a : July 1994 i 2e Tay US $3.50 os Canada $4.95 70989-35460. | \\ LCAZINE \ a eee » What Can You Do with the Oper Multimedia Document Retrieval Systems MagiComm, Inc. Parallax Development Corporation Group Decisionware and Electronic Democracy Consensus Systems, Inc. MagiComm, Inc. MajorSoft Inc. Novell LAN Access —————————___—> Galacticomm, Inc. Language Add-on Options (Spanish, German, French, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, RiPscrip, etc.) Astrocom Multimedia BSI Technologies Galacticomm, Inc. Infima Medcom Information Systems Online Store Studio 5 Liguria SRL Techtrade TeleGrafix Communications Inc. Online Shopping/Order Entry/Auctions SER ae er BSI Technologies DataSafe Publications Durand Communications Network Excalibur! Software Galacticomm, Inc. Infinetwork Developer’s Toolkit and C Source Coie er Galacticomm, Inc. Integrated Fax Capabilities Galacticomm, Ine. MagiComm, Inc. The Business BBS Super CD-ROM Management Farwest BBS Mountain Rose Multi Media “Dial-Out” with Scripts Galacticomm, Inc. Logicom, Inc. Just about anything you want. That's because The Major BBS is a completely open-ended platform for creating your own unique online service. You can choose from a huge selection of off-the-shelf software — just a small fraction i fee of which is represented here — offered by over 100 third-party developers. Most of these add-ons integrate into your BBS as DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries). No shelling to DOS is required. And because these DLLs are written in C and Assembly, BV: . =a a) | bd toed ‘ they provide far greater performance and flexibility than script languages or dBase derivatives. You can run all this from a single com- puter and support up to 256 simultaneous users via modems, serial connections, direct Architecture of The Major BBS ? dBaenl: h NAPE Wetera ft OF, | wee tered Leena & | X.25 circuits, and Novell LAN channels. No other BBS platform gives you this power. Need “doors” capability too? You can hook up additional machines and instantly use the programs written for multi-node BBSes as well. Mail Networks of All Kinds (FIDO, RIME, QWK, MajorNet, etc.) To quote Newsbytes, “The Major BBS is one of the most powerful and expandable boards available, yet it is extremely easy to install and run.” For more information, see your local deal- er, or give us a call at 1-800-328-1128 (out- Crystal Vision, Inc. DigiTel Inc. MLP Associates ProStar Computer Corporation Public Data Network Tessier Technologies, Inc. Programmable xBase Capability Integrated Solutions, Inc. The Business BBS Direct X.25 Connectivity Galacticomm, Inc. Internet Mail and Newsgroups Galacticomm, Inc. Teleconference Links and Worldwide Chat ProStar Computer Corporation Public Data Network Tessier Technologies, Inc. Outstanding Multi-Player Games Computel High Velocity Software, Inc. Jabberwocky Logicom, Inc. MajorSoft Inc. M.B. Murdock & Associates Tessier Technologies, Inc. WilderLand Software Credit Card Verification DataSafe Publications Photograph/Image Databases Durand Communications Network The Business BBS Advanced Account Management East Side Computing High Velocity Software, Inc. Parallax Development Corporation ProStar Computer Corporation Sirius Software Tessier Technologies, Inc. side U.S. and Canada call 305-583-5990). And team up with BBS developers that link you into everything else. (GALACTICOMM \ \ ~~ \ | \ a ie Hamilton TeleGraphics Inc. 173 Prentiss Street, Aylmer PQ, J9H 5V8 | My \Multi- ode snd a. ; i if 1 | i aT | pe ) | Features! p= Sill — [ale ig] om (SHS e 1 dl. : oo [22 | “ountoaa 640x480x16 to 1024x768x256SVGA. | || 2 ey" ee JPEG realtime photos (JFIF compliant), 7) a ae Online GIF Previewing from file areas. 1 i\@ SS Point and shoot interface. Dragging windows, buttons and scrollers. Realtime icon transfers (no duplications). Word processor message editor. Upload, download and print messages. Lightning fast database files system. Seamless CD-ROM support. Resuming ZModem. Multiline Chat. ANSI support. Multilanguage support. Programmable Tempaltes and Menus. Einivats Satin Bullet Proof Security. SHY ponent Fites fron HTC Roto FX Files & Utils RoboBORRIVFX Toch No! Virus scanner support. Message and file forums. y ESA . (GIF Fils Hang Sizo Dato Description | Call back verifier & Time Bank Included. WC RE.CIP 2AM O50 OR Classic alld aw . ‘© BSC_C_1.CIF GK 88-12-92 eae, * Multiline/Local LAN support. © OUNES.CIF 251K 84-14-09 War pic - KA} ™ y fore . F DESQview multiline ready. SONS CH Ga sae? hn Bl rod tral DigiBoard. Fossil, UART support. =) @& 159.cIF 128K 63-85-92 a Free Tel-FX graphical terminal. camry. ‘Train 1a chaning ox a river, smoke and nist around. Channo! 1 original, EARSBROS . [6442561 VGA /SVGA drawing package included. Only DOS required! Five minute install. Free Telephone Support! = 7oeaa = RoboUUCP™ Internet - USENET eticsss- a ‘Orders & Info 1-800-363-ROBO 8. “Demo System 1-819-682-7771 : RoboBOARD ond Te-FX aro trademarks of Homiftan TeleGrophics Inc. ~ All frodemarks ore ihe property of their respedive owners. ~~ BULLETIN BOARD S¥STLMAS IAAGAZINE PUBLISHER/ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Richard Paquette ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER John P. Carcione EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard W. Robinson Jr. DESIGN AND ILLUSTRATION Terry Wilson ART DIRECTOR Jeanne Lorenzo PRE-PRESS PRODUCTION Beth Tomasello NEWSSTAND CIRCULATION DIRECTOR William A. Townsend EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING OFFICES BBS Magazine Callers Digest Inc. 701 Stokes Road Medforl, NJ 08055 609.953.9110 609.953.7961 Fax 609.235.5297 BBS Internet: Publisher@bbsced.com Advertising: Advertising@bbscd.com Information: Info@bbsed.com SUBSCRIPTIONS USA CANADA/ MEXICO 1 Yr. (12 issues) $30 $50 2 Yrs.(24 issues) $50 $90 Call our order HOTLINE at 1-800-822-0437 8am-4pm EST, Mon-Fri, and charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard, or send check, money order payable to Callers Digest, Inc. Entire contents copyright ©1994 Callers Digest, Inc., all rights reserved. Material in this publication MAY NOT be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher of BBS Magazine. BBS Maguzine (ISSN #1055-2812) is published monthly by Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. Callers Digest, Inc. is not responsible for the opin- ions expressed by contributors. Questions and comments are welcomed. Unless otherwise instructed, we assume all rights to letters, articles, or other communications sent to Callers Digest, Inc. as unconditionally assigned for publi- cation, Material not accompanied by a stamped, self- addressed envelope will not be returned. Uploads are accepted only in ZIP format at “The Livewire BBS,” 609.235.5297 (v.32bis/v.42bis) POSTMASTER: Please send all change of address (with old label and new address) to: Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES VOLUME 5, NUMBER 7 JULY. 19194 FEATURES 8 16 COLUMNS 22 38 40 42 44 46 30 iy, DEPARTMENTS | 6 60 64 66 JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE QmodemPro for Windows Generation Genesys New System Computing, Boiler Room BBS, Pirate’s Cove, & WestNet BBS BBS Notebook by William A. Cizmarik Trojan Tripping Novice Nook by Walter Ledbetter Netting Big Business InterNet Made Easy by Mike Robinson All Your Questions Answered! Macintosh Online by Michael A. Kuykendall A Tale of Technical Support Are We Having Fun Yet? by Lance Whitney Terminal Taste Commodore Connections by Gaelyne R. Moranec Heartlight, Travel Points, & QEdit Advanced Uncle Hank’s Shareware Reviews by “Uncle” Hank Hurteau A New Sysop Modem Program at Telebit Modem Discounts by Victor R. Volkman a> — , ~~ > , Ne 2 6 ~~ ~~ 2 en page 46 readme.txt Newswire Book Shelf Classified Ads Advertiser's Index Rusty Edie Dual Eliminator Rusty n Edie’s BBS announces the introduction of their Dual Eliminator. Simply plug your phone line to the Dual Eliminator and then plug the Dual Elimin- ator into your modem. This device consists of 2 passive electronic filters that handle both high and low frequency noise from the phone line. Both high and low frequency are independently adjustable with knobs that mount on the front of the unit. Surge protection is provided by an electronic varistor. A light emitting diode, also mounted on the front of the unit, glows whenever the device is eliminating noise from the phone lines. This device can solve the majority of noise problems associated with telecommuni- cations today, and is sold with a 30-day, money-back guarantee. They sell for $25 each plus $4 shipping and handling. To order, call Rusty n Edie’s at 216-726-4217, fax to 216-726-3595 or call their BBS number 216-726-2620; they will accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Rusty n Edie’s BBS 7393 California Ave. Youngstown, OH 44512 DataMedia QmodemPro for Windows is the latest in a line of respected software coming out of the Mustang camp in California. Many have become inti- mately familiar with Qmodem over the years and with so much moving in the direction of Microsoft’s Windows, it’s only logical for QmodemPro to be there, too. There’s a lot new here (data, fax and graphics incorporated “into one integrated package,” says Mustang chief Jim Harrer) including plenty you might not have expected. We take it on a test mn, talk to its makers and deliver the results on page 8. Durand Communications Network, the young company responsible for the likes of DC NET, where images are attached to online database entries, and Filex for Windows has pulled another one from the collective hat of its programmers: DC Genesys. It’s the lineage’s next generation and we found multimedia playing a big role — in its present and future (page 16). Next month: EMS and Wildcat! Editor-in-Chief ne effective script programming language and true multi-networking: 7 QO your own free demo version today. You'll agree that the best kept secret is now out of the bag! 8-Channel Version 5 Includes: Virtual Graphics Tool Kit Virtua! Script Language Library vV Virtual Developers Tool Kit Messaging Features Two-Tier Database Message Structure (250) Database Groups with 99 Databases Each) TeleConferencing User/SysOp Configurable QWK Functions Message Quoting, Threading, Search, and Validation Options Integral Full-Screen Editor User Configurable Message Scan and Search Definable Moderation Flelds for Message and File Areas Dyamic User "Clipboard" Downloading Multi-Network Carbon Copies and Mail Forwarding Multiple DIRECT mail/CrashMall Options SysOp Definable User E-Mail File Attaching Multiple Taglines, Optionally Random Optional Random Message Headers Remote Text Uploads and Extract-to-Text Features SysOp Configurable Random Messages and Ads File Transfer Functions Multl-Network File Requesting CD-ROM and WORM Compatible Databases Configurable Upload Description Requirement Auto-Archive Comments and File_{d.diz Support Configurable Upload/Download Ratio and Credit System User Definable New File Date Scan Master File and Top Download Listing by Security Level !ntegral VXY Zmodem Protocol and Bidirectional Support AutoBatch Downloading and Uploading File Archive Viewing User Definable File Listings Format Multi-Channel Support Multi-Node Support (4 to 256 Channels, 8 per PC) Easy WANI/LAN Interfacing for Novell, Lantastic, and Others OS/2 Compatibility (DOS and OS/2 Versions Available) Fast Internal Serial Routines In Assembler with Fossil Option DigiBoard Support Optimal Time Slices for DesqView and MS Windows Multi-Networking Easy local Network and Multi-Network Setup True Multi-Network Database Structure for Network Gating Support for up to 999 Networks Support for Multiple Networks (Fido, UUCP, QWK, UTI, WWIV, VNET, X25 and others) Integral Front End Mailer with External Mailer Option Definable Incoming Macro Detection without Batch Files Normal or Command Line Network Callout Options Support for Multiple Industry Standard Archive Formats Menuing System Total 'Look and Feel' Control through Configurable Menu Function Blocks Stacked Multi-Menu Functioning User Selectable Pulldown, Ans, Ascli, and R.I.P. Menus on the fly Multi-Language Capability with All Text Strings Externalized and Modifiable Flexible Color Schemes In Ansi, 'Heart Code', or RIP Formats VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGIES e Dealer Inquiries Invited 1 Virtual Hypertext Documentation User Conveniences Integral Test and Quiz Facility Survey and Voting Booth AutoPosts System Bulletins and Text Files Grouped by Topic Hyper Text User Help System Door Support-Supports Industry Standard Drop Files Integral Time Bank User Phone Charge Accounting System User Definable Macros Security Access Security Coding on All Functions Callback Verifier SysOp/Moderator Message Base Validation Definable New User Security and Flag Presets AutoSysOp Validation Option Toggleable Forced New User Feedback Multiple SysOp Feedback Selectable Log Information Detailing SysOp Security Uploads Upload Duplicate, Virus Scan, and Integrity Checking SysOp Conveniences VSL-Virtual Script Language for Easy Customization VME-Virtual MultiNet Engine VAREA-Automatic Message Base Subscription/Desubscription System VString-Dynamic External String Manager VLive-Hot Linking between Networked Systems Lifetime Source Code Access (DOS Version) and Upgrade Privileges Extremely Easy Installation and Setup Internal Diagnostics Troubleshooting HyperText SysOp Documentation 20 Configurable Timed Events Integral Cleanup and Database Packing System Activity Statistics Display Split-Screen Ansi Chat SysOp Pages Variable Ring Count Answering and FAX Detection Configurable Waiting for Callers Screen Blanking Assignable Function Keys from the WFC Multi-Mail Mailing Lists Real Name/Handle/Anonymous Option for Conferences and File Uploads Operational Support Voice Support Hotline [VSB}-Nationwide Virtual Support Board Organization [VSP}-Virtual Software Professionals for Specialized Areas Over 1000 Scripts, Source Mods, and Utilities Freely Available VirtualNET-Worldwide VBBS Support Network with over 1400 Nodes . O. BOX 1423 * ALAMO TEXAS 78516 « DATA LINES 14.4 v32Bis (210) 787-8974/0088 (616) 399-4818/8791 AURORA, CO — Are you a TBBS sysop? Then get with the group: comp.bhs.tbbs newsgroup. eSoft, maker of TBBS, has announced the creation of the comp.bhs.tbbs newsgroup on the Usenet network, giving TBBS sysops worldwide the opportunity to network with one another and obtain informa- tion about and assistance with TBBS and TBBS-related issues. Given this is a “comp” and not an “alt” newsgroup, much wider distribu- tion is assured. For more information contact eSoft at 15200 E. Girard Ave., Suite 3000, Aurora, CO 80014. Or call (303) 699- 6565. Florida Via AOL VIENNA, VA — America Online, Inc., and the Tribune Company have agreed to combine resources and offer users of AOL a new service based on Flonda tourism and travel, called Destination Flonda. And later this year, Tribune’s Orlando Sentinel plans to offer local editions of the news- paper on AOL fol- lowed by editions of the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel in early 1995. Destination Florida is to he avail- able to AOL’s national subseriber base and will feature interactive services R= "5 ry * 2 and information about attractions, hotels, sports, entertainment and other activities of interest to those traveling in Florida. The service will also offer ticketing, event information and enter- tainment merchandise through an alliance with Ticketmaster. The Orlando Sentinel and the Sun- Sentinel plan to make services avail- able that will provide AOLers local news content, interactive exchange with editorial staff and other information. The newspapers will also contribute content for the Destination Florida Services. AOL can be reached at 8619 Westwood Center Drive, Vienna, VA 22182-2285. Or call (708) 448-8700. USR Sales Up 136 Percent SKOKIE, ILL. — U.S. Roboties, Ine., recently announced record sales and earnings for the second quarter and six seerees JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE 4 “ee, ~* oe ms months eaded Apnil }. a That quarter's revenues were $90.6 million, an inerease of 136 percent over the $38.5 million for the same quarter the prior year. Net earnings for the scc- ond quarter of fiscal °94 increased 71 percent ta 6.4 million, from 3.7 million for the second quarter of fiscal 1993. According fo USR, revenues for the six-month period were $173.4 million, an increase of 142 percent over the $71.5 million for the same period of the previous year. Net earnings for the first six months of fiscal 1994 increased 74 percent to $12.2 million, from $7 million for the first six months of fiscal 1993. Naturally shareholders are pleased and, commenting on the second quarter resulis, USR Chairman, President and CEO Casey Cowell said, “Jt is my pleasure to report to our shareholders the 10th camsecutive quarter of graveth in revenue and prof- itability since hecam- ing & public company in October of 1991." Cowell aitributed the gains (a a nomber of factors, including the initial shipmeni= of the new Shared Access Fax Server. which provides inbound and out- bound network-based fax capabilities for Novell networks. He also pointed out the demand for modem products remains strong and that the international opera- tions continue to expand. For more information, contact USR at (800) DIAL-USR. ~ TIME MAGAY! AL pl vs deo tric Tteede ) advertising section and pholoeraiphs ou America Online sometime thi reXc | service, Time is the first to offer adver- tising there. The AOL spokesperson said the ads would be “unobtrusive and information oriented.” The photo lnages world be available using AOL's Next software release offering online griphical capabilities. TRANSWITCH CORP., the creator of VLSI devices for high-speed communica- tions, reportedly signed an agreement with IBM to market a new 25 megabit per second ATM chip set. COMMERCENET was officially launched this spring by BARRNet, Enterprise Integration Technologies and Stanford University’s Center for Information Technology. CommerceNet is the first large-scale market trial of electronic business on the Nel. Speaking of commerce, COMPUSERVE’S Electronic Mall has signed some major retailers this year: Pontiac, L’eggs, Dial-A-Mattress and Playtex are but a few. The signups come after a record performance for the mall in 1993. ESPN ENTERPRISES and PRODIGY SERVICES Co. announced the two will form America’s most comprehensive multimedia sports network, called ESPET, through the Prodigy service. MICROSOFT, the software mammoth. and AT&T are reportedly closing in ona deal to offer information services, pos- stbly including emait. COMMTOUCH SOFTWARE INC. has released Pronto, a new Windows solt- Ware program supporting easy commu- nication between PCs and Unix net- works. PRODIGY plans to put on a new face for Mac users this fall. According to MacW EEK the company will offer a Mac-like interface enabling users to steer through a more familiar enyiron- ment. DATATIMES, the powerful electronic Source of business news ant researcl:, has added an additional 21 daily news- Papers [o its international electronic information network. SOPthiner. or aclassified ad section on the ceeos JULY 1994 i Oba Ue od Vets | HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA Rte | 3.1 of tts Novalink Profe tion client/server soft What can the Wure prate ka Fe new version doZ W the network without intermuptions to NovaLink 3.] supports true telne tools (an exclusive on the Mac). Inte supports high-speed modems incluc RY ao PP Taran? > Alacigiet - sional (NLP). the multi-pla backsround..tT also backup the contents of your server to another drive on er and nay igate the same way as moc ling ISDN and switch 56 Also new from ResNova is the international Nova Software. ne. rele eS tO ae form eraphic 1) 1PM Orin (offering BBS like services). ed, itll backup your ntire erver In the online Use! t connections without need of third-parts ’ . eee metiers cun telnet into the NovaLink serv- . ; 3 = lem and LAN clients. To boot. NovaLin electronic communicalions net- work called NovaWorld. NovaWorld is described as a simple-to-use yet powerful wide area network of BBS into the Internet and Fidonet, mullti- and file libraries, and multiple interface R1IPserip, TTY, VT100 and ANSI. Also from ResNova is MenuMaker 3.1 systems, Nova World includes intesration hop mail routing, shared-message forum options including MAC, GUI i Mac to RIPs« rip raphic onve sion program, and NovaUtilities, a program optimizing the system’s file struc ture. MenuMaker allows NovaLink sysops to creat on their Mac and convert those Mac MenuMaker defines the mouse clickable regions This makes for a simple-to-design custom graphi ResNova is currently offering an economy one serial connection. 