SG August 1993 Mme BULLETIN

US $3.50 BOARD Canada $4.95 SVS TEMS 9 a SS 77-550) -78651 MAGAZINE a ir WES a. Sy a a “ences. aes OT on

A ae ~ « e > oO " a wa " *, i sas. 7 oe oe a i ; : B ; ; ; ., . A. 7 a ° ® wD rceh is, 55 es ° . i & 2 ° A ° nes y _ re . . . See _ bd . :


NEW COLUMN! Commodore Connections

© plus Macintosh, Internet

| |

BBS Notebook visits Worldwide Brochures, Travel Mates BBS & ~ Travel Mates Il, Idaho Interactive, The Lock Box, and PreRapture BBS

0 ll



The Innovation Continues


ard at work in sun-swept Florida, our fearless developers have discovered the future of BBSing... EGA/VGA graphics and ANSI together on the same BBS! The Major BBS Version 6.1 gives you the power to create a graphical DOS-based BBS that also supports non-graphics users everyone can use your system.

Our new multi-lingual/multi-protocol architecture lets you easily plug in languages, such as Spanish and French, and alternate presentation protocols like RIPscrip and NAPLPS. You can offer as many as 50 different languages for up to 256 simultaneous users on a single machine. Add new languages with just a couple of keystrokes.

Use our RIPscrip add-on option to give your users dazzling online graphics. The Sysop “paint” tool works directly with The Major BBS configuration utility and lets you draw beautiful scenes and mouse-driven menus. A royalty-free, graphics terminal program is included for distribution to your customers.

Version 6.1 also includes “doors” to a second machine, better MS-Windows support, MHS file attachments, an “upload message” feature in E-mail and Forums, improved security, and much more.

That’s just the beginning. Our new Fax/Online add-on lets you integrate fax-mail and fax-server technology into your BBS. And our new Major Gateway/Internet add-on directly ties you into the world’s largest message network.

i TA ee As the competition fades into the ». Sunset, we continue our quest to give you the best BBS in the world. See N your local software dealer or call \ us at 1-800-328-1128.


The Major BBS’

1 weus already have 2 User=1D on this system, {0 Please enter. it neret Oitervines If you'd 1b e Bf eu

na RiPscrip gives your BBS the dazzling look-and-feel of a graphical system.

| Tae mloh DES Cont iGutalion facility | TT BLe BASSUP TSE ;

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Use t Teter 147) Ofder acon beys) Mame. Fed. PoligsDa, C-Pglyeda


Add new languages and presentation protocols or create your own!

' ima ' Ta CDI rz D

D) Qn Ubelldleg der AS37079

Turn your BBS into a fax/data server with the Fax/Online add-on option.


| 4101 SW 47th Ave. « Suite 101 ¢ Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 BBS: (305) 583-7808 « Fax: (305) 583-7846 = Voice: (305) 583-5990


Publisher/Advertising Director Richard Paquette

Associate Publisher/Editor John Carcione

Design and Illustration Terry Wilson, Rainbow Creek Studios

Art Director Jeanne Lorenzo

Pre-Press Production Beth Tomasello

Newsstand Consultant William A. Townsend BNL Distribution Services, Inc. 100A Centre Bivd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Tel: 1-609-985-8550

Subscription Fulfillment Starr Fulfillment Corp. 900 Haddon Ave., Ste 326 Collingswood, NJ 08108 1-609-858-4411

Editorial and Advertsing We can be contacted online at “The Livewire BBS,” which is the support BBS, set modem at 8,N,1 and call 1-609-235-5297. Voice Office number is: 1-609-953-9110; Fax is: 1-609-953-7961; hard- copy mailing address is: Callers Digest Inc, 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055.

Subscriptions USA CANADA/ MEXICO 1 Yr. (12 issues) $30 $50

2 Yrs.(24 issues) $50 $90

Call our order HOTLINE at 1-800-822-0437 8am-4pm EST, Mon-Fri, and charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard, or send check, money order payable to Callers Digest, Inc.

All material is copyrighted 1990/91/92/93 by Callers Digest, Inc., all rights reserved. Material in this publica- tion MAY NOT be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher of BBS Callers Digest.

BBS Callers Digest (ISSN #1055-2812) is published monthly by Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055. BBS Callers Digest is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors. Questions and com- ments are welcomed. Unless otherwise instructed, we as- sume all rights to letters, articles, or other communications sent to BBS Callers Digest as unconditionally assigned for publication. Material not accompanied by a stamped, self- addressed envelope will not be returned. Uploads are ac- cepted only in ZIP format at “The Livewire BBS,” 609-235- 5297 (HST, 8,N,1).

POSTMASTER: Please send all change of address (with old label and new address) to: Starr Fulfillment Corp., 900 Haddon Ave., Ste 326, Collingswood, NJ 08108.

Printed in United States


August 1993


Volume 4, Number 8


THE MAGIC OF PCB-UUCP UN RA IMIUTED. soneceosboa0ndc 0d o0n00 Co eNO BOD CDOOD [NOE 4



POLISH YOUR NETIQUETTE ON USENET ............ 8 Newcomers to the Internet by Mike Robinson

LEGAL GUIDE, UTILITIES, AND GLOSSARY.......... 10 Unele Hank’s Shareware Reviews by Hank Hurteau

MODEM MASTERY PAYS OFF...............+.0006- 14

BBS Callers: Who Are They? by Richard Lowell Harding

COMPUTING & PARENTS... NEXT ON GERALDO! ..18 Tales From the Lighter Side of Computing by Carol Carmichael

AVOID SOME COMMON BUSINESS PROBLEMS... .22 Bell Business Report by Laura Bell

TRAVELING: BYIBBS® 2... 2. See gue es 30 BBS Notebook by Alan Bechtold

BBSING ON A COMMODORE ..................... 40 Commodore Connections By Gaelyne R. Moranec

SQUASHING YOUR FILES 5 oir pt terete rac rs 42 Telecommunicating on Your Mac by Michael A. Kuykendall

DATA ENCRYPTION AND BBSs..................--. 48 The Law and BBS Users by Shari Steele

PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS, HAYES REVIEWS ........ 52 Modem Information by Victor R. Volkman

ORIGINS OE THE BBS. 3.2.20). oer eee ate ee 60

Walt’s Tutorial by Walt Ledbetter


NEVVS CIN Eig pisiea. scour © 5, «2 su. nora cade chert aie eae 2 BESCEYBBES'LIST UNS. ©. Batrin. fe tee nc ae 51 BOOK: RELEASES =. 0. oi. = ices) cesie saree ae ne eee 62 CLASSIFIEDS Os, io ies olin asate, cate er 64 ADVERTISERS INDEX. . 20> cons 5c ee ee 68

COVER: Terry Wilson

AUGUST 1993 © 1

Rusty Edie

Dual Eliminator

Rusty n Edie’s BBS announces the introduction of our their Dual Eliminator. Simply plug your phone line to the Dual Eliminator and then plug the Dual Eliminator into your modem. This device consists of 2 passive electronic filters that handle both high and low frequency noise from the phone line. Both high and low frequency are independently adjustable with knobs that mount on the front of the unit. Surge protection is provided by an electronic varistor.

A light emitting diode, also mounted on the front of the unit, glows whenever the device is eliminating noise from the phone lines. This device can solve the majority

of noise problems associated with telecommunications today, and is sold with a 30 day, money back guarantee. They sell for $25 each plus $4 shipping and handling. To order, call Rusty n Edie’s at 216-758-8342 or call their BBS number 216-726-3589, they will accept Visa or MasterCard.




“OOPS! I (Alan Bechtold) goofed (twice) BIG TIME! The telephone number listed in our June issue, for STAR-LINK NETWORK BBS in Brooklyn, NY, was incorrect. As this is actually the number of an innocent in- dividual’s home and NOT a BBS, PLEASE DON’T DIAL IT WITH YOUR MODEM! My apologies to Michael Keylin, STAR-LINK NET- WORK BBS system operator and to the readers! With 10 14.4 lines, STAR- LINK NETWORK BBS is a high-qual- ity multiline general interest BBS that deserves your call. You can actually reach it by dialing 718-972-6099. Recommended!

The telephone number listed in our July issue, for THE LIBRARY BBS in Davis, FL was incorrect. PLEASE DO NOT CALL IT WITH A MODEM! My apologies to Terry Woodward, THE LIBRARY BBS sys- tem operator and to the readers! You can actually reach it by dialing: 305- 581-4983. THE LIBRARY BBS is a also a high quality multiline general in- terest BBS that deserves your call.”


Medford, NJ BBS Callers Digest back issues are available for all months ex- cept April 1992. Prices are: 1-4 copies $5.00 each, 5 to 9 copies $4.00 each, 10+ copies only $3.00 each. All back issue sales are mailed to you first class mail. Order NOW while copies are available. Call 609-953-9110 and use your Visa or MasterCard. If ordering by mail, please include your complete return address along with the months you are ordering and how many copies of each month; include your check or money order payable to:

Callers Digest Inc., 701 Stokes Road, Medford NJ 08055.


ep Stony Brook, NY Searchlight Software has released a freeware RIP graphics door game, RIP Puzzle, that is the first BBS door to take full ad- vantage of the RIPscrip graphics pro- tocol developed by TeleGrafix, Inc. Currently the leading graphical stan- dard among BBS systems, RIP has been announced as the protocol of choice by most major BBS vendors and terminal software developers.

Searchlight’s RIP Puzzle door lets callers who are using RIP compatible terminal programs (such as RIPterm) take advantage of mouse support and see features like windows, pick lists and fast graphics animation online while playing the game. RIP Puzzle works with any BBS program that supports doors (it does not require a RIP-com- patible BBS program) and it can use a door.sys file, pcboard.sys file, or com- mand line parameters. RIP Puzzle sup- ports any COM port (arbitrary base ad- dress/interrupt) and includes support for both FOSSIL drivers and Intelligent DigiBoards.

RIPUZ100.ZIP (43k) is available today from many BBS systems; or download it from Searchlight’s sup- port BBS at 516-689-2566. RIP Puzzle is FREEWARE!

For more information, please con- tact Frank LaRosa, Searchlight Software, PO Box 640, Stony Brook NY 11790 or call 516-751-2966 Fax 516-689-2566.


Atlanta, GA Hayes Microcomputer

Products, Inc. announced the world- wide implementation of its Sysop Program, which offers qualified sysops the Opportunity to purchase selected Hayes products at discounted prices. This program, effective through September 30, 1993, also includes en- hanced customer service support and marketing activities, including a spe- cial rebate offer on Smartcom for Windows.

The products included in Hayes Global Sysop Program are Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 14400 FAX144 and Hayes ULTRA Smartmodem 14400. Also included are Hayes ESP Communications Accelerator for Windows, hayes ISDN System Adapter, Hayes ISDN PC Adapter and Millennium 8000, a high-density communications plat- form that provides a long term, upgradable solution for wide area connectivity to both host and local area network environments.

“We are always looking for ways in which to provide the sysop communi- ty with the best technology available, in both hardware and software prod- ucts, at affordable prices,” said Hayes President Dennis C. Hayes. “Smartcom for Windows, our newest communications package, allows sysops the ability to develop their own custom interfaces with its built-in powerful scripting capability.”

Hayes has also broadened its service and support to better serve the sysop community. Hayes now offers sysops a variety of aggressive product oppor- tunities, US same day shipment on or- ders received by 3 pm EST (subject to product availability), and free pre-ship service for returned products. Hayes continues to support its Sysop’s Forum, which contains a variety of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) with files and information on many bulletin board system software packages.

Hayes is also implementing new marketing programs for sysops and their respective bulletin boards. For every copy of Smartcom for Windows communications software ordered by bulletin board users through their reg- istered Hayes sysop, Hayes will con- tribute to the support of the sysop’s bulletin board. Also, the sysop’s bul-

letin board will receive a free copy of Smartcom for Windows with their first order for an OPTIMA 144 + FAX144 or ULTRA 144.

Best known as the leader in micro- computer modems, Hayes develops, supplies and supports computer com- munications equipment and software for personal computer and computer communications networks. The com- pany distributes its products in over 60 countries through a global network of authorized distributors, dealers, mass merchants, VARs, systems integrators and original equipment manufacturers.

For more information, please con- tact Hayes Customer Service: 404441- 1617 (US) 519-746-5000 (Canada) 44- 252-775544 (UK) 852-887-1037 (HK) 33-1-34-22-30-15 (France) or online with Hayes BBS 800-US HAYES (US/Canada) 404HI MODEM 404- 729-6525 (ISDN Access) 44-252- 775599 (UK) 852-887-7590 (HK).


Bakersfield, CA Mustang Software, Inc. (MSI), supplier of both BBS and communications software, has intro- duced new versions of its WILDCAT! BBS (v3.9) and QmodemPRO com- munications software (v1.5) that sup- port the new Remote Imaging Protocol (RIP) graphical interface.

The new software packages are the first in the industry to integrate RIP for both the host and terminal user.

RIP is the emerging graphical stan- dard for the bulletin board system (BBS) industry and introduces new graphics performance levels for both sysops and users. The RIP-equipped WILDCAT! v3.9 can send full-screen graphics to callers’ and lets mouse users select BBS commands by clicking on selection buttons or screen prompts very much like popular online ser- vices such as Prodigy and America Online. WILDCAT! 3.9 still retains full support for standard text and ansi.

In order for a caller to access the WILDCAT! v3.9’s RIP graphics, the caller needs to uses RIP-equipped Communications software such as

QmodemPRO vI.5. Like its WILD- CAT! counterpart, QmodemPRO v1.5 allows callers to view full-screen graph- ics and use a mouse when connected to a RIP-ready BBS. RIP also lets the QmodemPRO caller select BBS com- mands by clicking on graphic selection buttons or screen prompts.

“Adding RIP support to QmodemPRO makes this new graph- ics level available to the millions of WILDCAT! users,” said Jim Harrer, MSI President and CEO. “Our goal is to make QmodemPRO the tool of choice for connections to mail systems, whether it isa BBS, CompuServe, MCI or other online services.”

For more information on WILD- CAT! BBS or QmodemPRO please contact: Mustang Software Inc., PO Box 2264, Bakersfield CA 93303 or call 805-395-0223 Fax 805-395-0713 BBS 805-395-0650.


Bellevue, WA ButtonWare an- nounces the immediate shipment of buttonFILE, a simple to use Windows flat filer. Targeted for the easy-to-use and inexpensive niche of the Windows market, buttonFILE allows names, companies, phone numbers, con- tacts, any kind of data, to be filed on over a dozen pre-defined card decks (databases). All card decks can be cus- tomized, and data can be printed on over 100 pre-defined and customizable forms. CEO Jim Button commented, “buttonFILE is easier to learn and use than any competing product. You don’t even need the manual!”.

¢ Work with over a dozen pre-de- signed templates, or customize a card deck to fit your needs.

¢ Multiple Document Interface (MDI) allows multiple files to be open at the same time.

View files as cards in a Rolodex (card) format, or in a spreadsheet like table view.

¢ Print lists, mailing labels, 3x5 cards, envelopes, reports, including Avery Dennison laser and tractor feed forms point and click with a

Continued on page 68

AUGUST 1993 ¢ 3




L. the legends of King Arthur, we read about Middle Ages Camelot, the noble Knights of the Round Table with Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad, Queen Guinevere and the wizard and chief advisor to Arthur, Merlin.

Rewritten numerous times over the years, it has been told in one account that in his august years King Arthur sailed to the mystical island of Avalon, supposedly gone forever. However some say he will one day return.

At presstime he had not done so. His magician, how- ever, has shown...but not in England. Merlin has reap- peared in Canada.

In 1992, under the di- rection of the consultant and modern-day computer wizard Roy Pereira, Merlin Systems Inc. was begun in Ottawa.

Pereira’s specialty lay in creating e-mail gateways, with his first product line the PCB-MHS, a PCBoard to Novell MHS gateway. PCBoard owner Clark Development was immedi- ately interested and today remains its exclusive dis- tributor.

“Fred Clark [of Clark


Roy Pereira

Development] really helped me out at the beginning since I was a rookie to the software business,” said Pereira. And through them “I was invited to both BBSCON and COMDEX to demonstrate the product in the PCBoard booth.”

Next came PCBxBase, a recently available program able to read a dBase III+ PRG program and run it.


The flagship of Merlin followed: PCB- UUCP, allowing PCBoard BBS soft- ware to exchange mail with UUCP/RFC822/RFC1036 based sys- PCBoard users access to mail on the Internet and USENET. It was a project spawned at the request of a client seeking a UUCP gateway for PCBoard at their site. A week after in-

stalling the system Pereira decided it wasn’t sufficient; he figured he could easily do better.

“I had some experience with the UUCP protocols, so it wasn’t long be- fore I had something to demon- strate.”

And working on a laptop, Pereira made quick work of the project: In just four weeks he had a beta test team that spanned the globe.

“I started off with simple functions to gateway Internet and USENET mes- sages into and out of PCBoard,” said Pereira, “Then I added things we needed and that no other packages had.”

Of these additions, the LISTER V function is one of Pereira’s favorites. LISTER V allows a system to construct it own mailing list and automatically take subscription request from Internet users. “No other DOS prod- uct could do that.”

Ready for the general market- place, PCB-UUCP version 1.0 was re- leased in March of this year.

“It took off Immediately,” said a sur- prised Pereira. Before getting a handle on the demand “we kept running out of diskettes and bubble-wrapped en- velopes for mailing...and we exhaust- ed our printed manual supply.”

The popularity of the program owes much to its laundry list of offer- ings.

Some of the more outstanding fea- tures of v 1.0 included private e-mail, with mail waiting flag set (optional); attached files/automatic uude- code/uuencode (optional); seamless replies (You don’t have to enter a To: line in the text of your reply); routing of private mail to and from other sys- tems; and, allows the sysop to add ‘ser- vices’ for PCB-UUCP to automatically handle incoming messages addressed to certain users.

As for the newsgroups, PCB-UUCP automatically uncompresses and un- batches; batches and compresses out- going newsgroups (optional);offers moderated newsgroups; read-only newsgroups; distribution of news- groups to other systems (including your own newsgroups); and, plenty more.

PCB-UUCP also includes ‘mouse-

able’ install and setup programs as well as online contextsensitive help, each designed to be ‘goof-proof.’ After the immense response to PCB-UUCP, Pereira set about doing what came naturally trying to top

It was a project spawned at the request of a client seeking a UUCP gateway for PCBoard at their site.

himself. He began collecting com- ments and suggestions from pur- chasers for appropriation into the new version, 1.1.


“The biggest problem was providing excellent technical support,” said Pereira, allud- ing to published reports of the poor quality of support offered by other soft- ware compa- nies. “A piece of software isn’t any good if you can’t get an- swers to your questions quick-


pcbuucp) was set up along with a sup- port conference on the Salt Air BBS


IN THE BEGINNING But for Pereira, it wasn’t always Internet.

For his end-of-year ninth-grade English project, Pereira used a Commodore Pet computer to devise a a Pac-Man based game taking its plot from John Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl.’

“My teacher was so amazed at the plot resemblance, I got a 90 percent.”

It was this blend of computer pro- gramming skills and an interest in the written word that served as an impetus for Pereira shortly after: “...1 made up my mind that I wanted to own my own computer software company.”

Reading King Arthur, Pereira found a name. And in March of 1992, with the official registering of Merlin Systems, he had is company.

Officials at the Federal Govern- ment agency for whom he was con- sulting at the time were so impressed



Learn how in the New


Video Tutorial and Starter Kit $99.95

Pereira con- tinued: “The Internet and USENET are not easy subjects to swallow, es- pecially by sysops who had never heard of them a few months before.”

To remedy this and to en- sure quality sup- port, a news-

group (alt.bbs. ®

(includes shipping 2 day mail). The Premiere Kit includes the how-to videotape, the how-to manual, and much more! The Ultimate BB$ Profits Kit for $499.95 includes The Premiere Kit, The Major BBS Professional Bulletin Board System V6.0, and the How to Write a Business Plan Program by the Small Business Institute, plus much, much more. Call for shipping rates outside U.S. Add $10.00 for C.0.D.'s To order a kit call toll-free 1-800-453-8308 anytime, or to receive a FREE information packet call DREAMWORKS 1-602-893-3988 anytime, or write to BBSDG Profits, 5037 East Keresan, Phoenix, Arizona 85044 Visa, Mastercard, C.O.D's, checks, and money orders welcome.

(Wasa C.0.D.'s - money orders or cashiers checks only, VISA Please allow 2-3 weeks for check orders.

AUGUST 1993 © 5

by e-mail gateways he’d developed for them, that “I was pushed to start my own software company from my su- perior.” Soon Pereira became Merlin and his consulting services slipped be- yond the government to the private sector.

Pereira says he was pleased with the opportunity to discover what the “real world” was looking for in soft- ware products, not to mention the money that was to be made: “It’s amaz- ing what you can write that will fill the gap between other applications and make money” doing it.


Version 1.1 of PCB-UUCP, which is now available, began with less of a bang than its predecessor. Pereira’s goal was to shape v 1.1 into full com- patibility with PCBoard 15.0, which at the time was in alpha testing. And when the beta version of 1.1 was ready, it was sent along to everyone buying PCBoard.

“Not everyone was ready to take the bumps of using beta code,” said Pereira. “That was a lesson we learned


If you are the President or the decision making person in a User Group, you might be interested to _ know that the BBS Callers Digest has a special program just for you!

If you are interested in offering your members a discounted subscription to BBS Callers Digest,

then you need to contact us.

Along with a group discount for your members, we will pay you commission to obtain these new or renewal orders.

For more information, please contact the publisher, Richard Paquette, at your earliest convenience. Call 609-953-9110 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or write us at: Callers Digest, PO Box 416, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 (attn: Group Sales)




will be standard.

the hard way.”

But things swiftly returned to the brisk success of v 1.0 and users, as well as Pereira, are currently reaping the benefits.

Some of the key features added to PCB-UUCP v 1.1 follow:

¢ Fully PCBoard 15.0 compliant, making the mar- riage of PCBoard and PCB-UUCP seamless. (Quite nice for those with PCBoard).

e PagSat com- patible. PagSat being the satel- lite USENET dis- tribution system from PagSat, Inc. of Palo Alto, CA.

© Smart Ar- chiving. PCB- UUCP has always been able to archive incoming articles from select newsgroups into files and also extract


@ “Let me say to anyone thinking about releasing a product: Support will eat up your time like nothing else. Thus, you have to create software that is easy to install and configure, software that the inexperienced end-user can manipulate without worrying about millions of options or switches. Having an INSTALL program that sets everything up in a basic config- uration ready to go is invaluable to someone who doesn’t fully un- derstand what the software is all about, but just wants it to work.”

@ BBSs will be all GUIs (probably RIP-based) @ BBSs will be commonplace in the corporate market.

@ The Internet will be a way of life for almost everyone who owns a com-

@ ISDN will finally be made available in all of North America (grin).

@ There will be a new computer architecture provided by Apple and IBM that will not be 8086-based and a new GUI operating system that

“Tt’s amazing what you can write that will fill the gaps between other applications and make money” doing tt.

attached files, placing them in a di- rectory. Now, PCB-UUCP will reform split messages that contain files and place the correct combined file in a subdirectory.

¢ Inbound and outbound aliasing.

e Handles CONTROL articles.

e Bouncing of messages addressed to unknown users.

e OWK offline reader friendly first reader joins large messages split by PCB- UUCP.

e Requires less available memory than v1.0

To some ex- tent the future is divided for Pereira and Merlin Systems. Plans include building a gate- way between UUCP and Novell’s MHS. Microsoft Mail UUCP and


ee, ee ee cc:Mail UUCP packages could soon be in the works, as should many more e-mail gateways for various systems, Hari Kant, programmer, with Roy Pereira. including PCBoard. a eae > Sa Meanwhile, keep an eye [ a out for the next release from | the wizard and pleasant e- mailing. For more information on PCB-UUCP v 1.1, contact Merlin Systems at:

Merlin Systems, Inc.

