher charges for users try- ing to access their favorite boards. Even more disturbing, many SysOps of

hobbyist boards contend that these higher rates will force them to shut their boards down completely.


Basically, there are three different types of BBSs: for-profit boards, BBSs run by organizations, and hobbyist bul-

... the majonty of bulletin boards are run by computer enthusiasts an their spare time

as a hobby.

letin boards. For-profit BBSs, as their name explains, are businesses. They charge fees for their services, and users Pay to use the systems. These bulletin boards compete for business and tend to pay for advertising. They also often involve multiple telephone lines into the system. Because for-profit BBSs compete for callers, they usually offer multiple services. A for-profit BBS in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, for

example, offers 12 telephone lines and provides large services for which users pay, such as an online version of USA Today. For-profit BBSs have traditionally been classified as a business use of the telephone lines, and SysOps have been paying business rates for those lines.

A number of organizations also offer BBSs to their members or the gen- eral public. For example, many public libraries provide BBSs for users to learn about the library and discuss var- ious books and authors. More and more organizations sponsor BBSs in order to get feedback from their users. Organizational BBSs may or may not be designed to make a_ profit. Organizational BBSs, including BBSs provided by nonprofit organizations such as schools and hospitals, have tra- ditionally been classified as a business use of the telephone lines, and SysOps have been paying business rates for those lines.

However, the majority of bulletin boards are run by computer enthusiasts in their spare time as a hobby. These hobbyist SysOps provide the computer, software, modem, and telephone line so that users can dial in to their systems and share information. Hobbyist BBSs



Heard of it maybe and not sure what it is or how to get it on your BBS? It's a monthly with 10 chapters made to operate as a door on almost any BBS software.

It is available by subscription only based on the number of nodes your BBS is running. To view it right now, call the Livewire BBS (609) 235-5297 and type BBSCD at the main board prompt.

If you would like to order the online! Edition, please contact us at: 609-953-9110 between 10 & 4 (est), or any other time at: 609-231-1757 and leave a message for Richard. We will return your call within 24 hours.

Subscriptions accepted online at The Livewire BBS by calling (609) 235-5297.

MARCH 1993 © 17

are run almost exclusively out of the homes of the SysOps. They often use one telephone line, enabling only one person to access the system at any one ume.

Hobbyist bulletin boards are not run to make a profit. While some boards charge minimal fees, these fees are generally used to cover the costs of paying the monthly telephone line charges or purchasing software. Hobbyist bulletin boards also do not adveruse. Their numbers are published on local BBS directories so that their sys- tems will receive telephone calls. However, they typically do not pay to have their BBS telephone numbers published in any commercial service, including the “Yellow Pages.” Traditionally, hobbyist BBSs have been classified as a residential use of the tele- phone lines.

Telephone company attempts to change that classification have become more prevalent over the past few years. Some state PUCs, like the one in Texas, have facilitated cooperation among


SysOps and telephone companies as they compromised on a way to keep SysOps paying residential rates for their hobbyist boards. Some state PUCs, like the one in Indiana, have held that charging hobbyist boards business rates

All but one of the hobbyist boards in Elkhart, Indiana, either closed down or began charging for access after the PUC released its decision.

is acceptable. This, incidently, had dis- astrous results for BBS users. All but one of the hobbyist boards in Elkhart, Indiana, either closed down or began charging for access after the PUC released its decision. And now one PUC,

Waa There Be Light.

Still searching for the ultimate in BBS software? Then step into the light and see more of what you’re looking for: Searchlight.

And don’t get left in the dark.

@ Create your own menus! © Unlimited multinode capacity

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While it may be the easiest BBS you can run, Searchlight is packed with serious features that today’s bulletin boards demand. Features like full-screen editing, menu building, and LAN support. Full access to your favorite BBS networks, mail readers and door software. All accessed through an efficient, intuitive interface you and your users will love. And Searchlight is backed by people as fanatical about service as they are about software. So call today.


Voice Info/Orders: (800) 780-LITE

the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, has held that BBS line rates, like all other services, are tariff-depen- dent.


On November 23, 1992, the Oregon PUC handed down its decision in Wagner v. U.S. West Commun- ications, Inc. Stuart Antony Wagner was a SysOp for a hobbyist BBS called First Choice Communications in Portland, Oregon. Tony is hearing impaired and cannot use a standard telephone with- out an amplifier. He found communi- cating with other computer users by modem very appealing because it avoid- ed the difficulties inherent for him in verbal communications. In fact, many of the users of First Choice BBS were hand- icapped, although that was not a pre- requisite.

First Choice had a general focus. There were no subscription or other fees for users. There was no commercial use of the system. And, while First Choice was listed on the local BBS direc-

Support BBS: (516) 689-2566


tory, Tony Wagner did not engage in advertising, promotion or publicity for his BBS. Tony Wagner had three tele- phone lines running into First Choice.

For several years, Tony was charged residential rates for the tele- phone lines running into his board. But in October of 1991, US West decided to implement a company policy of charg- ing all BBSs business rates. Tony Wagner filed a formal complaint against US West before the Oregon PUC to protest the rate increase, stating that First Choice was not a business use of the telephone lines, and those lines should not be clas- sified as business lines for rate purposes. Tony argued that his BBS was used pri- marily for social or domestic purposes.

US West took the position that the First Choice BBS was not a domestic use of the lines, and as such was subject to business rates. US West further argued that the pattern of use of BBSs makes them more like a business than a resi- dential use. In part, US West based its argument on the premise that business rates reflect higher volumes of use and that it would be unfair for Tony to oper- ate a business-type service at the lower residential rate. However, the PUC did not buy that argument, holding that “the tariffs themselves make no reference to volume of use as a basis for determining residential classification.” And there was no evidence presented by US West of what the actual volume of use was.

The PUG, in fact, based its deci- sion entirely on its reading of US West’s tariff. The PUC held, “The fun- damental problem for [US West] in this case is that the tariffs upon which it relies did not foresee this form of resi- dential use. Customers like Mr. Wagner are, in effect, caught in an evolving sit- uation where the tariffs have not kept pace with the technology. Rather than adopting a strained interpretation of its present tariffs, the better approach would be for [US West] to revise its tar- iffs to specifically deal with bulletin board systems. In the context of a tariff docket, issues relating to the applicable classification, the characteristics of the service, volume of usage, and other mat- ters affecting the public interest could be properly reviewed.”


The Oregon PUC suggested that the current rate classification of business and residential uses of telephone lines may not work well for BBSs. This makes a lot of sense. Our lifestyles are changing, and so are our uses of the

Our lifestyles are changing, and so are our uses of the telephone lines.

telephone lines. The old classifications of business and residential rates were meant to be applied simply. But today’s uses of the telephone lines do not fall neatly into that old classification scheme. For example, is a telephone line used during the day by a telecom- muter and used at night for speaking with friends properly classified as a busi- ness or resi- dential use of the line? Are people who send faxes from their homes prop- erly assessed

residential information) rates? Should Name modem com-

munications, Address like BBSs, City

always be clas- sified as a business use

State/Zip Code

aime tel es NEW Address phone line? Name

TELERC Address Oregon PUC ; answered the City last question State/Zip Code in the Wagner case. The PUC held that “[djata trans- NJ 08055.

mission, by

itself, is not incompatible with a classi- fication of residential use. . . . A resi- dential customer with a modem and a personal computer may use his resi- dential line or lines to receive and trans- mit data without paying business rates for the line, unless [telephone compa- ny] tariffs require the application of a business rate for other reasons.”

So, for the time being, hobbyist BBS SysOps will only have to pay resi- dential rates for running their boards in Oregon. However, the dilemma as to what to charge hobbyist SysOps is indicative of a larger social need a need for telephone companies and pub- lic utility commissions to rethink the ways they classify telephone service. Mi

Shani Steele is a Staff Attorney with the Washington office of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing freedom and openness in computer-based communications. Send your legal questions to Ms. Steele at ssteele@eff. org (Internet) or c/o BBS Callers Digest.


Don’t delay your BBS Callers Digest—if you’ve moved let us know!

OLD Address (affix your mailing label or fill in the old

Mail to: BBS Callers Digest, 701 Stokes Rd., Medford,

You may FAX this form at (609) 953-7961.

MARCH 1993 ¢ 19





aps the new caller, a SysOp may appear as the Almighty One Incarnate on the Baud Lines, but we have to tell ya, SysOp’s are human too and make mistakes... including some very close to home (US!).

A delightful caller to Stuppi’s BBS was kind enough to send us a donation to the board. Carol was overjoyed by this and left him a nicely worded thank you message which incidentally included the private number to Struppi’s BBS. She was somewhat perplexed when we received a message from this caller advis- ing that he had received the thank you message but were we aware that his priv- ileges seemed to have been removed instead of extended?

Carol immediately displayed his caller record to see what could possibly be the matter, scanning it intently but not seeing anything untoward. As the next step in resolving this bizarre prob- lem, she tried logging on as him to experience firsthand the difficulty. Sure enough, no matter which command or feature was tried, Carol received a nasty beep from the system and a mes- sage saying she wasn’t authorized to do whatever she attempted to do.

Now starting to get just a wee bit frustrated, Carol called his user record up One more time and scanned through


2 ————————————ee——v—eS<XOv—___eeeeaa EEE

the setup line by line by line. Boy did her face ever get red... when she dis- covered that while she had correctly increased our caller’s security level and added a subscription expiration date, she had forgotten to increase the year!

You guessed it, gang... according to the system, his account was expired!


Last month, we told the brief tale of one particular Washington-area SysOpess who seemed to forget to which BBS she had logged on. This month, we’d like to share yet another “Who’s on first?” type BBS story...

There’s a group of metro Washington SysOps who have formed a loose alliance of sorts and faithfully rec- ommend each other’s boards to their callers. In case you can’t guess, Struppi’s BBS is part of this great group of boards. To help ‘spread the word’ about these boards, one SysOp in the group designed a logoff screen which displays the name and numbers of all the *other* boards involved.

This SysOp was a little perturbed at Struppi, for she had not changed her logoff screen to match the rest of the groups’. Advised by Struppi that she hadn’t received the file from him, this SysOp proceeded to quickly assemble Struppi a new logoff screen she could proudly display.

The joke turned out to be on the fellow SysOp—it seems that in his haste to get the file to Struppi’s BBS as quick- ly as possible, he copied his logoff screen from his BBS.

He did modify the screen so that it correctly displayed the names and num- bers of about 10 different BBSes in the Washington area. But where Struppi’s BBS name was displayed, he changed it to the name of his board, Capitol Connection. However, he forgot to replace the phone number of Struppi’s BBS with the number of his BBS!

So, instead of Struppi’s BBS num- ber, the new, official, Struppi logoff screen displayed the names and num- bers of the different boards, with the exception of Capitol Connection. Yup, the name of the board was displayed,

but the phone number listed to call was that belonging to Struppi’s.

We had much egg on our collec- tive faces, but at least we quickly dis- covered that at least our callers pay some small bit of attention to our logoff screens, as they were the astute ones who pointed out our error to us!

Since it’s once again that time of year, we thought we'd share the follow- ing tongue-in-cheek treatise on...


Mass hysteria about a virus named “Michelangelo” has been spreading rapidly in DOS-based personal com- puters users around the world. This scare is “triggered” each year slightly before March 6, Michelangelo’s birth- day. No one is immune ... people rang- ing from university students to the staff of Nighiline have been affected.

According to various psychologists, the Michelangelo Virus hysteria is spread through almost any media chan- nel—written, electronic, mail, oral, computer networks, or on-line services. Once a person is “infected”, he will attempt to automatically spread the hys- teria to every person he sees.

The hysteria also corrupts base reasoning and logic, so loss of common sense is often a symptom. This is unfor- tunate, since the hysteria can be elimi- nated at any time with common sense. This means that once activated, the hys- teria cannot be easily removed; the eas- iest thing to do is to let it dissipate nat- urally on March 7.

There have been numerous known occurrences of this hysteria at the University of Pittsburgh’s campus. This has been caused by saturated dis- tribution of virus protection and detec- tion software, and repeated and redun- dant E-mail messages. We advise you NOT to attempt to trick people into believing that March 6 has already passed in order to avoid the hysteria. (Even though we tell you about 3 para- graphs later that we tried it anyway.)

The Michelangelo virus hysteria displays pronounced symptoms, which

makes it extremely easy to detect. Some possible symptoms of this virus hysteria include, but are not limited to:

1, Running virus-checking software an average of 6,000 times (per disk).