10 NovaTerm 1 custom raphic interlace images into RIPscrip images A ditional] for both Mac and PC user 11 BBS system. package for $100 that inelude unlimited (Mac Gl im lient) RIPterm users (PC GUI client) and unlimited command-line us¢ Also, keep an eye oul soon for a PowerP¢ version of No\ aLink Pro For more information contact ResNova at 501] Argosy Drive #13, Huntington Beach, @ File Edit Server Mail fext | MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM REQUEST PRIVATE SEND MESSAGE TO ONLINE USER ia NOVALINK INFO sone) ; CA 92649, or call (714) 379-9000: server Window 714) 379-9004. NovaTerm 31 NowaCentral Config 3.1 DOWNLOAD THE NOVALINK DEMO ] NOV DEMO SYSTEMS E-MAIL SALES WACENTRAL SUPPORT You have unreed mat! waiting. ResNove Software is the developer of NovaLink Professional an Information NoveCentral is the online support system for ResNova Software, Inc 4 Server Software Package (88S) for the Macintosh. NowaCentra! offers ATI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. has announced that its 19200 ETC fax-modems have achieved 19.200 bps transmission rates. AT&T, at presstime. reportedly was ready to announce a device to allow worksta- lions support voice, video and data links BES MAGAZINE CENTER ( Continue | ) over 155M bit per second ATM links. TELESCAN, Inc. has announced an agree- ment with PUBLIC INFORMATION ONLINE, INC., to develop the (aptly named) Public Information Online communica- tions network. ill Mustang queues up the Pro for an adventure through Windowsland. We went along and here's What we found. “How do I send a file to my buddy?” Ah, the quintessential question of so many beginning modemers. And though it doesn’t exactly sum up the position taken by Mustang Software in its QmodemPro for Windows, this actual “Help” entry does shed light on the obvi- ous aim of the program: computer telecommuni- cations is this simple. Mustang President Jim Harrer puts it a little differently: “The overall goal for QmodemPro for Windows,” said the 36-year-old Harrer, “...was to create a Windows communications program which was powerful, yet simple to learn.” No matter how you look at it, version 1.01 (the one we tested — a minor upgrade from v1.0, available early this year) and the latest, 1.1, have taken communications somewhere fun. CONTINUES... evacctoadta ane eites MUM aaaeaatvans Sts cstecestesese+retonssteterscascteresoneaents JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE BO eo oe ee a etek Re orp A closer look Qmodem communica- | tor in the past is not an | issue here. | QmodemPro for Windows begins at the beginning. assumes very little and takes its operators by the hand to a table where they're fed a beautiful palate of rich but digestible grub. And though it is similar to other Windows-based com- municators (Telix, for instance) QMP/W takes one down a somewhat different path. In learning the program, at each turn. it seems, there’s so EE fe - Soe Whether you've ever lk 18] | z] encountered a = —o ullecins our settings ystem stats ewsletter elp level OnUMHeHE fo sVsop Phonebook Fax Device Terminal ZI je hitial welcome Soreen je ho's online f= alk Co other nodes je Produet lafo. by FAN! ME Enter WClist (BBS listings) ME Orders & Into. 00:01:30 | much more to be had. the path to the RIP icons and you’re brow raising comes during download of For instance, the built-in RIP sup- set. And if the RIP board needs to send graphics. The instant a download ses- port is designed in a fashion that ends you new icons, it’s simple to do. sion is initiated, up pops a window dis- up appearing to make things too sim- Though we sought them, a couple test playing the graphic as it spills down the ple. Say there’s a RIP board you want runs of this feature found no glitches. screen. We know, we know — big deal, to call. When entering its number in Downloading has its own nice fea- you’ve all seen this before. Well, try QMP/W graphical phone book, simply tures. All the usual numbers are sup- clicking on the Zoom icon in the tool- click on the RIP emulation and revise plied to track performance, but the bar just above the image and as the pic Ne Edit Page Help r=) en p is coming down the image is blown up in increments (depending on how many [[- Zoom-clicks) so one can concentrate on a detailed area. Suppose you want just a piece of the graphic — use the mouse to select the sec- Bo — tion you want and copy it to = the clipboard. The viewer is = quick and not-so-dirty — =e = that little icon above the | ni ; it image depicting a printer? = Click it and out comes the Eo pic on your printer. Se While inside QMP/W Sr users are presented with a number of options. Again, with the click of a toolbar icon one can jump to the versatile Host mode, Split the screen, open the Doorway mode, Clear the buffer, Reset, View a GIF (anywhere on the system) go to Quicklearn (for creating Scripts Options Help ie Sesojeana| a7) a i Eannect online Dialing number | Download failure Download success Fax receive Fax send completed Fax printed Modem hangup No connect 1 No connect 2 [a] = ae) eae (i =a =] Freee Gere] Fae] [came] (moe) (FER) [Intel 144EX v32/v42 (38400 6N1) «(ANSI scripts without learning the new SLIQ script language), Fine Tune baud and parity, Capture and Fax. The last of which we tested a num- ber of times without fail. Windows makes it easy for QMP to ask the user where the document-to-be-faxed is located. Just click on the directory, etc., and the page is on its way. A cover page feature is included, as is the abili- ty to view received faxes. While not as robust as, say, WinFax Pro, this one gets the job done fine. (We should note version 1.1 allows for faxing from any- where in Windows via the printing command, much like WinFax Pro. This followed the initial, and warranted, poor reaction to its absence. While we’re on the subject of remedied short- falls, it is notable that version 1.01’s Host mode cannot answer both data and fax calls. “We found a lot of our customers want to be able to receive a fax or a data call using one phone line. We decided to address both of these quickly and released QmodemPro for Windows v1.1 in May,” said Harrer. The new Host has a built-in message, file and paging system, key elements found in many major BBS packages. For those with 1.0/1.01, a free patch is available on the MSI HQ BBS, CompuServe, Genie and America Online.) aera ooo Hengup gbcool wav ugh. wav watadask.wav schwing.wav phasernwav | phaser. wav beep.wayv becool wav edeath wav schwing wav lOffine | 13:23:53 Harrer, who started Mustang soft- ware (MSI) in September of 1986, points to Wildcat! — the BBS software — as the company’s flagship product. “We released it in 1987 as share- ware,” said Harrer. “The difference was we shipped a printed manual and offered voice technical support Monday Tl ae Edit Phonebook Fax Device Terminal Scripts Sntlsna through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.” The added support paid off for Harrer — in 1987 582 peo- ple registered Wildcat! v1.03 and “Mustang Software was on its way to becoming a real com- pany.” In that same year Harter began building the staff at MSI, from a handful in 1988 to 36 “team members” today. “Tt’s like a family and we're very proud of the team we have built.” Before the team and the soft- ware, before Qmodem and Wildcat!, Harrer worked in the oil business selling pipe valves and fittings for a company called “T dropped out of college to begin working for them in 1979” Jin their] Inside Sales Department,” said Harrer. “Grant Supply did a really great job of challeng- ing me...the last four years I was at Grant I had become their district manager, handling a budget of seven million in sales and a staff of 26 people. Grant Supply was my college education.” GO NET ISN UE Sie eee 966C.GI View Help eo | Fit Teg irta a3) _s Grant Supply in Bakersfield, CA. > < ‘OS9OC90FCFHHADO000000000000 | | | { | | i | | | “1 believe by incorporating data, fax and graphics into one integrated package. It makes us stand out from our competitors...” —Jim Harrer As a teen, Harrer said he was very involved in the Air Force Auxiliary’s Civil Air Patrol Cadet Leadership Program “which gave me the leadership training and confidence to manage peo- ple and skills needed to develop ‘high performance teams’ like we have at MSI.” (We witnessed that manage- ment style from afar: It was a Saturday when Harrer fielded our questions and his staff was work- ing against another product- release deadline. He wasn’t home watching a game, he was in the office all day...Sunday, too. Granted, it’s on a large campus in the foothills where Frishees are as much a part of lunch as ham, but hey.) A self-taught Turbo Pascal pro- grammer, Harrer claims Wildcat! was nothing more than “my serious atlempt to learn how to program.” Probably thousands of sysops out there are happy the attempt was suc- cessful. Harrer later met John Friel (Qmodem’s author) and Scott Hunter (current vice president of research and development at Mustang) in a most appropriate way: online. It happened “when I was stuck and needed some help,” Harrer said. “Friel actually gave me his Xmodem and Ymodem protocol code for Wildcat! v1.0." The online meetings struck a nice key with Harrer for, as he puts it, “Over half of our staff members have been hired as a result of building a relation- ship with us online.” To boot. “all of our tech support specialists and a cou- ple of our engineers are still Wildcat! sysops and love working in the online field.” seen JULY 1994 Breaking windows MP/W was written by Mustang's “hot-shot” software engineering © team of Hunter and Greg Hewgill. It's the company’s first foray into the Windows environment and, as Harrer puls it, both are pleased by the positive response the product has been receiving from all directions. “John [Friel]...was able to continue to work and upgrade our DOS version while the Windows release was under development.” Harrer said. But he got “his feet wet in Windows by writing the install program.” Harrer believes the group succeeded quite nicely, pointing oul some distin- guishing highlights: “QmodemPro for Windows has the first Windows-based communications program to actually support RIP graphics. We also added send and receive fax support and a GIF viewer with zoom capabilities,” as described previously. It’s this and the addition of the pow- CONTINUES... Top: Jim Harrer (left) and Mustang vice president Rick Heming. Bottom: Orders and operations at MSI. BBS MAGAZINE " Py ff thi BOE TIREO of the same old ANSI menus? Beermees reins rer Elobal_Coamands AlOserip Grashics Graphical user interfaces have been available on many different computer systems for years. But until now, you haven’‘t been able to get a bulletin board system with a GUI unless you used a proprietary solution. Until now. RIPscrip (Remote Imaging Protocol script language) is a published specification developed by TeleGrafix supported by over twenty-five leading | vendors on the PC, Macintosh, and Unix platforms. Any on-line system that can display a text menu can use RIPscrip. Chances are that your favorite BBS has RiPscrip support built in. RiPdraw is the entry level RiPscrip graphics creation package. Designed for recreational system operators and the telecommunicator, RIPdraw is perfect for creation of stunning on-line graphics at a low price — $4. © Special - $35 © RiPaint is a graphical drawing environment designed for creating menus and screens to supplement or replace a host‘s existing menus. Integrated tools for creation of clickable buttons, creation and use of bitmap icons, and optimization of files makes this a powerful tool for creating a graphical user interface for your system at an affordable price — $200. RIPscrip Graphics are supported by these bulletin board systems: The Major BBS (Galacticomm) PCBoard (Clark Development) Synchronet (Digital Dynamics) NovaLink Professional (ResNova) Remote Access (Wantree) TBBS/TDBS (eSoft) Osiris XLT (Int‘l TeleCom) Searchlight (Searchlight Software) Wildcat! (Mustang Software) ee Recipient of the Duoeaxiiogn 1993 Dvorak/Zaom Telecommunications ; “Integrating Award Sl ee : 2 Multimedia and for Outstanding COMMUNICATIONS INC. Telecommunications Advanced BBS 714/379-2131 Voice * 714/379-2132 Fax Technologies”™ eS cures) 714/379-2133 BBS ee awl oe ii aa Copyright © 1993 TeleGrafix Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. RIPscrip, Remote Imaging Protocol, RIPaint, RIPdraw, and the TeleG All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. All prices are in US. dollars. rafix logo are trademarks of TeleGrafix Communications, Inc. erful script language, its editor, compil- er and debugger that make the product shine, Harrer said. “t believe by incorporating data, fax = “s 4 Senior programmer Greg Hewgill (left) and vice president of research and development Scott Hunter. As mentioned, Mustang in May released version 1.1 of QMP/W and plans another Wildcat!, this one ver- sion four. LAN’ is behind us, now il’s the ‘Yeur to he Online’ and Mustang Software will lead the way with new tools to make it easier than ever before.” Gel your kicks on I-way 66 When asked about the fate of BBSs ina future pregnant with images of an infor- mation highway, Harrer said he saw BBSs as major information providers and that “as more people get online, the demand for information-rich BBSs will continue to grow.” “BBSs will simply become off- ramps from the Superhighway to which all of us will have access. CompuServe, Prodigy and America Online have all introduced telecommu- nications to an estimated 4.5 million users, now these users are finding out about their local BBS and demand is growing to service this new market. Mustang Software is positioned to sup- port these information providers via Wildcat! and its slate of utilities, and the end-users via QmodemPro and Off- and graphics into one integrated pack- age,” he said, “it makes us stand out from our competitors, besides the fact that we’re cheaper than most of them as well.” (The suggested retail price is $139; buy it at CompUSA and other out- lets for under $100 — no shareware.) A Few Q Highlights FILE TRANSFERS: Zmodem, CompuServe B+, Kermit, Ymodem, Ymoden/G, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/1KG, Xmodem/CRC, Xmodem or ASCII. GIF VIEWER: View GIF graphics as they are downloaded; zoom in on any GIF or BMP during download and mark portions of the image for copy to clipboard. Users can even print the images from the d-load image viewer. D&D: Drag and drop files for upload. TERMINAL EMULATION: RIPscrip (full support when call- ing RIP compatible boards), ADDS VP60, ADM 3A, ANSI, Avatar, DG 100, DG 200, DG 210, Hazeltine 1500, Heath 19, IBM 3101, TTY, TVI 910/912/920/925/950/955, VT 52/100/102/220/320 and Wyse 30/50/60/75/85/100/185. “We have delivered the tools our customers have been asking for,” said Harrer. “We'll continue to pour our profits back into R&D creating new and exciting products for 1995 and beyond. We’re glad the ‘Year of the Paperless Office’ and the ‘Year of the JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE Line Xpress (OLX). We have a great year planned.” Mustang Software can be reached at Box 2264, Bakersfield, CA 93303, or by calling the sales line at (800) 999- 9619; the BBS can be reached at (805) 873-2400. aaa FAX: A very nice faxing component (for Class 1 or Class 2s) that allows for text, BMP and PCX files; cover pages can be attached as well and automatic fax receive is supported with handy viewer offering zooming, copying and printing. ICONIZED DIALING DIRECTORY: The icon view mode allows one to create icons to stand alongside phone book entries. Just double- click and you’re online. RIP? The phone book will attach the RIP icon directory to the RIP BBS you’re calling. SCROLLBACK: Review the scrollback buffer while capturing informa- tion. TERMINAL WINDOW, CUSTOMIZED: Add a pattern/wallpaper, change the fonts. SLIQ: This is the new Script Language Interface for QmodemPro. Result — more power, speed and flexibility. A Quicklearn element is built in so users can do their own scripting without having to learn the language. A compiler and script debugger are in their as well. SOUND: Windows sound files (WAVs) can be attached to various events in QmodemPro. Download complete? Record or find a WAV that states, “Hey, I’m done!” Bulletin Board Software Is your group just standing Client/Server Design. around? TEAMate's client/server design moves the user interface Meerkats instinctively to the local workstation for increased performance. GUI client software conforming to the work together. People don’t. 8 established standards for We can’t guarantee your group Windows 3.1, Macintosh will cooperate as well as the Meerkats but with MMB TEAMate they will have access to the information and UNIX workstations makes it easy for your users tOeel started! fast. Server software is available for HP-UX, IBM RS/6000, SUN and SCO. All servers sup- they need, when they need it, wherever they are. Since 1985 we've been building easy-to-use é port terminal emulation multiuser communica- and client access via tions software designed for modem and TCP/IP. Operating commercial information utilities, Put Your In fact, MMB | a Company TEAMate is the only , bulletin board and electronic ae: ee Bis APE teas On line! publishing software with an integral text peat $ With MMB TEAMate manager, content retrieval, conferencing, custom forms, you can easily set up a cost effective communications system topic data structure and customizable GUI clients for all | tailored to your exact requirements. Call us and we'll customize popular workstations. TEAMate for your application so you can try before you buy. MMB TEAMate Call (800) 832-6022 or (310) 318-1322 Fax (310) 318-2162 E-Mail bobh@mmb.com MMB Development Corporation, UNIX is a registered trademark cf UNIX Systems Laboratories, 904 Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan Beach. CA 90266 If you’re t umiliar with DC Genesys, chances are it won’t be long before you are. iC omm The system, says DCN, is designed to assist in the startup of infor- mation businesses as well as establishing a new platform for which existing businesses can make products or services available online. And it will likely be a godsend for many, from catalog producers to real estate marketers. CO NBN UES... JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE _—_—_ cxerecncssrecccsesnscrecsserenaee enn eacenonnsaneucesscoasecnenasacsecerestssonenee ion Genesys it through any BBS doorway — way you experience databases. =| ompress v1.0 aE File Image Window He ds | Se ne | j_Convert_j Compress ] Resize | Rotate | Gray ] FlipVert } FlipHorz | Undo G:\DC-NET\IMAGES\ANS.TGA [~{-] Compress Source File: G:\DC-NET\IMAGES\ANS. TGA Format: TGA Size: 640x403 Colors: 16M/24 Bytes: 773.778 Target File: G:\DC-NET\IMAGES\ANS.FIF Format: |FIF (Fractal Compression) | @ Factor: [ZB] © Fite Size: [777] tes Format: TGA {Sizez 640x403 [Colors: 16M/24_ |Bytes: 773,778 deceneeenrectacctarercscenccesnesenvarcccsrscuepsscncasssaenneonsenncesscausassenseseesees JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE Detail Information: Lastnane _ Firstnane | Position | Lastnane | Position "Giames Select tield(s) to eaaren by. iven value is a SUBSTRING of tield values !— ven value is NOT EQUAL to field values Lastnane Firstnane Company City Stare Records: For instance, say a client needs all the information on a certain California property, with photographs, this afternoon in Florida. Fax it? Sure, if one-dimensional black and white will suffice. Overnight it? Too late. And suppose it’s Sunday and you're miles from the office. The lux- ury of a Genesys just became necessity. But what is it. exactly? “DC Genesys is an all new dBASE III, dBASE IV and FoxPro II compatible database engine and application script- ing language.” said Andre Durand. CEO of DCN, developers of the popular DC NET, “which was designed to allow users the ability to create a fully rela- tional online multimedia database.” He calls Genesys fully multi-user aware, supporting complete record and file locking. And with the new Windows image compression utility, users of Genesys can attach “as many images, text files or sound files (WAY) as they wish to any database record,” including JPEG, CMP, Fractal (FIF) and Pegasus. as well as the standards GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA and BMP. With the compression attachment (for Windows and DOS) users are able to compress 24bit color images (640X480) to around 12-20k. Durand notes there have been requests to add CAD (DXF) file support as well as doc- ument (MS Word and MS Excel) sup- port and that plans are already under way Lo honor them. “We have also had a significant number of requests for video file sup- port,” said Durand, who adds that until “everyone upgrades to 56 or 128k (ISDN speeds)” it won’t be realistic to support “live” video compression. Our aim “is to make DC Genesys a central harbor for several different types of images, sounds and documents online,” he said, and “we are achieving this through our new DC TERM for Windows (TERM is also available in a DOS version; both ANSI and RIP com- patible) which already has the image and sound support.” The method for creation of these remarkable databases is the GeneScript Database : ‘Bef. Nun? | | Status: [Rumilabla_|}: Parcel: Click on ’SEARCH’ uhen ready to seare 2 - Given value is GREATER THAN or EQUAL to < - Given value is LESS THAN or EQUAL to field application language. a language aliow- ing owners of Genesys to “paint” custom sereens in ANSI or TeleGrafix RIP and then linking those screens into applications. Documentation accompanying the package guides users through the language — help- ing them avoid pitfalls — so results are simple to use and pleasing the eye of end-users. And for those not wanting to engage in database creation, DCN provides many ready-to- use “turn-key” applica- tions such as Residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, Rental Properties, Dating Services, Resume Databases, AutoSeller, Video Product Catalogs, Contact Phonebooks, Yacht and Plane Sales, and Foreclosure and REO Databases. Our test runs of the Genesys pre- release turned up positive results on nearly all fronts. The simplicity, as is expected in DCN products, was in evi- dence. The point-and-click element worked without a single hesitation and accessing database info is easy as fol- lowing street signs on a back road. Displayed image quality was surpris- ingly good (given your monitor is of this decade) and the compression enabled pictures to be viewed in around 15 sec- onds. There are times when Genesys seems a bit dogged — if you get impa- tient, clicking the mouse too quickly CONTINUES Wew don’t get to be “Little” details. Like full Internet access — including FTP Telnet, IRC, Worldwide Web, Gopher, Archie, E-mail, news groups and more - at no extra charge. And worldwide local access via multiple networks. Not to mention the world’s largest online shareware collection (over a million files plus over 50 CD ROM collections), a horde of online games and information ia Hae wore! services, one of the largest adult areas in existence, and 280 phone lines — each with its own dedicated CPU. Small wonder Exec-PC has grown to be the biggest BBS on the planet. without paying Since 1983, we've logged over 8 million calls, from 50 countries across the globe, and we're still growing! For more information, or to subscribe, call toll-free 1-800-EXECPC-1. Take a free test drive! v.32 & v.32bis * 414.789.4360 @ v.Fast (28.8kbps) * 414.789.4500 & 2400bps ° 414.789.4210 @ ISDN and worldwide local access, call for information. fo the smealliesTt details. EXEC-PC Exec-PC P.O. Box 57 Elm Grove, WI! 53122 Voice: 414.789.4200 DC Term powerful board of directors with the likes of Don Esters (former president of Harmon International); Dave Berkus (CEO and president of Computerized Lodging Systems, a fifth of the global market for hospitality software); Frank Perna (former CEO and president of MagnaTek, with $1.5 billion in annual sales); and former AT&T consultant Dr. Robert Grayson. But this kind of success — in an industry beating with staunchly inde- pendent hobbyists and home-boy hack- File Phone Transfers Setup 3-12-94 XJ Series 94 12 Valve Overhead Can Black Black Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Enanel 2 stage t: Enamel 2 stage Yokohana 19 t th: January 1.568 bob1 5151515) 3 Year Full Drive Train too often you can find yourself getting ahead of Genesys’ firing synapses. Take one screen al a time and you're fine. It’s fair to note the version we used was a pre-release and subject tweaking and improvements before hitting the shelves. Readers of this magazine will recall past investigations into DCN’s DC NET, the database for The Major BBS. The obvious question is, “What separates Genesys from its earlier (and still avail- able) incarnation?” Durand quickly pointed some differ- ences, saying DC Genesys is fully rela- tional and allows for query-by-example and support for pick lists for both entry, modification and searching of database records, “It has browse-to-detail jumping and a completely flexible menu design.” Durand said. And “DC Genesys allows for any number of attachments and is not limited (like DC NET) to just 10 images.” Users can access Genesys through doorways on most BBSs, including Wildceat!, PCBoard. Remote Access. Synchronet, Searchlight BBS, The Major BBS and TBBS. And while some door programs let the BBS handle Com port IO, Genesys has the ability to take over of the modem allowing for more control of the door software and less overhead for the BBS. Access is simple. Call a BBS running Genesys. enter the door and walk right in. As for terminal programs, “a stan- dard COM program which has ANSI or COM1__[19200 __|8N1_ ANS! eer JULY 1994 Page2 Images Browse Main RIP support” can be used, said Durand. “However they will not be able to view the compressed images or other attach- ments. DC Genesys will