PO Box 3043, Station C Ottawa, Ontario

K1Y 4J3 Canada 613-236-1138 613-236-1481 (Fax & BBS)

Internet: info@merlin-sys-

UUCP: uunet!mersys!info

MHS: info @ merlin [cserve]

FidoNet: Info 1:163/509 ma he

The Major BBS 6.1, 2-user

The Major BBS 6.1, 8-user MBBS RIPscrip Add-on

MBBS Fax/Online Add-on MBBS Entertainment Collection Wildcat! Single Line BBS

Wildcat! 1-10 Line BBS

Online Blackjack/Hangman Doors New! Version 6.1 of The Major BBS DigiBoard 8 Port Comm. Card This latest version now supports “doors” to a second TBBS 2.2, 2-user machine, multi-lingual/multi-protocol support for easy

use of RIPscrip graphics, better messaging, and more! ; Call our BBS at 209-222-0227 for latest product The Major BBS is the only BBS that supports up to 256 information and to download our complete catalog!

simultaneous users on a single machine, direct X.25 and

Featuring... The Major BBS « Wildcat! * DigiBoard * CD-Discs LAN access, and plug-in DLL add-ons. You can expand Door Software * TBBS « Searchlight * and more! the system with online fax services, databases, order

= entry, Internet access, a C developer’s toolkit, and some

BR ES S Tec nh n O { Og ies of the hottest multi-player entertainment in the industry.

A new RIPscrip add-on includes an integrated RIPaint For orders/info call 209-222-0733 today! and a complete out-of-the-box graphics interface! CALL!

1444 E. Brown Ave., Fresno, CA 93704

AUGUST 1993 © 7




I admit it.

I'm a roller coaster mani- ac. There’s a certain thrill in going down a 150 foot incline, reaching speeds of 60 mph, and being yanked from near death at the last minute! Stand up, sit down, loop- ing, wooden or steel, I just plain like roller coasters! Unfortunately, I don’t have the time (or the money) to go gallivanting across the states to ride every coaster possible!

This is where reading USENET news comes in handy. One of the sev- eral hundred newsgroups is called ‘rec.roller-coaster’. Reading this news- group allows me to get the latest scoop in coaster news. Currently, there’s a debate going on about the best coaster in the world, and of course everybody has a different fa- vorite! Readers from across the coun- try tell of their experiences on each coaster, give ratings, update me of changes made over the winter to some of the tracks. I can also find out about special days when theme parks “soup up” the rides for coaster diehards like me!

Now, I don’t assume that everyone enjoys roller coasters as much as I do.


But with around 3,000,000 USENET readers, there’s bound to be some- thing there that you'll enjoy. For in- stance, are you a CAD user? Try ‘comp.|si.cad’. Do you want to talk about abortion? Then ‘talk.abortion’ is just for you! One newsgroup I rec- ommend for everyone to read is ‘news.newusers.questions’. This news- group will tell you the ins and outs of USENET, such as how to post, where to post, and more. Its also an excellent place to ask any questions you may have as a new user.

Since the majority of you have been on a BBS before, you understand how

I can also find out about special days when theme parks “soup up” the rides for coaster diehards like me!

important it is for users to be polite when talking with others on the sys- tem. This can only be amplified when talking on the USENET. Most of us never have the opportunity to address

several million people at once. Let’s take an opportunity to brush up on our USENET “netiquette.”

1, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY. You never know who might be read- ing, like your boss, your children, your friends. Wouldn’t want to say some- thing that could get you fired, would you?

2. THINK BEFORE YOU POST. This cannot be overstated. It doesn’t make much sense to talk about your ’57 Chevy when you’re in ‘bionet gen- eral’ or anywhere else not pertaining to cars, for example. Unless, of course, you want to hold a serious dialogue about the various forms of fungus growing in your tirewell!

3. BE BRIEF. Remember that many megabytes of information is transmit- ted each day for the various groups, and someone is paying for it, so stick to the point.

4. BE GENERALLY POLITE. Remember that on the other end are people just like you. And people that aren’t just like you. So, just as you can’t run outside and scream profan- ities at the police and claim its your First Amendment Right, don’t do it here.


Finally, a note about signature files. You may or may not have the

——————————————E—— EEE OE

ability to create one to be attached to every post. I’ve seen many different Signature files. The best are under four lines long, and give the senders name and e-mail address. KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Of course, you could take the op- posite position on signature files. For example, make your signature file 30 or 40 lines long so that it will positively dwarf your 3 line post. Use ASCII char- acters to fill in any dead space, or make drawings. Leave as many ways to contact you as possible.

I mean, what if some- one wants to phone you or send you a letter? Finally, put in at least nine or ten of your fa- vorite one-liners. I say its not a message unless its got a great signature! If you follow these instruc- tions, in a matter of days you'll be on the kill file of several million people what an nonor!


Which brings me to kill files. Depending on what software you use to read news, you might not have this capability. If you do, use the manual or online help to find out how to set one up for your sys- tem. Kill files can be great. For example, maybe you are sick and tired of hearing about company XYZ. Simply put that in your kill file, and any message with ‘XYZ’ in its subject line will not be shown. Or, maybe you don’t like the ramblings of ‘john.doe@nowhere. usa’. Put HIM in your kill file, and you won’t see any of his messages.

Last month I men- tioned how big USENET is. Well, I’ve done some digging around and found some more infor-

Most of us never have the opportunity to address several million people at once.

mation on exactly how big it really is. The following are two statistics for March 1993.

By Modem: 408-847-0665

Total articles posted: 696,516

Total Kbytes posted: 1,853,585.75

This translates into more than 1800 MEGABYTES of information posted throughout the USENET for March alone. Imagine this amount of information duplicated on literally thousands of USENET servers world- wide!

That concludes our two-month look into the USENET. Next month we'll return to the world of Internet. Until then, keep on posting! [mmm

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AUGUST 1993 « 9






By: Herb Kraft BBSLAW01.ZIP

I had just got finished reading about the FBI raids on a couple of BBS’s. I’m sure most of you have heard a little bit about these recent incidents and I won't go into any of the details here. However, they do have an effect on what we as Sysops need to know and be concerned with in keeping our BBS’s relatively safe from suffering the same fate. No one would enjoy watch- ing their BBS hardware and software walk out the door, not knowing if or when it will ever be returned.

Right off, I want to strongly point out that I in no way condone distri- bution of commercial programs. I really don’t have a problem with “Adult” material on a BBS (to a point), however, I don’t allow it on my BBS. But, that’s just a personal policy. However, a BBS of any size will have problems with pirated software and adult files from time to time. Even the most diligent Sysop might uninten- tionally miss the rare unwanted up- load. Luckily, most users will alert the Sysop of any file that may slip by. At least in my case the users know my feelings and are quick to let me know.

Anyways, as I was saying, shortly


after I read about the FBI raids, I re- ceived an evaluation copy of the BBS LEGAL GUIDE in the mail. I’m sure most of you are familiar with the Home and Business Legal Guide. These same people have now created a package with the BBS Sysop in mind.

From the manual:

e “Will I get in trouble for having x- rated .GIFs available for download?

© Can I be sued for libel is some- one goes nuts in the flame room?

¢ Can I deduct losses I sustain run- ning my BBS?

e If someone posts a commercial program on my BBS will the FBI con- fiscate my equipment?”

.. features in BBS Legal Guide include Computer crime and BBS-specific laws for all 50 states.

As Sysops, we all have had similar questions come to mind. Where would we go for answers? We can’t really rely on rumors we see floating around, and for most of us, hiring an attorney is out of the question. This is

why the BBS Legal Guide can be in- valuable to any size BBS. It has been prepared by working Sysops and at- torneys and will always be kept up to date.

Some of the features in BBS Legal Guide include:

¢ Computer crime and BBS-spe- cific laws for all 50 states.

e Sample BBS screens and bul- letins that can be edited to reflect your own system.

e Complete manuals for co-sysops and employees.

e Sample forms and letters that you can also edit.

BBS Legal Guide is completely menu driven. However, all the files are in standard ASCII text so that they can be read, printed, or edited outside the program. While viewing a tutorial or sample form, you can jump to a notepad to jot down any thoughts or ideas and such that comes to mind. This notepad saves as an ASCII file that can also be printed. There is also a nice full featured editor within the program that can be used to edit any of the legal documents.

Registration for BBS Legal guide is $39 - $129, depending on the level of support you want. I urge you to take look at this well done program; it could prove to be most helpful.

Oh, by the way, the answers to the


above questions: Again, from the documentation:

“The good news is that an invest- ment in time will protect you and your system. Yes, you can deduct losses sus- tained running a BBS if you know the ropes. Yes, you can carry adult .GIFs. And you can have folks flame away at each other if they want to with- out trouble. There is a way to handle inadvertent postings of commercial software.”


Are you one of those that likes to keep detailed records of your file transfers? If so, take a look at a program called Transfer Record. All it does is print out nicely formatted forms that you can use to fill in upload and download records in two different styles. It also lets you print out file records and BBS information.

Using the program is just a matter of turning on your printer and typing GO. Choose the record you want to print from the colorful menu and that’s it. Now all you would need to do is punch some hole for a binder and you have all your information in one spot.

Nowhere in the program could I find the name of the creator of this program. In fact, there isn’t any doc- umentation at all. But, it is FREE- WARE and simple to use.

PC GLOSSARY VER 5.1 By: Disston Ridge, INC GLOS51.ZIP

How many times have you come across a computer related word that you’ve never seen before? How about the words or acronyms that you use regularly, but don’t really under- stand what they mean? Most of us have that information in one of the many books and manuals cluttering our desk or bookshelves, but it’s somewhat of a pain to go looking for it. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all you need in one complete package? If so, look for PC GLOSSARY ver 5.1 and you'll have definitions and much needed data anytime you need it. There are other programs that

claim to define all the computer terms, but they are mostly text files that list words and definitions. These are fine if that’s ALL you want. You’d have to load your word processor or text viewer and do a search for what you were looking for. Not so with PC GLOSSARY. Everything is menu driv- en and moving around is very intu- itive.

Once the program is loaded, you are given a variety of choices. The word list in on the far left of the

TABLES option list several (17) useful “Reference Tables”

including ... every DOS filename extension known to man!

screen. You can cursor up and down to highlight a word and hitting ENTER will give you the definition. While viewing the definition, you are shown a list of “See Also” words at the top of the screen that relate to what you are reading about. You can move to any of these topics by highlighting itand hitting ENTER again.

However, the program goes beyond just listing hundreds of words and def- initions. Context sensitive HELP is available everywhere. You can do string searches that are very fast. You are given 3 different color combina- tions; however, the default was the one I preferred. There is a “Lookup” table that lists such things as registration in- formation and bibliography. But, one of the handiest portions of the pro- gram besides the word definitions is the TABLES option.

The TABLES option list several (17) useful “Reference Tables” including such things as ASCII codes, floppy disk specifications, common virus prob- lems, and one that lists every DOS file- name extension known to man!

PC GLOSSARY is a complete pro-

gram that has tons of information in one convenient spot. I highly recom- mend this for anyone, be they begin- ners or long time users. It’s an excel- lent program to pass out at user group meeting or wherever you'd find new users. Highly recommended!

PC GLOSSARY has a registration fee of $29.

HS/LINK VER 1.20 By: Sam Smith HS120.ZIP

In my years of BBS’n, both as a user and Sysop, I’ve seen quite a few file transfer protocols come and go. Each new one boasted that it was THE BEST ever written. They all promised to be the “Protocol of the Future”, re- placing everything you had used up to that time. Well, some did have poten- tial, but because of the difficulty in set- ting up and lack of real support, we were left with the old stand-bys. Besides, these “tried and true” proto- cols were stable and worked as adver- tised. So, like most, I just ignored any new one that came along. If they got uploaded to my BBS, I usually deleted them after a week or so.

Anyways, along comes HS/LINK promising not only bi-directional transfers, but higher transfer rates than anything yet available. This one might also have been overlooked as the others except this one was differ- ent. It was written by Sam Smith! Anyone who has had anything to do with PCBoard should know how Sam Smith is. Sam is one of those few au- thors that enjoy a reputation of qual-

Continues. ..


Call Toll-Free


and charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard.

AUGUST 1993 © 11



1 YOu


user base 4 Broaden your

4 Increase your exposure Se

availability CALL CRIS NOW: E-MAIL cee

Major net: simon@crc

1 ae Hy 0 = = . Phone: 212-753-2544 intexmae, Fax:212-935-5635

ity BBS related products. Well, if Sam wrote it, it’s at least worth a look.

Higher transfer rates are no idle promise. I continually see faster rates on my BBS. Where users with 2400 baud modems were once getting around 220-230 cps on a good day, those same people are getting in ex- cess of 270 cps with error correcting modems. If you have a 2400 baud modem, those extra 30-40 cps can be quite exciting! High speed modems can also expect higher cps.

At the start, I mentioned two prob- lems with the other new protocols - Difficulty in setting up and lack of sup- port. As far as setting up is concerned, it’s really quite easy. There is a file called HS-INST.ZIP that should be found wherever you find HS/LINK. Included in this .ZIP file are text files giving step by step instructions for adding it to just about any BBS or ter- minal program. Adding HS/LINK to

Modem Cammunication Saftware for (BM PC/XT/AT and Compaubles

Send or fax a copy of this add with your order or mention it when you call for a 55% savings.

This is a limited time offer for BBS Caller's Digest readers.


- FREE. Remote Control Software

Money Back Guarantee

PCBoard took me just a few minutes. Support for HS/LINK is also quite

HS/LINK allows you to

upload AND download at the same time! You can even CHAT with the Sysop while you're uploading and/or downloading.

good. Many of the national echo net- works now carry conferences devoted to HS/LINK and related utilities with an active message base. I don’t see Sam himself too often, but most

30 Day


questions can be answered by the ex- perts that equent the conferences.

If that wasn’t enough, HS/LINK al- lows you to upload AND download at the same time! This might be a bit trickier, but as before, the installation instructions are pretty complete and easy to understand. But wait, there’s more. You can even CHAT with the Sysop while you're uploading and/or downloading.

I don’t want to go into the finer points or all the available options in- cluded, but what I do want is for you to at least take a look at HS/LINK. If you are a Sysop, I urge you to offer it to your callers. If you’re a user, I rec- ommend you ask your favorite BBS operator to give it serious look. Registration for HS/LINK is $20.

Please watch for the complete cover story on HS-Link scheduled in an upcoming issue of BBS Callers Digest. pessoas.)


IBM PC Modem Communications Special Price For Version 3.2 BBS Caller's Digest Readers

Are i


Fax: (408) 364-2788 (9:00 am. to5:00 pm. PST) |

PereLine Data Systems, Inc. 750 Camden Ave. Suite B Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 364-2770 (voice) (408) 364-2789 (BBS)

e Full Screen File Manager

e Full Screen Editor

e Powerful Script Language

e File Transfers in Background

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® Remote Control Included

e Connect Directly or Via Modem @ 2 Sessions Simultaneously

e EGA/VGA Support

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@ Over 30 Terminals Emulated

© Over 100 Modems Supported e Full Featured Host Mode

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AUGUST 1993 © 13






Sy many people want to know “What's the big deal about computers, modems and on-line services?”

The answer is simple ... a pot-of- gold for lots of folk across America. Here are three, true stories which brought health, wealth and happiness from modem mastery. The same can happen to you!


Not too long ago, I lost my job ... un- expectedly! Through no fault of my own, I became another pink-slip vicim of the plus-50 year old workforce. I was unemployed, underskilled and un- computerized. And, like lots of others in the USA, I was hurting badly with- out PC, modem or on-line skills.

And, nobody seemed to care.

I found litde comfort from my col- lege diploma, edged with the gold let- ters “cum laude”; or from my updated resume with its list of skills and thirty- five years of hands-on-business expe- rience.

Before the magical pot-of-gold from on-line activity entered my life, I was forced to struggle each week through the hot, stuffy unemployment line with four frightening words

pounding against my brain ——”Too old!” “Too late!”

I had become a plus-50 COMPUT- ER ILLITERATE.


I knew that telecommunications was the wave of the future. And, I was de- termined to learn on-line skills ... what- ever my age. Whatever the cost! During this period of emotional

I realized with a modem and computer, I could open doors

of opportunity for myself.

doldrums, I experienced a dream that actually changed my life. Outside, the weather was rainy, cold and dreary. I sat alone at my empty desk, filled with

empty thoughts and empty dreams.

I looked at my old, manual type- writer which had been a working com- panion with me since college days. But, now the machine was only a well- worn, battle scarred relic of my past... obsolete, useless and a symbol of a dif- ferent era.

The longer I sat there, the sleepier I became. Then, slowly but surely the typewriter seemed to change form into a PC monitor screen. In my imag- ination, I sort of visualized five bright, glowing words of hope on this “dream machine.”

My eyes focused on the word EN- JOYMENT. I smiled as I pictured my grandkids and me playing all sorts of computer games with other people across the country. An on-line lifestyle would take years off my life and let me revive “the kid again in me.”

I also saw the word EMPLOY- MENT on this imaginary dream- screen. I realized with a modem and computer, I could open doors of op- portunity for myself. I could create my resumes, start-up a few home based businesses. Plus, I’d be able to market my writing skills.

A third word appeared ... EDUCA-


TION. The dynamic world of BBS could lead me to a bonanza of shareware and software information. I could learn new terms, codes, skills and personal know- how which had never been a part of my former workplace vocabulary.

I liked the next word on the screen EASE. For most new computer learners, the thought of a computer or modem means “a lesson by trial and terror.” Just men- tion on-line communi- cations to the 50 plus crowd, and they simply run in the opposite di- rection.

But, times have changed. Ease of opera- tion with the newer models could give me inner tranquility that a “computer friendly” ma- chine would be an even better helper for me, than my old typing clunker. I pushed my chair back a little, relaxed and took a deep breath.

The final word flashed on the screen. It was simply ENTRY. With computer literacy, modem mastery and on-line activity, I could rejoin that 118,000,000 members of the daily workforce. My emotional health would be well again. And, life would be worth living.

My dream reverie was jolted back to reality by the loud ringing of the tele- phone. I awoke quickly. It was a job opportunity that required computer skills... but with no time limitation. Opportunity and effort joined hands for me. I was alive again!

But, that’s not the end of my ex- perience.

Within a few weeks, I was enjoying basic PC computer, performing Modem connections and an on-line status across the USA. Yet, the best part was being able to use my writing skills to interview and enjoy “real, live people behind the modems” and share in their pot-of-gold stories. Hopefully, just like yours!

Not only health, but wealth comes from modem mastery.


Howard Vibber has always been a suc- cessful businessman and “lover of books.” For years, he had owned and

All his ordering, invoices, accounts and inventory are now easily handled by full scale computer- scanning and communi- cation contact between his nationwide vendors and

mail-order services. as

managed a large book restoration company. But, in 1985, he went into the end-

user side of the pub- lishing industry by opening a state-of-the- art religious bookstore, called “The Burning Bush.” His first order- ing and inventory con- trol procedures in- volved a hand held scanner and a most in- efficient transmission system.

The next summer, Howard upgraded his entire bookstore opera- tion by installing a mainline computer with sixteen ports. This now services his two ex- panded stores via US Robotic modems and several PC’s.

This online move be- came his pot-of-gold in the business area. All his ordering, invoices, accounts and inventory are now easily handled by full scale computer-scanning and communication contact between his nationwide vendors and mail-order services. The printed page is his busi- ness, but electronic equipment is the real key to his success.

Howard Vibber says, “It is so much better to let the computers take care of the “in and out” ordering of my best selling volumes. To me, time is money. And, being connected to the entire country, saves me time, effort and lots of dollars.”

His major complaint is that people get so dependent on computers and modems, they forget to think for themselves. He calls it “the brain dead syndrome.”

For example. Whenever a billing or payment error is put on someone else’s account, he feels that many peo- ple truly believe “the computer is never wrong.” Instead of handing and resolving the problems by using the mind, they turn to the machine as master. Vibber says, “We need both computer and brain power in the busi- ness arena.”


AUGUST 1993 © 15


Takea close lookand you'llsee why so many sysops are switching to the Synchronet Multinode Bulletin Board System. Forone, message net-

working issecond nature for Synchronet. Notonly does Synchronet support FidoNet, QWK, and PostLink (RIME) messagenet- works, but network considerationsare integrated into every aspect of the BBS. Synchronet'shierarchical message and file areas are the perfect organizational solution for today's multi-network message and CD-ROM fileareas. Synchronet has many builtin features that other packages either don't offer or require an add on, suchas multichannel and private key by key chat, offline reader features, and multiuser CD-ROMsupportt. First time operators appreciate Synchronet'selegant menu drivenconfiguration, while experienced sysops revel in its wealth of options and flexibility. The list goes on andon. But don't take our word forit, check outthe competition first. With Synchronet, you won'tneed three wishes.

Synchronet Wildcat!IM PCBoard/M MajorBBS TBBS Node license $199 79 $44 $895 Multitasker $200 $200 $200 Yes Yes | 8 port I/O $300 $800 $995 $575 $500 Multinode chat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multichannel chat Yes Extra No Yes Yes Private key by key chat Yes No No Yes Yes Offline reader support Yes Yes Extra $199 $99 QWK networking Yes Yes Extra No Yes | FidoNet import/export Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Send/receive NetMail Yes Yes No No Yes PostLink (RIME) support Yes Extra Yes Extra No RIPscrip GUI support Yes No No Extra No Novell/DOS support Yes Yes Yes Yes No 976/900 billing support Yes No No Extra Extre: Real-time node activity alerts Yes No No Yes Yes Enhanced CD-ROM support Yes Yes Yes Extra Extra Multiuser SDK Yes No Extra Extra Extra Incoming FAX support Yes No No No No Chat between doors Yes No No Yes No | Bidirectional file transfers Yes Yes Yes No Nov ua) Multiple user command sets Yes No No No No Supports DOS doors 6 types 1 type 3 types No No | Hierarchical msg & file areas Yes ro) No No No | External transfer protocols Yes Yes Yes No No Total price $699 $1799 $1635 $1282 $1494

Prices donot include CPU or modems. Features and prices compiled fram vendor supplicd information 2/93, are subject tochange without notification. Wildcat!IM, PCBoard/M, MajorBBS, TBBS, QWK, FidaNcl,

t .


Why doesn’t Synchronet have a special “multi- port” version? Because Synchronet was de- signed from the ground up as a high-speed multinode BBS capable of running up to 10 nodes ona single 486. It’s advanced inter- rupt driven output design combined with DESQview optimizations maximize CPU utilization, allowing Synchronet to out perform other systems running special “multiport” versions on expen- sive coprocessed I/O cards. For performance, features, and value, nobody beats Synchronet.

Digital Dynamics P.O. Box 501 Yorba Linda. CA 92686 (714) 529-6328 voice (714) 529-9721 FAX

Multinode Bulletin Board System Software

Undeniable Value ;

2Node License $ 99 | 4 Node License $ 149 16 Node License $ 199 250 Node License $ 399 Multiuser SDK FREE | Node license upgrades are available for the difference plus 10%. Minor revision upgrades can be downloaded ives chemise.

Download the Free demo version: (714) 529-9525 2400bps (714) 529-5313 9600+bps v.32 (714) 529-9721 9600+bps ZyXel (714) 529-9547 9600+bps HST

Modems have definitely ad- vanced his lifestyle, plus made him money. But, he hopes that soon the addition of a laser printer and desktop publishing unit will further enable him to reach that pot-of-gold in life with creative advertising, brochures and bookstore flyers

GOODBYE LONELINESS!!!! Near Dallas, lives a delightful and pleasant personality who spends nearly 4,000 minutes on-line every month. Jessie Askew’s world was shattered in 1985 when her husband died suddenly ... leaving her alone and lonely.

Her first step was attending graduate school for a master’s de- gree. Next, she purchased a Commodore 128 computer and found her pot-of-gold in literally thousands of friends around the earth.

Jessie used ner computer in volun- teer database services for 100 United Methodist Churches and her local Fire Department.

By upgrading into a 286 IBM ma- chine, she became deeply involved in networking. Someone _ shared Quantum Link software with her. Soon, she was hooked. Life has never been the same

“There are lots of lonely people. And,

te Sem

Jessie Askew

As a widow, she has discovered the benefits from BBS people. Got a question? Got a problem? She advises, “Get online and you'll always find an expert out there somewhere.” “From 6 pm til midnight, you'll find my friends and me going strong on all types of topics and issues.”

For example. Saturday morning is her Diet Club by modem. With other weight conscious ladies, they discuss how to _ lose pounds what are we going to eat this week? and what’s the good word to

again. ; help us reach our Reece chatting together helps

hosts pea 5 6 e . P Bere han ev-

conferences for loft that cloudy spirit eryone in

Single Parents, bb A ica had

Mental Health from all of us. pc "i ee

groups and holi- marks Jessie

day specials

from New Years,

St. Patrick’s Day to July 4th Celebrations.

Jessie Askew says, “I’m meeting new people all the time. Thanks to a frend in New Zealand, I learned the secrets of a cellular phone. This eliminated those expensive long-distance calls and the opportunity to “access” the whole world.