...the Michelangelo Virus hysteria is spread through almost any media channel—written, electronic, mail, oral, computer networks, or on-line services.

2. Sending repeated and redundant E- mail messages.

3. Photocopying 50,000 flyers and dis- tributing them in every possible loca- tion on campus.

4. An irrational fear or paranoia of or destructive behavior towards com- puters (pushing them off of rooftops, leaving them in front of steam rollers, etc.).

5. Using old, manual typewriters.

In addition, Dr. Ima Quak of the Useless Information Bureau advises that “the hysteria seems to have an almost annual cycle to it. Perhaps this can help us in detecting it.” Any person that is not infected and has common sense can also detect the Michelangelo Virus hysteria.

There are many trained psychol- ogists that can detect and/or remove the Michelangelo virus hysteria. However, these steps are usually not nec- essary. The following techniques have been used to combat the hysteria:

1. Vigorous shaking and/or slapping of the victim.

2. Large quantities of cold water (a fire hose, for example).

3. Avoiding watching Nightline.

4, Accurate, brief, and non-redundant


If you believe you might be infect- ed with the Michelangelo virus hysteria, please slap yourself once or twice, ask someone to hose you down with a fire hose, and for G*d’s sake, go to bed before 11:30pm! Rest assured that some steps *are* being taken to help prevent this hysteria. In fact, just yesterday Pitt Chancellor J. Dennis O’Connor approved $82,000 to form a committee to appoint a committee to call a meeting to look into the matter. |

As mentioned at the start of our column, we have dedicated this space to the lighter side of computing. If you have an experience or thought that you'd like to share with us, please do not hesitate to drop us a line via RIME. Although we prefer to be reached via RIME conference #234 (BBS Callers Digest), Ed and I can both be reached via any RIME confer- ence if your local Board does not carry con- ference #234. We look forward to hearing

from you.

User Group Info

If you are the President or the decision making person in a User Group, you might be interested to know that the BBS Callers Digest has a special program just for you!

If you are interested to offer your members a discounted subscription to BBS Callers Digest then you need to contact us.

Along with a group discount for your members, we will pay you commissions to obtain these new or renewal orders.

For more _ information, contact the publisher, Richard Paquette, as your earliest convenience. Call 609-953-9110 from 10am to 4pm or write to us at: Callers Digest, PO Box 416, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 (Attn: Group Sales)


MARCH 1993 © 21




Are you protected from liability related to your BBS?

B.. caller,

forum modera-

tor, system oper-

—- ator, the BBS

; itself, other BBSs

ia / in a cooperative

| a2 network: when

something on a

BBS goes wrong, which among these

may be responsible? The answer

depends not only on what went wrong, but on how the BBS is organized.

Organizations can insulate their members from liability, or spread lia- bility to members who took no part in what went wrong. How this works is a result of both history (a section of a law book on employer liability is still cap- tioned “Master and Servant”!), and contemporary judgments about when we should be liable for our actions and for the actions of others.

BBSs are increasingly part of large and complex organizations. Since the first personal computer-based BBSs went online in the late 1970’s and were operated as hobbies, some have grown into profit-making corporations with full-time employees. Many of all sizes have also made alliances and connec- tions with other BBSs, and with the vast interconnected network known as the Internet.


What sorts of organizations are these, and what may be the conse- quences of their organization?


Some organizations and all of those that insulate their members from liability exist only after their organi- zational status has been granted by a government authority. The most famil- iar of these is the “corporation”, but

The relationships both within a BBS...and between inter-connecting BBSs are susceptible to legal labels whether the parties are aware of them or not.

there are a variety of other forms, such as foundations, limited partnerships, and professional corporations, each of which has unique characteristics. Many more organizational types

exist without a governmental grant (although, among other things, they may be obligated to register their name and obtain a federal tax identification number). These include partnerships, sole proprietorships, and membership associations among many others, includ- ing such exotica as the “Massachusetts Business Trust”, whose existence is not limited to Massachusetts.

Many of the organizational types that exist without a governmental grant are created automatically, without any conscious declaration by the people involved. The relationships both within a BBS (among, for instance, the person who manages it, the one that owns its hardware, and the moderators of its public conference areas), and between inter-connecting BBSs are susceptible to legal labels whether the parties are aware of them or not.

So what label should be applied to, Say, a group of independent but geo- graphically diverse BBSs that cooperate by daily communications that allow their members to exchange private electron- ic mail with each other? To get an idea of the range of possibilities and their sig- nificance, distinguishing between three sorts of organizations corporation, partnership, and membership associa- tion will be helpful.


A corporation is a vaudeville ven- triloquist’s dummy; corporate actions are said to be done by the “corporation”, as though it exists apart from the people who speak its words and perform its deeds. When a corporation injures someone, ordinarily the corporation may be sued, not the people who own its stock or manage its business. “Don’t talk to me”, the routine goes. “Talk to the dummy.”

Sometimes the corporate vaudeville routine has a surprise ending. While corporate executives are allowed a lot of latitude for mistakes they make as executives, they can be personally liable for mistakes that are illegal, or that directly benefit them. Similarly, a cor- porate director may also be liable, among other circumstances, when (in the words of one court),

“he has recklessly reposed confidence in an obviously untrustworthy employee, has refused or neglected cavalierly to per- form his duty as a director, or has ignored either willfully or through inattention obvious danger signs of employee wrongdoing....”

Even corporate stockholders can be personally liable for their corpora- tion’s activities if they dishonor the little formalities (like a separate corporate bank account and management by properly elected officers and direc- tors) that support the illusion that their corporate dummy has its own voice.

A partnership, in comparison, is formed when people organize, and


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agree to share profits and management. The agreement doesn’t have to be writ- ten, so whether a group of people who work together are all “partners”, or a

“Membership associations” ...are a collection of persons who agree to join for a social, patriotic, political, or benevolent


mixture of partners and independent contractors, or something else depends on how they share responsibility, author- ity and profits.

Partnerships involve “unlimited lia- bility” each partner can bind the part- nership, and each can be held liable for all of the

for a social, patriotic, political, or benevolent purpose rather than for a purely commercial one. The agreement that creates a membership association doesn’t have to be written either, although it often is, and often provides in great detail for the association’s pur- poses, and for the mechanics of its administration.

Membership associations are most- ly collections of individuals who are liable for their own actions, and for those actions of the association that they authorize.

A gray area exists between part- nerships and membership associations. Unincorporated organizations (at least, except when they are owned and man- aged by one person) are generally treated as partnerships when they have a commercial purpose, and as mem- bership associations when they don’t. Country clubs may be treated as associ- ations, however, even when they are operated partly for monetary gain.


partner- ship’s obli- gations. “Mem- bership asso- ciations” are distinct from partner- ships. They are a collec- tion of per- sons who agree to join


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MARCH 1993 ® 23

Meese Se ee eee ae ea ee ao Se en

The Best Multi-Line BBS’s in America!

The following list contains some ofthe most popular multi-line BBS's in America. Allthese boards use an advanced payment method that ranges in price from $.50 per hour to $10 a month memberships. You might want to sign-up and try some of these boards to see what they offer and their rates. All these BBS's have an online teleconference with private and public chat, electronic mall, special interest groups, various games, networks, and so much more. Unlike the big national boards like Prodigy or Compuserve, these BBS's offer a more personal touch. To join any of these boards simply call 1-900-

454-BBS1 (1-900-454-2271) with atouch tone phone ($10.00 per call). When you call have a pen and paper ready to write down the code given to you. You will be prompted for a System-ID, that is the number located on the right hand side of the BBS names listed below. Once you recieve the Code you must call the BBS and redeem that code for online time. You must be over 18 to call or have parental permission. If you have any problems contact Tessier Technologies, Inc. at (305) 473-5525. Each BBS is owned and operated by seperate individuals or companies.

Lazer Connection #9 (201) 472-7785

17,500+ Files, MajorNet, 8Lines,Games and More

Genesis Online #23 (205) 620-4144

PC Catalog, CD-ROM's Many Games, MajorNet

WinPlus! #7

(206) 630-8203

22 Lines and Growing Christian Based Fun!

Hello Central #6 . (206) 641-7218

14 Lines, Adult Chat Online Games & Files

Hodge Podge #8 (206) 884-9747

16 Lines, Over 7.2 Gigs of Files, Games & Chat

Emerald Palace #2 (210) 561-8150 (210) 561-8166 Voice See Ad in this issue!

Advanced Data #45 (301) 695-9116

32 Lines, 6.6 + Gigs

N. Va, DC, MD Lines

House ICHTHYS #27 (305) 360-2991

8 Lines, Rime, Spin, PC Relay Networks, Files.

High Society #1 (305) 473-2000

32 Lines, 7.5 + Gigs, Adut Areas & Games

Citicom #4

(305) 966-5699

4 Lines for Business and Pleasure!

L’ Alternative #35 (305) 581-3320 Adult’s Only, Opento All fantasies and lifestyles!

CompuLink #10 (305) 764-3718

10 Lines, 1 Gig of Files, Chat, Games & More!

Atlanta Chatline #12 (404) 922-2937

23 Lines, Adult Oriented, Chat, Games & More!

The Key System #28 (407) 951-1900

16 Lines with Games & Real Estate Information!

Magic Kingdom #18 | Sound of Silence #57

(408) 245-3961 16 Lines of Chat, Game Files, and much more!

Pandamonium #54 (505) 298-7000 Family BBS, Games, Files, Chat and Morel

After Hours #46 (512) 448-3562

20 Lines of Chat, Games, Files and Fun!

PAL AfterDark #24 (513) 426-2913 Adutts Only! Swingers, Hot Chat & Sexy GIFs!

The Times #49 (518) 452-1721 27 Lines, 3 Gigs Intemet Developer

Friendship Exp. #19 (612) 566-5726

32 Lines, Adults Only, Dating to Swinging!

Heartland #53 (614) 846-0277

30 Games, 30K Files Online Software Store

(615) 449-8029 22 Lines, 4+ Gigs of Files, Games, Chat and More!

Multl-Comm #36 (702) 362-9224 48 Lines, Chat, Files, Games and More!

Microline #50 (703) 425-7993

32 Lines, with Games, Files and Adult Areas!

A Quiet Place #42 (706) 769-9933 Athens, GA. 50K Files Come grow with us!

The Liberty BBS #29 (714) 996-6666

16 Lines, Entertainment Chat, Games and Files!

Compuline #5 (715) 732-1036

6 Lines, Entertainment Files and Fido Net!

Heartbeat #16 (716) 392-7009

16 Lines, Online Games, 3.6+ Gigs of Files!

Spectrum BBS #3 (718) 253-8170

24 Lines, NYC Largest Friendliest BBS Around!

Bay Cafe #40 (718) 769-6787

13 Lines Entertainment Largest Adult Library

The V.I.N.E. #21 (804) 978-4134

8 Lines, 38,400 Baud MajorNET, 4 Gigs of Files

The Round Table #33 (805) 733-0073

10 Lines, MajorNET, Files, Chat and Games!

*ASTRO* #43 (813) 277-0906

4+ Gigs of Files, Games, Fidonet, Chat & Morel!

Baudville #32 (813) 593-0067 16 Lines, Adults Only Games, Chat & Files!

C.C.0O. #20

(904) 376-6480

14 Lines, Online Chat, Games, Files & More]

Sannin ntneteleisiafefate niateiviniviciaisinninaesttivnisc ce Stes cco

REE MRE a Eeined «cdc ncnadbenscucneeeecneuceasncuntaucacnnduuaunecnaudunaanel



Where these legal formulae can become real is in your bank account. The organizational forms of corpora- tion, partnership and association can apply both to individual BBSs, and to cooperative networks of them. As a result, when a BBS becomes liable for something, the labels that apply to it and to any network it belongs to can have a lot to do with who has to pay.


The larger and more commercial information services are, not surpris- ingly, generally incorporated. CompuServe, for instance, is a wholly owncd subsidiary of H & R Block, a pub- licly traded company. Among its many information services are special interest “forums” which allow the same sort of public posting of messages, interactive online conferences, and topical databas- es that local BBSs provide.

These forums are generally oper- ated by independent parties under a contract that requires them to manage, edit and otherwise control the contents of the Forum in accordance with CompusServe’s standards.

Whether by historical accident or design, CompuServe’s structure has served it well. In the 1991 Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe case, a court found that CompuServe’s liability for defamatory material in a forum was like that of bookstores and libraries, which are only liable for the defamatory statements in their books that they know or have

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reason to know about.