automatically ‘sense’ what the terminal program is and adjust features accordingly.” But to gain the full benefits of Genesys, Durand recommends the royalty-free DC TERM. Firm development Aside from software development, DCN (founded in 1991) has been busy taking plenty of turns this year. For starters, Synergy Communications, Inc. — the company Durand formed last year to develop Filex for Windows — has merged with DCN. And employee num- bers have grown to 31. Of the merger, Durand said his plan for the two companies was to keep each moving down “two different but comple- mentary paths, one vertical and one hor- izontal.” But the market moved much more quickly than was anticipated, he said, and “we had some duplication between the companies and it made sense to con- solidate our talents and resources, ensur- ing smooth delivery of all our products and upgrades while decreasing costs.” The company has also endured a move. In February, DCN relocated to a new, 10,000-square-foot facility “to allow for our expected growth over the next couple of years.” And for that growth, DCN has built a BBS MAGAZINI ers — could appear to some as smack- ing of financial opportunism. Aware of this perception, Durand allays those concerns by addressing them head-on: “Many individuals looking from the outside assume that we are making a lot of money because of our growth. In actuality, we are basically a group of college students or recent graduates working around the clock to pursue a dream and assuming a lot of risk.” He points to the team spirit of his young staff in describing the dedication toward completing projects and “sup- porting our customer base.” “Everyone feels a certain sense of obligation toward producing the soft- ware that will make our customers suc- cessful,” he said. “The company doesn’t have a policy of punching time clocks, but because of their dedication to their work, it is the norm to find half a dozen workers al their stations very late into the evenings and on weekends as well. A white chalkboard in the front lobby shows our various deadlines and is updated daily. We push hard and the almosphere is pretty intense at times, but there is no feeling of ennui. “Internally, shorts and T-shirts are required attire. One of the benefits of a software company is that it is not a ‘walk-in’ operation. We are actually sur- prised when a customer comes to our facility. So for the most part, our office is our home. In fact, it is not uncommon to find sleeping bags on the floor around certain terminals...the ground floor is so large, we sometimes play Frisbee or roller hockey after hours.” Durand says that “everyone at DCN is extremely dedicated,” and that “swithout the exceptional support staff and sales marketing team, we would not have come this far.” Specifically, on the programming side, he points ¢ fivbert Bronson and Paul McAvoy (the DC Genesys team) for their “relentless dedica- tion,” and to Uryan Ulliot (“the mastermind”), Phil Mayes (Windows terminal), Phu Ngo (Windows inter- facing), Alex Wong (image compression) and Albert Gallego (“firefighter”) as integral players. Going for goals When asked about the initial goal for DC Genesys, Durand seemed to describe exactly what his company had produced: “...a robust, flexible and expandable platform by which all BBSs (through doorways) could utilize a completely graphical online multimedia information service.” But, he says, this has gotten them “only part way there.” The development staff is still working (as of last May) “full-time on making it a robust tool that encom- passes everything an information provider would want in a database package. The first release of DC Genesys is the core of this database platform. Once a user learns the GeneScript language for application devel- opment, creativity is their only limitation.” In the near future DCN plans to support a high- speed text search engine completely integrated with the terminal programs supplied by the company and the GeneScript language. Said Durand: “We are also working on an all-new completely Windows interface (v1.1) that will give end-users a seamless Windows environment to the DC Genesys database and high-speed text search engine.” What this will offer callers who use Windows is impressive: a completely familiar inter- face appearance—icons and all. And the company will soon be concentrating its tal- ents on the Genesys Network, “a method of communi- cated information between Genesys systems all over the country,” he said. “In addition, we will be rolling out our CLASS technology [something you'll be hear- ing much more about] and later versions of Genesys will be a big part of that.” In fact, a preview of the next version of Genesys (1.5) shows it to be a bit of an independent. That is, v1.5 is scheduled to run as a stand-alone program, without the need for a BBS door. DCN’s Genesys database toolkit is selling for $995, which includes the Genesys database engine, the GeneScript language application builder, a DOS and Windows compression program and royalty-free distrib- ution copies of the DOS and Windows terminal pro- pram for end-users. For a trial run of DC Genesys, call the DCN demo system at (805) 961-8710. DC TERM for DOS v2.7 or DC TERM for Windows is required. Durand Communications Network can be reached at 147 Castillian Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117. Or between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (PST) at voice: (805) 961- 8700, fax: (805) 961-8701, or Filex: (805) 961- 8702. ama JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE FEATURES MULTI-USER CAPABILITIES © Support for multiple users running separate copies of DC Genesys on the same computer (through Desq View). or on separate computers ona LAN. ¢ Seamless sharing of files with concurrent dBase/FoxPro applications on the same LAN. MIGHTY SEARCH ENGINE * Query-by-Example via custom forms as well as an “expert mode” command line. -* Customized query optimization and fine tuning; FLEXIBLE USER INTERFACE * Total flexibility i in design of Halal entry, searching, Hipwing and detailed viewing. | = “® ANSI and RIPscrip graphics protocol support for all database func- ~ tions. ¢ Complete entry screen validation via pick lists. ¢ Online and Offline database updating. e Browse to detailed view jumping. WHAT YA NEED TO RUN GENESYS ¢ A 286 or higher IBM PC or compatible. « DOS 3.3. * Five megs of HD space. e VGA compatible monitor/video card (SVGA Fa ote), ¢ BBS that’s DOOR.SYS or DORINFO#. DEF compatible=~ PHOTO ACCESSIBILITY e Support for the following images: JPG, CMP. PCX, BMP, TIF, TGA and GIF. re Online andjoffline i image viewing capabilities: Genesysi is also completely dBase II1+, dBase IV and FoxPro2 con ‘patible, and it’s completely relational with support for seamless rela- tional capabilities between fields in different tables. ‘DC TERM, THE AC€CESSER Lu 4 cer For Windows and DOS, this is the graphics- sased terminal program (v2.7), a composite communications program made up of earlier releases of DC TERM and RIPterm from TeleGrafix Communications. With it, one can: view TXT, ZIP, PCX, TIF, TGA, GIF, BMP and CMP files online; print images on- or offline with DC Slideshow; scroll backward; enjoy full ANSI support (plus VT-102 and VT-52); have a context-sensitive, keyword-driven help system and plenty more. GENESCRIPT APPLICATION LANGUAGE The GeneScript Application Language is a simple set of commands linking the user's application graphics menus to a database file/ Using GeneSeript, one can create an whole series of ANSI or RIP*menus that make up your application. And because most database applications have many of the same elements (main menu, search screen, browse screen and an output screen) much of the Genesys application devel- opment is a matter of cutting and pasting other applications to meet the user’s specific needs. BBS NOTEBOOK Meanwe Shor? fs P . ze ‘ < # BY WILLIAM A CizMARIK fa 442723 ty a4 Augusta, Georgia — | The New System Cong Boiler Room BES West Pittston, Pennsylvania The Pirate's Cove BBS Louisville Kentucky : lee j y : Ae di a Helena, Montana _ ws SY80 Harry Osborn> ~ q c LOCATION: i Aususis. Coa, y PHONE NUMBER: 7(> aa $5. MODEM TYPE: ee 428.8 + Fax BBS SOFTWARE W lob BBS MOTTO: :Discoper aheiv way of BBSing: Harry Osborn, aka Honorable Harry,. started: The New} Bystem Computing “~- BBS in October of 1993. Harry said he had:been spending many hours with friends he}ping ‘them configure:their- systems, and customize their programs yo suit their individual computing needs: He felt that he could also help ‘through a BBS. With approximately 200 callers, and close to 1,000 files, the BBS also fea- tures Augusta’s only On-Line Orders door;where callers are offered the very best deals possible in hardware and software. Additionally, New System - Computing features Augusta’s only Spanish language conference. Among the ‘file areas you can find programs for children, software of inter- est to women, construction estimating programs, software pertaining to the Bible. Bro-Net for Jehovah’s Witness related information. is here, too. File ‘areas consist of Utilities, Games, CADD'& CADD Support Files, Desktop Publishing, Text Information. Cooking, Construction Related, JULY.1994 BBS MAGAZINE = — = +++: Educational, Graphics, Miscellaneous, Virus Protection, BROTHERS (Restricted Area), Business Related, For The Kids, Fonts, Bible Related, MultiMedia, GIFs, For The Ladies, Health Related and BBS Software & Related Programs. Some of the most popular doors list- = = "Ti @ iy System Computing BBS SS Windows Relnied. Conbunications: sed are: Land of the Red Dragon, Inter Stellar Annihilation, Solar Realms Elite, Dragon Wars, Evangelist Wars, Murder Mansion, Runaway, Rise To Power, World League Wrestling and Street Warrior. The New Computing System BBS also has Mind Expanders, Sports and an Online Orders door. The On-Line Ordering door is for the convenience of The New System Computing caller to purchase needed hardware and software online. The On- Line Ordering door categories-are: Media, Software, Hard Drives, 386 Systems, Modems, 486 Systems, Printers, Computer Rentals, Scanners, Graphics Cards, Memory Chips, Monitors, Tape Backup and Multi Media. Harry also has some interesting con- ferences on his BBS, such as New Users, I Hate Windows, Contractors Exchange, Sysop Chat (Sysops Only), Software Exchange, News For Good Sports and a Spanish language conference. CONTIN UM. bile following conferences are for Witnesses only, and are associated with BroNet: Bronet Conversation, TheoTalk. Experience\lllustration, Family Matters, Overseas and Classifieds. New System Computing BBS does nol charge subscription fees, nor is there a charge for downloading files. “We are supported 100 percent by advertisers,” Harry said. “Please read their ads at least once monthly. Anyone interested in our advertising terms and Bob started The Boiler toom BBS on Feb. 4. 1988 and notes that it has grown considerably since then. The Boiler Room BBS begun with a Commodore 64-based system with two floppy drives online. At first the system ran 17 hours a day with a single phone | New System Computing features Augusta's only Spanish language conference. rates should download Advertis.arj from the miscellaneous file area.” Full user access is granted upon voice verification only. At that time you will have 45 minutes per day with full upload and download privileges. line, three months later the BBS grew to a 24-hour operation and hasn’t ceased yet. The next year, Bob said, the BBS got its first hard drive — bumping The Boiler Room to 20 megs online. Shortly after the system was expanded to 105 as megs. Then in July of 91, the board was switched to an IBM-based system using Falken BBS software and a sec- ond phone line was added. By late 1992 a third line was installed and space was expanded to 1.5 gigabytes. And yes, a fourth phone line will be added shortly. The Boiler Room file area contains approximately eight thousand files, two hard drives and two CD-ROM drives online. The file areas are listed into sub-areas such as IBM Software, OS/2 Harry said The New System | Computing BBS strives to keep up with Boiler Room BBS ; | SYSOP: Bob Dushok = LOCATION: West Pittston, rela PHONE NUMBER: 717-655-8206 MODEM TYPE: 2400 and 14.4. baud BBS SOFTWARE: FALKEN BBS BBS MOTTO: The Boiler Room really doesn’t follow a motto or theme. The system caters to a wide variety of users from many different occupations and interests. The BBS is very much a social system. the latest innovations and pass along to others what is learned. They also want to be a completely unique place. \ “To this end we daily search for ways to improve our presentations to our callers,” Harry said. “This is a family and | husiness-oriented board.” And Harry wishes all persons to feel welcome to use this BBS. To back that up, he points out there is no adult-oriented material on the board. “All users agree not to upload any matenal considered adult.” CONTINUES... SHOP SHAREWARE TESTING LABORATORIES —- USA TODAY ° Combining the Power of Printed Classified Ad Papers Across the U.S. FREED EDIT CREDIT ) NEEDED i —— Nationwide Local Access As Low As ———— ~— VISA: DATALAND! BBS DATA LINE 1:908-572-5762 DATA LINE 2:908-572-9233 V32B, V42B 14,400 BPS On-Line Games and CD-Roms DATALAND Edison, New Jersey To find your local-access number online call: (317)359-5199 DATA 14400 8N1 JOIN INTEREST GROUPS — MEET NEW FRIENDS —- ONLINE BIBLE oO oO D> p>) ~] = > 4 Q <= = > Q > | z m J i=) fe} = 4 T= e) > i=] ~l <= Oo Cc n > z oO 77) ie) mu! a r ™m 7) t & x mi i?) ms > 4 ANSI Graphics. 1000's of ADULT Flies LIGHTNING-FAST SEARCHES — GET TECHNICAL HELP JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE _ XN Buying ajmodem that's not compatible with everyone else's could make things Phos hapa» ¢ ap. a little sticky at work. Introducing... every high-speed protocol and international the only 28,800 bps modems that standard? The only modem that connects support every high-speed protocol: with every other modem at its highest V.34, V.FC™ and V.32 terbo. possible speed? Courier V.34 does all that. ; Want a magic number to protect you from You know people depend on their modems. 5 P y You know they can make it very uncomfort- purses! ea aoa ae able for you if you don’t recommend the " fastest, most compatible modems available. COURIER VV 3 Ll So doesn’t it behoove you to give them the only 28,800 bps modem that supports The Only V.Everything® a U.S. Robotics and the USRobolics logo are registered trademarks, and Courier, Courier V.34 and V.Everything are trademarks of U.S. Robotics, Inc. V.FC is a trademark of Rockwall Intemational Corporation. “Offer valid through August 31, 1994. Spacial $249 price applies !o extama! Courier V.34 Ready wilh V.FC (“The V.Everything Madam’) only. Purchase at this price limited to ona modem per dedicated line. files, Text files and Graphics and BR Base, (Boiler Room Database). The Archives 1 — Gif Showcase, contains six subareas: Picture from around the World, Flight/Space, Assorted Pictures/Graphics, Animals, Swimsuit Pictures, and Ray Traced Graphics. The Archives 2 ~ General Shareware, includes 14 subareas: Games, Business Applications, Graphics, Programming, Utilities. MS Windows. Communications, Education, IBM OS/2, Linix (PD Unix), GeoWorks, Start Your Savings Account Today 913-842-7744 Voice 913-842-6699 The Boiler Room also “networks” with another Falken BBS every Thursday night... Misc. #1. Misc. #2 and Misc. #3. Bob says games are always a popu- lar feature on a BBS. Games currently online — to name a few — are Trivia, Connect 4 (two 1473 HWY 40, Lawrence, KS email:info@databank.com telnetable:bbs.databank.com BBS Software & Hardware This Month’s Specials players), Othello (two players), Network poker, Food Fight and Let’s Make a Deal. Previously, Falken BBS could run only a very limited number of stan- dard door pro- grams. This limi- tation is due to Falken’s built-in multitasker. A second computer is now used to exe- cute doors, Users, through a menu choice, “link” to the second computer to play games of their choice. This is still a fairly new feature, but has proven to be very popular. Conferences on The Boiler Room are very busy as well...conferences like FalkNET, Teleconference and Toshi Teleconference keep very busy. Some of the conferences listed are, Politics, Ramblings, Commodore Amiga, IBM PC & Compatibles, Falken BBS & related Topics, Programming, Computer Games and The Horse Lovers Forum. The Boiler Room runs Bill Bell’s “Western Teleconference” door, which allows users online to chat with each other. This is a very popular portion of the BBS and gets a lot of use. Bill’s programming also allows Western Teleconference to “network,” or link, with other systems (Major BBS and Falken boards). People logged on in the Teleconference area can chat with oth- ers on linked boards. The Boiler Room CONTINUES... The MajorBBS, v6.2, 2-line .................sseseeeees $189 The MajorBBS, v6.2, 8-line Bundle................. $849 MajorBBS Add-on Modules ..................cs0e0 CALL Riptaint ccc feces recat ncisctaecne ter rerastesnae $169 TBBS92¢.2111 2-1iM@ 22. descc.csnsesesoeoccovtensotancearasnssere $199 a vee on bait 1.2M 2-liMG .........00.00000008. ie Wildcat! “The World’s Most Popular BBS” AN laa pei ace Wildcat! BBS Single Lime .ccscscsecsecsecsersersertnsnvntnes $99 TBBS 2.2m & TDBS 1.2m 16-line ................. $1199 Wildcat! BBS 1-10 Line $199 eh h aa | > a age ec a oe Wildcat! BBS IM, Multi-Port (up to 250 Users) ...... $609 in. Sat Mai om LS ge Wildcat! Pro! Series Utilities...........csscescsssscsssssssseees $89 Call our BBS 209-498-6533 for product information Game Pack $49 value, (ordered w/Wildcat!).............. $15 and to view or download our complete catalog! DesqView386 Multi-tasking w/QEMM ................- $110 i) . 4 Port Serial Card, with 16550 UARTS ................00 $115 Digiboards, Boca, CD Disks, GTek.................. CALL a : ° Digiboard PC/8 With 16550°S occsccsscscsecson $470 | Digiboard PC/Be, wicable (use w/Wildcat! IM) ...... $575 Night Owl 12 - Shareware CD Disk................... $38 = Remote Power ON/OFF .................:ccecesceseeeeee $149 BBS Technologies Q-Modem Pro for WindOwS...........sscsssssssssessses $95 209-498-0200 Visa, MasterCard & AmericanExpress Accepted seacenee JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE P.O. Box 4290 Fresno, CA 93744 Fax 209-237-0206 Full Text Searching Need to add powerful full path text searching software to your business BBS? Cheetah is the solution! Cheetah was designed by APDI, a leader in the BBS service industry. APDI listened to corporations, associations and government agencies who need a simple full text searching software to work with their BBS. From these talks APDI designed and developed Cheetah. Cheetah enables you to search online for any combination of words in seconds! Cheetah lets your users access large amounts of data quickly and easily. Cheetah also performs phase and proximity searches. Users can specify word proximity within a paragraph or sentence and the file viewer conveniently highlights all found text. Unlike other full text searching software, Cheetah was specifically designed for BBSs. Cheetah keeps track of users’ time left on the BBS, mode settings, modem status and even allows users to download their search results using any compression software they choose. Cheetah handles any text - newsletters, magazines, even government regulations! Cheetah is available in both serial port and Digiboard versions and works out of the box on Novell networks. Cheetah comes with an unlimited user license per BBS. So if you work for a corporation, association or government and run a BBS, or just have the task of building one, call APDI at 1-800- 785-APDI and find out more about Cheetah’s ability to give your users what they need. fm DSE. eZ Ss ° America’s Information Technology Forum BBS Expo Washington, D.C. Business Beat —— AT 10002 :3-4 400 Mark Burnett at APDI’s BBS Controls Professional Business Bulletin Boards Companies looking for a serious BBS company to provide a wide range of services are choosing APDI. APDI is devoted to providing professional BBS services to corporations, associations and government agencies throughout the United States. Typical APDI clients are organizations that need turnkey BBS solutions or advanced technical on-site support. APDI provides installation and support for WildCat!, PCBoard, TBBS, and Searchlight. APDI is a Certified Mustang Software infestator (CMSI). APDI frees up precious time for you and your staff to concentrate on marketing your new BBS. Most of APDI’s corporate customers find it advantageous to let APDI run the BBS for them at APDI’s location. APDI provides all equipment (like the BBS center shown above) and handles all technical support and navigation issues on your BBS. APDI’s fiber- optic cabling ensures crystal clear connections and communications to your bulletin board system. Many businesses wish to put a database online but find it difficult to locate programmers with the skills to assist them. APDI has a skilled database development staff and is on the FoxPro and Paradox development teams. Call and find out why so many of the largest corporations in the world dial into an APDI BBS every day! gp) Applleation Programming & Development, Inc. :} 6805 Coolridge Drive, 2nd Floor crag Springs, MD 20748 i -800-785- APDI — also “networks” with another Falken BBS every Thursday night...an event Bob says draws a lot of people. “All lines ate busy during this sort of event.” Bob said that the calls per day have rapidly increased over the past year and a half, the system currently receives an average of 120 calls per day and has close to 400 users. This is a broad group, Bob says. “it’s a wide range of callers.” Callers currently range in age from 11 to 75. “People from a variety of occupa- tions log on. We have students, “Best BBS on the planet.” Channe Over 3,500,000 calls! 617-354-3230 2400 - 14.4 v.32bis PO Box 338, Cambridge, MA 02238 accountants, projectionists, computer programmers and repair people, cye- glass makers, car repairmen and many others calling on a regular basis.” he said. “The BBS definitely isn’t for any one particular group of people...The board has proven to be a lot of fun for myself and others. Many people have met, dated, and become good friends by meeting online. In fact, several of my good friends were met online. | would encourage anyone interested in BBSing to jump right in. Boards, in general, are a great hobby and a lot of fun.” Of the three lines currently up, one =e is high-speed and the others 2400 baud lines. Callers with 2400 baud (or lower) modems should call the Boiler Room using: (717)-655- 8206 This will connect you with an available 2400 baud line. Callers with modems greater than 2400 baud should connect using: (717)-655-9287 This number supports MNP levels two through five as well as V.32 and V.42 The Pirate’s Cove BBS SYSOP: Mike Redman LOCATION: Louisville, Ree PHONE NUMBER; 502-254-7312 MODEM TYPE: USR D/S 16.8 and Lightcomm 14.4F BBS SOFTWARE: WILDCAT! 