Askew. “It’s my dream for the future. It’s my cure for loneliness. Everybody gets a chance to say ‘something.’”

Her most serious statement in- volved Depression. She feels, “There are lots of lonely people. And, chatting together helps lift that cloudy spirit from all of us.”

Doctors are writing poetry, profes-

sional people are composing books and novels, and adults are deeply dedicated into help- ing troubled kids. Goodbye loneliness!

When Jessie met online with a certain gentleman from California, it sparked a magical bond of friendship between them and their computers. Separated by distance perhaps, but not by spirit and sense of happiness.

So whatever your dream or pot-of-gold .... health, wealth or happiness, it all comes true for real people behind a modem.


Place your free story and photo

today in a future edition of BBS Caller’s Digest. Call or write. It’s easy and fun to share or sound-off about what and why BBS means to you. If you are interested in being inter- viewed for this monthly column, please call the office at 1 (609) 953- 9110 from 10 am to 4 pm EST. Ask for Richard. Details will be forwarded to Richard Lowell Harding. Do it today! BBS CALLERS DIGEST, Box 416, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 or call 1-609-953- 9110. aaa


I Free Report on how to go d j from $0 to $3,000 per month in I | BBS income in as little as 90 days! y

This valuable report reveals money I making information on how to operate

a BBS for profit. It outlines powerful & marketing secrets including unique ways of finding new subscribers and how to get them to pay you top dollar; guaranteed ways to generate other revenue plus the secrets to getting free publicity and being able to accept credit card payments; plus much more.

BBS Marketing

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Prepared by the publishers of The BBS Marketing l

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AUGUST 1993 © 17





father, a for- mer pilot, ea- gerly looks forward to when he visits and can play Flight Simulator. Now keep in mind that dear Dad is in his 60s and does not have his own PC. And like most of our fathers, where it concerns his children ... he’s also always right:

As he hunches over the keyboard playing Flight Simulator with this in- tense look on his face, Carol says that she can easily picture him when he was flying in World War II on a mis- sion. His body is taut, eyes focused on the information displayed on the screen ready to take action in a heartbeat.

Sometimes though, although he knows what should be done, his fin- gers don’t cooperate while manipu- lating the keyboard or the joystick. But, there’s no telling Dad that. If he has an aborted mission or heaven for- bid crashes he comes out of the computer room with this thoroughly disgusted look on his face, shaking his head, exclaiming, “That damn PC... I think there’s something wrong with it! You really should take it in for repair, dear!” Needless to say, we’ve stopped

trying to even bring up the issue of possibly his problems being operator error!

This next tale of parents & com- puting comes to us courtesy of Lora Wendling. Lora is a Struppi’s regular, and when she had heard about Carol’s

Lora groggily answered the phone to encounter this demanding and frustrated voice on the other end, “The damn PC ate my document!!!”

father’s reaction to the PC, she smiled a fond smile in remembrance and shared her tale...

Once Lora discovered PCs and how they could make her life easier, in ad- dition to providing entertainment, there was no stopping her enthusiasm. And as anyone who has ever met Lora will attest to, when she is enthusiastic, she could sell ice cubes to Eskimos! So, none of us were surprised when she announced that she had per- suaded her father to purchase a PC, with the provision that she set it up and install all the different software. Even though she considered herself a PC novice at that point, she wasn’t the least bit daunted by this request; Lora jumped right in with both feet towards achieving the goal of making her dad computer literate.

From all accounts, her father caught on right away, and was instantly hooked. Not only did he enjoy the amusing games Lora loaded on the PC for him, but he found the word- processing and spreadsheet programs immensely helpful. That is until...



Lora received the first call around 1:00 a.m. (yeah, her father happens to be a night-owl). Lora groggily an- swered the phone to encounter this demanding and frustrated voice on the other end, “What happened to it? The damn PC ate my document!!!” Fortunately, by the end of that sen- tence, Lora could tell that this was no ordinary obscene phone caller it was dear Dad calling, and he appar- ently was having trouble with his PC. She managed to calm him down, de- termine what steps he had done while working with his document in the word processor, and tell him how to retrieve it. (Another trait that Lora’s Dad has is very little patience).

There were several more such calls over the next couple of months. Lora was not unduly concerned for she made certain that the word pro- cessing package she found for her dad had an autosave feature. Finally the calls decreased in their frequency. Lora had created an emergency check book for her father each time a new ‘incident’ occurred. Peace once again reigned over the Wendling household. Dad was happy and content.

Unlike Carol’s dad, Ed’s mom re- cently bought a used 386SX (from him) and has been having just the most wonderful of times with it. Until taking possession of her new ‘toy’, she would have to go to her son-in-law’s house to use his computer. See, she’d taken a few classes in DOS and WordPerfect, and really liked tinker- ing on the PC.

Well, Ed had no sooner delivered and set up the ‘new’ PC and was on his way home when he got a carphone call from his mom. She was all upset seems the blooming machine’s floppy drives weren’t working! Ed had her try a few things, but nothing he had her do was making any sense. So Ed turned the car around and drove back to her house.

Unfortunately, at the time Ed re- turned to her house, someone came to the door, and Ed’s mom had to spend some time with them. So Ed went back into the computer room and verified that the drives were in fact working okay. Being late for a dinner date with his wife and daughter, Ed

said goodbye to his mom and her friends and went on his way. Sure enough, when he got back from din- ner, there was an exasperated message from his mom on the answering ma- chine, a message about the drives not working right.

Well, rather than try the ‘over-the- phone’ route again, Ed got in his car

Well, wouldn't you know it, as luck would have it, the computer system in his car had malfunctioned, and sure enough his problem was in fact a result of a computer error.

and drove back to his mom’s house. Together they sat down at the ma- chine. Ed watched anxiously as his mom picked up a 3.5 inch disk and put it in the appropriate drive. She then typed DIR B:, and got the infa- mous “Not ready reading drive B:” message. She sat back smugly and said, “There! You see? The stupid thing’s not reading the B: drive right!”

Ed, while stifling a chuckle, reached over and keyed in DIR A: ... which produced a directory of the diskette in the drive. Ed’s mom sat there in stunned silence and finally broke out laughing as well. You see, although Ed’s brother-in-law’s machine was set up with the 3.5 inch drive as drive B:, (as had every other ma- chine she had worked on), Ed had his ma-

onthe Games

chine set up with the 3.5 inch drive as the A: drive. She just never considered that the drives would be in a different order than she was used to!

Ed also thinks it’s humorous to note that although there is a PC in their house, Ed’s father refuses to use it! It’s not that he won’t use computers in general, just that machine in par- ticular. You see, although he’s been exposed to computers for fair longer than Ed’s mom, he isn’t quite as com- puter literate as she is, and we all think that that fact grates on his ego al- though he’ll never admit it. He’s much happier using the PC at work or driving to his son-in-law’s house ... or so he claims. Besides, he says it gives him another excuse to see his new baby grandson. <grin>

And lastly, while on the topic of Parents and PCs, here’s a final tale Carol’s father shared with her that did not help strengthen his enthusiasm for the wonderful world of computers and technology. Dad is retired now, and every year he takes off to Florida in the late fall, where he hibernates until Spring. During his last trip south, he was driving along enjoying the day when his car started acting oddly. It seemed that whenever he ac- celerated, hot air would come blowing out through the air vents.

Yet the moment he removed his foot from the gas pedal, the air con- ditioner would resume. After a few miles of this on a sweltering day he started to get more than a little an- noyed, and finally pulled into the first service station he could find. Well, wouldn’t you know it, as luck would have it, the computer system in his car


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had malfunctioned, and sure enough his problem was in fact a result of a computer error. Maybe Dad had been right after all! <grin>


Acronym: n. A word formed from the initial letters of a name, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words.

As anyone who has BBS’ed for any length of time will tell you, Multiple Letter Acronyms (MLAs) are to be found throughout the online world, often to the utter befuddle- ment of novices! But keep heart, they are not designed to confuse you, merely as a necessity for busy people running high-speed modems, but with low-speed typing skills.

To help lift some of the confusion we present a contin- uation of our regular feature on these often frustrating beasties:

BAD Broken As Designed BBR Burnt Beyond Repair BRS Big Red Switch

BWOQ Buzz Word Quotient DTRT Do The Right Thing FISH First In, Sull Here

FOAF Friend of A Friend

FURTB Full Up, Ready To Burst

GFR Grim File Reaper (pervasive data destroyer) IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion

NAFA! Not Another Freaking Acronym!

NFW! No Freaking Way!

PLOKTA Press Lots Of keys To Abort

PMFBI Pardon Me For Butting In

POSSLQ Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters

SFLA Stupid Four Letter Acronym

WOFTAM Waste Of Flaming Time And Money XTLA eXtended Three Letter Acronym

YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym

As mentioned at the start of this column, we have dedicated this col- umn to the lighter side of computing. If you have an experience or thought that you'd like to share with us, please do not hesitate to drop us a line via BBS Callers Digest.


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AUGUST 1993 © 21





saree end

| of April, cor- porations who start their fiscal year to coordi- nate with the calendar year are reporting their first-quarter earnings. The fol- lowing insights about Bank of America and Rockwell are first hand quotes from their company-issued press re- leases.

5/22/93 BankAmerica Corpo- ration reported first-quarter 1993 earnings totaling $484 million or $1.19 per common shares. Earnings for the first quarter of 1992 were $303 million, or $1.22 per common share.

“It is precisely one year since BankAmerica’s merger with Security Pacific, and the process of combining the two companies is now substantial- ly completed,” says Richard M. Rosenberg, chairman and chief exec- utive officer.

“First-quarter results showed the continuing effects of weaknesses re- main a source of concern. However, improvements in the more control- lable aspects of our business, such as expenses and credit quality, have helped mitigate the effects of the soft economy on the corporation’s earn- ing.”

Of additional import is the follow- ing, “In the first quarter of 1993, the


corporation completed the First Gibraltar Bank acquisition,” Rosenberg said. “This transaction strengthens the Bank of America Texas franchise and diversification.

As a result of the merger, we be- lieve that BankAmerica is positioned to take advantage of increased op- portunities when the economy im- proves. Although some operations are still consolidating and we have further Operating expense reductions to achieve, we do not anticipate incur- ring significant additional costs...” Rosenberg concluded.

This good news from the BofA does not imply that a complete recovery for financial institutions is around the cor-

...earnings of Telecommunications more than doubled as a result of strengthening markets and customer acceptance of new products.”

ner. The BofA has been fighting the battle of ensuring that their marginal costs will start equaling their marginal

revenues since 1985, when everybody in the industry saw them as an eye blink away from complete disaster. They are a leader in the recovery of this highly tarnished industry.

If you have a penchant for studying company balance sheets, you can probably come up with a good idea as to when they will be back on the track of continued growth. But, no invest- ment in that industry is going to be anything but risky for quite awhile. It will take someone dedicated to study- ing corporate accounting numbers in order to make a wise choice.

On to another a company. This is one the public usually identifies as be- longing in the aerospace world. Rockwell International is a diversified publicly traded company with nine dif- ferent business units.

Rockwell announced 40% second quarter earnings per share increase, April 19, 1993. Rockwell International Corporation (NYSE:ROK) reported its fiscal 1993 second quarter earnings per share were 63 cents, an increase of 40 percent over last year’s second quarter of 45 cents per share.

Net income for the second quarter was $136.9 million, an increase of 38 percent from 1992’s net income of $99 million. Sales for the quarter to- taled $2.7 billion, down from 192 sec- ond quarter sales of $2.8 billion.

Donald R. Beall, chairman and chief executive officer, said,

“Significantly, seven of our nine busi- ness units posted earnings increase over 1992’s second quarter and both our Electronics and Aerospace seg- ments had substantial earnings growth in the current year quarter.”

“In Electronics,” Beall stated, “earn- ings of our Industrial Automation business nearly tripled from the 1992 second quarter, while earnings of Telecommunications more than dou- bled as a result of strengthening markets and customer acceptance of new products.”

“In Aerospace, improved contract performance and continuing cost containment initiatives in both the Space Systems and Aircraft businesses resulted in a 46 percent second quar- ter earnings increases, even though sales were down five percent,” Beall added.

The Rockwell chief executive also commented on the outlook for the year, noting, “Even though earnings of our Automotive business were well below our expectations, the earnings improvement we achieved in the first

half of our fiscal year was greater than we had planned makes us confident we will meet our previously an- nounced goal of double-digit earnings

When facing a $45 fee for a credit report, the woman did it herself for $20.

per share growth for the full fiscal year.”

Rockwell international is an inter- esting and diversified apparently well- managed company. It would serve to be an interesting case history.


Several months back, I went to some



indepth analysis as to what to look for when refinancing your home. May 2nd’s Los Angeles Time Magazine did a short piece on the necessity of ques- tioning every charge you come across when dealing with this avenue of per- sonal finance. You either stay on your toes or continue writing checks.

They itemized a list of charges a couple early this year had to plow through when battling refinancing. The aggregate saving over the life of the loan to this feisty couple turned out to be $4,100.

When first promised a guaranteed rate, it was 7.38%. When it came ime to sign “docs” (as they are called in the biz), this rate had jumped to 7.8%. Negoutations involved role playing on the phone and calling in a lawyer until the final docs were signed with a 7.5%. This rearranging saved the couple $3,300 over the course of the 7-year loan.

When the escrow officer wanted a $100 fee to retype the grant deed,


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AUGUST 1993 © 23

there was a need to add a name before the closing, the woman spent $1.50 to get the document form and did it her- self.

When facing a $45 fee for a credit report, the woman did it herself for $20. In other words, when dealing with refinancing if you are the busy type, and don’t pay attention to the dollar signs as this process gets close to the end, you are going to end up only one way screwed. Question every charge and find out if there is a way you can either renegotiate or do it yourself.

Refinancing for the unwary can be

a one way ticket to losing dollars to a less-than-honest escrow officer. It is sound advice to inform the person in charge of your loan, at the very be- ginning, that you will be auditing every charge and asking for explanations. Also, realize going in, that a guaran- teed rate is very ambiguous to the folks in the “re-fi” biz. Let them know they are dealing with an educated con- sumer and you have a better shot at coming away with a deal you are happy with.



Finally, after all the planning and time spent with your nose in the book, you are ready to announce your business to the public. You have, of course, in- vestigated and completed the paper- work requirements tied to your area. This could include formal business li-


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cense, a re-seller’s number from the state, a DBA in your county’s legal paper or local paper, as well as any other items I may have missed.

If you are opening a retail store, then a new business is thought of as being launched the day of the grand opening with fanfare of balloons, banners, and any other attractions the new Owner may wish to indulge in.

Many times, however, businesses are launched with a little or no fanfare

. the LRS does not look kindly on thousands of dollars spent on expenses with little or no income to wnite off against it for the first several years.

except maybe for a tiny item written up by the local daily newspaper’s busi- ness editor. Or, in the case of some consultants I have known through the years, they don’t think about an- nouncements to anyone until after the initial start. By that time, they are so knee deep in paper work and prob- lems to solve, they usually either put it off or assign the task of initial ads, or press releases to someone else.

No matter how together you may feel when it comes time to open the

door of your business, resist the temptation to spend anything more than a very small percentage of your allocated budget on office furnishings and business gadgets. There are a va- riety of things, one would love to have in a new office. The problem is start- up capital only goes so far and the IRS does not look kindly on thousands of dollars spent on expenses with litule or no income to write off against it for the first several years. There are sev- eral things which are, of course, re- quired phones, computers, etc. but I am talking about ‘fancy stuff.’

I remember visiting the office of a consultant, who recently left the dom- ineering arms of IBM. His office looked like it belonged in the pages of Gentleman’s Quarterly or the special section of Fortune the month they profile the CEOs of the Top 500. When it comes to computer consul- tants oh my are the only words I have for them when it comes to spend- ing unnecessary capital on office equipment. They have a wonderful pocketbook excuse. They carry it around with them consistently so this label is appropriate. It’s required they have the latest equipment. Otherwise, they will not be up to snuff if they get a job which requires them understanding how it works. This ra- tionalization keeps many computer consultants in hole during the course of their entire ‘experiment’ in en- trepreneurialship.

If it’s something you want and you can’t write off (depreciation in a few years) think again. Also leasing or sharing equipment with someone



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down the hall is a logical alternative. Be reasonable. If you don’t need to make the purchase to get by in the first year, figure a way around it. Next cautionary note. New owners tend to get very content (in the case of any segment of the service industry) when two or three good clients are knocking continuously at their door. They tend to forget one basic premise. At some point in time, good clients and good customers can disappear without warning. Just because you are bringing in sufficient income for the time being, is not a reason not to be concerned about maintaining a mar- keting edge. But, the ‘newbie’ business owner, points out he wouldn’t know what to do with more work if it came. The answer is easy subcontract. If you don’t know someone currently you could feel comfortable subcon- tracling with join a professional or- ganization and find that someone. It could save your life later on the down the road. It could also provide you with additional work when you need it. Networking on the professional

level can be just as important as net- working for new clients.

New owners who do well are war- riors who realize they are in the eye of

If you don’t know someone currently you could feel comfortable

subcontracting with join a professional organization and find that someone.

the hurricane. I found myself in that position for approximately six months and went around to professional meetings constantly grinning like a cat who just ate the canary. Little did I know, the canary would be resur- rected into something out of Alfred Hitchcock’s, “The Birds.” I was so un-


aware during the months, when I had 4 content clients who were paying their retainers on time. Then the month of calamity hit; they all disap- peared. One had a nervous break- down, one went bankrupt, one de- cided she know longer needed public relations, and one decided to change careers. I think, at that time, only one actually sent me check with her no- tice.

Marketing is a constant require- ment. I'll say it again customers and clients disappear. Don’t allow a state of deadline pressure to cast a cloud on your judgment. Projects get finished; projects get canceled, cus- tomers go elsewhere and they have their own money problems which roll over on to you. Hopefully, they will be honest about it and not write you bad checks. I had plenty of that in my pub- lic relations days; but thankfully, during the course of running the newsletter not a one. Be watchful, be alert, be diligent.


Medford, NJ 08055. If paying by credit card,

Mail to: BBS Callers Digest, 701 Stokes Rd.,

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AUGUST 1993 © 25


There is no other way to accurately de- scribe this stage in your business growth. It is the equivalent of being told you have to perform your every- day duties while you are in the middle of hard labor (childbirth). By this time, you will have gone through sev- eral traumas revolving around paying- the-bills and payroll struggles. If you had initial capital when starting, most of it has probably been drained. You will have faced down deadlines and crises many times over. Customers wanted products or services on a dead- line which were crashed by circum- stances outside of your control. You will have dealt with unreasonable customers or clients demanding things you couldn't give. You may find out, if in the service industry, that you are performing for someone whom you can only logically label a “crook.” One of the most well paid and fre- quently published freelance wniters on the West Coast used to be in the pub-

lic relations business. He was working late on a deadline and looked up across the hall, to his amazement, watched his bread and butter client (a

I hope at some point in your life, you spent some time playing shoot-up video games. You have to think on your feet just that fast in order to stay alive.

small insurance company) packing boxes and exiting the building lock, stock and barrel.

I once worked as an Account

Executive for a small Public Relations Agency. I was eager, and spent more hours working on projects than actu- ally required. I was up late one Saturday night listening to a radio talk show where one of our clients was being interviewed. The show fea- tured call-in phone calls. The client was a dermatologist. Apparently, he’d been sued a year earlier for use of a controversial new treatment before it had been given the okay by the FDA. I was the one the next day trying to talk the Agency out of hot water with the booking agent for the show. I can’t recall what the owner had to say to the client.

These things happen and one has to be prepared for them mentally. Can these disasters be absolutely avoided? My opinion, is, not in this world. Planes with shipments on them crash. Packages get addressed wrong. People get sick at the worst possible time. Folks promise you orders and they


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cancel because of their financial problems; after you have allocated that revenue to pay a critical bill. And yet... And yet deadlines still have to be met. Clients are still waiting for their ship- ment and more customers are knock- ing at your door.

There are days when you will pray for a way to pull the plug. The prob- lem is something nobody bothered to explain the plug is stuck and you have to move forward no matter what. This is the part of the untold story. Anyone who tells you, not so, is a liar.

During this phase of business growth, I hope at some point in your life, you spent some time playing shoot-up video games. You have to think on your feet just that fast in order to stay alive. Those that don’t,

find themselves recuperating in in- tensive care after the explosion comes which dislodges the plug. You have to make the decision, at some point in time, just how much of the shifting of gears you can deal with before buying

out. But, these doors of buying an edge, never happen when you are in a crisis. The crisis passes and then op- portunity shows up. Murphy’s law has a long addendum when it comes to

They typically describe an overnight success as something which

took 20 years of hard work to achieve.

small business.

Positive alternatives include during this part of start-up: finding a partner with capital, handing that initially pol- ished business plan over to a broker whom will diligently search for addi-



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tional funding. (The initial benefit of this should be to hire staff to share the burden if you have been playing the game alone until this point.) Also, if you have been in business long enough, when you want to be able to slow down the onslaught of going it alone you may want to think about taking the company public. However, this is reserved for compa- nies whose books will pass the scrutiny of the eyes of the SEC. This requires a good set of books and a history which shows potential growth to possible stockholders.

Backing up a minute. The best pos- sible way to get yourself mentally pre- pared for the “hard labor” stage is to read as many case histories of famous business/corporations as possible. You will see how they chose to handle these growing pains. This way, you can ask yourself now whether or not you are capable and willing to go down that road. Can you and your family life personally deal with it? If you have any questions in your mind, whatsoever,

now is the time to ready yourself, not later. Later will be when you are hit with divorce papers at the same time you are in contract negouations with someone who wants to shut down your whole operation.

No one ever promised you being in business would be easy or that anyone plays the game of business according to any rules. During the time Iacocoa took Chrysler’s problems to Congress, his wife fell terminally ill. Before ever entering your initial planning stage, if you have a spouse or significant other in your life, you need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart chat. Don’t, no matter what, launch a business while your significant other is in the throes of a career identity crisis. You may as well close the door on the relation- ship. Having a spouse or mate who is well established and secure in their own business or professional is a def- inite plus for the new entrepreneur. Anything else, is a walking time bomb. Talk it out before trouble erupts.

Viewing this portion of your busi- ness evolution can be wisely defined when listening to interviews of celebrities. They typically describe an overnight success as something which took 20 years of hard work to achieve.


Finally, after a myriad of endless sleepless nights and harried days, things will start to come together. Your name/business name will actually end up in newsprint without you hav- ing to buy an ad.

You may even, at this point, start thinking about selling franchises so you can expand further without hav- ing take on the whole burden yourself. During this time, you will be faced with a growing rank of employees. You will really need to learn how to let go of some of the creative duties. You can no longer at this point, be founder, manager, and fire-stamper all in one entity. Otherwise, you will be paying more than your share of costs in med- ical fees. And, while you are in the hos- pital recuperating, the fires will con-

tinue to burn and there is no telling what they might consume.

Again, look for a clone/executive assistant early on. The person defi- nitely has to be somebody you can get along with. So, don’t chose in haste.

On a final note, don’t assume that success, growth, and birth mean the end of fighting fires. It simply means you will be stronger and now capable enough to deal with potential disasters

... the parent may have to buy more than one tem one to play with and one to put aside for the collection.

with more strength, judgment, skill and courage. After all, you have now become a seasoned warrior, one wor- thy of admiration. Be ready for the camera when the interviewers come calling!


There was recently an interesting story posted on Prodigy about starting out your kids at early age (after 8 was suggested) in the business of collect- ing. Kids, are, if you think about it, natural packrats when it comes to things they have a passion for. Whether it is comic books, baseballs card, a line of celebri- ty toys, or McDonald toys, they are never satisfied. They


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late to the chronic unrelentless moans of “...more.” Put these desires to use in a creative way which may spark the de- sire in your kids now and down the road ways to make money out of some- thing they love.

The article cautioned that when it comes to some items, such as comic books, or toys, if you want them to start a collection and have parts of the collection in good shape, the parent may be forced in the position of ac- tually having to buy more than one item one to play with and one to put aside for the collection. The arti- cle also emphasized the requirement of saving containers the items come in. This may increase their individual and collective worth when it comes time to put the collection on the mar- ket.

After lighting a fire under your kid, the next step is to get them involved in doing research as how an individual market is fluctuating on his particular passion. Again, as mentioned in pre- vious articles, there are hobby and col- lecting publications which can be re- searched through the public library if need be. Also your child may decide to start a local club for others who want to flush out the passion, or sim- ply get together for social reasons and compare each other’s collections. They might also get into the buy/trade and sell aspect amongst each other as time goes on.