This decision has been optmisti- cally been interpreted to mean that all BBSs will benefit from the “bookstore” standard of liability, rather than the less

Many BBS structures can be characterized as somewhere between

membership associations

and anarchies. |

lenient one applied to publishers. A more reasonable interpretation is that the owner of a BBS can organize to legally distance itself from liability for administering the BBS which should provide little solace to the majority of

characterized as somewhere between membership associations and anar- chies. The Cleveland “Free-Net”, for instance, is said to have CompuServe- like services, such as private mail and public message areas, and 40,000 users. It is free (although money contributions are periodically solicited), allows open access, and is run by community volun- teers.

Similarly, even Internet itself, with its vast association of over 300,000 hosts and millions of callers, has been called “the anarchy net” because of the lack of a single organizing point of con- tact, and the lack of a comprehensive “phonebook” of Internet addresses.

Many “echo networks”, in com- parison, are often highly organized. Echo networks are cooperative associa- tions of otherwise independent BBSs that systematically and regularly share files and conference messages with each other. Conferences reflect the con-

Continues. ..

BBS owners who do their own adminis- tering. But

pinning organiza- tional labels on the terri- tory of cyberspace is often not easy. Many BBS struc- tures can be

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Attention Sysops!

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ond to nonel Normally advertised at $259.00, Video Poker Major Stats ial is the 102nd Trivia Forum 900 Service oe Sa ibs a n if ee ae Horse Track C.C. Manager Tg tae alee aa somwals NS JIN INA 900 Service Demo System

Our 900 Service has become one of the most popular 900 services around the country! Your users can now join your BBS and pay through this 900 Service. Over 75 Major BBS's are using this Service with an average of $30,000 + amonthin revenue. Your Cost is only $150.00 for the software and setup, no other hidden charges. After that you are assigned aSystem ID # and ready to run! Your users are charged $10.00 for each calland you decide what type of membership to give them. Everything is configurable. Call us Today to get yourself on this amazing service. Average paying membership goes up by 25 % - 50% in most cases and 100% in some cases! Increase your paying mem- Cas today! Call now for information!

Tessier Technologies, Inc. 1876 N. University Drive, Suite #200 Mercede Parkview Building Plantation, Florida 33322

Call our demo system at (305) 473- 2000 at 300/1200/2400 Baud or at (805) 473-2030 at 9600/14.4/19.2 Baud. Once you are signed up you can get instant validation through our 900 service or leave the System Operator email. We have over 60 Online modules with a variety of op- tions such as Games, SIGS, CHAT and of course, over 8 Gigabytes of Files. The reason we want you to look at our 32 Line BBS is because we can make your BBS look just like it and even better! We have been in the BBS business since 1987 and thats what we do for a living. Our software development team is second to none, with customers all over the world. Give us a Call today and experience


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(305) 473-5525 Voice (305) 473-2122 Fax

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tributions of the callers of every BBS in the network that par- ticipates, and usually have a moderator who edits the discus- sion to keep it civil and on-topic.

Echo networks often have a very highly evolved charter, bylaws and hierarchy of officers. These provide, among many other things, detailed rules as to how someone will be admit- ted to their network, what standards conference moderators should use, as well as the technical side of how echoes should work.

Since echo networks are generally still non-commercial, they are probably membership associations rather than part- nerships or something else. But BBSs are increasingly becoming commercial. There’s no reason two or more of them may not be characterized as a partnership and be suscep- tible to partnership liability as a result if they share profits, losses or management.

None of this is particularly bad news for BBSs or their callers. While the law provides many rules regarding when BBSs and the rest of us are liable for our actions and for the actions of others, it also provides some of the means for lim- iting those liabilities. a

CHARLES B. KRAMER is a member of the New York and Mlinois Bars and has lived and practiced law in New York City since 1982. His practice includes corporate, copyright, and trademark law, including for clients in the software development and online infor- mation businesses. He can be reached at CompuServe 72600, 2026, and at Internet 72600.

Don't miss another issue


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MARCH 1993 © 27






AeA month

I backpacked down the modem trail to 3 big country... hit- ting three of our

: largest states, each with vast rolling wildernesses, each a scenic wonderland in its own rite. Fortunately for us, these colorful tourist vistas are also littered with electronic playlands better known as BBSes. I visited one in each.

First stop was Montana, a great sprawling state hosting national forests, the majestic Rocky Mountains, and PC- Montana, an impressive online sys- tem...


Sysop: Dan Martin

Location: Manhattan, Montana Phone Number: 406-284-3120 Modem Type: US Robotics 38400 bps BBS Software: PC Board 14.5a Motto: “ROMs Are Us”

Matchmaker Electronic

Pen-Pal System

As soon as I connected to PC- Montana BBS, I was dazzled with nature’s splendor. Manhattan, Montana, home of PC-Montana BBS, is nestled right in the Rocky Mountains. Directly between Butte and Bozeman, it’s sur- rounded by national forests and sits just a couple of hours north of the Montana border and the splendor of Yellowstone National Park.

In the midst of all this natural wonder, sysop Dan Martin has created what I affectionately refer to as a Montana miracle in its own rite. His BBS is a rich repository of files, messages and other online treats, a much larger sys- tem than you would ever expect to find in one of America’s major wilderness regions.

After looking around a while, I’m notat all surprised at the large num- ber of users who regularly access this sys- tem, despite Montana’s scattered pop- ulation.

Dan’s done a marvelous job of putting together a system that offers vir-


PC-Montana BBS

tually everything an onliner could pos- sibly want. There are ten CD-ROMs full of files everything from games to business applications, programming utilities and anything you could imagine in between, including VGA Spectrum (GIFs, animations and utilities), PC-SIG Vol. 10, MegaROM II, NightOwl 4.1, 5.0, and 6.0, Pixure ROM I and II and GIGA Gold. And Dan’s set everything up so the CDs are accessed as if they are reg- ular conferences on the board.

There are also a vast number of other files available on the system, in cat- egories ranging from Humor and Games to Disk Drive Utilities, Printer Utilities, Communications and even Genealogy and Magazine Files.

Available message conferences include the Eclectic Group, Mom’s Kitchen (a discussion of computers in everyday life), Bible Study, the Children’s Playground (for kids only!), Techno-File, For Sale and For the People (discussions of getting involved, learning about cover-ups and more).


And it’s all set up in a series of simple, clean menus, with every step cov- ered by superbly written documentary text files and help screens.

In fact, I found some of the most interesting reading in the system’s bul- letin files. Bulletin #9 is an extensive list of known and suspected Trojan Horses, Virii and pirated programs that are cir- culating. Provided by a group calling itself the Hacker Squad, it's a magazine- format text so well-written and infor- mative it should be on every BBS in the country. My hat’s off to Dan for provid- ing it.

Dan says he settled down in Manhattan after living and working from Kentucky to California. “First off, I’ve been hooked on BBSing for a long time,” he said. “I was out of a full time job, designing embedded systems soft- ware for a test equipment manufacturer, but making enough from software engi- neering jobs to pay the bills, so I decid- ed to do something I’ve always wanted to do and set up PC-Montana BBS.”

PC-Montana and Dan Martin turned out to be a dynamite combina- tion. “The big plus for me is days are for fishing,” Dan said. “And being a BBS sysop is a great night job!”

Dan also makes frequent trips to Yellowstone and shares those trips with modemers who call his board. “I’ve made a promise to myself that ’'m going to hike all the trails in Yellowstone National Park,” he said. “This is no small task.

“There are over 1000 miles of trails, but I pack along my Cannon XapShot and have been digitizing images of the park since 1991, with a focus on the Geothermal features. I hope to capture the look and sound of the world’s largest geothermal fields left on the planet, and to make them avail- able to my subscribers. This is one of my most important reasons for running PC Montana BBS.”

By the time you read this, Dan will also have burned his first CD-ROM of

more than 720 TIF images, chronicling his backpack travels so far. It should be a real treat for any CD-ROM owner!

He also uses the system to contin- ue his engineering work. “A group of

local engineers and technical people decided we wanted to work together and interact as a group, while running our own businesses at home,” he explained. “The BBS helps us plan product devel- opment, explore service opportunities

Dan makes frequent trips

to Yellowstone and shares

those trips with modemers who call his board. His first CD-ROM of more than 720 TIF images chronicle his backpack

travels so far.

and work together as a team on projects. It isn’t really important if some of the people on the team are 40 miles away or 4000, as long as the work gets done.”

And the group, calling itself the Advanced Technical Alliance, Inc. (ATA), is getting some interesting work done. They’ve just completed develop- ment of a headphone listener with a “True Stereo Imaging” sound, for a company called HeadRoom, Inc.

Despite the fact that all of this goes on pretty much behind-the-scenes, PC- Montana BBS users will benefit, too. “The product will be described and offered online in the ‘Local Business’ conference, now that the research and development is pretty much done,” Dan said. “Callers will be able to find out about it and order it online beginning in January.”

1993 looks to be a year of major expansion for the system. Dan said he plans to have at least 18 CD-ROMs online by the end of the year. He’s also


joined FidoNet and plans to offer a large number of interesting echo conferences. When I called the system, there was a list of literally hundreds of available con- ferences and Dan was asking his users to let him know which they would like to see added to the system.

He also plans to add more hard disk space, a HAM radio conference and, possibly, a Packet Radio gateway, in addition to at least seven more local business conferences, 10-100 game doors, an online weather station offering updated ANSI displays and a lot more phone lines.

I’m predicting Dan will need more lines than he thinks, once folks get a look at the excellent system he’s put together. It’s a lot for the money just $25 per year for full access and restricted access is always available to all callers free of charge.

PC Montana BBS is, indeed, a world-class system that deserves your attention!

From here we head on up to a land of even more wildernesses wonder, with more mountainous even than Montana and definitely larger...Alaska. This is where we find...


Sysop: Fred Polsky

Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Phone Number: 907-344-8437

Modem Type: WorldBlazer

BBS Software: Waffle 1.65

Motto: “A Data Communications Symposium In Which Communications Hobbyists (otherwise known as geeks)


® wins 1992 Dvorak/Zoom Ist Annual Award for Best General BBS

Over 2,500,000 calls!

617-354-7077 2400/1200 617-354-5776 14.4 v.32bis ; mal

PO Box 338, Cambridge, MA 02238 16 Gigs/PC Pursuit/Compucom/ Telebit/HST 16.8

MARCH 1993 29

ee IE ee ee

Congregate and Send Silly Messages to Each Other, and Read Further Information About It, All of Which is Completely Useless and Irrelevant to the Scheme of Things in General”

Wandering around this system for a while gave me the feeling I was trapped in some alternate universe’s answer to NORTHERN EXPOSURE. The FredBox is anything BUT your usual BBS. Sysop Fred Polsky, who never passes up an opportunity to assault his users with his off-the-wall sense of humor, set it up that way on purpose.

In fact, after signing up for access, the following message appears as part of your onscreen greeting: “Feel free to explore, and if you find yourself lost, never fear. The system was written to be intentionally confusing.”

Actually, it’s not that confusing at all. That’s just Fred’s inimitable sense of humor at work. His incarnation of Waffle is quite simple, even plain,

offering several lines of one-word com- mands on the “Main, but still useless, menu.” Typing “HELP” brings up sev- eral screens of brief descriptions for all of the available commands “except the undocumented surprise ones.”

It’s basically a system offering access to a number of forums and files. Available local discussion areas include “Miscellaneous rants of worthy note,” “Excuse me while I geek out for a sec...” (the technical information forum), “Please, No Volatile Liquids” (a debate forum), and the virtually unexplainable “Psychedelic Man-Eating Rocks From Mars.” You'll just have to read through this last one for yourself.

A number of WWIV Forums are also available on The FredBox, includ- ing Heinlein, Shareware, Alaska, Govt (the Role of Government in a [free] Society), Anarchy (more political ide- alism), Ghod (a religious discussion area) and even Zen, moderated by Timothy Leary himself. If none of these are of interest, there are at least a dozen more from which to choose. And there are also a couple dozen Usenet newsgroups you can access.

The files seem mostly split between MS-DOS programs and an

unusually large collection of text files. The MS-DOS collection is good, offering a nice selection of programs, but the selection of available text files is what makes this BBS most unusual.

The focus here is on issues sur- rounding freedom of the press and anti- establishment/alternative/activist phi- losophy. There are files from Computer Underground Digest, Activist Times, Inc., Electronic Frontier Foundation, Factsheet Five and more.