3.9 Multiline BBS MOTTO: The BBS caters to the adult community, boasting the largest GIF collection in Louisville It all started when Mike was stationed in Hawaii for the Army. One day he decided to call a BBS on his 286 and thought, “wow, this is neat; I want to run a BBS myself.” “That’s when the spending started,” Mike said. It required some time and patience but on May 5, 1992 the Pirate’s Cove CONTINUES... mo oy Whe Says You Cant Mic Busizese with Pleasure? Get TWO Top Rated On-Line Services at ONE low price. Experience Premiere BBS Excellence you can afford! ECTECH BBS has been serving the public since 1987. ECTECH BBS is BBS Excel- lence. Call and see why so many people make it their Primary BBS Service. @ Yes, ECTECH BBS has it ALL! Call Now and See! @ Internet*, RIME, INTELEC, FidoNet, and other Major nets @ Over 8 GIGS of QUALITY organized files - 8 CD'S! @ International File Exchange Network — Author Direct! @ FREE IMMEDIATE ACCESS on 1ST CALL! @ Popular Multi-Player On—Line Games e@ Business Databases and Service Bureau ECTECH BUSINESS BBS CALL 909-780-5672 24HR TOLL FREE VOICE INFO 800-578-4361 apace JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE NightVision BBS sets new standards for Adult Entertainment. Experience our Adult NiwheVision bok oem and let your hair down. Our By soe ssa.65s6| friendly atmosphere will keep you calling! @ Original Amateur Adult Scans from monthly contest @ Live Group and Private Enhanced Chat System! @ On-Line Interactive Adult Games and Trivia @ Over 10 Gigs of quality, organized Adult Files @ Free Memberships available, Call Today for Details @ Adult electronic mail networks such as ThrobNet, @ LightNet, Adult Internet, and more. NIGATVISION ADULT BBS CALL 909-369-6556 .93)whilelother vendors Were) busy, gettingythein tar pictures take , we spent our time listening to you. The result: The Major BBS Version 6.2. Integrated QWK We created a brand-new file A new file library wif q mail for reading library, rewrote polls and ques- full-screen tagging, and writing tionnaires, integrated RIPscrip super CD-ROM support, messages graphics, added QWK mail, auto DIZ-file extraction, offline. turbo-charged MHS message library categories, importing, and fine-tuned our advanced keyword performance for 57.6K channels. searching, and Out-of the-box And that's just what we changed much more. | RIPscrip interface, in our 2-line starter kit. with auto-detect ’ and dynamic All this is in addition to what you Paeruinen have come to expect from (Integrated RIPaint is optional.) Galacticomm: lots of simultane- ous users on one computer, a very open architecture, and super connectivity via modems, serial ports, LANs and X.25. To see the diHerence, give us a call at 1-800-328-1128 (or 305-583-5990 outside the U.S. and Canada). And enjoy the Documented support benefits of a BBS company that for 100 simultaneous listens to you. users on 28.8K modems with half downloading at 90% efficiency, and the rest using the other services of the system — all on a single Pentium machine. A new polls facility with intelligent branching, account macros, auto-tallying, and granting of files, keys, and online time. (Competitive upgrades available.) CTICOMM 4101 SW 47th Ave. ¢ Suite 101 ¢ Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 BBS: (305) 583-7808 * Fax: (305) 583-7846 « Voice: (305) 583-5990 The Pirate's Cove Stays on top of all current technology with probably the best RIP graphics in the Louisville area... BBS was online. The BBS now has an 80486/ DX50 mhz file server with 8meg RAM. 1.2 Gigabyte HD and a 80386/ DX33 mhz CD Rom file server with 4meg RAM. The two CD drives rotate 10 different disks with file request capabilities. Mike runs Lantastic 5.0 to link the two computers and two phone lines. The Pirate’s Cove is designed for the mature adult community, although they offer a wide range of door games and many other non-adult related serviees. The Pirate's Cove has one of the largest online registered door games sections in the Kentucky area with over 55 to choose from, as well as numerous Online door games are listed in sey- eral categories. These include Action Adventure Games, Sports Games. Information and Services, Space Adventure Games, Adult Adventure Games, Continue a Story and Gambling Games. Each category has approximately 10 to 12 popular games listed. The Pirate’s Cove has a very large conference list as well, starting with Local Conferences, FileNet BBS Group. WildNet, DragNet, VetsNet, Catlink, KYANANet, ThrobNet, WomensNet, RushNet, JobNet, AlaNet, RalNet, ETNet, FrightNet, and MSI Support Net. Within each Net there are anywhere from two to 38 conferences. If games and Message Nets are not enough, Mike has 80 sub-directories for files. Thirteen areas for DOS, five for G-Rated, including GIF, FLI, BMP, PCX, TIFF and DL files. Thirteen file areas for Windows programs, four for Ripscrip, 36 different GIF file areas, and eight XXX files areas. There are also Shareware Games (Non-Adullt), Drawing Programs & Utilities, Hints, Applications, Mail Network Information, Door Programs, Wildcat! Utilities and Offline Mail Readers. The Pirate’s Cove has over 40,000 GIF Files available for download on rotating CDs in ROMDOOR. Mike said that the one reason his BBS is different from the rest is he tries to go the extra mile (no matter what) “to help my callers get what they pay for and to make sure they are getting everything out of my BBS that they expected. I will help to find files or message nets that I don’t presently carry if a caller wishes. I just want them to have a good time like I do. That is why I run a BBS, to enjoy it!” The Pirate’s Cove stays on top of all current technology with probably the best RIP graphics in the Louisville area, says Mike. He is looking for the BBS communi- ty to grow leaps and bounds in the future. He thinks we will see the day when you can do anything you want all from the comfort of your local area BBS and looks forward to that day. Windows and DOS files. Docs & Unprotects, Desqview CONTINUES... F Pen SS SS SSS SSIS SS SS SSSI SS SSS SS 7 1 THE 1 | sat | it ON-LINE! - Get it ON-LINE sro Put it ON-LINE! - Get it ON-LINE! 1 ! . ! Simple - Easy - Affordable ! = I 1 es \ -lj . | Don't miss another issue Subscribe Today t | Do you want to use On ane BBS Technology to: I 1 @ Increase Pro : (J lyear USA $30 {J 2years USA $50 1 © Cut Service & Support Costs t CANADA $50 CANADA §95 ! @ Enhance Customer Service & Support t H @ Provide 24 hour access fo information H YOU CAN CHARGE VISA OR MASTERCARD H @ Reduce and Automate Repetitive manual Tasks ! BY CALLING 1-800-822-0437 (10 am — 4 pm est) : @ Open your doors to 25 million On-line People l 1 @ Add your company to the "Data Super Highway” | 1 Enclosed is my check for $ @ Allow Internet access to your Company ! A ! We are the leaders in On-line Communications Solutions. We offer a full spectrum of | (1 Credit card (circle one) VISA M/C i products and services from complete tum-key systems to do it yourself assistance. Our I t trained staff has a broad knowledge of industry products that will fi your needs. Integrated ' ee Exp. date ' Solutions has been awarded certifications in all areas of the On-line Industry, a distinction i ‘ 1 that reflects our commitment to quality as well as our ability to deliver a complete solution. H Signature } Join the growing numbers of satisfied customers who rely on Integrated Solutions for their 4 , communications support. ME I ——————s Do you have some Questions? | Nees : We would like to help! Complete Turn-key as low as $1950 ! _ LL << ee — Ja Do it yourself Parts - Mail Order H k { 800 633 6636 User & Sysop Training On/Off Site 1 City | Technical Sales Discount Pricing - Mail Order Specials i ! Ss = Custom On-line Database Design | State/Zip Code i 909 780-8860 Have us Manage your System On/Off Site i Technical Sales Rent On-line Space on our System : MAIL TO: Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford. NJ 08055. } 800-597-6160 : Uf paying by credit card. you may FAX this form at (609) 953-7961. 24 Hr. Mail Order Your On-line BBS Source! bee eee eee rn ei ‘i eeeees BD ccersceccescenasscsncccnnsccenarseverenaansrecancssvcnsesouccsazensceacorss JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE a ctecccsenetrecenrsorencsesscerssnsrevessccoansacounsraccnsnasccersescsnuccoroevascencces Er f Includes: Live Chat Electronic Mail Public Forums Telegrams Registry Internet Mail Internet Usenet Only $1.75/hr (6 p.m.-7 a.m.) Uses SprintNet No L.D. Charges Only $99.95 for the software that will connect your BBS to the WORLD! fi O0O-OF IDEION [| Ud 900 SERVICE PACKAGE Bulletin Board Membership FULL RIP GAMES Collection Agency Professional Backgammon $99.95 . . : Tournament Chess $99.95 We have paid our clients on time Tournament Cthello $99.95 and our sound financial back- Tournament Checkers $99.95 ground allows us to remain in the Crosswords $150.00 900 industry while others who BBSopoly $99.9! have attempted to duplicate our The Horse Track $99.9 service have gone under. Make Trivia (25,000+ questions) $129.¢ sure that when you choose a SOO Video Poker $59.5 service provider that they will pay Video Blackjack $59.£5 you on time without any surprises. Jumble Madness fee For $99 you will receive the pre- aoteaeatd cores mier software for a 900 service Major CD $129 95 and a Service Bureau that will | always be there for you! ana : TESSITIER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CALL FOR A COMPLETE CATALOG 1876 N. University Drive, Suite 200, Plantation, FL 33322 Galacticomm Ambassador Dealer To Order Call (8305) 473-5525 or Fax (3805) 473-2122 High Society BBS (128 lines} 305-473-5134 *The Major BBS is a registered trademark of Galacticomm. Inc. **Other products are trademarks of their respective companies. Gives You True Freedom* You started out to build a multi-user BBS. You had dreams about the service your system would ) provide, the problems-you would solve and the money you would make. But you didn’t bargain for the ; pile of hardware you would liye with every day and now it controls your life. : * As you compared the prices of software you missed the fact that the design philosophy of most BBS software forces many hardware decisions on you. ONLY TBBS allows you to achieve high perfor- mance with 64 high oa lines on a single CPU with NO custom hardware. And only TBBS gives you ¢ _ the option of Mae xBASE databasing ‘with ithe TDBS expansion module and compiler. True freefont is the ability to spend vy your time as you wish. Talk to real multi-user BBS; P sysops. You’ll notice i only TBBS operators talk first about ideas, not ys and software. Foy. over ten years eB has provided them the freedom fo desi custom systems they ean live withy No one gets more papability with jp impact of Wt their life than a TBBS sysop. You can buy 64- user TBBS 2.2 for $1,995 (32-user “95, 16-user $895, A-user $295) and use the money 4 you saved.on hard-’ X Aire to celebrate i j WN your success. OAT 3 0 3S 6 99-65 J 5 for more. father, to. and access to a demon- stration system. RK y y 4 PN — TS Incorpprated ‘\ —s . 15200 E. Girard Ave. Vi f , Suite 3000 A P / y Attkora, co 80014 j ff 303-69926565 *Picture shows complete 16 user TBBS/TDBS System. WestNet BBS SYSOP: Steven Elwood, Blake Gardine LOCATION: Helena, Montana — PHONE NUMBER: 406-458-9379 MODEM TYPE: ZOOM VFX VY. Practical Peripherals VIV BBS SOFTWARE: Spitfire BBS MOTTO: Setting : Quality Since 199] WestNet BBS started -outas-an-amateur radio BBS in May 1991, but was con- verted to a generic board in September of the same year. There was a tremen- dous lack of quality BBS systems in Montana during that time and Steven Elwood, sysop of WestNet, said he saw a real need to fill some of the gaps. As an example, there was no board in Montana’s capital city with netmail/echomail. WestNet was the first Spitfire BBS in Montana; the first board in Montana to offer the CircuitNET (Spitfire BBS Network) mail network; and the first (and only, thus far) BBS in Helena to offer F1DOnet. WestNet BBS currently has one gigabyte in hard disk space and nine gigabytes in CD-ROM files (uncom- pressed). The system currently has 38 file Yhard drives — seven CD- f and five doors (“we don’t ine games since those services adily available on other local rds,” Steven said). Doors include e/byte banking, FIDO database ‘anning/lookups, offline mail support and one or two entertainment doors. WestNet is primarily an echomail BBS, with conferences such as CircuitNet (102 conference forums), F]DOnet (68 conference forums), MTNet (20 conference forums) and Local (two conference forums.) In case you weren't counting, that’s 192 confer- ences in all. WestNet files areas include the fol- lowing: Sysop Uploads, Caller Uploads, New Files, Other Games #1, Other Games #2, Educational, Music, Graphics, Clipart, GIFS of All Kinds, Hobbies Of All Kinds, General Files, Desktop, Budget, Finance, Database, Programming in C, General Programming, Programming in Pascal, Programming in Basic, General Utilities #1, General Utilities #2, NetWorking, OS/2. Windows Related #1, Windows Related #2, True Type Fonts, Printing, Word Processing and Modem Communications. The WestNet BBS CD-ROM library includes Shareware Studio III, Dr. Shareware Gold II, Phoenix IV, Top Drawer I, Digital Dreams I and Ultimate Shareware II. Downloadable files total 4,390 with 606,384,980 bytes and 4,382 CD-ROM files. Steve said WestNet is hobby-orient- ed; a BBS supported by contributors. “It’s a BBS which provides a num- ber of key services for those individuals who enjoy telecommunicating, down- loading files and having fun with com- puters and modems,” Steve said. WestNet is also a place where like- minded hobbyists meet to chat with one another and stay in touch. Steve also pointed out WestNet is neither a business nor a profit-making venture. If you want a BBS that offers guarantees; if you believe WestNet has a proprietary obligation to you; if you CEOEN STAINING URE Sie. The Livewire BBS WIEXT WENERATIO/ Support board for BBS Magazine (print and Online Edition) and Livewire Doors. Subscribe online or register doors using V/MC. BES PCBoard. Home of Trek Trivia Online. Lots of Files, Message Networks, FidoNet 1:266/19 After Dark Adult Network. Visa/MasterCard accepted online. 609.482.7345 Internet - Publisher@BBSCD.COM e Get ad rates, insertion forms and deadlines. 609-235-5297 CALL FOR A FREE LOOK! Fidonet — 1:226/36 FrontDoor provides the automated connection to FTSC networks such as FidoNet, bringing the world of network data telecommunications to your door step. Provide the added interest of world wide message and file exchange to your BBS! FRONTDOOR?® 2.20c.ml $295 Special Sysop Price $149 FRONTDOOR® APX 1.01 Introductory Special Price $79 FRONTDOOR®/FRONTDOOR® APX The Professional E-mail System Distributed by Online Communications, Inc. 22 State Street Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 941-1110 (voice) (207) 990-3511 (BBS) FidoNet 1:132/300 JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE bO0G HF hig ticket to the evolving information highway, it’s also your road map. With features on the latest in bulletin board software, interviews with top industry insiders and news and reviews of everything making its way into cyberspace, BBS Magazine ae has become required offline reading for anyone getting Ve online. Each month we look at the best and brightest BBSs, 2 as well as those just starting, and review the most informative books on BBSing and online services. Every issue features our expert columnists commenting on all aspects of life online. From the best deals on modems to our beginners column to our look into the Internet — it’s all there. BBS Magazine is written for you, the BBS caller. The stories are exciting, informative and often entertaining...We won’t waste your time, but we will get you connected. cc cc usricenweina gel edad ARE aa ARS NREL AON Subscriptions: _ [_]1 year US - $30. Canada- $50. [_|2 years US - $50. Canada - $90. -v / : VG {us OT os gyn be \M\ \ ° Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Payment Type: L_] Check/Money Order ] Visa L_] MasterCard CC# Exp. Date: Signature: BBS Name (if any): BBS# 701 Stokes Road « Medford, NJ 08055 Call the Subscription Hot Line: 800.822.0437 \ | __........ — PI |. WE i D waa ‘fie Mall) WilasUCP (internet) ee Mat pupdii@oty Fouts, tothe: Rie . Phices. and Selecti ee ORIVERSIDE a "§6550-SupérSeriat cards : Annex:& internet E-mail An Educational BBS for Students, Parents, Teachers, and Tutors jult,BBS action with original S, textiles: massive archive 1200-38400 Baud + Virus Information * Messages ¢ Online Tutoring * Educational Files « collection, game doors & sizzling network/mail fromjThrobNet; AdultLinks; AdultNet & AfterDark © Huge diverse 10 gigabyte file library with daily submissions from the « Communications Files * Teacher Files » Soundblaster Files « ¢ Updated New Mexico Weather Reports *« NASA News Updates ° With an Education Your Future is Unlimited! Internet, 30 file distribution networks, | original author postings & ASP. files Come Play where excitement is right at your fingertzips! ALTERNATIVE VISIONS BBS or SEM oF B&D & GAY & TV/TS ur Singles «= Swingers *¥ Fetishes } Local: Abbess Telephone dumbers in 350 ities. is \ Call ep for the local DSEn number: in.your: area: > Live Online Chat >» Erotic Message Bases ; ‘ > Hot XXX Color Graphics » Personals & Classifieds > Online MatchMaker > Online Shopping Mall Modem: 718-746-6800 8 Nodes — 2400/9600/14400 Bps JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE MACINTOSH BY MICHAEL A. KUYKENDALL All Your Questions Answered! Well, some of those regarding Mac communications anyway. ver the past few s I’ve been receiving a lot of mail asking about dif- ferent aspects of telecommu- nicating with a Macintosh. I thought it’s about time I answered a few letters... I’ve paraphrased the questions to save a little time. With the speed of modems seeming fo double every two years or so, what is the maximum speed a Macintosh can support? When we are talking about data trans- fer rates and the Macintosh, we are mainly discussing the limitations of the serial port. The Mac operating system supports data rates up to 57,600 baud, but the serial port itself can support transfer rates that are much higher if they are externally clocked. Some sound input hardware, such as Farallon’s Mac Recorder, and most AppleTalk boxes use this tech- nique to achieve transfer rates greater than 100 Kbps. AppleTalk being turned on and ethernet-network traffic can slow down the serial port. If you turn off AppleTalk through the Chooser, or disconnect the ethernet connection, this should alleviate the problem. sneceee JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE ~~ I have a PCBoard, and I want to make Mac files available to my users. How can I do this? To understand Mac files, we need to discuss MacBinary. MacBinary is a way of taking a Macintosh file (both resource and data forks) and creating a new file with just a data fork. This new file can then be transferred to other platforms which know nothing about the native Macintosh file system, with- out losing the information stored in the resource fork. MacBinary also stores information such as the filename, cre- ation and modification dates, file type and creator for the original file. If you want to store some Macintosh files on a non-Macintosh computer, one way is to convert them to a MacBinary format file before transferring. MacBinary files are useless to people who are not using Macs. Although there is a public domain program that con- TERRY WILSON verts back anil foriti from MacBinary (which is called. coincidentally MacBinary); most telecommunication programs have MacBinary conversion. ZTerm, for exumple, can be configured to detect a MacBinary file when it is received and automatically convert the file to its original representation. Similarly, ZTerm can automatically convert files as well. Also, if you use network email and Usenet gateways, most of these are not receplive to binary files (they only allow non-binary files to pass through). To make it possible to send MacBinary files through these gateways, you will have to convert your files to a text-com- patible form. Two different translation techniques that will do this are BinHex and uuencode. However, using BinHex or uuencode will result in files that are larger than the original MacBinary file. You will find most files on the Internet are in BinHex format. BinHex files are denoted by the suffix “.hqx”. Uuencode was designed to allow UNIX binary files to be easily transferred through text-only interfaces, such as email. Usually, one won't find Macintosh files in uuencode format, except on the Usenet newsgroups. If you want to access these files, such as images from alt.bina- ries, etc., then you should check out a program that will allow you to convert to and from uuencode on your Mac, such as UUTool 2.3.2 and UULite 1.4.2. Stufflt also has a translator that will deal with uuencode conversion. Uuencoded files are usually denoted by the suffix “.uu”. That’s a little more than was asked, just keep the change. What is this Communications Toolbox (CTB) that everyone is talking about? The Communications Toolbox is a part of the Macintosh operating system that provides a standard interface for pro- grammers woiting communications pro- prams. Rather than write routines to make calls to contro] the modem serial port, for example, a programmer can call an equivalent CTB routine. This makes it easier for programmers to deal with many of the different routines, and concentrate on adding features to their programs. There are many different extensions. or “tools”, that provide ter- minal esulation, cte., that are appesnr- eeeececssrorererrereretetts: ing each day in the PD/Shareware world. You can find many of these tools on BBSs or pay-services such as America Online. The Communications Toolbox requires System 6.0.4 or later, but comes built into System 7. Under System 6.0, tools belong in the Communications folder. Under System 7, tools can be added by placing them in the Extensions folder. I’m confused by all the different terms people use when discussing Mat networks and communications. What are some of the different “protocols” these people are talking about? To answer this question, I refer to some information I found on the “comp.sysS.mac.comm” newsgroup on the Internet (Usenet news). The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) I found discussed many of the different proto- cols involved in networking. This infor- mation was provided through the efforts of editor David Oppenheimer and many other Mac users on the Internet. If you have access to the Usenet news, check out this newsgroup! The following terms describe proto- cols (software descriptions) common to the Macintosh networking world: APPLETALK: A proprietary suite of pro- tocols developed by Apple Computer, Inc. that provides for near-transparent network connections between Macintosh computers. However. within the last few years AppleTalk has been ported to operating systems other than the Macintosh OS, including UNIX. VMS and DOS. Questions about the AppleTalk protocol] are probably best posed in the newsgroup comp.proto- cols.appletalk. TCP/IP: A suite of protocals developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DAHKPA) whose pur- pose is multi-platfonn connectivity. TCPAP drivers are available for almost all of the computer pletfomns in use today, including micros, minis. main- frames and supencumputers. TCPAP stands for Transentssion Covina! ProtocoVMntemet Protoonil because these are the two mucet widhelly weed! priv tocols in the sutte. Homener. TCRAP includes the User Datagpany Protaccl! LULY GSE BES WAGAZINE ne EEE (UDP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) and others. ETHERTALK: The driver which allows AppleTalk protocols to be transported by Ethernet. TOKENTALK: The driver that allows AppleTalk protocols to be transported over IBM TokenRing networks. The following terms describe hardware (the physical link such as the wire[s] connecting computers) common to the Macintosh networking world: LOCALTALK: One type of hardware over which AppleTalk protocols can be transported. LocalTalk has a throughput of 230.4 Kilobits per second, or roughly a quarter of a Megabit per second. PHONENET: Another type of hardware commonly used to transport AppleTalk packets. PhoneNet mates LocalTalk hardware with ordinary (unused) tele- phone wire. PhoneNet is probably the cheapest way to connect widely sepa- rated Macintosh computers within a single building. ETHERNET: A network medium over which AppleTalk, TCP/IP and other protocols travel, often simultaneously. Ethernet’s maximum throughput is 10 Mbps. Competing successors offer 100 Mbps. TOKENRING: A network medium deyel- oped (and patented) by IBM based on a topology of a ring of nodes connected serially by a single cable. Each node, or computer, speaks on the cable only when it has possession of a token. TokenRing technology can demonstrate throughputs of ranging from four to 16 Megabits per second. Again. thanks to the users on the “comp.sys.mac.comn newsgroup for the above information. Next month. I) shed some light on Fidonet connections and how to hook your BBS up. Since Tabby 3.0 is the last version of Tabby (it has be discon- finued) whet will sau dor Check me next time and TI tel] you. Michel AL Kurtendall iso seteras awe aaser and has written for several publica thorns around the unanion, ie is erento President Sirsa General flaskey for he Onkine Weselesesh Users Croup, based itt Atlaritie. CGearg a. ONY wis’ os) CAL VOLS ALE BY LANCE WHITNEY naten? your eo S y translated irtt@/Roman ni ; Dc, he sii number of the BicrPriggsa! \ any identifying} irthmarks,” & (( a Yes, my namé is Lance Whit r,fuy ptoduct serial num is AL9QO0, my secret ID code 1490210, my password is _ swotdfish, my birthday translate nt Roman; numerals is quare rool of33 is Es 11445626, the ship ise is NCC- 1701, aiid Ihave a mole on ~ you'd like to ic to our sales America, press | and we'll connect you una diately. If you want to talk to our vice tes who’ s vacationing in the South of . France, press 2 and we'll connect you within — Where BOT find th five CDeCO. ads. [f you'd like to make contact — ila ith q ur Femole Communications satellite 0 ) miles ae the earth, press ¢ , n 10 seconds. 