This could be an activity for parents to also join in. But, at the least, it will spark an interest at an early age for in- vesting in your children. This may en- gender money making habits which last a lifetime. woe

Call ASB Today - Become part of one of the fastest growing BBS's f


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EI ee eee ee

AUGUST 1993 * 29





U sually,

I’m an orga- nized modem traveler, starting at one point and moving log- ically from state to state, gener- ally taking things in order. This month, however, we’re going to do things a bit differently and jump around a bit. That’s because we’re deep in the midst of the travel season and two of the boards I called this month are travel-related. So we'll start with the first of them...



Sysop: Jeff Mohr

Location: Detroit Lakes, MN

Phone Number: 218-847-3027

Modems: Generic 9600bps

Software: RBBS-PC 17.4

MOTTO: “Travel Information With Over 10,000 FREE Maps, Guides and Brochures Just for the Asking!”

I do so much of my traveling via modem it's often easy to forget all the planning that goes into physically vis- iting a new destination. You have to

Worldwide Brochures

Idaho Interactive

The Lock Box

plan where to stay. Make arrange- ments for lodging along the way, if you're driving, or get the best deal on tickets if you’re traveling by some other means. It also pays to know what to expect when you get where you’re going so you can pack properly and bring enough money to enjoy yourself.

In fact, physical travel is so much more trouble than simply flitting around the world in that cyberplane called a modem you sometimes have to wonder why people bother. Almost. But your can also use your modem to help you gather all the information you need to make plans for physical travel, if you use it to cal] the Worldwide Brochures BBS.

This system operates as an adjunct to Worldwide Brochures, a company founded by system operator Jeff Mohr and his wife, Janet, out of frustration when they were trying to find infor- mation to help them plan a trip to Sweden in 1988. “We decided there should be a ‘one stop shop’ to find travel information,” Jeff said. Determined to carry out that idea, he

Travel Mates BBS and Travel Mates II

PreRapture BBS

and Janet hooked up with a business partner, computer programmer Kevin Sohl, and spent the next five years compiling travel information, devel- oping products (a printed directory and software package) and designing a distribution service.

Then, Janet asked the question, “Why don’t we have a bulletin board?” The rest is history.

The BBS is really an electronic ex- tension of the company’s printed and software-based directories of trav- e] information sources. As such, it’s loaded with great research aids and very little else. The whole idea is to connect online users with the people who have travel information available. You call Worldwide Brochures BBS to locate and request information which is later mailed directly to your door.

“The system is extremely simple,” Jeff explained. “Members log on, search for what they want, order what they need, and log off. They can also leave messages if they have ques- tions about which maps, guides and brochures are appropriate, or they can


ae 8 ESSE —— eee ee ee eee

ask other members pertinent ques- tions on their future vacation plans.”

First-time callers pretty much get free access to everything offered on the system. This includes the Online Dictionary, which allows you to search on keywords for various topics and lo- cations and pull up information for onscreen viewing. You can also per- form keyword searches in the system's Online Searching menu. This is where you can quickly find lists of available brochures, maps and guides by desti- nation or by the name of the compa- ny which produces them. Once you have paid a modest fee to become a subscribing member, this is also the place where you can request free in- formation that is sent to you via mail, directly to your home. In fact, re- quesung free brochures, guides and maps is about the only thing you have to be a subscriber to do here.

Okay. My family and I are planning to physically travel to South Padre Island, Texas (it’s still pretty hard to get the feel of the sun and salt air on your skin via modem even if you



throw some sand on the floor, turn on a bunch of sun lamps and imagine you're at the beach while you call!). I looked up South Padre Island in the

Worldwide Brochures BBS is really an electronic extension of the company’s printed and software-based directories of travel information Sources.

World Brochures BBS Online Dictionary and got this information: “SOUTH PADRE ISLAND

Country: USA Continent: North America uninhabited sand reef off southern Texas, USA”

Well I found out the dictionary isn’t necessarily all that up-to-date. Whoever put that information to- gether obviously hasn’t visited South Padre Island since all the hotels, re- sorts, condos, restaurants, and clubs popped up everywhere, making ita popular stop even for the Spring Break crowd.

A search for South Padre Island on the system’s Online Brochures list hit 25 matches, however everything from tours and RV vacation guides to general information about the island today and, of course, a brochure about Spring Break on South Padre. Each of these guides and brochures has an as- sociated WWB number. All I had to do was type the number for each of the information packages I wished to re- ceive and they arrived in the mail safe and sound in about 11 days.

And that’s about all there is to it. Literally. There is only limited mes- sage activity and there aren’t many downloadable files to speak of. Worldwide Brochures BBS is really the


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AUGUST 1993 ¢ 31

a a ES

perfect example of a completely fo- cused, single-interest online infor- mation system doing what it was set up to do and doing it well.

It is interesting to note that, if you need help with anything, you can ex- pect to get it here. Jeff told me one of his favorite features on the BBS is the Page Sysop function, because callers can get instant gratification on any question or problem. But everything is set up so straightforward and easy to use, I doubt seriously you’ll be pag- ing Jeff unless you just want to say “hi.”

Worldwide Brochures BBS mem-

berships are just $12 per year. Well worth the cost if you find just one or two brochures that make a single trip better as a result. The company’s IBM PC-compatible software version of their online directory is just $19 and the printed edition of the indexed di- rectory is $39. Jeff told me he is now at work on a version of the board’s on- line directory that could be run on other BBSes. You could soon find the Worldwide Brochures directory pop- ping up everywhere.

Meanwhile, you can count on Worldwide Brochures’ continued growth. “Most of the companies who have brochures listed in the database have had requests for their informa- tion as a result,” Jeff said. “That keeps us in the ‘top of their mind.’ The BBS has catapulted us into be- coming the ‘central hub’ between cus-

The Bell Business Report is in its 4th year of publication. Topics covered have expanded to include: economic and business trends, company news, investment and financial topics, real estate, collecting, management and start-up issues. It is distributed to over 40 bbses and also uploaded to three libraries on Genie.

Electronic and print subscriptions are available along with sample issues. Call for Advertising rates in the electronic version.

The Bell Business Report

365 W. Doran, #212, Glendale, CA 91203

Voice: 818-547-1192. E-Mail on Prodigy JXSV65A and Genie L.Bell12.


tomers requesting travel information and the companies providing the service.

Jeff said he also plans to add the full text of some brochures to the sys- tem’s download libraries in the near future, but primarily his plans are to keep the system simple, fast and easy to use. It’s already all that and more. If you haven’t planned your summer va- cation trip yet, you can’t go wrong giv- ing the Worldwide Brochures BBS a call. Even if you've already been on a

Travel Mates [1s]

a board designed

to help you meet

people who travel. IT like that!

trip call and request brochures to help you remember where you were! A one-year membership now will still

be good when you’re planning a trip NEXT year.

From here we move on to Franklin Park, IL, a suburb of Chicago, where we can take a look at an entirely dif- ferent kind of travel-related BBS...


Sysop: Jason Frost

Location: Franklin Park, IL

Phone Number: 708-928-0195

Modems: Hayes 14,400

Software: Galacticom and WildCat

MOTTO: “Meet Interesting People Who Like to Go Places and Do Things”

This is another BBS dedicated to trav- el but system operator Jason Frost has put a bit of a different twist to the theme. There’s plenty of travel-related information here loads of it. But Jason explained he really started the board because he wanted to meet peo- ple who travel and bring them to-

gether to share their experiences.

“I have some knowledge and con- nections in travel,” he said. “I worked as a travel agent for two years, and I maintain strong ties with my former agency, Peter Pam’s Travel in Franklin Park (named for Peter and Pam, of course).”

But, Jason explained, he was more interested in people who travel.

“I am somewhat limited in the amount of time I have to meet and so- cialize with people,” he said. “The motto of the board summarizes the reason I run it. People who travel fre- quently are usually very nice people, and they always have interesting things and places to talk about.

“Interestingly, I was also strongly in- fluenced by the first installment of BBS NOTEBOOK in BBS CALLERS DIGEST, in March of 1992. The col- umn was written by Patrick Grote then, and he reviewed a board in St. Louis called Travel Online. I called and was impressed with what I found (although Travel Mates bears litde or no resemblance to that BBS).”

As a result, Travel Mates is unique. It’s a BBS about travel, where you can find plenty of information about places to go for your summer vacation, especially about Chicago and the sur- rounding area. That's why I have in- cluded it at this point in the column. Even more, however, it’s a board de- signed to help you meet people who travel. I like that!

A lot of the message and file areas here will give you the travel informa- tion you need. I found most of this in- formation posted as messages left by Jason. I found active message bases covering special events in IL, IN, MI and WI, hot travel bargains, and spe- cial events in Chicago. I also found MajorNet international echomail fo- rums on travel and travel bargains, re- ports on travel destinations, adventure and outdoor vacations, foreign travel and more.

But there’s a lot to interest general modem users here as well. I found message areas supporting BBS ads, a teen discussion area, questions and an- swers about computers and modems, and more. And there are literally thou-

sands of files, including games, busi- ness programs, programming utilities and more, on CD-ROM and hard disk.

Jason told me his callers seem to like the system’s online games the best. I tried my hand at Against the Clock, an intriguing online trivia game where you get to enter the ques- tion the next player will have to an- swer IF you guess the one that’s been left for you. It reminded me of King of the Boards, a similar trivia game I’ve played on other BBSes. Incidentally, I couldn’t guess the an- swer and didn’t get to leave a new question. Does anyone remember which company created Tass Times in Tone Town? I couldn’t think of the answer for the life of me! Now I re- member why I rarely play Trivial Pursuit!

I also found Tim Stryker’s Fazuul, Hangman’s Secret Cove and Super Nova, a popular online challenge that closely resembles Battleship. I won the first two rounds of Hangman that I played. I think I’m getting good at that one!

Travel Mates callers can also par- ticipate in a nifty matchmaker feature to meet one another on a more per- sonal basis. Jason also likes to get to know his system’s callers. There are several in-depth questionnaires you can answer that ask in depth about literally every interest you could possibly have. If used properly, the re- sults of these could serve Jason as an excellent market survey, so he can meet his users’ needs more com- pletely. And I found Jason to be a helpful, supportive system operator, al- ways willing to give new callers a gen- tle helping hand.

The most unique feature I found on the board was the Online Flower Shop. This unique service lets you se- lect from several different graphics flower designs and send them as messages to other users on the sys- tem. You can send a carnation, a sweetheart rose, a Happy Birthday message complete with balloons, a heart with “Thinking of You” in the middle, or a pretty little rose just for lovers. I haven’t seen this feature on any board before and it’s one of the

niftiest doors I’ve seen in a long time.

Travel Mates BBS is unique physi- cally as well. It’s actually TWO BBSes, each running different software, work- ing together as a single system. “I first began to entertain the notion of be- coming a sysop in 1991 when Mustang announced the release of version 3.0 of WildCat,” Jason said. “TI was very ex- cited by the features listed in the promo material, and promptly bought

a copy.

Games, unlimited downloads, national chat events, national netmail

and the matchmaker database are all available to callers who are registered and verified as Standard users.

“The only thing it lacked was the ability to run more than two or three lines from a single machine (we had no affordable 486 machines available then). I bought the Major BBS with the intention of using its out-dial prod- uct to connect it to my WildCat board. Unfortunately, that could not be accomplished until the latest re- lease of Major BBS.”

Jason’s got the two boards con- nected now. Basically, when you call the Travel Mates BBS, you connect with The Major BBS. This is the basic bulletin board. To access most of the file direc- tories and mes- sage bases, how- ever, you select a door on the Major BBS sys-

“Best BBS on the planet.”


Over 3,000,000 calls! 617-354-5776 2400 - 14.4 v.32bis PO Box 338, Cambridge, MA 02238

tem that jumps you to Travel Mates II,

running on the latest version of WildCat. Jason was in the process of moving most of the message bases and file directories over to Travel Mates II when I called.

You'll want to give this system a call. There’s more here of interest than meets the eye. What is here is often unique and always interesting.

First-time callers get free demo ac- cess to the system after filling out an online registration questionnaire. This allows you to look around, down- load a list of available files and write E- mail to the sysop. Games, unlimited downloads, national chat events, na- tional netmail and the matchmaker database are all available to callers who are registered and verified as Standard users.

Paid users get varied numbers of credits which can be used to pay for online casino games, dial-out func- tions, and enhanced chat functions. Half-year or one-year members get one hour of privileged access every day and are exempt from being charged credits for most (but not all) of the services available to Paid users.

It’s less complicated than it sounds. Basically, you can buy 75,000 credits for $5 or 200,000 credits for $10. If you prefer a membership, you can subscribe for six months for $18 or 12 months for $24. Subscription mem- berships include some free credits. Take a look around this one!

Now that all of our vacation plans are made and we have access to TWO systems that can help us with fu- ture journeys it’s time to hit the cy-


AUGUST 1993 * 33

berhighway for some more modem meandering. Our first stop...


Sysop: Bob Cooper

Location: Boise, ID

Phone Number: 208-345-4987

Modems: Boca and Infotel 9600

Software: MajorBBS 6.03

MOTTO: “Friendliest and Funnest Board in Idaho”

Idaho Interactive is an interesting pro- fessionally-run general interest BBS that seems to cater to teleconferencing and games more than files and other online activities. That’s not to say you won't find files here just not many. One CD-ROM offers a great se- lection of shareware and freeware, but I only found roughly 25 files on the system's own download directories.

But fear not, file freaks Sysop Bob Cooper said his major focus for the near future is the addition of more files via CD-ROMs, and he was in the process of adding six more discs when I called. They should all be on- line by the time you read this. And Bob doesn’t ever place upload/down- load ratio restrictions on his users.

Once you’ve downloaded your fill, you'll want to check out the system’s chat areas. This is where Idaho Interactive stands out above many other boards I've called. This board’s users are some of the chattiest folks I’ve ever run into. I was paged for chats often in the short time I had for my visit to Idaho Interactive and I wit- nessed more than a few excellent, in- teresting discussions raging full bore when I checked in.

Echo conferences are also popular on Idaho Interactive, mostly from

Educator’s BBS

713-331-6923 300/1200/2400 Baud $20 per year * 24 Hours + Sysop, Walt Ledbetter

An Educational BBS for Students, Parents, Teachers, and Tutors Home of Tutbbs21-Tutorial on BBSes, Procedures, Term Papers 300-2400 Baud « Virus Information.

* Messages » Online Tutoring - Educational Files «

+ Communications Files » Teacher Files » Door Games + File Requests «

With an Education Your Future is Unlimited!

FidoNet. There are buy and sell con- ferences, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons discussion areas, and cate- gories for talking about books, home gardening, environmental issues, BBSes, recipes, Star Trek, partying, and politics, in addition to the usual array of computer-related discussion areas.

The most interesting feature I found was Idaho Interactive’s online shopping mall. There are some inter-

The most interesting feature I found was Idaho Interactive's online shopping mall. There are some interesting vendors and products represented here, ones I rarely see on BBSes.

esting vendors and products rep- resented here, ones I rarely see on BBSes as a rule.

Research Consultants has an entire section in the online mall where you can request information on any sub- ject and get it quickly for a price. This is a professional information bro- kerage that will help you with simple fact-finding missions, term papers, even large research projects. The company also has a large selection of government documents on hand that can be ordered or searched. You can also purchase a number of handbooks or completed re- search pro- jects or sort through a nice selection of computer hardware and software for sale.

Role play-

ing game aficionados will love Idaho Interactive’s Dark Horse online store. This well-known company offers an impressive array of new board and role playing games and accessories, books and miniatures you'll be glad you dis- covered, at prices that are certainly below what many retail outlets charge.

You can make online purchases in any of the stores with a simple “Y” or “N” keystroke, then go back through all your purchases and verify that you want the items you've selected, one by one. Once you've verified your list, the system automatically generates a total price, adds in the shipping and verifies your mailing address and payment method of choice. Products you've or- dered are shipped directly to your door.

Online games are always fun and Idaho Interactive provides several in- triguing electronic challenges for your entertainment, including Hangman’s Secret Cove, Androids, Super Lotto, Fazuul, Super Nova, Quest for Magic and Auto Wars. My personal favorites are Fazuul, a bizarre text-based adventure game written by Tim Stryker (author of the MajorBBS bulletin board system software pack- age), and Auto Wars, a fine online challenge based on the popular Car Wars role playing game.

It’s easy to see why so many callers enjoy spending their time connected to this system. You should give it seri- ous consideration, too.

First-time callers get 2 free hours on Idaho Interactive after filling out a lit- tle information in an online registra- tion form. Bob Cooper verifies all new users via automatic callback verifier or voice telephone call.

Once you're verified, you get a month of free access, limited to 30 minutes per day. With this access, you can view the list of available files from the system’s CD-ROM directory but you won't be permitted to download them. You can enter private chats with other users, but not page another user for chat. And you can send E-mail, but you won’t be able to request return re- ceipts for messages you've sent. There are other services and features to which you won’t have free access, or which won’t be visible to you, but you


do get access to most of the system’s file directories, message bases, chat functions and games. A message to SYSOP will also get you verified if the automatic call-back verifier doesn’t work for you.

Memberships are reasonably priced. You can get one month of ac- cess, for an hour per day, for $7.50. A month of access for three hours per day is $15. And a full year of access for three hours per day is $115.

After that enjoyable visit, it’s time again to move a bit closer to the sun. Texas one of my favorite vacation sites sO Our next stop is Dallas, where we Visit...


Sysop: The Keeper (Chuck Morgan)

Location: Dallas\Highland Park, TX

Phone Number: 214-559-3994

Modems: Viva 2400

Software: WWIV BBS

MOTTO: “Very Well Put-together Board, the Best in On-line

Auto Seller™

‘ae i,


Games Selection, Message Areas That Will Interest Just About Anyone.”

When I first logged on to this BBS, an onscreen message informed me that I was NOT welcome on the BBS if I was a member of any law or telephone agency. Hmmm! That peaked my in- terest right away. What I found on the board was interesting but certainly nothing that would get any police or telephone company snoops foaming at the mouth. I suppose sysop Chuck Morgan, who goes by the handle of The Keeper on the BBS, simply doesn’t care for these people and hopes the message will warn them away. Since many police and tele- phone company officials logging on to BBSes have been known to occasion- ally lie about who they are, I wonder how much good this message really does.

Anyway, if you’re NOT a member of a police or telephone agency, you'll find plenty to make you feel wel-

WEST COAST Tel: 805-964-4899 Fax: 805-683-7690 BBS: 805-964-2833 5276 Hollister Ave, #405 Santa Barbara, CA 93111

: : tat {6 rf «|? a. 2 tee : as as a rei ? res z j-. ee howe e Se as [ooo ie yee en | | Owner Corey : «} aad 405A Holster A.o ] Deseek aes §2.400.000 ahaee bal poate eee aes rox brow

ee ee | | || Residential Real Estate

Create Powerful On-Line Databases!

Durand Communications has developed the first full featured on-line photograph database based on Galacticomm's Major BBS and the Major ‘Database. Now you can create your own powerful image viewing databases using our DC NET Photograph Database and the DC Terminal program. Create your own multi-line database application or use one of our turn-key applica- tions to provide complete database services with on- line photographs, powerful search parameters and much more. Brand new DC RlPterm allows for completely graphical front-ends.. Call now for<information or call our Demo BBS and download the DC Terminal program.


Product Applications Real Estate, Product Catalog

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- wie Yur


EAST COAST Tel: 703-527-3747 Fax: 703-525-9636

4601 N. Fairfax Dr., #1130 Arlington, VA 22203

come on The Lock Box BBS. Chuck told me one of the reasons why WWIV is his BBS software of choice is the fact that it can so easily be cus- tomized to fit his personality. He’s ob- viously put in a lot of work on this as- pect of his system. The Lock Box is packed with personality.

In addition to extensive support for fellow WWIV BBS system operators, files on the system range from graph- ics, DOS utilities, communications, games, and language files, to graphics and text files covering every possible adult interest imaginable (sorry kids, you're going to have to prove your legal age to gain access to these latter areas!).

I was pleased with the selection of files I found on The Lock Box. For ex- ample, in the “New Uploads” area, I found a great GIF graphics file of some “strange sheep” you would have to see yourself to believe, a text file telling you what to do if you are hit with line noise problems on your


a a ee er a

AUGUST 1993 © 35

modem, a program that simulates brainwaves on your screen, and many more.

Messages don’t seem to be a strong point here, but what message bases there were active and interesting. There were areas for online game hints and news, movie and theater re- views, national and local sports dis- cussions, talk about music and hob- bies, classified ads and political debate. I also found a number of interesting ICEnet echomail areas, including dis- gusting jokes, more political debate, an area for talk about campus life and high school life, and TradeWars hints and news.

The Lock Box is also host of the controversial “OPEN FIRE *UN- CENSORED* DEBATE” echomail forum and also hosts the Drug Legalization Forum. A brief scan of

these two areas is guaranteed to get you talking!

I also ran into a rather interesting local discussion concerning the issues surrounding the whole Branch Davidian affair. This one almost kept me online longer than I allow myself for a review, just reading the heated

Pics OnLine!

MultiUser System 609-753-2540

debate. In fact, I noticed there seems to be a lot more interesting activity on the local message boards here than on many BBSes. This is most likely due to Chuck’s unique method of encour-

The Lock Box is also host of the controversial “OPEN FIRE *UNCENSORED* DEBATE” echomail forum and also hosts the Drug Legalization Forum.

aging his users to post E-mail. When you log off of the board, you get a “Message Posting Rating” that is based on how many messages you left while you were connected. Since comments to the Sysop don’t count and that’s all

I had time for during my visit, my rat- ing was an embarrassing “0.” J almost logged back in just to leave a couple more messages and get a better grade!

Despite the board’s general inter- est leanings, The Lock Box’s central focus appears strongly slanted toward computer games of all kinds. There were quite a few games in the file areas and the discussion on most of the message boards was also quite often centered around games. To meet this interest, Chuck offers an impressive array of online challenges. The board isn’t multi-node, so there aren’t any multiplayer online games, but still there are more than 30 ex- cellent interactive online amuse- ments to choose from here, includ- ing Championship Bowling, Battle Zone, Dragon Lance, Mat Mania Wrestling, Solar Realms Elite II, Food Fight, Dragon’s Hoard, Bat Man The Game, Star Trek and a lot more.

I had a bit of fun trying my hand at Red-Or-Black Cards, an online gam- bling game where you bet against the house on which hand of cards will

Looking for a HOT Adult BBS? Pics OnLine! offers some of the best BBS’ing in the country. We have something for everyone, including over 50,000 files in specialized collections including Adult Graphics and Novels, Network Tools, Ham Radio and SWL, and MIDI/MOD/SB Music Files.

it here.

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come closest to adding up to 33. Chuck’s made this game and sev- eral of the other games on the board more interesting by adding an on- line “slot machine” that you play when you log on. If you win, you get credits which you can spend to play online games and to wager in the gambling games. Out of two tries, I won some credits then went on to win one hand of Red-Or-Black Cards. Four hands later I was broke!

On the adult side of things there are even more online games to choose from many with names I can’t even list here! It’s enough to say these can provide many hours of adult fun in the privacy of your own home. Most are actually hilarious, but then again that’s what their authors meant them to be.

After three years online, Chuck said he’s most proud of the fact that The Lock Box has managed to gather a large group of faithful callers. He’s made more than 100 modifications to the stock WWIV BBS software and these “tweaks” make his system truly unique. He also told me he hopes to help with the development of multi- node WWIV, saying, “I feel it’s a must for WWIV to continue to thrive as it has.” Chuck said he also hopes to con- tinue improving the “feel and touch”





of the BBS, and said he intends to con- tinue offering “the most in online games and unique message areas.” I recommend you check this intriguing system out for yourself!

When you first log on to the Lock

The PreRapture BBS’s interactive online ANSI and ASCII

Bible Classes were some

of the most interesting I’ve seen in quite

some tzme. —————————eeeeeeel

Box BBS, you won’t get much access at all. To get more access, you must post a message addressed to SYSOP telling Chuck your real name (handles are al- lowed on the board), your voice phone number, where you found the number to the BBS, what other BBSes you frequent. Omit any of this infor- mation, and Chuck may decide to give you lower access. Stay away from po-

lice work, avoid telephone company employment, and follow the above suggestions and you'll find yourself hooked up with a BBS worth dialing


Finally, we move further eastward, almost to the coast but still very much in the south. We’ll end this month’s silicon sojourn in Durham, North Carolina, where we visit...