Wandering around [FredBox] for a while gave me the feeling I was trapped in some alternate universe’s answer to


It’s an unusual slant, to be sure, but one all to often ignored. I’m sur- prised there aren’t more active “under- ground press” bulletin boards around. I remember all the great underground newspapers that sprang up during the sixties and bulletin boards seem to be the perfect vehicle for this kind of alter- native publishing.

Fred Polsky has obviously seen this potential and is involving his board ina most healthy way.

Files on the board can be trans- ferred to and from your own personal directory. Fred asks that users first upload files to their own private direc- tories, then send him “a bit of feedback explaining what it is and circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining how it’s going to be used against you in court.”


What led Fred, with five years of modem activity under his belt, to set up

The FredBox? Fred explained, “Sysop Fever (tm) struck me early, while I was staying at a friend’s house in the sticks (where I also lived). He had a BBS run- ning on a C-64, limited hours, in an area of MAYBE a dozen modemers. I then moved to The City (in Alaska, there’s only one, you sece...although residents of Fairbanks may take exception to that statement) and tried a few attempts on my Atari system. Finally I procured a Real Computer (tm) with decent hard drive space and grabbed a copy of Waffle.

I played around with that and saw how delightfully odd it was. Last year about this time I thought I’d just leave it up for a while and see how it went. It hasn’t been down since except for the occasional clean-the-dirt-out-of-the-flop- py-drives episode and miscellaneous hardware upgrades.”

Growth from that point has been steady. “I started as an island unto myself with a cheap internal 2400 bps modem and have since become a Usenet site and WWIVnet node, and am now run- ning a Telebit Worldblazer.”

An unusual system, naturally, attracts unusual users. Fred describes the users of The FredBox as “Atypical the user who is tired of your standard WWIV or WildCat! BBS where things tend to look the same from board to board. One of the primary strengths of Waffle is its ease of running in ‘silly mode.’ Even reading the docs can be humor-



So, The FredBox is a different BBS. One catering to users looking for unusual information that is often not found elsewhere. But it’s even better than that. It’s one that doesn’t hesitate to poke fun at itself and take things with a grain of salt. That makes it not only unusual but also unusually fun.

It looks like The FredBox is des- tined to grow. Fred foresees his board, eventually, adding “some sort of full- Internet Public Access Unix box.” He definitely plans to add more Usenet newsgroups and expand network usage of his system.


“I'd like to see the time when interactive users pick up the art of UUCP and run leaf sites of their own,” he said. “It may seem counterproductive to the goals of a normal BBS, but I believe this is the eventual direction of the off-line reader. Eventually, everyone will have their own net site. I believe that networking is the key to spreading and sharing information.”

Actually, I think that IS the goal of the normal BBS, and Fred’s done an excellent job of creating a center for the dissemination of unusual information and you won’t regret taking the time to visit.

Finally, we took our leave of Alaska and head for warmer climes. Our next stop was Texas, another huge state offering perhaps the widest variety of landscapes, from mountains to plains, desert to beachfront, under one state flag. Here we find...


Sysop: Peggy Robb

Location: Austin, Texas

Phone Number: 512-458-1172

Modem Type: Intel 2400 bps

BBS Software: Custom

Motto: “Designed to Introduce People”

Remember computer dating ser- vices? In the “old days,” folks had to trav- el to an office, fill out a lengthy form, pay a fee and wait while the service entered their information into its com- puters and pulled up prospective match- es. Matchmaker software allows you to do all of that on a bulletin board even meet the folks who match your per- sonal information and carry on your own conversations, getting to know them better before you actually meet.

People meeting people. That's what Matchmaker is all about and the Austin Matchmaker does the job well.

Before I could actually log onto the system, I was asked to fill out a detailed online questionnaire about myself. Detailed is an understatement.

I was asked a total of 54 questions,

ranging from the usual age, height, weight and astrological sign stuff all the way to the kind of car I drive, favorite activities, pets, fashions and more. In all fairness, I was warned before starting that the series of questions could take almost an hour to complete so I wasn’t

It generated about 200 matches for my profile in a matter of seconds and presented me with a last of matching users I could easily K-mail.

at all put out at going through them.

Besides, all those answers I gave are now stored, along with similar answers from every user on the system, in what is affectionately referred to as the “Date-A-Base.” Upon demand, I can run my answers against everyone else’s and pull up a list of users who most closely match my own interests and per- sonality.

The software, created by Matchmaker network administrator Jon, is connected to the Internet system and, via that network, to 18 other Matchmaker systems around the coun- try, including Chicago, Phoenix, San Diego, Tampa. Other cities are being added all the ume. Any system operator capable of running Unix (and that includes most computers available today) can sign up to become a part of the Matchmaker network, in return for a percentage of fees collected running the system.

The Austin Matchmaker system offers ‘some files, too, including some really funny text files (in the jokes area), recipes, BBS lists and even poems, but the main activity is matchmaking and messages.

The system is simple and straight- forward, with easy-to-follow menus. It generated about 200 matches for my

profile in a matter of seconds and pre- sented me with a list of matching users I could easily E-mail.

All this for just $15 for 20 hours of connect time or $50 for 110 hours. Far less expensive than the computer dating services of old and a lot more fun. Even better, there are thousands of users on the network so your odds of finding a match regardless of how odd you might be yourself are pretty high.

And, of course, you can also send E-mail to literally thousands of other sys- tems through the Interlink connection.

The system will continue to grow. Jon told me he hopes to see the Matchmaker network expanded to 50 systems and 50,000 users, with full-time connectivity between the systems, with- in the next three years. I tend to think he’ll get the job done.

It’s a system with one primary pur- pose and it handles that purpose well. If you're looking for a professionally run BBS where you could meet your perfect match, I suggest you give Matchmaker a call today! |

IDS On-Line Service

Over 1,000,000 files within the archives- IBM, MAC, Amiga. Over 4 gigabytes of Adult Files

Over 100 On-Line Games On-Line Magazine - USA Today Daily news from UPI, AP, NY Times, NYSE/NASDAQ Quote, Over 600 Message Conferences RIME, TrekNet, BizNet & more 22 Line Multi-User Chat On-Line Store Easy Menu and reasonable rate CompuCom High Speed, V.32, V32bis, USR HST, V-Series PC Pursuit - DCWAS

Set your modem to 8/N/1 and call 703-642-8704

Infinite Data Source 6397 Little River Tnpk Alexandria, VA, 22312

Voice inquiry: (703) 642-5121

MARCH 1993 © 31




What you could do on a BBS run with Spitfire Software!

O ne of the fastest growing BBS software packages is the SPITFIRE BBS. It is a low cost, fully functioning, shareware BBS package. The Sysop (System Operator), can have the SPFIFIRE BBS up and running within thirty minutes. This ease of use combined with CD-ROM support, network capability and too many features to mention make this BBS software a very popular choice among Sysops.

The users of a SPITFIRE board will find the same ease of use as the Sysop. While the command structure is self-explana- tory, there is the need to explain some of the less used com- mands. As an example I am going to use the menu structure from the a BBS in Baltimore, Maryland. The board is up and running twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and has something to offer for everyone. Just take a quick tour through the different areas and you will see how diverse SPITFIRE Boards can be.

What follows are explanations of some of the commands that are basic to a SPITFIRE BBS. Please remember, not all SPIIFIRE boards are the same and not all commands are avail able at all user levels.

Upon connection to this Spitfire BBS you will be ask if you want “ANSI” characters. Respond y for yes if you are using an IBM compatible with color capabilities. Respond N for no if you are using a non-IBM compatible computer such as an Atari, Apple...etc. After the opening screen and news file you will be asked:

User, do you wish to review the message statistics? [Y/n]?

If you answer n for no you will move on. If you answer Y for yes or just hit “enter” (you can always hit enter to execute the command that is capitalized) all the messages in all con-

ferences since your last log-on will be reviewed. You will be noti- fied of your new mail and be given the option of answering your mail.

When you decide move on you will be presented with sys- tem statistics, a brief quote from the “Earth Works Group” and a chance to review the bulletins. If the Sysop has changed a bulletin you will be prompted to review it now. This section might look like this:

Good afternoon, USER, welcome back. You are caller number 7,637.

You last called on 11-02-92 at 12:26. There have been 11 other callers today. You have called 1 other time today. You have called 209 times.

You are allowed 40 minutes per day. You have 40 minutes left today.

You are allowed 40 minutes this call. 492 callers access this BBS.

Your security level is 10.

Every year, Americans throw away enough office and writing paper to build a wall 12 feet high, stretching from Los Angeles to New York City! -The Earth Works Group

Bulletin <#>, <L>ist Bulletins, < ENTER > to Main Menu?

If you want to move on to the main menu at this time just hit the enter key. You can always read the bulletins from the main menu by executing the <B> command. The main menu will look like figure #1.

Some of the commands are very obvious even to the novice user. Some need further explanation.




Message Section ....SPITFIRE Doors Section Comment To Sysop

Locate A User

This System’s Info

Page The Sysop

Xpert Mode Toggle

... Other Bulletin Boards HELP With Commands

WP oag pada Comment To Sysop

This command will leave a non-public (private) message to the Sysop. This is the command to use to ask a question about the system that is not covered by a bulletin. (Please remember to read the bulletins). If you are having a technical problem with something other than the board, try to leave a message in the appropriate message conference. Someone is sure to reply.

Deletes Xpert Mode Toggle You will see no menus. After you use this command you

will only see a command line. Useful to those familiar with the system. Hit <X> to see the full menu again.

<St ece ie Soe ena List Active Users

This will give you a list of all the active users on the BBS. To be an active user you must sign on once every thirty days or your account will be purged.

SSN ee 5. Senet Your Statistics

The information that you can change about yourself. At this time if you want to go to the message section then hit the <M> key and you will see the menu in figure #2.

< HS ihe ayy. Hurry Scan Messages

Fig.#2 <C>. Change Message Conference Hurry Scan Messages <N>...Non-stop Message Capture Your Messages

Text Search

Page The Sysop

SPITFIRE Doors Section

Xpert Mode Toggle

HELP With Commands

Files Section Bulletins

Who’s On/Node Chat SPITFIRE Newsletter Goodbye & Log Off Your Statistics Add BBS Name & #

This command will scan all the messages in the current conference you reside. You will see this format:

MESSAGE # MESSAGE SUBJECT DATE TIME EMOB) cube owso op Giles: olokg. 6 Bete tity pan HOH ASO «6» Ailsa 8B)

SUE so cac 9 Text Search You can search for a specific string of text using this com- mand. You will see the following example: 6 key word maximum. Example: SF;SPITFIRE;v3.2 Enter Key Word(s):

casks gma & Browse Messages

Will produce this message scan format. Good if looking for a particular message topic. User, these messages in message conference #54 are available to you.

Message No. 365 was left on 11-28-92

22:55:42 TOM te hemes : Dad Leeword From..... : My World SUD VEC a ear



Read Messages

Browse Messages

Enter A Message

Alter Conference Queue

File Section

Quit To MAIN MENU Goodbye & Log Off SFmail Offline Mail

MARCH 1993 © 33

Fig. #3 >>>> MESSAGE QUEUE MENU <<<< , Add A Conference

Delete A Conference List Msg Conferences Select Conferences

IN at hots Alter Conference Queue

This board carries over eighty message conferences. Use this command to pick the conferences that you wish to mon- itor. When you first execute the <A> command you will be shown the list of the conferences that are presently in your queue. If you wish to change the list you will then see the menu in figure #3.

SK cee kas. SFmail Offline Mail

If you carry several conferences in your queue it will save you and the other users time if you use the offline mail system. With this program, written by Bob Zimmerman, you can use SFmail or the popular QWK format. See figure #4 for the SF Mail menu.

Executing the <S> option on any menu will move you to

Current Queue List

...Include All Conferences

Remove All Conferences Quit To Message Menu

the SPITFIRE door section. Figure #5 shows the current list of games on the door menu. Most of these games were written by software authors for the SPITFIRE BBS.

A popular area on any BBS is the file area. The file area on this BBS is enormous and up to date. Besides the new offer- ings, there is a CD-ROM drive packed full with shareware. Take a look at the easy to use file menu in figure #6.

Re es. Change File Area

Will move you to any local file area. This command will not access the CD-ROM drive.

560555 New Files

Will show you all the new files uploaded since the last time that you were online.

Win A US Robotics 16.8 Dual Standard!

Yes, each month DATABANK is giving away a Modem lover's dream, to the Winner of our monthly drawing. Only Registered Subscribers are eligible. Starts January 1993.