1k a ‘ s 4.and we'll pa yun 1 hold -. mutes.” BBS MAGAZINE is i thas oie a lle Bi nect you to our software susie tent. Gan “a hold fora.minute.” ve minutes Jater. is Shi fea in software a. How can I “gies you?” ‘iad ® .\ y | using fayitHlette Pro for Windows for Ave ps Turbo “Okay, let’s cic your aritialial iad string. Go into the Initialization String Setup Menu which is located in the Initialization Codes Setup Menu which is located in the Modem Codes Setup Menu which is located in the Setup Modem Menu Codes Setup Menu.” Let’s see, the initialization string is ATARETA&PTA& ASPCA OB1&R2D2&C3P0 B4&G3&N7 BINGO. “Sounds right. Can you hang on for a few minutes while ] con- sult with my supervisor and go out for lunch.” Well, I guess so. Two minutes (and an hour for lunch later). “I'm back, Lance. And I’ve found the problem. It seems there’s a minor glitch in version 6.001002A that creates a con- flict between your modem and the electromagnetic waves of any microwave within a two-mile radius. Fortunately, we have an interim productivity enhancement upgrade fix for it. Version 6.001002B won’t have the same problem. I can send that upgrade to you right away.” Does that cost anything? “No, it’s free.” Great... “Of course, there’s a slight charge of $99.99 for shipping, handling, insurance, sales tax, user tax, and donation to your favorite charity.” Okay, okay, fine. I’ll pay it. “Thank you for your order.” One week later. “This is Shirley in HayitHertz Technical Support. Can I help you?” Yes, Shirley, I recently inttalled version 6.001002B of HayitHertz Pro for Windows for Workgroups Turbo Deluxe Plus Plus. The conflict I had with my modem and my neighbor's microwave is cleared up. But now I have another problem. When I'm on a local CompuServant I can’t seem to chat with anyone in Kansas City during a full moon. BS, Sir. We just found out there” s a plitch in version a brand new interim safe nn H Version 6.001002C should take care of the ; QO) 24 Nodes QO Adult Files OQ DOS Q Windows U0 OS/2 QO Graphics O Rime Q ILink QO Internet OQ Usenet Email QO Win NT & Unix Files 06.3 Gigabytes Online QO (408) 655-1096 14400k 1 (408) 655-8297 USR HST QO (408) 655-4211 ZyXEL 16.8k Q (408) 655-8346 USR 16.8k QO 450+ Conferences Online Games UNCLE HANK’S SHAREWARE REVIEW NEWSLETTER Published bi-monthly, this newsletter takes a good look at some of the best Shareware available today. Each issue contains reviews from a wide variety of areas. Always in plain English. For a sample issue, send $2 to: Uncle Hank’s Shareware, 8 Hendrick St., Easthampton, MA 01027 Send $10 with this ad, you can subscribe for 1 yr. (6 issues) & save $2. Make checks payable to Hank Hurteau BBS Magazine ONLINE! Heard Of Mt Mayie and nol Sure what ILS OF HOW f0 get It On Your BBS? Available as a Door program or in text format. It is available by subscription only. To view it right now, call the Livewire BBS (609) 235-5297 and type BBSCD at the main board prompt. If you would like to order the Online! edition, please contact us at 609- 953-9110 between 10 & 4 (est), or any other time at: 609-231-1757 and leave a message for Richard. We will return your call within 24 hours. SUDSEPIAIIONS aGCeplEd Online at The Livewire BBS, (609) 205-5297. COMMOOD OR E CONNEC QW ONS BY GAELYNE R.~. MORANEC Terminal Taste Which communication package is right for you? Here are two. ‘ his is the tale of two terminal programs. One r the C=64, the other runs on the C=128 program. * is shareware, the other commercial. I have no intention of comparing the two for, as I mentioned, they run on two different Commodore systems, and neither is “better” than the other — they each have very strong and unique features (how’s that for diplomatic?) eeneen 46 Boe enapecaauaaoanccnsnecnsucassaces roonssscccassssaseseuecnasssecesreserses JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE Novaterm 9.5 Nick Rossi, Shareware For the Commodore 64. Yes, I’ve written about it before, but like all good programs, Novaterm (not associated with ResNova Software) continues to evolve, and version 9.5 is now available on BBSs and online services for download. Look for NOVA95-1.SFX, NOVA95-2.SFX, NOVA95- 3.SFX, NOVA95-4.SFX and NOV95DOC.SFX. Novaterm is well known for its 80-column ANS] graphics abilities as it continues to rede- fine the parameters of Commodore 64. term pro- grams. The big news is the addition of a Zmodem protocol. This is a batch protocol that allows you to download several files in succes- sion. It was only last year that I read messages TERRY WILSON slating emphatically that Zmodem sim- ply could not be implemented on Commodore computers. It isn’t “perfect,” as it can only be used for downloading at this stage, and it allows a maximum block size of 512 bytes, meaning that if the BBS from which you’re trying to download sends a larger amount of block-bytes at one time, this protocol won’t work for you. One of Zmodem’s features that can be toggled on or off within Novaterm is “auto-downloading.” This means never having to START the download yourself by pressing the Commodore and “D” keys together as you normally would (to begin a download with other protocols using Novaterm). Once the BBS sends the signal, the download automatically begins. I tried using Zmodem with this feature toggled on, and I’m already spoiled by it. Auto-restart, another fea- ture of Zmodem that’s available on other computer platforms, has not been imple- mented due to memory constraints. Oh yes, WXmodem is another new feature to Novaterm 9.5. This is a receive-only protocol used on “packet- switching” networks such as PC Pursuit. Novaterm offers several methods to control the overflow of data which can occur when using modems at baud rates faster than 2400. Xon/Xoff and RTS/CTS are both supported, along with two additional features to “fine tune” or “tweak” the best possible performance of both modem and term program with- out losing data. The tolerance value can be adjusted by the user so Novaterm will send a pause to the modem until the computer “catches up.” Another feature, available while in the 80-col- umn terminal mode, is one that allows the user to set how many lines are scrolled on the screen at one time. The settings range from single-line through four lines. The previous version of Novaterm allowed up to “Triple Scroll.” This setting is saved when the configu- ration setlings are saved. Using these features with a high-speed modem and SWIFTLink cartridge allows 80-column screen displays and file transfers of 9600, 14.4k, or 28.8k bps. It's in the script Novaterm now loads script files from the autodial menu before dialing the bulletin board, but executes the script only after connection to a BBS. Several script files are included with Novaterm 9.5, which allow the automatic change of terminal emulation, ASCII transla- tion and font for calling different bul- letin boards. I use this feature often as I call several different types of BBSs, such as Commodore Color Graphics, ASCII, ANSI, and one or two VT-102 online services. The last version of Novaterm had a bug in the BBS mode that did not cor- rectly detect the incoming call’s baud rate. This has been fixed. The mini- BBS feature is one I had enjoyed using on occasion, and I’m glad to have it’s use once again. A bug that caused problems when printing text files and the Ymodem Batch protocol also have been fixed. I am delighted to report that Nick Rossi is not finished with Novaterm yet. Some of the planned features for future versions of this term program include using REU’s (RAM Expansion Units) as program buffer space instead of using it as an additional fast disk drive. That's noth- ing in comparison to the ambitious plan to CONTINUES... ModemBase Pro Puzzled about On-line Databases? Wildcat-Major-Searchlight-PC Board-T BBS-Others On-line Catalogs Picture/Image Databases Classified ad's Listings Si Real Estate Listings Text Search Databases Knowledge Bases Group/Event/RSVP Calendars Order Entry/On-line Purchasing Limitless information gathering No Programming Required Basic PC Knowledge is all you need imple databases on-line in minutes Full MultiUser & Network Ready Completely Customizable RIP - ANSI -VT-Most Terminals Supported ModemBase Pro can do all of this for $99.00! Why do the others cost so much? Ye a JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE Supports all filefimage types as attachments Download/Upload file support Upload and append to databases Integrated Solutions iq 2995 Van Buren Blvd. A13189 Riverside CA 92503 —————— LALLA LAL ALLE include Zmodem upload ability, and a fax module. Yes, I said fax. Imagine using a modem with fax abilities to send and receive faxes with your Commodore 64! If anyone can implement this feature, 'm sure Nick Rossi can do it. Novatenn’s shareware fee is $25. Registered users receive a disk with the current version and a registration number. They also receive upgrades of every other upgrade free from the author. Product support is available via email and postal mail. For more infor- mation, or to register, contact Nick Rossi at: 10002 Aurora Ave. N. #1159, Seattle, WA 98133, or by Internet: “voyager@eskimo.com”. Dialogue 128 ¥2.2 Triple Point Software $29 Dialogue 128 is a commercial term pro- gram available from Creative Micro Designs. Inc. or Software Support International. It has two versions, one for modems connected via the User Port, and a version for SWIFTLink or other Excalibur || At the cutting Edge of Technocracy! It’s the Only Connection You Have to Make! The East Coast’s Premium Quality Adult Super System! We Feature... © Thousands of files for DOS, Windows and OS/2! © Realtime chatting with people all over the country and the world! © Hundreds of Forums both Local and Intemet/Usenet! @ Play realtime multiplayer games against other people! Some using RIP! © USA Today News/Weather/Sports Updated 5 Days a Week! ® Erotic Forums, Tons of adult graphics files, and sizzling chat! Excalibur — Exploring the Realm of CyberSpace with Quality, Taste & Distinction! Call today and join the party! Full Access starts at just $5! (908) 583-4333 UART connected modems. Both ver- sions come on the same disk (side one contains the first version, disk side two has the UART version). Modem speeds from 300 baud to 38.4k bps can be attained, depending on the version used. As with Novaterm, it allows ASCII, ANSI, Commodore Graphics, VT-52 and VT100 terminal emulations. It operates in fast 2mhz mode for all operations, and can be used from any type of disk drive, including CMD’s RAMLink, hard drives and FD series drives. This is a very full-featured, compre- hensive term program, one of the few programs that give the option of mouse support. It offers full support for RAM Expansion Units, either as an extra disk drive or for buffer usage. The buffer editor is comparable to a good quality word processor. One of the strongest features of this program is its script file support. Using the buffer, one can write a script file and save it without any extra steps. Another fea- ture linked to the script support is “auto-exec” scripts which will automat- ically dial the BBS and then follow whatever instructions are in the script ~~ Home of the Online Mac Users’ Group All Lines Support 300-14,400 bps! JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE = cre file. This system is so powerful I know of at least one user who rarely touches his keyboard once loading Dialogue. I'm not a programmer, and have always been dubious about my abilities to write a script file for BBS calling, However I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it’s a fairly easy process, especially because of the excellent doc- umentation for this feature. I make heavy use of the buffer capa- bilities of Dialogue 128, both for cap- turing text and to send messages and email I’ve written offline. An option to Transmit buffer, along with three differ- ent variations of transmitting from the buffer and some transmit delay options allow this to be a very easy way to answer email, or respond to messages from online services, without relying on the often frustrating and archaic editors these services offer their users. Another unique feature is a 9,000- character scrollback review buffer, total- ly separate from the other buffer(s) avail- able. If you’ve ever had information you needed scroll by too fast on your screen, you know the benefit of this feature. One unique feature is the ability SUBURBAN PCBoard Ver. 15.0 708-636-6694 SOFTWARE Home of King of the Board ¢ Strike 93 © Word Nerd BBS Macintosh Online 404-988-9904 ¢ PD/Shareware ¢ Software Giveaways , ¢ 300-14400 Baud Mac ¢ Demos GUI ¢ Tech Info BBS! ¢ More!!! Over 130 different conferences!!! Large free Classifieds section. keep track of time online, which is stored as a disk file upon disconnecting from the BBS. This is a user-definable option, toggled on or off when editing the phone book entry for each BBS. Other options available for each entry include the ability to define up to four F-Key macros, as well as emulation, file transfer protocol, number of screen lines, flow control, local echo, and the buffer transmit mode and delay settings. Macros are accessed using the ALT and number keys as well as a drop- down menu with a highlight bar, and can be up to 60 characters long. This is excellent for storing and sending those long Internet addresses! Macros can also be defined to perform many of Dialogue’s command sequences, for short “script” style use. Macros can be saved and loaded from disk, giving the user any number of different macro files that can be accessed. I have one for sending modem initial- ization strings, and several that I use as “address books” for sending Internet mail. Dialogue 128 offers Punter C1, Ymodem Batch, Compu- Serve Quick B, and Xmodem Checksum, CRC and IK pro- tocols. When uploading, the disk directory can be called up to the screen, and the user can select the file(s) to send using a highlighted menu bar. This is a luxury feature I real- ly enjoy. Pull-down style menus as well as Commodore, CTRL, and ALT key combination commands make things easy for the new user, via the Help key to toggle the pull- down menus, and because the pull-down menus also display the corresponding C=, CTRL, or ALT key- strokes. The new user can gradually phase out use of the pull-down menus as they learn the various commands for the program. Partition support is available for 1581 style disk directories, although I personally would have pre- ferred full CMD device support instead of 1581 disk drive support. Both Novaterm v9.5 and Dialogue 128 v2.2 are “top of the line” terminal programs that can make BBSing a plea- sure. There is no “worst of” in this true tale of two term programs. Because they each offer so many dif- ferent options and features, they each can seem very daunting to the new user. Learning to use any new program can be a challenge, so take your time and try not to learn too much all in one session. Select an option, read about it, then experiment and learn. Trial and error seem to be the best teachers. When you find something that works well for you, don’t forget to save your configurations. (aa Freelance writer Gaelyne Moranec is edi- tor of CEE-64 Alive!, a disk magazine for Commodore 64 users, and co-sysop on Ancient Heart BBS. She can usually be found in the CBM FIDOnet echo. 7 (mage Centerer by Modem: 408-847-0665 JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE ews Uncie HANK'S SHAREWARE REWIEWS -~>UNCLE”"” HANK HURTEAU Heartlight, Travel Points and QKdit Advanced A game, a tour guide and the only text editor you may ever need. HEARTLIGHT by EPIC MegaGames HEART.ZIP One of my favorite games when I had my Commodore 64. was Boulderdash. The object was go from point A to point B without getting hit by one of the boul- ders. I spent many hours trying to beat that game — now EPIC has done it again with a superbly crafted amuse- ment called Heartlight. Though it is quite similar to that old favorite, it’s certainly no clone. The object of the game is to get a lit- le elf-like creature named Persival to gather all the hearts on each level and then make it to the exit. Sound simple? Yeah, right! Make a wrong move and you'll end up with a stone on your head or a bomb will blow you to bits. Each level is a puzzle that you must solve before continuing. It will likely take several tries before you finally get it figured out. A lot of trial and error‘is involved, so don’t expect to finish a level on the first try. By manipulating the placement of the stones and/or bombs, you’ll be able to guide Persival through the maze and gather the needed hearts. Be careful not to let a bomb land on one of the concn JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE hearts because you have to get all of them to advance. Also watch out that you don’t get trapped by falling stones or rising balloons. There is no time limit, nor is there a set number of “lives” to deal with. You can take all the time you need to pon- der each level. And if you find yourself stuck, just hit the ESC key to start that level over. If a level seems impossible, you can move forward or backward by hitting the SPACE bar and the left or right arrow keys. You also don’t have to start at “level one” each time you play the game. Begin wherever you wish. There is no need to repeat any level unless you want to. Unlike other games of this sort that use simple ANSI graphics, Heartlight is done in real 256-color graphics that are easy to see (even across the room). The background music is nice and doesn’t get irritating after a while like some of the other games. And you have your choice of either a joystick or cur- sor keys, but I found it easier with the keyboard. Try both ways to see what suits you. The shareware version comes with 20 levels. That’s plenty to keep you busy for hours. Once you’ve mastered them, I know you’ll want to register. The registered version has 70 levels including some that seem impossible at first glance. In fact, they seem impossi- ble at second and third glance! You can have up to three players with progress saved for each player. The game keeps track of which levels you’ve already completed. You also get anice colorful manual with hints and tips on playing the game. Each time I started playing this game, I pondered how much fun it would be if there was a way to create my own levels or edit some of the ones that were just too difficult. Well, I must have missed the section on generating levels the first time I read the manual because it can be done. In fact, anyone can do it with just a simple text editor or a word processor. Each level is just a little 12-line text file with text charac- ters representing grass, rocks, stones, etc. You could edit and/or create sever- al new levels in no time at all. However, you will need the registered version for this option. You will need at least a 386 and VGA for Heartlight, and Adlib and Sound Blaster is supported. Registration is a very reasonable $19. This is one of my all-time favorites for sure. Travel Points of Interest in the U.S.A. ver 2 by Facts Online TPOI2.ZIP Are you planning a vacation anytime soon? Not sure what to do once you get there? Well then, Travel Points of Interest (TPOI) could be just what you’re looking for. TPOL is a real nice database of interesting places to visit all across the U.S. There are several search options for specific states or particular cities, and even a broad search of the whole country. For example, if you choose a state, the search is limited to that state. If, however, you select a city, you can limit the search for 10, 50, or 100 miles. This is a great way to plan a day trip with the kids. After you choose your geographic location, you can select up to three dif- ferent categories. These include such things as History, Amusement Parks, Museums, etc. There are 15 categories in all. Once you’ve entered all of your criteria, click on the Search button for a list of all matching entries. Once the search is done, you can either view the list on-screen or send it to your printer. Printing the list makes for a handy planner to take with you. I printed out a list of all sites within 100 miles of my hometown and found 46 matches. That should keep the family busy this sum- mer. Besides the general search options, users can also use the “Name of a Point of Interest” choice. Here you would be asked to enter a specific name to search for. Using this feature, I entered Lincoln and came up with four match- es. An example follows: Travel Points of Interest Viewing # 1 of 4 HISTORY MUSEUM ABRAHAM LINCOLN BIRTHPLACE NAT HIST SITE Route 1, Hodgenville KY 42748 (502) 358-3874 Daily 8am-5pm Extended hours in summer