Sysop: Steve Winter

Location: Durham, NC

Phone Number: 919-286-3686

Modems: US Robotics 16.800

Software: Maximus

MOTTO: “A Wholesome, Christian, Family-Oriented BBS That Also Has Plenty Available For Those Not Religiously Inclined”

It’s getting tough these days to find a BBS you can log onto with your kids. The PreRapture BBS is one board you can call and never worry who’s looking at the screen over your shoulder. The main interest here is Christianity and Bible study, but the board also has a lot of general interest files and fea- tures. The board is also home of the


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AUGUST 1993 © 37

—————$———— nk rt ge a a

PRIME network, a huge popular in- ternational echomail network that’s carried on literally hundreds of BBSes all over the world.

System operator Steve Winter said he honestly feels the Lord led him to start the PreRapture BBS, back in 1986, because he really had no inter- est whatsoever in computers at the time. In fact, he even got rid of his first 1200 baud modem when he first heard about computer viruses.

Steve was actually a total stranger to computers at the time. In fact, he used a lot of dedicated computers of one kind or another in the operation of PreRapture Productions, a Gospel recording/production company/stu- dio he was running then. Fortunately for the online world, Steve eventually

got another modem this time a 2400 baud model and started call- ing local BBSes.

“One day I happened to download a copy of WWIV BBS and all of a sud- den it was set up,” he said. Thus, PreRapture first went online, on an old Corona PC (state of the art for the mid 80s), running WWIV with an in- ternal 2400 baud modem. “I even had an old Okidata printing out every line

of new

CyberDoor formats, designs and produces the coda needed to have a functioning door application in minutes.

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of the BBS log in realtime (brrr, ka- chunk, brrr ka-chunk).”

Callers came online in increasing numbers and the system grew. “After a while, I upgraded to GAP so I could run multi-node, then to Remote Access for FidoNet compatibility, then to Maximus for the Squish style mes- sage bases and now to Maximus/2 (with four high speed nodes under OS/2 on a 486/33 with 15 megabytes of RAM),” Steve explained.

Steve also told me he started the PRIME international echomail net- work because he simply didn’t fit in on the networks that were already in operation at the time. “It was origi- nally started so I would have a net- work that I couldn’t get kicked off of,” he said. “A true ‘One God’ Bible preacher doesn’t last real long on the false Christian networks or echoes un- less he basically sells his soul. Now the Lord has blessed and PRIME is car- ried on several different continents. PreRapture BBS is also the home base for the PRIME HOLY_BIBLE echo, which is the only ‘One God’ Christian echo on the FidoNet back- bone.”

If you’re looking for this kind of re-

ligious teaching in an online envi- ronment look no further. Steve is an active and opinionated orator and his own sermons are scattered all over the BBS. The PreRapture BBS's in- teractive online ANSI and ASCII Bible Classes were some of the most interesting I’ve seen in quite some time. There are also several searchable Bible databases, available online or downloadable.

Steve’s also quite active in the BBS and PRIME Network message areas. “For those interested in the Bible, we have several religious echoes, and sometimes emotions get rather ex- treme when people who have been taught one thing or another come face to face with certain versus that don’t quite fit with their ‘beliefs,’” he said. “Sometimes the echoes are calm and other times it probably appears to newcomers to be flame city.

PreRapture BBS accepts donations, but there is never a charge required to access the system. New callers must fill out a brief online questionnaire, agree never to use profanity on the board and wait for call-back verifica- tion, but that’s all that’s required and you're on.


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c alling

or running a Bulletin Board System with the Commodore 64 or 128 has never been easier, or better! Only a few years ago, Commodore users had to contend with screen displays that left much to be desired, and slow modem speeds were the norm. Today, a term pro- gram for the Commodore 64 lets you call bulletin boards and see them it as they were meant to be seen, both in color and in 80 columns.

There’s a variety of new hardware that have amazed the original de- signers of the Commodore computer, including hardware that allows the use of high speed modems, new disk drives that have storage capacities of up to 3.2 mega bytes (over 13,000 blocks free!,) and RAM expansion de- vices that give instant access to up to 16 megabytes of battery backed-up RAM. As if that weren’t enough, new programs have been written that allow Commodore users to read and reply to BBS mail offline.

Whether you want to run your own bulletin board system, or simply want to keep up with the latest develop- ments for telecommunicating with the C64/128, this column is for you. In the coming months, I will be writing about new hardware and software that make telecommunicating with your C64/128 a breeze, as well as cover the basics of BBSing, from the


Commodore point of view.

I’m going to start out with the as- sumption that you’re new to BBSing and want some basic information about using your Commodore to communicate with the rest of the world. My first suggestion is to read ev- erything you can on the subject, and this magazine is a great place to start.

Don’t stop at this column! There’s a lot to be learned about the world of Bulletin Boards in this magazine. Browse it’s pages and familiarize yourself with some of the terms used. The MS-DOS world and the Commodore world are very similar programs have been written that allow Commodore users to read and reply to BBS maul offline.

when it comes to calling Bulletin Boards, and almost all of the features available on these boards are accessi- ble to you, too.


Let’s begin with modems. There are two different species of modems that the Commodore can use. One will plug directly into the user port of the

computer, while the other one re- quires another piece of hardware be- tween the modem and the user port, called an interface. Modems that are plugged directly into the computer can be found in many of the mail order houses that cater to Commodore users (I'll list a few of them at the end of this article).

The prices for these vary between $24.95 for a Commodore 1200 baud modem and up to $79.95 for an Aprotek 2400 baud modem. Commodore-ready 300 baud modems can be found easily because they are usually given away. Try to avoid these and instead use a 1200 or 2400 baud modem, as there aren’t many BBS’s that will support 300 baud callers. Hayes or Hayes compatible modems, designed for the IBM and it’s clones, are readily available and can be pur- chased from almost any outlet that sells computers.

Be sure to get the “external” type. The least expensive choice may be to purchase a used Hayes or Hayes Compatible modem, and then buy an interface for it from the mail order houses. Right now there are a lot of used 2400 baud modems on the mar- ket, and these can be found for sale in your local classified ads. Another ex- cellent source for finding used modems are the “For Sale” areas on local Bulletin Boards.


The reason you need an interface for a modems not designed specifically for

the Commodore, is because Commodore 64/128 computers have a non-standard port for the modem. The interface acts as an adapter you can use to plug the modem into your 64 or 128. What kind of interface you need depends on what kind of Hayes or Hayes compatible modem you have.

If you have a modem that has speeds above 2400 baud, you will need a SWIFTLink cartridge interface from Creative Micro Designs, Inc. This in- terface provides a true RS-232 port for the Commodore and it will allow you to use high speed modems up to 38,400 bps (bits per second). If you have a 1200 or 2400 baud Hayes com- patible modem, you can order a plain-jane interface from one of the mail order sources listed below.

Interfaces are usually referred to as “RS-232 interfaces”, and range in price from $24.95 for the regular in- terface to $39.95 for the SWIFTLink cartridge. If you’re handy with elec- tronics or a soldering iron, it is possi- ble to make your own interface, but that’s beyond the scope of this article.


Once you have a modem connected to your C64 or 128, you will need a program called a terminal, term pro- gram or simply “term.” This is a pro- gram that you load and run on your 64. It tells your modem how to send information, and then interprets how the information received through the modem looks on your screen.

The term program can also keepa phone book for your modem calls. Term programs come in many differ- ent styles and types, and it’s best to find one that offers a variety of fea- tures. A good term program can make a world of difference when it comes to telecommunicating.

The Term program offers you sev- eral choices in how the information the modem receives is interpreted. This is referred to as “emulation”. Standard emulation will show you only text when you call a BBS. Color Graphics (also called C/G) will show you Commodore color graphics, but only when you call a Commodore Color/Graphic BBS.

Ansi 80 column emulation will translate the IBM ANSI color graphics the BBS sends and let you see them on your screen in an 80 column format, while Ansi 40 column emulation gives you the same, but in 40 columns. Vt emulation allows you to communicate with main frame computers. Most MS- DOS based BBS's have ANSI abilities,

... there are a great many bulletin boards run on other systems that have Commodore files available

and there’s at least one Commodore 128 BBS program that has this ability. When you first get on a BBS, you may see a screen that says “Press Escape (or ESC) twice to enter the BBS”. If you have a C64, you’ve prob- ably noticed that it doesn’t have an ESC (es- cape) key. In place of that, many term pro- grams for the 64 let you use the backar- row <- as an ESC key. If that doesn’t work, pressing the CTRL, SHIFT and Left Bracket ([) , keys all at the same time usual- ly does the trick. What

Choice. TY BEY

America’s Local BBS.

can a Commodore user do on a BBS? Simple! Everything that everyone else does, including joining in on message bases, playing games, chatting, Or file transfers. It’s not always easy to find a BBS run on a Commodore computer, but as an alternative, there are a great many bulletin boards run on other sys- tems that have Commodore files available on their bulletin boards for downloading. Be sure to support the boards that do carry Commodore files, and don’t forget to thank the Sysop!


Creative Micro Designs, Inc.: (SWIFTLink cartridge) 1-800-638- 3263 (orders only) 1-413-525-0147 (in- formation)

Tenex: 1-800-prompt-1

Software Support International: 1-800-356-1179

Software Hut: 1-800-848-0079

Briwall: 1-800-638-5757

I can be reached via BBS Callers Digest, and can usually be found lurk- ing around in the Fido-net CBM International echo. xs 2427]

Join The Club With : No Hourly Connect Charges! |

A Local Call From Over 850 U.S. and International Cities With: Chat... Email... Games... Forums... Matchmaker... Travel... Shopping... Files... GIFs... News...

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AUGUST 1993 © 41




Why do we need compression and archiving utilities?

B, com-

pressing and archiving files, we can save more room on our hard drives, as well as keep multiple files together so they don’t get lost. In the world of telecommunications, these utilities mean fewer files to download and less connect time to download these files. And when your paying by the hour or minute for connect time, this ime can add up very quickly. This month, we will discuss .compres- sion/archiving utilities, their history, and how some of this compression is achieved. We will only examine the public domain/shareware products.

One of the first utilities on the Mac was called BinHex, created by Yves Lempereur around 1985. It took a file and converted the info from Binary to a Hexadecimal representation. For text files, this was fairly good, but the program did not compress files as much as translate files, hopefully into a smaller size. The last version of BinHex was v.5.0, around 1986-87. BinHex was okay, but did not allow archiving of multiple files.


The first compression and archiving


programs on the shareware scene was Packit, by Harry Chesley. PackIt not only compressed and archived files, but also allowed encryption. The en- cryption was a string of 8 characters, of any type, including special Mac char- acters. This is like a password protec- tion scheme for your protected file. The next major program to come along was Stuffit, by Raymond Lau. Stufflt had an advantage over Packlt in

... by several independent tests done by multiple parties, [Compact Pro] seems to compress a litle tighter than the original Stuffit.

that it compressed files much better (smaller files), and soon became a reg- ular on most bulletin boards. Stufflt went through many different ver- sions and improvements. The last shareware version I believe was 1.5.1, and there was a Stufilt Classic 1.6 that came out as shareware. Raymond

Lau was one of the few developers who made money from the shareware route (besides Scott Watson for Red Ryder). Raymond finally sold Stufflt to Aladdin Systems, where it became a commercial package, Stuffit Deluxe. Stufflt also offered multiple tech- niques for compression. One of which is Huffman technique, which will be discussed later.


The latest contender in the compres- sion/archiving world is Compact Pro. Compact Pro does not have all the bells and whistles as Stuffit Deluxe, but by several independent tests done by multiple parties, it seems to compress a little tighter than the original Stufflt. Compact Pro started as Compactor several years ago, and archives may be recognized by the ex- tension “.cpt”.

Unfortunately, there is no standard for compression in the Mac world. Many commercial packages have be- come popular, and one might find archives of many different programs out on any given board. If an archive is out there, and you don’t have the program to uncompress the file, there are only a few things you can do. One, ask the originator to re-upload the file as a selfextracting archive (has the extension “.sea”), or in a format

that you can uncompress. Or two, you can ask someone who has the pro- gram the archive was originally creat- ed to uncompress the archive for you. Many sysops try to maintain only a few compression programs on their board and try to keep all archives in those formats. If all else fails, contact the sysop and see if he or she can help.


To help understand how these pro- grams work., I’ve asked a friend of mine, Larry Terrill, to help explain the Huffman technique. Larry is a pro- grammer/networking/Macintosh guru of the highest order. He beta tests for Apple Computer, and is a de- veloper for about 28 different com- panies. Here is how the Huffman tech- nique works...

“The Huffman coding scheme was developed quite a long time ago to re- duce the transmission time required to transmit data over serial commu- nications lines. Using serial commu- nications techniques, the bits repre- senting each byte of the data stream are send one at a time in sequential fashion. Using ASCII encoding, the system all desktop processors use today, this requires eight bits for each byte sent. The goal of Huffman coding is to reduce the total number of bits required to communicate a given number of bytes. Huffman coding schemes use a variable number of bits to represent each byte, rather that the standard eight bits per byte.”

“Using less than eight bits can sig- nificantly reduce the total number of bit transmitted, but the data stream must remain understandable. This re- quires each byte to be represented by a sequentially unique stream of bits. In this rmanner the receiver will know when a byte starts and stops. Thus some bytes will be represented by less than eight bits and some by more. The goal is to encode the more fre- quently occurring bytes with short bit streams and the less common bytes with the longer bit streams. In this way the total number of bits required is less than the original eight bits per byte.”

“As an example, consider the mes- sage “APPLE”. If this message was rep-

resented using the standard ASCII coding scheme (uncompressed) it would look like this in hex:

0x41 0x50 0x50 0x4C 0x45 and the equivalent bit stream would be: 01000001 01010000 01010000 01001100 01000101 for a total of 40 bits (spaces were added to show char- acter breaks).”

“If we examine the message, we find that the letter ‘P’ occurs twice

The goal is to encode the more frequenily occurring bytes with short bit streams and the less common bytes with the longer bit streams.

while A,L, and E each occur once. No other letters occur at all. Using this fre- quency of occurrence, we can choose bit codings which are shortest for let- ter P and longer for each of the other appearing letters. Since no other letter appears, we will not assign them a code. The Huffman code table for the message “APPLE” would be

P=] A=01 L=000 E=001

Note that the bit patterns where carefully chosen so that as we look at the bits one at a time, we know if the character is complete or not. If the first bit we see is a ‘1’, it must be a let- ter ‘P’. If the first bit is ‘0’, we know we must examine more bits to determine the next letter. If the second bit is a ‘1’, it must be a letter ‘A’. If not, we need to examine the next bit, and so on. Using our Huffman code table above, our message “APPLE” is now send as the following bit stream.


This message is now ten bits as op- posed to the original 40 bits, or a com-

pression of 75%! Again spaces were added above to show the character breaks. Of course, in a real applica- tion, you would also have to transmit the code table to the receiver so that the receiver could de-code the mes- sage, but this illustrates the tech- nique.”

“With such savings possible, it is easy to see why programmers used this technique to compress programs and data. The compression program first examines the file to count the fre- quency of occurrence for each byte in the file. A code table is constructed in such a manner that the most fre- quently occurring bytes are coded with the shortest bit patterns. The file is en- coded and the compressed version of the file is saved along with the code table. This way the compression pro- gram will be able to re-build the orig- inal file by reading the code table, reading the compressed bit pattern, and re-coding the bytes in their origi- nal pattern.”

“In summary, Huffman coding schemes deliver the best compression rates when the file contains very few unique bytes. Thus text files, which by their nature contain many spaces and vowels, result in very high com- pression rates. Executable programs on the other hand tend to contain a

very high number of unique bytes with a fairly uniform number of occur- rences so the compression rates are lower.”

Next month... we’ll examine public domain telecommuncations pro- grams. and what are the advantages of some compared to others. Until then, good luck and keep connected!


Michael A. Kuykendall is a veteran Mac User and crony from the days of 64K ROMs and 400K floppies. He has been an overworked officer for 3 Mac User Groups, written for several computer publications around the country, and is currently President/Sysop/General flunkie for the Online Macintosh Users Group, based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Time is his enemy, not his friend. Comments and or suggestions may be sent to him in care of this publica- lion.

re ee erin Soom MeN a fos aa inten Rs. ee

AUGUST 1993 © 43





ale document describes three

computer-related organizations that encourage government and other policy makers to be more responsible in their actions and attitudes toward the computer community. The three are the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the League For Programming Freedom, and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

This document was compiled by Philip Zimmermann for inclusion with his PGP22 encryption program packet, “Pretty Good Privacy.” The ma- terial was drawn from documents supplied by the three organizations and is generally available. The Freeware Hall of Fame believes these organizations should be better known in the BBS community and is provid- ing wider distribution of Mr. Zimmermann’s compilation.


The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July, 1990, to as- sure freedom of expression in digital media, with a particular emphasis on applying the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights


to computer-based communication.

From the beginning, EFF was de- termined to become an organization that would combine technical, legal and public policy expertise, and would apply these skills to the myriad issues and concerns that arise when- ever a new communications medium is born.

EFF has become an organized voice for the burgeoning community

of nationally and inter-nationally networked computer users.

By remaining faithful to this initial vision, EFF has become an organized voice for the burgeoning community of nationally and inter-nationally net- worked computer users. We perform the multiple roles of guardian, advo- cate and innovator, to serve and pro-

tect the public interest in the infor- mation age.


EFF’s mission is to understand the op- portunities and challenges of digital communications, in order to foster openness, individual freedom and community. We expect to carry out our mission through activities in the following areas:


EFF has been working to promote an open architecture for telecommuni- cations by various means, including the Open Platform Initiative, the fight against the FBI’s Digital Telephony wiretap proposal, and ef- forts to free robust encryption tech- nologies from NSA contro].


Much of the work we have done has been directed at fostering a sense of community in the online world. Because we realize that we know far less about the conditions conducive to the formation of virtual communities than is necessary to be effective in cre- ating them, we will devote a large por- tion of our R & D resources to devel- oping better understanding in this area.

a a a


If you support our goals and our work, you can show that support by becoming a member now. Members receive our bi-weekly electronic newsletter, EFFector Online (if you have an electronic address that can be reached through the Net), answers to your legal questions, special releases and other notices on our activities. (Because we believe that support should be freely given, you can re- ceive these things even if you do not elect to become a member.) Your mem- bership dues and other donations are fully tax deductible. Mail to: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc., 238 Main St., Cambridge, MA 02142


EFF was born to defend the rights of computer users against overzealous and uninformed law enforcement of- ficials. This continues to be an im- portant focus of EFF’s work. We pro- vide legal information to individuals who request it and support for attor- neys who are litigating. We maintain print and online legal archives, dis- seminate this information, and make it available for downloading. Our board and staff are continuously en- gaged in writing and speaking about these issues.


We have started many projects over the years as their need became ap- parent. Going forward, EFF will allo- cate resources to investigate and ini- tiate new projects. To ensure that our projects have the greatest impact and can reasonably be completed with the resources available, EFF will sharpen its selection and review process.



Join the League for Programming Freedom (Version of January 15, 1993)

Ten years ago, programmers were allowed to write programs using all the techniques they knew, and providing whatever features they felt were useful. This is no longer the case. New mo- nopolies, known as software patents

and interface copyrights, have taken _

away our freedom of expression and our ability to do a good job.

“Look and feel” lawsuits attempt to monopolize well-known command languages; some have succeeded. Copyrights on command languages enforce gratuitous incompatibility, close opportunities for competition, and stifle incremental improvements.

Software patents are even more dangerous; they make every design de-

ship) Name: Organization: Address: City or Town, State, Zip: Phone (optional): (__) Email address: I enclose a check [ ].



cision in the development of a pro- gram carry a risk of a lawsuit, with dra- conian pretrial seizure. It is difficult and expensive to find out whether the techniques you consider using are patented; it is impossible to find out whether they will be patented in the future.

The League for Programming Freedom is a grass-roots organization of professors, students, businessmen, programmers and users dedicated to bringing back the freedom to write programs. The League is not opposed to the legal system that Congress in- tended—copyright on individual pro- grams. Our aim is to reverse the re- cent changes made by judges in response to special interests, often ex-

I wish to become a member of EFF. I enclose: $ $20.00 (student or low income membership) $40.00 (regular member-

Please charge my membership in the amount of $ Mastercard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ]

Our privacy policy: The Electronic Frontier Foundation will never sell any part of our membership list. We will, from time to time, share this list with other nonprofit organizations whose work we determine to be in line with our goals. However, you must explicitly grant us permission to share your name with these other groups. Member privacy is our default.

I hereby grant permission to EFF to share my name with other nonprofit groups from time to time as it deems appropriate. [ ] Initials:

FAX (optional): (__)

to my

Expiration date: Date:

plicitly rejecting the public interest principles of the Constitution.

The League works to abolish the new monopolies by publishing articles, talking with public officials, boy- cotting egregious offenders, and in the future may intervene in court cases. On May 24, 1989, the League picketed Lotus headquarters on ac- count of their lawsuits, and then again on August 2, 1990. These marches stimulated widespread media coverage for the issue. We welcome suggestions for other activities, as well as help in carrying them out.

Membership dues in the League are $42 per year for programmers,


a nn ee ee se et a I es

AUGUST 1993 © 45

managers and professionals; $10.50 for students; $21 for others. Please give more if you can. The League's funds will be used for filing briefs; for printing handouts, buttons and signs; whatever will persuade the courts, the legislators, and the people. You may not get anything personally for your dues—except for the freedom to write programs. The League is a non- profit corporation, but not considered a tax-exempt charity. However, for those self-employed in software, the dues can be a business expense.

The League needs both activist members and members who only pay their dues. We also greatly need additional corporate members; con- tact us for information.

If you have any questions, please write to the League, phone (617) 433- 7071, or send Internet mail to

Jack Larsen, President

Dean Anderson, Secretary

Steve Sisak, Treasurer

Jack Larsen can be contacted at (708) 698-1160; Fax (708) 698-6221.

To join, please send a check and the following information to:

League for Programming Freedom

1 Kendall Square #143

P.O.Box 9171

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

(Outside the US, please send a check in US dollars on a bank having a US correspondent bank, to save us check cashing fees.)

Your name:

The address for League mailings, a few each year; please indicate whether it is your home address or your work address:

The company you work for, and your position:

Your phone numbers (home, work or both):

Your email address, so we can con- tact you for demonstrations or for writ- ing letters. (If you don’t want us to contact you for these things, please say so, but please give us your email ad- dress anyway So we can save paper and postage by sending you the newsletter by email.)


Is there anything about you which would enable your endorsement of the LPF to impress the public? For ex- ample, if you are or have been a pro- fessor or an executive, or have written software that has a good reputation, please tell us.

Would you like to help with LPF ac- tivities?

New monopolies, known as software patents and interface copyrights, have taken away our freedom of expression and our ability to do a good job. The [LPF] works to abolish the new monopolies

The corporate charter of the League for Programming Freedom states:

The purpose of the corporation is to engage in the following activities:

1. To determine the existence of, and warn the public about restrictions and monopolies on classes of com- puter programs where such monopo- lies prevent or restrict the right to de- velop certain types of computer programs.

2. To develop countermeasures and initiatives, in the public interest, ef- fective to block or otherwise prevent or restrain such monopolistic activities including education, research, publi- cations, public assembly, legislative tes- timony, and intervention in court pro- ceedings involving public interest issues (as a friend of the court).

3. To engage in any business or other activity in service of and related to the foregoing paragraphs that law- fully may be carried on by a corpora- tion organized under Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws.

The officers and directors of the

League will be elected annually by the members.


CPSR empowers computer profes- sionals and computer users to advo- cate for the responsible use of infor- mation technology and empowers all who use computer technology to par- ticipate in the public debate. As tech- nical experts, CPSR members provide the public and policymakers with re- alistic assessments of the power, promise, and limitations of computer technology. As an organization of con- cerned citizens, CPSR directs public at- tention to critical choices concerning the applications of computing and how those choices affect society.

By matching unimpeachable tech- nical information with policy devel- opment sawy, CPSR uses minimum dollars to have maximum impact and encourages broad public participation in the shaping of technology policy.

Every project we undertake is based on five principles:

¢ We foster and support public dis- cussion of and public responsibility for decisions involving the use of com- puters in systems critical to society.

© We work to dispel popular myths about the infallibility of technological systems.

e We challenge the assumption that technology alone can solve polit- ical and social problems.

¢ We critically examine social and technical issues within the computer profession, nationally and interna- tionally.

e We encourage the use of com- puter technology to improve the quality of life.