Join today the growing list of users who have found one of the fastest growing boards in the country. We offer what YOU want!

On-line Shopping CD-Roms, Complete Systems, Hardware and Software at the Right prices. USA Today, Boardwatch, BBS Callers Digest, Newsbytes, Closing Stock Prices E-Mail Galore including USENET and FIDO

Play a Game, Chat with your Friends Browse our 12.5 Gig of Files

You will find it ALL Here

DATABANK 913-842-7744

You can BANK on It 12.5 gigs and growing

Bob Oyler, DATABANK, Lawrence KOA, Inc. RT 3 BOX 175, Lawrence, KS 66044

Voice 913-842-3877


FAX 913-842-8518

<F>.....- Find A File

You may use wildcard characters such as ‘PKWWARE.”*’. Be patient when using this command because the system will search over the entire drive space.

<r CD-ROM File Areas

Use this command to access the CD-ROM files. When paging through a file directory on the CD-ROM you do not have to remember filenames of the programs that you wish to download. As the files fill the screen you will be prompted for a letter to the corresponding file you wish to download. When you are ready to download there are fourteen transfer protocols from which to choose. Some have “batch download” capabilities. Which means that a user can download more than one file at a time. From this menu you can also elect to auto- matically log off the system when your file download is complete.

To log off the SPITFIRE BBS you can execute <G> for the goodbye command from any menu. You will be notified by the system of your time spent on the board and the time you have remaining for more calls today.

The registered version of the SPITFLRE BBS pack- age includes a well-written manual. There is limited tech- nical support by the author. a

Fig. #4

SFMail Version 2.3 from Bob Zimmerman (221k-bytes free) Registered to this BBS

<1> <2> <3> <4> <5>

<C> <P> <R> <H>

SFMail Main Menu

Download Messages (SFMail Format) Upload Replies (SFMail or SFP) Download Messages (ASCII Format) Download Messages (QWKFormat ) Upload Replies (QWK or SFP )

Configure Caller Options

Preview Mode - Currently set off Download Reader (SFMail Format) Help information

<Q>uit <G>oodbye


Great White Draw Poker Scrabble SuperSlots

Sex Quiz

Door Bulletins

Fresh Water Fishing Bowling 3 Pair Poker


Change File Area

Download A File

...-Help on Upload/Download Message Section


...Text Search Description Xpert Mode Toggle

CD-Rom File Areas

List Files In This Area Upload A File

Page the Sysop

Quit to Main Menu

New Files

Find A File

HELP with Commands Read A Text File Goodbye & Log Off



To register and receive a copy of CD Sub Program, please fill in this form and mail with a check for $30 payable

to Richard Paquette, Box 416, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054.

Name Home voice phone # Address

City State Zip

BBS name

Sysop name BBS access # Check disk type: 0 36007200 1.201 1.4

Password for access on The Livewire BBS

As more BBS’s register the CD-SUB program, they will be listed in the next issues. Each registered bbs gets free access to The Livewire BBS 609-235-5297 for newer versions. If you registered and are not listed, please give us a

voice call (1-609-953-9110, 8 a.m. 4 p.m., M —F, EST) to make the correction.

| Aiiemiveusire:BES a eerie steer steeaeee Richa LGepage terre secammreitestsserarteteasce | The Arlington Software Exchange .............. VAG VG Vener ater ers, sot hatte, Res! Joe; ssVirsdiaend | BBSiDatatSySte MS eccrcecscscesvsccscssccoreseoceswtres GE BaKAISG Tye eeecceeescrccsrossresecetesevesvicccssccsviveese EBS BES Metevcetcosnviscevdvestusvedsovcnsvsseacciecastereacs BOORECOW Mew tenat cists tedisccetscacesdsssesestsese BeCkEtHBB Si mtcetenas..Gsttretcnceccsstsdecadtrsssons NENIALTOCIGD tsvevcrcteterssohiccah cast. c0¥sscccecesesobacene Central Ontario Data Systems .............:00 R@IDICRV VG ISU inrrerse ten Oris weceducqresnedtscsscastcacvoas Ghraninel"l! BBSP ices teteccts.nctsattteven. corwtartoave as Bila e Mele eseeiees cg tegteeacitss \esceresecvsneceee Chuck's Attempt BBS ...............s-seecceceseeeeees Chuck Ammann .........ceessecesseecesenensetessaeeess Ghermeketa- Online ...rcAs..ttercteaies teeta BS MAUI EN etee dices ssvedeeacsoiiiscestessstiooscoress | Gity sites 5. secs creasetter act assasee seat cree reese NOlM Um ellGeemmmeertse sc ic vrisiecsetssjesdesss Collector's Edition ...............esesessesssrsceeorees WenghlUltterercsrscescccceteccscetarsccsrens stesrevstsscssstis 214-351-9859 SOM PLE TAC ONLIGEM Lenes. atateresthe Aapnens sess otacs EO WaAlRel Dicmrcasatienseatets iattesgtsyieevassre asses DarkSide-of thesMOon canescens wetens re RetemG@acchiolifrressmsc screener tes. scccess Data World) BBS 2u..22....Siceccecccsccciscsesscoreseaes SEA DUCE Vanecsessttestacecctsteressscrees-tsciesetisesines Entertalmme DOSUN 2... arc anestture secures BIA DECC m tesaMeres te acikarcsicnes san -etidoon Executive Info Network .............:::cceeserereeees AMAVAKEOVeSts ecto tec tam scctcccteriecenmtee ss Griswold's Private ReServe .........ccsecseeeees JirniKelland ieee etcetrccstscesrccteercesteeercste aces | PSU Ae ME Bot sda s.. semicon ketene res schtsetens.xns Warren Farrimond .........ccescsessssssessesoennseee | ExT PROVB Gans. etsysss.css.carasvenerdereFesnes--os JOVEE: KONI! Mister eer ee eater ans Prete Ie EastiRecsOm BEseem emer ttt, DIETS TRIE sodeacocanboooncenasnaadobossadooaasBnDsG0N0b0 0 lies e Daron iti ewers vat. ccc Ae, hit eahe BreiceiRichardSOnpersccscresc cesseteanernsaruresss Megabitert| awietecn et vmrn vot mtr scaick (GiaeTRAE [BETA NE coca sseececoondnonconnanonocsoodesoas0o9aK00. | BACT OBIG dB. sem. cretens caren icine tect RICK, VAMROOSEN ie... .c2.--sepceucseasoannesnrcearseoranee

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MARCH 1993 ¢ 37



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Osborne/McGraw-Hill announced pub- lication of Turbo Pascal 7:The Complete Reference, covering every Turbo Pascal 7 command, procedure, and program- ming technique. This complete and bestselling single resource, also covers Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.5, and Borland Pascal.

Earlier editions of this book have been highly praised for the thousands of lines of source code and complete pro- grams of varying size and complexity. Readers will also find the book’s orga- nization makes it easy to locate infor- mation, including all the code and syn- tax in the comprehensive procedure and command reference sections.

Programmers at every skill level will welcome the detailed explanations and practical examples of object-ori- ented programming techniques.

The authors cover other critical programming topics that include, OOP examples found in graphic programs, sorting and searching routines, and other applications; using Units, and the Turbo Pascal system for modular sub- routines; building applications using the Turbo Vision and Object Window libraries; and much more.

If there is one book Turbo Pascal programmers should keep handy, it’s Turbo Pascal 7:The Complete Reference.


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lication of Microsoft Access Inside & Oui, a new book by bestselling author Mary Campbell, who provides readers with an insider’s introduction to Microsoft’s new feature-packed rela- tonal database that industry experts pre- dict will capture the Windows database market.

This new book provides database users with numerous creative, profes- sional, and practical examples to help apply Access features and functions to specific database needs. Readers will discover how to design and customize a database in the easy-to-use Windows environment; how to build on basic techniques to acquire advanced skills in database design and management, how to enjoy a smooth transition to Access from a current database envi- ronment including dBASE and other popular programs; how to take advan- tage of Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to import charts and illustra- tions from other programs and create polished, multimedia presentations; how to automate work with macros; how to edit, secure, and back up data in a multi-user networked environment; and more.

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Osborne/McGraw-Hill announced pub- lication of Excel 4 for Windows: The Complete Reference, an indispensable

resource for anyone working with the latest version of Microsoft's bestselling spreadsheet.

Excel users will discover an ideal reference on Excel for Windows no mat- ter what their skill level. Answers to any Excel question can be found in this well- organized volume that begins with five chapters to get anyone up-to-speed with Excel from building spreadsheets, to creating charts with databases, and working with macros.

The book includes a comprehen- sive and unique Excel Dictionary offer- ing coverage of every Excel concept, command, feature and function in alphabetized form, so users can quickly pinpoint the information they necd. Matthews and Seymour use lots of short business examples so readers can see first hand how to apply the infor- mation.

This Complete Reference also offers comprehensive cross-referencing direct- ing users to important related informa- tion. Readers will also find a special sec- tion that charts the Excel version of the Windows Character Set along with a pull out command card, with concise descriptions of many commands.

For anyone working with Excel, this is THE ideal reference to find the answers to any Excel question.


by Peter Spear & Jeremy Spear

450 pages


Osborne/McGraw-Hill announced pub- lication of The Space Quest Companion, a new book in Osborne’s Silicon Valley imprint devoted to entertainment soft- ware. Osborne’s book is the officially endorsed, Sierra On-Line Authorized Edition on Space Quest.


Bestselling co-author Peter Spear, and his son Jeremy Spear provide Space Questers everywhere with the only book they need to games I-IV, along with a special sneak preview of Space Quest V: Roger Wilco in the Next Mutation.

With the Space Quest Companion, Questbusters can explore every area of every game and learn how to score the maximum possible points. For anyone baffled by the wild escapades of Roger Wilco, the book provides welcome answers, complete maps for each game, humorous insights into Roger’s adven- tures, screen by screen and step by step walk throughs showing players how to win, and much more.

This must have guide will have players cheering as they triumph over such Space Quest villains as Sludge Vohaul, the Sequel Police, the Sariens, ScumSoft, Astro Chicken, the Monolith Burger Fun Meal and other fun crea- tures.

With the Space Quest Companion in hand, players will have everything they need to cruise through Space Quest’s cosmic encounters.


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Osborne/McGraw-Hill announced pub- lication of Quicken 6 Made Easy, a new book that makes learning the latest ver- sion of Quicken fast and easy.

Written by accounting professor and CPA David Campbell, along with bestselling 1-2-3 author, Mary Campbell, this new edition of Quicken Made Easy will help Quicken users to breeze through finances, bookkeeping, and taxes. Step-by-step instructions,

examples, exercises, and numerous illustrations help users get results immediately.

Readers will open this book and discover many great ways they can use Quicken including following the Quick Start section to learn essential fea- tures in no time; organizing taxes for faster turn around and refunds; keeping track of credit card purchases; using Quicken’s new financial planners to make informed decisions about invest- ments; determining borrowing power with Quicken’s loan calculator; taking advantage of powerful new features like financial planners, QuickFill, graphs, check printing and more.

Anyone using Quicken will want this outstanding book to take full advantage of everything the newest version of this popular program has to offer.

PARADOX 4 MADE EASY by Edward Jones

498 pages


Osborne/ McGraw-Hill announced pub- lication of Paradox 4 Made Easy, the fastest way to get started with Borland’s newest version of their award win- ning relational

Remote booting for your BBS!

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need by the end of the first few chapters.

Perfect for beginners, the book provides step by step instructions lead- ing users through the basics of creating a database and manipulating data. After mastering the basics, readers can move on to learning Paradox 4’s special features that include the query-by- example facility, custom forms, macros, VROOMM with Turbo Drive, and automated application builder con- tained within the program, as well as how to run Paradox under Microsoft Windows.

Paradox users will find just the help they need to learn Paradox's unique Import Feature that brings in existing files from other databases and spreadsheet programs, tips on SQL link words, programming in PAL, and mas- tering the latest enhancements to Paradox.

Ed Jones, author of numerous bestselling books on Paradox, dBASE and FoxPro, is THE expert any database user can turn to for guaran- teed results. a

Inexpensive...No more downtime!! Finally Keep your BBS Online!



database. With Jones’ simple, clear instruc- tions, Paradox users will be pro- ducing the reports they


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MARCH 1993 © 39





In the world of telecommunications, we are presently in the calm before the storm. The first waves are heading in to land even now, and their name is ISDN. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) refers of the conversion of the public telephone system to digital trans- mission, particularly in the final con- nection to the subscriber.