Early Kentucky cabin sym- bolizes Lincoln’s birth- place. Enclosed in granite and marble building on birthplace site. Visitor Center, audiovisual pro- gram, exhibits, memorial building, picnic area, camping facilities nearby. Located 3 miles south of Hodgenville, Ky. on US 31E-Ky. As you can see, all the important information is given to you. This can be a handy program if you like to take in the sites, whether you plan a long vaca- tion or only care to travel a few miles from home. The shareware version contains 700 points of interest and the registered version has over 2,000. The registration fee is $25. Edit Advanced ver 3.0 By SemWare QEDIT3C.ZIP The long-awaited update to QEdit by Sem Ware has been released. QEdit is the text editor that all others are judged by and one of the most widely used. If you liked the previous versions, you'll sreees JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE love the latest. QEdit has been the standard for many years for several reasons. Not only is it a very powerful editor for even the most demanding user, it is also easy enough for the novice. Unlike other full-featured editors, you only need one file, (Q.EXE), which takes up very little space. It has everything you could want in an editor and you can begin to use it without even glancing at the documen- tation. Hit the ESC key for a menu bar at the top of the screen, or hit F1 for a HELP screen showing all of the key combinations. QEdit is fine just the way it is, how- ever, you are able to change most of the defaults with the QCONFIG.EXE file. Just run this included program to set QEdit the way you want it. There is also a very powerful macro language built in that can be used for just about anything you can think of. I’ve seen lots of these on the boards, so you might want to look around for them. There could be something you could use if you have trouble creating your own. If you are still using the DOS edit command, or are unhappy with your current editor, I urge you to look at QEdit. Don’t let the 100+ page manual scare you — it’s merely an in-depth explanation of the commands. The manual does go into several other things you can do as well, but for starters, just load it and go. I’m sure you'll be impressed. I’m not going to reveal here all QEdit can do; [ll let you be the judge of it’s versatility. Let’s just say that if you want something in an editor, you'll find it in QEdit. Registration is $59 and gets you a bound manual, a built-in spell checker and extra utilities. If you are a Sysop, be sure to check out the special price for system operators. jail Subscribe Today Call Toll-Free 1-800-822-0437 and charge your subscription to Visa or MasterCard. | j BY VICTOR VOLKMAN A New Sysop Modem - Program at Telebit | Once past the odd restrictions, the program’s worthwhile. n January 26 of this year Telebit Corporation announced Revision 1.1 of its “Sysop Modem Purchase Program.” Qualified sysops can buy Telebit modem products for up to 60 percent off the manu- facturer’s suggested retail price under this program. The Telebit program has some unusual, but reasonable, rules for entry. But it’s worth the extra effort since you can pur- chase up to six modems on your first order — regardless of how many lines you cur- rently have. Thus, Telebit is one of the few companies that helps sysops out of the chicken-or-the-egg dilemma: which to buy first, the modem or the phone line? JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE The Telebit rules are targeted toward busi- ness BBSs, but can be applied to hobby BBSs as well. First, your BBS must be publicly advertised to qualify. This can be a classified ad or public list- ing such as those found in BBS Magazine, Computer Shopper and others. Alternately, you can sup- ply a printed flyer, newspaper article, or computer club affiliation which puts your BBS in the public eye. Second, you must agree to actively promote Telebit prod- ucts in several ways. You must announce the presence of your new Telebit modems for at least 30 days in your system news file. As well, you’re required to list the Telebit modems used in a bulletin describing your system configuration and allow Telebit Corporation to upload text news files about their prod- ucts from time to time. Last, you must provide a user ID and password without expiration and with unlimited access to the BBS at no charge. This user ID will be used to verify your compliance with the Telebit program. Another unusual aspect of the Telebit sysops discount is that purchases can be made with only with VISA or Mastercard credit cards. Checks, money orders and COD orders are strictly disallowed. Table 1a lists the Telebit modems that will continue to be tracked in this report. I have excluded the rackmount (RM) models since many sysops don’t opt for them. Normally pro- fuse technical details would be offered at this point, but prod- uct-specific details on the Telebit BBS are scarce. Instead, I’ll just point out that Telebit had one of the first and most successful proprietary high-speed connections called CONTINUES... VENDOR/ 14.1K V.32BIS 144K ¥.32BIS V.32TERBO, V.FC, V.32TERBO, ¥.FC PRODUCT INTERNAL EXTERNAL V.34 INTERNAL V31 EXTERNAL AT&T 3721-B1-001* 3710-A1-201* N/A N/A Paradyne $160 $180 PC $190 Mac CPI/ ViVa 14.4 ViVa 14.4 N/A N/A ViVa $180 $196 Digicom Scout Plus Scout Plus N/A N/A Systems S200 ees wer ede S210 n= ret x © ; wees : 9624PC+ 9624LE+ $340 $350 Hayes Corp Optima 144B* Ultra 144 Optima 288+FAX $179 $249 N/A : _v.FC 28.8k $288 Optima 144+FAX* SUDIAG I ae ny bi dhalindeilt Lil : Syma Optima 144+FAX* $179 Macintosh Telebit Corp. USRobotics Ven-Tel Zoom Telephonics ZyXEL N/A PCM144FAX* $195 PCMV.32bis* $480 MCM144FAX* $380 MCA VFP V.32Bis* $99 U-1496B* 16.8K $299 U-1496B+* 19. $389 Ro NEA 2 OB fer v.32bis $299 HST Dual Stand. N/A Courier v.32bis $299 EC144FAX* N/A $215 ECV.32bis* $525 RMV.32bis II* $425 VFX V.32Bis* VFP V.FC 24k $119 PC $99 $130 Mac VFP V.FC 28.8k $139 U-1496E* 16.8K $299 2K * Modems with an asterisk include 14,400 baud FAX send/receive at no extra charge! Notes on Table /: 1. All internal modems are assumed to be PC-AT ISA bus unless otherwise noted. or voice-mail processing options (any modem above). for what used to be called V.FAST JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE __ $429 Supra V.FC 28k $169 WorldBlazer TurboPep HST Dual Stand. v.32terbo 21.6k $399 N/A VFX V.FC 24k $119 PC $130 Mac VFX V.FC 28.8k $159 PC $170 Mac U-1496E* v.32terbo 16.8K $299 2. Consult manufacturer for details on availability of Caller ID 3. These prices NEVER include shipping and handling, which is always extra. 4. V.34 is the new name = SYSOPS (MODE ACCESSORY DISCOUNTS. BY VENI ORIN VENDOR PART# PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SYSOP PRICE Hayes Corp. 08-00593 ISDN PC Adapter 8450 08-00509 ISDN System Adapter $450 08-00-56 ESP 2.0 Enhanced Serial 1-Port $ 69 08-00456 ESP 2.0 Enhanced Serial 2-Port $ 89 MultiTech CC216A Rackmount for 16 modems. no PS $175 | PS216A Power Supply for RackMount $ 85 USRobotics N/A High-speed Dual-Async Serial Card $ 50 Ven-Tel DS1200-3PR Rackmount for 16 modems. w/PS $425 ZyXEL N/A High Speed 1/0 (1P/2S/1G) 1 16550 $ 30 | N/A High Speed I/O (1P/2S/1G) 2 16550 $ 45 | TABLE # — SYSOP BUYERS RESTRICTIONS — IMPORTANT! i { | VENDOR BBS MUST HAVE AFTER BUYING MAXIMUM NUMBER CREDIT CARDS | CONTRACT BEEN UP AND IT, YOU MUST OF MODEMS YOU ACCEPTED FOR WORKING FOR... USE IT FOR... MAY BUY... PURCHASE AT&T 6 months 6 months * 1 per phone. VISA Paradyne No Maximum Mastercard American Ex. CPI/ 2 months 12 months 1 per phone. VISA ViVa No Maximum MasterCard Digicom currently 6 months 1 per phone. none Systems No Maximum Hayes Corp. 6 months unspecified 1 per phone. VISA (may be time Max. 4, may MasterCard waived) be negotiated Intel currently 12 months 1 per phone. VISA Max. 4. MasterCard American Ex. * Microcom In the next 6 months 1 per phone. VISA 3 months No Maximum Mastercard MultiTech currently unspecified 1 per phone. none, must have or plan to time No Maximum Cashier’s Check Practical currently unspecified 1 per phone. VISA Peripherals time No Maximum Mastercard { Supra currently unspecified 1 per phone. VISA : Corp. time No Maximum Mastercard Telebit currently 6 months Up to 6 on VISA Corp. first order Mastercard only USRobotics 6 months 6 months 1 per phone. VISA No Maximum Mastercard " Ven-Tel 6 months 6 months 1 per phone. VISA t No Maximum MasterCard =| Zoom Double the # of Visa ; Telephonics 6 Months 9 Months current phone MasterCard lines on the bbs Amex ZyXEL 3 months 6 months 1 per phone. VISA No Maximum MasterCard * Indicates no personal checks accepted. ronane FG wrreasnncrccenrecccesnsasccnnnsccesccssonasenccaensessenncasccnsanescsssces JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE deaevenascnecresccerccucevacsacnensseconsccssaaenansenseesoanscausessonccnccouccasscensrnes = Get online with Mustang Software QmodemPro for Windows This powerful, easy to use communications program integrates both data and fax into one package. Check and compare: Compare Features. Compare Value. Send and receive QmodemPro for Windows is the clear winner, hands down. fax using your class 1 or class 2 fax mo- dem. Send and re QmodemPro _ ro ceive files with 10 FOR winoow s Features: QmedamPre = PCPius Crosstalk Smertcam CammWarks Wintemm UA wl.02 v2.1 vl.0a w3.10 vio & ila Tronster Frotacols arminal Emutotions S-Backqround:Moda®.s: aM + = a OL a Ee Ta. (Car. i eres 3 Se a ae ee: transfer protocols | a CO a a en er a aT “=Sound'Card Suppo a wm i aes" - eee - a i mle EES eloding eZ modems, |=="hete Gop eee eg ee eee ae SS oe eS FF om CompuServe B+ & Kermit. Over 30 Terminal Emula- tions including the new RiPscrip graphical emulation used on thousands of BBSs. 4 4 s Plus you can automate simple to complex tasks with 4 the new Script language Interface for QmodemPro | Macro Keys OG) leseel lessen ins ecretller B28) Vere | ene or oe Se 8 ee ee oe OTE OO TTS OOS SOT SOTTO guage. Includes script compiler and debugger. DOS version also available Wildcat! BBS Build a service-oriented BBS that gives your customers 24 hour access to your business: E-mail, bulletins, product upgrades and technical tips over the modem, even transmit data to you in a few minutes that took days to send through the mail. Your customers can even have sales and product literature faxed to them on request with our fax-on-demand utility, wcFAX. ax Sugg Ratail Price 139 179 195 149 199 $179 “with Hayes ESP card Think of the time and money you can save and the increase in productivity you'll gain when your business gets online. Wildcat is known industry wide for its flexiblity as well as ease of use from both the system operator and user sides. And Wildcat supports the hottest terminal emulation, RIP, that allows your callers to view eye-popping graphics and easily navigate the BBS with their mouse. From single line systems to huge 250 line LAN BBSs, Mustang Software offers a range of products to fit your individual business BBS needs. So what are you waiting for? Get Online today with Wildcat! BBS. For more information on Wildcat! and QmodemPro, call 800-208-0616 Eo: Bom 2264, Bakersfield, CA 9 e803 © 805-873 -2500 ° ax 805- 873-2599 © BBS: 805-873-2400 Pare, 6 A Sohne wecaht rhe ADP nng ae oe w Ne psa a AEROS A cnt ities sed 8 ah ae doX, one ewe DD. a pcendlilittehiaion inten tp pena Pract | = Mustang Software, Inc. PROFESSIONAL Caen SOFTWARE nnn TT Te ee eee eee eee the Packetized Ensemble Protocol or PEP for short. All of their modems today continue to offer PEP service or TurobPEP service. Telebit modems Were one of the first adopters of digital signal processors (DSP). thus enabling considerable flexibility for upgrades. The original PEP was designed to work 19,200 bps at a time when US Robotics HST was only getting 9.600 bps. The PEP technology works by dividing the usable audio bandwidth of the phone connection into 512 discrete channels. The modems then negotiate which channels to use based on the fre- What’s OnLine? ¢ Multi-Node Chat Network Tools ¢ Hot Adult Graphics ¢ Windows, Netware, OS/2, and Lantastic e Ham Radio and Shortwave Listening e MID! and Soundblaster Files ¢ QWK Packets for off-line reading of over 400 worldwide conferences e Internet and Fidonet E-Mail Access ¢ 4.5 Gigabytes — New Files Daily 609-753-2540, HST & V.22 609-753-2605, HST & V.32 609-753-1549, HST & V.32bis quency response and drop out the noisy ones automatically. Although PEP has been adopted by a few other modem manufacturers. it has by and large remained proprietary. All the Telebit modems listed here support at least the y.32bis/v.42bis international standard, so you'll have no problems with con- nectivity to the mainstream world of modems. Telebit has separate sysop discount applications for U.S. and Canadian sysops (SYSOPUSA.TXT) as opposed to international sysops (SYSOPINT.TXT). The programs are essentially the same 30 Minutes Free Access Per Day seneene JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE except that the international sysops can only choose from Telebit T2500 or TrailBlazer Plus (TB+) modems. The TB+ is also known as the T2000. Ironically, international sysops cannot purchase the WorldBlazer. Telebit summary Modem Sugg. Sysop Model List Price Disc. Price WorldBlazer $1099 $429 WorldBlazer(RM) $1049 $399 QBlazer Plus $599 $299 T3000 $949 $399 T3000(RM) $899 $369 TB+ $849 $249 TB+(RM) $749 $219 (RM) indicates a rackmount model, which is cheaper than an external modem because it has no power supply or case. However, you must purchase the rackmount separately. To contact Telebit, write to: Telebit Corporation 1315 Chesapeake Terrace Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Or call: Telephone #: 1-800-TELEBIT or 408-734-4333 FAX #: 408-734-3333 BBS #: 408-745-3861. Price and performance I’ve boiled down all the price and per- formance data from the manufacturers into a simple chart (see Table Ia). The minimum performance level is v.32bis (14400 bps), since this is the worldwide high-speed standard. All modems also must have v.42bis for error correction and data compression to make this list. The rightmost column of Table Ia shows all modems faster than 14400 bps that support at least v.32bis standards. In practice, I recommend only v.FC (28800 bps) modems for sysops. The v.FC offers 50 percent more throughput than v.32bis for only about 25 percent extra cost. It is possible that some man- ufacturers will discontinue v.FC modems from production as soon as v.FAST/v.34 (22000 to 28800 lps) modems go into production. However, this is no reason to purchase an old CUORUNETAIINGU, ES =. They couldn't top Sy — Introducing Pcms by ITO ort LA, PICK | if t | OMGIcoOm NERO LOWS emIDIe rl { ith ©0S/2 U the tr \ Ab ((714 KI | ) , at NO cathe we -_. Syne wat reat MajorBBS TBBS Node license* 299 $79 $440 $508 $895 Programmable _ 1} Multiple command shells Intel gent DigiBoard Int] 4h device support Standard serial ports Caller ID security Nested security ogic Multichannel chat Private user chat ) Offline reader support QWK networkin 3 FidoNet im Sr exne } PostLink (RIME) support Includes RIPscrip menus Novell/DOS LAN support 7 Enhanced CD-ROM support Incoming FAX support Chat between doors Bidirectional file transfers DOS door support 4 FILE_ID.DIZ support Offline NetMail Offline/Remote file requests Yes “ Real- time con i uration Yes Features and prices compiled from vendor supplied information 2/94, are subject to change without notfication. Wikicat!IM, PCBoard/M, MajorBBS, TABS, CWK, FidoNet, PostLink, RIME, RlPscrip, Novell, and DOS are trademarks or their respective companies. Third party utiites may be required for sarna message network technologies. *for 8 nodes Wildca!/M requires a 250 node license, PC Board/M requires a 10 noda Deense, TEBS requires a 16 noda foansa. If you haven't checked out Synchronet yet, crank up your modem and download a demo. There isn't a faster, more feature rich BBS available anywhere from anyone. Synchronet combines the robust interactive nature of a multiuser BBS with the speed, power and flexibility of a multinode system. It was innovative out-of-the-box features such as intelligent variable timeslicing, ARS™ security, RIPscrip, enhanced CD-ROM, and easy to use fully integrated message network support that made Synchronet a multinode powerhouse. And now, with version 2.0, custom programmability, lightning fast high volume messaging, and much more makes Synchronet the sysop's choice for BBSing in the 90's. “Digital Dynamics PO Box 501 Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 529-6328 voice (714) 529-9721 fax i Multinode Bulletin Board System Software FORMATION Ez 7 VENDOR CALL THEIR BBS «DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVE CONTACT VIA NAME AT THIS NUMBER THIS FILE. QUESTIONS OR EMAIL AND... PROBLEMS CALL.. AT&T Paradyne (813) 532-5254 ATTSYSOP.TXT (800) 554-4996 t.bradshaw@paradyne.com CPIViVa (805) 499-9646; (215) 746-9948 CPIA.TXT (800) 854-7600 Digicom (508) 262-1412 SCOUT.TXT Eieaioqmeivclivans@nctcomicom Hayes Corp. (404) 446-6336; (800) USHAYES H96SYSOP.TXT (404) 840-9200 rlacy@hayes.com Intel (503) 645-6275 OFFER.TXT (503) 228-9707 Microcom (800)822-8224 SYSOP.TXT (617)762-5134. MultiTech (612) 785-9875; (800) 392-2432 PRICE.TXT (612) 785-3500 Pract. Per. (805) 496-4445 SYSBBS.TXT (805) 497-4774 GO PPIFORUM (CompuServe) Supra Corp. (503) 967-2444 SYSOP.TXT (503) 967-2400 supra@supra.com Telebit Corp (408)745-3861 SYSOPUSA.TXT (800)TEL-EBIT support@telebit.com SYSOPINT.TXT USRobotics (708) 982-5092 SYSDEAL.TXT (708) 982-5010 support@usr.com Ven-Tel (408) 922-0988 SYSDEAL.TXT (408) 436-7400 Zoom Teleph. (617) 423-3733 ZOOMBBS.ZIP (800) 666-6191 Dan. Vassily@Cdreams.com (617) 423-1072 CIS 71333,1527 Zyxel (714) 693-0762 ZYXEL.TXT (714) 693-0804 sales@zyxel.com v.32bis type modem. Beware of upgrade plans to v.FAST/v.34 modems: these can min you from $100 to $300 for such an upgrade. Some vendors offer more than just modems to the sysops who join their program. For example, Hayes Corp. offers 50 percent to 70 percent off dis- counts on the high-speed serial ports and ISDN adapters. Other vendors offer big discounts on modem rackmounts. A rackmount reduces the tangle of mullti- plying power supplies and becomes economical for sysops planning on eight or more of the same brand modem. See Table Ja for a complete listing of modem accessories available. Buyers’ restrictions If you’re the sysop of a BBS operating 24-hours per day for the last six months, then you’re automatically eligible for any of these discounts. Table II shows the minimum operating requirements as given by each manufacturer. Some man- ufacturers only require that you are cur- rently running a BBS at time of ordering. A few, such as Hayes, may actually waive the current operating requirement. Once you receive your modem, you’re expected to keep the BBS up and running between six and 12 months (requirements vary). Generally, the modem is yours to do whatever you want with after this period expires. Some manufacturers may ask you to never sell modems purchased on a dis- count plan. Modem resellers, such as computer stores, are generally excluded from participation in discount plans. Most manufacturers allow you to pur- chase up to one modem per incoming BBS phone line. The only exception is Zoom, which allows up to two modems per existing phone line. However, if you plan to purchase more than four modems at the discount price, then you should talk to someone before placing your order. Multiple modem orders may re- quire you to submit copies of phone bills as proof. At that point, there may be tra- ditional quantity discounts available. Nearly all of the modem vendors are accepting VISA and Mastercard for orders. However, Digicom and MultiTech still do not accept credit cards for orders. In those cases, you must submit a cashier’s check or money-order. Personal checks often require additional clearing time, which just holds up your order. One requirement, which goes for nearly all vendors, is that they general- ly expect at least a one-line advertise- ment somewhere in your welcoming screens. For example: “Using the finest Model YYZ modem from Acme Modem Co.” would be perfectly acceptable in all cases. Most vendors will expect you to cre- ate a special account on your BBS for sore JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE cope them to verify at least one of your phone numbers. They don’t like to have to sign on without a pre-existing account. Order processing and availability Delivery times and schedules vary radi- cally, so your mileage may vary. My own experience with Hayes Corporation is that they will generally ship Sysop orders within 48 hours. I have also ordered from Practical Peripherals and they have a mandatory three week wait- ing period before they ship. On the far extreme, US Robotics guarantees a two to six week waiting period. Remember, the manufacturers are doing you a favor by offering discounts below retail. Please observe courtesy. For Canadian, European and other sysops outside the U.S., you may or may not be eligible for a discount offer. Please check carefully ahead of time to avoid disappointment. You may want to check with their European subsidiaries before contacting the U.S. office. Update information If you have information about manufac- turer discounts then please contact me at: Fax: (313) 663-6861; Internet: sysop@hal9k.com. ama Victor Volkman. has been researching modem prices since 1991. imagines al continuous stream of : _hew data flowing into yourBBS . ° “non = stop 24:hours a day.... 4. - . °- > * Imagine having daily accessto - . .