Founded in 1981 bya small group of computer scientists concerned about the use of computers in nucle- ar weapons systems, CPSR has grown into a national public-interest al- liance of computer industry profes- sionals dedicated to examining the im- pact of technology on society. Currently, CPSR has 21 chapters in the U.S. and affiliations with similar groups worldwide. In addition to our National Office in Palo Alto, CPSR maintains offices in Washington D.C.

and Cambridge, Massachusetts.


As computer technology becomes in- creasingly pervasive, the issues facing us become more complex. CPSR pro- vides a forum where we can examine technology’s impact on our lives, the lives of our fellow citizens, and on so- ciety as a whole. By sponsoring both national and local projects, CPSR serves as a Catalyst for in-depth dis- cussion and effective action in key areas: Civil Liberties and Privacy: The 21st Century Project: Technology Policy and Human Needs: Workplace Issues and Participatory Design: Reliability and Risk

In addition, CPSR’s chapter-based projects and national working groups tackle issues ranging from the devel- opment of nanotechnology and virtual reality to computing and ethics to community computing to computers and education.


CPSR is a democratically organized grass roots alliance. Our accomplish- ments are the result of the member ac- tivism. Many CPSR members serve as national organizers

CPSR’s cost to provide members with services is covered by the $75 dues. To keep CPSR membership open to a wide range of people, we offer dues levels of $20 and $50.


When you become a member of CPSR, you are joining a nationwide network of computer professionals who are committed to bringing social responsibility to all aspects of com- puter technology. CPSR sponsors, supports, and participates in confer- ences, roundtables and meetings on advanced issues in computing, local civic networks, cryptography, partici- patory design, and computers and so- cial change.

Every fall the CPSR Annual Meeting brings together the foremost representatives of the technology in- dustry to explore current topics in seminars and panel discussions. Our

conferences and chapter meetings provide important opportunities to meet other members and share ideas and expertise.


© a quarterly newsletter which pro- vides in-depth analysis of key issues in computing as well as updates on

CPSR has grown into a national public-interest alliance of computer industry professionals dedicated to examining the impact of technology on society.

CPSR activities and action alerts,

© an organized voice for socially re- sponsible computing in Washington,

e well-researched public testimony and public policy development,

® invitations and discounts to CPSR events,

e discounts on research papers, books, and educational videotapes,

e on-line information and discus- sion of key issues in computing,

e membership in a local CPSR chapter (where available) and notices of chapter meetings and activities,

e participation in local and na- tional working groups which allow you to have effective impact on the issues you care about,

° information and referral about crucial issues in computing.


CPSR National Office

P.O. Box 717

Palo Alto, CA 94301 415-322-3778

415-322-3798 (FAX)


CPSR Cambridge Office

P.O. Box 962, Cambridge, MA 02142 617-625-6985

CPSR Washington Office

666 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 303 Washington, D.C. 20003 202-544-9240 / 202-547-5481 FAX


Managing Director, Evelyn Pine

Assistant to the Director, Nikki Draper

Cambridge Office Director, Gary Chapman

Washington Office Director, Marc Rotenberg


The CPSR membership database is never sold, rented, lent, exchanged, or used for anything other than official CPSR activity. CPSR may elect to send members mailings with information from other groups, but the mailings will always originate with CPSR. [aa

The Black Cat e Information Service Based entirely on 14.4K lines Over 2GB of on-line space and 6 CD- ROMS New Macintosh, IBM, Amiga, and Commodore files daily! Over 30,000 files je) On-line shopping Free On-line Magazines GIFs for the family and adults More than 300 varied conferences

Tired of Sysops who never answer questions? Call The Black Cat for Sysops who are there for you. 30 minutes free daily/downloads Instantly


AUGUST 1993 * 47




How do encrypted messages work and how

do they relate to our national security?

I get a

number of questions

from BBS users and SysOps re-

garding the legality of sending encrypted messages. Let's dis- cuss what encryption is and some of the legal issues surrounding its use on electronic bulletin boards.


Encryption is a use of codes or “ci- phers” to transform text in order to conceal its meaning. You probably have seen a simple form of encryption in your daily newspaper's comic pages, where letters are substituted for other letters in a word puzzle. In an example of this simple encryption method, the phrase:

Congress shall make no law... . abridging the freedom of speech. . . .

could be encoded to read:

Egfuktll ligss dqat fg squ .. . quwkoruofu zit ykttrgd gy lhttei. . . .

In this cipher, the letter eis substi- tuted for the letter « g for o, f for g, and so on. Anyone who knows the ci-


pher, or who can figure it out, can de- crypt the message.

Obviously, this cipher is rather sim- ple and is meant to be decoded in order to figure out the “answer” to the puzzle. Most encrypted messages, however, are not meant to be de- crypted by anyone except for the in- tended recipient the purpose of en- crypting the message is to ensure the privacy of the message’s content. This is very important, for as we begin depending on online communications more and more, we need to have a way to protect our “speech” from un- we begin depending on online communi- cations more and more, we need to have a way to protect our “speech” from unwanted interception.

wanted interception. For this reason, most ciphers are quite complex. Modern ciphers use computers through the use of encryption algo- rithms. An algorithm is a set of step-by-

step instructions the computer uses to tell it how to transform the message into either an encrypted or decrypted format. The sender of the message uses an algorithm and a key to dis- guise, or encrypt, the message. The re- ceiver of the message uses an algo- rithm and key to decrypt the message, making it readable once again, Anyone who does not have access to the proper decryption algorithm can- not decrypt and read the message.

In the mid-1970s, the United States government adopted an encryption al- gorithm to be the U.S. standard called the Data Encryption Standard (DES), based on technology devel- oped by IBM. While the DES algo- rithm was made public, the privacy of individual communications was en- sured by the use of a secret “key” that encoded messages so they could only be decrypted by using the same key. But both the sender and the receiver and nobody else had to know the key to keep the message private. Getting the key to the intended re- cipient of the message, however, often posed a problem. Including the key with the encrypted message cre- ated obvious security problems.


Atabout the same time DES was being developed, two researchers at Stanford

IE ES —————E———————

University, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, published a paper describ- ing an algorithm that used one key to encrypt and a different key to decrypt. The beauty of public key encryption, which is what the Diffie-Hellman method came to be called, is that the creator of the message could encrypt it with a private key that s/he would never have to reveal to anyone. Meanwhile, the other key (the public key) could be revealed to anyone or everyone, so the problem of passing a key along to an intended recipient of a message was solved with public key encryption. Here’s how public key en- cryption works:

Let’s suppose I want to send you an encrypted message using public key encryption. I own two complimentary keys, one that is my public key and one that is my private key. These keys are unique to me and must be used to- gether to encode and decode mes- sages. Messages encoded by my private key cai: only be decoded with my pub- lic key; messages encoded with my public key can only be decoded with my private key. Anyone can have ac- cess to my public key, and, in fact, I freely distribute it to anyone I want to receive encrypted messages from.

You also have a public key and a private key that compliment one an- other and are unique to you. If I want to send you an encrypted message, I must first have a copy of your freely available, public key. I can get this from you, or I can get this from any- one who knows you and happens to have it, or I can get this from a BBS that offers a listing of users’ public keys, or I can get it from anywhere else that your key happens to be accessible. You may have noticed that many peo- ple automatically have their public key print as part of their signature on all of their e-mail messages.

Once I have a copy of your public key, I can prepare my message for you. I encrypt my message using your pub- lic key.

Now I send the message to you. In order to read the message, you de- crypt it with your private key. The mes- sage is restored and readable, and we didn’t have the risks associated with passing on a secret key.


Soon after Stanford's Diffie and Hellman published their paper on public key encryption, three re- searchers at MIT, Rivest, Shamir and Adelman, discovered an algorithm that met Diffie and Hellman’s criteria. That algorithm is now called RSA, in reference to its inventors. The RSA technology was patented by Stanford and MIT, and a company, Public Key Partners, was created to manage li- censing of RSA technology. A com- pany called RSA Data Security, Inc., was also formed to license the tech-

The RSA encryption algorithm proved to be extremely secure So

secure, in fact, that it has adversely affected its sale and distribution

nology from Public Key Partners and market products to the public based on the technology.

The RSA encryption algorithm proved to be extremely secure so se- cure, in fact, that it has adversely af fected its sale and distribution through RSA Data Security, Inc. You see, “cryp- tographic devices and software (en- coding and decoding)” are listed as “arms, ammunition, and implements of war” on the U.S. Munitions List (along- side automatic firearms, military flamethrowers, missles, explosives and warships), and their export is heavily regulated by the United States Department of State. In order for an encryption algorithm to be licensed for export, it must be capable of decryp- tion by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), so messages can be monitored for threats to national se curity. Since messages encrypted with the RSA algorithm cannot be decrypt- ed by anyone not possessing the nec- essary private key, RSA Data Security's export license application was denied.

Software producers in this country (including Microsoft, Apple, Lotus and others) were very interested in using the RSA algorithm to provide added security to their software. Unfortunately, most of this country’s large software producers export their wares for sales overseas. Without a li- cense, the RSA algorithm cannot be exported, and few software producers find it financially feasible to produce separate versions of their software for U.S. and foreign markets. So the RSA algorithm was not used as much as we would have liked.

However, things changed dramati- cally in 1991. Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) introduced Senate bill 266, the Comprehensive Counter- Terrorism Act of 1991, which would have required manufacturers of secure communications software and equip- ment to include “back doors” through which law enforcement officers could get the “plain text,” i.e., unencrypted version, of any message. The software industry was extremely concerned. Senate bill 266 would have required them to “dumb down" their software, effectively stalling advances in securi- ty technology and making their soft- ware insecure.

Because of this threat, a program- mer and political activist out of Boulder, Colorado, made a bold move that changed the face of the en-

cryption debate. In June of 1991, Phil Zimmermann released a public key encryption system, called PGP (for Pretty Good Privacy), on personal computers using the RSA algorithm. PGP was released as freeware, a move Phil says was done “for political rea- sons. I wanted PGP out there so peo- ple would have access to good en- cryption technology before it became illegal.” Whitfield Diffie, one of the originators of the concept of public key encryption, has stated, “What Phil did when he released PGP is one of the most important things ever to happen to cryptography.” Due to widespread opposition, including EFF’s, Senate bill 266 died in com- mittee.

Privacy experts aren’t celebrating yet, however. New threats to the use of


AUGUST 1993 * 49


Heard of it maybe and not sure what it is or how to get it on your BBS? It's a monthly with 10 chapters made to operate as a door on al- most any BBS software.

It is available by subscription only based on the number of nodes your BBS is running. To view

it right now, call the Livewire BBS (609) 235- 5297 and type BBSCD at the main board prompt.

\f you would like to order the online! Edition, please contact us at: 609-953-9110 between 10 & 4 (est), or any other time at: 609-231- 1757 and leave a message for Richard. We will return your call within 24 hours.

Subscriptions accepted online at The Livewire BBS by calling (609) 235-5297.

Wouldnt it be nice to be aS Lo

| robust encryption continue to be proposed by different

agencies within the federal government. I have written in a previous column about the FBI's Digital Telephony pro- posal from last Congress. In next month’s column, I'll write about the latest proposal from NIST and the NSA involving the use of the Clipper Chip.

The RSA encryption algorithm is still not licensed for ex- port, so users of PGP should be aware that it is illegal to send the PGP program out of this country. PGP is widely used around the world, however, with versions now available for MS/DOS, several UNIX, VAX/VMS, Atari, Amiga and Apple Macintosh platforms. It is legal to send PGP-en- crypted messages out of the U.S.

One final note I often get asked about patent issues regarding the RSA encryption algorithm, particularly as it relates to PGP. While I understand that a compromise may be reached sometime soon between Phil Zimmermann and the folks at RSA Data Security, at the present time, U.S. users of PGP and other unauthorized software containing the RSA algorithm are in violation of the patent held by RSA Data Security. aa24s:|

Shari Steele is a Staff Attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a nonprofit organization. dedicated to advancing freedom and openness in computer-based communications. Send your legal questions to Shari at (Internet) or c/o BBS Callers Digest.


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Dy OUT users) happy:


To register and receive a copy of CD Sub Program, please fill in this form and mail with a check for $30 payable to Richard Paquette, Box 416, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054.


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ee ee eee ee ee Oe eS ee

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BBS name Sysop name BBS access # Check disk type: 0 360 0720 01.2 011.4

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As more BBS’s register the CD-SUB program, they will be listed in the next issues. Each registered bbs gets free access to The Livewire BBS 609-235-5297 for newer versions. If you registered and are not listed, please give us a voice call (1-609-953-9110, 8 a.m. 4 p.m., M —F, EST) to make the correction.

Listed in order of area code:

Chuck's Attempt BBS ............0s00« Chuck Ammann .....201-729-2602 VaO BBS tezccccssssscccteatictocteccttsteectesscces Bob Watson ........... 609-587-2672 The Soul Connection ...................006 Mike Demski ......... 210-674-1242 Radio Wave BBS. ..................0ssee0 Tyler Myers ........... 609-764-0812 USS INVeIneSS ........cccssrecsesesecesecerers Jonathan McGirr ...214-245-9315 BBiSiBBoterccs seems erent, Bob Browne .......... 609-768-6585 Collector's Edition ...............eecesecere Len Hult. .............00 214-351-9859 The; Vault BBSiissces-e---ssscsseecesstesees Keith Ketcham ....... 614-387-2762 PG-ONiOv..5 ca. oh eee ee Norm Henke .......... 216-381-3320 The Lebanon Link .................-.-00-20+- Bruce Richardson ..615-399-0707 First Due Bulletin Board System .....Francis Fowler ....... 301-949-1927 PC Junction BBS ..............sccsecseeeeee Doug Carpenter .....615-478-2890 Shareware Express BBS .................. Shawn Bogardus ...301-963-4453 Data World BBS..................-eseseeseees Sean Dudley........... 615-966-3574 Megabiter II ............cccssssssscssesseneerees George Belcher.......314-281-8598 The Registry BBS .................secesee0s John Kern .............. 616-429-9757 Griswold’s Private Reserve ............. Jim Kelland ............ 316-788-7520 Channel 1 BBS ........... ee eeeeseseeeee Brian Miller ............ 617-354-8873 Warp Factor BBS ...............csccssseseere Mark Stewart ......... 404-773-7966 City: Lites nea John Lundell ......... 701-772-5399 Music Connection ................ccesecee David Coleman ...... 404-936-0550 Mountain Air BBS ..................cc000 Edward Woo ........ 703-427-0226 PereLine BBS .................ccsscsesseeceonee Tom Serface .......... 408-364-2789 The Last Resort BBS....................000 Derek Figg ............. 703-435-8644

Wayne’s World BBS .............eseccsee Wayne Belvin ........ 409-769-4249 The Arlington Software Exchange ...Jay Falvey .............. 703-532-7143 entertain me DbS!! oo... eeeseeeene Shawn Cupec ........ 412-845-1959 The Virginia Connection................... Tony McClenny ......703-648-1841

Uncle Hank's BBS ...........ssscsccesseseee Hank Hurteau ........ 413-527-8977 Central Ontario Data Systems ......... Robin Wells ........... 705-722-8194 Platinum Express. .............sscccsessores Glenn Jarvis .......... 416-770-6917 ADILINGSUISIAN Siecreteccsstrescece: Bernard Gray ......... 708-260-8818 Chemeketa Online ..............sceceseeees Bob Hunter ............ 503-393-5580 Suburban Software ................sses000 Chuck Valecek ....... 708-636-6694

Southern Online Services ................ Russell Jackson ....504-356-0790 BBS Data Systems ................cssseee Greg Kaiser ........... 708-991-2452 Wolf's Den BBS uuu... cece ssee eee Keith Shinkle ......... 505-678-0902 Rama One BBS ..............s.sccescesseeee Tommy Brunning ..718-460-6260 Computer Confident ........................ Edward Zdrok, ....... 508-528-2295 Holmen’s World ................ssccsceceeee Michael Holmen Sr 718-529-8890 Schunix Pub UNIX ........... eee Robert Schultz ...... 508-853-0340 The Seaside .............cccsssccseeeserseces Les JoneS............0. 805-964-4766 The Moonflower BBS ...................... Peter Link .............. 509-891-6148 Metroplex BBS ................cccceseeseeeees Rick Vanhooser .....901-327-1895 The Night OWL oo... sctesesseeeees Danny Dyess ......... 512-836-4262 The Ouija! Board Online Services ....Keith Burgner ........ 909-925-9564 Ranch House BBS................ssceeeee Larry Easley ........... 512-945-9304 Mirage Network N.Y. Brian Buffel ........... 914-426-0729 Your Software Resource ................. John Woodstock ...516-736-6662 Dark Side of the Moon..................... Peter Cacchioli ...... 914-621-2865 The IMProv BBS ...........csesseseeeeseees Joyce Kohl ............ 602-483-0344 Executive Info Network .............---+- Andy Keeves .......... 914-667-4567 The Ghost House BBS ............ssessee Michael Haley......... 606-441-2130 | Powerboard Support BBS ............... Scott Brown .......... 914-833-1479 The Livewire BBS ...............ccccccce-0-- Richard Paquette ...609-235-5297 Black Gold BBS .........c.ceceeesesseeeeees Michael Cline ......... 918-272-7779 Next Generation BBS oe John Carcione ....... 609-482-7345 = The Hub! BBS oun... ce eceesesesceees Warren Farrimond 918-627-0923

ee en ee EEE

AUGUST 1993 © 51




~ may

have heard that

various modem


offer discounts on

high-speed modems to quali- fied sysops. Its true: you can save 40% to 70% off list prices on brand-new, state of the art equip- ment. However, you will soon find yourself chasing down every BBS in the country try- ing to get all the details. When you get the details, you will still have to sort through and find out who really has the best deal.

I've been researching Sysop Discounts since 1991 and until recently published reg- ular electronic report (SYSMOD. ZIP).

The readers of Caller’s Digest will now get this report as a new monihly feature.


Last month, I reported how Practical Peripherals has literally cap- tured the Sysops Discount market with its all-time lowest price for a v.32bis/v.42bis modem: just $155 for the PM14400FXMT. The PM14400FXMT is a small footprint Rockwell-based external fax and data modem with caller ID capability. I’ve had their older model v.32bis/v.42bis modem, the PM14400FXSA, online since August 1992. The PM14400FXSA initially had some in-


teresting setup problems resulting in a ROM upgrade. I needed to bring my BBS up from four nodes up to six and the PM14400FXMT seemed like the right price at the right time.

Well, I’m happy to say that the PM14400FXMT has exceeded my ex- pectations in all regards. First, its ease of setup is unprecedented in my five years of sysop experience. Since it was simply too new of a product to have its own configuration in the PCBoard

... Practical Peripherals PM14400FXMT is approximately the size of a 5-1/4-inch floppy disk ... just over an inch thick.

PCBModem setup program, I chose the closest thing to it the PM14400FXSA. The configuration AT strings worked the first time and haven’t needed any adjustment since then.

Second, I was surprised again at its total compatibility with every modem

already built and in service. All of my previous modems, and especially the two FORVALs, have had difficulty con- necting with older modems a!ready in the field. However, since I’ve put the two PM14400FXMT modems on my two heaviest used lines, I have not had a single complaint. Each of them rou- tinely handles 60 to 70 calls per day every day of the week.

Also, I’m overwhelmed by their ex- tremely compact size. In terms of sur- face area, they are approximately the size of a 5-1/4inch floppy disk. In terms of thickness, its just over an inch thick. This makes it by far the smallest modem I’ve ever had and is easily about half the overall size of most v.32bis/v.42bis modems. I would even recommend it for a laptop user who needs a cheap, lightweight, fast, and reliable solution.

Last, I wish I could say great things about the Practical Peripherals docu- mentation. However, as I glanced over to read the technical specifications, I noticed that manuals were still in the original wrapping and untouched. The modems have worked so well from the first day I plugged them in that I haven’t had to even look up a single “AT” command.

You can get data sheets on either of these modems by calling the PractiFAX system at 800-225-4774. Follow the voice menus and select the




Vendor/ 9600 v.32 9600 v.32 14400 v.32bis 14400 v.32bis Product Internal External Internal External Aceex N/A N/A 1496VP* 1496V+* $290 $320 AT&T N/A N/A 3791-B1-001* 3710-A1-201* Paradyne $202 $222 3710-Al-211 $206 ATI N/A 9600 ETC/E N/A N/A Technologies $275 Digicom Scout Scout Scout Plus Scout Plus Systems $241 $248 $266 $276 ~ 9624PC+ 9624LE+ $340 $350 Forval N/A N/A 14400 (Int.) 14400 (Ext.) $375 $405 Hayes Corp. N/A N/A N/A Ultra 144 $249 Optima 144+FAX* $179 Intel N/A N/A SatisFax/400 14.4 EX $249 $269 SatisFAX/400e* $245 Multi-Tech MT932ECB MT932EAB N/A N/A ie $450 j $450 Practical N/A N/A N/A PM14400FXSA* Peripherals $249 PM14400FXMT* $155 Supra ‘G N/A SupraFAXModem* SupraFAXModem* SupraFAXModem* Corp. $199 $199 $249 USRobotics HST Dual Stand. N/A N/A N/A $449 Courier v.32bis $299 Ven-Tel, Inc. PCM96FAX* EC9S6FAX* PCM144FAX* EC144FAX* $310 $330 $325 $365 MCM96FAX* PCMV.32bis* ECV.32bis* $340 MCA $505 $550 MCM144FAX* RMV.32bis* $400 MCA $450 Zyxel U1496B* U1496E* N/A N/A $289 $299 U1498* $450

* Modems with an asterisk include 14,400 baud FAX send/receive at no extra charge!

Notes on Table I: 1. All internal modems are assumed to be PC-AT ISA bus unless otherwise noted. 2. Consult manufacturer for details on availability of Caller ID or voice-mail processing options (any modem above). 3. These prices NEVER include shipping and handling, which is always extra.


Vendor Part # Product Description Sysop Price

Hayes Corp. 08-00593 ISDN PC Adapter $450 08-00509 ISDN System Adapter $450 08-00456 ESP (Enhanced Serial Port) AT Bus $ 99

USRobotics N/A High-speed Dual-Async Serial Card $ 50

Ven-Tel DS1200-3PR Rackmount for 16 modems. w/PS $425

AUGUST 1993 © 53

FAX document you want: 1010 for the PM14400FXSA or 1200 for the PM14400FXMT. Alternately, you can download complete product specifi- cations from PPIFORUM on CompuServe. The files are in Library 6 and are named PM14SA.TXT and PMI14MT.TXT. These files are also available on the PPI BBS at 805-496- 4445.

Practical Peripherals offers Sysops more than just its automated FAX sup- port, voice support, and CompuServe forums. The Practical Peripherals SYSOP EXPRESS program insures your BBS against modem failure. The SYSOP EXPRESS program covers any sysop who has purchased a modem through the Practical Peripherals Sysops Discount plan. If you notify their Technical Support de- partment before 10 a.m., Pacific Time, Monday through Thursday, they will immediately ship you a re- placement modem by Federal Express.

To fulfill your end of the bargain, you must supply them with a credit card number to insure the return of the defective modem. You must return the defective modem within 14 days of activating SYSOP EXPRESS to avoid being charged for it. The total ship- ping and handling of a SYSOP EX- PRESS order costs $22.50. Of course, you can still use the traditional war- ranty return system, if you don’t mind waiting.


For some time, I’ve expressed my opinion that the Hayes Corporation made great products but their Sysop Discount program had long since lost its competitive edge. I’ve owned

Hayes has also offered many modem accessories which are semply unavailable in any other Sysop Discount plan.

Hayes high-speed modems since 1988 and been consistently impressed with reliability that counts for years and un- beatable customer service. On May 24th, Hayes Corporation announced the new Global Sysop Program and it seems clear that they’re out to win back the sysops in a big way.

First, they have cut the already dis- counted Hayes Ultra 144 another 50% down to just $249. This makes the Ultra 144 a full 75% off list price. I've owned an Ultra 144 since the month they started shipping and can attest to

its compatability and reliability. Although the Ultra 144 is not a fax modem, it is still the only v.32bis/v.42bis that supports multi-ses- sion X.25 for packet-switched net- works.

In a similar move, they cut the price of the OPTIMA 144 + FAX 144 an- other $120. At $179, the OPTIMA 144 + FAX 144 challenges Practical Peripherals offer and becomes clearly the second place leader in the brutal price war of 1993.