What will this mean for the tradi- tional telephone call? Not necessarily anything. Maybe some fancy multi-but- ton PBX features on your home phone. The major impact will be felt in the area of data communications. Faxes will go through over six times as fast. The cost of exchanging text and numbers will fall dramatically, and the speed will increase over fifty imes in many cases. Most large telephone company facilities are already digital, as are most toll channels. Look for data communications and other ISDN applications to snowball as more and more subscribers take the digital plunge.

ISDN will whet our appetite for bandwidth, or information transmission capacity. Soon, optical fiber communi- cation circuits will start showing up at the larger businesses. Fiber has as much as 100,000 times the bandwidth of the present copper circuits. Look for local dial-up videoconferencing at prices close to a present-day phone call. Faxes will be as fast as photocopying, or faster.

Fortunes will be made as entrepreneurs develop computer sys- tems and software to make full use of the communications revolution. Every


home that now has a Nintendo will have a High Definition TeleVision set hooked up to an el-cheapo computer equal to today’s best workstation. National tele- vision programs with audiences of 1000 or less will come into existence as cheap bandwidth provides a revolutionary degree of choice in entertainment.

Every home that now has a Nintendo will have a High Definition TeleVision set hooked up to an el-cheapo computer equal to today’s best workstation.

Expert systems will help average people control this overwhelming flood of information.

What should the alert business person be doing right now? Keeping their eyes open, for starters. You may soon be able to obtain business via data communications electronic mail, perhaps, like a telex. You may soon want to get a new fax machine, probably des- ignated Group 4, and may find your use of it skyrocketing. You may want to install an automatic system to deliver promotional materials electronically, or possibly even automate major portions of the sales and delivery process; maybe even the whole thing, if your wares can be delivered electronically.

In the products and services mar- ket, demand conformance to open standards with staying power, and abili- ty to utilize upscale resources that can be expected to become more common. Look for products that have been thought out from the ground up, and fully utilize the capabilities of current technology. Avoid ten-year-old designs with new fad features awkwardly crammed on.

For a big decision, there’s no sub- stitute for independent judgement. Try to learn the basic cold, hard facts of the issue. Consider retaining a consultant, for expert analysis independent of any vendor’s financial interest. Always demand facts, specifications, and num- bers. Never fall for a sales rep’s nebulous hype, and then pay good money for a mediocre product.


A Proposed Revision of US Patent Law

The United States patent laws have served a valuable purpose by allowing those who advance the state of the art to obtain rewards for their efforts. However, I suggest that these laws have a definite need for a particular refine- ment, to most effectively promote progress.

Patent laws currently grant the developer of an advancement a com- plete and unrestricted monopoly on the advancement for some period of time. While this rewards the developer, it also


often stifles exploitation of the advance- ment, by permitting the advancement to be used to sustain an operation that may otherwise be of markedly inferior effi- ciency. This is due to the granting of an unrestricted monopoly.

A more constructive approach would be to integrate common fair trade standards into patent law. Under this system, the developer would still have complete ownership of the advancement. However, the law would require the financial affairs related to the advancement to be accounted sep- arately from any other interest, and would require the advancement to be made generally available under uniform terms.

For example, if General Widget invents a frammistat, it can use the fram- mistat in its products, but it must by law pay some fee into the frammistat account, and must allow Amalgamated Gewgaws, its competitor, to use the frammistat for the same fee. Existing anti-dumping regulations would then prevent General Widget from using frammistat revenues to fund dumping of General Widget products in unfair competition with Amalgamated Gewgaws products. Thus, General Widget can charge whatever it wants for the right to use the frammistat, but it cannot use its control of the frammistat to extortionately sustain other opera- tions that are inferior to those of Amalgamated Gewgaws.

To be completely effective, this change would have to include a provi- sion to ensure that only individual devel- opments were patented, rather than sev- eral being grouped into a patent. This could be done most elegantly by only allowing a patent to be enforced against infringement when the entire patent,

not just some component of it, is infringed. Thus, a developer would have to patent each fundamental develop- ment individually to obtain protection.

Such a revision of present patent laws would be extremely beneficial to society. It could also be of great impor- tance to the success of the move towards open standards, as standards require an effort for their development, which should be rewarded, but at the same

time it is profoundly desirable to make standards available to all vendors, and to allow vendors to compete on the basis of overall efficiency.


The most powerful and vital technology idea since interchangable parts is very possibly open standards. What is an open standard? Consider the common household electrical outlet. It supplies a standard kind of electricity through a standard arrangement of contacts and insulators. Any manufacturer is allowed

...Ut is profoundly desirable to make standards available to all vendors, and to allow vendors to compete on the basis of overall efficiency.

to make it. This is an open standard. Imagine, if you can, what it would be like if every local power company supplied a different kind of power, and every outlet manufacturer made a dif- ferent kind of outlet. Someone who wanted to make blow-dryers, for instance, would have to offer several dif- ferent kinds of motors and heaters, for the different kinds of power, and each of these variations would have to be offered with several different kinds of plugs. Obviously,

increase competitive pressure On ven- dors. On the other hand, they increase the efficiency of the entire field so much that many perceptive vendors make a positive effort to establish them.

I see a major open standards bat- tleground in the computing and com- munications areas. The present micro- computer revolution owes much of its success to the fact that many vendors were able to introduce IBM-compatible equipment and software. This has yield- ed an explosion of creativity and effi- ciency, providing vastly greater benefit to society than would have been the case if IBM had been able to keep a lock on the technology. Recognizing the bene- fit of open standards to a truly capable vendor, several workstation companies are now collaborating on standards for window systems.

In the telephone area, the recent advent of voicemail and automated attendant highlights an obvious need for open standards. At present, unless you get them from the company that made your PBX, they are very poorly inte- grated. The high-end, multi-button PBX telephone sets themselves are also presently proprietary. If an open stan- dard interface was established, enor- mous economies could be realised.

To conclude, open standards are obviously a powerful force in the tech- nology products industry, and are clear- ly of enormous benefit to the customer. While some vendors voluntarily promote open standards, the consumer commu- nity would be very well advised to unconditionally demand open stan- dardization of every compatibility-relat- ed parameter of every product. a

© 1991, 1992, & 1993

the efficiency and convenience impli- cations are horrific.

Open stan- dards are a two- edged sword from a business point of view. Since they increase the cus- tomer’s ability to be selective, they often


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MARCH 1993 © 41




The following information was supplied by the President of RyBBS.

he: Ryco Company announces the release of RyBBS v7.6, a time-proven superior Bulletin Board System and Telecommunications Program. Up and running since 1986, Version 7.6 is now “better than ever!”. If you need to per- form something ‘on-line’ - you can do it with RyBBS!

RyBBS can be installed and ready for incoming calls in less than five minutes!

A FEW RYBBS FEATURES... System: Single or Multiuser accessible

Low memory requirements (320K) Low disk requirements

Fast and User Friendly

RyComm a complete telecommuni- cations program is built into RyBBS! Complete with Help Screen, auto dial Menu, Function Key assignments, script support, uploading / downloading, and more.

96 page Manual included

ANSI graphics support in Menus, File Descriptions, Messages, and System Prompts with configurable Auto- Detection at logon

Comprehensive Sysop Utilities that allow you to maintain and edit User, File, and Message Databases

Completely configurable Event Management —- ranging from System Maintenance to External Utilities

Configurable HotKey allowing single keystroke entry to perform Menu Commands

FILES: 99 Sysop Configurable Upload areas 99 Sysop Configurable Download areas

Can automatically scan uploads for Viruses immediately after being received using your preferred file verification software to maintain the integrity of your system

X,Y and Zmodem Protocols included - Unlimited External Protocols

MESSAGING: 500 Sysop Configurable message areas

FidoNet Mail Compatible message sys- tem

Echo Mail Compatible

Configurable scanning of New Personal and “All” Mail at logon

Off-line QWK mail reader available (via 3rd party software)

EMail with file attachments, Carbon Copies, and Return Receipts

Full screen Message editor


Unlimited number of Menus

Complete flexibility in System design

Any Menu can have any command in it with options that interface to BBS ser- vices, display text files to Users, or lead to other Menus

MISCELLANEOUS: Runs most BBS door programs

Fully configurable Questionnaires functions include special formats for text, phone, date, and credit card responses. Take orders online, conduct surveys, get feedback on any issue

RyBBS can be configured as a Subscription BBS

Includes ALL Utilities required to main- tain Board. (Fido message packer is the ONLY extra!)

Supports all Hayes(tm) compatible modems


HomeBase RyBBS - (414)962-1097 (Wisconsin), or ATD RyBBS (909) 681- 6221 CA

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On-Line Registrations accepted on the HomeBase RyBBS with Visa or MasterCard. ial


NEWSLINE Continued from page 3


For more information, please con- tact James Piper at: 217-465-5233 Fax 217-463-1094 or write to: Computer Wares, Inc., PO Box 818, Paris, IL 61944


Ontario, Canada Merlin Systems started its beta-testing pro- gram for its newest software product, PCB-UUCP. Finally, a full featured PCBoard UUCP gateway has been cre- ated!

PCB-UUCP will allow PCBoard BBS software to exchange mail with UUCP / RFC822 / RFC1036 based sys- tems. Thus allowing PCBoard users access to mail from InterNet and USENET.

Some of its more outstanding

features are:

¢ Private E-Mail mail waiting flags set (optional) attached files (optional) - seamless replies (You don’t have to enter a TO: line in the text af your reply) - automatic conversion of ‘postmaster’ and ‘root’ to sysop’s name

Newsgroups - automatically uncom- presses & unbatches batches & compresses outgoing newsgroups (optionally) moderated news- groups read-only newsgroups —dis- tribution of newsgroups to other sys- tems (even your own newsgroups) -‘Areafix’ function for allowing your USENET neighbors to add/delete newsgroups ¢ BitNet mailing lists optional host- ing of a mailing list automatic LISTSERV function (for people subscribing to your mailing lists) ° Routing of Mail route incoming mail to your neighbor UUCP hosts

PCB-UUCP includes install and setup programs that are mouseable and contain online context-sensitive help. They were designed to be ‘good-proof’

For more information, please con- tact: Roy Pereira, Merlin Systems, PO



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Access™. Our network covers over 98% of the population of the US. Residents of most major foreign countries can also use Global Access™. To find a phone number local to you please call 1-800-377-DATA and ask for instructions to log onto the Global Access™ System. Once online, you can download the latest InfoPak or sign up for Global Access™. Global Access™ accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or your personal check.

Mention this ad and get 50% off the $20.00 Global Access sign-up fee!


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MARCH 1993 © 43

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When a programmer needs to locate a particular type of TP product, they can find it quickly by vendor, name, type, or free text search across descrip- tions.

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SYSOP! (SYStem OPerator)

To start a BBS, you first need a com- puter. No matter what computer you currently have, it won’t be large enough or powerful enough for what you intend to do. And since you can’t take the board down (unless you run a kiddy board that bounces up and down or runs only between the time school lets out and Daddy comes home) to do your own work, you will need another com- puter that you can ill afford. Next you have to find a BBS software package. This can take months, or you can write your own if you are so inclined. This can take years. Next, unless you are Starting a kiddy board, you will need a phone line other than the one that you normally converse on. Depending on the Telco’s mood, personnel, and the imminence of a strike, this could be



—_ CA Ly 4 wes = =" ~ SN male 65 J SS) SHS III 535 AS SANS Ca -S>2 S 2d Abb bd) Solo) et) ee IN) A IAA ADP STLSADA ANAS SS ) l

done in as little as 2 weeks or it may never happen.

Next, if you plan to run doors on your board, you must now spend long distance dollars in scouring other

Whatever modem you currently have will not be supported by the BBS software. This is some sort of unwritten law...

boards for evaluation and acquisition of these games. Naturally, your external file

protocols don’t come with your BBS software, so you have to again scour the countryside to find them. Utilities for your BBS are also an after thought and have to be obtained in a similar fashion. All of these external programs have to be registered after a while, since most stop working after a while or have an annoying feature about them until they are registered.

All of the above items take money! and plenty of it!


While we are on the subject of money, you must obtain a modem. Whatever modem you currently have will not be supported by the BBS soft- ware. This is some sort of unwritten law pertaining to writing communication


MARCH 1993 © 45

software. Be prepared to open your wal- let wide. No, your old Hayes 300 won’t be good enough. People even hate 1200 baud these days, and the teenagers seem to have USR HST’s these days and will complain vociferously if they can’t access you at 14.4.