- almost.any conference‘network |" Sees , and Internet/Usenet news groups... Pees ". Imagine your long ‘distance’ Oi fe c Sae oat erie *K ms ohene bills dropping by as mach . SOME OF THE PL@NET CONNECT © as 80% or'more.. +. . - +. DATA FEEDS: +, With a Planét Connect satellite data system Som ket . RIME +, . fecelve an amazing amount ofew data . Fido-net (conferences and file areal each day. >K . : : caaibec NaNet - ~ Monthly eunserpion ED for the + . conference nets are as low as $30.00 . * ° Bac _ MajorNet - ser : » per month. The two foot satellite data . system can be Reyer for only $495 . ate ows ILink - See ee . or leased for only $18.50 per month. , eae ig seNet oe Our two foot diameter satellite dish” ° me eg Ro ° . , System comes complete with cableend a Mei 3 ee ay ee -Intelec . ‘a video tape to assist your installation a . The system Is easy to install and requires fee «5 -C'n Inet almost no maintenance. ° : . " Planet Earth - Break away from those high priced nS ag ° . phone bills and increase your menu One vas Sat 8 City Z City | : of data at the same time. Call today oy a: Microsoft . oS for a free video and site check kit. . P ‘ Call nowt, quantities are init dus . : : 3 ‘Echo- Net - >K to the high demand for this revolution : ‘ * in BBS communications. ._., ae + : SmartNet: 4 Internet/Usenet News Groups ° a National Weather ° (satelite radar & maps) m USA Today Decisiontine : Planet Systems, Inc. - _. . National TV Listings - : 213 Abbey Road _ sy i ae ee Newport, TN 37821 ae More feeds” are being addedeach VOICE 615-623-8300 , . _ month. Watch our ads for future additions. ° ax 615-623-8751° »> ° ° Sana *Avallability of some net material Is subject to net approvals. a Bey Bae i Loe =e 2 a . * . Membership In the nets must BE: obtained nie Ren nets. * * , Fidonet 1:3615/50 ° . * - *Satisfaction is guaranteed. Try our system for 60 Save and receive a " complete refund less shipping costs if you are not completely satisfied. Dlustrated, Plain-Engiish Companion The Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Applications by Richard Mansfield $27.95, 350 pages, disk Struggling to get a han- dle on Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications? Don’t. Don’t struggle. that is. Author Richard Mansfield has penned a helpful book for Ventana Press's Visual Guide series which, along with a companion disk. lets readers in on the skinny of the pro- gram designed to tie all Microsoft's key applications together with a single pro- gramming language. The Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Applications (the latest in the Guide series which began with Visual Guide for Visual Basic for Windows), is split with the first part looking into VBA’s inter- face. tools, history and concepts, and then going on to examine all the key commands and objects new to Visual Basie. [ustrations bound. as do thor- ough examples. As for the acecompany- ing disk: a selection of the graphics and all programming examples are included. Specifically what readers will find are tips and examples for expanding the tools using OLE, DDE. Linking and Embedding: descriptions of dozens of new Basic commands: a sample cus- tomizations project that ereates a work- ing spreadsheet featuring available models, inventory and graphic illustra- tion; how to use the REGEDIT program to discover the OLE capabilities and syntax for contacting any application and manipulating applications: simpli- fied examples on how to take advantage of OLE Automation; and, plenty more. Says Mansfield, former editor of Compute! magazine: “The Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Applications teaches how to use VBA and OLE 2.0 to break down the barriers between your pro- grams, moving toward the ideal of free- ing information from any particular application...” The Internet Yellow Pages by Harley Hahn and Rick Stout $27.95, 560 pages, ill. Net junkies and BBSers have always let their fingers do their walking and talk- ing. So it’s no surprise that a directory to the Internet would borrow two words that in our culture mean “information at your fingertips” — Yellow Pages. From Osbome/McGraw-Hill, The Internet Yellow Pages applies the same tried and true format of the old YP and applies it to the vast resources of the Internet. By Harley Hahn and Rick Stout (The Internet Complete Reference team), The Intemet Yellow Pages lists subjects and their correct Net addresses, along with definitions about the topics listed, hints on accessing them and “advertise- seacee JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE nents” on services of particular interest that might otherwise be overlooked. While not exhaustive, the YP format runs 359 pages and does cover a lot of ground. But that Yellow Pages yel- low...it can get annoying after a couple of hours. We suggest referring to it when the lights are low. Readers don’t need us to tell them the “Information Hypeway” has brought scores of newcomers to the Net, many in search of information gold. Trouble is (as is the case in the non- cyberworld), gold must be dug for, and often without success. The Internet Yellow Pages sets out to change that. We won’t call it your prospector — it doesn’t do the work for you — but it is a nifty guide. As co- author Hahn puts it: “The Internet is vast beyond measure but, unfortunately, there is no easy way for users 1o find what they need. Rick Stout and I spent months researching this book in order to make the Internet’s resources simple to find and accessible to everyone.” Categories included in the book include art, books, business, chil- dren, computers, games, government, - hobbies, humor, jobs, literature, movies, music, pets, religion, Hartley Baho Bich Stool — sticnce, sexuality. sports. television, trav- el...2.400 separate items in all, cach of which points to a free Internet resource. What about Usenel newsgroups? The book includes an annotated list. To order the book by phone, call 1- 800-227-0900, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific time. The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog (Second Edition) by Ed Krol $24.95, 450 What can be done to improve the much lauded Whole Internet User’s Guide & Catalog? Before saying “not much,” read on. : RN S —— Es Ep Krou >) O ROLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. First published in 1992 (OReilly & Associates, Inc.) and written by Ed Krol, the man MicroTimes named one of the “100 Industry Leaders and Unsung Heroes of the Computer Industry in 1993,” The Guide has become a standard of sorts; it’s some- thing other Net books aspire to. And The Guide has a lot more to offer this time around — it’s not just a re-release seeking to cash in on the first edition’s success (which sold over 250,000 copies). A sampling of the new material follows: ¢ Expanded resource catalog. ¢ Descriptions of three resources that serve as the Internet’s “card catalog.” * An exploration of Mosaic. * A look at multimedia mail (MIME) —what is it and how to deal with it. ¢ More on FTP mail servers. © New “white pages.” ° New Gopher features. ° An introduction to tin. © An expanded list of Internet access providers. And plenty more. Creating Successful Bulletin Board Systems by Alan D. Bryant $39.95, 393 Creating a BBS is the simple part. Creating a successful BBS is another story. Actually, it’s a book. Creating Successful Bulletin Board Systems (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.) was written by eSoft’s Alan Bryant and comes packaged with a full-fea- tured version of that company’s DOS- based TBBS software. Within the 10 chapters, readers knowing little about BBSs are guided from a discussion on whether a BBS is what they really need to maintaining a board as a business. Along the way they’re treated to numerous expert insider tips to help newcomers avoid the hours of learning-by-doing normally required. Chapter headings include “Planning Your BBS,” “Choosing Basic Hardware and Software,” “Buying Your BBS Equipment,” and “Finding Users for Your BBS.” Each is light on graphic illustration but ripe with worthy informa- tion, and subdivided for easy digestion (remember your college textbooks?). For instance, in the chapter “Buying Your BBS Equipment,” under the sub-head- ing “Selecting and Buying BBS Hardware,” under the sub-sub-heading “Understanding CD-ROM Drives” and ihe even smaller heading “Selecting a CD-ROM Drive,” readers can look to the bullet points of speed, type, interface and capacity and discover all they might want to know about the subject. An interesting bonus is the work- sheet following each chapter, put there with the intention of helping readers organize thoughts and ideas as they move through the book. Whether it’s for a hobby, business or an extension of an existing enterprise. Creating Successful Bulletin Board Systems takes readers by the hand, without condescension, and walks them cokers JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE tenon Alan)D: Bryant i” through the process of getting a board up, running and successful. When that’s done, it’s still a good thing to have around for reference...just in case. Bryant is currently marketing direc- tor for eSoft, Inc. After first becoming aware of BBS technology in 1985 — through a classified ad — he borrowed a modem from a friend and was imme- diately “hooked” on computer telecom- munications. The following year his own BBS was up and remains so today, eight years later. Bryant has written about BBSs and related subjects for several publications and is a speaker on a variety of bulletin board-related topics. He also develops and markets add-on utility and enter- tainment products for sysops. BBS INCOME Free Report on how to go from $0 to $3,000 per month in BBS income in as little as 90 days! This valuable report reveals money making information on how to operate a BBS for profit. It outlines powerful marketing secrets including unique ways of finding new subscribers and how to get them to pay you top dollar; guaranteed ways to generate other revenue plus the secrets to getting free publicity and being able to accept credit card payments; plus much more. Limited quantity. InfoLink 56089 29 Palms Hwy. Ste 254-CD Yucca Valley, CA 92284 1(619)228-9653 FAX 1(619)369-1185 Prepard by the publishers of the book How To Successfully Run A BBS For Profit. ee Buy or Win a subscription to BBS Magazine via any member of our Authorized List of local BBSs running the CD SUB Door program. hose wishing to run CD SUB on their BBS should call The Livewire BBS at 609.235.5297 and down- load CDSUB.ZIP for more information and registration instructions. LISTED IN ORDER OF AREA CODE: Chuck’s Attempt BBS .........::ccssseeeseeeeeees Chuck Ammann... 201.729.2602 The Third Millennium ..........,...::cseeeeseeees BU LITapHaO INIT Sec ee, coos scene ee 208.664.2983 The Soul Connection ..........:::c2sccsscceseeeners Mike Demski .........:cccsceeereesees 210.674.1242 WaltersuBBS reece tenn cee cee Walter Parrish .........cscsseeeees 212.749.3268 USS dnvernessgetcist\catecttceerte ater tec aece eee Jonathan McGirr ...........:020008 214.245.9315 Collector's Edition ........cccscecescesseseererseees BCTIpEL Ut: a reeteeessss costo stueneee 214.351.9859 The Lonesome Dove BBS ...........:cccseseeees Matthew Peacock ...............- 214.699.7142 (Commiurnihyeiellin kites. seer. cecerenc ce. Kassie Stevenson q........secreeeee 216.324.6410 CAO) ai Of ete werent tan eccroctecatseeteticcoaste INormitlenketss.cesctscctseccvssscscse 216.381.3320 The Scientist's and Musician’s BBS.......... Soog irae s eee nena 216.639.9508 First Due Bulletin Board System ............. Francis Fowler ...csscsssccsseserees 301.949.1927 Shareware Express BBS ..........sececeseeeesees Shawn Bogardus .......:..s0000-00+ 301.963.4453 Wletralniter lsc. .s.2ecestteacsettestarvccteinteesessccere George Belcher...........::cece0 314.281.8598 Griswold’s Private Reserve: ........:cceeeeee Mime Mellunie estes.ststetscieecccels 316.788.7520 WWAORACLOL Dy Scores cans ectctacstececesteecceueaes Mark SLGWaltes. serteets, asses. 404.773.7966 Bluse CONMGGRION /scesccessrencaceveestescesctaseest David Coleman ...........:ceeees 404.936.0550 Me Meath Star BBS. sacs cscccccsess.sseercesccases Nicholas Seabury... 407.859.7428 Enel nei BBS 9 isocscexcesestacalseiveccoscheses Wort! Serlacesave wsccudnfestesacesass 408.364.2789 Waynes World: BES iter ores wcssetecacatosaree toate Wayne Belvin ........esceceseesee 409.769.4249 entemaimme DDS l..2..5..52c.teasceseneattereceosabe Shawn Cupec .....s.ssssssecsssesees 412.567.6782 Hered Gi dks BBS 5.8.82. cucdesetccascescosvanesoets Hank Hurteaws ...........:ceeceseres 413.527.8977 Platinum xPLESSe serccs--screcdtetsesoraes-tectesece Glenn Jarvis ......sccccssecsesssensee 416.770.6917 Ghiamek etal Online sic, 25, sasGc.setssscensttececatess Od rite tpeecss.setees fetes cccaeas 503.393.5580 Southern Online Services ...ccccccsseeceseeees Russell Jackson ..........:c0secee 504.356.0790 Computer Solutions of Hammond BBS.......Sidney Egnew ......1..ssessse010+00904.042.9600 MPI ENER Stet coet, ole esac .cetttack .acotee Keith Shinkle .................20..---.905.678.0902 Computer Confident .......cccececeessseseeeeeee Edward Zdrok, ...........20:+2++-+++-908,.528,2295 Schunix — Pub UNEX oo. eeeseereteees Robert Schultz. ......20.0::0002+----908.853.0340 SULY 1994 BBS MAGAZIME ———— cnntsnsectetccesrececsscceescesececersenenesencsaereseerercenenensnserasorovenacocsresencs 509.891.6148 The Moonuflower BRS oe ee eeeeeeeeeseeees Peter Link c..ccccceeccssscseesteesceeereceneet Mi veoapes WOW] TD ..... ccevescescsevesvecescesenceasess Danny Dyess ee ee, Ol 2.OROA 202 Raneh House BBS ........ eee ceseessereensssees Larry Easley ee ee 2. 949;,930-1 Your Software Resource woes ceeeseeeseeeeeeeees Jolin Woodstock ..sscesseceseseeseeeesee 16.736,6662 MEM WASHY BOOK «.......5..c0ccesceerscncvestnevecedeees Lorne SRants, ....ceeeersceecreseseceneeees 602.258.7113 The Ghost House BBS ......ccecccceseesseeseers Michael Haley .....-..sscecceeeeseeesers 606.441.2130 The Livewire BBS oo... ete seeeeereeereoeee Richard Paquette .......cccecreecseseoeee 609.235.5297 Next Generation BBS ................secseseeesenees Jolin) Gareiongmersscem seseecesce ce 609.482.7345 ‘Tm BIBS ocataae eae REEL Eee eter Betace a a ere Bob Walson ...ccececeeecsereeercesenenreres 609.587.2672 Radio Wave BBS .........scsessecsscsssersereneee “Tyler Myers ........ccssccscsscensersnonsees 609.764.0812 BETS SBS SS: Seis i cs cevsnsciscasigrosestecesscessdceverests Bob Browne .....ssescsssseresseensecceserees 609.768.6585 Computer Gaming Network BBS ............. Gregory Moore ...c..esscesescseoreeseeees 609.778.4442 Rea wMepaMall....:1,...2cris-sscscesesacsnseseoeatescese Michael Wielenherg ............-00e 612.488.5112 MihewViaul t/ BBS sh... ccsserdsscscesecserssascsarsovaeees Keith Ketcham ..........sccccscesecerseeeee 614.387.2762 The Lebanon Link 000.00... eseeeecceeeeseeeeee Bruce Richardson ..........s.s0eseee 615.399.0707 HAGHUNCHONU BBO, .cccevesersaroccorcesoarsnrscversooes Doug Carpenter .......sceseccereerererers 615.478.2890 Data World BBS .........csecsessseeseesesesseensees Sean Dudley .........:.sssceceseseeereceeees 615.966.3574 Me Registry BBS. c....:c.scssccecsssssscsseaceseseeen John: Kern) tics. scores secreassees. 615.870.0794 (larine ll BBS. 2. ftiseesaccccelescecscesctesteceseers BrianpMaller cverscccssssccesecossestztts es 617.354.8873 Wilyalei Ves rete: ceectsteer rieotc cs foetcSeroeirs ese evens John Lundell... sesesesseseeeeseeeeee 701.772.5399 The Dockside BBS...........:ssssseccseeseseereeres Danny Cook src. Ga ee 703.731.0601 Mountain Air BBS .........sesecceseeceseeeeeenees Edward Wood .........ssscccsesesoserssees 703.427.0226 The Last Resort BBS .........cccssssserrsereeeeses DerelsBiggs cciicccvescesetecretcersettses 703.435.8644 The Arlington Software Exchange ............ tl auya RiallV ey ieesccaercats termes cote teer tres 703.532.7143 Xsword’s Haven ......cccsssscscsersecssenseessnsvess Randy Hedgecock .............--20+000 703.638.7580 The Virginia Connection........ssscseseeeees Tony McClenny...........-.-csccesceeseees 703.648.1841 Central Ontario Data Systems .............00+ Robin Wells ........csscsssssscssesssesees 705.722.8194 Download Dungeon Super BBS ................ Pauli Stewerthrrncsrvsrersrcncsssavcsstress 705.749.2345 PACING USA le cecsactaccttrystecersreateertestursescess Charles Parker .......ssscssssserssersenes 708.260.8818 Suburban Software ......ccssssssesssessssereoees Chuck Valecek .....ccssscesseseneees 708.636.6694 Systems/Software BBS .........:cssesseseeee Wayne Lauton ..........csceccnersereeeeee 708.433.8287 Great Northern BBS.........csccsseesssosssenerers Michael Wilson.............c-sseescsreos 708.634.9368 GHiCApOLSYSHINKM sen tecsssvsecvierssceiecrerscecatees George Matyaszek.........sscereseserees 708.795.4442 Addison Dos Haus ........:sssssscssseeeeereeeees WeRoyshlein)Jrescescctesesr es 708.832.7754. BBS Data Systems .........scssecesssssseneeeeeetens Greg Kaiser .fecsc.cccsccssssessvsnsssseroses 708.991.2452 The Solar System .....c.scssssssesessseseteeecacences Peter Guethlein ..........-::sseccesseeees 714.837.9677 Mnevbibertys BBS ts csckevetssssecectiveteteceserecess Steven Grande .........:s:cccseeeeeeeeees 714.996.9999 CE IDG rl ee tacetes oes cccseccastaroctascscedeesotansvetstecet Sara/Adam Viener ..........--.s0e 717.840.1444 RAIA ME, BSS) ccsccsevcsscrececsaftesnsatcscverergness Tommy Bruning, ......-.s:ceseseeeres 718.366.6165 Holmen’s World ............:.:sssesseessesseceeeseese Michael Holmen Sr .......:.sssressseoee 718.529.8890 .«..805.499.5717 +--805.964,4-766 Disks stevsittisysafbise a sastticatss 810.631.6885 Rise se TR, BI 817.355.9252 nutty namernntitens 818.727.7639 Meio nlexsB BSc wr ssese.scteccesseatettatrturececas Rick Vanhooser .........-..scseessssasess 901.327.1895 WMAP ALANS BS, attervesaritett.eanacancestecratets RIGKGVOUN Ph ccascerstseccsect aeseteessereces 908.572.5762 ROY IOICG UILUTE set cetaaateatarelcasstccectanestevect See MLOCGNINOV EK. : tere sesscvarecsstanteeoveeces 909.797.3135 The Ouija! Board Online Services ........... KerthtBurenierivcticrrersscaccuasseetsonae 909.925.9564. The Publishing BBS ..........ssssssssessseseee Mike Robinson ........scsssscsssssseeee 913.784.7171 Malayer Kee vsns-cetesestetcetcteseel teas taeeastttaseness: Bobi@yleigmervats..s.:..teerecectssnsssss 913.842.7744 Mirage Network N.Y. .........c:-sccsseceeceeoeees BrantBuflellit acces cuee 914.426.0729 Dark Side of the Maom..........sscssecssessnesees Petem@age hioli i seccate-ceateetesss 914.621.2865 Executive Info Network .........sescseseeees Andy Keeves .........-ssssscsesesssssssnenes 914.667.4567 Powerbeard Support BBS Sott Brownke-.cnccasteres aateree ss 914.833.1479 ‘Coleen Terao ere (Cpseiin, Shall Noctettoonemecastectects 916.585.2281 Black Gold BBS ..........cc0000 MichagliGh nee vy. cvatecc--testeccorsteec 918.272.7779 PifesMUb MBBS is... ceh eee on eer Warren Farrimond ........0-s0see00 918.027.0923 JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE seed Rusty Edie Cail a different kind of BBS. “We are the Friendliest BBS in the World.” Our name says it all. Edie and I are a couple of burnouts from the 60’s. We didn’t like rules then and we don’t now. Come on in and relax; you will be among friends. We have a huge adult section, including over three gigs of adult graphics, as well as a fine selection of public domain and shareware programs, including over a gig of family-type graphics. But that’s not what sets us apart. When you call the first time, you'll know what no amount of words can tell you, you are Home. That’s right, put up your feet and enjoy yourself. We live by three no’s: “No Censorship, No Rules, No Hassle.” You’ ll find us like no other BBS: e We answer your messages and comments. e We answer your on-line pages. e We post our address. e We post our voice phone number. Rusty n Edie’s BBS 7393 California Ave. Youngstown, OH 44512 WOICG Ee cites. termites 216-726-4217 HST only ................ 216-726-1804 Compucom .............. 216-726-3584 Hayes V-Series......... 216-726-3619 All (V32 etc.) .......... 216-726-2620 aK 5. 0a Oe! ae 216-726-3595 tie ahiataae* ae CLASSIFIED ADS The classified ads are for Pre-Owned items & Software, and for BBS ads only. Ads for new equipment must be inserted in the regular display advertising sec- tions. No logos, or photos, or any other illustrations can be used in the classified ad section. INSTRUCTIONS are provided to keep the ad rate low and to ensure accuracy. Use the form on the next page to type or print your ad. Ads received that are difficult to read will be returned. Write the desired category at the top of each ad. If a cate- gory is not specified, the ad will be placed in the Misc. section. lf more than one ad BBS ADS AAG BBS, almost anything goes BBS: Located in Jackson, Ml, running Galacticomm's Major BBS, is an 8-line system with 15 gigs. Yes that’s right 15,000 Megs of files. Supporting 8 Gigs of Adult files, and 7 Gigs of IBM, Unix and Amiga files. Over 700 online adult stories, Online Chats, Games, Forums, and Daily Lotto. There is absolutely no file ratios, and no time limits on the system. The price is right, only .08 cents/hour, or $30/year. Come see for yourself, and enjoy all we have to offer. 1-517- 789-9826 (2400), 1-517-789-8608 (9600). ADLINE, U.S.A! (708) 260-8818 80386 w/330MB, 2400bps, Free Service, over 2,000 programs: Busi- ness, Games, Graphics, Pictures, Adult. Free Classified ads. Ads from local businesses. “The Future of Information Services.” ALPHAONE ONLINE, 708.827.3619 Escape from the ordinary and into... no per minute charges! No d/l ratios! No busy signals! 5 Gig of files, Matchmakers, online stores, 200+ message areas, 35+ online games, chat, fidonet, internet and more! Call today for a FREE trial membership. THE ANARCHIST’ S BBS is a resource for anar- chists, survivalists, mercenaries, investigators, researchers, computer hackers and phone phreaks. Categories include: Bombs, Computer hacking, Drugs, Fake 1D, Fraud and con games, Lock- smithing, Phone phreaking, Political, Surveillance, and Survival. encrypted E-Mail. No ID verification required. 214-289-8328. BCS BBS, (213) 962-2902, Four High Speed Modems(DS) and growing. Gigs of files with the lat- est files added every day. Qsoftware support, Intel- ligent Conversations, Excellent Conferences, ever expanding on- -line Services. One week FREE | access! CD-ROM TELEPHONE DIRECT ORIES, Wanted tele- phone directories from: U.S. West, NYNEX, Locator Plus, Prodirect, Bellsouth, Cole, Tele-Disc, (Phonedisc 1987-1990) Lotus market place, infodi- is submitted, use a separate piece of paper for each ad. Ensure that your com- plete name and address is at the bottom of each ad sheet. CLASSIFIED RATES $25 per issue or $250 per year. Ads can contain up to 300 characters. The name of the BBS is set in boldface capitals. All other type is plain only. Fill out the form on the next page and FAX your ad to 609-953-7961 or MAIL it to BBS AD, Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055 with check, money order, or credit card infor- mation. rect, People Finders, any voter files, DMV files, + etc., or? (no prophone please), 516-365-7885 service. CHANNEL 1 ONLINE, 617-354-3230— Using PCBoard. “The Best Files in the USA”, 90 lines, v.32bis support. 96 IBM file libraries; Amiga; Mac- intosh; Unix; Adult. Massive Windows, .GIF’s, sound files collections. Online games and shopping. Echo Nets. InterNet. Over 2,500,000 calls and growing. Come Join us! CITY SOLUTIONS INSTITUTE'S BBS — 617-547- 1250, Affect political policies; change bad urban poli- Cies; gain access to political and economic forecasts to effect change instead of being affected by change; participate in theoretical urban discussions that ulti- mately become policy: Resumes for city jobs; trav- el discounts. [N,8,1] Soon: Internet and Fax. CYBER COMM NETWORKS, 708.697.9572 Elgin, IL Sysop: Armor Robinson using C-Net 2.63, Supra 14.4 with 259B. Fee $4.60/month. Featuring easy to use message forums, kids & women only sections, singles meeting, hobby and adult areas, online chat, matchmaking, games, catalogs and ads. 255k files serving IBM, MAC, Unix & Amiga. The BBS where you make a difference. CYBEROTICOMM, 212.233.4328, NYC, Since 3/94. Sysops Ma’am, Quiver & Eric. Using Major BBS 6.2 with 10 lines at 14.4bps, MS DOS 80486 with 1.7gig storage. Featuring live chat, exclusive GIF files, extensive shopping mall of videos, leather, toys, books, art, everything for the sexually aware adult. Straight and fetish forums, video reviews, porn star fan clubs & appearance schedules, excit- ing adult activity listings, personals, sex info. THE DIANETICS/SCIENTOLOGY BBS, (201) 427- 9802, Hawthorne, NJ. Sysop: Frank Silvestro. The Official Dianetics(R) and Scientology(R) BBS with 2 Gigs, conferences, etc. The ONLY BBS that can guarantee TRUE Dianetics/Scientology material. Are you handling life or is life handling you? DSC (DATAMAX/SATALINK CONNECTION) BBS Ivyland, PA (215)443-7390 Live InterNet Access, cence JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE creer Full Usenet feed with ftp & telnet! ILink, Rime, Fido, SmartNet, Annex, Throbnet, AfterDark, AdultLinks & AdultNet. 