Hayes has also offered many modem accessories which are simply unavailable in any other Sysop Discount plan. In the same an- nouncement, they have reduced the price of ISDN adapters another $200 down to just $450. Additionally, the Hayes Enhanced Serial Port (ESP), perphaps the best communications so- lution for Windows, has been cut $75 down to just $99. This two-port serial board includes onboard NS16550AFNs plus a dedicated 8-bit CPU with 8K RAM buffer and DMA capabilities.

This latest posting from Hayes eliminates discounts on Smartcom software products, the ISDN adapter for NeXT computers, and rack-mount modem harness. Additionally, the Ultra 96 v.32 modem has been dis- continued as well as sales of refur- bished modems. However, Hayes will

Continued on page 58

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Vendor BBS must have After buying Maximum number Credit Cards Contract been up and it, you must of modems you Accepted for working for... use it for... may buy... Purchase ee em vorking foros |) a use itfor... 5 92° may buys Purchase Aceex currently 6 months 1 per phone. HAAS

No Maximum

AT&T 6 months 6 months 1 per phone. VISA Paradyne No Maximum Mastercard American Ex. EE ee ne ee ee ATI currently 6 months 1 per phone. none Technologies No Maximum Digicom currently 6 months 1 per phone. none Systems No Maximum Forval N/A N/A No Maximum none Hayes Corp. 6 months unspecified 1 per phone. VISA (may be time Max. 4, may MasterCard waived) be negotiated Intel currently 12 months 1 per phone. VISA Max. 4. MasterCard American Ex. * Multi-Tech currently unspecified 1 per phone. none, must have or plan to time No Maximum Cashier's Check Practical currently unspecified 1 per phone. VISA Peripherals time No Maximum Mastercard Supra currently unspecified 1 per phone. VISA Corp. time No Maximum Mastercard USRobotics 6 months 6 months 1 per phone. VISA No Maximum Mastercard Ven-Tel 6 months N/A 1 per phone. VISA No Maximum MasterCard Zyxel 3 months 6 months 1 per phone. VISA No Maximum MasterCard

* Indicates no personal checks accepted.


Vendor Orders can be placed Typical time Firmware (ROM) upgrade Name placed for shipment between order policies

to these countries... and shipping Aceex U.S., Canada Unspecified Unspecified

(Canadians must pay 8% GST, +7% Ontario res.)

AT&T Paradyne U.S., Canada 3-4 weeks Unspecified ATI U.S., Canada 4-6 weeks Unspecified Technologies (Canadians must pay 8%

GST, +7% Ontario res.) CAN$ prices assume exchange rates of CAN 1$ = US $0.83

Digicom U.S., Canada, Europe, 2-3 weeks Unspecified

Systems Africa, Asia, Australia (185 to 245 VAC)

Forval U.S., Canada, Europe 1 week * Anyone can download (call for details) (or less) from their BBS and load

the EEPROMS w/AT command


AUGUST 1993 © 55

Free CD-ROM Disc!

Demo and Test contains 350 of PC Shareware & PD software. Including Special CD-ROM Benchmark & Test Utilities written by our programming staff, and NOT available on any other CD-ROM Discs. Our Special Test Utilities measure throughput as well as

access times in a reliable and consistent manner for a meani

All of the archive files have been read and indexed by our hypertext search engine which creates a file on the CD-ROM Disc that allows for searches on unique words and phrases. This means that the user can search the entire disc in less than 10 seconds and the search will include ALL of the documentation INSIDE the archive files. For DOS and Windows 3.1 users we provide both MegaSearch and MegaWin our Graphical Search and Retrieval Software that allows the user to view 256 Color Gifs, Animated Color Fli’s, play SOUND BLASTER sound Files, plus view and search for text strings INSIDE the archive files, all with just one keystroke or mouse click.

Software are fully functional (even for BBS use) and not crippled in any way. When purchased seperately Mega Demo & Test is $14.00 plus $6.00 for S&H - However for a Limited Time Only this Demo and Test CD-ROM Disc is Free with any CD Disc purchase.

So what’s different about PROFIT PRESS’s CD-ROM Discs ... Besides Interface Software that'll Blow Your Socks Off?

ingfull real-world benchmark for CD drives. The Disc and Interface

All of our CD-ROM Discs are "BBS Ready" and include files.bbs, plus MegaDoor and MegaTerminal. Both programs fully support the hypersearch lookup features of MegaSearch. MegaTerminal is our “Remote BBS Graphical User Interface" for MegaDoor that allows the remote user to access MegaDoor using... Mouseable Pull-Down Menus in a Windowed Environment! Try MegaTerminal! It's unlike anything seen before on public BBS systems. You Have to See it to Believe it. Call our BBS at (602) 299-0693 or at (602) 577-6969. Select Doors from the main menu, run door #1, enter ! to download MegaTerminal, unZip, read the short

document megaterm.doc, install as instructed and experience Mega Terminal!

650 Megs Over 7,000 Virus Free Files - 1 plus Gigabytes Uncompressed! Contains Mi? Sound files, 256 Color GIF's, FLI’s, Utilities, Programming, Bibles, True Type

Fonts, WINDOWS Programs, Electronic Magazines, Communications, BBS Programs, Plus Much More! - 65% different or newer files than Mega CD-ROM 1

Suggested Retai! Price $79.00 for each CD-ROM Disc


PC Shareware Spectacular


Windows and OS/2 Shareware


PC Audio / Visual

600 Plus Megabytes Over 4,861 Virus Free Files - 1 plus Gigabytes Uncompressed! Filled With Windows and OS/2 Shareware and Public Domain Files Including Sound files, Utilities, Programming, Plus Much Much More!

Over 600 Megabyles Filled With Hundreds of 256 Color .Gif's, .Fli’s of all types & Includes our New “Zoom-In Catalog System" with our Built In .Gif Viewer, plus Loads of Sound files, .Mod, .Rol, .Wav, & .Voc, + Utilities for Sounds & Graphics!

For Adults Only GOLD - Just The Best of the Best - Many .Gif's are New and NOT included on FAO 123 *.Gif's with No BBS Logos" Over 600 Megabytes

New "Wife Proof Labels" 256 Color .Gifs with resolutions up to 1280x1024, 258 Introductory Color Animated Fli's, Gl's, .DI's, Games, and ASCII Fantasy Text Files. We Price Only! Release! y

have also included our New "Zoom-in Catalog System" with our Built In .Gif

Viewer, plus The FAO Series is the Only Adult CD-ROM Discs with MegaDoor and MegaTenninal plus a True MS Windows 3.1 User Interface!


Now, for a Limited Time Only!

Ri Af “yA; 0 1 H Get all 3 of these fantastic wee For Adults Only “Wife Proof Labels" 256 color GIF's, with : open do resolutions up to 1280x1024, 256 Color Animated FLI’s, Gl's, .DI's, gente CT

Games, and ASCIl Fantasy Text Files. - This Huge 3 Disc Collection

For Adults Only Contains 1,892 Megabytes with Over (Count Them) 16,180 Files!

3 Disc Collection


650 Megs 8,036 Files. Over iplus Gigabytes Uncompressed! Contains Sound files, 256 Color Special Offer cD -<ROM' GIFs, FLI's, Utilities, Programming, Bibles, True Type Fonts, WINDOWS Programs, Electronic Supplies Limited! w Magazines, Communications, BBS Programs and Utilities, Plus Much Much More! Contains RG Shareware Spectarular Many Files Intentionally Not Included on Mega CD-ROM 2 - Mastered 1/92 $1 9.00 ea.

A Must Have for Everyone not just Sysops! - 600 plus Megabytes! Over 7,215 Files. Includes the SDN

complete Library, SDN International is the largest not for profit author direct file distribution network in the Special Offer


world. Also included is WinNet - Windows Library, DVNet - DesqView Library, LanNet - Lan Library, DDS - Supplies Limited! 600 Door Distribution System Library, SDS - Sysop Library, Digital Gamers Review OnLine Magazine, P| System Library, § $29.00 ea megabytes FP ALIS —Boardwatch Magazine's Online Edition, FIDONet News, ASP Shareware, Genealogy, Cooking, Games, . .

Graphics, and Utilitiesof all types, Plus Much Much More! - Mastered 6/92 SONY Caddies $4.75 ea. with Non Demo CD Purchase - Questions & Dealer Info. Call (602) 577-9696

All prices are quoted in U.S. dollars, with funds drawn on U.S. banks. The prices listed above do not include shipping and handling.

PROFIT PRESS, 2956 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719 ORDERS ONLY! Call Toll Free eats EO) 7

INFORMATION (602) 577-9696 - FAX (602) 577-9624 -800-843-7990




Orders can be placed Typical time Firmware (ROM) upgrade Name placed for shipment between order _ policies to these countries... and shipping

Hayes Corp U.S., Canada 1 week * Will replace entire

(Canadians must pay (or less) modem if warranted,

pay 13.9% customs tax) otherwise no upgrade a ES ES SE LS Intel U.S. only 2-4 weeks Unspecified a Multi-Tech U.S. only Unspecified Unspecified Practical U.S. only 3-4 weeks * Call their voice line Peripherals and they will send FREE Supra USS. only 3-4 weeks Call their tech support Corp. BBS and order them FREE USRobotics U.S., Canada, Europe 2-6 weeks Unspecified

(110/220 VAC only)

see EURODEAL file Ven-Tel U.S., Canada 1-2 weeks Unspecified Zyxel U.S., Canada 1 week Unspecified

(or less)

* indicates the shipping time has been personally verified by my own purchasing experience.

Order processing: “Unspecified” means there's nothing in writing, you could be looking at from | to 8 weeks.

Firmware upgrade: “Unspecified” means that the policy is simply not publicized. If the modem was properly engineered and tested, no upgrades should be necessary.


Vendor Call their BBS If you have Name at this number this file. questions or and... problems call.. Aceex (416)538-9999 ACEEX.ZIP (416)538-0101 AT&T Paradyne (813)532-5254 ATTSYSOP.TXT (800)554-4996 ATI Tech (416) 756-4591 SYSOPLAN.ZIP (416) 756-0718 Digicom (508) 262-1412 SCOUT.TXT (508) 262-1277 Forval (408) 294-3065 FORVAL.ZIP (408) 294-0526 Hayes Corp (404) 446-6336 H96SYSOP.TXT (404)840-9200 Intel (503) 645-6275 OFFER.TXT (503) 228-9707 Multi-Tech (612) 785-9875 MULTI.DOC (612) 785-3500 Pract. Per. (805) 496-4445 SYSBBS.TXT (805) 497-4774 Supra Corp (503)967-2444 SUPRA.TXT (503) 967-2400 USRobotics (708) 982-5092 SYSDEAL.TXT (708)982-5010 Ven-Tel (408)922-0988 VENTEL.TXT (408) 436-7400 Zyxel (714) 693-0762 ZYXEL.TXT (714)693-0804




Call a different kind of BBS "We are the Friendliest BBS in the World”. Our name says it all. Edie and I are a couple of burn outs from the 60’s. We didn’t like rules then and we don’t now. Come on in and relax, you will be among friends. We have a huge adult section, including over three gigs of adult graphics, as well as a fine selection of public domain and shareware programs, including over a gig of family type graphics. But that’s not what sets us apart. When you call the first time, you'll know what no amount of words can tell you, you are Home. That’s right, put up your feet and enjoy yourself.

We live by three no’s: "No Censorship, No Rules, No Hassle".

You'll find us like no other BBS:

e@ We answer your messages and comments.

@ We answer your on-line pages.

@ We post our address.

®@ We post our voice phone number.

Rusty n Edie’s BBS 1480 Fredricksburg Drive Youngstown, OH 44512

LV GICE eeseearetnrseeienttansttrs 216-726-4217 HiSMonlypetrecsscsacarts 216-726-1804 COMPUCOM ........ecseeseeees 216-726-3584 Hayes V-Series ............. 216-726-3619 All (V3Z.e1C.) <-.) ces 216-726-2620

Continued on next column

AUGUST 1993 * 57

DISCOUNTS Continued from page 54

provide one complimentary copy of Smartcom for Windows with any modem order from now until September 30th.

Hayes Sysops can now Participate in a Sysops Discount plan that actually pays them back too. For every copy of Smartcom for Windows communica- tions software ordered by bulletin board users through their registered Hayes sysop for $49, Hayes will con- tribute $5 to the support of the sysop’s bulletin board.

Last, Hayes customer service now offers a plan comparable to Practical Peripherals SYSOPS EXPRESS. Sysops who have purchased modems through Hayes discount plan are automatical- ly eligible for pre-ship service. Hayes will immediately ship out a replace- ment modem as soon as you report the failure. Similar shipping and credit card terms apply.


I've boiled down all the price and per- formance data from the manufactur- ers into a simple chart (see Table Ia). The minimum performance level is v.32 (9600 baud), since this is the worldwide high-speed standard. All modems also must have v.42bis for

error correction and data compression to make this list


Published bi-monthly, this news- letter takes a good look at some of the best Shareware available today. Each issue contains reviews from a wide variety of areas. Always in plain English. For a sample issue, send $2 to: Uncle Hank’s Shareware 8 Hendrick St. Easthampton, MA 01027

Send $10 with this ad, you can subscribe for 1 yr. (6 issues) & save $2.

Make checks payable to Hank Hurteau


In practice, I recommend only v.32bis (14400 baud) modems for sysops. The v.32bis offers 50% more throughput for between 10 to 25% extra cost. I expect that many manu- facturers will quietly discard v.32

I expect that many manufacturers will quietly discard v.32 modems from production as soon as v.FAST (22000 to 28000 baud) modems go into production.

modems from production as soon as v.FAST (22000 to 28000 baud) modems go into production. As ship- ping dates for V.FAST modems come closer to shipping, I'll be providing up- grade information on them.


Some vendors offer more than just modems to the sysops that join their program. For example, Hayes Corp. offers 50% to 70% off discounts on the high speed serial ports ISDN adapters. Other vendors offer big dis- counts on modem rackmounts. A rackmount reduces the tangle of mul- tiplying power supplies and becomes economical for sysops planning on eight or more of the same brand modem. See Table Ia for a complete

listing of modem accessories avail- able.


If you’re the sysop of a BBS that has been operating 24-hours per day for the last six months, then you’re auto- matically eligible for any of these dis- counts. Table II shows the minimum operating requirements as given by each manufacturer. Some manufac- turers only require that you are cur- rently running a BBS at time of or- dering. A few, such as Hayes, may actually waive the current operating requirement.

Once you receive your modem, you're expected to keep the BBS up and running between six and twelve months (requirements vary). Generally, the modem is yours to do whatever you want with after this pe- riod expires. Some manufacturers may ask you to never sell modems pur- chased on a discount plan. Modem re- sellers, such as computer stores, are generally excluded from participation in discount plans.

Most manufacturers allow you to purchase up to one modem per in- coming BBS phone line. However, if you plan to purchase more than four modems at the discount price, then you should talk to someone before placing your order. Multiple modem orders may require you to submit copies of phone bills as proof. At that point, there may be traditional quan- tity discounts available.

Nearly all of the modem vendors are accepting VISA and Mastercard for orders. Some (Accex, ATI Digicom, Forval) still do not accept credit cards for orders. In those cases, you

SUBSCRIBE TODAY Call Toll-Free 1-800-822-0437

charge your subscription to your Visa or MasterCard.

must submit a cashier’s check or money-order. Personal checks often require additional clearing time which just holds up your order.

One requirement, which goes for all vendors, is that they generally ex- pect at least a one-line advertisement somewhere in your welcoming screens. For example: “Using the finest Model YYZ modem from Acme Modem Co.”, would be perfectly ac- ceptable in all cases.

Most vendors will expect you to cre- ate a special account on your BBS for them to verify at least one of your phone numbers. They don’t like to have to sign on without a pre-existing account.


Delivery times and schedules vary rad- ically, so your mileage may vary. My own experience with Hayes

Corporation is that they will general- ly ship Sysop orders within 48 hours.

I have also ordered from Practical Peripherals and they have a manda- tory three week waiting period before they ship. On the far extreme, US

If you're the sysop of a BBS that has been operating 24-hours per day for the last six months, then you're automatically eligible for any of these discounts.

Robotics guarantees a two to six week waiting period. Table III sum- marizes the published processing schedules of each manufacturer. Remember, the manufacturers are doing you a favor by offering dis-

you may FAX this form at (609) 953-7961.

counts below retail. Please observe courtesy.

For Canadian, European, and other sysops outside the U.S., you may or may not be eligible for a discount offer. Please check carefully ahead of time to avoid disappointment. You may want to check with their European subsidiaries before con- tacting the U.S. office.


If you have information about manu- facturer discounts then please contact me through one of the ways listed below.

Internet: or Victor.

U.S. Mail: Victor R. Volkman, Sysops Disc. c/o Callers Digest Inc. 701 Stokes Road Medford NJ 08855


(619) 279-4774 : vee (619) 279-8543 San Diego, CA 92108


ce . ' '

: Don’t miss another issue i UNI R OM

| Subscribe Today .

t '

i] '


1 C1 lyear USA $30 O 2years USA $55 Orders: 1-800-862-2457

. CANADA $50 CANADA $95 :

1 1

: You can charge VISA or MasterCard by call- ; Nightowl 8.0 $42 HOT PIX Vol. 5 $39 ' ing 1-800-822-0437 (10am.-4p.m.e.s.t.) {| 9} Nightowl 7.0 $29 Pork Ware Vol.2 $39 ! CO Billme ' Nightowl 8.0&7.0 $62 Erotic Encounters $49 H i Shareware Tiger $39 Giffy Gold $29 1 C1 Enclosed is my check for $ Shareware Avalanche $39 Busty Babes $39 Co Credit card (circleone) VISA M/C Gigabyte Gold $39 SeedyRom 7th Heaven $39 i i Phoenix 3.0 $25 GBL (gay - bi) $39 ' # Exp. date __ ' So Much Shareware 2 $29 Ecstasy Hot Pics $42 i Signature Software Vault $39 My Private Col. 2 $49 Name Bsicot|s, shipping Adult CD's- MUST state nga Over 21

H ross : Say you saw us in BBS CALLERS DIGEST and purchase any 3 ' CD's listed above and get a 4th CD listed above FREE! City Order On-Line!

1 State/Zip Code ' MC/VISA/COD/CHECK ee r 7 Intamational Orders Welcome!

| Mail to: BBS Callers Digest, 701 Stokes Rd., -

Henredtord. Ny 08055. Zp VOICE (619)279-1139 5694 Mission Center #449 ' If paying by credit card, ' LK BBS


: 1

AUGUST 1993 * 59




More of what BBSs are all about

Be month

I’m going to give you a glimpse of how the BBS world has evolved.

The first BBSes ran on computers with double floppy drives, 300 baud modems and seldom more than 64K of memory. Those first boards little resemble the giant boards of today, with megabytes and megabytes of disk storage, high-speed modems and often some of the most complex software in existence. However, one thing has remained the same through the ten years in which BBSes have prospered. It is the spirit of the people who make this such a wonderful and dynamic hobby.

While modern BBSes often have hundreds or even thousands of files available for download, on-line games, international message ‘echoes’ and more, the original ideas behind BBSing have never changed.


As BBSes first started to pop up in the early 80s, seldom more than “mes- sage” bases was offered. People could chat with one another, carrying on conversations that often last weeks or months. BBSes were places where


computer users from all over could meet and talk about both computer and non-computer related topics. Since then, they have evolved to also

The BBS world could not survive without all the wonderful people who work together to keep their hobby alive.

allow callers to play games together, share public-domain and shareware files, and much, much more.

Some boards now try to make money by selling goods, services and

or by memberships seldom make any profit.


What makes this all work? You, of course! The BBS world could not sur- vive without all the wonderful people who work together to keep their hobby alive. If users did not participate on BBSes, they would simply cease to exist. Callers need new messages to read and new uploads to peruse. BBSing is a hobby for both the people who use them and the people who run them.

The SYStem OPerators, or SysOps, almost always put a lot of time, effort and money into maintaining their boards. They do this because they enjoy it. Generally speaking, all that most SysOps want in return for run- ning the BBS is for the users to con- tribute to and enjoy the board. This helps keep things going.


In the last couple of years, BBSes have really begun to take off. Costs of hard-

ware have dropped in many cate- Bones, innovations have sent 300 bps into antiquity with modems sending and receiving at 14400 bps and high- er. CD-ROM has extended the capac- ity for storing files. Other surprises are in the wings. There is already tech- nology in limited use with ‘wireless’ computing and higher graphics dis- play ability.

BBSes have also experienced some of their greatest threats. While more and more users get involved these days, there is more of a tendency for people to try to get the most out of BBSes without contributing to them. This has caused the File Ratio to ap- pear on some boards. Features have been added to some BBS software to deny more than one account per per- son to keep access distributed more evenly for callers.

Yet, another feature rewards up- loaders for their contribution. Many boards credit time equal to the time of the upload. Others even go higher.

But if things keep going the way they have, looking back, BBSes will be around for quite some time.

Yet, another feature rewards uploaders for their contribution. Many boards credit tame equal to the time of the upload.


Easy! Read ALL bulletins and look for the on-line help system most BBSes have available to instruct a user in the commands and procedures

oS With Your Modem

The Monthly Guide for Online Entrepreneurs


Alan R. Bechtold, noted online author, publisher, editor and

sysop, will SHOW YOU HOW, step-by-step, month after month.

With more than nine years’ experience in the BBS industry, Alan knows the ins and outs of running a BBS for profit. If he doesn’t know the answers, he knows the people who do. In his newsletter, you'll learn how to define a personality for your board, how to latch on to a unique niche in the market, how to design your board to attract callers and make them want to subscribe, how to publicize your board without spending a fortune, low-cost advertising that works, which software will work best for you, marketing plans and offers

that will generate cash on your board, how to avoid legal liability and more! Whether you i WITH YOUR

already run a board or plan to in the future, everything in MONEY MODEM is geared toward incteasing your cash flow and lowering your costs NOW!

7 eryoyed your first issue very much and look forward to re more” --- Gloria La Hay, The Lambda Zone BBS 1 ‘Loved the first issue -- the writing, information. even the Uf / } paper -- dont change a thing!’ --- George Matyaszek, 7 Gee 74

A 3-ring binder and DIRECT ONLINE

Chicago Sysiink ACCESS to Alan and the other readers!

SAVE $25///

Mention this ad and get 12

A good idea and a highly informative read. 1 sure itll be & great success’ -- Karen Birch, The Invention Factory More than a news/etter...I’s 2 year-long seminar on making your BBS PAY!

Bess Ss 8125 S.W. 21st Street

Press pos _10P0Ka, KS 66615 ath 913-478-3157 -- voice

ERVICE, INC. BEE 913-478-9239 -- data

issues, a $150 value, for...

---ONLY $125!!!

used on the BBS. If at any time you are experiencing difficulty with some feature on the BBS, referring to this online help will often answer your questions. ;

If after consulting the instructions, online help, etc., you are unable to solve your sysop will usually be able to answer any questions you may have. Remember to describe the problem fully and what it was that you were try- ing to do. This sysop has had great dif ficulty with the many-times asked question, “How do I download?” It’s a simple sentence, but a very complex question.

Read all you can and try the option several times. If after you’ve exhausted all your avenues, then it’s time to say Hi! to the Sysop. We like callers to ac- knowledge us; we usually jump at a chance to help, especially when we get to chat live for a bit.

So, relax the fingers, sit up straight, and till next time, Happy Modeming! Walt

Top-notch professionally-written news and reviews covering the world of home entertainment, education and utility, including new music, home videos, television, computer hardware and software, CD-ROM, home office and much much more! 48 times rel

ear and reudy \Gpost on YOUR B ESS than $20 per monthi!!


Micro Sports Collector (only $5/monthly And... SUSiNess SESE plus 7Ainking Magazine .. FREEW!


Bas HES 8125 S.W. 21st Street Topeka, KS 66615 Press HEE, 913-478-3157 (Voice 913-478-9239 (Data

Swvice, INCH +4913-478-1189 (F.

AUGUST 1993 © 61



by Rob Rosenberger $24.95

Muskegon, MI Almost 1,100 pro- grams, marketed through the share- ware “try before you buy” marketing concept, covering hundreds of subject categories, are detailed in this new book titled The Shareware Compendium, edited by Rob Rosenberger and pub- lished by the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).

With over 700 cross-referenced and well-indexed pages, this massive book will serve as an invaluable guide to those who want to find the very best software products that will fit not only their personal needs but their pock- etbook as well.

Each program listing in The Shareware Compendium has detailed de- scriptions, hardware and software re- quirements, registration fees and ben- efits of registration. Separate appendices list the programs by au- thor or company and how to contact them to order or get support. Also list- ed are hundreds of BBSes and disk vendors where evaluation copies can be obtained either free or inexpen- sively.

The book opens with an introduc- tion by Jim Button, one of the pio- neers in the shareware world. It fol- lows with solid information about what shareware is and how this method of marketing software benefits both you and the authors. It also contains in- formation about the Association of Shareware Professionals, a non-profit organization dedicated to the ad- vancement of the shareware market- ing principle.

For anyone who is serious about se-


lecting quality software products for their everyday use, The Shareware Compendium will provide an irreplace- able reference resource that will allow them to pick and choose the pro- grams that they’re most interested in trying out.

Those unfamiliar with shareware should buy a copy of this book, if for no other reason than to see how they can expand their choices of software by considering the most popular, fastest-growing segment of the soft- ware market today.

The Shareware Compendium has been years in the making. An interesting side note is that this up-to-date version was largely “written” by an intricate software package developed by the ed- itor, Rob Rosenberger. It compiled the descriptions, indices and table of contents from materials submitted by the individual authors. The software it- self, notes Mr. Rosenberger, took nearly a year to perfect.

For more information, please con- tact Jan Abbott (ASP Executive Director) at 616-788-5131 or Fax 616- 788-2765.


by Martin and Carole Matthews $39.95 500 pages

Berkeley, CA Osborne/McGraw- Hill announced publication of USING PAGEMAKER 5 FOR WINDOWS, a new book and disk package by Martin and Carole Matthews, co-authors of two previous editions of USING PAGE- MAKER that are the all-time best- selling PageMaker books ever sold. Readers who are upgrading to

PageMaker 5 or interested in learning about this exceptionally powerful product will discover this book pro- vides all the information they need to create everything from simple forms and flyers to newsletters, catalogs, and annual reports.

As an added bonus, the book in- cludes a 3.5 inch disk containing all the sample projects in the book with additional text and graphics files from Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Word for DOS, WordPerfect, Core1DRAW!, Micro- grafx Designer, Microsoft Excel, and dBASE that can be imported into PageMaker 5.

The Matthews cover all the latest features of version 5 including expert kerning and extensive color manipu- lation with four-color separations, spot color, and process color. PageMaker users will discover how to work with new professional tools in- cluding Aldus Additions, Control Palettes, True Type fonts, and more.

Divided into three sections that contain increasingly more advanced applications of PageMaker, the first section begins with an overview of desktop publishing concepts, working with Microsoft Windows, and an in- troduction to the most basic features of PageMaker through a quick lesson in creating a flyer.

In the second section, readers are guided through three common desk- top publishing projects business forms using the Table Editor feature, an advertising brochure that intro- duces users to importing a graphic created with Micrografx Designer in- cluded on the companion disk, and an introduction to using color that ex- plains color concepts in-depth.

A special project involving a four- color label is included that uses a four-

color scanned image and type pro- duced with CorelDRAW! both of which are contained on the compan- ion disk. A four-color insert provides the final results.

In the third section, readers learn to “dress up” multi-page documents that include a financial report, catalog and newsletter while learning the in- tegrating power of PageMaker by im- porting files from Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Excel, and dBASE found on the book’s companion disk. The Matthews also cover using PageMaker’s powerful and versatile features that include autoflow, style sheet, Drop Cap and Continuation Aldus Additions.

Creating memorable presentations needn’t be time-consuming or con- fusing with USING PAGEMAKER 5 FOR WINDOWS, Martin and Carole Matthews’ outstanding book and disk package.


by Kay Nelson


325 pages with 90 illustrations

Chapel Hill, NC Ventana Press an- nounced publication of VOODOO DOS, SECOND EDITION. Is it really magic that DOS 6 lets users double the space on their hard disks? Is it some curious conjury that gives good old DOS the power of modern client- server communications? “Why waste time trying to understand theories and applications?” says voodoo queen Kay Nelson in the Second Edition of her hit, VOODOO DOS from Ventana Press. “Use your time to learn new and better ways to compute!”

Referring to DOS 6 as a “wickster’s delight,” Nelson sheds light on simple techniques and traps that will make true DOS wizards our of the most timid technophobes. New information emphasizes DOS 6’s built-in com- pressing, defragmenting and memory management features and highlights new CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEX- EC.BAT tricks like creating startup

screens and setting up different con- figurations on the same machine. Also included in Voodoo DOS, Second Edition:

e New Utility Players: taking ad- vantage of DOS’s new built-ins, in- cluding DoubleSpace, defragging, MemMaker, E-Mail, and virus check- ing.

¢ DOS Shell Games: using the shell to set up program groups, switch between programs, use keyboard shortcuts and otherwise get more from programs.

e Disk & Drive magic: getting around boring day to day disk rou- tines, using the new Quick Format Command, copying disks and dealing with hard disks.

e Do-it-yourself DOS: letting batch files and time saving Doskey macros do more of the work.

¢ Command sleight-of-hand: mas- tering new commands for DOS 6, in-

cluding DELTREE and MOVE; wild- card tips and traps; special symbols and commands; DOS 6 Startup menu tips; using MENUITEM, MENUCOL- OR, SUBMENU and MENUDE- FAULT; and finally turning NumLock off with NUMLOCK!

Kay Nelson is widely celebrated for her ability to turn techno-babble into plain talk for everyday computer users. In addition to her Voodoo books for Ventana (Voodoo DOS, Voodoo Windows, and Voodoo MAC) she has also written instant references for all audiences (DOS Instant Reference and WordPerfect Instant Reference, Sybex) and beginner books (The Little DOS 5 Book and The Little Windows Book, Peachpit Press)

Ventana Press publishes books and other materials that help computer users become more productive. For more information, contact Diane Lennox at 919-942-0220, Fax 919-9492- 1140. fesras5

Datamax/Satalink Connection BBS

* Large Adult Area with Original GIFS Daily * 21 NODES Running PCBoard. * 8 Gigabyte File Library

* 2,500 Conferences from; ILink, Rime, Annex,

Usenet, Internet EMail, SmartNet, FidoNet, AfterDark, AdultLinks & ThrobNet * ftp & telnet from DSC!

FAST ACCESS with VISA & MasterCard.

1200/2400e (215) 443-9434 V.32bis (215) 443-7390 USR HSTIDS (215) 443-5830 VoiceMail (215) 957-4060



AUGUST 1993 ¢ 63


The classified ads are for Pre-Owned items & Software, and for BBS ads only. Ads for new equipment must be inserted in the regular display advertising sec- ons. No logos, or photos, or any other illustrations can be used in the classified ad section.

INSTRUCTIONS are provided to keep the ad rate low and to ensure accuracy. Use the form on the next page to type or print your ad. Ads received that are dif- ficult to read will be returned. Write the desired category at the top of each ad. If a Category is not specified, the ad will be placed in the Misc. section. If more than one ad is submitted, use a separate piece


100,000 FILES. The House of Files BBS has more software than you will use in a

lifetime. Browse our system for free. Call 516-938-6722.

AAG BBS, almost anything goes BBS: Located in Jackson, MI, running Galacticomm’s Major BBS, is an 8-line sys- tem with 15 gigs. Yes that’s right 15,000 Megs of files. Supporting 8 Gigs of Adult files, and 7 Gigs of IBM, Unix and Amiga files. Over 700 online adult stories, Online Chats, Games, Forums, and Daily Lotto. There is absolutely no file ratios, and no time limits on the system. The price is right, only .08 cents/hour, or $30/year. Come see for yourself, and enjoy all we have to offer. 1-517-789-9826 (2400), 1-517- 789-8608 (9600).

ADLINE, U.S.A! (708) 260-8818 80386 w/330MB, 2400bps, Free Service, over 2,000 programs: Business, Games, Graphics, Pictures, Adult. Free Classified ads. Ads from local businesses. “The Future of Information Services.”

ASA COMPUHELP BBS, 6144764058, Sysop: Rick Korecki, 5 lines, 4 GBs of files, 2000+ conferences featuring FidoNet, StormNet, RIME, and a FULL UseNet Feed. licensed to supply UseNet to other BBSs. Check out our low low prices for FULL UseNet feeds and Internet EMail. Get on our mailing list for specials.

BCS BBS, (213) 962-2902, Four High Speed Modems(DS) and growing. Gigs of files with the latest files added every day. Qsoftware support, Intelligent Conversa- tions, Excellent Conferences, ever expand- ing on-line services. One week FREE access!

THE BIG EASY, 504-827-5796, The hottest adult electroplex in New Orleans! Many

of paper for each ad. Ensure that your complete name and address is at the bot- tom of each ad sheet.

CLASSIFIED RATES as of February, 1993— $25 per month or $250 for the entire year. Ads can contain up to 300 characters. The name of the BBS is set in boldface capitals. All other type is plain only.

Fill out the form on the next page and FAX your ad to 609-953-7961 or MAIL it to BBS AD, Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford, NJ 08055 with check, money order, or credit card in- formation, or call 609-953-9110, 10 am 4 pm EST.

Gigabytes of Adult files with more to come! Adult forums, Personal Ads, Date-a-Base, Multi-User chat, and the list goes on, and on! Call now—instant access available! Authentic Southern Belles are waiting for


CHANNEL 1 ONLINE, 617-354-3230— Using PCBoard. “The Best Files in the USA”, 90 lines, v.32bis support. 96 IBM file libraries; Amiga; Macintosh; Unix; Adult. Massive Windows, .GIF’s, sound files col- lections. Online games and shopping. Echo Nets. InterNet. Over 2,500,000 calls and growing. Come Join us!

CITY SOLUTIONS INSTITUTE’S BBS 617-547-1250, Affect political policies; change bad urban policies; gain access to political and economic forecasts to effect change instead of being affected by change; participate in theoretical urban discussions that ultimately become policy: Resumes for city jobs; travel discounts. [N,8,1] Soon: Internet and Fax.

COMPU-EROTICA BBS: 312-902-3599 - 11 lines of Adult Chat and Fun. Online Adult Lifestyle Conferences, games, member- GIF's, and more. If you like your chat hot, you'll - love - CEBBS! 2400/1200/300 baud. Women receive FREE access. Men - $45.00/yr. Visa/MC/CK/MO. Sysops: Tiger and Ronnie. Voice info: 312-902-3591

CUTTING EDGE BBS, 415-751-0588 (2400-16.8K Baud), Sysop: Evan Margolin, 8 lines 5+ Gigs of files. 7 CD Roms Online. Hundreds of networked message bases. Teleconferencing, Multi-user Interactive games, Online Matchmaking service, Classified Ads and more. Don’t miss out, stay on The Cutting Edge. Call Today!

INTERACTIVE PERSONALS NET- WORK, 612-890-8405 Service dedicated

to online personals with online images and matchmaking. Graphical interface using Coconet host. 80486 600MB, 4 lines (and growing). AT&T Paradyne Modems at 14.4bps. Visa/MC/AutoDebit accepted. Must be 18.

THE LIVEWIRE BBS, 609-235-5297 (HST) Support BBS for “BBS Callers Digest” both the print and Online Editions, also support board for Livewire Doors including CDsub, LiveStore, Feud, Facts, Famous People, Year in History, Lottery, SexQuiz, TvTrivia, Wordplay, Match, Colors, ViewUSA, Lucky, Songs, Choice, and Races. Internet, FidoNet, AfterDark, ILink, UseNet, PoliceNet mes- sage conferences. Sysops, order Online Edition or any Livewire Door with Visa/MasterCard and get instant registra- tion number(s). Direct source for or- dering a subscription to BBS Callers Digest. Special access for writers, editors, publishers. Home of RealLife Net and ac- cepting applications for ncw Nodes/Hubs. Feel free to call at your earliest conve- nience. Upload your article for publication (please mark it a private upload). Stop by and visit sometime with suggestions to improve the BBS Callers Digest or just to say hello to us. All messages replied to within 24 hours. Free Limited Access.

MAC LINE 608-233-1798 Firstclass system at 14,400bps. Mac files, messages, news, chat etc. Playmaker Football league. Mac Guru Conference.

MAIN FRAME BBS, (301) 654-2554, Online since 1984. Now with 8 lines and growing, thousands of files. Close to 300 networked conferences. Options to join for free or subscribe online. Please find our BBS listed in the display Ad for PCBoard elsewhere in this issue.

MICRONET PCBOARD, 1-615-690-0428, PCBoard v14.5e/E3, Sysop: Ted Freeman. We are back online in Tennessee. Home of DoorFrame, DoorBill, Real Time Chess, Real Time Checkers, Real Time Othello, Eliminate, Total Recall, PegJump, © Square and Quizard Mtn. Member of RIME Network. New versions of all door programs now available along with updates to DoorFrame for programmers.

NASHVILLE MUSIC RESOURCE BBS, 615-298-1443, On-Line information and exchange for Songwriters/Publishers/ Musicians/Vocalists/Studios/Engineers & more. Tip sheets, directories, form con- tracts, files. Sysop’d by Nashville music in-

dustry professionals. 1200/14400 baud.



we | : ‘Id Iti-user BBS. it’s YOUR CHOICE. shee perch tes of a system A MU LTI-USER BBS - would provide to your callers, the ean YoU CONTROL... ' you would solve and the money you wou

make. But you didn’t bargain for the pile of THIS'(S/1 00% hardware you would live with every day and OFTHE now it controls your life.

a As you compared the prices of software RUN 64 LINES you missed the fact that the design philosophy

AT EVENT of BBS software forces many hardware deci- TENA 2 sions on you. When all costs are considered VERSION 2.2. TBBS is ALWAYS the least expensive way to (503) 697-5100 build a full function multi-user BBS. And ONLY TBBS allows you to achieve high per- formance with 64 high speed lines on a single

CPU with NO custom hardware.

True freedom is the ability to spend your time as you wish. For ten years TBBS has provided the freedom to design custom sys- tems you can live with. Talk to real multi-user BBS sysops. You will notice that only TBBS operators talk first about ideas, not hardware

1 e0eedgy

STS PART and software. No one gets more capability with HARDWARE less impact on their lives than TBBS sysops. A aie 2 user TBBS 2.2 $295.00, 16 users $895, LINES AT 32 users $1,495 and 64 users $1,995. Add the RUSTY’S & TDBS expansion module and compiler for Cees true multi-user dBASE language capability. PC BOARD SOFTWARE. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION neem = AND ACCESS TO A



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THE NEXT GENERATION BBS, PCBoard 14.5a/E3. Home of Trek Trivia Online. 1.5 Gigs files, 750 Megs of the lat- est adult Gifs. Message Networks; RelayNet, Intelec and After Dark Adult Network. Visa/MasterCard accepted online. Sysop: John Carcione. 1-609-482-7345.

NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS BBS, (718- 845-3392) 1.5+ Gigs of Adult software. Free BBS, no charges at all. 2400/14400 bps. PD/Shareware also immediate d/ling on first call. Online adult games.

PINECLIFFE BBS, (303)642-7463, Pinecliffe, Colorado since 01/82. Sysop: Craig Baker. Using UltraBBS 2.09 Beta with 14 lines on MS-DOS 80386 with 9500 MB storage. USRobotics at 14400 pbs. No fee. Largest BBS in RockyMtn area. FREE ($20/yr gets 2hrs/day. $100/Lifetime membership.) 60,000 zips. CD-Roms on- line. Games. Home of CDBREG - allows immediate upgrades with credit card. Sysop also a computer store. NightOwl Rom $59. Help us grow.

PRIME NETWORK, the only real Christian Network on earth, PreRapture BBS 919-286-3606, Acts 2:38, John 3:5 download for Network kit.

SCHUNIX public access Unix for Worcester County, 508-853-0340 (Sparc server), 5-lines, Internet-Email, USE- NET (3500+ groups), over 1OGB on CD- ROM's, laserprintservice, Two week Free access! $15/month or $150/year, 90 min/day, voice support: 508-853-0258, E-

SMALL BUSINESSNET BBS: 1-404-339- 1101 America's favorite home and small business BBS! Database, Point-of-sale, Invoicing, Inventory, Communication, Spreadsheet, Financial Management, Customer Tracking, Utility, etc. software to support your growing business!

SUBURBAN SOFTWARE, PCBoard Ver 14.5/E3, Sysop: Chuck Valecek, 1-708-636- 6694, RelayNet, MetroNet, Home of: King of the Board, Strike 93, Word Nerd, Ansi-View, Text-Read, plus many sysop util- ities.

TOWER OF BABBLE, 505-243-5810, only chatlink node in NM, USA today news daily, over 100 newsgroups via MajorNet, Games, Lots of special file libraries, all lines 14.4 v32bis, come over and visit!

TRI-STATE, Northeast’s Largest Growing System, 7 lines, 1-201-935-8634, Up to 19,200, Mail, BBS Links, Live Conferences and more.

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. Run this ad under the heading of

(For additional words, use separate sheet of paper)


Run class ad for

If paying by credit card, you may FAX this form to (609) 953-7961.

M/C. VISA (circle one) #



Own & Operate a $100,000 a year “Business in a Closet” System! One of the most exciting business opportunities ever! You're invited to attend our 10 minute “Business in a Closet” telephone seminar. To attend, you must call 1-900-884-8482 Extension 7593. The price is $2.50 for the first minute, $1.75 per minute thereafter. You MUST be 18 years of age to calll (Open 24 hours) Sponsored by Tate Media, Wash., DC.

College Degree without Classes/Study: I succeeded at major school, you can get credits tool Comprehensive guide $5. Grants, bonus included. William Kemble, Dept. BBS-50, POB 4352, Kingston, NY 12401.


16 bit 16550 1/O Cards, 4-COM, RS-232 Serial card. 16bit/FIFO, 4-ports, 8-ad- dresses, 8 IRQs, Independently selectable, $119.00 delivered UPS in USA or Canada, send check or money order to: PreRapture Solutions, 1806 Albany, Durham, NC 27705.

16550 Uart chips and double socketed AT I/O boards. Reasonable prices, online or- ders accepted by calling (301) 654-2554.

CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Classified Dept., Callers Digest, Inc., 701 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ 08055

The rate is $25 per ad up to 300 characters long. Save money and send $250 for a full year of advertising. The BBS name or first two words are set in bold capitals. All other type is plain. If you wish to have a heading category not listed, simply write in this new category and we will create it for your ad.

issues. Payment of $



bore SSS Se coe Seo poem se = SS SSS SS >

Two electronic online titles in publication a full year now available for Sysops at a low monthly price. First is:s WEST COAST MUSIC REVIEW Monthly reviews of fourteen or more new releases plus edito- rial, features, interviews with recording artists, book reviews, classic CD. No ad- vertising. No bias. We only review product we recommend. ® Second title is: COM- PUTER VIRUS WEEKLY A “news in re- view’ column, keep your read- ers up to date with the latest antiviral software releases, the latest major viral pro- grams released, conferences, seminars and gossip. ® Free back issues if you subscribe NOW.. for more information on how to get started with both online publications, please contact Janice Pickwelt at 604-526- 3373 Fax 604-526-0607 or Internet E-Mail:

If your favorite computer retail-

er, newstand, book store, etc. doesn't carry BBS Calters Digest

then have them call us at: 609- 953-9110 for more details on how they can have BBS Callers Digest in their store.


John O'Connor Publishing

(609) 375-8542


New Title

Asian Ladies

Buy these and other fine products from the following

@ e Distributors CD America John O'Connor Associates-West Software Plus (305) 947-1636 (805) 496-5888 (516) 887-3629 Miami, FL Thousand Oaks, CA Lynbrook, NY Orbit 1.G. TradeShows, Inc. Starware Publishing (313) 721-7600 (317) 651-1223 * (305) 426-4552 Wayne, MI Marion, IN Deerfield Beach, FL Kobra Microsystems Power User Mainstream America (516) 484-7300 (814) 864-4666 (717) 562-0650 Roslyn Heights, NY Erie, PA Taylor, PA CDs & More ROM Emporium Groupware (405) 799-7667 (619) 467-0661 (206) 472-1400 Moore, OK San Diego, CA Tacoma, WA

=e ee ee ee ee Ee ee

NEWSLINE Continued from page 3

mouse to customize. Over 100 prede- signed forms to choose from!

* Fully TrueType compatible, for individual selection of fonts and Styles.

¢ Browse through data a card or a screenful at a time with index buttons.

buttonFILE requires a machine running Windows 3.+ Imb RAM, and a hard disk. It is available on all disk sizes. For more information, please contact: Suzanne Faith, ButtonWare, PO Box 96058, Bellevue WA 98009 or call 206-454-0479 Fax 206-454-1838.


Cambridge, MA DELPHI, a leading international online service, an- nounced the opening of a new area which allows its members to play a wide variety of graphical games head- to-head with any other member. These “modem-to-modem” games all

feature colorful graphics, and give players the ability to “chat” with each other, or type messages back and forth, during the game. There is a growing list of commercial and share- ware games that support modem play, any of which can potentially be played on DELPHI. These games in- clude classic board and card games, as well as newer arcade, strategy, and ad- venture games.

Popular modem-compatible games supported on DELPHI include:

e ChessNet a chess game for Windows by Masque Publishing

* Command HQ a war/strategy game by Microprose

© Conquest a shareware strategy game similar to Risk

e Empire Deluxe a war/strategy game by New World Computing

e The Perfect General a war/strategy game by QOP

¢ TeleGo a shareware version of Go, the popular Japanese board game

e Telecards a shareware pro- gram which includes Crazy Eights, Gin Rummy, and Cribbage.

Through a special trial member-

ship offer, anyone interested in learn- ing more about DELPHI can receive 5 free hours of access. To join, dial 1- 800-365-4636, after connecting, press <CR> once or twice, at the password prompt, type MIMPR. Member Service Reps can also be reached by voice by calling 1-800-695-4005.


Medford, NJ BBS Callers Digest is now available at many more news- stands than ever before. Along with its regular distribution to many book store chains in United States and Canada, it has now iicreased its cir- culation to include many computer re- tail oudet chain stores.

If you are interested in handling BBS Callers Digest (print version) in your retail store, please contact Richard Paquette for more informa- tion at: 609-953-9110 or write to: Callers Digest Inc., 701 Stokes Rd., Medford NJ 08055.





Don't settle for a kludge! PCB-UUCP is the only full-featured |. affordable Internet/USENET gateway for your PCBoard system. PCB-UUCP handles Private Internet Mail, USENET Newsgroups, BitNet Mailing Lists, plus an awesome array of other features.


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5) »

Merlin Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 3043, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario KIY 4/3

Internet: f FidoNet: info 1:163/509 Voice: (613)236-1138 MHS: info@merlin Fax & BBS: (613)236-1481




“General Appeal & Nudes" “Perversia Galore”

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510+ Megs of GIFs 600+ Megs of GIFs 600+ Megs of GIFs People / Scenery 40+ Megs of PC Animation 25+ Megs of True Color Animals / Machinery COMPLETELY Adult COMPLETELY Adult 1/2 Classic Nudes 3300+ Images 2000+ Images 3100+ Images 175+ 800x600x256 450+ 1024x768x256 Primarily 640x480x256 50+1024x768x256 Avg. Image Size 300K+

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CD Player, an \ U.S. Dollars. Pay-

appropriate video ment methods, ship- IMAGES ON DISC

system, and a viewer ping policies, and actual



or paint program that 7, ny wwe prices are set by each supports the GIF image Ve SO ON sow dealer. Prices do not include format. FTWARE FOR INN any applicable sales tax.


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Fullerton, California 92631 Box 5167 Garden Grove, California 92640 (714) 738-5665 [Voice] Mentor, Ohio 44061 (800) 638-1170 [Voice] (714) 738-0841 [BBS] (216) 254-2609 [Voice/Fax] (714) 638-7308 [Voice] Check/M.O./COD Check/M.O/COD (714) 636-2667 ([BBS} Free U.S.Shipping MasterCard/Visa/Amex M.O./COD/Visa/MasterCard


To get: a BBS software package any: better than this, you’d have to write it yeumee Le

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IWS This long-awaited, version of PCBoard i is the most configurable, fastest and most power. -ful.PCBoard ever. Features added include RiPscrip graphic support, Real-Time Node Chat, File Attachment. to a Message and many other long-awaited enhancements and’ additions.



Butthere’s more. 9,”

With the optional new PCBoard Programming Language, * PPL; = § the configuration options are virtually limitless. The BASIG-like’

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board, Salt Air BBS at (801) 261-8976 and type WHATSNEW at the Main Command prompt or call our office at the numbers listed | below.

If you can’t do it with PCBoard, chances are you can’t do it with

anything. ~ PC Board.

Professional Bulletin Board Software .~_—

Glark Development Company, Inc.

For. Information - (801) 261-1686 For New Orders - 800- Bos: 1686