Now you pick a name for your BBS. Whatever you choose will be ridiculed by 20% of those who see it. Another 50% will offer suggestions that are worse than the one you chose. The remaining 30% won’t care.

Next comes the wonderful task of installing your board. You have your machine. If you just bought it, that means formatting your hard disk, installing DOS, and ASNI drivers and Lord knows what else that you need for your board. If you already have the machine, you may as well go ahead and reformat it anyway. Something will guarantee that you will have to do this before you are done.


The manual for the BBS software was most likely written by the author’s 10 year old and was mimeographed. It got wet in the mail and smeared as well, so at least 30% of the manual will be physically useless. The rest is just pro-

Attack, DR DEATH, etc can come in and do anything they like. Or, you can lock it up so tight that no one will call. There is no compromise on this.

Next you must build events or pre- pare to live at your keyboard. A BBS

will hit a telephone pole and you will lose power. Naturally, since the board is new, you didn’t back it up. The power surge when the electricity was restored roached your hard disk. Go back to low level formatting...

ee ee You will find a raunchy % artes coe affordahighden- joke posted in the Bible Finally, you're

sity backup medi- um such as tape or cartridge, you will spend many many hours per week flipping floppies. Events are designed to allow the sysop the lux- ury of having the board do routine tasks at odd hours by itself— Backups, purges and so on.

These never work as they come and will have to be extensively modified by you. And since they generally only run at 3 AM, you will have to be awake to see just how they die and then try to fix it.

FLIP THE SWITCH Alright... the big day is here. Your board is ready,

cedurally useless. your modem is ready, Telco

Next comes tee finally hooked you up,


the fun task of ‘2 Youre and then you start deciding on your ee cD-ROM up. This is board structure. when after Who can do what and ee 2 days of no when can they do it. You \@ssss >) one calling, must design your menus = despite your ad in and opening screens. You Computer Shopper and

have to get a pretty good stock of

files, because no one will upload to you unless you have something there for them to take first. (not that it matters, I suppose, since even if you DO have files, they won’t upload much anyway.)


Next comes the security aspect. You can leave your board wide open so that users with the name of Benny Beanfart, Dr. Rape, Crack, Hack, File

having placed your num-

ber on every other BBS in exis-

tence, you discover that the init strings for the modem are wrong.

You discover this by calling your- self from a friends’ home. This takes calls to the author of the software, the manufacturer of the modem and final- ly gets resolved by asking another sysop how to do it.

Oh Boy! Now we’re in business! During your first caller’s visit, someone

topics area, technical questions asked in the political opinion area, and a message from one of Benny Beanfart’s cronies in the technical section.

up and working. After about a week of gleefully seeing someone call, you will encounter Benny Beanfart or his ilk. He will leave public posts (always in caps and terribly mis-spelled) about what a really lousy board this is and that the sysop is a three eyed twit.

You automatically kill his account. But do you leave the message for the world to see? hmmm... dilemma num- ber 1. Killing Benny does no good because he will be back with another account such as SYSOP SUX or some such thing. Eventually he will tire of the game and go away, but he has given ideas to of his friends who will also visit you sometime in the next week.


Then you will be visited by the “smart kid” who can tell you everything that’s wrong with your machine, your software, etc. It doesn’t matter that he’s calling you on a Timex Sinclair. He knows more about your 386 than Intel.

By now, your name has spread around. Probably, if you are in Worcester, the college kids have your name and number. If it is September or January you are in trouble. You will probably be bombarded with file requests for commercial software. Some will assist you by uploading Lotus 123 ver 3 that has the copy-proofing removed. Whoever uploads this to you will then call Lotus Development Corp and tell them that you have a pirated version on


things. Answering mail, hunting down ; Benny Beanfart’s latest account, chang: ' ing screens, moving messages back to!

a friend’s house to test it. You find out

your board (anonymously of course) that while the console looks wonderful

If you imposed an upload/down- load ratio such that users must upload

one file to get x numbers of files in return, then you will receive 2K text files from them. They will download 2Mb of Gif files in return.


By now, you are disappointed with your message bases. You perhaps have (if you are fortunate) two or three users who post messages outside of pri- vate mail.

These three users are symbionts who, if one of their number does not call for 2 weeks, will not post because they miss their friend. Your message bases will starve. You set up many areas for messages, all carefully listed by topic. No public post will ever go into the area that it should be in. You will find a raunchy joke posted in the Bible topics area, technical questions asked in the political opinion area, and a mes- sage from one of Benny Beanfart’s cronies in the technical section.

You will next encounter the user who can’t do anything right. He will make you feel terribly guilty that you are running this system that seems to rude- ly exclude him from enjoying it, because he cannot master the concept that M means Message, F means Files, D means download etc. He DOES however know how to leave comments to the sysop.


At first you will be responsive to all the user complaints and will make a valiant effort to obtain the special game that was requested as a door.

You discover it on a board in the Fiji Islands and the off peak call cost you 32 dollars to download it. You find then that the game was written for a board other than the BBS that you run. You search the countryside for a conversion interface. You find one in Omaha. add another 40 dollars in phone bills from the search. You discover now that the game must be registered with the author. This is another 69 dollars.

You discovered this because after the game was installed, you called from

How come there arent any nice ANSI screens? How come these crummy ANSI screens slow down the board?

Why can’t my C64 see your graphics..

while it is being run, the user sees a screen that informs him that the sysop is a cheap bum who didn’t even bother to register this wonderful piece of software. Since the sysop is such a creep, why do you call there? Naturally, you register it so the annoyance screen goes away. After it has been. on the board for 2 months you dis- cover that only 1 person ever used it and he only went in there once, dropped carrier and hung up the board because you later discovered that this “wonderful” piece of software doesn’t monitor carrier. Do you

now register Watchdog so this won't happen

again or do you just scrap the game?

The work load is getting heavy on the board. Wow! ‘It takes at least 2 hours per day to Stay up with

FAX (716) 262-2257

the areas that they truly belong in, adding new things, paying Telco, argu-. ing with your spouse etc. You decide to get a co-sysop to help out. He will pay lit- tle attention to the needs of the board, ' but WILL experiment with things like remote drop to DOS. hehehehe! I think! this needs little elaboration.



By now, you are conversant with. the many user complaints. WHY aren’t you around to answer the sysop page at 2:45 AM? Why does your message editor use A for abort instead of Q for quit? How come there aren’t any nice ANSI screens? How come these crummy ANSI screens slow down the board? Why can’t I stay online for 3 hours at a time?!

Why can’t my C64 see your graph- ics.. It must be your crummy board! I


400+ Images of Stunning New York Models _ All Images in True Color TIFFs and 256 Color GIF s

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MARCH 1993 © 47

Professional Bulletin Board Software


Wildcat! leads the pack when it

comes to features, performance and innovation. MSI was the first to include offline mail reading software in a BBS package, the first with MHS support, and is the only company to offer NetWare bindery access and a multiline product that runs eight lines with separate DOS sessions on a singe PC. There's a Wildcat! version for just about any application from a single-line neighborhood BBS to a wide-area network system.


Sy Tata) Calle = 628 Drive F

Minutes Idje =

Last caller ————________ | CUEX BARNES at 18:37am an 12/21782 |

——_——— Matting fer calls at 28:37a |

FS-Bel) —*

Check out these features!


¢ Multi-line operation of 250 nodes, up to eight on one PC.


1,000 message conferences, file areas and security levels.

Full-screen message editorwith quoting.

File attachments to messages. Text can be uploaded into a message. File marking while viewing for later download.

Operates with virus checking software.

Full sysop maintenance when system is taking calls.

1,000 configurable events per node.

Relational links between the message area, file area, and user databases, allowing the sysop to access related records.

Enhanced support for CD-ROM files and changers.

We have the best value in gps software. You don't

have to buy an add-on mail door or add a program to make it do simple Zmodem downloads! The popular remote control program DOORWAY is even included FREE with the IM version of WILDCAT! You not only get the most for your money when you make your initial purchase, but you get full credit for your software investment when you upgrade it to support extra lines. We appreciate our customers.

Check out these prices!

The Wildcat! Single Line release supports one incoming phone line on a single PC or network workstation. It also lets you nin your BBS in the background under DESQview! $129.00

A great entry-level BBS or office system, Wildcat! Multiline handles 1-10 incoming lines. It can operate on a LAN where all ten lines can be dial-in or locall access. Installed on a single PC under DESQview, Wildcat Multiline is able to handle up to four incoming lines plus local access. $249.00

The Professional Multiline release supports 1-250 incoming lines or local LAN connections, and has all the same features of the other systems, including DESQview support. $499.00

The Intelligent MultiPort (IM) version is a special release of WILDCAT! that communicates only with the DigiBoard Intelligent Multi-Port card. Using WILDCAT! IM you can connect up to eight external modems via an octopus cable to a single 486 using the multitasking program DESQview from Quarterdeck Office Systems. Multiple DigiChannel PC workstations can be linked together on a LAN to provide 16, 24, or even 32 or more lines since the IM version supports up to 250 connections. $799.00

If you haven't tried Wildcat! you haven't experienced the best in BBS telecommunications today. With four versions of Wildcat! to choose from, we're sure to have one to suit your needs, give us a call at 800- 999-9619 to find out how you can start using the ultimate in BBS Software.



Redefining Telecommunications in '93

P.O. Box 2264 Bakersfield, CA 93303 » (805) 395-0223 Fax (805) 395-0713 BBS (805) 395-0650

never post messages because no one else ever does! What do you mean you killed my upload of Dbase IV? I did upload something a year ago.. so how come I can’t download more than 100 files now? How come my friend has access level 50 and I only have level 40? Boy.. do you have a bad attitude! I think the Silicon Sarcophagus is 100 times better than this board! This is a free coun- try.. I can say ANY- THING I want in public messages. What are you.. Hitler or something? How come nobody ever send me mail? I used a bit editor on Procomm and now it won’t work.. tell me how to fix it. That GIF file I downloaded didn’t run... this stinks... you really must be a lousy sysop if you don’t check to see that it would work for

Since the majority of users who will page you into chat type at about .O00001 baud, you can have a conversation with the user and get things done like mowing the lawn...



Then you will discover the won- ders of sysop to user interactive chat. You will find this to be a most oppor- tune time to get things done. Since the majority of users who will page you into

chat type at about .000001 baud, you can have a conver- sation with the user and get things done like mowing the lawn, making a three course meal, and cleaning out the garage before the user has stated his request. Generally, the chat request was for something such as How do I get out of a file listing or something similar

that is well covered in the user manual that you have both as a file for down- loading and as a bulletin for online


ZIMITTTT eet sce SL SSE ie NEW BULLE_ B al None) a) | ae ft AN r | So jjjJtItjtj13 5 SR ee ee

cement eee

12+ Gigs 112 Nodes


Call a different kind of BBS, “We are the Friendliest BBS in the World” Our name says it all. Edie and I are a couple of burn outs from the 60’s. We didn’t like rules then and we don’t now. Come on in and relax you will be among friends. We have a huge adult section, including over three gigabytes of adult graphics, as well as a fine selection of public domain and shareware programs, includ- ing over a gigabyte of family type graphics. But that’s not what sets us apart. When you call the first time, you'll know what no amount of words can tell you, you are home. That’s right, put up your feet and enjoy yourself.

We live by the three no’s: “No Censorship, No Rules, No Hassle”

You'll find us like no other BBS:

© We answer your messages and comments

© We answer your on line pages

© We post our address

© We post our voice phone number

Rusty n Edie’s BBS 1480 Fredricksburg Drive Youngstown, OH 44512

Voice. 5.2 iene 216-758-8342 Fax? ee cas eure ences 216-726-3595 2400 baud........... 216-726-2620 HST 14.4K / V32bis . . . 216-726-3589 Hayes V-Series ...... 216-726-3619 Compucon ......... 216-726-3620

MARCH 1993 © 49

One admonition is to not get angry about carrier drop by the user. Remember that the user is calling you through the telco. Chances are that no matter how malicious or inept ‘the user may be, the telco probably did it anyway.


Next comes BBS software upgrade time! Such fun! You will find that the author no longer supports your version. You have to upgrade. This means once again opening your wallet. The new ver- sion will not have the same reserved file names, nor will the file structures be the same. The author generously supplies you with a conversion program.

This program is designed to assist

Subscribe Today


O lyear USA $25 CANADA $45

O Bill me

O Enclosed is my check for $

O Credit card (circle one} # Signature




State/Zip Code

Mail to: BBS Callers Digest, 701 Stokes Rd.,

Medford, NJ 08055.

If paying by credit card, you may FAX this form at

(609) 953-7961.


Since you successfully upgraded your software, you now discover what the word Beta Site really means..

OO 2 years USA $45 CANADA $85

You can charge VISA or MasterCard by calling 1-800-822-0437

VISA M/C Exp. date .

you in making all the little changes

needed to perform the upgrade. It will automatically convert your file names and structures. There are two type of these programs. One that requires that you have 5Mb more free space than you do, and the other that will abort half way through the con- version because of a bad disk sector read and didn’t have a corresponding error trap. Of the two, the latter is the more catastrophic, because now your data can’t be read by either version of the software.

Since you successfully upgraded your software, you now discover what the word Beta Site really means..

Now since you’ve done so well to this point, it’s time for the hardware to

Name Address City

NEW Address Name Address


State/Zip Code

State/Zip Code

find something to compensate for all this good effort. Generally, the hard drive controller is the most likely device to make this decision to fail. It will not however abruptly die. It will instead, gradually mis-write to disk over a period of several days before deciding not to work at all anymore. This has the advantage that your last backups will be no good at all once you replace the con- troller and reformat the drive. HeHeHE Still want to be a sysop? This article available from most local BBS's called BE-SYSOP.ZIP. iH ]

CHANGE OF ADDRESS Don’t delay your BBS Callers Digest—if you’ve moved let us know!

OLD Address (affix your mailing label or fill in the old information}

Mail to: BBS Callers Digest, 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055.

You may FAX this form at (609) 953-7961.


The classified ads are for Pre-Owned items & Software, and for BBS ads only. Ads for new equipment must be inserted in the regular display advertising sections. No logos, or photos, or any other illus- trations can be used in the classified ad section.

INSTRUCTIONS are provided to keep

the ad rate low and to ensure accuracy. Use the form on the next page to type or print your ad. Ads received that are dif- ficult to read will be returned. Write the desired category at the top of each ad. If a category is not specified, the ad will be placed in the Misc. section. If more than one ad is submitted, use a separate piece


100,000 FILES. The House of Files BBS has more software than you will use in a lifetime. Browse our system for free. Call 516-938-6722.

AAG BBS, almost anything goes BBS:

Located in Jackson, MI, running Galacticomm's Major BBS, is an 8-line system with 15 gigs. Yes that’s right 15,000 Megs of files. Supporting 8 Gigs of Adult files, and 7 Gigs of IBM, Unix and Amiga files. Over 700 online adult stories, Online Chats, Games, Forums, and Daily Lotto. There is absolute- ly no file ratios, and no time limits on the sys- tem. The price is right, only .08 cents/hour, or $30/year. Come see for yourself, and enjoy all we have to offer. 1-517-789-9826 (2400), 1-517-789-8608 (9600).

ADLINE, U.S.A! (708) 260-8818 80386 w/330MB, 2400bps, Free Service, over 2,000 programs: Business, Games, Graphics, Pictures, Adult. Free Classified ads. Ads from local businesses. “The Future of Information Services.”

BCS BBS, (213) 962-2902, Four High Speed Modems(DS) and growing. Gigs of files with the latest files added every day. Qsoftware support, Intelligent Conversations, Excellent Conferences, ever expanding on-line ser- vices. One week FREE access!

CHANNEL 1 ONLINE, 617-354-3230 - Using PCBoard. “The Best Files in the USA”, 90 lines, v.32bis support. 96 IBM file libraries; Amiga; Macintosh; Unix; Adult. Massive Windows, .GIF’s, sound files collec- tions. Online games and shopping. Echo Nets. InterNet. Over 2,500,000 calls and growing. Come Join us!

ISLES OF SHAE BBS, (305) 321-2410, 1.3 Gigabytes and 32 lines of fun! All types of

a i a a a ee a

of paper for each ad. Ensure that your complete name and address is at the bot- tom of each ad sheet.

CLASSIFIED RATES as of February, 1993— $25 per month or $250 for the entire year. Ads can contain up to 300 characters. The name of the BBS is set in boldface capitals. All other type is plain only.

Fill out the form on the next page and FAX your ad to 609-953-7961 or MAIL it to BBS AD, Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055 with check, money order, or credit card information.

computers are supported. Enjoy Teleconferencing, Multi-User Interactive Games, Online Shopping Mall, Forums, Online Trivia, File Library, Adult Section and much much more! Call for a free demo account!

THE LIVEWIRE BBS, (609)235-5297 (HST) using PCBoard v14.5/10, Support BBS for several door programs such as: LiveStore, Feud, Lucky-7, Facts, Songs, SexQuiz, Races, Lottery, TvIrivia, WordPlay, CD-Sub, Choice, Match, Colors, WordMath plus much more. Also support BBS for “BBS Callers Digest Magazine” both print and Online Version. Member of ILink, Intelec, Rime, SmartNet, PoliceNet (150:350/29) and FidoNet (1:266/36). Home BBS for new Network called “RealLife Net” looking for more nodes to join with PcRelay or QWK msg format. Free Access to look around and subscriptions accepted online with Visa/MasterCard with immediate upgrade. Attempt to WIN a FREE subscription to BBS Callers Digest with the CDSUB command or buy a subscription with your credit card. Sysops can call 609-866-2551 (DS) to register doors using Visa/MC only. Special access for writers, cartoonist or pub- lishing related callers.

MAIN FRAME BBS, (301) 654-2554, Online since 1984. Now with 8 lines and growing, thousands of files. Close to 300 networked con- ferences. Options to join for free or subscribe online. Please find our BBS listed in the dis- play Ad for PCBoard elsewhere in this issue.

MICRONET PCBOARD, 1-615-626-1620 —PCBoard v14.5e/E3, Sysop: Ted Freeman. We are back online in Tennessee. Home of DoorFrame, DoorBill, Real Time Chess, Real Time Checkers, Real Time Othello, Eliminate, Total Recall, Pegjump, 4Square and Quizard Mtn. Member of RIME Network. New versions of all door programs

now available along with updates to DoorFrame for programmers.

THE NEXT GENERATION BBS, PCBoard 14.5a/E3. Home of Trek Trivia Online. !.5 Gigs files, 750 Megs of the latest adult Gifs. Message Networks; RelayNet, Intelec and After Dark Adult Network. Visa/MasterCard accepted online. Sysop: John Carcione. 1-609-482-7345.

NITELOG BBS, 14 Nodes, 4.9 Gigs, Dos, Windows, OS/2 files. Large adult section. Visa/MC/ Discover/Amex accepted. Online registration 408-655-1096 (2400), 408-655- 8294 (v.32bis), 408-655-8277 (HST).

NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS BBS, (718-845- 3392) 1.5+ Gigs of Adult software. Free BBS, no charges at all. 2400/14400 bps. PD/Shareware also immediate d/ling on first call. Online adult games.

PINECLIFFE BBS, (303)642-7463, Pinecliffe, Colorado since 01/82. Sysop: Craig Baker. Using UltraBBS 2.09 Beta with 14 lines on MS-DOS 80386 with 9500 MB storage. USRobotics at 14400 pbs. No fee. Largest BBS in RockyMtn area. FREE ($20/yr gets 2hrs/day. $100/Lifetime inein- bership.) 60,000 zips. CD-Roms online. Games. Home of CDBREG - allows immedr ate upgrades with credit card. Sysop also a computer store. NightOwl Rom $59. Help us grow.

PRIME NETWORK, the only real Christian Network on earth, PreRapture BBS 919-286- 3606, Acts 2:38, John 3:5 download for Network kit.

SHAREWARE EXPRESS, 1-301-963-4453. Running PCBoard hosting thousands of files and over 200 conferences. Many new and exciting doors available. We carry the MegaROM CD which contains over 74,800 files. Small annual fee, receive immediate access with your credit card.

SUBURBAN SOFTWARE, PCBoard Ver 14.5/E3, Sysop: Chuck Valecek, 1-708-636- 6694, RelayNet, MetroNet, Home of: King of the Board, Strike 93, Word Nerd, Ansi-View, Text-Read, plus many sysop utilities.

TRI-STATE, Northeast’s Largest Growing System, 7 lines, 1-201-935-8634, Up to 19,200, Mail, BBS Links, Live Conferences and more.

VIEWLINK BBS, 1-714-650-4612, PM9600 v.32/v.42bis, 24 hours. Five Dating confer- ences with GIF pictures of subscribers. Four For Sale conferences with GIF pictures of items for sale. Free samples for new users.


MARCH 1993 © 51


CLASSIFIEDS Continued from page 51


College Degree without Classes/Study: I suc- ceeded at major school, you can get credits too! Comprehensive guide $5. Grants, bonus included. William Kemble, Dept. BBS- 50, POB 4352, Kingston, NY 12401.


Classified Dept., Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055

The rate is $25 per ad up to 300 characters long. Save money and send $250 for a full year of advertising. The BBS name or first two words are set in bold capitals. All other type is plain. If you wish to have a heading category not listed, simply this new category and we will create it for your ad.


Run this ad under the heading of


16 bit 16550 I/O Cards, 4COM, RS-232 Serial card. 16bit/FIFO, 4-ports, 8-addresses, 8-IRQs, Independently selectable, $119.00 delivered UPS in USA or Canada, send check or money order to: PreRapture Solutions, 1806 Albany, Durham, NC 27705.


16550 Uart chips and double socketed AT I/O boards. Reasonable prices, online orders accepted by calling (301) 654-2554.

(For additional words, use separate sheet of paper) NAME ADDRESS



Run class ad for issues. Payment of $ enclosed.

If paying by credit card, you may FAX this form to (609) 953-7961. M/C VISA (circle one) # Signature

Call Toll-Free 1-800-822-0437 charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard.


Join The Club With

No Hourly Connect Charges! | sea i mOUr A Bey Access

wae Local Call From Over

850 U.S. and mM a rt International ¥ Cities With:


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An Occasional User Plan Is Also Available. 9/12/24 B/NII



Online Choice.







"Perversia Galore" "Hedonistic Tendencies

"General Appeal & Nudes”

510+ Megs of GIFs 600+ Megs of GIFs 600+ Megs of GIFs People / Scenery 40+ Megs of PC Animation 25+ Megs of True Color Animals / Machinery COMPLETELY Adult COMPLETELY Adult 1/2 Classic Nudes 3300+ Images 2000+ Images 3100+ Images 175+ 800x600x256 450+ 1024x768x256

Primarily 640x480x256 50+1024x768x256

Avg. Image Size 300K+

"Triple Exposure": 3 Disc Set (Volumes I, II, & II) $139*

The nature of some of the images require that the purchaser certify that he/she is at least 18


@Primarily 640x480x256 y EMS eaTON, CALIFORy, SES

@®No Filename Duplication Between Volumes

years of age. ©PCBoard BBS / RAMSOFT | \ Support TS Or PC & MAC ©Catalog on Disc compatible. Non GIF images may ©@Printed Users ISO 9660 not be MAC Manual FORMATTED compatible. alice OSG; \ / *Suggested prices Requires a \ referenced are in CD Player, an N U.S. Dollars. Pay-

ment methods, ship- ping policies, and actual

appropriate video

system, and a viewer Ly, oy, IMAGES ON DISC

or paint program that An, ew prices are set by each supports the GIF image iG SO ons dealer. Prices do not include format. FTWARE FOR INN any applicable sales tax.


323 TN Nursery Rd.

Cleveland, TN 37311 (615) 339-0235 [Voice] (615) 478-2890 [BBS] M.O./COD/Visa MasterCard Amex/Diners/Discover


1501 East Chapman Avenue #338 Fullerton, California 92631 (714) 738-5665 [Voice] (714) 738-0841 [BBS] Check/M.0./COD Free U.S.Shipping


12531 Strathmore Drive Garden Grove, California 92640 (800) 638-1170 [Voice] (714) 638-7308 [Voice] (714) 636-2667 [BBS] M.O./COD/Visa/MasterCard


‘486 based computer. PCBoard/M allows you to mix a

of intelligent and non-intelligent cards in the same yy different vendors. ;

| Siapenine 10 nodes or more for a USD $100. New pur x

such as the ARNET SmartPort Plus™ aaa 4, 80

vane: a

Best of all, you retain network compatibility a the “i ee y has to offer. Hundreds of third-party programs ; alre: D

upgrading from the /2 (two node) package pay the same low $100 for PCBoarc in addition to the new he or versione aie: ees - ee ae Res:

Authorized Reseller : .


Multiuser Connectivity Solutions