4,000 sigs in all, fresh adult Gifs daily, 10 Gig file library, 25 lines, multi-line chat, PCBoard vi5, Largest i in PA! THE FILE BANK, INC. (303)534- -A646_ ASP Approved BBS Available Nationwide via CRIS. Out- Standing collection of IBM-Compatible Share- ware. Many FREE file areas including extensive libraries of Astronomy Software & Data files. Vast Ham Radio, Programming & Adult file areas. $7.50/Mo Visa/MC, Amex, Discover. FOR ADULTS ONLY BBS, 916-962-3973/14400, - 3978/9600, -3964/1200/2400, 17 chat lines! Serving the nation since 1988! Adult files, message bases, chat, and members! 3-hour free trial period! FREENET BBS, 215.445.1111, 32 lines, 16.8K modem, 5GB to download. Online chat, confer- ences, games, internet mail, qwk mail. Covering politics, weather, sports and many more. Many interesting CD Rom images, soon we will introduce a door for running application programs. Special prize for lotto. Running Major BBS 6.2. Try us now, it’s absolutely free. GAMES PLUS, 608.822.2000, Fennimore, WI since 9/93. Using Major BBS with 32 lines at 14400. 24 hours free access, no memberships. The hottest new games, multiplayer, from Chariots to chess- boards, from dungeons to deep space. Contest/prizes plus many CD Roms, Interlink chat. Watch for RIP graphics and Internet soon. THE GENERAL BBS, 619.281.1581, features our own local San Diego “Giffy Girl” models’ Gif pic- tures and email! Over 10 gigs of files, over 60,000 total files, over 18,000 adult Gifs, GLs, text files, DLs, etc. 20 fines, all high-speed, email from Usenet, Fidonet, Relaynet, Wildnet, Keshernet and more. GHOST RIDER BBS, 416.696.2145, This is a great place for beginners, the staff here remembers what it was like starting out. Experienced users will have a great time also. 800+meg online, PCBoard 15.1 — USRobotics 2400/21600. GIFT SHOP IMAGING, 510.689.4686 or HST callers at: 510.689.4378, The world’s best images origi- nate right here. World re-known GIFs. Don't let oth- ers fool you with their so called “high quality” GIFs. To get your FREE samples, you've just got to push the right buttons.. GLOBAL GALLERY, 715.445.6000, lola, WI since 9/93. Using Major BBS with 32 lines on 486 DX2- 66 with 5600 MB storage. All lines at 14400bps. No membership. Free access 24 hours. Connect with people all over the globe in chat, Interlink chat, MajorNet forums, email, online games. New files, CDs all the time. Watch for Internet soon and FREE! HOUSE OF FILES BBS, 516-938-6722. New York's Largest file download system. Over 23 Gigabytes of software. Now in our 9th year of operation. No charge to look around. INTIMATE IMAGES ONLINE, 415-598-0898. Specializing in scans of our own original adult pho- tographs. Video for Windows, clips from our own original videos. Home of the Women of PBG. Custom Adult image production services available for your BBS. Never any magazine scans. KBBS LOS ANGELES, 818.886.0872, 68 busy lines, local to “all* LA area codes. Satellite feed, Shareware library, Internet, Usenet, Interactive games, XXX Gifs, Match, 28.8kb modems, RIP/2 Graphics, Live nationwide chat all evening, 12 CDs online, 10 Gigs of files, Low flat rates and FREE trial. LEGEND GRAPHICS ONLINE, Nation's one stop graphics BBS! You will be impressed! Huge adults only file areas! Simply the best in southern California. SuperVGA photo images, Movie Pics! 909-689-9229. THE LIVEWIRE BBS, 609.235.5297 {v.32bis/ v.42bis) Support BBS for "BBS Magazine” both the print and online editions, also support BBS for Livewire Doors including CDsub, LiveStore, Feud, Facts, Famous People, Years in History, Lottery, SexQuiz, TvTrivia, Lucky-7, Songs, Clues, Outburst plus others. Internet, Fidonet, ILink, AfterDark, Usenet newsgroups. Sysops can order Online Edition or any Livewire Door using Visa/MC and get instant registration numbers. Direct source for ordering a subscription to BBS Magazine. Special access for writers, editors, publishers etc. Feel free to call at your earliest convenience. Upload your article marked private in text format using ZIP. Stop by and visit with suggestions to improve the BBS Magazine or just to say hello to us. All messages replied to within 24 hours. Free Limited Access. MAC LINE 608-233-1798 Firstclass system at 14,400bps. Mac files, messages, news, chat etc. Playmaker Football league. Mac Guru Conference. MAIN FRAME BBS, (301)-654-2554. PCBoard v15.1. Online since 1984. Now with 16 lines, voice support and 28.8 Kbps modems. 24 hour online Internet access via Telnet bbs.mainframe.com. Gigabytes of files, 6 CDRom's and close to 100 doors. Hundreds of networked conferences. Guest accounts and online subscriptions available. Please give us a call. MODEMBOY BBS, 310.659.7000, Gay/bi/curious, Instant access, free chat, global access, 32 lines, 2400/14400bps, 1.2 gig downloads, color GIFs, friendly, campy fun! MODEM BUTTERFLY’S BBS, 818.842.6900, Instant access, Global accessible, Intelligent fun, 32 lines, 2400/14400bps, 1.2 gig downloads, online contests, lively public forums, G*Spot, writ- ers & entertainment biz, technical support, local events. THE NEXT GENERATION BBS, PCBoard 14.5a/E3. Home of Trek Trivia Online. 1.5 Gigs files, 750 Megs of the latest adult Gifs. Message Networks; RelayNet, Intelec and After Dark Adult Network. Visa/MasterCard accepted online. Sysop: John Carcione. 1-609-482-7345. NIGHTVISION, 909-369-6556. Monthly amateur Gif contests —- free memberships available to Entrants. Internet E-Mail and news groups, Massive library of adult gif’s and text files, live CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Classified Dept., Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055 The rate is $25 per ad up to 300 characters long. Save money and send $250 for a full year of advertising. The BBS name or first two words are set in bold capitals. All other type is plain. If you wish to have a heading category not listed, simply write in this new category and we will create it for your ad. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. Run this ad under the heading of (For additional words, use separate sheet of paper) NAME ADDRESS CITY Run class ad for IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, YOU MAY FAX THIS FORM TO (609) 953-7961. M/C VISA (circle one) # Signature group and private chat, on-line games, adult net- works, all 16 lines at 14.4bps, only $69.00 per year. Subscribe online with Visa/MC/Disc. NITELOG BBS (408)655-1096, 45,000+ software and image files online. We have DOS, Mac, Windows, OS/2, Win NT, Unix, and adult files. All major credit cards accepted. E-mail, Echomail available too. OBITUARY BBS, absolutely NO rules! Devoted to SB/VGA demos, Ansi, GFX, Mod Music, Fantasy Gifs. All the shareware you need and large Adult area! (718)274-3769 up to 14.4k v.32, v.42hbis... 100% FREE! PINECLIFFE BBS, (303)642-7463, Pinecliffe, Colorado since 01/82. Sysop: Craig Baker. Using UltraBBS 2.09 Beta with 14 lines on MS-DOS 80386 with 9500 MB storage. USRobotics at 14400 pbs. No fee. Largest BBS in RockyMtn area. FREE ($20/yr gets 2hrs/day. $100/Lifetime mem- bership.) 60,000 zips. CD-Roms online. Games. Home of CDBREG - allows immediate upgrades seeees JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE issues. Payment of $ SC eee ni a a Te a S| STATE ZIP enclosed. exp. date Losses sS— 53 ae with credit card. Sysop also a computer store. NightOwl Rom $59. Help us grow. PLEASURE COVE BBS, 407.438.3663, Florida's fastest growing BBS. Local/national chat, latest multi-player games, 4Gigs of files, fun for every- one. Operating the Major BBS. 300bps/14400bps, Majornet, Interlink and Adult areas. THE POLKA DOT PALACE BBS, 201.829.8480, Specializing in domestic issues, cooking/garden- ing/sewing/etc. Many recipe text files, and helpful programs and discussions online. Running at 28.8kbps on 2AM-BBS 4.0. It’s fun and it’s free. BBS novices welcome and encouraged! PRIME-LINE BBS 216-449-7393, Easy to use menu! Library of Games, Gifs, Utilities. Daily News, weather, sports. Henry's home repair and Marissa’s Advice columns. Recipe exchange. E- Mail and Forums. Business and product ads free. Growing daily. Free Trial. CONTINUES... PMG De eh PRIME NETWORK, the Only real Christian Network on earth, PreRapture BBS 919-286-3606, Acts SATORI BBS, (713) 342-6561, Richmond Texas. Sysop: Arthur. Part Free, part subscription. Focus: Specialized personal information service. Caller 1D's: Private! A read-only board. SMALL BUSINESSNET BBS: 1-404-339-1101 — America’s favorite home and small business BBS! Database, Point-of-sale, Invoicing, Inventory, Communication, Spreadsheet, Financial Manage- ment, Customer Tracking, Utility, etc. software to support your growing business! SUBURBAN SOFTWARE, PCBoard Ver 14.5/E3, Sysop: Chuck Valecek, 1-708-636-6694, RelayNet, MetroNet, Home of: King of the Board, Strike 93, Word Nerd, Ansi-View, Text-Read, plus many sysop utilities. TRADERS’ CONNECTION, Featuring the largest clas- Sified ad database in the world! Search over 500,000 ads from independent classified ad papers across the U.S., quickly and easily. But that’s not all. T-CON also offers national e-mail, live chat, special interest groups (SIG’s), tons of files, technical help and advice, and lively discussion groups covering everything from politics and religion to photography and aviation. T-CON is everything you would expect from a full-service, national BBS. National access available for as low as $2/Hr. Try us out — Free! Dial '317) 359-5199 for a free demo, to join or to find the deal access number for your area. You will be pressed with all we have to offer. Cail toll free 800- .53-4223 voice for more information. TRI-STATE, Northeast's Largest Growing System, 7 lines, 1-201-935-8634, Up to 19,200, Mail, BBS Links, Live Conferences and more. THE VIEWLINK BBS, 714-650-4612, Sysop: Terry Andrews, 14.4(USR), 2 nodes, only 28 cents/hour, easy access via TABS, latest shareware, hottest Adult Gifs, Rush Limbaugh Fan Club, Temp Jobs conterence, Dating Conference, we are growing every day. Login now for more info. Download Free list of Temp Job Firms! Do it now! THE WEB BBS, 610.352.4172, Innovative and fun! Serving an adults only membership with wild con- test, great prizes and mindblowing online events. Friendly sysops and various membership plans. Livewire Doors! Send 4 - 1.4 disks and return enve- lope to: Livewire Doors, PO Box 416, Mt. Laurel NJ 08054. Total of 35 door programs which will oper- ate with any BBS software which can run doors. Advertise your bbs or personal Internet address on a custom bumper sticker! Great response and looks great on any car. High quality material with Blue and White background. Please PRINT your message (30 characters max) and send with $5.00 to: Internet Direct, PO Box 829, Marlton NJ 08053. BBS Magazine BACK ISSUES! Save when ordering back issues. Send your mailing information along with $5.00 for each back issue. When ordering 3+ issues send only $3.50 each to: BBS Magazine, c/o Back Issues, 701 Stokes Road, Medford NJ 08055. Please specify which back issues your would like. All available except April 91 issue is sold out. First issue is Sept 90. CDRoms! Walnut Creek CDRom's CICA, MSWindows CDRom is 650 meg of current hot shareware. Simtel MSDOS CDRom is 650 meg DOS stuff. Quarterly updates. $29.95. BBS ready: RBBS, PCBoard, Wildcat, Opus, Maximus, Spitfire. Call now! 1-800-786-9907, 1-510-674-0783, info@cdrom.com, fax 1-510-674-0821. BBS expert needed for part-time consulting in NYC for expanding company with new concept of com- puter kiosk. Technical and instructing abilities a+. FAX resume referenced BBS to 212.925.5723. NEWSBYTES WEEKLY — The world’s #1 newser- vice covering the latest developments in comput- ers and communications is now available on a weekly basis for as low as $15 per month. Price includes a FREE reader program for CoConet, Major BBS, PCBoard, TBBS, or Wildcat. To sub- scribe online call (642) 753-5286. For more infor- mation call (612) 753-3994. Save Big on Computers, Peripherals, Etc. For more info: Send $2.00, name and address to Dataland USA, 7303 Hana Road, Edision NJ 08817. Please mention ad in BBS Magazine. Know your Computer Rights! Network of clear and simple recorded information on legal issues — from government inference to copyright to con- tracts — that every computer user, employee and entrepreneur must know. Call 1-900-PRO-BONO (1-900-776-2666). $2.00 per minute. Average message 5 minutes. Touch Tone Phone required. Essential Information, Inc., New York NY 10014. College Degree without Classes/Study: | succeed- ed at major school, you can get credits too! Comprehensive guide $5. Grants, bonus included. William Kemble, Dept. BBS-50, POB 4352, Kingston, NY 12401. BOARDS/ADD-ON CARDS Gtek 8 port BBS550 $395 (including the 8 cables). Gtek PCSS8F (24mhz) 8 port with 32k FIFO $599. STB 4COM card $110. 4 port/16554/FIFO w/8IRQs USR14400 v32bis Fax/Modem ext, $179/int, $159. Mailorder — PreRapture Solutions, 1806 Albany St., Durham NC 27705-3134 (NC residents add 6% tax). Inquiry/orders: 919-286-1502. Orders 800- SELLCOM (735-5266) Visa/MC. High Speed serial & parallel I/O cards. Item #8200- $5-2, 2 serial (w/2 16550's) - $69.95. Quantity pricing available. For further details, or to place an order, please call Byte Runner Technologies at: GVC 14400 baud ext/int fax/modem and more PC components. Wholesale prices. Call Pacific Micro, Inc. 908-220-9500. 16550 Uart chips and double socketed AT 1/0 boards. Reasonable prices, online orders accept- ed by calling (301) 654-2554. ONLINE MAGAZINES Monthly reviews of fourteen or more new releases plus editorial, features, book reviews or interviews naaaee JULY 1994 BBS MAGAZINE Soo with recording industry professionals. No adver tising. No bias. We only review product we rec- ommend. Free back issues with a six month sub- scription. For more information on how to get started, contact Janice at: 604.526.3373, Fax: 604.526.0607 or Internet E-Mail: janice@cyber- store.ca - Ask us about “Natural Life”! lf your favorite computer retailer, newstand, book store, etc. doesn't carry BBS Magazine, then have them call us at: 609-953-9110 for more details on how they can have BBS Magazine in their store. ADVERTISER'S INDEX BBS MAGAZINE ONLINE! BBS MAGAZINE ......... BBS TECHNOLOGIES oan CCUBIANIINIS! by 1) cectcereenisontccomoactonscnan eae ceceeea GIEATRKG DEV GOS LING tnascccsacarscrecceessenr OBC IDASIANRININ Koreccercascetecetsctaccasessccecosesccocessieses 26 DU ANTEATENIND) Receasatesenstenccttscscessciscce DIGITAL CONSULTING SERVICES DIGITAL DYNAMICG..... DISKG LESS) ncsnencneea a soneneoctonnvonsiana DURAND COMMUNICATIONS ED UG ATO RES BS teeesrecreertoceseessee: seen: - ssn IBSIOURTT, UM Cs, crcccooconncnernocnoncnoncoroonnereceaco 32, 33 EXCALIBUR DATA SYSTEMG........:cssee0 48 [SEG LEC cee eserncdecoccoren io sccre renee MOOSE EEO 19 GALACTICOMM, INC... con GARLIQUE GRAPHICS. ......ececseseseeceseseees HAMILTON TELEGRAPHICS INC.. ONLINE COMMUNICATIONS. PICS ONLINE, ....s.ccsisssscorecarneers PIER EXCHANGE ............ PLANET SYSTEMS... PROFIT PRESS ..........04 ood RUSTY-N-EDIE’S BBS...........csccssssesenesseee 4, 63 SUBURBAN SOFTWARE ........e0:eenseeereeee 48 SOLEAU SOFTWARE TELEGRAFIX.......ccesseserserees cx0 TESSIER TECHNOLOGIES. ......-.ssecseseseseeee 31 TRADERS CONNECTION ......-.20-0sssssseessenes 24 UNCLE HANK'S NEWSLETTER. USROBOTICS ........ec-ccscesesosereeee 0 VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGIES ..........:s+eseeeereeses ee eae The Pier Exchange CD-ROM Publishing Inc. is proud to present the HOTTEST and most CURRENT shareware CD-ROMs ever released. The Pier Shareware CD-ROMs are a series of sequentially updated discs containing the latest Shareware programs. All files on the discs are TRULY the most CURRENT files available on the market at the time of their release. To top it off there are NO a A of files between discs! 650+ Megs of Shareware files. 95% dated newer than 10/93 III directory. 100% files dated 1993-1994 S.D.C. (Smart Date Checking in place). ThePier v3.0, the Worlds FASTEST. Retrieval Software!!! Database is ACCESSIBLE from the CD-ROM. Minimum HD requirement ONLY 600K. All files have been scanned for viruses with the latest McAfee SCAN. Full GAP, PCBoard, Spitfire, Wildcatl, and Remote Access FILES.BBS Support. No duplication between The Pier Shareware 1, 2 & 3. Discs Sold Separately: “Whe Pter Shareware # / ‘Ue ter meager # © -, eo). # he j (FA $75 PEG Windows Applications Windows Games Programming Languages Programming Tools SVGA GIF Pictures Educational Programs Games / Entertainment Sound Blaster / MIDI DTP / Clipart Bible Medical / Health Word Processing Laser/Printer Utilities BBS Programs / Doors Communications Legal OS/2 Programs/Utilitles And Much, Much, More! ae The Waves i HOTTEST eeIMs The Pier Exchange has already established a new standard for Shareware CD-ROM file quality, and now we are setting a_ higher standard for CD-ROM access _ software. Introducing for the first time on The Pier Shareware #4, ThePier v3.0 High Performance CD-ROM Access Program. This is not just another retrieval program, it is, in fact, the WORLD'S FASTEST CD-ROM retrieval software! _ 4 GUI Graphical Interface - EGA VGA Full Mouse Support Pull-down Menus Fila Comment Field Entries Worlds FASTEST Retrieval Software Multiple File Viewer Configuration Will Not Modify AUTOEXEG. BAT Keywords Search File Name Search File Name Within Archive Search Copy / Extract Files "On-The-Fly™ Built-in Default Text File Viewer Can Runa in Text Mode Blows Competitors Out of Thies Water Judged #1 Shareware CD-RQUW Please add $6 for S&H ($9 for overseas orders). Check and Money aren must be in US funds and drawn on US bank. Make check payable ta: THE PIER EXCHANGE INC., 80 W. HAZELTINE, KENMORE, NY 38270 Intemmationa: Orders, FAX, or Information 716-875-4931 BBS 716-ar5-a140 DIU COVER (Gates = an ORDRES ONLY 1-800-438-9734 e MultiMedia Databases Supporting Every Bulletin Board Platform * Durand Communications Network is proud to announce DC Genesys, an all new online photograph database utility capable of operating through BBS doorways. Using the DC Genesys Database tool kit, users can develop fully relational online database applications for entertainment or business with sound support for Windows terminals. This powerful new addition to the DCN family of database communications products can be accessed through a royalty-free terminal program for Windows™ or DOS with built-in image viewing capabilities and RIPscrip compatibility. FLEXIBLE USER INTERFACE RELIABLE MULTI-USER CAPABILITIES WW Complete flexibility in design of data-entry, searching, @ Support for multiple users running separate copies of browsing and detailed viewing. DC Genesys on the same computer (through DesqView) @ ANSI and RiPscrip graphics protocol support for all or on separate computers on a LAN network. database functions. Ei Seamless sharing of data with concurrent dBase/FoxPro | fi Complete entry screen validation via pick lists. applications on the same LAN. @ Online and Offline database updating. @ Browse to detailed view jumping. POWERFUL SEARCH ENGINE Hi Query-By-Example via custom forms as well as an PHOTOGRAPHS IN SECONDS "expert mode” command line. i Support for the following image formats: JPG, CMP, i Customized query optimization and fine-tuning. PCX, BMP, FIF, TIF, TGA and GIF. @ Online and Offline image viewing capabilities. COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY DC Genesys is 100% dBase IIl+, dBase IV and FoxPro2 compatible. It is also completely relational with support for seamless relational capabilities between fields in different tables. Images transfer in 10-15 seconds. EVE EV PR ECE ay Ta Deeivaw WaTTer Special Limited Time Receive FILEX for , Windows (reg. $149) with any DCN « DC Genesys as seen through DC Term for Windows « Online RealEstate Database Pe ct crit M/C @ VISA * AMEX FIWO: _ 147 Castilian Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 i AND COMMUNICATIONS Wi WORK i el: £005) 361.8700 ul Fax: (805) a) 8701 / FILEX: (805) 561. 8702 J DEMO BBS: (805) 961.8710 (BNI). ant tala sits d sapyeghitare (ox a peptegbes ped pene: i zee tagearor th 25 rt: | — . 4) ‘| » Compression / 4___ Supported a) =} 61-8710 (8N171) Create powerful online business or entertainment databases accessible through DOS or Windows™ with DC Net v2.6 for The Major BBS®. With DC Net, everything from image compression to turn-key applications are provided in one easy-to-use database tool kit. Now you can create powerful multi-user database applications or modity one of our pre-existing applications to meet your specific needs. Using DC Compress, your users will be viewing images in less than 15 seconds (at 9600 baud). a Al DC Term v1.o for Windows™ Order Entry v1.1 for DC Net ace) WY DCN announces its new DC Term v1.0 for Windows — The DC Order Entry add-on to the DC Net database : Now ? with enhanced video card support and built-in allows you to create online product catalogs with b “a image viewing capabilities in one easy-to-use ordering and PO generation. Order Entry is 100% YW Windows terminal program. configurable to meet your specific needs, including payment and shipping methods. DE Term fer Windows v1.0 aor ; . Special Limited Time * DC Term v1.0 running Residential MLS * Order Entry v1.1 Receive FILEX for Windows (reg. $149) with any DCN TURN-KEY APPLICATIONS ade WINDOWS COMPRESSIONS acess eer | DCN provides a full suite of einimecetitie naan } turn-key database applications: re rer - } CareerPRO Resumes i AutoSeller utciF orrions”” ram S} @ Entertainment & Events Mf RealVision MLS H Video Product Catalog fs MatchMaker B Contact Phonebook @ Classified Ads ULNICLE COMDITI ON Ta nee es bee Images transfer in 10-15 seconds. * DC Compression program for Windows™ * AutoSeller as seen through DC Term for DOS with New Fractal Compression Support M/C ¢ VISA « AMEX ; 147 Castilian Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 ; (805) 961.8700 / Fax: (805) 961.8701 / FILEX: (805) 961.8702 / DEMO BBS: (805) 961.8710 (8N1) _ NONE NETWORK it i 5 Tha Joncose a : gupedepesg: ae abs | . I pier tr qyeCaboolae. r C : ry tap jean Perot tory Soe ined coegceengedss aau_aa THE KEY 10. WHAT LIES BEYONDIS PCBOARO. As you progress into the future, let PCBoard help you achieve your goals. Standard witl every PCBoard package is support for both intelligent and non-intelligent multi-port serial cards. Along with Reliable 115200 bps port speed and 28.8 modem support, PCBoard v15.1 can communicate directly with OS/2 COMM drivers in a Virtual DOS Machine (VDM). The result— you can now implement multiple PCBoard nodes on one machine under concurrent OS/2 VDM windows using vendor supplied device drivers and realize the stability and speed gains of a true 32 bit operating environment. And, using our new PPL Compiler v2.0, you can modify the operation of your multi-node system in ways you have never dreamed of! Regardless of whether you use a network, DESQview, Windows, or OS/2, there is virtually no limit on where your system configuration can take you into the future. For a complimentary, fully operational, 2-node DEMO version of PCBoard v15.1, give us a call at 800.356.1686 or 801.261.1686. Or call Salt Air, our BBS, at 801.261.8976 to download the DEMO and experience PCBoard Ay] P C ‘Boa Lr d. for yourself. CLARK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC.